#I had em all lined up on my desk at college so you’d think they’d be equally faded but she got the worst of it somehow!
necronomi-kun · 8 days
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My Little Pony Crystal Empire Rainbow Collection Twilight Sparkle ✨🦄
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agentbarton12 · 5 years
my @spideychellesecretsanta gift for @purplefuzzysweater! hope you like this Mar
summary: mj has known she was in love with peter since their senior year of high school. when peter asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend for some dumb christmas party, she agrees, and she realises that she'd do anything for him.
warnings: fluff, fake dating, college au
words: 2.3K
mj was undeniably in love with peter. she realised at the beginning of their senior year of high school when on their first day back she was running late cause there was long line at her favourite tea shop and she couldn’t pick up her order, she arrived and found peter waiting for her with a cup in his hands and a dumb grin on his face.
so, of course, when peter runs into the café they always meet up at every two weeks or so when they could spare the time and slams his hands on the table in front of her and heaves out: “i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend at this party”, mj doesn’t even look up from her book when she says, “don’t be stupid.”
peter groans and sits down in front of her. “just hear me out, okay?” he pleads. mj sighs and nods for him to continue, when the waiter comes with tea for her and a cup of coffee for peter. he stared at it funny. “you ordered for me?”
mj felt her cheeks heat up and cleared her throat. “i knew you were going to be late, it’s not a big deal.”
peter just hummed. “anyway, about the girlfriend thing...”
“yes, care to explain that?”
he nodded as he took a sip of his drink. “so you know that prick i was telling you about at my school? brad davis?” the way peter siad his name, dripped with hatred and disdain never failed to make ner laugh.
“uh-huh. with how much you talk about him, i’d think you’re dating,” mj says looking up from her book to give peter a sly grin. he merely rolled his eyes.
mj really had heard all about brad davis. it’s the one consistent thing peter talks about whenever they meet up. the two friends got into different colleges and while peter was off becoming his own person, mj could count on his hatred for brad never changing.
“well,” peter said continuing, “brad davis keeps annoying me about not having a girlfriend and today i guess i snapped. i kinda told him you were my girlfriend? and that you’d be my date to this dumb christmas party he’s throwing this weekend?”
michelle nearly choked on her tea. “why would you do that?”
“i know, i know, the expectation that people in their early twenties should already be in relationships is a product of the toxic societal standards western culture has thrust upon us, but i really wanted to shut brad davis up.”
michelle’s eyes widened as peter went on his tangent because that was the same thing she said to her parents when she had ned and peter over during junior year after they kept asking when they were going to get into relationships. “i said that. you remembered?” she asked scrunching up her nose.
peter shrugged. “of course. i remember everything you say.” michelle felt heat rise up her neck. honestly, this whole loving peter thing was a bit of an inconvenience. “so please, please, please come with me? just to get brad davis off my case.
looking at peter’s pouting face, michelle sighed. “you are so lucky i—” she cut herself off, knowing what she would have said if she wasn’t careful.
“so lucky you what?”
i love you. she doesn’t say this. “so lucky i have nothing better to do this weekend.”
her friend’s eyes widened and a huge smile broke out on his face. “you’re serious? really, you’ll do it?”
“keep asking and i’ll change my mind.”
“oh my god, thank you! you are the best! i love you, you know that right? i will make it up to you and i swear...”
the rest of what peter said was lost to mj. i love you, you know that right? replayed itself over and over in her head. of course she knew he meant it platonically, but the warmth it caused in her chest was undeniable.
mj was undeniably in love with peter. she knew this because she was sitting in a subway dressed up in the nicest dress she owned on her way to nyu to pick up her boyfriend for the night.
when she called ned to yell about what she had agreed to (because ned has been mj’s sole confident in everything peter since high school) he just laughed and told her to hope for mistletoe. which was not bad advice. she’d get to kiss peter and brad davis would get to shove it. everybody won.
she arrived at his dorm room and knocked on the door. peter swung the door open with his shirt half-buttoned and jeans unzipped.
he stood there staring at mj not saying anything, his mouth slightly parted. michelle felt her body heat up under his gaze. “uh...you look...” his words died in his throat.
“thank you. you too,” michelle said nodding nervously. peter swallowed.
“uh, i thought i was picking you up,” he said scratching the back of his neck.
michelle shrugged rubbing her arm. “i knew you’d be late.”
peter smiled at that. then he seemed to remember that she was still standing outside. “oh! you can come in. i won’t be long.”
nodding, michelle smiled and followed peter into his dorm. now of course mj had been in his dorm. they’d visit each other on campus as well sometimes. so she was familiar with the layout and took a seat on a chair where a desk sat.
turning around she saw peter’s roommate, harry osborn, staring at her in shock.
“hey, osborn.”
