#I have a LOT of thoughts about Jon’s grandmother
archaeologysucks · 2 months
Yesterday I broke through a long-standing brick wall in my family tree, and was finally able to connect one of my ancestors with her parents and siblings, which is pretty damn satisfying. It was a case of women getting lost in the records when they remarry and change their names, which is unfortunately extremely common. I also got to add another wild story involving bigamy and legal turmoil to my family history, and that's always fun.
I knew a lot about my great-great-great grandmother Mary Emeline Brown (1833-1910), but unfortunately the earliest proven record I had for her was her marriage in 1848 at the age of about 15 to John M. Armstrong in Jerseyville, Illinois. This meant that on the earliest census record (1850) that lists every person by name, she was already married, with no clues about her family of origin.
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All I knew was that her maiden name was the extremely common Brown, and that her death certificate named her parents as John Brown and Ruth Nelson, with no indication who had given that information or whether they knew it to be accurate.
There was a prominent Brown family in Jersey County, Illinois, however, and I was sure Mary was connected to them somehow, but I couldn't quite prove it. I knew where her husband's grandfather and uncle's land was, and where the Brown lands were, so I made a map to see if that would help. I was able to prove that the Armstrong lands lay on the same major roadway as those of a John Brown (1790-1872), a few miles to the east, and for a while, I thought that might be Mary's father.
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The only problem? There was no Mary listed among this John's children, and no obvious gap she might have fit into. Also, his wife's name was Margaret Piper, which is not very similar to Ruth Nelson. Well, maybe Ruth Nelson was not John's wife. Maybe Mary was born out of wedlock. Such things weren't uncommon. Damned if I could prove it, though, without doing some complicated DNA work, or finding some court documents that stated her paternity.
For a long time, I was stuck there, at the same dead end my grandmother had arrived at when she first started working on our genealogy in the 1980s. Just about everyone who listed Mary on their family tree on Ancestry.com gave her parents either as this John Brown, without offering any corroborating evidence, or else simply as John Brown with no additional information at all.
Well, the other day, I decided to dig a little deeper. I went through every single family tree that included Mary, to see if I could find even one clue that might point me in a useful direction. And I found one: a single ancestry tree that listed Mary's parents as Vincent Brown (c. 1805-1834) and Elizabeth Wilson (1810-1892). And more importantly, the researcher had explained their conclusions, which is something surprisingly few people on Ancestry.com ever do.
When Vincent Brown died in about 1834, he left a wife and a few young children, but because he was a young man, he left no will naming his heirs. However, court documents for his estate mention a child with the initials M. E. Brown as one of his heirs. This is not proof, but ….
In 1839, when Mary would have been about 6 years old, Elizabeth Wilson Brown remarried to Jonathan Routh, whose surname some sometimes spelled Roth or Ruth. It's not impossible to think a later relative might have heard the name Grandma Ruth, wife of Jon, associated with Mary's mother, and assumed that was her first name, confusing Wilson for Nelson as her maiden name, and also assuming Jon was Jon Brown, since that was Mary's maiden name. This is also not proof, but ….
On the 1840 census, which only lists the head of household by name, with numbers for each sex and age bracket for all other household members, all the known children of Elizabeth Brown and Jonathan Routh (spelled Ruthe on this record) are accounted for, and one is a girl between the ages of 5 and 9, who could be Mary. This is also not proof, but ….
Jonathan Routh and Elizabeth had three more children, but he decided not stick around. In 1845, he left Illinois for Texas with no intention of returning, and he did not bother to grant Elizabeth a divorce first. In 1852, he remarried in Texas, and had several more children. He served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and died in 1864. In 1871, Elizabeth sued his heirs in Texas for half of his estate, because she was still his legal wife. The case went to the Texas Supreme Court, and she was ultimately awarded 1/4 of his estate ($750) in 1883.
When Elizabeth Wilson Brown Routh died in 1892, her estate probate documents named all of her heirs, which at that time included many grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and one surviving daughter: Mary Ernest. By this time, Mary E. Armstrong had divorced my great-great-great-grandfather John M. Armstrong (and good for her, because he was a piece of work), and remarried to Albert Ernst, a man 20 years her junior who owned a brewery. Well done, grandma.
Is that proof that my Mary Emeline Brown Armstrong Ernst was the child of Vincent Brown and Elizabeth Wilson Brown Routh? Well, no, not really. But it is compelling evidence, and a strong lead that I can follow up on by digging deeper into Jersey County, Illinois court records, and looking into what became of her theoretical siblings for additional clues. Importantly, there is nothing here to contradict the idea that this was her family. I am fairly confident that this is them, and that it's only a matter of time before I can prove it definitively. I love solving historical mysteries and puzzles!
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General Thoughts and Feelings on Trolls Band Together (part 2)
The fight is a pretty interesting scene: It starts with all of the brothers just screaming at each other about their frustrations, John being too bossy and John on the other hand feeling too much pressure as being the oldest and having to take care of his 4 younger siblings. Branch says nothing and just looks at them anxiously (poor boy). When Branch says they have to practice to save Floyd, John says that he is right and they will go their separate ways anyway that, Branch looks super shocked. And John is like:' What? Did you think we'd all move in together after that?' And it just hits Branch, that this a one time thing and his brother don't want to spend more time with him or get to know him. He then says that he is leaving and John answers he should stop acting like a baby. Branch then confronts them about his struggles and their grandma's death and how he was forced to grow up and then he leaves after crumpling up the hideout plan and throwing it away. Poppy picks it up and sees it and says in realization that the bunker was for them. One of them says they didn't know and Poppy says that they didn't ask and goes after Branch.
It was pretty emotional to see, of course, but it kinda lacked a bit of an emotional impact because the brothers just did not seem to be very bothered by their grandmother's death and as I'm writing this I notice they never asked Branch why he was greyer. Also, they all never actually gave a good reason why they never came back (John checked once, ONCE, and he saw no one was there and he assumed that Branch was dead and only heard that he is alive because of the events of the World Tour) or tried to contact Branch in any way in 20 YEARS. When we later see them trapped, of course one could argue they were more concerned about Floyd or their own situation, but John only mentions from the fight that they were screaming at each other but overall no one mentions Branch or shows some kind of guilt after the fight (or anywhere later in the movie, except Clay at the end but it was also just used to make a joke about his sad book club). It just feels like they didn't really care about him, which I know is not true, but it feels like it which is just a shame. I wish we could see maybe something of that in the future, but in this area the movie is kinda lacking.
While being good, I wish the scene of Branch and Poppy talking after the fight was longer, but that is just my personal opinion
Also the newly introduced characters sometimes feel kind of flat, like I wish we could have seem more interactions between the brothers or some flashbacks because in the end of the day I don't feel any wiser about who they are as people. We just get descriptions and snippets of their personalities and that's it. I hope they will expand on that more in the future.
John is honestly a really interesting character who genuinely cares for his brothers (he came to Floyd's aid immediately after hearing he was in trouble) but just doesn't really know how to show it or to deal with his emotions. Maybe he is also someone who is scared to let people be close since he also did not expect them all to still stay in contact after the whole ordeal. (And he has a lot of angst potential) Just, you could really dive in his character
Floyd sadly also falls victim to that because we don't actually get to know him. From some heart to heart talks to Veneer and his reunion with Branch aside, he is just suffering and dying throughout the film so there isn't much we get to know about his character except that he is emotionally sensible and cares about his family
All the brothers could and should be expanded upon (for example how Clay met and coworked with Viva and Bruce meeting his wife, it would be so interesting to see)
But what we got was pretty cute, like the dynamic between Floyd and Jon, Floyd and Branch and Bruce and Clay
I sadly don't remember which word exactly Poppy said but Branch was like 'I love how you say this word' super flirty and I still thin about that (Poppy and Branch really worked so good as a team, and they were so cute throughout the movie, I love them so much)
Floyd's and Branch's reunion is super cute, because he is the first from his brothers to see Branch as a grown up and not as small child, so it is really heart warming.
I LOVED the whole chase sequence, it was candy for my eyes and my ears, really 10/10
John letting Branch take the lead was super cute actually and emotionally impactful
The rendition of 'Better Place' in the movie is godly, cannot wait to hear it again
Floyd's death was kinda ... weird? Because he dies and then he just comes back to life? Without an explanation? I thought the theory of the brothers lending him talent would be true because it made sense but nope, he just comes back from the dead, which is kind of a weird decision, but who am I to argue
Branch's and Poppy's kiss was sooooo soft and cute and it just felt so natural, like AAHHHHH
Viva accepts Branch into the family -> braids his hair (I see the logical conclusions made in Poppy's family are genetic)
The Nsync cameo was funny but it did throw me in for a loop wondering if it was canon in-universe
The fakeout proposal was really funny, but I loved how they were on the same page and not awkward at all with each other ('I have a small proposal.' '*gasp*You want me to join the band?' 'You know me so well :)')
Head canon: Veneer and Floyd become pan palls and Veneer sends him mail from prison
That are my thoughts for now, maybe I will write more in the future, if I think of more things. But yeah, genuinely a good movie and a fun experience with nice animation and good music, as previously written 8/10, I had a good time. But I really wish we either get a new movie, series or special because I really want to see more of the characters and to expand more on their personalities and dynamics
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Tea - a Magnus Archives one-shot
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"You must be Martin. Jon used to go on about you a lot."
