#I hadn’t seen it in awhile and I took a few pics so look out for those
forbiddenwestern · 4 years
Sooo I’m playing HZD again from the beginning (no NG+) and I’m LOVING it
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“your turn”
Harry Styles was a romantic. He hated weddings. Rori Williams was practical. She hated weddings, too. How could she deny a man who had just drunkenly confessed his love for her at a wedding? Even if it was completely and totally untrue.
A story of two semi-strangers to lovers with weddings, drunken confessions, and girls with two names.
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gif has nothing to do with it but he looks fancy and i like it :) tpwk
Hi! this is for @meetmeinfleetwood to lovers fic challenge! and it’s a little cruel of me to post it today after those wedding pics came out but i have been working on this for awhile and tomorrow’s the deadline so if it’s too soon im sorry and if its just what you need enjoy! I used prompts 12 and 15! It’s my first ofc story which is a little strange for me but i wanted to use a name for this, but besides her hair and eye color and a name she’s pretty generic,,, idk thank you all for always reading and all of that. lmk what you think and reblogs are always really appreciated
Word Count: 9.3k | Warnings: drinking, swearing, implied? smut (couldn’t bring my heart to write any my apologies), harry being a silly drunk, mentions of being afraid of someone taking advantage of someone under the influence but ofc no! actual any misconduct -- a SITCH wedding!!! so cute ::))
Harry Styles was a romantic.
He loved love songs that professed their undying love for their significant other. He loved romance movies, rom coms especially, because they were happy and in love and he got to cry and laugh all in one. He loved writing his own songs about love and he loved spreading the idea of loving and treating others with kindness. He loved first dates and the relationships that sometimes sprouted out of them. He loved reading books about love and how to make it last. He loved poetry that waxed eloquent about love. He loved love.
He hated weddings.
Well, he hadn’t always hated weddings. In the beginning, they were like every other aspect of love, he loved them. But slowly, as he kept receiving announcements of engagement and wedding invitations and he kept not sending out letters of his own, his aversion grew.
Sure, he still loved going. He still wept for the happy couples when they committed themselves to each other. He still clapped profusely and danced to the dj or live band. He still tried to enjoy it. But with weddings he had a nagging sense in the back of his head reminding him that he still hadn’t found it yet. Each of his relationships had fallen short in some way as to not lead him to this destination. So when he sat at his assigned table at these various gatherings, he held a bit of apprehension, a bit of envy, about everything going on. He knew that his smiles were all a little forced and his laugh not quite genuine. His thoughts always managed to be controlled by his green-eyed monster that he always attempted to keep locked away. But at weddings, especially when the alcohol started flowing, he had a harder time controlling it.
Seeing all his friends getting together, getting married, and having children wore on him. Wore him thin more than he ever let on to anyone but his therapist. And his therapist couldn’t seem to give him a better answer than to be patient and not give up hope.
By 2021, Harry had decided that maybe he was just meant to be alone. Love was something he could admire, but it wasn’t meant for him. He could chase it, but it would never let him have it. He was unlucky in love and by Sarah and Mitch’s wedding in the Spring, he had come to terms with it.
He had even been optimistic for it, being Mitch’s Best Man and all had gotten his hopelessly romantic heart all aflutter. He was introduced to Sarah’s Maid of Honor, Renee Williams and she had been lovely. She was 31, a little older than Harry - but age wasn’t something that deterred him, and she had worked with Sarah in Los Angeles before Harry recruited Sarah for the band. They were best of friends and Sarah had known for a long time that Renee would be her Maid of Honor.
When Harry met Renee, he was sure that she was meant to be his person. She was beautiful and hilarious, her beauty mark at the side of her lip was so utterly unique he called her a “right Marilyn”. She insisted she was not a Marilyn Monroe type at all and had laughed. Harry had charmed her with his expert flirting and claimed that just because she was a brunette didn’t mean she was a Marilyn. She had smiled and bantered through the rehearsal dinner with him at her side. He was entranced, it had to be Renee, he had been so sure of it.
When Renee had walked down the aisle just before Sarah, Harry had been sure of it. When Renee had smiled at Harry as Mitch slipped on Sarah’s wedding band, Harry had been sure of it. When he had hooked his arm around hers as they walked down the aisle and into a foyer, Harry had been sure of it. When she laughed at his jokes while they waited for their wedding party photos to be taken, Harry had been sure of it.
When Renee walked up to Harry at the reception with another man wrapped around her, Harry wasn’t so sure of it anymore.
“Harry, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Corey,” Renee smiles giddily between the two men.
Harry’s eyes widen slightly at the word ‘boyfriend’ and he swallows harshly before blinking and putting on a sweet smile. He thrusts his right hand out for Corey to shake.
“Hullo, mate,” Harry says happily.
Corey greets Harry, extending his hand to meet Harry’s with a warm smile and a “how are you”. Harry laughs boisterously and takes a sip of his champagne flute. They shake hands with a firm up and down motion.
“Planning on getting really drunk,” Harry says in response to Corey’s question. “Have a great night, you two,” he finishes and stalks off for a refill.
Renee watches him go with a little bit of a confused look on her face. She sees him tilt his head back and finish his drink before turning to face her boyfriend and peck his cheek. She mumbles to him, “He’s a really nice guy, wouldn’t stop chatting my ear off the past few days. All these people must make him antsy.”
He nods back to her, “They must.”
Harry sidles up to the open bar, discarding his empty flute and exchanging it for a much stronger drink.
“Tequila. Neat...Please.” He sighs and runs a hand through his curls that are slowly becoming less and less coiffed. His fingers slide to the collar of his shirt and tug, attempting to loosen it a little.
“Rough night already?” Someone asks from beside him.
His face turns to them and sees a smiling brunette. Her eyes are big, larger than most eyes he’s come across. They’re brown with tinges of gold and green, likely making them hazel by her standard since most people prefer saying hazel eyes to brown. Her smile is bright and clean and if Harry hadn’t already heard her speak he would assume she was American from that smile. It was perfect, too perfect - the teeth both straight and blindingly white.
He raises his eyebrows at her and thinks about his response. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, leaving them parted, but he remains silent when the bartender hands him his tequila. Harry wraps a specifically less ringed hand tonight, he had forgone his ‘H’ and ‘S’ rings as well as the rest of them actually on his left hand. His right hand still had two: the large flashing lavender gemstone encrusted in a gold casing from Stevie Nicks on his middle finger and then a clean gold signet ring with little crosses on the sides on the adjacent ring finger. Every other finger was noticeably empty. So when he picks up the glass there is no familiar clink which draws the attention of himself.
The woman doesn’t pay any attention to his hand, she’s still waiting for him to respond to her question, as well as waiting for her other drink to be made. She was taking advantage of the two drink system and getting two for herself right now, so she didn’t have to come back until much later.
“You have no idea,” is how Harry decides to respond and then turns to leave. He forgets about the woman and sits at his assigned table for his entire drink, talking casually with the people who come to speak with him.
When he's finished, he goes back to the bar to order a second tequila. He thinks about the girl who had stared at him with her big brown eyes. How she had seen him and thought to ask how his night was when it seemed to be going to shit. And how he had blown her off with barely a glance. God, he could be such a prick. After he receives his drink, he forgets yet again and continues to drown his sorrows in the golden liquid that helps him numb the pain that he had once again missed out on his fairytale love story.
The girl Harry had run into sat in the corner of the ballroom for the majority of the night. She settled on just having that first round of drinks for herself and one glass of obligatory champagne during the toasts. Other than that, she had promised herself she wouldn’t get drunk and go off with a random stranger. This was not a wedding for that. This wedding couldn’t be for that. She just needed to keep her head low and try to have a semi-pleasant time.
When she was nursing her champagne through the toasts, the man at the bar caught her eye again. She knew who he was. He was the Best Man after all. Sarah talked about him a lot, even Renee after the past few days, but seeing him at the bar had been the first time she’d ever seen him up that close. It was strange, he was so human. So tangible in that moment. His shoulders shook with each breath he took. His fingers tapped as they waited for his drink. His green eyes blinked and darted around as he took in his surroundings and even looked at her. He simply was and it had startled her to see him in a slightly bewildered state at the bar, but again, she wasn’t one to judge.
Get through the wedding. Try to have a semi-pleasant time.
It was time for the Best Man’s speech. Renee had just given the Maid of Honor’s and now Harry was up. He stood up and wavered a little as he tried to stand up straight. The neat tequila likely makes his stance a little harder to maintain. Mitch looks up at Harry at his side and smiles fondly.
Harry raises one hand in an awkward wave while the other is planted firmly on the table.
“Hullo,” he starts, “I’m Harry and I’m the Best Man, but I’m sure you knew that already.”
The entire group of guests laugh wholeheartedly, taken by the talented young man.
“To start,” he stutters, his words slurring slightly from the alcohol he’s had, and his smile slithers into a smirk. “Let’s hear it for the bride and groom, the lovely Sarah and Mitch Jones!”
Queue the laughter again. Harry laughs too when Mitch slaps his arm playfully, he turns to look at him with a mock ‘what did I do wrong’ expression.
“I had a speech written out, took a week to write, made it nice and poetic for these two lovebirds, but it seems I’ve misplaced it,” he pats at his pockets and sighs before rubbing his forefinger at his bottom lip. “I hate weddings.”
Everyone laughs again, thinking he’s joking. Harry grimaces but it passes as a smile even though she can tell it doesn’t meet his eyes.
He rambles on for a few minutes about love and commitment, how this is just the beginning for Sarah and Mitch and everyone laughs at the appropriate times and just when he’s wrapping up, successfully stumbling through his messy mind, everyone begins to clap.
“To the happy couple…” queue applause, but she sees him say something else, it’s drowned out by the crowd cheering and clinking glasses again.
He sits back down, downing his champagne glass that’s been refilled twice already during the speeches. Mitch leans over and whispers something in Harry’s ear as he twists a hand through his hair. Harry shifts away from Mitch and gives him a look, telling Mitch that he’s fine.
The party goes on, a few more speeches, a few more glasses of champagne for Harry, a few more sighs from the girl in the back of the room.
She watches the first dance of Mitch and Sarah but once that part is over she slinks off. She’s got half a drink left and all she wants is to be alone. Tired of the party, tired of the people, tired of having to try to have a good time. The Rowland-Jones Party had rented the entire place out, so she wanders out of the main room and down a hallway until the music is a faint buzz in her ear. The air grows colder as the amount of people dwindles from over a hundred to one.
There’s a door to her right that has an intricate golden handle that she pulls down on. It opens quietly onto a similar ballroom that is slightly smaller than the one the party was going on in. It’s quiet and spacious, her steps echo as she enters on heeled feet. The clicking of her satin stilettos resonate against the linoleum. She walks to the center of the room and turns around herself, lifting her head to the light in the room. An ornate chandelier is still above her, it’s the same gold as the handle that let her in. Her eyes travel to the walls that contain swirls of gold as well, everything was encrusted in gold and splotchy vintage mirrors. It was beautiful and she saw herself in the reflection of one of those splotchy vintage mirrors and actually felt beautiful in that moment.
No one else saw her but herself and she thought she was beautiful, a fleeting thought as she watched her body move. No one to watch as her reflection swayed with her. Her lavender dress swished back and forth, the end of it brushing around her ankles. The tulle fabric climbed her torso, cinching at her waist and draping over her breasts. The sleeves fluttered over her shoulders and ended midway down her upper arm. The somewhat sheer material made her tan skin look all the more carmely in the golden light of the chandelier. Her pendant necklace was silver and glinted in the light as it sat evenly over her exposed clavicle and decolletage.
In the corner opposite of the door there was a single table with three chairs. It seemed whoever was meant to put things away had grown tired and left these out. She wasn’t complaining as she crossed the floor to take a seat. It was the perfect escape. It was quiet and not too cold in the room, which was especially nice since she had left her jacket in the coat room. What wasn’t so nice is that her phone had died and she had nothing to do in the room. It wasn’t horrible though, she had wanted to be alone with her thoughts. She just feared what would happen if she sat alone too long with no escape of the internet to drown those thoughts.
That contemplation was squashed with an unwitting solution not ten minutes later. She had been sitting at the table, sipping her drink occasionally and staring at the chandelier. Sighing with content that it was finally silent beside the clink of her melting ice cubes. The house mixed drink was strong, but with each passing second it grew more and more diluted. She considered herself completely sober.
She only questioned that when she noticed a second person in the room. She hadn’t heard them open the door, but she heard their loud footsteps shortly after.
He all but stumbled in and was entranced by the chandelier like she had been. He walks to the center in a similar fashion and twists around, only this time his balance isn’t as good as hers. He ends up on his ass, legs splayed in front of him and hands behind him only cushioning his fall a little. He lets out a huff, “Fuck.” He runs a hand over his face before bringing it down to look around the room again. His eyes are foggy with alcohol, everything hazy and slightly blurry. It feels like he’s moving with superspeed but as she watches him with a tilted head she wonders why he’s moving so slowly.  
He squints while looking around after a moment, running a hand through his thoroughly tousled hair. His tongue comes to wet his lips, but this time it's for a touch too long like he’s genuinely tasting the liquor on them. She raises her brows, observing him, her presence seemingly unknown.
“Oi, you!” He slurs the words and points lazily at her reclined in her chair. “Are you real?”
She half smiles and replies with a simple ‘yes’.
“I like your dress,” he says merely like he was stating a fact rather than giving a compliment. His hair falling into his eyes again despite him just pushing it back.
He makes his way to standing, his process rather ungraceful. He twists onto his hands and knees and begins to push himself up. He slips once before making it to full standing, he sways slightly and looks around again like he’s forgotten why he stood up. His eyes land on her again and he decides to make his way over to the table.
“You should probably sit,” she says, watching him splay his arms around him to keep his balance. She had seen him an hour and a half ago and he seemed fine, but now he seemed absolutely and utterly pissed.
“Thanks, mum,” he says as he thunks into the seat beside her, his hand waving off her suggestion.
Her brows raise at the slightly rude comment, but she leans back in her seat still observing him.
“Why do you hate weddings?” She asks once he’s settled and has his head propped up with one of his hands. She takes a sip of her drink as she watches him scan her face again, trying to see if he recognizes her.
His mind must come up empty, a vague memory of the bar slipping away without a second thought.
“It was a joke,” he shrugs.
“No it wasn’t,” she replies easily.
His eyes narrow and he leans forward a little shakily, “Who are you?”
“Aurora.” She licks at her own lips, a stray bit of liquid lingering on her lips.
“That’s a Disney princess name,” he says, unconvinced, how most drunk people were when you told them the truth.
“And my great-grandmother’s and mine,” she responds, a grin playing on her lips as she watches him think it over. “It’s wild how multiple people can have the same name. Did you know people can share a last name as well?”
He leans back in his chair now, unhappy with her snarky response.
“Isn’t that why we’re here, two people joining together and sharing the same last name now?” He threads his fingers as he speaks, mimicking something coming together.
“Yep,” She perks at the question he poses. “You still didn’t answer my question.” Her brows raise once playfully.
“What?” Harry seemed to have lost the plot, his fuzzy drunken brain choosing to forget the first thing she asked him while in this private ballroom of theirs.
“Why do you hate weddings?” She repeats, louder and with emphasis, the words echoing this time.
“Oh,” he looks up to the ceiling and blows air past his lips harshly, “S’ a long story.”
“We got all night,” she offers, and raises her glass to her lips once again.
“A night wouldn’t even cover half of it,” he ponders seriously, his mind reeling. “I’d rather talk about you.”
“Why me?”  She laughs like she’s just received the most delightful surprise.
“Because,” He starts and then sits quiet for a moment before leaning forward, elbows on the table as he peers at her, “I think I’m in love with you.”
“You only just met me,” she responds. “Not to mention, you’re drunk as fuck, Best Man. Just minutes ago I watched you stumble in here and truly fall on your ass.”
“Then tell me about yourself and I’ll explain my hatred for weddings.”
“You’re awfully good at bargaining for being this inebriated.”
“I never lose my charm, no matter how pissed I may be,” he smirks and gives a sloppy wink, hair falling in his face yet again.
She scoffs, but she is rather amused and intrigued by the man beside her. His tie now completely loosened, hair falling every which way, and his green eyes set on her. The shiny shoes he wore slipped around on the ground as he shuffled his feet below him like a child wanting to go play. She figured it was just his drunk brain trying to amuse himself or something. How could she deny a man who had just drunkenly confessed his love for her at a wedding? Even if it was completely and totally untrue. She at least had to entertain the foolish notion that maybe he actually was interested in getting to know her. If anything, it would help pass the time until she could go home.
“I’ll bite,” she relents.
The smirk doesn’t leave his face, it only widens, “Only if I can, too.”
“I wasn’t saying-”
“Shush, sh-sh-shush. I know that,” he holds a hand up at her, trying to get her to be quiet. He sways again, even in his seat he looks as if he could fall over at any moment. She wondered if he might not remember this tomorrow. “I was bein’...” he licks his lips in a pause, “suggestive.”
She laughs again, knowing his sober brain probably would have chosen a more articulate and suave word since ‘suggestive’ was rather tactless and more straight to the point. If she learned anything from all the conversations she overhead about him, Harry was definitely one for tact.
“You were something, that’s for sure,” she wraps a hand around Harry’s wrist, she draws the hand down from its hovering state and lays it against the table again. She withdraws her own hand back to her glass, her drink almost completely gone now.
He smiles, pleased with himself, but unaware that his charms had worn off with his exorbitant amount of alcohol consumed. At least on this girl they weren’t working. She had never been attracted to people who were too drunk to help themselves and she always hoped that’s how others felt too. She was thankful he had stumbled in on her rather than someone who didn’t feel the same way. It made her sick to think of what someone with evil intentions might do if they came across a babbling drunken version of Harry. Pushing those thoughts away since that wasn’t the case, she decided to pat his hand once just in reassurance to herself and him that this was really happening.
“I’m twenty-five.” She states.
Harry nods, a small smile on his lips now rather than a smirk as he watches her again. He liked how smoothly she moved rather than the rest of the world in his drunken eyes, everything else was choppy and fast. She was elegant and fluid, calming even.
“I love love,” Harry says, eyes remaining on hers, no trace of a joke in his tone, “And it hates me.”
“That can’t be true,” she squints at him, a frown gracing her face for a moment at the sadness she sees in his watery eyes. Not crying watery, just watery from his drunken state.
He says nothing, waiting for her to offer more information about herself before he says anything else. This was the deal after all. She quickly realizes why he isn’t responding and sighs, conversation with drunks was tedious already, but Harry seemed determined to make it even harder.
“I’m from California.”
“They always are,” Harry mutters to himself. He ignores her hum of a question, asking what he just said with a simple sound. “All my friends, they’re either getting married or they’re already married and got kids on the way or whatever. They all found love and I’m just here with fuck all.”
She sincerely doubts what the drunken man is telling her right now, but she knows how to play the game now to get more information. “I hate my job,” she states.
“Sometimes I feel like I'm cursed, like I fucked up one too many times and now I’m doomed to never find love.”
Her eyes widen at this, he sounds so damn sad and she wishes she could take his pain away. She knew what a good guy and she couldn’t imagine why he would deserve to feel this way. No one deserved to feel like they weren’t worthy of love. His sad state truly almost brought her to tears. She’s there in a stunned silence and Harry is confused why she hasn’t said anything more about herself. It was her turn.
“What’s something else about you?” He asks, his hand fiddling with itself on the table. She notices once again that there aren’t as many rings on his fingers as what she thought was usual.
She licks her lips and reaches her hand forward. She grasps Harry’s fiddling hand and stops his movement. “I feel sorry that you feel this way, no one deserves the kind of pain you’re inflicting on yourself. I’m very very sorry for you, Harry.”
“That’s not really…” He trails off, losing his focus on her face and instead looking at their hands touching. The feeling is so intense in his buzzing body. Her touch was so calming compared to the electric feeling in his body. It felt nice.
“Can I ask you a different question and then I’ll tell you something no one knows about me?”
He nods eagerly.
“And you can’t dodge the question, you really have to answer it, okay?”
“What did you say at the end of your speech? It got drowned out by applause, but I saw you say something.”
“You noticed?” He asks kind of surprised, then scratches at his eyebrow. He sees her slight glare and knows to get to his answer. “Asked when it’d be my turn…like to fall in love, y’know.”
She sighs, saddened yet again by his words. “Okay, well, here’s my secret... I hate weddings, too.”
Harry’s eyes light up, maybe he really was in love. She purses her lips and pulls back from him.
“I think you’re my soulmate,” he breathes out, again making a false confession. His drunken brain wants it to be true. He’s desperate for his search to be over, for her to be his person.
She smiles that same sad smile that she keeps getting when he says these sad things to her.
“I assure you, I am not, Best Man.”
He looks at her confusedly. She was beautiful, she was clarity to him. Her brown hair was straight with a little wave in it, like it was straightened for the occasion but never truly that way otherwise. It flowed around her head and shoulders, but she had it tucked behind both ears. She wasn’t trying to impress anyone, she just simply was beautiful. Her sun tanned skin looked soft under the golden glow and Harry was sure she was an angel or something.
“Why not?” He insists, leaning forward.
She stands up from her seat. He follows clumsily behind her, standing as well. He was still taller than her even in her high heels. He smiled like a lovesick child down at her, his eyes as big as the moon. She bites at her lip as she sees him look at her so lovingly, so misguidedly. Then she leans up towards his face, up on her tiptoes and past his lips. Her hands hold him straight with them curled in his suit’s lapels. She presses a sweet and gentle kiss to his cheek, closer to his jaw than anything.
“Good night, Harry,” she whispers against his skin before pulling away.
His eyes flutter open, his looks at her confusedly, slightly unaware that he had closed his eyes at all.
“Good night…” He had already forgotten her name, something with an A...or was it an O? He’d have to ask Sarah and Mitch about the girl who had talked to him in the empty golden ballroom, the girl he had fallen in love with. He was certain. She was the one - if only he could find out her name. If he remembered this at all or if he just thought it was a dream.
She leaves the room before him and as she leaves she wonders if she maybe should have made sure he was alright, but she figured their talk was sobering enough. The night was ending and she had a sneaking suspicion that there were plenty of people here tonight looking out for him.
Harry forgot about the girl in the ballroom. Or at least he wasn’t sure if it was a dream or reality. He had woken up at Tom’s place where he had said he would stay after the wedding reception so he hadn’t gone home with a girl. He couldn’t remember her name so he couldn’t really ask anyone about her and he didn’t exactly have a lot of people he could ask. He wanted to ask Sarah and Mitch, but they were already off on their honeymoon and he was one of those people who would never bother a couple on their honeymoon. He was too embarrassed to ask Renee and anyone else for that matter.
So, instead, he forgot. Harry forgot about her for three weeks until Sarah and Mitch returned. He had called them for a hike and lunch the moment their plane had landed. He had missed some of his best friends. It was a lull in the year, where he wasn’t touring or in the studio, just living and writing when he felt like it. So maybe he was in need of some inspiration.
“Ah! The Jones’!” He exclaims as he walks up to their parked car at the head of the trail.
Sarah laughs and Mitch rolls his eyes, half-heartedly since he’s just as happy to see Harry as Harry is to see him.
“I missed you,” Mitch says as he brings Harry in for a hug.
“Don’t let the missus hear that,” Harry tuts while he sends a wink over Mitch’s shoulder to Sarah.
“It’s all he could talk about for the past few weeks,” Sarah jokes as she goes in for a hug with Harry. “How do you think Harry is? Hope he’s eating? I miss Harry.” She mimics Mitch’s voice.
Mitch shakes his head shyly, a smile spreading on his face after a moment. “That. Is not true at all,” he assures Harry, “But you do look a little thinner. What have you been eating?”
Harry elbows him with a grin, “I’m fine. Been bored so I’ve just been filling the time with working out.”
They start their ascent up the hill and into the canyon. Mitch nods, his worry for his friend subsiding momentarily before he says something strange.
“I’ve been wanting to ask, but you’ve been gone, about a girl at the wedding.”
“Oh?” Sarah gives Mitch a knowing look.
“Yeah, well the thing is, I’m not sure if she was real or not. I think she was real, but I was so drunk, there’s so many bits missing in my memory.”
Sarah and Mitch both laugh. “You were very drunk, H,” Mitch confirms.
