#I had fun doing this and I hope it makes you smile too~
mermaidgirl30 · 24 hours
✨Birthday Blues✨
Jackson! Joel Miller x bartender fem! reader
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A/N: This is a little one-shot I did for @justagalwhowrites Joel Miller’s birthday celebration writing challenge! I had so much fun with this one and love it so much. I hope you enjoy! This one is all in Joel’s POV 🩵
Summary: Joel spends his birthday sulking on the porch, regretting the mistakes of his past. Just when he thinks he’ll spend his birthday alone, you come around and turn his cloudy skies into sunshine.
Rating: 18+ only
Word Count: 3.6k
Tags: Lots of angst, Joel’s POV, Jackson! Joel, losing Ellie, regrets, no use y/n, fluff, yearning, angst/comfort, lots of feelings, Joel’s birthday, age gap (Joel is 54, reader is 30)
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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  The wooden rocking chair creaks like a rundown, abandoned building, making the old floorboards of the porch groan beneath him with every shaky breath he takes. The acoustic guitar feels like a heavy anchor in his arms as he thinks about those long afternoons when he’d teach Ellie how to play songs of his past. Now, it feels like sawdust under his calloused fingertips. Brittle and old. Just like he is.
   September twenty-sixth. The day he can’t fucking stand anymore. The day he was brought into this unapologetic world, not realizing he’d lose himself along the way.
   Birthdays were supposed to be spent with loved ones. A celebration of life. But what does he have to celebrate anymore? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He doesn’t have anyone anymore. He’s just… alone. 
   Sarah is gone, dead. And Ellie… she wasn’t coming back. Not to his house, his doorstep. No. She’d just stay away like the plague. 
   Fifty-four-years-old. Just one step closer to being six feet underground. He wishes he was already dead because that’s how he feels. Hollow, broken, lonely. 
   God, he’s so fucking lonely. Ever since Ellie found out about the fireflies. About what he did…
   She hates his guts, hates the way he lied straight to her face for months, hates the reason he did it. She thinks he’s selfish and feels like she was used. But really, he only looks at it one way. 
   He saved her… And he’d do it a thousand times over if he had the choice. To lose another daughter. Well… he just couldn’t. So, he did the selfish thing and got her out of that hospital. Because if he lost her, he’d surely lose himself.
   But he already lost her. Lost himself, too. So why does any of this even matter? It’s useless. He’s useless. 
   He strums along to the melancholy tune, the frail strings sliding along calloused skin, echoing the quiet melody back into the cool autumn breeze of Jackson. Maybe Ellie would hear it, come running back with tears staining her hazel eyes, apologize for moving out and screaming at him to stay away. But she was the one that stayed away. He never wanted to…
   He just strums along and keeps playing. The song that he had written just for her. A song she probably hears in her nightmares now. Maybe it’d bring her back…
   He gets lost in the music, greying curls tousled by the wind, his green flannel clinging to his flexed biceps, broken military watch glistening in the dying orange sky. Just when he starts to get drowned out by the screaming voices in his head, a soft, lilty voice pulls him from the darkness.
   His head snaps up and his calloused fingers still from the sudden intrusion. When he sees who it is, he freezes in place. His jaw locked, eyes wide, teeth clenched together. It’s you. The pretty bartender who caught his eye the moment he stepped into Tipsy Bison that first he arrived in Jackson.
   There you are. Hair blowing gently in the brisk breeze, doe eyes locked on his, a half-smile curled against your glossy red lips. Jesus. You’re even more beautiful with the orange sun shining down on you, casting halos over the crown of your head. 
   You’re absolutely breathtaking.
   “Haven’t seen you around Tipsy Bison lately. Was wondering where you’ve been.” You look at him intently, questions spiraling in those pretty shades of moonlit eyes. 
   “Been a little busy, I guess,” he mumbles, keeping his fingers locked tight around the neck of the guitar. 
   “Got your whiskey waiting for you behind the bar. Been saving it just for you,” you smile sweetly, nearly making him drop to his knees at the sight.
   “Thanks, darlin’. You don’t gotta do that, though. Might as well jus’ give it to someone else,” he sighs, eyes dropping to his denim-clad lap. It’s been a while since he went and drowned his sorrows at the bar. He’d rather just do it in the comfort of his own home. A home that was empty now except for him.
   “You okay?” you ask, voice leery as your eyebrows thread together in worry. 
   “’m fine,” he states lowly, eyes hollow and weathered from the pain he wears like weights under his eyes day after day. He’s not fine. He’s far from fine. 
   When’s the last time someone asked if he was fine? He can’t even remember.
   “You don’t sound fine. You look… sad.” Your voice is quiet, subdued, and your eyes look like clouded skies with hurricanes and thunderstorms brewing ominously. You look just as sad as he feels. 
   You’re so empathetic and tuned into other people’s feelings. He wishes you’d stop that. Stop looking at him like he deserves to not feel like that. But again, It’s hard to look away when a beautiful girl who’s kind, caring, and all around good is standing right in front of him, asking him if he’s alright.
   “Reckon I am sad,” he finally mutters, eyes cast down to the fading paint of the wooden boards on the porch. But then he looks up again, and there you are. Beautiful eyes swallowing him whole.
   “You want to talk about it?” You lean against the stairwell on the porch, eyes boring into his, arms crossed over your soft blue jacket.
   He shakes his head and sighs. “Darlin’, I really don’t think you wanna sit here and listen to an old man talk ‘bout how he’s feelin’.”
   You shift your weight and flex your jaw, like he just punched you right in the gut. Fuck. He’s already ruining everything, but what you say next surprises him. “I’ve got time.”
   He stares at you a moment, feeling like he just got struck by lightning. You want to stay and listen? You’ve got time?
   “Why don’t you take a seat then? I don’t wanna bore you with my problems. And God forbid I waste more of your time,” he murmurs.
   You shuffle your way up the steps and sit slowly into the wooden rocking chair next to him. The one he crafted by hand. “Like I said, I’ve got time. I’m listening.” You smile softly at him, and he can’t help but to memorize the outline of your pretty face. Your deep dimples that appear whenever you’re grinning, your light freckles scattered across your nose. The ones you get from sitting out in the sun for too long. You always did love the sunlight. That’s something he picked up on quickly.
   He’s watched you for so long from a distance. Only really saying hi if he was stopping by the Tipsy Bison for a drink, maybe waving at you when you walked past him on the street, the casual back and forth glances the two of you would exchange every once in a while. 
   He’s shy, reserved, an introverted man that likes his space. But he’d have no problem sharing his space with you. Especially when you wear that flowery lavender scent that magnetizes him to you.
   After a moment of comfortable silence, he huffs out a heavy breath and begins. “Look, I’m not the best at talkin’. Especially ‘bout how I’m feelin’. But let’s make this short ‘n sweet. I know you got better places to be.”
   You lean back into the slant of the chair and rest your arm on the smooth armrest, smiling over at him with your sweet demeanor. “I don’t have anywhere to be, Joel. So take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” 
   He sets his guitar down and leans it against the edge of the porch, carefully scooting back into the worn chair. His thumb taps nervously against the armrest, but you just stay quiet and keep your eyes on him. It helps him breathe a little easier, he thinks. 
   Taking his time chewing over the words, he finally spills them. “I’ve made some stupid mistakes in the past that I can’t fix. No matter what I do, nothin’ is gonna change what happened.”
   You knit your eyebrows together like you’re mulling it over, guessing what he could be talking about. The way you bite your bottom lip and flick your eyes between the open mailbox that says Miller’s and back his way says you do know. “Are you talking about Ellie?” you ask hesitantly.
   “How did you know…”
   You shrug and push a piece of fallen hair behind the slope of your ear. He wishes he could be the one doing that. “This town is small, Joel. I notice things. It’s not a secret Ellie moved in with Dina.”
   He sighs deeply and pushes his fingers back through his slick hair, letting the tousled curls fall back into place. “Guess gossip gets ‘round fast here. Shit.” He lets his head hang low, cursing under his breath when he thinks about the way Ellie stormed off that day. She said she never wanted to speak to him again, and it hurt just as much as Sarah’s death.
   Your voice jolts him out of those dark thoughts. “Have you talked to her lately?”
   He clenches his jaw and shakes his head defeatedly, tears lining the back of his eyes as pain radiates down his spine. “It’s been over two months. She can’t even stand to look me in the eyes. Fuckin’ hates me, and it’s all my fault.”
   And there you go again. Looking at him like a lost puppy with those big doe eyes of yours. You make him so soft. Nobody else can do that. Not since Tess.
   “I don’t think she hates you.” 
   You place your dainty hand on the back of his for a few seconds. Warmth shoots through his skin, races down his bloodstream, nearly chokes him up when you retrieve it and place it back in your lap. In just those few seconds, he felt what it would be like if you were his. But that couldn’t happen. You’re far too young for him, a twenty-four year age gap, fresh out of your twenties. Just now thirty. You’re too pretty, too out of his league, too good. 
   You’re just too good for him. He’d never deserve a woman like you. Not after everything he’s done. 
   I don’t think she hates you. The words permeate and sizzle deep in his brain.
   “No? Well, sweetheart, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that jus’ ain’t the case,” he scoffs, kicking the heel of his worn boot into the porch to get his point across. 
   You twist your fingers together nervously and look up at him, sparkling eyes shining like starlight. “You know she asks about you, right?”
   His mouth gawks open, and he stares wonderstruck at you. “What?” He can’t believe his ears. “She… asks ‘bout me?”
   A faint smile lifts over your red lips. “Yeah. She sometimes comes up to me at the bar and asks if you’ve been in recently or if I’ve talked to you lately. She wonders about you, Joel.”
   His mouth feels like sandpaper, throat dry and closed up. Maybe the dry air will suffocate him before he gets his hopes up. “Why would she do that…”
   You shrug and give him a tight-lipped smile. “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two. And it’s not my business to ask, but I don’t think she’ll stay away forever, Joel. No matter what you did or how bad you think it is, she’ll come around. I know she will.”
   His grip tightens against the armrest, nails digging like claws into the rustic wood. “I dunno. She really stuck it to me to leave her alone. Don’t think she wants me ‘round anymore. S’why I stayed away. She’ll never forgive me…” His voice is strained, sad, choked up like he forgot how to breathe. He wishes she’d forgive him. Just one word from her. That’s all he wants.
   “Give her time, Joel. I know she will,” you say encouragingly as the wind laces through your silky hair, blowing it just enough for him to see the pretty blush painting your cheeks pink.
   You’re so fucking beautiful.
   His deep bravado voice drops an octave as he looks up through glassy eyes at the sunshine of a woman sitting before him. “How do you know?” he asks quietly.
   You just shrug and smile. “I just know, okay?”
   “Mmm.” Sitting back in his rocking chair, he thinks and thinks over your encouraging words, analyzing them like tiny jigsaw pieces. A puzzle that just can’t be put together. You never were the type to linger on sadness. Never seemed to let a rainy day cloud your joy. You were always so carefree, always bringing rainbows after destructive thunderstorms. Always just there.
   Slowly, steadily, your fingers curl around his dark green flannel, hooking underneath his bicep. And your eyes, like a warm summer’s day, shine brighter than he’s ever seen them shine before. Just like shimmering sparkles under a starlit sky. Embers and all. “Hope is like a migrating butterfly. It spreads its long wings and takes off in the morning sky. The butterfly may not return to the same place for quite some time, but it always seems to come back to the place it came from. Eventually, it returns home. She’ll come back, Joel. Ellie will come home.”
   His eyes cloud over, foggy from the tears building in his dark brown irises. And when one slips free and slides down his cheek, falling like a raindrop and landing on top of your hand, you don’t pull away. You stay. No one else had stayed. But here you are, smiling up at him like he’s the center of your gravity. Like he’s worth something to you. 
   And then something happens. Something he hasn’t done in so long. He smiles. He smiles at the pretty girl that turned his entire birthday upside down. He smiles because you stayed when no one else did.
   You stayed.
   “Think you jus’ might’ve struck some hope inside me after that speech, darlin’,” he drawls, brown eyes sparkling into yours.
   “Glad I could be of service,” you giggle, your hand brushing over the fabric of his soft flannel. And there you go. Giving him that breathtaking smile. He wishes you’d never leave.
   “Look at you. Ruinin’ my plans of sulkin’ for the rest of the evenin’.”
   You tilt your head and give him that look. A look like you want to drown out all his sorrows. “Why are you sulking in the first place?”
   Sighing loudly, he rakes a hand slowly down his patchy beard and stares out into the void of the green and yellow leaves littering the ground. “‘Cause it’s my birthday. And I got nothin’ to celebrate.”
   You sit forward in your seat, drawing your hand back to your lap and staring all wide-eyed at him like you just can’t believe he’d be alone. “It’s your birthday?”
   “Mhm,” he hums, feeling the excruciating pain of losing Ellie all over again. 
   “What are you doing spending it alone, then?” you whisper, heartbreaking eyes tearing his soul in two.
   He pushes a hand painfully slow through his windblown curls and takes a deep breath as he thinks of that stupid fight he and Tommy got in. “Me and Tommy had a fight the other day. Reckon he doesn't wanna see me for a few more days after that. Maria’s on Tommy’s side. And Ellie… well. You know. Needless to say, I got no one to celebrate with.”
   Silence permeates through the cool air, a deafening noise that rings through his ears. He wishes you’d say something, anything. Break the lull that hangs like a thick, impenetrable wall in the sky. Maybe you too are having second thoughts of being here alone with him in his suffering.
   “Can you just… wait here for a few minutes?” you ask, pushing yourself up and hanging over the thresholds of his rickety porch.
   He takes a minute to digest your words, thinking you won’t come back. “I suppose. Not goin’ anywhere. Why?” he asks hesitantly, his voice hoarse from the thought of you disappearing too.
   “Just wait here. There’s something I forgot,” you plea, your pretty smile telling him you’ll be back.
   Before you take a step off the porch, he stops you. “You don’t have to, you know. Come back, I mean.”
   You give him a small smile, your hair blowing softly in the wind, tangling around your beautiful face. An angel cast in shadows from the purple and pink painted sunlit skies. “Nobody deserves to be alone on their birthday, Joel. Not even you,” you say in a soft, lilty voice. 
   You hang there a second, just watching each other. Waiting for something, but he doesn’t know what. And eventually, you take that step off the porch. “Be right back! Just wait here,” you shout, running off into the sunset.
   “Alright,” he whispers, watching you go. And then you disappear down the street, practically sprinting back to your house or back to the bar. He doesn’t know. All he knows is that he hopes you come back. 
   Please, come back. 
   He fidgets in his chair, trying his best not to pull out the greys from his tousled curls. His chest feels tight, like his button-up shirt is stifling the chilly air all around him. He feels choked up, like something is lodged deep in his throat. Feels like he drank too much whiskey, palms sweating against his jeans. 
   Lord knows he shouldn’t feel like this. Shouldn’t act like this means anything. But what if it does? What if this is everything he’s waited for? He shouldn’t yearn for you, shouldn’t pine mindlessly for the pretty bartender that’s way too young for him to be falling for. But he fell head over heels the first moment you said hi to him in the bar. Your smooth fingertips brushing against his when you passed him a glass of whiskey. It felt like fire smothering his insides, igniting dangerous feelings that he should’ve never developed in the first place. 
   He shouldn’t have fallen for you, but he did. And now, he was wrecked. 
   You come walking back just minutes later, your hands behind your back, something hidden behind your jacket. And when you make your way back up to the porch, you hold out a single muffin with a blue birthday candle placed right in the center.
   “What’s this?” he asks, eyes wide as you place it in the palm of his hand.
   “A blueberry muffin. I just made them this morning. I hope you like blueberries. It’s not much, but it was made with love and care. So here, something sweet that I hope will brighten up your day.” 
   He stares in awe at the fluffy muffin, blueberries scattered around the pastry. His eyes mist over, tears licking at the edges, threatening to spill at any moment. He’s not used to this kind of treatment. Someone being nice, thoughtful, acting like he’s special. 
   He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve you.
   “Th—thank you…” he chokes out, holding back tears.
   “Happy birthday, Joel,” you smile, lighting the candle and making shadows cast over his palm from the flame. “Make a wish.”
   “Think it already came true…” he whispers. 
   Your eyes meet, tension thick in the air, smiles bouncing off each other's mouths. And when he blows out the flame, you give him a quick, fleeting kiss to the cheek. A kiss that’ll surely never wash off his skin. It’ll stick like permanent ink until his mouth hangs over yours.
   “You’re a sweet little thing, ain’t ya?” he asks, his skin tinged red from the blush you’ve painted over his tanned skin. 
   “Sweeter than a shaker of sugar?” you giggle out. A laugh that sounds like music to his ears.
   “Sweeter than sugar, darlin’,” he confirms with a wide grin.
   His hand finds yours, lacing his fingers through until your warmth is mixing with his. And as the sun goes down, stars igniting the sky in glitter, you lean your head on his shoulder while you tell him stories of your past. He could listen to you all night. He thinks he could listen to you forever. 
   You stay there until midnight, fingers entwined together, his hand pushing a strand of hair behind the shell of your ear, memorizing your perfect smile and dazzling eyes. And just before you go, he pulls you in for a kiss. A kiss that could make the entire world stop. Because in that moment, on your soft lips, he thinks he found heaven. 
   Just as you turn to go, a figure emerges from the dark shadows, leaving him breathless and dumbstruck from the sight. He rubs his eyes, figuring he’s seeing things. Maybe the sleepless nights have finally got to him. But your encouraging smile says it’s real.
   “Joel, look. She came back,” you smile, eyes glossy just like his are now. 
   She hesitates out in the road, jaw locked and eyes watery. Those big hazel eyes haven’t changed a bit. 
   Ellie. She came back. She’s here…
   And just like a butterfly, she spreads her wings and waves, mouthing happy birthday as she lingers by the open mailbox. But that’s enough. That’s one step to fixing a promise he broke. 
   “Ellie,” he calls, voice cracking as tears drop down his face. 
   “Joel,” she nods, giving him a half-smile. “Can I… can I come in?” she asks hesitantly.
   “‘Course you can, kiddo.”
   And it’s then, right at that moment, where everything fell back into place. Right when she stepped back into his life. He has a feeling you had something to do with it, but he’ll thank you for that later. Maybe tomorrow when he stops by your house and asks for some more blueberry muffins. 
   Today will go down in history as one of his favorites because he got the girl, and Ellie came back home. He got his birthday wish after all. 
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tragicdruid · 1 day
Pairings: Wanderer x Reader
Words: 600+
Contains: Wanderer POV, Jealous/possessive Wanderer, SAGAU
Summary: Why would you ever remove Wanderer from your team?
A/N: I haven't written SAGAU before so be gentle. Based on the way I normally play Genshin and imagining his reaction to suddenly not being played despite being your main.
Wanderer was fully built. You had him C6ed, his artifacts were absolutely pristine and all of his talents were maxed out. He's your favorite character after all so he deserved the full 5-star treatment. He had a permanent spot on your team and that's the way it should be. He's gotten used to the constant presence of Zhongli, Furina and Fischl, and concluded that they were just there to make him stronger. Though, if he had it his way, he'd be the only one on the team.
Wanderer himself was well aware of your favoritism. In fact, he basked in it, arrogance on full display as he gleefully used his elemental burst on your enemies. He's more powerful than he's ever been and more adored than he's ever wanted. What more could he possibly want?
"This feels too easy." He hears you murmur to yourself one day, causing him to raise a curious brow.
Not a moment later, he finds himself being guided towards the Teapot -- to his home. He's removed from the team as every character is swapped to ones you 'rarely' use despite them also being built. He's flabbergasted. He's appalled -- jaw clenched in disapproval.
Scratch that. Fischl is the only one who remains, her ridiculous laughter filling the air as she places a dainty hand over her mouth.
The nerve.
Fischl of all people? The 4-star? He's offended. And then your team subsequently is filled by Kaeya, Xiangling and Bennett. Even more pathetic 4-stars? What in the world were you doing?
Zhongli and Furina don't seem to mind, taking a seat at one of the tables and making chit-chat with each other to pass the time with some tea and coffee. Wanderer on the other hand crosses his arms as he sits on his own, staring up to the sky as he watches a smile cross your lips.
You were having fun? Without him? Impossible.
"I should use Kaeya more often...maybe with Furina..." You hum to yourself, causing Wanderer to feel a pang of jealousy at not even being mentioned. He can hear Furina's giggle as she too hears your words, her saying something like "Oh! That would be interesting!" He's not really listening.
The more time passes, the more disgruntled he feels. How long were you going to mess around? How long were you going to leave him waiting?
A few hours pass until he sees the new team reenter the Teapot. Wanderer throws them a nonchalant glance before he blinks and turns his gaze fully towards Kaeya, eyes narrowed. He's wearing new clothes. You actually bought his skin?
If he had a heart, the pain he'd feel would be immeasurable. Envy. Resentment. A hint of hate -- not directed towards you, but at the others. Especially towards Kaeya as he shows off his new threads to the others nearby with a cocky grin.
He's tempted to make a scathing remark, but he sits there seething silently, expression blank as he continues to stare up at the sky, hoping -- praying that you haven't gotten bored of him. Would you be so cruel as to abandon him completely?
And then he feels it. The telltale signs of him being chosen once more as Bennett is removed from the team. His shoulders slump in relief. You haven't forgotten him.
"I missed you."
Wanderer's stomach does a flip at your words, noting the fond smile on your lips as you stare at him. His fingers brush against the edge of his hat as he tips it downward, hiding his own wry smile. Of course you would never forget about him.
What was he thinking?
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chrzzboo · 1 day
okay, hear me out. I've had this idea in my head for so long and have never found anything like it.
Lando Norris falls for a FAN! She lives in England or France or Monaco, they meet somewhere that’s not the racetrack and somehow he falls in love. He knows she’s a fan so it’s hard for him to admit that he fell for her.
Just another fan
Summary: when meeting a fan in an unusual encounter Lando couldn’t help but feel attracted by her presence. The only thing stopping him? Her being his fan.
Note: first of all I couldn’t be more thankful for all the support all of you have showed me on my comeback stories and I’m very grateful for that! Thank you for your request anon, I hope this lives up to your expectations! Have fun reading!
Reader x Lando Norris
Genre: fluff/angst(ish)
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I was in a frantic rush. Late for my uni lecture again. The coffee cup trembling in my hand as I weaved my way through the bustling café. Engrossed in my thoughts, I didn’t watch where I was going, and then it happened – the inevitable crash. Coffee splattered everywhere, including all over the stranger in front of me.
I froze in horror, my face turning a deep shade of scarlet. "Oh god, I-I'm so sorry!" I managed to stutter.
Lando reacted with a bewildered expression, looking down at his now-stained shirt before turning back to me.
"It's alright," he said, an amused twinkle in his eye despite his coffee-stained shirt. "Accidents happen."
I fumbled for words, trying to apologize profusely, and yet, I was struck by his casual demeanor. This guy, this person I had just spilled coffee all over, was handling the situation so much better than I was, and it was only then that I glanced at his face. My heart skipped a beat. Lando Norris. I was standing in front of Lando Norris.
Lando chuckled again, the sound rich and warm, as he watched me struggle to compose myself. "You know," he said, the smirk on his face softening to a more genuine smile, "Most people would at least recognize me before pouring coffee all over me."
"I’m… I’m so sorry," I repeated, still struggling to overcome my shock. My brain was still trying to process the fact that I was standing in front of one of my favorite drivers, and I’d just managed to make a complete fool of myself in front of him.
Lando’s smile held a hint of understanding, and he waved off my repeated apologies. "Seriously, it’s fine," he reassured, glancing down at his coffee-stained shirt. "This isn’t the worst thing that’s been spilled on me, trust me."
In spite of the situation, I found myself feeling a little relieved at his casual acceptance. The initial wave of embarrassment was beginning to recede, replaced by a more manageable feeling of awkwardness. "Still, I feel terrible," I said, trying to force a sheepish smile. "Let me at least pay for the dry cleaning, or something…"
Lando shook his head, his expression growing more amused. "Dry cleaning’s not necessary," he replied, waving off my offer. "But considering you just soaked me in coffee, perhaps you can make it up to me?"
My heart skipped a beat at his words, my stomach twisting, already thinking of the worst scenarios.“How?” I asked weakly, trying to keep my composure.
Lando leaned against the wall, his eyes flicking over me for a moment, taking in my flustered state. "Simple really," he said, a hint of a challenge in his voice. "You buy me a new coffee, we’ll sit down, and you can make it up to me by keeping me company."
My breath caught in my throat for a moment, my mind racing. Lando Norris, asking to spend time with me? It was too much to process. But there was no mistaking the gleam of interest in his eyes. He was serious.
"Oh euhm okay," I managed to stammer out, my cheeks flushing under his gaze. "Coffee. I can do that."
Lando’s smile widened, a satisfied expression on his face as he gestured for me to lead the way to the counter. As I turned, heading towards the counter to order the coffee, I could feel his eyes on me, and my heart thumped in my chest.
This was really happening. I was about to buy coffee for Lando Norris. 18-year old me wouldn’t believe this.
As we waited for our coffees, the silence between us was filled with a tension that I couldn’t quite describe. Lando seemed relaxed, but I could almost feel the energy radiating from him. I couldn’t help repeatedly glancing at him, marveling at how someone could look so good, even after having coffee spilled on them.
After getting the order, Lando led the way to a small, secluded table in the corner of the cafe. I followed, trying to hide the fact that I was a bundle of nerves. Sitting down across from each other, I clutched my coffee cup like a lifeline. The silence was tangible, broken only by the soft hum of other patrons in the cafe.
Lando took a sip of his coffee, his gaze never leaving me. After a moment, he leaned back, a hint of a smile on his lips. "So," he began, his voice soft but clear, "You’re a fan, aren’t you?"
My eyes widened at his question, and a wave of unexpected shock washed over me. I hadn’t expected him to pick up on my fan girl status so quickly. It was obvious, I guess, but I also didn’t want to invade his privacy.
"I… uh… well," I fumbled for words, my face heating up. "I am a fan, yes."
Lando chuckled, his eyes never leaving mine. "It’s okay, you don’t have to deny it." He took another sip of coffee. “I could tell the moment you realized who I was."
I fidgeted in my seat, feeling exposed under his gaze. "Was I that obvious?" I muttered, cursing myself for my lack of subtlety.
Lando leaned back in his chair, that amused smile still on his face. "Let’s just say you weren’t very discreet. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree when you realized who you were dealing with."
I couldn’t help the embarrassed laugh that escaped me. "I guess I’m not very good at hiding things, also I didn't know you would be in England this week." I admitted, trying to play it down with humor.
"No not at all.” He laughs at my comment. “And yeah I came down to visit my family for a bit." Lando added, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "And don't worry about it, it’s refreshing, actually. Most people either don’t recognize me or try to play it cool when they do. You were like a deer caught in headlights."
I let out a soft groan, burying my face in my hands. "I must have looked so ridiculous," I mumbled, my words muffled by my palms.
Lando reached out, gently pulling my hands away from my face. His touch sent a shiver down my spine. "No, it was adorable," he corrected, his voice holding a hint of sincerity beneath the humor.
I looked up at him, my face probably aflame. Was he seriously calling me adorable? "You’re just saying that," I muttered, taking a gulp of my coffee to distract myself.
Lando laughed, a sound that sent a wave of butterflies flying through my stomach. "No, I mean it," he insisted. "You didn’t try to act all cool and casual around me. You just… reacted. It was honest, and it was cute."
And soon the conversation between us started flowing.
After some time, I glanced at my watch, my eyes widening at the time. “Damn, my lectures…” I muttered, realizing I’d missed my class.
Lando, who seemed oblivious to the time as well, shot a look at my watch. “Oh, right,” he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. “Guess we got carried away.”
I was gathering my bag and taking one last sip of coffee, my mind still swirling with questions when Lando spoke up.
"Before you leave," he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I was wondering if I could get your number."
The casual request caught me off guard, but I quickly recovered. "My… my number?" I repeated, already pulling my own phone out of my bag.