In MAG 149, season 4, Georgie recognized Martin the moment she saw him just from Jon's descriptions, but we didn't get to hear that.
Have a glimpse into my mind-palace of how it could have happened.
Notes: none. This is just fluff. Spoilers thrugh season 4.
“And then Martin—would you believe this—let a dog into the Archives! A dog! ”
“A whole-ass dog, eh?” said Georgie, sipping her tea, trying not to sound dubious.
“It took him all day to get that thing back out of my Archives. Ridiculous.”
“So… you didn’t fire him?”
“No, I didn’t fire him! Elias put him there for some reason, and I… well, I thought it might be more suspicious if I got him out of the way. The next spy could be worse.”
Spies. Dogs. Evil bosses. “Are you still not going to tell me whatever happened at your weird cult workplace?” she said.
He glared over his coffee. “No, I am not going to tell you what happened at my weird cult workplace. Just. He also makes good tea. That’s all.”
“Bully for him.” She left to go to work.
“And then you wouldn’t believe… Martin insisted on ice cream for his birthday. Like we were all children!”
“Oh, no,” Georgie said, pencil posed over her crossword puzzle. “Whatever did you do?”
“Well, I ordered ice cream, of course. No need to rock the boat,” Jon said, leaning on his Oxford English drawl. 
“No, no need to do that,” said Georgie. “What kind?”
He huffed. “Rum and raisin. It was serviceable.”
She knew him too well. “You talked about emulsions again, didn’t you?”
If Jon had feathers, they would have ruffled. “Yes, I talked about emulsions! They’re an important part of modern food theory!”
Georgie laughed, filled out wiseguy for a seven-letter know-it-all prompt, and called it a day.
“Martin insists on tea. Insists on it. If I don’t have a hot cuppa, he just… he…” Jon gestures.
“He what?” said Georgie, who really wasn’t sure where he was going with this.
“Well, he gets all… big-eyed, and sad, as if I somehow did it at him,” Jon mumbled, looking down. “I have drunk more tea in the last two years than in my entire life.”
“With your grandmother? I doubt that,” said Georgie, who had come into the picture early enough to meet her before she passed.
“No, she insisted I make tea. She never truly cared if I drank it,” Jon mumbled into his empty cup. “Martin cared.” And then he stared at the leaves at the bottom as though offended they were all that remained.
“Well, I’m sure my tea-making skills hardly compare,” said Georgie.
“They don’t,” said Jon, who did not mean cruelty by it.
Georgie spoke fluent Jon. She understood he wasn’t saying, You suck. He was saying, I miss Martin’s tea. “Are you sure you can’t reach out to him? Maybe outside of work?”
Jon went deep red. “I can’t do that.”
“You sure? I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.”
“No,” Jon said softly, looking now at the floor. “I can’t talk to anybody. It isn’t safe.”
“Safe?” she said.
He seemed to realize he’d said too much. “I… excuse me.” And he closed himself in the guest bedroom to make another of his weird tape recordings.
“I’m telling you, Martin might be sending them!” he said, holding up another batch of suspicious documents.
Georgie was fuming. “How could he be? Did you tell Martin where I live?”
“I… no, I didn’t.”
“Then I doubt he’s sending them.”
“I just thought… no, you’re right. I doubt he misses me at all,” said Jon, hangdog supreme.
Georgie threw her hands in the air. As Jon’s ex, she didn’t really think she had the right to push it further.
“Martin made me take his jumper home, and it… well, I never returned it. It’s so very comfortable! I feel oddly safe in it. Isn’t that odd?” A confession, wide-eyed, over breakfast. 
“Martin hates oolong,” said Jon over lunch and oolong. “I’m not sure why. Something to do with his mother, I think.”
“Martin always smiles. It’s suspicious,” Jon declared over dinner.
Georgie began to tune it out.
“He was terrible at research,” Jon mumbled late as they both sipped some brandy. “But he always tried so hard. He brought in a jar of worms once, did I tell you that?”
“Uh, no?” said Georgie. “Why would he bring in a jar of worms?”
Jon waved his shot glass. “Reasons,” he said like the grim reaper.
Georgie shook her head and threw back the last of her shot before going to bed.
Later, much later, Georgie went to the Magnus Institute, trying to find Melanie. She hated the place; it gave her the creeps, and not only because of what she now knew about Jon. It wasn’t even proper fear. It was just yucky, like something slimy between her toes.
Finding no one, she wandered downstairs, into the Archives, and spotted a man at a desk. He was tall, kind of cuddly-wide; his hair was curly and red, and his freckles were bright. His eyes were, intriguingly, the same color Jon had wistfully described as spring green one very late night.
Like Jon, he had a tape recorder going. She was really beginning to hate those things.
He did a double-take. “Oh, you can’t be here. It’s not allowed.”
“Sorry, Melanie told me to wait for her here,” Georgie said.
“You’re here for Melanie?” the man clarified, standing (good lord, he was tall).
“Yeah. I’m Georgie.”
And out came the smile (which Jon had described) and the awkward aw-shucks body language with one hand behind his head (which Jon had also described). “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t realize! I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.”
She knew. He could’ve been conjured from Jon’s imagination for how perfect he was for that man. “You must be Martin.”
He blinked. “Has Melanie been talking about me?”
“No, um. Jon used to go on about you a lot.”
Martin brightened like the sun shining, and then Georgie had to go on for minutes about why she wouldn’t help Jon anymore.
Which Martin insisted she should.
Hell. Jon had no chance. They both had it so bad.
She still didn’t like this place. She still had issues with Jon and everything Jon was doing; but this… she could see this.
Martin and Jon, Jon and Martin. It worked in her head. They fit. 
She hoped it worked out. 
She hoped Jon didn’t drag Martin with him to the grave.
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i swear i remember seeing a post on your blog about tim & jon being friends, with dami & kon being jealous, but consider: the opposite.
damian canonically sews in at least one universe (DCeased) and kon strikes me as the type to sew as well (especially if you draw/HC him having patches on his leather jackets). they bond over how annoying it is to constantly be fixing everyone else's gear because "you know how to sew, right?" over sewing techniques and hand stitching vs machine. over their incredibly traumatizing childhoods in which they were regularly dehumanized and their esoteric pod-baby births. tim and jon are ASTOUNDED. like.
"oh, hey dami!! i didn't know you were coming by tonight! i can suit up and be ready to patrol in 10-" "no need, jon. i'm simply here to visit the clone. he and your grandmother are teaching me to quilt."
"hi kon! what's up? you don't usually come all the way to gotham just to visit-" "yeah but i loaned your brother my sunglasses that one time he came over with a concussion and i need them back before people figure out superboy and conner kent have the same face"
because!!! FUCK they're so happy they're socializing and connecting with someone who had similar experiences, and helping one another cope with the trauma. but if their best friend/totally not crush comes over to hang out with their BROTHER instead of them One More Time there is going to be Bloodshed.
aw that's so fuckin' sweet? And honestly, I love it. I'm here for it.
Kon comes to the manor to pick Tim up for just friend time and sees Damian in the parlor fixing Jon's sweatshirt. He goes over and watches for a second and is like 'have you tried 'xyz' stich on that hem?' And Damian's suspicious for a second but then tries it and Jon loves it and Kon mentions how he used to fix Tim's shit a lot when they stayed at Titans Tower etc. Damian's pretty surprised, kinda thought his father just had a Justice League budget for tailors or something.
Cut to: Damian, Kon, Martha and Alfred making a big quilt together, because Martha and Alfred recognized the peace creating/crafting brings for their poor boys and encourages it as much as possible.
Tim and Jon keep coming across crafting time, and Tim becomes suspicious and jealous, while Jon is the complete opposite on the spectrum and just falls in such ooey-gooey love watching Damian create and be relaxed and happy while doing so.
But ya - then craft time starts to creep into bestie/crush time and Tim and Jon are noooooooooot happy.
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Margaery Tyrell x Fem!Stark!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Could I please have an imagine where the reader is the twin sister of Robb Stark who meets and falls in love with Margaery Tyrell (NO STARKS ARE DEAD PLEASE). And her brothers Robb and Jon try to convince her to confess how she feels. The two confess and end up kissing and becoming girlfriends. And you could show her family's reactions (supportive and happy for her). fluffy and angsty, please?
Read on Wattpad
Read on AO3
You smiled at the young lady before you. She had been speaking to the group and paused, your eyes meeting, before moving on to look at someone else. You could hear snickering and laughing from across the great hall and looked over.
Jon and Robb were talking quietly to each other and laughing. When they realised they were being watched they pulled simpering faces and mocked you until one of the other ladies looked at them. “Boys. Always our tournaments.” Margaery said as she stood beside you for a moment and looked over at them.
“Yes.” You answered shyly and she smiled. Someone called her away and you glared at them. They both laughed and hurried off. The afternoon dragged on but you found yourself happily hanging on the words Margaery spoke. Each time your brothers caught your eye they mockingly simpered and gasped. Sansa stepped in and scolded them for you, giving you a sympathetic look as you joined Margaery and her friend for dinner in her rooms.
When you returned you found your brothers lounging around the apartments the family was staying in while in King's Landing. 
“How was it!” Sansa gushed as she hurried to you. 
