#I have a sideblog devoted to it that’s older than this blog
wearelibrarian · 11 months
Hey! I'm a fresh-out-of-undergrad prospective MLIS student. I love your blog and am reaching out to ask for any advice you personally have about applying to MLIS programs, and also figuring out your passion within the larger field that is librarianship. No matter how hard I try I keep getting sucked into the cataloguing/metadata side of things, and I'm trying to break free and explore other options. Also, I was wondering if you have any connections to the Fan Culture Preservation Project? For some reason I feel like I've seen you writing about it (or maybe it was ao3cassandraic, who I also follow religiously) and I'm really curious about it.
For applying to LIS degree programs, do some research into what courses and specializations a university offers, and if you’re in the USA see if you can find a solid program in your state. I was accepted into three LIS masters programs. Two of them had solid programs for me, but one was out of state and one was in state - out of state programs mean you’re paying more in tuition. Also, ask about fellowships and assistantships, those can get part of your tuition covered. I chose a program that was in-state and offered me a fellowship to cover 2/3 of my tuition as long as I kept my grades up.
I personally encourage trying to find an in-person program if you can. Online programs can be wonderful, but there’s hands-on experience that you can only get with an in-person degree. If you’d rather do online, see if you can get a job at a library and pursue the degree part time while working. (Some libraries will pay for your LIS masters if you work there full time while taking classes, but don’t count on this.)
For finding your passion in the field, start getting your feet wet in libraries. I STRONGLY discourage jumping straight into a library masters degree without volunteering or working in a library for at least a year first. You could tell who had practical experience and who didn’t among those in my program, and those with experience had fewer struggles when applying to jobs after graduation. A good program will have opportunities to work in libraries on campus while pursuing your degree, and you should try for those jobs, but you really want that practical experience beforehand as well. One piece of advice I got from a friend that was useful: once you start your degree, try to take courses that don’t overlap with your work. For example, if you find work in cataloguing at a library on campus, skip the cataloguing class and take a class on archival preservation or a class on digital curation.
I’m not currently connected to the Fan Culture Preservation Project, I actually hadn’t heard of it until just now.
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fizzingwizard · 2 months
Loading Tumblr has improved somewhat, though now I get this problem where it'll be working fine and then it's like. Nah. I'm done. And will just not do anything for a few minutes. Meanwhile other sites work fine.
Main reason this is annoying is because of the general lack of pagination on Tumblr. So if I'm going through a blog and I'm on page 50 or something, and Tumblr decides it's tired and not going to load anymore, often I can't just refresh or just go back to that page once Tumblr starts to behave again. I'll be redirected to the first page of the blog and have to load every page till I get to where I was. That's why I hate endless scrolling on Tumblr and the fact that blogs no longer generate their own space (as opposed to the sidebar thingy, obvs I don't know the terms here). Tumblr used to be okayish for enjoying older posts, but these days posts just get buried forever once they're past the first couple pages unless the user goes to lengths to make that stuff usable. There are a lot of fun old blogs I still like to visit but I just can't see their oldest stuff unless I've got literally hours to devote to paging through them, an effort that is undermined in a snap when Tumblr decides to not work.
Another problem which I get periodically, then it disappears, then comes back: My side-blogs don't recognize me when I visit them. I'm logged in, but I can't edit any posts on the blog - I can only edit them under "Account" from my dash. Which, thanks to aforementioned lack of pagination, is really really Not Good if the post I want to edit is many pages back. I've been on Tumblr for more than ten years. I decided at one point that I wanted to get rid of my "water" tag because there were just too many of those posts, and re-tag them with "ocean" "lake" etc. Well, I got partway through, then stopped for a while, and when I went to continue Tumblr treats me like I'm a visitor on my own sideblog. It asks me to "follow" my sideblog and won't let me interact with my posts. I can't realistically comb through ten years of posts with no help from page numbers and refreshing always reverting to the front page. I do actually have a life.
I don't get how the current way is better. I know other social media sites often only care about what's on the front page. They made that choice from the start, so that's what users expect. But Tumblr started us off with blogs that came with page numbers and tags and were able to be at least somewhat decently organized. Now being like "Nothing before yesterday matters" just totally upsets what I like about it. Might as well move to Instagram, idk.
