#I had forgotten how late in the game he dies wow
marvelann · 9 months
Watched Society of the Snow with my (Spanish) best friend today.
I liked it. Kinda wish I could have watched it knowing nothing about the story but yeah, no chance. Whispering trivia to my friend and seeing what they chose to cut was interesting too.
I liked how Uruguayan the characters were. They say bo and ta, and the first thing they dream of eating is chivito. Payan to pass the time... That and an irrational hate towards Ethan Hawke was what made me like this movie more tbh
My 2 favourite things were probably the heavy Catholic imagery (I haven't been Catholic since I was 10 and was forced to go to mass in order to take my communion but. It's definitely a big part of the story) and the casting choice for Nando Parrado. A+ on that one even if the actor is Argentinian jaja
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thebat-musicman · 4 months
The Other Playlist™
I was recently asked to make a young justice playlist so here it is!
@automaticsoulharmony it’s for you :)!
The young justice playlist is under the cut with explanations for each song
Ur gonna wish u believed me (start of brucequest)
Yes I’m a mess (I could see him deleting his identity)
Karma (AJR) (depressed man)
Mastermind (smart Timmy)
Don’t blame me (all his action with the loa)
Fool (him with the Wayne’s)
Wow, I’m not crazy (him when he meets the bats (he is crazy))
Humpty Dumpty (he’s a depressed lil guy)
Good 4 u (to dick about Damian)
Pretender (Acoustic) (Jason canonically calls him pretender I had to)
Mister Cellophane (everyone forgets about him)
Come hang out (he’s a workaholic)
Let the games begin (Tim enjoys power)
Heart of stone (depressionnn)
brutal (it’s just Tim coded)
Deja vu (to dick about Damian)
Every breath you take (stalker)
The sound of silence (he is so fucking depressed)
Go the distance (start of robin training and brucequest)
Viva La Vida (Tim coming back to Gotham)
What ifs (him going to past)
2085 (he’s from the future)
Bones (him running)
Everything has changed (him coming back to life)
When will my life begin (him in vr)
We didn’t start the fire (he is from the future)
Go the distance (him going back in time)
Iron man (time travel)
How far I’ll go (look it’s easy to find Disney songs about going back in time)
For the first time in forever (him meeting actual humans after being raised in vr)
Adventure is out there (very adhd coded song very adhd coded character)
Into the unknown (going back in time)
Dead! (he died)
The nights (it gives me his vibes)
Blackbird (finally being in the real world)
Record player (he’s from the future so it would make sense for him to find 2014 old)
Over the rainbow (going to the real world)
Wow, I’m not crazy (meeting the rest of YJ)
The DJ is Crying for Help (him wondering what to do after becoming an adult)
Centuries (from the future so he knows they will be remembered for centuries)
Father of mine (Clark sucks)
Dead! (he died)
Teenagers (it gives me his vibes)
All you wanna do (he was canonically taken advantage of by several women immediately after being “born”)
Oops! I did it again (player)
Too late (him maturing)
Used to be young (him after the playboy years are over)
Cat’s in the cradle (Clark still sucks)
You’re on your own, kid (horrible father)
When will my life begin (being in CADMUS and wondering when he can leave)
What else can I do (discovering his powers)
Pity party (he was canonically forgotten by everyone he loves after flashpoint)
Rip (by bladee) (I’m still focusing on the being forgotten thing)
Drift away (talking about the other superboy who came to be while he was trapped in another dimension)
Pretty fly (for a white guy) (he’s a player)
Uptown girl (Cassie!)
Rät (finding out CADMUS is evil)
Back to life (I think the name explains it)
Sober up (talking to YJ)
Shake it off (him responding to insults he gets)
Just a girl (it’s hard being a female superhero)
Me too (badass woman)
Clara Bow (how it feels being a legacy sidekick)
Thunder (she’s Zeus’s kid)
Emotionless (good Charlotte) (Zeus is not a good father)
Brutal (her Bart and Kon’s deaths meltdown)
Cat’s in the cradle (I really hate Zeus)
Toxic (her about Kon)
I can do it with a broken heart (having to continue being a superhero even though her friends are dead)
How far I’ll go (her first becoming a superhero)
Last kiss (Kon’s death)
She used to be mine (her thinking back to what she was before she became a superhero)
My heart will go on (Kon’s death)
Eleanor rigby (her being alone after everyone died and she betrayed Tim)
Womanizer (Conner before they started dating)
Devil town (it gives me YJ vibes)
Yesterday (missing when things were simple)
No scrubs (not liking Conner before they started dating)
Two birds (her and Tim being the last ones left and her staying on the wire)
Sober up (her and Tim’s mistaken dating after everyone died)
I hope you like this new playlist!
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Corpse’s Girl
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Bullying, Swearing, Derogatory Terms
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N’s life as a regular college student is forever stripped away from her when her relationship with the famous YouTuber Corpse Husband is accidentally revealed during an online class of hers. How will she cope with the sudden spotlight and the unwanted attention, some of which crosses into bullying?
Requested by my amazing Tumblr friend @itsminniekat 🥰 She’s been reading and liking my works since day one and I honestly couldn’t be more grateful. If you’re reading this, all I can say is thank you, darling. Thank you so much for sticking by my blog even when I posted some crappy fics. I’ll make sure this ain’t one of them. Love you with all my heart. ❤❤❤
P.S. - I named the mean character with my name so I hope no one who reads this has the same name. Wouldn’t want any of you feeling like the villain 😘
Who knew online class would be even more boring than being physically present for a lecture? Seriously, I find myself doing the weirdest of crap to entertain myself - like trying to balance a pen on the tip of my nose for example. I jot down some notes every now and then but that’s basically it. My mind can not fathom the concept on concentrating on whatever my professors are going on and on about. Well, full disclosure, I couldn’t concentrate even if I wanted to, especially with my boyfriend streaming in the other room.
He’s currently playing Among Us with his usual gaming squad. Listening to his input during the discussions, I can always tell when he’s lying. I honestly find it hilarious that his friends can’t pick up when he’s bullshitting them. I sometimes wonder if he has brainwashed them. And that’s one of the main reasons we don’t play Among Us together - he can’t lie to me. Not only do I pick up on his con with ease, but he always says he feels bad when he lies to me which is just the sweetest thing. Also, I refuse to play cause I’m shy. His friends are all well-known content creators and I’m a literal nobody. Every now and then I find myself wondering why Corpse is even with me. He’s always quick to push those thoughts out of my head and make sure they don’t return on a long notice, but they do interrupt my peace from time to time.
“Y/N, do you know?“ The sound of my professor saying my name takes me out of my eavesdropping of Corpse’s stream.
I panic, but quickly improvise, “Sorry, my internet is slow, you cut out for a second. What was the question?” I feel my face heating up, making me glad we are allowed to keep our cameras off.
“Question number 15 on page 82 in your textbook. Do you know the answer to it?“ My professor repeats himself, his tone annoyed.
I look down at the page that’s already opened in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief, seeing that the question is rather easy.
“Yeah, um, it’s...“ Suddenly, Corpse’s laugh reaches my room loud and clear. There’s no doubt my mic picked up the noise, especially since the door to my room is open.
The color drains from my face as I hurry to say the answer and remute myself. My eyes are wide as I stare at my screen, hoping no one will acknowledge that very recognizable laugh.
“OMG Y/N, are you watching a Corpse Husband stream in class?” One of the bitches in my class, Vy, speaks up, “Not a very goody-two-shoe move on your part, dear.” 
I purposely unmute my mic to mumble a quick ‘Shut up, bitch’ that somehow manages to fly under my professor’s radar and the class continues. It’s the first time something like this has happened and I’m not sure if I handled it properly or not.
The class ends shortly after, allowing me a sigh of relief as I disconnect from the meeting. 
“Fucking finally.“ I mumble to myself, leaning back in my desk chair. Tilting my head backwards, I see Corpse standing in the doorframe. I grin, not only because his presence itself makes me ten times happier, but also because he’s upside down from my viewpoint. “Well, hello there! How long have you been spying on me?“
He struts over to me, leaning his face over mine, “Long enough.” His lips linger above mine without any actual contact before he pulls away, allowing me to sit up straight and proper in the chair. “You still have classes?”
I nod my head while disappointedly rolling my eyes, “Yeah. One more. Shouldn’t be too bad since it’s English Lit. You’re done streaming?”
“Yeah, I just have some other things to do. I haven’t done a narration video in a while, I miss making that type of content.“ He plops down on my bed, running a hand through his messy black curls.
“Weren’t you recording some lines a few days ago?“ I frown as I try to recall if what I’m referring to actually happened or my brain is too fried to decipher reality from my bootleg perception of it. Online class, man - messes with your head like sleeping pills - makes you disoriented and exhausted with barely doing anything other than trying to wrap your brain around a lecture or two.
He hums affirmatively, “It’s not a finished project and I don’t even know if I’ll use those or rerecord them. I’ll have to listen to them again before I make a final decision.“
I tilt his chin upwards with my pointer finger, a gesture he has told me he finds very endearing, “I’m sure they’re great and you just refuse to be satisfied. Everything you do is great.“
He smiles a small, shy smile, his fingers gently wrapping around my wrist, holding my hand in place, “You’re biased. You like me too much to tell me when I do some bullshit.”
I scoff, “You know that isn’t true. If someone’s gonna kick your butt in formation, it’s gonna be me.“ I give him a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling away from him, “Go on, now. I have a class to attend. You distract me enough while you’re in the other room, I can only imagine how hard it’d be for me to focus if you were right by my side.“
He smirks, bowing a little as he makes his way out of the room, “You flatter me.”
I playfully roll my eyes, getting my headset back on as I tap the last class for the day. We have an assignment due to the start of the class which we’ll have to present if the professor approved of it. We basically had to write a psychoanalysis of a character from any book of our choice. I chose Heathcliff from ‘Wuthering Heights’ which is one of my favorite books of all time. I’m proud of what I wrote and the way I wrote it, but I’ve always barely scraped by with a B in this class, a B+ if I’m lucky, so I’ve never gotten any major credit, even when I put my 110% in the assignments and projects.
Well, color me surprised when the professor calls on me first to read my work, complimenting it on its detailed and specific nature. I get my printed assignment out in front of me and unmute myself.
“I wrote a psychoanalysis on for Heathcliff, a character from Emily Bronte’s novel ‘Wuthering Heights’.“ Just after I say this line, Corpse’s voice booms throughout the whole apartment, no doubt being picked up by my mic. It doesn’t sound like he’s actually talking, he can’t be that loud. I put two and two together when I recognize the lines he’s saying - the ones he recorded a few days ago. They’re coming from his computer speakers. He probably didn’t check the volume before playing back the recording.
I mute myself as quickly as possible, but it’s too late. The voice dies down as Corpse probably turned down the speakers.
My professor, who is already done with this lecture, just annoyedly remarks, her words overdosed with sarcasm: “Read your assignment and you can go back to whatever it is you are watching.”
“Wow, Y/N! Again?! Are you one of those crazy obsessed fans or something? Is Corpse Husband all you watch?“ This bitch is really poking a stick at me, huh? The only crazy obsessed fan here is her, and my friends but they are allowed. Little do all of them know, I am obsessed but not simply over a YouTuber. I’m obsessed with my boyfriend who just happens to be a YouTuber.
“No commentary, please.“ The professor scolds her, “Go on, Y/N.“
I finish reading without any other disturbances. The professor compliments my essay again when I’m done, the small incident at the beginning forgotten already. Well, not by everyone. One of my friends shot me a quick text to joke about it which only earned an eye roll from me.
My friends don’t know that I’m dating Corpse either. As I said, they are simping HARD over him while I act the most indifferent on the subject. Whenever they ask my opinion on him I either say ‘he’s OK’ or just avoid answering completely. I know saying anything more enthusiastic than that would turn into a snowball rolling down a snowy hill - I’d just keep babbling about how nice, amazing, wonderful and a gift to this world Corpse is, inevitably revealing our relationship in the process.
I’m afraid of revealing my relationship with Corpse in front of these people. They are all run on jealousy and selfishness and I can only imagine how mean they’d be about it. I’m already not too fond of them, it would only be worse if any of my personal life was exposed.
When the class finally ends I remove my headset, putting my forehead down on the desk, barely missing the keyboard. I groan in frustration and anger at myself for not fighting back. I could’ve and should’ve said something - ANYTHING. But what? That’s a question I can’t find the answer to.
“Hey...“ Corpse’s hesitant voice comes from behind me, “You ok?“
I straighten my posture, turning to him with a smile. “Yeah, but these people suck.”
I get up from my chair as he approaches me, basically falling in his arms. The comfort I feel radiating off of him makes me relax, forget the past hour or so. He has always had this effect on me. Like my own personal kryptonite to my anger and anxiety.
“Did I get you in any trouble because of that?“ His voice shows clear concern and guilt. 
I wrap my arms around him tighter, burying my head in his chest. “No, don’t worry about it.“ 
And I really wasn’t in trouble. Not until now that the video is officially posted....
I can call these people dumb all I want but they sure put two and two together awfully fast. They recognized the lines they heard during class as the same ones from his new video that came out almost a week after the incident, aka two days ago. It’s safe to say I haven’t touched my phone or computer since.
“This is all my fault.“
Of all the horrible things I suspected would happen this has to be the worst - Corpse is blaming himself for it. I am prepared to take all the shit these people have to throw at me but seeing Corpse beating himself up over this is killing me. No amount of convincing can change his mind. Nothing I say helps.
“Please, stop doing this to yourself. Non of this is your fault, Corpse.“ I’ve repeated this sentence more than a thousand time these past forty eight hours, each time saying it more and more desperately.
“All of it is my fault, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I hate myself so much.“ Has been his reply single time.
 I can’t watch him be so mean to himself. It’s the most conflicting thing when the person you love most is torturing themselves. It’s easy if it’s someone else doing it, you just kick their ass. But what are you supposed to do when the person you want to protect is the same one you need to protect them from.
Corpse has shut himself away in his recording room these past few hours and though he clearly needs to be alone, he still left the door open just a crack cause he knows I’ll be worried sick otherwise.
While I’m alone in the living room, I’ve finally managed to brace myself and build enough courage to power up my laptop. Last time it was on it was going mad with notifications.
“It’s digital. Only digital. It can’t hurt you too badly if it can’t touch you, right?“ I mumble to myself, already frustrated despite not having yet seen all the horrors that await me.
And horrors there were. Everywhere. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook.
My grades. Some pictures of me no one has ever seen. My school files. People from my class tweeting Corpse to ‘expose’ me for the ‘slut’ or ‘bitch’ I really am. Corpse hasn’t touched social media either and I plan on making sure it stays that way. God only knows how much worse he’ll get if he sees these claims.
And then, like a notification sent straight from hell, an email from my professor.
Practical lectures on Friday. Be here at 9 AM. Don’t forget your mask and gloves.
Good thing I opened my laptop when I did. Friday is tomorrow and I need to prepare for this day. Not only do I need to hit the books but I need to toughen up a bit. I can’t go there looking like I feel - like a mess.
Alright, time to put the brave face on. No more wallowing in it, at least not until tomorrow afternoon.
I make a study plan and hop in the shower. I feel the need to apologize to my hair for washing it so roughly, basically yanking at my strands from frustration that has been suppressed for too long.
I get our of the boiling hot shower, red as a lobster, and change into some clean comfortable clothes and put my ass in study mode. I remove all the scary expectations of the morning to come from my mind and let the information the textbooks has to offer seep into my brain.
                                                            *  *  *
I’m about to head out and, despite my put-together composure, I am a wreck inside. I actually put effort into my appearance, I mean - I even styled my hair. A pretty façade to hide a ruin.
I saw my friends’ texts last night, all three of them ending their friendship with me because they felt betrayed. I haven’t yet decided how to feel about that. Doesn’t matter at the moment, there are more important matters at hand, aka surviving the next three hours.
My college is within ten minutes walking distance from our apartment. That ten minute walk has never been so stressful, not even during exam season. The air feels a little harder to breathe, the path a little shorter to walk. And my moment of reckoning a little too close.
I feel eyes on me the second I start walking through the park of our campus. Sure, I could just be paranoid, but the feeling is too real to be just my imagination in overdrive. I’m glad I have my hair down and a mask on so the redness of my cheeks and neck isn’t on display. That’s a sign of weakness right now.
We have two an hour and a half long classes between which we have a snack break that’s half an hour. I usually enjoy that period but I’m dreading it now. These assholes can only be so mean in the presence of a professor, but during lunch break they can increase that tenfold. 
“Well if it isn’t Corpse’s girl.“ I hear that a lot. The whispers are not so much whispers as intentionally loud enough for me to hear remarks. I’m not bothered by them, it’s the least they can do. If I let such a simple thing get to me, I’d be crumbling by the end of first period.
I hear some shuffling behind me and out of the corner of my eye I see, yeah you guessed it, THAT bitch. She’s standing as close to me as she can without violating Covid regulations. A mask is covering her face but the menacing look in her eyes tells me all I need to know about the interaction that’s about to go down.
“I’d ask how much he pays you for the hour.....“ her long nails tap the wooden desk, “but that’d be rude. I bet it’s tough being a maid. Do you just clean or are you a multipurpose lap dog? No offense, I’m genuinely curious.“
“Vy, would you be so kind as to give Y/N some room to breathe?“ The professor asks as he nonchalantly walks in.
Vy rolls her eyes, batting her eyelashes at me, “Talk to you later, sweetheart.” With a fake friendly wave she’s out of my hair, at least for now.
Remember what I said about these people not being as dumb as I pegged them to be? Yeah, scratch that. These fuckers actually tried getting away with taking pictures of me with flash in broad daylight. Like, HELLO! I have two functioning eyes and a brain, I’m onto you. Sadly, me having figured out their childish but hurtful methods of humiliating me doesn’t change much. They still posted the pics they took, using the most derogatory terms they could find in the English language, always making sure to tag Corpse and me both.
Needless to say, these were the longest three hours of my life.
                                                              *  *  *
Shutting the door to our apartment behind me causes relief of the highest levels. I feel like I’ve locked out all the bad shit I have had to deal with these past twenty four hours. 
I’m tired. I’m fucking exhausted. I feel like a discarded piece of paper. 
And it all starts crumbling. A wall is bound to start slowly falling apart after being hit over and over again, each time feeling the blows with a stronger intensity. 
I slide down the door sitting down on the floor and slowly taking my shoes off. I put my bag beside me and wrap my arms around my knees, hiding my head in the space between them and my chest.
One tear slides down my cheek.
Another follows.
And another, this time accompanied by a choked sob.
A pair of arms wraps around the ball that my body has been shaped into. One of his hands comes up to stroke my hair gently, feeding me the comfort I have been longing for since I left the apartment this morning.
“I saw it. All of it. All the shit they talk about you. All the names they call you. And I’ve never wanted to beat so many people up simultaneously.“ His words make me raise my head from its low position, giving him a knowing look. “I wish I could. I would, but that would land me in jail. Which doesn’t even sound so bad cause I don’t like going out. Only problem is you wouldn’t be with me. I wouldn’t want you to be there with me, don’t get me wrong, I’d never want you to end up in jail. I-...” I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. A quick kiss that says so much but mainly shows the immeasurable gratitude for his support.
Seeing those awful tweets and comments had the complete opposite effect on him. He no longer blames himself but the people who actually deserve the blame - all those jerks from my college.
I pull away, giving him a small smile. “I would never let you go to jail.” 
He smiles back at me, overjoyed that my mood is slowly being lifted, “Come on, I have a nice crowd that would like to meet you.”
I know exactly what he means. Felix, Sean, Rae, Dave, Sykkuno and the rest of his friends. The people I’ve been so shy and afraid to meet since day one. Being shy doesn’t really make sense now, seeing as how they know I exist and that I’m a part of Corpse’s life. 
What do I have to lose?
“Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.“ Corpse’s black avatar runs around my cyan one in the Among Us lobby.
I can’t help but giggle when I unmute my mic, “Hi everyone! It’s so nice to finally meet you.“ They each introduce themselves, expressing how happy they are to be meeting me too.
It’s the first time in what feels like a while that I’m truly having fun. These people are wonderful, each so unique and lovely. They never brought up the scandal nor acted as though they knew about it. I know they did and I am beyond grateful that they never mentioned it or treated me any differently because of it. Also, Corpse was streaming the whole time. I had my phone on his stream, my eyes nervously scanning the chat every now and then. I couldn’t believe it. Corpse’s real fans were just as wonderful as his friends - they were nothing but supportive and happy to have met me.
Now, I can either choose to believe these people were being so nice to me out of sympathy or I can believe they really like me and appreciate me for who I am and not for what happened to me. 
I choose to believe the latter.
And while I’m still getting accustomed to this whole new spotlight, I know I’ll be able to handle it as long as I’m holding Corpse’s hand in the process. All I need is to have him beside me and I’m prepared to tackle anything.
“They love you.“ Corpse tells me once the stream is done and we’ve hopped out of the Discord call, “But I love you more.“
His arms wrap around my waist while mine instinctively find their way around his neck, “I love them, too. But they’re at the number 2 spot.”
He smirks at me, “I wonder who’s at number 1.”
I push up on my toes, putting my lips an inch away from his, “Hmm, I wonder...”
He doesn’t let me finish, silencing my teasing with a sweet, loving kiss.
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Past and Present
Part 12
Part 13 [CURRENT]
Part 14
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches 
Tommy quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, but it was too late. The group in front of them turned to face the source of the group. Tommy mentally smacked himself upside the head as he pulled Fundy behind him, the Lovely Trio slipping behind him as Kristin and Grian stepped in front of Sam and Puffy, who held the children close. It wasn’t until three familiar faces made their way to him, that he felt like breaking. It wasn’t because Phil was there, concern and relief flooding his face as he looked over Tommy. It wasn’t because Techno was looming over them, facial expression unchanging, only betrayed by the several emotions going through his eyes. It wasn’t because of Ghostbur, because Ghostbur wasn’t floating there. He wasn’t even floating he was standing. There, standing with his hands stuffed into his pockets, stood Wilbur, who was very much alive. The three of them stepped towards the youngest member of their family, the one they missed so dearly, only to stop when he put his hands up in defense, stepping closer to the fox shifter behind him.
“Wilbur, you’re...you’re-”
“Tommy, you’re okay!”