Lando chuckled at my surprised expression. "Yeah, your number. You know, so we can stay in touch."
I fumbled with my phone for a moment, unlocking it and pulling up the new contact option. "Of course," I said, my mind racing. This was really happening. Lando Norris was asking for my number.
I slowly handed him my phone, watching as he tapped in his number. He handed it back to me, our fingers brushing together in a brief, electric moment.
"There," he said, a sly smile on his lips. "Now you’ve got my number, and I’ve got yours."
I looked down at my phone, seeing his contact information displayed. I couldn’t believe it. "Thanks," I said, the word feeling incredibly inadequate considering the whirlwind of emotions racing through me.
Lando pocketed his phone, his gaze never leaving me. "Don't mention it," he said, a genuine smile on his face. "It was… good talking to you. You know, despite the coffee incident."
I laughed, the nervous energy of earlier shifting into a more comfortable banter. "Yeah, sorry about that. I promise not to spill anything on you next time we meet."
Lando chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I’ll keep that in mind. Wouldn’t want to have to start a coffee-stained shirt collection because of you."
The image of Lando with a closet full of coffee-stained shirts flashed through my mind, making me laugh again. "Trust me, that’s the last thing I want," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
There was a beat of silence, both of us seeming reluctant to end the conversation. Finally, Lando spoke up. “Well, I should let you get going,” he said, his tone carrying a hint of regret. “Can’t cause you to miss another uni lecture, can I?”
I nodded, although a part of me didn’t want the conversation to end. "Yeah, you’re right," I replied, a small sigh escaping me. “I had a really nice time talking to you.”
Lando’s smile widened, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. “I enjoyed talking to you too,” he said, a sincerity in his tone.
After bidding goodbye to each other, I pushed through the door, the cool air of the city hitting me, but I barely registered it. My mind was still reeling, replaying every moment of our conversation on a loop. As I walked away from the café, I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot.
As I walked, thinking about earlier events, my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down to see a text message popping up on the screen. It was from Lando.
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I smiled at my phone, still not believing that I met the Lando Norris who’s weirdly enough interested in me.
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yourusername posted on Instagram!
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Liked by bffuser, frienduser1 and others
yourusername Didn't skip class for a cute guy or anything 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bffuser: Girl u was literally fangirling
yourusername: Oh shut up you would act the same
frienduser3: Fangirling? Did we miss something?
yourusername: No no don't worry nothing special
frienduser3: 🤓
frienduser1: Why you always spilling coffee on people 🤣
yourusername: Don't expose me now, I told you this information in pure trust 🥲
frienduser2: Y/N it literally happened a week ago as well
yourusername: I don't like any of you 😒
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Weeks flew by in a blur of texts, calls, and busy schedules. Work and uni left little room for much else. But despite the distance, Lando and I kept in touch daily.
One day, as I was buried under a mountain of notes and textbooks, my phone buzzed with a new message. Expecting another funny meme from Lando, I was surprised to see a different message.
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With that decision made, the conversation shifted to practicalities. We discussed the details of my arrival, where I’d be staying, and what to expect during the race weekend. By the end of the conversation, the excitement had far outweighed any lingering doubts. The countdown to Silverstone began.
Meanwhile, Lando was caught off guard when his best friend, Max Fewtrell, came up from behind him and slapped him on the shoulder. “Oi, what’s got you grinning like that?” Max asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lando quickly composed himself, putting his phone away. “Nothing,” he said, attempting to play it cool. “Just talking to someone, that’s all.”
Max wasn’t convinced. “Is it a girl?” he pressed, a smirk on his face.
Lando cursed inwardly. Max had a knack for sniffing out stuff like this.
“Maybe,” he admitted, his voice betraying a bit of reluctance. “But it’s nothing serious.”
Max’s eyebrow shot up again. “Not serious? Then why are you smiling like a fool over some texts?”
Lando huffed, running a hand through his hair. He knew he wasn’t fooling Max with this act of aloofness.
“Fine. There is a girl. But it’s complicated.”
Max’s smirk widened. “Complicated? That’s an interesting way to put it. Why is it complicated?” he asked, leaning against the wall, obviously enjoying Lando’s discomfort.
Lando hesitated for a moment, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Because… well… she’s a fan.”
Max’s expression turned a bit incredulous. “A fan? As in, a fan of yours?”
Lando nodded, a mixture of defensiveness and uncertainty in his eyes. “Yes. A fan. She was at a café where I was hanging out, and we just started talking. And now we talk all the time… but she’s a fan, and I don’t know if it’s a good idea to get involved with someone who already has an idea about who I am.”
Max’s smirk softened slightly into a thoughtful expression. “I get where you’re coming from. But just because she’s a fan doesn’t mean she likes you for the wrong reasons,” he said, a hint of reason in his tone. “And people change their perceptions. What if she gets to know the real you and falls even harder?”
Lando considered Max’s words, knowing he had a point. “I know… but what if she’s more interested in the idea of me, the driver, than who I really am?” he voiced his biggest fear.
Max shrugged, a knowing look in his eyes. “Then you’ll figure that out when you see her. If she’s serious about you, she’ll look past the whole ‘F1 driver’ thing. But if you keep worrying about what could go wrong, you’ll never find out what could go right.”
Lando sighed, torn between the possibilities and the risks. “You’re probably right,” he admitted, a hint of resignation in his voice. “Maybe I’m just overthinking it. I don’t know if I’m ready to take that gamble though.”
Max gave Lando a knowing look. “You’re already knee-deep in this mess, mate. You’ve been talking to her for weeks now, clearly you’re invested. If you wanted out, you’d have stopped talking to her ages ago.”
Lando sighed again, realizing the truth in Max’s words. He hadn’t even thought about ending things with her. “Damn it, I guess you’re right,” he conceded, frustration in his tone. “I’m already in too deep, aren’t I?”
Max chuckled, patting Lando on the back. "That’s right, mate. You’re in 'too deep' alright. You've been acting like a lovesick puppy every time you message her. It's pathetic, but also sickening cute.”
Max smirked, amused at his friend’s predicament. “Well, you’ve got your Silverstone race next week. Maybe that’s a chance for you to see how things really are when you actually meet in person. Then you’ll know if this is worth pursuing or not.”
Lando nodded, his face set in a contemplative expression. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll see how it goes when she comes to the race. If it feels off, I’ll end it. But I'm afraid it might be too late for that, I already fell for her I'm afraid.”
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The day of the Silverstone Grand Prix finally arrived. I’d spent the morning getting ready, excitement and nerves bubbling up inside me. I checked my reflection one last time before grabbing my bag and heading out the door.
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yourusername posted on Instagram!
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Liked by landonorris and others
yourusername An actual dream coming true 🏎️
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frienduser1: Girl is this why you weren't present in class today?
yourusername: Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️
frienduser2: Now how did you do that then
frienduser3: You could've atleast asked me to come with you 🤔
yoursername: Sorry girl was a last minute typa thing 😬
bffuser: Slay girl get that man
yourusername: 🤫
frienduser2: @bffuser what are you hiding?
frienduser3: Yeah I would love to know that too 🤨
bffuser: 🤐
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With the sun high in the sky and the sounds of the race already starting to fill the air, I made my way to the circuit, following the signs and directions to the specific spot Lando had told me to meet him.
As I walked through the gates of the Silverstone Circuit, a sense of awe washed over me. The sights, sounds, and smells of a Grand Prix weekend surrounded me, and it was all so surreal. I had watched races on TV countless times before, but being there in person was a whole different experience.
The enormity of it all sunk in, making me feel both excited and slightly overwhelmed. It was one thing to see the action on a screen, but here I was, standing in the pit lane, surrounded by teams, cars, and the buzz of the event actually happening in front of me.
I continued to wander around, taking in everything. The mechanics working on the cars, the engineers huddled around strategy screens, and the drivers walking around with their confident strides – it was all so different from my usual life.
But what intrigued me most was the thought of seeing Lando in this environment, the stark contrast between the relaxed person I'd talked to countless times and the focused, professional driver he would become once he stepped into his car for the race.
I kept checking my phone, waiting for further instructions from Lando. He'd told me which area to meet him at, but I hadn't gotten any more specific details yet. I tried to distract myself by watching the practice sessions, but my mind kept wandering back to the thought of finally seeing Lando after weeks of just talking through a screen.
The practice sessions ended, and I still hadn't received any other instructions from Lando. I started to get a bit nervous, wondering if I was in the right spot or if something had come up with him. Just when I was about to reach for my phone again, I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Hey, you looking for me?" Lando asked, his usual carefree grin on his face, looking slightly sweaty from the heat and the practice session.
I turned around, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. He looked every bit the professional racer standing there in his McLaren gear, but his familiar smile instantly made me feel more at ease.
"Lando! I was starting to wonder where you were," I replied, a mix of relief and excitement in my voice.
I was momentarily caught off guard when Lando suddenly opened his arms for a hug. But I quickly recovered, returning the gesture. His embrace was warm and firm, grounding me in the moment. We stepped back after a few seconds, both of us wearing grins.
"It's good to finally see you in person again," Lando said, his eyes crinkled with genuine happiness. "I can't believe you're actually here, at the race."
I chuckled, feeling a sense of disbelief myself. "Believe me, I can't believe it either. It feels surreal, being here in Silverstone, watching the race this close. And to think, I'm here because of you," I added, a hint of teasing in my tone.
Lando chuckled at that, seemingly enjoying the banter. "Well, what can I say? I have that effect on people." His playful confidence was undeniable.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes in mock annoyance. "Oh, don't get too big for your boots, Norris. I didn't come all this way just to inflate your ego."
He feigned shock at my words, a hand going to his chest dramatically. "How dare you! Are you saying my ego isn't already inflated enough?" Lando joked, his eyes sparkling with humor.
I let out a laugh. "Oh, it's plenty inflated, trust me. But seeing you in your element does inflate it just a bit more, doesn't it?" I teased back, enjoying the easy banter between us.
After some more light-hearted banter, the moment came when Lando was called back to his team for the pre-race preparations. He looked a bit reluctant to leave our conversation, but the responsibilities of being a racer were clear.
"I have to go," he said reluctantly, the shift in his demeanor noticeable. "They need me for the pre-race stuff. I'll be back after the race though, yeah?"
I nodded, understanding the necessity of his duties. "Go on, go do your thing. I'll be here, watching the race and cheering you on." I offered him an encouraging smile.
Lando returned the smile, a flicker of gratitude and something else in his eyes. "Thanks. And remember, if I win, you owe me an extra long chat tonight. Deal?"
I laughed, shaking my head at his request. "If you win, you get an extra long chat huh? But how about this? If you win, dinner will be on me."
Lando's eyebrows raised, intrigued by my counteroffer. "Dinner, huh? You know how to motivate a guy to drive faster, don't you?"
I shrugged, my tone light and playful. "Consider it incentive to win. Loser pays for the winner's meal, deal?" I held out my hand, waiting for his response.
Lando's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and challenge. He took my hand, shaking it firmly. "Deal. Loser pays for dinner after the race. I better win then."
I winked, a confident smile on my face. "Just don't get too cocky now. I might surprise you, and you'll owe me a nice dinner."
Lando chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter and the friendly competition. "Just you wait and see."
The race was a whirlwind of tension and excitement, with each lap filled with nail-biting moments and heart-stopping turns. But finally, the race ended, and Lando emerged victorious.
I watched as he crossed the finish line, his car pulling into the pit, the radio buzzing with congratulations from his team. He made his way out of the car, helmet off, a satisfied but tired expression on his face as he spotted me waiting.
He jogged over to where I was standing, the adrenaline of his win still very clearly in his eyes. "Well, look who it is," Lando said, his tone filled with satisfaction and a hint of exhaustion. "Looks like I won. That means you owe me dinner, doesn't it?"
I put on a mockingly dramatic pout, playing along. "Oh, how will I ever recover from the shame of having to pay for a rich racing driver's meal?" I dramatically clutched my chest, feigning distress.
Lando laughed, the sound rich and carefree. "Come on, don't be a sore loser. You made the bet."
I sighed, pretending to give in. "Fine, fine. Loser pays. You drove a good race, I'll give you that. But don't get used to me paying for your food."
Lando's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, I won't. But I'll definitely enjoy tonight's dinner, on your dime."
As we talked, the high of his victory was still palpable, but reality set in quickly. Lando was being called to attend his media duties, giving interviews and press conferences.
"I've got to go do all the media stuff, but wait for me in my room, alright? I won't take too long," Lando said, his expression still excited but a little distracted already.
I nodded, understanding that his responsibilities as a racer came first. "No worries, I'll wait in your room. Take your time with the interviews and stuff. I'll see you later."
Lando gave me a brief smile, a mix of gratitude and impatience. "I'll be there as soon as I can. See you later."
He quickly kissed me on the cheek before being whisked away by a member of his team, leaving me behind shocked after his little action but I quickly composed myself knowing I'm in public. I started walking to find my way to his room to wait.
As I was waiting in Lando's room, I heard a knock on the door. Expecting Lando, I called out, "Come in!"
But it wasn't Lando who entered, it was his best friend Max Fewtrell. I knew Max from the times Lando had talked about him, and I was surprised to see him. He too seemed to recognize me.
Max walked in, shutting the door behind him. He gave me a friendly smile. "You must be the girl Lando's been talking about," he said, his voice warm and amiable.
I smiled back, a bit embarrassed at the fact that Lando had been talking about me to his friends. "Yeah, that's me," I replied, feeling a bit nervous in the presence of Lando's best friend.
After Max and I started talking, he casually mentioned how Lando and I had gotten quite close lately. He then added, "Funny, I never expected Lando to go for a fan like this. He was a bit hesitant at first, worried you were going to take advantage of him or something."
His words shocked me. "Wait, what do you mean? He was concerned about me being a fan?" I asked, feeling a pang of hurt and confusion.
Max nodded, the honesty in his eyes clear. "Yeah, he was. Lando didn't want to admit it, but he was scared that you were just interested in him because he's a driver, that you weren't really into him for who he truly is."
I was taken aback, feeling the sting of doubt and hurt. "I can't believe he thought that," I managed to say, my voice soft. "I've been talking to him because I genuinely like him, not because he's a racing driver."
Max sighed, his voice softening. "I think he was just cautious, you know? He gets a lot of attention from fans, and he's had some bad experiences with people pretending to be something they're not. He didn't want that with you."
I was quiet for a moment, mulling over Max's words. A part of me understood Lando's worry – I could imagine the sorts of people he'd encountered – but it still hurt to know he had doubted my intentions all this time.
Max could see the mix of emotions on my face. "Look, Lando really likes you. He does. But he was just scared, that's all. He's been burned before, and he didn't want that to happen again. He didn't want to fall for someone who was only interested in his fame, and not in him as a person."
Max's phone rang suddenly, breaking our conversation. He checked the screen. "Ah, sorry, I gotta take this," he said apologetically. "Lando should be back soon, though. Just talk to him, alright?"
I nodded, managing a small smile. "Yeah, I will. Thanks, Max."
He gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Good luck," he said before exiting the room to take his call.
Now left alone again, I was left with all the thoughts and feelings stirred up by my conversation with Max. Lando was on his way back, which only added to the whirlwind of emotions I was trying to sort through.
I leaned back against the wall, my thoughts chaotic. How could Lando have doubted me? Our connection felt genuine, didn't it? Was all of it just an illusion? Did he see me like just another fan of his? The idea filled me with confusion and hurt.
The sound of the door opening caught my attention, and Lando walked in, a smile still lingering on his face, his adrenaline from winning the race still evident. But as soon as he saw me, his expression faltered, replaced by a look of concern.
"Hey," Lando said, closing the door behind him. "Is everything okay? I just ran into Max, and he said that he talked to you before I got back. You seem upset."
I looked at him, the weight of my emotions clear on my face. "Yeah, Max spoke to me before he left. He told me a few things, about you being hesitant about us because I'm a fan, about you being worried I'm not interested in you but just in your career..."
Lando's expression changed from concern to a mixture of guilt and defensiveness. "That idiot," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I can explain..."
I crossed my arms, waiting for him to continue. "Explain, then. Was Max right? Were you really worried about me being just another fan interested in your fame and not in you?"
Lando let out a heavy sigh, sitting down on the edge of the couch. "It's not that simple," he began, his voice unusually serious. "I've had my fair share of people using me for my career. You have no idea the number of people who pretend to care just because being with a driver comes with perks. It makes you wary, okay?"
I tried to understand his point of view, but it still hurt. "I understand that you've been through stuff with others, but you know I'm not like that. I've been nothing but honest and genuine with you. How could you doubt my intentions, especially after all we've discussed and shared?"
Lando looked at me, his eyes earnest. "I know, I know that now. I was just scared, alright? I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, you were like the rest. It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't help how I felt."
I pursed my lips, my hurt feelings still not fully soothed. "It's not just stupid, it's hurtful. It makes me feel like you didn't trust me this whole time, like all the things we've shared and the connection we've made didn't matter."
Lando groaned, his face a picture of guilt and regret. "You're right, okay? I was an idiot. I should've trusted you from the start. I shouldn't have let my past experiences color my interactions with you. I'm sorry, really."
I sighed, his words offering some relief but not erasing all the hurt. "I want to believe you, Lando. But words are just words. How do I know you won't keep doubting me in the future? How can I trust that you truly believe I'm here for you, not your fame?"
Lando stood up, moving closer to me until he was standing right in front of me. He looked me straight in the eyes, his voice soft but firm. "I promise you, I won't doubt you again. I see now how wrong I was to question your intentions. And I realize that you are not just any fan. You're special, to me. I never should have let my own fears and insecurities cloud that."
His words were sincere, the remorse and regret clear in his eyes. But a part of me still felt hesitant. "How can I be sure, Lando? How do I know this won't happen again, that you won't second-guess me every time we have a disagreement or a bad day?"
Lando took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "Because, the truth is, I... I have feelings for you. Real feelings. Feelings I can't ignore or deny anymore. And the thought of losing you because I was too scared to trust is... terrifying. And I may always joke around and not take things serious but the feelings I have for you are real how cringy it may sound."
My heart skipped a beat at his words, my eyes widening in surprise. I had suspected he felt something for me, but hearing him confirm it so openly caught me off guard.
"You... you have feelings for me? Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly, not quite believing what I was hearing.
Lando nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I've never been more sure of anything. I tried to fight it, to ignore it, but I can't. I've feelings for you, and they're stronger than my own insecurities and fears. I'm sorry it took me so long to admit it, and I'm sorry for doubting you. But please, believe me. This is real for me. You're real for me."
I looked at him, searching his eyes for any sign of dishonesty. But all I saw was vulnerability, sincerity, and a deep, genuine affection. "I... I don't know what to say," I stuttered, still processing his confession.
Lando stepped closer, his hands gently resting on my arms, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "You don't have to say anything right now," he said quietly. "Just... don't give up on me yet, okay? Let me show you that I mean what I say. Let me prove to you that I do trust you and that my feelings for you are real."
Without any more hesitation, I looked into Lando's eyes and let the truth spill out. "I have feelings for you too, Lando. I have for a while now. I never thought you'd feel the same way, so I tried to downplay my feelings, to make them seem less real than they were."
Lando's eyes widened at my confession, a mixture of surprise and relief on his face. "You do? You really do?" he asked, as if he needed to hear it more than once to believe it.
I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes, I do," I confirmed, my voice filled with conviction. "And it makes what happened even more painful, knowing that you didn't trust me, that you thought I was just another fangirl."
Lando winced, the truth hitting him hard. "I was an idiot, I know. I should've just been honest from the start. I should've trusted my heart instead of letting my fears take over."
Lando looked at me, the guilt still evident in his eyes but mixed with hope now. "So... you forgive me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I took a moment to consider, thinking it over. "I do," I said finally. "I understand why you acted the way you did, even if it hurt. You've been hurt before, and it's hard to trust again after that."
The tension in the room lessened, and Lando let out a sigh of relief. Then he stepped closer, his hand gently lifting my chin. "Thank you," he murmured.
I could feel my heart rate increasing as his face moved closer to mine. His gaze was intense, filled with a mix of love and relief. Finally, he broke the remaining distance between us, his lips gently touching mine in a soft, lingering kiss.
The moment our lips met, it was like a spark ignited inside me. I felt a rush of emotions, a mix of relief, joy, and a deep affection for the man in front of me. I kissed him back, pouring all of my feelings into it, wanting him to truly understand how much I cared for him.
The kiss lasted for what felt like a sweet eternity, our lips moving against each other in a tender dance that expressed all the sentiments we both felt. When we finally pulled back, we were both breathless, our foreheads touching as we shared a look that was filled with newfound understanding and love.
After our heartfelt confession and that beautiful kiss, Lando looked at me, a small smirk on his face. "You know, we make quite a pair," he joked, his thumb brushing against my cheek. "A fan and a driver... pretty unconventional, huh?"
I laughed, swatting his hand away gently. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Just wait until the news gets out. The tabloids will have a field day."
Lando chuckled, pulling me closer to his side. "Let them talk. As long as we're happy, does it really matter what they think?"
I smiled, leaning against him, feeling the warm, solid presence of his body next to mine. "Maybe you're right," I conceded, resting my head on his shoulder. "Besides, I think I kind of like being unconventional."
Lando wrapped his arm around my waist, his chin resting on top of my head. "Good, because I'm not sure traditional would suit us anyway," he teased, nuzzling my hair affectionately.
We stood there for a moment, enjoying each other's embrace, the world outside the room seeming a little less important in this small, private moment of ours.
Just as we were basking in our shared happiness, the door suddenly burst open, startling us both. Max stood in the doorway, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Well, well, well, look who finally figured things out," he teased, his tone light and playful.
Lando groaned, rolling his eyes before grabbing one of the pillows on the couch and throwing it at Max. "You couldn't knock, could you?"
Max dodged the pillow with a laugh, holding his hands up in surrender as he backed out of the room. "Okay, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," he said, his voice filled with amusement.
Lando and I exchanged a look, both of us shaking our heads at Max's antics. We had a feeling he would be teasing us about this for a while.
After Max exited, closing the door behind him, Lando and I were left alone once more. We both started laughing at the absurdity of the situation, shaking our heads at the antics of Max.
As our laughter subsided, Lando looked at me, his expression soft and affectionate. "I'm still glad he walked in and forced us both to admit our feelings tho," he said, pulling me closer.
I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. "Me too. Max has always been a bit of a nudge, but he means well."
Lando wrapped his arms tighter around me, his chin resting on top of my head. "He's also going to be a huge pain in our asses, you know that, right?" he said, his voice amused.
I chuckled, leaning back into his embrace. "Oh, I'm fully aware," I agreed, a hint of resignation mixed with amusement in my tone. "We'll never hear the end of it from him."
Despite the inevitable banter we'd be subjected to in the coming days from Max and undoubtedly others, we both knew that it was worth it. Being able to hold each other like this, the weight of unspoken feelings lifted, made everything else seem secondary.
We stayed there, enjoying the quiet comfort of each other's company, both knowing that our unconventional love story was just beginning.
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yourusername posted on Instagram!
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Liked by landonorris and others
yourusername Crazy to think that it all started because of my clumsy self ☕️
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landonorris: Never been happier with someone spilling coffee on my shirt! Love you gorgeous ❤️ by author
yourfrienduser: So this is what you've been up to huh 🤔
bffuser: Slay girl my bestie is a wag y'all
yourusername: girl chill 🤣
yourfrienduser2: Alright girlie I see you, I would ditch uni for that reason too 🫡
ln4youlover: Is this the girl he was seen with last time?
carlando554x4ever: Yeah that's her it was confirmed by Lando on his insta
formulaonemaniac4: They're so cute together!
lalalando4youx: She was his fan first y'all, do you know what that means?
landosbrokennose4: It means I have a chance with Lewis Hamilton
forformula81: Yeah no chill all of you 😳
landonorris posted on Instagram!
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Liked by yourusername, maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris There's nothing better then geting P1 in my home race, with the best support I could ask for!
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yourusername: So so so proud of you Lan ❤️ by author
maxfewtrell: Still haven't got my credit for helping
landonorris: oh shush mate 🙄
calossainz55: Well done cabrón!
landonorris: Thanks mate!
danielricciardo: Yeah we have much to talk about mate
landonorris: 👀
81osclvr: Brb going to sleep on the highway today 🙃
lnqdformulaone: They're honestly the cutest thing ever
love4ln4shoes: The fact that she was his fan made me more delulu 🤭
forwarverstappen1: This isn't some kind of fanfiction girl 💀
love4ln4shoes: Let a girl dream damn 🫤
The end
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slut4nicholas · 16 hours
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oh father, i have sinned pt 1
a/n: i haven't started the show yet, so I'm not familiar with his character in this show. please forgive my cluelessness during this fic.
summary: the reader goes to the church to confess to the priest that she recently sinned. however, the father decides to have some fun of his own.
warnings: mention of religion, 18+, missionary, loss of virginity, oral(fem & m receiving) fingering, nipple play, praise kink, pet names like doll,sweetheart,baby, mentions of anal, spanking, degrading, corruption kink, almost caught
growing up in a religious household, i have developed a deep appreciation for my catholic roots. whenever I feel overwhelmed by sadness, anger, or depression, I find solace in the church.
today i couldn't help but feel a tremendous amount of guilt. i found myself hanging out with a boy, and things got a bit physical. even though we didn't go too far, i couldn't help but feel ashamed. i had promised to wait until marriage, but these uncontrollable desires keep creeping up. i've decided to go to the church to talk to the father about my recent activities and confess my sins.
as i made my way to the church, i felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. i'm meeting with father charlie, a young and attractive man who’s also the priest at the church, which is not something you typically expect in the church. i haven't had a chance to speak with him one-on-one yet, so im feeling a bit apprehensive about what our conversation will entail.
i open the big doors to the church to see it completely empty just to find charlie sitting down on one the church benches.
“hello there” he calls out.
"father, there's something weighing heavily on my heart that I need to share with you," i said as I hurried to sit next to him.
i can feel that irritating uneasy sensation in my stomach. I didn't even give him a proper greeting. the guilt was so overwhelming that it made me stumble over my words.
"what is it y/n?" he turns all of his attention towards me, his big brown eyes digging into mine, as if anticipating something significant.
“i don’t know who to talk to, i can’t talk to my parents about this especially my own father. i’ve been feeling really guil-“
he interrupted me with a gentle smile and placed his hand on my shoulder, assuring me that everything would be okay and letting me know that he was a safe person to talk to.
“father, i need to confess something. i kissed a boy, and he kissed me back. he started to touch me, but i stopped him. i made a promise to the lord, and i feel terrible for breaking it”
as the tears welled up in my eyes, i instinctively dropped my face into my hands, seeking refuge from the overwhelming emotions.
"hey, it's going to be okay," charlie said in a gentle, caring tone as he stroked my hair, trying to comfort me.
“now tell me, did you guys fuck?”
as those words reached my ears, i couldn't help but look up at him, shaking my head as the tears continued to fall.
oh no, i hope he's not going to make me feel even worse.
“no father i swear-“
"shh, no swearing in the church," he said, raising his finger to his lips with a smirk. the irony wasn't lost on him, considering he had just dropped the f-bomb.
it was so quiet for a whole minute, and I started feeling really awkward. i had come all this way hoping for some advice or comfort, but it seemed like he just didn't care.
as I stood up, charlie grabbed my arm, forcing me to sit back down. “i didn't say you could leave. where do you think you're going?”
he replied coldly, smirking, “always so forgiving. it's kind of pathetic”
i stared at him, utterly perplexed, not really sure what he was talking about.
“father, isn't forgiveness what the church is all about?”
“sometimes, but in this case, i really want you to show me how sorry you are. otherwise, you're just going to keep committing the same sin over and over again. you don't want that, right? you don't want your parents to find out how desperate their innocent little girl has become, do you?"
i couldn't believe what i was hearing from charlie. i never expected him to act this way, let alone say things like this. i was at a loss for words and didn't know how to react. all i could do was nod in agreement. the last thing i wanted was for my parents to find out.
