#I had a different funnier idea for this prompt
cuttlefishink · 2 months
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Serireiweek Day 3: Flowers / Music
💐Aster — love and patience💐
Something something metaphor for personal growth and being able to bloom into your best self regardless of how much time it takes to get there :)
I also saw something about the perfume from burning the leaves of the aster flower being able to drive away evil spirits so 👀
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Hello big brother Brainrot!! (Can I call you Kuya? It means big brother in Tagalog and I'm Filipino :D) I've been reading your headcanons for a while now and they're so well written! They bring me a lot of comfort and I've had a few good cries as well, and it's all been a big help for getting me through my days.
I've been wondering if you could do headcanons for an MC with Tourette's Syndrome and/or some other tic disorder? How the M6 would react to seeing it the first time, how long it takes them to get used to sudden outbursts or movement from MC, stuff like that.
I have personal experience with this sort of thing, and seeing you write for it would mean a lot to me!! Of course there's no pressure, do what inspires you!! (My DMs are also open if you have any questions/need resources to do research if that's something required)
Much love!!
The Arcana HCs: When MC has Tourette's Syndrome
~ @e1i-neverrests hi friend! I'd be honored if you called me Kuya :D Thank you so much for this prompt, it was so much fun talking about it with you! - brainrot ~
Do you have any idea what an absolute fountain of potential vocal tics this man is? How many funny little noises or striking ways of saying things he does on a daily basis? He's a library
Everything from his classic "Ohoho" laugh to his scandalized "what's this?!" to the "hmm"s, "haw"s, and "no no no no no"s that he mutters as he pours over his scrawled notes
To hear all of those repeated back to him at random intervals is an adjustment, surely, but not one he finds he minds too much
If you have a tic that involves smacking yourself anywhere, he's very quick to bundle up his coat and put it in harm's way to save you a bruise or two when he sees it making an appearance
Quick to offer to hold your things for you. He likes to do this for his friends and loved ones as it is, your tics are just an extra opening for him to demonstrate his love language and feel extra gallant
Genuinely doesn't mind getting accidentally hit. It's caused him to sputter in surprise once or twice, but otherwise he either doesn't notice or uses it as an excuse to check you over for any hurts
He's your doctor, okay? He loves any opportunity to give you attention, medical included if he can hold your hands to do so
Genuinely one of the most soothing presences, they've felt like home to you for as long as you can remember and they can bring your stress levels down in just about any situation
He's been giving you his arm to lean on or hand to lead you around for years now. If for some reason you feel the need to mask and a squeezable hand helps, he's all yours. Might gently squeeze back
If for some reason or another things are really acting up in public and you need a breather, they can and will whisk you into a quiet spot where you can have the space you need until it passes
Totally in love with your vocal tics. If it's just the two of you in the shop and he hears you say one that tickles his fancy, he's echoing it back to you in a very silly game of audio catch
Will also finish phrases to turn them into different sentences, each with a funnier meaning until you're both laughing
Always checks in on how you're doing physically if they've noticed frequent motor tics, especially if they might make your muscles sore or make you dizzy or give you bruises
Can massage the soreness out of anything and never gets tired of doing so after a long or stressful day
From the moment she's met you, she has never once remarked on your tics without you bringing them up first. She has never let them pose any obstacle to your conversations or connection
And she certainly doesn't tolerate any kind of rudeness. Valerius made the poor choice of making a cutting remark in your direction once and Nadia's comeback brought him close to tears
Nobody else has dared to give you grief in her presence since
One of the times that you brought up your Tourette's with her, she did ask if you had any related sensory preferences when it came to clothing so she could make sure you were dressed comfortably
She also paid attention to your more physical tics and you've noticed that any part of your body prone to getting bumped or thumped as a result has a subtle extra layer of padding on them
Makes sure you have plenty of big pockets to hold things for you when you're not using them actively
Always finds ways to make big events as low stress for you as possible, complete with little alcoves to duck into if you want a break from the crowds here and there
Totally unfazed if she gets accidentally whacked
You made him jump so many times the first few days he spent around you. He's not used to sudden - well, anything!