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get to know me tag
I was tagged by @ammocharis! thank you! :)
answer questions / tag blogs, u know the drill :)
nickname: Jade
gender: [dial-up internet noise] but she/her pronouns are fine
height: p much everyone I meet (online OR in person) assumes I am taller than I actually am, which is intentional. 
time(zone): its mountain time baby
song stuck in my head: the Orpheus & Eurydice song from the Hades soundtrack because my friend sent me a post about Orpheus 
last movie: Wolfwalkers!!!!!! It was so beautiful and charming. I recommend every movie Cartoon Saloon puts out this one included!
last show: some netflix competition show about glassblowing, as background noise while working. I’ve watched a lot of that sort of thing lately because I’ve been too busy to really devote my attention to anything :(
when did you create this blog: hm, I don’t actually know how to look that up. Sometime in 2016 after I’d been obsessed with DA:I for a while and decided it was enough content to merit its own sideblog off my main account. I would guess maybe March? 
what do I post: most of my Bioware reblogs go over here now, both Dragon Age and Mass Effect :) plus my original fanric, fanart, and bioware-themed crafting! Also some general writing advice/memes/etc since this is the account I interact with more fanwriters through. My non-fandom art, writing, and crafts go onto my main blog, @songofsaraneth!
last thing googled: “kinds of fruit spiky” becuase I was trying to remember the name of a new weird fruit I have eaten. My 2021 resolution is a continuation of my 2020 resolution, which is to eat more strange fruits! As in if I go to the grocery store, and there is a fruit for sale I have never tried before or not eaten in a long time, I buy one and sample it :) The fruit in question for this googling btw was “rambutan”! It was good, pretty sweet and sort of like a juicy gummy in texture. 
do I get asks: every now and then I get a fit of inspiration and reblog a bunch of prompt lists in a row, and then when people actually send them and I look in my inbox, I go “Hmmmm” and vanish for a week becuase writing is hard. so sorry if you have ever sent me a prompt, i promise you i made a word document with the prompt copied and pasted into it before i got moody and went out for a hike instead. No one wants to know what the inside of my WIP folder looks like...
why I chose my url: I was just desperately searching for any DA/Solas related url that wasn’t already claimed, at the height of the DAI fandom heyday. I’m sure many are free now.
following: 503... and so many dead
followers: 648 it looks like
average hours of sleep: depends on how early I have to be awake the following day. If I have no obligations I’ll sleep for ~7 hours or so. But if I do then usually less since I’m fairly nocturnal and it’s really hard for me to fall asleep. I’d guess 5-7 on average, but sometimes with bad nights of only 3-4.
instruments: I spent the last several years learning Taiko Drumming from an amazing group of older women in the town I lived in. I was heartbroken to move and no longer be able to drum last summer. I could still practice on my own just with the motions/no drum, but losing the group energy element of it really makes me too sad to do so. I also grew up playing classical flute from grade school through the start of college, and once in college transitioned a bit to tin whistle instead. I’ve collected a variety of flutes/whistles/piccolos over the years in different styles but am not good about playing them on my own.
dream job: literal dragon, but i’d settle for mermaid astronaut
dream trip: I’ve been recently obsessed with Greenland. Also, anywhere tropical. 
last book I read: I’m currently almost done with of A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
favorite food: cheese... like a really nice charcuterie board with a nice variety of cheeses + cured meats + jams + fruit + crackers. though Charis’ answer for this was homemade pizza and oh boy am I craving that now
nationality: All 4 of my grandparents were 1st generation americans! So I’m a mix of Lithuanian, Irish, Italian, and the other 1/4 is a German/Belgian/European mystery 
favorite song: gosh so many. I’ve recently been in a country/country-gothic/folk/folk-rock mood because of a D&D game I’m a part of, so here’s a link to the playlist for my character that fits that vibe
top three fictional universes: hmmm i’m going to go with besides the obvious DA/ME universes (which I love to play in even if i wouldn’t want to live in them)... so I’ll pick Middle Earth, Star Trek, and Animorphs :)
i will tag: @nug-juggler  @raposabranca  @thebookworm0001  @m-m-m-myysurana ohhhhhh thats all my brain will give me off the top of my head right now but everyone feel free to play along & tag me :)
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reaching-for-roses · 4 years
About Me
Welcome to Reaching for Roses!
