#I have decided to put Jen in my fave outfit for her
renegadeem · 1 month
Fuck me up, Doc.
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eliteseven · 1 month
i see serena in that minthara outfit, i see what youre doin there. unrelated note, what are some things that serena & shadowheart are able to do to instantly render the other speechless that dont involve touching (e.g. kissing etc)? maybe outfits/gestures/phrases/etc
I have accidentally killed Minthy like 4 times now ☹️ But her outfit is hot so I mean might as well put it to use and get rid of those default “homely clothes” lol. But I’m sure Shads appreciates the cleavage.
Good question 🤔 I wrote you a novel bc I couldn’t decide
We all know the classics “Lover, my heart, etc.” but I do think Serena gets into the habit of calling Shadowheart “my everything”, like she did introducing her to Althaea. That always leaves Shadowheart breathless.
Also: Any time anyone addresses either of them as “Lady Tavyndír or Lady Hallowleaf” or any variation of their joint names. 🥹 it’s always a pleasant jolt to remember their new titles from marriage.
This is kind of a moot category bc Serena likes Shadowheart in everything and Shadowheart particularly likes Serena in nothing 🤭 but their fave fits on each other:
Shadowheart: cloister fit (RIP 😔), the elegant robe (the white dress), the wavemother’s robe, her armor.
Tav goes feral for thigh slits on Shadowheart’s dresses and the low dipping necklines (ease of access 😊). She also likes seeing Shadowheart in lighter colors, after wearing black for so long. And ofc who does not swoon for warrior Shadowheart in her armor?
Serena: anarchic white/blue fit, also the elegant robe (lbr she probably borrows Shads’), Helldusk Armor.
Serena looks good in her armor and Shadowheart definitely fantasizes about her chivalrous knight doing some not so chivalrous things to her in Raphael’s literal armor.
But speechless??? The first time she sees Serena truly clean up at Elfsong or Last Light- somewhere with supplies and a mirror, preferably. Maybe even a touch of makeup. The first time she sees Serena in one of those white and gold anarchic fits or even a dress, grime and blood washed away, hair clean and loose around her shoulders for a change… let’s just say Shar gives Shadowheart some wicked mental lashings out of jealousy over Shadowheart’s attention.
And lastly, I think lingerie leaves both of them speechless, every time. But that was a given lol.
-Every time they see each other playing with or entertaining children. When Shadowheart kneels, voice soft and gentle, to play with Xan at her birthday party- Serena’s heart stutters pathetically. Shadowheart is just so kind, soft, beautiful and warm in her demeanor- and she’s extra soft around children, now that she’s gotten the hang of it. And vice versa- Shadowheart finding Tav outside the cottage, as the local kids pile atop her and put flowers in her hair?? 🥹💕 it renders her speechless. She wants that for themselves so badly.
-Shadowheart is speechless every time Serena is thoughtful towards her parents out of the blue (so …always). From Serena getting up early to make them breakfast, to helping them with chores, to learning Emmeline’s recipes, to learning to write Espruar with Arnell, making sure Emmeline never has to carry anything too heavy, buying them gifts from the city…. She loves Tav so desperately. Serena goes out of her way to be of service to her entire family and Shadowheart can’t even breathe if she thinks about it for too long, overcome with affection as she is.
-Just…any time either of them is holding Jen in their arms 💕 Seriously. It’s a dream come true for both of them. It makes them choked up to the point they can’t speak. So they let her do the babbling and stare at each other with the most loving, tear-filled gazes
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waterfall8956 · 8 years
Hey everyone,
I thought it was about time to do a get to know me post because it’s fun and you’ll get to know more about me in the process… win win. I didn’t want to do the general questions like favourite colour and how old are you because I wanted to something a little different. So naturally I went to google to find some interesting questions and there were some really good ones on signupgenius.com. As I was reading the questions, I honestly loved them all there are so many good ones on the list, but I have managed to pick a few of my faves from the list of  100
   1. Who is your favourite author/favourite book
This is another really good question but really hard to answer not because I can’t think of anything, but because it’s so difficult to choose. I did an English degree, so naturally I have a massive book collection (perks of being an English grad ey?) I have been lucky enough to read texts that I would never have chosen to read myself and also classics that I can just read again and again (I love a bit of Gatsby). I didn’t think I could do it but I’ve managed to choose my favourite book and it has to be Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. Okay, so this is a little bit of a cheat because it’s a collection of short stories – but they’re all in one book so it counts. I read this book for my dissertation and I instantly fell in love with it; I just couldn’t put it down (that’s how you know). If you guys are looking for something witty and relatable then I would definitely recommend giving this book a read. p.s my favourite story in the collection is A Temporary Matter.