Harry ignores him, “I even asked her if she was real and she said yes, but y’know people can lie in dreams. All I remember is she was amazing and she had a princess name, I think.”
Sarah thinks about the guest list. “No princess names that I can think of. What did she look like?”
Harry squints ahead of them, his sunglasses pushing his curls back on the top of his head. “She had straight brown hair, not long or short. She said she was, uh, twenty-five. She was in lavender, I think.”
“You think a lot,” Mitch interjects which earns him a glare from Harry.
Harry thinks about this part that he remembered vividly, how she had been so confident that he wasn’t. He adds, “...And I told her I was in love with her.”
“Oh god, Harry,” Sarah sighs.
Mitch gives Harry an apologetic smile.
“She didn’t buy it, but she didn’t run off either. We talked for awhile.”
“Maybe it was a dream,” Sarah says.
“Okay, let’s see,” Mitch grows to be the leader of the investigation, wanting everything for his best friend to find the love he knew he deserved. “Twenty-five year old brunettes at our wedding who are single. C’mon there weren't that many people there.”
Sarah thinks about it again. “Renee’s sister is twenty-five. I don’t remember what she was wearing, I hardly saw her all night,” she pauses, “Which is strange since she wasn’t on the job for once.”
“What do you mean ‘on the job’?” Harry asks curiously, remembering his girl saying she hated her job.”
“She’s a wedding planner,” Sarah says, glancing at him because she was almost sure that Renee’s sister was not who Harry was talking about. “But she had referred me to someone else for the wedding, she consulted sometimes and got us a discount, but said she didn’t like working with people she knew personally.”
Harry nodded, how could Renee’s sister be his girl? How could a wedding planner hate weddings? And wouldn’t it be all the more awkward if the girl was Renee’s sister? Renee’s little sister, could it be? He had no clue.
“I don’t think it’s her, though,” Sarah gives a half-smile, “She’s not super...uh, how do I say this?”
As Sarah says “touchy-feely,” Mitch interjects.
“She’s pretty cold-hearted. She’s relatively nice, but what makes her such a good wedding planner is she doesn’t get caught up in the sentimentality of it, she just understands other people’s emotions and knows how to make them feel amazing.”
“That’s a little harsh,” Sarah looks at Mitch with a strong glare. After all, he was talking about her best friend’s little sister.
“Well, what’s her name?” Harry insists, semi-off put, but knowing her secret made him think it was possible for Renee’s sister and his ballroom girl to be the very same.
“Rori Williams, think it’s short for something else, but I don’t know, as long as I’ve known her she goes by Rori.” Sarah gives Harry a sad smile and it reminds him of his mystery girl.
“Do you think I could meet her or something? I just want to know if it’s her.” Harry says as they reach the first peak on their hike. He looks out at the view from there, Los Angeles was green for once, but he knew it would quickly fade to brown and tan as the spring plants died off again from the summer heat.
“Pretty sure she’s off working on some destination wedding right now. She doesn’t like being bothered when she’s working,” Sarah gives Harry a look for two reasons as she says that. One, because she knows his next question would be to contact her anyway. And two, she’s saying how he is exactly the same, hates being contacted when he’s busy with work. “I can text Renee to see what’s up.”
Harry nods, “Please…” He begins to imagine Rori as his ballroom girl and mutters to himself, “A June Wedding…” getting lost in a silly little daydream.
“Harry Styles is asking after you,” Renee snickers over the cellphone line.
“What is this? The 1800s?” Rori sighs, as she holds the phone to her ear with her shoulder. She tries to brush her hair from her face with a flick of her head, which makes for a rather silly sight as her head and shoulder move awkwardly. “People don’t ‘ask after’ anyone anymore.”
She was in Hawaii, Maui specifically, steaming a sneaky last crinkle out of the latest bride’s wedding veil.
“Well, he still is doing it. You know how he is.”
“I actually don’t,” Rori responds, easily, ignoring the memories of her two encounters with him. “What does he want?”
“Wants to meet you or something,” Renee says easily. “Thinks he met you at Sarah’s wedding, obviously impossible since I know you scampered off half way through the reception and he was falling down drunk at the half way marker as well…” she trails off.
Rori knows her sister well and expects the next thing to come out of Renee’s mouth.
“Oh my god! Did you hook up with him?!”
Expecting this, Rori responds quickly and calmly, “No, we did not hook up, I would never... I did watch him fall on his ass, though.”
“So it was you!”
“What was me?” Rori squints her eyes at her sister over the phone and finally straightens from her steaming task. She feels like she’s only half paying attention to the conversation, especially since she had no intention of meeting up with Harry. He had been so sweet and sad, and she truly wished him the best, but she knew she wasn’t the answer to his problem.
“You!” Renee all but yells into the phone, “Are his dream girl! He’s been wondering if you were even real for weeks.”
“I’m real,” Rori sighs and crosses the room she’s in to sit at the desk she was using as a work space. She flicks through the planner she was using for the Hearst wedding, set to take place tomorrow. “But I’m certainly not his dream girl...I told him that when he said he was in love with me.”
“He what?!” Renee exclaims and hears her sister sigh once again, she knows Rori is growing tired of the conversation and is ready to offer an excuse to hang up any moment now. “Nevermind that, I’m going to tell Sarah to give him your number and the date you get back to Los Angeles. Keep next weekend clear.”
Before Rori can open her strawberry pink lips to reply, Renee is squealing a goodbye and hanging up. She felt her shoulders sag with the empty line, she reclined into the nicely plush swivel chair. This is why she stayed out of love and relationships when they didn’t relate to work, they were exhausting. Too much ‘he said, she said’ going on at all times. Color palettes, seating arrangements and menus were simple, they made sense, they could be arranged and put into place. Relationships were messy, the actual event of a wedding could even be messy, but when she planned them out, for a single moment everything was orderly and simple. She was in control. She knew she couldn’t be Harry’s dream girl because she knew she couldn’t control that situation.
Upon arriving back in the continental United States, at the end of June, Rori ubered immediately to her apartment in Silverlake. Well, it was a converted garage behind a house of a friend of Renee’s. Like most apartments in Los Angeles, it was funky, but it was Rori’s until she decided where she wanted to move. She never wanted to buy in LA and she never wanted to upgrade from the place she had called home for the past four years.
Almost immediately after dropping her pink work tote bag and worn backpack on the floor next to her medium sized navy suitcase, her phone rang through the ‘Do Not Disturb’ setting with an unknown number. A New York number. Possibly a new client, she picks up quickly and shuts the window-paned door behind her. The days were long, the longest day of the year had almost arrived, yet the sun was still beginning to set in the sky and turn the light blue into a painting of oranges pinks and purples.
“Is Rori Williams there?” A British voice asks, almost timidly.
“Who’s asking?”
“I was told you’d be calling or something along those lines,” she smiles to herself.
Harry sat in his room, chewing at his lip, still unsure if the voice on the other side of the phone call was the woman he had talked to previously.
“Can we go for a drink sometime? How’s tomorrow?”
“Someone is quite enthusiastic.”
“It’s just...I’m trying to figure something out.”
“So I’ve heard,” she chuckles slightly.
“So you won’t tell me whether you’re the girl I talked to at Sarah and Mitch’s wedding will you?”
“What would be the fun in that?”
“So it’s a right Cinderella, if the shoe fits situation,” he mumbles, slightly to himself, but she hears him clearly.
She laughs.
“I don’t really care for Cinderella, I’m not really one for Disney princesses at all, actually.”
His breath catches, a foggy memory of something having to do with princesses tries to break into his mind. He couldn’t remember still and he vowed time and time again that he would never get that drunk again. Too much time lost.
“Alright, Harry. I’ve just gotten home from a work trip so I’m planning on a bath, some wine, and some terribly raunchy TV to get my mind off of my life. How about you pick a time and a place for drinks and hopefully I will show up? Great! Goodnight.”
She doesn’t wait for a response, just clicks the red button that hangs up the phone and goes on with her professed plans. Harry sits in stunned silence for a few moments, whatever he had gotten himself into was going to be a ride of a lifetime.
At a quarter past six, Harry sits anxiously at the bar top of a semi casual, semi fancy, totally cool bar he loved. It was private so he wouldn’t be bombarded with people, but it was still lively enough that it wouldn’t be dead silent if conversation lulled between him and Rori. That is, if she showed up.
His foot begins to tap, ever so persistently against the silver footrest at the bottom of the bar. His eyes shift from right to left, not wanting to order a drink before she arrives, but also not wanting to wait much longer and not order a drink. He’d waived off the bartender twice already.
She walks in, right on time, Harry had just arrived early. Her lips part into a happy smile at his anxious stance at the bar, he mirrors her expression at the sight of her.
She’s wearing a billowy white button down, the sleeves cinching perfectly at her petite wrists, cinched beneath a brown corset-like tank top. Her breasts showed their true size today in this outfit. She had the collar pulled out and the corset made it so that her cleavage was perfectly sculpted just beneath the crisp white cloth. Her pants were sleek and black, understated to draw more of a focus to her top as well as the lavender jewel inlaid pendant hanging just above the swells of her breast. Harry’s eyes dipped to that level for a moment, but quickly recovered to focus on her face. The night of the wedding had been blurry, but he was sure Rori’s face was the one of his mystery girl.
He’s shy tonight and a little more reserved than last time. He’s out of his comfortable bubble, what could anyone expect from a man so constantly watched. He fidgets with the top most button of his shirt that was buttoned and thinks about unbuttoning it to reveal a little more of his chest, but he refrains. At a friend’s wedding he feels safe, but in public he’s always watching, always aware of the possible prying eye. But like he had said drunkenly to Rori, he always maintained his charm, no matter the circumstances.
“Lavender was gorgeous on you, but this…” he gives a graceful sweep of his hand to gesture at her outfit tonight, “is extremely enchanting.”
“So you remember me in lavender? I thought you couldn’t remember me at all.” She grins as she stands directly beside him, similar to the first time they had chatted at a bartop.
Harry clears his throat at her tease, “I knew once I laid eyes on you, I would know. So now I know.”
She smirks at his reasoning and orders a vodka cranberry, both not wanting to get off her ass or look any certain way. Vodka cranberries were acceptable mature drinks, but not overly pretentious in any way. Harry tells the bartender to make it two. She looks at him with a discerning eye.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” She asks as she slides into the bar seat that seems to be trying to look vintage but was likely made no less than five years ago.
Harry sits too, more easily since his legs are longer than hers. “We met in the ballroom for the first time, did we not?”
“No...we met at the bar in the reception room.” Her hand splays to feel the stone of this counter, cold unlike the wood of the previous one. “We were about this close after you’d rudely stepped ahead of me and ordered before I could...not that you noticed. I asked if you were having a rough night and you pretty much dismissed me.” She bites her lip as she tells him the story, her eyes widen as she watches the distress roll over his features at what she says.
“Oh god,” One of his hands reaches to grab her hand to emphasize his apology, “I’m so sorry, that’s so rude. I was having quite a rough night as you would eventually see.”
He stares at her face, trying to meet her eyes, but she’s glued to the sight of their hands intertwined. He was so smooth and it was making her melt, making the walls she had purposefully put up for this date weak. She had rules, especially for guys like Harry - not that there was anyone that compared to him in her life, but she had them and she knew she couldn’t just be swept off her feet by his sweet voice and gorgeous face that has the most puppy-dog look on it.
She knows she shouldn’t but the extra ice she had added to her personality melts away, her eyes going slightly moony as she watches him visibly relax again. “No worries, I enjoyed your company upon the second meeting, even if you didn’t even remember my name after it.”
“Well,” he finally catches her eye, “That’s where I have a bit of a bone to pick.”
“You didn’t tell me your real name...gave me some fake name I can’t even remember, but it certainly wasn’t…” His eyes shift to her pendant again and he looks back at her brassy eyes in the bar’s lighting. “If your name is Rori Williams, why is your pendant an ‘A’?” He says slowly, another foggy memory trying to break the surface of his knowledge but still failing.
She finally feels in control of the situation, calm and assured of herself, which was maybe unfair since it seemed Harry really had a hard time remembering that night and she could really fuck with him if she wanted to, but she wouldn’t - couldn’t - with those earnest eyes looking at her.
“I told you my real name the first time we talked, Harry. It’s Aurora,” she retracts her hand from beneath his grasp and touches at the necklace, “I go by Rori both socially and professionally, but officially it’s Aurora and this had been my great-grandmother’s. I don’t go anywhere without it.”
“Almost as beautiful as its wearer,” he smirks, his gaze stuck on her face, attempting to convey something specific. She thinks she knows what he’s saying with his look.
“You’re quite the flirt,” she rolls her eyes playfully before specifically choosing to take a sip of her drink through the little straw the bartender had put in it. It draws Harry’s attention to her lips, and after a moment they were wet with a bit of excess vodka cranberry and Harry felt himself grow a little hot at the tips of his ears when her eyes meet with his. She had caught him staring, but he recovers easily.
“I remember telling you I never lose my charm, it’s true is it not?” Harry inquires, head leaning closer to her as he takes a sip of his own drink, making a show to lick his lips after removing them from the edge of the lowball glass.
Her laughter is loud but not overbearing, Harry thinks it’s the best laugh he’s ever heard even if she’s laughing at him. She’s true in that laugh, she’s not trying to make him fall for her with that laugh, it’s just her enjoying herself.
She responds with something sweet and the two begin the back and forth of a successful date. They both drink around three drinks as the night persists, but it’s enough for her to feel the burning pull inside the pit of her belly for Harry. His hands stay relatively to himself besides a few subtle touches at her hair and hands every so often, his feet are the ones to blame. At one point in the night, he hooks his loafer covered foot around her ankle and she is quick to lean into it, reciprocating the footsie with ease. Each brush of his leg against hers is electrifying, every nerve in her body was beginning to go crazy. She was buzzing in a way that she hadn’t when she had first encountered Harry. Tonight he was more suave, but with a tinge of timidness that made him irresistible.
Harry made sure he wouldn’t get drunk tonight, ordering only as much as Rori. He didn’t want to be the fool who couldn’t remember their time together, again. Plus, he didn’t want to forget any of their time together, he wanted to remember it all. Everything about her was amazing, the feeling he had about her, the nagging desire to meet her was for a reason, he was sure of it. If her voice was a melody, then she was the most beautiful love song he had ever heard.
At 11:30, he leans in close to Rori, his nose brushing at the hair tucked at her ear and asks her if she wants to leave. She looks at him confused, the warm feeling in her stomach falls because she thinks he wants to end the night.
“Oh,” she says dejected, she swore it was going well. “Right..That’s it.”
Harry’s brows crinkle at her sad face.
“No, love, I was saying,” he raises his brows, “Y’know.”
“Oh! Right! You just sounded so...I don’t know, serious.” She sinks in her seat, realizing her presumptions had been wrong.
“I was trying to be,” he twists his lips trying to find the word, as blush rises on his cheeks. “Seductive.”
The two of them are quickly realizing they can’t pretend with each other. Rori can’t keep up the harsh facade against love with him, he sees right through it. Harry can’t play his old tricks with her, she sees right through them.
She laughs again, “Well, it just sounded like you were bored. Sometimes your moves fall really flat.” She offers a sweet wink in consolation for his failed attempt at trying to really get her weak in the knees.
They were a lovesick mess together as they clambered off their bar seats and exit the bar that had gotten increasingly loud.
“So what’s next?” She asks on the warm summer night.
He steps closer and takes the liberty of fiddling with the strap of the corset she has on. His head is tilted down as he towers over her. “You know me Rori, I’m a hopeless romantic so I desperately want to take you out for dinner sometime and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but,” his breath fans over her face now as he shifts impossibly closer, “I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me. Just tell me what you’d prefer and it’s all yours.”
Her breathing has become a slight pant as his words wash over her. His nose brushes over the ridge of hers and she takes the moment to put her hands on his shoulders and pull him onto her. They were in the alleyway beside the bar, away from prying eyes except a few people too drunk to recognize Harry's face that is all but hidden in Rori.
“Harry,” she breathes, her eyes fluttering shut as she makes the decision to cross them into the point of no return. She wants this too much. She hadn’t thought this would be how her night would go, thought she would brush him off and never see him again, but god, she needed his warm body everywhere. Needed him to touch every part of her.
“Rori,” he responds.
“I want the second one first,” she whispers, feeling a little too eager, but feeling Harry press excitedly against her reassures her.
His lips press a searing kiss to her and she makes a sound of happiness at the contact. Her hands fist at the fabric of his shirt as she presses her lips feverishly back onto his. Harry’s quick to grip at the back of her neck and the small of her back, keeping her tight to him as he licks into her mouth.
“Can still taste that last vodka cran,” he notes before kissing her again.
Their tongues rub against each other, sloppily but with a tenderness hidden there as well. She snorts at his words which makes him smile and they’re kissing is becoming more silly as they try to contain their laughter. He pulls away, finally giving up trying to maintain the kiss while they both laughed.
“Would you like to come back to mine?” Harry asks as he leans his forehead against hers.
Rori’s eyes flicker open and stare into his, the focus only on his eyes and the sprinkle of light freckles and beauty marks below them. She nods her head, making his move with it. They both smile, trying to contain their laughter once more.
She presses her lips against his once more for a small peck and then lowers her head into the crook of his neck. The skin warm and smooth against hers as she whispers happily to him.
“It’s your turn now, Harry,” Rori says blissfully.
She had been the answer to all his questions.
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oikawatower · 4 years
a moment. | a. miya
━━☆⌒*. years after your breakup with atsumu, you’re face to face with him. but even if it was for a moment, you felt like a love-struck teen again.
ミ✭ manga spoilers hehe !! my pacing for writing is so ... weird ?? i feel like nothing flows n e ways .. i’ve been down in the dumps for the past week which is kinda why i havent posted anything so i mustered up the motivation to finish this and post it. LMFAO bUt the way i can’t write atsumu’s accent or anGsT🧍🏻‍♀️
・‥━☆ inspired by ‘when we were young’ by adele
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
YOU couldn’t believe your eyes! You kept blinking, hoping to make the image in front of you dissipate and you’d sigh in relief. But the view became more vivid, more heartbreakingly beautiful as time began to slowly still and you locked your eyes onto your ex-boyfriend, Atsumu Miya.
If you’d known Atsumu was on the same team as Bokuto and Hinata, then you would’ve never tagged along with Keiji and his friend, Tenma, to the MSBY Black Jackals vs Schweiden Adlers game. You couldn’t help but think they’ve set you up; bought you a ticket, made you show up no matter what, and then, as if by desperation, you’d set aside your pride and make amends with him.
A fear of succumbing to your burned out feelings began to creep in the depths of your heart. You averted your eyes from Atsumu as he began to move closer to you, your presence still unknown to him.
Your heart began to race, face reddening by the second, and your body covered with goosebumps. Atsumu was closing in on you and if you didn’t know better, you’d walk away. You’d walk away from the man who made your high school experience tolerable, the man who stole your first kiss under a small bridge in the park, and the love of your life. The only person you’ve loved so madly, so deeply, so truly, was in front of you. Yet, your first thought was to run away from him. By thinking that, you’ve already broken his heart a second time.
“(Y/N)?” You heard the voice that belonged to your ex-lover fill your ears. The way he said your name sent shivers down your spine as you heard the uncertainty in it. You rose your head to take a look, and along with it, the feelings you felt in your teenage years rose to the surface of your heart.
Atsumu looked as handsome as the day you left—minus the puffy eyes and tears. His colored hair no longer reminding you of piss since he dyed it a nicer shade of yellow. Still, what an atrocious color, but he made it fit. Then, you looked him in the eye. His eyes made your nerves settle down. You felt at home, even if you lived miles away from Japan now, Atsumu had always been your go-to, your solace away from sadness. It’s been years since you parted ways for your future, to make your dreams come true while Atsumu does the same. In the time during, the both of you failed to realize your dreams were to be together through everything.
You smiled at him, “Hey, ‘Tsumu. It’s been awhile.” Atsumu nodded in agreement. It had been awhile, the last time he’d seen you was on Hinata’s phone when he’d shown Atsumu the picture you sent with Iwaizumi during your short stay in California.
“How’s Australia treating you?” Atsumu asked while he ushered you to sit down on a seat next to him.
“It’s alright, the bugs are scary big and all the people I’ve met so far are super nice,” You rubbed your hands on your thighs, “But I’m home now!”
Atsumu leaned against the wall as he chuckled. He knew you despised being away from home, especially in an unknown country where a majority of the insects seemed to be bigger than usual. When you had told him you’d be considering going abroad for your studies, a part of him didn’t worry. Mainly due to the point that he knew you wouldn’t have the courage to do it. But here you were, residing in Australia and making his heart swell with emotions he hasn’t felt in awhile.
✧༺ ༻∞
The next few hours were spent like old times. It felt like Atsumu and you were still together, somehow able to surpass the big gap of distance between the two of you. You felt seventeen again. Happiness bubbled in your stomach, love overwhelmed your heart, you felt breathless as you held onto Atsumu’s hand. You smiled to yourself, never wanting to leave the comfort of your home, your Atsumu.
Atsumu took out his phone, “Let’s take a pic? I’ll be sure to send it to ya and put it as my lockscreen.” You lightly smacked his shoulder, rolling your eyes as you pose for the picture.
“Tonight was fun, ‘Tsumu!” You spread your arms wide, inviting Atsumu in for a hug.
Atsumu’s face fell, your invite for a hug reminding him the night was to end and you’d both move on with your lives tomorrow morning.
Accepting the inevitable, he hugs you tightly.
“Hey,” Atsumu pulled away, “Can I have a moment before ya go?”
“Of course.”
Atsumu loomed closer to you. His eyes staring you down and you’d cower if you hadn’t felt comfortable.
He held his hand over his heart, “It’s hard for me to admit that everything that happened tonight reminded me of when we were together,” he took a deep breath, “And a part of me keeps holding on to ya as if time won’t catch up to us and everything we are will become nothing but memories.”
You grabbed a hold of his hands. Atsumu still thought of being with you until the end of time. Oh god, this reminded you of when you first left. The overwhelming emotions of sadness and desperation filled your blood, you wanted more time.
“W-What are you saying, Atsumu?”
“I’m saying that I still care, do ya?”
You let go of Atsumu’s hands, wrapping them around yourself as if stopping you from wilting away. How were you supposed to answer that?
Before Atsumu could hear your answer, your phone began to ring. You took it out of your pocket and saw Keiji was calling you. He was probably wondering where you were, why you were out so late when you had an early flight the next morning.
Looking up at Atsumu, your voice began to waver, “I have to go.”
Atsumu lowered his head. He nodded, he was going to let you leave. He was going to watch how you took half of his heart with you, how his feelings seemed to multiply the farther you seem, and how you’ll wilt slowly because he couldn’t stop you again.
You waved, “Bye, Atsumu.”
You turned around, walking away from the love of your life. You didn’t bother to call Keiji back, too worried you’d break down as you explained what happened.
For the first time in the past four years, you relived your first love with Atsumu. The first man you’d always love, the man who gave you the world, and you’d never regret anything with him.
You heard your phone, looking at it to see who messaged you.
Tears brimmed your eyes, Atsumu had sent you the picture from earlier.
You stared at the picture for the longest time. It was beautiful, heartbreakingly beautiful. You wondered if the picture had captured the last time you and Atsumu were ever going to be exactly like the two of you were in high school.
“I do care, Atsumu.”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
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thegiftedoneishere · 5 years
My Unexpected Trip to Mystic Falls
iMeSo this holiday break I drove down south to visit family I hadn’t seen in awhile. I was excited about seeing them but not happy about the over ten hour drive this was going to end up being both ways. Family is important so I was willing to concede even though “I didn’t feel like it”, but boy was it worth it.
I get there Sunday evening and after thanking God for a safe journey, I was stoked to see my family. Hugs and kisses were exchanged and after settling down, my aunt and cousin begins to tell me about the new town they just moved to a few months back...Covington, Georgia. I knew I was coming there but every time they told me the name of the place, my brain would try to remember where I’d heard about it previously but I never could come up with it.
Then my cousin goes, “You’ve heard of the show Vampire Diaries, right?”
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“Well you know they filmed right here in Covington”
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Like I’m legit shocked. I knew they filmed somewhere in Georgia I just had no clue that they filmed where my fam actually moved. I’m late to the Vampire Diaries, Originals, and Legacies world. In fact, one of my students suggested I watch it because I liked teen dramas and had shared that in class before. Needless to say I was dumb excited.