Which isn't to say that he had any particularly negative feelings about your tics. Even if you hadn't had them, he'd have still needed an adjustment period to hearing another voice nearby at night
There was a point later where you talked about it with him, and he compared you to a songbird. The sounds and motions you make are just another strain of the symphony of his forest home
(what he'll never admit to, though you do notice, is that sometimes a vocal tic will get stuck in his head, and then he'll start mumbling or humming it to himself randomly as he goes about his day)
He doesn't talk much as it is, and with how nervous it often makes him to share his thoughts, he did have a short learning curve as far as talking past or over your tics in conversation
Always happy to carry things for you, or give you his hand to squeeze. Genuinely doesn't notice half the times you accidentally whack him while you're holding hands
Regularly puts his hand between you and whatever you're at risk of smacking, without ever thinking or acting like it's a big deal
She can talk right past your tics to the point that anyone else in the conversation barely notices they're even happening
She didn't tiptoe around your Tourette's either - within a couple hours of knowing you, she bluntly asked about it, and once you explained it to her she nodded in understanding and kept on
Has the kind of reflexes that let her catch just about anything that accidentally starts to fall (or fly) from your hands
Known to echo your vocal tics, just for the sheer joy of it. You could mumble "hello" while you're doing the dishes and she'll cheerfully shout it back from where she's sweeping the floor
Super in tune to how you're feeling in social situations, and can pick up on anyone making you feel uncomfortable before you say anything about it. Ruthless at smacking down rude comments
Also has a knack for finding quiet spots if you start to feel a tic attack coming. She'll smoothly ask the host if they have a guest room to duck into and lead you there without batting an eyelash
Never really sure what to do with motor tics that get destructive, besides inviting you to lie in her lap and take deep breaths and let her put salve on any bruises or sore muscles later
It was a rough start, let's be real
Quite simply, he didn't understand why it happened, it was something about you that he'd never seen in anyone else, and it made for prime teasing material when he got annoyed or upset
He quickly snapped out of it and developed more empathy, of course, but it still took a while for him to learn how not to help
Trying to hold you back from motor tics, for example
Eventually he just learned to tune most of it out, to the point that he doesn't notice it's even happening half the time. That's just his partner's built-in soundtrack
The few times mimicking him has been one of your tics, he's been absolutely delighted and puffed out his chest whenever it happened. That's right! He's something worth imitating!!
Tried putting his metal arm in the way of potentially destructive motor tics a couple times, only to find out that hitting the metal often hurt you more than hitting yourself
Once or twice, over the course of his "become a better person" journey, he did adapt one of your vocal tics as a swear (mostly because it was stuck in his head) it was ... quite something
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mxrmaid-poet · 12 days
bot drop: september 7, 2024
i did quite a few bots. also happy first month out of summer. it’s already starting to get cold! I had fun with everyone’s requests.
requests ~
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nokto and rio
i rlly ate up this edited pic, yeah?
they r at the festival together in benitoite as a poly couple.
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user (a part of my jude and assistant user chronicles) turns into a cat. this was such a funny prompt I started brainstorming early lmaooo and nothing is funnier than my example messages:
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thank you, for this
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harr silver
he and user r talking abt their world differences. land of reason vs wonderland! it’s a cute established relationship. and harr gets to learn abt what a phone is
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william shakey
user has a cold and will is helping them thru it. he actually speaks w old english so AHHHHH IM PROUD
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vyn richter
he’s seeing his daughter off for her first day of kindergarten, and he’s more sad about it then she is lol.
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jin grandet
modern AU! they r at an amusement park together and r exploring a haunted house attraction.
my first jin bot but not my last hehehe this was fun!
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chevalier michel
SUCH A GREAT IDEA! chev ends up having to end things with Belle, now he’s together with user and he’s beginning to see so much of Belle in her; he’s starting to fall in love but feels guilty about it
my own ~
jude jazza - that’s right, more assistant user chronicles. now, user turned into a child.
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navnae · 1 year
(A little prompt idea and I got some help from @sarahmadisonxoxo ! Also I’ll write the other prompts when I have time!)