You can call me Rose.
You may remember that I was once called “Hellenic Reflections”, went by the name Serene and the username @serenityinthestorm. This is no longer the case!
I’m a Hellenic Polytheist. This blog is for religious purposes, not for role play or the Percy Jackson fandom, or Hadestown.
I am a 29 year old white cis woman who prefers she/her pronouns. I have self-diagnosed ADHD, with comorbid Anxiety, Depression and DSPD. I support those who also choose to self diagnose, whatever their reasoning may be. If you are against it, let’s agree to disagree.
I support the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as POC. This blog is a safe space. I am against racism, religious persecution, or bigotry of any kind. I believe in checking my own privilege so please let me know if I’ve offended and we can talk through it. I don’t know everything, I am still learning and sometimes I make mistakes just like everyone else.
I try to include as much historically accurate ideas and practices into my religion as possible but I still have a lot to learn and I definitely lean more towards being a revivalist than a recon. Therefore, UPG does come into play quite a lot and I believe that I have a responsibility to disclose this.
With that said, here is a few things about me:
As I said, you can call me Rose. I live in the US, and share a house with my dad and my partner. We have several animal friends who room with us. A feisty torbie named Cleo, a lovely tortoiseshell old lady cat named Abigail, and a young male silver tabby named Milo. My dad has two cats of his own: a gentle giant named Sylvester, and an older female tabby we call Miss Cass. They each have their own very distinct personalities. 
Aside from work, I do a lot of cleaning, taking care of pets and running errands.
When I’m not occupied with those things I’m either writing, researching and re-posting things to my blogs, doing some kind of crafty thing, or hyperfocusing on whatever the most recent interest may be. I have a super curious mind, and I’ve been through loads of hyperfixations.
My blogs:
I’ve got numerous blogs, because I find it easier to organize my thoughts that way.
On Reaching for Roses I will be focusing on Hellenic Polytheism. It will feature a lot of information on HP as a whole, the many facets within it, and my journey as a Hellenic Polytheist. I also write devotional poems and prayers and am working on a modern mythology project called Visits with the Gods.
My sideblogs (with the exception of @clusterjunk) are part of an ongoing project. Each one is dedicated to a different deity as a sort of e-shrine. They are places I can go to spend time gathering information about each deity, talk about my experiences with them, and make virtual offerings.
If you would like to give those a look, so far I have:
@ladyhestiashearth for Hestia
@dionysiandreams for Dionysus
@ares-is-my-shield for Ares
@reciever-of-the-dead for Hades
@floralcrowned for Persephone
@lady-of-the-hunt for Artemis
@sunbeams-and-sunflowers for Apollo
@nyxs-night-owl for Nyx
Eventually I plan to have one for each of the main deities in the pantheon. But for now, anything related to deities without their own shrine will be sent to Reaching for Roses. If you’re interested in checking those out, here is a list of all the tags I will use on them to make navigation a bit easier.
I am devoted to Hestia and otherwise mostly follow Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, Persephone and Tyche. Aphrodite is the first theos I came into contact with. She introduced me to Hellenic Polytheism, and soon after that Hermes came along. If you wanna know how I met the other theoi, have a look at How I Met The Gods.
As of yet, Aphrodite and Hermes don’t have their own e-shrines because I have physical ones for them in my home. This may change in the future, but for now all content featuring them will be on Reaching for Roses.
If you think you would like to follow, but aren’t interested in HP, check out @clusterjunk. It’s the dumping ground for everything else I am interested in.
Asks and messages are welcome anytime. Please feel free to send as many as you wish!
♡ As always, thanks for reading, and I appreciate the followers! ♡
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goth-bunny · 5 years
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I’ve been losing my mind over the hints at Bloodhound’s backstory that it’s unreal. So I wrote a lengthy blog entry about it. It’s at 1,711 words under the Read More.
(If you see this post on @bloodhound-and-jackrabbit, don’t worry, that’s my sideblog!)