After doing the typical Christmas holiday stuff, my family and I drove to downtown Covington and I was immediately lost in the world of Mystic Falls. I also realized why they call that place the “Hollywood of the South”.
Anyway, I’m just gonna share some cool shit I saw down there and hope you guys enjoy. 
So when you drive in you’re immediately hit with the Mystic Falls town square. They actually have a Mystic Grill, the park, and the clock tower located in the middle of town. 
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So we parked and walked around through the square and took several shots. They had a store there that gave tours, but I didn’t go because literally everything is in walking distance. After taking pictures, so local folks told us we can actually go into the Mystic Grill and take pictures and there’s also a museum over there. 
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So you can go down the side steps next to the Mystic Grill and they had some cool shots there as well.
Alley next to the Mystic Grill
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Mystic Falls Sign
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Matt’s Bench.
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So then, you can go into the gift shop. Not only is it a gift shop but they have the actors actual clothing that was worn on set from Vampire Diaries and The Originals. (Sorry some of these pics didn’t come out as clear as I would liked)
One of the first things I saw was Elena’s clothes from Episode 1.
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Bonnie’s shirt from the decades dance. I commented on how small the clothes were. Something I already knew internally that they are tiny. There was a lady who worked in the gift shop that’s been around for awhile and she noted that Kat Graham (Bonnie) was the smallest. She was a size 0 and they still had to take her clothing in.
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Caroline’s outfit.
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Elena’s decade outfit.
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Damon’s shirt.
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Elijah’s suit.
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Elijah’s portrait.
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Elena’s clothes.
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Elena’s dress. I think from season 6. The last episode she was in before leaving. The lady at the shop also commented that Nina is a size 2. She said she’s small but has big feet and big hands. It was kinda shady and I chuckled slightly.
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Freya’s wedding dress.
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Hayley’s clothes.
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Rebekah’s clothes.
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Stefan’s jersey.
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Salzman t-shirt.
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I brought some stuff and then I went upstairs towards the Mystic Grill. They get a lot of tourist so we were allowed to go in and take pics. The actual grill doesn’t look like it is on the show inside. Also to be expected.
Outside the Mystic Grill
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Inside they let you go to the roof and take pics from the roof and they also had signed copies of the menus from the cast. 
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Side note on Danielle that the lady in the museum gave me. She said Danielle is very mature for her age but also very kind. She said out of the new kids Matt Davis likes her the best out of the new kids. The shop owner was insinuating that Danielle may have been the most humble of the newer kids. She said Davis mentioned that the new kids “already new they had a built in fan base and he liked working with Danielle the best.” 
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Lol at Nina writing all her characters down.
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From the roof of the Mystic Grill
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After taking all the pics from the Mystic Grill, we were informed that the Gilbert residence was only down the street, so of course I went there as well. 
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Seeing the Gilbert house made me a little emoteliional because so much shit happened in that house but more importantly on that porch. For whatever reason when Elena and Stefan broke up, that scene popped into my head paulfirst. Or Bonnie being on the porch when she was stuck in that world by herself.
Anywho, the trip was totally unexpected but it was awesome and to other fans I hope you get a chance to see it one day. I was super late to this world and fandom and it was cool to get my geek on during the break. 
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sasstrash · 4 years
It’s done. I’ve finished it. I’m so sorry it took so long I kept getting distracted while writing. I’ll try to get the next one out faster.
Quick note before we begin anything that’s highlighted like ‘this’ is someone speaking in sign and if it’s like ^this^ then it’s like what the first one usually means. Enjoy!
The Silent Queen 4; The Subjects Converse
In all parts of the school students were buzzing about the latest arrival. Turns out Blondie Locks got close enough to snap a pic to post on the school’s Mirror Blog about Raven. It wasn’t a long post but it certainly blew up.
In their dorm room Raven and Maddie were silently unpacking Raven two bags. After awhile Raven broke the silence with a question ‘So who was that girl, the one with the blonde hair?’
‘Oh that’s Apple White, you know the girl your meant to poison.’ Maddie casually answered. She immediately noticed the way Raven shrunk a bit after being reminded of her destiny. ‘Hey what’s wrong? You ok?’ She asked walk closer to her friend, she heard one of the narrators start to say something but a quick glare shut them up.
Raven let a small sound out, it was almost a sigh ‘Maddie I - I don’t want to be the next Evil Queen, I don’t want to end up in a mirror prison with my mother. I do love her but I can’t be with her alone forever. I’d rather find my own happily ever after!’ It was something that chewed at her, she hated the tale. She worried she would get one similar to her great-great-great grandmother Morrigan. She had the traditional tale, dying from dancing in burning iron shoes. She barely wore footwear after hearing the tale when she was nine. Maddie held her close as silent tears fell down her face. She then stood back with a warm smile on her face.
‘Hey,’ Maddie began ‘it’s okay you can find a way to fix it I’m sure of it! After all your story can change, it’s happened before! Remember that Princess and the Pauper story from a few generations back with the singer who got to spend time performing for all other? If it can happen then it can happen now!’ She comforted her friend, noticing how Raven smiled.
In a spare room across the school the Charming siblings were together talking a bit.
“So she’s deaf huh?” Dexter asked looking up from the burrito he was eating. Daring nodded before clearing his throat.
“It might complicate a few things for the school, but otherwise it’s fine.” Daring spoke calmly. After a moment of silence another voice came.
“How’s Apple doing” Darling asked noticing the way Daring flinched. The silence could have killed an ogre.
“She’s fine ... I think, she turned red once the crowd left and Briar pulled her away. I don’t know if she knows that I know sign language.” The blonde Charming states looking at his siblings concerned for his supposed future queen and wife.
“I told you it was a good idea to take that online class during summer break was a good idea!” Exclaimed Darling looking at her brothers. A year ago when Darling had mentioned the idea her brothers hadn’t been so keen, but after she explained it would help them be ^better rulers^ they jumped on the idea.
“Yeah you did Darl, and it’s probably a good thing too. I mean it’s not like everyone in the school knows sign, we could be a big help.” Dexter responded a bright glint in his eyes, ok so maybe he thought Raven was cute, but he had barely seen her so it wasn’t like had a crush, just a respect fo beauty.
“You said it bro!” Darling cheered before returning to her salad. This was going to be an interesting year.
Faybelle flopped on her bed and groaned, the second Duchess closed the door. “Of course the Daughter of the Evil Queen is deaf! That certainly changes things for ever after!”
Duchess look over at her roommate confused “How exactly does it change things?” She squawked while gliding over to her closet.
“Well it’s not like she can ask ^who’s the fairest of them all^ know can she. I mean I don’t think magic mirrors speak sign language.” Faybelle explained spinning her hair around her finger. It certainly changed things in her opinion. Duchess rolled her eyes as she sat down besides her bffa.
“Stories change, I mean Apple is blonde so there’s already one change.” Duchess pulled out a nail fail and began to use it on her left nails. Faybelle just nodded as she used her magic to bring a magazine to her pillow opening up to a random page.
“Wait, wait wait.” Raven came this year? And you guys didn’t tell me?!” Cedar exclaimed looking over at roommate.
“We wanted it to be a surprise, and you know the whole ^tell the truth only^ might have ruined it for some.” Cerise responded quite red in the face. She knew she should have told Cedar who had also known Raven quite well since her father was close with the Good King. “Sorry.”
Cedar sighed “It’s fine I just wish I had been at the front hall. It would have been great to talk with her.”
“We have the rest of the year Cedar.” Cerise pointed out.
“Yeah, we do have all year.”
Lizzie was currently sitting silently in Kitty’s dorm looking at the picture Blondie had uploaded. “She has a wonderful bone structure in her face. And her hair is quite lovely too. Don’t you think?” She asked waiting for the next Cheshire Cat to answer.
“Oh yeah she’s quite nice looking, honestly she looks more like a White then Apple ever has.” Kitty smirked before sighing “I just wish I wasn’t roomies with the girl this year. She’s fine but it is legacy year and she’s really into her destiny.” Lizzie walked over to her friend and put comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry you can always come to my dorm to sleep if you want to.” She comforted before continuing “by the way, it doesn’t look like Apple’s been in here yet.” She put a hand on her chin thoughtfully.
“She’s probably at one of her friends dorms right now.” Kitty responded before the two girls began talking about what many people would call random but to the Wonderlandians it was normal.
In Briar and Ashlynn’s room the two girls were trying not to groan as their friend Apple ranted to them. The rant began the second the three had entered the room, and hadn’t stopped once because neither of the two other girls had tried to interrupted the angry princess.
“I can’t believe her mother would do that! Snow White is the most important story and it won’t work now! We have to get Ravens voice back!” Apple finished look extremely peeved. She stared at her friends who had wide eyes “What?”
“Apple I’m pretty sure Raven was born that way.” Briar said “Not everything is something to fix. I’m sure that it will be fine, stories always change. I mean, look at you!” She motioned towards her bffa who now looked shocked.
“The Snow White story never changes!” The blonde exclaimed stamping her foot. “Oh I now! I can ask Headmaster Grimm if I can switch rooms and live with her! Then I can get her hearing back! I’ll go right now!” Apple was smiling almost as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s before zipping around to skip out of the room to the Headmasters office, determined to ^fix^ her story.
Ashlynn looked over at Briar “Does she know how to speak sign language?” Was all that came out of the strawberry
blondes mouth.
“No, she doesn’t, I offered to teach her before but she refused. Something about ^never needing to know^ and ^having someone else do it^ at least we learnt it.” Briar smiled, she knew that she’d have to sleep for a hundred years so she intended to do as many things as possible, and one of those was sign language. Ashlynn had learned sign when her grandmother had gone deaf at age seven.
Meanwhile underneath the school a man with bushy gray hair sighed, this would be long Legacy Year.
Tag list for the Silent Queen
@virgil-is-a-cutie @justafanwarrior @bee-a-garbage-shipper @spicybelladonna @starrry-nites @tired-butterfly @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @themagicmistic
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shewritestheblues · 4 years
The Elevator Bae x Chapter 2
Chapter TWO 
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
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It’s been a little over a week since the last time Phoenix saw Erik on the elevator. Everyday since she found out his name, she would wait at the elevator, hoping that when those big doors slid open, Erik would be waiting on the other side. But for 9 days, nothing. She found herself disappointed every time. She would beat herself up about being disappointed. This man didn’t know her and was probably not thinking about her at all. But, each time, without fail, she still would think about him. Where he was and when she’ll see him again. Regardless if she never saw him again, he definitely inspired some good music.
Phoenix was getting ready for a studio session. Studio sessions were usually a chill environment for Phoenix. She never allowed too many people to be around. To work with her, there was no rowdiness allowed in her sessions. Most people respected that. She was a vibe and her space always reflected that. She had a routine to prepare herself for her sessions. She placed her signature royal blue BEATS headphones on and played her ‘Blue’s Magic’ playlist. As she’s bobbing her head to the beat, eyes closed, her phone buzzes with a text. Her engineering friend, Coby, texted her.
DJ Coby: Hey, what time will be pulling up? Someone’s here to see you.
Phoenix was confused. Who in the hell would be at the studio to see her.
Phoenix: Hey. I’m getting ready now. I should be there around 9. Who there?
Coby responded quickly.
DJ Coby: Sza
Phoenix: Nigga! You lying to me!
DJ Coby: lol dead ass. Hurry up. She said she needs to work with you.
Phoenix: I'm coming!!!
Sza was one of her favorite artists. CTRL was probably the album of her life. She practically ran to her room to get dressed. She changed into a heather grey biker short and T-Shirt set. Those were her favorite fits to wear. Cute but comfortable. Phoenix was all about comfort. Sliding her feet into some rainbow Nike Vapormax. She opted to let her curls just be. She didn’t have time to figure that out. Sza was waiting for her. She couldn’t keep her waiting too long. Placing her BEATS around her neck and grabbing her keys, she books it out the door.
Of course! The elevator is taking forever and a day. Phoenix is tapping her foot, anxious to get to the studio.
When the doors open, she rushes in. Going to push Ground Level, but it’s already glowing green. She releases a breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding. A weight lifted from her.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
She didn’t even notice that someone else was already in the cabin with her. Turning to see who it is, her heart damn near stopped.
His smile made those infamous butterflies find their long lost home in her again. She had been preparing to see him. But, when she’s not even thinking about him, he shows up. Looking damn good at that. Black jeans with rips at the knees, a plain white V neck tee and black and red Jordan 1’s. He flashes that God forsaken smile at her.
“I haven’t seen you in awhile.” he says.
“Yeah. You’ve been missing.”
“You were looking for me?”
Yes, she was.  “I didn’t say that.”
“I was looking for you though.”
Her face goes completely red and she couldn’t hide the dorky smile she had if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to.
“Here I am.”
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Erik steps forward, standing between the now fully open doors. His body blocks half of the exit out. He holds his hand into the parking garage.
“Ladies first.”
Phoenix starts to walk out when her shoulder brushed against his chest. This man was SOLID! She stops and looks up at him and of course he’s already smiling at her. She playfully shakes her head at him and continues her way out.
“Have a good night, Phoenix.” He dragged her name. Was he doing this on purpose? She stops and turns to him, flashing her own smile.
“You too, Erik.”
Dragging his name they way he did hers. This time, she stood there to see how he would react. He licks his lips slowly like he knew what it would do to her. She watched him closely and her face went blank as she stared at his mouth.
“Don’t make me look for you again.”
“You don’t go missing again.”
They share another smile. Phoenix had reached her limit with him. There was no way that she could let him say anything else to her without jellylegs happening so she turned on her heels and headed to her car. Eriks stood firm in his place, watching her. She started her car and pulled out from her park and as she did, he waved at her. She watched him in her rear view mirror. He waited there until she turned out onto the road.
Sza was everything Phoenix imagined her to be, plus more. Their session was like two old friends catching up. They meshed well together with their personalities and with the music. Phoenix shared some hooks she wrote and they made nothing short of magic. They both danced around the studio as the two songs they made, played on repeat. Coby recorded them on his Instagram.
“All we make is hits!” he said into the camera.
“We need a pic for the gram.” Sza says to Phoenix.
They pose up and Coby doesn’t fail to make sure they got the right shot.
“Ohhh, we cute.” Phoenix says. “Send that to me now.”
They all chill back onto the large couch in the studio.
“So, girl… who are these hooks about?” Sza ask.
Phoenix looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Nobody.”
“You giving me this feeling…” Sza sings a line from the hook Phoenix wrote. “Somebody is giving you a feeling, sis.”
“No, no. It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” Coby asks.
“It’s just like a crush. Nothing serious at all.”
“Ohhh you got a crush. Who is it?” Sza says pinching at Phoenix’s arm.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix covers her blushing face.
“She’s blushing! Who is it?”
“He’s nobody.”
“I have never heard of a nobody making a nigga blush as hard as you blushing right now. Your face looking like a grape tomato.” Coby laughs.
Phoenix cuts her eyes at him, trying so hard to look serious but he’s right. She can’t stop herself from smiling, thinking about her ‘crush’.
“He’s just a guy that lives in my building. We met on the elevator.”
“You got me singing about your elevator bae?”
Phoenix lets out a huge sigh. “I’m not telling y’all nothing else.”
Sza and Coby laugh her off. Coby looks at his phone. “Yo, it’s almost 6am.”
They wrap up their session. Sza and Phoenix hug and say their goodbyes. Sza gives Phoenix her personal number so they could link again.
It’s a little after 6am when Phoenix finally gets back home. Parking her car, she drags her body to the elevator, waiting for it to come. When it reaches the parking garage and the doors open, Phoenix comes face to face with her neighbor from a few floors up, Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman that one could consider an ‘Instagirl’. Her body was amazing and she always had a slayed wig. Sydney was never caught without a designer bag. Even this early in the morning, she was sporting a 28in black wig, a PINK tracksuit and chanel bag.
“Good Morning, Philly.”
Ava was usually the only person to call Phoenix the nickname but Phoenix never protested when other called her that. Plus, it was too damn late/early for all of that.
“Morning, Syd.”
Sydney steps out of the elevator. “You had a long night?”
“Yeah. I was in the studio.”
“Damn girl and you’re just getting home?”
Phoenix nods her head. She wasn’t really in the mood to be talking to her. Sydney just kept talking and Phoenix was so caught up in pretending to be listening that the elevator doors closed.
“Shit.” She hits the button hoping the doors would just open but now it was that the cabin is already going up.
“Damn girl, I’m sorry. I’ll wait with you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. Her sleepy is now hitting her hard and the last thing she wants to do is listen to Sydney talk.
The elevator took forever coming back down. Phoenix had ran out of patience.
When the doors open, Erik is standing there with full workout gear on. Seeing him, made Phoenix perk up.
“Morning ladies.”
“Good Morning, Erik!” Sydney says with enthusiasm, voice powering over Phoenix’s. “You’re about to work out?”
“How long are you about to be doing that?”
He shrugs. “Couple hours. Why?”
“You should come through when you’re done?”
That’s it. Phoenix had heard enough. She steps around them and get into the elevator. Hitting her floor number, the doors start to close but not before hearing Erik tell Sydney, “Alright. I’ll let you know.”
She would be lying if she said that didn’t crush her. Her hands instantly became hot and her chest was heavy. The thought of them ‘linking up’ made her pissed. She didn’t think she had a right to be pissed. He was just a crush, not her man. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s last name.
Finally making it to her apartment, she closed all of the shades. Her apartment has floor to ceiling windows and she wanted all sunlight blocked. Her exhaustion seem to take over her body and she only made it out of her shoes before crashing on her bed and going deep into her sleep.
When she woke, it was well into the afternoon. A shower melted away all of her tension. Phoenix relaxed herself more with a well needed yoga session in her living room. She had plans to take a few days to herself but first she needed to do some grocery shopping to replace all of her snacks. Phoenix made her way to the store and to the farmers market. Stacking up on all of the food she needed to make her mini staycation at home, a good one.
Her day was going pretty smooth. She hadn’t even thought about the mornings situation with Erik and Sydney. She made her way through the parking garage and luckily she was able to get a spot close to the elevator. Phoenix stacked all of her grocery bags on one arm. She refused to take more than one trip. As she is closing her trunk, the elevator doors open. Looking up, she sees Sydney walking out, smiling and Erik right behind her. She stood back so they wouldn’t see her and she watched as they talked and laughed toward his car. She watched as he opened the passenger door for her and walked around and getting in, himself. She tried to hurry up and make to the elevators before he drove around. But the doors took a bit longer than she expected to open. Erik’s car drove passed her just as she was stepping into the cabin. He stopped by the doors and rolled his window down. Before he could say anything, the elevator doors closed and Phoenix’s stomach dropped to the floor with her bags.
She could feel her anxiety coming through her chest. The negative thoughts rushed her brain before she could even try to stop them. She felt stupid for crushing on a guy like Erik. Phoenix was a very chill, laid back kind of girl. Sydney was the definition of a ‘Girly girl’ and she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had. Phoenix’s brain went a million miles a minute. Of course, she’s his type, she thought.
As she reached her floor, she struggled to gather up the bags that fell to the floor. When the doors opened, her neighbor from across the hall, Mya was waiting.
“I got you, girl.”  Mya says. She helped Phoenix with her bags without a second thought.
“Thank You so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You know I know the struggle.”
Mya follows Phoenix into her place, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. Phoenix goes through one of the bags, pulling out a Kombucha and giving it to Mya.
“Here. This is my thank you since you won’t let me say it.”
“Now this is something I’ll take. Thanks girl.” Mya smiles and leaves out.
Phoenix leaves her groceries on the counter and sits on her couch. She had to admit her feelings were hurt. She wasn’t fully sure as to why but they were. She sat there for a moment, letting herself process the bullshit as much as she could before turning on some music and putting away her groceries. Just when she thought her mind was free, Yuna x Crush started playing through her speakers.
“Damn God, can you chill? I don’t need this.” She goes to pick up her phone that she left on the couch to change the song and sees that she has a bunch of notifications from her Instagram. She clicks the app and she’s tagged in a pic by Sza. It was the pic they took at the studio with the caption:
So much love for my girl @DJPhoenixBlue. This album is about to be amazing.
HER ALBUM?! To be a producer on Sza’s album would be a huge step for Phoenix. That post made her page blow up. She had gained at least another 1,000 followers. People were showing her so much love on her pics and videos. She clicked back on the picture and commented:
Love you boo! More hits coming soon!
That made her feel so much better. Erik slipped from her mind in that moment. She let the music continue to play through her speaker and she danced around her living room until a phone call paused the music. It was her manager, Alyssa..
“Lyssaaaa, what’s up?”
“Hey, Phoenix. I have some good news.”
Phoenix patiently waits for Alyssa to continue.
“You’ve been requested to DJ at a party next week. The promoters are offering to pay you double your rates.”
“Double? Who is the party for?”
“It’s the grand opening of that new club, X down in Hollywood.”
“Hell yeah! I wanna do it.”
“Okay, great! I’ll let them know. Also, a few labels have been watching you. I’m setting up a meeting for this Friday for you to meet them. This is could be big for you.”
Phoenix is being hit with so much good news that she can’t even contain herself. She’s bouncing on her feet.
“Okay! Just let me know where and what time and I’m there.”
“Cool. I’ll keep you posted. Enjoy your days off.”
Phoenix hung up, squealing. All of her dreams are slowly but surely manifesting right before her eyes. The rest of her evening was spent eating a pizza that she ordered and finally catching up on all of her shows. She sat on her couch, wrapped like a burrito in her weighted blanket, struggling hard to keep her eyes open.
A hand snakes around Phoenix’s waist. She bit her lip at the warmth and released a small moan. She laid her head back onto the large chest behind her. He trailed wet kissed up her shoulder and neck until he reached her cheek. She turned her head to him and he smiled.
“Lay down.” He said.
She followed his orders. His shirtless body stood over her. He snatched her panties off quickly and his head disappeared between her thighs.
Closing her eyes, “Fuck Erik! That’s feels good.”
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
UNVS reaction “please touch me”
Eunho: making dinner for Eunho turned into a hot make out session in the kitchen as your neediness grew for each other. Eunho was trailing hot kisses down your neck with his lips as his hands were settled on your hips. They had stayed there the whole time and you wished they would roam your body. “E-Eunho..” You quietly stated. He stopped making love bites on your neck and made eye contact with you. Your breath hitched as his eyes met yours. Soft but full of lust. “What is it Princess?” His pet name for you always made you shy and this situation didn’t help when you wanted something. But you needed him, you needed to feel his body against you, his hands on your body to show how much he wanted you. “Um..I need you t-to..” Eunho cocked his head and cupped your cheek in his hand. He knew something wasn’t right. “Princess, tell me.” He said. You couldn’t find your words so you grabbed his hands, face quickly turning red, and placed them on your breasts. You let out a sigh once his large hands made contact with your breasts over your shirt. It was awkward for a second as Eunho didn’t quite know what you were doing but eventually you found your words and Eunho began kneeding your breasts in his hands. “Oh f-fuck,” you stuttered leaning against the counter for support. “If this was what you wanted why didn’t you just tell me Princess? Don’t be shy about such dirty things.” Eunho pulled you into his lips sticking his tongue right in letting a few low moans out to get you even more worked up. His hands had moved away from your breasts and down to your ass. He squeezed your cheeks for awhile and then stuck both his hands down your shorts to feel your skin. “Princess your cute butt is always so soft. Please let me touch it more often.” He said in between kisses. Eunho then grabbed your ass and lifted you up placing you on the counter. He pushed your legs open so he could stand in between them and picked up the kiss while gently caressing your thigh. “My Princess loves it when I touch her hmm? Such a needy, dirty girl for her Daddy.” Eunho said pulling away from the kiss and placing one hand over your clothed slit and began rubbing it through your shorts. He smirked as a small whine escaped your lips. 