“father, i think i should go”
"why are you suddenly so shy, doll?" his hand on my chin made me tilt my head to stare at him.
"you don't think i notice how you look at me during mass when I'm speaking on the stand? you've become so needy that you sometimes cross your legs to stop yourself from feeling those emotions you want to avoid so badly," he says while caressing my cheek, gently rubbing his thumb on my bottom lip.
"i know you think of me taking you to the point where you can't even think straight, cum dripping out of you while i use you for my pleasure. you don't think i notice that? the way you avoid eye contact with me”
“i don’t know what your talking about father”
charlie’s hand rested lightly on my thigh, sending a spark of electricity coursing through my body. as his fingers inched toward the top of my skirt, pushing the fabric up just a little, my breath caught in my throat. each slow movement seemed to stretch time, heightening my senses and igniting a thrilling tension i couldn't ignore.
it felt deceptively wrong—the kind of reckless abandon that sent a shiver down my spine—but the anticipation was intoxicating, and I craved more. my mind raced, caught between instinct and hesitation, as the warmth of his touch settled into a deep hunger, one i found increasingly impossible to resist.
i glanced up, searching his eyes for a sign, a cue that this was more than just a fleeting moment. we held a playful challenge, a promise of the passion we both knew was simmering beneath the surface. my heart raced with excitement and fear, the boundaries of right and wrong blurring into a sweet confusion. with every breath, i felt the world around us fade away, lost to the undeniable chemistry pulsing in the air. i didn’t want to stop it; I wanted to let go completely and dive headfirst into whatever was coming next.
“do you want this as much as I want this?" charlie's voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, causing my heart to race in an unholy rhythm. i felt his gaze resettle upon me, a weight both thrilling and terrifying. my mind was a jumble, each beat vying for clarity as i struggled to focus on anything but him.
his eyes—the deep pools of mischief and longing—held me captive, swaying me like a fragile leaf in a rising storm. the blueprint of his desires flickered behind those intense brown eyes, and my cheeks burned with a shameful blush. I could hear the hymns of the service fade into background noise, a distant echo that paled against the ferocity of this moment.
what was wrong with me? i shouldn’t be feeling this way, not here—certainly not in a house of worship. my skirt brushed against my legs, reminding me of the innocence i used to wear like armor, now discarded in the face of this ravenous yearning. charlie wanted me. craved me. it was a dangerous temptation that had taken root within me, whispering sweet nothings that urged me to give in.
the candlelit corners of the church bathed in shadows, the lure was overwhelming. each passing week at mass had been an exercise in restraint, a careful balancing act over a precipice of emotion. seeing him near the altar in his crisp shirt—as though god himself had stitched him together purely for me—seemed more sublimely wrong every time.
as his eyes swept over me, i wondered if he could sense the tension glittering between us, thick and electrifying like charged air before a storm. j licked my lips, torn between the sanctity of the aisle and the allure of his promise. "I need you, doll. I can't deny it anymore," he murmured like a sin freshly minted from temptation's forge.
i felt a tumultuous wave of conflicting emotions surging within me. the whispered prayers seemed empty as an overwhelming desire ignited like an uncontrollable inferno. "father” i gasped, but the air escaped me, filled with forbidden possibilities. despite everything, all i could focus on were his lips drawing nearer to mine, as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the intense magnetism between us.
in that sacred moment, beneath the flickering lights, surrounded by silence begging to be heard, we hovered on the brink of something vast and insatiable. would we give in? would grace curdle into passion? ignoring the whisper of consequence felt like my true struggle—should we tiptoe across this brittle line, or confess that hunger has only one unyielding answer? together.
as I processed what was happening, a surge of warmth enveloped me, and i found myself surrendering to the moment. his lips danced across the sensitive skin of my neck, light as a whisper but charging the air with electricity. a small moan escaped my lips, betraying the whirlwind of emotions stirring within me. i could feel his smirk, a secret shared just between us, brushing against my skin, simultaneously teasing and thrilling.
his hand roamed over my thigh, a firm yet gentle grip that sent a shiver cascading through my body. "that's it, such a good girl for me," he purred, his voice a low whisper that thrummed like a melody in my ears, both lustful and tender. each word dripped with a promise, igniting the fire kindling deep within me, blurring the boundaries between desire and surrender.
lost in this intoxicating closeness, i reveled in the sensations; the world beyond shifted and faded, leaving only his teasing caresses and the seductive intimacy that enveloped us—a balance of power and vulnerability, inviting me to cross the threshold into unknown territory.
"father, i really don’t think we should be doing this here. It just doesn’t feel right. what if we get caught?" i watched as charlie sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration, clearly torn between desire and caution.
"you’re right," he replied, his voice low and raspy, "but it’s late, and I don’t think anyone’s going to wander into the church at this hour. just relax, sweetheart."
i hesitated for a moment, then nodded, the thrill of the forbidden sending a shiver down my spine. i reached out, intertwining my fingers with his, bringing his hand to my lips and sucking gently on his long fingers. his eyes locked onto mine, filled with a primal hunger that made my heart race. i could see it in his expression—the desperate need to claim me, to tear away any barrier between us.
the air was thick with anticipation, and i could almost feel the weight of his longing as he shifted closer, his breath coming in quick, shallow bursts. the dim light from the stained glass windows cast a soft glow around us, amplifying the intensity of the moment. i could sense the tension building, a thrilling mix of danger and desire, as he leaned in, caught in the magnetic pull that seemed to draw us together like moths to a flame.
we were on the edge of something wild and reckless, and in that sacred space, everything felt possible.
charlie withdrew his fingers, his intention clear as he replaced them with his warm, teasing tongue. it slipped into my mouth, exploring with a fervor that sent electric shivers through my entire body. he held my neck gently yet possessively, urging me closer, deeper, igniting a fire that burned between us.
i kissed him back with equal intensity, a thrilling battle for dominance that left us both breathless. the taste of him was intoxicating, a heady mixture of desire and urgency that made my heart race. every flick of his tongue ignited a wave of pleasure, pooling low in my belly and making it almost impossible to think straight.
the heat of the moment consumed me; i could feel my body responding instinctively to his every move. the sweet tension built inside me, and i knew i needed him—needed to feel him against me, to drown in that wild connection we shared. my panties were already soaked, a testament to the overwhelming desire coursing through my veins.
charlie pushes my panties to the side allowing his already wet fingers from my saliva to dance around my clothed heat growling like a predator hungry for its prey “let me show you how a real man is supposed to make you feel darling, those little boys wouldn’t know how to handle something so precious like you. i can make you feel so good you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days”
as he pumps his fingers in out of me the sweet sounds filling up the quiet church was enough for the both of us to go crazy “more father please” he smirked at my neediness removing his fingers out of me putting them up to mouth to signaling me to suck the sweet juices off of his fingers then going back in for a quick rub of my clit
charlie stood up getting ready to unbuckle his pants but before he could even do that a voice filled up the quiet room which caused me to jump and act quick closing my legs and hiding my exposed area “father charlie i’ve been looking everywhere for you” an older lady shouts from across the room as she appears to be in desperate need of his help
he sighed and i took that as my sign to leave before we both do something we might regret later, charlie keeps his gaze on me the entire time “hi, ill be with you in a moment” he spoke up the lady stops in her tracks wondering what a young woman was doing here at almost midnight with the priest of the church she was curious but nothing crossed her mind as she was desperate to talk to the priest
charlie followed me out of the church closing the door behind us “this isn’t over sweetheart” he placed a kiss on my forehead as he walked back into the church.
a/n: omggg i hope you guys like this!! i’ve spent almost a day and a half working on this just for you all especially the person who requested this, i will be making this into a little series since it was getting pretty long! anyways i really hope you guys enjoyed this, remember feel free to request anything!
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its-avalon-08 · 3 days
Hai its-avalon-08,
I had an idea for a Logan Sergeant fic.
Can you do a Logan Sergeant x fem reader story; where Logan is invited to play a videogame with some of the rest of the grit. But he just started playing the game, and the rest of the group has played the game for some time and have really high level characters. So Logan feels a bit useless. So in the summer break he gets to know reader, maybe she see him struggling with is in a cafe or something. Not knowing she is really good at that game. And she helps him to level him up. And after the summer break the group play again and find out about Logans improvement. So Logan invites reader and they can believe how Logan gets help from a famous gamer.
If you can make it all platonic or Logan and reader getting a relationship is up to you.
And for the group members of the other drivers is up to you too.
level up (ls2)
✦ pairing - logan sargeant x female!reader
✦ genre - self doubt, fluff, logan being cute
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The sun shone bright over the summer streets, bathing everything in a warm golden hue as Logan Sargeant sat hunched in a small corner of a cozy café. His eyes were glued to his phone, fingers tapping furiously at the screen. He wasn’t scrolling through social media or checking emails — no, Logan was fighting a battle. A virtual one. And one he was miserably losing.
A frustrated sigh escaped his lips, and he leaned back in his chair, letting his phone fall on the table in defeat. He didn’t know why he had agreed to play Legends Unleashed, the new game that had taken the Formula 1 grid by storm. It was a role-playing game where the drivers were tasked with taking on mythical quests, battling monsters, and leveling up their characters. The only problem was, Logan had just started playing. The rest of the grid, seasoned veterans by now, had characters with insane stats, fancy armor, and rare weapons. Meanwhile, Logan’s character — a low-level knight with a rusty sword — was stuck losing to even the weakest enemies.
He could still hear the teasing from the last game night echoing in his head.
“Logan, mate, that was rough,” Charles Leclerc had laughed, his voice crackling through the headset.
“Did you even hit the boss once?” Lando Norris had chimed in.
It wasn’t malicious. Logan knew that. It was all in good fun, but it stung nonetheless. He wasn’t used to feeling so out of his depth — not on the track and certainly not in a video game. But this game had turned out to be a much bigger challenge than expected. And now, with the summer break in full swing, Logan found himself with no races to distract him from his embarrassing performance.
As he took a sip of his coffee, he glanced around the café, hoping to clear his mind. His gaze flickered over the familiar faces of regulars and tourists enjoying their day, but it eventually settled on a girl sitting a few tables away. She had her laptop open and was intently focused, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she clicked and typed with ease. Something about her caught his attention — maybe it was the determination in her expression or the way she seemed completely engrossed in whatever she was doing.
Logan frowned, noticing the game she had minimized on her screen before returning to her work. His eyes widened slightly. Was that… Legends Unleashed?
He shook his head. It was probably just a coincidence. Tons of people were playing that game now. It didn’t mean she was some kind of expert. But then again, she didn’t have the look of someone who was just casually playing. Her focus was too intense, her movements too precise. Could she be good at it?
Before he could stop himself, Logan’s curiosity got the better of him. He stood up, gathering his things, and made his way over to her table. Clearing his throat, he caught her attention.
“Hey, sorry to bother you,” he began, a little unsure. “I couldn’t help but notice… are you playing Legends Unleashed?”
Y/N looked up from her laptop, a small smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, I am. You play?”
Logan scratched the back of his neck, feeling sheepish. “Uh, I’ve tried. Let’s just say I’m not exactly good at it.”
Her eyebrows raised slightly. “Not good? It’s a tricky game, I get that. How long have you been playing?”
“A couple of weeks,” Logan admitted with a rueful smile. “But it’s hard to keep up. My friends are way ahead of me.”
Y/N tilted her head, intrigued. “Well, it sounds like you’ve been thrown into the deep end. But don’t worry. With some help, you can get there.”
Logan chuckled. “I think I need a lot more than some help. The last time I played, I was more of a liability than anything else.”
Y/N leaned back in her chair, tapping her fingers thoughtfully. “Tell you what — if you’re serious about getting better, I can help you. I’ve been playing for a while.”
Logan’s eyes lit up, his surprise evident. “Really? You’d help me?”
She nodded. “Sure. Everyone starts somewhere, and it’s more fun when you can hold your own. Plus, I kind of enjoy teaching people.”
Logan couldn’t believe his luck. Maybe this summer break wouldn’t be so bad after all.
As Y/N closed her laptop and got up, offering him a knowing smile, Logan felt a strange sense of relief. Little did he know, this café encounter would be the start of his comeback — and that Y/N was far more than just a casual gamer.
But for now, all Logan could focus on was the unexpected offer of help, completely unaware of the storm he and Y/N would stir up when the rest of the grid found out.
The summer break had just begun, and Logan Sargeant was about to level up — in more ways than one.
time skip
The sun had long set, casting the city in a soft, peaceful glow. Logan lay sprawled out on his couch, his laptop balanced on his knees and his headset firmly in place. The flickering lights from his game illuminated the dark room as the familiar sounds of Legends Unleashed filled the air.
“Okay, Logan, you need to time the dodge right after the first attack,” Y/N’s voice instructed through the headset, her tone both patient and teasing. “You’re still getting hit because you’re hesitating.”
Logan rolled his eyes, his character taking yet another hit. “I swear I’m dodging, Y/N! This boss is just ridiculous.”
On the other end of the call, Y/N’s laughter rang out, soft and infectious. “You’re dodging too late. Watch the movement of the arm, not the weapon.”
They’d been doing this for weeks now—spending hours gaming together, their late-night calls becoming routine. What started as simple game tutorials had turned into something much more. There were moments when they’d be in the middle of a game, only for Logan to get distracted by her voice or the way she’d make light of his constant failures. He often found himself zoning out, just watching her on the tiny screen where they video chatted while playing.
Like right now.
Y/N’s voice became background noise as Logan’s eyes drifted to her face, illuminated by the glow of her laptop screen. She was sitting in what appeared to be her room, comfortably propped up against pillows, her hair loosely tied back. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her explain the intricacies of the boss battle. She was so animated, so passionate. The way her eyes lit up when she spoke about strategies and the small laugh she had whenever he missed something obvious was quickly becoming one of his favorite things.
“Logan? Logan!” Y/N’s voice broke through his daze, and Logan blinked, snapping back to the game.
“Huh? Yeah, sorry,” he muttered, feeling his face heat up slightly as he realized he had completely zoned out.
Y/N chuckled, clearly amused. “Were you even listening to me?”
“Uh, yeah… definitely,” Logan lied, hoping she didn’t notice. But the knowing smirk on her face told him otherwise.
“You were staring at the screen again, weren’t you?” she teased, leaning closer to her camera. “I swear, you zone out so much I’m starting to think you enjoy losing.”
Logan laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe I’m just strategizing, ever think of that?”
“Strategizing by staring at my face? Interesting approach,” she quipped, her smile widening.
Logan’s heart skipped a beat at her playful tone. They’d developed this rhythm — this back-and-forth banter that felt effortless. It was something he hadn’t realized he’d been missing until now. It was like he’d found a new kind of comfort, one that wasn’t just about learning the game. Y/N had quickly become someone he looked forward to spending time with. Their conversations had gone from strictly game-related to late-night talks about life, racing, and random things that made them laugh.
"Okay, okay, maybe I was zoning out," Logan admitted with a grin. "But you make it hard to concentrate sometimes. You get so into it."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh? Is that a compliment or an excuse for why you're still losing to a level 30 boss?"
Logan chuckled, his cheeks reddening a bit. "Probably both."
There was a moment of silence between them as they both focused on the game again. But Logan couldn't shake the growing realization that his feelings toward Y/N were changing. The more time they spent together, the more he found himself drawn to her in ways that surprised him. She was funny, smart, and effortlessly cool in a way that made him feel completely at ease.
He didn’t just look forward to the gaming anymore. He looked forward to her — to the way they’d laugh until the early hours of the morning, or how she’d tell him stories about random things that happened during her day, or how she'd make even the most mundane game tasks feel like an adventure.
"Alright, we’ve been at this for a while," Y/N finally said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I think you’ve earned a break from getting your butt kicked."
Logan sighed in mock relief. "Thank God. I was starting to think I’d never get past this boss."
"You will," Y/N assured him with a soft smile. "You’re getting better, you know. Much better."
Logan’s eyes flickered to her again. Her tone was so genuine, and the way she smiled made something in his chest tighten. He knew she meant it, and for some reason, her words felt like more than just praise for his in-game performance.
"Thanks," Logan said quietly, his gaze lingering on her. "You’ve been a great teacher."
Y/N shrugged, brushing off the compliment like it was nothing, but there was a hint of pride in her expression. "Well, you’re a pretty good student."
They both fell silent again, but this time it wasn’t awkward. It was the kind of silence that felt comfortable, almost intimate, as if they’d said everything they needed to without words.
"Same time tomorrow?" Y/N asked, breaking the moment, her tone casual.
Logan smiled, his heart racing a little at the thought of another night like this. "Yeah. Same time tomorrow."
As they both logged off for the night, Logan lay back on his couch, staring at the ceiling. He should’ve been focused on his upcoming race or how much he still needed to improve in the game. But all he could think about was Y/N — and the way she made everything feel a little bit better, a little more exciting.
And as much as he loved the game, it was those late-night calls, those small moments of goofing around with her, that had him looking forward to tomorrow the most.
Logan was leveling up, sure. But it wasn’t just in the game anymore.
time skip
The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon as Logan anxiously glanced at his phone. The night had finally arrived — a game night with the rest of the grid. But this time, there was something different. This time, he had a secret weapon.
"Everything okay?" Y/N’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. She stood beside him in his living room, looking far too calm for what Logan was feeling.
"Yeah, yeah," Logan mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I’m just… nervous."
Y/N tilted her head, amused. "Nervous about what? You’ve been doing great lately."
"Not about the game," Logan clarified, shaking his head. "It’s just… I invited the rest of the grid over, and I didn’t tell them about you. You know, that you’ve been helping me." He paused, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I kinda want to surprise them."
Y/N chuckled. "You mean, you want to wipe the floor with them."
Logan grinned. "Maybe."
There was a knock at the door, and Logan’s nerves kicked into high gear. "They’re here."
He opened the door to find Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, and George Russell standing outside, each carrying a different bag of snacks and drinks.
"Look who decided to finally host!" Lando announced, patting Logan on the back as they walked inside. "What’s the occasion? Felt bad for getting wrecked last time?"
Logan rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind them. "Something like that."
The guys walked into the living room, exchanging pleasantries with Y/N, not knowing just how involved she was in what was about to go down.
"So, Logan," Charles began, already sinking into the couch. "You ready to lose again, or did you actually practice this time?"
Logan shot him a confident look. "You’ll see."
"Well, I’m excited to see this ‘progress’ you keep talking about," George teased. "Last time, I thought I was watching a training video on how not to play."
"Ha ha, very funny," Logan replied, rolling his eyes. "Just wait."
As they all gathered around, setting up the gaming consoles, Logan couldn’t help but notice how cool Y/N was acting. If she was nervous, she didn’t show it. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the pre-game banter, sitting cross-legged on the couch and watching the guys with an amused smirk.
"Alright, let’s do this," Lando said, rubbing his hands together. "Logan, you’re gonna need a miracle to get through this one."
Logan exchanged a look with Y/N, who gave him a subtle wink before they all logged into Legends Unleashed.
The game kicked off, and almost immediately, the rest of the grid noticed something was different. Logan wasn’t the weak link anymore. In fact, he was holding his own — dodging attacks, landing perfect hits, and strategizing like a seasoned pro.
"Wait a minute," George said, his voice full of disbelief. "How the hell are you doing that, Logan?"
"Yeah," Charles added, his tone equally shocked. "Since when do you know how to time your moves like that?"
Logan grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Oh, you know… just practiced a bit."
"Practiced a bit?" Lando exclaimed, eyes wide as Logan’s character took out a particularly tough boss in record time. "Dude, did you hire a coach or something?"
Logan glanced at Y/N, who was quietly sitting to the side, clearly enjoying the confusion. He could’ve revealed her identity right then and there, but where was the fun in that?
As the game continued, Logan kept surprising everyone, his movements smoother, his decisions sharper. The guys were losing it.
"Okay, this is insane," George said, throwing his hands up. "You’ve leveled up like, a hundred times since the last game night!"
"I’m telling you, Logan’s been holding out on us," Charles muttered, leaning forward in concentration. "This isn’t the same guy we played with a month ago."
Just as the final round was about to start, Logan turned to Y/N. "Hey, you want to take over for a bit?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a small smile on her lips. "Are you sure? I don’t want to embarrass anyone."
"Please," Logan said, smirking. "I think they deserve it."
She shrugged and took the controller, her hands moving with the kind of ease that could only come from experience. Within seconds, she was effortlessly leading the charge, her character cutting through enemies with precision.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Lando nearly shouted, sitting up straight. "Who’s playing now?"
Y/N grinned but stayed focused on the screen. "That’d be me."
The room went dead silent as the rest of the grid watched in stunned disbelief. Y/N’s gameplay was flawless, and it wasn’t long before they started putting the pieces together.
"Wait a second," Charles said slowly, his eyes narrowing. "You’re… you’re not Y/N from GameChix are you?"
Logan looked at Y/N in confusion. "GameChix? What’s that?"
Y/N let out a soft laugh, pausing the game to face him. "It’s… well, it’s a gaming channel I’m part of. A pretty popular one, actually."
"Pretty popular?" George repeated, looking like he’d seen a ghost. "You’re literally one of the top-ranked Legends Unleashed players in the world!"
Logan blinked, completely dumbfounded. "Wait. You’re famous?"
Y/N smiled sheepishly. "I guess you could say that."
Lando’s jaw dropped. "Mate, how did you not know? Y/N’s a legend in the gaming world! She’s like… a god at this game."
Logan felt his cheeks flush as the rest of the grid erupted into fanboying.
"I can’t believe we’re sitting here with the Y/N!" Charles gushed. "I’ve watched your streams for years!"
"This is unreal," George added. "I’ve been trying to beat your dungeon records for months!"
Logan could only watch as his friends lost their minds over Y/N, who took it all in stride, looking a little embarrassed but also clearly used to this kind of attention.
"You’ve been playing with a pro this whole time?" Lando asked Logan, incredulously. "Dude, no wonder you’ve gotten so good."
"Uh, yeah," Logan replied, still processing the fact that Y/N was way more famous than he’d realized. "But honestly, I didn’t even know."
"Well, now you do," Y/N teased, nudging him lightly. "Guess I’m more than just your tutor."
The room buzzed with excitement as the guys peppered Y/N with questions, asking about her strategies, her favorite in-game moments, and how she got into professional gaming. Logan watched her, half in awe, half amused at how cool she remained, even with the grid completely fanboying over her.
As the night wore on, the excitement eventually died down, and the others headed out, still in disbelief over the surprise twist of the evening.
Logan walked Y/N to the door, still shaking his head at everything that had happened. "I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were a famous gamer this whole time."
Y/N laughed softly, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him. "Well, I figured it didn’t matter. You weren’t exactly hiring me for my fame."
Logan chuckled, his heart racing a little as he met her gaze. "No, I guess not. But… thanks. For everything. You’ve made this whole thing way more fun than I expected."
Y/N smiled, and for a moment, the playful teasing between them faded. The atmosphere shifted, a quiet tension filling the space between them. Logan wasn’t sure when it had happened, but somewhere between all the late-night gaming sessions and their growing friendship, he’d started feeling something more. Something that made his pulse quicken whenever she was near.
Before he could think too much about it, Logan leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a soft, hesitant kiss. Y/N responded immediately, her hand gently resting on his arm as she kissed him back, the moment both tender and electrifying.
When they pulled away, both of them were smiling, breathless and a little stunned by what had just happened.
"Well," Y/N said softly, her voice teasing again, "that’s one way to end game night."
Logan grinned, his heart still pounding in his chest. "Best game night ever."
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inmyheaddd · 2 days
just feeling my way back to you - grayson hawthorne x reader
a/n: this was supposed to be a flashback in a grayson series i’m working on but idk if im ever gonna post it 💔 summary: having what was supposed to be a relaxing picnic by the river, took a very unexpected turn when it started raining. heavily. warnings: rain kiss rain kiss rain kiss!! nothing really tho wc: 1.6k masterlist
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you and grayson sat by a creek-river hybrid, the sun painting a golden hue over everything as the water beneath you seemed to glitter. 
there wasn’t much noise, apart from the rustling of leaves, the sound of the water, and of course, you and grayson’s non stop quiet chatter and laughter.
the air sent a breeze down your spine, but it did nothing to bother you. you don’t think anything could ever ruin this moment with you and grayson, with your head on his shoulder as you brought your knees to your chest.
well, one thing nearly came close. 
you felt a drop of water on your nose, making you sit up fully as you let out a small gasp. 
“oh my god, is it raining?” you reached your hand to wipe the droplet off your nose, only for more to start dropping on your face, faster, too.
you didn’t see the way grayson’s face turned into a slight frown when you lifted your head off his shoulder, you were too preoccupied with looking at the clouds as more rain started falling down, almost in awe.
grayson then found himself smiling as he watched you look up to the sky and laugh, a sound he’d replay over and over on a record player in his mind. 
his gaze stayed on your face as you tilted your head back down and looked at him, a grin spreading across your face. 
“i have an idea,” you said in a sing-song voice. 
“no.” he deadpanned. 
“i didn’t even tell you!” 
grayson raised his eyebrows at you, a hint of laughter in his voice. “your ideas in situations like these are never good.” 
your jaw fell open in mock offense. “never good? well that’s just a lie.”
his lips threatened to turn up. you would’ve barely noticed if it was anyone else, but you noticed everything about grayson. 
“i apologize, never sensible.” he corrected himself.
it was already raining harder now, but you paid it no mind. looking into grayson’s eyes felt the same as looking up at the stormy skies. 
“and when was the last time you had fun doing something sensible?” you retorted, and now grayson’s barely there smile fully cracked. 
it made way for a chuckle as he looked away from you, a light shake of his head before he ran a hand through his hair. 
you knew you’d gotten him with that one, muttering a small, “exactly.” as you turned yourself around, looking through the bag you’d brought with you. 
after flicking through extra clothes, snacks, your phones, and a speaker, you found the item you were looking for. 
“hey, grayson, this is waterproof, right?” you called out to him as you pulled his camera out of its cover. 
obviously grayson hawthorne’s far-too-expensive camera was waterproof, who were you kidding?
he hummed lowly, more in confusion as to answering your question. 
leaning forward with your legs crossed, you you set up the camera against a tree stump beside you, pressing the record button as grayson watched you — still slightly befuddled.
“hey guys, it’s raining!” you spoke into the camera, adjusting it so you and grayson were in frame with the scene behind you.
“—i’m with grayson hawthorne right now, on a sunday, 6:32 pm, and it’s raining!” you reiterated yourself with a laugh, setting the frame for whatever version of yourself would be looking back at this video in the future. you with grayson, you’d silently hoped.
as you talked, grayson looked at you like you were so much more than you actually were, with so much love in his eyes. it stilled you for a moment as you saw it in the camera. 
your attention was no longer on the camera as you sat upright again, looking at grayson with an ever present smile on your face. 
“what?” you laughed quietly.
in all of his hawthorne manner, he answered your question with one of his own. “what are you doing?” he said, his voice low, almost drowned out with the patter of the rain and sounds around you. 
and in all of your “i love annoying grayson” manner, you didn’t answer his question. you simply grabbed the camera and stood up, and his gaze followed you the whole time.
you jogged towards the river, the rain soaking through your clothes as you went, and set the camera up again on a large rock. grayson’s eyes widened slightly as he watched you.
"what are you doing?" he projected his voice over the rain, punctuating each word as he grew concerned. 
you shot him a quick look over your shoulder, your smile growing even wider. "making real memories!” you exclaimed.
before he could protest, you made sure everything was in frame on the camera, then took a few steps back, your bare feet sliding a little on the wet grass.
"you’re not serious," grayson stated as he followed after you, but there was a tiny hint of humour in his tone now.
"oh, i’m so serious!" you shouted back, already running toward the water.
"sweetheart, wait—" grayson reached out as if to stop you, but it was too late.
you launched yourself off the bank and into the river with a squeal, the cold water hitting you like a shock to the system. it wasn’t that deep— coming up to just below your chest. 
grayson stood frozen for a second, shaking his head as he watched you pop up, gasping and laughing, water streaming down your face as you smoothed your hair back.
