#I have 1 v important ? 4 u boss— I’m actually gonna play this save so I’m making us n we’re gonna go 2 high school together so my question
fuzzyunicorn · 5 days
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Daddy! I’m making us some Colorado apartments n this is my art studio!
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villainship · 6 years
[SWTOR asks/questions - R answers]
From @ghostace!
Extremely sorry if the text cut doesn’t work. lmao. I just answered All of it.
1. do you play mostly as male or female bodied characters? which body type do you use the most?
I go about equal on the gender options. I LIKE the body type 2 (aka. the societal beauty standard I’m accustomed to), but I try to mix it up. I don’t like what #1 does with the heads/faces but I do like female #4 faces.
2. which class has your favourite visual aesthetic?
Probably sniper, although double lightsabers are good too.
3. what advanced class has your favourite combat style for levelling, pve, and/or pvp?
Juggernaut/Guardian tanking is my top choice because it’s not complicated. Levelling sniper/gunslinger has been more fun.
4. are there any class combat styles you love, but can’t deal with on the mirrored version?
I still have so much to learn--I don’t have this issue yet.
5. what discipline can you just not play worth a damn?
I imagine the worst will prrroobably be trooper/BH heals. It seems like there’d be a lot going on, and I’m really unsuited to juggling different skills/unsuited for heals generally.
6. are there any disciplines you haven’t ever tried? which ones?
I’ve done tanking, DPS, and some healing, but there’s a lot of subtypes of the classes I’ve never tried.
7. what class has your favourite voice acting?
I haven’t finished much of the game! But uh. I really love the male warrior voice. Guilty obsession.
8. what single line is your favourite piece of dialogue in-game? where is it from?
So far: the exchange on Corellia where you can convince the droid to call up Baras -- just to troll him.
9. what single-planet class story arc is your favourite from all/any of the classes?
From my limited experience, Warrior’s story on Belsavis sticks with me.
10. which class story has the best story arc on a planet you normally hate?
I guess I hate Quesh but that was a good Warrior moment too.
11. which class story has the weakest story arc on a planet you normally love?
uhh I do love Ilum, but don’t feel too strongly about the short plot there (except I loved to look So Important in the cut scenes).
12. which shared (pub/imp) planetary arc can you never skip when levelling through the vanilla story?
8); I don’t tend to skip them yet.
13. are there any side/exploration/heroic missions you especially love?
Can’t think of one right now--but I love event missions. Gree & rakghouls!!
14. which character did you make as a throwaway (ie DvL) and came to love?
I haven’t really had that experience. Cezek is not meant to be particularly important, but I guess I might end up playing her more than I thought b/c sniping is fun.
15. which character did you think was going to stick around but these days is at the bottom of your login list?
No-. . . !!! I love all my children. . . !!
16. who was your original main? do you still play them?
Tarskal. 😒He’s still a main. Lol. Kirryl (pubside) is less-played than I might like her to be. She’s still my only max-level DPS, but DPS is not often sought-after.
17. if you have any older characters, what’s changed about them since you started?
It’s been less than 2 yrs since I started and I still haven’t finished with any of them-! so. . I wouldn’t call any of them ‘older characters’.
18. what companion headcanons/meta do you follow no matter what?
Several of them are MORE GAY than vanilla romance would have you believe.
19. which companion traits would you like to return to the writer’s room for reevaluation?
From what I’ve heard, I would like them to reconsider Doc’s behavior with “no means no”.
20. what five companions would you pick, from all of them, if you had to make a new crew?
Going with what I know: 1. Ashara 2. Vector 3. honestly maybe Qyzen 4. a Nexu 5. (this spots saved for a later favorite)
21. what in-game decision did you most dislike the given options for?
nggh. There’s gonna be some bad ones I bet.
22. do you collect cartel market items or stick to base-game? older items, newer items, a mix?
My character wardrobe is usually just stuff I picked up in the game. I am very into SH decos--cartel or otherwise.
23. which outfit did you spend the longest on? the most credits?
All are meticulously chosen. lol. I think the only pricy one was when I bought the Show-Off armor to have the open-chested vest for TD (cuz the Hooligan jacket with the belts was never in my price range). Getting skanky is the most costly style choice in this game. (And it was not outrageously pricey.)
24. what item(s) did you most regret buying on the gtn or cartel market?
Oh, I dunno that I have any big regrets yet. Maybe a few things I’m like “well THAT could have been cheaper if I waited”.
25. what collections category do you have the highest % completion in?
97% emoteeees
26. which stronghold did you spend the most time decorating? the most credits?
I unlocked most of Yavin, which was Expensive, but I have never properly decorated there. I might have spent approximately equal amounts of time on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas (a Lot for each). Nar Shaddaa is decorated-ish but maybe didn’t take so long.
27. which stronghold do you spend the most time in?
Nar Shaddaa on imperial (it’s got my best convenience setup), Coruscant on pub side.
28. do you host anything at your stronghold, or is it mostly for you?
I’m ready to have anybody over anytime!! I mean I also use it to conceptualize living situations for my OCs, but it’s awfully lonely if no one else ever visits.
29. what do you most like about the changes from beta, vanilla, early f2p, 4.0, etc?
I haven’t been here that long. :o I like how things turn more convenient though. 8); I DO remember a time before heroics were available in the activity window.
30. what do you miss the most about “the old days”? if a newer player, what have you heard about that you would have liked to experience?
Hmmm. It would have been cool to play before spoilers are just A Given about everything. And I don’t know if it was ever a thing, but I like to imagine a scenario where people actually do PVP in the rakghoul tunnels b/c that sounds like a glorious mess. Lol. Oh--AND I wouldn’t mind seeing what planets/world-bosses were like before everything got adjusted-for-level.
31. tell us a random fact/story you haven’t shared before about a swtor experience
Everybody loves to habitually touch/pick-up whatever items they can in this game, yea? 
Well, when we were settling into being level 70, Dani and tried (and enjoyed) playing Uprisings with just the 2 of us and companions. (It can be easy for 2 people on Story mode, or they can present just a nice level of challenge--I learned a lot through those before I really started doing Flashpoints, actually). 
We did good on Inferno! That was the first one. Big success.
We tried Destroyer of Worlds as our very next one, I think. 
So like. . . the mobs weren’t causing many problems for us. It can get a lil crazy, but a tank (me) can keep things a bit organized, and Dani would AOE-/decimate/ those mobs as DPS. They are so weak. >:) ! We must have beat at least one boss encounter (possibly 2).
But as you go, there’s these ~mysterious~ stone tablets scattered all around the caverns, radiating a mystical energy.
U can click on them. Pick them up.
WHICH--as it turns out--(spoilers lmao) is the method of summoning the bonus boss Tentacle McAlien Horrorsquiggles.
Well no sense in letting the new visitor go unchallenged, now that it’s standing there waiting to say hi-- It--uh--turns out, though: the bonus boss was CONSIDERABLY more tough for us than the rest. We did our v best & gave it all we had (I def didn’t know everything I know now about playing my character, and gear was Worse), but we were hopelessly outmatched. \8) Got Wrekked a few times without any progress.
And then we realized we had to walk past the Monstrosity to get through the door. It did not despawn. So . . . Some more death resulted from that.
In the end, I THINK we made it past with Juli’s group-stealth. But the droid with our explosives did not progress far enough to trigger the end of the Uprising. (Either that, or that happened on a different run-through. . .) RIP & Reset. 8D;
We did finally complete the whole thing on the do-over (no problem~!!!) . . .  But we’ve never gone back and had our rematch w/ that eldritch bonus boss.
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