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YY: Moonyong had your wrists and ankles tied to the bed with a vibe set against your clit. He had been overstimulating you for weeks and not once were you allowed to cum nor was he allowing himself to touch you. You were doing so well but the last couple times he had tied you up you fought, you kicked and screamed which only caused further punishment. “Daddy’s gonna beat that bratty attitude out of you if you don’t behave kitten. I have plenty of paddles that aren’t broken to use on your ass until it’s covered in welts. You wouldn’t want that would you?” It had felt like hours and tears of frustration and need finally left your eyes. Moonyong looked over at you from his seat by the bed. “Why are you crying kitten? I’m not spanking you.” Moonyong’s tone was soft, he was worried that maybe he had finally pushed you to your breaking point but you hadn’t used the safe word. “Please Daddy, please touch me.” You cried out wiggling in your restraints. “I need you..please please.” You begged tears streaming down your cheeks. Moonyong sighed and got on the bed straddling your thigh. He hovered over your shaky frame and smiled. “I suppose I can let you have what you want kitten. But don’t cry.” He said wiping your tears. Then his lips met yours and you moaned into the kiss. More tears rolling down your cheeks. He wasn’t on your lips for too long before he pulled away and let his hands travel slowly to your breasts, his fingers lightly swiping against your harding nipples. You let out a shaky breath as Moonyong’s hands went past your stomach and to your thighs. “T-thank you D-daddy-y..f-fuck!” You shouted a little louder than you had intended as Moonyong moved the vibe away from your clit and slid his digits into you. His other hand came up and rested on your stomach and an orgasm quickly came over you. You cried out one more time as it felt so good to have his hands on you. “You’re so precious kitten.”
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Jen: Jen was a lover, he absolutely adored the way you always reacted to him whether you were kissing or making love. Today he loved seeing you on top of him. Your body riding his cock and moaning made him even more hard. “You’re so pretty babygirl.” He said smiling up at you. You smiled back at him the familiar knot forming in your stomach. “Jen..” you mewled. “Yes babygirl? Are you gonna cum my sweet?” You nodded your head placing your hands in his chest. “Please touch me please baby.” You said. Jen smiled and pulled you on top of him, his hands grabbing your ass and spreading your cheeks as you grinded in his cock. Your lips met with his and you bit his bottom lip. Jen landed a quick smack to your ass causing your orgasm to crash into you all of a sudden. “Fuck!” You whine grinding harder into him causing him to cum inside you. “Shit shit, babygirl oh god you feel so damn good.” Jen moaned holding your ass as you continue to ride him, your face buried in his chest.
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Jun.H: as a dom Joohyeon knew exactly where you wanted to be touched but he enjoyed teasing you all too much. As you jerked yourself off on his thigh he chuckled. “Where would you like me to touch you little girl? Perhaps here?” Joohyeon said placing his hand on the side of your face. You let out a whiny ‘no’ which only caused him to chuckle some more. “Then tell me. Tell me where you want master to touch you.” You, who had your eyes closed the whole time, opened them to look up at Joohyeon. Your breath caught in your throat as he danced his fingertips down your body to your thighs. “Please touch..m-my” you hesitated. You knew he knew where you wanted him to touch you but you were too embarrassed to say anything. “Master please!” You whined louder your head falling into the crook of Joohyeon’s neck. You couldn’t see how wide his smile was as he enjoyed how embarrassed you were. “Baby I can’t help you out if you won’t tell me what you want. C’mon on, don’t be embarrassed little girl. Tell master where you want to be touched.” He whispered this so close to your ear it sent shivers throughout your whole body. “Please t-touch my..my..p-pussy Master..” the last two words came out in a soft mewl causing Joohyeon to sit you back up on his thigh and stick his hand right up your skirt. “See baby, that wasn’t so hard was it?” Joohyeon’s thumb rubbed against your clothed slit and a gasp left your mouth. “Joo..” you stopped yourself from saying his name as he started rubbing harder. “You’re so wet little girl. Is this what you wanted? For Master to touch your precious pussy?”
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Changgyu: it had been weeks since you’d seen your boyfriend Changgyu and you were touch starved. When the door to your apartment opened and Changgyu walked in you rushed to him taking him by surprise. Your kisses were hot and needy and Changgyu didn’t help your horniness by moaning into your kiss. You pulled away and your hot breath fanned against his ear. “I’ve missed you Daddy, I couldn’t stop touching myself and the thought of you.” Changgyu smirked picking you up by your ass and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. “Touching yourself and you didn’t even send me a video or pictures? Baby that’s unfair.” Changgyu took you to your room and threw you on the bed before taking his shirt off. You did the same and went to remove your skirt but Changgyu stopped you. “No baby, keep that skirt on. You dressed up so nice for Daddy today didn’t you? You know how much I love your cute skirts. I hope you’re not wearing panties.” Changgyu got on his knees in between your thighs. “Touch me.” You stated, you were both hot and ready and Changgyu didn’t wait another second. He grabbed you pulling your chest into him. He inhaled your scent and started marking up your breasts. While one arm wrapped firmly around your back the other lifted up your legs and held your thigh clawing at the skin. You tilted your head back and grabbed the hairs on the nape of his neck. “Fuck yes baby.” You sighed.
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I’m sorry I used pics instead of gifs. Also I’m sorry that the reactions seem scattered and some are longer than others. I hope you still enjoyed it
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Mother dragon (11); Winchester brothers x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay first of all I would like to thank everyone who was patient with me for this next part of Mother Dragon. College has been such a bitch lately with essays, homework, and final projects that needed my attention cause in just a few weeks I’ll be graduating and I want every grade to count. So thos those who have waited patiently, I want to thank you soooooo much :)
And I would like to say I apologize for the shortness that this part maybe I wanted it to be longer but with what I had in mind, it needed to be it’s own chapter so I kinda left you guys on a cliffhanger *Salem’s evil laugh* But here we are finally shown our villian of the pic and boy do I have a special face cast in mind for him and for some (or most) of you you’ll end up screaming in your seats (it’s a goodie :))
Anyways idk when I’ll have pt.12 up it’ll possible be after I’m done with school and done with all my final papers/exam. But when I do, it’ll be nothing but pure updates of the series cause I’ve got the ending done and had it done for awhile, so I hope this satisfies your hunger for Mother Dragon until then :)
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*3rd Person POV*
In the beautiful and one of the top capitals in all of England, Liverpool.  There along a stretch of 20,000 acres of forests and woodland as well as a river path which lead to the sea stood a mansion as well as a warehouse jointed beside it.
Walking around the perimeter of the house were men and women carrying large guns that looked more like military weapons when suddenly they heard the sounds of three dragons roaring.  They cocked their guns but as soon as they saw through the streetlights guiding the dragons to land safely, they knew better and lay down their weapons.
From inside the mansion a short, stoutly man who appeared to be in his late 50’s, bald and wore a white lab coat raced through the corridors until he reached the double doors that led to what looked like a study room.
Although it looked more like a master bedroom due to the size of it.  Along with old antiques dating back all the way to the Medieval times, there were also dragon bones décor the entire place.  Hanging along the wall like prized game like a hunter would sport an animal head on a mount.
There at the center of the room was a large Victorian desk and leaned forward asleep on said desk that sported dozens of maps was a man with unruly brown curly hair that made him look like a shaggy lion.
He was a well-built man.  Not too buff, but definitely not lean, along his left upper bicep just below his shoulder was a tattoo of the symbol of Saint George slaying the dragon.
“Sir. Sir.” The doctor spoke in what sounded like a German or Swiss accent.  He then entered inside the study room and walked up to the desk toward the sleeping man and said, “Pardon my intrusion sir, but your dragons have returned with the recent capture….”  The man sleeping on the desk took a dagger and slammed it repeatedly on compass that was on the table, smashing it to pieces.
He tiredly raised his head up to reveal that he had a small mustache and beard, had piercing green eyes, and scars all over his face, including one that went down from the crown of his head, over his left eye and stopped to his cheek.  He sleepily glared at the doctor and whispered.
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“I was dreaming Doctor Zemo…..of the Alpha.”
“Deacon?” question the doctor now known as Zemo.
“And in my dream; I was—a magnanimous hero.” The man sat up against his tall chair which was engraved gold and red velvet cushions. “To the people of world.” He took a sip of some clear drink probably either vodka or ale.
But the surprise fact was when he lifted his other arm, there was only a stump left down to his mid-forearm.
“I even thanked the head of the Alpha. For his kind taking away my arm.” Which made the doctor cringe because his arm was not only taken away, but also burned to 3rd degree. “And for allowing me to get this fine arm. For gutting, and ripping throats of his own kind. Where one takes a piece of me. I take millions from him.”
The man continued to brag as he now brought out a metal arm with dragon-like claws at the end and as soon as he put it back on, it activated and he wriggled his fingers around testing it.
“So the dragons made you a better trapper sire?” asked Doctor Zemo.
“Made me better?” question the metal armed man.
He walked towards the doctor forcing him to walk backwards as the man continued,
“My bloodline goes all the way back to the first dragon killer Saint George. I never needed such luck such as this arm to make me better. YOU THINK I’M BETTER BECAUSE OF THIS!?!?” He roared in the Doctor’s face, his index claw just barely a centimeter away from piercing Zemo’s eye.
“No, no Lord Percy, no.” Zemo stammered. Percy glared soullessly at the Doctor before pushing up his glasses back from his nose up to the bridge of it. “Thank you.”
“Thank Lucifer his Beta went deaf.” Percy got out of Zemo’s face and went back over to his desk to put his metal arm into a bowling pot of water.  Filled with flour, vinegar and salt to clean up the metal claws and buffer them up a bit as he continued, “If that cousin of yours hadn’t put him in the river, he’d have killed me by now. Why did you wake me doctor?”
“Lord Percy; your dragons have come back. And they brought back the one that killed Dragon 346782.” Percy shot his arm up, his claws now shining under the light of his office dripping with left over vinegar.
“Show me the beast!” he hissed.
Once the dragons fully landed and dragged the unconscious body of (y/n) towards the mansion, Percy as well as some other trappers and hunters gathered around.  The dragon that held (y/n) in it’s grip dropped her down like a piece of meat.
“That is no beast. It’s a girl.” Said Doctor Zemo.
“I can see that it’s a girl you imbecile! Now why did this stupid reptiles bring me a human!?” he yelled at the acid spitters which made them submit fearfully as they backed away.
“Hey boss, you seen the armor she’s wearing?” asked a strongly built hunter who had a crossbow strapped to his back.  Percy knelt down and touched the armor and was in awe.
“Dragon skin?”
“You think she’s a hunter too? Trapper even?”
“Whoever this girl is, she’s valuable. But we can’t have her rushing away so quickly. At least not before I get the chance to talk to her. Take her to the guest quarters and alert me when she wakes up.”
“Yes boss.” He then flung (y/n) over his shoulder and Percy couldn’t help but stare at the unconscious girl with intriguing eyes.
Meanwhile miles away as the sun began to rise, Warren flew back towards the den hoping to find the Winchester brothers and Castiel.
He flew as fast as he could back towards the den hoping to find them and give them the helmet that (y/n) had given them as a warning that something bad had happened to her.
Back at the den, Sam and Dean just woke up and walked out of the den to see Castiel standing out almost as if he were on patrol.
“What’s going on Cas?” asked Sam.
“It’s been a couple of days since (y/n) left the den and I’m beginning to worry about her.”
“Wait you—you mean to tell me (y/n) is gone again!?” Dean snapped.
“Can’t you find her? Use the Enochian tracker you placed on us?”
“I am but—it’s like I’m being blocked from seeing her.” Soon coming over the horizon, Cas saw Warren flying toward them. “But I think I might know someone who might know. Warren’s back, and he was the reason she left the den.”
“I swear if that British blonde-headed dick killed her or even laid a scratch on her, I don’t care what will be his fate, I’ll end it right here, right now.” Sneered Dean.
Soon enough Warren landed panting heavily as his wings tucked back into his back.
“And where the hell have you been?” snapped Dean. Warren looked up and said.
“I said where the hell have you been?!”
“You’ll have to speak up Winchester I—I’m a little hard at hearing, especially after long flights.” Before Dean could pop his lid off, Cas held him back before walking towards the dragon.
“Where’s (y/n)? I know she went after you the other day after the rumble with Kisara.”
“She did come after me yes. And she kept trailing me, stubborn girl you have to deal with.”
“She can be that. But where is she Warren?”
“We got caught in one of Percy’s traps. Soon more of his dragons, the acid spitter that invaded the nest shortly after you all found out about her little dragon secret. She sent me back here to you three to give you this.” Taking out of his black leather jacket was (y/n)’s dragon helmet. “She used herself as a decoy allowing me to escape. But I’m afraid she might’ve been kidnapped and taken to Percy.”
“The same Percy that’s been hunting you all?” asked Cas. Warren nodded.  Cas looked down at the helmet and said to Warren. “Stay here, I’ll talk to the brothers.” He then turned away and walked back towards the Winchesters.
“So what’s going on Cas? Did he hurt her?”
“No. In fact it’s worse than her getting injured by a deaf dragon with anger management issues. She’s being taken by those acid spitters to Percy. The dragon hunter that’s been after this nest for years now.”
“Wait you mean the one Deacon and Stephen told us about in that story?” asked Dean.
“Yes. He comes from a long line of dragon hunters, going back to the very first known dragon slayer.”
“Saint George.” Answered Sam.
“Wait but why would he want (y/n)?” asked Dean. “And just where does this guy live?”
“Do you think Warren might know?” Sam suggested.
“It’s a longshot but maybe.”
“How do we know we can trust him? I mean guys c’mon after all he’s tried to kill (y/n) on several occasions, he almost killed Kisara’s first litter of unborn babies, he’s not exactly on our side.”
“On our side or not, he still came back and told us where (y/n) is at and gave us this.” Cas said as he held up her dragon helmet. “And the more time we waste here, the more time Percy could be doing who knows what to her. If he’s as ruthless as I’ve heard, then there’s no doubt he’ll treat (y/n) like any other dragon he can get his hands on.”
Soon the three hunters were in agreement.
“Hey Warren!” Dean exclaimed. The blonde dragon looked up at them and Dean continued, “You got any idea where Percy’s hideout is?”
“I might know the way. But getting in there won’t be easy. Not only does he have his lackie trappers and hunters guarding the entire perimeter of his home, but he also allows his acid spitters to patrol. You three won’t last long.”
“Well we’ve survived worse. Plus she’s our sister. And we don’t leave family behind.” Said Sam.  Warren exhaled through his nose deeply and muttered.
“I may live to regret this.” He then phased into his dragon form and lowered his right wing for the brothers and the angel. All three of them climbed up onto Warren’s back and he took off flying.
However they were unaware of the snake-like dragon that was listening in from the shadows of the den.
As they flew higher in the sky, Castiel heard Warren’s voice say to him.
‘Give me that helmet. I’ll be able to track her easier if I have something that has her scent.’ Cas then handed the mask to Sam and said to him.
“Give that to Warren.” Sam nodded and as Warren curled his neck inward, Sam lowered the helmet so that Warren could take a deep inhale of (y/n)’s scent.  He extended his neck back outwards and sniffed a couple of times before his pupils sharpened into a snake’s and he let out a roar.
“He’s got her. Hang on!” Cas told the brothers and almost on a dime, Warren flew faster towards Percy’s mansion.
*My POV*
When I finally woke up, I found myself in some sort of prison.  Unlike the prison cell back in the dragon’s den, this felt like I was in an actual prison cell.  There was nothing but metal walls all around me, however instead of being chained up against the wall I was lying on a bed.
“What the hell?” I muttered.  I soon heard locks on the door being unlocked and as soon as it opened, there stood a woman with short black hair, stern cold brown eyes and a tattoo of a raven on the side of her neck.
“You’re awake. That’s good.” She said in an ‘I don’t care’ kind of tone.
“Yeah, and who are you?”
“My name is irrelevant to you. The boss would like to see you.”
“So soon? Whatever will I wear?” I sassed at her and it was at that moment I was slammed against the wall being pinned by her and she sneered.
“Don’t get cute kid!”
“Ah, ah, ah remember what I had said earlier Jane dear.” We both turned and there I saw a man with a messy mane of curly brown hair, I noticed that he only wore one black glove on his right hand.  The woman glared at the man before literally dropping me down to the floor and trudging out of the room in a huff.  “So sorry about her love, Jane can be quite—eccentric at times.”
“I’ve dealt with worse.” I said as I stood back up and rubbed my neck.
“You don’t seem like one whose dealt with worse.” He said.
“Believe me you don’t know the half of it.”
“Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Percy.” He said as he held out his bare hand instead of the gloved one.  I was skeptical about him but I shook his hand.
“Diana Fischer.” I gave him one of my many FBI alias that I came up with along with Sam and Dean.  “Where—exactly am I?”
“In my mansion. 20,000 acres of forests and woodlands that have belonged to my family for generations.”
“Damn, my childhood neighborhood was only an acre.”
“Well when you come from a privileged bloodline it comes with the territory. I never really cared for much of it. It’s just for show if I’m honest.”
“So why am I here? Surely a rich man with a house such as this doesn’t just bring guests like me over? Much less with a dragon welcoming committee.”
“Ahh yes. See they’re really just for security purposes really. Something my team decided was a good idea.” Of course I knew he was lying because I knew the real reason why thanks to my son and his friends.
“Of course. And they just assumed I was a threat.”
“Afraid so, but don’t worry I will deal with them later. Oh silly me where are my manners you must be starving poor girl, please why don’t you join me for dinner? Maybe have a drink. You—are legal to drink right?”
“Yes I’m 23.”
“Marvelous.” He then guided me out of the room and I was now in an elegant dining hall that looked like it belonged in the 15th century with a large chandelier hanging over the table and a gourmet food selection as far as the table reached from each side of the room. “Please take a seat by me and have whatever your heart desires.”
He sat down at the head of the table and I sat to his right and looked at every piece of food imaginable.  I’ll tell you if Sam and Dean were here, they’d go completely gaga over this food, especially Dean when I saw that there was chicken, pork, steaks, turkey, and any other kinds of meat.
Sam would have a field day with the fruits and salads around the table, it was like a farmer’s market shrunk to miniature size and parked itself right onto the table.  There was also dessert trays like Turkish delight, chocolate turtles, Crème brûlée, cakes, ice cream, etc.
“So Diana, since I told you a little bit about me, why not tell me about yourself?”
“Oh I couldn’t possibly. My story is boring compared to yours.”
“No really I insist.” Percy said as he reached out for some of the ham slices and Turkey legs.  Knowing that he probably had an idea to spike or poison whatever food I would go for, I reached for the same foods he did, no matter what he picked. “For one thing I must compliment this suit you’ve got on. I mean it’s absolutely phenomenal. Who designed it?”
“I did.”
“Really? Well then you must be a clever girl. What exactly are it’s mechanisms?”
“Simple pully structures and leather texture.” I gave him a brief synopsis without telling him everything.
“Hmm. Now the scaling patterns you’ve designed into it. Looks almost like real dragon skin. Have a fancy for them?”
“My knowledge of them only exists through Game of Thrones and how to train your dragon. With a bit of Dragon heart mixed in.”
“They are magnificent beasts of mythology aren’t they?” he asked me.
“You could say that.” I said nonchalantly. “What’s your opinion on dragons?”
“Oh well my family has been in ties with dragons since the Medieval ages.” I looked around and saw a painting of Saint George himself hanging proudly just above his head. “You know something Diana. You strike me as the type of young woman who is a fighter.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“Well beyond the self-manufactured suit. You have this look in your eyes that just screams like you’ve seen hell and back.” Oh you have no idea.
Suddenly I felt a little queasy and my head started spinning like a top. What the hell? But he—I was grabbing the same foods he did, why was he not affected by it?
“Seems we’re feeling a bit under the weather, aren’t we Diana? Or should I say (y/n) (l/n).” How the hell did he know my real name? It was then two hulky strong men.  
They roughly picked me up and that’s when I saw Percy take out a needle filled with a purple serum.
“Let’s start over now shall we? Starting with how you were able to take down one of my dragons on your own?” He came right up to me and injected the needle into my neck and I just let out the most agonizing scream.
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dreamgirl4certain · 5 years
The Elevator Bae
Chapter TWO.
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
Word Count: 4k. || Song Suggestions: Yuna ft. Usher x Crush
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I skimmed through this while at work. Shoutout to everyone that told me you liked this story. It gave me the extra push to finish this chapter. 
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It’s been a little over a week since the last time Phoenix seen Erik on the elevator. Everyday since she found out his name, she would wait at the elevator, hoping that when those big doors slid open, Erik would be waiting on the other side. But for 9 days, nothing. She found herself disappointed every time. She would beat herself up about being disappointed. This man didn’t know her and was probably not thinking about her at all. But, each time, without fail, she still would think about him. Where he was and when she’ll see him again. Regardless if she never seen him again, he definitely inspired some good music.
Phoenix was getting ready for a studio session. Studio sessions were usually a chill environment for Phoenix. She never allowed too many people to be around. To work with her, there was no rowdiness allowed in her sessions. Most people respected that. She was a vibe and her space always reflected that. She had a routine to prepare herself for her sessions. She placed her signature royal blue BEATS headphones on and played her ‘Blue’s Magic’ playlist. As she’s bobbing her head to the beat, eyes closed, her phone buzzes with a text. Her engineering friend, Coby, texted her.
DJ Coby: Hey, what time will be pulling up? Someone’s here to see you.
Phoenix was confused. Who in the hell would be at the studio to see her.
Phoenix: Hey. I’m getting ready now. I should be there around 9. Who there?
Coby responded quickly.
DJ Coby: Sza
Phoenix: Nigga! You lying to me!
DJ Coby: lol dead ass. Hurry up. She said she needs to work with you.
Phoenix: I'm coming!!!
Sza was one of her favorite artists. CTRL was probably the album of her life. She practically ran to her room to get dressed. She changed into a heather grey biker short and T-Shirt set. Those were her favorite fits to wear. Cute but comfortable. Phoenix was all about comfort. Sliding her feet into some rainbow Nike Vapormax. She opted to let her curls just be. She didn’t have time to figure that out. Sza was waiting for her. She couldn’t keep her waiting too long. Placing her BEATS around her neck and grabbing her keys, she books it out the door.
Of course! The elevator is taking forever and a day. Phoenix is tapping her foot, anxious to get to the studio.
When the doors open, she rushes in. Going to push Ground Level, but it’s already glowing green. She releases a breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding. A weight lifted from her.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
She didn’t even notice that someone else was already in the cabin with her. Turning to see who it is, her heart damn near stopped.
His smile made those infamous butterflies find their long lost home in her again. She had been preparing to see him. But, when she’s not even thinking about him, he shows up. Looking damn good at that. Black jeans with rips at the knees, a plain white V neck tee and black and red Jordan 1’s. He flashes that God forsaken smile at her.
“I haven’t seen you in awhile.” he says.
“Yeah. You’ve been missing.”
“You were looking for me?”
Yes, she was.  “I didn’t say that.”
“I was looking for you though.”
Her face goes completely red and she couldn’t hide the dorky smile she had if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to.
“Here I am.”
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Erik steps forward, standing between the now fully open doors. His body blocks half of the exit out. He holds his hand into the parking garage.
“Ladies first.”
Phoenix starts to walk out when her shoulder brushes against his chest. This man was SOLID! She stops and looks up at him and of course he’s already smiling at her. She playfully shakes her head at him and continues her way out.
“Have a good night, Phoenix.” He dragged her name. Was he doing this on purpose? She stops and turns to him, flashing her own smile.
“You too, Erik.”
Dragging his name they way he did hers. This time, she stood there to see how he would react. He licks his lips slowly like he knew what it would do to her. She watched him closely and her face went blank as she stared at his mouth.
“Don’t make me look for you again.”
“You don’t go missing again.”
They share another smile. Phoenix had reached her limit with him. There was no way that she could let him say anything else to her without jellylegs happening so she turned on her heels and headed to her car. Eriks stood firm in his place, watching her. She started her car and pulled out from her park and as she did, he waved at her. She watched him in her rear view mirror. He waited there until she turned out onto the road.
Sza was everything Phoenix imagined her to be, plus more. Their session was like two old friends catching up. They meshed well together with their personalities and with the music. Phoenix shared some hooks she wrote and they made nothing short of magic. They both danced around the studio as the two songs they made, played on repeat. Coby recorded them on his Instagram.
“All we make is hits!” he said into the camera.
“We need a pic for the gram.” Sza says to Phoenix.
They pose up and Coby doesn’t fail to make sure they got the right shot.
“Ohhh, we cute.” Phoenix says. “Send that to me now.”
They all chill back onto the large couch in the studio.
“So, girl… who are these hooks about?” Sza ask.
Phoenix looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Nobody.”