“you know peter told me this whole thing was fake, just to get davis to shut it, so let me give you some advice.”
mj furrowed her eyebrows. “what?”
harry nodded. “you want this to be believable? just act like you always do.”
michelle’s eyes widened. “uhh...i don’t—”
“—trust me.”
peter came out at that moment dressed properly and he cleared his throat. “ready to go...babe?” he added almost as an afterthought. like he was getting used to the weight of the word in his mouth.
“uh, yeah.” michelle stood up, cheeks flaring. “are we doing the pet name thing?”
“i guess so,” peter said shrugging. “unless you don’t want to,” he quickly added.
michelle brushed him off and held an arm out for him. “shall we? babe?”
he hooked his arm with hers. “we shall, darling.”
they walked out the door arm in arm as harry yelled, “be safe kids!”
mj was undeniably in love with peter. she knew this because she was walking arm in arm with him to a party ready to piss off a prick by pretending to be his girlfriend.
the party was, in what mj assumed was, brad’s apartment on campus. it was fancy; way more than mj could ever afford. when they opened the door, they were met with obnoxious music and last minute christmas decorations strewn around. mj wasn’t even sure this was a christmas party. just a party that happened to be taking place at christmas time. this alone made michelle dislike brad even more.
speak of the devil, as if her thoughts summoned him, a tall man with broad shoulders and dark hair walked through a sea a people towards them. michelle knew without a doubt that this was brad. she had never met him before, but judging from the confidence so clearly exuded, and the natural douchebag aura he had going for him, she knew this was the guy and so she instinctively wrapped her arm around peter’s waist and chalked up his sharp intake of breath as surprise and not because it was her specifically.
brad greeted peter with a booming, “porker! glad you could make it!” michelle let out an audible groan. great, she thought bitterly, another flash. brad turned his head to her as if just noticing her for the first time. he eyed her skeptically. “wait, are you peter’s girlfriend?”
mj had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. “i am nobody’s anything. peter is my boyfriend.” next to her, michelle saw peter nod along.
brad let out a douchebag laugh that mj was all too familiar with thanks to the four years she spent with flash. “peter was right. you are...feisty.”
michelle’s eyebrow cocked. she isn’t sure how peter sees her, but she is sure that ‘feisty’ is not a word he would to describe her. unless he wanted a punch to the gut.
peter groaned. “i never said that. i said she was her own person.”
“yeah, whatever porker.” brad clapped a hand on peter’s shoulder. “enjoy the party. and merry christmas!”
when he walked away, michelle turned to peter. “i despise him.”
peter chuckled. “join the club. come on,” he took her hand and mj felt sparks shoot up her arm, “let me introduce to my friends.”
“oh, i didn’t know ned was here,” she joked.
“i have other friends, em.”
he led her away to a group of people sitting on a couch. there, she met gwen stacy, felicity hardy and eddie brock. it made sense for peter to have a small group of friends and they were nice. mj liked them.
felicity stood up and offered to get them snacks and she looked at mj with a pointed finger. “vegetarian, right?”
surprised that she knew that, michelle nodded. “yeah...”
felicity sent a wink to peter who was blushing furiously when mj turned to him before heading to the kitchen. he wouldn’t meet her gaze, which michelle found strange. felicity came back with a bowl of chips and the group swapped all the crazy college stories they knew.
at some point, michelle stood up to get a drink and peter decided to join her. they stood leaning against the kitchen counter, each with a beer in hand.
“cheers,” peter said nervously scratching his neck. mj clinked her bottle with his.
they drank holding hands and facing each other, so whenever someone looked over at them, they looked couple-y. it was peter’s idea.
“can i ask,” michelle asked, taking a sip of her beer, “how did felicity know i was a vegetarian?”
“uh, i may have mentioned it once or twice.”
“why would my diet have come up in a conversation?”
peter groaned loudly. “fine, i talk about you to my friends, no big deal.”
it was a big deal. to michelle at least, because, well, what was peter saying to his friends?
they fell into a comfortable silence after that.
when brad walked passed them, slapping peter’s back, peter cleared his throat and looked at mj. “hey, uh, thanks again for doing this.”
michelle waved him off. “of course. and between you and i, i kind of enjoy having you as a boyfriend. even if it is just for show.”
mj was not a lightweight. she could handle her liquor just fine. but this was nearing her third bottle and the filter between her brain and the rest of her body was slowly disappearing. there was no way she would say any of these things sober. ever.
peter’s eyes widened. “really?” mj nodded. he took a breath. “how drunk are you right now?”
it took her a moment before she responded. “big drunk.”
he stifled a laugh at her. “you gonna remember any of this?”