Alright. Anyone who knows me, within the Apex fandom and outside of it too, knows that I am in love with Bloodhound. The season 3 launch is killing me! But don’t worry! I only have good things to talk about it!
 A bit of a background: I was into playing Overwatch from late October 2018 to May 2019 thanks to my ex. But it wasn’t until I saw someone tweet about a new video game franchise having a canonically nonbinary character. Unfortunately, I felt like the genre wouldn’t be my cup of tea as I have minimal experience with battle royales, let alone FPS. The teaser trailer did manage to convince me otherwise with its diverse cast of characters, fast pacing, and killer song choice. I didn’t pick up the game until the end of February, which was a few days after my ex dumped me. I needed a distraction from it; so hell, why not play that hot new game?
 I launch the game and don’t think too much, selecting the Tutorial mode, because of course, it’s a brand new game with different controls and mechanics from Overwatch. Imagine my surprise that I see the very Legend who’s piqued my interest in the series in the first place! After the Tutorial, I try the regular Play mode and got matched up with someone playing as Mirage. Unfortunately, I wasn’t doing so well, and I was nervous about speaking on mic at the time as I sound too feminine to be read as androgynous. I don’t remember much besides dying in a skirmish and being unable to use ziplines as they weren’t a part of the tutorial. After that match, I spent the remaining time checking out Bloodhound in the Legends gallery. What stood out the most for me were their quips or voicelines; a lot of them were very comforting for me to hear, especially in a low point of my life.
 Weeks later, I was still talking to my ex, but it was clear that things were completely different than before. I played Overwatch without him anyway, but it wasn’t the same. I was still unable to come to terms that I do have somewhat of a crush on Bloodhound until early June; I had a dream that the two of us were alone in the woods, and they found it safe to take off their helmet and mask around me. They revealed themself as an androgynous black person with short, curly red hair, and I kissed them on the cheek. Two more dreams would succeed that:  one where we were both dressed in black and red suits on a date, and the other one was…it ended up being not safe for work, to say the least. These all lead me to formulating a self-insert fanfic, and then finally giving Apex a second chance just so I can figure out the lore and feel of the game. Initially, if I have not gotten into Overwatch, I wouldn’t have considered playing Apex Legends even if I learned there was a nonbinary character.
 Within the past 3 months, Bloodhound has been a comforting character for me. They were absolutely relatable to someone like me; besides the fact that they’re nonbinary, they also happened to be a pagan with an affinity for birds, sharp objects, and mortality.
 The main catalyst for writing this post is the season 3 launch. Last week, when the launch trailer debuted, I lost sleep over seeing Bloodhound sharpening their handy hunting knife with a whetstone as they’re surrounded by numerous candles in their dropship room. The very scene made me fall even harder with them, as I too have always loved candles, and even more so when I started identifying as a pagan since last year. However, it was the season launch itself that made me even more anxious.
 During the past 3 months I’ve immersed myself into the fandom, I’ve come up with multiple headcanons for Bloodhound, a great portion of them never having been published here on Tumblr or discussed publicly, the most notable being their backstory: I’ve figured that Bloodhound would have an Afro-Latina/Filipina biological mother (Nimfa Vilhjalmsdottir) who remarried to a white man named Sigurdur (Sigurdur Steinnson), thus Bloodhound ending up with a meathead stepbrother named Albert. The parents had a military background, and they all lived on a planet with a high population of humans of Icelandic or Nordic descent. As a kid, Bloodhound was kind of an oddball, preferring to spend lengthy periods of time outdoors and exploring the woods or reading books about fantasy and adventure. One time, little Bloodhound was flocked by an unkindess of ravens, much to their parents’ concern. As they grew older, they became more and more visibly uncomfortable with their birth gender, and their stepfather’s pressure on them to join the military. As Bloodhound turned 18, the tension between them and their stepfather grew, thus prompting them ran away from home and join a group of ragtag freedom fighters dedicated to preserving the Frontier lands from militarization and imperialism. Eventually, Bloodhound would end up knocking at death’s door in the middle of the woods after a young Anita Williams snipes them from a distance. This would be a turning point in their life, where they’d meet the Allfather and promise to be devoted to him. Coming back to the mortal realm, Bloodhound sees that their group has lost the battle, and decided to go into hiding, hopping from planet to planet to run away from their past.
