#I hate professors on a power trip
nonotnolan · 5 months
Jock Cock, Part 1
"You wanted to see me, sir?" Adam Johnson, next year's star quarterback and this year's bane of my existence, looked up at me with his baby blue eyes. If he was trying to look small and unintimidating, it would have worked better without carrying 200+ pounds of muscle on a six foot frame.
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Well, if he wanted to be melodramatic, two could play that game. "You know full well why I called you here, Adam." I thumped the stack of papers on my desk for emphasis. "You've been failing ECON 105 all semester, but suddenly you can score an 83% on the final exam? It's enough to get you D- in this class. It's not a perfect score, but it's still enough for you to avoid academic probation."
His face flashed with a brief moment of irritation before setting back into his normal, casual stupor. "Well, I wasn't studying before, and now I did. It's not like I scored all that great... sir."
"We both know that you don't know what 'sustainability' means, Adam. You tried to fly under the radar, you didn't cheat your way into a 100%... but it's still cheating. We both know that academic misconduct is a serious crime." I tried my best to sound stern and disappointed, but it was hard to be angry at a face this sexy.
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Adam just laughed at me. "And if you could prove it, you wouldn't be calling me into a private meeting, would you?" He leaned back into a shit-eating grin, displaying his dazzling white teeth. This asshole had the upper hand, and he knew it.
"I checked every single essay!" I said, pounding the stack of papers once again. "Every essay, in every single TA's session of this class. You didn't plagiarize... but we both know this isn't your style of writing. And we watched you like a hawk during the exam itself, so you didn't cheat that way, either."
Adam leaned close into my face. "Professor Michaels has no idea that you called me in here, does he? You're just a Teaching Assistant on a power trip, and it's all because you can't stand knowing how I did it." He was right, and I hated him for it. Worse, when he stood this close to me, I could smell the musk of his body.
"Tell you what," he added, pulling off his tank top to reveal a set of firm abs. "You let me get away with this... sign off on my scores, whatever you need to do... and I'll let you live out one of your deepest, darkest fantasies." He struck a pose, showing off both his rippling muscles and his hairy pits. "We both know that you'll never get jock cock any other way. Come on, Teach. You want this."
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Was I really that easy to read? "I-- I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Look, if you're going to stick to your lie about studying, then you can just leave. I don't... there's no need to insult my moral character. You're a student, Adam."
He responded by leaning in close to me, and placing his hand on top of my bulge. "Your body betrays you," he whispered, letting his fingers massage my inner thigh. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not your student. Adam and I swapped bodies so that I could take all of his final exams."
"I... yes, well..." That was the last thing I expected him to say, but it would explain a lot if it were true, somehow. It seemed much more likely than a desirable athlete like Adam coming onto me, at the very least.
"Be that as it may," I said, grabbing his hand and moving it away before my cock started leaking though my slacks, "that body still belongs to one of my students. And I still have meetings to attend today, so if we're done here..."
Adam, or the stranger in Adam's body, just laughed at me. "You're the one who wanted to have this meeting, remember? But that's fine, I know when I'm not wanted. But here's the thing-- once you submit grades at end of day, Adam's not your student anymore." He started typing something on his phone. "And honestly, I expected this from you. You're so uptight. Good thing you gave everyone your cell phone number on the syllabus at the start of the year. So if you change your mind... now you can have Adam's number, and a bonus pic from me."
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"I know you don't know the real me, but trust me Kevin-- I've wanted to plow that uptight hole of your for months. And in this body, I've actually got a shot at it." The stranger slapped my ass before I could react, and swaggered out of the room. Whoever was inside of Adam's body, they knew my first name.
I looked at the retreating wall of shoulder muscles, and down at the teasing bathroom selfie the stranger sent to me. God help me, I was only human. And he was right-- how else was I going to get jock cock? He wasn't a student, not really, and that's what mattered. "You win. Tonight at 8pm, my place. Bring lube."
Check out Part 2 here. Check out Part 3 here.
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anjelicawrites · 9 months
Hello! May I request a pvert!michael gavey x reader being roommates and their power goes out during a winter storm so they have to share the bed for warmth and things gets pretty steamy in the shared bed... thank you!
Hi nonnie! This came out far longer than what I thought it would be! I hope you like it!
NSFW and 18+ only under the cut!
Warnings: reference to Michael x the agoraphobic girl, kissing, scratching, fingerfucking, p in v sex, dry humping, Michael being a bit darkish at the end.
The start of your second year in Oxford had been horrendous, from having to switch from your college to another, while all your friends remained there, to having been moved where that asshole Michael Gavey lives.
You should have nothing against the guy, you two have more things in common than almost all of your peers, yet you find him the personification of everything that irks you: the flaunting of his, admittedly, brilliant mind, his superiority complex and his complete disregard for social norms. His reasons for not liking you are a complete mystery.
You two try as hard as possible not to cross paths with one another, luckily enough your two degrees have just one class in common and you don't study in the library he goes to, preferring to walk a bit further and be with your friends. Even in the common room, you and Michael have managed to not to stumble upon one another, synchronizing your schedules so that, whenever one is using the room, the other is somewhere else.
Obviously the universe has to play another one of its sick tricks and disrupt the, fragile, harmony of your life, in the form of: the worst snow storm of the past ten years, the power going out and you struck in the college with him. Everyone is out for the weekend, but you and Michael, having both to study for a mid - semester test for the only class you two share.
You know he has no friends, not since Oliver Quick decided that hanging out with Felix Catton and his people was far more entertaining than the ramblings of a math nerd and you feel like Michael has dodged a bullet there, you don't know why. You are on your own because all your friends are on a week - end trip to London; you would have been there with them, if only the professor hadn't decided to be a bastard and move up the test date.
Your chagrin notwithstanding, you had a plan, which consisted of: sealing yourself in your room, heating turned to the max and study all day so you could watch some telly the night, or read one of the new books you bought and didn't have the chance to open, yet. A splendid plan indeed, which worked perfectly on Friday and is crushed on Sunday, when the electricity stops working, all of a sudden, with a pop.
You lift your head, almost giving yourself a whiplash, when the lights go out, all of a sudden and you can't hear MTV in the background anymore.
"What the hell?"
Uselessly you try the switch on the small lamp on your table and try to turn on your laptop: everything is dead. With a curse, you wrap your fleece night gown around yourself, and venture in the hall, where you discover that all the lights are off. You lock the door behind you, not wanting to disperse the warmth accumulated, in case the heating dies as well, and venture to the common room which is, predictably, dark.
"Look what the cat dragged in."
Comes from behind you and you jump around with a scream, hand clutching the robe. That fucking creep Gavey! There's some sort of power outrage and, of course, he's the only one around!
"Fuck you!" You pant, your heart is beating like a drum in your chest. "The feeling is mutual." He responds, his usual disdain in his voice.
Why in the name of all is holy does he hate you so?
You two stand in the dark, like two imbeciles, eyes locked, neither of you wants to be the one to ask the predictable question.
"Is someone else here with us?" You cave, in the end, sick and tired already of the whole situation.
Gavey stares at you, if possible, with even more contempt in his blue eyes.
"Afraid of being alone with me?" "No, you utter cretin. I was simply wondering if there's other students in the same predicament we are, or if the person in charge is around." "Everyone else is out and I haven't seen Mr. Collins."
You curse inwardly. As much as you don't like Michael, you two need help and are not going to find it in the common room.
"Let's go." Gavey turns his back at you. "Maybe he's in his office."
Begrudgingly, you follow him. You don't have that many hopes to find the man, it's too late, but maybe he's still around, because of the snow.
The light from the windows dwindles, forcing you and Michael to navigate the corridors and stairs carefully, until you two stand in front of Mr. Collin's office, the door locked.
You feel like banging your head against the wood, and you'd do it, if Michael weren't around.
"We need to contact him. Let him know of what's going on." You say, dejected. "Do you still have the information package given to you when you moved here?" "Yes, sure. Don't tell me smartest nerd of his cohort lost his!"
There's disdain in your voice but, hey! Not once he's ever been nice to you, why should you?
"Mine is in the drawer of my desk, in my room, on the last floor. Do you truly want to walk there in complete darkness?"
You're glad there's almost no light, or he'll see the embarrassed expression on your face: how is it, that you always manage to pass for a dimwit when you're in his presence?
"How do you know where my room is?" "You said it yourself. Smartest of his cohort. Now, shall we go?"
You want to punch him, you should punch him, maybe sheer, brute force will make him stop treating you like an imbecile.
"Since you know where I live, I hope you can make your way in this darkness. I am not waiting for you."
On purpose you slam your shoulder against him when you walk down the hall: you can't stand him and why are you struck in whatever this is with him?
You two walk in silence, fingers brushing against the paneling on the walls to keep a steady course, feet treading carefully on the stairs as you two descend in the creepy silence of the deserted college.
You have to try a couple of times, before you manage to open the locked door, the warmth, still trapped in the room runs a shiver down your back: you hadn't notice how cold the building is. Luckily enough there's isn't many trees outside your side of the building and the light can stream through your windows, helping to illuminate your room and the snowy, lunar landscape outside.
You head towards the bookcase near your desk, you're pretty sure you've stashed the college information booklet with all the random bits and bobs in the box on the top of the bookcase. You have to grab the chair to hoist yourself up and go to your tip toes, since the cardboard has been pushed all the way back.
"What a nice burrow you've made for yourself."
Again, Michael's voice makes you jump out of your skin and almost fall off your precarious perch. With one hand around the box, you turn to see that creep walk leisurely around your small room, his fingers touching gently your possessions; he scoffs at the fairy lights you've hanged on the wall behind your bed and he has the gall to open the wooden box where you keep all your different teas and take a sniff! You're torn between surprise and rage at the way Michael feels entitled to touch your belongings, it's like he's leaving a stain everywhere his hands touch.
"You made yourself home." He says, with that note of pity and contempt he seems to reserve for you and you only. "This is my home, Gavey." You retort. "Yes, I have noticed. Mirrors your...personality."
It's the way he says it that makes your blood boil. Yes, you like to have stuffed animals and pretty pillows on your bed! You have your small breakfast nook and use it during the weekends, when you don't have to rush to class! And yes, you are the kind of basic bitch who loves fairy light and cute animal gadgets! What is wrong with that?
"If you don't like it here, you're free to climb up your tower and contact Mr. Collins on your own!"
This seems to sober him, you reckon he doesn't want to face the chill and the pitch black of the corridors.
"Have you find it?" There's still contempt in his voice, at least he's stopped touching your belongings!
You don't answer, you simply jump down from the chair, booklet in hand.
Your mobile phone sits on the desk. In the sea of bullshit that today has been, at least the battery of your Nokia is still full and the light of the screen is bright enough to illuminate the booklet. Michael stands by your side as the two of you are bending over the desk, busy with finding the phone number you two need, maybe he's too close to you, but you don't notice it, worried as you are by the whole situation.
Mr. Collins answers the phone and is of no help.
"The blizzard damaged the power lines." He says over the terrible connection, his voice fills your room. "They're working on the issue but there's no saying how long it's going to take!" "We can't just sit in the dark for days!" You say, trying not to sound too panicked. "Not days, love." Mr. Collins tried to soothe you. "Probably the whole night. Do you have enough blankets and a duvet?" "What for?"
You and Michael stare dumbly at one another, then a terrible realization hits the two of you.
"The heating system is electronically controlled. With the power down, the furnace stops working for security reasons."
You want to scream. Mr. Collins sounds so calm and controlled, probably sitting at home, heating on, while you're struck in your room, which will become unbearably cold during the night. Michael curses.
"Who's with you, love?" "Michael Gavey. We're the only two people in the building." He answers. "Look after one another, my boy." Mr. Collins says. "The furnace has already shut down but it will take a while for the heath to dissolve completely. You two should be fine, as long as you keep your doors closed and use all the blankets you have."
When the conversation ends, you turn your head to look at Michael, who is hovering over you, even with his back partially bent over the table, one hand planted next to your phone. Being so engrossed with the problem at hand, you just realize how much in your personal space Michael is and, is he smelling your hair?
"What?" He asks and looks genuinely surprised at your cross expression.
You take a deep breath. The poor lad, as off putting as he is, is in this sinking ship with you and you are a grown ass person who doesn't take their frustrations on another person. Michael was probably standing too close to you, but you two have bigger issues to face.
"Nothing. I simply hate all of this." "Me too."
Yes, he's definitely invaded you space, but he looks miserable in his too thin jumper and this situation is not something neither of you know how to handle. As Mr. Collins said, you two should look after one another.
"Do you have enough blankets?" You ask. "I have my duvet. Why?"
You are not surprised: the guy carries his stuff around in a crumpled Tesco bag, he probably doesn't care about buying pretty things for the sake of it, like you do.
"I was thinking about how cold it's going to become in a few hours. Are you going to be all right up there?"
You can't read Michael's expression in the dark room, the moonlight streaming through your windows has panted a mask on his face.
"I should be." He shrugs. "Warm air travels upwards." "Are you sure?" "The laws of physics don't change."
If he's trying to be a smart ass, he's failing. He looks awkward, standing with his arms down his body and the striped pants he's wearing, harmless and absolutely incapable of looking after himself. He's probably as worried as you are, but he's not letting you see it, you two are not friends and you two have to navigate this problem alone, no adult in sight to take the reins.
"Help me Michael." You say.
You know you're going to regret what you are about to propose, but you are not an asshole, not even towards him: the power outrage is far more important that you two not liking one another for whatever stupid reasons.
You grab the chair and put it near the wardrobe, before hoisting yourself up to grab the box you keep there.
"What are you doing?" He sounds surprised "Just take this!"
The box is heavy, your arms tremble with the effort to keep it over your head, while you turn around. With a huff you give it to Michael, who has to take a couple of steps back when he realizes how big the thing is.
"What do you keep here? Stones? The bodies of your enemies?"
Jesus Christ, you think, he doesn't know how to crack a joke to save his life!
You don't answer and direct him to put the cardboard box on the bed, where you proceed to open it, before starting pulling out all the blankets you've stored there.
Michael stares at you with genuine surprise on his face, not that you're looking at him, engrossed in emptying the box before you two die of hypothermia.
"You do like to be cozy!"
There it is again, the judging tone. You should kick him out of your room for it.
"Michael, don't make me regret the offer I am about to make." "Which is?"
Again, the moonlight doesn't offer enough light to read his face and he's standing too close to you for comfort, but you tell yourself he's socially inept and there's little else you two can do now.
"Let's share the bed. We can put all the blankets on and wait until the power comes back."
He stays silent for such a stretch of time that you don't know what to think.
"Did you make this?"
His fingers curl around the first crochet blanket you ever made. The thing looks crooked and it's not a perfect rectangle, but it was the first piece you ever finished on your own.
"I've picked up knitting and crocheting last year." Why do you feel like you have to justify yourself? "It's a grandma hobby" "At least I have blankets. Do you want to go freeze in your room?"
Michael doesn't answer and starts spreading your collection of throws and quilts on the bed.
"It's still a grandma hobby." He reiterates. "At least I have a hobby. What do you do in your spare time?" "Read books about maths." "I might be a grandma but you are boring." "Mathematics is not boring!" "I said you are." "At least I don't have the same hobbies my nan has." "That's rich coming from the guy who dresses like his grandfather!"
You two finish preparing the bed bathed by a dense silence. Why does he have to be an asshole all the times? You've extended your hand to him and he has the balls to shame you for what you like to do in your spare time! You hate when intelligent people act like they're entitled to be rude. You are not MENSA material the way he is, but you are brilliant and are always nice to everyone, even to him! He should, at least, do the same! Not touching your things without your permission and not even say that he's sorry! Instead, he is laying in your bed, warm and cozy, under the covers you've made with your 'Grandma hobby'. He's such an asshole and you hate that, of all the people in your college you are in this mess with him!
The bed is not made for two people to share, which means you two have to lie closer than what you'd like, good, because you two can share body warmth, bad because it feels strangely intimate. You've had your sexual experiences, a couple of times you've woken up in a stranger's bed, fuzzy on the details of how you've managed to get yourself there, none of the experiences ever felt as weird as trying to fall asleep with your back to Michael, who is attempting to arrange his long limbs in order not to touch you.
With all his moving, Michael is driving you insane and has already kicked you by mistake in the shins.
"Are you done?" All the pity you felt for him has already flown out of the window. "I can't find a good position." "Me neither! But I'm not squirming like a pinned worm!" "Well then, I was trying to avoid this!" He stops moving about, letting his legs fall against yours and one arm attached to your side. "Happy now?"
He sounds exasperated.
"At least I can try to sleep!" You answer, already done with him: this is the last time you are nice towards him, from tomorrow he gets treated like the asshole he is, power outrage be damned!
It's the cold that awakens you that, and the raging erection against your arse.
You don't know what time it is, having left your mobile phone on the table after the call with Mr. Collins. It's probably the middle of the night and whatever issue the blizzard has caused, hasn't been resolved yet.
"What the hell, Gavey?!?"
You kick him in the attempt to distance yourself from his cock and he wakes startled.
"What happened?" He stares owlishly at you, his glasses folded on the bedside table. "Check your pants, that's what happened!"
He doesn't move for a second and then simply readjust his position to keep his hips away from you.
"Not my fault." "You can, at least, say you're sorry!" "What for? I don't control my dick!" "Oh bollocks! You should say you're sorry anyway! I didn't want to wake with your cock against my arse!" "You got your panties in a bunch when I was trying to find a good position! Now you're angry because I have an erection. Check your priorities and this would have happened with anyone, by the way!" "As if you've ever slept with thousands of people!" "I've slept with more girls that you did!" "Somehow I doubt it!"
Oh, the look of surprise in his face is worth being awake, in the cold, because of his cock. Not to brag, but you've had your experiences with girls as well, since you've enrolled into Oxford. You're still unsure if you like boys more, but you're pretty certain your body count is far higher than his.
"You should do something about it."
He sounds angry now, why? Gone is the surprise on his features, replaced by a darkness that makes you distance from him.
"What do you mean?" "If my hard on is such an issue, you should do something about it."
OK, you think, what is happening all of a sudden?
"Go do something yourself!" Despite the cold you can feel burning embarrassment spread all over your body. "I'm not the one fussing about it." His big hand curls around your wrist to tug at it. "You are. It's only logical that you do something about it."
You lie frozen on the spot. You would have never expected the night to evolve this way, for your act of generosity to become this.
"What are you going to do, Gavey? Force me?"
You try to put on a brave front, knowing full well that you could never stop him if he decides to take advantage of you; he's scrawny, but stronger than you are.
"No. You'll just have to fall asleep with my hard cock next to your arse. Not that I am complaining."
The slap resonates in the silent room, your hand stings where it connected with his cheek.
"You're a pig, Gavey!" "Hit me all you want." He responds calmly, turning his head to face you. "It doesn't change that you're the one embarrassed, not me." "You have no shame, haven't you?" "I didn't decide to wake up with an hard on, I'm simply not making a tragedy out of it, like you are!" "I'm not!" "Then why are you playing the shy virgin? Haven't you slept with more people than I did?" "You wish I slept with you." You retort.