“i always do.”
he nodded with a smile. “well then, can i tell you something?” mj hummed an affirmative. “i really enjoy being your boyfriend. and i don’t want it to only be for show.”
michelle’s eyebrows furrow deeply. “i...i’m too drunk to respond properly.”
“that’s fine. you can give me one tomorrow when you’re sober.”
the rest of the night, michelle was uncharacteristically quiet. she was deep in thought mulling over what peter meant. by the time peter had called a taxi for them, she had already sobered up a bit. meaning she had thrown up in brad’s potted plant.
peter and mj were standing outside the house in the snow waiting for the car. after thinking it over and debating the pros and cons in her head, mj decided that if peter got to be cryptic and shit, so did she.
“peter,” she called out. he turned to face her, nose tinged red from the cold. “i have something to tell you. the only reason i agreed to be your girlfriend for tonight was because i am madly in love with you and you could literally ask me to do anything and i would. in a heartbeat. i also kind of wanted to see what it would be like to be your girlfriend for a little while.”
letting out a breath, mj realised she was not as sober as she thought she was. becuase that? that was not cryptic at all.
peter was staring at her like a deer caught in headlights, with his lips slightly parted and eyes wide.
“shit,” mj murmured. “that wasn’t supposed to be so direct and—shit. ignore me, please. you can turn around and pretend i never said anything and—”
michelle didn’t notice peter walking towards her until his lips were on her cheek. her eyes immediately fluttered shut and her heart raced beneath her ribcage. it was freezing outside, but mj swore she felt heat spread through her body all the way to her toes. peter’s kiss lingered and mj had to fight a groan of frustration when he finally pulled away.
his face was beet red and he had this doe eyed look to him. softly, he said, “we’re under the mistletoe.” michelle looked up and he was right. over the doorway was a piece of mistletoe hanging. “and,” he began, still as close as he was when he kissed her, “i just really wanted to do that.”
michelle inhaled sharply. “well, are you gonna do it again?”
he did. again and again. as if he was making up for the times when he did not.
mj was undeniably in love with peter. she knew this because she was sitting on his couch with his head in her lap and her hand in his hair. she knew this because this was not the first time they had ended up like this and knew it wouldn’t be the last.
also the fact that peter was undeniably in love with her wasn’t hurting anything.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Someone You Loved (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader is the daughter of a well known mafia boss in her city and is used to an easy going life. When her father is arrested along with his crew, the reader is forced into a different life full of lies and adversity. Worst of all, her boyfriend of the past year, Dean, is an undercover cop who put her father away. She’s perfectly content with never seeing Dean again but he has a habit of making his way back into her life...
Pairing: Cop!Dean x Mafia!reader 
Word Count: 5,900ish
Warnings: language, mentions of a break up, angst, harassment
A/N: This series turned out quite a bit different than I was going for and it’s a bit angstier than I normally write but I hope you enjoy!... 
“Last one,” said the lawyer, sliding another sheet of paper in front of you. You blinked slowly at it and squiggled your name on the line, the lawyer taking the paper and adding it to the third pile. He said something to the detective on the other side of the table, the room quiet for a moment.
“What?” you squeaked out, taking a sip from your nearly empty water bottle.
“That’s all, Ms. Y/L/N. You’re free to go,” said the detective.
“Where am I supposed to go? My house is a crime scene,” you breathed out. The detective stared at you and then your lawyer, glancing behind you at the one way mirror for a moment.
“An officer can escort you through the house to retrieve some clothing or personal items. Everything else is evidence,” he said.
“What about my car?” you asked.
“Everything purchased by your father is evidence and has been seized. Technically the clothing should stay too but I ain’t heartless and everything you’ve given us the past day, that’s good stuff. You’re a smart kid. You get to walk out of here without a record. I’d take that as a win,” he said.
“My father is going to prison for the rest of his life. His men are. People that were my family. I’m the one that screwed up and the last thing he told me was to give you whatever you guys wanted and to save myself. I have nothing now. Then there’s the fact my boyfriend for the past year is an undercover cop which is…” you said, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Take the room for as long as you need it. I gotta go get these scanned,” said the detective, taking two stacks of paper along with his files out of the room.
“Y/N. Come on. It’s been a long day. We’ll go back to the house and get your things and you can stay in my guest room tonight,” said the lawyer.
“Thanks,” you said quietly. He gathered up his things as you took your empty water bottle, tossing it in the trash on the way out. You hadn’t left the interview room in over twelve hours. A few trips to the bathroom right next door maybe but that’d been it. You’d given all the information you could, gotten yourself an airtight deal.
You did what you were supposed to in case shit ever hit the fan.
It didn’t change the fact that everyone you knew was either behind bars or was never speaking to you again.