Everyone on the Dream SMP frowned as Tommy made an “eh” noise, making a balancing movement with his hand as he peered back at the group behind him, all who, aside from Sam and Puffy, made similar noises and movements back at them. Much to their embarrassment, they were the only ones who found amusement to it. Regaining his composure, Tommy turned back to Kristin, giving her pleading eyes. She nodded before nudging Grian, who was already moving to pick up Theo. Clem smiled as she climbed into the embrace of her grandmother, hugging her with delight. After being reassured that the children were away from the group, Tommy returned his gaze to the members of his older server. 
“Let’s go to a more private space. I would very much like you all more if you don’t start anything unnecessary during my opening.”
Without waiting for a response, Tommy turned and, after ensuring Fundy was safely in front of him, began walking out of the cavern, everyone else following behind. As he waved to guests and Hermits alike, he led the group into one of the larger taverns. Taking out a keycard from behind the automated desk, he patted the robot working there before walking over to a large set of double door. Humming a tune that caught Wilbur’s attention, he inserted the keycard and pushed the doors open, leading the group in. He closed the door after the last two people, who happened to be a very disgruntled Jack and Niki. After everyone was sat down in their own seats, they all exchanged uncertain looks. Finally, Fundy decided it was best to break the silence. 
“So, I see the resurrection was successful.”
“Yeah, we managed to get Wilbur bac-”
“You have a son.”
Tommy saw Fundy stiffen beside him as the voice of Wilbur spoke up, quieter than they remembered. Fundy pressed his lips in a thin line as he peered up to his newly revived father. Giving him a little nod Fundy cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Yeah, I do. He’s great, you know. Very smart and fun, sneaky too.”
“Do I know who your significant other is?”
“I wouldn’t call him my significant other, we aren’t together. He was very...the situation was...we didn’t work out. But, yeah, you know him. You all do, actually.”
“Who is it?”
Fundy quickly spoke the name, reeling back as he waited for the expected backlash. Hesitating for a moment, he almost believed that, much like the situation with Tommy, he would receive no backlash. He was, however, quickly proven wrong. The only other revived man there was the first to speak up.
“George? George, can you hear me? Dude, blink if you can hear me-”
“When we said ‘suck it green boy’, we didn’t mean literally!”
“How did you manage to get him to-”
As the chaos began to rise, Fundy began to shrink in his seat, panic settling in. Taking note of this, Tommy frowned as he tried to settle everyone down. When no one responded to him, he grew frustrated. Getting annoyed, Tubbo sat up to yell at the source of the chaos, only to find that he was beat to it. With a loud foot stomp, a booming voice yelled over the chaos. 
“Will you all shUT UP?!” 
Silence filled the room as everyone turned to face the source of the yell. There, fists clenched tightly by her side, stood Drista. Everyone hesitated about her next course of action, as the eyes on her mask seemed to glow with her annoyance. As she sat down, crossing her arms and legs together, she huffed as she prepared to speak up once more. Much to her annoyance, however, the door to the room creaked open, a new presence creeping in. 
“Sorry I’m late, you all have seem to have forgotten me back on my server.”
Everyone watched as the figure approached, Fundy shrinking in his seat. Tommy stiffened in his own, one hand in Tubbo’s, the other clamped around Fundy’s wrist. Tubbo, on the other hand, glared at the floor as he held onto Tommy’s hand, as if that alone would solve their issues. The figure, now more visible to be Dream, hummed as he stood in between the three boys and the members of his server. Seeming to only focus on the three, he crossed his arms as he laughed.
“Wow, I didn’t think I’d see you three again. Tommy, Tubbo, it’s been years. Good to see you two in good shape. Fundy, I haven’t seen you in a little over two years. Didn’t think that I’d find you here, of all places. Did you all miss m-”
Everyone stared in shock as Dream held onto his face, trying to keep his mask steady as he regained his balance. Once he quickly regained his composure, he quickly turned to face his “attacker.” Standing in all her glory, stood his sister, hands on her hips as she stood there, anger simmering underneath her mask. As she stood up straight, she hummed in acknowledgment as Lani walked up beside her, leaning on her for support. Holding her hand out, Lani smirked as Drista gave her a high five. The beginning of their best friend handshake was cut short, however, when Dream spoke up once again.
“Drista? When did you get here? Is this where you’ve been? Why haven’t you come by to visit me-”
“Oh, I don’t know, why did you never reach out to me? And if you had bothered to show up to the revealing of the park on time, you would have known where I’ve been. Now sit down and stay quiet so we can all catch up.”
“And none of you better try attacking! All guests are unable to do any form of pvp that’s not in any of the special arenas, so don’t even try!”
“Yeah, what Lani said!”
The group was walking to the opposite side of Tavern Town, towards the booth games. Fundy was walking with Quackity and Karl, telling them of al the projects he had done since he last saw them. Not trusting her brother at all, Drista walked beside Dream, Lani joining in on keeping an eye on the admin. Tubbo was catching up with Ranboo, as well as timidly speaking with an unusually kind Schlatt. Humming as he walked in the front of the group, Tommy bopped his head as he replayed a song in his head. Opening his mouth, he quietly sang out the lyrics that swam in his head.
“He’s in your bed-”
“-I’m in your Twitch chat”
Jumping slightly, Tommy turned to see Wilbur, walking up to be by his side. Joining him in this was both Phil and Techno, the three of them as awkward as ever. Unsure as to what to expect from them, Tommy just gave them a nod of acknowledgment. As much as he wanted to embrace the three of them into a grand hug, telling them how much he missed and loved them, he didn’t dare to do so. After all the years they spent away from each other, he was able to reflect and forgive them for the wrong things they’ve done to him, intentional or not. What he didn’t know, however, was how they viewed him after all these years. Did they forgive him for all the troublesome chaos he caused, intentional or not? Could they find it in themselves to do so? He didn’t blame them if they didn’t, he wasn’t even sure if he would.
“You know, we thought that you had died, mate. No one had seen you in so long after...after L’manburg. And I know he isn’t family, but he practically was, so it was concerning when Tubbo went missing too. Then, out of nowhere, Fundy was gone overnight. I thought I lost my family, so I became desperate to get Wilbur back so that the three of us could get you all back.”
“What do you mean, mate?”
“Why get us back? Why want us as family?”
Did he forgive them? Yes, of course he did. Doesn’t mean that he had to forget their actions, as well as the consequences that came from them. Doesn’t mean that he wasn’t allowed to question their decisions. He still loved them, sure, but he needed answers. He needed to know if they loved him back, if they loved all of them. He watched as Wilbur was in deep thought, trying to find the right words to say. He turned to see Phil, emotion running through his face as he stared at Tommy, not knowing what to say to his questions. The last person he thought would speak up, spoke up.
“We were blinded by our own emotions, Thes- er, Tommy. That’s not an excuse for our impulsive decisions, especially ones that put your life at stake, we know this. But we are family, as much as I tried to run away from that fact over the last few years. I let the voices and the power that I held as a pvp god distract me from my original mission.”
“Original mission? What was that?”
“Protecting you. Well, protecting everyone in my family. I have always been protective of my family, but the first night you were brought home changed how I handled that. The moment you laughed, I knew that I had to get stronger to keep all of you safe. I never thought that I’d use that strength against the very same person who brought me to want to become stronger. I’m not going to beat around the bush, we’ve been a shit family to each other these past years. We’ve hurt you, in ways that we may not even know. But, Tommy, if you let us, we can try to be the family you deserve.”
Tommy stared at his eldest brother, surprise painting his face. Blinking a few times, he switched his gaze over to both Phil and Wilbur, before returning it to Techno. Lightly biting his tongue, he took his gaze off of the pink haired warrior and faced the front, refusing to look at any of the three men walking beside him. Finally putting proper words together in his mind, Tommy spoke up once more.
“You all have hurt me in a handful of ways, that is true. But I’ve also hurt all of you, too. For all that, I’m sorry. As for not being a family, that can’t be solved quickly. This isn’t something we can speedrun into a healthy dynamic.”
“Tommy, we-”
“But that doesn’t we still can’t heal. If you are all willing to take the time and effort to work with all of us to fix our family, I’m willing to give you that chance. Oh, and Technoblade? You can call me Theseus, it is a part of my name, after all.”
Tommy couldn’t help but smile as the tension from the three men left their bodies, relief taking its place. Peering behind him, he made eye contact with his nephew, who stared back with worry. His worry, however, melted into a content smile as Tommy gave him a reassuring nod. Waving him over, Tommy smiled as Fundy excused himself, jogging up to be at his uncle’s sign. 
“Hey, Tom- Hey!”
“Haha! Look at you, being all amazing!”
“Can you not be an embarrassing uncle for five seconds?”
Fundy rolled his eyes at his uncle, laughing for a while before standing up straight. Ducking his head in nervousness, he gave a shy smile and wave to his grandfather, as well as his other uncle and father. Before words were exchanged, however, a frantic wail filled the air, catching Fundy’s attention immediately. Taking a few steps in front of everyone else, he kneeled down with arms open. Running towards him was Theo, wide eyes as he reached for his father, who lifted him into the air in an instant. Burrowing his face into the neck of his father, Theo dramatically wailed once more. The concern that once filled Fundy and Tommy had melted away at this. They now knew that he wasn’t in danger, he was just overreacting. The two of them would bet anything that a certain gremlin was behind this. 
“Theo, what’s wrong, buddy?”
Fundy and Tommy gave each other a look, both unsure as how to respond to that. A shrill shriek of joy caught the entire group’s attention. There, frantically swiping a wooden sword in the air, came a joyful Clementine at full speed. Running up to Fundy, she began to jump up and down, sword waving in the air, as she tried to reach Theo, who had managed to climb on top of his father’s head.
Theo shrunk behind his father’s hat as Clementine reacted to his statement by growling at the fox hybrid. Sighing, Tommy scooped up the rowdy child, who squealed as she hugged the sword.
“Clem, ya can’t go around swinging a sword at your cousin. And don’t ever hug an actual sword, ever, dear god. I’d like you to keep your fucking limbs, Jesus Christ.”
Clem only responded to this with a giggly smile, turning back to face her cousins. Fundy rolled his eyes as he plucked his son off his head, cradling him in his arm as Theo hugged his father’s hat in his chest. 
“Clem, what do we say when we hurt someone or make them scared?”
“SUCK IT!!!”
“For fucks sake, Clementine, no. We say that to jackasses and assholes, not to your cousin. Try again, Clem.”
“Humph, sorry, TT.”
“Hm, okay! I forgive you, CC!”
Before the children, who were now conversing in their own secret language, were introduced to everyone, a concerned Grian and Kristin ran over. Once they saw the children, they physically relaxed. 
“Thank goodness they came to you guys, we nearly panicked when they ran. Things were going great, but then Clementine whacked Grian on the foot before turning her attention to Theo.”
“It’s what we expected, this is Clementine we’re talking about.”
“Grian? Is that really you?”
Grian stiffened as he turned to face Phil, Wilbur and Techno staring at him in disbelief. Rubbing his arm in uncertainty, he watched as Phil walked up to him. Eyes scanning his face, Phil let out a strangled noise as he threw his arms around Grian, never expecting to see his first missing son after all the years that passed by. Grian let out a sigh as he hugged back, a smile painted on his face. Pulling away, he let out a laugh as he turned to his brothers. Shooting Tommy a look, Grian snickered at the nod of approval given to him. Turning back to Wilbur and Techno, he let out a hearty laugh as he yelled out words that Techno knew too well.
Tommy wheezed out a laugh as Wilbur and Techno were pulled into a group hug by Grian, the triplets finally being reunited. It wasn’t until they heard the choked up and shy tone that came when Phil spoke.
“Kristin? How, uh, hey! How up? What’s you? Shit, wait, no. How are you?”
“Really? Decades separated, and this is the greeting I get.”
“I didn’t mean to be-”
“At least buy me dinner, sheesh.”
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dragonthewriter · 3 years
Six Months Later
Six Months. That’s how long it had been. Of course, that wasn’t how long it was supposed to take, Beast Boy had original said he was going to be gone “A month, month and a half at most. Just need to get in tune with my animal nature.” As puberty began to hit him, and rather late, he was starting to show signs of his animal sides taking more control, and even he had to admit it was making him a liability. So he headed off, taking his part of the T-ship. 
Raven had kept in contact with him. All the Titans did, but Raven was the only one who did everyday. A trend noticed by everyone excluding the empath herself. Their nighttime chats had often run so long, Raven would wake up to her communicator still out and still on. The first few times, Raven would apologize the next time they spoke, only for Beast Boy to tell it was fine. He wasn’t about to tell her how cute it was to hear her yawn and snore softly.
He started by heading to Africa, where he was raised. He had stayed with the tribe his parents had befriended, and who had taken him after his parents died and before the Doom Patrol showed up. He would tell her stories of going on hunts with the other men in the tribe. Even with his vegan sensibilities, he understood it was their way of life, and could respect that they took great care in only hunting for what they needed. It was around this time, she noticed his voice cracking a bit.
After two weeks there, he moved on, traveling to every biome on the planet he could reach. The arctic, deep in the amazon rainforest, the arid desert. He would regale Raven with what forms he learned, what unique things he gleaned from his time in their shapes. As it felt he had crossed off every location on his list, he told he was planning on coming home. “Just a week with the Doom Patrol, and I’ll be back in Jump City.”
But things kept coming up. At the six week mark, Mento fell sick, and he wanted to be there until his adoptive father felt better. The disease took longer to overcome than expected, and in that time, the Brotherhood had made a move in France. With Mento still down, Beast Boy joined the Patrol in their mission. Most of their time was just playing recon, Beast Boy and Negative Man doing the work of trying to track down their enemy. 
When he wasn’t flying over the city, he was keeping in touch, talking when he could, texting when he couldn’t. After two weeks, Raven awoke to one last message. “Found Base, Going dark. I’ll message you.” The three days before she heard anything felt like the longest in her life.
Then she got his call. At first, she didn’t recognize his voice, puberty definitely coming hard for the changeling. His voice has already gotten past the random breaking and was deeper. She heard him tell about how the Brotherhood were all back in prison but she wasn’t listening, focusing less on what he was saying and how he was saying it. His regular scrawny form did not match the voice he now spoke with. 
A week after returning from France, Mento was given the all clear, and Beast Boy was sent to return home… Until the Titans East had a problem and needed back up. Since Midway City was closer to Steel City, Beast Boy made the journey. 
A group of rather B-list villains had made trouble for the East team, and an extra Titan was enough to begin balancing the scales in their favor. Raven and Beast Boy’s nightly chats remained, now the empath hearing how he had stopped Johnny Rancid by himself, and other exploits she had to wonder how much he was embellishing. 
A message she did get from Bumblebee gave Raven pause. ‘Are you dating Beast Boy?’ followed by ‘Does he have a girlfriend or is he fair game?’ Raven ended up assuming Bumblebee just wanted a rebound after her and Cyborg broke up due to distance, and her only other choices were a civilian, which always had problems, one of the twins, who were way too young, and Speedy and Aqualad, who were comfortably in a relationship with each other. 
Raven did begin to suspect something though, when Kitten used her one phone call after Titans East arrested her to ask Raven if ‘it was open season on the green guy, or do I have to fight another one of you titans for the privilege?’
Once all villains were in prison, and Titans East released Beast Boy from their service, he was finally on his way home.
Until a storm hit his ship and he crashed just outside of Gotham. A quick phone call to his mentor, and Robin secured a place for Beast Boy to crash at Wayne manor, and the use of the Batcave to repair the T ship. Of course with the watchful eyes of Alfred using schematics from Cyborg to make sure he did everything properly. 
Just a day shy of the six month mark, his ship was airborne and headed back to Jump. Raven decided to use the couple of hours of flight time to mediate before their reunion, figuring six months apart had lower her defenses to Beast Boy’s abrasive personality. On the phone was one thing, but in person was a whole different thing. 
On her way, Robin stopped her, and said Alfred wanted to forward a message to her. “Tell Miss Raven that Master Garfield was quite eager to discuss her at length, and is quite fond of her. Also, if she enjoys tea as much as he says she does, I would love to have her try my own, as it would be nice to have a hero who actually appreciates it come by for a cup or two at some point.” Being the two more emotional stunted titans, neither truly grasped the message, focusing more on the tea portion.
“Really,” Cyborg asked. “No more vegan?”
“No, i’m still preferring to stick to that diet, but there were times I didn’t have the luxury. When in rome and all that.”
“So you don’t want to join us at the next Bbq and…
“Friend Raven!”
Raven barely noticed Starfire call out her name. She had entered the common room to greet Beast Boy, but stopped when she saw him in-between Cyborg and Starfire. Half a year ago, he barely came up to Cybrog’s waist, but now he was just about as tall as Starfire. His body was much more filled out, as well. While he wouldn’t been at Superman level of muscle, he was far past the almost stick figure he had been when leaving. 
And then there was the hair…
It was long, coming down past his jawline on the side of his face, the rest gathered into a ponytail behind his head. With the way his head had been turned, she couldn’t see his face, but when Starfire called out her name, he turned to her.
His eyes sparkled when he saw her. There were still that familiar shade of green, but something in them shined, and Raven noticed his pupils were more cat like. 
Even his face was different. Baby fat cheeks had become chiseled features, and his snaggletooth fang had found a home inside his mouth. But when he smiled at the sight of her, she could see the fangs were only sharper and longer.
And framing either side of his face was that hair. Raven was already back on it, unable to get past seeing it like that. 
“Come over, and say hi to the new Beast Boy,” Cyborg said, patting him on the back. Raven floated over to them, as Cyborg continued. “Notice anything different?”
Raven was never one for being at a loss for words. Even when she answered with silence, it was always clear to the listener, that it was planned. Yet here she was, unable to speak for a moment. 
“You hair,” she muttered out, making Beast Boy blush.
“Wow, I’m like a foot and 3/4 taller and you notice my hair first?” He brought a hand up to his head. “Yeah I never had a chance to get it cut, but first thing in the morning…”
“Don’t!” Raven said too quickly for even her own obliviousness to overcome. Everyone was now staring at her, Beast Boy’s transformation forgotten for her reaction to it. “I mean, you shouldn’t. It looks nice like that.”
It seemed to make Beast Boy relax, but Cyborg and Starfire just gave her a look.
“Well, if you think it looks good, I’ll keep it,” he said, giving her another warm smile that made Raven feel a bit weak in the knees. She could hear the words relay to her by the Batman’s butler. ‘Quite fond of her.’ Raven saw his eyes sparkle once more. 
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lunar-wandering · 4 years
....Family, huh?
girl help i keep posting emotional fanfics at 1 am in the morning
Word Count: 2k
read on ao3
When Wukong and MK returned from the fight of the day, Mei, Tang, Sandy, and Pigsy were all waiting for them. Once Wukong set MK on the ground, Mei immediately ran forward and drew him into a hug, being careful of his injuries. Tang and Sandy were quick to join her. Wukong sighed and turned, about to leave, when he felt a tug at the end of his scarf, stopping him. Turning, he saw that Pigsy had grabbed onto the fabric, preventing Wukong from leaving.
"...Do you need something?" Wukong asked, wanting to head back to the mountain and just rest, it had been a long day after all.
"I... wanted to thank you." Pigsy said, and wow, Wukong had not been expecting that.
"....Thank me for what?" He asked.
"For taking care of MK." Pigsy said, "The kid is like family to me, you know? They're all my family. If MK died....I'm not sure what I'd do. That being said..."
Pigsy suddenly tugged on Wukong's scarf, hard, pulling him closer to him, so that they were staring at each other eye to eye.
"If anything every happens to the kid." He said, "I can promise you this Sun Wukong. I will find a way to kill you."
"Uh." Wukong said, nervously, unsure how to respond to that. "....Point taken?"
Pigsy wrapped up this whole odd exchange by lightly ruffling Wukong's hair, much to Wukong's confusion, before finally letting go of Wukong's scarf. Wukong immediately leaned back, summoning his cloud, and vanishing. Pigsy sighed.
"Hey Pigsy!" Mei shouted, grabbing his attention. "Aren't you going to join in on the 'MK is Okay' hug?!"
"I'll do you one better." Pigsy said, "I'm going to start the lecture on why MK should never do that again."
"Hey now, there's no need for that-" MK started to say, trying to wiggle out of the hug Mei, Sandy, and Tang had effectively trapped him in, to no avail.
"You will stay, and you will learn to not make us worry like that." Tang said, as he and the others tightened their hold on MK.
"Come on guys, seriously? Do we really need to do this again?" MK asked, already resigning himself to it.
From a nearby rooftop, Wukong watched MK interact with the others, a sad smile on his face. He was just going to head back to Flower Fruit Mountain, but one part of what Pigsy said to him just kept repeating in his head.
He'd called MK family. And Sandy, and Tang, and Mei. The five of them, they were a family, Wukong was now realizing.
"Family, huh?" He muttered to himself, standing up from his crouched position. "....I don't have that anymore."
Not feeling like intruding on the family any longer, Wukong vanished, teleporting back to Flower Fruit Mountain.
...He hoped the monkeys would be enough to soothe the sudden feeling of loneliness that had washed over him.
The monkeys weren't enough. He was a fool for thinking that they would be, after he had seen MK and the others interacting like that. It just....wasn't the same.
Which was why Wukong found himself sneaking in through the back door of the noodle shop. He wasn't entirely sure what he planned to do here, but he figured he could just figure that out while he did it. Wasn't like there was going to be anyone to see him in here anyways, considering the late hour.
Or at least, there shouldn't be anyone.
Wukong suddenly became aware of the sound of talking from the general eating area of the restaurant. From the voices, he could tell that it was MK and his friends. Drawing a little closer, he peeked around the corner, to see them laughing and smiling, the card game they were playing laid out on the table, forgotten as MK retold the events of the day.
They were still up. Having fun, as a family.
...He shouldn't be here.
Suddenly feeling rather stupid for doing this in the first place, (and really, why had he thought it was a good idea to come back here?), Wukong started slowly backing up, fully intending on leaving as though he was never there.
This was, of course, as fate would have it, the moment his tail happened to move in just the right wrong direction to knock a bowl off a table.
Wukong froze as the bowl shattered, the noise seeming to ring impossibly loud. The voices in the other room went quiet, and he could hear someone slowly get up and walk towards the kitchen and, oh, he should move-
"Monkey King?" MK asked, seeing him. Wukong forced himself to relax, trying to make it seem like he hadn't been about to leave in a panic.
"Hey, kid. How's it going?" He said instead, casually leaning against a table, only the swishing of his tail betraying how kinda nervous he was. MK looked both confused and concerned, and for a moment it seemed like he was going to ask him something, but he was interrupted before he could even begin, by Pigsy yelling;
"Tell that monkey that he'll have to pay for whatever he broke!"