It was only a matter of time before the party decided that they were going to go on a Disneyland trip, it just made sense that eventually they’d do a huge group trip like this and it’s safe to say that they were all excited. The adults, the older teens, and the younger teens came together for this trip. Saving up everything they had to make it possible and a fun experience. All of them drove in separate cars to get everyone in one pace at the same time and once they did that’s when the shenanigans began. The adults parted ways and went ahead to get some drinks for themselves leaving majority of the kids together. Jonathan, Nancy and Argyle were walking around with Mike, Will, and Lucas exploring the different rides that seemed like the craziest ones. Robin and Vickie took Eleven and Max to the nearest store to do some shopping. They looked at all the cute Disney headbands and figurines that were just too adorable to not buy. Robin bought some Mickey ears for the girls, herself, and Vickie. She smirked to herself when she saw a pair of ears that had a rainbow on it and she thought they would fit Steve perfectly, she also thought it would be funnier to give them to him without telling him what they meant.
After their shopping trip they met up with group in passing. They bumped into Steve and Dustin who were jumping all over the place with excitement. So far they’ve been getting on several rides, eating loads of snacks, and running around like little kids. The girls laughed at how all over the place they were, their sugar rushes being more apparent as the day went on.
“You two look like idiots.” Max joked. The girls laughed at the goofy grins on their faces as they rolled their eyes.
“Sadly that’s not a new discovery.” Robin sighed as she put her hand in her hip. She figured since Steve was older he would at least consider acting like an adult once just for today.
“You’re just jealous because we finished ten churros in one sitting!” Dustin bragged he turned to Steve and gave him a high five. The girls weren’t impressed in the slightest but they couldn’t help but smile at the silliness in front of them.
“You really ate ten churros?” Eleven asked still skeptical of the amount that Dustin had told them. Both of them nodded their head.
“Ten.” Steve repeated with a wide smile feeling proud. All of them laughed in unison at the situation. As crazy as it sounded all of them knew that this wasn’t too far fetched for the crazy duo to do.
“I mean that sounds fun but don’t you think that’s a little pricey.” Vickie questioned while directing it mostly towards Steve. He only shrugged in response.
“Nothing is pricey when you’re having fun.” Steve said happily and patted Dustin’s shoulder. The girls smiled at the cute moment between them. It was truly amazing to see their friendship going strong after so many years. Robin took a quick look at her watch and it was getting close to the time that they all agreed on to meet back at the car.
“Alright, it’s getting close to the time that we promised Hopper to meet back up. We’re going to wander a little bit more before then, make sure to be back on time.” Robin warned Steve as she longed her finger at him.
“Sure thing.” Steve nodded his head and both parties parted ways. Before they could get far Robin grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. Steve looked at her with confusion.
“I almost forgot,” She took the Mickey ears she bought before and put them on Steve’s head. The rainbow bow sparkled in the sunlight because of the glitter, as silly as Steve looked with them on no one could deny how cute he looked in them especially with his confused expression. Robin laughed when she took a step back to look at Steve’s new look. “Sweet, they suit you.” She teased before walking away.
“That was weird.” Steve mumbled to himself, he never really understood anything Robin did but that worked because she could say the same for him. Despite being confused he kept the ears on, hey he might as well embrace them.
Him and Dustin continued to explore the park a little more before it was time for them to leave. After a few minutes of just walking around and nothing was really jumping out to them. Dustin’s eyes widen when he saw a short line for a roller coaster ride, with a wide grin he turned to Steve and pointed at the ride.
“Let’s get on that one!” Dustin yelled before he started running toward the ride. Steve didn’t expect to blink and see Dustin already ahead of him. He shook his head then took off running right after him.
Dustin was running so fast that he couldn’t even hear Steve calling out for him to slow down. In a flash Dustin was colliding with another person making both of them hit the ground hard. Steve witnessed the entire thing and his face started to heat up from embarrassment. Once he made it to both of them he took in the entire sight, laying beside Dustin was a guy in a Captain Hook costume and his curly hair was sprawled hot while he laid on the ground groaning. Steve felt obligated to reach his hand out and help him up since he already made the guy’s day a mess. As he reached his hand out Dustin reached for it at the same time, with a quick swat Steve moved his hand away.