“Yes. Did you seduce maidens and sip fine wines?” Robb mocked. Sansa glared at him.
“Things like tea with high-born ladies are very important.” Sansa scolded. Arya scoffed as she sleepily slunk in and shoved herself between Robb and Jon.
“It was fine. We had some food and drinks.” Sansa gasped at this and her eyes shone as she imagined the tea for herself. “Beyond that, it was of no interest.”
“No chance to confess how you felt?” Jon asked as he hoisted Arya up. The sound of your parents had him rushing her to the door of her rooms so she wouldn’t get in trouble and miss out on the plans for tomorrow. Plans you would not be taking part in as Lady Margaery had requested your company.
“You should. Tell… her.” Robb said slowly. Sansa swooned at the thought of a great romance and threw herself down in Jon’s seat. Robb laughed and continued to tease her as you thought about it.
The next morning saw your brothers off to ready their horses and to keep an eye on Arya who had been allowed to join them. Sansa was to tend to the princess who was arriving that afternoon and she had busied herself looking for her most appropriate outfit.
You had left shortly after your brothers, your mother hurrying along with you so she could help you make a good impression before returning for Sansa.
“Be sure to smile. You do have a good smile.” She added it to her list of instructions she had given you the entire short walk over.
“Mother, I do not think that Lady Mar…” You started.
“The Tyrell’s are the key to Highgarden. If you make a good match there, perhaps your father will change his mind about betrothing your sister…” She trailed off and you knew she really wanted to say ‘to the prince.’ but she dare not say it with people hurrying around the two of you. You reached the rooms you were to meet Margaery and the other ladies spending the day with her. Her grandmother greeted you both pleasantly and you remembered to smile and curtsy well enough that she complimented you rather boldly and caught a lot of attention. You would never dare admit it to anyone out loud but you were rather pleased. Even with your best efforts, you were never quite able to muster the grace Sansa could despite being older and more practised at it.
“It is so lovely to have you visiting (Y/N). I was just saying to my Grandmother, it is such a shame for a beauty as yourself to be hidden away up North.” Margaery said as she joined the small group around your mother. She smiled and looked deeply into your eyes as she encouraged you to come and sit in the shade on the balcony with the other ladies.
“Yes. We shall have to have you stay at Highgarden for a time.” Margaery’s grandmother said. At this, your mother perked up.
“Oh! Yes. I spoke to my husband about perhaps arranging for (Y/N) and my middle daughter Sansa to stay. I find I am in truth much fonder of Highgarden than Kings Landing myself.” She said and Lady Olenna beamed a smile as women do when they have both understood a secret unspoken meaning to the pleasant words they were speaking.
“Well then. I shall be leaving before the month is out. They shall stay with us.” The older woman said and your mother looked more relieved than she had been when your father had said that in three months she could take you and Arya home.
“Oh, what a wonderful idea Grandmother! Oh, you shall love it there and your sweet sister, such a romantic. She shall never want to leave.” Margaery said with a loud and delicate grace that flurried the room into a gently excited frenzy around you as they talked about how thrilling it would be for you.
“I have heard talks of your daughters being picked for princes and cousins of the lions.” Olenna said quietly to your mother as she began to leave. The attention had been pulled away from her so no one heard.
“I have always preferred flowers.” She said stiffly and there was a moment before both nodded.
“We shall have to find the best flowers for the wardens of the North.” Olenna said before excusing herself.
“If it is that or here I shall be grateful for it.” Your mother said to herself as she left.
The afternoon was spent talking of matches, travels families had arranged for their daughters. One of the girls was to tend to a lost princess in Essos. Another to travel to Dorne. Margaery was sure to pressure her that she had heard Dorne was as beautiful as its people which seemed to relive the girl who was the youngest out of the group.
Towards the evening it was only you and Margaery. “I should turn in.” You said as you stood up from your seat.
“You needn't rush. I could have a carriage take you home if you wished to stay later.” Margaery said quickly.
“I shall miss dinner with my family if I do not…” You started but trailed off. You didn’t really want to leave. No one would say anything if you lost track of time with Margaery. Smiling, you sat back down. Margaery fetched a jug of wine that was different from the ones she had laid out in the afternoon.
“We could always eat now, together. This wine is from our keep in Highgarden. It is my favourite. The sweetest, it is not quite as strong as the queens.” She said and smiled slyly at her dig. You took the glass and tried it. It was sweet. Fruity and light. It is refreshing.
“It’s lovely.” You complimented. Margaery smiled and the two of you continued to swap pleasantries and share your true thoughts on the happenings of her ladies she had invited to visit.
“You know one of them truly believes the lost princess is some secret Targaryen that they shall be tending to.” She said and laughed a little. Not a cruel laugh but the way someone who knows more than a child enjoys their innocence. 
“My sister would swoon at the romance of such an idea.” You said and Margaery chuckled again before sipping her wine.
“She shall enjoy Highgarden. As shall you, I think.” She said and you smiled. It was an awkward smile. But then you realised that the two of you were in some kind of awkward dance. Nervous staring, a quick smile to hide it, the back to nervous staring, over and over. “I shall… enjoy your company most.”
“I look forward to more time with you.” You said. She stared at you for a moment before you stood awkwardly, spilling some of the wine as you placed the cup on the table. “I… I must go.” You said quickly and hurried to the door.
“If you cannot stay I understand.” She said and followed you to the door. Her proximity made you feel hot and strange. When she leaned in you felt almost dizzy but when she placed a kiss on your cheek your whole body went numb. She looked at you as if your reaction had confirmed something she wanted and moved past you.
“See that a guard escorts (Y/N) home in the carriage. Right to the door and inside.” Margaery snapped. She returned and took your hand in hers. “I do hope you shall join us for games in the gardens tomorrow afternoon.”
“I shall see if I can.” You answered truthfully. It was all the words you could get out. She nodded happily at that and let go of your hand as a guard came to escort you home.
Margaery tags:
@gillybear17 @ravennoore14 @the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @evattude @kaitieskidmore1
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Throwing in some headcanons for the season 1 Archive gang
(As always, these are just silly goofy fun, not meant to invalidate anyone's characterization of the archive folks, we're in season 3 so if any of these contradict with canon, it's probably bc of that or memory failing us/personal preference sooooo, lesgo)
cw: alcohol (very lightly mentioned) and spiders
-Jon tends to wander when drunk, it's a good idea to keep an eye on him. He's gotten lost in campus during his college days but always comes back unharmed (somehow).
-He thought his grandmother made up grass allergies to keep him from getting into dangerous places as a kid but his family has a genetic grass allergy, nothing fatal but recently cut grass does make him v itchy when it touches bare skin.
-He uses pen grips, i think he's developing arthritis so he owns some comfortable rubber ones. There are a few bite marks on em, but if you confront him he will gaslight you
-Jon's bones also crack very easily, when he gets up you can hear it. It gets worse throughout the seasons
-Jon uses transparent nail polish. He started doing it to avoid nail biting but started the habit of chipping it off. In college he wore colored nail polish but he ditched bc he doesn't consider it v professional on himself.
-He's a responsible sunscreen user, he applies it whenever he needs to be outside but he uses a regular drugstore one since i don't think he believes in skincare being a thing. IN THE SAME VEIN: he doesn't think that body wash works, he only believes in soap.
-He had a bowlcut as a kid.
-He gets shorter by 1 inch per season.
-Jon, even though very good with tech, prefers to do things on paper because he likes the feeling. He prefers pencils over pens, but uses pens because they are more professional
-Jon would love smash burgers, i'm not giving more context.
-Sash started training a couple years ago to improve her posture (she tended to go shrimp while doing deskwork) and now she could crush a lemon with a single hand. She and Tim go to the gym sometimes and she can lift way more than him
-To counteract the smash burger hc above, she would love Shake Shack.
-She's scored pretty high on IQ tests every time she has to take them but she doesn't believe in their validity.
-She used to go spelunking on internet forums a lot.
-I think she would have enjoyed well planned ARGs and things that involved solving mysteries before it became her full-time job to deal with horrors.
-Sasha owns comfy shoes she wears in the office. Wearing heels during a whole workday isn't worth it and she knows this.
-Shes a bit of a stationary fan, she would have all of the really nice highlighters and notebooks
-She chews her lips pretty often, especially when she wears nice chap sticks
-She likes furbies.
-He hates furbies and dolls, truth be told it is more fear than hatred.
-He's been on commercials as a kid at least once. Somewhere on youtube there's a bubblegum commercial with a preteen Tim on it and Jon found it while looking for background info about nearly everyone in the archives in season 2.
-Tim has a small collection of fucked up Rubik cubes. He has a knack for solving them, the more alien-looking, the better. He finds solving puzzles stimulating but also gets fed up with them easily. Having something to do with his hands helps him think.
-He's an excellent draftsman, took an art course pre college and he indulges in it every now and then. He has no issues with people looking through his sketchbooks and all of the building facade sketches he has there. He's the kinda guy to sketch random people he sees in public and all of the archives gang has been drawn by him before
-He would love cockatiels, but he doesn't own any animals. He birdwatches quite a bit and has books/a special sketchbook just for birds/landscapes. He also purple columbine flowers, even though he is really bad with plants. He's foraged before but he ended up in emergency care bc he fucked with something he shouldn't have XD
-Tim got his tongue pierced some time ago, it suits him well.