 However, it was teased that Bloodhound’s parents are named Johann and Brigida, and that they’re probably both scientists and not war veterans. Not disapproving or judgmental of their child’s gender of interests, as far as the loading screen with Johann’s letter to Brigida suggests. I would be fine with this, but it opens up a new can of worms for me.
Before I point what these potential worms would be, let me remind you that the new season dropped at the same time I had my psychiatrist appointment where I finally brought my mom over to talk with her about me, thus revealing that what I originally speculated was completely wrong.
Okay, here’s the can of worms: Johann and Brigida, and Artur to an extent, are very “white” sounding names. I would be lying if I denied that I didn’t speculate Bloodhound as a white person during the first few weeks after the game’s release. If the races of Bloodhound and their relatives were revealed to be all white, I’m worried that it’s going to cement the falsehood of Vikings or Norse pagans as being exclusively white, which was not the case in reality. I’m worried that Bloodhound being revealed as explicitly white would mean that they would be co-opted as white supremacist symbol because a sizeable amount of neo-Nazis/white supremacists/bigots practice Norse Paganism (which I learned the hard way a few weeks back).
Another concern would be Bloodhound getting a face reveal, which would undermine a lot of fans’ headcanons for them, mine included.  The headcanons are as diverse as the Apex Legends cast itself and a lot of heart and soul have been poured out into them, so catastrophe is inevitable if the official unmasked!Bloodhound face will be revealed.
 On the bright side, there are some things I hope will be executed instead of my worries. Bloodhound and their relatives are never portrayed explicitly, and are instead, shown as silhouettes, in addition to them never getting their face shown even when they have removed their helmet and mask. Another thing that would be nice to see is that they’d be ambiguously brown; Bloodhound being ambiguously brown would help break many stereotypes about them as a person, one of which is that one has to be white to be a Norse pagan, which is an open practice, anyway, and that Vikings have traveled across the globe and intermingled with different civilizations, meaning that a white viking homogeneity is racist and historically inaccurate. Besides, names like Johann, Artur, and Brigida can be just as white a name as Elizabeth Harris (that’s Cupcakke the rapper’s real name by the way!). It would also be a relief if the writers pull a Riley Cavanaugh and never hint at Bloodhound’s birth gender and keep them as androgynous as possible.
It’s also been speculated that Johann and Artur are Icelandic, and that Brigida is Italian, meaning that Bloodhound is potentially mixed-race. Let’s not forget that Apex Legends takes place in the 28th century, and people of all races are in space. Sure, there’s space ableism and imperialism, and to an extent, transphobia, but it would be unrealistic for racial homogeny to still exist.
 Bloodhound has been a great source of comfort for me these past few months. I see so much of myself in them: besides being nonbinary, I’m also a pagan who venerates a psychopomp, love books and birds, introverted but sympathetic of others, and unashamed of my identity. I’ve seen my confidence spike upwards, knowing that a person like them exists. That I am much more than my weaknesses and how people perceive me. That I still have so much to live for. That I am not alone.
 Before I end, I’m actually glad that Bloodhound grew up with a loving and accepting family, and thus destroying what projection of my hurt I have on them; I assumed that my mom would be immensely disappointed in me being nonbinary and bi, so I wanted someone who would be going through the same predicament as me, so that there’ll be some common ground. But it seems we do have enough common ground, having scientist parents who moved to a different place from my place of birth. Last August, my psychiatrist asked me how can I be a happy nonbinary person, in a world that sees everything in a male/female dichotomy? Perhaps I’ve found my answer in the form of Bloodhound.
 If you have reached this paragraph, thank you so much for taking the time to read my post in its entirety. I just want to get my feelings off my chest, as Bloodhound has been very important to me.
 Have you any questions or reactions, please feel free to message me!
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bloodline-rpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, Bigby! We have accepted your application for your OC, Tyler Orville (FC  Dane Dehaan) Please create a new blog (not a sideblog) for your character and send us the link via ask box as soon as you can. Along with your link, please let us know what lyric you’d like for us to use for Tyler in his bio if you do not wish to use the one on the skeleton. Welcome to Bloodline!