Wukong suddenly became aware at the shards of broken bowl surrounding him. Quickly, he magicked them away, making a motion indicating MK to not say anything about it. MK rolled his eyes in response, but didn't call him out on it, so Wukong considered that a win.
Quietly, he followed MK into the main room of the restaurant.
"Ah, Wukong, care to join the game?" Tang asked when he saw him, holding up a deck of cards. "We only just started, I can still deal you in."
"Uh, sure, I guess." Wukong said, slowly sitting down at the table, picking a seat between MK and Sandy. "What are you playing?"
"Poker." Mei said, and Wukong smirked. Oh, this was going to be fun.
One hour, and multiple warranted accusations of cheating later, Wukong had won the game.
"I am convinced that you cheated." Pigsy said, glaring at Wukong.
"You can't prove anything." Wukong responded, smirking as he leaned back in his chair.
"I know, and I hate it." Pigsy sighed, before glancing over at Mei and MK. The two of them had fallen asleep a little while ago, leaning on each other.
"...We should probably get Mei home." Pigsy said, standing up. "Wukong, you can bring MK up to his apartment right?"
"Who do you think I am?" Wukong asked, gently picking MK up. "He weighs but a handful of grapes to me."
Tang snorted at that, but didn't comment on it. Sandy picked up Mei and walked out the door, waving goodbye as he went. Pigsy and Tang started to clean up the table, so Wukong carefully carried MK up the stairs and into his apartment. He put MK down on his bed, transforming his clothes into pajamas as he did so. (Because while Wukong might tend to sleep in whatever he was already wearing, he knew MK always wore pajamas.)
MK stirred a little as Wukong tucked him in.
"Monkie King?" He mumbled, rolling over.
"Shh." Wukong whispered, "Go back to sleep."
"Y'know." MK said, ignoring him, "You should come to family game night more often."
Wukong froze.
"Oh." He said, "This was a. A family thing? Uh. I mean, it was fun but, I probably won't end up coming by again. This was like. A one time thing."
"Aww." MK said, sounding vaguely disappointed. "...You're always welcome to come though."
"Uh huh, sure." Wukong said, trying not to sound as....mentally shaken as he was. "I'll keep that in mind."
MK seemed to accept this answer, as he rolled over and quickly fell back asleep, leaving Wukong by himself with his thoughts. Wukong, figuring that there was no better way to deal with the emotions he was going through right now, climbed out the window and onto the roof, where he started pacing, tail waving back and forth.
What did MK mean by "always welcome"? Did he like, mean it as part of the family, or was he just inviting him to be nice? Surely that was it, right? He was just being nice, or maybe it was just him being sleep deprived!
But what if it wasn't?
...Was Wukong ready to be a part of a family again?
Wukong, caught up in his thoughts, remained ignorant to the passing of time, as he continued to pace back and forth on the roof.
This was how MK found him in the morning.
"...Monkey King?" He asked, making Wukong startle, looking down to see MK standing on the balcony. "What are you doing?"
"Oh! I was just, uh, thinking." Wukong said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. MK narrowed his eyes at him.
"Have you.... been up there all night?"
"Huh?" Wukong looked at the sky, confused, only just now realizing that the sun was rising. "Ah. I uh, lost track of time, I guess."
"So you didn't sleep at all?" MK asked, concerned, as Wukong jumped down from the roof to stand beside him on the balcony.
"Kid, I don't exactly need sleep as often as you do." Wukong snorted, leaning against the balcony rail. "You don't need to worry about me."
"When's the last time you slept?" MK asked, to Wukong's confusion.
"When. Was. The last time. You slept." MK asked again, saying it slowly to really drive the question home. "You said you don't sleep 'as often' as me. That implies you still need to sleep. So tell me, when was the last time you slept?"
"I don't see how this is important-"
"If you don't tell me I'll go to Flower Fruit Mountain and ask the monkeys." MK said, summoning his staff, fully ready to follow through on his threat by vaulting to the mountain.
"Okay, okay, fine, you don't need to do that." Wukong sighed, "The last time I slept was....about two weeks ago."
"Two weeks?!" MK practically yelled, making Wukong flinch. "Okay, no, that's it, you're taking a nap, right now-"
"Uh, I don't think that's really necessary-" Wukong started to say, turning to leave, but was stopped by MK grabbing a hold of his scarf and dragging him back into the apartment and oh, Wukong really regretted giving MK super strength now. Even though MK's arm was still injured, the kid had a ridiculous amount of strength and energy.
"Listen," MK said, "I did not sit through 27 lectures from Pigsy and Tang about taking care of myself just to watch another member of my family make the same mistakes I did."
"Another member of your what?" Wukong asked, shock flowing through him, but he was ignored as MK all but threw him onto the couch, pulling blankets out of a closet. He dumped the blankets on top of the Monkey King. Wukong fumbled with the blankets for a moment, finally getting his head free of them, only to be smacked in the face with a pillow MK threw at him.
He, thankfully, managed to dodge the second pillow.
"...Why do you have so many blankets and pillows?" Wukong questioned.
"Me and Mei build blanket forts sometimes." MK said, pulling out the last of the blankets. "Pigsy and Sandy bring up snacks, and Tang will bring up old movies as well. You can join in the next time we build one, but for now, you are going to nap."
Wukong figured that there was no way he was going to be getting out of this situation, so he decided to just accept it, laying down and closing eyes. 
He couldn't sleep though.
MK had just called him family.
....Why? What did Wukong do that could've possibly made MK see him as family?
He didn't understand. He really didn't.
But...something about the idea of being MK's family....just felt right. Like it was meant to happen.
Mind spent from the emotional whirlwind that had been the past 24 hours, Wukong finally fell asleep.
And he dreamt of the games and bonding moments he had with his family from long ago. Somehow, despite missing them, some part of him knew, that he had found a new family with the people he was with now.
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Imagine going hiking and Dean accidently hearing you sing to the mountains, and he's desperate to find an owner to such beautiful voice.
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“If you ask me, it's rather obvious what we're dealing here with and it won't take much time. But it's always to be better safe than sorry, so I'm thinking we should head once more to-” Sam's rambling was cut short as he looked up from his small notebook only to realize his brother wasn't paying the slightest attention to him “Dean?” he asked without really expecting, or getting, a reaction.
And as if that wasn't enough, he didn't seem to be willing to hide it in the least bit, his eyes trained on his food with a deep frown set on his face as he played around with it. It was that exact fact, and the one that most of his plate was still full which was very concerning if Sam took into consideration that this was his brother that wasn't eating, besides the lack of concentration or talking from his part that prevented Sam from teasing him or even trying to act angry at his brother's clear lack of interest in the case, or anything else if he really thought about it.
“Dean?” he tried to insist once more without much result.
“Dean!” this time it got his brother to blink his eyes several times and get back to reality and Sam didn't know whether it was the tone in his voice or the fact that he had to snap his finger's in front of Dean's face. So long as it got the job done.
“Wh- huh what?” Dean frowned at his brother, voice more gruff than it should be and Sam assumed that the lack of sleep was showing on both his face and voice now.
“I-” he parted his lips but stopped himself from saying anything for a couple seconds “Are you ok, Dean? You've been a little off almost ever since last night. You got... lost in the woods and after I found you, you've been acting... weird.”
“Look-” Dean sighed a little agitated “If you wanna test me, I'm right here, do your thing. But as I told you last night and this morning, at least three times, I have not been abducted or possessed or enchanted or anything. Not in a supernatural way at least.” again another sigh as he looked away “Don't give me that look, ok? It's annoying. Besides, I told you, I got a little distracted yesterday but that's al-”
“Distracted?” Sam raised an eyebrow “You got distracted in the freaking mountains? By what? The shape of the rocks?”
“I mean-” he paused, shrugging almost childishly and definitely unconvincingly in a way he did more often than not when there was something that he was hiding Sam, something not life threatening or dangerous, and that made Sam relax a bit more “Rocks are pretty interesting dude.” and that, they both knew, was his lamest excuse that Sam found himself relaxing a lot more to the point he chuckled.
“Wow that's-” Sam blinked several times “That's too much, even for you. No, seriously, are you going to tell me what it was? Because I know real well I was the only one looking for our monster on that mountain but you had not been busy admiring rocks.”
“What are you gonna start judging my hobbies now? It's so bad, all of a sudden, that I find new interests but you can have any nerdy hobby you want in this family?” Dean fended himself weakly, apparently, because of the loo Sam gave him. That made Dean sigh and roll his eyes. “Look, it was nothing dude. It's hard to explain, yes, but I'm completely fine and I am completely me. Just drop it, alright? Get back on the case and rambling, I'll try to keep up and get back on track soon.” hard to explain didn't even begin to cover it in his mind, mostly because it wasn't all easy to explain with logic and therefore his mind wasn't the only player in this game; it was his heart too.
How could he even begin to explain to Sam that he had gotten so distracted by someone singing? How could he even begin to describe that he had really been that enchanted, that mystified, but it was really not in a supernatural way? He couldn't say that he had gotten carried away listening to the woman, it was clearly a female voice, sing so beautifully he had almost forgotten his name, not to mention the reason why he was in the mountains to begin with. He couldn't say that he had even dreamed of said voice, singing to him the same song he had heard yesterday in the mountains and could clearly remember the lyrics to even now. Maybe also because he had looked for it up, though he would never admit to it, just like he wouldn't admit that he hadn't fund any of the singers (covers or not) to be able to match up to the voice he heard.
All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough
It was his favorite part and he couldn't even believe he had a favorite part.
He couldn't admit that he had been trying to put a face to that voice so bad, he couldn't admit that he had been wondering and needing and aching to hear more of the singing, more of the voice, in the same and different songs. He couldn't admit that he had felt all the things he did just by hearing a song, he couldn't admit that the emotion put in the lyrics by the singer had also affected him this much. He couldn't admit that the reason he had been late and that had made Sam look for him, thinking he had been lost or worse, was because Dean had spent all that time looking for the person behind the voice. He could feel the heat of the blush down to his neck at the thought that it looked like something out of the cheesiest fairytale but it had been true, more true than he too could believe, and so were his feelings so he could defend them if need be. But he wasn't looking for an excuse for that.
Besides, he felt moody enough – and disappointed – this morning that he didn't feel up to explaining everything to his brother.
“Right now, I'm just sleepy that's all.” he mumbled, slightly as an afterthought but mostly to try to keep himself focused “Seems I-” he paused briefly, looking around the cafe and pursing his lips in a way that showed his displeasure “Haven't had my coffee yet. Or enough of it.”
Big mistake, because the moment his stopped their path around the small cafe and landed back on his brother, he saw the realization dawn on him. His eyebrows raise slightly and if it wasn't for the knowing quirk of his lips and the relaxed expression on both his body and face he might have thought for just a second that he was off the hook. Clearly, he wasn't.
“So that's what it is huh?” Sam asked before shaking his head with a laugh. He didn't know, of course, but that was no better yet. Because he didn't know the one reason out of the two to his lack of focus. “You like her that much huh?”
“What?” he said it through a mouthful that he took a little too fast to avoid looking at his brother but oh well. His brother figured one of the two reasons in 0.5 seconds so any effort would be in vain.
As long as he didn't know how saddened he was by
“You know what.” the smile on Sam's lips only got bigger “That waitress we met two days ago, the one that works here and the reason why you're here for everyday ever since. And don't try to deny it, you're terrible at it today.” he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at him despite Dean's best (read: worst) effort to avoid eye-contact and give anything away by eating as much as he could.
“I really don't get what you're trying to say, Sam. I mean-” he laughed, nervously, as he tried to swallow over his food because of the look his brother gave him “I haven't even managed to look up from my plate. How could I have noticed (Y/n)'s not here this morning even though her shift has supposedly started half an hour ago? I haven't-” but Dean paused when he noticed the surprise on Sam's face and realized his mistake.
“Honestly?” Sam tried to keep himself from laughing but as expected failed “It's really best if you eat instead of speak. Wow.” he blinked, shaking his head “Well, at least that explains it.”
Dean's lips parted as he prepared to speak back and defend at least what was left of his dignity but then all words died out in his lips when he heard the small laugh next to him that he knew all-too-well and that he would have been too embarrassed to hear in such a situation so close, especially after what had been said, but he was too relieved to care about that. Besides, he was going to make Sam pay for it by, oh let's say, ask him to stay a day or two or ten after the case was over as a favor for all this.
“Honestly if I had known I'd be this sought after I might have asked for a raise sooner.” he heard your voice and noticed you filling up his cup before he looked up to see you there and felt his smile become ten times bigger when he saw you looking at him with a soft smile of yours “Hey Dean.” he took great pleasure in the few seconds of you just focusing on him until Sam cleared his throat and you snapped out of it and smiled, albeit a little apologetically, at Sam “Hello Sam.”
“Good morning, (Y/n). Seems like you've been running a bit late today according to my brother here, everything alright?”
“Oh absolutely fine, it's just that some mornings I tend to help in the kitchen when the cook's running late you see.” you explained “I hope everything is to your liking so far?” you asked but your eyes once more trailed to Dean and with a smile on his face Sam nodded his head with a hum.
“Just great, though I think the company is not to someone's preference today. I might have to leave early, visit the library and all, you think you can keep Dean some company?” he asked so innocently, yet not to Dean who knew him, which only made the older Winchester's head snap in his direction faster than ever before; eyes wide in horror.
“Oh I'm sure I could spend my break with him, no problem, though it might be quick. We have the weekly karaoke night tonight so I might have some extra work to do. If that's alright?” you asked hopefully.
“Karaoke night? Didn't know you had that.” Dean blinked and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, the cafe obviously works at night and we make sure to organize karaokes and parties at least three times a week. This month boss is more busy so we're down to once a week but that doesn't stop me or any of the customers from taking over the stage till the early morning. You could-” you paused to glance at a couple who asked to pay at a table nearby and gave them a nod “You could always come by then too? If you're free.” you suggested softly and Dean didn't even hesitate to give a nod which made you beam at him.
“Lovely.” you said “If you'll excuse me for a second, I got work to do but I'll be right back. And if you need anything else just ask.”
“Well that went better than you could have expected or achieved on your own to be honest. So-” Sam paused to give his brother a smile “Your welcome.”
“Better? Oh really? Why didn't you tell her 'Hey (Y/n) my brother's an idiot and too much of a coward to ask you out, why don't you do it yourself?' huh? That would have been less desperate.” Dean only glared.
“Alright, I'll try that next time.” Sam simply shrugged, focusing back on his noted before Dean had the chance to say anything else. The older Winchester only rolled his eyes and with a shake of his head and feeling much more light went to actually eating an enjoying his food.
Without the distraction of his thoughts and worries about your absence he could admit it was much easier. Certainly, there was always the mystery girl in his mind and her signing that he couldn't get over much as he tried but it wasn't as if he could do anything about it anymore. Miracles didn't happen and it was already very close to that that you had agreed to spend your break with him like in a date, alright he hoped it was like that and that was maybe an even greater miracle than finding the owner of the voice. He couldn't just walk around the town looking for her nor could sit here and expect her to start singing out of nowh-
His thoughts – and he was pretty sure, breathing and entire fuctioning-like-a-human-being – came to a startling halt when he heard it. First a very low murmur but then sure some words, a tune, lyrics to a song with a voice and tone he recognized all too well... he realized like a fool from two places. The mountain and this very cafe.
Slowly but also with a sort of giddiness he couldn't explain, he turned in his seat to look behind him in the direction from which the singing was coming from and he wasn't surprised, only because he really felt in shock anymore, to realize that it was coming from your direction and even more specifically from you. You were singing and you were singing that very same song in the very same way as you were cleaning the table after the couple had left.
“Never enough”
Well, maybe miracles did happen.
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blushie14 · 4 years
Campfire Nightmare [Skephalo]
Ayyyy did someone say angst? :D  Sooo basically, hurt and comfort fic here. It involves these two sitting by the campfire (I mean, ‘campfire’ is in the title so-) I created a parody of a ghost story so I hope you guys enjoy that. It is spooky month right now afterall. Happy spooky month. :)
It was a peaceful Friday evening tonight. ...Okay well, it WAS a peaceful evening. There was a commotion happening over at Zak and Darryl’s home. It would seem as if they were arguing again.
Unfortunately, this wasn't their usual back and forth playful banter. Oh lord no, it's even worse. Something disastrous happened here.
One of Zak's pranks went wrong. Very, very wrong. Zak was trying really hard to explain himself, but Darryl wasn’t having any of it. 
"I said I was sorry!" Zak exclaimed. He isn't mad at Darryl. Far from it, but he was getting a little scared of how mad Darryl was getting at him. 
"Sorry!?" Darryl shouted. "Zak! The kitchen is an absolute mess! Why is there so much Kool-Aid powder on the floor!? And how are there pieces of bread stuck on the ceiling!? I literally just finished cleaning the house!" 
Zak winced and stayed silent for a bit. This wasn't the first prank that Zak did on him ever since they moved in together. There were many pranks before this. He does like to cause some mischief after all, especially if it involved Darryl. 
You’d think this would be unbearable to Darryl, but surprisingly, Zak's pranks usually don't bother him. Usually, Zak's pranks were harmless enough and he would always make sure that Darryl was okay in the end. Heck, Darryl would sometimes try to prank him back.
It was all fun and games until it was taken too far. Of course, it wasn’t Zak’s intention for it to go this way. It was just really bad luck. It was also pretty unlucky for this to happen to Darryl who was already in a horrible mood to begin with. 
"H-Hey-" Zak tried to calm him down. "Look, I'm actually really really sorry. I messed up, but I'll clean up everything. You know I always fix everything after I mess around!"
“Unbelievable!” Darryl let out a noise of frustration. He has had it with Zak's shenanigans. All the other things he tolerated, but this was just absolutely ridiculous. 
"Darryl please! I'm sorry! What else do you want me to do or say?!" 
"Maybe you can not be such an idiot once in a while?!" Darryl angrily spat out. "I swear, am I just someone who you like to mess with all the time?! Is that all I am to you?! This is what I have to put up with all the time?!" 
"Wh-.. I-…" Zak was speechless for a moment, feeling crushed. Does Darryl really think he means so little to him? And does he really annoy him that much? It was like a slap to the face.
Wait a minute.
“This is what I have to put up with all the time?”
That struck a nerve. Zak suddenly got angry and shouted back. “This is what I- What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean?!”
“You know EXACTLY what I mean when I say that! And don’t raise your voice at me!” 
This argument took a turn for the worse as things started getting ugly. It went on and on for a few minutes until Darryl was the one to end it all. 
“Okay. Stop it. I don’t want to hear it anymore.” Darryl said with a stern tone. Zak stayed silent with a slight frown in his face as Darryl continued to speak. 
"We are supposed to go camping tomorrow morning, but if you're going to keep being this way, then I don't want to talk to you."
Zak opened his mouth and tried to say something but closed it. He crossed his arms and looked down on the floor with a heartbroken look on his face. He has never seen or heard Darryl act so cold before.
Darryl didn't dare look at Zak. He knows if he took one look at Zak's sorry face, he'd probably feel bad. Not this time though. He refused to feel sorry for him. 
"I-I'll clean it all up." Zak broke the silence, mumbling probably the 20th apology for tonight. "I'm sorry..."
Darryl stayed quiet while carefully walking over the broken pile of plates and a broken picture frame. "Goodnight, Zak." He said with bitterness in his voice. 
As Darryl closed the door, Zak looked around the kitchen taking it all in. He looked at the clock. 9:00pm… This was going to take forever. He should probably start with fixing the sink.
He looked at Darryl's door, fighting back tears and holding himself back from going inside. Darryl needs some time alone right now.
He messed up.. he messed up so badly..
Darryl was laying on his bed, trying to calm himself down. A part of him did feel like he went too far, but he doesn't care right now. 
He was so tired. He was so fed up with his tomfoolery.
Moments like these just make him not want to see his face ever again. He was that frustrated. He lays there alone with his thoughts until he slowly, finally drifts to sleep. 
The both of them were at the campsite that Zak has talked about. It looked like Zak was excited to be here. He has talked to him about how his family took him and his sister here many times as a child.
Darryl was a little surprised how experienced Zak was. It was like he knew this place like the back of this hand as it seemed like they explored every part of the forest preserve.
The camp was set up surprisingly fast. It was pretty nice spending time just hiking through the forest. It felt like time passed by too quickly when they both realized it was already starting to get dark.
They headed back to the campsite. Darryl noticed that Zak already set up the campfire, along with a water bucket to put it out later. 
Time went by, and it was now completely dark. Darryl was busy roasting marshmallows by the fire before he noticed Zak grinning across from him.
"Hey, do you wanna hear something scary?" He eagerly asked him.
Darryl frowned a little. "No ghost stories around the campfire Zak."
"Aww come on!" Zak whined. "Please? My dad told me this story before when I was young. It was really good!" 
"So does that mean it isn't that scary?" Darryl hoped.
"Huh? Oh, no." Zak laughed a little. "That dumb story terrified me back then." 
"Oh my goodness." Darryl let out a groan, feeling like he was going to regret this. "Okay, just make it quick." 
Zak beamed. He grabbed a flashlight, turned it on, and held it below his face to get into the mood.
Darry felt himself shiver. He swore the world around him became so dark that the only things he saw were the campfire, and Zak as he had a frightening smile before beginning the story.
"Once upon a time, there was a young lady who lived in the forest. She fell in love with a young man, who she thought was really cute and sweet. But it had always seemed that the man wasn't aware of her feelings, until that fateful day..." 
"To her surprise, he suddenly asked her to meet him by the river which was a part of the forest. He told her to come alone, wanting to tell her something important. She was so excited, daydreaming and hoping that it was a love confession." 
Darryl hugged himself a little, knowing that things weren't going to end well. 
"She showed up early, eagerly waiting for him to come. She stood there, waiting for hours… until he finally showed up. She smiled wide, so happy to see him. But her smile slowly turned to a look of confusion."
"He brought his friends over...why? She thought they were meeting up alone. But before she could ask, all of them suddenly started to laugh."
"'Wow! I can't believe she's still here! How pathetic!' One of his friends sneered."
"Her face fell. How could they do this to her? She broke into tears when she heard her crush speak up."
"'Yeah! I can't believe she thought that I would ever date her!' His friends cruelly laughed harder as the man she thought she loved walked up to her."