The lawyer followed an officer that led you both back into the main station. You barely lifted your head as you cut through the desks. They sounded like they were throwing a party. You didn’t necessarily blame them. It’d probably be a case that’d make all of their careers.
“Almost got ‘em all,” you heard someone say under their breath. You kept your head low, trying to follow the lawyer’s shoes ahead of you. He came to a stop though and you realized you were at a desk, the lawyer signing something else.
You took a deep breath, two pairs of voices catching your attention. Coming out of an office was the police chief. You’d met him earlier in the day. He was a bit grumpy but you kind of liked him. The other voice quickly cut itself off when he saw you. You looked him up and down. He was still in his brown boots, his dark jeans and a navy henley with his sleeves rolled up.
He looked just like he did when he left to go pick up breakfast that morning. You were supposed to be out on date with him right now, probably talking about how bad he’d been at pool the night before or making plans to go visit open houses on Sunday, talk about getting your own place together soon.
The gun in the thigh holster seemed too natural on him and the badge on his hip only told you what you knew from the start.
Dean Smith was a good guy.
Well, Dean Winchester, maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, but at least he was very good at his job. Not too many people could single handedly bring down a mob family.
“We’ll talk tomorrow. Go celebrate,” said the chief. Dean nodded and lifted his head, walking past you without a glance, more party sounds going on behind you as Dean headed back towards them.
“Is that really necessary?” asked the lawyer.
“I would take your client and leave. Now.”
“I don’t want her in this house,” you heard outside the guest room that night at the lawyer’s place.
“Honey, she’s an innocent kid. Cut her a break,” he said.
“I want her gone in the morning,” she said.
“Alright, alright. Just let her stay the one night.”
“Early riser?” asked the lawyer when you trudged down the stairs the next morning, your backpack on your shoulders. He frowned but you shook your head. “Can I give you a ride somewhere?”
“The city. Restaurant district. Everybody always needs a waitress,” you said with a shrug.
“That is very true. I don’t feel all that comfortable dropping a young woman off in the middle of the city though when she has no place to go,” he said.
“I’m not your problem. Tell the police if they need to contact me they can use your law firm. I’ll update you once I got a place,” you said.
“Here,” he said, standing up and handing over an envelope. “Your father paid me well over the years. Take it. Get a job, get in the subsidized apartments downtown. That’s enough to cover it and get you in something today.”
“Thank you.”
Two Months Later
The sound of a car alarm going off woke you up twenty minutes before your alarm was set to go off. You stared at the clock for five minutes and turned it off, sitting up with a groan. You rolled off the bed and went out to the hall to the only bathroom, quickly getting ready for the day. You took a cold shower and dried off, hanging the towel up to dry. You headed back to you room and grabbed your white button up, your tank, and black skirt, tugging them on along with your wretched black tights. Your hair was thrown up in a bun. You padded down the short hall into the eat-in kitchen, opening the fridge and frowning.
“Toast and eggs. Again. Yay,” you mumbled, taking the food out and tossing a pan on the burner. You learned pretty quickly that working at a diner was horrible but there was enough free food to feed you most of the day. You were already sick of waiting tables during the day and tending bar at night but you needed a degree for freaking everything nowadays and you were tempted to murder your father for encouraging you to take a few break years before you went to college. But you were slowly saving up and you knew eventually you’d be able to start going and get on your feet better.
After a short breakfast, you walked around the apartment. You kept it as clean as you could, even if it was old. You took a seat on the world’s lumpiest couch, taking your phone out of the charger by the wall. Not that anyone ever called you except the lawyer.
“One more day,” you said, grabbing your purse from the kitchen counter, tossing it over yourself. “One more day.”
“Careful,” you said during the lunch rush, helping catch the platter of drinks the new girl was carrying to a table. She gave you a thankful smile as you went past, stopping at the manager’s station. “We’re swamped.”
“I can see that. Alex and Brandy both called in sick today. I need you to cover Brandy’s section and yours,” she said.
“You want me to cover nearly twenty tables by myself?” you asked.
“Yes. Now go,” she said, grabbing an apron off the hook. “I have to take Alex’s so I’m pissed at them too. Go on.”
You sighed and headed over to the new section. The next two hours were a whirlwind and you were proud of yourself for only screwing up one out of nearly a hundred orders. You were more than ready for your break when you heard the bell on the door.
You spun around and grabbed your pad, pausing when you saw two guys in uniforms, two in plain clothes, walk in and take a seat at a booth. A pair of green eyes quickly avoided your own.
“Hi. Special is sriracha bacon cheeseburger with fries today,” you said, still deciding where to look when you approached the table. “What can I get to drink for you-”
“Holy shit. Is that the Y/L/N kid? The one Deano had to fake date?” said one guy with a smile. “It is, isn’t it?”
“May I take your order,” you said dryly.
