#I had a period of time (art school) where I was like yeahhh sports are boring whatever because that’s the mentality of art school students
get-hockeyed-idiot · 24 days
I fucking love sports, guys
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ikaris-whore · 5 years
15 questions
Thank you for the tag, @thesaltyduchess
1. Are you named after anyone?
my cousin and i share the same middle name but it is also a play off of my dads middle name. my first name is all mine.
2. When was the last time you cried?
endgame. my sister almost had me in tears when i left her on sunday after visiting though. 
3. Do you have any kids?
an adorable three and a half year old. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
once you get to know me i use it a bit.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
teeth and eyes.
6. What’s you eye colour?
depends. usually a shade of green sometimes with more brown or blue. 
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
happy endings. i get too freaked out with scary movies. 
8. Any special talents?
i can flip my tongue upside down? 
9. Where were you born?
Massachusetts. I always hoped to go back and live there at some point, but it wont happen now. I have promises of lots of red sox games in my future though 💕
10. What are your hobbies?
i feel like as a mom ive lost my identity a little. i used to love drawing and painting even if it was nothing good. 
11. Do you have any pets?
we have a dog. he is a mini poodle/shitzu/jack Russel terrier 
12. What sports do you/have played?
I danced from the age of 4-18, I was an assistant teacher for 4? of those years. I got really sick my senior year of high school and couldn’t dance for a while, my dance teacher retired soon after i graduated and i said i wouldn't dance with any one else. I miss it dearly, occasionally I will pull my pointe shoes out of storage and go to town. It is always a pretty freeing moment for me when its just me and some music and no one around to see me fall. lol
13. How tall are yout?
5 foot 3ish. I am the tallest out of my sister, mom and I.
14. Favourite subject in school?
ART. I seriously could have spent all day in those classes. I also liked math before pre calc. freshman year of high school my math teacher had me teach a whole class period 🤣
15. Dream job?
Disney ambassador? honestly i always saw myself being a stay at home mom and im thankful my husband has made that possible the past couple of years. Saying that, I am 100% ready to go back to work when little one starts school up. Not in a managerial position (yeahhh that hospitality, tourism, and event management degree was a waste) but a front line guest service position because that is honestly where i feel like i am happiest and have the most impact on people everyday. I love to make magical moments.
I tag: anyone who wants to do it.
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