"She slowly stepped backwards as her tears blinded her. He pushed her, making her fall into the river. Everyone ran off afterwards, not knowing the full consequence of what they've done.. None of them knew that the woman couldn't swim."
"None of them knew that he murdered her." 
Darryl was mortified as he clearly envisioned the scenario. He was too focused on Zak's story that he forgot about the marshmallows he finished roasting.
"Years passed, and the same guy and his friends have forgotten all about her. They went on a camping trip.. just like us.. to the same forest he drowned her in." 
"Things were fine until he noticed that his friends started disappearing.. one.. by.. one. At first, he assumed that his friends just decided to ditch him, but then he felt that something was wrong. He can't find any of them now." 
"It was getting darker as he was still looking for his friends, until he suddenly found something peculiar. Something.. or someone was emitting a bright glow into the river."
"Like a moth being drawn to a flame, he couldn't help but be memorized by it.. He went closer and closer until suddenly, BAM!" 
Darryl flinched a little by Zak's sudden loud noise. 
"A pair of arms suddenly pulled him into the river! The man couldn't do anything to escape before it happened, it was already too late." 
"Whatever that was, grabbed him by the neck. It tightly and painfully dug its nails deep into his neck. The man failed around in fright. As he opened his eyes, he suddenly realized a familiar looking face."
"That glowing figure, had that woman's face. That woman he pushed in long, long ago. She had tears streaming down her face… and she looked angry." 
"Showing absolutely no mercy to him, she kept him underwater. And he slowly suffered a long and painful death… Some say that her angry spirit still seeks for prey up north where the river resides in this forest." 
"Wait, what?!" Darryl exclaimed. "Are you saying that the forest she died in, is in this forest we are in right now?!" 
He heard a dark chuckle from Zak, something Darryl has never even heard from him. "Maybe. Coincidently, dead bodies have been found by that river a few times over the years. They all died from drowning. They were all men too."
"Oh my goodness then why did you take us here?!" Darryl frantically said, getting more scared then he already was. 
Zak turned off the flashlight and chuckled to lighten things up. "Dude, don't tell me you actually believe in this."
"It doesn't matter if I do or don't, Zak! Any sane person would stay away from places that have dead bodies lying around! What if we get hurt or worse?!"
Zak only chuckled more. "Calm down dude, there isn't anything that's gonna- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOU!?" He suddenly shrieked out.
Darryl screamed and jumped from where he’s sitting, accidentally kicking the water bucket over which put out the fire. He looked behind him and saw… nothing.
As soon as he heard Zak's laughter, his fear turned into frustration. "Skeppy that was not funny!" Darryl shouted. 
Zak was still giggly as he calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry.. oh my god. You have to admit that was good!"
"No it wasn't! You scared me! I thought we were in danger!!"
"That story is made up!" Zak cleared his throat, completely calm now. "There's no freaky woman that died in the river, you have nothing to worry about!"
"Are you serious?!" Darryl groaned. "You made me jump and put out the fire, you jerk!" 
"Don't worry! I'll just get some more wood to burn and another bucket of water. We're fine!"
Darryl only sighed in response, glaring at him. They sat in silence for a moment. Zak slightly frowned, but then smiled apologetically. 
"I’m sorry.. I'll be right back." Zak said softly before taking his flashlight and leaving. 
Darryl wasn't even sure if he wanted to stay up anymore. He just feels like going inside the tent right now. Sitting in silence for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly heard a blood curdling scream. 
He quickly stood up. That sounded like Zak screaming. "Zak? ..Zak y-you better not be messing with me.. I swear-" 
"DARRYL HELP! SOMEONE HEL-" A big splash was heard in the distance. 
"Zak?!" Darryl grabbed his backpack and immediately started running. "ZAK?!"
He ran deeper into the forest with no flashlight, running as fast as he could. Panic taking over, he cannot recall where to find the river. He was desperately trying to hear where Zak’s screams were coming from.
"Crud, crud crud. Crud!" Darryl swears that this forest has become even harder to navigate through. Even though he was running as fast as he could, he felt like he was going nowhere.
He heard Zak's desperate cries for help coming from a separate path before hearing complete silence. Darryl tripped and fell before quickly getting up and running another direction.
"ZAK?! WHERE ARE YOU?! CAN YOU HEAR ME!? ZAK!" He didn't hear anything else before he finally stumbled upon the river. He saw the bucket that Zak took, laying on the ground.
But no Zak.
Darryl was panting, frantically looking around. That's when he saw it… No way. This wasn't possible... This wasn't real.
Something was glowing in the water. And it was exactly like he imagined it. It was the same thing in Zak’s story.
Darryl almost ran in the opposite direction, fearing for his life before he saw something else in the water. He saw him. She had Zak captive underwater.
Having another rush of adrenaline, he grabbed a pocket knife in his bag, and jumped into the water, screaming out in both fear and rage.
The spirit was confused to see another person jump in before shrieking in pain as Darryl managed to stab her arm.
 It was like a game of tug of war between the two. But because Darryl was being relentless, she eventually backed off, letting go of Zak. 
Darryl wrapped his arms around Zak and swam upwards to the shore. Once they were out of the water, he slowly dropped Zak and kneeled on the ground, shaking and gasping for breath. 
While he wasn’t looking, the spirit came up from the surface, going towards the both of them.
Before she could drag Zak's body into the water again, Darryl noticed her and quickly dragged him far away from the water. 
Even though he was absolutely horrified, he held the pocket knife in his hand as a threat. She stared at him angrily as he carried Zak's limp body away. 
When he was sure that he got out of her sight, he gently placed Zak on the ground, catching his breath once again. 
“Zak? ..Are you okay? ..Can you answer me?” He looked at him. Zak wasn’t moving an inch. Darryl immediately feared the worse.
He held him in his arms, shaking him a little. “Zak? ...H-Hey, please wake up.. geppy?” 
He couldn’t hear him breathing. 
His hand trembled as he checked for a pulse. 
Tears started falling from his face. “No.. nonononono. Zak, don’t do this. Don’t do this to me. D-Don’t leave me like this.” 
Darryl tried to perform CPR in a desperate attempt to revive him. It wasn’t working. He knows that it wasn’t working. But he was still doing it, refusing to give up on him so easily.
“Zak?!” More tears started falling out as he stared at his body in disbelief. “You.. You muffin head!” Darryl started to shout.
“If you don’t wake up right now, I’m never going to forgive you! You hear me?! I-I’ll never forgive you!”
His voice started to crack as he trembled even more, attempting to do CPR once again. Tear droplets hitting Zak’s face.
“I’m never going to forgive myself if you died because of me, Zak! Please! Say something! Please tell me that you’re faking it! Please tell me this is a horrible troll! P-Please!”
Unforgivable cold dead silence.
“No.. no..” He broke down and hugged Zak tightly as if his life depended on it, choking out sobs. How could he let this happen? 
Even with his blurry vision, he thought he saw something glowing from the corner from his eye. Did the spirit manage to follow him? Darryl doesn't know, but he doesn’t care.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so so sorry.. Z-Zak..” He barely whispered out. 
He wanted him back. He wanted to see his muffin full of life again. 
Darryl jolted awake, sitting upwards from his bed. He was breathing heavily, wiping the tears that were falling from his eyes. What a horrible nightmare...
He curled up, shaking.. taking a moment to process that it was only a dream. A terrible dream that felt way too real at first. He took out his phone to look at the time. It was 1:00am. He wasn’t going to go back to sleep at this rate.
He got out of bed and walked out of his bedroom. The moment he stepped out, he was surprised to see the kitchen, remembering that it was a total wreck before. But now it was as if nothing happened at all. In fact, it looked better than before.
The kitchen table caught his eye since there were flowers in a vase that wasn’t there before. He walked up to take a closer look at it and found out there was a note in front of the vase. Curious, he picked it up and read it.
“Hey! Good morning Darry! Hope you’re feeling a little better after last night. I’m still really sorry about that. It’s not much, but I hope these flowers cheer you up a little bit. I also bought a new picture frame in order to replace the broken one. When I wake up, you can tell me if you still want to go camping together.” 
Darryl’s eyes trailed off to the side. He didn’t even notice the picture frame near the flowers. He picked the picture frame up. The picture… The picture was the both of them smiling happily into the camera. It was taken on the day they first saw each other in person. He looked back at the note.
“I’m sorry that you have to put up with me sometimes. -Zak <3”
Darryl felt even worse as he started to feel an awful amount of guilt. Tears were welling up again. He looked across the hallway and laid his eyes on Zak’s room.
Zak was laying on his bed, half asleep. He was exhausted, taking over three hours to clean up his mess and set up the few new things for Darryl. He was just about to fall asleep until he heard his door open. 
He turned to his side, slowly opening his eyes. “Darryl?..” Zak looked at him warily until he sat up in both confusion and concern when he noticed that Darryl was crying. “Are you.. okay?”
Darryl still wasn't over the nightmare that he had. Even though it didn’t happen and he already knew Zak was fine, he was so relieved to see his face. He wrapped his arms around him tightly, sobbing quietly.
Zak didn’t know what to say at first. He didn’t know why or how Darryl was this emotional. As he hugged him back, he felt Darryl squishing him even tighter. “D-Darry? What’s going on? ..Can’t breathe.”
“I’m sorry.” Darryl quietly said, loosening his grip on him. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m-”
“Woah woah, Jesus Christ dude.” Zak let go of Darryl to look at his face that was covered in tears and frowned. “What the heck happened? Why are you crying? Sorry for what?”
“For being a dumb.. muffin head..” He wiped his eyes. “I-Idiot.. I’m.. I didn’t mean it. I-I didn’t mean any of it. I’m sorry..” He whined.
Darryl hugged him again, hiding his face against his chest. Zak looked down on him with a soft sad look on his face. He was still mumbling “I’m sorry” over and over again. 
Zak wrapped his arms around him, ruffling Darryl's hair a little. "Darryl, it's fine. I'm okay." 
"No, it's not fine!" Darryl cried out. "If I wasn't being such an i-idiot, I would've helped you clean instead of ignoring you like a jerk... 'Putting up with you all the time.' ..W-Why did I say that?!" 
Zak felt himself tear up a little. Because yes, that did hurt a little bit hearing that from him, but he wasn't expecting Darryl to be this distraught about it. Zak already knows that he didn't fully mean it.
"Aww Darry.." Zak rubbed his own eyes before hugging Darryl a little tighter, speaking softly. "Aren't you being a little harsh on yourself? This is all you're upset about? I'm not even mad about it anymore." 
"I-I'm sorry.." Darryl sniffled. "This might sound silly but.. I also had a really bad nightmare a-and," he started to tremble again. "I really thought I lost you." 
Even though Zak didn’t fully understand, he continued to reassure him. "It's alright Darryl.. I'm here if you want to talk about it. I'm here for you.." 
Zak still had both arms wrapped around him, lightly resting on his head. Darryl silently sat still, calming down to the sound of his slow breathing. After a few minutes, he opened up about his bad dream. 
He recalled how they were both camping in the woods. He remembered the ghost story and how it ended up being "real." And worst of all, how Zak.. slipped away from him.
Zak stayed silent and listened to every word. He would hug Darryl tighter if he was starting to get emotional again at some parts. Once he was done, Zak gently cupped his face as he looked him straight in the eyes.
"You don't ever have to worry about losing me. Okay?" 
Darry felt more tears falling as he held back a smile. "You muffin head. Are you trying to make me cry more?" 
Zak slowly started to smile, still having a hold on Darryl’s face as he gently pinched his cheeks. "Besides, even if you try to push me away, I'm not going anywhere.." 
He pulled himself closer to Darryl to make their noses touch. "..whether you like it, or not." Zak grinned.
Darryl smiled as he wiped his face one last time. A light chuckle came from him. "You know what? ..I think I won't mind if I'm stuck with you." 
"Good!" Zak let out a short laugh before hugging him again, peppering one side of his face with small kisses. 
Darryl was caught off guard until he felt himself melt. The sudden affection from Zak wasn't expected and as a result, it made him giggly. He slightly tried to squirm away from him, but he was trapped in Zak's arms. 
Zak felt his own heart melting as he heard just pure adorableness. He'd prefer Darryl's giggles over Darryl's crying any day. 
"I'm afraid you're stuck with me, Darry.." Zak giggled, continuing his kissing attack. Darryl squirmed even more, but to no avail. He was stuck as a giggling mess.
"Okay, okahahay! I gehehet it!" He gave up squirming in favor of trying to cover his flustered face from Zak. 
Zak slowly came to a stop and smiled. "Happy now?" 
Darryl was still giggling, but he nodded yes. 
Zak let out a hum of content and took hold of Darryl's hands. "You know, you really didn't have to apologize to me. I did basically destroy the kitchen."
"I know but I felt so bad.." Darryl whined a little. "I was being mean.." 
"Oh my god." Zak laughed. "Okay, then we're both idiots. There." The both of them giggled at this, happy that the atmosphere became light-hearted. 
"I'll take it easy with the pranks, Darryl." He gently squeezed his hands. "I'm sorry." 
Darryl smiled and squeezed back. "I'm sorry too. I'll try to watch my temper around you." He smirked a little. "Even though you make it hard for me to not lose my marbles."
Zak laughed. "Okay, you know what? That's fair." 
Darryl sighed as he hugged Zak, cuddling beside him. He felt like staying, not wanting to leave Zak's side. Zak didn't mind, he looked at his phone checking the time.
Zak groaned a little. "I think we're going to be too tired to go camping later today." 
"Oh my goodness, that almost slipped my mind… Should we reschedule it?" 
"I think we should." Zak smiled. "I don't mind."
It was silent for a while. They were looking into each other's eyes and were completely exhausted.
"I'm so lucky I have you.." Darryl mumbled.
Zak's eyes widened and his face flushed before he burst out giggling. "You idiot.. that's my line."
Darryl giggled out tiredly in response. After a few minutes, they finally fell asleep after a long night.. hand in hand.
And the best part? No nightmares took place this time.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
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Pairing: M! Sam Dalton x MC( Malaika Agarwal)
Word count: 4.7 K words
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms​ @oofchoices​ @agent-breakdance​ @dailydoseofchoices​ @colossalpainintheass​ @siaramsey​ @theeccentricbibliophile​ @ac27dj​ @ramseysno1rookie​ @justanotherrookie​ @openheart12​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @checkurwindow​ @chasingrobbie​  @junggoku​
Sam x MC Taglist: @lulaortega @hatescapsicum @theodorepjames4 @noboundariesplease @datynasuha @sanchita012 @choices-addict @the-trash-bandito @peregrinaflor @drakewalkerfantasy @itsmechoicesfanaf @crazynutella @rookiemarsswiftie @magicalshepherdtreeprofessor @ethandaddyramsey @mvalentine @the-pale-goddess @pixelberryownsme @lucy-268 @ohramsey @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj​ @edgiestwinter​
Songs: I see red by Everybody Loves an Outlaw and High by Dua Lipa and Whethan
forgive me if there are any mistakes
Coming to the engagement party was a bad idea.
Malaika knew from the very beginning that working for one of the hottest and most elligible CEO would have been a disaster. She knew that kissing him against the kitchen counter of his own home would have been catastrophic. His deft fingers running and teasing against the heat of her pussy in the backseat of the limo was problematic.
Don't even get her started on the blunder that happened on the dancefloor. She still remembered the way they were close to each other in borderline obscene ways.
But lately, these series of bad decisions have been one of the happiest moments of her life.
Yes you can call me boo boo the fool. Malaika thought to herself as she emptied the contents of another glass of champagne, to drown her misery and boredom.
The soft waltz music died down and she heard the feedback from the mic. She looked up and saw barbie doll standing there with her perfect nails and her perfect life.
"Thanks for coming to our fabulous party. This night is a dream come true for us. Sam is a dream come true for me." She raised her flute towards Sam's direction and fluttered her eyelashes.
Malaika scoffed. Is she for real? Did her fake eyelash poke her eyeballs that she if fluttering them like that?
Malaika was never one to be a bitch, hell she wouldn't even hurt a fly unintentionally, but the sexual frustration, her own feelings and the smooth champagne is not a good combination.
"This is so boring." Robin piqued as he took a sip of his whiskey.
"Ugh... Hard same. Is she always like this?"
"Yep. This is very serious business for Sofia. I heard that she even hired a ghost writer for the toast."
"Wow. That's pathetic. I mean how hard is it to write a toast for the person you 'love'?" Malaika asked, making air quotes with her free hand on the word love.
Especially when that person is Sam Dalton.
"It's only easy if you remotely like the person."
Sophia continued her monologue. " Same and I have been dating for only..." She proceeded to check her notes.
"Are you kidding me? Who the hell forgets when you start dating?"
"I know right? She even has her 'I love you' written down too. Imagine what we could've tricked her into saying if we'd swapped out her cards." Robin said with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Malaika giggled. "I can definitely see that happening."
As Sofia continued to drone on about how much she loved him and yada yada, Robin provided her with whispered commentary which had her laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face.
Thank god for waterproof mascara.
They continued bullshiting each other when from the corner of her eye, she saw Sam step up near Sofia and kiss her cheek before proceeding to give his speech.
"Thank you Sofia and thank you to all of you for coming here to join us in celebrating our love."
Robin turned around to see him and scoffed, not even lowering his voice. "More like an arrangement."
Malaika's eyes widened. "Shhh Robin. I am not getting into trouble because of you."
"But you wouldn't mind getting in trouble for other reasons?" He asked cheekily.
A smirk danced on her lips. "Maybe..?"
Sam continued his speech, tears glinting in his eyes. "As you all know, I lost my first wife about five years ago... and for a long time, didn't think I would ever meet someone else who made me feel the way she did."
His eyes locked with hers and Malaika's breath hitched in her throat.
"But now I feel like I have a second chance at happiness again. I finally met someone who gets me. Someone I can't stop thinking about. Someone who lights up the whole room with her passion."
Sam... Are you even talking about Sofia at this point?
Malaika was frustrated by the 'hot and cold' behaviour Sam showed. One moment he is all over her saying things like 'I want to taste you' and then the next moment say that 'we can't'.
Malaika understood where he was coming from. She understood that this game they were playing was forbidden and dangerous but Malaika was never one to shy away from the adrenaline rush.
And on top of it, he is so possesive about me that he goes wild like a rogue buffalo when he sees me with another guy. Malaika snorted rolling her eyes.
"Awww I love you too boo-bear." Sofia squealed as she hugged him. Sam picked her up and twirled her around not letting go of her.
"Passion is not a word I would use for Sofia." Robin mused turning back to look at Malaika.
"...right." A frown tugged on her lips and and the longer she stared at her arms around Sam, the dizzier she felt.
If he thinks I am some weak bitch who will just sit on the sidelines and cry, then he is wrong.
She turned to Robin, who starts to make another snide remark but stopped short when he saw the determined look on her face.
A small smirk made its way on to his lips. "What? Finally want to join in on the fun? 'Cause you know I am down for anything."
The adrenaline, anger and alcohol surged through her as she came up with a plan.
Was it stupid? Yes.
Was that going to stop her? Nope.
As Sam continued his toast, Malaika turned her full attention to Robin. She placed her hand on Robin's chest and his eyes widened.
"What would you say to upping the ante on your little game with Sam? See how far we can really push him? All in good fun of course."
Robin gave her a thoughtful side-eye while poking his tongue against the inside of his lip. Finally, he chuckled.
"Consequences be damned. Let's do it."
In a fluid motion, he wrapped his hand around her waist and she leaned into him, which did not go unnoticed by Sam.
"As I was saying, Sofia is an incredible woman..."
Robin gave a grin. "Forget Sofia, you're the easiest woman to pretend-flirt with I've ever met."
"Back at ya, my partner-in-crime."
"I am hurt. I thought we could be partners and mor-"
"Shhh Robin, we are on a mission." She lightly slapped his chest.
Robin rolled his eyes. "And pray tell me what is the name of the mission?"
Without thinking Malaika blurted out. "Salty Sam."
Both of them snickered and Malaika punched him playfully. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sam struggling to get a visual on what was happening between the two.
Sam continued his speech. "But, uh, what I like most about Sofia is... ugh, move, you big oaf."
"What?!" Sofia's smile melted into a scowl.
"Whoops." Robin said with zero guilt.
Realisation dawned on Sam, as he struggled to fix the mess he made. "I said... 'you're smooth as merlot'? Because you've always had such sophisticated taste in everything...? Except men, I suppose."
The crowd chuckled at the joke and Robin shakes his head. "Always manages to stick the landing."
"Let's take it up a notch, shall we?" Malaika asked with a wicked grin.
"I like the sound of that. Didn't know you were so bad."
Malaika opened her mouth to reply when Sam tapped on the mic and sent a death glare Robin's way which sent a shiver down her spine.
"A-hem. I know some of you are busy smooth-talking your 'flavor of the week', but all eyes need to be up here, thanks."
Malaika's eyes narrowed. How fucking dare he, that entitled jackass?
Robin raised a hand in apology as he shifted to face the couple again, but his lips found her ear.
"Uh-oh we are making the boss mad."
"Oops we did it again." Malaika chuckled under her breath.
"But do you know what will make Sam go completely berserk with jealousy?"
"Enlighten me, O' wise one."
"If he saw us leave together."
"Damn Robin... You really went for the throat, huh?"
"That's how we prey Malaika."
"As much as that fulfills your wet dreams, I actually have thought out what we need to do." Malaika reached and smoothly snatched the glass out of Robin's hand.
"Hey! Give it back." Robin reached for it again and he was dangerously close, his cologne surrounding her. Her eyes darted and met furious hazel ones, staring back at her. Sam's speech was long forgotten and his eyes were solely focused on her... And Robin.
That might teach you not to fuck around with me.
"Now for the winning stroke... Kiss me."
Robin's eyes widened and his jaw was on the ground. "Seriously? Now?" He whispered back.
"Don't you want to?"
"Hell yeah." With that he pulled her body flush against his and crashed his lips to hers. Malaika grabbed his shoulders to steady herself.
Damn... Robin is a good kisser. Malaika thoughts as he deepened the kiss.
They pulled back and Malaika expected Sam to be on the verge of an exploding, ready to bark at them for the unsolicited PDA, but he wasn't.
He just smirked and the glint in his brown orbs making her wary. He reached for Sofia and pulled her into a passionate kiss, his eyes not leaving Malaika's shocked ones.
Robin was calling her name but it sounded far away, as if her head was dunked in a bucket of cold water, the reality chilling into her bones.
