#I have ADHD/Discalculia/Dysgraphia
i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
My audhd + dyscalculia + dysgraphia + anxiety assement is today :)
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queerzaza · 6 years
I have a hard time learning things and an even harder time remembering what I learn. Im homeschooled but I went to a local highschool for choir but this year I didnt. I feel really dumb and like I cant learn Anything and like im behind on school (im Way behind on math) and im so scared that ill never learn, never get anywhere because I just can't focus enough to learn and I cant remember anything.
As someone with learning disabilities, who teaches HS to ppl with learning disabilities...it sounds like you probs have a learning disability. Some people learn new info easily, others need things taught to them in specific ways to really grasp the material. There’s nothing wrong with that. You just learn differently. 
Look into things like ADHD and auditory or visual processing disorder(s), as those are the most common. ADHD is a medical diagnosis and can only be given by a doctor, and AP/VP or any other LD can be diagnosed by a psychologist. There are tests online, but they aren’t reliable. Your best bet is to get yourself tested at that school, which they can do for free. 
Find out what’s going on and learn...how you learn. It can make a huge difference and doesn’t get in the way of you achieving any of your educational goals, in fact it’ll help you reach them. Wishing you all the good luck, turtledove!
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