“Not for you I told you to slow down. I’m so sorry about that.” Steve said when he turned his attention towards the man. He hesitated at first as he looked at Steve then his hand before taking it and lifting himself up. He stood up to dust his clothes off, the look of embarrassment and anger was in his as he looked around to see if anybody saw. Confirming that no one did he looked directly at Dustin and Steve with an intense gaze.
“There’s no running allowed around the park. Someone can get seriously hurt like that and I advise you to take note of that rule.” The man was direct and focused mostly on Steve when he said it.
“It won’t happen again I promise.” Steve said softly. He slapped Dustin’s shoulder hard earning an “ow” from him and that made the man laugh slightly. “Are you sure you’re ok? You don’t need to see anyone right?”
“Ah don’t worry about it man, I’ve had my fair share of bruises so that was nothing really.” He playfully dusted off his shoulder as if to say he was perfectly untouched. Both of them laughed at the joke while Dustin stood there awkwardly wanting this to end before the line started to get long.
“Still I’m genuinely sorry… Eddie?” Steve said unsure as he read Eddie’s name tag. Eddie chuckled then nodded his head.
“Like I said before I told you you’re good man stop stressing over it. It’s just another day on the job for me.” Eddie reassured Steve with a smile. Both of them blushed as they stood in silence looking at each other and trying to avoid eye contact. Eddie was the one to speak up again after a few seconds. “Nice ears.”
“Oh! Well thanks. My friend put these on me and I think I look kind of dumb with them.” Steve touched the Mickey ears on his head almost forgetting that they were there. Eddie immediately noticed the rainbow on them and felt a little bit bold, those were the pride ears that they were starting to sell. He genuinely liked them and so many people were able to express themselves at the park. Which lead Eddie to believe that Steve was doing the same thing, Eddie took a chance once he saw it presented to him.
“You don’t look dumb with them on in the slightest if anything they add to your cuteness in my opinion.” Eddie said casually. Steve’s face turned into a darker shade of red at the unexpected compliment from Eddie. Dustin rubbed his forehead as he listens to the entire thing.
“Think so? You don’t think they’ll scare anybody away.” Steve said jokingly. Eddie shook his head as he smiled.
“I’m still standing here aren’t I?” Eddie’s voice lowered a bit as he asked the question. Steve had to fight the urge to look away and blush like an idiot. The attention Eddie was giving was coming at him so fast that he didn’t know how to react.
“I’ve heard enough can we get on the ride now?” Dustin said annoyed with the both of them. That made Steve blush harder sone he realized Dustin heard everything. Eddie scratched the back of his neck feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Right. I should let you two be in your way, I’ll be right here all day if you guys need anything.” Eddie smiled at the both of them. He hated that he couldn’t give his phone number to Steve due to policy but he hoped Steve took the hint.
“Sure thing.” Steve smiled back before him and Dustin started to walk away. They got a few steps away from Eddie when the conversation about what just happened was brought up.
“God you two were gross back there.” Dustin fake gagged while holding his stomach. Steve raised a brow not understanding what he meant.
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked. He had no idea what Dustin was going on about.
“Come on Steve, it was obvious he was hitting on you.” Dustin explained. Steve blushed when he thought back on the previous conversation and it did seem like that was the case. He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts.
“I highly doubt that besides why would he?” Steve couldn’t grasp all of this at once because nothing was making sense. Dustin rolled his eye and eventually they were going to get stuck one day.
“You’re literally wearing the pride Mickey Mouse ears.” Dustin points at the ears on top of Steve’s head, the rainbow boy still sparkling from the sunlight shining on them. Steve’s fell open in shock.
“Robin!” Steve whisper yelled. Dustin started to laugh at Steve’s scrunched you face. They both made it to the ride and luckily the line wasn’t too long so they could easily slip onto the ride. Steve took a quick glance behind him and saw Eddie in the distance talking to a little boy and waving his plastic hook in the kids face making him laugh. The interaction made Steve smile immediately because it was the cutest thing. He got on the ride feeling giddy about talking to Eddie and he couldn’t deny that he was kind of interested even though he would yell at Robin later for it, he’d also thank her as well.