Name/Alias: Bigby
Age: Twenty-Six (twenty-seven as of jan 26, 2020!).
Preferred pronouns: they/them
Timezone: est
Level of activity (don’t give your activity a number value, please describe how active you will be as best as possible): I work full-time midnight shifts from 11:30pm - 7:30 am. I am gone from the house from 10:30 pm until 8:30 am. I do not get online in my “mornings” but after work I’m usually on for a couple hours before bed. This is/would be my only rp group so I can devote my free time and attention to it outside of regular adult responsibilities. That being said, I do have regular access to tumblr IM and discord while away for plotting and keeping in touch/up to date.
(The Resurrected skeleton).
Character’s Name: Tyler Orville
Desired FC: Dane Dehaan
Character’s Age: Twenty-Seven
Character’s Species: Immortal Witch
Character’s Sexuality: Bisexual
Tyler lived a fractured childhood. Fragmented moments glimpsed of a possibility, at something forever out of reach. He was born sick. Sick in an ever changing way, as if the unnamed disease that ravaged his body was more than such, as if the very illness were alive. He was their first child born following two miscarriages, two elder siblings he’d never know and he couldn’t help but think bitterly that whatever awful thing nested within his being had been the root cause of their deaths.
Francine Calhoun, his mother came from a long, long line of original witches; the kind of old blood that prided themselves on their lineage so much so that inbreeding had been commonplace in generation’s past. Her courtship and subsequent marriage the kind of witch that barely qualified as a witch. The kind of witch, that if it were a mere man and nothing more; would only go to church on Easter and Christmas and call themselves a devout Christian.  In fact, Teddy Orville hadn’t been much of a witch for the last several years; a decade even, outside of the odd potion infused tea to help during the university crunch before exams anyway.
Much of Tyler’s life was spent in hospitals. Moved from one doctor’s appointment to the next; a seemingly endless stream of doctors approaching his case with first fresh faced enthusiasm and big dreams of curing the incurable before frustration, disappointment, shame…no tests they ran produced conclusive results. Were they absolutely certain it was not environmental? Were they certain it wasn’t all just in his head? What a wicked thing to ask a boy of barely nine years, far too small and too many sharp edges, sunken eyes and blood stained lips.
His parents refused to give up.
Isolated from their magical foundations (your child’s illness, your child’s pain and suffering, your damned spawn’s death is what you deserve for allowing your body, your womb, to be tainted with such a lesser man’s seed) Francine struggled to cope, struggled to combat the evil plaguing her son’s body with her magical abilities coupled with modern medicine. For the time being, Tyler was alive even if that was touch and go; would it not be kinder to let him pass? To let him go?
He drifted from palliative care back to intensive, back to long term; his education was sporadic at best. Not once did he set foot in an actual school and he longed for a life outside these walls; to be like the children he watched on television or read about in his books. He longed for some greater being to come and purge him of this wicked illness in his breast and though his parents struggled to provide him with a life; he wasn’t living, was barely surviving the day: rinse and repeat.
His life changed when he received a clunky laptop at thirteen, it allowed him an unheard of outlet to the world in forums, in chat rooms, through games. He could be anybody. Anyone but himself. And maybe in the beginning he fell in love with that anonymity. He was no longer the sad little sick boy, he could be a regular boy doing regular boy things like going to school, playing sports, and hanging out with his friends. Friends. He began to make those too.  That was new. He’d never had friends that weren’t the nursing staff in the unit he stayed at or the PSWs that came to his home when he was enjoying one of his rare “good” streaks (they never lasted).
There were other children in the pediatric wards of course, but they were never the long term kind of patients. Not like him. There were the odd handful that stayed for a couple months, and some even a couple years but…their endings were not happy ones.
Technology improved with time, not just with his laptop but with medicine. With such improvements came new hope. And new disappointment. Funny that, he thought he’d long been accustomed to the bitter taste. As he got older, his good streaks became less and time spent within the gently titled comfort of his own home became sparse until it became nonexistent. By this point in time, the knowledge of witches had become common; and some younger, braver, perhaps even brasher doctors went against the norm to seek help out in these communities but came up empty handed.
