#I have been sewing plushies n stuff before getting the embroidery machine
shadowdemon101 · 8 months
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I've shared these on my Instagram, but I also wanna share them here b/c I'm pretty proud of my plushies and I spent a lot of time on them at the end of last year! More pictures n words below the cut!!!
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I made another alpaca plushie for another darling friend! I had made an alpaca for her before, but it was a cute brown one with applique eyes, and I saw this fabric and was like, it would make another cute alpaca! I admit, the embroidery of the eyes went well until the heart? It wasn't maybe as smooth as I expected, but it's also a small thing to embroider so that could also be it? But really there's nothing about the pattern to complain other than myself LOL b/c again I attach the head on slightly to a tilt!
My friend loves it though so it's a win for me! I think she named them Amaury like the chocolate man from the videos! And you know, I wasn't aware that the fabric wasn't all the same colour, but a myriad of shades of greens to yellows but I think it worked well! Fluffy fabrics like this though you gotta take care with cutting, and with sewing bc the fur gets in the seams, so you gotta carefuly free out the fluff xD;
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