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gunilslaugh · 8 months
I had an idea that I think could be a cute fic! So basically the reader gets very nervous on airplanes but they randomly end up sitting next to Gunil and he distracts them by babbling about random things. Like a strangers to something vibe. PS: I absolutely adore your work and I always reread your fics when I have a bad day. I hope you have an absolutely amazing 2024❤️
This idea was cute! Thank you that means so much. I hope you don't have too many bad days 2024 💕
Goo Gunil
Summary: Flying always made you nervous, however the guy sitting next to you was pretty good at keeping you distracted. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your nerves increased the closer it got to your flight time. You woke up anxious in the morning and it only got worse when you arrived at the airport. Leg bouncing up and down in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Your flight was called to board and heart rate picked up as you picked up your bags. Taking deep breaths as you walk. Reminding yourself that you’ve only been on safe flights in the past and this one wouldn’t be any different. 
Once you boarded the plane you made your way to your seat, wiping your palms on your knees as you sat down. You took a couple more deep breaths to help ground yourself. 
“Hi, excuse me. That’s my seat.” A somewhat buff looking guy giving you a kind smile pointed to the seat beside yours.
“Oh uh- you know what it’ll probably be easier if I just,” you murmured about standing up and stepping into the aisle. Then you gestured for him to walk to his seat without having to worry about awkwardly bumping legs. He gave you a small nod still wearing a smile and walked to his seat with you following right behind him. You took a glance over to the guy to find him already looking at you. 
“I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m y/n,” you took your turn introducing yourself. 
“Nice to meet you,” he commented. 
“You too,” you returned. You leaned back in your seat, starting to feel your nerves setting in even more. 
Soon enough it was time for your plane to take off resulting in your nerves becoming the highest they have been all day. Hands shaking as you try to fasten your seat belt. Your shaking hands catch Gunil’s attention. 
“Are you ok?” he asked you. You look over at him, 
“Yeah, flying just makes me nervous.” you look back down at the buckle trying to click your seat belt together. 
“Here.” Gunil places his calm, warm hands over yours, taking the seat belt from your shaking hands and does it for you. 
“Thank you,” you tell him sheepishly trying to fight off the blush that’s creeping up your neck. 
“No problem. You know I used to attend Berklee,” Gunil shares. 
“Really? So you do music then?” you questioned. 
“I’m pretty good at playing the drums,” he pronounced and drummed his finger against the armrest of his seat. 
“That’s cool,” you said. 
“Do you have any musical talents?” he prompts. You shook your head. 
“I’m only good at listening to music,” you half laugh. 
“That’s still good. Musicians need people like you to support them,” he says. You hardly even noticed the plane beginning to lift off due to Gunil proving to be a solid distraction. “Do you have a favorite artist?” You told him your favorite artist and surprisingly Gunil was a fan of them too. Which leads to you two having an excited conversation about what songs are your favorite. The plane is now fully up in the air and the flight is going smoothly, yet Gunil keeps talking to you. He was definitely good at talking. Being able to seamlessly tell one story right after another and jump from topic to topic with ease. 
You couldn’t keep from laughing after Gunil told a joke, but the joke itself wasn’t really that funny. It was his laugh that made you laugh. You found out that Gunil is a person whose laugh is funnier than the joke. It worked to your benefit though since it kept your mind from being able to think about being miles high in the sky. That was until your plane hit a bit of turbulence causing your heart to drop and anxiety to fill your stomach. However Gunil’s hand easily slipped into your own. His thumb stroking the back of your hand soothingly. Your anxiety seemed to melt away with each stroke that you were focusing on more than whatever story he was telling you now. Even after you had calmed down Gunil’s hand stayed in yours and you were glad about it. Finding that you were quickly growing fond of the man you’ve known for about two hours now. Gunil seemed to be growing just as fond of you as he brushed some stray strands of hair from your face with his free hand. 