“Look at you, out in the real world,” said another, your gaze going out the window. “Life’s a bit different when daddy ain’t paying for everything, huh?”
“May I take your order,” you said again.
“Four specials and waters,” said Dean quickly, looking at the guys he was with. You took the menus away and put in the order, hiding out in the kitchen and debating whether to spit in anyone’s food.
You knew better though and despite the urge, you didn’t do a thing aside from steal a few fries for yourself.
You brought the food out silently, setting a plate down in front of each one, the four of them going quiet.
“You know some people think you ought to have gone to prison too ya know,” said the one on the outside of the booth. You turned to leave, a hand catching your wrist.
“Please enjoy your food,” you said, shaking him off. You took a deep breath as you walked away, your manager catching your arm as you headed in the back.
“There a problem?” she asked.
“I don’t care who it is, no one touches my girls,” she said. You gave her a smile, her hand dropping away.
“It’s okay. I’m fine.”
Two Weeks Later
Everyday the four of them came in for lunch and you got more comments, Dean looking more and more uncomfortable each time. One day they never came though and you thanked God they’d gotten bored of harassing you.
After your shift at the diner, you changed out of your tights in the bathroom and shoved them in your purse, taking your hair down and rolling up the sleeves of your shirt. You gave the manager a short smile as you left to walk the two blocks over to your shift at the bar. The break room there was a bit nicer than the diner and the staff wore tank tops that were provided. You took off your white button up to show off your tank you’d had on all day and folded the shirt up in your locker along with your purse. You threw your hair up in a high ponytail and headed out to the bar, some of your regulars already sat in their spots.
“Evening, Y/N.”
“Evening, Hank,” you said with a smile as you slid behind the counter. The old guys, the early crowd, those guys you liked. They had interesting stories and most of them had kids they talked about, most had problems with those kids. You were mainly a sounding board for them to complain about life with but you knew they enjoyed talking to you and some of them reminded you of your dad, especially Hank.
“When are you going to quit this job?” he asked.
“Someday,” you said, setting his favorite drink down in front of him. “When you gonna quit drinking, Hank?”
“Someday,” he said with a smile.
“Well when I quit, you quit, how’s that sound?” you said.
“I can agree to that,” he said.
“It’s a deal,” you said, heading off down the bar to take care of some of the others.
Eventually the old timers would leave though and the younger crowd came in. Some nights it was fine and slow, some nights it was frat boys and so many comments about your ass and chest you just stood there and balked. Other times you flirted back, got a bigger tip that way. You made way more money there than at the diner after all.
“Crew of guys just hit the end of the bar,” said your other bartender for the night. She was working her regular end and you nodded, cocking your head when you saw who was there. You sighed and stepped over, throwing over four coasters in front of the four of them around the wrap curve of the bartop.
“What can I get you?” you asked. Dean turned his head at the guys, narrowing his eyes.
“We missed you at work today,” said Gary. You gave him your best bitch face but didn’t say anything. You hated Gary the most. Devin and Steve were equally obnoxious but at least they waited until you walked away from the table to start snickering about you. “We’re celebrating. Round of shots. Tequila. Then a Jack and coke.”
“Cheapest whiskey. Double,” said Steve.
“Same,” said Devin. You waited for Dean to order, his eye twitching. “Get a water for our DD.”
“You three outside now,” said Dean, jaw clenching.
“Deano, we-”
“OUTSIDE!” shouted Dean, the whole bar going quiet. The three guys looked at each other and slowly left, Dean’s body carefully relaxing. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you said.
“No it’s not,” he said, lifting his head, looking you head on for the first time in months. “You don’t deserve...it’s called police harassment and you should report it.”
“No one cares about people like me,” you said. “Those guys are dicks but I’d rather spend the rest of my life stuck with them over you. At least I know who they are. If you’re not ordering a drink, leave.”
“What happened to you?”
“Life. Leave before I get the bouncer over here. Now.”
“For fucks sake,” you said the next day, Dean walking into the bar with his gun on his leg and badge on his hip, Hank spinning around in his seat.
“I’m off duty,” said Dean, taking a seat at the mostly empty bar top, just one spot over from Hank. “Whiskey.”
You grabbed a glass and started to make his drink for him, putting in two ice cubes and sliding it in front of him.
“Aren’t you that cop that was on the news?” asked Hank. “The Y/L/N mafia family?”
“A lot of people worked to do that,” said Dean, giving Hank a barely there smile.
“Those were some bad guys. All in the drug business,” he said.
“Eh, they were more white collar crime. No drugs,” said Dean.
“Oh. The news made it seem like they were ruthless killers,” he said.
“Just people who did a few illegal things, not really bad guys,” said Dean. “With a whole lot of money though.”