-Will absolutely WRECK you in karaoke and then act like he isn't that good after (he was a theater kid)
-He's the most seasoned traveler among everyone in the archives. Tim's ideal vacay would be going around the world
-He would have enjoyed streaming games as a hobby (am i bringing up Mike LeBeau? probably. In a different world we would have Tim playing The Sims 2 with all of the mods on Twitch). He's also had pink hair before!!
-He's a bit of a polyglot to me (so far The Eye makes you understand other languages but it doesn't give you proficency over them! That's all his own talent)
-Mart's worked at a blu-ray rental before the Institute. He came out of that job decently well-versed in 80's-90's movies. He's the opposite of a film snob and probably loves The Princess Bride and other bangers
-Martin's the kind of person that would cut an apple for you but he'd eat a tangerine with the rind on without hesitating. After you have a fight with him he brings you cut fruits and crackers
-He also writes prose and has finished nanowrimo during company time.
-Martin wears graphic tees under shirts under sweaters at work, but for very nerdy and obscure things
-Martin does the little dinosaur hand things often when he is walking, heh
-He's kept house spiders in glass jars with little holes and fed them bugs. Many of those spiders gave birth inside those jars. He's moved places a couple times as a kid so he's probably responsible of scaring a landlord or two by greeting them with a roomful of spider jars (and it was deserved).
-Martin owns tea pets!! He shares a cuppa with them every now n then
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alliluyevas · 2 years
this is probably not going to make any sense lmfao but i was having house baratheon thoughts after last night’s hotd episode and specifically thinking about how a lot of the really vocal targaryen dynasty stan types really, really hate the baratheons and i mean that’s like for obvious reasons given that robert is responsible for the ultimate all-but-destruction and overthrow of house targaryen and a lot of the people who are house stans tend to conflate all members of a family as a group. but like specifically that got me thinking about House Targaryen Ethos and Themes versus House Baratheon Ethos and Themes and how at least on the face of it they almost seem diametrically opposed, because the targaryens are like...they have this whole otherworldly godlike magical ethos, they look unusual, they’ve sort of got this very ethereal fey vibe. or at least they’re supposed to. everything is magic and mystery and poetry.
 and then the baratheons are like...i don’t want to say down to earth because that is giving the wrong vibe but they are just extremely human people. they’re hitting things with hammers! they’re saying the first thing that comes to mind. smash first ask questions later!! there’s pride there but nothing pretentious. they even look very different to how targaryens are supposed to look...they’re big people, they’re grounded in this world. they’re elites, lords and eventually kings but there’s something very ordinary about them.
and yet.
generalizations and family ethos aside. you crack open that exterior and you get targaryen after targaryen who dynastic legend aside is literally just a person. you get stannis. and stannis is this absolute CRASH of different themes because he is such a baratheon and he is also so, so, different from his family. he’s the incredibly ordinary individual who is trying to wrap his head around being a prophesied hero and it is so, so obvious to the audience that he is not that hero. there’s magic on the one side where you didn’t expect it and on the other side the targs really are just people and that mythos isn’t real.
and like diametrically opposed legends and actual-people complications aside, you’ve got the simple fact that the first baratheon was maybe possibly probably aegon the conqueror’s illegitimate brother and the fact that stannis + his brothers have a targaryen grandmother and thus have more “blood of the dragon” than anyone else alive except jon and dany. look in the mirror and what do you see? is it you? is it your long lost cousin? is it the dragon skulls you took down from the throne room and hid in the basement?
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leviabeat · 6 days
From VolbeatSpirits.com
Written by Ryan J. Downey
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Before he became the singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter in Volbeat, teenaged Michael Poulsen loved potent music (from heavy metal to rockabilly) and drinking socially. While building an English-style pub in his basement as an adult (which friends describe as “like something out of Peaky Blinders”), Michael discovered a deeper fondness for whiskey and the sense memories it can conjure.
“I was opening all these boxes and deciding what to put on the shelves and what to throw out,” he remembers. “I opened a bottle, took a sip, and my mind just flew away. Suddenly, I was six years old again, on the moped with my dad, going to pick corn for the birds he kept at home. I could taste and smell the grass, green apples, and pears on the trees. I looked at the bottle, and it was a very old Irish whiskey. After that, I wanted to know everything about what makes Irish whiskey so special.”
Plenty of rock stars and celebrities are content to simply slap a label on something. However, as demonstrated by Volbeat’s premium rums, that doesn’t cut it for Poulsen and his bandmates, including bassist and backing vocalist Kasper Boye Larsen and cofounding drummer Jon Larsen.
“At the regular corner supermarkets, they just have one brand, and it’s so terrible I wouldn’t even polish my bike with it,” explains Poulsen. “I couldn’t understand why getting good Irish whiskey around the world was so difficult. You must really know where to go. After making a lot of rum, I thought it would be a great challenge for someone to make an Irish whiskey with a Danish band.”
Enter the Great Northern Distillery, the largest independent distillery in Ireland.
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Thanks to its proximity to the pure waters of the Cooley Mountains, brewing began in earnest in the historic Town of Dundalk in the late 1600s. The Great Northern Distillery operates on the former Great Northern Brewery site in Dundalk, Co. Louth; the original brewery on site was in 1896. The inaugural three-year-old Irish whiskey the Great Northern Distillery produced came of age in 2018.
The late Brian Watts, master distiller and general manager at GND worked with Michael on the original blends for what became Outlaw Gentlemen. (Sadly, Watts passed away in late 2022.) Distiller, blender, and Head of Commercial Operations Brian Mongan saw the final product through.
“We went for a walk of the distillery and saw how they were working, then sat down at a table and started talking,” Poulsen remembers. Over time, samples arrived in Denmark from Ireland. “Brian Mongan really did an amazing job helping me find the right casks, barrels, and everything for this.”
Mongan remembers the collaborative process fondly. “Some people might say, ‘Oh, that guy didn’t make the whiskey himself.’ But Michael was very active in the direction of where the finished product went. A Michelin-star chef collects the best ingredients and assembles them. They don’t necessarily farm the animals and grow the vegetables. With a blended whiskey, you’re essentially pulling levers with flavor, pulling one thing back to accentuate something else. That’s one of our core competencies as a company: we distill, we mature, and we also produce whiskey blends.”
Poulsen describes the process as not unlike songwriting. “I write songs that I want to listen to, using all the elements, inspirations, and tastes I want to put into the music. It can be very detailed or straightforward. It’s the same with whiskey, figuring out what you like the best. Do it with heart.”
Ultimately, it was important for the Outlaw Gentlemen blends to capture that same immersion Michael experienced when a single sip sent him back into a fond childhood memory. “It’s a very personal whiskey. I wanted to have that feeling of being on my dad’s moped again. Everyone can come on a journey drinking it beyond just getting drunk. Great Irish whiskey can do that for you. ‘Oh my God, I’m back at my grandmother’s house. I recognize this smell.’ It’s beautiful.”
Like Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies (the multi-platinum album from which it takes its name) and everything bearing their name, Volbeat crafted Outlaw Gentleman with passion, intention, and authenticity.
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pumpkinhrat · 9 months
     It is with no small amount of shame that Jon pulls up the ‘How to Flirt with a Guy over Text’ article by ‘Wikihow’ on his laptop. It’s as his grandmother always said, though: if you’re going to do it, you had better do it right.
     Martin had texted him back yesterday, right in the middle of him taking a statement. Despite how absorbed Jon can get in them, it had been very difficult to finish the statement with the notification flashing in his periphery. He finally opened it and had received a little flip and flutter in his chest for his efforts. Silly. The phrase ‘cat-dad’ had tripped him up a little but after no small amount of googling Jon had come to the conclusion that Martin is most certainly flirting with him. Now for the response.
     Jon isn’t an idiot. He knows he’s not the most personable guy around. Hell, the whole reason Sasha and Tim had cooked up this scheme was because they’d seen him try and fail miserably at social interactions on multiple occasions. He’s always too blunt or dry or just too plain strange to hold any sort of meaningful conversation with new people. He’s half convinced the only reason Sasha, Martin, and Tim are his friends now is because they’d been forced to break down walls by virtue of their job. It’s unsurprising that things are as grim for him romantically as they are platonically.
     So, with that happy thought in mind, Jon clicks open the link. A bright white and green screen stares back at him. The blurb at the top reads “Text messaging is a great way to flirt with your guy. Flirt texting can be done with someone you are just getting to know, a guy you are developing a relationship with, or a long-term partner to add some fun to your relationship. You can also use texting to stay in touch, build interest, and connect with a guy prior to making the next move.” The last bit actually sounds like what Jon’s looking for and the tight feeling in his chest loosens a bit as he begins to scroll. Then he gets to the actual advice section.
     It’s dreadful. The entire article is littered with useless little platitudes and suggestions like “Play Up Your Fun Side!” and “Don’t Be Afraid To Tease”  and, most worryingly, “Maybe Wait To Send That Sexy Pic”. It’s exactly all the sorts of things Jon hates about first meeting someone who’s interested in him; the posturing, the desperation, the clearly produced and polished personality. He doesn’t want to send Martin a “flirty compliment” when he doesn’t even know what the man’s face looks like. And even if he did, Jon’s sure that any compliment he’d try to come up with would sound like a thinly veiled insult.