She should look away or close her eyes to stop the pain, but she just could not. He could see the pink of his tongue entering Sofia's mouth and she saw red.
"I think I had enough excitement for the night." She mumbled as she got out of Robin's embrace and reached for her champagne flute, and raised it towards Sam's direction, an indication that he won.
Congratulations asshole, you stomped all over the remains of my dignity and heart.
She set the glass down and headed towards the bathroom so that she could have a breakdown in peace.
"Hey you okay?" Robin asked, catching her by the elbow. Malaika managed to out on a smile and patted his hands. "Just peachy. I will just go and get fresh." She turned on her heels and walked.
But even as she walked away, she could feel a pair of eyes staring at her leaving form.
She found the restroom like a oasis in the desert. It was completely empty and she finally was alone after hours of torture.
"It's okay.... You are going to be fine... Breathe in, breathe out." Her manicured nails were clutching the counter, trying to recentre herself. She looked up to see her reflection staring back at herself.
She was greatful for her russet brown skin for it could hide the bags underneath her eyes. Her onyx brown eyes looked tired due to the juggling between her work and her feelings. The only thing which had survived the entire ordeal was her dark hair with light brown undertones.
Under the soft lights of the restroom, her short baby blue dress popped against the deep bronze of her skin.
My life maybe falling apart but at least I look hot.
In midst of her washing her hands she saw Sofia strut in and stand in front of the basin beside her.
There are literally six other basins she could stand and do her gaudy makeup but no. Ever learnt of personal space lady? Malaika rolled her eyes as she continued washing her hands.
The quicker I finish, the faster I can yeet myself out of her highness' presence. Malaika chanted in her head as she reached for the tissue paper.
"He isn't going to love you."
Malaika turned towards Sofia, with an incredulous expression in her face.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"I think you are reading too much into this."
"Please. You don't become the most successful heiress to a Multi-Million dollar Company by being an airhead." Sofia said as she reached for her face powder.
"I think the spotlight under which you stand has blinded you." Malaika said as she reached for her lipstick, coating a nice layer of Burgundy on her lips.
Sofia stopped what she was doing and turned towards her, a patronizing smile on her face. "Aw, aren't you cute. You think I didn't see that little game you had going on?"
"I was with Robin, what the hell are you talking about?" Malaika clenched her hand around the lipstick, annoyed by the fact that this bitch could see through her intentions. She maybe fuming on the inside but she had the perfect poker face on the outside.
"Oh naive Malaika. You both were so obvious that even the paparazzi noticed it. But, if you want to be a petulant child and continue living in the state of denial, then okay."
Malaika clenched her jaw. I am so close to yanking of her hair extensions. 
Sofia capped her lipstick and placed it in her clutch. She turned towards Malaika. "See, I don't give a damn about what's going on between you and Sam. But, I have known Sam for a long time and I have known that you are nothing but a momentary infatuation."
Sofia placed her left hand on her waist and the diamond ring glittered an underlying threat.
"Bask in the attention all you want, I am not saying no. But at the end of the day he is marrying me and it's my bed he going to be sleeping in."
Sofia walked up to Malaika and stared her down. Malaika matched the intensity of her stare, her height giving her the advantage of matching the intimidating glare.
"I usually get what I want, be it the good way or the crook's way. Nothing will ever stop me from getting what I want. So go, do your job of a nanny because that's all you will ever be. Ciao!"
Sofia turned on her heels and she walked out of the bathroom, leaving Malaika pissed to another level.
That bitch...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow... Pardon my language but that bitch!" Robin exclaimed as they stood near the window, in the hallway talking.
"That's exactly what I said!! See, I fucking topped in biochemistry in NYU. I'm financially independent- I mean as independent as I can be. I already have job offer but it starts after six months and that too, in LA. So that's why I took up this job of a nanny so that I could save up enough money to move, pay off my student loans and have time to work on my thesis."
Robin put his hand on Malaika's shoulder. "I know it's hard M. Hell, I am called Sam's assistant when I am literally the Chief operating officer."
"Fuck the rich. Fuck capitalism. I hate this. I’m sorry for being such a Debbie downer," Malaika grumbled as she crossed her arms and stared at her feet.
"No its okay... I understand. If you need to talk, I'm here okay?"
"What would I do without my partner-in-crime?"
"Probably die of boredom?" They both chuckled. Robin put an arm around Malaika and squeezed her into a side hug. Malaika returned the gesture and laid her head on his shoulder as they stared out of the 40th floor.
"Things will get better M."
"You don't know that." Pessimism ringing clear in her voice.
"But I know you and I know that you are hell of a fighter... And that's why I know you'd be great in bed."
Malaika groaned and pushed him. "Dude, read the room."
Robin laughed and something caught his eye, causing the laughter to die down. "Malaika, Sam is here."
"A'ight, that's my cue to leave. Once again, thank you Robin." Malaika started fast walking down the hallway. There was a deserted service elevator which she could use to get away undetected.
"Malaika!" Sam called out.
Fuck my luck. Malaika cursed as she stopped in her tracks.
"Back off Sam." Robin spoke up stepping in his way.
"Robin, can you kindly fuck off. You are the last person I want to talk to after the stunt you pulled. What the hell were you doing with Malaika?"
"Why does it matter to you?!"
"She is not one of your dates. I won't let you take advantage of her just because she is vulnerable."
Is he on crack?
"Who said he is taking advantage of me?" Malaika angrily spoke up, her eyes blazing with anger.
That seem to motivate Robin because he stood up taller and spoke back. "Yeah, calm down, Mr Big Shot. I'm cleaning up your mess."
Shock coloured his face which infuriated her further. "What is that supposed to mean?"
The sheer audacity to pull the Pikachu face...
"Sam I- I just can't with you. Robin, good bye! I had a lovely time." She threw a smile Robin's way and he waved back at her.
"Malaika, wait up!"
This time she rushed into the open lift and pressed the close button multiple times before it started closing. Sam was still pretty far away so she let out a sigh of relief.
Thank fuc-
The door opened and Sam entered.
Malaika dragged a hand down her face, groaning internally. She was already in a bad mood and she didn't have the bandwidth to deal with mixed signals at the moment.
The next time I meet like luck character, she and I are going to have a nice chat.
"Malaika." Sam said, his eyes focused on her.
"That's my name."
Sam clenched his jaw in annoyance, and Malaika crossed her arms stubbornly. She looked the other way but from the corner of her eye, she saw how the lights of the lift casted shadows on his face, making him look sharp and angular, as if he was cut from granite.
"See Malaika I just wanted to know if you are okay."
"I am in the utmost state of bliss." The words sarcastically dripped of her lips and Sam's eyes narrowed.
"Oh. So is this how we are going to go about this?"
"What's there to go about? I am fucking done and I need to sleep."
"Fine." Sam tuned around and pressed the emergency stop button on the lift and it smoothly came to a stop.
Malaika gripped on to the railing out of surprised and threw a dirty look towards Sam.
"We are not leaving until we talk." Sam said as he stood opposite her. The lift was four feet wide, and the fact that they were in a metal cage, all alone was really distracting Malaika.
"You want to talk? Fine. Let's talk about how I don't need you to protect me. It's a party, and I'm a young, single woman. I could be up to anything or fucking anyone, and it wouldn't be any of your business!"
"I know that but-" Sam said in a perplexed voice.
"Do you though? You hired me to be your nanny, not a girlfriend. That's Sofia's job."
Sam winced. "I..I know that too."
Malaika stepped forward and poked a finger into his chest. "One minute, you pull me onto the dance floor, then the next, I'm watching your engagement speech!"
Sam stood to his towering height, glaring down at her. "And I can't stop thinking about that dance or about the way you were grinding that ass on my dick. Do you know how long it took me to cool down?"
If it were any other day, Malaika’s brain would have short-circuited with the words he spoke, but not today. Today she was pissed, hurt and ready to beat the hell out of someone.
She grew up in fucking Brooklyn, she isn't some weak bitch you can trample on.
Another jab.
"Here is your big fucking chance to talk so go ahead and let me have it! Tell me how ‘sorry’ you are or how ‘wrong’ this is."
"Don't provoke me, Malaika." Sam spoke through clenched teeth.
She didn't care. Another step closer, another jab to the chest.
"Why did you really want me here tonight? Did you want me to be here and see her all over you? To see you playing tonsil hockey game with her? Sorry sir, but that is not covered in my pay-check."
She raised her finger to jab him again but this time Sam grabbed her finger tightly.
Wonder how would that feel aro-
Not the time brain. Malaika chided her inner thot.
"No of course not! I just- I just wanted you to stay. For once in my life, I wasn't thinking ahead."
The alcohol and the day's frustration had caught up to her and she didn't care if she sounded snarky and rude. He already deals with Sofia’s jabs, so how could I be any worse? "Wow, what an earth shattering revelation. Yeah well, let me make it easy for you and quit."
"Don't fucking do that." Sam rushed.
Malaika sighed, leaning her head in his broad strong shoulders. She looked up and spoke. "Face the facts. It'd be a lot easier for both of us if we don't have to see each other every day."
"I'm trying Malaika..." He said as his touch ran down her arms, changing from hard restraint to a gentle caress, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Even though I am angry, how does this man manage to get butterflies in my stomach.
"Every day, I'm fighting not to let myself get carried away. I'm fighting not to touch you. I'm fighting not to do this..." He buried his head into her neck and placed a hot, wet kiss at her jugular, knowing that it's the one spot that drives her absolutely mad.
"...or do this..." His hands slid from her waist to her ass, groping them. A gasp left her lips and her eyes fluttered shut, feeling the sensation of his lips kissing the crook of her neck, his hands wandering and sqeezing and his growing erection against her stomach.
"...and I definitely missed doing this." He pulled her hair, forcing her to look at him as he crashed his lips against hers, an avalanche of desire unleashed.
Malaika returned the kiss with equal fervour. She reached to loop her hands around his neck to pull him so close that she was literally painted on him.
But that wasn't enough for Sam.
He pushed her against the wall, his broad and sculpted body completely covering her frame. His hands unhooked her dainty ones and pushed them against the wall, locking them in place.
"I want to fuck you until I can feel that sweet little pussy clenching around my cock." He whispered in her ear, before catching her earlobe in his teeth and tugging.
Malaika let out a moan her stomach involuntarily clenched, desire lighting up each inch of her body, as if a matchstick was thrown into a pool of gasoline.
"Keep making those noises. Can't wait to make you scream my name until your throat is sore." Sam spoke in a husky voice, his hand letting her go and reaching for the zip on the back of her dress.
Malaika reached to help him but he just pushed her hand away. "Just relax and let me do what I'm good at." Sam started kneeling down, and that sent her imagination into overdrive.
"And what would that be?" Malaika asked, her eyes wanton as he unclasped her bra, showing off her plump breasts.
Sam then proceeded to remove her soaked panties, and holding them near his nose to inhale her scent before snapping his dark eyes towards her.
"To devour you. To worship you. To make you come hard."
Malaika clenched her thighs and Sam stood up, smirking at the effect his dirty talk had on her. He stood back up, his hand running along her smooth calf, thighs and stopped to rest on her hipbone, gently massaging it.
His other hand cupped her face, his thumb running along the cushion of her bottom lip. "Is that what you want, baby girl?"
Malaika was an outgoing woman and rarely found herself tongue tied but here she was, at a complete loss of words.
Oh god...
So instead of saying, she showed. Her hand reached for his erection, and palmed him through his trousers. Sam's eyes darkened and he descended on her mouth with such passion which had her breathless.
And as if that wasn't enough, his fingers found their way to her pussy, which was throbbing with a heartbeat of it own.
It was a fight for dominance. A fight to see who could get the other to bend at their will. Malaika's hand flew through the buttons of his tacky suit, exposing his strong, broad chest with sparse chest hair. Sam hooked her leg against his hip so that he could get better access to her, his hands running along the smooth supple skin.
Malaika's head rolled and rested on the cool surface of the elevator, lost in the pleasure of his fingers rubbing her clit. She was so wet and she knew that his hands would be dripping with her arousal.
Two digits entered her and her back arched against the wall, her breasts making contact with his naked chest.
"Do you feel it Malaika? Do you feel how wet you are for me? Do you know how sexy you look right now?" He spoke lowly, his voice husky with desire.
"Yes sir." Malaika choked out as his thumb brushed the hood of her sensitive clit.
"I'm... Gonna come." She panted out which was a mistake because he withdrew his fingers.
"Asshole." She sweated.
"And what about it? You wanted to quit didn't you? I did it-" Sam was interrupted by Malaika grabbing his ugly floral tie and pulling him towards her.
"With all due respect, fuck me, hard. Don't hold back one bit otherwise I swear to god, I won't let you come."
"Turn around, baby girl." She obeyed, almost giddy that she was finally gonna be dicked down.
He grabbed her wrists which made her yelp. He took his tie and tied it around them, securing them in their place. It was just perfect, not too tight nor too loose.
Sam moved her hair to one side placed hot fiery kissed on her neck, lapping up the moisture accumulated. "Look at you... What a delectable sight. You will forget your fucking name after I'm done with you."
"I'm holding you to it sir."
"The more you use sir, the more it feels like an insult." Sam said, his erection digging into her backside
"You do you sir."
Spreading her legs, she heard Sam's belt unbuckling, which made her excited and increase her yearning to feel him. The moment Sam saw her twitching, he slapped her ass which caused her to let out a breathless moan. He massage the spot where he spanked her leading her to get impatient.
What’s the fucking hold up?
"Stop fucking standing there with your junk in your hand you- holllyy shitt." She was interrupted as she felt Sam's dick rub against her walls, coating them with her arousal.
Grabbing her waist tightly, he entered and Sam rumbled in approval, enjoying the way her walls clenched and unclenched around him.
"You feels so good Malaika. Almost heavenly."
Malaika pressed her forehead against the cool surface and let out a moan, a flux of pain and pleasure cursing through her veins.
"Oh lord..." She moaned.
He moved slowly initially, so that she could get used to his size. But once Malaika started get fidgety and begged him to fuck him harder, it awoke something in him. Something primal and something which motivated him to snap his hips and pummel into her.
In. Out. In. out. A steady punishing rhythm was set which had Malaika crying, from ecstasy. Sam's hand reached to grab her breast and roll her nipple, making them erect and heavy with need. His other hand reached to rub her which had her screaming due to the override of stimulation.
"Please don't stop... pounding my pussy... please." Malaika begged, feeling her climax coming closer and closer as she soared above.
Sam grunted, his lower spine tingling and his abs clenching, his need to release fueling his motions further. His thrusts became shorter and faster, which was just enough to push them over the edge.
Malaika screamed, failing to be quiet while Sam moaned out loud, and sunk his teeth into her shoulder to muffle it. The bliss lasted for what seemed like eternity, both of them clutching on to each other as they slowly floated down from cloud nine. Malaika was leaning against the wall of the elevator, her legs feeling like jelly.
Sam unbound her hands and pulled put of her, causing her to wince at the sudden emptiness. He turned her towards him, hugging her in his muscular arms. He ran his fingers through her head as Malaika sought solace in his embrace, her breath becoming normal after a while.
Sam kissed her forehead. "We will try, Malaika."
"Yeah... I am not giving up on you Sam."
"Thank you for having faith in me baby girl. Its a mess but, I am not giving up on you either.” Malaika smiled, feeling some sort of peace in a very long time.
okay so um yeah... here is your flask of holy water
this would have to be the filthiest thing I have ever written sike
I hope you liked it heheheh
like, comment, reblog and let me know what you think <3
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dickspeightjrs · 4 years
Show Me How Big Your Brave Is (au / 4.8k words)
Prompt 17 from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ for @eccentriccas 
ao3 link
It stared at Dean from the fridge, tacked up by a Stanford University magnet gifted to Dean by his brother, Sam. 
He’d known his high school reunion was coming up at some point but seeing it embossed in gold lettering created a pit in his stomach. 
High school wasn’t the best time for Dean for a few reasons. First, his dad had died in freshman year, which Dean had had mixed feelings about if he was honest. He was mostly concerned about his mother. She didn’t take it well. And then there was-
Dean was torn from his stare down with the invitation by the door bell. He trudged over to answer it.  His best friend, Charlie, came bounding in with all the energy of a labrador puppy. 
“Hey, friend!” She exclaimed, pulling Dean into a tight hug. “Are you ready for our movie night?” 
Dean let himself be infected with Charlie’s excited energy. “Of course, dude! Give me superheroes in spandex already.” He laughed. 
“You go set up the first movie and I’ll put the beers in the fridge, okay?” Charlie instructed. 
“Sounds good, Bradbury.”
Dean lucked out when he’d met Charlie. They’d been assigned as roommates in college. There had been a mix up with the room allocations. Dean had been a little confused when he’d turned from his boxes to find a tiny red-head standing in the doorway of his dorm. 
Charlie had taken a step into the room, let her backpack fall to the floor, and said, “Don’t even think about trying anything. I’m gay as the day is long and I’m not afraid to punch a guy back into his place.” Dean hadn’t known how to reply so he’d just nodded and silently gone back to unpacking his things. 
It was when Charlie had put up a Star Wars poster above her bed that Dean knew he was about to make a best friend. 
“Ooh what’s this?” Charlie’s voice came from the kitchen.
Crap. Charlie had probably found the invite. He should have hidden it when he had the chance. He sighed and moved into the kitchen. 
Charlie had an extremely mischievous grin on her face, and that was saying something for her. 
“When were you going to tell me about this?” Charlie asked. 
“Urm, never?” Dean mumbled, reaching to snatch the paper out of Charlie’s hand. 
But Charlie was too quick and dodged Dean’s grasp. 
“Come on Dean. You have to go!” Charlie implored. “It’ll be fun!”
Dean gave his friend an unimpressed look. “Charlie you know how much I hated high school.”
Charlie’s face softened. “I know, it sucks that you got outed before you were ready. No one deserves that. But, it’s been ten years. Things have changed.”
“You don’t know the people I went to high school with.” Dean scoffed. 
Charlie rolled her eyes. “Stop being dramatic, you nerd.”
“Dramatic or not, I ain’t going.” Dean plucked the invite out of Charlie’s hand and tore it in two. 
Charlie stuck her tongue out at him. “Party pooper.”
*  *  *
A few hours later, Dean and Charlie were deep into their annual ‘NerdFest’ movie night. 
“I swear, if I didn’t bat for the best team, I’d be so down for a bit of Black Wing.” Charlie mumbled around a mouth full of popcorn. 
Dean couldn’t help but nod in agreement. Aside from Captain America (because, hello Chris Evans!), Black Wing was Dean’s favourite superhero. But he’d only appeared in ensemble movies. There had been rumours of him getting his own solo movie after fans online had campaigned for it but nothing ever seemed to come of it. The guy who played him seemed to just drop off the map. 
Shame, Dean thought as he watched Black Wing kick ass on-screen, that dude was hot! 
“Take someone like that to your high school reunion and it would make those dicks’ jaws drop.” 
“Drop it, Charlie.” Dean groaned, glaring at the red-head. 
“Just saying. Get a hot date and you’ll win the game of life in their eyes.” Charlie raised her hands in defence. 
“Noted. Let’s move on.” 
“Fine.” Charlie pouted. 
Dean nodded and turned back to watch the screen, content that the subject had been dropped. 
Dean jumped out of his skin, sending popcorn flying through the air. “What the hell, Bradbury?” He exclaimed. 
Charlie started excitedly slapping Dean on the arm. “I have the best idea.” She practically squealed. “Put an ad up on Craigslist for a hot date.”
Dean’s eyes went wide. “No fucking way. Never happening. Now stop.”
Charlie sulked for the next half an hour, all through the iconic fight scene with Black Wing and his fellow team of superheroes. She stopped eventually after Dean offered her a piece of pie as a peace offering. 
*  *  *
After a couple more movies, Charlie had to leave. Apparently, being an adult meant that you can’t just spend all night watching with your best friend anymore - who knew? So with a ‘see ya later bitch’, Charlie was gone. 
Dean felt the aches from being sat on the couch for hours and he was looking forward to laying out on his bed for a good night’s sleep. 
He sighed to himself and tidied up the last remains of the movie snacks. He was ready for sleep but he had to work early in the morning and he wouldn’t have time to clean up before he left. 
Shuffling into the kitchen to put the rubbish in the trash, Dean spotted his reunion invite where he left it on the counter. Except, it wasn’t ripped in two like he’d left it. It had ‘mysteriously’ been taped back together. He dragged a tired hand down his face in exasperation. Charlie just didn’t know when to quit. She was the bratty little sister he never wanted. 
He plonked himself down on the chair at the counter and stared at the white paper for a few moments. 
Fuck it! 
Charlie was right (though he’d never admit it to her face). He was determined to prove to the assholes he went to school with that the shit they threw at him didn’t stick. It didn’t matter that Dean didn’t really believe it to be the truth,’ fake it til ya make it’ as they say. 
Before he could chicken out, Dean had Craigslist opened up on his phone. Thinking back to Charlie’s suggestion earlier, Dean decided against asking specifically for a ‘hot’ guy. He dreaded to think what kind of douchebags that would answer the ad proclaiming themselves to be an adonis. 
And, despite knowing since he was young that he was bisexual, he decided to aim the ad towards guys. His few relationships with women had never worked out. Even though this was all going to be fake, Dean would like to be able to at least get on with the person. 
In the end, he decided on a short and simple ad:
‘Hi, I’m Dean (28M) looking for a guy to take as my date to my stupid high school reunion next Saturday. Message if interested (no weirdos)’
He posted the ad and then spotted the time at the top of the screen. 
Midnight. Shit. 
He closed the website and dashed upstairs as fast as his tired legs could carry him. 
*  *  * 
The next morning, Dean got woken up by the feel of sunlight shining on his face. He must have forgotten to shut the curtains before he passed out last night. 
His blood ran cold when he realised that the sun shining on his face meant only one thing. He was late for work. He scrambled around looking for his phone to check the time but it was nowhere to be found. 
Suddenly, it came to him. He must have left his phone on the counter in the kitchen, meaning he didn’t hear his alarms going off. 
He cursed himself and sped to get ready. Quickly sniffing a shirt to check it was okay to wear, he got dressed and raced downstairs. Sure enough, his phone was sat on the table where he'd sat the night before. 
When he picked it up he found that it had also run out of battery overnight. 
Great. As if this day couldn’t get any worse. 
Forgetting all else on his mind, Dean grabbed his phone and dash out of the front door. 