“You giving me this feeling…” Sza sings a line from the hook Phoenix wrote. “Somebody is giving you a feeling, sis.”
“No, no. It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” Coby asks.
“It’s just like a crush. Nothing serious at all.”
“Ohhh you got a crush. Who is it?” Sza says pinching at Phoenix’s arm.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix covers her blushing face.
“She’s blushing! Who is it?”
“He’s nobody.”
“I have never heard of a nobody making a nigga blush as hard as you blushing right now. Your face looking like a grape tomato.” Coby laughs.
Phoenix cuts her eyes at him, trying so hard to look serious but he’s right. She can’t stop herself from smiling, thinking about her ‘crush’.
“He’s just a guy that lives in my building. We met on the elevator.”
“You got me singing about your elevator bae?”
Phoenix lets out a huge sigh. “I’m not telling y’all nothing else.”
Sza and Coby laugh her off. Coby looks at his phone. “Yo, it’s almost 6am.”
They wrap up their session. Sza and Phoenix hug and say their goodbyes. Sza gives Phoenix her personal number so they could link again.
It’s a little after 6am when Phoenix finally gets back home. Parking her car, she drags her body to the elevator, waiting for it to come. When it reaches the parking garage and the doors open, Phoenix comes face to face with her neighbor from a few floors up, Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman that one could consider an ‘Instagirl’. Her body was amazing and she always had a slayed wig. Sydney was never caught without a designer bag. Even this early in the morning, she was sporting a 28in black wig, a PINK tracksuit and chanel bag.
“Good Morning, Philly.”
Ava was usually the only person to call Phoenix the nickname but Phoenix never protested when other called her that. Plus, it was too damn late/early for all of that.
“Morning, Syd.”
Sydney steps out of the elevator. “You had a long night?”
“Yeah. I was in the studio.”
“Damn girl and you’re just getting home?”
Phoenix nods her head. She wasn’t really in the mood to be talking to her. Sydney just kept talking and Phoenix was so caught up in pretending to be listening that the elevator doors closed.
“Shit.” She hits the button hoping the doors would just open but now it was that the cabin is already going up.
“Damn girl, I’m sorry. I’ll wait with you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. Her sleepy is now hitting her hard and the last thing she wants to do is listen to Sydney talk.
The elevator took forever coming back down. Phoenix had ran out of patience.
When the doors open, Erik is standing there with full workout gear on. Seeing him, made Phoenix perk up.
“Morning ladies.”
“Good Morning, Erik!” Sydney says with enthusiasm, voice powering over Phoenix’s. “You’re about to work out?”
“How long are you about to be doing that?”
He shrugs. “Couple hours. Why?”
“You should come through when you’re done?”
That’s it. Phoenix had heard enough. She steps around them and get into the elevator. Hitting her floor number, the doors start to close but not before hearing Erik tell Sydney, “Alright. I’ll let you know.”
She would be lying if she said that didn’t crush her. Her hands instantly became hot and her chest was heavy. The thought of them ‘linking up’ made her pissed. She didn’t think she had a right to be pissed. He was just a crush, not her man. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s last name.
Finally making it to her apartment, she closed all of the shades. Her apartment has floor to ceiling windows and she wanted all sunlight blocked. Her exhaustion seem to take over her body and she only made it out of her shoes before crashing on her bed and going deep into her sleep.
When she woke, it was well into the afternoon. A shower melted away all of her tension. Phoenix relaxed herself more with a well needed yoga session in her living room. She had plans to take a few days to herself but first she needed to do some grocery shopping to replace all of her snacks. Phoenix made her way to the store and to the farmers market. Stacking up on all of the food she needed to make her mini staycation at home, a good one.
Her day was going pretty smooth. She hadn’t even thought about the mornings situation with Erik and Sydney. She made her way through the parking garage and luckily she was able to get a spot close to the elevator. Phoenix stacked all of her grocery bags on one arm. She refused to take more than one trip. As she is closing her trunk, the elevator doors open. Looking up, she sees Sydney walking out, smiling and Erik right behind her. She stood back so they wouldn’t see her and she watched as they talked and laughed toward his car. She watched as he opened the passenger door for her and walked around and getting in, himself. She tried to hurry up and make to the elevators before he drove around. But the doors took a bit longer than she expected to open. Erik’s car drove passed her just as she was stepping into the cabin. He stopped by the doors and rolled his window down. Before he could say anything, the elevator doors closed and Phoenix’s stomach dropped to the floor with her bags.
She could feel her anxiety coming through her chest. The negative thoughts rushed her brain before she could even try to stop them. She felt stupid for crushing on a guy like Erik. Phoenix was a very chill, laid back kind of girl. Sydney was the definition of a ‘Girly girl’ and she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had. Phoenix’s brain went a million miles a minute. Of course, she’s his type, she thought.
As she reached her floor, she struggled to gather up the bags that fell to the floor. When the doors opened, her neighbor from across the hall, Mya was waiting.
“I got you, girl.”  Mya says. She helped Phoenix with her bags without a second thought.
“Thank You so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You know I know the struggle.”
Mya follows Phoenix into her place, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. Phoenix goes through one of the bags, pulling out a Kombucha and giving it to Mya.
“Here. This is my thank you since you won’t let me say it.”
“Now this is something I’ll take. Thanks girl.” Mya smiles and leaves out.
Phoenix leaves her groceries on the counter and sits on her couch. She had to admit her feelings were hurt. She wasn’t fully sure as to why but they were. She sat there for a moment, letting herself process the bullshit as much as she could before turning on some music and putting away her groceries. Just when she thought her mind was free, Yuna x Crush started playing through her speakers.
“Damn God, can you chill? I don’t need this.” She goes to pick up her phone that she left on the couch to change the song and sees that she has a bunch of notifications from her Instagram. She clicks the app and she’s tagged in a pic by Sza. It was the pic they took at the studio with the caption.
So much love for my girl @DJPhoenixBlue. This album is about to be amazing.
HER ALBUM?! To be a producer on Sza’s album would be a huge step for Phoenix. That post made her page blow up. She had gained at least another 3,000 followers. People were showing her so much love on her pics and videos. She clicked back on the picture and commented
Love you boo! More hits coming soon!
That made her feel so much better. Erik slipped from her mind in that moment. She let the music continue to play through her speaker and she danced around her living room until a phone call paused the music. It was her manager, Alyssa..
“Lyssaaaa, what’s up?”
“Hey, Phoenix. I have some good news.”
Phoenix patiently waits for Alyssa to continue.
“You’ve been requested to DJ at a party next week. The promoters are offering to pay you double your rates.”
“Double? Who the party for?”
“It’s the grand opening of that new club, X down in Hollywood. A lot of big names will be there.”
“Hell yeah! I wanna do it.”
“Okay, great! I’ll let them know. Also, a few labels have been watching you. I’m setting up a meeting for this Friday for you to meet them. This is could be big for you.”
Phoenix is being hit with so much good news she can’t even contain herself. She’s bouncing on her feet.
“Okay! Just let me know where and what time and I’m there.”
“Cool. I’ll keep you posted. Enjoy your days off.”
Phoenix hung up, squealing. All of her dreams are slowly but surely manifesting right before her eyes. The rest of her evening was spent eating a pizza that she ordered and finally catching up on all of her shows. She sat on her couch, wrapped like a burrito in her weighted blanket, struggling hard to keep her eyes open.
A hand snakes around Phoenix’s waist. She bit her lip at the warmth and released a small moan. She laid her head back onto the large chest behind her. He trailed wet kissed up her shoulder and neck until he reached her cheek. She turned her head to him and he smiled.
“Lay down.” He said.
She followed his orders. His shirtless body stood over her. He snatched her panties off quickly and his head disappeared between her thighs.
Closing her eyes, “Fuck Erik! That’s feels good.”
Tags: @purple-apricots @abeautifulmindexposed @lostennyc **If anyone would like to be tagged, let me know :)
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sprydecreates · 5 years
requested: nope
warnings: nothing this is really cute (language is a given at this point)
pairings: tom holland x reader
type: fluff ; headcanon/list ; 2k+ words ; gender neutral
summary: it's the first time you visit the holland's at their home in london, and you're trying your hardest to impress everyone. you aren't tom's lover just yet, but it's obvious that you two fancy each other.
disclaimer: the depictions of tom holland and the holland family in this are of my own imagination. none of this is real!
a/n: another oldie of mine refurbished and posted here! back when my writing was Decent LOL.
p.s., the dialog isn’t like it is with my latest ones as in y/n gets italics and bold n everyone else just gets italics. it’s just emphasized when need be, and i thought it was alright that way. srry if it bothers anyone who reads my newer stuff!! adding in a disclaimer from now on too. never got someone thinking something was real, but it’s good to be prepared :-)
also, when i put things in parentheses, it's usually me putting in my reactions.
"y/n we don't actually say that"
"tom, i have to get myself situated. with the boiling tea and crumpet chip biscuit whatevers.”
YEEHAW. you're traveling to meet tom's family back in london.
you've met harry, sam, and harrison already, but there were still three very important people to meet
you had met tom through a mutual actor friend who brought you on set one day
obviously it went like a fairy tale
your friend left you alone on set while they went to get snacks for you both
tom seen you, and came to tell you that only actors could be on set at that time
causing you to freak out, because UH, spider-man is speaking to you (ohMygOd, it'spEterparker)
which of course made tom cocky, and he was like "ayyyyy baby i'll give u an autograph"
then your friend came back and officially introduced you two
and tom saying "you're friends with y/f/n? i'm so sorry"
"i know. it's tragic."
"you two are perfect for each other" with an eye roll
so to say the least, you and tom had sparks from the beginning
not to mention the backhanded, sarcastic compliments that often lead to flirty and witty comebacks
"you're cute, for 5′8″.
"good thing you have a good personality because that outfit today was... :/"
"just wait until i see you again. you're dead, holland"
"well why don't you come over right now and show me what you'd do?”
going over to play wrestle until you dominate him and straddle his hips while your breath is hitched and he'd just look up at you like "holy fuck"
with the whole banter situation taking place, it kind of shocked you when tom asked you if you wanted to visit his family with him
like, REALLY took you off guard
because this was really domestic of him, and he hadn't really ever showed that side to you
but nonetheless, you took the opportunity
took a bit of persuading to get your family to allow you, but eventually, everyone agreed.
(boy it's a good thing you got that passport that you totally didn't get for the sole purpose of this occurring)
"as long as you call every morning and night, and text when necessary. and take pics."
lots of preparation through facetime
"i heard it's really fuckin' cold in england. should i pack a parka?"
"y/n it's not that cold. plus you won't need two."
"what do you mean i won't need two if i-"
in a thick accent "peta parka."
deep sigh
"can i get a refund for my ticket"
"don't think so, love" in a soft laughing tone
after two or so weeks of packing and unpacking, and checking the checklist fifty times, it was finally time to depart to southwest london, darling
this boy got first class tickets for the both of you
or at least that's what he thought
he actually only got one for himself lmao
so instead, he swapped seats with the person beside you
oh my god shy hand holding on the plane would be expected
also cute little candids that would go up on each others instagrams wow
fast forward to arriving at the holland home
p.s., the entire car ride there was filled with little thigh touches to try and calm you down.
but that only made you more nervous because god have mercy this beautiful boy wasn't trying to act funny or anything like he usually acted, he was being genuine and that made your heart full
once at the door, you were greeted by nikki, dom, and a very excited tessa
"hello love! it's so nice to meet you! tom has told us SOOO mu-"
"DAD!!!!" would be said between clenched teeth while he would be blushing
with red cheeks of your own, you'd walk in to see the two brothers you had previously met, and a new face, who you recognized as paddy
sam and harry would say hello, but paddy would whisper yell to one of the brothers, "is that who tom calls his 'babylove'?"
both you and tom would just stand there, his jaw would drop and one of your eyebrows would raise up
and you'd turn to tom with a huge smile and just whisper "babylove?"and he'd blush even harder and be like "let me show you to your room!!!!!!!!!”
he'd bring you upstairs and into the guestroom so you could put your stuff up
then you'd follow him to his old room, and you'd sit on his bed and just have a look around while he piled his clothes into a hamper
hear me out
there would be little spider-man symbols across the wall, with some football flags strung up every so often
and you'd be like "you really weren't lying about your obsession with spidey, huh?"
and he'd come and sit beside you and shrug while looking at his old decorations
you'd lean in and give him a lil kiss on the cheek before saying "it's really cute, tom." and he'd immediately light up and become a shy baby
then you'd hear footsteps coming up the stairs, and you'd pull away from each other with cute little grins
sam would look in and be like "mom wants to know what ya want for dinner"
and tom would turn to you and be like "well?"
and you'd insist that he choose, since he hasn't been home in awhile
he'd say something he heard you talking about wanting to try
sam would leave and then you'd just nonchalantly grab tom's hand and follow sam down
once down there, you'd be met by the family, minus nikki and sam who would venture into the kitchen
you'd let go of tom's hand, and sit by paddy on the couch
little conversations would start up from dom
literally just things like "so tom said you can sing" and "tom said you guys met through a friend of yours?"
he wouldn't even have to ask you questions directly because tom has told them virtually everything because the boy was swoon as fuck
but after a little while of tom and the rest of the family in sight getting caught up, you decided to slip out of view yourself and join nikki and sam in the kitchen
a "hey sweetheart! whatcha need?" coming from nikki
but you'd be like "i just wanted to know if you guys wanted an extra hand?"
sam would be like "hell yea y/n knows how ta cook"
but nikki would be like "that's alright, it's our pleasure to treat a guest of tom's! thank you though, that's really sweet"
so you'd walk back into the living room after a few "are you sure?"'s
and dom would be like "kicked out of the kitchen?" with a small laugh
and you'd answer with "yeah. you holland's are stubborn."
which would definitely make tom pout, and your response would be to pat his cheek and say "pouting wont exclude you," followed with a quiet "babylove." while you dropped your hand
some time passed before nikki and sam returned, and nikki said dinner would be ready in about thirty minutes
those thirty minutes consisted of the family sharing embarrassing stories about tom
and him eventually hiding his red cheeks in the crook of your neck (sweet god)
soon, the timer went off and everyone made their way into the kitchen and got their plates
tbh i see the family taking all the seats around tom, so you'll get to sit in between dom and nikki
(i'd love that holy shit)
after dinner, you helped wash the dishes. that earned major brownie points from nikki and sam
it was getting kind of late, so the family suggested watching a movie or two together
oh my god tom would take you upstairs again and tell you to change into your pajamas because that was a tradition for movie night
wearing batman pajama bottoms knowing it would tease him
him refusing to let you go downstairs before changing into a pair of his spider-man bottoms
giving in once he gives you the puppy dog eyes while his forehead is pressed against yours
watching some sort of proper english movie because it was your first time visiting
angus, thongs and perfect snogging came into mind
harry loudly asking if you and tom ever snogged like that
cuddling with tom under a big blanket
when the family started to get a little drowsy, they decided to call it a night
everyone started to head upstairs, and you and tom did the same after grabbing a few snacks and some drinks
once in his room, you'd sit on his bed and just smirk at him until he'd ask what was up
and you'd immediately be like "what's up with this lovey dovey side of you? you usually act like a sarcastic shit around me"
he'd just look down and press his hand against the nape of his neck and mumble "i like you"
and you'd say "well i got that part awhile ago"
but he'd sit there for a few seconds, trying to think of a way to say what he had in mind. he finally sighed and spoke out to you, "i mean, i think i'm falling in love with you"
and you'd sit there with your lips parted, and your eyes darting back and forth between his
he'd start to blabber on about how it was just a strategy that he used because he didn't know how to show you how he really, truly felt
and you'd cut him off, and say "can i kiss you?"
and a few seconds of silence would take place before he would cup your cheeks and empty all the passion he held in his body out in one single kiss, while you would do the same
after you both pull away, he'd lower his hands and you'd both just sit and stare at each other
you'd raise your hand up and cup his cheek and rub your thumb across his cheekbone
eventually, you would say you're tired, and press a small kiss against his lips before getting up and heading for the door
"goodnight, thomas."
"goodnight, y/full/n."
shutting the door and doing a happy dance all the way to the guest room
it's sunday morning, and you couldn't get any more sleep in due to the kiss from the night before still swimming through your memory
finally deciding on getting up and cooking breakfast for everyone to return all the love you were given the day before
carefully sneaking down to the kitchen
taking a long ass time to find all the ingredients you initially needed (oils, other stuff)
googling measurement equals because what american knows european measurements off the tom of their head
deciding on making some fancy omelette roll ups you once had with your actor friend
taking so much time to make everything perfect
when you finished making the omelette's, along with some other sides, you would set everything out for easy serving, and then you would head upstairs again
since it was a sunday, everyone slept in
you'd gently knock on everyone's door, and say breakfast was waiting for them downstairs
but when you got to tom's door, you'd softly knock before heading on in
tom would be sleeping on the side of the bed that faced the window, and you would walk over to that side and crouch down
you would subconsciously lay your bent arm on the bed by toms face, and lay your head on your arm. you'd raise your free hand up to toy with a few loose curls while you looked over his features
he'd eventually wake up, and smile in a way that was really wide, but evidently tired
he would kiss your forehead and say "what a good way to wake up; an angel playing with my hair." you'd giggle really quietly and stand up while saying "c'mon, babylove. i've made breakfast."
and he'd pull you down onto the bed with him, and pepper little kisses against your shoulders, collarbones, neck, and cheeks before pressing a lingering kiss to your lips!!!
while he rested his forehead against yours, you decided to confess something you totally forgot to last night, "by the way," you'd say in a really soft voice while swiping a messy curl from his temple, "i think i'm falling in love with you, too."
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doubledeaky · 6 years
Leaving Home Ain’t Easy
Late-60s!Roger x Reader
A/N: Hey, everyone! First, thank you so much for all the love! It’s really motivated me to continue writing. Second, thank you to the lovely anon (anon if you’re reading this, message me and let me know if you liked it, always love to hear feedback!) that requested this; you're a sweetie! I really loved the idea and knew I had to write a good lil’ angsty piece. Don’t worry, y'all will get the fluff you all deserve ;). Also, the time period in this piece is around 1967-68, just before Roger started college. I imagined that Roger and the reader are seniors in high school and close to graduating, I’m sure y'all catch my drift. Anyway, I had a good time writing this so I hope you all enjoy! As always, feedback and requests are very much appreciated! Much love! - m :) 
Summary: Being in high school was a bitch, that goes without saying. For Roger though, it sucked even more when he had to spend seven hours in hell and then go home to his parents constantly arguing. School work didn't even stress him as much as the environment his home often subjected him to. After a particularly nasty argument between his parents, Roger high-tails it out of his bedroom window and to your humble abode, a place that always felt safe to him. Especially because you were always there to grace him with your presence and make him feel the love he often lacked at home, and maybe because he was in love with you. Roger was in love with his best friend, but maybe your feelings weren't much different from his own. This particular night, things go differently than either of you could have imagined but in the best way possible. 
Note: The title is actually a Queen song; there is literally one for every situation lol. Go listen to it, it’s amazing. Also, I know Roger has a younger sister but I didn’t feel comfortable including her in this.
Word Count: 2,502 words
Warnings: mentions of domestic argument (no physical violence) and a rough home life, angst 
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(it’s insane how hard it is to find decent pre-Smile era pics of Roger)
Roger hated nights like this. Nights when muffled yelling and the loud thuds of items being thrown kept him up until the early hours of the morning. He threaded both hands through his hair and felt his growing anxiety travel from his chest to the tips of his fingers, which were quickly growing numb. Roger couldn’t pinpoint the particular emotion he was experiencing. He was angry, frustrated, and exhausted; but most of all he felt helpless, maybe even numb. Nights like these weren't few and far between anymore, it was almost every night now. It was normal for Roger to walk out of his room the morning after a bad spat between his parents to be greeted by broken decor and brand-new holes in the drywall. The atmosphere of his home had changed. What was once familiar and welcoming had grown hostile and at times Roger felt the tension was suffocating him. Anticipating an argument was worse than the argument itself, always being on edge was tiring. Another loud thump interrupted his thoughts, his bedroom window was looking mighty tempting at this point. Roger hadn't even noticed he was crying until tears began to blur his vision. He didn’t know why he still cried when his parents fought. Maybe he was scared or maybe he longed for the life he had before moving to Cornwall. Either way, he didn't know or possibly didn’t want to know. He looked back to his window, rain pebbling against it softly. Roger knew he wouldn’t sleep well in his own home tonight so he might as well go somewhere he could. He quickly got up from his bed, pulled on a coat and headed towards the window. Roger wasn’t brave enough to run the risk of being seen by his parents so the window was always far more appealing than the front door. It wasn't like his parents would notice, they were far too busy making his life hell. He carefully opened the window, immediately feeling the chill of the rainy, February night. He shivered but didn't hesitate to hop out, landing firmly on both feet onto the muddy ground. Roger pulled his coat closer to his frame and stuffed his hand into the pockets of his jeans. He looked down, trying his best to shield his face from the harsh rain and began the trek north up his street. The tears that streaked his face felt frozen and his nostrils burned from the frigid air. Roger arrived at his destination within ten minutes; the journey was usually fifteen minutes but the cold encouraged his normal pace into an almost slow run. When he finally reached the front steps of a flat very similar to his own, his nose was running, tears soaked his face, and his fingers were nearly numb. Roger climbed the porch steps and gave the door a soft knock with a shaky hand. He heard movement within the house and the familiar sound of a door unlocking. The door opened about a third of the way and you poked your head out. Your eyes immediately focused on your best friend soaked in cold rain and his own tears. 
“Rog?” You questioned, confused, opening the door the door the rest of the way. When you finally took in the state of your best friend you almost immediately registered the situation and your heart broke. You gave him a sad smile and opened your arms to invite him into your warm embrace. 
“C’mere.” You said, gesturing to yourself. Roger immediately clung to you, burying his face into your neck. His skin was freezing against yours and you shivered. Regardless, you wrapped your arms around him, hands gripping the fabric of his coat. Still wrapped tightly in his embrace, you walked backwards a few feet to bring him into your warm flat; no one was catching pneumonia on your watch. You pulled away from Roger momentarily to shut and lock the door. Turning back, you took in his appearance under proper lighting. You felt your own tears build in your eyes, but you forced them down, it would only make things worse. It was bad, you'd never seen Roger like this. You gave him a soft smile, but he didn't return it and you wouldn't expect him to. You wordlessly guided him into the living room and in front of the roaring fireplace. You sat him down and gestured towards his soaked coat, helping him peel it off. Worry was evident in your face and Roger felt the pang of guilt in his gut. You hung up his coat and returned to his side. Sitting down, you took his hands in yours. His attention was on you in seconds and it was hard to ignore the warmth of his hands and face. 
“Roger Meddows Taylor, are you absolutely mad walking to my house alone on the coldest night of the year, not to mention, in the rain?” You said, trying to sound light-hearted instead of stern. Roger grinned and you felt relief flow through you. When you made him smile you knew you had won him back. 
“I’m so sorry, love. I just...can’t stand it there anymore. It’s driving me mad.” He trailed off and you knew he was trying not to cry. You scooted closer to him; he was still shivering, and you pulled a blanket over you both. You cuddled into his side and his head came to rest atop yours. You felt your heart ache and you brought a hand up behind him to rub circles over his back. 
“I know, Rog” You said quietly, almost a whisper. His shaking suddenly became more pronounced and you immediately turned to pull him into your arms. His face was pressed against your sternum, which did little to quiet his sobs. Your hand came up from his back to rake through his hair. You began to massage his scalp and he relaxed slightly, his hands were still clutching your sides with an almost bruising strength. You continued to comfort him until his sobs turned to quiet sniffles and his hands were relaxed, running his thumbs over the exposed skin of your sides. Roger’s breathing finally steadied, and you no longer felt his hot tears on your chest. You cupped his face with both hands and brought him up gently to look at you. Roger looked absolutely defeated and tears pricked your eyes. 
“Oh, Rog...” You cooed, running your thumbs over his cheekbones. His own hand came up to wipe your bitter tears away. 
“Please don't cry, love.” He said in a weak, pained voice. Roger hated his situation, but he hated how it affected you more. Now he was the one comforting you, his arms came around your frame and you cried softly into the material of his jumper. Roger didn't know if he could bear the pain in his chest any longer. You shifted your head to the side so your words wouldn't be muffled into the material of his shirt. 