When your flight was landing Gunil squeezed your hand extra tight while telling you a funny story about his dog. The two of you exited the plane together and waited by the baggage claim.
“Thank you,” you thanked him. 
“It’s no problem. This was probably one of my favorite flights actually,” he states. 
“Mine too,” you smiled at him. You picked up your bag when you saw it come around. Gunil’s came around shortly after and he grabbed his too. “I guess this is it,” you voiced. 
“Could I get your number actually? I would like to get to know you more,” he asked. He sounds a bit awkward for the first time since he started talking to you. 
“Sure, I wanna get to know you more too,” you told him, taking out your phone. The two of you exchanged numbers. 
“Great, I’ll text you,” he says. 
“I’ll be waiting,” you replied. With a wave goodbye the pair of you split. You had just settled your things into the car when your phone went off. 
“Didn’t want you to wait too long :)” it was a text from Gunil and it made your heart flutter.
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
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thank you @tinybro for sending me a prompt!! hope it makes you smile :)
There’s another boy sitting on the bleachers today. He’s in the first row, heels balanced on the edge of the seat and arms wrapped around his knees, a little ball of black hair and brown jacket. He’s watching the girls on the team kind of sullenly, but he’s making no move to get up or leave.
Maybe he’s stuck here, too. It might be nice to have someone else his age at these things.
“Hey, Thalia!” One of the girls on the team waves them down as they get closer to the volleyball court. Jason doesn’t recognize her, which is kind of weird—he’s been sitting through every practice the Central High Hunters girl’s volleyball team has had for two years, since Thalia joined. He knows them all by now, and they joke around that he’s part of the team. His role switches from Manager to Mascot, whichever one the girls think is funnier in the moment. It’s a little embarrassing, yeah, but also kind of nice. He knows he isn’t really part of the team, but they make him feel included anyway.
This girl is new, though. She’s got long, dark hair braided down her back, and she smiles at them both as they approach.
“This must be Jason! That’s so great, I was worried Nico would get bored. Let me introduce you!”
She leads them to the boy on the bleachers, and he looks up as they approach. His eyes immediately zero in on Jason. They’re wide and really, really dark.
“Nico, this is Jason. He’s another Team Brother stuck with us girls. Jason, this is my brother Nico.”
Jason gives Nico a smile and waves at him, and Nico slowly uncurls from his position. He’s wearing some sort of anime t-shirt under his jacket, and Jason doesn’t recognize the character.
Coach Diana blows her whistle from the sidelines, and Thalia smacks him on the shoulder. “Be nice, Jaybird. Yell if you need anything.”
The girls run off to start practice and Nico and Jason are left staring at each other.
“Hi,” Jason says after an awkward minute. He debates with himself a little before sitting directly to Nico’s right.
“Hi.” Nico kicks his heels against the bleachers below them. They sit.
Jason glances at Nico out of the corner of his eye. He’s probably in Jason’s grade, or maybe the one below. Jason’s never seen him before, though, so he must go to a different school. His ears are pierced, and Jason has only met girls who have their ears pierced. He hadn’t known boys were allowed to do that. Little black studs glitter at him as Nico rocks with the swinging of his feet, and Jason wants to ask him how he got them done. He wants to ask how he thought of the idea, what he did to convince his parents to let him. He wants to ask if Nico thinks Jason could look that cool, too.
Instead, he starts with something a little less huge.
“Who’s that on your shirt?”
Nico turns his head to look at him, cocked to the side. Instead of answering right away, he shoves one of his hands into his jacket pocket.
“Do you play Mythomagic?” Nico brings his hand out wrapped around a couple loose trading cards. Jason can see a flash of bright color on the top one, something with electric blue lightning bolts on it.
“I’ve never heard of it,” he admits. “What is it?”
It’s the right question to ask, apparently. A huge grin splits Nico’s face, and he spends the rest of practice explaining how the game works, the lore behind the game, and the pilot episode of the anime based off of it. His shirt, apparently, is the main character’s rival.
Neither of them notice that practice is over until their sisters come back to the bleachers, sweaty and tired.
“Heya, nerds,” Thalia calls. “Time to head out.”