*  *  *
The ad remained forgotten until a few days later. 
Dean was just about to sit down and relax with a beer when his phone lit up with a notification. He put his beer down on a coaster to check it out. 
It was a message from Craigslist telling him someone has been trying to contact him about his ad. 
Dean’s eyes went wide. He’d completely forgotten about the ad for a date after being late for work and being chewed out by his boss. He couldn't believe someone had actually responded. He looked at the date for the first message. This guy had contacted him like an hour after he’d posted the ad. 
He opened the message. 
(01:28) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: Hello. I saw your ad for a date to your reunion. It says I’m only 10 miles from your location. I’m interested in helping you out. Are you still in need of assistance?
(10:11) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: I assume, as you haven’t replied, that you’ve decided to go with someone else for your date. 
(11:20) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: On second thought, this ad was probably a joke. Please ignore my messages. 
Wow. This dude talked funny. And reading that last message, Dean felt a little sorry for the guy too. He seemed lonely. But beggars can’t be choosers, so Dean prepared to reply. 
As he went to type, he noticed the guy’s username and smiled to himself. 
(19:37) impala67 says: don’t worry dude! the position as my date is still open. you’re the only one who has responded. 
PS. I like your username. you a Black Wing fan too? 
The reply was almost immediate.
(19:41) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: Okay. What information do you need from me?
PS. You could say so. 
‘You could say so’? Was this guy purposefully trying to be mysterious? Either way, Dean was intrigued. 
(19:45) impala67 says: idk dude, just the basics I guess. how old u are, what u look like
(19:53) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: I’m 30 years old. I have blue eyes and dark hair. I’m 6 feet tall. Anything else?
Dean hummed to himself. The guy sounded pretty average, which was okay with him.
(19:55) impala67 says: nah, that’s awesome dude. anything you want to know? 
(19:58) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: I suppose it would be nice to know what you look like too. Also, if you don’t mind me prying, I wondered why you need to have a date for a school reunion. And why have you turned to Craigslist to find it?
Dean was set aback by this guy’s forwardness. But, he did have a right to know what he was getting into Dean supposed. 
(20:05) impala67 says: you already know I’m 28. I have green eyes. sort of light brown hair and i’m around 6’2”. as for the other shit. high school was a shit show. I’ve always been a bit nerdy i guess. people didn’t like it. then I realised I’m bi (hope that’s not a deal break btw). tried asking this guy out senior year. got outed to the whole school. got a lot of shit for it. 
(20:11) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. No one deserves that. Why do you want to go back? No one would blame you for leaving and never going back. (Again, if you don’t mind me asking.)
Dean blinked at the screen. His forgotten beer was getting warm but he was fascinated by this guy. He seemed genuine and Dean felt himself wanting to share the darkest parts of himself with a complete stranger. He sighed and typed. 
(20:20) impala67 says: I guess I want to prove to those assholes that the things they said didn’t affect my life. even tho that’s not always the truth. I still struggle to accept myself i guess.
Dean chewed his lip, debating whether to include that last line or not. But, hey, he was asking this dude to be his date, the least he could do was be honest with him. He pressed send. 
Blue Eyes didn’t reply instantly this time and it made Dean nervous. He wished he could take back the last bit of the message. 
After a few anxious moments, Blue Eyes still hadn’t replied so Dean gave up, figuring he’d scared the guy away. He cursed himself and moved to put his Doctor Sexy DVDs into the player. He’d never admit it to anyone, not even Charlie, but Doctor Sexy was his comfort show. It provided him with a much needed distraction. 
A couple hours later, Dean was beginning to doze. The extra few beers he’d had cushioned him into a deep sleep. 
When he woke, surrounded by darkness with only the DVD menu playing to no one lighting the room, Dean rubbed his face tiredly and went to check his phone for the time. 
Instead of looking at the clock, Dean’s eyes were distracted by the Craigslist notification. Blue Eyes had messaged him back! Feeling a little foolish that he’d reacted too quickly before, Dean opened the message.
(23:23) BlueEyesAndBlackWings says: You’re incredibly brave, Dean. Not many people would be able to do what you’re doing. 
Dean blushed in the darkness. Why were a random internet dude’s words affecting him so much? He didn’t really know what to say in response so he just sent a quick ‘thank you, dude.’
*  *  * 
Over the next few days leading up to the reunion, Dean carried on messaging Blue Eyes just to get to know him a little more. Turns out the dude is dorky as hell. And, despite the original impression he gave with the Black Wing username, the guy didn’t understand any of Dean’s other references. 
It had occurred to him after they’d been messaging for a while that Dean still didn’t know his name. 
When he confronted Blue Eyes about it, the man had taken a while to respond again and answered only with ‘I’d rather not disclose my full name at this time. But, you can call me C.’
Dean had been a little skeptical of the guy’s response at first. But then, he figured the worst case scenario was the guy turned out to be a catfish and Dean would just blow off the reunion altogether and go get drunk. And he couldn’t blame the guy for not wanting to give out personal details over Craigslist. 
The day before the reunion, they agreed it was probably best to meet somewhere a couple hours before so they had time to get to know each other in person and iron out the final details they’d need to know about each other. 
*  *  * 
Dean sat in the coffee shop they’d agreed to meet at (public and easy to escape if things went south). He tried to stop his leg from trembling under the table. 
He was nervous for a couple of reasons. The obvious: this guy could turn out to be a creepy old dude stalking men on the internet. And the less obvious but more surprising to Dean: he actually wanted this to go well. Without even knowing what he looked like, Dean had found himself beginning to like the guy. Even if he wasn’t attracted to him when he finally saw Blue Eyes, Dean would be cool with being friends with him. 
His eyes were following the patterns in the wood on the table top when a deep voice came from above him. 
“Dean?” It asked, with nervous uncertainty. 
Dean swallowed and looked up to the source of the voice and- 
Holy shit! 
It was him! It was the Black Wing!
What was the guy’s name? Cas- something? Castile? Casteel? Castiel! That was it!
Holy fucking shit! This couldn’t be happening. 
Dean realised he’d been staring wide-eyed during his internal freak out and Blue Eyes, Castiel, was stood looking as nervous as Dean had felt before the surprise adrenaline took over his body. 
“Sorry, dude. Please sit down.” Dean gestured to the chair opposite him. He wiped his hands on his jeans, nerves starting to take over once again. 
Neither man spoke for a few moments. 
“So I-” Castiel began.
“I don’t-” Dean spoke too. 
Both men chuckled. “You go,” Dean told Castiel. 
Castiel smiled softly, “I suppose, from your reaction, you know who I am.”
Dean blushed. “Yeah. For what it’s worth, I’m a big fan.” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 
Now Castiel blushed, “Thank you, Dean.” His expression turned serious. “I hope you understand now why I didn’t give you my full name while we spoke online.”
“Yeah, of course, dude. Don’t want any crazies hunting you down.” Dean chuckled. 
Castiel chuckled with him. “Yes, something like that.”
“So, um, before we get into the details for later, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?”
“Of course, Dean. You were honest with me, it’s only fair I return the favour.” Castiel smiled. 
“It’s only because I watched one of your movies the other night with my best friend, Charlie-” who was totally gonna freak out when Dean told her about this “-but wasn’t there meant to be a solo Black Wing movie? Everyone in the fandom was talking about it and then suddenly you seemed to disappear. I guess, I’m just wondering why you changed your mind?” Dean asked, nervously. He was waiting for Castiel to tell him to go fuck himself (though Dean knew that Castiel wasn’t really that kinda guy). 
Castiel cleared his throat and met Dean’s eyes. “We were just about to go into production for the solo movie when my brother and his wife were killed in a head-on collision with a truck.”
Dean’s mouth dropped open. But, he could sense Castiel hadn’t finished so he stayed quiet. 
“The only blessing was that it was instant, so they didn’t suffer. That, and luckily their daughter, Claire, was at the babysitter’s at the time.” Castiel smiled, melancholy whispers gracing his features. 
Dean knew he barely knew the guy but he could sense when someone needed comfort so he reached across the table to place a soft touch on Castiel’s hand. 
“I took Claire into my care. And that ended my career as I knew it.” Castiel shrugged. “I was deeply disappointed to have to leave the movie, but Claire came first. And I didn’t want her to grow up in the spotlight, with people using her parents’ tragic death as a way to sell magazines. So I left the industry. That was three years ago and I haven’t looked back. Claire is five now and she’s all I could ever want.” 
Dean was awestruck. “Wow.” He breathed. “I can’t believe it.”
“What?” Castiel asked, head tilting in confusion. (If the situation wasn’t so serious, Dean would have struggled not to comment on how adorable he looked.) 
“Dude.” Dean choked. “You called me brave for wanting to face a coupla high school assholes. But you - you gave up your entire career to give the best life to your niece.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You’re amazing.” 
Castiel blushed again (and Dean found he was slowly falling in love with that look on Castiel’s face). “I don’t know that I’m amazing, I just want a normal life for Claire and I.” He shrugged. 
“A normal life, huh?” Dean asked. “Well, I can try and help with that.” He lifted his hand from where it had been placed on Castiel’s and held it in the air between them. “I’m Dean Winchester. I’m twenty eight. A bit of a nerd and in need of a date this evening.”
Castiel huffed a laugh and placed his hand in Dean’s, shaking it. “I’m Castiel Novak. I’m thirty. Uncle to a beautiful niece and I would be honoured if you’d let me be your date for this evening.” 
Dean’s face broke into a smile, which turned into a laugh that caused a smile to spread across Castiel’s cheeks. 
They let their hands settle naturally on top of the table. 
Now, with their barriers down, they began making plans and ideas for that evening. Though, if Dean were being honest, it felt like he’d known Castiel forever already. 
Eventually, after what felt like hours of talking, Castiel got up to finally get himself a coffee. It wasn’t until Castiel’s hand left his that Dean realised they’d been holding onto each other the whole time. 
*  *  *
Dean and Castiel ended up talking for so long in that coffee shop that they were late for the reunion. The party was in full swing when they arrived. 
Just before they entered the hall, Dean stopped in his tracks. 
“What’s wrong, Dean?” Castiel asked, worry etched into his features. 
“Are you sure about this, man? There’s a chance someone in there could recognise you or something. It’s not worth ruining your life plan over just for me to say ‘fuck you’ to a couple of dicks.” Dean stressed. 
Castiel reached to take Dean’s hand in his. “Some things are worth a little risk.” He whispered and walked with Dean through the hall doors. 
It seemed Dean had had nothing to worry about in the end. They’d spoken to a few people who had seemed genuinely interested in that Dean had been up to since graduation. And they barely batted an eye when he’d introduced Castiel as his boyfriend. (He’d meant to just call him his date but clearly his mouth had had other ideas.) Castiel himself had just placed a soft hand around Dean’s waist - stopping Dean from an internal panic. 
It was all going so well and Dean was starting to think Charlie had been right (again, damn her!). Maybe everyone had just grown up and moved on. 
Once they’d finished a conversation with the guy Dean sat next to in English class senior year, Castiel went to the bar to get them some drinks, whispering in Dean’s ear that he’d be back in a moment. Dean was a little sad Castiel hadn’t gone a bit further and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t Dean Winchester.” The voice of Bela Talbot came from behind him. Dean turned with a scowl on his face. 
“Hello, Bela.” He said through gritted teeth. She’d been one of the main people instrumental in his forced coming out. 
“Goodness me, Dean. If I’d known how pretty you’d turn out, maybe high school could have gone a lot differently.��� She practically purred, running a perfectly manicured finger along Dean’s cheek bone. “But, hey, there’s still time now, I could be the one to knock you straight again.”
Dean was frozen to the spot. He was back to being a scared kid, dealing with the loss of a parent and being taunted daily for his sexuality. He knew he shouldn’t have done this. He wasn’t brave. He was pathetic. He couldn’t even stand up to a school bully ten years later.
“Excuse me.” Castiel appeared suddenly at Dean’s side. “What did you say to him?” The look on his face was nothing short of murderous. 
“I’m just getting reacquainted with an old friend.” Bela answered, sickly sweet. “And who are you?”
Castiel’s eyes narrowed. “I’m Dean’s boyfriend and I don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking to him.” 
Dean’s eyes went wide. Earlier it had been a slip when he’d called Castiel his boyfriend but now Castiel was purposefully saying it? Dean didn’t dare to hope. 
Bela laughed, causing Castiel to glare even harder (honestly, if looks could kill, she’d be in hell). “Ah! So he’s definitely still gay then.” She said, lip curling with distaste. 
“Not that it’s any of your business, but he’s bisexual, not gay. I’d tell you to educate yourself, but clearly, after ten years you’re still the same bitch you’ll always be.” 
Bela looked taken aback, like no one had ever spoken to her like that before. 
Castiel didn’t wait for her response. Instead, he grabbed Dean’s hand and stormed out of the building.
It wasn’t until the cool evening air hit his face, that Dean finally snapped back to himself. They’d ended up in the parking lot, stood next to Dean’s car. 
“Cas..” Dean breathed.
“I’m sorry, Dean.” Castiel said, begging for forgiveness. “I just couldn’t stand the way she was speaking to you.” 
“Cas-” Dean spoke. 
“She was just so rude a-and small-minded. I hated it.” 
“Cas!” Dean raised his voice. Castiel snapped his jaw shut. “It’s okay. Thank you for sticking up for me.” Dean stepped closer to Castiel, playing with the lapel on Castiel’s suit jacket. 
Castiel looked into Dean’s eyes but Dean couldn’t hold his gaze. “I’m just embarrassed that I froze up. After all of this, I failed at standing up for myself. I’m pathetic.” 
Castiel placed his hands on Dean’s cheeks, forcing Dean to look at him. Green eyes finally met blue. “Dean, listen to me. It was incredibly brave to walk into that room tonight. You are the bravest person I’ve ever met.” He said earnestly. 
Dean couldn’t hold it in anymore. He hoped he wasn’t about to ruin this before it even started. But, as a wise man told him recently: some things are worth a little risk.
Wasting no more time, Dean pulled Castiel into a deep kiss. 
Once Castiel was on board, he pushed Dean up against the car behind them. 
After a few heated moments, of what can only be described as heavy making out, Dean growled at Castiel to get into the car before they got arrested for public indecency. 
They somehow made it back to Dean’s house but their clothes only managed to stay on long enough to get through the front door. Dean directed them to his room and threw Castiel down on the bed. 
He took in the sight of the beautiful man laid out under him before kissing up Castiel’s chest and took over his mouth again. The only words said between them were muttered assurances that they were on the same page. Dean could never have dreamed this is how this night would end but he certainly wouldn’t change a thing. 
*  *  *
The next morning, Dean and Castiel laid in each other’s arms, content to be together in the quiet. 
Suddenly, a thought occurred to Dean. “What about your niece?” He worried. “Don’t you need to get back to her?” He sat up frantically. 
“Dean, Dean, don’t worry.” Castiel raised his hands to calm the other man. “I texted my babysitter yesterday at the coffee shop asking her to stay with Claire for the night.” 
Dean relaxed into the bed, smirking a little. “So you knew how the night would end even before we got to the reunion.” 
Castiel blushed. “I wouldn’t say I knew. But I did hope.”
Dean smiled, pulling Castiel closer to place a tender kiss on the side of his head. “I hoped for it too.” He whispered. 
They settled into silence again, warm in each other’s company. 
A short while passed before either of them spoke again. 
“Thank you, Dean.” Castiel murmured, breaking the quiet. 
“For what?” Dean frowned. 
“For thinking of Claire.” 
“Well, she’s important to you. She’s your whole world.” Dean shrugged. 
“Maybe my world could get a little bigger now.” Castiel suggested, smiling nervously up at Dean.”
“Yeah, I think it could.”
*  *  *
Later, as they dug into a couple of burgers Dean threw together, another thought crossed Dean’s mind. 
“Hmm?” Castiel hummed around the burger in his mouth.
“Why were you looking through Craigslist ads in the first place?”
Castiel swallowed and chuckled to himself. “Sometimes I look through to find funny ads people put up.”
Dean was beginning to get a little offended when Castiel reached across the table to hold his hand. 
“But, the night that I saw your ad, I had just put Claire to bed and I was feeling lonely. I took a risk. And I think it worked.” Castiel smiled shyly. 
“Hell yeah, it did!” Dean grinned from ear to ear. 
*  *  *
Charlie’s phone vibrated next to her. She paused the video game she was playing to pick it up. Seeing it was a text from Dean, she opened it immediately. 
On her screen was a selfie of Dean with another dark haired dude captioned:
‘I should take your advice more often Bradbury.’
Her eyes turned to saucers and she looked at the image again more closely. She frowned slightly, looking at the man whose cheek Dean was kissing. 
Wait- That totally looked like-
Her phone dinged with a new message from Dean. 
‘And yes, it’s exactly who you think it is.’
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it Taylor! 
If you liked what you saw, REBLOG! and consider reserving a prompt from my ‘30 Destiel Prompts’ challenge, or just send me your own prompt you’d like me to fill!
TAGS: @eccentriccas @starrynightdeancas @credentiast @imbiowaresbitch @starclaire @cockleslovesdestiel @bend-me-shape-me @destielfactory @dea-stiel @wendeano @wingsandimpalas @aggressivedean @flowersforcas @chill-legilimens @pancakesofthelord @saltnhalo @caslikescoffeeandfreckles @assbuttboyfriends @jhoomwrites @breathingdestiel @simplymisha @thekingslover @aelysianmuse
(once again tagging my faves, let me you if you’d like to be removed from future fics - or added if you’re not already there!)
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jhoudiey · 4 years
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve added anything to Loru, but I’ve FINALLY finished her birthday fic! Yay! My bird girl is 18 now! The only warning for this I guess is Implied Violence, 2900 words. Borrowed Theo and Kore from @girl-in-the-tower and Scarlet from @rikanoctrix since I want to try and add more OCs into Yoru canon going forward.
“Neee Fugu-chan” Floyd grumbled, having kicked his way unceremoniously into Yoru’s room
“Floyd it’s too early for you to be this loud, what do you want?” She mumbled, not bothering to pull herself up from her mattress where she way laying face down
“I wanted to be the first person to wish you a h----aaappy birthday”  he said, stifling a yawn
“You’re too late for the birthday thing, sounds like you came for a nap”
“That too” he said casually, throwing his uniform jacket toward her desk chair. It missed and landed in a pile on the floor. He jumped over Yoru and bounced slightly when he hit the mattress. She shoved one of her pillows at him, opening her eyes the tiniest amount.
“Its only 9 though, who already said happy birthday?” he whined, clutching the pillow to his chest to look at her. She blinked slowly at him before responding. 
“Ortho at exactly midnight, Idia at like 6 this morning when we realized the time, and my dad when I got home. If you wanna nap do it quietly, I just got to bed” she turned away from him and buried her head in her pillow again. 
“Have any big birthday plans?” he asked, looking over the edge of his pillow. She rolled back to glare at him
“Dinner later with my dad and some staff. That’s it. No you can’t come. It’s not a party. Good night” she said bluntly, shoving her face back into her pillow.
“Night Fugu-chan!” Floyd murmured, curling up on the other side of the bed.
It was already dark when she woke up, she could smell dinner being cooked from downstairs and hoped that Crowley had at least asked some of the cafeteria ghosts to cook instead of trying to cook it himself. He’d tried to bake her birthday cake 2 years ago and almost set the house on fire, he hadn’t attempted cooking since. Yoru showered, threw some clothes on and made her way downstairs to the dining room. 
“SURPRISE!” She was almost blown backwards by the noise and took a step back. The room was full of staff and the few friends she’d managed to collect while haunting the grounds of NRC. Floyd grinned at her from behind Jade and Azul, Ortho was floating near the front of the table with a huge smile on his face with Idias tablet floating nearby, and the staff were all gathered around the room wherever they’d fit. She’d never had a birthday where so many people came for dinner, and was taken a aback
“Neeee Fugu-Chan!” Floyd called “You said I wasn’t invited but I bet you never knew there was going to be a party for you!” He smirked at her, Jade chuckling softly beside him. 
“Uhhhh...what...is going on?” she asked, looking around the room at everyone, still shocked to see so many people. Crowley swooped down on her from across the room, draping his arm across her shoulders. 
“Oh my sweet daughter, I thought for your 18th birthday we should have a spectacular party for you with all of your friends and family!” he gestured around the room with his other arm. “Everyone is here to celebrate with you, so make sure to not run away!” He steered her deeper into the room, sitting her down at the head of the table laden with food. She awkwardly glanced around the room, was she supposed to say anything? Were there customs for this sort of thing? She sat in silence, fidgeting a little in her chair, hoping that someone else would say something to break the tension that had settled over the room. 
“Yoru-san! What sort of gifts did you ask for!?” Ortho chirped enthusiastically, flying a little off his seat. For Idias birthday the three of them had hidden away and played a few board games, what she wouldn’t give to be repeating that experience right now.
“Ummm… nothing. I usually just get whatever I need throughout the year myself… I don’t really know what I would ask for”... She trailed off looking around the room once more, were they going to expect her to open presents? Was there even presents to open? Generally the teachers gave her new notebooks or reference books, but they’d always just leave them for her on the table without ever having wrapped them. Yoru wasn’t sure what else to say, and was worried she’d be further interrogated about gifts; she started filling her plate, hoping that the food would at least act as a buffer for the pressure that was slowly spreading through the room. As she was piling her plate to tottering she noticed an unfamiliar face in the corner near professor Yule, she paused and stared at the girl wondering if they’d met before and she’d just forgotten. The girl smiled shyly at her and waved, Yoru was certain they’d never actually met before, there weren't any other girls at NRC, and there wasn’t any reason for a random girl from the village to be here…
“Yoru, this is my daughter Kore” Theo said to her with a slight nod “She’s come to stay at NRC with me, though she’ll be living in Ramshackle dorm with Yuu for the time being. I’m sure you’ll get along” He smiled at her, knowing that it was unlikely. Yoru was, afterall, prickly and not very open to new friends and Kore herself could be difficult. Yoru grimaced and gave the girl a quick nod before turning back to the table, hoping that there weren’t any more surprises planned for the evening. Theo let out a sigh of relief “honestly I thought that was going to go way worse” he chuckled a little looking at Kore. She had her face set and was looking towards Yoru’s back, fists tightened into balls, daring Yoru to say something about her lack of magic. 