“I’m sorry, Rog. It’s just...you don't deserve this, you shouldn't have to deal with this.” You said, eyes still watering. He felt the compassion and love you held for him in every word and his heart soared. You wiped your tears and sat up to face him, taking his hands in yours and squeezing them tightly. 
“It kills me to see you like this all the time, Rog. It breaks my heart.” You sighed, trying not to cry. He gave you a soft smile and gripped your hands even tighter, if that were possible. 
“It kills me to see you like this, love. I’m sorry for bringing you into this shit. It’s not your responsibility. It shouldn’t be.” He said, looking down. Your laugh surprised him, and he looked up to your face pulled into a smile. His heart jumped in his chest.
“Roger, are your joking? There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. You should know that, considering how much of a smart ass you can be.” You laughed and for the first time this evening, so did Roger. He finally felt the calmness only you could bring.
“You'd think, huh?” He quipped, laughing. Your Roger was finally appearing, the Roger an hour ago was a person you didn't know or care to know. You only wanted him happy, you hated seeing anything but a smile grace his features. Your giggles eventually died down and Roger suddenly grew serious. 
“Is it okay if I stay awhile...just the weekend?” He asked, nervous of your response. You smiled, he was precious. 
“I think you already know the answer, you goof.” You laughed, and he joined you. 
“Of course, Rog. You can take my room and I’ll take my parent’s room, they're out of town until Monday.” You explained, standing up to lead Roger to your bedroom.
“Well, in that case, we might as well share a bed.” He said with a smirk, both brows quirking up. There was the good old Roger Taylor, your Roger. 
“Don’t be a creep.” You scolded, giving his left arm a smack. He rubbed it gently and pretended to be mortally wounded. 
“Calm down, you animal. I’ll go get you some of my dad’s clothes, you're not sleeping in my bed in that.” You said, gesturing to his dirtied clothes. He feigned offense and you smiled wide. Roger felt his heart clench, the effect you had on him was insane. You emerged from your parent's bedroom, plaid pajama pants and university sweatshirt in hand. You held them out to him, but he only laughed. 
“Why did you even bother, Y/N? You know I don't wear clothes to bed.” He said, shit-eating grin included. 
“Gross.” You groaned, shoving the clothes into his chest and he was hysterical. You gave him an exaggerated, stern look and he only smirked. 
“Just shut up and change, Taylor. It’s bedtime.” You said yawning, stretching your limbs. His eyes widened slightly as he noticed the skin of your lower stomach, exposed by your lifted shirt. He looked away quickly and you left to brush your teeth. “Keep it together, Taylor,” he thought. 
After Roger changed, he sat on your bed and fiddled with some things on your bedside table. He looked around your room; he'd been in here so many times but now it felt different, looked different. You walked in, giving him a warm smile and pulling your hair out of your face. He was still above the covers and you gave him a confused look. 
“Rog, do you need me to tuck you in or something? Get in bed, silly. It’s late.” You laughed softly, walking over to him. He blushed and looked down, quickly obeying your request. Once he was under the thick blankets, you walked over and placed a feather-light kiss on his cheek. He smiled and relaxed into the mattress. You moved to leave but he stopped you by gently gripping your forearm. You looked at him, confused. 
“Y/N..can you stay?” He asked with pleading blue eyes. You felt your heart melt and his grip loosed on your arm, moving down to lace his fingers with yours. 
“Rog...” You trailed off, looking down at your intertwined hands. 
“Please.” He whispered, gripping your hand tighter. You couldn’t say no to him, so you sighed, and Roger was giddy because he knew he had won you over.
“Okay, you big baby. Move over.” You said, gesturing for him to make some room. You climbed in next to him and his arm came to wrap around you, his warmth calming your racing heart. You couldn’t help but lay your head on his chest and bring your right hand up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. His own hand moved to massage your scalp. Both of you laid silently in the dim light, the moon illuminating your figures slightly. The only sounds were quiet, calm breaths and a record playing softly from the corner of the room. Roger interrupted the silence, per usual. 
“Y/N?” He asked quietly, ceasing his movements. You hummed in acknowledgement, craning your neck to look at him. He was quiet for a moment. 
“Thank you, for everything.” He said giving you an expression that could only be described as adoration. You smiled and snuggled closer to him. Now it was his turn to feel nervous; he was sure you felt his heartbeat change pace and if you did, you didn't say anything. 
“Of course, Rog. I’m always here.” You said sleepily, feeling your fatigue finally settle into you. He smiled at your sleepy state, bringing the hand not wrapped around you to brush hair from your face. You smiled at his gesture. 
“God, what did I do to deserve you?” He asked, and your heart soared. 
“I wish I knew.” You joked. Both of you were laughing now, until Roger grew quiet. 
“Seriously, Y/N. Thank you. You're too good to me. I-I love you.” He said growing quiet again. You froze, he'd said this to you before, but it was different this time. His words held more purpose, the meaning behind it had changed. You sat up a little, looking at him square in the face and he mirrored your actions. His hand came up to caress your face and you felt your eyes close, leaning into his touch. You didn't feel yourself move closer to him or notice him lean in. Your eyes shot open when Roger pressed his lips to yours softly. You felt electricity move from his lips to yours and then throughout your entire body, a true shock to the system. It took you a moment to kiss back but when you did Roger sighed in relief. After a beat, you both pulled away, panting. You copied him and brought your own hand to caress his face. He smiled wide and you could feel his face heat up. 
“I love you too, Roger.” You said, bringing yourself closer to him. He wrapped both arms around you, finally feeling completely content for the first time in a long time. You both settled back into your bed and within minutes Roger noticed you had knocked out, breathing softly. Your cheek was pressed into his chest and an arm was slung over his waist. 
“Goodnight, my love.” He said, more to himself than you, kissing the crown of your head. He laid back completely, trying to relax after his night long adrenaline rush. Roger gazed out of the window, his thoughts keeping him awake. They were happy thoughts though, thoughts of you. Home for a lot of people is a structure, wood and brick, but not for Roger. No, Roger’s home wasn't something many would consider a home, but he knew his home was far superior to any fancy mansion or expensive penthouse. You were his home. Roger felt his eyes flutter shut, falling asleep surrounded by your presence and knowing that as long as you were around, he would always have a place to call home. 
A/N: Thank you for reading! Feedback and requests are appreciated!
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kissydolans · 6 years
the boys forget your birthday- dating Grayson imagine.
NOTE: hope you guys like this, if you’re interested in a part two PLEASE let me know :) my requests are open. xo
Warnings: cursing, pg-13 smut nothing detailed.
“ughhhhh” an annoying buzzing sound wakes you up and you know even before you open your eyes that it’s coming from your phone
“hello?” you say still not having opened your eyes
“happy birthday y/n!”
“haha thank you mom. Though i would’ve liked to sleep in as a present”
“sleeping in on your birthday is overrated; there’s too much celebrating to do!” you smile at her optimism this early in the morning, but your mom had always been a morning person- a trait that was not passed to you. “so did i make the cut? was i the first person to wish you a happy birthday?”
“well seeing as how you woke me up, yes you were” you sit up and decide to be awake
“Get up and call Grayson, i’m sure he was waiting for you to call first so he wouldn't wake you up.”
“you’re probably right because he actually loves me.” you say jokingly
“oh honey, i love you too, he’s just nicer than i am. we still have plans this weekend to celebrate right?”
“absolutely mom, love you”
“love you too, honey. happy birthday”
“thank you, bye mom see u saturday”
Birthdays stopped meaning something to you a few years ago but your mom always loved birthdays and tried to make them special, you don't know why you stopped liking them, it was kind of something that just happened after awhile. you didn't dislike your birthday it just wasn't something you expected much from.
feeling awake you decide your mom was right and call Gray
“Good morning babe!” he answers slightly out of breath. You can tell by the way he’s breathing and the noise in the background that he was working out.
“Morning!” you give it a few seconds of silence before you realize he’s not going to say anything else and it’s technically your turn, plus, you called him. “well, uh, i just wanted to say good morning, i know you’re busy so i’ll let you go.”
“ ok baby, i’ll text you in a bit?” he said it like a question, you tried not to overthink that.
“yeah of course. i’ll be here”
“ok, love you. bye” and the call ends. “bye”
you try not to be disappointed because you’re the one that doesn't make your birthday a big deal but this was your first birthday while dating Gray. Last year when you and Gray and Ethan were all just friends they had a big party at their house and it was great. They had a cake and they didn’t push you into the center of attenion. It was just a good time with everyone; it was exactly what you could ask for. Gray and Ethan love birthdays so you were surprised he hadn't said anything. Your mom had invited both Gray and Ethan to her house for dinner this weekend for your family birthday celebration just this past weekend and they had both agreed to come.
your morning went by fast from showering and getting ready deciding on a cute outfit incase you decide to go out but it was secretly because you were hoping Gray did remember and you wouldn't have to change when you go out.
you decide to go out to the kitchen and see a ‘it is your birthday.” banner that you and your roommate always used when it was either of your birthdays because the office was always something you watched together. it made u smile and you snapped her a pic and captioned it with a heart so she knew you had seen it. she snapped u back almost immediately in her work uniform and a cheeky smile on her face captioned ‘check the microwave’. Chocolate chip pancakes, your favorite. you ate in glee and checked the time on your phone. it had been almost 2 hours since your phone call with Gray and he hadn't texted or anything. you swallowed your disappointment but decided to continue your morning like it was any other day. After a couple hours of watching tv and obsessively checking your phone you got a snap from Ethan and opened it. “come over when u get up and come hang out with me, Gray isn't here and I'm bored, plus i have something for you”. You smiled to yourself as you grabbed your keys and ran out the door.
your mind raced as you drove over there, maybe Gray did remember and he and Ethan were going to surprise you, or, at least, Ethan remembered. He was one of your best friends after all.
When you got there you went ahead and walked in, the boys would always give you shit whenever you knocked.
“E?” you yell in the unusually quiet house
you rolled your eyes and smiled, you knew exactly were that was coming from
“fortnite? why am i even surprised. did u even go to bed last night?”
“okay mom.” he replied and you mocked him and stuck out ur tongue back at him.
“your room is filthy” you say looking around at the laundry and water bottles literally everywhere
“ugh u sound like Grayson” he said laying back on his bed and u sat on the foot of it.
“yeah were is he anyway?” you asked, realizing that gray really wasn't there.
he shrugged his shoulders “he went to work out this morning and said something about meeting up with Bryant but other than that i have no idea.”
“i need to get out” he said sitting up before continuing “do u wanna go get lunch or something?”
“yeah sure that sounds really good, i haven't ate since this morning. April went all out and made pancakes” you said hoping he’d take a hint.
he didn't catch on “okay i’ll drive because u drive like a tiny old woman and i would like to get lunch before dinner.”
“choke” u said jokingly, squinting your eyes at him while he laughed back at you.
“before we go, you said u had something for me? did i forget something or..?” you were trying to play coy but once again Ethan didn't catch on.
“yeah actually-” he reached over and grabbed a yellow sweatshirt from the nightstand next to him “-gray said you accidentally left this here and if u came over, to give it to you because you would want it back.”.
you took it from him “oh, right, uhh thanks” you said a little let down.
“no big, lets go.” he said getting up and walking out.
lunch with ethan was nice, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. you guys did this pretty regularly. after your quick trip he decided he was going to take a nap before Gray got home. you considered staying there, maybe taking a nap in grays bed or something but you started to get upset. Ethan and Grayson were your best friends and neither of them remembered your birthday. Grayson was your boyfriend and he didn't remember. you decided to just go home and take a bath. you tried to get in a better mood but it didn't work, you were mad at yourself for being mad and you were mad at the boys for forgetting. your phone buzzed.
‘hey babe sorry we haven't talked much today, no real excuse just planning a shoot with Bryant for the new merch. maybe I can come over later ;)’ the text was sweet enough but it just left u disappointed. you decided not to answer for now and put in your earbuds and started to clean the apartment, for whatever reason, cleaning was distracting for you. and time consuming. by the time u had finished the sun was down and the stir fry you had made for dinner was done. your stomach was in knots and you decided not to eat but you texted your roommate that you had made dinner and it was in the fridge for her when she got off. you decided to sleep it off deciding that you just wanted the day to be over. it was a bit earlier than you usually went to bed but today that was fine with you.
April beelined her way straight to the fridge when she got home from work- not even bothering to warm up the stir fry before starting to eat. She was surprised that you had been home to make it in the first place. The apartment was silent when she got home so she assumed y/n was out with Grayson. She saw your yellow sweatshirt on the counter and decided to throw it on your bed for you because she knew it was the one that she liked to wear to bed because you always said it smelled like Grayson. when she got into your room she was shocked that you were in there asleep, not only that, but you were alone.
“Ape?” came a tired voice from a mound of blankets
“Hey birthday girl! sorry i didn't know you were home, i was just gonna leave out your sweatshirt for when you came home”
“ ’s okay” y/n said sleepily.
“why are u home? its only like 8:30 i figured you’d be out and stuff? Where’s Grayson? Did you guys get in a fight?”
“not really”
“not really?”
“he forgot”
“he forgot what?” her eyes widened in realization “HE FORGOT YOUR BIRTHDAY!?”
“yeah, can we just talk in the morning? i just want to go to bed. thank you for my pancakes” you yawned
“yeah in the morning”
“mkay” you said already falling back asleep
April walked out and closed the door “im gonna kill him” she said to no one in particular already pulling out her phone.
Grayson decided to head over to y/n’s. April had sent him a weird text telling him to come over because he had forgotten something. Y/n still hadn't texted him back from earlier but he assumed that she had just forgotten or maybe something had happened to her phone since April was the one telling him to come over.
A wave of nausea froze his chest whenever he walked into the apartment and saw the banner.
“oh fuck”
April was sitting at the counter on her laptop when he walked in “yep.” she replied cooly “she's asleep in case you were wondering”
“i knew- i knew i was forgetting something today. I thought maybe i had a training session this morning or that i had made plans with Bryant or something. i knew it. FUCK! DAMMIT!” he yelled, practically pulling out his hair. he couldn't forgive himself for this. his beautiful girlfriend had spent her birthday all alone because he had forgotten her birthday. he felt so awful he could cry.
“did u not just hear me say she was asleep?” april hissed then rolled her eyes and sighed, deciding to take pity on him because he looked genuinely sad.
“i’m not the one you need to explain to.” she said taking a kinder tone
he ran a hand through his hair and practically ran to her room
she was asleep just like April said, her hair almost entirely covering her face but Gray could tell she looked sad. Grayson wanted to evaporate, but mostly he wanted her to be in his arms, he wanted a whole do over on this day. another wave of nausea hit him when he saw that she wasn't wearing his sweatshirt that she always wore to bed, she must be really mad at him, he felt the tears well up in his eyes and he walked over to the bed.
You woke up to someone lightly brushing your hair away from your face. You knew it was Grayson, it was something he did all the time to wake you up.
“it’s me”
“hi baby”
“it was my birthday today” you don't know why you decided to tell him, the day was almost over and it didn't really matter now, but you wanted him to know all the same. most of your anger had faded in your sleep just like you had hoped but you still felt a bit sad.
“i know baby” you could hear the sadness and guilt in his voice
“you do?” you yawned. “april,  she-“ he decided not to explain “y/n, i am so sorry i am so so sorry”. “its okay” you pulled him closer as he sat down on the bed, he was warm and he smelled good and you looked up at him and realized he was on the verge of crying.
“it’s not okay, i forgot . i just forgot?! how could i forget? it was your birthday. and you didn't wear the sweatshirt and i know you’re mad at me and I'm so- I'm so sorry”
you sat up and wiped Gray’s eyes “i was mad, i-i’m not anymore. I didn't not wear it on purpose, i was just tired. and now I'm freezing. Could you pass it to me?”
he hopped up quickly and passed it to you at watched you strip from your shirt and put the sweatshirt on and pull your hair back. it made him feel better, but only slightly.
“baby please come home with me, we can sleep in my bed and watch a movie. i could make us dinner or we could still go out? its only about 9:30 and this is LA things will be open for awhile!” he was rambling already grabbing for his phone. you walked over to him pulling him into a hug. he relaxed into you and rested his chin on your head “ i love you” he breathed just hoping you’d say it back. “i love you gray” you replied with no hesitation. He leaned back to look you in the eye and he kissed you gently and quickly “i’m so sorry”. “i know” you put your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss you deepening it this time, you had missed him today. His hair was soft and his lips tasted like peppermint. you pulled him to the bed with you and he layed on his back and you rested your head on his chest like you always did. “let’s just sleep here tonight, we can think about the rest tomorrow.” he nodded and softly rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, you both fell asleep quickly.
the next day Grayson woke you up with a breakfast he made ‘all by himself’  to which April yelled from the kitchen ‘LIAR!’, “ignore her she’s slowly losing her mind, it’s really sad” he joked and you smiled back taking the plate, and he leaned down to kiss you which you happily returned. “Baby i just wanted-“ “Gray you don’t have to apologize again. i know you’re sorry i forgive you.” you said, and you meant it. You knew Grayson loved you, and you were a little embarrassed of how angry you had gotten even after claiming that you didn’t care about your birthday. He looked at you in such a loving way that it gave you butterflies you wished would stay forever. he sat on the bed and urged you to eat while the food was hot, you happily obliged. “i know that you don’t care about your birthday but i do, i love birthdays, you know me! And i love you i want you to have a great day everyday but your birthday is supposed to be special and i just- i fucked up. Even though u forgive me i did fuck up. and i want to fix it.”
you wanted to tell him that he didn't have to do anything but your mouth was full, you went to cover your mouth to speak anyway but you were interrupted “no talking with your mouth full you’ll choke. We’re doing this today, no excuses. you smiled and swallowed. “ok bossy what’s on the agenda first today, then?” he smiled at you but it quickly changed into a naughty lip bite and he wiggled his eyebrows and you felt your core begin to warm. “i was thinking-“ he paused to take your plate and put it on the nightstand behind him before climbing on all fours to hover above you, your faces almost touching. “-i could fuck you, right here until your toes curl and you lose your voice screaming my name” it was barely a whisper and your faces were almost touching. you forgot how to breathe. “Or-” he said rolling off of you, your throat immediately betraying you by softly whining. He laid on his back next to you, smiling and put it hands behind his head to look up at the ceiling “we could go mess with E and tell him what a bad friend he is for forgetting your birthday.”. You immediately climb on top of him, straddling him, stripping off the sweatshirt to bare your chest, catching him completely off guard. You smiled to yourself and leaned down to whisper in his ear “What would you rather do?”. You kissed down his jawline to his adams apple and looked up at his shocked face that immediately spread into your favorite smirk. He grabbed you flipped you over so he was back on top. 
There was no need for him to answer.
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silkkpopbonnet · 6 years
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Another 3 days and she hadn’t seen him. She loved Jinyoung, his voice was divine, but these days drove her crazy.
She was just getting home from work when he called her making kissing noises into the phone. “I’m assuming you’re alone?” She held the phone between her shoulder and ear, taking off her shoes off.
"Yes, but even if I wasn’t. What are you doing?“ She heard him rummaging through a cabinet.
"I just got home, I’m tired. Are you coming to see me tonight?” She could use some Jinyoung therapy to lull her into a deep sleep.
"I can’t. I’m just taking a break right now from practice baby. We might be practicing half the night.“ He sighed heavily into the phone.
"I wish I could watch.” She opened the fridge grabbing a water bottle.
"You’d be bored, trust me.“ He burped into the phone, laughing when she called him disgusting.
"Let’s have breakfast tomorrow morning. It’s Saturday, you aren’t working."
"Ok, where?” He told her where, and she wrote down the address on a note pad.
They talked for a while, saying their I love yous before hanging up the phone. He sent her a picture of him smiling, and then one of him blowing her a kiss. She smiled looking at his face going into the bathroom. Deciding to send him a few risky pics before her shower. She snapped a few pictures of her in her bra, then peeking behind the shower curtain. Setting the phone down she took a shower, and when she got out the few texts she received were reprimands for making him not being able to concentrate on practicing.
The next morning, she dressed in a button up tank and high waisted shorts. A long sleeve kimono wrap and sandals finished the deal. Looking at herself one more time, she checked her hair and makeup making her way to the address he gave her. The diner was small and intimate, as it was close to brunch it was nearly empty. She walked inside to see Jinyoung sitting at a far booth in the back, waiting. He looked up and saw her, she knew he was smiling under his mask. Taking her hand, Jinyoung moved the mask to kiss her hand, helping her into a booth.
"Good morning, beautiful.“ She slid into the booth, feeling the heat under the skin.
"Good morning, handsome.” He reached under the table bringing one of her legs into his lap, running the skin he found there.
The two talked a bit, Jinyoung continuously rubbing her leg. They ordered crepes and the food had just come when Jinyoung’s phone began to ring. He rolled his eyes looking at the screen.
"I have to take this, hold on.“ She sighed stirring her coffee waiting for him to finish.
"I just started…now? Are you sure? Ugh, yea hyung ok. Bye.” Jinyoung hung up the phone, looking at her. “Bad news."
She took a bite of her crepe shaking her head. "Nope, don’t wanna hear it. Eat."
He reached across the table, taking her hand. "I have to go. If we practice now, we won’t have to tomorrow. We have interviews tomorrow and a small fan special."
She rolled her eyes, taking her leg from his grasp. "We haven’t seen each other much. So, I can’t see you tomorrow. What about the next day?"
Jinyoung sighed. "Come with me then."
"To the dance studio? To watch you practice?” This was an exciting prospect.
“Yes. You can watch us practice, and say hello to the guys. You can eat with us and I’ll take you home, and try to stay for a little after. That way we still had today. Is that ok?"
She tried to pretend to be upset, looking disinterested before smiling at him. "Yes."
Jinyoung asked for the food to be packaged up, finishing off his coffee as they both got up and exited the diner. He put a hat on his head pulling it low as they signaled a taxi, heading back to the JYP building. Once inside, he removed his mask, taking her face in one hand he turned her mouth towards his for a kiss, leading the way to the practice room. The guys greeted her one by one. Yugyeom and Mark waving hello, JB hugging her and BamBam and Jackson trying to get her attention, making her laugh to irritate their hyung. She sat down in a corner, watching the boys start their practice.
She loved watching Jinyoung dance. He was so confident in his steps, moving in time to the music. He looked her way every time he could, making a kissy face or winking at her.
It made her feel special that he even brought her here. That he was shamelessly flirting with her in front of his friends. After about an hour they stopped for a break, Jackson coming up to her.
"Jinyoung is a good dancer, but I think I’m better. I know you were watching me.” He winked at her sitting down next to her draping an arm across her shoulders.  
“You are a good dancer. I like watching Yugyeom more though.” That earned a blush from the young man, a scoff from Jackson and a glare her way from Jinyoung.
"Eyes on me only,“ Jinyoung said, walking over to flick Jackson on the head. "Hands off, my woman."
They all laughed. JB shaking his head, as she stood up facing Jinyoung. "Where’s the bathroom?"
"Down the hall, second door on the right.” He made motions with his hands. “Want me to show you?"
"No, rest. I’ll be fine.” She answered, walking out the door.
The JYP building seemed quiet this morning. She pictures it a more hustle and bustle kind of place. With many groups moving in and out of the place, or at least like her building. As she exited the bathroom, a frosted glass door caught her attention. Specifically, the sound of the voice coming from it. Was that Jinyoung? It was, he seemed annoyed talking to the female voice inside. She knew she shouldn’t listen, but the curiosity overwhelmed her. Slowing down her pace she stopped behind the door, listening.
"Why did you bring her here?“
"She’s my girlfriend, I haven’t seen her in 3 days, and she doesn’t like when we don’t spend time together.” She heard Jinyoung's characteristic growl when he was upset.
"I don’t like having an issue on my hands like last time. You were seen with her, and we had to pull damage control.“ She recognized that voice from some of his phone calls. It was his manager.
Jinyoung sighed heavily speaking again. “Please don’t be so dramatic, it wasn’t bad. No one saw her face, and it was over within a week. In reality, I love my fans, but they need to know I’m human. I have a life too."
"You have a life that is Got7 right now. I want her gone. Do something with her. Just…take her out the back door.” The way she said the last part made her hair stand on end.
Take her out the back door? Like she was some sort of embarrassment? Biting her lip, she shook her head wanting to hear Jinyoung tell her no. Instead, she felt her heart sinking.