"come in!" you called, laughing breathlessly, lifting your arms to show him how much fun you were having. "you know you want to!" you added, giggling to no end.
he hesitated, eyes flicking to the camera that was still recording. "i have absolutely no desire to go in. i truly worry for your sanity sometimes.” 
"my sanity may be questionable, but at least i’m having fun!" you countered, the water swirling around your legs as the rain kept falling. "this is all on camera, gray. if you don’t come in, you’ll be known forever as the grumpy blonde who stood on the sidelines, while i had the time of my life." 
grayson davenport hawthorne would forever be known as a lot of things— and you knew you were going to keep this video as a keepsake for just you two. precious, untarnished with the effects from anyone else. just yours.
maybe not everyone would know the real him— which in fact wasn’t the grumpy blonde like you had joked — but you did. and you were endlessly thankful for that.
grayson let out a deep, exasperated sigh, running a hand through his wet hair before speaking. “you’re going to be the death of me, sweetheart.” 
"so are you getting in or not?" you teased, splashing water in his direction.
grayson looked at you for a second longer, hesitant, before pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest that had you grinning. 
this was always how it went with you two, but you liked — no, you loved it.
it was second nature for you two; you doing something he found reckless, and him following after you anyway. you completed eachother. 
he kicked off his shoes, then without another word, ran towards the water and landed with a massive splash.
you let out a huge squeal, shielding yourself from the wave and laughing uncontrollably as grayson surfaced, shaking the water from his hair.
you threw your head back laughing as grayson approached you. “i can’t believe you got in!” 
he let out a chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair, “you could get me to do just about anything on this planet.” he said softly, his hands finding your waist as the rain continued to pour around you.
you felt your heart skip a beat, but you didn’t let it show. you smiled up at him, the sound of the rain pattering against the water filling your senses. “just about?” you teased.
“anything.” he corrected himself, pulling you even closer against the water. 
"oh, that’s a dangerous amount of power to give someone, isn’t it?” you joked, putting your arms around grayson’s neck. “especially for a hawthorne like you." 
"oh, undoubtedly.” he teased you right back with a barely there smile, as one of his hands trailed up to caress your face. 
“even more so when it’s you." his voice was all low and smooth, it nearly turned you into putty in his arms.
"you’re lucky i don’t plan on abusing it," you said quietly, trying to keep things light, but you felt your heart hammering against your chest as his face drew nearer to yours. this would never get old.
he let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head. "you already have, sweetheart." 
he said those words before finally pressing his lips to yours, and the kiss was perfect. it was everything and more that you could’ve ever hoped for, it was the rain kiss of your dreams. 
and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, grayson’s hands travelled down to your thighs, signaling for you to wrap your legs around his torso. 
and that you did. 
you fought breaking into a smile as your hands weaved through his wet hair, and as you felt his hands on your body. 
it was nothing you hadn’t felt before, but it still gave you fireworks every damn time. 
as you pulled back back, both breathless and panting against eachother, you asked him a question. 
“you think that cameras still recording?” you murmured into the tiny space between you. 
“it can record for up to 48 hours before its battery begins to drain, its—”
you cut him off with a quiet laugh, “gray, a simple yes or no would’ve sufficed.”
he smiled, nodding and somehow putting his lips even closer without kissing you, “yes, then.” he breathed out— but you had a feeling he wasn’t really talking about the camera anymore as he pulled you in for another total mind-numbing, record breaking kiss. 
you didn’t need that camera to know that this moment would never be forgotten between the two of you.
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taglist: @charsoamerican @ariabedumb @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary
@littlemissmentallyunstable @whatsamongus @anintellectualintellectual @bewitchingkisses @maybxlle
@sheisntyou @midiosaamor @emelia07 @sweetreveriee (if you’d like to be added or removed pls lmk! 🤍)
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atlasthegreatest · 1 day
A Night Out / Tara Carpenter x Male Reader
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You would think dating for Tara would be easy, right? Wrong. Being asked out on a date by Y/n — the guy she'd been seeing for months was all she wanted to do. But it seems her extremely overprotective sister had other ideas.
Word count: 4056
A/n: This one was requested by @jacenradio7 I hope you enjoy it!
Tara paced in front of the mirror, smoothing down her dress for the third time in the last ten minutes. Tonight was supposed to be a simple dinner date with her new boyfriend, Y/n. It had only been a few weeks since they’d started dating, and things were going great. The problem? Sam.
Her older sister had a habit of scaring off anyone Tara ever dated. And this time, Sam had insisted on meeting Y/n before "anything got too serious."
Tara groaned internally, already bracing for what was about to happen. Y/n had no idea what he was walking into, and she wasn’t sure she could protect him from Sam’s interrogation.
As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. “Tara, you ready?” Sam called from the hallway.
“Yeah, one second!” Tara took a deep breath, grabbing her purse and heading out of her room. She opened the door to find Sam leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
“Relax, Sam. Please don’t scare him off,” Tara pleaded, giving her sister a look.
“I’m not going to scare him. Just… making sure he’s the real deal,” Sam replied with a smirk. “You’re my little sister, and I need to know he’s not some weirdo.”
Tara rolled her eyes but followed Sam downstairs, dreading the inevitable. Y/n was already waiting at the door, flowers in one hand and the other hand in his pocket, looking a bit too relaxed for someone about to meet Sam Carpenter.
“Hey,” he said with a bright smile when Tara appeared. He then extended the flowers to her. “These are for you.”
“Hey,” Tara responded, her nerves easing slightly at the sight of him. “Thanks.” She said, smelling the flowers with a small smile. He had a calming effect, always so laid-back, but she doubted even Y/n could stay that cool around Sam.
Y/n turned to greet Sam, offering a polite nod. “You must be Sam. Tara told me a lot about you.”
Sam eyed him for a moment before speaking. “Good to know. I hope most of it was flattering.”
Tara shot Sam a warning glance, but Y/n didn’t seem phased. “Only the good stuff. Protective older sister and all,” he said, his easygoing smile never faltering.
“Protective is an understatement,” Tara muttered under her breath, earning a chuckle from Y/n and a side-eye from Sam.
“Alright, let’s get to the point,” Sam said, motioning for everyone to sit down in the living room. “I just have a few questions for you, Y/n.”
“Sam—” Tara began, but Sam held up a hand, cutting her off.
“No, no. I’m sure Y/n can handle it,” she said with a pointed look.
Y/n sat down on the couch next to Tara, looking more amused than nervous. “Fire away.”
Sam leaned forward, elbows on her knees, as if preparing to interrogate a suspect. “So, how did you two meet?”
Tara winced. This wasn’t so bad yet, but she knew it was coming.
“We met through some mutual friends at a party,” Y/n answered easily. “I thought she seemed pretty cool, so I asked her to hang out.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve been dating for how long?”
“A few weeks now,” Y/n said, his tone calm and friendly. “We’ve been taking things slow.”
Tara appreciated how collected he was, but Sam was far from done. “And what are your intentions with my sister?”
There it was. The dreaded question. Tara could feel her face heating up, but Y/n didn’t miss a beat.
“My intentions?” Y/n repeated with a chuckle, glancing at Tara before looking back at Sam. “I like Tara. I think she’s smart, fun, and has a great sense of humor. I just want to spend time with her, get to know her better, and see where things go. No pressure, no games.”
Tara’s heart fluttered at his response. It was honest, and she could tell he wasn’t just saying it to appease Sam. He meant it.
Sam, however, wasn’t quite convinced yet. “No games, huh? Because if I find out you’re messing with her, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Sam!” Tara interrupted, glaring at her sister. “Seriously, enough. I’m not a kid anymore. I can handle myself.”
Sam’s expression softened just a bit, but she wasn’t ready to back down. “I know you can, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to look out for you. That’s my job.”
Y/n gave a small nod. “I get it, Sam. Really, I do. I’d probably be the same way if I had a sister. But I promise, I’m not here to hurt Tara.”
Sam stared at him for a few more seconds, clearly trying to decide if she believed him. Finally, she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. “Alright. But I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”
Tara let out a sigh of relief, feeling the tension in the room ease up slightly. “Okay, interrogation over. Can we go now?”
Sam smirked, clearly satisfied with herself. “Fine. You can go. But be back by 11.”
“Sam,” Tara groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Okay, fine. Midnight. And don’t make me regret it.”
Tara quickly grabbed Y/n’s hand and pulled him toward the door before Sam could change her mind. “Thanks, Sam,” she called over her shoulder, practically dragging Y/n outside.
Once they were in the car, Tara let out a long breath. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Y/n laughed, shaking his head. “It’s all good. I kind of expected it, honestly. She just wants to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah, but sometimes she’s too much,” Tara replied, though her irritation was starting to melt away. “I appreciate that she cares, but she doesn’t have to scare everyone off.”
“I wasn’t scared,” Y/n said with a grin. “I actually think it’s cool that she’s so protective. It means she cares a lot about you.”
Tara looked at him, surprised by how well he handled everything. “You’re… really not fazed, are you?”
“Nope,” he said confidently. “Besides, I’m not going anywhere.”
Tara smiled, feeling her nerves from earlier completely disappear. Maybe this was exactly what she needed—someone who could handle her overprotective sister and still want to stick around.
As they drove off for their date, Tara felt lighter. Sam had done her usual interrogation, but for the first time, Tara was sure that Y/n would pass the test.
As they drove toward the restaurant, Tara’s nerves finally began to settle. Y/n had passed Sam’s interrogation with flying colors, and she couldn’t help but feel relieved that, for once, her sister hadn’t scared off her date. The car hummed softly beneath them as the city lights blurred by, casting a warm glow on the evening ahead.
“So, how traumatized are you after that?” Tara asked, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she glanced over at Y/n.
He let out a soft laugh, keeping his eyes on the road. “On a scale from 1 to 10? Maybe a 4. Sam’s tough, but I get why she’s like that.”
“I think you’re the first guy who’s ever said that,” Tara admitted, shaking her head. “Most of them don’t come back for a second date after meeting her.”
“Well, they clearly don’t know what they’re missing,” Y/n replied smoothly, giving her a sidelong glance that made her heart skip a beat.
Tara smiled, grateful that he didn’t seem shaken by Sam’s protective behavior. She knew her sister meant well, but sometimes it felt like overkill—especially when it came to dating. She wanted to believe that Sam trusted her, but after everything they’d been through, Tara understood why she was always on guard.
As they pulled up to the restaurant, a cozy little Italian place with twinkling lights strung above the outdoor seating, Y/n parked the car and turned to her. “Ready for some carbs and wine?”
“Always,” Tara replied with a grin. “I’ve been craving pasta all week.”
They stepped out of the car, and Y/n quickly moved to her side, his hand finding hers in a casual, easy gesture that felt completely natural. Tara’s heart fluttered again, realizing how comfortable she already felt around him. It was rare for her to connect with someone so effortlessly.
Inside the restaurant, the warm glow of candles and the soft hum of conversation created a cozy, intimate atmosphere. They were seated at a small table near the back, away from the hustle of the busier sections. As soon as they sat down, Y/n reached across the table, his fingers brushing lightly over hers.
“I’m really glad you convinced me to stick around after Sam’s third degree,” Y/n said with a grin, his hand resting on hers. “I thought I was walking into some kind of trial.”
Tara laughed, her earlier nerves fully replaced by a sense of ease. “Honestly, I think you handled it better than I did. I usually end up apologizing for her five times before the night’s over.”
“Well, you don’t have to apologize for her. She’s just looking out for you,” Y/n said, his expression softening. “I respect that.”
Tara tilted her head, studying him. “You really don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” he replied, squeezing her hand gently. “It just makes me want to stick around even more.”
For a moment, Tara was speechless. No one had ever responded to Sam’s protectiveness like this. Most guys ran in the opposite direction, but Y/n was different. He wasn’t intimidated, and he didn’t seem bothered by the idea that Sam would always be watching over her. In fact, he seemed to understand it.
“So, tell me,” Y/n said, breaking the comfortable silence. “What’s it like having a sister like Sam?”
Tara smiled at the question, leaning back in her chair. “It’s… complicated. On one hand, she’s my best friend. She’s been there for me through everything, especially after what happened in Woodsboro. But on the other hand, she can be… a lot. She’s always worried about me, always trying to protect me. I know she means well, but sometimes it feels like she’s waiting for something bad to happen.”
Y/n nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his water. “I can imagine that’s tough. But you’ve been through a lot together. That kind of bond doesn’t just disappear.”
Tara appreciated his understanding. It wasn’t often that someone outside her family truly got what it was like to live in the shadow of everything they’d experienced. “Yeah. It’s a weird balance between loving how much she cares and wanting her to back off a little. But, honestly? I wouldn’t trade her for anything.”
“That’s good to hear,” Y/n said with a smile. “Because from what I’ve seen, she’s a pretty great sister.”
“She is,” Tara agreed, her heart swelling with affection for Sam, despite the frustration she sometimes felt. “She’s just… Sam.”
“And I can handle that,” Y/n said confidently.
Tara felt a rush of warmth at his words. Y/n wasn’t just sticking around despite Sam; he seemed to genuinely respect her and what she meant to Tara. That was a new experience, and it made her feel even more certain that she was on the right path with him.
Their conversation shifted to lighter topics as they ordered their food. Tara found herself laughing at Y/n’s jokes and stories, completely wrapped up in the moment. By the time their plates arrived, she realized that, for the first time in a long while, she wasn’t looking over her shoulder, waiting for something to go wrong. She was just… happy.
“So,” Y/n said after a few bites of his pasta. “What’s the next hurdle? Is there, like, a family meeting where I have to win over your cousins or something?”
Tara laughed, shaking her head. “No, I think you’ve survived the worst of it. Sam’s the main gatekeeper.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” he teased, but there was a softness in his eyes as he spoke. “I’m really glad I got to meet her. It makes me understand you a little better.”
Tara felt her heart skip again at his sincerity. “I’m glad, too. And I’m glad you’re not running for the hills after tonight.”
“Not a chance,” Y/n said, his voice firm. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”
Tara’s smile widened as she looked at him, realizing that, for the first time in a long time, she felt like things were falling into place. Y/n wasn’t just another guy who would come and go—he was someone who understood her, someone who was willing to embrace her life, complications and all.
As they finished their meal and lingered over dessert, Tara couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something real.
By the time Y/n walked her back to the door later that night, the air was crisp and cool, a perfect contrast to the warmth she felt inside. They stood on the porch, neither of them quite ready to say goodnight.
“I had a great time tonight,” Tara said, her voice soft.
“Me too,” Y/n replied, stepping closer. He reached out, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “So, when’s the next date?”
Tara grinned, her heart racing. “How about next weekend?”
“It’s a date,” he said, leaning in to kiss her softly.
As their lips met, Tara felt a sense of peace wash over her. She wasn’t sure what the future held, but right now, with Y/n, she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be.
It was well past midnight, and Sam Carpenter sat on the couch, the dim glow of the TV barely lighting up the room. The house was quiet, except for the occasional hum of the fridge. She stared blankly at the screen, though she wasn’t really paying attention to the old horror movie playing in front of her. Her mind was somewhere else entirely—on Tara.
She had heard her sister come in about fifteen minutes ago, quietly tiptoeing to her room, probably to avoid a confrontation or further questioning. Sam couldn’t blame her. After the intense interrogation she’d put Y/n through earlier, Tara was probably relieved to have escaped unscathed.
Sam smirked a little, recalling how Y/n had handled himself. He hadn’t flinched or tried to sweet-talk his way out of her questions. He had been calm, respectful, and, surprisingly, genuine. That was new.
She sighed, leaning back against the couch. A part of her knew she was overbearing—hell, Tara told her as much all the time. But Sam couldn’t help it. After everything they’d been through, the idea of her little sister getting hurt again terrified her.
Y/n seemed different, though. For the first time, Sam didn’t get that sinking feeling in her gut when she looked at the guy sitting across from her. He was careful with Tara, in a way that didn’t feel fake or rehearsed. And Sam respected that, even if she didn’t fully trust him yet.
She shifted on the couch, running a hand through her hair. Letting go wasn’t easy for her. It hadn’t been since they’d survived Woodsboro. Since then, Sam had taken on the role of protector, whether Tara wanted her to or not.
But tonight had been a little different. Seeing the way Tara had smiled at Y/n, how happy she seemed, made Sam wonder if maybe, just maybe, she didn’t have to be on guard all the time. Maybe Y/n wasn’t like the others.
Still, old habits died hard.
Sam grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, the sudden silence filling the room. She stood and headed toward her bedroom, pausing for a moment at Tara’s closed door. For a brief second, she considered knocking but decided against it.
Instead, she whispered softly to herself, “I just want you to be happy, Tara.”
With that, she walked down the hallway and into her room, hoping that maybe, for once, things might be okay.
Bonus chapter:
The following weekend, Tara found herself counting down the hours until her next date with Y/n. After their unforgettable night at the park, anticipation bubbled in her stomach. She had spent the week gushing to her friends about Y/n and their blossoming relationship, but now it was time to see him again.
As she stood in front of her closet, surveying her options, she could hear Sam’s footsteps approaching. She knocked lightly before entering, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. “What’s the occasion? Are you getting ready for a runway show?”
“Ha, very funny,” Tara replied, rolling her eyes as she tossed a shirt back into the closet. “I’m trying to find the perfect outfit for my date with Y/n.”
Sam leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. “So, what’s the plan this time?”
“We’re going to this cool outdoor movie screening,” she said, feeling her excitement grow. “I can’t wait to watch Jaws under the stars.”
“Nice choice. That movie freaked me out as a kid,” She admitted, smirking. “You know, the ocean is a scary place.”
“Oh, come on! It’s a classic. Plus, it’s just a movie!” she laughed, trying to dismiss her fears. “You really need to lighten up.”
Sam grinned. “If you keep dating Y/n, I might have to watch Jaws again just to get in the mood.”
Tara chuckled, but then her expression turned serious for a moment. “You know, it means a lot that you’re supportive about all this. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” She replied, her tone sincere. “Just remember to keep your phone on in case you need me. I’ll be keeping an eye on the time, just in case.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Tara assured her, but deep down, she appreciated her protective nature. It was comforting to know she cared.
After selecting a casual yet stylish outfit, Tara completed her look with a pair of comfortable sandals and a denim jacket, ready for a cool evening. She grabbed her phone, double-checking the time before heading downstairs.
When she stepped into the living room, she saw Sam flipping through channels. “You look great,” She said, glancing up. “Have fun tonight!”
“Thanks! I will,” she said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “I’ll text you when I get back.”
As Tara left the house, she felt a rush of freedom wash over her. The evening was hers to enjoy, and she couldn’t wait to share it with Y/n.
The drive to the outdoor venue was filled with laughter and music. When she arrived, she spotted Y/n standing by a food truck, scanning the area for her. The moment their eyes met, his face broke into a wide grin, and Tara’s heart soared.
“Hey, beautiful!” he called out, waving her over.
“Hey!” she replied, her excitement bubbling over as she walked toward him.
Y/n handed her a small tub of popcorn, his eyes sparkling. “I got you your favorite! I remembered,” he said, beaming.
Tara smiled back, feeling touched. “You’re amazing. Thank you!”
They settled onto a blanket in front of the large screen, the sun slowly setting, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and orange. As the film started, Tara leaned against Y/n, their shoulders touching comfortably. She felt a wave of contentment wash over her as they shared the experience.
Halfway through the movie, Tara couldn’t help but notice how engaged Y/n was in the film. She glanced at him, noticing the way he leaned forward, his eyes glued to the screen. It made her smile, realizing how genuine he was, even in his enthusiasm for a classic horror flick.
As the infamous music cue began to play, signaling a shark attack, Tara let out a small gasp, clinging to Y/n’s arm. “Oh no, not again!”
Y/n laughed, glancing down at her. “Just remember, it’s only a movie! You’ll be fine.”
But when the jump scare hit, Tara squealed, burying her face into Y/n’s shoulder. He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her protectively. “You’re safe with me,” he whispered, sending a thrill of warmth through her.
The movie continued, and after the climax, they shared playful banter about the characters and the absurdity of the situations on screen. Tara found herself laughing freely, feeling the connection between them grow stronger with every shared joke and comment.
When the credits rolled, the audience erupted into applause, and Tara felt a surge of happiness. “That was so much fun!” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Right? I had a blast,” Y/n replied, grinning. “You’ve got to admit that it’s way more fun watching it outdoors.”
“Definitely! And I can’t believe I survived the scares,” she teased.
They began to pack up their things, and as they stood, Y/n looked at her with an earnest expression. “I’m really glad we’re doing this. You’re a lot of fun to be around.”
Tara felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. “Thanks, Y/n. I really enjoy spending time with you.”
As they made their way back to the car, Tara’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out to see a message from Sam.
Sam: How’s it going?
She smiled, knowing she was likely keeping tabs on her.
Tara: It’s great! Just finished the movie. I’ll be home soon!
Sam replied almost instantly.
Sam: Good! Remember, I’m always just a text away. Don’t let him get any ideas!
Tara chuckled, shaking her head.
“Everything okay?” Y/n asked, noticing her amused expression.
“Just my sister being protective, as usual,” she explained, laughing lightly. “She wants to make sure I’m safe.”
“Can’t blame her. Siblings can be tough,” Y/n replied, nodding in understanding. “But you seem to handle it well.”
“Most of the time,” she admitted. “But I appreciate that she cares.”
As they reached the car, Tara’s heart raced at the thought of spending more time with Y/n. Once they were inside, the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from their favorite music to their dream travel destinations. The chemistry between them felt palpable, and Tara couldn’t help but feel that this night was just another step forward in their relationship.
When they finally arrived back at her house, Tara turned to Y/n, her heart pounding. “Thank you for an amazing evening. I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” he replied, leaning closer.
Their gazes locked, and in that moment, the world around them faded away. Tara leaned in, and Y/n met her halfway, their lips brushing softly before deepening the kiss. It felt electric, filled with the promise of more moments like this one.
When they pulled apart, both breathless, Tara felt a rush of exhilaration. “Goodnight, Y/n. I can’t wait for our next date.”
“Goodnight, Tara,” he replied, his smile lighting up the night. “I’m already looking forward to it.”
As she stepped out of the car and walked to the door, she glanced back to see Y/n waving. She waved back, feeling giddy as she entered her house.
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visionsofmagic · 2 days
let’s have a secret #gojo satoru & ryomen sukuna [mini-series]
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“tell me love, what your heart desires? to fly in the sky or to dive in the deep ocean?”
synopsis: gojo satoru and ryomen sukuna – are rivals until the death. apart from some similarities – being egoistic, cocky, playboys, and having a cold manner when it is necessary, they had one thing in common; you.
tags: [in general] slow-burning, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, clan mentioning, jjk au, female character, dilemma, complex feelings, arranged marriage, happening in modern times but clans still have their powers, curses exist, class problem, mature content. ✱ author’s note: I needed to leave this out of my chest because I have been thinking about writing & publishing this one for so long, and now we have ended jjk [:(], we need more & more stories to read from beautiful writers. hoping I will be one of them for you! this will be a mini-series, but let’s see where we are going. have fun & stay healthy!
opening. | episode 1. [upcoming]
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     “You have to be joking!”
Closing your eyes for a second, you put your hands on your ears to lower the impact of Shoko’s screaming voice directed at your mother. She stayed silent and calm even when she could hear the disbelief in Shoko’s tone, and see your uncertainty about the whole situation.
“Shoko,” Your mother finally spoke, “Please calm down.” She looked at you, saying ‘calm down your friend’ in a non-verbal way yet you were in your world at the moment; thinking about how you had ended in this exact situation when you were having one of the best days of your life with Shoko and her two best friends one day ago.
Nevertheless, you held Shoko’s wrist, helping her to sit down beside you on the sofa, and smiling a little at how your friend was protecting you, unlike her character type. She was indeed your true friend. “Calm down, baby,” You said, “I know it’s hard to process but neither I nor mother are responsible for this.” You sighed, remembering what your father who rarely looked at you in the eyes said yesterday evening, at the dinner table. You remembered how he only left a few words, then ate his dinner, and vanished in thin air as if he didn’t leave a bombshell on the table right there. It took a few hours for you to understand what was going on entirely.
The first thing in the morning you did was call Shoko, telling them that you needed her, and she came shortly after. After you told her everything, she began to be angry, not understanding how you acted in this way; you were so calm and a bit naive. It was the opposite of your nature to stay calm and naive instead of leaving the house and not coming back until your father decided to do otherwise. You didn’t understand too, yet, you had to stay like that for the sake of your mother because she was also a victim of your father’s sudden decision, not knowing her husband would ever do it or hoping he wouldn’t do it. Here you were though, three of you sitting in the living room.
“So, since no one really asked the poisonous question,” Shoko began after a deep breath, “Who is it?”
You blinked, glancing at your mother, seeing her having the same expression as you did.
Shoko giggled awkwardly, finding it funny and waving her hand in the air, “Really?” She asked you, “You didn’t even ask who your father was talking about?”
You negatively shook your head, cursing to yourself because of how dumb you had become – why it was happening like this anyway? What made you numb to stay low? Or who – your brain asked, yet, the answer remained none. Only a glimpse of whiteness appeared behind your lashes, inside your brain, for a second and you couldn’t catch it. When you were about to deep into that, Shoko shook your body lightly, rolling her eyes as she said, “You are something else, aren’t you, y/n?”  
“Why?” You asked, sounding dumb enough to make your best friend laugh, and saying, “You exactly look like Gojo now, you know that?” under her breath.
Gojo Satoru.
Yes! – your mind screamed, yes, yes, yes – but yes to what? Yes, he felt close but you knew him only for a few months now, nothing more. What is happening?!
You got up suddenly, the whole room became blurry. Going out was the only thing in your mind ‘cause the house seemed to be overwhelming. “I need to go out.”
After giving an excuse for your behavior, you went to the garden. The voice of the door hitting echoed. It felt like you were escaping from your own thoughts, from the various voices in your head, to become steady again, to have enough consciousness to comprehend. You needed to be yourself again and act – you even didn’t know whether you would have an arranged marriage like your mother did or not. You knew she never had a chance to be free and it was clear that she didn’t want her daughter to end up like her even when she was glad because she had you – the most precious thing in her world. You loved your mother too, respected and never made her sad in any possible way. That’s why you were thinking of understanding your father’s offer instead of being straight-headed and doing what you would normally do; leave the house, continue to work and make it bigger, only visit your mother until your father realizes your confidence and determination.
“Pfff –“ You left a huffing, taking deep breaths, and stop thinking. Sometimes, when you were lost in your thoughts, you would stay alone and think aloud, letting the endless ideas go through your mind to the world around you, waiting for useless ones to vanish and only leaving important ones behind. “I really fucked up this time, didn’t I?” You said, walking around your small garden, eyes on the green of it; trees, flowers, and your two little cats playing with their mother under the shadow of the biggest tree’s branches. “How I would want to turn into a cat now.” You said, smiling at them. They always calmed you.
Kneeling down, you looked at the little kittens jumping in excitement and looking at your face with shining blue eyes. One of them was white while the other one was black; these discriminative features that they have inherited from their two colored mothers. Even though they were opposite, they looked like a puzzle; being in harmony when connected.
“You wouldn’t want that,” A voice be heard, making you jump with the cats. The wind tightened up, trees’ branches danced in rhythm, and cats’ ears rose in curiosity as they looked at the person behind you.
From the way they looked, you were curious about the person because his raspy and deep sound was – familiar?
Without standing up, you turned your head in the direction of the voice, and the moment you looked at – him, all the past memories came into your mind.
The man stayed cool, not seeing his effects on you just yet.
“Greetings brat.”
to be continued.
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papercorgiworld · 7 hours
Good girls can party too
Request about Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle
Theo and Mattheo are convinced you are an innocent good girl that doesn’t belong at their parties, but you prove them wrong.
Warning: slight smut
While I did struggle to write this it was so much fun. Thanks for the request! Lots of love! And per usual: happy readings!