The night carried on, conversation flowing more easily once everyone started eating. Azul was trying to worm the recipes out of Crowley so he could co-opt them for the lounge, while Crowley was giving every excuse he could to not have to admit that it was the ghosts that had cooked and not him. As dinner wound down, Yoru started getting anxious again as she wasn’t certain what was supposed to come next. Why did Crowley think it was a good idea to have her entertain a room full of people? Luckily everyone was entertaining themselves for the most part, so she’d been able to have a muttered conversation with Idias tablet, making escape plans for as soon as she was able to sneak away. 
“Yoru-san! Me and Ni-san made you this, he said that it would help you out a lot!” Ortho cheered suddenly from the table. “N-Not so loud, Ortho” The tablet groaned “Sorry Ni-san! Look Yoru! It’s a tablet like the one Ni-san has! He set it to easy mode cause he knows you suck!” Ortho beamed at her “Wow Idia, real nice.” She said sarcastically “You know what I meant! You suck with computers! I made this one idiot proof, just for you hehehehe, there’s no way you can mess this one up!” Ortho thrust the tablet at her, where it floated near her head “Oh this is weird” she said, looking sideways at it as it beeped quietly at her, even if it was set to be user friendly, she knew she’d have to get Idias help setting it up later.  
“Yoru! My girl! You’re 18 now! Congratulations!” Vargas boasted, throwing an arm around her shoulder. She suspected him and Theo may have had a few too many drinks, he was being more affectionate than normal, and Theo was actually smiling. She didn’t blame him, having to deal with Crowley out of a professional setting could be draining. “You can’t turn 18 without a proper gift though! I brought you something!” He beamed at her, pulling the largest container of protein powder she’d ever seen from out behind his back. She couldn’t help but laugh a little, of course he would think protein powder was a good gift- not that he was wrong. Protein powder would be really useful for her to get back into shape, she’d ended up losing a lot of weight over the winter and needed to gain it back... It had been a while since the two of them had done any training, she made a mental note to ask him to get back to sparring once her wings had fully grown back in and her mobility was back to 100%. 
“Vargas, isn’t that a little… hmmmm” Crewel had started, before sighing and shaking his head a little “Nevermind, Yoru, I think this book of antidotes to rare poisons will come in handy” He said, glaring at her. She knew that look too well, there would be hell to pay if she poisoned herself and needed his help recovering again. She’d hoped that maybe her New Years accident wouldn’t have made it to Crewel’s ears, but Crowley was always a loudmouth so she suspected everyone in the room knew that she’d almost died a mere 4 weeks before. “Thanks Crewel” she muttered, rifling through the pages. 
“A book of antidotes, Crewel? How disappointing” Theo scoffed, cutting Crewel off before he could respond to Yoru. They’d had a long standing rivalry and no way he’d let Crewel get another word in. “here Yoru, this may be of some help. I found it on one of my expeditions.” He handed her a small compass with the needle spinning wildly “It’ll point you to what you need most at any given time” He smiled at her, chuckling a little at the needle spinning dizzyingly fast. Yoru grinned, Theo always had the neatest stuff, she was glad to be given an artifact of her own, even if this one seemed to be broken. If it wasn’t, it should be pointing towards the Ignihyde dorm, since at that moment she wanted nothing more than to be hiding away in Idias room in silence. She slid the compass in her pocket and  glanced to the side toward Kore who was there holding out a cabbage. “I didn’t know what to get you since we’ve never met, but I think everyone has a use for cabbage so here!” she thrust it at yoru who grabbed it with both hands, a grin growing across her face. Cabbage. As a gift. “This is great, I love cabbage” She smiled, thinking it was probably all downhill from here, food was really hard to top as a gift, good job girl she had never met. As she turned to put the cabbage down, Azul cleared his throat gently from the table. 
“Ahhh Yoru-san! While we’re on gifts, we’re pleased to say we’ve brought one for you as well!” He smiled at her and Floyd handed her a box. All three of the Octavinelle boys were smiling at her as she opened it, it was quite unnerving to be watched so closely by them. Inside was what she realized was her Mostro Lounge uniform. Azuls smile widened “I’m glad Professor Crewel was able to lend a hand to assist in the tailoring of it, it should fit perfectly for you to start work with us in the Lounge tomorrow”. Yoru rolled her eyes at him. “Oh yay, can’t wait. What if it doesn’t fit?” she asked. Crewel scoffed at her. “I tailored it, of course it will fit, there is no question.” She sighed, knowing he was right. He’d been able to alter her high school uniform for her perfectly before she realized that Walpurga Nacht Academy had a strict “no alterations of any kind” policy. 
“Here Yoru-chan! You can use this to take orders in the Lounge!” Scarlet interrupted, beaming at her. She’d been the nurse at NRC longer than Yoru had been alive and was excited to be here celebrating her 18th birthday with everyone. She handed Yoru a shocking pink notebook with cartoon unicorns all over it, complete with a neon-holographic sticker sheet of cute and cuddly creatures. “You can use it to take notes too! I know how much you write down, so I knew a notebook would be handy!” Her smile was shining so brightly Yoru had a hard time looking at her, she felt guilty knowing she’d only ever use this particular notebook if every other object that could be written on disappeared from existence. She took the notebook and placed it on top of the box containing her Mostro Lounge uniform, ready to be carried upstairs back to her bedroom. She felt her chance to escape the party was approaching, the pile of gifts needing to be carted away a blessing in disguise 
“Hmmmm my favourite demon-chan has so many gifts!” Sam exclaimed, looking around at all of them, “Perhaps she doesn’t need another...” he teased, smiling widely at her. “Hmmm, but if she didn’t need any other gifts, then what would I do with this vial of Dragon blood?” Yorus eyes widened. She’d asked Sam if he could try and find her some more than six months ago but he’d never gotten back to her. “Sam! You found some! This is amazing!!!” She was ecstatic, holding the vial in her hands, an entire new world of potion making opportunities opening up to her. Crewel and Crowley gave each other a short glance, it wasn’t a good idea for her to have something so dangerous, especially if she was going to continue experimenting on herself. “Hmmm Sam, perhaps that isn’t a good gift for a young woman?” Crowley tried to protest, the glare Yoru shot him quieted him down immediately. “Thank you Sam, this will be really useful”.
“Ahhh Sam, again with the dangerous gifts” Trein sighed handing Yoru a small book bound in a strange leather. “Here Yoru, you had asked me before about Harpies but I wasn’t able to tell you much. I’ve found a history of them, as brief as it is, hopefully this will answer some your questions” He gave her a small smile, she accepted the book with a small nod. She had been beginning to wonder more about her mother and the Strophrades Isle, but there was nothing in the library on the topic, which she had found strange. She’d meant to ask Crowley the best way to get there and information on her mother, but had forgotten . Even if she had, she assumed he’d talk her ear off, having been starved for conversation with his daughter for the last month. She had vowed to never speak with him again after he’d given Azul permission to drug her, and so far had been able to keep the promise to herself. 
She placed the book on top of the others and grabbed the pile of gifts to carry up to her room, the cabbage and protein powder balanced precariously on top. “I uhhh.. Don’t know how birthday parties are supposed to end so thanks everyone…” she muttered, walking out of the room to start climbing the stairs to her room. “Just a minute, Nugget!” Crowley called after her “You never got my gift!” he called up the stairs behind her, she ignored him. 
“How embarrassing, headmaster, your own Nugget ignoring you” Jade said quietly, staring at Crowleys back. “Jade, if I ever hear you call me Nugget I swear I will rip your tongue out” Yoru yelled down the stairs. “Fufufu, than I shall make sure you never hear me” he grinned. “Neee  Fugu-chan! What if I call you Nugget-Chan?” Floyd yelled after her, Azul, Jade, Ortho, and Idias tablet laughing quietly. “The same goes for you Floyd! I will eat your tongue for dinner!” She threatened. Everyone remaining in the room grinned, trying to think of ways to work the word Nugget into their everyday vocabulary. 
“Oh!” Crowley cried out suddenly “We forgot the cake!” He rushed into the kitchen, returning moments later with a two-tiered white cake with a large 18 drawn on the top in green icing. “Yoru! Come back and get some cake!” Crowley's face fell when there was no response, he knew she’d likely left out the window already, the promise of cake not enough to bring her back. “Well, it would be a waste to not eat it…” he mused to himself before looking at the room at large “Okay! Who wants cake!” He smiled at everyone raising their hands. 
“Hey, where’s the cake?” Idia asked when Yoru pushed her way into his room.
“Cake?” She questioned, holding the tablet he’d made for her out to him. “I need help setting this up” He sighed and grabbed the tablet from her hand, easily tapping through the screens to set it up for her.
“You come and ask me for favours and don’t even bring any cake, what kind of friend are you!?” he complained.
“We didn’t even have cake, what are you talking about?” She sat down on his bed, watching him tinkering with the tablet. 
“Crowley said there was cake, and you didn’t bring any with you!”
“Oh. I must have left before then. Ortho is still there, get him to bring some back and we can eat it here”
“Oooh! Good idea!” He whispered to Ortho from his tablet, a childish grin creeping across his face at the promise of cake.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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April 12: Rocky III
(previous notes: Rocky II)
Because now that Rocky has done the unthinkable and become The Champ, we want to see him tackle the next challenge… win AGAIN.
I remember seeing this in the theater with my buddy. I don't know if I liked it. I'm pretty sure I found Mr. T to be as charismatic and as terrifying as they wanted. I'm pretty sure when I bought the ticket I hesitated and asked the cashier, "hey, wait, we get to see him do some variation on the triumphant steps jogging moment, right? Otherwise never mind I'll go see Poltergeist again". If I'm paying good money for boxing sequels, I want to be assured that the formula has not been altered.
Okay let's go.
Once again, this is Un Film De Sylvester Stallone.
Slight variation on the fanfare with the title, now there's a close-up of the Important Belt Buckle Of Punchsport.
Then we see the climax of the previous movie, maybe edited slightly for time. But not very noticeably different.
That segues immediately to a montage of Rocky doing many successful beatup games, scored by the enormous pop hit "Eye of the Tiger". I suspect this isn't the last we'll hear of this number.
The montage morphs into a different story, one starring Mr. T! He's watching Rocky win stuff and he is not pleased. He can also fist-game, it seems. But the montage makes it clear that it is our hero Rocky who is the star of commercial endorsements and marriage love.
I mock but this visionary filmmaker has indeed opened this movie with energetically cinematic choices.
0:8:40 - Arcade games! Paulie goes to an arcade and it is like the arcades I went to when this movie was out and I see games that I played! But Paulie doesn't like the Rocky pinball machine. It seems he is a sore brother-in-law.
Rocky is now very dashing. Paulie is drunk and whiny about how Rocky is such a big shot now, but he has a point about how prettied up he has become.
Later that night Rocky and Adrian are in their bed and it has a rich person headboard. The director, also visibly present in front of the camera, clearly instructed the production designer to create a bed that would reflect the elite level of financial flexibility that the protagonist has reached.
So apparently Rocky has gotten himself into the strange situation where he has to do a charity boxing match against a wrestler played by the increasingly famous Hulk Hogan. I had forgotten that Hulk Hogan is in this movie. Mr. T is watching this match and he looks intensely the same way he only ever does.
Whoa Hulk Hogan is way taller than Sylvester Stallone. Is that allowed? The rules have changed! And this whole thing is not boxing it is wrestling and it is that silliness instead of boxing. This is a long scene that is the same as a typical Wrestlemania thing, all manufactured drama made to seem like fighting and true menace, but at the end we see that they are just professional coworkers and we have all learned a valuable lesson haven't we.
At a statue-unveiling, Rocky announces that he is maybe retiring. MAYBE. But then Mr. T shows up talking smack, and ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves an end-of-Act-One.
As Act Two begins, we have a scene that was an A+ homework assignment for the screenwriting teacher of Rocky III's screenwriter, who you will recall is the craftsman Sylvester Stallone. Burgess Meredith is like "I quit! I won't help you with this fight! Mr. T is too hard to beat!" But then they talk it out to advance past that scripted complication. And now Rocky and Mr. T are training for their fight in their separate worlds.
Speaking of worlds, in the World Of Rocky, the famous theme that was introduced in the score of the first movie is actually known to the characters in this movie as Rocky music. They play it for him publicly to celebrate their pride in his violence accomplishments.
Apollo Creed appears to be retired, but he is a commentator at this Rocky/T fight.
0:40:00 - They're about to do the fight, but Mr. T is so The Way He Is that the wants to fight on the way TO the fight. That results in some tumult that makes BM have health problems. It was vague what happened, it seemed like BM was shoved aside by all the mad/scared/fighting people, so then he has a conversation with Rocky in a back room where he's like, don't stop the fight even though I am suddenly vaguely frail. He sort of clutches his chest like maybe there's a heart attack but just one of those everyday ones. I have those every time I click send on a work email. My friends should not be discouraged from championship fisticuffs when that happens.
This is the first Rocky movie to be made after Raging Bull came out, and I detect some influence in the boxing footage, like with close-ups of Mr. T.
Rocky loses that fight pretty quickly, and maybe the problem is that he didn't do a pre-victory steps jog. But the movie is telling us that BM is dying on a table in the back room and that's the real problem.
BM dies and SS has done some pretty ambitious cry-acting. Then the funeral is in one of those indoor above-ground file-cabinet-style cemeteries, which is not the normal cinematic choice so nice job there.
I can already tell that we're going to have another thirty minutes of a bummed-out Rocky to fill out Act Two before it starts to look like the setup for a fulfilling climax can begin. It's what I would have told him to write if he were my student at the third-rate community college where I'm a part-time screenwriting teacher in this scenario.
Apollo Creed has shown up to try to pep-talk Rocky, and he keeps saying "eye of the tiger" because of marketing departments. But also, he is a more mature person than in the first two movies. Even though it's a character shift, I do kind of buy it. It seems like another side of the character we knew slightly.
0:59:00 - Another scene beginning with dialogue that sounds like it was improvised by people who don't know what real life is like. "Come on you're going to be late to the airport!" "Maybe you should have packed another sweater" "no in California it's not too cold". AHA THEY ARE GOING ON A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA I AM ON TO YOU ROCKY III
When they go to Los Angeles and show us people on the street and the people have been told to look and act super different so that the audience will be like, wow California is different, then, well, we are at this part of Rocky III did you know.
Although there was my earlier expectation that we were going to have a prolonged funereal story arc, but what's happened is that Apollo is invested in training Rocky so they're showing us that side of Apollo, and that's interesting. But also it's the template of "Rocky is training and he doesn't look like he's going to get there, but then inspiration will hit and he will look like he is going to get there". S. Stallone, noted filmmaker, is using montages and flashbacks to show how recent bad news moments for Rocky are haunting him. It is working.
Adrian performs a pep talk monologue for Rocky. I don't understand her point. It's like a box of those refrigerator poetry magnets jumbled up together and spoken as movie script lines. I guess the gist is "don't give up" and he starts to think maybe he shouldn't give up. Then it's a new training montage, and it's got the classic "running far now" Rocky theme so we know it's going well. The twist on the classic cheering-atop-stairs cadence is it's Rocky and Apollo on the beach, and Rocky is a little faster than Apollo and that is great news for them both.
Now we're right before the final fight, and we heard Mr. T tell a reporter that he "pity the fool". I didn't hear the rest of what he said, I was just so happy to hear him say "pity the fool".
Oh but shortly after that he is asked what his prediction is, and he looks at the camera, OUR camera, at US, and says "PAIN". Submitted without comment.
That face-to-face moment right before the fight starts, Mr. T says "imma bust you UP" and Rocky says "go for it". Advanced Scripted Dialogue with Professor Stallone.
The final fight happens, and it's mostly the same as how the other ones went except without a montage summarizing a whole bunch of rounds. I think this whole fight ended in three rounds. But it ends with the exact same music that I'm getting sick of….
BUT! There is a follow-up scene this time! It's some other day later on and Apollo and Rocky are just palling around at the gym. And THEN the movie ends. I feel that the producers must have implored Stallone, artisan that he is, to just end the movie on that climactic moment right after the fight ends, just like the other movies, but he said NO. That is not ENOUGH for a SYLVESTER STALLONE FILM. We will have an additional scene with INCONSEQUENTIAL BANTER. It will last OVER ONE MINUTE. And here we are. Rocky III: it's like Raging Bull, but better!!
I think Talia Shire is the only female actor with any lines in this movie.
One thing that's very much worth saying about this movie is that there is WAY more actual boxing in this movie. The other ones had almost no scenes where there were live boxing matches, but this one had lots. Plus that wrestling one! And as I observed, the directing style with this one also had a newfound sense of visual pop. But the story seems like it changed not at all from how it was described in the first studio board room meeting where jackass producers blurted out what Rocky III might be like.
(next: Rocky IV)
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sharkfish · 4 years
late summer recs in the endless year of our lord 2020
masterpost of rec lists /// yeah it’s october  but i’m in texas so it’s still basically summer! 
*~*~*~if you like the fics, give love to the author via kudos and/or comments!!*~*~*~*~ 
under the cut to prevent endless scrolling~ 
8 Reasons by Threshie ***WIP***
Space pilot Dean is caught trying to break Sam out of prison, and ends up tossed into a cell with a half-man, half tentacly monster alien.
Adagio by noangelsinthegarrison (6k)
“His name’s Dean," Cas sighs, "And he’s really stupidly attractive, and when he dances, he feels it, you know? And it makes me feel like I know him, even though I don’t. He makes me feel like… like he’s dancing just for me.”
Gabriel rolls his eyes, “Wow, you’re over-dramatic when you’re horny.”
And He's Oh So Good by @jemariel ***WIP*** - completed, 10/13 chapters posted
Dean Smith is a man of routine, and it's been working very well for him, thank you very much.
Then Castiel walks into his life, and suddenly there's a splash of color that reveals just how gray everything had been before.
Can Dean let himself step out of his comfortable shell and experience the good things in life that he's forgotten about?
A Thousand Lies by @goldenraeofsun (73k)
Dean Winchester is the best con artist in the continental US. Conscripted into the life after a stupid mistake as a teenager, he works for a man only known as the Lightbringer. He specializes in the marriage con, tricking his marks into falling in love with him and bolting after the honeymoon with everything they own.
But the morning before his meticulously planned meet-cute with his newest assignment, he runs into an adorably clueless accountant named Cas in a coffee shop, and Dean’s entire view on life implodes.
Christmas Treats and Angel Heats by @malmuses (20k) 
Angels don't have a sex, or gender, nevermind a secondary gender—right? At least, that's what the Winchesters have been led to believe.
It's Christmas, and Dean misses his angel friend. He's been AWOL for days, and the Winchesters are worried.
When Cas returns to the bunker on Christmas Eve, very clearly in heat, a few of their assumptions are going to have to change.
Oh, and Dean is going to have to hide his feelings for Cas in the face of the news that the angel is an unmated omega, who desperately needs their help.
Merry Christmas, Dean!
Cliché Bingo by noangelsinthegarrison (3k)
Sometimes, Castiel thinks that if he were playing a game of cliché bingo with his own life he’d get a full house within seconds. He’s the smart kid who wears glasses; he’s the Christian who wears sweater vests; he’s the quietest, youngest son in a family of seven and, oh yes, he’s in love with Dean Winchester.
Who just happens to be his best friend. And his neighbour. And a jock. So that’s three in one right there.
Blaze And Fall by @casbeanwrites  (13k)
Dean's not handling his best friend and ex-roommate's "kinks" very well.
Until he learns how to handle them.
Dean Winchester and the Patron Saint of Blind Dates by @goldenraeofsun  (18k)
Dean Winchester's friends are a bunch of traitors. So he had a bad breakup two years ago and hasn't gotten back on the horse. Their intervention - a series of blind dates - can't be the solution.
But if this'll get his friends to stop, Dean can choke down over-priced spaghetti, make forced conversation, and drink whatever random cocktail the blue-eyed weirdo bartender makes for him next.
At least Cas has his back. One nod from Dean, and he'll swoop down from behind the bar and make excuses for Dean to bail. It would be a perfect system - except Dean can't stop trading knowing looks with Cas and focus on his damn dates instead.
From Ashes by kradarua (12k) 
“You’ll be able to use your legs again,” Sam rushed, “just...well, it might take a while.”
Dean exhaled sharply, frustrated, but forced himself to raise his head and take a look.
Dean gets injured on the job, and Castiel falls in love with him by mistake.
Head Down, Walk with Reason by @goldenraeofsun (63k)
As an omega, Castiel is ineligible for the throne after his father dies. When his uncle takes the crown, Metatron's first order of business is to arrange a betrothal with King John for the hand of his firstborn son, the Crown Prince of Terra.
So Castiel flees.
On his first night on the run, Castiel stumbles into a band of outlaws just at the border. Injured and wary, he has no choice to stay with them. And although he had planned to return to his own kingdom once it was safe, home might not be the place he left, but instead with Dean, their alpha leader that took him in.
Russian to the Altar by @malmuses  (144k) 
“I need you to marry Castiel.”
They weren’t the words Dean expected to hear from his business partner’s mouth before their bakery-slash-chocolate shop opened for the day. He’d been quite happy being single—and who the fuck was Castiel, anyway?
It turned out that Castiel was a Russian erotic novelist in need of a ticket to America, and Dean… well, Dean was a last resort.
Save the Drake by VioletHaze (@scones-and-texting-and-murder) (33k)
Encouraged by his best friend Meg to create more connections in his life, Cas jumps into an online discussion surrounding the closing of the Drake, an independent and historic theater in his neighborhood. If nothing else, the confidence Cas gains as he makes a new online friend helps him to be less awkward around the guy in his building that he likes: Dean Winchester.
It’s not like Dean Winchester needs help meeting people, but a hasty decision to comment on a local news article leads him to make a virtual connection. It's a new sort of relationship for Dean, but soon the two of them are chatting all day long. He only wishes getting to know his downstairs neighbor Cas was this simple.
Sparks by vipjuly (21k)
The creepy house on the corner has been abandoned for years, everyone says. It's ramshackle and decrepit, the yard overgrown, the wrought iron fence bent and broken in some places. The adults in the neighborhood have asked the city to do something about that eyesore for so long, but the city insists that someone is paying property taxes on the house, therefore they cannot do anything about it.
So, everyone ignores it and pretends it doesn't exist. They definitely don't go anywhere near it, either.
Dean, though.
Dean is drawn to it as if by gravity.
Little by little, Dean repairs what he can. The monster inside the house ain't so bad, either.
Y'know. For a monster.
Such Familiar Magic by @saltnhalo (26k)
When solitary witch Castiel finds an injured dog unconscious in his garden, he takes it in. He's expecting to heal it, look after it for a few days, then perhaps return it to its owners.