Jason blinks at her. “Already?” Last he checked, they were still warming up!
“Already. C’mon, kid, time for dinner.”
Jason turns back to Nico and tries not to look too disappointed. “Thanks for spending time with me, I had a lot of fun.”
“I— Yeah, me too.” Nico smiles at him, smaller, shier now that there are more people watching. “If you want, I can bring some of my decks next time? If you’ll be here.”
Jason smiles back at him. “Yeah, lets see if I can remember the rules!” Next time. He likes the sound of that.
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jellyfish-grave · 3 months
(screaming into a megaphone) I THINK THE FRENCH BAC IS BULLSHIT (huuuuge ramble under cut. Read at your own risk)
listen. I have arguments.
Finals are coming for me like. Right tomorrow, yeah? Yeah. The written trial consists of two options: You can either write a dissertation on a given subject (which you have studied through the year. There's only 4 parcours in the year) OR you can make a text commentary (but it's on a text you've never heard of before and it's not linked to any of the parcours you studied).
On paper it sounds okay (if not slightly unfair that both exercises are judged the same way, despite the fact that you have much more knowledge to back up your dissertation if you chose that). It tests the student's ability to think for themself, to use knowledge that was given through the year or to use personal culture in order to make an interesting reasoning!
The first time they tried this out they realised "hmmm wait everyone is failing, maybe that's cuz the expectations are too high" and yes! Exactly! That's cuz we're introduced to the exercise of dissertation the very same year that we're expected to make a full one. Before that? Barely mentioned. We make around 4 of them throughout the year, and we're never EVER given a full example. The only examples we get are detailed plans, but never a fully written out dissertation.
You'd think "oh, then the simple solution is to either lower the stakes, or introduce the exercise earlier in the education, right?" and yeah that does sound logic. But what change was made, you ask? Oh. Simply give all the answers through the year.
That's right. We get full on answers for the full dissertation during the year, and you could argue that the subject isn't the same during the year compared to the end of the year's prompt, however. All subjects basically boil down to the same core elements but written out differently. They decided that since students of our age aren't capable of making clear and complex reasoning/analyses of a given subject, they should just. Give us the answer.
This kills the entire purpose of the exercise. I don't think of myself as some literary genius or some shit, but i do think I'm capable of basic reasoning. But that's not what's being tested here.
Besides, if your dissertation plan doesn't fit their exact expectation, your entire work will be labelled as out of subject, completely killing the idea that multiple people can think of multiple reasonings. Which is. Yk. The entire point of a dissertation.
I know I'm being overly dramatic, but for people like me who have horrible memory problems, I just feel like this is entirely unfair. This isn't constructed at all because I didn't try to, my brain is turned off after 5 hours of memorizing the exact order stuff should be brought up in. We aren't allowed the fucking books the subject is about during the trial. What's the point in that?? At what point in life will you actually need the skill to be able to make a literary commentary without the actual support???
Even funnier! Yk how I mentioned you can also make a text commentary? Yeah! You don't get the answers for the text commentary during the year. And the expectations haven't gone down. It's basically a suicide to pick that unless you've got huge personal culture to enrich your arguments. It's highly unrecommended by all my teachers so far for a reason.
Should I even go on about the oral trial? You need to site by heart the exact explanation of the text (one out of 12 extracts your studied during the year) line by line out loud. It's bullshit. You get 30 minutes to prepare (which. Btw. Isn't enough.), then you have a grammar question (really the only fair thing about this whole thing.), and then you need to present one of the 4 (8 for some people) books you had to read during the year. You can thankfully choose the book, but this is STILL learning a lesson by heart.
It's not teaching you critical thinking. It's not valuing your opinion, it's not valuing a student taking risks and talking about a subject in an interesting way, because you're expected to do the exact thing the teachers want. A very specific plan. Even the main question your entire work is centered around is just a rewording of the subject.
What is the point? What. Is. The point.