He eyes you trying to assess your curves hidden by the layers of fleece you're wearing and then scoffs.
"Don't get your hopes up. There's plenty of hotter people out there." "But you want me to wank you." "Only because me having an erection offends you. With that gone you can stop clutching your pearls." "Oh, now you're in for it, Gavey!" You Grab him by his horrid jumper to pull him closer to you. "Stop painting me like some sort of blushing prude!" "Make me." He says.
In the darkness you can't see how enlarged his pupils are, but you can feel his cock swell when his hands pull your hips closer to his.
You know you should let all of this go, laugh in his face, perhaps, and then try to sleep, but you've never been able to refuse a dare, never in your life you had ever backed down from a fight, you're not going to start now, not with him involved!
You crash your lips against his, kissing him aggressively and he responds with equal ferocity, one hand in your hair to keep your face slanted against his. He bites down your lower lip and you moan, hips kicking against his erection, while his tongue invades your mouth, possessive in his attempt to make you submit.
You're not letting him have all the control, not when you can curl one leg around the side of his hip to ground your cunt against his erection, forcing him to cease his attack, his head turning to the side, a long whine escaping his pretty lips. Why do the assholes have the loveliest mouth and eyelashes?
You turn him on his back, your hips working his, your cunt sliding against his trapped erection: you want him to come into his pants, you want to punish him for being such an asshole. Shame him, even!
You pin him on the bed, your hands on his shoulder so you can ground faster against him, your cunt wet and safe in your pants as he moans and tries to buckle under you, his torso tries to arch when you get the angle perfectly and reduce him to his baser instincts, to his rough cock trapped under layers of clothes, the pain of it sliding against the cotton of his briefs and the pleasure curling at the base of his spine.
He doesn't want to let go like this, like a schoolboy, but you've put all your weight on his hips and are grounding and grounding against his cock, your lower lip trapped between your teeth doesn't stop your whines when his head bumps against your clit, your pleasure becomes his and he comes in his briefs, panting and moaning, small whines of overstimulation when you don't stop moving. But your whole weight is not on his hips anymore, and that's your mistake.
His mind is still hazy, the pleasure you've subjected him to is like a cloud, but he's not going to have a better chance at getting the upper hand than now that you are breathless and moving lazily over him.
Like manacles, his hands curl on the meat of your hips and he turns you on your back and uses his legs to keep your nice and spread, his fingers slide inside under your panties to find your cunt.
"Let's see what we have here." His voice is still laced with the pleasure you've given him but holds an edge that makes you shiver. "You're drenched." "Says the pot to the kettle."
Two of his long fingers in your cunt erase any more smart comments on your part, his thumb on your clit has you moan and and arch under him. He's found that spot easily and bullies it mercilessly, the same way you did his trapped cock: you're going to come for him and then he's going to fuck you the way you deserve.
You grab at him, your nails scratching down his jumper, high pitched squeals of pleasure leave your open mouth, you look at him desperate, small tears gather at the corner of your eyes as his fingers fuck you faster and force your walls to accept their invasion, and he moans at the thought of your muscles wounding around his cock, sucking him in, strangling him.
"Michael!" You beg, your legs tremble, hips pumping fast to follow his punishing rhythm. "Come, now!"
You don't know what breaks you, his fingers or his thumb on your swollen clit, or maybe the command in his voice, the knot in your belly snaps and you come with a shout, back arched to the point of pain, eyes closed that don't see his dark expression.
You're trying to catch your breath, eyes still closed when you feel Michael's fingers at the hem of your pants as he tries to undress you.
"I'm too tired." You slur. "I'm not." One of his hands takes yours and puts it on his erection. "I'm not done with you."
Reflexively your fingers curl around his manhood, your brain truly realizing how well endowed he is.
"Do you have a permit for that?"
High on endorphins you has a terrible sense of humor, not that he cares, he wants your cunt, not your brain.
"I just need a condom." "Bedside table. Small box."
Michael stares at you, spread out and already fucked out on the bed, how beautiful and tempting you are, he only wishes he could see you naked, lick your skin and bite every inch of your body, until you beg him to stop, suck on your tits until they're bruised and your nipples over sensitive. Eat your cunt until you pass out and wake you up with his cock fucking you. He has to curl his hand around his base, or he'll come in his pants, again and he doesn't want to waste his erection like that, he wants you to milk him for all he's worth.
You're staring at him under your eyelashes, who would have thought that math nerd extraordinaire Michael Gavey could give you an orgasm that made your legs tremble?
He's pretty, you realize as you observe him bathed by moonlight while he rummages through the contents of your bedside table, long fingers and a shapely nose, a truly breathtaking chiseled face; if only his personality were better, he could have all the girls fawning over him!
"Oh Christ!"
You realize you've said it out loud when he smirks with one hand at the base of his impressive cock: he's going to split you in two.
"Pull your pants down." "I'm cold." You whine. "Bloody hell what a pain you are!"
He hasn't undressed, he has just pulled his trousers and underwear down enough to free his straining cock, you do the same and shiver: whatever heath the furnace had maintained, is now gone. You're grateful when he pulls the covers over your bodies, after he's made his way between your spread legs.
"Go slow, please?" His impressive manhood truly scares you, you've never had something that big inside of you.
He regards you with an unreadable expression. Part of him wants to punish you for the way you had made him come, but he wants you to enjoy what he's about to do or he'll never get a chance at doing this ever again, if he's hurt you.
"I will, relax."
He tries to use a gentle tone with you, something that doesn't come easy to him, the trust he sees in your eyes makes him want to make fun of you like he always does, but his cock is pulsating in his hand, it hurts and strains towards your wet cunt. Nice and slow, he needs to go nice and slow.
You whine when his broad head pushes inside your drenched hole, your hands instinctively go to his chest to push him away and he stops, letting you adjust to his size before he starts pushing in, short movements that open you up slowly with squelching sounds and moans of pleasure.
You sound better than any porn he's ever watched, all desperate, as if he's hurting you, your whines go to his cock, your muscles apply the perfect amount of pressure and he almost topples over the edge. He has to stop midway to breath and concentrate, a difficult task with your sinful hips moving slowly against him, your hole truly tries to suck him in, the way he had imagined. You want him as badly as he wants you and that excites him beyond belief.
He's so thick it feels like he's splitting you in two, yet your cunt hungers for him, your muscles clench around his him and you have to relax, let him open you up to his invasion, mold your cunt to accept his cock, feel every nerve spark with pleasure as he enters you and every inch of his manhood slides against your walls.
You arch your back when he bottoms out, his hips flush against yours as your last brain cell marvels at the way your hole has sucked him in completely: you're so full and stretched like never before that you'd purr, if you could.
A long whine escapes your lips when he bends forward to cage you with his arms, his eyes observing every small expression dancing on your features, the pleasure he sees only enhancing his desire.
His first pushes are short and slow, he testes your reaction and almost chokes on his tongue when your hips start following his, your muscles curling around his erection.
"Faster Michael, please!"
Your fingers find the skin of his back, your nails rake down his spine, the small pain spurring him on to fuck you with deeper and faster pushes, his lips hovering over yours, as he drinks down all the delicious sounds you are making, your cunt a squelching mess around his cock. He just needs to adjust his aim and he finds your g-spot, your whines make him bully it with faster pushes that have you squirm under him, your legs curling impossibly tight around his hips, his cock forcing your muscles to open, to take it like the whore you are, his whore.
You've lost control of your body, the only thing you feel is his massive cock in your cunt, pushing against your g-spot and his thumb on your abused clit, both movements fast and unforgiving as you try to beg for mercy, for pleasure, deaf to his words of praise and degradation, to him demeaning you for needing his cock, for liking the way he's fucking you. Nothing else matters but the pleasure burning through your nerves, but the coil in your belly that's curling and curling, until everything goes white and you come, the hold of your cunt so tight that Michael follows you with three deep pushes and a moan.
Michael is tired and wired up at the same time. His body is wasted, yet he can't fall asleep the way you did, all curled up against him, trusting and cute, with your hair around your head like an halo and one hand in his. Fucking the agoraphobic girl had been a great way to learn how to pleasure someone, if he has to go by the all the delicious sounds you made, sounds he wants to hear again and again, until whatever hold you have on him disappears. He knows he is not in love, he is not hardwired for that, but feels this unspeakable attraction towards you, this need to possess and consume you to his heart's content; the power outrage and him challenging you the chances he couldn't waste to slip through your walls and use your good heart and your pride to get to your cunt: you have been so easy to read from the moment he had started studying you like he would a mathematical problem. Now the real issue is to find a way to make this arrangement last, love or not, he's hooked on you and he's not going to let go, not until he's sated and can stop thinking about you and imagining you while he's having a wank: you've been the star of his spank bank from the first time he's seen you, despite your sunny disposition towards the word, the very thing that irks him. Michael knows he needs you out of his system in order to ignore you the way he does all his peers, having you as many times as he needs the only solution to the problem at hand. And you will, he'll make sure of that.
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tiyoin · 10 days
I LOVE ANGST AND UR TWISTED ANXIETY SERIES PLS. What do u think of like erhmm Yuu and reader get on an argument (SOMEHOW LIKE READER TRIES TO TALK TO U AND HOW THEY FEEL AND STUFF and maybe yuus in a lot of stress so it isn't their fault either) and then it goes to the breaking point where yuus like maybe u are a leech!! 🤬👨‍🍼AND THEN INSTANTLY READER SHUTS UP AND LEAVES IDK THE DORM but yuus like they'll come back they don't have a place to sleep in so it's fine!! But for dramatic effect it was like night time and then it rains and reader goes like damn.. Even the sky hates me THEN BOO chenya appears suddenly I'm guessing he's like there to mess w riddle but got caught in the rain and they have a conversation then chenya kidnaps them into RSA WHERE THEY FEEL MORE ACCEPTED. I wanna know how Yuu feels and the other chars abt it. IDK WHAT I'M YAPPING ABT BUT PLEASEEE 😭
you're evil and I LOVE YOU
maybe its after an overblot to make things worse, or maybe things are finally getting good for our little mc and mc is SO excited to tell yuu about everything that's been happening behind the scenes. only for yuu to snap.
orz maybe
mc is in an especially bad rut and they're looking for comfort (yuu) but mc overhears yuu and a few characters talking about mc and yuu defends them at first but then out of no where is like 'you're right. they're always around me- I know they have... problems but I have a life too ya know?'
and maybe mc off ahdnedly mentions this the next time yuu tries talking to them and they get into a fight where yuu says things they HEAVILY regret and use things mc has told them in confidence against them
to make things WORSE (😈) it could be in front of mc's new friends, in front of the first years, in front of house wardens, or teachers. idk but this is a PUBLIC FIGHT and mc is abosultly humiliated and runs deep into the forest surrounding the school.
or maybe its at an unbirthday party they were invited to (via trey or cater) and maybe cater or one of the first years play a prank and mc gets blamed for it and that's how the explosive fight happens?
but all I know is that chen'ya was in the right place right time and swept mc away with comforting words and promises of a safe place.
and afterwards? yuu feels absolute horrible as yuu and grim wait tensely on the porch of ramshackle. its already been hours and the sun is setting. yells of mc's name echo through out the school as their friends search high and low for them- a day or two passes and it becomes a school wide issue. missing students at arc are...common. but this is a magic less human girl with 'powerful friends' AND a vice house warden.
but mc is... fine. better than fine. she has found a supportive system at nrc, is treated like glass and is actually seen at this school. the professors are accommodating and the principal has given her her own room! he understand mc's position completely and his priority is making sure that she is mentally sound and physically safe... and if he has to keep a secret from the rival school, then so be it.
maybe months pass and there's a notable tension in the air at nrc. yuu looks horrible, grim has LOST WEIGHT. and mc's friends are tired, snippy. the teachers and stricter and no one's heard from the ghost in the forest...
until a multi school competition is held, or a multi school field trip and there's a bell ringing- no, it almost sounds like mc...
and can you IMAGINE the pain and resentment the nrc cast feels seeing you healthy, HAPPY AND CONFIDENT with those preppy pretentious rsa students??
they'll 100% think that mc got abducted and is being held hostage until they see how you CLINGY to a tall pink hair cat beastman.. didn't you hate people touching you?....
will some of them be relieved you're okay? or are they all shunning you.. but you look so.. free.. you never looked like that once at nrc... and your face was fuller... you we're actually eating..
eyes brighter and... sevens you never looked so beautiful in white
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lisired · 7 months
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yani, 22, she/they
⤷ 18+ blog primarily for long nct fics. masterlist below. no requests.
⤷ revehae is my side blog where i write evil little stories that normal people will find off-putting.
⤷ DM for commissions
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 13.6k
All things love and commitment are feared upon by you. You keep a tight crew and let few people in, cynical of other’s intentions and leaving a trail of broken hearts in your wake. If you break other people’s hearts first, they can’t break yours. And yet, it was all too easy falling for Johnny, digging yourself into a depthless hole of love. But he is no exception to your heartache games.
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 9.1k, 1/4 of the Temptation series.
Your best friend’s dad is a smoking hot dilf seeking vengeance after you’ve spent the past couple of years teasing him, but it seems that you can’t handle a taste of your own medicine.
⤷ LEE TAEYONG, 14.9k
After three years away from Miami, Taeyong is finally ready to return to the city. He left a world behind here, but most importantly, he left you. And being invited on a friendly get-together trip to a beach resort gives him a little too much time to resume unfinished business between you both.
⤷ NAKAMOTO YUTA, 7.4k, 3/4 of the Temptation series.
Nakamoto Yuta and his rings have caught your eye. In an effort to seduce your professor, you decide to take your best friend’s advice and change your wardrobe. You’re given an advantage when Yuta’s son asks you to tutor him, and it’s like Satan is handing you opportunities on a silver platter - but at what cost?
Born into the underworld, crime was all you’d known your entire life and was practically in your blood - murder, drugs, money, power, and everything in between. In spite of your father leading one of the two major gangs that dominated Asia, you managed to keep safe. But all that changes once the rival gang has bad blood to settle with your father, and suddenly a vendetta’s being pursued against you.
⤷ KIM DOYOUNG, 8.9k, 2/4 of the Temptation series.
When you were nineteen, you could only dream of meeting Kim Doyoung in his sheets. Behind his back you watched all the movies he starred in, wanting nothing more than to be the one he touched whenever a sex scene came on. So when the opportunity surfaced four years later after you’re casted together in the same movie, you didn’t hesitate to snag it - even if it meant hiding from his wife, your father, and the public. And even if feelings developed.
Every single night before bed, you play your royal husband, Jaehyun, a song on his grandfather's piano as a distraction from the ominous sounds you hear. To the public, you're all smiles, but discreetly, you're a slave to your suspicions. Though it seems the more you pry, the more secrets you start to unravel.
A year ago, wedding bells were ringing and you were screaming, “Yes!” at the top of your lungs. Last Christmas, you were supposed to be wed under a mistletoe. This Christmas, company finds you in the form of your ex-fiancé that broke off your engagement after you’re both inconveniently trapped in an elevator.
Three years ago, you had a summer fling with Jung Jaehyun, and what was simply sex turned into more after you caught feelings for him. Then, you find out he has a girlfriend, and decide to call it quits. Three years later, he's back in town, trying to come back in your life, and most importantly trying to come back into your heart, but you're a little hesitant to let him.
Your brother, Johnny, hates Jaehyun and has never told you why. Although you intend on leaving it alone, unforeseen events thrust you into a forbidden love affair with Jaehyun. In between hookups and stolen kisses, you have to bury your feelings for Jaehyun around your overprotective older brother.
⤷ MARK LEE, 10.4k, 4/4 of the Temptation series
The apartment next door to yours has been vacant for months. No one had gone in or out, not until your new next door neighbor moved in two weeks ago. Mark, a slightly older guy who prides himself on his patience and willpower with a penchant for control. But when you make it clear you’re resolved to wither away the things he values most, Mark decides he’s down for the challenge, determined to put a leash on your unrestrained behavior - and most importantly, finally shut you the hell up.
⤷ MARK LEE, 19.9k
Two months ago, you and Mark called it quits and haven’t spoken to each other since. As per tradition, your respective friend groups gather each Christmas eve to keep the peace, but this year somebody has a different plan. And the new chick on Mark’s arm isn’t the worst thing to happen.
⤷ MARK LEE, 25.7k
A lifetime worth of adversity had brought you to Bloodlust. You joined them to escape your history, but with Mark Lee - an undercover narcotics agent with a secret to keep - comes the threat of being forced to confront your past. Old wounds are opened, but scars heal.
You’re going to kill him. You swear, You’re going to kill him. how did Liu Yangyang accidentally tell Lee Donghyuck—your greatest enemy—that you think he’s hot and that you’ve been in a dry spell recently? Now you have to avoid the inevitable confrontation, and worst of all, deal with the most stubborn person alive (who ironically thinks that you’re the most stubborn person alive).
Thirst for exhilaration and a stupid dare brings you, your boyfriend Haechan, and your friends to the eerie camping grounds of Chimera - the name of a town rumored to be occupied by a number of vengeful, lurking spirits. But nothing is as it seems in this ghost town.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 25.5k
After breaking off your engagement to your fiance, you move to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. There in the fairytale land where stars go to shine you meet Haechan, an aspiring photographer with a penchant for mischief and flirtation.
upon accidentally finding a video of you and your boyfriend haechan doing some very sexual things, jisung knows that he shouldn’t watch it. he knows that it would be an extreme invasion of privacy, but he’s unable to control himself when he sees the thumbnail. so he settles for only watching 30 seconds. except, 30 seconds turns into 30 minutes, and by then he’s buried himself too deep into a life-changing situation—or in which jisung’s terrible at keeping secrets.
Five years ago, you left your hometown and ex to recreate your identity in California. Now, you're a staple of the fashion industry and on the front cover of magazines everywhere. Your hard work has paid off, but when you realize that you might be pregnant, you have to decide whether you want to be a full-time model or a full-time mother.
In a world where humans and demons are separated by earth and the unknown, you’re curious about the creatures that most mortal beings are too frightened to investigate. More specifically if they can please you sexually. As they say, curiosity killed the cat.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 11.1k
Cupid is not on your side, it seems. He’s made you fall in love with the worst possible person ever, AKA your best friend, AKA the man who still eats tootsie-pops—willingly. And frankly, it feels like the damn candy has a better chance of dating him than you ever will.
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The car ride -a Logan howlett fic.
-I tried using 'you' so I hope this works out
Logan was still grappling with his own issues when you came into his life. Cigar smoker, cagefighter, and part-time professor, he was juggling more than he was made for.
You first met Logan when you stumbled out of a bar and knocked into his caravan. He found you unconscious on the ground by the snow. He wasn't very empathetic usually, but watching your chest slowly rise and seeing your bruise, he knew he couldn't.
And that's how you ended up waking up blurry eyed in his warm caravan, disoriented and dizzy. Slowly, you turned your head to see the bearded, cat haired man.
"Who are you?" You asked frightened
Logan pulled his cigar out of his mouth. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya, kid"
You looked around the caravan, eyeing the interior. "How did I get here?"