     It’s hopeless. He knew he shouldn’t trust the internet but what other options does he have? When he’d given up and debased himself to open the wikihow article, all he’d had written in reply to Martin’s text was “Yes, I do like cats.” Which, while true and, in Jon’s opinion, a perfectly serviceable response, he can hear Georgie’s disappointed sigh in his ear now. Jon echoes it as he closes out of the tab and shuts down his computer. He’ll just have to come up with a response himself. Simple.
     Fifteen minutes later, the same five words glow up at Jon from the Tinder chat box. It feels as though they’re mocking him, goading him to send the blasted text already. Everything else he’d come up with was equally if not more dreadful and Georgie wasn’t returning his texts.
     Jon takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes. He checks the time. 2:13am. Not too terrible, then. If he just sends this now he can finish up his notes on the Kominsky statement and still have a little over three hours of sleep before he has to get up for work. He looks longingly at the file on his coffee table and turns back to his phone. If this Martin is truly going to be interested in Jon as a partner of some sort, he’ll have to be accepting of Jon's way of communicating, he reasons. There’s no point trying to spruce himself up, really.
     Jon sends the text and turns off his phone.
AAAAA Dear Anon, you're back! Thank you so so much for writing more, (and i'm sorry it took me this long to respond, i've been trying to survive uni).
This is 4th part of Anon's Dating App Jmart fic. Check the tag or the pinned post to see the previous parts! This chapter is based on this part of my au.
UPDATE: You can read the whole story by JJanuaryRain on AO3! Go give them lots of love -> "all's fair in love & tinder"
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thot-chi · 2 years
House Stark, but the kids had past lives as former Stark members. Like one day they are just their usual selves and then BOOM! Suddenly, their former lives flash before their eyes!
Robb- Brandon Snow
Sansa- Cregan Stark
Bran- Bran the Builder
Arya- Lyarra Stark (Ned & sib's mother)
Rickon- Theon the Hungry Wolf
Robb/Brandon finally having the Stark name but also the responsibility. The only downside to it is that it kinda makes a rift between his own mother and him as in another life, he was a bastard. And you know how Catelyn treats Jon... With Sansa/Cregan it's because Cregan is known for the hour of the Wolf and with Sansa's history in the South that would make something interesting, along with Cregan going through womanhood. Bran² well... it would be interesting for Bran² to meet Bloodraven and imagine his surprise when he realizes Bran is also the Builder. Arya was kind of a tough one as there is not a lot of history about the women of House Stark besides a Sara Snow, so I decided to use the kid's grandmother as I always felt Lyarra Stark was a true Northern woman and she would probably raise hell at seeing a Sept in Winterfell. Also the thought of Ned Stark getting a verbal ass kicking from his mother, who is reborn as his daughter is kind of funny. Rickon, well it's almost canon to book readers that Rickon is practically a feral child, a little wildling. So imagine him being Theon the Hungry Wolf. Like imagine a pissed off three year old just shouting in anger throughout the keep "IM A FUCKING ANDAL?!?!?!"
Jon- Torrhen Stark/ some targaryen ancestor
Okay now listen,Jon was really hard to decide who he would be and at first, I was going to put him as Brandon Snow but thought it would be more dramatic to be the King who Knelt. But then I also had this idea of Valyrian magic having its dirty way and also combining a past Targaryen member and not just any boring male Targ, no, a FEMALE Targ. And not the stereotypical reborn Visenya/Rhaenys/Rhaenyra trope but the most unassuming female Targaryen like the Good Queen Alysanne or Naerys Targaryen. Two women who were Queens who suffered losses in their life and were born women to add to the suffering, but now they are reborn in a the body of a male. Their new body is strong(Naerys, who was also a frail woman) and they won't be held back by the rules that society has placed on women(Alysanne) even if they are disguised as a bastard.
Now this could change the outcome, even a tiny bit as it is now children with past lives as people who had experiences already but also its Stark ancestors learning or experiencing different things from their time; Cregan being a female now, Brandon being a trueborn Stark heir, Theon being part Andal with a Sept in Winterfell, The Builder seeing what had become of his descendants, Torrhen/F!Targ seeing what had become of their descendants as well but also wondering were everything went wrong, and Lyarra dealing with her dead husband and son, who died viciously, a daughter who died the same way she did and two living sons not being as close as a pack should be. Watching as her second son, who was not prepared to be the Warden of the North, rule Winterfell.
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esther-dot · 1 year
"Ser Jaime Lannister was twin to Queen Cersei; tall and golden, with flashing green eyes and a smile that cut like a knife. He wore crimson silk, high black boots, a black satin cloak."- Jon(AGOT I).
"He wore wool and leather, and his only garment of note was his ragged black wool cloak, its long tears patched with faded red silk."- Jon(ASOS I).
Both Jaime and Mance wearing black and red Targ colors when Jon first saw them. Jon think that Jaime should be king while he didn't recognize Mance, king beyond the Wall as he didn't look like one.
Sorry for the wait on this ask, @please-dot . I promise, I will never be better! 🫣
We talked about the Targ colored clothing popping up in pivotal Sansa scenes here, and I offered a Lyanna parallel interpretation of them, so I’m kinda primed to see Rhaegar and/or R+L=J stuff here, but the Jaime description doesn't particularly smack me as a Targ reference? So, I think yours is the fair reading. Jon thinks Jaime looks like a king, and we know he shouldn't be one (poor Bran), Jon ignores Mance at first but he in fact might as well be a king and makes some points, so it fits with the discussion of who has the appearance of a thing, who has the virtue, and how those do not necessarily align.
Let's see...in the backstories of both Jaime and Mance (just as we go on to find in Jon's story), there's a lot of criticism aimed at their vows, one that had Jaime stand by as Aerys abused his wife, and one that would have had Mance forbidden from freedom, love, a child. The main thing that strikes me in that Mance interaction is how very Rhaegar-esque it feels in hindsight. I believe there’s a theory that he is Rhaegar because it's so pointed!
If the Targ colors pop up in Sansa's story (in some part) to tell Lyanna's story, it would make sense that when they appear in Jon's they're telling us about Rhaegar's. We could say they both abandoned their duty (Mance to the Watch, Rhaegar to his wife & children, the Kingdom), for love? That’s sketchy, as I tend to think Rhaegar wanted the prophecy baby, but part of Jaime's motivation for breaking his oath was love so...idk. Before I read it as foreshadowing for Jon, who goes on to a little choosing one identity (or cloak) over the other himself, but I don't dismiss the dual purposes in certain passages.
Now that Rhaegar is on my mind, it’s hard for me to read these lyrics without think elements of Rhaegar and Lyanna’s story are popping up here:
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Since it’s presented in conjunction with the Targ colors and Rhaegar vibes, and that "Jon knew the song, though it was strange to hear it here, leagues from the red mountains and warm winds of Dorne" which is certainly a reference to Jon's birthplace and presence here, beyond the Wall, I find it hard to believe Martin wasn’t telling us about R+L=J. The reference to the lady as he’s dying even matches with Rhaegar’s last word being Lyanna:
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We even have that comment about Mance not being a guy who sleeps around a ton which is a little like Ned's somewhat incomprehensible thought about Rhaegar:
Mance took her by the hand and pulled her close. "My lady is blameless. I met her on my return from your father's castle. The Halfhand was carved of old oak, but I am made of flesh, and I have a great fondness for the charms of women . . . which makes me no different from three-quarters of the Watch. There are men still wearing black who have had ten times as many women as this poor king. You must guess again, Jon Snow."
Jon considered a moment. "The Halfhand said you had a passion for wildling music."
"I did. I do. That's closer to the mark, yes. But not a hit." Mance Rayder rose, unfastened the clasp that held his cloak, and swept it over the bench. "It was for this."
"A cloak?"
[deleted half a paragraph]
And she sewed up the rents in my cloak as well, with some scarlet silk from Asshai that her grandmother had pulled from the wreck of a cog washed up on the Frozen Shore. It was the greatest treasure she had, and her gift to me." He swept the cloak back over his shoulders. "But at the Shadow Tower, I was given a new wool cloak from stores, black and black, and trimmed with black, to go with my black breeches and black boots, my black doublet and black mail. The new cloak had no frays nor rips nor tears . . . and most of all, no red. The men of the Night's Watch dressed in black, Ser Denys Mallister reminded me sternly, as if I had forgotten. My old cloak was fit for burning now, he said.
"I left the next morning . . . for a place where a kiss was not a crime, and a man could wear any cloak he chose." He closed the clasp and sat back down again. "And you, Jon Snow?" (ASOS, Jon)
I don't know, feels like a lot of layers here, not sure I want to dig. 😐
Going back to Jaime though, is he connected to this? The idea of love/family being more powerful than all these other ideas society holds up, the vows you make…that’s interesting, and it does tie in with Jaime not wearing his white kingsguard armor when he kills Aerys/when Ned finds him,
"Aerys was dead on the floor, drowned in his own blood. His dragon skulls stared down from the walls. Lannister's men were everywhere. Jaime wore the white cloak of the Kingsguard over his golden armor. I can see him still. Even his sword was gilded. He was seated on the Iron Throne, high above his knights, wearing a helm fashioned in the shape of a lion's head. (AGOT, Ned II)
 The wench stalked off without saying a word. Jaime curled up beneath his cloak, hoping to dream of Cersei.