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Weasley’s and Slytherin’s never matched, except for when it came down to throwing parties. “I made a list of all the required girls for the party.” Enzo chimed as Fred, George, Theo and Mattheo were discussing the maths behind how much booze they were going to need. “All the required girls?” Mattheo questioned, snatching the list from Enzo and looking it over carefully. “Looks good, you made a fine selection. No boring girls. No ugly ones either.” Fred snatched it from Mattheo. “Let me see.” George immediately joined in by checking the names. “Why isn’t Hermoine on it?” George questioned. “She’s our friend.” Theo snorted. “Yeah, sure, but she’s a total party pooper.” Fred and George frowned, clearly feeling conflicted, but continued to check the list. “Hey! (y/n) isn’t on the list either. She’s pretty and she’s fun.” All three Slytherins chuckled. “No, she’s not.” Mattheo replied, still grinning. “She can party.” George defended, but Theo just raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “Girls like (y/n) will ruin it.” You hear Mattheo say as you approach Fred and George.
“I will ruin what?” You ask, making Theo and Mattheo turn around. “The Slytherin exclusive party.” Theo smirked like you’re lucky he was willing to explain it to you. “Why would I ruin your party?” Your eyebrows knit together as you try to make sense of it. “Because you’re an innocent little good girl and good girls don’t go to bad boys' parties.” Mattheo’s voice was arrogant and his eyes taunting, as he closed in on you making you take a step back. Theo chuckles, making your eyes move from Mattheo to Theo. “Besides (y/n), I’m sure you have good girl things to do this weekend: study, read, drink warm milk as you write in your diary.” You give Theo an annoyed glare but it was nothing compared to his dead eyes and amused smirk.
“You are putting her on the invitation’s list or you will have a boozeless party.” Fred bluffed, hoping the Slytherins would not be in a mood to smuggle alcohol into the castle themselves as they had a detention filled week ahead of them. “Fine, one boring girl on the list.” Mattheo says as he reaches for the list to put your name on it but not before giving one last demeaning smirk. 
“I don’t even want to go to the stupid party.” You say crossing your arms as soon as the Slytherins had left for their quidditch training. “Don’t be like that.” George says, immediately followed by Fred. “It’s gonna be a great party.” -“And it will be a chance to show those stupid Slytherins that you’re fun.” George picks up again. “Just imagine how fun it will be to beat them at beer pong.” Fred grinned, considering it.
“I can’t believe you are actually going?” Hermione rolls her eyes at you as you show your dress, while waiting for Fred and George. “Wait, aren’t you going?” Hermione shakes her head. “No, it’s an exclusive party and Enzo classified me as ‘boring’.” Shocked, you look over to Harry and Ron, also not in party dress. “Ugly.” They both state at the same time answering your silent question. Your eyes widen. They really classified people in categories like boring and ugly? Unbelievable, those guys! “But Ron, Fred and George helped organise the party. Doesn’t that get you an invite?” You ask. “We don’t do friend politics.” Fred answers, smiling wickedly at his brother. “But you got me in.” You state and George is quick to explain. “Yes, but you actually belong on that list, you're fun and pretty. They don’t match both criteria.” You’re absolutely stunned. “Those are the rules.” Fred states. “Well, it’s party time and I say fuck the rules! We’re crashing the party!” You yell somewhat overenthusiastically. “Can we do that?” Neville chimes in from a bit further in the common room. “Officially it’s a Slytherin party and you are all Gryffindors… so I say it’s your moral obligation to crash their party!” 
“And they wanted to classify you as a boring good girl.” Fred and George both sing with eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
“You weren’t supposed to invite other people. We had a list.” Theodore appears by your side with his arms crossed and a very pissed off looking Mattheo by his side. You stare them up and down and smirk, realising that these frustrated Slytherins looked fiiineee. You pick up the beer pong ball from the beer cup in front of you and lick it seductively in front them. “Let’s settle this over a game, shall we.” Theo feels himself heat up and his arms unconsciously uncrossed and by his side Mattheo swallows hard, completely hooked on you. “Sounds good.” Theo manages to breath out, followed by a stern nod from Mattheo.
“Winner is in charge of the next party's invitees list.” You state before beginning a game of ass whooping and embarrassing Slytherins. 
You high five Luna and both guys groan. “Time to move along boys! I prefer to play with real men. You know, someone that can last a little longer and aims a bit better.” You lick your lip suggestively before turning away from them to let your eyes linger obviously long on Cedric Diggory. “Always happy to entertain you.” Cedric jokes shuffling a little closer to you before taking the beer pong ball from you. 
Reluctantly Theodore and Mattheo admit their defeat and go to find themselves something stronger than beer to drink, meanwhile staring daggers into Cedric’s back as he plays a good game of beer pong with you. 
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You stumble your way to the weasleys who had become professional bartenders for the night, but before you reach them you feel two muscular arms wrap around you. “You party hard for a good girl.” You recognise Theo’s voice as his lips brush your ear. A smirk tugging your lips as you lean against his strong body, allowing him to feel your ass against his crotch. “You have no idea.” You whisper seductively, making the slytherin lick his lips in anticipation. 
“Can’t be easy for your enormous ego to admit you were wrong about me.” Your amused grin widens as you feel Theo’s hand on your hip tenses. “My enormous ego will survive, darling, and my enormous dick is more than happy that you’re not a good girl. You know, I happen to be really good at taking care of party girls like you.” You roll your eyes and his cockiness, but you also can’t deny that it turns you on a little. Theo’s hand slips lower, caressing your thigh and slowly moving under your short skirt. You let your head fall back a bit, resting against his shoulder, you enjoy the anticipation building. You gently grind against him. “I bet you would take real good care of me.” You whisper as you feel his hard cock against your ass. 
Through your half lidded eyes you see both Fred and George judge from behind the bar and you’re reminded of how drunk you were and how you were actually on her way to get yourself another drink. You did not plan to fall into Theo’s arms and you would not let it happen this easily. “Your dorm or mine?” Theo whispers and you press your lips together. It would be fun… but then again he would be arrogant fuck about it tomorrow so: no. You turn to face him and Theo immediately knows he’s lost you by the smug smile on your lips. “Sorry, cutie. It’s neither.” You turn to walk away, elegantly shaking your ass knowing how badly he wants it. 
“What was that?” George asks with raised eyebrows as Fred crosses his arms while waiting for an answer. “That was kinda fun.” You tease, licking your lips. “No more drinks for her.” Fred snaps and George nods in agreement as you stare at them baffled. “No fun.” Should have picked mister big dick after all. 
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You stumble outside, laughing with your friends, when you spot Mattheo smoking a cigarette by himself, leaning against a hallway wall. “Still licking your wounds after your humiliating defeat.” You tease and Mattheo licks his lips, his eyes locking with yours. “I’ll admit you play well… I’ll even admit I was wrong.” Mattheo’s voice sounds delicious and you feel drawn to him. “Wrong?” You question, taking a tipsy step in his direction. “Maybe you’re not such an innocent good girl after all.” You chuckle and bite your lip, turning Mattheo on and making him shift slightly. “Oh, Matty, you have no idea.” You whisper, your hand hovering over his chest, but never touching it. You pull away, not intending on making it easy for him after being so incredibly rude. But Mattheo was not just gonna let you slip away, not after seeing a glimpse of the bad girl. He snatches your wrist and pulls you into his chest to immediately wrap his strong arms around you. “I want to take you out somewhere nice.” He whispers his eyes falling from your eyes to your lips. What a way to ask a girl out, Riddle… His hands rest on your hips as he pulls you against him. You can feel the warmth of his body against yours and you can’t deny that it feels nice. “I want you to kiss me.” You boldly demand and Mattheo doesn’t hesitate. In an instant his lips capture yours with his. The kiss is hungry and warm, his hands roam your body like it is his to own and it does things to you. 
You waste no time teasing Mattheo by running your hand over his trousers and cupping his dick, earning a soft groan from the man. When you finally break the kiss you let your head fall back, allowing Mattheo to attack your neck, sucking at the tender flesh and peppering you in lustful kisses. You’re hypnotised by the man pushing your every button, making your head spin. You almost don’t hear Luna calling for you, but you manage to snap out of it, pushing Mattheo away from your body and against the wall. Your hand rests on his chest and you can see how unhappy he is to be separated from your warmth. “(y/n), what are you doing?” Luna calls out to you and you smirk looking over at Mattheo, his eyes still hungry. “I’m doing stupid stuff.” You take a step back, your eyes teasingly land on Mattheo’s tight pants. “You should take me somewhere nice.” You whisper, leaning in one last time to kiss Mattheo goodbye, biting his bottom lip to remind him you’re anything but an innocent girl. 
When you catch up with Luna her eyes widen with judgement. “What the hell!” You shrug. “He’s a good kisser.” Luna’s mouth drops and her eyes widen even more. “It’s Mattheo Riddle!” You bite your lip. I kissed Mattheo Riddle. “Hermoine is going to freak out!” Your eyebrows knit together in horror and disgust. “Please don’t tell mom.” You joke and Luna shakes her head laughing. 
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Tiny Match-maker:Prince Charming
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Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader Fluff
Here it is! It may have taken 6 months to finish, but it's finally here! A part 2 to Tiny-Match maker
Hopefully next time I write something with them, it won't take as long!
Word Count:2,285
Masterlist // Bucky Barnes Masterlist
“Hey Tin-man, can you focus a little more over here?” Sam grumbled quietly from beside him. They were meant to be staking out this run-down warehouse where there had been whisperings of underground groups dealing in un-tested batches of super soldier serum, but Bucky’s attention had entirely been diverted down to the mobile phone in his hands.
Bucky:Hey, sorry things have been a little busy for me lately, but I’d love to take you out for coffee sometime, say maybe this Sunday?”
 “What are you even doing anyway?” Sam questions, trying to lean over Bucky’s shoulder to look at the phone screen.
You:Sunday sounds perfect, I can ask Amanda to watch Lottie for me, so whatever time works best for you.
Amanda was the mom who lived in the apartment opposite yours, and very kindly offered to look after Lottie for you when you needed to do stuff alone. It also helped that Lottie was very good friends with her son, Mason, so you had no worries about leaving your daughter in Amanda’s safety. 
Bucky:How about the little coffee shop on Fifth Avenue? Maybe at 2.00?
You:Honestly, you had me at coffee shop.
“Dude, put your phone away! You’re supposed to be keeping watch!” Sam grumbled quietly, shaking his head at him.
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You make your way across the hall to knock on Amanda’s door, and sure enough she greets you with that warming smile.
“Hey, I was wondering if you might be able to look after Lottie for me this weekend, like this Sunday?” you asked hopefully.
“Sure! We’d love to have Lottie come round, wouldn’t we Mase?” she smiles down at her son who was peeking his head out from behind her legs to see what all the fuss was about.
Mason frantically nods his head at hearing that his best friend was coming over for a visit.
“I’m gonna show her my transformers!” he giggles excitedly before running off.
“So, what is it? You’ve got a hot date with some hunky guy or something?” Amanda laughs.
You can’t stop the burning flush that rises to your cheeks.
“Oh so it is a hunky guy.” Amada says, raising a dark, arched brow in your direction.
“It’s just a quiet cup of coffee, and we’ll see how it goes from there.”
“Well, I hope you have fun darling. You deserve it.”
“Thanks Mandy, you’re a life-saver!”
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With Lottie being the curious and excitable young girl that she was, it didn’t leave a lot of time to meet potential romantic connections. 
But chance, and maybe your very own tiny little match-maker, had pushed you towards Bucky and for the first time in a long time you were excited to go on a date.
Once you had dropped off Lottie at Amanda’s place you busied yourself with tidying up before deciding to get ready. Setting about finding the perfect outfits to wear you figured that a comfortable casual dress and leggings would be the perfect thing to wear. Hoping that your choice of clothing didn't seem too dressed up for what was probably going to be a casual date.
You took the time to yourself to apply a light dusting of makeup, just enough to enhance your features.
With a final dab of lipgloss and a ruffle of your hair you throw on your coat and grab your purse and make your way out of your apartment, leaving plenty of time to walk into the city to meet up with Bucky.
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The crisp golden orange leaves crunched underneath as you walked down the street, nearing closer to the coffee shop that you had agreed to meet up at. As you got closer the more nervous you got. This was the first date you'd been on in a long long time, what were you even going to talk about? What if Bucky decides he doesn't actually like you? Were you actually just making a fool of yourself? All of the worst case scenarios scan through your brain at a hundred miles an hour.
“Hey, there you are!” Bucky smiles jogging to meet you. “Guess we showed up at the same time. You wanna head inside?”
Bucky holds the door open, the bell above tinkling as he does. The quiet murmur of chatter fills the coffee shop.
You wait beside him as you line up to make your order. Your eyes cast downwards for a brief moment, and when they do, you can’t help but notice the way his hand hesitates next to yours. Almost like he wants to hold your hand, but he isn’t quite sure if making a move like that might be considered too forward. It’s sweet to see how adorably shy and nervous he is, and it does wonders to settle your own nerves to see that you were both in the same boat together.
Taking it upon yourself you slyly slip your hand in his, lacing your fingers between his. 
His cheeks heat up with a lovable pinkish glow, as he squeezes your hand with gentle pulse.
You reach the front of the line and both bucky and you place your orders.
“One black coffee for me please.” Bucky says. “And a…” he trails off for you to give your order.
“A pumpkin spice latte for me please.” 
“Is that for here or to-go?” The batista behind the counter asks.
“To-go please.” Bucky smiles. 
“I thought we were staying here?” You ask curiously, turning to him with your eyebrows drawn together.
“Actually I had a little something in mind for us, if you'll indulge me?” He says with his soft smile quirking into a cheeky grin.
The batista behind the counter hands both of you your respective drinks, and Bucky pays for them. Before you can protest he's there with that charming smile once more.
“Come on now, it’s my treat”
You link your arm with his, turning to him with a smile of your own.
“Okay then Sergeant Barnes, lead the way.”
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He walks with you through the busy city streets, his hand still holding yours as you sip your coffees.
“Y’know, I didn’t have you down as a pumpkin spice kind of person.” Bucky says, taking a sip from his own coffee cup.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to judge me,  Mr. “One Black Coffee”.” you laugh at him.  “I always treat myself to a pumpkin spice latte this time of year, it’s one of the little things that I look forward to.” you smile. “So where are we headed?”
“I just think if you’re going to go for a date in the city, you should probably see it the way it should be seen.” Bucky said with a smile as he led you by the hand through the park’s gate.
“Oh, so this is a date, is it?” you ask playfully.
“Well, I hope so at least.” he flushes with an adorable pink blush before coughing to cover the slight nervous crack in his voice. “Central park is at its peak in the fall, and it’s hands-down the best view of the city all year.”
You walk around the park hand in hand, and you have to admit he's right, the beautiful wash of burnt orange, rusted red and golden leaves clinging to the branches of trees lining the pathway. The chill of the crisp autumn air whipping through you in a refreshing breeze and the tempting scent of warm cinnamon floats from a nearby doughnut vendor, beckoning you to indulge in his sweet treats. This certainly was the right way to see the city.
“So, tell me more about you?” he asks with a soft voice.
“What’s there to tell? I’m not all that interesting, I promise you.” you brush off.
“Nonsense. I wanna hear everything.”
“Okay, well Lottie and I moved to the city not too long ago, my relationship with her dad gradually came to an end when I found out I was pregnant with her. I was excited, and I thought he was too, y’know? But a few weeks down the line we started fighting a lot more, and one night he just decided that being a parent, being a father, wasn’t something that he wanted, and that was that.”
“Well, if you ask me, he’s missing out big time. Lottie seems like a great kid.” Bucky says with no hint of irony or sarcasm in his voice whatsoever.
“She sure is.” you smile at his kind words. “So I moved to the city to get away from him, to start fresh. It definitely wasn’t easy at first, being a single mother in a new city but things are good now and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“That’s such a great attitude to have, I admire that.” 
“Anyway, enough about me, what about you huh? I feel like I see you almost all the time splashed across the newspapers or on my television screen, but I guess that’s not how you want to be known.”
“Well the media likes to try to pin me down as one thing, which I guess is a fair assumption, I’ve done bad things, my life is full of danger and chaos, but I don’t want to be known for that. I just want an easy life. I just want to slow down and take my time to enjoy the things that make me happy.”
“..and what is it that makes you happy?” you ask softly as you chance to look at him.
“Right now, this,” he smiles, gently swinging your hand in his. “..is making me happy.”
You both finish up your coffees before throwing them in the trash can, continuing on your trail through the crisp autumnal landscape of central park.
You continue talking with him about everything and anything. Conversation with Bucky felt so easy. He listened to you, he never made you feel silly, and everything about being with him just felt right.
As you round a corner a gentle melody fills the air, and as you turn around you see the brightly coloured lights and gentle whir of a carousel. You looked at the ride with a fondness, it was something that you had loved as a little girl, a ride that you had endlessly begged your parents to go on time and time again.
“Do you wanna go on it?” Bucky asks, when he sees how your eyes light up at the attraction.
“No, no, I think I’m a bit too old for carousel rides.”
“Come on, we can go on it together. It’ll be fun I promise.” he says, holding out his hand for you to take.
He hands over the money for the tickets, and holds your hand as  you swing your leg over the horse.
He lifted himself onto the horse beside you, and soon the ride whirls into life. The warm sparkle of the lights bounce off the mirrors, and the music bounces along in time with the rise and fall of the carousel horses.
You can’t help but smile, bright laughter bubbling from you at being able to enjoy yourself like this, completely free of judgement.  Bucky gives you a soft smile and warm laugh of his own in return, and in this moment you knew that saying yes to this date was the right thing for you.
The ride slows to a stop and Bucky is there to help you as you come down off your horse, one gentle hand on the small of your back the other holding your hand.
“I told you it’d be fun.” he says smugly.
“Yeah it was pretty fun. I haven’t done anything like that since I was a kid.”
The glow of the carousel’s light sparkles in his steely blue eyes, and it’s only then that you realise that his hand is still resting on your back, almost curving along the curve of your hip.
His hand quickly pulls away when he realises, trying to hide his blooming blush with his hand moving to scratch the back of his neck. His nervous energy around you just makes him all the more cute in your eyes. 
“Shall we?” you offer your arm for him to take, looping your arm with his as you walk around the rest of central park.
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Bucky walks with you back to your apartment block, pausing outside your building with you.
“Thanks for agreeing to go out with me, I had a great time with you.” he smiles.
“I had a great time with you. It was easily one of the better dates I’ve been on in a while.”
“I hope that means that you might be interested in doing this again some time?” Bucky asks you hopefully.
Feeling bold you rise up on your tip-toes to meet him, and place a kiss to his cheek.
“I certainly would be interested in doing this again some time.” you flush. “Thank you for today, Bucky, it’s been wonderful.”
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Once you're back at your apartment, with Lottie picked up from Amada’s place, you’re sitting on the couch curled up next to her, Cinderella playing on the tv. Her eyes wide in awe as the pretty princess whirls around the dancefloor with her Prince Charming
“Did you meet a prince today, mommy?” she asks, turning her face away from the screen.
She catches you off guard with her question, so you fire back a question of your own.
“What makes you say that, baby?”
“You were wearing a pretty dress today and your hair was done all pretty too.” her wide smile was too adorable. “So did you meet a prince?”
“You know what Lottie? I might have just found myself my very own Prince Charming.”
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kesujo · 2 days
Chapter 7: A Game of Chess - Part 1
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Previous chapter here.
A/N: If you want to follow the chess game played in this chapter, you can go to this link: https://www.chess.com/analysis/library/5c899FnMgi [let me know if this link doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, and you want to follow the chess game going on] Starting from the beginning, you can click on the ‘>’ button on the right console to advance to the next move, and the ‘<’ button if you went too far and want to backtrack. The coordinates listed in this chapter can be seen at the edges of the board.
I’m going to be honest, if you don’t understand chess then the game Jessica and Parker play isn’t really going to make much sense, so in that case you can mostly just ignore the chess game going on.
Maybe Parker wasn’t as careful as he should’ve been when Jessica knocked on his door with a chessboard in hand. “I heard from Hunter that you used to play chess when you were younger. I did too, so I thought it’d be fun to play.”
The tension in his chest was relieved all at once in a sigh, a laugh following after. So, she was capable of being normal. “Yeah, that sounds fun. Hunter working late again?”
She nodded, bits of loneliness creeping into the forlorn expression on her face. Seeing it made Parker feel bad, guilty even, that he was so on guard when he saw Jessica on the other side of his door’s peephole. “Were you about to go to sleep?”
“I have an hour or two in me, so we can get a few games in.”
Hearing that lit up her face. “Great! Let’s set up!”
They headed to the living room, Jessica winning the white pieces after a quick game of rock-paper-scissors. While setting up the board, Parker decided to make some small talk, absolutely reveling in the normalness of the situation. “Do you play chess often now?”
“Mm, not really. Not as much as before.”
“Did you go to many tournaments?”
“Just a few local ones.”
“Win any?”
Jessica smiled. “A few.”
“Ooh, so you’re a hotshot.”
This caused her to laugh. “Not exactly, I never really made it past state-level. How about you?”
“Same deal but made it once to nationals. Got whooped in the first round though.”
“Wow, so I better bring my A-game, huh?” she shot back, looking up at smiling at him. Parker smiled back, thinking about just how nice this was. Why couldn’t all their interactions be as wholesome as this one? “We’re going to be playing with some stakes to make this more interesting.”
Parker didn’t know why he let his guard down: maybe it was because he was too preoccupied with the immense feeling of relief that things weren’t going how they usually did with Jessica, or maybe he was just kidding himself.
“First of all, rewards for winning: if I win, I get to do anything I want with you.”
Hearing that instantly made Parker lose all hope. “I’m not—” he started, getting up but was cut short when Jessica reached over, quickly grabbing his arm and interjecting.
“If you win, you can command me to stay away from you for the same number of days as the number of points you win. Which means you can be free of me for up to 40 days, maybe even more.” Hearing that gave Parker pause. The thought was extremely lucrative, and he seemed to have a fair shot at it too given they were probably around the same level.
“What about stalemate?”
“Then I just go home and that’s that.”
“And what constitutes as ‘anything you want with me’?”
Jessica smiled. “You’ll see.”
It’s not like this was anything new, anyway. If anything, Jessica was inserting an extra step into something she would normally do without giving him a chance to escape anyway. In fact, this was a chance to get out of the situation—and if he lost … well, it was essentially business as usual.
Realizing how absolutely degenerate his expectations had become made Parker only more ashamed of himself, but the prospect of an entire month without having to worry about Jessica’s schemes was too big of an opportunity to pass. Maybe he could take the time to develop countermeasures, such as finding a girlfriend and cashing in on the promise Jessica made last time.
Parker realized this line of thinking was falling right into Jessica’s trap, but if he learned one thing about Jessica—well, that would be that she was much more ‘adventurous’, as she often put it, than he would’ve initially thought—but the second thing was that she always kept her word. And if what Jessica said was indeed correct, that she never made it to national level and hasn’t been honing her chess skills recently, that meant he had an extremely decent chance to win.
“Promoted pawns count as the piece they were promoted to when captured.” Because of Jessica’s proposal, Parker realized he was incentivized to capture as many pieces as possible before delivering checkmate. It also meant that if he could capture a pawn promoted to a queen, he would gain nine additional days of freedom. However, that was risky; allowing Jessica to have an additional queen did little to improve his chances of winning.
In fact, basing his strategy around having a long, bloody game was risky in general; passing up a checkmate to extend the game for the purpose of buying himself more days of freedom meant that it was very possible that he blunder and find himself at the command of Jessica’s risqué imagination.
“I bet you’re thinking that you’ll want to capture as many pieces as you can before checkmating, so I thought I would introduce some additional rules for capturing pieces.” Of course. Nothing had to be simple with Jessica, did it?
“Losing a pawn means giving the other a kiss wherever they want, and subsequent pawn captures have to be in increasingly more intimate places. Losing a knight or bishop means removing one piece of clothing—both socks count as one piece of clothing. Losing a rook means directing the other in how you want to fuck him or her for five minutes. Losing a queen means giving the other oral until orgasm.”
As Jessica went down the list, Parker’s somewhat upbeat, hopeful mood plummeted. “And promoting a pawn means the player gets the benefit of the other losing that piece. So if I promote a pawn to a queen, you have to give me oral until orgasm. And one last thing, you must accept the rewards, even if you don’t want them.” And there went Parker’s final line of defense, a ‘loophole’ he thought he found but was instantly filled in by the ever-prepared Jessica.
Parker looked down and cursed himself for not wearing one more sweater or something over the T-Shirt he was wearing: collectively, counting both his socks as one piece of clothing, he had exactly four pieces of clothing. He looked across the chessboard to Jessica, seeing that she had a light jacket over the nightgown she was wearing, the somewhat see-through material revealing a pair of underwear. Assuming she was wearing both pieces of underwear, Jessica’s clothing total amounted to five. However, knowing her, she probably would choose to leave her socks on if all her knights and bishops were taken. “Your turn,” she announced, looking up from the board and matching his gaze, her signature mysterious smile adorning her lips.
Parker looked down to see that she had already moved her King’s pawn to e4. Did he want to play an explosive opening or a closed one? There were clear advantages to both: getting twenty, or even as few as ten, days free from Jessica was a pretty serious victory, but the greedy part of him wanted more. However, the downside to claiming more free days was that he would have to ‘accept’ the rewards of capturing her pieces, something he wasn’t looking forward to at all. So, should he try to checkmate her as quickly as possible to win the days of freedom without much sexual activity, or should he just bear with it for today and try to claim as many free days as possible?
“Shit,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head and deciding to mirror her, moving his King’s pawn to e5.
“Have you decided on what your strategy this game is going to be?” Knight to f3.
“Nope.” Knight to c6.
“Well, I have.” Bishop to b5.
Seeing the aggressive move threw Parker off. He assumed Jessica was going to be having the same doubts as himself. Unless she was confident in her ability to win? Parker looked across the chessboard but found Jessica staring back, the smile never leaving her face. “Well?”
“You’re taking that knight aren’t you?”
“I’m taking that knight, one way or another.”
Parker knew that chess was a game of give-and-take and of necessary sacrifices, but this soon? At least the punishment was rather tame. “Fine.” Knight to f6.
As promised, Jessica captured the knight on c6 with her bishop, Parker taking the knight back with the pawn on the b file. “Well, one piece of clothing each.”
Figuring he would take the time to get used to it (since there was no way he wasn’t losing at least another knight or bishop), Parker elected to take off his shirt. Jessica, however, reached her nightgown and pulled off her noticeably damp panties. “That feels much better~” she sung, giggling after seeing Parker’s shocked expression. “What? Can’t I be excited?”
“A little … too excited?”
She shrugged, castling her king side. “I’ve always wanted to do something like this with Hunter but he sucks at chess, so learning that you played when you were younger made me so excited that I got this wet,” Jessica informed him, nudging the damp piece of cloth now laying on his couch.
Hearing his best friend’s name reawakened the guilt that was shoved aside previously by his competitiveness flaring up. “Yeah, I tried to teach him in high school but he never really was that interested…” After some thinking, Parker settled on moving his pawn to d6.
“That’s funny, I also tried to teach him.” Knight to c3. “He told me a similar thing.”
“Hm…” Bishop to e7.
Without much thought, Jessica moved her queen’s pawn up two squares. “So looks like you’re trying to be conservative with capturing.”
“Maybe.” Bishop to a6.
“Oh…” Jessica paused for a second, then continuing, “I almost want to let you take that rook just to see what kinds of things you would do to me.”
Parker wondered himself if he had the balls to take the rook, but thankfully Jessica eliminated the choice for him by moving the rook to the left by one square. “But I want to win, so I’m not giving you freebees.”
After Parker proceeded to castle his king, they exchanged pawns on e5. “Since I captured your piece first, I get to choose first. But I think I’ll start off tame.” For a second, Parker was hopeful that she would request a reasonable starting place, remembering the rule that subsequent pawn captures result in kisses in increasingly risqué places, such as the hand. But, of course, Jessica’s reply shattered those hopes so thoroughly, Parker didn’t even know why he even bothered. “Let’s just kiss and both take our rewards.”