“The whole family went to jail,” said Hank. “The father, the brothers, the nephews, the whole shebang.”
“Eh, not the whole family. The news don’t tell everything to you straight. They got to tell a story after all,” said Dean, taking a sip of his whiskey. “Devil’s cut.”
“Hank why don’t we leave the officer alone,” you said, glaring at Dean. “I’m sure he can’t talk about his case.”
“You’re right. Y/N here keeps me on track. I even talked to my son last night,” he said.
“You did? That’s great Hank. How’d it go?” you asked.
“Oh he was pretty angry but he answered at least. He wants me to get out of here, go stay down in Florida with him for awhile,” said Hank.
“You really should Hank,” you said. “Neither of my parents are around anymore. I know he's angry but someday, he’s gonna want you there and you won’t be if you don’t get your act together.”
“She’s been watering down my drinks lately. Weaning me off the stuff,” said Hank to Dean.
“Hank,” you said with a smile, leaning over the bar. “Get out of here. I’m cutting you off.”
“I had two drinks,” he said.
“I got the right to refuse service,” you said. “Go try your son again for me.”
“I still ain’t quitting until you quit,” he said as he stood up.
“I know, I know,” you said, Hank giving you a wave. “Take it easy.”
You cleaned up his glass, feeling Dean’s gaze on your back.
“That’s the Y/N I remember,” he said. “Kind. Helpful. Sees the good in people.”
“It’s an act,” you said, turning around, wiping down the bar top.
“No. This whole attitude is an act,” he said. You leaned your head back, eyes tearing up when you looked back at him, Dean’s face going blank.
“This is me now. My life sucks and I get that. I own that. It’s my problem. I wake up, I got to work, I sleep for four hours, five if I’m lucky and then I do it all again. I live in a shithole that I’m terrified to walk to and from everyday but I need to pay the bills and no one wants to hire a fucking Y/L/N around here. I know I lost everything. I lost my boyfriend and my best friend that day too. It wasn’t even like we broke up though. Our entire relationship was you getting close to me to get access for your case. There’s a hundred million things that made me feel like but the one that pops up so much besides me being a damn idiot and feeling betrayed was that I loved you. I told you things. I shared things. Things I felt, things that are wrong with me, things about after my mom died. You told me exactly what I wanted to hear to make me fall in love with you. You broke my heart. And I’m the idiot that let you in. You humiliated me. Well I’m not making the same mistake. This is me now so deal with it.”
Dean took a long sip of his drink, staring down into the glass. You cleaned up the bar, getting your composure back just in time to hear him open his mouth.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said quietly. “I’m always going to love you. I chose my job over you and I have to live with that the rest of my life. You never did a single thing wrong. Shit, you never even double parked or jaywalked when we were together. They couldn’t get you for anything because they didn’t have anything on you. I vouched for you. You didn’t deserve prison for something you had nothing to do with and you don’t deserve this kind of life either.”
“No one deserves this kind of life, Dean,” you said. “I want you to finish your drink, leave, and never come back. Is that clear?”
“I do love you,” he said.
“I will never trust a damn thing that comes out of your mouth ever again,” you said, swallowing hard. “I don’t know anything else. Stay away from me.”
“Problem?” asked Ricky, stepping away from his post besides the door. You shook your head as Dean downed the rest of his drink and slapped down a hundred.
“I got a promotion. New case to work,” he said.
“Good for you,” you said. He left quietly, Ricky watching you slam his empty glass in the bin for wash up.
“Don’t let that guy back in the bar,” you said. “Ever.”
Two Weeks Later
A cop car in your neighborhood late at night wasn’t out of the ordinary. There was normally one there for one reason or another. You quickly walked past, stilling when you heard two doors open.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” said Gary. Looking over your shoulder you saw him and Steve, frowning when you noticed Devin get out of a dark sedan parked across the street. “We got a report of some suspicious going ons at your apartment. People in and out. Possibly drugs.”
“Well that’s a lie. I just want to go home,” you said, Steve tsking you.
“Stay put, miss,” he said.
“Detective Carver, we have probable cause to search the premises,” said Gary.
“No you don’t,” you said.
“Not according to eye witness accounts of the coming and goings,” he said. Devin went over to your front door and it popped open easily, Steve holding a hand out when you went to follow after. Devin returned a moment later with a small white bag, frowning at you. “I got drugs.”
“You didn’t find that! You just took that out of your pocket!” you said, Steve stepping over to you and grabbing your arm. “He didn’t-”
“Drug charge for distribution? That won’t be pretty for a girl like you,” said Steve, putting a pair of cuffs on you. You opened your mouth but he lifted his head. “Your Miranda rights are in effect. Let’s go.”
He shoved you in the back of the cop car, Gary leaning down as he put a seatbelt on you.