But when he closed his eyes, it was Aerys Targaryen he saw, pacing alone in his throne room, picking at his scabbed and bleeding hands. The fool was always cutting himself on the blades and barbs of the Iron Throne. Jaime had slipped in through the king's door, clad in his golden armor, sword in hand. The golden armor, not the white, but no one ever remembers that. Would that I had taken off that damned cloak as well. (ASOS, Jaime II
So, actually, the clothing is important, it pops up for both Mance and Jaime, in moments when they choose to break their oaths, as part of humanizing themselves/reclaiming their identities, but the most I can say about that initial scene is that Jaime is connected not merely by theme to Jon, but because he did know Jon's father, he killed Jon's grandaddy, so their stories intersect in interesting ways. And of course, Jon regrets not killing Mance, a king he believes is a threat to his loved ones, and just like Jaime, Jon has his romanticized notion of a celibate order crushed.
The main takeaway is certainly what you pointed out, as it is the end of the chapter that Tyrion's shadow stretches out and we get the foreshadowing for his impact on the fate of Westeros, although Jon was blinded by Jaime's appearance initially.
I feel like I wrote a lot and said very little? I’m gonna have to ask you to follow-up with all the parallels I totally missed! 😂
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recordsfm · 6 months
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╰   ☆  ◞  dylan minnette / cis man / he/him  ———  no way is that ASHLEY DIMARCO? you know they’re TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for THREE MONTHS. they’re chillin’ as a ASSISTANT MUSIC PRODUCER for PINNACLE RECORDS. oh and they’re notoriously known for being STUBBORN but there are some people who have seen them be CREATIVE. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called THE WALLETS, yeah they’re a SINGER/GUITARIST. to be honest they sound a lot like BRADEN BALES & WALLOWS. they’re actually A RISING STAR.
basic information:
FULL NAME: Ashley Jett DiMarco
AGE: 24
DATE OF BIRTH: June 3rd 1999
GENDER: Cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Roommates with twin sister.
family ties:
MOTHER: Natalie DiMarco
GRANDMOTHER: Abigail Anderson
FATHER: Elliott Anderson DiMarco
SIBLINGS: Amity DiMarco
PETS: 1 cat named Eevee
occupational information:
OCCUPATION: Assistant Music Producer at Pinnacle Records
answer only if your character is a musician:
ARTIST INFLUENCES: Bob Dylan, Weezer, and too many to count
POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, Thoughtful, Chivalrous
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Anxious, Shy
HOBBIES: Origami, video editing, playing guitar and keyboard, drinking
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
"Hi, uh, my name is Ash DiMarco, and I'm one of the founding members of The Wallets."
how long have you been making music?
"Well music kinda runs in my family, so it's been a part of my life forever. I mean my mom literally was pregnant on tour. But uh, when I was about 13 I started to really take it seriously. It's around this time when I begged my older cousin to be in my band and well, that's how this kinda all started."
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
"It's definitely indie rock. A little bit of pop, a touch of singer- songwriter vibes."
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
"Well obviously my mom was a huge influence on me, considering how amazing she really is. And many of her influences too, for obvious reasons, but I really draw from like blackbear, Jeremy Zucker, Jon Bellion, the 1975, Wombats, you know very alt artists that are just extremely talented and lyrical geniuses. "
what is the first record you ever bought?
"Make believe by weezer"
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
"I haven't been as successful as some of the members of my family, but I really love this industry. There's so much that goes into making an album or doing a show that I dont think people realize, and that's kinda what I love about it. I love how much work it really takes."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
"Well out music videos are what I really love and are most proud of."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing?
Awkward. The Wallets only did one tour in ten years. With local shows few and far between, and it was all because of him. The anxiety he felt on stage. "Well, we don't do a lot of shows, so..." He gave a small chuckle hoping they would move on.
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career, and what’s next for you?
Ash took a long pause, thinking about the future, what he wanted. And the truth was he didn't know. Wallets was crumbling, every member moving on in separate directions, and here he was. clinging to the music industry, cause it's all he really knew. "Sky's the limit."
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horizon-verizon · 9 months
There’s a lot of hints/rumors that children in ASOIAF aren’t fathered by their mother’s husband, including that Aegon the Conqueror didn’t father any of his sons (I do believe Visenya used dark magic to conceive Maegor). There’s Cersei and her children of course, the rumors about Rhaenyra’s sons, Daeron II, Tywin’s sister, Genna, who maybe passed off her bastards as legitimate. Elaena Targaryen had a son whom she claimed to be Ossifer Plumm’s, but is widely suspected to have actually been another of Aegon IV’s bastards. During the Dance of the Dragons, the town of Tumbleton was sacked by the Greens, Jon Roxton claimed Lord Footly’s wife Lady Sharis as his prize and killed Footly when they protested. Later, a son was born to Sharis who was claimed as Footly’s heir but was likely Roxton’s. It’s a reoccurring theme that GRRM seems obsessed with.
GRRM himself is not really a Martin. The man he thought was his grandfather isn’t genetically his grandfather. His paternal grandfather Louis, an Italian, abandoned his grandmother Grace in their youth and started a new family, although Grace, a Catholic, would not grant him a divorce. Martin didn’t have much of a relationship with Louis, but he took it on faith that they were biologically related… only they weren’t. Martin’s actual paternal grandfather was not Louis but a Jewish man, suggesting Louis may have left Grace because she had an affair. GRRM was on the genealogy program Finding Your Roots about that discovery but it’s likely something he already had suspicions about to get on that program to have some family mystery to solve with DNA testing. So, this is a major part of GRRM’s identity.
If this is all true abt GRRM, that's interesting! And yes, there are many speculations and proof of nobles having illegitimate children in this world, I remember writing in several posts that there was no way that either in real history or in Westeros that women didn't have ill kids while locked in repressive conditions & unwanted or unfulfilling arranged marriages.
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Running Away
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Keigo x quirkless oc
I just wrote this at the end of december two years ago have fun. I doubt I'm gonna add more to this story. but um I thought I'd mention that it hints at backwards tango, I mean I think most of us know where babies come from by now. I guess theres a lewd joke at the end but um... the ending is more of a joke
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Looking at the tests I couldn’t believe it. It was true. Putting every single one in the bag that I’d planned to throw away I swallowed my nerves. This was what I wanted to have a baby. My mother told me it was incredibly hard for women in our family to get pregnant so when it happened hold on and push through. But Keigo didn’t want kids.
“I guess I’ll have to go then.” I mumble picking myself up from the shock.
It wasn’t severe and the symptoms weren’t showing strongly, I could plan this out.
“Hey love bird? Promise you won’t be mad.” Later that night Keigo pouts.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to go on a few missions out of Tokyo, still in Japan. I won’t be home for a few months.” He explains.
This was perfect. “That’s fine, just take care of yourself. I don't want you to run yourself ragged.”
“I’ll call every chance I get.”
“Once a week is fine, I don’t want you to stress,” I look at him with a small smile.
“I have to leave the day after tomorrow.”
Grabbing his hand I sigh. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
This was working out too well. But this was going to be interesting. Due to certain things you were a bit of an enigma in the system. You were permanently living in Japan, but it was because of the nature of the visa you had that often made others confused. You could leave at any time.
So after letting Keigo leave and waiting a few days for that first call. You left everything electronic there and took your clothes and other things back home. To America.
Everything was different because of the passing of time but your house was fine. You were more than happy to know everything was kept the same.
“Lynn, you look happier than a groundhog in a hole. I thought you weren’t coming back home.” The man waiting for you smiles.
“Plans changed and I decided to come home,” you chuckle nervously. “All my things will be here in about a month.”
“That’s fine, I’m sure there’s some of your ma’s old stuff at the house.” He ruffles your hair and takes the suitcases from you. “What’s it like across the water?”
“It was fun, I’m amazed by how differently everyone handles their repatriations. But not that it means much—“ you covered your mouth trying to stop the natural reaction. Certain smells triggered the morning sickness, one in particular you didn’t expect was chicken.
Rushing to the nearest bathroom you emptied your stomach and cleaned yourself up. Your uncle stood there with a pointed look. This wasn’t an uncommon situation in your family, a girl gets pregnant and runs away to her family for one reason or another.
“What did he do to you?”
“Uncle Clark, I’m fine. He didn’t do anything but be the best man to me ever,” you didn’t have a quirk so often when you were dating the other party believed themselves to be better than you. “He didn’t want kids.”
The tall man sighs. “Let’s get you home. You need a midwife, I’m not trusting my little sister's baby girl to a hospital.”
It made sense, for some reason when the family visited a hospital to give birth it only resulted in the gradual dilapidation of that person like a withering flower. Your grandmother had survived through sheer spite, and you wished to do the same.
The house you had was close to the family land. Your family wasn’t too big considering a lot of the family considered the difficulty getting pregnant as a curse. Getting everything situated it wasn’t long before your belly grew. There were a few hospital things that were unavoidable. Especially considering the nature of pregnancy for a quirkles person.
“Lynn, you look ready to pop,” your cousin laughs.
“Keep poking fun at me Jon and I’m telling on you,” you hiss. “Apparently I’m having twins.”
“Woah two little feet running about in two years. I wonder what they’ll look like? Momma says I get to help you around the house until it’s time.”
“I know. Tell your Ma I appreciate her.”