“But—why not just start off with a kiss on the hands first?”
Jessica just giggled at the notion. “We’ve fucked how many times, and you’re still afraid to give me a little peck on the lips?”
“The rule, that further pawn captures have to lead to kisses in, well, worse places though.” Parker knew she wasn’t going to budge, but still he felt it necessary to communicate his resistance to the idea. Even if he had no control over the idea, at least he could voice that it wasn’t something he particularly enjoyed. “Starting off with the hand gives me the best chance not to—”
“—have to make out with my pussy?”
Parker felt himself cringing at her reply, half in shock but half in the disdainful feeling of the tightness in his pants worsening. “Well, yeah. I mean, can’t I at least choose somewhere else?”
“Nope, since me kissing you means you necessarily are kissing me.”
“But aren’t I allowed to choose?”
“In that case, you should’ve taken my pawn first~”
Ultimately, Parker knew he was fighting a losing battle, so he just sighed and acquiesced.
Doing something like pecking Jessica on the lips was something Parker shouldn’t have much of an issue with given that he literally had sex with her multiple times already but doing so still injected him with a shot of guilt.
 However, Jessica’s next move made his face pale.
“There’s your queen~” she sung, happily grinning at him. “Are you going to take back and let me give you a blowjob?”
“So much for starting off tame,” Parker muttered in reply, his voice just loud enough to cause Jessica to hear and laugh in response as he took back her queen with his rook on the f file.
“Good thing your floor is carpet,” she noted, crawling over to the man sitting in front of the chessboard, reluctant to move. “Do you want me to give you your blowjob first, or do you want to do this simultaneously?”
After a pause, Parker found himself letting out a frustrated sigh. “Damn it, can’t we just play a normal game of chess?”
“It’s no fun that way!”
“Normal chess is plenty of fun!”
“Well, this is more exciting, isn’t it? It brings another layer of strategy into the game.”
“And another layer of physicality middle school me was trying to escape from by joining chess club.”
Jessica laughed, a good-natured response of understanding and agreement. “Same actually, but enough stalling. How do you want to do this?”
“Just … simultaneously, I guess…”
Jessica smiled so brightly that Parker felt his brain pause for a second, subconsciously appreciating how great she looked when she smiled so openly. “Great! Go ahead and lie down, and feel free to pull up my nightgown.”
“…Are you sure we can’t do some other kind of punishment for losing our queens? Like time constraints or having to stand on one leg for the rest of the game or something?”
Jessica turned around, riding up her pajama one-piece, the frills on its hem beautifully framing the perfect, round shape of her butt. Its skin was so taught and the shade such a bright, snowy white that Parker swore he could almost see the reflection of the apartment’s living room light on it. Sinful as it was, Parker couldn’t help but stare at it for a second, admiring how unrealistically beautiful—and how undeniably sexy—her butt was. The way her slim waist curved to her wide hips, accentuating the fullness of what appeared to be no less than perfect semi-spheres of tight, plump flesh, something about it was hypnotizing. It was only when Jessica turned her head around to answer did Parker tear his gaze away. “Nope.” Unfortunately, the swift movement of his eyes did not go unseen by Jessica, who said the single syllable response with a grin so prominent that Parker could hear it in her voice. “Like what you see?”
“Let’s just get this over with.”
“So that’s a ‘yes’, then?” The seductress continued to tease, shaking her butt at him teasingly.
It would be a lie to say that Parker wasn’t tempted to take another glance, especially seeing the playful motion in the corner of his eyes. What was wrong with him today? Has all this adulterous sex impeded his sense of morality? No longer wanting to be on the back foot, Parker countered, “Are you stalling to buy time to think what you’d do once you lose?”
“Hmm…” she hummed, leaning down atop Parker’s body lying on the carpet in his living room, “But do you think you have what it takes to win?”
“What, do you think I’m not good enough?” It was pretty hard to keep a straight face, trying to talk to someone who was laying on top of him and pushing her ass into his face. Parker could barely see her, his vision primarily swallowed up by Jessica’s legs and the pair of plump mounds of flesh nearing him.
“Well, you don’t only need skill to win, do you? You don’t think I’m going to just let you win without getting my way at least somewhat, right?” Parker couldn’t reply, because frankly, he wasn’t sure himself. “If you’re going to win, you’re going to at least strip down to your underwear, maybe even go fully nude, not to mention that we’re going to fuck for at least ten minutes, maybe even twenty if all rooks get captured. Are you willing to endure all that to ensure victory?”
“Shut up and start sucking already.”
“Ooh, where’s that aggression in the bedroom? Or the bathroom, or against the living room wall, or—” her sentence was cut off with a squeal, Parker plying her butt cheeks apart, tilting his head, and attacking her clit with his tongue.
He could feel his chin being splashed with her juices as he ran his tongue across the hardened nub, her silky legs wrapping around his ears, slightly smothering his sense of hearing. Parker himself took in a sharp inhale when he felt Jessica’s hot grip tighten around the base of his shaft and her voluptuous mounds press against his legs, shortly after feeling those same soft velvety lips that pecked him now planting kisses along his shaft. “Mmm, looks like someone’s excited,” Jessica’s sensual moan seemed to echo about the apartment, the palm of her hands rubbing along the shaft of his penis.
Parker elected not to respond, focusing instead on the task in front of him. The faster he brought her to orgasm, the faster this would all be over. And luckily, from Parker’s observation, Jessica seemed to be more sensitive than most other women he had been with.
The sexy seductress dribbled another layer of saliva onto Parker’s erection, using her soft, dainty hands to spread the warm fluid about its length. “It’s so veiny, I’m always so impressed by it whenever I see it up close.” Jessica’s breathless statement again went ignored by Parker, who had recruited his finger on the task of bringing his opponent to orgasm, stroking her damp labia while his tongue played with the sensitive stub. The building arousal was apparent not only in the slight vibrato in her voice but the tenseness in her legs and the increased flow of her juices right onto Parker himself.
“O-Oh, god, you’re so good at that, Parker…” even her gasps and sighs were sexy, the added motion of her hands slathering his cock with more and more of her saliva only adding fuel to the fire. “Are you getting bigger? I feel like I’ve been trying to lubricate your cock for so long, maybe I should just dive in.”
This time, Parker didn’t even have the option to respond as Jessica followed that up by doing exactly that: in an instant, her lips were tightly sealed around the perimeter of his dick, her tongue resting on the underside of his shaft and the tightness of her throat creating an immense pressure on his cock.
Parker jumped, the sudden surge of ecstasy causing his body to twitch in response to the strong stimulus. It took barely a second before Jessica had managed to swallow well over half his length, her hands warming up the lower half with twisting, pumping motions.
Deciding to match Jessica, he switched the position of his face and fingers, his lips making contact with her vaginal lips while his thumb found her clit. Jessica’s legs wrapped around Parker’s head in response, her ecstatic moans and sighs partially muffled by the cock filling her mouth to the brim.
Usually, Parker would be able to look at Jessica’s overjoyed expression while taking his larger-than-average sized penis in her mouth and all semblance of guilt specifically regarding the pain or discomfort she was feeling would disappear. However, this time, all Parker had to go off was the occasional gagging noises that was being emitted from her throat, the warm liquid that would fall onto his groin—whether it was drool or tears, he had no idea—and most of all, Parker could feel the trouble Jessica was having with her hands constantly shifting around.
But that guilt started to die down as he realized that Jessica had barely come up for air or to take a break; in the minutes that had elapsed, Jessica had stubbornly held his cock inside her throat, pushing further and further down his shaft. That on top of the cacophony of sounds of pleasure joining the occasional gagging noises was more than enough for Parker to feel at ease, refocusing on his challenge.
By then, the tangy, unique taste of Jessica’s juices had stained the tongue that had run across her wet folds and was currently delving inside her love canal, but Parker didn’t let it phase him. His fingers were relentless, transitioning from a simple rubbing motion around the clit to rougher massaging and occasional pinches. Parker’s hands were gripping the plump flesh of her bottom tightly, something Parker himself wasn’t even aware of but was adding to the overwhelming sensation of the building orgasm Jessica was feeling.
However, it was Parker who was the first to orgasm, flooding her already-filled-to-the-brim oral cavity with a tsunami of his sticky, salty semen. Something between a cough and a gag burst out of Jessica, a mixture of her saliva and Parker’s semen spraying onto his groin as she quickly retreated to make more space for the following ropes of semen shooting into her mouth. Her eyes watered, vision rendered inert as her nose desperately tried to keep up with her body’s need for oxygen by taking large inhales of oxygen while her mouth was continuing to be filled with Parker’s ejaculate. It was this tight, almost panicked feeling that finally pushed her over the edge, a wave of her own cum washing onto Parker’s face.
Parker, too absorbed by the guilt from hearing Jessica’s gagging that was undoubtedly a result of him forgetting to warn her about his impending orgasm, was caught off guard by her orgasm, recovering seconds later and resuming his motions, letting her ride it out.
Even after Parker’s orgasm had died down, Jessica continued to keep his cock inside her mouth as the last waves of euphoria rolled through her body. When it finally subsided, Jessica unsheathed her mouth and climbed off him.
“Sorry about that, I just completely forgot to tell you.”
Jessica laughed. “What are you talking about? Like I’m always telling you, it’s fine!” she said, collecting the last bits of the sticky substance that had landed on his crotch area and feeding it to herself. “It was exciting—oh gosh, your face!”
Parker was still in the process of using his shirt he had set to the side to wipe off the excess ejaculate from Jessica on his face that was apparently still so visible that Jessica could see. “Why is it always so much?”
“Well, it’s partially your fault for being so good at it,” Jessica playfully shot back, joining Parker at his side and helping him wipe the sticky fluid off his face.
That sentence made Parker think. If, in the future, when Jessica had another ridiculous request like this one, he just performed badly, then would Jessica leave him alone?
“Oh, but if you’re thinking about doing poorly the next time we have sex, that won’t work because I already know you’re good at it.”
“Wha—how did you know what I was thinking?”
Jessica simply giggled, taking her side at the other end of the table after having adequately cleaned Parker’s face. “I mean, it’s pretty obvious that you would think that given what I just said.”
“Really…” Parker had almost forgotten about the chess game and felt almost cheated that they still had to play it. Usually, after they had sex, Jessica left him alone—this time wasn’t quite like that, and that threw Parker off. “…wait, whose turn was it?”
“Mine,” Jessica answered, moving her dark-square bishop to g5.
“You’re attacking something right away?”
“Well, you only have your shirt off so far.”
Knowing he didn’t really have much of a choice other than to recapture if his knight on f6 was captured, he instead elected to attack a pawn by moving his a rook to b8.
Jessica paused for a moment before catching him off-guard; instead of capturing the knight like he expected, Jessica instead captured the e5 pawn with her knight. “Well, where do you wanna kiss me?”
“You’re way too happy that I just hung a pawn…”
“You know what, I’ll let you choose kissing me on the lips again just this once~”
“Wow, you’re so gracious.”
Jessica giggled at Parker’s deadpan reply. “I know, right?”
Despite everything, Parker found himself smiling at the infectious positive energy Jessica emitted, leaning over the table to land a quick peck on her lips before making his next move: reinforcing his knight by moving his rook to d6. Jessica’s response was to just take the knight, Parker taking the bishop back in kind.
“Alright, one piece of clothing each~” Parker removed his socks, and to his surprise, so did Jessica. Seeing this, Jessica giggled. "What?”
“You actually chose to take your socks off. I figured that was going to be the one article of clothing you kept on.”
Jessica chose only to respond with her mysterious smile again, thinking for a bit before moving her undefended knight to g4. Not wanting to remove another piece of clothing so quickly, he moved his dark-square bishop to d4. Jessica’s response was a simple pawn move, moving her pawn to e5.
Rook to e6 followed, moving his rook out of danger of the advancing pawn, Jessica’s rook swooping in from the corner to d1, attacking his dark-square bishop.
Well, so much for not taking off another article of clothing so quickly. He felt that spending an entire turn moving the bishop away was a waste of time, but on the other hand, it was pinning the f2 pawn to the king. Still, was it valuable enough to waste an entire turn to keep it safe?
“Fine,” he muttered, taking her c3 knight with his bishop.
“Ah, one left~” she taunted him, taking the bishop back with her pawn.
While Parker elected to remove his pants, Jessica chose to take off her light jacket—or at least, that’s what it appeared at first. When Jessica moved to remove her nightgown, Parker interjected. “Wait, it’s only one piece of clothing.”
Jessica cocked her eyebrow at him, stopping part-way. “I know. I’m taking this off,” she stated, proceeding to remove the pajama one-piece.
The defeated sigh from Parker turned into a warbled noise of surprise when her fully exposed boobs popped out from the confines of the rather form-fitting one-piece, nipples already fully erect. “What the f—” Honestly, at this point, Parker wasn’t even sure why he was surprised. Of course, Jessica would do something like this.
“That’s better,” she said, draping the light jacket over her shoulders. Although the jacket covered part of her chest, it still left much of it clearly visible, least of all the extremely tempting peaks of her voluptuous mounds. Seeing Parker’s shocked reaction from across the table put a smirk on her face. “What? Do you like what you see?”
“I don’t even know why I’m surprised, honestly,” Parker replied, focusing back on the board and moving his pawn to h5.
“Oh, so you do like what you see,” Jessica commented, the smirk on her lips widening, “or else why would you want me to take off my last piece of clothing?”
“I’m just trying to win and be done with this.” Parker would never admit it out loud and could barely admit it to himself, but Jessica’s boobs were addictively alluring. The pureness of its color, the soft appearance and tightness of the skin, the perfect round shape it had, the volume of them, not even to mention how succulent her nipples looked when swollen as they were at the moment and how it made him want to do nothing more than to take one to his mouth and suck on them. But there was also something about the fact that they were partially hidden by the jacket draped over her shoulders that just added onto Parker’s immense desire to glance up, but his guilt and desire to not be teased by Jessica for doing so trumped those desires.
“Hmm…” Jessica elected to move her knight out of the way, back to e3. With the e5 pawn no longer defended, Parker took the pawn with his rook. “Alright, where do you want it?”
“The kiss I owe you.” Absorbed by the game and fighting the urge to take a peek, Parker had completely forgotten about those extra rules and was left dumbfounded until she was next to him.
“Can I say lips again…?”
Jessica thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “There’s six more, so sure.” Parker breathed a sigh of relief, letting Jessica peck him on the lips before returning to her side of the table. Then Parker realized how messed up it was that he was relieved that Jessica chose to allow him to tell her to kiss him on the lips.
After moving her pawn to h3, Parker connected his king-side pawns by moving his pawn to g6. What followed were essentially positioning maneuvers: Jessica’s rook shot up the board closer to his king, Parker responding by protecting the pawn under attack with his own rook, and Jessica responding by placing her other rook behind the first. Parker adjusted his bishop’s positioning to b7, thinking he could open some sort of attack after moving his c6 pawn, Jessica responding by her rook to attack his bishop. Parker scooted it into the corner, Jessica following up by attacking his rook by moving her knight to c4.
Figuring he could move his rook out of the way while attacking the knight, he moved his rook to e4 but was stopped short by Jessica placing her rook between the two pieces.
“Remember, if you take, then we both get five minutes with each other~” Jessica sang, shooting a grin at him.
Parker gritted his teeth, his hand hovering over the piece before ultimately deciding to take the rook. Jessica answered by taking his rook back with her pawn, standing up to move to Parker’s side while grabbing her phone that she had set on the side.
“Wait, stay there.” Jessica, shocked that Parker actually was directing her, obeyed, watching Parker as he moved over to her side of the table, desperately trying to avoid looking at the delicious pair of tits that were more or less out in the open for him to see. “I get to choose first, right?”
“Mhm, since you took my rook first,” she answered, leaving the screen open on the timer app.
“And I can choose anything, right?”
“As long as it qualifies as sex, yeah.”
“Then I’ll just finger you for five minutes.”
“Pfft, that hardly counts. But, I’ll allow it if you slap me while doing it.”
“…Slap? …Where?”
Jessica beamed. “Anywhere! My face, my tits, my ass, you choose!”
Parker found himself sighing again, sitting down on the couch. “Fine. Situate yourself here, laying down on your stomach,” he said, patting his lap.
Jessica happily agreed, laying face-down on the couch and situating her groin with his lap. He once again found himself staring at her juicy, round, firm rear, only snapping out of it when Jessica let out a giggle. “You like my ass that much?”
“How the hell does Hunter not suspect anything if you show up to bed occasionally with a red ass?”
“Well, Hunter leaves a red mark on me more than occasionally whenever we—”
“Never mind.” Jessica full-on laughed this time, Parker reaching over to grab her phone off the table and setting in on her back. Her laugh quickly turned into a noise of surprise followed quickly by a sharp moan as his index and middle finger penetrated her.
He immediately was met with firm resistance, her tight, moist walls making it difficult to advance. “Fuck,” he murmured to himself, pulling it out briefly only to summarily shove it back in. Another drawn out moan escaped Jessica’s lips, her body jumping in reaction to his actions.
He followed shortly after with a slap, watching on in guilty pleasure as the plush flesh bounced in reaction to his firm action. Jessica’s moan increased in volume, urging him on. “More! Harder!”
Jessica’s body responded wonderfully to his every action, her voice matching the ferocity of his slaps and the fierceness of his fingers’ pumping, the ring finger eventually joining the two. It didn’t feel too long after before the timer went off, signaling the end of the five minutes.
There was a part of Parker that was frustrated he had to stop when he was finally getting into the rhythm of things, but hearing the jarring sound mostly created inside him a feeling of relief. However, that feeling was immediately replaced with a sensation of dread, seeing the glimmer in Jessica’s eyes as she got up from her prone position on the couch.
“My turn! Come around,” she instructed him, jumping off the leathery three-person seat and positioning herself leaning over the back of the couch. Parker reluctantly followed, standing a good few feet behind her. “You’ll have to take those off for now,” Jessica said, nodding at the only piece of clothing left on the man. “You’re going to take me from behind like this, but also squeeze my tits and slap my ass and face, in any order you please.”
“…But only for five minutes, right?”
She nodded, holding up her phone, showing him that she had reset the timer on it to the 5-minute mark. “You don’t trust me?”
“No, it’s not that, it’s—”
“Oh, did you think it was a shame you couldn’t fuck me until you filled my tight little pussy with your thick cum?”
Parker let out an exasperated sigh, something Jessica couldn’t help but giggle at. “I’m not even—let’s just get this over with,” he said, sliding off the boxers he was still wearing. “Are you ready with the timer?”
“Yep,” she answered, again holding up her phone with her thumb hovering on the ‘Start’ button.
The instant he felt his dick surrounded by the tight warmth of Jessica’s pussy, Parker knew he was in trouble. He was already slightly horny from watching Jessica enjoy being fingered, but feeling the slick, warm walls of Jessica’s vagina rub against his shaft was overpowering.
This problem wasn’t something Jessica was even remotely concerned with: as soon as she felt Parker’s cock penetrate her, stretching her tiny pussy to match its enormous size, the moans and groans of pleasure never stopped streaming out of her mouth. The combined sparks of pain from the jarring feeling of Parker’s rough hands landing on her butt and feeling them squeezing her tits like he was trying to milk them added onto that feeling.
So absorbed was Jessica that she didn’t even notice the timer go off, whining when she felt Parker suddenly stop and pull away. “Parker—” she looked back in complaint, but in that brief reprieve from the cloud of lust that was filling her mind, remembered the time constraint and cursed herself for not making it longer. “Right, five minutes.”
When they got back into their positions, both of their faces were slightly red from physical exertion but also from being blue balled; Jessica had to actively stop herself from finishing herself right in front of Parker, the thought of masturbating in front of him as he watched on in morbid curiosity immensely appealing to her. The wait would only increase the potency of the orgasm, Jessica reminded herself, and refocused on the game.
“My turn, right?”
Jessica nodded, so Parker moved his c pawn up one square. “Oh, offering me a free kiss?” Jessica said, grinning smugly as she captured it with her pawn. “This time, you’re going to kiss me on the neck. And don’t make it a peck like the other ones, do it genuinely.”
Parker rolled his eyes but complied returning to his spot after following Jessica’s request and moving his rook one square towards the center. The next few moves were relatively uneventful, with Jessica positioning her rook more towards the center and Parker doing the same with his bishop, Jessica moving her rook and knight to attack the piece while Parker reinforced it with a pawn.
For his next move, Parker thought for a while, and thinking he had some sort of tactic, he moved his f pawn two squares forward. However, Jessica’s response mirrored his, moving her c pawn up to attack the bishop. Knowing it was most likely going to be taken and that it therefore meant the two had to finish the game completely in the nude, Parker elected to advance his pawn one more square to attack Jessica’s knight, her response being to finally take the bishop with the piece. Parker responded by taking the piece back with his pawn, afterwards leaving the two completely naked.
“You know, if you want to look at my tits, you can just look at them, you know. You don’t have to do this sneaky thing where you pretend to look at the board and use the corner of your vision to take a peek at them.”
Parker hadn’t even fully realized he was doing that until Jessica mentioned it, but now that he was caught red-handed, he felt doubly embarrassed. “I—It wasn’t intentional.”
“Oh, so you’re saying you can’t help but look at my boobs?”
“I—never mind,” he mumbled, Jessica bursting out into laughter as she retook the pawn with hers.
“Well, since you like them so much, come here and kiss them,” she said, claiming yet another reward for taking his pawn.
Parker ignored Jessica’s playful remark and obeyed, cursing his dick for hardening at the feeling of the soft, pliable skin under his lips as he planted a kiss on her milk jugs. Jessica was only up two pawns, but it somehow felt like he was on the verge of losing. Still, there was one definitive reason to play: if he couldn’t win, he could at least bring the game to stalemate and send Jessica home early.
But all it took was one pawn move forward for Parker to realize just how doomed he was.
Jessica was only a few moves from promoting a pawn to a queen, and he wasn’t in any position to stop it. “Ah, wow I’m screwed…”
Jessica simply smiled, saying, “Are you going for a stalemate?”
“I mean, that’s the best I can do at this point.”
“Well, too bad for you because endgames were my specialty~” Hearing that turned Parker’s face pale. Should he just give up? Jessica was so far ahead, and if endgames were her specialty, then with two pawns so close to the edge of the board and promoting, there was almost no way for him to do anything but lose? “No forfeiting though, I’m not letting you go until I get all of my rewards~”
Parker gritted his teeth. That’s right, losing wasn’t an option. Jessica wasn’t a perfect player, there must be an opportunity to stalemate somewhere. “Right.” But looking at the confident smile on Jessica’s face, Parker felt his days free of Jessica’s schemes fall further and further away.
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harrywavycurly · 1 day
We get to see what happens when we save our honey from the honky tonk right Sarah? Don’t leave us hanging😬😬
Hiii babes!! Yes, you’ll get to see what happens when you save your Honey!! I hope you enjoy!! I had too much fun writing it so I’m sorry if it’s dramatic but like you’re mad and southern so…what can you expect?😂💖
-find all things Southern Comfort here✨
CW: Language, Harry is drunk
A/N: You come pick up Harry but you’re really there to give your older brother a piece of your mind, enjoy some sibling bickering and an extra fluffy Harry✨
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Harry sees your truck pulling into the parking lot and he can’t even stop himself from getting a silly grin on his face. He sits up a little straighter as his hold on the metal bud light bucket sitting in his lap tightens as he watches you back into a parking spot one handed all while only half focused on what you’re actually doing, not that you need to be super focused. Harry has watched you back into parking spots hundreds of times and each time it not only impresses him but also slightly causes his hands to go all sweaty and his heart to beat a little quicker because he had always found it extremely attractive the way you handle your truck so well. He can see your eyes scanning the entrance to the bar he’s sat in front of, no doubt looking for him. He lets out a dreamy sounding sigh as he looks away from you briefly so he can elbow the man sitting next to him on the bench by the door. The man lets out a huff as he glares at Harry who still has a grin on his face as he nudges his head in your direction.
“S’my girlfriend.” He says proudly as he turns to look back at you just in time to watch you slam the drivers side door closed. “She’s here to pick me up.” He explains as you slide your phone and truck keys into your back pocket all while Harry is sat on the bench with a smile on his face, he watches as you pull your hair into a low ponytail while you move across the small parking lot.
“Bullshit.” Is all the man says as his eyes follow where Harry is looking, seeing you walking towards the entrance of the bar in a pair of denim shorts a pink tank top with the word “yeehaw” in yellow that’s extremely faded because Harry knows you only wear that exact tank top when you’re deep cleaning because it has holes and random stains on it from cleaning products but it’s the boots that tip him off that you came here in a rush because they are your red dancing boots you only wear when you go out with the girls because the bottoms are perfect for spinning around on the dance floor. “She ain’t yours.” The man adds as you get closer to the two of them and Harry just ignores him as your eyes finally lock with his bright green ones making a smile take over your face.
“Sweet-” You rush over to him and place both hands on his face putting your lips on his before he can even get the rest of his greeting out. Harry for a moment forgets how to move his arms and by the time his brain registers what’s happening you’re pulling away from him making a loud whine escape him. “No no I wasn’t-wasn’t done yet.” He pouts making you roll your eyes while the man sitting next to Harry just stares at you with wide eyes and his mouth slightly hanging open. “Really mate? Gonna drool over her right n’front of me?” You look away from Harry, dropping your hands from his face as you stand up.
“Friend of yours Sugar?” You ask as Harry’s hands instinctively reach out to grab your hips as you stand right in front of him. “What the hell is that?” Harry looks down at the bucket in his lap before looking back at you and shrugs making you just glare at him.
“M’not givin it back baby s’mine now.” He answers with as much confidence as he can muster in his current state because under any other circumstances the look you’re giving him right now would be enough for him to get up and find the bartender he tipped well over two hundred dollars, just to give them the empty beer bucket back. You just shake your head and decide to let it go because at the moment now that you have eyes on Harry and know he’s okay for the most part, you can go inside and search for the other reason you’re here, to give your brother a proper lesson in manners.
“Okay Honey you keep your little bucket I’m gonna run inside and see if I can find that brother of mine.” Harry just nods his head as he unintentionally leans forward a bit making you reach out and place a hand on his cheek while the other brushes his hair back so it’s out of his face. “Where’s your hat?” You ask suddenly remembering him mentioning he was going to be wearing a cowboy har.
“M’not stupid.” You raise an eyebrow at his answer making him just stare at you for a moment before he turns his head so he can place a kiss to the inside of the hand that’s cupping his cheek. “S’in Rick-Kevin? One of those names’s trucks cos I know you were upset bout it.” You can’t help but let out a laugh as Harry’s brows furrow when he tries to remember who’s truck he left his hat in, you just give him a warm smile as you lean in and place a quick kiss to his lips.
“You are so damn precious.” Harry smiles at your words as you pull away and give his cheek a soft little pinch before you remove your hand from his face, you turn and look at the entrance of the bar and let out a deep breath but before you take a step you feel Harry give your hips a squeeze making you turn your head to look at him.
“Don’t get n’trouble love.” You just give him a playful wink and a nod making him laugh and shake his head while a huff leaves his lips when he finally has to let go of your hips when you take a small step away from him and towards the door.
“You stay put okay Sugar? I’ll be right back.” That’s the last thing Harry hears you say before he watches you disappear through the door of the bar. Harry turns to look at the man sitting next to him and can’t help but roll his eyes when he sees he’s staring at the door as if he also just watched you walk inside.
“Really? With the staring?”
“How the hell did you get her?”
“I let her run into my ankle at a grocery store.” Harry half mumbles as he lets out a sigh and gets comfortable on the bench, feeling better now that he knows you’re here and he’ll get to go home with you soon, which means cuddles after a shower because he already knows there’s no way you’re going to let him even think about sitting on the bed with the lingering oder of cigarets mixed with beer that’s currently clinging to his close and skin right now. Harry leans back on the bench and slowly he feels his eyes start to close as he begins to wonder if there’s a chance he can somehow convince you to maybe make him something to eat when the two of you get home because the idea of sitting in bed freshly showered eating a sandwich that he knows your lovely delicate hands made just for him sounds like heaven on earth if he’s being honest.