"I found you unconscious in the snow by my caravan" he said simply. "And before you say it, no I'm not a creep"
"You could be!" You exclaimed accusingly "You could have been taking me somewhere to torture me!"
Logan chuckled and puffed his cigar "think of it this way kid, if I wanted to kill you I would have done it before I put you in my car. I'm not gonna hurt ya alright?"
He looked at me with furrowed brows for a split second. "You hungry?" He asked
"Yeah, very" You admitted.
Logan poked the glove box with the dry end of his cigar "should be something in here"
You opened it to find a piece of paper, a hair tie and a crinkled bar of chocolate. You reached for it instantly.
"Maybe you're not so bad," you joked as You picked at the chocolate bar.
"Not exactly the most nutritious thing ever" he scoffed "but anything is better than starving"
He puffed his cigar again. You'd never been around them before, but surprisingly, you didn't hate the smell. In fact, it was oddly comforting.
You looked at Logan a few times with mindless thoughts. His beard, his dark hair, his rugged face, and always curved brows. He looked angry but you couldn't tell. He had this feeling about him where he was brooding and dark but not ominous and sinister looking.
He was rather gorgeous when you got a better look. Handsome. Dishevelled but not messy.
"So what's your name?" You asked between the chewing of chocolate pieces.
"Logan" he said simply.
"I'm ___" you replied to him.
"How old are you?" He asked
"23" you blinked at him.
Logan wasn't exactly the most talkative man ever. But the ride that took you to the bus stop was the most interesting trip you had ever been on. The casual puffs from his cigar, the cosiness of the blanket he'd given you and the regular conversation.
Small things like "So where are you from?" "What's your power like?" "You got a girlfriend?"
To that last question, you had never been so happy to hear a no.
Logan had driven you to the bus stop in a town not far from laughlin City. When the car stopped, you didn't want to move. Frozen, you turned to Logan with progressively glossing eyes.
"Hey, are you alright, kid?" He tilted his head. "Anyone coming to get you?"
How were you going to tell him, a stranger that you had just gone on an hour long trip with, that you infact did not have anywhere to go or anyone to get you, and that a part of you would miss him?
"Oh, uh, no, but I'll find my way." You tried to smile as you opened the door and hopped out. Closing it behind you, you tried not to sob as your lip trembled.
Why did you feel this way about a complete stranger? An older man, too. of all people, it had to be an older man.
Before you could step onto the snowy path, you heard footsteps approaching. Logan.
"If you don't have anywhere to go, let me take you somewhere at least, like an Inn or something" Logan crossed his arms, like if he did it meant I was less likely to deny his offer.
"I don't want to cause trouble -"
Logan scoffed at your words, "Goddamn teenagers and their worries. If It was any trouble I wouldn't have offered bub"
He just called me bub.
Is this a joke? He's gotta be fucking with me.
"I think I'm gonna be okay, logan," you tried to grin, but your eyes were glossy, and tears were running slowly down your reddening cheeks.
Logan stepped closer toward you and put his large hand on your shoulder for comfort. In the bleak snowy weather, it provided some kind of warmth amongst the ice. The heat coming off of him was addictive and you wanted nothing more than to hug into his leather jacket and soak in the warmth.
"Hey," he said, "just let me take you somewhere, okay?"
You nodded "okay fine"
Sniffling, you could have turned it into a deep sob as you approached a warm looking Inn. Again, you turned your head toward him and it felt like you were staring down your childhood best friend for the last time.
You opened the door and stepped out of the car again. You had no belongings, so you weren't sure what you were going to do but you knew you'd figure it out.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Logan asked.
You felt like he already knew the answer and you could see the concern in his face.
"I'm gonna be fine I promise"
Here you were making promises to this man. A man you might never see again.
"I don't know how to say goodbye" you scoffed, feeling pathetic for admitting it.
Never one for feelings, Logans' inner thoughts wanted to laugh in your face and leave . But to you he couldn't be that person, he couldn't deny your feelings. His whole life he was never one for mushy gushy stuff or being sappy with anyone. But with you, he wanted to be.
For once he didn't want to be the grumpy Logan he was normally.
"Yeah kid, I don't know how either," he admitted to you.
Cautiously, you went in for a hug, and your action was duely reciprocated. He hugged you tightly, you had been expecting him to be more soft for some reason but you weren't complaining. He smelt like Woodfire and leather, god was it addicting to inhale.
Pulling away, you watched as Logan got into the car and shut the door. Though the window you could see his bearded face.
He rolled it down.
"Stay safe, kid, alright? Help is never too far away"
You weren't sure what he meant, but you were thankful anyway.
"Am I ever gonna see you again, Logan?" You pouted, which turnt into a frown.
Logan chuckled and smiled. "You know what? you just might bub. Goodbye, for now"
"Goodbye logan"
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queenpiranhadon · 5 months
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- Runaway, AURORA
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ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛꜱ:
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘
𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘
𝕶𝖆𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖎 𝕭𝖆𝖐𝖚𝖌𝖔𝖚 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙
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ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴄɪᴛɪᴇꜱ:
⟢ May I Have This Dance? ⎸⎸ Sandor x Grizel Oneshot › Grizel finally takes Sandor on that dance he owed her.
⟢ You Must Be Lost ⎸⎸ Sokeefe Oneshot › Keefe asks Sophie if he’s still the guy he was all those years ago.
⟢ His Friend ⎸⎸ Neverseen! Grady x Black Swan! Edaline Oneshot › Grady stops repressing his Talent and instead works to make himself more powerful alongside the Neverseen. But all actions have consequences.
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⟢ Sorella ⎸⎸ Riordanverse Oneshot › Bianca has to tie up some loose ends before she’s ready for rebirth
⟢ We're Not in Kansas Anymore ⎸⎸ Percabeth Oneshot › Percy decided to uphold the promise he made to Annabeth all those years ago.
⟢ Broken ⎸⎸ Leo Valdez x Reader › You stop Leo from making a mistake he'll regret.
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ꜱᴛᴀʀᴅᴇᴡ ᴠᴀʟʟᴇʏ:
⟢ Pumpkin Soup ⎸⎸ Sebastian x F!Reader › You find out how to make the resident all time gloomy boy Sebastian, like you.
⟢ After 10﹕00 ⎸⎸ Alex x F!Reader › Alex takes notices of the local lumberjack after she beats his high score at the Stardew Valley Fair. He decides to talk to her.
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ʜɪɢʜ ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ ʜᴏᴍᴏꜱ:
⟢ The Sea Song ⎸⎸ HCH Oneshot › Three girls and their captivating music attracts the ears and hearts of the small village they were in. Little did they know that this happy family, wasn't so happy at all...
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⟢ Sweet Angel ⎸⎸ Bucky Barnes x Reader › You fall apart after your year-long boyfriend disappears without a trace. You thought you moved on, and now here he is, months later with no recollection of who you are.
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ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴀɪʀʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀ:
⟢ His Little Waterbender ⎸⎸ Prince Zuko x Reader › You, a Waterbender from the Northern Water Tribe, are determined to protect your home from the Fire Nation. But what happens when you’re opponent is none other than the first prince himself?
⟢ Eel Rolls ⎸⎸ Sokka x Reader › After betraying the Fire Nation, you, and extremely powerful firebender, seek refuge in Ba Sing Se. One day the Gaang stumbles into your path, and you find yourself giddy over a certain blue eyed boy in their midst.
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ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ:
⟢ Dandelion Wine ⎸⎸ Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader › You are finally returning home to Monstadt City after pursuing your dreams and exploring the world. When you get too tipsy one night and you can't defend yourself from an approaching mitachurl, who will save you then?
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ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ:
⟢ Hate ⎸⎸ Sirius Black x Reader › You, a Ravenclaw, are battling some severe anxiety in the middle of the night, so you slip out and wander the halls of Hogwarts for some reprieve in your thoughts. Turns out though, encountering a professor in the middle of the night is the least of your worries.
⟢ Against the World ⎸⎸ Fred Weasley x Reader › There’s nothing wrong between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin dating, so what better place to tell everyone that than the Yule Ball?
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ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ:
⟢ His Words, Not Yours ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Katsuki’s parents invite the both of you over for dinner to meet you for the first time.
⟢ Goodnight ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Katsuki finds out about your secret status as an underground pro hero.
⟢ Dumbass ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › You and your close friend Bakugou bond over a rom-com movie after having to share a room at a beach resort for a school trip.
⟢ Lipstick Stains ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Bakugou thinks he’s falling in love all over again once he sees you in a traditional outfit.
⟢ Lockers ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Bakugou's getting annoyed when you start receiving a bunch of love confessions out of nowhere
⟢ Wasabi ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Needless to say, your boyfriend's pretty shocked when he finds out you have the same spice tolerance as him.
⟢ "Boy"friend ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Katsuki gets hit by a gender bend quirk.
⟢ Teddy Bear ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Your husband is invited to be on your favorite talk show - little do you know, the only thing he wants to talk about is you.
⟢ Tomorrow ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › When test anxiety and stress is too much, your boyfriend is there to help you out.
⟢ Number Four ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › Katsuki helps the rest of the world see just how awesome you are.
⟢ Daycare ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › You get your husband to finally pick up your kids from daycare
⟢ The Voice ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › After a fight spirals from your worries of Katsuki's safety, the voice in your head turns those worries into a nightmare.
⟢ Americano ⎸⎸ Bakugou Katsuki x Reader › You, the pretty barista at the local coffee store, decide to show some kindness to the young CEO Bakugou Katsuki, who's arrived for the first time without his girlfriend.
⟢ Matsuri ⎸⎸ Shota Aizawa x Reader (platonic) › You're scared your pro hero father won't support your dream to become a musician.
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ʟᴇɢᴏ ɴɪɴᴊᴀɢᴏ:
⟢ After ⎸⎸ Cole Brookstone x Reader › You and the rest of the ninja settle down after everything ended.
⟢ Sundays ⎸⎸ Cole Brookstone x Reader › You, a baker, encounter the Master of Earth when he accidentally destroys your bakery.
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ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴʜᴇʀɪᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ:
⟢ His ⎸⎸ Riordanverse x Inheritance Games Oneshot › Grayson finds out he's adopted- but the news of his real parents is a bigger shock than he anticipated...
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ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ:
⟢ Clingy ⎸⎸ Gojo Satoru x Reader › Just some cute dating thoughts :)
⟢ Kiss Cam ⎸⎸ Gojo Satoru x Reader › Basketball star Gojo Satoru saves you from a disastrous kiss cam
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reinieseason · 1 year
i’m just gonna inform dump about mariejordan au ideas i have in my head that i don’t remember where they came from they’re probably pulled from other people and my love for other media and so they rattle in my brain
1. fake dating where jordan strikes a deal with marie to have her fake date them to bring their rating up totally not because they want to just date marie but don’t know how
2. marie kills rufus with the cocksplosion because the cocksplosion ends up because a headsplosion in her panic and now with jordan as witness (and arguably accomplice (tag team cocksplosion)) , they have to work together to cover up the murder (kill your gays? no, killing gays)
3. not necessarily an au but marie and jordan sparring, end it with the iconic, chest to chest, on the floor, “i win”, and then boom! make out!
4. godolkin university top 10 trip to europe, marie and jordan get lost and have to make their way back to the group (race against time because they’ll be leaving soon maybe?)
5. super powered baby is lost and now they have to work together to handle this kid with a weird handful of superpowers while trying to find their parents or guardians
6. canon divergence universe wherein marie helps save jordan from luke when he was choking them (or not that depends) vought actually chooses jordan and marie to be the “guardians of godolkin”. now they have to navigate this new world as they’re propelled to heights of popularity. also some fake dating / vought pushing an implied relationship, and then angst it with their notion of what a superhero needs to be comes crashing down and they have to deal with the reality that their dream isn’t what they thought it would be (this is for me who wanted marie to admit in the interview and was so bummed when she didn’t)
7. two professors students TAs like imagine jordan and marie as two TAs with professors that hate eachother but work together and so they have the same feelings of hatred toward the other cuz they’re rivals too idk
8. an alternative universe where marie and jordan are assassins haha either they have to kill each other or they work for the same agency and are forced on a mission together
9. not gonna elaborate but figure skating and hockey idk i have no elaboration for this one it just exists in my brain
10. okay i have a sports au problem i admit it but … hear me out volleyball-
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
Belong pt.7
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, Omegaverse
Synopsis: The pack seems to be falling for you but Jungkook doesn't like it one bit. What happens when he learns you are his mate
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Jungkook walked into his professors office. Along with Namjoon as his guardian. The instinct to hide behind his pack alpha was pretty strong.
"Don't worry." Namjoon comforted rubbing his back. "I have all the papers here about Y/n's friends admittance to the hospital. I'm sure we will figure it out."
Jungkook nods biting his lip in worry.
They knock the professors door.
"Come in." The voice calls.
"Oh Jungkook ssi. And this must be your guardian."
"Pack Alpha. Kim Namjoon."
"Yes. Please take a seat."
Namjoon explained the situation to the professor.
"I'm not sure how much I can help you. You understand that he could have submitted before and its an important project for the final grade."
"Ofcourse professor. But it would be very gracious of you if you could offer us any solution."
The professor thought for a moment.
"While usually I don't do this but to raise your grade you may volunteer to supervise the freshmen trip. I'm the Head of the committee and we could use some man power."
"Thank you. Thanks a lot professor." Namjoon says flashing her a very bright blinding smile and Jungkook would be jealous except he knew how Namjoon always giggled when he was truly happy. The professor seemed charmed.
Namjoon rubbed Jungkook's back reassuringly.
"Everything will be fine now."
"Thanks hyung."
"You're welcome."
Jungkook fiddled with his thumbs. Unsure how to broach the topic of you. He almost hated that you came in their lives but in reality he hated himself for being insecure.
"Hyung." Jungkook started.
Namjoon's phone began to ring.
"Give me a moment Jungkook." He said before answering the call.
From the end of the corridor, a figure waved. Jungkook waved back to his friend Eunwoo.
"Hyung, I'm going to go meet Eunwoo. See you later."
Namjoon nodded and gave Jungkook a side hug before leaving.
"Still need Mr. Alpha to protect you." Eunwoo joked as Jungkook neared. Jungkook only rolled his eyes in response. He had enough of his friends teasing. Yes they had to listen to him show off about his pack and he might have gone over board. But nobody can blame him, he felt so good with his pack.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing important just dropping off some forms. You?"
"I kind of missed an important deadline so Namjoon hyung came to talk to the professor."
"You should be careful kook-ah." Eunwoo cautioned his friend.
"I know. I know."
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Working together with your soulmate had to be the best thing ever. Jimin thought.
The two of them had been very busy after their break they had to set up a new exhibition. And setting up a new theme was never easy from looking into artworks, their aptness, setting them, having the backdrop and lighting changed to fit the new theme, archiving carefully the old ones, separating the loaned ones and returning them before their due. Making sure new pamphlets and posters are printed according to the guidelines.
The two of them had been working overtime because of all that. So when their boss instructed them to overlook installation of some of the artworks that had been bid on previously. They took the time to have a lunch break.
The restaurant was nice and casual. It was famous for its latest addition. A Polaroid wall for people to make memories. They gave you a free picture if you left a review. Otherwise they'd just put your picture on the wall. Whoever planned it, their plan was working the place was packed.
"What do you want to order?" Jimin asked.
"Chese burger and potato wedges." Taehyung answered perusing the drinks section.
"Fine I'm having the lemon chicken bake pasta. What about drinks?"
"Mojito." Tae decides
"The Berry slushie sounds good to me. You want dessert?" Jimin says.
"We can grab churros on our way back from that bakery we saw while we came here." Tae suggests.
"Ok. I'm going to go order now." Jimin replies.
"Am I seeing things or is that y/n" Tae wonders aloud.
Jimin turns and there you are. A sight for sore eyes. He misses your company but there is nothing he can do about it.
Taehyung tugs his sleeve. "Jiminie ok"
Jimin nods.
You too seem to notice them as the server guides you to the table. You nod your head in greeting but focus on Yeonjun.
Jimin feels a flash of possessiveness and jealousy.
"Do you want to share the milkshake?" Yeonjun asks. "Their large one is cheaper but I can't finish it alone."
"Yes, it's fine." You reply. It's weird to sit across Jimin and Taehyung and not with them.
Their faces look tired but you suppressed your curiosity about them. There was no point of being overly friendly.
"Are you going to the camping trip?" Yeonjun asks.
"I think I will Suyeon send me the brochure. It sounds fun. What about you?"
"If you're going I'll go." He says smoothly causing you to blush.
Jimin can feel his temper rising. My omega his brain screams.
"Yeonjun." You whine and hit him playfully.
"It's true I've already been there with my pack so I'm only going if there's good reason."
"So I'm your good reason?"
"The best."
Taehyung's eyes narrow. Both of them can't help but eavesdrop on your conversation.
You chuckle.
"Sure sure. I'm sure I'm not that special."
"You are. You are special to me." He replies.
The server comes with your meals.
They try to ignore it. They really do but you sharing the Milkshake with Yeonjun's the last straw.
When the time comes to pay the bill you learn that it has been paid and they leave you a note.
Have a nice day Y/n
Love jiminie and tae
"Do you know them y/n?" Yeonjun asks.
"Yes they are omegas I'm close with."
"Oh." Yeonjun said. It wasn't unheard of for omegas to court omegas but it was odd for friends to behave this way. Maybe they were trying to warn me. Yeonjun thought.
Taehyung and Jimin share a look. They need to tell Jungkook. If he doesn't get his act together now he never wouldn't even get a chance to try.
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You call your mom when you reach home. You hope she'll let you go on the trip.
"Hello?" You ask as soon as she picks up.
"Hello Y/n everything ok?"
"Yes everything is fine? How's your day going?"
"Good good things have been busy here but it's nice. How's the pack?"
"Good... they're fine." You answer.
"I remember courting your dad. What a time it was. Make sure you enjoy it."
"Mum actually our college is going on a trip can I go. I'll send you the details."
"Ah my baby has grown up. Ofcourse you should go. I will send extra money ok. Buy yourself nice clothes and things you need too. "
"Thank you mum."
"Anything for you. Now I'll check the brochure send me any forms I might need to fill."
"Ok understood. Thank you. Love you. Bye."
"Bye love you too." Your mum replies before hanging up.
You feels so happy you do a little dance of celebration.
You text Suyeon.
Y/n: I got it. I got permission. This is going to be the best trip ever
Suyeon: fr fr. I'm so happy congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
Y/n: ☺☺
Y/n: let's go shopping 🛍 for cute outfits.
Suyeon: 🤑
You giggle to yourself.
You called Suyeon. You were supposed to go shopping together but you hadn't heard from her all day.
"Hello y/n. What's up?"
"Where are you ? We were supposed to go shopping today?"
"God that was today. I'm sorry actually Soobin's birthday is coming up so I'm with his pack. Rain check. Let's go tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow I have to study for a class test."
"I'm sorry. Honest mistake... why don't you go with the pack."
"The pack."
"Yes its not like you are not close to them. Things might be awkward because of a certain someone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hang out with the others. I mean you always miss them. And you did go out shopping with them before."