He's not expecting it to be one of the strongest familiars he's ever met.
Sugar Stages by VioletHaze (6k)
He heard Dean before he saw him. It was like he brought an energy into the test kitchen that crept under Cas’s skin, an awareness of his carefree attitude that was equal parts calming and infuriating. Still, Cas resisted the urge to turn and look over his shoulder. He knew damn well how the internet talked, the way they “shipped” them, always zeroing in on what they considered lingering looks. He’d seen too many gifs of himself with his eyes photoshopped into hearts not to be aware of the way his every word and action with regard to Dean were being scrutinized.
You Shook Me All Quarantine Long series by @goldenraeofsun (4 fics around 10k each)
A series of quarantine-based one-shots with Creature Cas and Human Dean.
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goggles-mcgee · 5 years
A Little Birdy Told Me pt. 2
AAAAAAAAA thank you guys so much for all of the support this has gotten! I hope you guys enjoy!
“Batsy, I know you’re mad about the shop window, but my Daffo-Doll and I had to talk to you about somethin’ really concernin’” Harley said as she hid her mallet behind her back, as though the vigilante wouldn’t notice it.
 “I tried to tell her to wait until one of you guys came out but that would have taken too long. Call this a speed dial.” Ivy explained as she played with a blossoming marigold in her hand. She couldn’t help but look at it fondly, it reminded her of Marinette, and since that’s what they wanted to discuss with him, her thoughts kept drifting to the heartbreaking sobs her and Harley had heard on their way home from a date night. Harley had taken her to her favorite Thai restaurant and had actually tried one of the vegetarian dishes with her. The real surprise was that Harley actually like it. It had been such a good night but then they heard the crying and had found that poor girl crying in the alleyway. Ivy had been a bit wary but seeing Marinette and actually talking to her, she couldn’t help but already love the child, and it helped that her plans seemed to like the child too. She had never seen them be protective of anyone besides her, Harley, and Lucy when she would come to visit.
 “And what’s the reason for this…” speed dial” Ivy?” The Bat asked, always to the point.
 “We ran into a tourist today,” Ivy began.
 “Her name is Marinette and she is literal sunshine!” Harley interrupted.
 “And she was left behind at her class twice today. She said they probably forgot her, but Harley thinks they may have done it on purpose.” Ivy explained as she examined Batman, looking for any kind of sign that he would take this seriously, because if not she was not above throwing him over the side of the building.
 It was silent for a couple minutes before Batman nodded and looked at Harley as he crossed his arms. “Why do you think they did it on purpose, Quinn?”
 Harley huffed and walked over to the Bat, her frown deepened as she explained everything that she had told Ivy, her behavior was a clear warning, or so Harley said. Ivy always loved when Harley showed her psychologist side. She listened to her explain more about Marinette’s body language before she finally told him about how they found her near Crime Alley. That’s when his usually stoic face broke out in a frown.
 “How old did you say she was?” He asked.
 “She’s 15, she’s 15 and her teacher didn’t even notice she forgot her and left her behind in one of th most crime filled cities in the world. You can understand why this worries us.” Ivy growled at the thought of them abandoning sweet Marinette again. “We just wanted to let you know in case they happen to “forget” her again.”
 “I’ll look into it.” And with that the Bat was gone. Ivy hoped beyond anything that the next time her and Harley ran into Marinette, it would be under safer and happier circumstances.
A shrill ringing boke the peaceful sleep Marinette had been having but she knew she had to get up earlier than normal if she didn’t want to be “forgotten” again. She quickly took a shower and dressed herself in some pink shorts that were designed to look like her usual capris, white tights, a grey cardigan with a pink and white polka dotted pocket on the right breast, underneath that was a white t-shirt with her usual apple blossom design on it. She slipped on her pink flats before she grabbed her usual purse and a small backpack that had her sketchbook, some pens and pencils, a water bottle, a small first aid kit, and some cookies in it. She would worry about breakfast once she knew she was in no danger of being left behind again, and she would grab some sugar cubes for Kaalki while she was at it.
 Once she was downstairs she made sure to ask the front desk if her class had left yet, she was relieved to hear that they had not yet so she made her way to the restaurant where there was complimentary breakfast, she grabbed a probably stale blueberry muffin, a banana, apple juice and some sugar cubes before she went back to the lobby and sat on one of the couches nearest to the door and munched awat on breakfast. She shared some of the muffin with the kwamis in her small purse as she waited for more people to come down and wait for the bus to arrive. The first of her classmates to come down was Max, she smiled and waved at him and he returned the gesture as he made his way to brab breakfast before joining her on the couch.
 “There’s a 99.3% chance the world is going to end today, you’re early for something.” He joked.
 Marinette laughed and shook her head; she was happy when she had found out that Max was on her side after he did research after the whole napkin incident. He had apologized for days before Marinette had convinced him that she wasn’t mad and forgave him. “Yeah, I didn’t want a repeat of what happened yesterday.”
 Max frowned and shook his head, it was easy to tell he was annoyed, “We tried to tell Madame Bustier that you were on your way down, but Lila managed to convince her to just go. She didn’t even listen to Kim, Alix, and I.”
 “It’s not your guys’ fault.”
 “We know but that doesn’t make what they did any better, Marinette. Markov even tried to talk some sense into Madame Bustier, but she threatened to lock him away in room for the remainder of the trip.”
 Now it was Marinette’s turn to frown, “She shouldn’t have done that, he was just trying to help. Where is he now?”
 “In our room, I asked if he wanted to come today but he said he didn’t have the patience to deal with Madame and Lila, I left him with the video games Kim and I brought though so he should be entertained till we get back for our free time after the tour.” Max explained as Kim jogged over to them.
 “Nettie! Wow the world must be ending.”
 Marinette huffed out a laugh as she threw the wrapper from her muffin at Kim. He easily deflected it and threw it back at her as he sat next to Max on the couch. The three of them continued to talk till they heard wheels on the marble floor and groaning before they saw Alix plop herself on the chair next to them. They all laughed at their friend, who was as much a morning person as Marinette was.
 “When did you get back, Nettie?” Alix asked once she was more awake and drinking a large cup of black coffee.
 “Late. I don’t even know the actual time. My phone died on my way back.”
 “What? Are you okay did anything happen?” Kim fussed over her, the action making her giggle.
 “I’m fine Kim, I got some help back to the hotel.” She carefully left out the fact that it was Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn that had been the ones to help her back. She didn’t want her friends to worry more than they already had, and she really didn’t want to explain how they found her and everything. The group continued talking until everyone arrived. Marinette could see that Adrien was going to approach her, but Lila latched onto his arm like a leash. It was the one time in her life Marinette had ever wanted to thank Lila. Talking with Adrien always meant an argument nowadays. She doesn’t know what started it but if she had to guess it probably happened around the same time, she found out his was Chat Noir. She hadn’t meant to find out, but it was during a particularly difficult akuma. The fight had gone on for over an hour, as soon as they were done, she rushed off home, barely managing to transform back on her balcony, just as she was about to go into her room Chat Noir landed on her balcony after transforming back mid jump. It had to have hurt, and Marinette would have rushed over to make sure he was okay, if it hadn’t been for the fact that she had just watched Chat Noir turn into Adrien.
 His groaning had shaken her out of her shock, and she had quickly ran over to make sure he was okay. The next couple of days had been awkward, they barely talked to each other, and she didn’t even think she could form her usual nonsense sentences. But after a long talk they started to get close, but Marinette hadn’t told him she was Ladybug. It was a good thing she didn’t, she had to hear him talk over and over again about how they were meant to be and that Ladybug was just being stubborn and blind. The more they spoke about it, the more Marinette realized Adrien wouldn’t fall for just her, it was disheartening but she figured she was better as a friend to him.
 But that didn’t last, Ladybug had once again rejected Chat Noir and Adrien had had it or so it seemed, then he had tried to kiss her. She tried to make it clear that it wasn’t okay to do that so soon, plus the fact that she didn’t like him like that. Something must have been lost in translation or something because he started trying to “woo” her. What didn’t help the situation was Alya thinking she was helping Marinette out by announcing to the class that she had had the biggest crush on Adrien. After that, Adrien wouldn’t take no for an answer, no matter how much she explained she didn’t like him.
 It escalated to the fact that she had to get a new phone number and make entirely different social media accounts. It wasn’t just him that led her to those suggestions, but he was a big factor. Then he broke into her room and tried to make her go on a date with him. That was a bad night, she had yelled for him to let her go as he tried to pull her through her skylight door, but thankfully her papa heard her and he came running upstairs and had punched Chat Noir away from her. She could tell that it hadn’t deterred Chat because he just blew her a kiss and said he would return. That night was the first time in a long time that Marinette had slept in her parent’s bed with them. They could hear Chat come back an hour later, he stayed up in her room for about thirty minutes, then they heard the latch door to her room open, all three held their breaths, strained their ears to listen if he was going to come down, but they heard her door close and waited before they even thought about relaxing.
 She was brought out of the thought when she felt herself being dragged onto the bus by Kim, he made sure to take her to the back rows and place her by a window, as a way to protect her, he had explained. When they had first got in to Gotham, Marinette had taken the aisle seat so that Kim could sleep, there was a lot of “dropped” things on her, including drinks. She shot him a grateful smile.
 “You excited to see more of Wayne tower today?” She asked as she leaned her head on the window.
 “You know it! That place was so awesome. I just wish you could have seen it yesterday…”
 “It’s okay, I’m going today, plus Max said that Markov recorded everything for me to see later.”
 “I forgot he did that! I’ll have to ask him to send me some of the footage, I promised Ondine I would send her pictures and such.”
 Mari smiled slyly as she elbowed Kim gently while wiggling her eyebrows, “How’s that going by the way?”
 Kim laughed and shoved her face away playfully before he sighed dreamily. “She’s the best Nettie! Did I tell you what she gave me before we left?”
 “No, what?”
 He held up his wrist and tapped the capsule, “We switched bracelets, inside is little messages to each other. She’s so smart Nettie, I don’t know how I got so lucky.”
 The rest of the ride was spent talking about Ondine, and Max talking about the newest updates to his game and trying to talk Alix out of doing graffiti while they were in Gotham. All in all it was a good start to the day.
Sam I Am @gothamite4lifebby
A bus just passed by me and I looked inside and made eye contact with this girl who had black hair and blue eyes…did…did I just spot a new Wayne? #onlyingotham #shitimlateforworkagain
Tag List (Oh my god i have a tag list ee!):
@constancetruggle @kurogaya913 @xxmadamjinxx @chez-pezeater @northernbluetongue @sonif50 @drama-queen-supreme @tinybrie @vixen-uchiha @unabashedbookworm @mochinek0 @vivilakitty @mindfulmagics @yin-390 @melicmusicmagic @iglowinggemma28 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @interobanginyourmom @hunter-shyreen
I hope I got everyone, let me know if I missed anyone
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
What’s on your back?
Pairing: BUCKY x Single Parent Reader AU
Prompt: Anon asked: #84 Drabble request please. (really old ask from when I did Short Bucky Drabbles  - pick a number from this list )
This is also my entry for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​: Star’s multi fandom writing challenge. My prompt is Single Parent AU
(first of all, wow this is from SO FUCKING LONG AGO I haven’t been writing but I felt like writing again today, picked a random forgotten ask from my inbox and am currently praying and doing every ritual in the history of the world so that this writing impulse continues.)
Also this is just short and sweet and fluff and badly written because I’m off my game 100%, like how does one even write prose? I've been only writing scripts for a month, idk how to do this anymore
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  Bucky’s footsteps have always been very silent. Call it a curse – or a blessing – result of having night shifts most of his life and just being a rebellious teenager, getting in at late hours of the night, tip-toeing so as to not wake his mother or roommates.
Him sneaking up on you with great ease has been a staple since you first met him and it’s almost impossible to get him back. “I’m like a spy babe” he’d say “you can’t out-spy me” and it was true. No matter how hard you tried, he always knew. 
That added to his prankster self equalled many and many little jump scares. And he’d time them perfectly too. For a while you expected them and then when the anticipation died down, he’d strike again. Coming up from behind you and tickling you into his arms. 
He would do it to your daughter Ellie as well, but she loved it, so much so that now she was becoming a little prankster herself, trying to spook you left and right – although to be completely honest, 90% of the time you and Bucky both acted surprised just to see her giggle at your exaggerated scared faces. 
It always warmed your heart seeing Bucky play with her, even when the game was scheming how to scare momma. The two of them had all of your heart. 
Finding Bucky had been your second biggest blessing, right after Ellie, and seeing them get along as well as they did? Well, that was everything to you. 
It was a warm summer evening when it happened. You had spent the day finding ways to keep your daughter entertained as the last few days of summer vacation rolled around. Summer camp was over, it was just you and her – and almost always Bucky – and toys and movies. 
Bucky had taken her upstairs for a much needed bath and then she was tasked with picking up her toys for the day, while you cleaned around the mess that was a day of drawing and cooking.
The kitchen smelled like freshly baked cookies and you scooped crayons and markers from the counter and into a bag filled with tons and tons of colored pencils. Thankfully no walls had been colored in the activity this time around. You admire your little girl’s pieces of art. Cats with wings, happy trees, polka-dotted flowers outside a rainbow colored house, and one drawing of a happy family of three that made you stop in your tracks. 
Ellie’s representation of herself stood in a red dress and highlighter yellow shoes, holding hands between two drawings of a man and a woman, clearly marked Mom and Daddy Bucky.
“What’s that?” Bucky’s voice startled you, making your heart race even faster than it already was. Damn him and his silent feet. You turned around in a hop, hiding the drawing behind your back, and seeing his smug smile paint his features. 
“Hm?” you tried to act nonchalant, step around him and leave the room, but he wouldn't allow it, instead your actions making him even more curious. 
“Babe? what's on your back?”
“What are you hiding?” his tone was playful as the two of you danced around the kitchen counter, him trying to get the mysterious paper from your hands. He was into the game while your mind was busy overthinking the drawing.
It wasn’t that it was wrong of Ellie to be thinking of Bucky as her dad – for fuck’s sake it gave you chills to think about it, the good kind. But it was something that you and Bucky hadn’t really talked about. In fact, Ellie has probably only called Bucky dad by mistake a total of 2 times in the years he’s been in your life, and he had never heard it. It’s just...
What if Bucky didn’t want that?
He wasn’t only light on his feet, he was also quick, and before you knew it he had tricked you into a corner and reached over to grab the paper. He kept it out of your reach, laughing as he unfolded the corners and took a look. 
His eyes lingered as the laughter died down and your teeth found comfort in bitting down on your lip. Shit shit shit. 
Bucky gave you a long look, mouth hanging open in disbelief, and then his eyes danced back and forth between you and the small drawing.
“Wha- I” he stuttered. The silence felt heavy, almost deafening. Your chest felt a sledgehammer trying to tear down a wall of bricks – thump, thump, bang, bang – and the room grew smaller and smaller. The happy chills that ran down your whole body mere seconds before, were now little bumps of dread covering you from head to toe. 
And then Bucky’s lips turned into a small smile. Painting shaking lightly in his hold.
Bucky looked at himself in it, a bubbly teary laugh escaping his lips, as he took in his doodle figure dressed in very tall boots and a bright pink tie, and the whole look was tied together with scattered brown dots that made up his beard and spikey black hair.
“Buck?” your voice was small barely above a whisper. Bucky’s sniffles echoed around the room. “are you mad?” his head shot up to look at you. Before you could process what was happening, he had you pressed to the fridge and between his arms, kissing you madly. 
“Mad? How- Fuck, this- I’m the happiest man alive, doll” His words slurred, out of breath from kissing you. 
His forehead was pressed to yours, the tip of his cold nose caressing the tip of yours, and he didn’t dare open his eyes as tears slid down his cheeks. And he laughed, oh how he laughed, so full of joy and whole. 
“I-” he stuttered, pressing kisses to your lips before he took in a long deep breath. The breath before he bared himself to you, fingertips caressing your jaw. “Y/N, I’ve had a ring in the inner pocket of my suit jacket since you told me you loved me too last spring. You and Ellie - you’re my girls, I- Gosh I can’t imagine being without you two. You girls are my family, you’re it for me”
Under the blinking cold light of your kitchen you had never felt warmer, not from the summer heat that clothed your house, but from love for the man that stood before you. 
“You’re it for us too” you answered in a truthful sigh, melting into his figure. 
The piece of paper that crumpled between your two bodies in your embrace was just the first of the collection of family portraits that would litter your house in the days and years to come, but definitely Bucky’s favorite, for it was the fire that ignited him to ask you to marry the fool that he was. A fool who adored you and your daughter madly.  
Thanks for reading!
I haven't written anything for this blog in ages. I’m very out of the loop. I’m sorry. I hope you enjoyed this either way. 
Love, L
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Imagine saying you volunteer when Sam says Dean needs to get laid because of how on edge he has been lately.
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“So they were both found together, bodies burned beyond recognition. But the weird thing is that they were on the table in positions that indicated they had somehow fallen asleep. So, possession or something else?”
“Or someone simply put something in their drinks. Drugged them and burned the house down with them in it. Really, no more to it than the local police could deal with.” Sam mumbled as a response, making you raise an eyebrow at how accurate and well-thought it could be when you were barely listening to Dean and half of the things he said at the moment. Both too occupied by the video playing on the tablet you and Sam were sharing and also very occupied by savoring the cookies in front of you to pay attention to anything let alone form a proper sentence for that matter. But apparently the younger Winchester was able to multitask and not let his brother feel left out, despite his obnoxious need to find a new case.
It had been days without a case and while at first he enjoyed it, taking time off and finding every excuse to cuddle with you, the older Winchester soon found out he began to feel tired and itching to occupy himself with a case. And while you, Sam or Cas wouldn't mind, there didn't seem to be anything out there too obvious. And as time passed Dean grew from impatient to downright cranky, which really didn't help the situation much. Not when every case he saw he made it look like it was your kind of thing.
“Yeah, that. That.” you muttered, paying even less attention to them, which had started to become and easier task as the days passed.
“There were freaking candles everywhere, based on what could be saved, there were even summoning spells and books on demons and what not. The table itself was filled with- with all kinds of things used for spells, and you keep saying it's just drugs?”
“Or it's just nothing more than revenge? You said it, they were fake psychics, deceiving people. Who says it didn't get to the point where something really bad happened and someone decided to take matters into their own hands. Drugs in their water, or something, set a fire with one of the candles – which couldn't have been that hard with all the easily flammable things they had scattered around. There-” he shrugged, only for the briefest of moments looking up at his brother “Nothing the real feds can't handle.”
Once more you would have stared in awe at Sam for how he had been able to think all that and say it as if he had been really paying attention to Dean – you knew he wasn't, not entirely, not like everybody else for the past couple days anyway – but refered from it. You only hummed in agreement, all words having been forgotten in meres seconds.
“Yeah... that.” you mumbled once more.
Dean narrowed his eyes at you but didn't comment on it, knowing it was in his best interests not to mess with you anyway, before looking back at his brother “And you think they wouldn't have noticed there was something in their drinks? It was their house, Sam.”
“Maybe they were forced to drink it. They knew but say, under the threat of a gun, the had no choice.” again another casual shrug came after his words.
“Mhm sounds right. I agree with Sam.” was your only contribution, even though no words registered in your mind.
“You-” Dean started but once more shook his head “Nevermind. And you-” he turned to his brother “You're not even listening to me! And you all of a sudden have the case solved?”
“I mean there's not much to think about on that. Was there any sulfur to begin with?”
“Well, no but actually-”
“Then, it's definitely not a case of possession. And don't tell me it's about some pagan god or anything, because then what about all the stuff that was found in their place? Those two don't tie in.”
“Hmh. That.” you nodded your own head, eyes glued on the screen.
“Just admit I'm right and focus a bit on the- oh! Oh! Now that he didn't see coming.” Sam snickered as you laughed, all words forgotten and your attention fully on the screen; all the while completely ignoring the glare Dean was definitely sending you.
“That's what you call paying attention then huh?” he grumbled.
“I am Dean, but there's really no reason- Shit! Did he really do that?”
“Damn it, can you focus? This is not a joke!” Dean sounded as agitated as always the past couple days “Sam? Sam are you even listening? (Y/n)? Fuck it, you're clearly paying no attention. This is not a game and you two-”
“Wow Dean enough, ok? Enough.” Sam finally looked up “Either try to find something else to read or find someone to get laid, but just calm-”
“I volunteer.” this was the first time your voice was heard crystal clear and you looked more present than before. It took both men a couple seconds to grasp it, blinking several times.
“Y-you- what?” Dean asked in a much more rough voice, eyebrows raised in... interest?
“I volunteer.” you shrugged casually, as if it was the most simple thing in the world “For the latter of course. Don't know how I'd be of any help to the first one.” you added after a couple of seconds of utter silence and raised eyebrows and possibly wide eyes.
“Yeah. Thanks for clarifying that, (Y/n). As if it wasn't abundantly clear already.” Sam muttered, pursing his lips for a second “And it's at this point that you decide to pay attention and speak up, isn't it?”
“Well, what are friends for? Right Dean?” you looked at the older Winchester who didn't know if this was real or not because it looked like he was seeing or hearing something out of his wildest dream with the way his eyes were sparkling.
“I mean, you know, some could say it really is.” he shrugged, hardly being able to ide his smile.
“Obviously. So, just tell me what you want me to do and I'd be very happy to help. In any way.”
“Well, you know what? Since you insist, I can't really-”
“Oh no no. No, absolutely not!” Sam nearly exclaimed, his words so fast you could barely understand him, but judging by the wide eyes and look of terror on his face you had a vague idea of what he was thinking and what he didn't want to think “No, don't you even.” he gave Dean a look before he pushed the screen closer to you “You- you go back to eating your cookies and- and focus on this. And you-” he turned to Dean “Here, let me take a look at that article. You wanna discuss about a possible case? I am all ears.”
“So you wanna hear about that now?” Dean said reluctantly and Sam nodded frantically his head.
“Yes, yes absolutely yes. I'd much rather have to hear to- to how they could have died and how their burned bodies were rather than anything... else.” he said much more uncomfortable, clearing his throat.
“Well, sorry to tell you little brother but now I've got other interests. You were absolutely right-” he really delicately closed his laptop “Why rush to get back on work. There are certainly more things one can do.” he said, to Sam really, but his eyes and coy smile were completely directed at you.
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