"Fine. We’ll leave through the back.“ Her heart fell into her stomach, breath hitching in her throat.
Looking down at her hands they felt weak. She had her purse in one hand and phone in the other. Damn him, and damn that bitch. She held back the tears, walking towards the elevator. If it was an issue she could leave, that’s fine. Outside the building, she took a deep breath watching the people go by. It was cheaper to take the train and she would think while she went home. Something had to give.
What she didn’t hear was Jinyoung tell the manager that he was sick of this. He would bring her again, and she would leave when he did, that was the end of the discussion. He went back to the practice room and noticed she wasn’t back.
"Where is >>>?” Everyone shrugged, Mark telling him she hadn’t been back in the room yet.
Jinyoung went to the female bathroom knocking on the door. When no answer came he waited, knocking again. No one came out. Annoyed he took his phone from his pocket and attempted to call her. No answer. He called 4 times, texting her as he waited for her to pick up. Annoyed, he held his phone tight, clenching his teeth. Once she was home she looked down at the missed calls, feeling slightly guilty that she didn’t answer his calls or texts. She sat down on the couch, head in her hands trying to figure out what all this meant. Her place in this world, and in this place with him. A few hours later a knock on her door sounded.
It was rough, Jinyoung’s loud voice outside the door. “Open the door. I know you’re in there. You left! Without saying anything! Didn’t answer my calls!”
He kept banging, and she ran to the door just to get him to stop. Keeping the chain on the door she opened it enough to see him. “Jinyoung. Stop."
He took a step back, angry scowl on his face. "Me? Stop? Open the door. What’s wrong with you?"
Blinking to keep from crying she sighed. "I left to save your repetition. To keep you from having to take me out the back. Don’t wanna upset massa."
"Massa? What’s that mean?” Gears clicked in his head as he realized that she heard the conversation between him and the manager.
"Slaves used to call the master that. I’m guessing you can see why I’m upset. Having a history of being made to do those things.“
Jinyoung sighed leaning his head against the door. "It wasn’t like that Jagi. She used the wrong words, but did you even hear what I said after that? She says the wrong things, but she means well. She was trying to stop another outrage.”  
She had turned her face away from the door, snapping back now as he said that. “What outrage?"
Without thinking Jinyoung answered. "Over…I don’t care. Just open the door."
"No. I-I need to be alone, Jinyoung. I need to be alone right now to think. Sort out how I feel about everything."
Jinyoung took a step back looking at her. His eyes pleading. "Jagi, stop. Let me in, so I can soothe you.” He reached through the door crack touching her face with his fingertips.
"Not today. Just, let me do this.“ He understood. Or at least he thought he did, stepping away from the door, he watched her close it.
Hands in his pockets. He stood there awhile wondering if she was on the other side of the door. Placing a hand on it, he sighed whispering close to the wood and hoping she heard him. "I love you."
With the release of a new song, Jinyoung was very busy. He texted and called every night at the same time as he usually did. She didn’t seem to be so into their phone calls at first. but he managed to make her laugh and she still told him she loved him. She was standing with her back to the door when she closed it. She had heard him say that he loved her.He sent flowers to her job every day he didn’t see her. He signed the cards: Park JinYoung. One set of flowers contained 2 dozen white roses, and in the middle was a single red rose. The card attached read:
I’ll stop loving you when the last flower dies.
                        -Park JinYoung
The catch was the red rose, in the group was made of metal. It wouldn't wilt like the rest. She smiled reading the card, taking the red flower out feeling how lightweight it was. It carried the hint of some perfumed fragrance, and she set it on her desk on top of the card.
In truth, she was a foreigner here in Korea. She had a great paying job, at a wonderful firm. That was just one place, there was still sexism in the world and yes in Korea. There was still an air of colorism and distrust of anything new. Sure, in the US there were mixed couples and no one usually batted an eye, but here? This was new and she knew she needed to understand that. Girls could be crazy for their idols. They actually did call them idols here. Jinyoung was worshiped, all of the Kpop and Krap guys were. To her, it was a bit disturbing sometimes, how into their lives these girls could be. Was this the life she wanted? Constant shows and interviews. Tours. The Korean population could erupt against Jinyoung should they not accept his relationship, and surely his label would drop him if it became a problem. She sighed in all this thinking, nights alone to really contemplate about what she wanted. Her job was one that wasn’t on a contract she should do what she want. Could she really go home and forget all this? Forget him? Would he even come for her? A sexual harassment case erupted at her job, so she was on damage control trying to sort that out, and next thing she knew it was 2 weeks before she saw Jinyoung in person and not on face time.
She came home one evening tired, and annoyed, to see a pink box in front of her door. She picked it,up opening the card on top, to see that it was from Jinyoung. Inside was a nightie. If that. A piece of material white in color, that was lace and a garter belt. She grinned shaking her head, hand on the door as she heard Jinyoung’s voice.
“I can’t wait to see you in it.” He startled her and she jumped, the box falling from her hands.
Rushing over he picked up the material, placing it back inside to stand and look at her. “Would you like to go on a small day trip with me? 2 days actually.”
He smiled at her, lips so pink, teeth so white. She smelled his cologne and felt herself falling all over again. He knew what he was doing, hands-on hers as he opened her door and lead her inside the apartment.
“Where are we going?” Taking off her shoes she, walked to her room setting everything on the bed.
“Starting right now, I’m on a bit of vacation. We finished a music video for the song, everything is done for a while. I want to take you to a couples spa. Just us. Let’s forget our cares, and just relax. I need it. So do you.” He started unbuttoning her blouse, lips on her neck.
“And if I say no?” She peeled her arms from the sleeves, turning around as his hands unzipped her skirt pushing the pencil fit material down her legs.
“You won’t. You want to go, and you want to spend time with me.” Jinyoung’s hands found her breasts, cupping them, he deftly did away with the material that covered them massaging the orbs.
She turned around, moving from his grasp to sit down on her bed removing her jewelry. “A couples spa?”
Jinyoung moved toward the window opening the blinds enough that the full moon outside shown in. He cut the lights off, moving back towards the bed removing his clothes.
“Yes. I figured it would be something you like. Intimate, quiet, tranquil. massages and all that.” His slacks came off his legs, standing in the moonlight in his boxers.
She looked up and down his chest, heart racing in her chest as she realized the spell he had over her. He licked his lips watching her body, as she scooted back on her bed. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are in the moonlight, >>>?”
“Only what you tell me.” She lifted her legs, giving him a glimpse of what he wanted to see.
His breath caught in his throat he climbed on top of the bed, and over her lips meeting. She kissed him, hands coming to either side of his face, she craved this, craved him. Was this some sort of punishment? Was his ability to bewitch her like this something unique to him or just her stupidity in loving him? Either way, she gasped as his hands found her sweet spot, hoping that it was the former.
Chapter Four
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blackpantahh-blog · 6 years
Erik (Killmonger) Stevens/Black!Reader
Summary: As far as reader feels, long distance relationships hardly ever work... Or do they?
Word Count: 1.9k 
Notes: FR Ya’ll spare my ass cause this shit is my first posted fic and boiii im out here scared shITLESS
Listen,Seeing you got ritualistic
Cleansing my soul of addiction now ‘Cause I’m fallin’ apart.
Yeah, tension
Between us just like picket fences
You got issues I won’t mention for now, Cause we’re fallin’ apart..
You stood in the shower thinking about the last time you had a real conversation with Erik, the detached shower head close to your face as you rinsed the deep conditioner out of your stubborn curly hair. The start of this month might've actually been the end of y'all little three month relationship, ever since you moved out of Oakland to go be closer to your family in another state, he kind of cut all of your contact with him short.
The arguments started to pop up more, conversation over the phone became tense and brief. You definitely felt that spark between the two of you beginning to slip away and it was pissing you off because you still had yet to understand why he would stop speaking to you just because you moved.
You stepped out of the shower after you slid the shower head back on its mount, not bothering to ring out your wash rag as you threw it back on the towel rack. You threw your hair up in a towel, and wrapped another around your body frame, exiting the steamy bathroom to throw some shit on before bed.
‘Don’t Touch My Hair’ blasted through the speakers of your iPhone 8, to which you’d thrown on your queen mattress, letting the towel hanging off your titties fall to the floor of your modest bedroom. As you threw on some pajamas, the song playing from your phone had been interrupted shortly with a ding, as you perked up. “Who the hell’s texting me this late at night?” You fussed to yourself, eyebrows furrowed as you looked at the iMessage displayed across the screen.
My Boo “You up?”
You rolled your eyes, picking up the cell phone and typing up a reply. “Yeah. Just hopped out the shower. Y.”
“Jus wonderin. Take a pic for me.”
“Naw. Too tired for that freaky shit.”
You waited a good two minutes for a reply before you sucked your teeth, throwing your phone back down, going to sit down in front of your vanity mirror, detangling your hair carefully so you didn’t accidentally pull your hair from your damn scalp. You chuckled to yourself, it gave you a rush of confidence turning down Erik like that. He stayed expecting to get something from you when he rarely ever gave. Even though when he gave it was amazing but…. that’s besides the point.
You wasn't about to sit there and tend to his every need when he didn't do the same for you anymore. Y’all changed and it hurt like hell, whether you wanted to admit it or not.
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
I can't blame you, no.
You finally got a reply back from him, as you turned out your bedroom light, climbing under your bed sheets. “Smh.”
“When's the next time I'm gonna see you?” You decided to change the subject since it wasn't going anywhere. Despite being a little mad at Erik, you still wanted to at least have a conversation with the nigga. “IDK. Gotta see how my schedule look. Y don't you come 2 me?”
“That can be arranged.”
“Bet. Wyd?”
You instantly rolled your eyes at the question, you hated when he asked you that because every time he'd ask, you're doing something boring. “About to fall asleep. But you keeping me up ofc.”
“Good. I want you 2 think abt me when you dreamin.” You smirked at that, deciding to leave him on read as you turned your phone off with a soft ‘click’, tucking it under your pillow after plugging it in.
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
I can't blame you, no.
You were seriously gonna plan going back to California to see this man, but you'd have to let your people know first ahead of time so they weren't just wondering why you disappeared again.
By the time your alarm went off for work, you had sleep like two minutes max, so it made you grouchy as hell. You flipped the thin sheets off of your soft chocolate legs, eyes heavy as shit as you forced yourself to get ready for another day of your regular ass hustle.
You threw on your work uniform after taking a quick shower, grabbing up your apartment keys and essentials before you left the house for your job.
_ _ _
Harder building's trust from a distance. 
Let's rule out commitment for now, cause we're fallin’ apart.
Leavin’? You’re just doing that to get even.
Don’t pick up the pieces, just leave it for now
Cause we’re fallin’ apart.
By the time you got back to your crib, you were all the way burnt out, your feet burning and tired from running around doing so much stock in that small, agitating retail shop you worked at.
You swore as soon as you stepped through the door, your phone started ringing, making you let out a groan. “Hello?” You hadn’t even bothered to look at the caller ID to see who it was.
“Damn, who pissed you off today?” The remark made you suck your teeth as you glanced at your feet, slipping out of your ugly ass work shoes, and stumbling over to your couch. “Everybody.” You bit back, letting your eyes fall close as you laid down on the comfortable seating. “Even me?”
“Especially you.” A sleepy smile spread across your face at the sound of Erik’s deep chuckle in your ear. “But I called you to let you know that you prolly won't be able to come to visit me.”
The comment made you sit up, back aches and all, your pretty face screwing up. “And nigga why not?” Erik let out a huff of air at your aggressive attitude, he knew you'd react like this before he even said anything. “Because this week I'm working heavily so by the time I get home, Imma be tired as hell. So don't waste your time tryna visit.”
“Fuck you mean “waste my time”? Erik we haven't seen each other for months now. Why would that be a waste of time?” Another impatient noise came from his end of the line, you listened to the sudden silence coming from your phone's speaker, only brief shuffling.
“No, Erik. If you don't want me to come then just be real with me. I know that bitch that's in your house right now wouldn't want me to be there either.”
You spat, you didn't want to be the one to be starting shit but you and Erik been distant for awhile now and you were sick of it. “Y/N, that's far from the fucking case. You should know that.”
“I don't know shit anymore, Erik.” You heard Erik sigh again, “You accusing me of having bitches in my house but why the fuck you looking so fine every time you post on the gram, huh? What nigga you dressing up for?”
You were so stunned at his accusation that it made you speechless, Erik’s side getting quiet again as he waited for a valid explanation. “What are you talking about? I dress up for my damn self.”
“Then stop saying I got women in my house, and trust me when I tell yo ass that it's work that's keeping me busy.” You knew you were being unfair and irrational by accusing him of cheating, but you were so dead set on traveling to him that it infuriated you that he would tell you not to come at all.
“Fine, Erik..” You weren't about to apologise to him because you were still mad, Erik knew that much. But his work wasn't the type of job that you could just call out on. His schedule was full and he needed you to just deal with that for the time being.
“Now stop poutin’ and tell me how ya’ day went.”
_ _ _
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
I can't blame you, no.
Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
I can't blame you, no.
It's a few weeks later and you're chilling, curled on your small loveseat as you waste away the rest of your off day watching Game of Thrones and snacking on unhealthy shit. You ran a few errands today like restocking your kitchen, and paying off your rent for the month, so now you were just relaxing in some tight ass pajama shorts and a grey tank top.
You felt your phone buzz in your lap, and then buzz again as you grabbed it from its spot huddled halfway between your legs. It was Erik.
“Open ya door.” As you read the message, loud knocking radiated throughout your apartment, making you jump from your spot on the couch, going into fight or flight mode as you approached the door. You took a peek through the peephole in the door, snatching it open when you saw Erik standing in front of your door, his dreads cascaded over his face as he stared down at the lit screen of his phone.
“What the hell are you doing here!” You hissed at him, the chain of your door lock obstructing some of your view, as you stared him down.
“Good to see you too. I thought yo ass missed me, but now we speaking through locked doors?” You rolled your eyes, closing the door to unlatch the lock. After you unlocked it, Erik opened the door to let himself in.
You glared at his feet with a raised eyebrow, his black and white Air Max 95s still laced on his feet as he stepped on your freshly vacuumed carpeted floor. “You might wanna take those off before I drag ya ass back out the door.” He rolled his eyes, taking off his expensive sneaks and putting them neatly on your shoe shelf by the door. “Thank you, sir.”
“Mhm.” He hummed, walking around your apartment, oddly scanning the area. You watched amused as he dipped down, looking under your couch, and then your loveseat. “Erik, What are you looking for.” That came out as a statement more than a legitimate question.
“That nigga you been dressin’ up for lately.” The comment made you double over with laughter, as Erik rose back up from his spot where he was laid out on the floor, staring at you with a stoic expression. “You think I’m playin’ Y/N?”
“Yes. Yes I do.” You caught your breath after cracking up, crossing your arms again. “Nigga, you came all the way here just for that? I’m hurt.”
“No, babygirl,” He walked across the room to where you stood, grabbing both of your arms to uncross them, letting his own slip around your waist, pulling you towards him in one quick motion. “I came here to see my chocolate goddess.” He leaned in for a kiss, to which you dodged by moving your head back, watching him frown up, “Stop playin’.” You snorted, letting a smile spread across your face as you lifted your arms to wrap around his neck, leaning up on your tip-toes.
“I missed you so damn much, babygirl.” You hummed in reply, practically melting in his grasp as you relished in the feel of his lips against your own. Your eyebrows furrowed deeply, pulling back from the kiss suddenly, as Erik opened his eyes, eyeing you curiously.
“Erik– how’d you get my fuckin’ address?”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Something’s Been Different Lately (Witney) - Albatross
AN: Second attempt at writing in this fandom. Any constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated. Bonus points if you know the book the ending dialogue was inspired (loosely) by. Willam - male pronouns, Courtney/Shane - female pronouns, just for the sake of simplicity.
“Willam…you were quite loud last night,” Courtney said pointedly as she worked on applying her makeup for the show tonight. The man in question looked up from the mirror he had been painting in front of and glanced back at Courtney with a slightly shamed but clearly proud smile as he replied nonchalantly, “Sorry.” “Doubt it,” the blonde shot back in a huff. She felt utterly tense at addressing the situation with her best friend but it was something she had to do for her own sanity. Last night wasn’t the first time she’s overheard Willam’s liaisons; steadily they have become more frequent, particularly as they joined the same tour last month. At first she tried to ignore it but recently it had become harder and harder not to listen, particularly as Willam had started becoming quite vocal during them. The previous night had been the final straw and Courtney resolved to talk with him about it. She couldn’t stand hearing the other queen moaning and calling out other men’s names late into the night. Not as she laid in her bed next door desperately fighting the urge to cry as she did all she could to block out the noise. Turning around at the sharp comment, Willam took in the other queen’s discomfort with a vaguely furrowed brow. It seemed unusual to him that Courtney would be so irritated by this as they had all heard more than their fair share of tour mates hooking up at all hours of the night. The two stared each other down through Courtney’s mirror but as usual, she was the first break eye contact and return to her work. Silently, Willam removed himself from the chair he had been firmly seated in and joined Courtney at her own station. He waited patiently as the other queen applied the final touches to her eyebrows before wrapping an arm around the blonde’s shoulders and pulling her close. “Hey, if it bothers you that much, just bang on the wall next time and tell us to shut the fuck up,” the younger queen joked. Less than amused, Courtney stared up the dirty blonde with a stony expression on her half-painted face. Willam’s eyebrows raised slightly at the reaction and said semi-apologetically, “Or we could just ask to have rooms on different floors or something…” Courtney’s icy glare immediately cracked at the thought of being further separated from her friend. Hurriedly, she dismissed that idea and offered, “We don’t have to go that far…just…maybe keep it down a little so I can tune it out with the TV?” Willam’s smirk returned as he ruffled Courtney’s natural hair and promised, “Alright, I can work with that.” Courtney swatted his hand away with a smile and returned to completing her makeup routine. Despite the supposed air of finality on the subject; Willam wasn’t inclined to leave Courtney’s side just yet. He openly studied the older queen until he felt the urge to blurt out, “When’s the last time you got laid, anyway?” Courtney thanked the gods above that she hadn’t been applying her lip liner right at that second and froze in pure shock with the pencil hoving just millimeters away from her skin. She felt the blood rising to her cheeks as she stared at Willam through the mirror. Fighting the overwhelming desire to flee immediately from the dressing room, she asked cautiously, “Why do you ask?” “That long, huh?” Willam asked, smirk wider than ever now that he had pegged the other queen’s problem. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Courtney replied hastily as she carelessly drew on her top lip. She might be read later for the sloppiness but right now all she was focused on was making herself look decent enough so that she hide anywhere else until the show started. Before she was able to attempt the lower lip, Willam gently pulled the pencil from her hand and turned her chin up to face him. “Come on now, it’s that bad. At least not enough to willfully booger your own makeup just to escape.” Courtney sat in a stunned, embarrassed silence as Willam carefully evened out the liner on top and drew the bottom to proportion out the illusion. “There…a little overdrawn but you’re pretty again.” “Thanks,” Courtney mumbled shamefully as she turned away to find the right shade of lipstick amongst her strewn supplies. “Use this one,” Willam said as he plucked one from the pile and handed it to her. Courtney’s eyes shot to Willam’s then down to the hand extended towards her before hesitantly accepting the tube. While she ran the color over her lips, Willam pressed on with his inquiry, “I didn’t mean anything by it, Court…You just seem a little…wound up lately, I guess.” “Its been awhile…” Courtney admitted vaguely. She remembered every detail of when she last had sex; who it was with, what had happened during and after…what it made her realize…But that was none of Willam’s business and she intended to keep it that way. “Thought so,” Willam trailed off. Courtney took the reprieve from questioning to rush through the remaining steps needed to become the Courtney Act everyone expected to see that night. She was moments away from pinning in her hair and running out the door when Willam placed a gentle hand on her upper arm. It took all she had not to shiver at the contact as she listened to Willam apprehensively asking her, “Why don’t you join me tonight?” Her jaw dropped slightly as she choked out several incoherent syllables in a pathetic attempt to create a proper sentence. “And some trade I’m hooking up with after the meet and greet,” Willam added quickly before muttering to himself with an eye-roll, “He’s already seen what I look like; I bet he’d jump at the chance to fuck someone prettier.” Courtney fought the urge to grab Willam and shake him for talking down on himself. Every time she heard Willam insulting himself or giving himself a back-handed compliment, her heart broke a little. But all she could bring herself to do at the moment was anxiously bite her lip as she considered the proposal. She knew there were a million ways for this to blow up in her face but it had been so long…and she trusted that Willam had the best intentions by asking her. Seeing the internal struggle play out on his best friend’s face, Willam continued on, “Don’t feel like you have to say ‘yes’ for my sake; it’s totally up to you…You could even just watch if you want and join in on whatever you feel comfortable with. I can check with him but I don’t think he’d have a problem with it.” With a heavy sigh, Courtney took one last look at the hope in Willam’s eyes and made her decision. She nodded with a timid smile and agreed on the condition that Willam check with the man first before fully committing. The grin Willam returned to her made the inevitable heartbreak almost seem worth it. Within the hour, Willam had received confirmation of the other man’s approval and proudly announced it to Courtney…as well as half of the venue’s staff as the queens made their way to the stage for their performance. If she had to be honest with herself, Courtney had wished multiple times throughout the waiting period that the unknown trade would refuse but now she seemed stuck to at least follow her friend back to their hotel room. She tried her best to remain optimistic for what lay ahead for the remainder of the night but not even Willam’s giddy excitement could ease the growing queasiness in her stomach. **************************** Following the end of the show, the queens did a quick touch up to their faces for the meet and greet and then rushed back to the hotel once the final fan had left. Courtney had not thought to ask Willam to describe the mystery man prior to meeting him but one look around the hotel lobby and she easily picked out Willam’s target for the night. He was tall, tan and clearly hit the gym more often than most; in short, he was 100% Willam’s type. At a glance, Courtney might’ve even found him attractive not so long ago but tonight her mind was on another man she’d rather have. Willam let the two introduce themselves, seemingly learning for the first time that the man’s name was Marco, and led the way back to his room. Marco was less than subtly checking out the queens as they walked a few paces in front of him and left little doubt that he internally licking his lips at what the night held for him. Despite the easy going nature he displayed in the lobby, Courtney still felt uncomfortable and slightly out of place as he followed behind them. Willam glanced over to her friend and pulled her close to whisper excitedly in her ear, “I did good, huh? Just wait till you see his dick! He sent me a pic last night and ooh, bitch, I damn near drove myself the 6 hours it took to get here.” Courtney gave the other queen an awkward smile and remained silent. Somewhere in the back of her mind a tiny voice was screaming at her to just go back to her own room and let herself cry herself to sleep; whatever happened tonight wouldn’t be worth the pain tomorrow. But she told Willam she’d join…so she’d at least put up a good front during the night’s escapades. As they turned down the final hallway, Willam uncapped the bottle of poppers around his neck a took a deep whiff. She blinked her eyes as the familiar sensation took over her body and offered the bottle to Courtney who declined with a polite shake of her head. Brushing off the refusal, Willam asked gleefully, “Been awhile since we shared one, huh? What’s it been, 5 months?” and noticeably sped up as the room came into view. “Sounds about right…” Courtney replied vaguely as she watched her friend whip out the card key and open the door with an air of heavy practice. She knew exactly how long ago they had last spent the night together with some common trade; 5 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days…Courtney remembered all too well what had happened…The night was typical for them; show, meet and greet, then out to have a little fun at a nearby club. They had just enough to drink to make the idea of having a threesome before an early flight the next morning seem like the most brilliant plan of the century. They bickered back and forth for a good 20 minutes over who they would take to bed with them but finally they settled on a what seemed to be a happy medium; a verse top just a few years younger than them with an open mind and a beautifully toned body. It took less convincing (and alcohol) than they thought to lure him back to Willam’s room, especially considering that by that point it would be generous to say they had looked anything like the gorgeous queens that would appear in tomorrow’s Instagram photos of the show. All the same, the man eagerly allowed himself to be enveloped by the queens on either side of him. Hell, he even encouraged them to have some fun with each other as well and that was the moment Courtney pegged as the beginning of her descent into perpetual heartache. They had kissed often enough before, even had gone so far as to give one another a handjob when they got too wound up on the road. But that night when they kissed something felt…off. Courtney blamed the alcohol for a serious case of beer-goggles because even with his smeared lipstick, glittery eye shadow extending down his cheeks, and painted eyebrows half wiped off; Willam still looked amazing to her. She wanted