You find yourself being convinced. So you knock on their door.
Yoongi opens the door.
"Is everything ok?" He asks looking over you to see any signs of panic and injury.
"Hi yeah. It's just that Iwasgoingshoppingandwonderedifanyonewouldaccompanyme?"
"Slow down biscuit."
"I sorry I'm a bit nervous."
"No need to be nervous. Now did you need something? Why don't you come in first huh. Its so hot you might get a sunburn."
You nod and follow him inside.
"I wanted to go shopping because there is a University trip and I was wondering if anyone would like to come with me?" You tell Yoongi.
As you enter the living room. You see Jin and Taehyung snacking watching anime in the living room.
"Y/n!!" Taehyung is the first to notice you and calls you excitedly.
"Y/n come sit we were just talking about you. You'll like this one." Jin said patting the empty space next to him.
You felt your heart warm.
"Y/n needs to go shopping for... where are you going?" Yoongi tells them.
"Camping." You supply.
"Oh I have just the thing for you. Guys take care of her."
"Do you want to go right now." Jin asks turning of the TV.
"Yes I was supposed to go with Suyeon and she's busy and then I'm busy so today I'm hoping to find something good but if I go by myself it'll take longer to find myself things."
"Give us 15 minutes." Taehyung says and he rushes into his room.
You nod. Jin goes to the kitchen and brings out cookies.
"Here's a little snack. I will be back quick." Jin says.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome sweetheart."
As Jin leaves you sit on the couch and munch cookies. You feel comforted by the packs scent. You didn't realise how much you missed the pack. In a way you were grateful your best friend made you come to the pack.
Yoongi enters the room smiling fondly at you. He places a box infront of you.
"What's this?" You ask.
"A first aid box and some camping essentials. If you need anything else ask me. Me and Jin hyung go fishing so we have enough camping supplies no need to but things you will only use once. I can teach you some things if you want as well. There is basic first aid supplies and then there are fire supplies to light up campfire post rain as well and other things."
"Thank you." You say touched.
"Anytime biscuit." He replies feeling good.
Taehyung and Jin come out of their rooms dressed up. You can't help but admire how good they look. Jin is dressed in a button down and black ripped jeans and Taehyung's dressed in a tshirt with rips and faded blue jeans and a beanie.
"Come on let's go. Y/n." Jin says.
"Ah yes." You look at the kit.
"You can take this when you come back." Yoongi says.
"Come on Y/n-ie we are getting late." Taehyung says.
Yoongi comes to drop you all out. Even opening the door for you.
"See you later. Have fun." He says.
You all wave him goodbye.
Jin turns the radio. You sit next to him and Taehyung is in the back but leaning front.
"So do you have any outfits in mind?" Taehyung asks.
"No not really. Something comfortable but also I look good in and avoid material that can get damaged in a camping trip." You reply.
Jin's and Taehyung's phones both go off at the same time. Taehyung looks at the phone and his expression turns into neutral, Jin looks at Taehyung via his back mirror, Taehyung mouths 'tell you later'.
"Is something the matter?" You ask.
"Nothing. Why don't you tell me have you thought about buying boots?" Taehyung answers.
Namjoon: pack meeting to discuss Jungkook and Y/n situation. Everyone needs to be present tonight.
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All I'm going to say is that rereading this to collect info I just made up along the way makes me reflect on the bizarre writing process. Anyhow I made notes not to forget from now on.
When I write it feels like going up a mountain but reading was just like walking down a hill.
It's been a while I got busy with life and a little writers block I hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts.
Taglist @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @emu007 ; @jcrml ; @scuzmunkie ; @angel-121 ; @passionandsuga ;@popcatx0 ; @exfolitae ; @raineandskye ; @notsooperfect ; @toriluvsfics ; @northspiritstorm
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dinogoofy · 1 year
This starts out as bullet points but there's a fully written scene at the end, its just long enough that I'd rather put a cut so that it's easier to scroll past if need be.
Also, if yall were fans of Draco and Hermione as a ship, EAT UP!!!
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Think about it!!! The institute of sorcery is the perfect setting for some delicious rivals to lovers settings!
You are a very far off descendant of Shinnok, and for generations the magic in your bloodline had completely vanished. But unexpectedly, this magic resurfaces full force in you. Similar to the power that very first demigod would have had.
Empress Sindel (THINK OF HER AS MORALLY GREY I promise I'm not trying to make her seem evil ;-;) sees your potential to be a skilled outworld warrior, and sends for you to be enrolled in the institute of sorcery.
Thing is, although you have a good heart and good intentions, from a young age, you had never been able to do regular magic. With how powerful your magic is, it baffled those around you. Very few knew the truth that even you didn't know. And that truth was that you simply couldn't perform those magics. The magic in your bloodline was dark, and repelled by any elemental or healing magics.
Despite this downfall, you had a knack for raising the dead in particular. Curses, hexes, and dark magics came easy. You were so innately good at it. Sindel didn't want to loose someone with so much potential, so you became the Institution's pet project.
You were unenrolled in regular classes. Instead, you studied privately with professors. You learned forbidden magics, magics that only you had been able to harness completely without any drawbacks or side effects.
This was common knowledge for professors and students alike. Most avoided you, leading to eating alone for quite a few meals, but some resented you. It simply wasn't fair that you and only you were given the right to learn magic that had been forbidden for anyone else to learn.
One such person was Rain. Rain hated that fact and hated you for it. He would go out of his way to make problems for you. Trip you in the hallways, snicker at your fruitless attempts at elemental magic. Even some of the few plant matter components you needed to collect for a practical exam would come up dead and downed in the gardens. The two of you spent your academic days bickering, even into adulthood.
Even so, Rain wasn't particularly liked by other students in the institute either, due to his prowess with water magic and the jealousy of others. The two of you were both loners for similar reasons. He started to sit next to you during mealtimes to mess with you over petty things, but a few times turns into many. You two started to eat together almost always, go into the gardens together to pick spell components, you would even study together into the early hours of the morning, tired eyes flicking from page to page before simply giving in and falling asleep, then scaring the other awake and boast about it.
As you grew, the bickering remained, but the malice and hatred behind it did not. Sure, you may have been bickering whnever you spent time together, but surely a bit of fondness had formed between the two of you.
One day, you and Rain had a particularly rough fight. More so than usual. Wounding words were said, and Rain said something that struck you deep to your core.
You couldn't heal. You couldn't control water, or fire, or earth or nature. What kind of magic user were you when you couldn't even do the basics of magic as a whole? You were supposedly "powerful" but you hadn't even tried to explore the world of magic beyond your dark and shadowy bubble.
The words had hurt. And it was days before Rain would see you again. You spent your time tucked away in a secluded corner of the library, trying again and again to use these magics you had failed at as a child, and even now you were failing.
Then, you find something in the garden that breaks your heart. What you would do next would break it even more.
It's late when Rain finds you, slumped over your desk in tears. He's taken aback. He came to see where you were when you didn't show up at dinner, curious as to where the Golden Child of the academy had gone during mealtime. He didn't expect to find you here like this. Your desk in the library is littered with papers. A single candle lights the area, and a small sparrow lays dead before you.
Rain opens his mouth to speak, but you sit up, wipe your eyes, and after a moment of silence, start to speak without ever looking up at him
"I killed it." The words come out as a whisper. Rain furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"What?" He moves to stand behind your chair. You still can't bear to look at him.
"I killed it." You say, louder this time.
"What do you mean?" He asks, voice low. It takes a moment before you find the strength to speak.
"I found it outside this morning. A cat had gotten it. I…I thought I could try to heal it." Your sentence is interrupted by a sharp sob. "But I couldn't."
" I did everything by the book. Focused my magic into my fingertips, pushed that magic into the sparrow- but I couldn't heal it. I drained it. I took it's life, Rain. " You gesture at the mess before you with a shaky fist.
"I can create potent mana potions. I can make curses that are so concrete and so indestructible even experienced high mages struggle to break them. Fuck! I could raise armies of the dead with a flick of my wrist if I wanted to! So… so why…" You trail off, swallowing thickly as you do your best to blink away the tears.
"I just don't understand. I don’t…" There's a moment of silence, and you just can't seem to speak. It hurts. It hurts to think of how you failed the sparrow. You let out a another choked sob.
"... I can't believe I killed it…"
Rain is silent. If it was anyone else, anyone else, he would be scoffing. But you're just so… broken. Broken over this little bird that you couldn't save. All he can feel is pity. All his life, he has strived for more. More magic. More skills. More power. He has done all he can to learn the most powerful dark magics that the academy knows of… and here you are, blood surging with those very same potent and powerful magics that everyone else has been banned from learning. And you are broken over one of the most simple spells to learn. He had mastered this simple magic before he had even been accepted into the institute.
Part of him is prideful. The other part is ashamed.
He reaches over you to pick up the sparrow. You look at him with tired, swollen eyes.
"You don't want to resurrect it?" He asks. You shake your head. Rain holds out his other hand to you. And you take it.
He doesn't tell you where you are going, but you follow him anyway, too tired to interject. He leads you into the garden, stops among the plants frequently harvested for casting, and kneels. He digs a small hole, and buries the sparrow. You feel numb as you watch him.
He stands by your side again.
"Everything has a place in this world." He says. "Earth, Water. Light. Life. Death.The same goes for magic. " With a surge of his own magic, the ground becomes wet, and then sprouts begin to grow.
"Death magic and magics as such may be taboo to most, but it has a place. Just as water does." He moves to face you now. You keep your eyes on the grave of the sparrow.
"Just because the magic that runs in your veins doesn't give life, or heal those in need, does not make it any less useful. It does not make it any less powerful. Despite your faults-" You roll your eyes at him. He's relieved a little to see a ghost of a smile on your face. "- You are... still a worthy rival to me."
"You know, even when you're being nice, It feels like you're secretly being mean." You huff a laugh. He smirks.
"Who said I was being nice?" You scoff at him, and before you know it, you're hugging him. You weren't sure why, you did it on impulse, without even thinking. Even so, you don't let go. Rain is taken aback, holding his arms out without knowing what to do.
After a moment, he relaxes, and his arms gently hold you back. Rain's face was flushed. For someone so smart, you had to be an idiot to hug someone who barely tolerated you. You sigh into the hug, burying your face in his chest.
"Thank you, Rain." You mumble. Rain feels his heart do something strange as you do. The sight of you holding onto him so snugly, like you trusted him, makes him feel weird. He ignores it. He has the sudden impulse to lean down and press a kiss to your temple, and then the train of thought derails into the temptation to lean back, take your face in his arms, and kiss you silly.
What an idiotic thing to do, he thinks. Why would he ever think such a thing?
These thoughts aside, when you lean back, wipe your swollen eyes, and complain about missing dinner, he can't help but follow you back into the institute like a lost puppy.
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
On the Run - Chapter 1
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Story Summary: Being the daughter of wealthy socialite Philip Blake, the man running for governor, has its advantages but when someone tries killing Y/N in order to get to her father, Y/N finds herself on the run and entangled in a web of mystery and romance with her professor Joel Miller and her bodyguard Negan Smith.
Characters: Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Negan (The Walking Dead), the reader (OC, third person), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47007172/chapters/118420453
Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut, abuse of power between a professor and a student, etc. 
Notes: I'm doing another crossover with Joel Miller and Negan Smith. This is very alternate universe and will feature characters from both The Last of Us and The Walking Dead. I already have a lot of the story written so I will try to update it as frequently as possible.
As always Y/N ='s your name or whatever name you want to use for this story. Thanks for checking it out.
Silence. It was something that so many people longed for and enjoyed, but for Y/N it was miserable. Sitting alone in the large dining room waiting for her father to make his presence was something she did frequently. And every time she did, she never felt more alone in her whole life. It was so quiet that the ticking sounds from the grandfather clock in the other room was heard and it was driving her crazy. This was how it always was. So many of her friends told her that she was lucky to have a rich father. A father who gave her access to whatever money she wanted and allowed her to do anything she pleased. While it sounded nice on the outside it was actually a very lonely life.
When Y/N was a child, her mother had abandoned her and her father. At the time Y/N didn’t understand it but as she grew older, she didn’t blame her. She just wished sometimes that her mother would have taken her along. Y/N’s father was Philp Blake. A powerful man with a whole lot of money to control whatever the hell he wanted, but it was clear most of her life that being a father was never something he wanted. The lack of presence from her father was always very evident in her life. He was always busy at work or away on trips leaving her alone with a lot of the workers that he hired to watch over her. If anything she was more of an annoyance to her father. A thorn in his side. For a while he wanted her to follow in his footsteps and take over the family business, but her interest was in other things. It was her final year in college and her father made it exceedingly clear that he hated the direction her life was going in. Threatened her that once she was done with school if she didn’t do what he wanted with the family business he would cut her off completely, but truthfully? She didn’t give a shit. So because of that, she was living it up now while she could. She had complete access to his money and could do anything she wanted so she was. Her father was too busy with running for the position of governor in the state that they were living in to even notice anyways. It was almost a fuck you to him.
Shifting in her seat, she reached for her phone to pull it out and look at it. If her father was going to take any longer, she would have to be rushing to class and she hated that. She liked getting to everything early, but her father was the type to make others wait for everything. What was worse about today was that it was her birthday and she knew that he wouldn’t be doing anything special for it. In fact, that’s probably why he was making her wait longer than normal.
When the sound of footsteps finally started to fill the air, she set her phone down on the table and lifted her eyes to see her father entering the room with an arrogant smug over his features. He definitely knew it was her birthday and that’s why he made her wait.
“Y/N,” her father sat, his eyes gazing out at her when he got comfortable in the seat across from her at the large dining room table. “I’ve had them start breakfast for us.”
“I’m not going to be able to have it. I have classes to get to,” she informed him with a smirk, looking to her phone to see that she didn’t have much time left until she had to leave. “So what’s the plan for tonight?”
“I have a fundraiser tonight,” he remarked with a huff, his eyes surveying her over closely. “You can be late to your classes. I should be having breakfast with my daughter on her birthday.”
“Oh, so you do remember my birthday?” she feigned being shocked placing her hand over the center of her chest. Of course he would want her late for her classes because he hated what she was doing to begin with. “Here I was thinking you forgot.”
“Would you ever let me forget?” his southern drawl rumbled making her roll her eyes and shake her head. “I heard you had a party planned for tonight.”
“Oh yeah. Huge one. Everyone is coming here and we are going to celebrate out back. Lots of people, lots of noise and lots of alcohol,” she emphasized her words, her eyes narrowing out at her father when he let out an amused breath. “So you don’t have to worry about me embarrassing you at that fundraiser. I’ll be home embarrassing you in other ways.”
“I don’t care what you do as long as you stay out of the media. Enjoy it now while you can because this is your last year to do so before I cut you off. You’re twenty-three now. I think it’s about time you started taking care of yourself, don’t you? Since you’re so hell bent on not being part of the family business,” he almost mocked her seeing the way that she shook her head with his response. “Architecture? I can’t believe my own daughter is that boring.”
“Sorry to let you down pops,” she threw her hands up in the air and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m very much aware that I’ve been a constant embarrassment to you since I was born. We all know you wanted a boy.”
“I did,” he agreed with her nodding his head slowly. “Yet here you are. I’m sure if I had a son, he wouldn’t be turning his back on me going into something as useless as architecture. What a waste of a life and job.”
“Well I do like to waste time, just like I did this morning here waiting for you,” she gave him back the attitude making him let out a muted laugh that made her throat tense. “I’m glad I got to share my morning with you for my birthday. It was actually surprising to see you on this birthday compared to the last…how many birthdays have you missed again?”
“Always with the attitude,” he shook his head and sighed loudly, reaching out to place his hand over the center of the table. “When was the last time your mother contacted you again for your birthday? In fact when was the last time your mother contacted you at all?”
His arrogant, smug smirk made her curl her fist up and she could feel her heart hammering in her chest, “Your silence tells me everything. I imagine you at least bought yourself a fine gift for your birthday with the money I freely let you use.”
“Absolutely,” she snorted hating that his comment about her mother was able to actually upset her as much as it did. He wasn’t wrong. Her mother wanted nothing to do with her father and that’s why she ran off. But in running off, she wrote off Y/N too and that left Y/N parentless in a fashion. “You still keeping an eye on mom?”
“Are you asking me if I know where your mother is?” he questioned watching her nod and he threw his hands up in the air. It pissed her off that her father constantly threw it in her face that he knew where her mother was, but he’d never let her know. It had been so long since she had seen her mother that she felt like seeing her mother again would do nothing for her. At this point she was angry with her mother for leaving her all alone with her father. “I do.”
“And you won’t tell me, right?” she confirmed with her father hearing him chuckle under his breath and slide in closer to the table when one of the workers he had hired to work around the house came in with a tray of food for him.
“Why would I do that?” he blurt out with a tip of his head. “Your mother wants nothing to do with you. Why would you even be interested in finding out where she is? It’s not like she’s going to accept you back with open arms. You’re as good as dead when it comes to your mother.”
“Right,” she stood up from the table and stopped before leaving standing in the doorway. “Since I’m as old as I am and you’re ready to write me off completely as soon as I’m out of college, can I finally be allowed to leave without having your men tailing me?”
“Come on,” her father scoffed grabbing a berry from his plate and taking a big bite of it. “You know why I have you followed.”
“So I don’t embarrass you?” she saw her father’s head of security walking into the dining room with them, pulling up a seat beside her father at the table. “Good morning, Simon. I’m sure I’ll be seeing plenty of you and your men tonight, huh?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Simon winked, stroking his fingers over his graying mustache that looked like that of a villain in a cartoon.
“I’m going,” she announced pointing toward the door and Simon dramatically waved at her making her feel furious when she turned on her heel to leave. It was a useless meeting with her father and she didn’t understand why she waited for him anyways.
Instead of focusing on it though, she went to her classes and concentrated solely on those. None of her friends were in the same program as her so it made it easy to focus on what needed to be done with her schooling during the day. She knew that some of her friends would make a big deal about it being her birthday so avoiding them until later was a good idea.
The day went by quickly and by the time she got to her last class, she had her phone sitting on top of the desk before her. It was buzzing relentlessly and she knew that it was people getting excited about the big party for tonight. Instead of giving it attention, she just let it go until the professor standing at the front of the room turned to face her.
“Could you silence that damn thing?” he requested, his chocolate brown eyes locking with hers when she looked to her phone that was on top of her desk. With a smirk, she nodded and reached to turn her phone on silent when he shook his head. “You know in most cases I would have no problem throwing someone out of my class for interrupting it.”
“It won’t happen again Mr. Miller. It was an accident,” she assured him with a wicked smirk seeing the way that his eyebrows furrowed while he stared out at her and tugged at his plaid, button down shirt he was wearing in a nervous motion. “You know how much I love this class. You have my full attention. It was an accident.”
“I’ll let you off this time, but the next time I’m throwing you out,” he threatened, stroking his hand down over the facial hair that was over his jawline. With a shake of his head, he went back to teaching leaving her somewhat amused over their interaction. By the end of class her professor was seated at the edge of his desk with his arms folded out in front of his chest. “Ms. Y/N, please come to my office after class. We need to discuss something about your last project.”