You smile at a few people you recognize as you walk into the bar, having been here before with Grant and his buddies since he found it a few years ago because it’s one of the only places that reminds him of the little bar back home so he’s pretty much a regular while he’s in town visiting you. When you finally make it to the back where the pool tables are you see Rick standing with his brother Kevin who are smiling and laughing with beers in their hands as they watch someone take their shot at one of the tables. Now sometimes you get annoyed with how short you are, never really being able to see things without wiggling your way to the front, having to ask people to help you reach for things off high shelves, then there’s the whole finding clothes that fit properly issue but you know everyone has that issue so you don’t think it’s just a short person thing but it is still something that annoys you, but in this very moment you’re thankful for your lack of height because it gives you the ability to be sneaky as you look at the man who’s getting ready to take his shot at the table about ready to sink the eight ball into the bottom right corner pocket.
You don’t need to look at the man’s face to know it’s your brother, you can tell by the black Texas Longhorn hat he has on and the gold class ring on his index finger as he leans over the table eyeing up his shot. You walk in front of the brothers, their sudden silence letting you know they saw you making you smile as you round the corner of the table just as Grant is about to take his shot. You can’t help but feel as if you showed up at just the right time since he’s bent over with his chest practically touching the edge of the table, too focused on the shot he’s trying to make to notice your presence, giving you the perfect opportunity to reach over just before his stick makes contact with the cue ball and grab his ear so it’s pressed in between your index finger and thumb.
“What the fu-” His voice is loud and full of surprise as he drops his pool stick on the table his eyes go wide as he looks at you and that’s when he knows he’s in trouble, the look on your face is one he’s only seen a few times and it always ends up with you going off on him for whatever idiotic thing he’s done but this time there’s something different to your death glare and it makes Grant a little nervous. You give his ear a good squeeze as you turn and start leading him away from the pool table. “Ouch-you you gotta-fuck sis you gotta let go.” You ignore his complains as he stays bent over due to the significant height difference between the two of you as you keep his ear in a tight grip while leading him towards the door.
“I don’t have to do jack shit.” You snap as people stare at the two of you as you drag your brother by his ear out of the bar. Kevin and Rick make quick work of finishing off their beers and following the two of you outside so they can witness what’s about the happen, already deciding not to step in unless they absolutely have to.
“Jesus-fuck fuck okay okay can you let go now?” Grant pleads as you drag him towards the bench Harry is sitting on. “You made your point damn-you’re gonna rip my fucking ear off.” Harry’s eyes shoot open at the sound of Grant’s loud voice and he feels his mouth drop at the sight in front of him. You have your older brother bent over as he follows behind you and it takes Harry’s fuzzy brain due to the shots and beers finally catching up to him, a few seconds to realize Grant is bent over due to the fact you have his ear in a vice grip causing the man to let out a few groans of pain before you finally come to a stop a few feet away from Harry. You let go of his ear finally allowing Grant to stand up straight as you turn around so you can face him.
“No you don’t get to talk right now.” You interrupt making Grant just steady himself and cross his arms over his chest as he stares down at you. Harry notices how red Grant’s ear is and he can’t imagine how much it must be hurting because you have quite a strong grip so he knows your brother will be feeling that injury for a few days at least. “I’m so mad at you right now Grant Matthew I could just spit.” You let out a deep breath trying to calm yourself down while Grant does something he instantly regrets, rolls his eyes.
“Really? Roll them eyes at me one more time Grant and I swear I’ll kick your ass in front of all these people and then I’ll call daddy and tell him what kinda asshole his son has been the whole time he’s been in town visiting me.” Your voice has no warmth or softness to it instead it’s harsh and cold making Harry hope he never has to be in Grant’s boots because if you ever spoke to him in that tone he would simply start crying immediately and he knows it because your accent mixed with the harshness of your tone is a terrifying mixture.
“Oh I’m an asshole for taking your boyfriend out for a good time?” Grant argues as he uncrosses his arms so he can gesture towards Harry who is watching with wide eyes from his spot on the bench. You don’t look at Harry, you can’t because the moment you do all your anger and frustration will melt away as soon as your eyes lock with his because that’s what happens when you see him he just brings you a sense of calm and right now you don’t want to be calm because you have a point to make.
“A good time? You call taking him here and leaving him alone with people he doesn’t fucking know a good time? You made him get a bucket of beer Grant! He doesn’t even drink beer!”
“Oh come on it was Bud Light! Hardly call that beer.”
“That doesn’t make it better you jackass!”
“He doesn’t need a damn babysitter he was fine on his own.”
“No he wasn’t. Someone knocked a beer out of his hand and you wanna know what he called this place? The kinda bar Patrick Swayze got asked to be a bouncer at and the only thing missing is a band in a fucking cage.”
“So teach him to hold onto his drink better. Wait what? He said-like Roadhouse? It’s not that rough in there?”
“To you it’s not but to him? To him it is because he’s not used to this kinda bar Grant.”
“How’s he gonna last when you bring him home and he has to experience the real thing then if he can’t even handle this? Because that’s the goal ain’t it sis? To bring him how to meet everyone?” Grant’s voice is elevated as he places a hand on his hip while the other is pointing towards Harry. “How you expect him to last in our bar with dad and them if he can’t even keep a hold of his drink when someone bumps into em’.” This time you do allow yourself to look over at Harry as Grant talks. He’s sitting there with his bucket in his lap and a worried expression on his face as he looks at your brother who is staring down at you, but then his eyes shift over to you and his expression softens as his lips pull upward into a smile and the wrinkle between his brows disappears. You just give him a small smile before you turn your attention back to your brother.
“You’re an idiot.” Grant lets out a scoff as he rolls his eyes at you. “Of course I’m bringin him to meet momma and daddy and guess what? The moment I tell them he’s my boyfriend and I like him a whole hell of a lot they’ll treat him like family. You know what that means don’t you brother?” You raise an eyebrow as you take a step closer to him as he crosses his arms over his chest and glares down at you.
“That means as soon as we walk into that shitty fuckin bar we love so much in the middle of town no one will be able to mess with Harry because they’ll have to go through not only me but momma and you know if they wanna bother with momma they’ll have to get through daddy first and ain’t no one stupid enough to try that. Because that’s what our family does Grant. We take care of the people our loved ones care about so if you gave a shit about me you wouldn’t have put my boyfriend in a situation where he was uncomfortable and could’ve gotten hurt.” You know your words hit home the moment you watch Grant uncross his arms and let them fall to his sides. You know he doesn’t mean to upset you, he’s your brother and he loves you but he also has a protective streak a mile wide that he can’t always keep under control and part of you knows this was some sort of test for Harry, a way to see if he could prove himself to Grant but you need your brother to know that you’re not going to put up with things like this from him.
“I wouldn’t have let him get hurt.” Grant says in a much softer tone than he was using with you before and you just give him a look that makes him raise an eyebrow at you.
“I was able to drag you outside by your ear so I’m not too confident you can keep my Honey safe.” You tease making Grant glare at you while Kevin and Rick laugh from behind him. “I just need you to realize that Harry isn’t a cowboy and he never will be so stop with all this shit okay?” You explain making Grant just nod as you look over your shoulder to see Harry messing with the rolled up sleeve of his button up shirt that he somehow managed to get stuck on the handle where it attaches to the side of his beer bucket, you can’t help but laugh because that’s your boyfriend in a nutshell, getting himself tangled up in something but looking adorable while doing it.
“I quite like him just the way he is.” You add as you look back at your brother with a smile on your face, Grant just looks at Harry and then looks back at you and lets out a chuckle as he shakes his head.
“You sure know how to pick em.” Is all he says before he’s pulling you into a hug, you laugh and wrap your arms around his middle giving him a big squeeze as his chin rests on top of your head. “He’s a good guy though.” You smile at your brother’s kind words, he gives the top of your head a kiss before he pulls away. “You go on and take pretty boy home I’m gonna stay a while and finish my game that someone so rudely interrupted.” Grant gives you a playful glare when he mentions you interrupting his pool game while you just roll your eyes and turn to start heading in Harry’s direction.
“Fine but don’t come in my house all late stompin around like a bear in his cave you hear me? You act like you got some damn manners left in you Grant Matthew or else next time I really will rip your damn ear off.” You threaten and Grant just gives you a smile and a nod when you look at him over your shoulder.
“Yes ma’am.” With that he heads back inside the bar with Kevin and Rick following behind him after they give you a farewell wave and a smile which you return before you turn all your attention towards your drunk boyfriend sitting on the bench still fighting to free his sleeve from the bucket in his lap.
“Honey you need some help?” Harry lets out a sigh of defeat as you appear in front of him, he doesn’t know how the button on his sleeve got caught on the metal handle of the bucket but it did and now he can’t seem to get it loose.
“M’stuck.” He huffs and you just look down and bring your hand to his sleeve and simply move the handle and unhook the button from the handle making him look at you in awe. “God you’re perfect.” You just smile as you lean down and place a kiss to his cheek.
“Let’s go home Sugar.”
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demonsslayersstuff · 21 hours
Life Moved on Without You (Gojo x Gender Neutral Reader)
A/N: In honor of JJK ending I wanted to write this Drabble that had been floating around my notes for a while. Warnings: Character Death, JJK spoilers, angst. If you haven’t read the manga and don’t want to be spoiled, please don’t read this fic. It’s a bit rough, so I might edit it later. Enjoy!
First Year:
You shiver as you pull your scarf tighter across your neck as the wind whips around your body, chilling you to the core. You continue down the path, determined to make it to your destination, weather be damned. The snow crunches under your feet as you find yourself walking towards a familiar grove of trees. It’s not long before you come across his headstone. You bite your lip as you feel the onslaught of tears already starting. Has it really already been a year without him?
You take a deep breath, steading yourself before you step closer, wiping the wet snow off the cool marble stone. Once you’ve completed the task you lay a bouquet of flowers at its base, and kneel for a few minutes in silence, thinking of the right words to say to him.
“Hey…Satoru”, you start, but your voice cracks, so you take another deep breath before starting again. “It’s been a year without you, a long hard year”, you begin. “I’m trying, I really am, but it’s not easy….I still think about you everyday”, you continue. “The kids are doing well, I honestly think they’re adjusting better than I am”, you say the last part with a sad chuckle. “God, I miss you”, you murmur as tears fall down your face. You cry for a moment, letting yourself be in pain. It takes you some time before you speak again.
“I uh…I finally moved out of our apartment. Found a new one a little closer to work”, you say, staring down at the flowers you’d placed on the grave. “I’m sorry, I loved our place…but I needed to let it go for my sake and Shoko’s”, you continue. “I couldn’t keep hiding at her place”, you sigh. You reach out and trace his name inscribed on the stone, “I hope you’re having fun up there with the others”, you whisper before falling silent.
You’d had this big speech prepared, but ultimately floundered. Being here was harder than you wanted to admit. Just as you turn to leave, you feel a something cold and wet land on your cheek. You look up and watch as huge white snowflakes begin to fall gracefully from the sky. You smile and lift your face up towards the falling snow somehow knowing this was his way of saying hello.
The Fifth Year:
You sigh as you unfold the blanket in front of his headstone. Today was an unusually warm December 24, something that today of all days you were grateful for.
You plop down on the blanket, before reaching into your bag, grabbing two cups and your thermos. You quietly pour the hot drink into the cups as the wind blows through the leafless trees. You place one at the base of his headstone before clicking it with your own glass. “I know how much you loved my homemade hot chocolate”, you murmur before taking a large sip from your cup.
“It’s crazy how quickly life goes on”, you say staring at the last dregs of the hot chocolate in your cup. “The kids continue to grow up much too fast, they’re no longer students”, you continue. “Megumi and Nobara have been sent on a mission abroad, but they send their love. Yuji is quickly following you in your footsteps. He is a teacher now, with the same damn antics as you”, you chuckle. “As for me, I’m still the same love. I’m finding the little joys in life again, though I still miss you”, you say, whispering the last part.
You sit as his grave for a long time, watching as the sun moves across the cloudless sky. Once you see the blue hue beginning to turn into shades of golds and purples you begin to pack up your stuff. You lean down and softly touch your lips to his name whispering, “Merry Christmas, Satoru”, before you walk away.
The Fifteenth Year:
As with many things, grief comes and goes in many different waves. Unlike the past few years, this year hit you incredibly hard.
You stand in front of his grave, dressed in all black as tears stream endlessly down your face. You didn’t want to accept the reality that now you had lived longer in the world without Satoru Gojo than you had with him in it. “I don’t remember what you smell like”, you say honestly, continuing to stare at his name. “I kept your jacket, but your scent is long gone”, you continue before falling silent.
You feel a reassuring squeeze on your shoulder and look over to see Yuji giving you a sad smile. “It’s ok”, he tells you softly, before leaning down to place the flowers he had brought with him. You didn’t have much in you today, you were too angry at the world. How was it fair that you had to live so long without him? You reach out and touch the weathered stone briefly before turning around, walking away without saying your usual goodbyes.
Yuji sighs as he watches you leave. “Don’t worry Sensei, I’ll keep an eye on them”, he mumbles before hurrying away. Moving to quickly catch up with you, determined to follow through with his promise.
The Thirtieth Year:
Your hips ached as you leaned down to wipe away the old leaves and dirt that had befallen on the now aged headstone. “Sorry I haven’t come in a while love, I’ve been so incredibly busy”, you say as you tuck your hands back into your coat pocket, the cold stinging your fingers.
“There’s another six eyes and limitless user now. Though I’m a bit too old to be teaching anyone anymore, since I was married to you, the new board asked me to oversee their training”, you continue. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep them humble”, you quip, willing yourself to remember the sound of his laugh, another thing time has slowly taken away from you.
“I find myself wondering what you would have looked like if you were here today, would your face be wrinkled like mine? Would your back ache too?”, you question aloud. “You didn’t even make it to thirty…at least you’ll be eternally beautiful to me”, you sigh. “I miss you, always have, always will”, you whisper.
The Forty-Fifth Year:
The three of them stand there, huddle together as snow falls silently from the sky. “They’re finally together”, the woman says somberly, yet at the same time feeling a sense of happiness. They continue to stand there looking at the two headstones, one old and weathered, one brand new, striking compared to the other.
“I just hope they found each other again. Can you believe they lived over forty years without him and never…remarried or anything”, the taller man muses. “They loved him”, the other man replies quietly. “They told me there was no body else”, he continues before falling silent. “Alright it’s getting a bit too cold for me, let’s head back ”, the woman says before turning around to walk away, one of the men joining her. The taller man remains there for a moment, his pink hair now replaced with natural grays. “Goodbye…I’ll see you both again one day”, he whispers before joining his friends as the snow picks up, blanketing everything in its wake.
You awaken to see a familiar pair of blue eyes that you hadn’t seen in so long. “Satoru”, you mumble, slightly confused. “Did you miss me sweets?”, he laughs as you reach out to hesitantly poke his face. “This dream feels so weird”, you tell him. You watch as a sad smile befalls his youthful face. “It’s not a dream love”, he tells you gently.
The reality of his words ring through your ears and you realize what had come to pass. “Does this mean I can finally be with you?”, you ask him, voice cracking slightly. “Yes”, he tells you. You cry as you launch yourself into his arms, “God I missed you so much Satoru”, you say, deeply breathing in his scent you had so desperately missed. “I missed you too love. I was here waiting patiently for you”, he replies, cupping your face in his hands. “I don’t want to be separated from you ever again”, you say staring up into his stunning blue eyes. “Never again”, he whispers before he leans down to kiss you, a warmth spreading through your body, you were finally at peace.
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dreamingofep · 19 hours
Forbidden Love Pt. 7 💔❣️
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Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Reuniting with Elvis was supposed to be the highlight of your summer, but with unresolved tensions between you two, things aren't what they seem. [Fem!reader]
TW: Cussing, angst, mentions of infertility, Elvis being ~very difficult~😠
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.4k
A/N: Hi everyone! Posting in Elvis hours again hehe. This chapter is an emotional rollercoaster so be prepared! Forgive me for putting these two through the wringer🫣 I would recommend re-reading the first chapter again because I did leave some clues of what is going to be unveiled... Hope you enjoy! Elvis needs a hug and a slap on the wrist in this chapter🤭
July 5th, 1969
Tonight was another planned dinner and you couldn’t be more excited. This means you get to see Elvis with no other explanation and if you were lucky, you’d sneak away from everyone and kiss him like he’s your only supply of oxygen. Elvis coordinated this whole dinner. After five full days of rehearsing hours on end for his show, he wanted to have a little fun and invite some friends over. You liked how excited Elvis got over things lately. It was such a turn compared to a few weeks ago when he barely liked any company, especially yours. 
John was never thrilled about these dinners. He wouldn’t sit by you and would barely look in your direction so you and Elvis always sat next to each other. You’d joke and glance at each other with longing stares that made you feel aflame. His hand would brush your thigh and you couldn’t help but inch closer to him, longing for him to keep touching you. You loved those secret moments.
It was almost time to leave and you put on some glossy pink lipstick before rushing to get your heels on. You open the door and the phone rings as you’re about to leave the house. You run back in and grab the phone.
“Hello?” You say a bit winded.
“Hi baby when are you coming over?” Elvis asks smoothly. 
“I was just about to leave but here I am on the phone with you,” you tease him.
“Well, I’m glad I caught ya then. I want you to pack some things. I want you to stay the night,” he says matter-of-factly. You almost gasp at his request. He wouldn’t dare make it so obvious that you two were seeing each other. 
“No, absolutely not. Are you insane? We’d get caught and that would be the end of that,” you say shortly.
“No one’s gonna be home tonight. Dianne won’t be here, she’s got a flight later tonight to see some family,” he explains. You grew nervous, it was still too risky. This plan of his was going to blow up in smoke.
“And what about John? You need to deal with him. He expects me to be home with him. I don’t need him to start to grow suspicious of why I hang out at your house so late,” you say annoyed.
“Let me deal with him. Just bring your things, okay?” He says low and hangs up quickly.
You grunt frustrated, you hated that it had to be his way or no way at all. But you also didn’t have it in you to fight with him. You liked him taking the lead and having his way with you. You quickly go back to the bedroom and scour the closet for a duffle bag to pack some things for the night. It was a little nerve-wracking that you’d be there all night but you knew you’d love it. You race back to the front door and put the bag in your trunk, excited for tonight’s adventure. 
You pulled up to the house and the driveway was already packed with cars. Some of the guys were out there waiting to open the gate for you and you quickly parked the car, rushing to get inside. Walking up to the door, the murmur of voices behind it made you a bit nervous. Elvis better be on his best behavior. There were going to be too many eyes around tonight. You couldn’t get too close to him or disaster could strike.
There were a few people at the entrance of the house and they politely smiled at you and said hello. You do the same but your eyes frantically search for Elvis. You wanted to see him, as bad as it was, you needed to see what he was wearing tonight.
You round the corner and into the living room and you stop dead in your tracks. You found him and he was wearing all black and a blue scarf that made his eyes pop. He forgoes a shirt underneath his jacket and it shows off his tan chest. You loved his fashion choices lately and not wearing anything underneath his jackets with scarves or leaving his shirts unbuttoned scandalously low. He looked absolutely gorgeous and his eyes lit up when he saw you too.
Your smile begins to fade when you realize Dianne is sitting on his lap, wearing a short ruffled skirt and tank top, twirling his scarf around her finger. Your blood boiled, you hated seeing her on him. It was stupid honestly. She was only playing a part and so was Elvis. But this wasn’t a public event, there was no need for a dramatic display of affection from the two of them. You do everything in your power to force the fakest smile you’ve ever given. Elvis probably saw right through it as you stared at him blankly. 
“Hi y/n, it’s nice to see you again,” Jerry says on your right, snapping you out of your jealousy.
“Hi Jerry, always nice to see you,” you say to him and give him a hug. 
John was sitting next to Elvis and goes to hug you. It shocked you a little, he wasn’t the type to give affection so publicly. You smell the faintest scent of alcohol on him. I guess that answers why he’s so affectionate. You hug him anyway because you want Elvis to feel the same jealousy you felt when you looked at Dianne sitting on his lap. You grab John by the face and kiss him. You felt Elvis’ eyes burn into your skin. He hated what you were doing. You loved getting the reaction out of him though.
You pull away from him and act embarrassed, “Oh hi Dianne, so nice to see you again! Hi Elvis,” you say a bit flatly. Dianne quickly gets up and gives you a big hug.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here! I can use a girl’s company! Please sit down,” she says sitting back on Elvis’ lap and having you sit right next to him. There was a small space left on the couch and you squeezed beside him, placing your purse on the side of it and out of the way. His legs were spread open and your leg touched his. You try not to let it get to you but your body says otherwise.
“How have you been y/n? How was your day?” Dianne asks.
“Oh, it was fine. I just worked a shift at the diner and went home for a bit to relax before coming here,” you tell her.
“Oh, how nice. Do you like your job?” She asks as he continues to twirl Elvis’ scarf around her finger and rest her other hand on his bare chest. You tried to let it not distract you but you’re failing. It irked you the way he was letting her touch him. It was ridiculous of you, but it didn’t matter. You hated it and wished you were the one in his lap instead.
“No, not really, but it pays the bills in the meantime,” you joke.
“You’re an actress right?” Jerry butts in. Thank God for that, at least you don’t have to look directly at Dianne anymore.
“Yes, I am. I’m on a bit of a hiatus. Things have been a little tough and I’ve needed to take a break from it. I wasn’t getting as many jobs and it started to affect us,” you say a bit hurt.
You hated admitting that your dream wasn’t panning out the way you wanted it to. You didn’t quit the business, you were just falling on hard times and needed to make some quick money before going back out there. 
“Sorry you’ve had to take a break, you’ll get back on your feet in no time. I’ve seen some of your movies, you’re a natural,” Jerry says sweetly.
“Thanks,” you say sheepishly. It was nice to hear someone saw the potential you had. You look at John briefly and see he has this annoyed expression on his face when he’s listening to you talk about your career. It ticked you off even though you should be used to it by now.
“Maybe you can focus on other things in the meantime,” Dianne says cheerfully, “Maybe you can start a family,” she tells you.
You look at her blankly. You didn’t want to talk about this stuff with her around. She was the last person you wanted to talk about family stuff with.
“Umm, no, I don’t think that’ll be happening,” you try to deflect.
“Oh, why not?” She asks.
“It’s not the right time,” you try to shrug like it doesn’t bother you.
“Well, you never know. Blessings can happen when you least expect it,” she says as she wraps her arms around Elvis’ neck. It took everything in you to shove her off of him and get her to stop asking a million questions.
“Yeah, but we’re good. It’s not the right time to start a family,” you reiterate a bit sharply, hoping she’ll shut up.
“Oh but can you imagine, a little you running around? That would be the cutest,” she says excitedly looking at Elvis, “maybe we can try again?” She says looking at Elvis, leaning in to kiss him.
You felt like screaming at him, both of them for that matter but God that got under your skin and stayed there. Again?! What does she mean again?! You wanted to yell and scream your head off at him if he was actually having his way with both of you at the same time. You clench your fist closed and do everything in your power to swallow your pride and not say anything to him. Yet. He will get an earful from you later, you were going to make sure of that. 
“Well you have fun with that,” you say sarcastically, making sure to not look at Elvis.
“You two really would have the cutest kids!” Dianne continues to ramble.
“Yeah, that's not happening. We’d need a miracle to happen,” John mutters a bit too loudly as he takes a sip of his beer.
You feel every pair of eyes dart to you and you freeze. You stare at John in disbelief that he just said that. He looks at you as though he sees right through you. He looks at you like you’re such a disappointment. You glance at Elvis and see a look of concern. 
“What? What does he mean?” Dianne asks confused. You wanted this night to end right here and now. You were sick and tired of her incessant questions and angry at John’s drunken slip-up.
“It means I can’t have kids. It’ll never be the right time it seems and I can’t do anything about it but move on,” you say sharply and throw daggers at her. She grows quiet and looks away from you.
The room was extremely quiet and you felt everyone’s uncomfortableness as the rest of the house was loud and full of laughter. You tap your leg nervously, hating that the attention is on you and this topic. You debate whether you should just leave the room or pray to God someone changes the topic again. You were hoping Jerry would be that person again but sadly he didn’t get that memo.
“I’m so sorry y/n,” Elvis says softly, almost too low for you to even hear.
You look up at his puppy dog eyes and let your anger get the best of you. Looking at him made you more angry and hearing that he was sorry for you pushed you past your boiling point. You stare at him blankly, fire burning in your eyes as you don’t want to be around him anymore. 
You get up from the couch and try to put on a believable smile like none of this got to you.
“I’m going to grab a drink, does anyone want anything?” You ask cheerfully.
Everyone murmurs no and you see yourself out. Your smile instantly drops when your back faces everyone in the living room. You squeeze your way through the dining room where a lot of people are gathered and go to the kitchen. It's a bit quieter in here and you get to breathe and try to shake off everything that just happened. You hated how this was brought up, it made you feel shitty. You don’t know if Dianne brought this up on purpose or what but you like her even less now. 
You find champagne on the kitchen island and pour yourself a small glass. You sip the bubbly drink and try to calm yourself down before you go back out there. You suddenly feel a hand gently grab your arm and pull you to the side. You look up and see it's Elvis and he keeps walking to a side room off of the kitchen. You shrug out of his grasp and grunt frustrated.
“Elvis?! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You snap.
“I needed to talk to you,” he says.
“It can wait, let's get out there,” you say flatly, trying to push past him. 
He steps in front of the door and locks it.
“No, I’m not letting you out of here until we talk about this,” he says sternly.
“There’s nothing to talk about Elvis, let’s just go,” you grumble. 
“Yes there is,” he says as he pulls you in to hug you, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” he says gently. 
As much as you loved it when he held you in his arms, you didn’t want that kind of affection right now. You push away at his chest and feel the tears well in your eyes. 
“Elvis no. I can’t do this with you. I tried to tell you. I did, I tried. But you were too busy for me! That was the moment I realized we weren’t friends anymore. I told whoever answered the phone it was extremely important to talk to you and they said they’d go and get you but you didn’t answer the phone! I waited for hours for you, crying my eyes out hoping you’d talk to me but you didn’t. I needed you. I needed someone to go to and comfort me when I was going through this tough time and I had no one,” you say angrily. 
“God no,” he angrily mutters, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t remember-. When was this? Please help me understand,” he pleads with you. 
“A few years ago. ‘66 I believe. Everything went up in flames that year. I came to the realization I’ll never be able to have a family and things only got worse with me and John. I was losing traction with my career and not getting cast as much. It was all a mess and I had no one to talk to,” you weep turning away from him so he wouldn’t see you cry. 
“I’m sorry honey that’s awful. I wish I could have done something, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking…” he rambles. 
“Nothing. You were thinking about nothing and ignoring me like every other man in my life,” you grumble. 
There’s a heavy silence that fills the room as you can still hear the liveliness of the party going on out there. 
“He isn’t supportive about any of it? Not even empathetic?” Elvis asks gently. 
“No. And I know deep down, he hates me for it. We were having some minor problems before this happened and a naive part of me thought that if I gave him a baby, everything would be alright. But years went on and it never happened. I had to face the reality that something was wrong with me and had to move on. There’s nothing I can do about it,” you say defeated. 
“Honey I-,” he starts to say but you stop him. 
“No! Don’t honey me! You are not innocent here. What the fuck was that about in the living room? Dianne saying you guys should try again?” You say as anger boils through you. 
“Are you messing around with her and me at the same time?! You told me the whole relationship between you two was just a publicity stunt and nothing more,” you seethe. 
He sighs and takes a step back from you, “It’s more complicated than that…” he starts to say. 
“No it’s not!” You yell at him. 
“Shh, please lower your voice,” he growls. 
“No, you don’t get to tell me what to do! Yes or no, are you two screwing around or was she trying to make your little story more believable by saying that.” You snap. 