to tear the other queen’s wig off, run her fingers through his natural curls and kiss him till there wasn’t a trace of lipstick between the two of them. But she quickly pushed the thought away and focused her sight back on their one night stand. The queens took their turn with him and he basked in the attention he received from them. Courtney had her chance first and was left utterly satisfied, at least physically. Usually when they would share for the night, as soon as one queen was finished, she’d excuse herself to clean up and often times would remain in the bathroom or at least out of sight as the other had their fun. They might switch back once or twice for a second round but once they actually began fucking, that was the cue for the other to keep their distance. That night Courtney dared to cross the line. She remained on the bed and watched as Willam laid on his back taking every inch of the nameless man and begged for more. Something in that moment broke down the wall Courtney had unknowingly built and she wanted nothing more than to be the one making Willam scream for her. Without thinking about it, she had climbed over top of Willam and kissed him. Far from being repulsed by the behavior, he pulled Courtney in closer and ran his hands over every inch of skin he could reach. Courtney broke their lip lock with a sharp gasp as she felt Willam’s hand wrapped around her and pump in time with man thrusting into him. He was coming apart beneath her as he neared his own release but instead of the previous moans of broken syllables, he seemed to have only one name stuck to his lips; hers. As he was drawn closer and closer to the edge, she marked her territory on his skin, painting his neck and chest with the remainder of her lipstick and with what would later develop into noticeable hickies the next morning. With a final cry of her name, Willam came and shuddered violently beneath her but never loosening his grip. Seeing him fall apart so completely with only her in his thoughts made her wish more than anything that she had been the one inside him. But all the wishing in the world wouldn’t change the fact that it would only ever be his hand that she felt on her member and with a final cry of his name, she released onto his hand and stomach. At some point the unknown man finished and took his leave. For the life of her, Courtney could not even remember how long it took him to cum or if he cleaned himself off before exiting. All that played through her mind was the imagery of Willam panting and moaning beneath her, cumming with her name on his lips like it was her driving him over the edge. He had passed out less than half an hour after the session ended, barely even cleaning up and getting a pair of underwear on before collapsing between the sheets. His last act was to wrap an arm around Courtney’s waist as she leaned against the headboard in disbelief over what had happened. She wanted to run back to her room and scream at the overwhelming realization of her emotions but when she looked down at the drowsy man beside her, she found she couldn’t bear to leave his side just yet. Pushing aside her growing worry for now, she slipped underneath the covers and pulled Willam closer to her. Though she would never bring it up with Willam (who’d deny it anyway) she swore she saw the corners of his mouth turn upwards into a small smile right before she fell into an exhausted slumber. When she awoke a few hours later, she disentangled herself from her sleepy friend and made the walk of shame back to her own room but not before turning out the lights Willam had left on in preparation for the inevitable hangover he’ll have the next morning. At best she would only have enough time for an hour or two more of sleep before having to get both Willam and herself checked out in order to make it to their flight on time so she decided to take the chance to work out exactly what made her act the way she had during that supposedly NSA hookup. Willam had always held a special place in her group of friends. Despite the constant teasing, he did show genuine concern for her when she needed it. Emotions were not his strong suit but the effort he made to help meant all the world to her. Besides that, he was just plain fun to be around. He could always make her laugh even on the shittiest days and despite the questionable situations they found themselves in, he never intentionally did anything to put her in danger. He was both her escape and her grounding in reality; they brought out the best and worst in each other and weren’t afraid to call each other out on their bullshit. To put it bluntly, they fit together like yin and yang. They certainly could function on their own but when brought together they offered the perfect counterbalance to each other’s personalities. Yet despite how it looked on paper, there was still the reality of their working life that made the idea of a relationship seem entirely irresponsible at best. Courtney knew this but that did nothing to alleviate her feelings and she was quite certain Willam did not return them in the any capacity. It could be argued that his jabs at her were nothing more than an adult version of the playground teasing a child did towards their crush but Courtney very much doubted it. No one was immune to his taunting once they became close enough with him; it was pretty much his default form of communicating with those he cared about. That fact alone almost made the situation more bearable; knowing she had no chance with him and thus little opportunity to fuck up what they already had provided some relief from the ever increasing anxiety that accompanied her thoughts on the situation. But although that part of the equation provided some solace, it did nothing to stop the jealousy and hurt that sprang up when she happened to overhear his frequent hookups. He was just as happy to spill the details the next day even as her responses grew increasingly more bitter. Even the morning following their mutual tryst, he ignored the pounding in his head in order to ecstatically compare notes with her of what they could both remember. “And damn, Court! You really did a number on my chest! Looks like someone attacked me with a fucking vacuum.” She knew he was exaggerating for comedy’s sake but even through the layer of makeup he had used to cover the most visible marks, she saw she had in fact left quite an impression on his skin. She tried to feel guilty about it, she truly wanted to, but again the thought of marking her territory worked its way back into her mind even though she knew it would never be true. That had been the last time she had sex but certainly not the only time she tried. Immediately following their next show, Courtney wasted little time in finding another man to spend the night with. She quickly found a willing participant and eagerly led him back to her room. He was far from her usual type and that was exactly what she had hoped for. She wanted to forget herself in himself, begged the heavens for it even, but after 10 minutes of unsuccessful foreplay it was clear that nothing was going to happen that night that’d be worth writing home about. Instead she offered oral as something of consolation prize and parted ways with him immediately after. The same results came about when she tried again next week, as well as a few days after that. No matter who she selected, each attempt ended in relative failure leading up to going nearly six months of unwilling abstinence. To say she was frustrated at this point would be an understatement. She had a slight hope that maybe tonight something would change that but given her latest track record, it seemed unlikely. Nearly the second the door had been closed, Willam crowded Marco against the bed. He seemed to appreciate the slightly aggressive manhandling Willam displayed as he sat him of the edge of the mattress and carefully pulled down the zipper. Courtney was actually quite taken aback at how forward Willam was being tonight. Usually he took his time to tease his partners before giving them what they wanted. He loved getting them riled up, pushing them to the edge and back by denying them what they wanted until they begged for the privilege of using his body. He practically got off on the thought alone of making men crave him to the point where they were willing to sacrifice their pride for just one night of pleasure with him. But tonight Willam went straight to the point and made it clear that he did not want to wait to begin that night’s activities. The boxers were barely out of the way before Willam had his lips wrapped around Marco. Courtney stood in shock as she watched Willam work his mouth in a way only he knew how. Her fingers twitched as she felt the familiar sting of envy pierce her heart like a needle. Part of her was angry, enough that she was tempted to walk out right then but another part yearned to stay. She felt compelled to watch; it would be the closest she could get to the real thing while still staying safe in the protective bubble she had created. Tonight she would allow herself to be a voyeur, simply taking in the sights while staying behind their unspoken boundary this time. As Willam focused on his own task, Courtney settled into a nearby chair and remained out of his line of sight. Marco however made it a point to watch her rather than the one currently servicing him. He gave her a small smirk and slid his fingers through Willam’s faux blonde locks. He slowly pulled away to remind the other man, “Watch the hair…” Instantly Marco turned on the charm and offered an apology. He smiled down at Willam who spun on his knees to ask Courtney, “Want a turn?” Courtney’s eyes shot from Marco then down to Willam as a light pink tinted her cheeks. She timidly shook her head and replied softly, “No, I’m fine.” Willam nodded and turned his attention back to Marco for another minute before pulling off with a loud final 'pop’. He stood up to whisper something in Marco’s ear and was met with an ardent grin. The two eagerly discarded their clothes as Willam dug through his suitcase for the lube and condoms he always seemed to keep on hand. As he returned to the bed, Marco crashed his lips to Willam’s for a brief moment before asking huskily in his ear, “How do you want it?” Courtney saw a fleeting look of hesitation pass across Willam’s face and leant forward in curiosity. Willam had never faltered in front of her before. Even when he knew something was a terrible idea, if he thought there was even the slightest chance things might work out, he’d plow right along all the way up to the moment where it blew up in his face. That stubborn optimism was one of the qualities she had found so endearing about him but tonight she wished more than ever that he would listen to his sense of reason and call it quits. But that was not Willam’s way and he flickered his eyes back to Courtney’s for a brief moment before answering, “I want to watch her…” She felt her cheeks burning and a surge of pleasure shot straight to groin. Her eyes connected with Willam’s as he positioned himself on hands and knees facing her direction while Marco slipped on the condom. As soon as the first lubed finger pressed at his entrance, his teeth caught his lower lip in anticipation of what was to come. Again, a wave of jealousy washed over Courtney but watching Willam’s face contort in pleasure as Marco prepped him was almost worth it. The soft noises of pleasure that escaped Willam were like music to her ears. If she could be the one eliciting them, she would gladly listen for the rest of her life. Marco continued to stretch him until he easily took three fingers and was nearly begging for something more. Taking the cue, Marco withdrew the digits and lined himself up with Willam’s entrance. Courtney forced down a thick swallow as Marco carefully guided himself in and drew out a satisfied moan from the man beneath him. He paused his movements until Willam adjusted to the change, then made quick work of setting a fitting pace for both of them. Through it all, Courtney never took her eyes off Willam. She felt a rush of shame develop in the pit of her stomach as she slipped a hand beneath her dress and palmed herself through the thin panties she had worn. Part of her hated the way she was getting so worked up at the sight of her best friend being fucked by another man but it was hard not to react when he was making such a show of it. With a glazed look in his eyes, Willam purposefully dropped his gaze down to Courtney’s hidden hand. In a breathless voice, he begged her to come over and like a puppy eager to please, she was out of her seat before the final syllable passed his lips. Balancing himself on one hand, he reached up to grab the front of Courtney’s dress and pull her down to his level. He brought his lips close to hers but paused once he got within an inch of touching them. He was panting heavily now with each graze over his prostate and struggled to find the right words to speak. Daring to bridge the gap, Courtney crashed her lips to his in a manner so frenzied she inwardly cringed at her own desperation. Willam made no effort to rebuke the action and kept the fabric of her dress clutched tightly in his hand. The two held the heated lip lock as long as they could until a lack of air forced them to separate in order to catch their breath. Recovering quickly, Courtney leant back in to begin again but halted as Willam released her from his grip. Clumsily, he traced his hand down to her thigh and paused at the hemline. “C-Can I-” Willam gasped between thrusts. Courtney’s eyes blew wide open as she realized what he was offering and fervently nodded her head. Willam gave a small smile and struggled with his free hand to pull the panties aside. If Courtney had been in any clearer of a head space she would have helped but at the moment she too overwhelmed at the situation to be of much use other than to simply stand there. They held each other’s gaze as Willam carefully slid himself down on her length. Even with the force of the man slamming into him, Willam made sure not to hurt Courtney. Earlier his focus had been solely on how good he could look while sucking off his partner, but with her he only cared about what gave her the most pleasure. Whatever she reacted to, he made sure to repeat it tenfold and within moments she was left an absolute mess in his hands. The mere fact that he was so concerned with making sure she enjoyed herself as well tonight left Courtney feeling weak at the knees. Throwing aside any remaining notion that this night could remain emotion-free; Courtney lightly traced her fingers along Willam’s cheek and finally allowed herself to get lost in his sinful blue eyes. She wanted to take in every detail of this moment because she knew it would not happen again. As Courtney grew closer, she whispered out a shaky warning to Willam. He slowly pulled off and gave her a few more pumps before lost it and released onto his chest. It was just as well that she had finished so quickly, neither of the other men would last much longer. As Willam came, he moaned out Courtney’s name and drew her back in for another sloppy kiss while he rode out his orgasm. Marco finished shortly after and carefully withdrew from Willam. The instant Willam felt the other man slide off the bed, he pushed himself into a kneeling position to kiss Courtney more easily. He cupped her face in his hands as though she were the most sacred object in the world and pulled her close enough to be left tilting precariously over the edge of the bed. Courtney placed a firm hand on his shoulder and used the other to balance herself as she guided them down onto the mattress. They stayed locked in that position for several moments before Willam reluctantly excused himself to clean up. As he disappeared into the bathroom, a flood of emotions washed over Courtney. Her head started throbbing as she instantly started analyzing everything that had happened since the door had closed less than hour earlier. Feeling numb, she repositioned herself at the edge of the mattress and buried her face in her hands.   Slowly she was getting lost in her own thoughts but an unexpected presence directly in front of her brought her attention back to reality. Confused, she looked up to find Marco hovering far too close for comfort. She would have thought he’d have left by now but it seems he had been watching their exchange and waited patiently for an opening. Now that Willam was out of sight, he turned his full attention to Courtney and immediately she felt small and weak under his gaze. With little regard for her personal space, he ran his fingers down her cheek and asked if she wanted her turn with him as well. She tried her best to suppress a shudder but the glint in his eyes was unsettling. Politely, she declined and prayed he would take a few steps back. Disregarding the refusal, he continued to try and persuade her with his superficial charm, “You sure? Your friend had a good time…” “N-No, really,” she stuttered while trying to lean away from him, “I was just watching tonight, that’s it.” “I bet I could change your mind if you give me a shot…I know you would make it worth my while.” It was at this point Willam decided he had overheard more than enough and swiftly reemerged from the bathroom to survey the scene. His eyes narrowed as he took in Courtney’s undeniable discomfort and shot a pointed glare in Marco’s direction. Staring down the other man, Willam slipped onto the bed behind Courtney and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He pressed a reassuring kiss to her cheek and whispered a confident, “I’ll handle this,” into her ear. With a sarcastic smile, he nuzzled against Courtney and bluntly addressed the unwanted man in front of them, “I think we’re done here, right Court?” Before either of the other two could respond, Willam pulled off his wig and and smiled sweetly at the startled man. Courtney almost wanted to laugh at the comical expression that played over his face but she was too overcome by relief that he now wasted no time in leaving. Willam arched a mocking eyebrow at the lightning speed in which Marco redressed himself and innocently asked, “Don’t you want to wash up first?” Blatantly ignoring the two queens, Marco grabbed his remaining belongings and stumbled out into the hallway. Willam rushed off the bed to lock the door after him but hesitated before slowly turning to face Courtney again. Guilt was written all over his face as sat beside Courtney and dropped his shoulders in defeat. Courtney could see the sincerity in his eyes as he softly apologized, “Court…I’m really sorry…I didn’t think he’d be-” “Willam…” Courtney interrupted, “It’s okay, I know you meant well when you asked.” Willam nervously shifted his eyes down to his lap and picked at the glue still stuck to his nails. “Really though…I wanted you to have a good time…I know there’s been something different with you.” He paused to take a deep breath and shakily reached over to place his hand over hers. He drew his gaze back to Courtney’s and firmly told her, “If you want to talk…I’m here. I won’t judge.” Courtney gave a rueful smile and replied, “I know you wouldn’t, Bill.” She leant against him taking in everything from his smell, the light dampness of his skin, the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed…even how she swore she could almost hear his heart beating faster as she buried her face in his neck. He ran his thumb over her hand and waited patiently for a signal on what more he could do. All she wanted at the moment was just to sit with him in silence while she worked up the courage to speak again. Her lip quivered as she swallowed her pride and whispered against his skin, “I really like you.” Her head began to cloud as she felt a twitch in his hand and heard the halting confusion in his voice when he responded back, “I like you too, Court.” A broken laugh escaped her as she pulled away to face him. He really doesn’t get it. Tears were beginning to sting her eyes but she wiped them away and plastered on a remorseful smile. “No, I mean I-” She cut herself off as they locked eyes and suddenly found that any remnant of confidence she once held had now escaped with a single look from him. His eyes showed genuine concern for her but also revealed how he was struggling to grasp what she was trying to confess. She felt so vulnerable and helpless around him and she hated that. Words had always come so easily to her before but he managed to take all of that away without realizing it. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she cupped his face with her free hand desperately prayed to any deity listening that he would finally understand. A voice she hardly recognized as her own cracked as she whispered, “Bill…I like you.” His eyes darted across her face and she saw the gears in his head had finally started turning. A wave of realization noticeably passed over his face and she never felt more relieved or scared as when she saw him coming to terms with what she had just told him. A deep blush rose to his cheeks as he stared at her dumbstruck. The longer he remained silent, the more she felt her resolve shrink away until there was nothing left. It was obvious he didn’t feel the same and was trying to think of a way to let her down easy. She felt so stupid for trying; she should have just kept it to herself like she had before. She bolted off the bed as tears welled up in her eyes and threatened to spill over any second. She knew she wouldn’t be able to handle his sympathy if he saw. “Shane!” She stopped dead in her tracks as she felt her hand being engulfed by his. It felt like her heart stopped beating as she was spun around and pulled into Willam’s arms. He held her tightly as though she were the last lifeline he had before falling into the abyss. The tears finally escaped as he asked her, “You mean it?” Courtney stared at him incredulously before laughing out, “Yes!” She swore she had never seen a smile brighter than the one he gave her as he warned, “I’m really not the smartest choice, you know.” “That’s okay,” she replied as he delicately wiped her cheeks free of tears, “Neither am I.”
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mosylufanfic · 7 years
Killervibe + 28. “You can’t just say that and expect me to go along with it.”
Today‘s NaNo prompt has some of my favorite things - fake dating, college AU, Dante being a dick … not that I like Dante being a dick but I do like characters other than Cisco recognizing it. (I know he’s dead and Cisco’s very sad, but honestly, he was a whole bag of dicks to his brother. A whole lot.) Enjoy!
ETA: Tweaking a line that occurred me after I posted, of course.
Mosylu, what are you on about
Do It for the ‘Gram
The moment she saw him with all his stuff spread out over a table in the time-honored saving-a-space tradition, Caitlin felt her mood lift. Just who she’d been hoping to see. She’d sent him a text, but her phone had been acting up lately and she was afraid it hadn’t gone through.
She wove her way through the tables and dropped her bag into a free chair. “Cisco! Hi!”
His head came up. But instead of the ten-thousand watt grin that he usually flashed when they spotted each other around campus for the first - or second or third - time in a day, his face went strangely slack.
“Caitlin,” he said in a high pitched voice. “I thought - weren’t you going home this weekend?”
“I was,” she said. “Something came up and my mom had to leave town, so it didn’t really seem like it was worth it to go home for her birthday.” She shrugged, trying to look casual.
“Wow, that really sucks. I’m so sorry. Um - ” His eyes darted around. “So, see you later?”
She frowned at him. “No, I came here to eat, and I figured we could eat together. Did your brother get here yet? We could all have dinner.” He hadn’t been exactly looking forward to his brother’s visit, she knew. Maybe she could be a buffer.
“No!” he yelped. “I mean. Um. Yeah, he’s here, but we’re just gonna grab and go, like, explore the campus, so if you wanna sit down to eat like you do - ”
“If you’re going to grab and go, why are you saving a table?”
He looked flagrantly guilty.
“Cisco,” she said.
He leaned forward. “Okay, no offense, you’re my best friend and I love you, but please just go - somewhere else right now?”
Hurt rose up in her. “Why do you want to get rid of me?” Something caught her eye. “And why is there a guy by the Taco Bell waving at us and smirking?”
Cisco turned around to look back at the good-looking guy standing in the burrito line. He grinned broadly, waved back, and turned, his face falling into lines of horror again.
“Francisco Ramon, I deserve to know what’s going on.”
“Don’t hate me.”
“Getting close to too late for that,” she sniped, although she could never, ever hate him. She could be pretty mad at him for awhile, though.
He muttered, “Okay, first of all, that guy’s my brother. And second, he kind of thinksyou'remygirlfriend.”
He clapped his hands, face bright. “Okay, good talk, see you Monday?”
“No!” she said. “Cisco! You can’t just say that and expect me to go along with it.”
He lifted a finger. “Point of order, I’ve been actively trying to remove you from the situation where you’ll have to go along with it.”
“If anything, that’s worse. I’m supposed to walk off and know you’re making up stories about me being your girlfriend behind my back? How long has this been going on?”
“Oh my god, I didn’t make up stories!”
“Are you saying we’ve been dating without my knowledge?”
“Look, this is how it happened, okay? I put up some pics on Instagram last month, and I just called you ‘my friend,’ I promise. My brother was the one who commented about my, um, hot new girlfriend.”
“And you agreed with him?”
“Not exactly, I just never … corrected him.” His words trailed off into a mutter. He looked shamefaced. “I’m sorry. I know it was wrong. I’m really sorry.”
She gave him a narrow gaze. “Let me see your phone.”
He unlocked it and handed it over. She didn’t have Instagram, so while she knew he’d put up some pictures with her in them, she’d never seen the pictures or the comments. She scrolled through his picture stream.
He was telling the truth about his part of the conversation, at least. His brother’s comments were all along the lines of “damn, your new gf is a hottie” and “nice work little bro” and “can’t believe you bagged that.” She made a face and handed the phone back.
He took it meekly. “And I swear to you, I was going to tell him we broke up. As soon as he got back with the food. Seriously. Actually, that was why he wasn’t going to meet you, because you went home for the weekend to get some space after our breakup.”
“Except I’m not home, I’m here,” she said. “Sitting at your table, for the past ten minutes. And he’s seen both of us.”
He drew on the surface of the table with his finger. “Maybe we were really amicable?”
Caitlin rejected that possibility out of hand. If she ever dated him and then broke up with him, there was no way she could be amicable enough to eat a friendly dinner together just a few days later.
“Look,” he said. “If you want, I’ll tell him everything. Or you can tell him everything. Really let me have it.”
She thought of the things he’d let slip, here and there, about his brother. About the teasing, about the constant one-upmanship, about how every accomplishment Cisco had ever achieved was eclipsed somehow by Dante’s genius.
She thought of the comments on the pictures. “Nice job, good work.” Okay, they were gross - bagged that, like she was an elk - but at the same time, they were about the nicest thing that Dante had ever said to him. She knew what it felt like to yearn for approval from someone you loved, to have it so close you could almost taste it, to see it disappear in a wisp of smoke.
“And how long will he hold that over your head?” she asked. “If he learns the truth.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Come on. This is the same guy who still brings out the pictures from when you were four years old and thought it was comic genius to run around with your Spiderman Underoos on your head.”
“Kinda ruined Spidey for me, honestly,” he said. “Yeah, he’d bring it up forever. But I deserve it.”
“Yes and no,” she said.
“Yes, it was wrong, which you’ve apologized for. But you don’t deserve the way he would treat you if he found out.” She chewed the inside of her cheek. “How demonstrative am I? As a girlfriend.”
"What do you mean?”
“I mean, does he think I cuddle and smooch all the time? Or do I just sometimes hold your hand?”
“I - uh - we - we never talked about that. Caitlin, what - ”
“I’m going to have to do some of that, so it’s believable.”
“What are you saying?”
She poked her finger at him. “For the next two days, I’ll be your pretend girlfriend in front of your brother.”
His mouth fell open. “You can’t be serious.”
“On the condition that as soon as he goes home, you tell him we broke up.”
“Yes,” he said very fast. “Yes! Monday. Tuesday at the latest.”
“You swear?”
“By everything I hold dear.”
She reached across the table to link her hand with his. “Okay,” she said.
He stared at her wide-eyed, his mouth a little open. She felt herself blushing. This was the weirdest thing she’d ever done, and he hadn’t even asked her to.
“So!” a big voice said. “You must be Caitlin.”
It as the voice of a person accustomed to everyone looking at him, everyone smiling at him, everyone waiting for his next word. It told her a lot about Cisco, about where he’d learned to slip jokes and quips into the conversation as fast as a knife in the ribs.
She looked up. He was very good looking, and to judge from the way he carried his shoulders and his head, he’d always known it. “And you must be Dante,” she said, a little bit more coolly than a girl meeting her boyfriend’s older brother strictly should. “I’ve heard … a lot about you.”
Was that a flicker in his big, toothy smile? A hint of uncertainty that someone might not immediately adore him?
She turned to Cisco. “I’m going to get my food, honey. I’ll be back.”
“Can’t wait,” he mumbled, still a step or two behind.
She got up and circled around the table to lean down and give him a loving, girlfriendly kiss on the cheek.
“You’re an angel,” he muttered to her behind the curtain of her hair.
“You owe me,” she breathed, and straightening up, headed for the food court.
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