“File an anonymous complaint again and you’ll see how much worse this can get,” he said before slamming the door shut in your face.
You stuck to a corner of your small cell, mostly drunks in the other ones. You didn’t look up when you heard a pair of footsteps come to a stop.
Your eyes flickered over and you saw the police chief.
“On your feet, let’s go,” he said.
He led you out of the cell and signed you out, guiding you past a familiar hall and into his office, the door quickly shut. Dean was leaned against the wall, hair tufted up in that way you knew he’d just rolled out of bed.
“You sure?” asked the chief, Dean nodding. “Dean, go ahead.”
“I’m working undercover. We think there’s a few bad eggs in the bunch, have been for a while. I think you know who I’m talking about,” said Dean.
“You put in the anonymous tip?” you scoffed. “Those three could have done something far worse than pinning a drug charge on me.”
“I was there,” said Dean.
“What do you mean you were there?”
“Tell her the full story,” said the chief.
“How much full story?” asked Dean.
“I think he said the full story,” you said, glaring at him.
“She’s not a cop,” said Dean. “I’d prefer she stay in the dark.”
“That’s the first honest thing you’ve ever said to me,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Maybe it’s better if I explain considering your personal history,” said the chief.
“Oh. That he was my boyfriend? That we used to fuck? Or that we dated over a year and here I thought I’d be engaged and planning my wedding at this point?” you said with a cock of your head.
“Detective Winchester relayed his conflict of interest early on in the other case,” said the chief.
“What does that mean?”
“It means he fell for his protectee,” said the chief. You raised an eyebrow, Dean pursing his lips. “It was quite glaringly obvious to some of us, a select few, that after your statement, you knew nothing of what your father truly did.”
“He laundered money,” you said. “Right?”
“Your dad...has worked with law enforcement for many years. His business had gotten a pass because of all of the useful information we’ve gotten over the years. Crooked cops, drug deals, murders...he’s helped a lot of people. But he stumbled onto something about a year and a half ago. A very big and connected network of businesses that are fronts for smugglers. He knew that was big and...he got worried. He made a deal to help find out more information if we gave protection for his daughter without her knowing,” said Dean.
“Your big case was made up?”
“Mhm. Your father and his men, your family...they aren’t in prison, Y/N. They’re in witness protection. We think that Gary, Steve and Devin work for this network which is why they’ve been in such close contact with you lately. They’re making sure you don’t know the truth and if you do, you know to keep your mouth shut. I’ve been getting close on purpose but-”
“But his little outburst at the bar got him backtracked with that plan of going undercover with that organization so now we’re on Plan C,” said the chief.
“Which is,” you said.
“She’s not a cop,” said Dean. “She’s not a criminal either. Her father barely was.”
“We’d like you to approach the officers, offer them some of your father’s resources, tell them you’re sick of living the life you have been and you want your old one back,” said the chief.
“...Is that why I can only get shitty jobs? You’ve...you’ve made my life as crappy as possible so I seem desperate enough?” you said.
“If you take the deal and help stop the network, you get your family back, Y/N. You get your life back,” said the chief.
“You don’t agree with this,” you said to Dean.
“I think the odds are pretty good you end up dead or in a situation where you wish you were dead. It’s not safe,” said Dean.
“You don’t have a say,” said the chief.
“She was my girlfriend. I get a say,” said Dean.
“You get to keep your job. That’s what you get,” said the chief, Dean getting a glare of his own. “I’ll kick you off this thing if you can’t get your priorities straight.”
Dean pressed his lips together and stared at the ground, the chief turning his attention on you.
“I’m not an idiot. My family committed crimes, even if they weren’t that bad. They don’t just get to come back like that,” you said.
“What about some unfrozen assets?” said the chief. “How about you tell us what you want in exchange?”
“I want to go wherever my father is. I want my degree paid for at whatever college I go to. I want no record and when it’s done, I want to be left alone, especially by him,” you said, nodding at Dean.
“We’ll put something together,” said the chief. “For now go home, don’t act like anything more has happened. Your contact will stop by soon.”
The next morning you were munching on a piece of toast when a knock came at the door. You took a deep breath and looked through the eye hole, resting your head against the door.
“Of fucking course,” you said, Dean giving you one of his best bitch faces when you opened. “I got work soon.”
“We’re gonna go visit the guys. You’re gonna tell them you made the complaint to get their attention. Last night shook you up so you didn’t say anything. You approached me first because you thought I was in charge and we’ll both try to get in,” he said. “I was pissed the night at the bar because I thought they were throwing away a good opportunity to use your father’s old connections. Got all that?”
“Yeah. I got it,” you said, popping the last of your breakfast in your mouth. You spun around to get your purse, Dean taking a step inside.
“This is where you live?”