“What about it?” she reached for her bag and threw it over her shoulder seeing him tip his head to the side. “Was it bad?”
“We need to discuss some things about your work,” he reiterated and moved out of the class leaving her standing at her desk with a smirk. Heading out of the lecture hall, she let out a gasp when she saw her best friend standing and waiting outside of the room for her.
“Poppy. What are you doing here?” Y/N clung tightly to her bag watching her best friend grip to her books and bounce in the position that she was in. Poppy’s blonde hair that was tied up wiggled with the movements and her green eyes glistened with excitement. “I have to go talk to my professor about something.”
“Oh! Come on! It’s your birthday and we have a party to plan!” Poppy’s squeaky voice boasted making Y/N smile.
“It is my birthday, but the party is already planned all out. All you have to do is meet me there tonight,” she reminded her friend making a frown expand over her features. “I have to deal with classes first. I will call you when I’m out of the meeting.”
“You should just ditch your professor Y/N, he works you too hard,” Poppy declared with a shrug of her shoulders. “I’ll be waiting for you babe.”
“Looking forward to it,” Y/N winked heading through the hallways to the office where she knew she would find Professor Miller. Standing in the doorway, she knocked on it when she saw that he was sitting at his desk looking at something with his laptop. When he heard her knock, she watched his brown eyes lift to stare out at her and she smiled. “You wanted to see me?”
“Close the door,” he instructed waving her into the office when he pushed his seat back and away from the desk. Listening to his order, she did what he asked and pulled her bag in closer to her body. “You left your phone out on your desk to annoy me today and I know you did.”
“Why would I ever do something like that Joel?” she placed her hand in over the center of her chest and feigned being innocent in the moment. “I’m your best student. Why would I purposely go out of my way to upset you? I don’t want you to punish me and give me a bad grade…”
With a rumble, Joel stood up from his seat and started to make his way around the table and she dropped her bag at her side, “Well, I may want you to punish me. I just don’t want you to give me that bad grade.”
“You’re a bad girl,” he rumbled reaching out to hook his arm around her waist to pull her in flush against him making her smile when she braced her hand in over the center of his chest. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday because I would spank you if it wasn’t.”
“Please do Professor Miller,” she purred biting at her bottom lip in a seductive manner seeing his eyelids heavy with want and lust while she stroked her fingers up and over the side of his neck. “It is my birthday after all.”
“You are going to be the death of me,” Joel slurred lowering down to claim her lips with his in a forceful sweep that left her melting in against his chest with his strong arms wrapped around her. With a growl, he bit at her bottom lip giving it a small tug before staring down at her. “You’re lucky I like you so much because I could have thrown you out of class today and avoided your birthday completely. I can’t play favorites you know.”
“Oh, I’m your favorite?” she teased him, pulling him down by the collar of his shirt to get him to kiss her again. Her lips parted allowing the warmth of his tongue to brush out against hers making her purr when they separated.
“You know you are,” Joel whispered, his thumb dragging out over her bottom lip and the warmth of his breath over her skin drew chills down her spine. “You are so beautiful. You know that?”
“Aw, Joel. Winning me over with your words. Just like you always do,” she muttered sliding her hand up to pluck open the top button of his plaid button down. “I do kind of want you to punish me for my birthday though. Remind me not to be a bad girl.”
“Well, if you insist,” Joel smirked grabbing a firm hold of her and leading her over toward his desk. Forcing her down over the top of it, he placed his hand firmly over the back of her neck and squeezed at it before dragging it down between her shoulder blades and over her spine. It made her let out a shuddering breath and he smiled. “You need to be more careful in my classes. Obviously, I’m going to like you because you’re my best student, but you make things too obvious and that is risky.”
“No one is going to know that we are fucking,” she looked back over her shoulder at him, wincing when he used his other hand to force her to put her head back down over his desk. “I wouldn’t want anyone to know about our relationship because I don’t want to ruin your job for you. You know I like our relationship. I don’t want to lose it.”
“Then you need to be a good girl and do as I say,” he responded sliding his palm in over her full bottom, squeezing it firmly before giving her bottom a firm smack. Arching forward, she purred out only to feel him reaching for the back of her pants. Pulling them down, Joel took her panties with the movement getting the material to her thighs. “You want to be a bad girl for your birthday?”
“I want to be your bad girl,” she slurred feeling the warmth of his palm caressing over her flesh making her bite down on her bottom lip. Purposely she added emphasis to the word your, knowing that she just wanted to be this way for him. After his soothing caress she felt him smack down over her ass making her whimper out. “Harder.”
“Harder?” Joel repeated her request, his southern drawl getting her hotter with the way he continued to caress over her tender flesh. Arching her back, she felt a stronger smack over her bottom making her cry out with the burning sensation it left over her flesh. Another firm spank followed and then another making her coo out and she felt a damp heat at her core. Joel’s hand caressed over the fleshy part of her ass before sliding between her thighs to trace his rough fingertips over the length of her sex. Teasing her with the idea of his fingers, he traced them over her sensitive lips before circling his index finger over her entrance. It made her hips arch up and a tsking sound fell deep from within his throat. “Sit still.”
“Joel,” she mewled out his name when he sank his fingers inside of her taking his time to thrust his finger in gradual strokes having the movements slowly grow stronger in strength. It made her close her eyes tightly, her head tipping back when he growled in response.
“You are so fucking wet. The spanks really did you in, didn’t they?” Joel teased her, inserting another one of his thick fingers into her warmth making her shudder beneath him. The plunges of his fingers inside of her made her heart hammer inside of her chest and she felt her pulse jumping in her throat. Before she could begin to enjoy the pleasure he was drawing out inside of her, he was pulling his fingers from her body and she whined. Looking over her shoulder she watched Joel bringing his fingers to his mouth to take them between his lips. Sucking at the taste of her over his flesh, Joel smirked when he saw the lust in her eyes while she stared out at him. “Head down.”
“Joel,” she pouted seeing him snap his fingers and she did as he ordered of her. Lowering her head, she stretched her hands out and curled her fingers around the edge of the desk. Joel stepped in behind her and she felt the denim of his pants rubbing up against her making her hum out with the friction it caused. Beneath his jeans she could feel him hard while he rubbed himself against her bottom. “Was your cock hard in class?”
“With you sitting in front row, my cock is always so hard,” Joel responded, biting down on his bottom lip while he rubbed himself up against her bottom. “Moving you to the back so I don’t have to sit down all the time would probably be a good idea. Don’t you think?”
“But I want to be able to look at you. We don’t have much time left with me in your class,” she whined when he pulled his hips and moved away. Going to lift up, she felt him pressing into the center of her back to keep her in place.
“Remember, you do as I say,” Joel demanded stepping in front of her at the other side of the desk. Joel started to pull open the belt in his jeans making her lift her head up to look up at him with big eyes. Licking her lips, she saw his dark eyes locked on her. Getting his jeans open, he pushed the material to the side and reached to pull down the front of his boxers making his cock spring out before her. Her throat went dry from the position she was in watching Joel’s thick fingers curl around his cock to stroke it firmly in his grasp. It drew attention to the swollen tip making her wet her lips. Stepping as close as he could to the edge of the desk, Joel hooked his fingers into her hair to get her to lift her head a bit further while his other hand led his cock toward her mouth. Teasing the tip of it across her bottom lip made Joel smirk when she whined knowing that he wasn’t allowing her to take him into her mouth yet. “You would do just about anything for me, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes,” she slurred against his flesh, parting her lips just enough for her to kiss at the tip making Joel’s jaw flex in response. “Anything you want…it’s yours.”
“Good girl,” Joel pressed his hips forward watching her kiss further at the tip before dragging her tongue out across the top collecting the taste of him at the slit. “Go ahead…”
Taking his cock into the warmth of her mouth made Joel tip his head back and moan, his fingers hooking tighter into her hair while she lapped at the head of his cock with her tongue before lowering her head over his length. It made Joel bite into his bottom lip and he dropped his head to make sure to watch her while she gave him a blowjob. Her eyes were closed for a short amount of time, so entirely focused on giving him what he wanted.
“Open your eyes,” Joel ordered with a scoff watching her do what he asked of her, fluttering her eyelashes when she looked up at him. Starting to thrust his hips, Joel sank his length further down her throat time and time again. The wet slurping sounds filled the office surrounding them while he had his way with her. Doing her best to relax her throat, she was allowing him to use her in any way he wanted making his quiet moans fill the air. Yanking back on her hair, Joel pulled her mouth from his length enjoying the way she stared up at him when he wrapped his fingers back around his saliva covered length. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll be thinking of me all the way throughout your party tonight. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Professor Miller,” she swallowed down hard, her wet lips shining when he smirked down at her. “I’m yours to do whatever you want with me.”
“Good girl,” Joel moved around the desk, reaching for her pants to roughly tug them further down her legs. Kicking her feet apart, he moved in behind her and stroked over his body noticing the way that she shook at his closeness. “Do you think you deserve a nice present before I get what I want from you?”
“Please,” she begged, her fingers curling tighter around the edge of the desk feeling Joel kneeling down behind her. Dragging his fingers across her bottom led her to pant before he firmly smacked over the lower part of her ass again making her cry out.
“You’re my bad girl, aren’t you?” Joel hummed caressing his hands down over her thighs squeezing at her flesh before caressing back up over them again. “Say it.”
“I’m your bad girl,” she whispered whimpering out when she felt Joel’s warm breath hovering over the most intimate parts of her. “I’m yours…”
“Yes, you are,” he growled out, pressing a wet kiss over her core making her tense up. Closing her eyes, she felt Joel’s mouth kissing over her heated flesh before dragging his tongue out through her folds. Gasping, she enjoyed Joel’s tongue teasing long lines from her clitoris to her entrance and it made her rock back against his movements. The sounds Joel made while he ate her out were like music to her ears and it turned her on all the more. When his tongue focused at her entrance it made her whimper out and the sensation of his hot tongue pushing inside of her made her coo. The movements of his tongue along with the suction of his lips over her body had her shaking against him and he chuckled against her flesh. “You’re not being quiet.”
“You don’t want me to be quiet,” she gasped when his tongue started to lap at her body again knowing that he was proud of what he was able to work out of her. Her breaths were uneven when she felt her thighs shaking. “Joel.”
A warmth rushed throughout her body, her eyes slamming shut when Joel got her to an orgasm making her whole body tremor. Without giving her time to come down from her high, Joel swiftly got up to his feet and grabbed a firm hold of her hips. Bringing her back against him, he reached between them and led his cock to her entrance thrusting his hips forward filling her completely making her arch up and away from him with a cry.
A moan fell from Joel’s throat while his thrusts started off immediately fast and hard making her cling tightly to the desk. His fingertips were digging hard into her hips undoubtedly going to leave a mark with how strongly he was holding onto her. Taking a moment to adjust, Joel pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees before he started smacking up against her harder. She was on her tiptoes, her body eagerly rocking back against him while he fucked her.
“You feel so good,” she cried out, her gasps filling the air with every powerful thrust that Joel made inside of her from behind. His grunts followed his thrusts and he already had her a shaking mess beneath him. With a huff, Joel adjusted her body to his liking and he leaned in over her. His fingers wrapped around the edge of the desk to give him leverage to help pound himself into her again and again. The desk was shaking with how hard he was fucking her and he wasn’t kidding when he told her that he was going to fuck her so hard that she would be feeling him later. “Joel.”
“Shhh…” Joel hummed biting at her earlobe enjoying the wet sounds their bodies made together. Releasing the desk with his left hand, he sank his fingers into her hair and put a bit of pressure at the beck of her neck while he continued to pound into her with unrelenting movements. Joel’s moan drew a liquid fire to flood her veins and she could feel a dampness sliding down her thighs. “You’re tight little pussy belongs to me, doesn’t it?”
“It’s only yours,” she declared, her whines following his movements. His fast fucking turned to slow, powerful thrusts that had her bouncing forward with every smack his hips made up against her bottom. Joel was using her like his own personal sex doll, but she didn’t care because she liked being made to be his. Winces fell from her throat with the meticulously powerful thrusts. His cock was throbbing inside of her and by the sounds he was making she knew that he was close to coming. Soon he was back at pounding away inside of her, his moans warm against her ear when his movements slowed down. Joel held her in place with his cock twitching inside of her, while he pumped her full of his cum. Joel pulled back and away from her, falling back onto the leather chair that was behind him where students would come to sit if they were really coming to his office to talk to him. Closing her eyes, she felt like the room was spinning around her. The warmth of Joel’s cum trailing down her thigh was felt when she looked back at him over her shoulder. Standing up on wobbly legs, she kicked out of the material of her pants and moved in over Joel in the chair. Grabbing a hold of his cock, she led it back inside of her, bouncing her hips over his length making him grunt. “Make me come…”
“Who says you deserve it?” Joel growled out, lifting his head up enough to meet her in a sloppy kiss, but instead of fighting her on it, his rough fingertips found her clitoris caressing over the sensitive bundle of nerves in strong, circular motions while she bounced her hips over his length. It didn’t take long before she tossed her head back letting out a cry. It allowed him to kiss down over the side of her neck and leave tiny bites over her flesh along the way. Y/N fell in against his chest and rest her head against Joel’s shoulders while his hand braced in over her lower back. “You’re wild darlin’.”
“I just had to get a ride in on my cowboy before we ended this,” she felt his cock softening inside of her and she pulled her hips up and away, but still remained over him enjoying the way it felt being this close to him. “You’re right, I’m going to feel you tonight still. That’s one of the hardest fucks you’ve ever given me.”
“Did you dislike it?” Joel tipped his head back to stare out at her seeing her smirk and shake her head.
“I loved it,” she assured him, stroking her thumb over his bottom lip allowing him to take it between his lips to nibble at her flesh. “Are you coming to my party tonight?”
“Y/N,” Joel slurred, pulling his lips away from her thumb with a huff. “You know I can’t do that. You’re going to have friends from the school there.”
“None of them are in this program, they won’t know who you are,” she maintained, her eyes full of awe for the man beneath her. “I’ve told my friends I’m in a relationship with an older man and they support it. They think it’s hot that I’m dating an older man.”
“Dating?” Joel repeated her words, his eyebrows bouncing up when she said that word.
“Well yeah, you’re my boyfriend,” she pointed out making Joel straighten up underneath her and she saw something change in his face while he stared out at her. “I mean that’s what you would call this, right? Dating? We spend a lot of time together. Go on trips together. Buy each other things. Spend nights together…”
“I mean…” Joel’s lips parted, his brown eyes searching hers and it was clear that he was uneasy with the conversation that they were having. “Why would you tell your friends about me? If the college found out that we were sleeping together I would be fired, Y/N.”
“I don’t tell them that you’re my professor. How we met doesn’t matter,” she stroked her fingers over the center of his chest making Joel scoff in response. “They don’t need to know that you were impressed with my work and when you called me in here to talk about my skills our chemistry just skyrocketed. The only thing they know is that you flirted with me and swept me off my feet with your quiet, southern charm.”
“I can’t go to your party tonight Y/N. I have a daughter, remember?” Joel reminded her making her lick her lips and he adjusted her over him so that way they had some distance. “Sarah is fourteen and I can’t just leave her alone to go to some college party.”
“What about your brother?” Y/N pushed making Joel snort, his brow line creasing when she was visibly desperate to have him in her life tonight. “I think Tommy can handle Sarah for one night, don’t you think?”
“No, we have a movie night tonight,” Joel reflected her suggestion, reaching down to grab his pants to pull them back over his hips and she suddenly felt uncomfortable seeing his reaction to things. “Every Friday we spend together since her mother left us.”
“Well,” she thought about what he was telling her and she reached out to palm in over the side of Joel’s face, teasing her fingers through his facial hair. “Maybe I can blow off the party tonight and I can meet Sarah for the first time? I can bring over a pizza and maybe some ice cream.”
“You don’t have to give up your party to meet my daughter,” Joel stammered getting his pants back together while she worked to pull her pants up and over her hips. “It’s not that important.”
“Of course it is. I love you Joel, I want to meet your daughter,” she repeated what she had told him in the past hearing Joel inhale sharply and tip his head to the side. Joel moved her from over him and stood up heading over toward his desk to sit down on the edge of it folding his arms in front of his chest. “Why is it you respond like that every time I tell you I love you?”
“Because it’s too fast,” Joel answered with a stressed sound, reaching back to stroke his fingers in over the back of his neck.
“But we’ve been doing this for over a year and a half now,” she pointed out making Joel tense up and he shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not like we’re just fucking Joel. We’ve been out on dates, we’ve traveled together…I’ve given you a significant amount of money for your company.”
“And I appreciate that,” Joel threw his hand up in the air making her chest ache while she sat in the chair before him. Joel’s breathing was heavy and she could feel a lump developing in her throat. “I know it was a lot to ask you for that loan and I appreciate you doing it for me. I appreciate all the gifts and the money you’ve given me. It means a lot to me.”
“But not enough for you to tell me you love me?” she stammered seeing him grimace when she mentioned him loving her. “Listen, you can just keep whatever present you got me for my birthday and replace it with an I love you. Just once.”
“I didn’t get you a gift for your birthday,” Joel confessed, his brown eyes full of a certain emotion she couldn’t read when she felt her chest ache. “The sex was your gift.”
“I just…” she felt her breath getting taken from her lungs and she immediately nodded her head. When it was Joel’s birthday, she went out of her way to give him the best birthday possible. Showering him with gifts, taking him out somewhere nice and even giving him a trip to the beach after he talked about longing to go one day. “Okay.”
“You’re disappointed,” Joel commented seeing that her face was turning a shade of red when she looked down at the ground before her.
“No, I just…” she lied to him looking up at him with a dampness in her eyes making Joel drastically bob his head about and look over toward the time. “Am I keeping you?”
“You know that I can’t keep you in here for too long. People would get suspicious,” Joel explained looking to the watch that she knew his daughter had given to him on his birthday. “Why don’t you just text me later and let me know how your party was.”
“Maybe we can go out to dinner before the party?” she stood from the seat feeling a chill flooding her spine hoping for more from Joel. “Maybe that little diner that you like? We can get a couple of shakes, burgers and fries. Then after we can share some of that pie that…”
“I have to pick Sarah up and take her to soccer practice,” Joel interjected before she could make a further suggestion. Joel stood up and moved around the desk to reach for something in the top drawer and she saw it was his keys.
“Maybe I can come and…” she started to mutter but Joel put his hand up in the air to cut her off and shake his head. “Is there something wrong with me? Am I not good enough to meet your daughter? I thought you liked me…”
“I do like you, but it would just be…weird,” Joel answered with a shake of his head making her let out a shuddering breath. “Hey Sarah, here is this girl that is my student. We hang out sometimes…just thought you would like to meet her.”
“So I’m good enough to have a pussy full of your cum and I’m good enough to give you nice things and go on trips with, but I’m not good enough to meet your daughter or brother? Or have any part of your life?” she inquired knowing that for a while she realized she wasn’t getting back in the relationship with Joel what she was giving him, but she just thought it was because of his ex-wife hurting him like she did in the past and he was just genuinely a shyer guy.