Yes those are bookmarks from when I read this book at uni, and yes I’m too lazy to take them out.
 2. What makes you laugh the most?
This is a really cute question and surprisingly a tough one to answer. There are loads of things that make me laugh like pretty much every episode of friends (no surprise there), my brother’s sarcastic take on pretty much everything in life, and videos of dogs being naughty/getting into trouble on YouTube (I don’t know, it’s just funny). But the thing that makes me laugh the most has got to be when I’m just messing around with anyone who is close to me because we always just come out with some of the funniest things. Unless it’s at my expense, then not so funny.
3. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
There are so many outfits/pieces from the 90s that I love but they’re already back in fashion. I’m talking scrunchies, chokers, checked shirts… the list goes on quite a bit. So I can’t think of anything that I would want to bring back that isn’t already back. But there are some iconic Rachel Green outfits that are to die for, she just makes everything look so good.
What is not to love about these outfits? Checked shirts, dungarees, crop tops and of course the turtleneck (anyone who knows me will have seen my collection of turtlenecks, you just can’t have too many).
4. How would your bestie describe you?
We all love asking our besties (hey Kell if you’re reading, which I’m sure you are because you’re my number one *wink*) how they would describe us, and I’ve definitely asked mine many times how she would describe me. I’ve known Kelly for more than 10 years so it’s fair to say I’m not the same person as I was when I met her (thank god) so her answer has changed a few times over the course of our friendship (again, thank god). As soon as I chose this question, I text Kelly to find out what she would say now, see screenshot down below:
Awww, isn’t she nice (let’s ignore the needy part, she doesn’t know what she’s on about, I’m not needy *does sassy hair flip*) 
5. What do you do to keep fit?
I used to struggle with keeping fit a few years ago because 1. I didn’t have the dedication to exercise/workout and 2. I didn’t have the willpower to eat clean (not that I stuffed my face with burgers on the reg). But last summer I decided that I was going to stick to a workout routine (with the occasional chocolatey treat) as I was getting married in December so obviously I wanted to look and feel at my best. I’m not a health or fitness expert but there are 3 things that I personally love doing to keep fit:
Pilates/HIIT training are my two favourite methods of working out. When I first started working out I did it with Charlotte Crosby’s 3 Minute Belly Blitz and I loved it. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to lose weight, maintain their fitness or even just have a bit of fun. After I reached my goal weight, I wanted to do something that would help me tone up my muscles a bit more so I started up pilates. I didn’t take lessons (because let’s be real, we’re not all stars on Made In Chelsea) instead I followed Cassey Ho’s Blogilates workouts on YouTube and they’re seriously amazing. She even has an app!
Walking (yes, even in the rain) is an easy and underrated way to get some exercise into your day. Walking to/from work, on our lunch breaks or even a quickie round the block (is that American?) can make a huge difference. I like to keep track of my steps and try to see how many I can do each day or I’ll just go for a quick walk whilst I’m on the phone to Sonu (which is a lot so you can imagine my step count).
Drinking sufficient amounts of water is so so important. The best way I like to do this is by filling up a big bottle of water and keep it at my desk so I’m reminded to drink from it. I tried keeping an app once but that didn’t work out because I just kept forgetting #fail
6. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
‘I’m not great at advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?’ yes, this is the infamous Chandler Bing quote and it’s so perfect for me. I think 90% of the time anybody asks me for advice I just have an unhelpful (yet somewhat humorous) response, oops.
7. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a coffee?
I kinda have two answers for this.
The first person that came to mind was Jennifer Aniston. I just find her so funny and I know we’d get along well because she’s got a really dry sense of humour (so you know Jen, if you’re reading maybe we can catch up sometime). Plus she’s so beautiful, I think I’d just stare at her the entire time. The second person would be Emma Watson, I find her really inspiring and the work she does is so admirable so I’m sure there’d be a lot to talk about (and maybe she can tell me how to get into Hogwarts).
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post, I had a lot of fun answering these questions. Tag me in your get to know me posts, I would love to read some of them. 
xo Amerjit
ps I’m not that bad at advice really.
    7 Questions To Get To Know Me Hey everyone, I thought it was about time to do a get to know me post because it's fun and you'll get to know more about me in the process... 
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