His parents were drowning in debt, in sorrow and their exhaustion showed. Tyler almost wished they hated him. Wished they’d move on. Try again with another baby, a healthy baby. Do it right this time, since he was nothing but wrong.
He’s so young. The staff whispered, pity, sorrow heavy; had been whispering since he was in the single digits. Tyler would be forever young despite being closer to thirty than twenty. His activity in his group chat dropped to an all time low, his oldest friends feared the worst.
And he discovered something unheard of.
It was the kind of discovery one could only stumble upon in the places on the internet that no one should go. Where only those with wicked intent did linger. Immortality. It seemed too good to be true, some old wives tale; some fantasy story straight out of the games he played with his friends (less and less so these days).
Only it was real.
And it was obtainable.
A cure.
I’m a real boy.
Talking about being forever young had never rung so true, the doctor’s were baffled. His family was torn between horror and gratitude. He stood in the hospital garden, barefoot with dirt between his toes (and the odd cigarette butt or two but that’s less romantic) and simply basked in the sun. It was as close to a religious experience as he’d ever experienced, and he’d spent a lot of time praying to an uncaring God over the years. Begging. Pleading. Cursing.
He sent a letter written in a terribly untidy scrawl to Carden Manor requesting the chance to relocate. To discover the culture he’d never had the chance to experience, of witches and wolves and perhaps others like him. After all, it was the only community of their people he could name and maybe he was still on the tail-end of euphoria that had him wanting to throw himself into the deep end so to speak.
Maybe there was something darker there, something darker that festered close to pain towards his parents. Resentment. Anger. They claimed to have exhausted all means but what of this? “It’s something born of the darkest of magic Tyler please…” had it been a line they were unwilling to cross? Had they known about it all along but their morals had them unable to act?  This was an old magic, this wonderful beautiful thing that had been a boon to his ravaged body. This thing that had given him a new lease on life, was to him far more a blessing than any kind of curse. Already accustomed to the taste of (his own) blood on his tongue, the need to consume such a thing to survive was such that he didn’t even bat an eye.
Anger. It simmered, boiled toward all consuming and dark. Terribly, terribly dark. A want for violence, to let his hands hook into claws and act out such emotions; revenge? He wasn’t sure. Though, Tyler was absolutely sure of one thing: he wanted away from them.
Moving to the manor was the second best thing to ever happen to him and he’s all too eager to dive into a life he never thought he’d get the chance to have.
To live.
It’s almost painfully obvious that Tyler’s social skills are lacking. Limited socialization during his formative years has left its mark. The bulk of his ability to interact with his peers is stilted and awkward, he can come off as blunt, flat, and even cruel. Withdrawn as though secretive (and he is hiding something, hiding who and what he used to be before his immortality) he comes off as standoffish and every bit some kind of “edgy loner kid” persona. Though he is most comfortable when alone or in front of a keyboard, residing at the manor demands that he evolve past this. As does his new lease on life. He’s trying.
Incredibly self-motivated, Tyler is almost too eager to learn more of the supernatural world to which he’s been removed from for so long. His own magical talent, lacking largely in part due to a lack of proper training. His parents, understandably, had been much too focused on his ailing health. He has a truly impressive repertoire for potions and enchantments; the kinds of witch’s work one can learn from a tome but has very little hands on experience. His frustration for his…otherness that still remains is palpable. As though he hasn’t really changed. And due to such a state, he tends to lash out at his peers which does little to earn him any friends.
He’s used to not having friends, even if he finds himself frustrated with his inability to adapt in this regard. It’s a lot more difficult than he anticipated to reshape himself into somebody, a new and improved version of Tyler Orville.
Some parts of his original self remains, a quiet thoughtfulness, an impossible patience at odds with his frustration, and an optimism he tries to keep buried deep down for fear of coming off over eager and annoying.