“She already knows.” You hear the new voice.
“Hi Aunty.” You wave from your spot.
“Your uncle and Konner will be done with the additions to the house soon. They just wanna be sure there was enough light in the room,” she sighs. “Twins.”
You nod. Excitement had grown in the whole family when they found out that you were pregnant. It was usually a very exciting thing considering your moms side of the family.
“Have you talked to the man since you left?”
“No, I’m sure he won’t notice me gone.”
“I don’t know about that sweet pea. Jon, you wanna tell her?”
You look at your cousin confused.
“At school we sometimes do a review of heroes, we took a look at Japan. I told them you lived there for a while and I knew some information about the other heroes. But it seems that Hawks has been going through a rough patch.”
“Yeah, he usually eats chicken a lot. And you know how crazy his metabolism is but he said he gets sick. Then for a few days everyone was concerned because she kept falling asleep.”
You raise a brow. What was going on with him? Despite the estimation you went into early labor.
It took a while but both boys were born safely: Takahiro and Toukou. Your wrinkly raisin babies were in the world. Staying at your aunt’s house until the room was finished you felt exhausted.
The months brought changes though. It was at the first month you noticed red marks on their backs. It wasn’t a bother to them but you did ask the doctor when you went for the check up.
“You said their father has a wing quirk, it could be early quirk development. It is said to be rather painful, so possibly soothing their pain with a warm washcloth could be handy.”
This didn’t help you. But still you took them for their check ups and other things by month four the wing buds were beginning to poke out of the skin. The warm wash cloth was working to help. But it was almost a year that they had a small pair of wings poking from their backs. 
“I’m gonna have a ball with you two aren’t I?” You laugh.
You felt your heart strings pull. With every day they seem to look more and more like their dad with little bits of you mixed in. Takahiro was a little bigger than his twin, his small tuft of hair was the same strawberry red as yours but his eyes were the same gold as his fathers. Toukou had Keigo’s hair but your piercing green eyes. Both of them had the same deep brown skin as you thought.
It felt like if you blinked they were already flying around and talking. Maybe you could go back to Japan to see your little brother, so he could meet the twins. But what if Keigo was still looking for you? 
“Do you want to go back?” Your aunt asks.
“Yes, but I know there isn’t much there for me but my little brother.”
“Just go to Japan, there’s no way he can find you that easily.”
With that you packed your things again and the boys things. They were four and you’d already taught them Japanese, both could speak it better than English. Getting everything in order you were surprised by how easily the visa was accepted.
Japan felt like it didn’t change but it was different. Instead of living at the heart of Tokyo like before you chose a different city and more toward the spacious areas. The house you secured was rent to own and you were excited since the neighborhood seemed nice.
“Momma, are we gonna go to school here?” Toukou asks.
Both boys' wings weren’t red, which was good. They had a matching pair of blue gray wings.
“Yes baby, Takahiro, are you upset?” You ask to look at the other child.
“Are we gonna live with dad?”
You pause. “I dunno. I haven’t talked to your father, first you get to meet your uncle. Then I might see if you two can meet your dad.”
He frowns. “I don’t wanna meet him, if he didn’t have the right mind to keep you he’s not worth our time!” 
Toukou frowns. “If he makes momma sad I don’t wanna see him either.”
“Go plan out the backyard while I finish tidying up.” You pat them gently.
Sure they were okay, you started tearing into boxes. It was dark by the time the three of you sat in the living room eating the takeout you ordered.
Getting the message from your brother you smirk as he called. “Hey, I didn’t think you’d come back after disappearing like that.”
“Things happened?” You shrug. “You coming over right? The boys might be asleep by the time you get here.”
“I’m at your door. Open up.”
You hear the knock on your door and through the phone. Your little brother stood there with a smile. Giving  him a firm hug you practically drag him inside. The twins peek around to see who was there.
“Boys come meet your uncle Kai.” You state.
“Damn, I know you said you had kids but I didn’t know you had two little men!” He laughs. “It’s nice to finally meet you two.”
Toukou was the first one to speak. “Uncle, mom said you’re a hero. Is that true?”
“Yup. I work so you two can go to school.”
You punch him. “Don’t say things like that. I have a job.”
You did take a step back as they talked and eventually the boys fell asleep. With your brother’s help you got them to sleep and finished cleaning up after giving him some food.
Kai looks at his cup for a second as you dry your hands. “Are you gonna see him?”
This made you stop as if you were in a movie. “Um, I don’t know Kai.”
“He hasn’t stopped looking for you.” He eyes you as you grab a beer from the fridge.
“Well, it wasn’t like I was hiding. But I don’t wanna see him hurt.” Sipping the beer you sit on the counter.
He stands up. “Lynn, he didn’t hit you did he?”
You were midway putting the can back up to take a sip. Keigo never put his hands on you with the intention of harm. “No, Kai. He wasn’t anything like dad. Just let it go. I left because he didn’t want kids.”
He watches me for a second and sighs. “Did you even tell him you were pregnant?”
“Lynn! It’s been years,” he gasps before checking the time. “Shit I gotta go home.Stay safe okay?”
“Course. Keep us safe okay?”
It felt like everything was fine. Until one day when you were sitting on the back porch. It was big enough for you to lay on if you wanted to, but you sat at the edge with your feet dangling off the edge as you sipped the wine.
“Careful there lovebird.”
Your heart clenched as you spat the wine you were about to swallow. Panic filled your senses as you were considering booking it into the house but he was already facing you with his hand holding yours gently like he always did. Tears welled up in your eyes. You were the one who left but it hurt you too. There were other decisions, there were other options but you chose to leave.
“How’s the married life?” He asks with a hollow chuckle.
You roll your eyes. “I’m not married, Keigo.”
“Really? Could have fooled me. Is there anything that you wanna tell me?” He looks at you and you sigh.
“Some time when I’m sober.”
He frowns. “Lovebird.”
You frown as you capped the wine. “Fine. You wanna know? I bet it’s been eating at you for these years, I left because I was pregnant.”
“Who was it?” Your heart stung. He actually thought that you would cheat on him.
“Who else was I sleeping with, Keigo? They are your children.” Just as you consider saying more the door behind you opens.
“Mommy, I had a nightmare,” Takahiro’s whine made you jump up. Pulling him into a hug you let him lean against you.
“It’s okay baby, mommy is here.” You reassure him.
Keigo was bewildered. Indeed the boy in your arms bore a striking resemblance to himself. But he also kept an eye on the boy watching him from the door. His hair.
“Momma, who’s he?”
“Toukou, how about we have some tea? He’s…a guest.” You managed as you picked up the crying boy in your arms.
Your son looked at his father with suspicion and skepticism. What could be on his mind?
“You wanna come in?”
Keigo took his boots off and followed you inside. Takahiro maneuvers around you and clings to your back as you make tea. Sleepy milk tea for them, and green tea for yourself.
Keigo was awkward the entire time. Sitting on the ground while Toukou glares him down, the wariness of a child is evident. You weren’t surprised considering how guarded both of your sons always were.
Placing the tray of cups down you let Takahiro climb down as he grabbed his cup and Toukou grabbed his.
“What are your names?” Keigo asks.
Takahiro moves closer to your side. Toukou frowns.
“Be nice please. He’s not a bad person, you can tell him.”
“My name is Takahiro.”
You kiss their heads and sigh. “Look at you two, I’m so proud of you.”
“My name is H-“
You cut him off. Waiting for them to pause in their drinking.
“He’s your father.”
“What?!” Both of them look at you in shock.
“I’m actually your dad. Not even sure how that happened.”
You give him a pointed look. “You know exactly how it happened. But that's besides the point. You three have met.”
Everyone returned to their quiet tea sipping and you watched. The tension was thick and you weren’t sure if a knife would be strong enough to cut it. They finished their tea and it was still quiet.
Takahiro stands up with a frown. He grips your hand tightly. “Why didn’t you want us?” He despite being the bigger twin was the quiet one.
Keigo seemed confused at this question. “I didn’t even know you existed. How could I decide if I wanted you or not?”
Takahiro frowns, separating you and Keigo with his body. “I know that. But you told mommy that you didn’t want to have kids. Everyday she sat outside crying because she didn’t know if she did the right thing. Knowing that we wanted to see you she still didn’t because she-“
Toukou stands next to him and uses his wings as a shield. “She didn’t want us to be disappointed in case you didn’t want us. What if you left momma alone and never spoke to her because of us? Momma is the strongest person we know, sure uncle is cool because he’s a hero but momma is stronger than any hero we’ve met.”
“Toukou, Takahiro. You two should get some sleep. It’s late and I’m sure you don’t wanna miss the first day of school.” You remind them.
“Okay.” Takahiro drops his wings. “Don’t hurt our mom.”
Toukou drops his wings and looks at you. “Can we sleep with you?”
“Yes, go get ready for bed again. I’ll be up there in ten minutes. Let me ask your father to leave,” you pat their heads.
They disappear up the stairs. You look to the man that is the father of your children.
“Now that you’ve thoroughly destroyed your image for the boys can you please go back to what you were doing,” you state pointing to the back door.
“Keigo, it’s not the time. I’m tired, and I need to reevaluate how I’ve been handling my emotions,” you run a hand through your hair with a shaky breath.