“No. I hang out here for fun. Of course it’s where I live, jackass,” you said, throwing your purse on. “We going or what?”
“You eating enough?” he asked.
“What do you care?”
“How many times do I have to say it? Me being your boyfriend...that was all me,” he said.
“I don’t believe you. Stop okay. Just stop. It was an act for your job. This is just another job. I help with this and then I want to get out of this town and forget you even exist.”
“You want to throw away a whole year?”
“I already threw it away,” you said. “You should do the same. You’re good enough at pretending. Shouldn’t be too hard for you. You don’t get it. You’ll never get it.”
“That was the real me,” he said.
“No, it wasn’t. The real man I was in love with would have trusted me enough to tell me the truth. He’s not real. All that’s left is you and you...you’re nothing to me. So let’s just get this done with as fast as we can so we can both get on with our lives, alright?” you said.
“I underestimated you. You’ll do just fine. You can pretend with the best of them, can’t you? I bet you don’t even let yourself cry over how shitty everything is anymore, huh? You never let anyone see you cry, except me. So I know that face you make when you’re shoving it down. So don’t try to lie to me and say I’m nothing to you,” he said.
“Fine. It still hurts. Who fucking cares? We got a job to do. You never had a problem putting that above me before. Let’s go.”
“Relax,” said Dean. “Stop being so pissed. You’ll tip ‘em off.”
“Obviously you should hang out in shittier neighborhoods, learn how people really act,” you said. You walked over to an outdoor table where Gary, Steve and Devin were sipping on coffee and eating some bagels. You sat down without asking, the three of them staring as Dean pulled over a chair and took one as well. Your arms were crossed and you leaned back in your seat, staring at all three.
“Can we help you?” said Gary.
“Yeah. You can. I can help you too,” you said. Gary raised an eyebrow, the other two laughing. “I say it’s time we all stop dancing around this.”
“Dancing around what, princess?” asked Steve.
“I want in,” you said.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” said Gary.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” you said. He didn’t move but flicked his eyes over to Dean. “Your boss said I should talk to you.”
“He ain’t my boss and I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about,” said Gary.
“Yeah you do,” said Dean. He leaned forward in his seat, glancing at you. “I want in too. There’s an opportunity here.”
“Didn’t you fake date her, goodie two shoes?” said Devin.
“Why you do think I took the assignment, dumbass?” said Dean with a smirk. “It’s called a long term plan.”
“You,” said Gary, nodding his head. “Let’s take a walk. You two, talk to Deano here.”
You stood without waiting for Gary, exiting onto the sidewalk and feeling him catch up with you.
“What exactly is it that you think I do?” asked Gary.
“Nothing wrong with making a little extra side money,” you said.
“You tell me.”
“You working for anyone?”
“What are you offering?”
“Connections that require a relationship. I’ve already got those,” you said.
“In exchange?”
“Do I look like I live a great life?”
“Glad to see you can read between the lines,” he said.
“Well you’re still a dick but I got there eventually,” you said.
“Let me guess. You’re not looking for a one time deal,” he said.
“I’m the middle man,” you said.
“Dangerous place to be. You think I’m a dick, you should meet my other boss,” he said.
“Well it ain’t working out so far without me. Ten thousand a month. Twenty five for a finders fee up front. I don’t think that’s too unreasonable,” you said.
“Five a month.”
“Seven and a half.”
“Deal,” you said.
“Deano. He here as your boyfriend or a cop?”
“I despise the man,” you said. “But he knows a deal when he sees one.”
“He won’t be getting your kind of deal.”
“That’s his problem. I just agreed to get him to the table if he could guarantee no more late night visitors,” you said.
“The charge got dropped,” said Gary. “It always would be.”
“Twenty five tomorrow morning. I can get an introduction going same day,” you said.
“What made you suddenly want to hop into crime?” he asked.
“Why does anyone hop into crime?” you laughed, stopping at the corner. Gary looked you up and down, giving you a brief smile. “You understand.”
“Yes, I do. You also need to get a little bit better at lying,” he said. “You have no idea who I am, do you.”
“Gary Whitlock,” you said.
“I’m declining your deal. Dean will get in with the group and that’ll be that. You’re done,” he said. You furrowed your brow, Gary pushing back his hair. “Listen chipmunk. It’s the way it’s got to be.”
You stared at him, Gary slowly blinking.
“Moose. Yeah. I’m going around orders because squirrel over there asked me to. You’re not in. Dean will use the connections and you held up your end of the deal.”
“He loves you. He wants you safe. Sorry for being such a dick before in case I never see you again,” he said, starting to head back.
“You’re Sam. You’re-”
“If it makes you feel any better, he regrets choosing the case over you,” he said. “Now looked pissed off. You hate me, remember?”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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