His face looks distraught and he looks like he can cry too. It was a horrible sight to see. You only wanted to see him happy and full of joy. You can see he’s searching for the right words but hesitates to say any of them. 
“Yes, years ago we did. I was very unhappy with my career and hated everything I was doing. A lot like you, I thought maybe I should get married or have a baby, maybe that would make me happier? But I realized that none of that was going to make me happy and I didn’t like Dianne that way. I would be miserable if I married her,” he explains. 
You felt bad for him too, how unhappy he was like you and had nowhere to go. Things should have been different between you two. If you had talked to each other about all of this, maybe you wouldn’t feel so alone and helpless. 
“But to answer your question, no, I’m not even touching her. I want nothing to do with her like that now,” he pauses and slowly gets closer to you, “I only want you baby, please you have to believe me.” He says sorrowful. 
You don’t respond to him. You were too hurt by all of this and don’t want to be here anymore. 
“We should go out there, they’re waiting on us,” you murmur not looking at his face. He doesn’t budge and pulls you into his arms once more. 
“Baby please look at me. I’m sorry about everything,” he purrs. 
You wanted to forgive him of course, it felt awful to be cross with him but you needed space. You still hold this grudge against him that he hasn’t been there for you when he said he always would be. You push past him and quickly get out of the room and into the kitchen. 
There were so many people around, that your absence wasn’t noticed where you had been for the last few minutes. You head back out to the living room with a drink in your head. You force another fake smile as you stand off to the side as you don’t want to sit by either Dianne or John. Fifteen minutes passed and Elvis still hadn’t joined you. You grew anxious as to what was taking him so long. It’s not like he’d just leave his own house and leave his party.
After an hour or so of dealing with insufferable conversation, it was time for dinner. An extra table was brought in so everyone could sit together. Elvis finally appears from the back of the house with a stark look on his face. As usual, he coordinated it so you had to sit next to him. This was the first night you did not want to be close to him by any means. Everything was ticking you off and everyone’s dumb jokes were annoying you more than anything. 
Elvis picked up on your mood instantly and he was quieter than usual. You could feel him looking at you through the whole dinner but you didn’t look his way once. You picked at your food, not really hungry after everything that has transpired. It was only ten but you wanted to get out of this house. You were no longer in the mood to stay over or be around Elvis at all. The longer you stayed here, the worse this night could get. 
You probably should have listened to your instincts and gotten up right now but you didn’t and disaster was about to strike. 
You tune back into everyone’s conversations and act like you’re interested in what they have to say. Some of the guys were talking about something that happened on a movie set a few years ago and were laughing about it. They brought up some girls they thought were pretty and how they didn’t give them the light of day when they asked them out on a date. 
Elvis would mess with them and tease that no girls were interested in them anyway. It was light-hearted banter and it did take your mind off of the uncomfortable situation you were in earlier. One of the guys turns their attention to you and it surprises you a bit. 
“You’ve worked with Nicole, haven’t you? You know who we’re talking about.”
“Oh yeah, I worked on a movie with her. She was so nice,” you recall the fond memory. 
“She liked you too. She hoped to work with you again. What are you working on now?” He asks. 
You don’t feel threatened by the question and brush it off, it was just an innocent inquiry. 
“Nothing right now. I’m hoping to get back out there soon though,” you say hopefully. 
“You are? SInce when?” John asks a bit annoyed from the other end of the table. You stare darkly at him and try to keep your cool. 
“Yes, I do. I miss being on set and everything. That’s where I was the most happy and had the most fun,” you say looking away from John and addressing anyone else that was listening to the conversation. 
“Oh, you should have been on the set for one of Elvis’ movies. We had some wild times,” one of the guys laughed. A lot more of them laugh, reminiscing about such memories and you giggle too, you can only imagine what kind of trouble they got into on set. 
“Oh I bet you guys have quite the stories,” you chuckle, “that almost happened though. I almost got the role of Elvis’ love interest in one of his movies in ‘66 but the producers went another direction at the last minute. It sucked but whatever,” you try to say nonchalantly.
“That’s right, I remember when Elvis found out you got cast. He freaked out,” he says laughing.
“Would you shut up,” Elvis says quickly, anger lacing his words.
You were confused by all of this. Why would Elvis be so freaked out about you getting cast in a movie? You thought it would be a nice reunion in a way. It was something you always wanted to happen.
“What are you talking about?” You ask, laughing slightly thinking he was just messing with you.
“Yeah, he saw your name on the cast list and called the director right away. You didn’t know? I thought he called you to explain,” He asks you confused. 
“He didn't call me for a whole decade,” you scowl. 
“That’s enough,” Elvis hissed. 
You were baffled at what was going on. None of this made sense. Why would he act like this when he found out you got cast in his movie? Your mind races and starts creating the worst possible scenarios. Did he actually have a hatred for you for whatever reason?
You slowly turn your body to face Elvis, a slow boiling rage is once again beginning to develop inside of you. 
“Why would you call the director about me?” You say sharply, holding your breath as you look at him like you could bite his head off. 
He looks back at you with the same intensity but you don’t waiver. 
“Answer me,” you say through your teeth. 
Everyone gets a bit uncomfortable, not looking directly at either of you.
You watch him swallow sharply, clearly not wanting to speak. 
“I-, I called him to tell him I had concerns..” he says gently. 
“Concerns about what?” You snap. 
“That maybe you weren’t the right fit…” he says timidly. 
You had enough and quickly got up and left the table. The screech of your chair moving back made everyone jump and not look at you in your state of fury. You walk back into the living room to grab your keys and your purse and head for the front door. No one moved an inch and watched you storm out of the house. You didn’t know whether you should scream or cry or do both at the same time. You couldn’t believe Elvis would ever do such a thing. Especially to you. 
You start to walk towards your car and you hear excited screams of a dozen fans waiting outside to see Elvis. A few flashing lights are going off from their cameras but are instantly disappointed that it’s just you. It was going to be hard getting out of here and you get frustrated, you needed to leave and get some space from all of this. You didn’t want to give Elvis any more time to fuck up anything else. 
“Y/n please wait,” you hear Elvis say behind you. You glance over your shoulder and see he’s trying to catch up to you. The backyard gate is on your left and that’s the only place you can go to hide from the screaming fans and everyone else at this party. You quickly open it and walk along the side of the house. Your heels make a loud echo on the concrete as you storm away from Elvis as fast as you can. 
“Y/n please,” Elvis begs and gently grabs your arm to stop you. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You seethe. He looks at you stunned, he’s never seen you so upset. “Why would you do this to me?!” You continue. 
“Honey I- I don’t know. I didn’t know what-, can you just let me explain,” he tells you. You could barely see straight you were so upset. 
“No, you listen to me! Do you know what you did?!” 
“I know it was wrong. I-I-I’m sorry baby I just thought-. The script was absolutely terrible and I was tryin’ to-,” he stammers.
“You were thinking about yourself that’s what was happening! How could you take something like this away from me,” you say as your voice cracks with emotion.
He grunts frustratedly and walks away from you, his hands on his hips with his head fallen down. 
“I was afraid… I couldn’t see you after all those years,” he mutters.
He turns around slowly and his blue eyes are filled with tears.
“I knew I was being an awful person. I wasn’t writing you back, I wasn’t answering your phone calls, I didn’t even try to see you in person once I came back from the army, I knew you hated me for it all. And I couldn’t blame you. As time went on, I knew there was nothing that would have excused how I was acting. I panicked and couldn’t see you. I called the director and said I was nervous working with you. I explained there was a certain history we had and I couldn’t shake my nerves. Before I knew it, they had you recast. It wasn’t what I intended to happen. I was just hoping they would push the start date or something. I never wanted you off the movie, I just needed more time to figure out what I’d even say to you,” he admits.
“Why didn’t you say something like that then? Why didn’t you tell them you wanted me in the movie,” you ask.
“I just-, I was still afraid. I thought it was meant to be this way… to keep not seeing you,” he admits.
You sink to your knees and sit on the hard ground. You cover your face in your hands and let your tears fall. You couldn’t believe any of it. How could you be so dumb? All you wanted was to be close to Elvis again but he proved time and time again he didn’t want that.
He was afraid to see you? What did he possibly think when he agreed to hire John. Did he think that he could still ignore you? 
“That one role could have changed my life you know that? If I had on my resume that I worked with Elvis Presley, maybe the tide could have changed for me. Now I’ll never know if that could have been a possibility,” you sob.
“I know… I’m sorry…” he says softly. “And I didn’t know what you were dealing with personally which makes me feel even worse,” he says kneeling in front of you.
You both sit there motionless, not wanting to talk anymore. You felt your heart hurt, you never thought you could feel so broken. Just when you thought things were getting better, it came crashing down. You knew this whole thing was too good to be true. You just didn’t know how messy it would be.
You get up and smooth your dress out. Elvis quickly gets up too, looking at you with concern. 
“I’m sorry baby, please. I was an idiot I didn’t know what I was doing,” he pleads as he gently caresses your face. His touch burns your skin and makes you feel weak. You hate yourself for liking his hands on you so much. You sigh softly and lean against the wall. He presses his forehead against yours and his breathing hitches. You place your hand on his cheek and feel the wet drops of tears cover his face.
“Please, forgive me,” he begs, his voice quivering softly. You stay silent as he tilts your head up to look up at him through wet eyelashes. He places the softest kiss on your lips, making you feel weak. Both of you gasp, needing air over this small kiss. He places another kiss on your lips, this time with a bit more urgency. You squeeze at his arm, trying to fight his magnetic pull. It’s almost useless. His arms pull you closer to him and you both sigh exasperated. You tremble with emotion and he places another passionate kiss on you. 
“I’m sorry baby, please,” he whimpers. 
You feel on fire but the tears pouring down from your eyes are making you feel like you have a fractured soul now. You’ll never be whole again. You struggle for breath and try to get a hold of yourself. You push at his chest and blink through your tears to look at him. You had never seen him cry like this and it breaks you. 
“I can’t see you anymore. Whatever this was, it's done,” you sob.
Fear engulfs his eyes and he shakes his head. 
“No no please baby, don’t go. Stay, we can talk more,” he pleads. 
“There’s nothing else to say,” you whimper. You start to take a few steps away and he gently holds your hand. 
“Don’t leave. Please don’t leave me. I can’t be without you. I don’t know how to get by without you here. I need you,” he begs. Tears stream down your face and you feel like the air got sucked out of your lungs when you hear him confess this. It sounded too good to be true. These were words you always longed to hear coming from his lips. It’s too late though. 
“I have to go,” you sob. 
“Baby no,” he cries, slowly crumbling to his knees in front of you. 
You feel your heart break in two, this was a sight you never wanted to see. It felt awful to say but you needed to walk away. There was nothing else to fix this relationship. 
“Bye E,” you whimper and pull your hand away from his. It felt physically painful. 
You walk back out to the driveway and you see some of the guys waiting to open the gate for you. Putting the keys in the ignition, your radio blares and Elvis’ voice rings from the speakers. It was a song you didn’t recognize. It must have been off of his new album or something. You quickly shut the radio off and want to drive in silence instead. Backing out of the driveway, you see Elvis standing in the middle of it. He looked distraught, like he just witnessed a death. 
In a way, that’s what it felt like. This whole evening was ruined from the moment you walked into the house. Any possibility of what could have been with you and Elvis was washed away by a flood.
@loving-elvis @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis
@ccab @presleyenterprise @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates
@ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog
@myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18lkpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers
@idontwanttoputanything @ohjustpeachy-
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony.
@generoustreemystic @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley. @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog
@louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@oldhOllywOod @hooked-on-elvis @livelovedilfs
@sloppiest-of-jos @thisis-theway @gatheraheart
@aphroditebabygirl @faeolwen
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thescarletnargacuga · 7 hours
Maybe something spooky for September?
Like... Genuine fear.
Caine makes a new adventure for the gang, but it ends up taking in things that are... Just too real...
P.s: Showtime?
-that one paper bird
A/N: spooky season is upon us! Special thanks to @13piecebucket for helping me brainstorm this!!
WARNING: body horror, swearing,
"Welcome back, adventurers!" Caine hovered over the Circus cast. "Hope you had fun today!"
The group looked amongst themselves with collective disinterest. Pomni spoke up. "Actually, Caine, this one was a bit...meh."
Caine was visibly taken aback.
"Yeah, we got bored more than half way through." Jax agreed. "The cartoon physics and faceless NPCs are a bit old hat at this point."
"What he means is we think more realism would suit the adventures better." Pomni corrected. "The immersion still isn't that immersive."
"Doesn't help that we all look like cartoon characters." Gangle quietly added.
Caine rapped his fingers against the shaft of his cane. "Very well. If realism is what you want, then realism is what you'll get. At least, to the best of my ability. Rest up! Tomorrow will be a big one!" He blips away.
"You three should be ashamed of yourselves." Ragatha scolded. "I'm sure he's already doing all he can."
"I don't really care, I was just going along with Pomni." Jax put his hands in his pockets and walked away.
"Hey!" Pomni stomped her foot. "It was ZOOBLE'S idea we say something!"
"Don't drag me into this. I just said the adventure was stupid. All of them are." Zooble said as they walked away.
Pomni groaned. "Whatever. Guess we'll have a real adventure tomorrow. See how that turns out." She went to bed almost immediately, sleep called to her like never before. Her one escape from this digital nightmare.
Pomni woke to the smell of smoke. She winced as she sat up on a hard, uncomfortable surface. She blinked, finding herself in a small, dark room that has no familiar shapes. "Huh...? Why am I not in my-!!" She gaped at the sight of a smoldering computer atop a desk next to her.
Pomni stood to get a closer look. The electronic remains glowed faintly in the only light source in the room, a street lamp coming through a half shaded window. She jumped when she heard shuffling behind her.
Five figures of varying size stand up from the floor, the voices familiar. "Ugh, my head." "Where are we?" "Why is it so dark?"
"Guys?" Pomni asked. "What's happening? OH MY GOSH!" She pointed at a tall man with blond hair, staring right at her. The man turned to see what Pomni was pointing at.
"What? What is it?"
"Kinger?" Pomni couldn't believe it. She looked at the other people in the room. Humans. All of them. She looked at her own hands. Human hands with five fingers splayed out in front of her. "We're...we- no, this isn't possible. I'm dreaming! I have to be. I fell asleep and woke up here! I-"
Pomni froze when an androgenous person with pink hair slapped her across the face. "Did that feel real?"
Pomni felt her face. "OW! That was uncalled for! I really felt that. Oh my god." She looked back at the destroyed computer. "Caine...he must of blown all the hardware trying to make the game more real. I didn't think he'd... oh no."
"WHO CARES! WE'RE OUT!!" Celebrate a young man with a huge grin.
"Are we really sure? Really really?" A woman with red curls asked.
"Fuck if I know." The person with pink hair stopped and seemed stunned by they're own ability to curse. "Holy shit." They gasped, a huge smile growing on their face. "ASS! TITS! DICK! CUNT! SHIT! MOTHERFUCKER!"
"Do you really need to shout?" A timid woman asked, covering her ears.
The six made their way out of the empty office building. Cool night air grazed their faces as they took in their surroundings. They were in a town. A real town with streetlights and parked cars and a distant blinking traffic light. The street was lined with closed businesses. Not another soul in sight.
"What time do you think it is?" The timid woman asked.
"There!" The woman with red curls pointed at a scrolling LED sign in front of a bank. "3:00 am. No wonder things are so quiet. What do we do now? It's been so long... I don't even remember where we are."
"I guess we walk until we find somebody." Pomni shrugged. "There's gotta be at least a cop or something out at this hour."
"Oh yeah, and what do we tell them? Help, police! We've been kidnapped by a sentient AI and we just got away! Yeah, I bet that'll go over real well." The young man with the wide grin snarked.
"They could at least help us get out bearings." Pomni said.
They walked past quiet buildings, feeling a bit out of place on the empty street. Eventually, finding a sign that said Welcome to Brook Haven, the loveliest place in Maine.
"Well, that's a start." Said the woman with the curls. "Do you remember much about Maine, Pomni?"
"I don't think so, but I'm sure if we keep looking, we'll find someone who does. And, you don't have to keep calling me Pomni. My name is...my name..."
Everyone stopped.
Pomni's eyes widened as she searched her head. "I don't remember...I should remember. Right? Do any of you remember??"
"Oh no! You don't think the mind wipe was permanent, do you??" Panicked the timid woman.
"I don't know!" Pomni clutched her head and started to pace. She faced a store window and her blood went cold. Before her wasn't the reflection of a human woman, but of a cartoonish jester staring wide eyed at her. Pomni could feel the air in her lungs cease. "We're still in the game."
The shrill scream of a siren tore through the night. Everyone covered their ears, but they could still feel the siren vibrating their very beings. A billowing thick grey fog rolled into the streets. It cloaked everything from sight, the town being swallowed whole.
The group backed up against one another, being surrounded by the intense fog. Pomni was back to back with the tall blonde man, but she nearly fell backwards when he was violently pulled into the mist. "Kinger!"
Next was Ragatha. Something in the mist grabbed her leg and she was dragged off screaming. Then Gangle. Then Zooble.
"Screw this!" Jax ran off in a random direction, but didn't get far before he too screamed bloody murder.
Pomni was left alone in the quickly shrinking pocket of visibility. Her heart pounded. The only place left to go was the store behind her. She tried the door. Locked. She banged on the window. It held firm.
Clicking and skittering came from the fog. Creatures beyond her sight and comprehension were moving about, taunting her. A thorned tentacle whipped out at Pomni, but she ducked and it smashed through the store window.
Thinking quickly, Pomni vaulted through the broken window and made a run for it. Creatures screeching and crashing through the building behind her as fog poured in.
As she ran through a back door and down an alley, she saw a leas pipe sticking out of a dumpster. She grabbed it and kept running.
A clawed hand dug into the ground next to her and a black creature with colorful eyes lunged at Pomni. She batted at the creature as hard as she could, bursting it's bright pink eye. It screamed and backed away.
Pomni kept running, zig zagging down semi clear streets. Something with wings swooped down at her and she tuck and rolled. The flying abstraction crash landed where she had been. She didn't give it a chance to strike again, she beat it over the head with her pipe until it stopped thrashing.
"What the FUCK is all of this!?" Pomni growled and kept moving as more moving shadows in the mist closed in on her. She needed to get indoors. She ran until a large brick building was in sight. The sign out front read: Town Hall.
Pomni threw herself through the double front doors and slammed them shut behind her. She leaned back against the doors, panting and gasping for air. She was sweating, her legs shook with fatigue. She still felt real, even if she knew the truth.
"You're still alive. Good." Caine's voice echoed through the building.
"Such language. And you all wonder why the censor is so necessary. You can't control your tongues."
"WHERE ARE THE OTHERS??" Pomni screamed as she marched down the hall, following the source of Caine's voice down one hall and then the next.
"Let's not worry about them. You're the only one who made it this far. The rest have failed."
"In a realistic one, you do. In real life, there are clear cut winners and losers. Tell me, which one are you?"
Pomni could hear the grin in his condescending tone. "Whichever gets this over with." She gripped her pipe harder.
Caine's laughter filled the halls. "A winner, then? That remains to be seen."
Pomni followed the voice to a set of grand wood doors. A Mayor's Office plague on the wall. She kicked open the doors, ready to swing. There were no monsters, no mist. Caine was at the end of the large room by the desk. His back was to her, looking out the large windows. "Beautiful, isn't it? Dare I say, this town has been my greatest creation."
"You lied! You made us believe we were out! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Pomni shouted as she marched forward.
"Lied?" Caine turned towards Pomni. "I gave you exactly what you wanted. Realism. I made it so real, I even found a purpose for the old exit." He chuckled. "It was amusing seeing all of you celebrate. Shame the fun had to be spoiled." His body jerked as he stepped forward.
Pomni stopped, holding her pipe in front of her. She watched in horror as Caine's chest started to split apart, black teeth folding out at her. His arms lengthened and bent at unnatural angles. "What- what's happening?"
"The most realistic part..." His voice deepened and garbled. "Fear." His eyes split apart and changed colors. His suit tore and his spin jutted out with spikes. Her grew and grew in height, his teeth growing sharp and his jaw extended to the ceiling. Multiple arms broke the floor apart as he approached. "Are...you...afraid?"
Pomni brought the pipe back like a bat. "Terrified. But I'm still going to kick your ass." She charged without hesitation, war in her eyes. Caine's monstrous form bared down on her. She struck out at the eye in the center of his gaping jaw.
The pipe's collision creates a spark bright enough to blind Pomni. The whole room goes white. She feels weightless, like she was in the void again. Then, in a near instant, she fell on her back. When the light fades, she's back in the Circus. The obnoxiously saturated bright colors sting her eyes.
Around are the cast members, all in varying states of shock. Zooble stays on the ground, staring at the vaulted ceiling and trembling. Gangle is in hysterics, muttering and whimpering to herself while crying uncontrollably. Kinger is pale and sitting in the fetal position, his eyes wider and more bloodshot than normal. Ragatha is stone cold silent and unmoving, holding her head in her hands.
Jax Is the only one other than Pomni to get to his feet. "That wasn't so- bleeeeegh!" He doubles over and vomits.
Pomni stares at her gloved hands, already missing her realistic skin. A slow clap gets her attention. She turns to see Caine hovering, lowering himself to her level.
"Well done, Pomni. Well done, indeed. You are today's winner. Being the only one to successfully find and defeat me. You faced fear and conquered it. How's that for realism?"
"Wait... If at least one of us had to find and defeat you... What if none of us did?" Pomni asked.
Caine smiled and shrugged. "Guess we'll never know. So, 1-10?"
The cast stayed where they were, unresponsive. Pomni smiled at Caine. "Ten. Solid ten. That was the biggest thrill I've had yet."
"Yet." Caine's grin widened.
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How is it that summer is over? There were too many shows and a lot of really bad endings. So anyway as usual, spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇼 First Note of Love [9/12] - The actors are the only thing making me believe the main romance. Their scenes together are good but overall I'm just not connecting to their romance. I really enjoy the language banter of the side couple but they don't have enough screen time for me to be all that invested. This show is suffering from having two couples with such short episodes.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [11/12] - I like the couples a lot and I'm here for all the good communication. Both between the couples and the friends. I think it was @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle that first wrote about the two types of dreams, the ones with floating objects and the ones without and the first ones being about insecurities and the rest are things that can happen in the future and it's all about the couple. I guess that's okay but honestly I was hoping for more. Still, I'm really enjoying this.
🇹🇭 Jack & Joker [4/12] - I love War. He's beautiful and I love to watch him act. His face is just amazing. This show is so unserious but aware so it's just incredibly fun to watch.
🇹🇭 Kidnap [4/12] - Like I said, it's the most bl, a bl ever bl'd. And the show knows it, so I'm just enjoying the ride and Ohm being so pretty on my screen.
🇯🇵 Love is a Poison [3/10] - I love it here. I love that Shiba knows exactly who Haruto is and still can't help but fall for him. I can't wait to find out why Haruto is so invested in Shiba. I am living for these succulents.
🇹🇭 Monster Next Door [10/12] - I'm gonna be honest. I'm not as invested in this one as other people but that was heart breaking. I really felt for God. Like I get where Diew is coming from but he needs to communicate. Yes him getting stuck in the lift was not his fault but the problem had already started by then so God's fears were understandable. I really hope that Diew can overcome his anxiety to be able to communicate with God. The sides are just doing the friends to lovers usual dance.
🇹🇭 Peaceful Property [5/12] - This is gonna be so interesting with the latest revelation. I'm having such a great time with this and I really like how their using the weekly cases. I love TayNew, they are married already in my mind.
🇹🇭 Reverse 4 You [4/8] - I'm enjoying this one. I like how they're using the powers, although I wish Wa would've let Khun confess because that was bit cruel considering he doesn't have a shot, so he would have had a chance to just move on. Also the show is just really pretty.
🇯🇵 Smells like Green Spirit [2/9] - This is less bl and more coming of age and it will not be the easiest of watches, but I really like the pacing and the visuals. Very curious to see a couple of scenes adapted.
🇻🇳 Teenager Judge [1/20] - Another stepbrother trope bl. There's only one episode yet but this has a very student film look about it. The pacing is also a bit different but I'm reserving judgement. I like the leads and the friend group.
🇹🇭 Unlock Your Love [3/8] - It's okay. I like the couples, and I do like Love a lot, she has a gorgeous smile, but I'm more into the side couple.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭 4 Minutes - the first of so many bad endings lately. I'm gonna keep this short. It was a fun ride but ultimately undermined by the ending.
🇯🇵 Happy of the End - It was a painful ride that seemed more interested in depicting the horrors than in telling a cohesive story or one about healing. And although on the surface it might look like an happy ending, I don't believe these characters have actually grown or healed at all. The actors did an incredible job but I felt like the show just gave us pain for seven and half episodes and then slapped a pretty picture at the end.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot - Great first half. The second half completely destroyed Taichi and like her or not, Maya's introduction was not handled well and it didn't serve the main story. This could've been one of the best shows of the year and instead it goes down as one of the biggest disappointments for me.
🇹🇭 Live in Love - I don't really know what to say. This has got to be one of the worst endings of all time, and that's saying something. Just awful, nobody watch this.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke - One of the biggest surprises for me. Yes I wish I had a kiss, cause god knows Ishida was so readyand had earned it, but it was such a wholesome and fun show, with beautiful direction and great performances. Oh and the dog.Frito is one of the best bl pets ever.
🇯🇵Sugar Dog Life - The most adorable of boys. Perfect ending. Final thoughts here.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro - I love them. That's it. I need to rewatch but I just adored this show and the way our couple came together. Takara has my whole heart.
🇹🇼 The On1y One - I am still pissed. There were so many ways to end this story and they chose that??? It feels manipulative, specially considering the director has been begging for fan support in order to get a second season.
🇰🇷The Time of Fever - I'm so normal about this show. I don't even think of it as a prequel. Just a stand alone show, it was beautifully acted, incredibly shot and I'm still thinking about it daily. I wish I could watch them do ten more shows. It was perfect for me.
🇯🇵Twilight Out of Focus - What a beautiful show. The art is incredible and I loved all the couples in different ways although the first remains my favourite. And the little red thread at the end was a nice little gift. 🇹🇭 The Trainee - Well I guess Jane couldn't be too perfect. It wasn't amazing but I loved it. It was a good ensemble show with a side of bl, but it was so much fun to watch and well written. I will always watch a OffGun show, or really a Gun or a Off show, so what's next?
Dropped / On Hold
Dropped - 🇹🇭 The Hidden Moon
Waiting to binge - 🇹🇭 Addicted Heroin | 🇹🇭 The Loyal Pin
Rose Watches OJBL
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So my journey continues and since I've watched most of the 'good' ones, most of what's left will definitely not be the best. I'm going through the list that @absolutebl was kind enough to share in this answer. Check it out in case you wanna watch some classic jbl.
Boys Love (2006)- There's an attempt at something here but it's completely failed by the execution. The pacing is all over the place, the character development is very superficial and it just doesn't allow for any real connection to them or the story. Basically this is not good. First Love (2007) - Again, not good. I honestly don't really understand what it wanted to say, except as the title suggests first love, but the whole plot feels disjointed and that ending just felt like it came out of nowhere. Just poor quality all around. Kota has a sweet smile though.
Others - Watched
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🇯🇵To Each His Own (2017) 🇯🇵Himitsu no Nacchan(2023) 🇯🇵 I Am What I Am (2022) 🇰🇷Misaeng: Incomplete Life (2014)
Upcoming Shows - October
🇹🇭 Fourever You: Part 1 | October 3 | YT Cut Version (more info here) 🇹🇭 Apple My Love | October 5 | GagaOOLala 🇹🇭 Every You, Every Me | October 6 | GagaOOLala 🇰🇷Eccentric Romance | October 10 | Viki 🇰🇷Love in the Big City | October 21 | No news on int distribution
As usual my ask box is open. Have a wonderful week💜
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