Keigo looks at you before pulling you into a hug. “No. The last time I listened to you, you left without so much as a word. Lynn you made it seem like you’d stay and I’d talk to you next week. I called your phone everyday hoping that you’d pick up. God I asked your brother to tell me why you left but he refused.”
“Kai is smart.” You huff.
“Are you even listening to me? I’ve waited day after day for five years hoping that I could see you again. Now that you’re here within my grasp, I’m not letting go baby,” he looks into your eyes. The raw emotion filling his eyes was making you crumble, maybe you made the wrong decision. It seemed like the right thing to do. Keigo wasn’t a bad person and you did want to go through everything with him.
“On your next day off you can come to the house.” You manage. “I was the one who messed up, because I was scared. Also I know Takahiro and Toukou can’t stand my inability to keep up with them. Japan is more packed than the house we had before.”
“My next day off, I got it. You’re not disappearing on me again lovebird.”
It was odd. Aside from having to move and getting a much bigger place of residence. The walls were higher and you could let the boys fly freely. Keigo took to helping you with the boys almost immediately. Toukou was the quickest to warm up to him but Takahiro was still a little hesitant to get comfortable.
“Mom, can we get another sibling?”
You dropped the cup in your hand. “What?”
“Please we want a baby sister or brother.”
Keigo looks at you for a moment then to the boys. “We’ll have to think about it.”
Considering you had barely survived your wedding and faking that the registration happened sooner you were a bit stuck. Not that you really ever considered having children after the twins.
“But mom likes taking care of babies.”
“You’re my babies, I like taking care of you.” You remind them. “Go finish your homework.”
Later that night you and Keigo sat awkwardly in your room.
“So they want another sibling.” Keigo sighs.
“It’s fine this should pass. They asked for a new baby before I explained to them that I couldn’t yet.” You look at your husband with a hesitant frown. “Do you want a baby?”
“Well, it’s more what you want. You’re gonna be carrying them for nine months and then some.” He points out.
You wince. “You know, I’m glad the boys grew their wings later. I can’t imagine what it’d have been like if they were born with wings.”
“When did they grow in?”
“It took two years. It started when they were three months old.”
He looks at you. “I’m sorry.”
“For what? I’m the one who ran away.”
“No? I should have been clear with you. I was scared I’d be a horrible father so I didn’t want to have kids but now that I’ve been with the boys for this long I-“
“I know Keigo. I thought I’d be a pretty shit mom, but luckily I had things to keep me going.”
“I’m also upset that I missed the swollen tummy.”
“I don’t miss the cravings. You know I couldn’t eat chicken for months.”
“Hehe, neither could I.”
You look at him and sigh. “I guess let’s have another baby. But just know, you’re in charge of all my weird cravings.”
“I get to-“
“Don’t say it.”
“Only this one time.”
“I’m gonna breed my love bird.”
Mm. Yeah, you regret agreeing. Because if you thought the backwards tango with Keigo was tiring when you weren’t trying to get pregnant it was exhausting.
But it yielded quick results. Going to the doctors you found you were pregnant again. This time with triplets.
Luckily the house was big. Luckily you could do it together.
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no-literally · 1 year
10 books
Rules: 10 books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by @lyriclorelei​ and oh boy did I end up going on a lot about these picks!
The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone - I was so extremely a Sesame Street-raised child. This book taught me about meta humor and histrionics, both of which I adore in my media today.
Maida’s Little Shop by Inez Hayes Gilmore - This is a book my grandmother read as a girl, and then my mother read as a girl, and then I got to read. It’s about a rich and sick girl who leaves her family to start a shop (with adult supervision) and finally makes friends. It taught me about pig latin and popcorn balls. (Also, turns out the author was a feminist journalist, so we love that.)
Meet Samantha by Susan S. Ader - I promise I didn’t just read books about wealthy girls from the turn of the century as a child! But I did get HEAVILY sucked in by the American Girl dolls, and I’ve gotten pulled right back as a pandemic comfort coping mechanism. Re-reading this book, I realized it influenced my creative writing, my sense of justice, and my understanding of how to be a good friend.
The Realm of Possibility by David Levithan - As a teenager, this book of interconnected poems from different characters let me feel like I was listening in on a full school’s worth of teenage issues and feelings. It taught me compassion; it let me feel less alone.
As You Like It by William Shakespeare - Seeing this play in college might have been when I fell in love with plays (I’d say theater, but I was sold on musicals by age 8). It’s more or less where my fake dating obsession starts. Give me a ship this messy any day.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro - This book is SO SAD and SO BEAUTIFUL and I’m glad I watched the movie to stay in the world a little bit longer. My Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan obsessions are due to this book.
Angels in America by Tony Kushner - Another sprawling obsession: I saw the HBO series, I immediately borrowed a copy of the play(s), I bought my own copy of the play, I saw the play(s) in real life, I saw the play(s) filmed for National Theater Live. Now I’m gearing up for another round of obsession when I read the oral history sitting on my bookshelf. I love these characters, the magical realism, the real-life people mixed with fictional ones, and the hope in the ending.
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan - This book helped me realize I LOVE linked short stories that share a variety of perspectives. (In creating this list, I’m seeing just how many books I love are proof of that!) I’ve read other favorites, like Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and There There by Tommy Orange, because this book taught me I loved this genre. Also, it has a chapter that’s just powerpoint slides? LOVE that.
The Wicked + The Divine comics by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie - This comic is so well thought-out that random lines and visuals in the first issue reference the plot points of the last. A comic series about fandom, power, mythology, and inspiration. Plus, a murder mystery! I enjoyed every issue, even the one that really, honestly, had too much gore for my liking.
The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite - This was the book that got me into romance novels, which would have been enough of a gift on its own! But in addition to being a wonderful intro to the genre, it stars two women who are passionate about their work (though that work is very different), a romance plot that is people-focused instead of circumstance, and a thesis about who writes history and why notable women’s legacies are willfully erased by the patriarchy. A great, gorgeous read. 
Tagging: @onthecyberseas @dollsome-does-tumblr @homeschoolpromqueen @trianamars @nicoleanell @strix-alba
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Thinking about Rhaenys, as I usually do, and who among her ancestors (both Martell and Targaryen) do you think she would admire? I have many thoughts on her growing up as the most visibly Dornish of her siblings and having a complicated relationship with the heated history between her two bloodlines, while also being a princess whose every actions and words would be heavily scrutinized.
Im actually writing a little bit on this in the latest chapter of my rhaella fic! I think in most AUs she would try to emphasise her targaryen ancestry and would be unhappy about having to distance herself from her dornish side but doing it anyway because she thinks it's safer.
I think Rhaenys would admire quite a few of her ancestors for different reasons because she both has to contend with her position as someone who is visibly dornish, and a woman. Girl has a double whammy of unprivileged identities.
Regarding her female relatives:
Very far in the past she admires Nymeria because well duh ofc she does. She is very proud of having Nymerias blood running through her veins.
I think Rhaenys would (obviously) admire Rhaenys the Queen who never was, Rhaenyra and Rhaena (Alyssa Velaryons daughter) for being fairly fiery and managing to make their voices heard in a man's world, and the first two for standing by their claims against male relatives (which she is concerned about herself in a worst case scenario).
In the first dornish war i think Meria and Deria (but especially Meria) would gain a lot of her admiration for their bravery and tenacity.
I also have her secretly admiring Visenya (but not admitting it to anyone) and Shiera (which she will loudly proclaim) because both of them practiced magic and much like Marwyn the Maege she is interested in magic but has absolutley zero faith in prophecy. I think she also especially admires Shiera for managing to stay unmarried.
More recently she admires Naerys Targaryen, Myriah Martell and her own grandmother Rhaella for being excellent queens and doing their duty at a great personal cost (Naerys dealing with Aegon, Myriah giving up Dorne and Rhaella for managing to survive Aerys and Rhaegars personal and political instability).
Of her male relatives I think she admires Baelor Breakspear (obviously. She feels very close to him as another visibly dornish targ and has managed to snag a dagger of his from the armory for herself), Aegon the dragonbane (she likes him because he's no one's favourite and she feels sorry for him), Quoren Martell (for being smart enough to stay out of the dance) and Bloodraven for being a great bastard who remained loyal and because she secretly thinks the magic was cool.
Bonus round of relatives she likes the least: Daeron the young dragon (hates the invasion of Dorne), Rhaenys I the wife of Aegon the conqueror (not cause of the Dorne thing but because people keep implying she'll marry her own brother and be his Rhaenys and she is like....nO), Baelor the Blessed (doesn't like that he created the maidenvault) and Aemon the dragonknight (in Rhaenys' mind he didn't do enough to keep Aegon away from Naerys). The last one puts her into a lot of conflict with Jon because the dragonknight is one of his favourite relatives 😅.
Bonus Bonus round: she thinks some of the thinks Archmaester Vaegon said and did were hilarious.
Triple bonus round (and a sad one): she read about Blood and Cheese and what happened to Helaena, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor when she was younger (I think about 9) and she freaked out and slept in Rhaellas rooms for weeks until Rhaegar found out and had builders inspect her rooms and assure here there were no secret exits or entrances. She told Viserys she still didn't feel safe and Viserys told her to sleep with a knife under her pillow, and he helped her pinch Baelor Breakspears dagger and they both got a telling off when Rhaegar and Rhaella found out (but they let her keep the dagger).
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