“Watch what you say,” Joel hushed her looking toward the door making her roll her eyes and shake her head.
“Do you really only see our relationship as us just hanging out?” she thought back on what he said making Joel grumble under his breath. “Am I just your student to you? The last time we spent the night together you spent all night holding me and the things that you said…”
“You are my student,” Joel reminded her making her chest tighten when he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sorry it’s not the answer you want, but everything you want is too complicated for me right now. I need relaxed in my life. I have so much going on and what you’re asking for is just too much.”
“We’ve almost been together two years Joel. I get if this was the first few months, but I think we started doing this a year and nine months ago,” she educated him on the amount of time they had been fooling around with one another. “It would be one thing if it was less than a year, but you’ve asked me to be loyal to you. To only be with you. And as far as I knew, I was the only person you were sleeping with too.”
“You are, but it’s more of a case if I’m having unprotected sex with you, I didn’t want to be fucking all the boys on campus too,” Joel noted making her let out an offended breath and he threw his hands up in the air. “I just think sex feels better without a condom and you were willing to do it, so I thought we just had an agreement with that.”
“You know if you dedicate yourself to one person with sex, that usually means you’re dating them,” she commented making Joel’s nose wrinkle. Lowering his head into his palm, he was very uneasy with this discussion and she let out an offended breath. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“I can’t break up with someone that I was never dating to begin with,” Joel snorted making her heart sink hearing him pronounce the words with a firmness to his tone. “I just don’t want to introduce you to my family. I also don’t want to tell you I love you because what we have, it’s just not…”  
“Wow,” she felt her body shaking and she headed over toward her bag that she dropped at the corner of his office. Instead of listening to this any longer, she knew that she couldn’t take it and had to leave. “Thanks for the sex. It’s exactly what I wanted for my birthday.”
“Listen,” Joel began, standing up straight reaching out in attempts to touch her, but she pulled back and away from him. “You have to understand…”
“No, I get it,” she held her hand up in the air making Joel’s eyes narrow and he gave her a glare that made his chiseled jawline flex. “God, I’m stupid. This is already off to a great birthday. Enjoy your day with Sarah, I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.”
“Would you just,” Joel stammered only for her to pull open the door to storm out of his office. Heading for the front of the building that she was in, she felt like the world was spinning around her and she didn’t know how to handle the information she was just delivered.
“Slow down tiger,” a familiar deep, raspy voice rumbled from behind her when she shoved open the front door. Looking back over her shoulder she saw that her personal bodyguard that her father had on her for the last few years was resting back against the school smoking a cigarette. His dark sunglasses were over his eyes, his dimples sinking in when he stared out at her. “Where are you going in a rush?”
“Fucking hell Negan,” she snapped watching his head tip to the side and his eyebrow arched up over his sunglasses. His dimples sank in when he released a long line of smoke from his lungs making her look down toward the ground. At the moment she wanted to cry and have a meltdown but she was doing her best to keep it together. “I forgot they have you follow me every-fucking-where.”
“Kind of my job,” he clarified pulling the sunglasses from his face, hooking them at the top of his shirt while he stared out at her with his hazel eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she lied feeling like her heart was going to explode from how upset she was with what Joel had just said to her.
“We both fucking know that’s not true,” Negan took another puff of his cigarette before tossing it aside making her shrug her shoulders. “Did the professor fucking do something?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she disputed watching Negan push himself forward from the school to approach her and stare out at her with is expressive eyes. Negan reached out to grasp her jaw between his thumb and index finger noticing that she was quite upset.
“How much money did he ask for this time?” Negan queried making her roll her eyes when she pulled away from Negan and shook her head. “Do I need to go fucking kick his ass? Did he do something that…”
“Stop,” she reached for Negan, grabbing a hold of his arm and pulling him back to her. “I just made the mistake of thinking my relationship with him was something more than it actually was.”
“What do you mean?” Negan’s face scrunched up, visible confusion flooding his features while he stared out at her. “Pretty sure you’re fucking dating him.”
“Apparently not,” she snorted thinking about all the things she had done with Joel over the last year and a half. After all they had done together, she just assumed they were a couple and even though he hadn’t told her he loved her, she thought she was working Joel up to it. “You never told my father about him, right?”
“Of course not. You asked me to keep it as our secret and it is. Your father never asks where you go or where the money you spend is going. Even if he did ask me about your potential lovers, my loyalty lies with you. Not your father,” Negan promised making her sigh loudly when he placed his hand in over the center of his chest. “He just pays me to keep you safe.”
“He pays you to follow me around like a stalker,” she reminded him waving him on to follow her so they could walk through campus together.
“You know there was a point in time where you actually enjoyed the idea of it,” Negan teased her, nudging her playfully with his shoulder while they walked side by side. “If I remember correctly, you were head over heels for me.”
“And you were married,” she frowned making Negan stop walking and his Adam’s apple bounced in his throat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned her. I know it’s still sensitive with her passing and…”
“It’s fine,” Negan held his hand up in the air and it made her eyes fall to the wedding rings that he still wore on a necklace around his neck. Growing up, she had the biggest crush on Negan having him be her bodyguard. Anyone who was around him as much as she was would have fallen in love with him too. With his wildly naughty, cocky attitude and one of the most stunning smiles she had ever seen in her life, it made it hard for her not to fall for him. Physically, Negan was the man of her dreams. Tall dark and handsome defined him completely and she was in love with him for a significant part of her life, but the number one problem was that he was already taken by his childhood sweetheart. Lucille. So any attempts she made on Negan in the past were quickly shut down because he was head over heels in love with his wife. And it was only recently that he had ended up losing her to pancreatic cancer. Just talking about her sometimes would make Negan very emotional and since her passing the two of them had gotten a lot closer as friends. In fact, Negan was probably her best friend and her bodyguard. He was there all the time so he knew everything. More than anyone knew. And in a way she liked it because she knew she had someone she could be completely honest with. It just so happened that she used to have the biggest crush on him for a long time. Negan reached up to brush his fingers against his wedding ring that was there along with his late wife’s ring. “I’m going to have to get used to talking about her at some point.”
“Give me your hand,” she held her hand up seeing the way that Negan’s nose wrinkled and he tipped his head to the side. “Just give me your damn hand.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan allowed her to take his hand and she hooked her fingers with his leading them to hold hands while they walked through the campus together. “I feel like a teenage boy again holding hands with a pretty girl.”
“Listen, I need someone to hold my fucking hand so I don’t have a complete and total meltdown,” she informed Negan feeling him stop when she stated that and she shrugged her shoulders when she gazed over at him. “And I’m pretty sure you need someone to hold your hand sometimes too.”
“Is this guy still in his office?” Negan questioned, pulling her forward to stare down at her seeing the way that her eyes were tearing over. “That’s it, I’m going to go fucking kick his ass…”
“No,” she begged, pulling him back to her so that way he was staring down at her with his big hazel eyes. Negan’s palm pressed in over the side of her face and he swallowed down hard when she leaned into his touch. “I was just stupid Negan. It was my own fault. I wanted a relationship so bad that I was reading everything…wrong. I’m just so used to no one wanting me that it felt good having something with Joel.”  
“I could have told you fucking your professor wasn’t going to go anywhere. It was an abuse of power on his end and…” Negan started to vent but was cut off by the feeling of Y/N pressing her fingers in over his lips to silence him. When he stopped talking, he felt her dragging her fingers through his short beard and he sighed. Hooking his arms around her, he pulled her into a tight hug and stroked his fingers over the back of her neck. Squeezing her tightly in his arms, he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss over her forehead. “Come to the Mustang. I have something for you.”
With a simple nod, she followed Negan to his black classic Mustang that he owned. Negan held his finger up and motioned her to wait a minute when he opened the passenger’s side door. Leaning down he reached for something from the back and she let out an amused sound when he brought out some balloons and he was holding a six-pack of cupcakes in his hands.
“Happy birthday,” Negan offered up a weak smile holding out the things in his hands making her smile when he did it.
“You remembered,” she breathed out seeing his dimples sink in and he gave her a small nod. “I didn’t think you remembered when I didn’t see you this morning.”
“I was too busy driving out to that special little bakery you like to get you these,” Negan informed her making her touched to know that he went out of his way today to get her something that she liked. “I know how much you love the cupcakes from there and I just, I wanted to do something nice for your fucking birthday.”
“Well, you’re going to have to share them with me,” she reached out to accept the balloons and the cupcakes finding herself amused with the whole balloon aspect of things. Negan so far was the only person to make some kind of positive impact for her on her birthday and she appreciated it. “You know I can’t eat six of them by myself.”
“I can do that,” Negan muttered and she took a minute to think about things before stepping up on her toes to press a quick kiss at Negan’s cheek. “Get in…”
“Yes sir,” she nodded her head allowing Negan to help her into the passenger seat of his Mustang and she knew if this was how things were when she was younger, she would be swooning over Negan doing something nice for her on her birthday. Unfortunately she was still upset with the way things went down with Joel and that was heavy in her heart, but she was doing her best not to have a meltdown. When he got back into the car, he pulled his sunglasses back in over his face and looked over at her. “You taking me home?”
“No, I’m taking you out to dinner on the water. Give you some time to relax before you are surrounded by a shitload of people tonight,” Negan answered her with a big smile making her throat tense up knowing that it was something that she wanted Joel to do with her. Negan must have caught the expression over her face and he frowned. “What?”
“You don’t have to do this just because you are my bodyguard and have to be around me,” she claimed making him frown, pushing his sunglasses down his face to allow his hazel eyes to connect with hers. “I’m sure there is something else you would rather be doing with your time.”
“No, I want to spend my evening with you, doing something nice for your birthday,” Negan winked starting up the car noticing the way that she was staring out at him. “So stop worrying. Everything is as I want it.”
Instead of fighting with him she allowed him to take her where he wanted. It surprised her when they got to the restaurant and they led them outside to the table that had more balloons there along with a bouquet of flowers. It made her stop in her footsteps and Negan moved in behind her to place his hand in over her shoulder, “What?”
“What would you have done if I would have went with Joel somewhere?” she asked knowing that this was something that Negan obviously had planned for her long before just deciding to randomly take her here for her birthday.
“Then I would have called and cancelled,” Negan led her over toward the table and held the chair out for her. After she sat Negan took the seat across from her and she felt bad knowing that this is what she wanted to be doing with the man she thought was her boyfriend. Taking his sunglasses off, Negan noticed the way she was staring out at him and he threw his hands up in the air. “You talk about having shitty birthdays all the time and I just wanted to make sure that you had a semi-decent one.”
“I don’t deserve you after all the shit I’ve put you through,” she lifted up from her seat to lean across the table to press a lingering kiss over the side of his face. Negan smirked when she sat back down in her seat. “I bet you would have never thought you would still be here years ago.”
“Years ago I was just thankful to have a job. Going from having a promising career in baseball to hurting myself and needing a job was rough,” Negan explained thinking back on his life working with Y/N. “You may have given me a run for my money, but I enjoy my job.”
“I’m sure the money you make isn’t all that bad,” she thought about the people that worked for her father and she heard Negan scoff. “You know, you never told me how you ended up with this job. Being stuck with me.”
“I don’t view it that way,” Negan shook his head, rolling his eyes when he reached for the glass of water that was before him. “I got the job because Simon owed me. We knew each other previously, I was in the minor leagues for baseball and I looked to have a promising career ahead of me, but I got injured. Lucille and I just got married, I needed money and he hooked me up with this job taking care of a wild and unruly teenager of some rich hotshot. And I thought, how hard could it be?”
“And then you met me,” she joked looking down at the menu that was before her knowing that this was a place she had come many times before and Negan obviously knew that she liked it. “I probably drove you crazy.”
“Sometimes,” Negan tipped his head to the side and gave her a wink. Reaching for something beside him, Negan grabbed a hold of the bag that he brought with him into the restaurant. “I know this is kind of goofy considering the circumstances, but this is your last present from me today…”
“What?” her eyebrows bounced up seeing that he was handing something across the table to her. Accepting the bag, she pulled it into her lap and reached inside to reveal the leather-bound sketchbook that Negan had gotten for her.
“I know you have people that are going to give you incredible gifts tonight that are going to make that feel stupid, but I always see you sketching on things and since this is going to be your profession I thought you might like having one that looked…fuck, I don’t know…nice,” Negan waved his hand around seeing the way that she smiled while she opened it and flipped through the pages. “I saw it and it made me think of you so I got it for you.”
“Thank you, Negan,” she found herself in awe of the man before her knowing that with their history together she was so surprised that Negan still liked her as much as he did. She really did give him hell when she was a teenager and in her early twenties so she was thankful for his kindness toward her. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Go for it,” Negan got comfortable in his seat, tipping his head to the side when he gave her his full attention.
“You and Joel are around the same age,” she began seeing the expression over his face change when she brought up Joel to him and she knew that Negan was never a fan of the guy to begin with. “Do you find me to be overbearing? Am I wrong for thinking that we were dating after a year and a half? I wanted to meet his daughter and he had a meltdown about it. Called me just some student.”
“Y/N, I don’t like him,” Negan explained with a loud rumble of a groan, reaching to pinch at the bridge of his nose when he leaned forward in his seat. “I think the problem in the whole relationship was him and not you.”
“Just answer the question Negan,” she pleaded knowing that she probably sounded pathetic and desperate, but in a sense she was.
“Your relationship started because he took advantage of you. He called you to his office and told you that he wanted to talk about how well you were exceeding in his classes and then seduced you into sleeping with him. Because you’re attracted to older men you were eager to get the attention from an older man…” Negan reasoned with her making her face flush over when he reminded her of how her relationship with Joel started. “You know how uncomfortable you were when he asked you for money the first time, but you’re too goddamn nice and you liked him so much that you were willing to do whatever it took to keep him happy. To answer your question, most people who are dating a year would have no problem introducing their daughter to the person they were with. People who go on trips together are often considered dating too. So no, I don’t think you’re overbearing for wanting to get closer to Joel. I think it’s fucked up he’s your professor and I think there is something incredibly shady about him, but…”
“I know how you feel about Joel. You tell me all the time,” she reminded him with a shake of her head hating that she let Joel get to her so much but she really liked him and she put a lot of effort into their relationship over the last year. “I just wonder if there is a problem with me. My mother left me. My father can’t stand me. I’ve had boyfriends, but never anything super serious. The one time I think I’ve fallen in love with someone…”
“You’re surrounded by shitty people Y/N,” Negan reasoned with her hating that she was going to these thoughts because of Joel upsetting her like he did. “It’s a hard pill to swallow, but a lot of the world fucking sucks. You’re a good person in a shady fucking family. Of course you are going to feel lonely in that environment. You don’t have the attitude of a rich person. You’re humble, caring, kind…”
“After I graduate, I’m going to be poor as hell,” she chuckled seeing Negan scoff at the thing that her father told her. “Will you still like me then?”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Negan reached out across the table for her hand and gave it a firm squeeze. “It’s not the money that kept me here and you know that. I care about you. I always have and no matter what your father does, I will always be in your life.”
Squeezing her fingers around Negan’s, she appreciated the sentiment and felt good knowing that no matter what happened in her life, there would always be someone she knew that she could count on. It made her happy to know that Negan was that person.  
“I feel like I was just being a pathetic, clingy child with Joel and I feel pitiful,” she admitted to Negan focusing on the way that his thumb stroked over the back of her hand. “Is this what all men are like when they get in serious relationships? I’ve told him that I love him multiple times at this point and every time he turns pale and starts sweating. Why do the things he’s doing with me if he doesn’t want a relationship of some kind?”
“Y/N…” Negan slurred, his eyebrows bouncing up with his fingers curling tighter around hers. “Are you sure you’re the only student that he is doing this with? For all you know, this could just be something that he does. Takes advantage of the power he holds over people as their professor and...”
“That’s not what this was Negan. I was just doing really good in his classes and he wanted to pull me aside. Told me that he knew people that would be interested in my work if I kept up doing what I was. It was just when the two of us were together there was this chemistry,” Y/N informed Negan feeling his fingers slowly slipping from hers and he leaned back in his chair visibly uncomfortable. “Negan, while he may have seduced me, I could tell he hadn’t been with someone in a very long time. He tried to pretend to be confident, but he was still nervous. I think after his wife abandoned him and his daughter, he shut himself down. Joel is complicated.”
“Men aren’t as complicated as you think they are,” Negan retorted with a snort, tapping his fingers at the top of the table while they waited for someone to come and take their order. “Listen, you are a good catch, but some people see you and they get the wrong idea. You’re beautiful, sweet, passionate, talented…but sometimes people are going to see your last name and they are going to take advantage of how good you are.”
“Joel isn’t like that,” she combated making Negan throw his hands up in the air in a defensive movement. “Joel isn’t the type that cares about politics or money.”
“He asked you for money, he knows you have the money Y/N. How did he know that?” Negan pushed, leaning forward in his seat trying to keep quiet since there were other people near them.
“I talked to him about my life quite a bit Negan. He knew what my life was like and he knew that I had an endless supply of money because of my dad. You know my dad. He allows me to do whatever I want without asking. I love Joel and I would do whatever it takes…” she rambled on watching Negan’s thick eyebrows arch up and she felt her chest tightening. “It’s not about the money Negan.”
“You’re not pathetic for falling in love with someone Y/N. You’re a hopeless romantic and I can’t fault you for that. I fucking get it,” Negan placed his hand in over the center of his chest and cleared his throat when he could see they were getting prepared to come get their orders. “Plus, Joel has been playing with your feelings and emotions. Dragging you along so you do what he wants. Whether it’s sex or money…”
“It’s not about the money Negan,” she stressed thinking back on the moments that she shared with Joel previously. “I think his ex-wife just really hurt him. He has a lot going on in his head. There are moments where he is really cold, but then there are those moments where he is holding me in bed some nights where it just feels special. Unlike anything I’ve felt before. I think he really combats his thoughts a lot. He wants to be loved and to have a relationship, but at the same time he’s scared to.”
“I think you think too fucking highly of him,” Negan declared making her frown and they both went silent when the waitress came to their table to take their orders. After the waitress left Negan noticed that Y/N was deep in her thoughts and he shook his head. “Y/N, I’m not trying to be mean here. You know I support whatever decisions you make. I just want you fucking happy, but there has been some rather big fucking red flags. I would know because for a big part of my life I was a walking red flag. I was a fucker in my younger years. So I just want you to be careful.”
With a simple nod, she looked to her phone and sighed when she saw that Joel hadn’t texted her or anything after she left his office. If there was something more between the two of them, she thought maybe he would have contacted her, but he didn’t.
“Everything you’ve done here is everything I wanted Joel to do today,” she silently muttered making Negan frown, nodding his head slowly. “I’m starting to think you’re the only person that truly sees me for me Negan. Maybe the world forced it to be that way, but you see me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Negan gave her a wink sliding closer to the table, tipping his head down in attempts to get her eyes to connect with his. “While you’re with me, try to forget him and enjoy yourself. If you need to still talk about him, I won’t shut you the fuck down, but I want you happy and I think the more you think about Joel the sadder you are going to be.”