Presently, Tyler stands fairly neutral on the in game political spectrum due largely in part to his inexperience. His outsider status borders on some sort of isolation; which in a way, speaks the truth. He was woefully isolated from his people and hardly had it in him to follow the news much outside of the big events. Like the world discovery their kind in 2016, he saw that; read about it. His friends in the group chat talked about it. A lot. He and his best friend, Alex, fretted in a private chat about the repercussions of such a thing.
He’s not too overly keen on the servitude aspect of other species, finds it rather barbaric if he’s being honest but is well aware of the delicate line he walks here. Outsider. He’s the son of a marrying of a strong bloodline into a weak one, he never once met his Mother’s family and knows nothing of their history. Of their possible feuds. His Father’s family could never hope to hold a torch to such greatness. Tyler straddles the line between a somebody and a nobody.
In this, he could potentially be shaped into a supported of any party with the right guidance. He has power given his immortal status and his bloodline is strong, if watered down some with his Father’s genetics. He could prove to be a promising ally to any party should they wish to court him so.
As far as plots go, I want to explore him well, exploring life in person instead of looking on from the outside in. I want him to interact with his peers from wildly different walks of life and learn more about the world. The world, his world that had been so very small has suddenly exploded into something so grand.
I also have a potential wanted connection for him to offer, in the form of his best friend Alex (who can be played male, female, or non-binary) who is also a supernatural (species up to the potential other mun) and they met playing an unnamed fantasy mmorpg. Alex brought Tyler into their group of friends and they’ve been Tyler’s main friend group ever since. Tyler has gone radio silent before, but this is something new altogether. It’s like he’s dropped off the face of the Earth and Alex fears the worst. What exactly brings Alex to the manor would be 100% up to the other mun but a reunion would absolutely be required and their future interactions and relationship is anyone’s guess!
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atrellas-a · 2 years
independent, very private star wars oc rp. kay atrella (they/he), jedi knight. exploring the effects of growing up in a war, resistance, survival, and survivor’s guilt. est 6/22. loved by puck. 18+ and mutuals only, personals dni. basic rules under the cut. follows back from contrariian.
i. hi! i’m puck, 22, she/they. i’m in grad school & run a bunch of other blogs, so activity here is going to be pretty low.
ii. i only interact with mutuals, and i’m probably going to be relatively picky about who i follow back, moreso than i am with my other blogs.
iii. memes never expire! i try to practice meme karma to an extent, and ask that you do the same, but obviously not every meme is going to fit your muse (and not every meme is going to fit kay!). please reblog memes from the source, not from me.  also, memes are the easiest way to start a thread with me—spam me all you want, and feel free to turn any response into a thread! i don’t answer every meme that comes my way, so having a variety definitely helps.
iv. i use small text in my replies; i don’t require that you do the same. if you need me to use regular text for our threads, just tell me! accessibility is more important than aesthetics. i don’t know if i’ll have icons for this blog—if i do, i probably won’t use them consistently, lmao.
v. i’m multi-ship, and i love shipping. kay is bisexual! there will definitely have to be some plotting, since they’re a jedi—in their younger verse they’re adhering to the code, and in their older verse, they’re on the run—but, like, i’m sure we can figure something out if we think there’s chemistry there.
vi. i’m here for a good time! star wars canon is a shitshow, and i’m a firm believer in taking what i like and leaving what i don’t—and that includes pulling in things from legends canon as it suits me (which i’m more familiar with than current canon anyway, since i grew up on it).
vii. psd is favorite horror movie by tsarinasource
vii. other blogs: @contrariian (multi-muse, with sideblogs for horror ocs @dotsconnected and @forcesmiles) , @spiritdreamt (fandomless oc) , @madeoath (indie stan uris of it 2017) , and @puckrph (my meme resource blog).
kay was born in 40 bby on corellia, and taken to the jedi temple as an infant. though they always excelled with more physical aspects of their youngling training, they were a devoted student determined to make the order—whom they considered their family—proud. when mace windu took them as his padawan, that devotion and determination continued. kay was knighted near the end of the clone wars, and survived order 66 only because they were on a council-appointed solo mission. they laid low until the establishment of the rebel alliance, which they quickly joined. only some high-ranking members of the alliance—bail organa and mon mothma, in particular—were aware of kay’s past. it was kept secret from the rest of the rebellion for kay’s own safety.
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