“I’ll do my best,” she gave him a weak smile knowing that Negan was trying harder than anyone in her life right now to make her happy and she appreciated the gesture. So she was going to give him the best of her right now. It’s what he deserved for trying to make her happy. It wasn’t normal for people to go out of their way for her to make her happy so she was very thankful for that. So that’s what she did. Did her best to ignore her feelings on Joel and it was nice to actually have a few moments of downtime with Negan. It really did feel like at this point that Negan was the only person that she could be herself with and not have to worry about impressing him. Hopefully that feeling never changed with him because he was way too important to her for her to lose now.
Tags: @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @insertneganhere @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight  @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @tone-stark @thesapphirequeen  @wonwoosthetic​ @misskittydenoire​ @casangel1986​
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uhzuku · 9 months
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑’𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐓! ❞ ──── 𝐟𝐭. 𝐍. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: “I — Are you trying to blackmail me?” you ask in disbelief, staring at him with half-wide eyes as your brain tries to piece together the absolute audacity he’s expressing to you.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: jujutsu kaisen | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: nanami kento/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 3.25k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: once again reader is kinda stinky but not too much imo, fem reader, perv nanami, college au, professor nanami, threats of blackmail, age gap ( 20+ years, nanami in his forties & reader approaching mid-twenties ), power imbalance, nanami likes to get his freak on in his office, non-consensual recording during sex, non-consensual photography during sex.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: i just. listen okay. this is woodrow’s fault 100% …
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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The shrill scream of your alarm, as harsh on your ears as always, urges you awake and up. It’s with a lazy, already annoyed hand that you slap it to turn it off, promptly turning to faceplant in your pillow to half-scream into the fabric. 
The thick, muscled arm thrown over your waist tightens ever so slightly, your favorite hookup grumbling in his sleep; with a roll of your eyes you pull away, cursing the lucky bastard in your head considering he didn’t have to actually wake up until noon while you had two college courses today, the first starting at 8:15. With you living just a little too far from campus, this meant you had to get up at 5:45 every morning to get ready; it was one of the reasons you often skipped breakfast if only to save yourself an extra half hour of time you could spend asleep. 
Standing up, your toes scrunch against his icy hardwood floors, and you lace your fingers together as you throw them in a loop over your head to stretch, an achy spot in your lower back crackling as you do. A relieved groan leaves your lips, and you bend down and begin collecting your clothes; it wasn’t even anywhere near 5:45 yet, but you had to get back to your apartment, shower, and change clothes, which meant you had no time for morning cuddles. 
Hopping on one foot to tug on your stubborn leather boot, you almost trip face-first into the door frame and would have hurt yourself if you’d not caught yourself with one hand just before making contact with the wood.  A low, complaining grumble behind you lets you know you’ve disturbed his sleep, but you really couldn’t care less when he had the luxury to and would sleep until 9:30AM on a Monday anyway. He could roll over and throw a pillow over his head for all you cared. 
Stumbling downstairs with the usual soft ache between your legs you grab your coat and wrap it around yourself, not bothering with sticking your arms through the sleeves in favor of unlocking the door and stepping out. You make use of the spare key he’d given you months ago and lock up behind yourself, then rush to your car. Part of you wished you had time to let it warm up while you ran back in for a cup of coffee, but you didn’t — any more time wasted and you’d be late to everything, and you didn’t want another strike on your record even if you had a handful to spare. 
After making it back to your meagre apartment and taking a quick shower, you haphazardly throw on clothes and rush out the door, your still half-damp hair twisted up in a messy bun. It takes another near hour to make it to campus, and you slip into the class hall just before your morning professor closes and locks the door. She gives you the stink eye as you squirm your way in and rush to an open seat next to some guy with long dark hair, but you ignore her and tug out your laptop with a quiet groan. 
God, you hate Mondays. 
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“Alright, class dismissed — Miss L/N? Stay behind.”
Soft murmuring fills the room, noticeably coupled with furtive glances in your direction, but you pay them no mind. A single glance towards the front of your History Professor’s class hall is enough for him to understand that you’d heard him, and he says nothing else as he enters his office. 
You’re in your afternoon class now, the morning course ( thankfully ) long over, and now in your History course you were packing your things to leave for the dining hall, but it seems you’d have to put off those plans for now. 
Tossing the strap of your bag over one shoulder, you’re the only student heading in the opposite direction of the door to leave, and as you enter your History professor’s personal office you can hear the main door close heavily. You close the office door behind you as well, its lock clicking shut loudly in the silence as you take in the sight of the man signing various papers that look more than a little official. 
“You wanted to see me, Professor Kento?” you murmur softly, your eyes glittering in a playful way that he knew well. Glancing up, he narrows his own at you ever so slightly before a soft smile graces his features. 
“Yes… I missed you this morning,” he says softly, voice shifting into something wistful and wanting. You raise an eyebrow and return his smile over crossed arms. 
“Hmm, my History professor’s a hardass,” you reply through a slight
giggle, and he chuckles back at you as you say, “I had some work left that was due today despite him only scheduling it three days ago, so I was in a hurry.”
“He sounds  like an asshole,” Professor Kento says, lacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them with laughing eyes. 
“Mmm, maybe… but his looks make up for it,” you say softly, and he smiles. 
“Do they, now?” he asks softly, his voice a welcome timbre that you can already feel between your thighs, and you feel your cheeks warm up as you nod. 
“Mhmm…” you hum softly, walking around his desk and gently pushing him back with one hand before hopping up to sit on its surface. He leans forward now, taking up his favorite spot between your legs, and you loosely loop one of your arms around his neck and its hand to toy with the hair at the nape of his neck while your other caresses his face. “All those hard assignments are worth it when I get to have him tell me what to do all afternoon.” He stands abruptly, crowding into you and allowing his hands to wander as the two of you press closer together and he tugs you forward by the hips. His lips, slightly chapped, ghost across your skin as he tips his head to the side to cover your neck in kisses and love bites. 
“Surely there’s some way for me to help you relax after that man put you under so much pressure…” he murmurs against the column of your throat, and you let your head fall back and your fingers curl in his hair at his nape as you bare your throat to him. 
“I can think of a few things, Professor,” you purr breathily, and he groans against you, ending it in a bite before pulling at his belt. 
“Can we get into it? Or do you want me to have a quick taste?” He asks lowly, offering one of his favorite pastimes to you, and despite the way you shiver at his tone you shake your head in denial. 
“I’ve been wet enough to take you twice over since you asked me to meet you after class,” you whisper, and he dips down to kiss you hard, one hand gripping the back of your neck while the other pushes his pants and underwear down to pool around his muscled thighs. He knees your legs apart some, his hands drifting down to take you by their backs, and he yanks you even closer, your panty-clad cunt pressing against his weeping cock in a way that forcefully pulls a grunt from his throat. “Just — Just push ‘em to the side!” you gasp, and he does just that while taking his cock by the base with his other hand. Habitually he slaps the tip against your wet slit, making both of you let out shaky moans, before pressing against your hole and pushing inside all at once. 
Immediately he makes a home for himself inside of you, groaning deeply at the feeling of your pretty nails digging into his skin as you stretch around him. A whimper falls from your lips, something he quickly silences with his own, and he starts up a quick rhythm. His hips thump against yours wetly as you soak both his thighs and your own, and, “God, I’ve wanted you all fucking day,” he moans into your mouth, and you giggly shakily and throw your arms around him at the same time as him putting both big hands on your hips, gripping tightly as he fucks into you while also dragging you on and off his cock. 
“Then fuck me harder, Professor Kento~!” you moan, and with a growl your back is against his desk, a half dozen important papers smushed between it and your skin. At the back of your mind you wonder what he’d do if one of you got cum on them accidentally, but you quickly forget your worries as the tip of his dick rubs against the spot inside you he knew so well at the same time as he spits on your cunt, presses a hand to your pelvis sideways, and starts rubbing soft, quick circles around your swollen clit. As you cry out and squeeze your eyes shut, one of his hands leaves you, and while you whine for the contact you make no effort to do anything other than lay there and allow him to use you like a limp doll.
“That’s right, princess, take this fuckin’ cock — take all this cock, take all of me-!”
“P-Professor, please!” you moan, both arms reaching in opposite directions as you try to grip at the sides of his desk before you give up and throw them over your head, holding tight to the slight lip over the front as your entire body jolts with the force of each of his thrusts. “J-Just like that, fuck me just like that — God, you’re so big!” you sob, turning your head to the side. Your skin sticks to what revealed wood of his desk there is, and you feel his thrusts start getting sloppy. 
“Look at this pretty fucking pussy, taking all of me so well,” you hear him murmur, but you make no effort to acknowledge him, assuming he’s talking to himself. “Fuck yeah, tight little cunt’s swallowing me whole — what a fuckin’ slut.” You whine at the name calling, but aside from that let him do as he pleases, which means him toying with your clit in between strokes until you’re a softly shrieking mess. He hushes you gently, circling and pinching and slapping your poor, swollen clit until you can’t stand it anymore and the knot that had been building up in your belly unravels all at once, tears rolling down your temples as you cry. 
Faintly you hear odd clicking, but you’re too busy trying to control your tears to pay it any attention. As you start pulling yourself together you’re flipped, your belly to the desk and some papers drifting to the floor. Professor Kento ignores them, hammering into you from behind and making more stuttered sobs be jerked from your throat. His balls slap wetly against you, his thighs are soaked, and the low grunts and moans falling from his ears would be borderline ecstasy to yours if your brain could process them; God, he was always so fucking good with his dick. 
A tiny thud sounds as something is placed on the table, but you’re far too captivated by the soft moans that fall from his lips while his thrusts get so messy you could deny any sort of rhythm as he cums inside of you. You can feel each rush of warmth paint your insides, and a softly overstimulated moan falls shakily from your lips as your thighs twitch helplessly — and then you’re both relaxed and basking in the moment, waiting for the post-orgasm afterglow to fade. 
“Everyone’s gone home from this hall for the afternoon by now,” He murmurs, and you glance tiredly at the clock and see that he’s right; no professors held classes at this time on Mondays, so theoretically you could sneak out with ease — if your legs worked. 
“That’s great ‘nd all, Nanami, but I don’t think I can walk right now,” you mutter, and he chuckles with a soft pinkening of his cheeks as you use his given name. He leans back, cock still filling you up, and tosses his arms up in a stretch that pull all of the muscles of his chest and stomach taut; you gaze up at him through half-lidded eyes appreciatively. 
He says, “Then I suppose that means you’ll get to sit on my lap while I do a bit of work until your legs start working again,” and you laugh brightly, smiling softly up at him as he gazes down at you with a gaze as gooey as honey overspilling from a freshly cut comb. 
“I guess so,” you reply softly, allowing him to manhandle you into straddling his cock while he gets back to work, humming pleasantly when you lay your head back on his shoulder for a teensy nap. 
Hours later he helps you to your car, chuckling lightly at your whininess until finally closing your door behind you. His eyes glitter softly as he leans in the window you rolled down. 
“I’ll see you next class.”
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Professor Nanami Kento did not, in fact, ‘see you next class’ — he didn’t see you for the next three, actually, and by the time he finally wandered back into his office after today’s class to find you leaning against his desk, he’s been sufficiently worried. Your phone was filled with questioning from him, requests to see you and pleads to know if you were alright, all on top of a number of unanswered call. 
Needless to say he’d made it explicitly known just how fond of you he’d gotten, despite getting no response.  
“Where have you been?!” he exclaims, hushed, as he shuts the door behind himself and locks it quickly before he rushes forward. You raise a hand to stop him and he pauses a few paces in front of you, confused. 
“I’ve been thinking,” you start quietly, and his head tilts to the side ever so slightly as he gazes at you in confusion. “Look, this just…” You sigh, and shake your head. “This isn’t working out, Nanami.”
The room goes icy cold. “What are you saying?” He sounds nervous, even to his own ears. You sigh again, looking more annoyed than upset like him — annoyed at him asking, or maybe annoyed that it was over? Nanami didn’t know what to think. 
You gaze at him coolly as you say, “I’m saying it’s over. You’re taking up too much of my time and I can’t keep risking grades for some dick — it’s good dick, I’ll give you that, but at the end of the day it’s still dick,” even though to Nanami it seems as his world is spinning. 
You knew he’d never allowed anyone into his home before, knew that he was wanting to get serious, but you didn’t have time for that — and you were just in this for fun, anyway, never anything serious. 
“You’re… You’re leaving me?” He sounds shocked, as if he’d somehow never pondered this outcome — and how that could be possible, you had no idea. Surely he’d not thought the two of you would be together forever? You weren’t even in your mid-twenties yet, and he was in his late forties. You had your whole life ahead of you — you couldn’t be his sexy little bed warmer forever. 
“Yes? I thought that was obvious,” you ask, confused, then tilt your head to the side a little as he shakes his, a jut to his lip only a bit away from a small, angry pout. 
“No,” he says roughly, and you raise an eyebrow at him and cross your arms. 
“No?” you ask, and he nods. 
“No.” He affirms. “I refuse.”
You laugh a little and say, “Nanami, you can’t just — just say no, I’m breaking up with you. We’re done.”
“And I’m saying no anyway,” he replies simply, and you scoff. 
“Oh? And what will you do to stop me?” Now you’re getting nervous. No one knew you were in here with him today, and he was a lot stronger than you; you didn’t want to think that he’d hurt you, but at the end of the day men were capable of anything, and he is a man — a man who was hurt, and who wasn’t reacting how you’d expected hin to, really. 
Thankfully your worries are unfounded, as he just makes you laugh a little. “You remember last Monday, when I took you over the desk?” he asks, seemingly moving on suddenly. 
“…Yes?” you ask, your brow furrowing. Why was he changing the subject? “What the hell does that have to do with anything?” He holds up his cellphone, a cold look in his eye that you don’t recognize. With a tap of his thumb, the sound of you moaning and begging for him to fuck you ‘just like that!’ fills the office, and your eyes widen a little. He’d never asked to film you, so he’d really-?
God, you hadn’t even noticed that he had his phone out; damn you for trusting him so easily. 
“I also have plenty of photos, just so you know,” he says matter-of-factly, “I’ve just sent these to you just so you’re aware of what all I have and had already saved them to a half-dozen different places, so you can try taking my phone if you’re truly desperate, but it won’t help you very much.” 
You blink at him in shock.  “I — Are you trying to blackmail me?” you ask in disbelief, staring at him with half-wide eyes as your brain tries to piece together the absolute audacity he’s expressing to you. 
He shakes his head simply. “Not trying,” he corrects, “Succeeding.”
You stare at him in shock for a minute longer, then laugh brightly. “Yeah, I don’t think so,” you say through a surprised grin, leaning back against his desk and crossing your arms. Tilting your chin up in the direction of the phone in his hand, you say, “Post them — the photos, the video, all of it.” His eyes flare open ever so slightly in surprise, revealing his shock at you calling his bluff over something so serious. “Actually, if you don’t, I might even post them myself, now that I’ve got them.”
His own brow furrows. “Why would you ever — aren’t you afraid of your peers seeing these?!” he exclaims, genuinely shocked, and you just laugh. Your eyes glint with a wicked sheen he’d never seen before, and it sends a chilled shiver straight to his half-hard cock as you step close with a lazy grin. 
“Of course not! After all, some of your paperwork with your signature is in the pictures — and you may not have noticed, but your face is reflected in your laptop screen in the video you just showed me.” He rewinds the video instantly, looking half-panicked, and you laugh a little more as his panic visibly builds. You ignore this and reach out and tug him closer to you by using his tie like a leash, his face now on your level and eye-to eye with you as you grin at him deviously. The panic on his face is no doubt reflected in your eyes as he searches your face, and you hope that he’s drowning in it. 
“That’s right, Professor Kento,” you purr lowly, leaning forward and ghosting the lightest of kisses across his trembling lips. “I own you.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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skye707 · 1 year
What do you think the Riddlers' would teach as High School teachers and/or College Professors?
They would be outstanding at the art of roasting high schoolers
Unburied - Debate. I feel like this Riddler in particular can talk his way out of any jam. Also, it's awesome for his ego to destroy a high schooler's argument.
ZY - History. Any kind of history, or all of them? He'd showboat on his knowledge and ability articulate historical themes until the institution gave him every history position. Also gets a power trip from roasting high schoolers.
Dano - Computer Science. Programming. Anything that has to do with computers. All the nerdy kids in his class love him, and he eats lunch with them in his room. But that's definitely not because the other teachers think he's weird, so don't even think that.
YJ - Dorky Coach that got asked to teach math because he said he was good at it once in passing and the school can't find a teacher. Steps in the room on the first day and is immediately out of his depth. But he is good at math, so the kids that want to learn get a lot out of it.
Gotham - English. He's got a knack for literature and composition as well as an innate desire to tell people the right way to say something. However, students hate him because he's the strictest grader on campus. Never given a perfect score in his life.
BTAA - Drama. The biggest drama queen. Finds ways (ethical or not) to help his students find their inner artists. Gets his high from the applause after a performance, even if he wasn't the one actually performing. His students' parents are clapping for him in his heart.
Arkham - Engineering, but only at the university level. He doesn't have time for the childish ways of teenagers. Gets way too excited during lectures and always ends up screaming by the end. Sometimes a student will try to debate a topic and the rest of the class can break out the popcorn as the two begin to verbally spar for the duration of the class period.
BTAS - Digital Art. He knows how to use every computer program every created and will teach his students how to as well. May or may not have found a way for his students to illegally download whatever they need, but no one needs to know that. Plus, their art is amazing so who cares!
Telltale - Psychology and Sociology. Another one that's only working with adults. Understanding the mind is the first step to taking advantage of it. People are very stupid and teaching a class like this could possibly improve the intelligence of the youth of tomorrow (but his hopes aren't very high).
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
Things in the Pokémon anime that mildly amuse me. (Part 1)
As of E23 of Indigo League, the main character and his fluffy rodent thing are both ghosts possessing their own corpses. It is never brought up again.
All of the main three Indigo League characters have at least one absent parent.
Through the power of fourth movie Celebi’s time travel bullshit, Professor Oak was childhood friends with Ash, yet berates him and compares him unfavorably to his own grandson throughout all of Indigo League.
Humans can use magic such as psychic powers and aura. This never gets explained.
Real animals are referenced constantly in Pokémon classifications and it is never explained why. Similarly, every recurring character in Indigo League knows what a mongoose is.
The ability Battle Bond canonically hurts the trainer, and if the Pokémon faints, you faint. Had Game Freak implemented this feature into the games, the ability would be completely unusable.
Team Rocket have a better relationship with Ash than his own unnamed father, who (according to a guidebook) walked out on his teen pregnant mother after they were together for a year.
Kiawe is in the same class as Ash despite being at least 15 while Ash is a perma-preteen at 10 years old.
There are two Mews and two Mewtwos. It is never explained why outside of “Game Freak somehow lost the rights to the first Mewtwo.” That doesn’t explain the second Mew.
The Pokémon characters eat meat. It is never explained where this meat comes from.
On an unrelated note, Pokémon are sapient.
The main character has Jedi powers and he can see dead people with them. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
People are probably a weird species of Pokémon that lost their fantasy bullshit powers. Some did not, but most did.
Mimikyu almost kills several people just by being naked. Just like your mom.
Somehow Professor Burnet gets pregnant and has a baby but none of the other characters can age.
Trip is from Unova. Trip hates people from Kanto. Kanto is based off Japan and Unova is based off New York. Trip is a racist New Yorker who hates Asian people. The fact that he’s blond with blue eyes while Ash has dark hair and eyes does not make this better.
“Arceus and The Jewel of Life” is a real movie and not just a Benadryl-induced hallucination I had when I was eleven years old.
There are a million identical people named Joy who have a career in medicine and they’re all siblings. There are a million identical people named Jenny who have a career in the police force and they’re all cousins. Apparently, nobody has ever thought to name their daughters something else.
Meowth is a talking cat who got a job in organized crime. Nobody in his organization questions this. Giovanni knowingly hired a talking cat for reasons unclear.
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abbofff · 4 months
Percy slayed! (our algebra teacher)
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In the present, it's been 2 years and 2 schools since I met Percy. You see, we are not bad kids. The thing is, we always seem to get into misunderstandings and end up getting expelled. We were the only ones who really understood and trusted each other through all of that, and our mothers never thought we were a bad influence on each other. In the contrary, we made each other better. Percy made me stop paying attention to the bullies. Meanwhile, I helped Percy get out of many problems through my words. We became so close that I considered him my brother. I would do anything for him, and I know he would do the same for me.
At this time, we were on a school trip to the museum with Grover, a friend we made in Yancy. I really liked Grover, he was very funny and kind and thanks to him we learned to play mythomagic and a lot of Greek myths. Thanks to him, it's not just me and Percy anymore. But, as always, no matter how hard we tried to mind our business, there were always people who picked on us.
Grover, Percy and me were looking at the statues of Perseus, son of Zeus (like more than half of the statues there), while Professor Brunner told our class to pick a statue and write how it made us feel. Grover and I separated from Percy to look for a statue that caught our attention.
I stumbled with one of the statues of Zeus, the most famous all-powerful royal scumbag. I mean, how else could I describe the guy? He cheated on Hera literally countless of times, putting a target on the back his lovers and his kids for the goddess of marriage to strike when she found out they existed. All while ruling the Gods and the sky with extreme arrogance. But before I could get to write something on the clipboard, I heard Percy's voice.
- Mom? - He shouted, and everyone laughed.
- Yes, sweety, mommy's here. - That annoying red-headed demon spoke, Nancy Bobofit. That girl had it out for me and my friends since the beginning of the year, and she hadn't knock it out till this day.
- Percy Jackson, control yourself - said Miss Dodds. That old lady really loves taking Percy and me to the principal's office.
- He can't help it, Miss Dodds. Percy is special. - The blonde boy's shoulders fell as he sighed.
-Enough! - Professor Brunner ordered, of all the teachers, he was the only one who cared about his students, especially about Percy and me. He always said that something big was waiting for us.
I took advantage of the fact that Professor Brunner was busy talking to Percy, and I approached Nancy. Grover told me a bunch of times already to stay away from her to not get into any more trouble, but it wasn't like I was going to punch her, at least not in front of everyone.
- Oh my God, I finally found you! Now, tell me, little goblin, where's that pot of golden coins, huh? - I whispered to her. She looked at me with a harsh stare.
- Listen, you freak, get lost before I push you from the stairs.- She rolled her eyes on annoyance and walked away. I smiled, I hated injustices, so now at least the next time she picks on me, she'll be justified. Why be the bigger person if I can be the bigger pain in the ass?
After Percy was done talking with our professor, I walked to his side.
- Can you believe Nancy? - He asked.
- No, I can't believe she beat me on the joke - I smirked to him.
- Oh, shut up - He smiled back.
Then, Mr Brunner shouted again.
- Children, it's lunch time! Let's go outside now.
After a few minutes, me and the boys were sitting by the fountain about to eat our sandwiches.
- There are all sorts of schools of thought about what drives that kind of bullying. Childhood trauma, feelings of inadequacy... - Grover stated.
He was always so kind, but I didn't understand why he was trying to justify that bitch. She does have anger in her, but she wasn't justified of constantly picking on good people. She could be mean to me all she wanted, but Grover and Percy had done nothing to her.
-Look, I get that Nancy has issues, I'm just getting tired of her taking out on me - My brother said. - I feel like... maybe it's time to do something about it -
-You could do an appointment to see Mr Kane. He's really good at talking-- Oh my dear friend I though.
-I was thinking more like shoving Nancy in the nearest dumpster- Percy said with a little smile.
-Oh. No no no no no no noo- Grover was shocked.
-Yeah, Grover is right, bro. If you punch her it will be really bad, but if I was the one to grab her by the hair, then it wouldn't be so bad. - I proposed.
Grover was about to have a heart attack.
-Listen, if there is one thing I know about bullies, it is that you should never stand up to them. -
- That's bullshit. She made me watch as she threw my new cherry lip balm down the toilet the other day, it would only be reasonable if I were to put gum in that pile of straw she calls hair. - I always tried to be patient because for Grover and Percy, but Nancy really had a talent for being despicable.
- I know this place is hard for people like us, okay? But there are better places, somewhere where we will finally fit in. We just have to be patient and keep moving forward. - My dark haired friend always knew how to give a motivational speech. It was a nice thought, and for a moment, I let myself think that in the end, he would be right.
That until a piece of cheese was thrown into his face.
- Oops. - Nancy said with a smirk. Uh, I'm gonna kill her.
Percy and I got up quickly, and before I could even think Nancy was on the fountain screaming to Miss Dodds.
And when I tell you my brain stopped, I tell you I thought it was a fucking glitch in the matrix. I was sure I didn't push the bitch, nor did Percy. He just made, like, the gesture, but he wasn't even that close to her. It seemed like the water had grabbed her?? Did she just jumped into the fountain?
- What?! Stop being a liar. Nobody even touched her, she's doing it for the attention don't you see? How does evebody just can't see it? - I looked at Miss Dodds in the eyes, I was done with being pushed around.
- Miss Williams, this amount of disrespect won't be tolerated. Mr. Jackson and you will accompany me inside, we will talk about your punishment in private. - Well, there goes the 5th school I've been in.
As we followed Miss Dodds, I looked back to see Grover chatting frantically with Mr. Brunner while waving his arms, the professor opened his eyes and looked at us. I gave him a smile, he was the best teacher I had ever had and I had given him another reason to give up on me.
Miss Dodds took us to the back of the museum. There were only pictures with writing in what seemed like english, which was quite odd since it must have been in ancient greek.
The teacher stopped her walking in front of a statue of Hades.
- You filthy halfbloods really thought that you could remain hidden for this long. - Miss Dodds spoke, but it wasn't her normal voice. It was a cold and dangerous one.
I could feel my entire body vibranting in anticipation. I saw Percy carefully put his hand in his pocket.
She turned around, she was covered in scales and her feet had changed into bat-like legs that matched the wings that were beginning to grow from her back.
- You have nowhere to run and that little necklace of yours can't protect you no longer. Now, where is it? -
What? My necklace? It was just a metal chain with a peacock tail pendant. I have worn it for as long as I can remember and I had never taken it out because mom said I would surely lose it if i did.
I didn't have time to think until she lunged at Percy. He blocked her claws with a sword that appeared out of nowhere, but from the force of the blow, he fell backwards. I grabbed a vase and threw it at Miss Dodds, it didn't hurt her in any way but it made her notice me. She tried to swipe at me with her claws but I rolled to the right to avoid it.
Now on my feet, Percy was at my side tightly gripping his sword. Miss Dodds lunged toward us again with a giant leap with her wings spread wide. I instinctively gave an exaggerated clap with my hands that sent Miss Dodds flying to the other side of the room. She quickly stood up and looked at me.
-Betrayal runs through your blood. Did you think we wouldn't come for you? My patience is running out. Tell me where it is and I'll be quick. -
She was faster this time. Her claws scratched my Yancy sweatshirt as I dodged her and before she attacked me again, Percy impaled her with his sword. Miss Dodds was now scattered into the air as she disintegrated into dust.
I could feel the evil coming from her in the air and I don't know how I knew, but I knew she would return.
And that was the last thing that went trought my mind before everything went black.
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When I opened my eyes, I saw Grover sweating with his eyes wide.
- OH MY GO-- Grover screamed.
- Grover? Where's Percy? - I was on the floor at the bottom of some stairs.
- Don't worry, he's ok. He woke up a minute ago, he's talking with Mr Brunner. You two seriously hit your heads really hard. He's talking about a Miss Dodds attacking you. -
- What? But --
- Yeah, I know. But don't worry, he'll snap out of it with time. Come on, let's get you up. - Grover offered me his hand and I took it.
I remembered being attacked by... that thing. I knew Miss Dodds was a harpy but that's not what I meant. And Percy had seen it too? It couldn't be possible.
I looked down to my sweatshirt, and it was completely fine. That monster wasn't real.
Okay, yeah, we daydreamed most of the time but that was just ADHD. Did we also have group hallucinations now? No, it couldn't be possible.
Everything will be fine. I'll just tell Percy that he hit his head. I'll get this pushed so deep that it'll never be mentioned again. Everything will be forgotten. I will not let him be sent to a shrink.
The ride back to Yancy was full of whispers. Some of the kids turned to look at Percy and then continue their silent conversations. He was looking at his feet like if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
- Don't worry, I got you. Nothing bad will happen as long we stick together. - I said in a soft whisper. I know he may not believe it now, but I will try everything to make sure my words are true.
He still didn't looked at me, but his breathing became softer.
I looked to my right to see Grover. He was deep in thought and looked worried. So I grabbed his hand too. He gave me a weak smile but there was something on his eyes still, guilt maybe. I will speak to him after.
When the buss finnaly stopped, the boys and I went straight to the principal's office.
- Percy Jackson, you have been accused of pushing Miss Bobofit into the fountain. - Percy shrank in his chair.
- And you, Miss Williams, yelled at a teacher, again. - The director sighed.
- Sir, I didn't pushed Nancy. You could ask anyone, everybody knows she loves getting me on trouble. - Percy stated.
- He's right, Mister. Please, let us tell you our side of the story. - I asked.
- No need, we already have a witness. - The director said, and then looked at Grover.
My friend stopped looking at the floor and looked at the director in the eyes.
- Yeah, they did it. Percy pushed Nancy and then Ada tried to protect him with lies, like always. - Grover did not stutter once.
Percy looked at him with a frown and I just went blank. Grover was a great friend, he understood and accepted us. Or at least so I thought.
- It's really a shame to have to do this one day before the end of the school year, but your actions cannot be overlooked. Mr Jackson, Miss Williams, you are expelled from this institution. -
I knew these speeches, but it still hurt. I really thought we could make it to seventh grade without causing trouble.
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A few hours later, I had my backpack ready with the few things I had hanging on my back while I was walking to the exit.
- Ada! - I heard an old voice calling my name behind me.
- Mr Brunner, hi. - I gave him a smile while I walk back closer to him.
- I suppose you have heard the news already. - I said shyly.
I was embarrassed. Not for defending Percy, but for ruining all the teacher's attempts to try to make me my best version. I don't know if I could ever be it, but now he couldn't be there to see it.
- That I've had. But that's not the reason I wanted to talk to you. Let me walk you to the exit. -
- During all my years teaching, I have come to witness cases similar to yours. Children born to lead, cunning, very intelligent, who did not tolerate injustice or no for an answer. - He said with his voice strong as always.
-Sir, I think you're making me sound like a brat. - I laughed. He smiled at me.
- But none of them had what you have rooted in your heart. - I stopped walking.
I looked at him in confusion.
- And what is that? -
- Devotion - He ended, with a stern look on his face.
- What many others deemed a weakness, you have made it your ultimate strength to push forward against all odds. A quality of a true hero. - He gave me a warm smile.
- You flatter me, professor. But I don't think I'm that strong. I have anger and doubts on me. But I promise you, I'm trying to not to be like this. I don't wanna be mean. I just wanna be kind. - I really tried to convince him, and myself too, that some day I might be able to find peace.
- You have not been given a great deck of cards, that's for sure. But you are as strong as you love. Do not fret the storm, child. It's but a part of you. - He smiled at me again. He sounded so sure, like If he had seen my fate written in the stars.
I was on the verge of tears. Only two adults apart from Mr Brunner were capable of see me as anything other than a difficult child. And they were Sally Jackson and my mom.
- Thank you for your words and everything you've done, Professor. I'll remember it all. Goodbye. - I promised.
- Until we meet again, Adara. - He looked at me like if he knew something I didn't yet.
I left Mr Brunner behind as I exited the school. I waited for my taxi to go home outside. Then, I felt someone walk behind me.
- Sorry, I really tried to be the best version of myself and all that but--
- Percy, do you know what makes me angry? - I interrupted. Percy looked at me with his head down.
- Not having had the opportunity to smack her too. She totally deserved it. - I said laughing. Percy chuckled.
- This is unfair. I know how hard this must be for you. - He was right of course, he knew me to the bone. Anger flooded me more and more every time I thought about everything, and the gray rumbling sky seemed to agree with me.
- But dont worry, sis. When I get home, I'm gonna make a bunch of blue pancakes for you, go to your place and then we can look up new schools together. - He proposed.
- With blueberries? - I asked with puppy eyes.
- Those are actually purple, you madwomen, you'll ruin the whole aesthetic. But sure, anything for you little sis. - He said before bumping me on the shoulder.
- You are older for a month, old man. -
At that moment, the taxi arrived and we were finally headed home.
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popcorndispenser · 5 months
Skeleton of my masked!brothers AU that I've mapped out so far:
Everything stays the same up until the backstory of Lost Future - Layton is assaulted at 27 years old by goons as he's trying to investigate Claire's death, and winds up severely injured and briefly comatose in hospital.
Desmond hears about this from out of London and immediately travels to see him, booking a hotel near the hospital until Layton wakes up and he feels relaxed enough to return. What he doesn't know is that Layton is actually semi-conscious, and that the professor even in his comatose haze manages to register Desmond's voice and the blurry sight of him before he flees. Layton is haunted by nightmares for the entirety of his month-long stay there, both of what happened to Claire and this blurry figure that he can't quite put a name to but feels so familiar. It becomes so unbearable he greatly elongates his time spent off work to seek the man out, wanting to at least conclude one mystery.
Desmond is horrified to see his brother at the door, doubly so when his wife insists he reveal his connection to him. Due to Layton's desperation however, he does, and Layton is both incredibly overwhelmed and happy. Having another connection of family in such a hellish time gives him another lifeline to hold onto, and so he asks to keep in contact, to which Desmond hesitantly agrees.
Some time later when Layton is forced to give up on the Claire case due to intimidation, Desmond hesitantly informs him that agents of a paramilitary terrorist organization have begun threatening him, and that it would be best for Layton to cut contact for a while. Layton in fact does the opposite of this and rushes over as soon as he can... to find that Desmond's wife and young daughter have been murdered by said organization, and Desmond himself has subsequently become a depressive suicidal wreck that flits between fits of destructive rage and absolute overwhelming despair. Layton, feeling helpless and also overcome by grief by how awful the situation is, himself begins to dissociate and endeavours to take care of Desmond for as long as he can until his brother is well enough to take care of himself.
While he's out on a shopping trip for his brother, he runs into a member of that same organization - a Targent operative in uniform. He doesn't know if the man was the one who killed his niece and sister-in-law, or if the man even knows about what has happened to them, but for some reason he doesn't care. Layton feels more enraged and detached than he ever has in his entire life, nothing truly feels real, and just as he grasped at a family after losing the most important person in his life, it was wrenched away again.
When he comes to, the man is dead. Layton had killed him, not even really meaning to do so, but he remains dead nontheless. It's an irreversible action, one he would have never though himself capable of. He feels absolutely wretched, but worse than that, he can't find it in himself to feel guilt for the man's death, only that he has himself sunk to that level. He has a choice now - to turn himself in, or to not. He can't imagine leaving Desmond with nothing left in this world, so he doesn't.
At home, Desmond has collected enough of his rage to redirect it into a drive to get revenge, with the backing and unconditional love and support of his butler. He cautions Layton to leave and pretend to have never known him as to not be wrapped up in the dangerous life he is about to enter, but Layton, already feeling as though his capability to live a normal life ended the moment he took one, insists on staying with him, citing that he is himself already hated by a polticial power and thus already at risk. More to the point, he won't let his brother do something so dangerous alone.
Desmond agrees, reluctantly, with the condition that Layton also disguises himself while with him for his own safety. Layton obliges.
And then I suppose I'd have to figure out Spectre's Call, and so-forth! Please feel free to give ideas, I feel like I tend to only go as deep as base-level aesthetics and ideas and I fail at really digging into the meat of an AU.
Is it too edgy that Layton would go that far? I thought so a little, but everyone I know with siblings said that in his position, they'd do the same. Hm...
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Waiting For Summer (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You and Calvin hate when the winter blues hit, but that doesn't mean you can't make plans for summer
Warnings: Seasonal depression, mentions of birth etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
It was like any other day at the college, but today felt particularly dreary and heavy. Nobody wanted to do anything and your usually enthusiastic students felt less than, well.......enthusiastic.
You made your way to the cafeteria which was surprisingly noisy, rubbing your tired eyes and feeling the weight of your emotions building. You spotted Cal sitting with Dr. Powers and Professor Broussard, both looking just as weary as your husband.
"Hi sweetpea," he yawned, pulling your chair out so you could sit close to him.
You hardly said a word as you rested against him. You could already feel him looking down at you. "Alright baby," he said. "Tell me what's up."
"I just hate this time of year," you croaked. "It's heavy, it's dreary.....God it's just awful. I have no motivation to do anything."
Calvin pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I know sweetpea," he mumbled. "M'tired too. Didn't wanna do anything today."
You two were grateful that you didn't have any more classes after the lunch hour and that you could go home. As soon as you were there and had gotten into the house, you were met by Six-Thirty and your daughter who clapped her chubby little hands and giggled like crazy from her playpen.
"Early day today?" Pat asked, emerging from the kitchen.
"We're exhausted Ma," Calvin replied, hugging his mother. "Can't find any motivation at all for anything."
"Just take a while and rest," Pat told you both. "I've had Ellen most of the day but I can give you both some extra time."
You and Cal both took a few minutes to relax, but you just couldn't resist taking your baby into your arms, her adorable little coos banishing some of the sadness you had been feeling. You brought her to the couch with you and Calvin, snuggling her between you both.
"Think we oughtta see about a trip somewhere?" he chuckled.
"Now where would we go?" you asked him.
"I hear our favorite honeymoon location is lovely this time of year," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
You laughed and soon found yourselves caught up in shooting ideas back and forth about plans for the coming summer, imagining all the barbecues, block parties and picnics by the lake that you were looking forward to. Even in the gloom of winter, it managed to brighten your day just a little bit.
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