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iloveyou-writers · 9 months
the other day, i wrote down my prompt for my otp on my twitter and had thoughts of writing them down once i'm free. i was excited to see this prompt fleshed out into a real fanfic. my friend was excited too that she qrt-ed it and tagged my other friend and asked her to write it. so i started to think, "maybe, it would be a better fic in her hands. she's funnier, she wrote better than me, and she's definitely more creative than me." also, the story would be way more interesting with some spicy scenes and i'm not comfortable writing those kind of scene, while she's really good at it. it brought me down since i already think of this prompt like my kid and i don't want to hand it over to anyone. like i've thought of some scene i want to include in the story yada yada yada. i know i'm being selfish (since there's a possibility that it would be on my list of prompt that would never see the light anymore) and i probably painted my friend who tagged my other friend in a bad light through this but... idk. i feel sad to just imagine it.
hope you're okay with reading this long rant and if you need to knock some sense out of me, please do so. i also think i need to get myself together T_T
My dear, sweet anon friend. I feel your pain. It is so hard to have an idea that you're so on fire for and know that you sharing the idea with another that would create something from it could potentially do it better than you.
I hate to admit how many times I have struggled with the envy of having an idea I was incredibly excited about and having someone else take the idea and turn it into something that took off.
I have had negative interactions with people that I have felt the envy of this happening with.
I will say it's perfectly natural for you to feel this way.
It could also be potentially damaging if you react in a negative way due to these feelings. Personal experience, don't act on these feelings.
That said, you could both create from this prompt idea. The fact that you already know they would take it in a different direction than you, that you recognize they have talents you don't... I guarantee there are things you'd do that they wouldn't too, that would make your writing stand out too. There is no reason you two couldn't share this prompt baby and create two amazing pieces of writing from it.
Sharing doesn't mean that you don't get to create. You could still make your ideas and still keep your baby, your fire, your passion... and your friend could have fun with it too. You two could chat about how you did it differently. This could be potential to bond with the friend that could possibly write from the prompt.
But there's also a possibility even if you did give them the prompt that they wouldn't want to write it, so this whole worry could be for naught. :)
Just consider it. In the end, it's your choice and you don't have to feel bad for not sharing the prompt. It's your prompt. Do with it what you wish to. But just remember... there is no shame in creating something similar to your friend. You two could bond closer as writer friends from writing something from the same prompt. There are endless possibilities. It all lies in your hands. <3
Take your time, don't rush into a choice.
I wish you well.
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mythrae · 11 months
You asked for some prompts or oneshot requests! Maybe one of the companions confessing their feelings for Tav/Durge/reader (whatever you want)? Or their reactions as they are too late to stop Kagha from sealing off the Grove?
hehehe I’m gonna do both but do the first one first because I have the perfect idea
this was originally going to be short but here I am nearly 2k words later (probably because I was listening to this a lot while writing)
written for my oc Taversia, set at the end of Act One
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“I can’t believe Mystra actually expects Gale to just sacrifice himself like that.” Shadowheart said, “Seems like a waste of a fine mind.”
“Agreed, he’s definitely smarter than all of us.” Taversia replied aloud, yet her mind continued to drone on and on.
And kinder, and funnier, and more handsome, and ever more so charming…
She could feel how heavy the air was around camp that evening. Elminster had just left after delivering his distressing message — if Taversia and her party are to defeat the Absolute, Gale must obey Mystra’s commands to use the orb she had placed in his chest. By doing so, he would be releasing a large amount of Netherese magic, in turn, leading to the wizard losing his life.
But, he would also be gaining the forgiveness of his goddess.
“Bah - perhaps he’d find forgiveness in a fiery death.” Lae’zel pondered, “But I can’t help but wonder why he’d want it at all.”
Taversia’s gaze lingered over his way as he stood stoically in front of his tent. “I’m not sure… I hope he’s all right, either way.” 
“You should go check on him, Tav.” Shadowheart said, playfulling elbowing her companion’s side, “You’re the closest to him out of everyone in camp, after all.”
The fighter let out a huff. “What do you mean by that?” She replied, raising an eyebrow at the cleric.
“Well,” she shared a glance at the githyanki woman with them, “we’ve all seen the way he looks at you. I’m surprised the wizard has yet to make his move.”
“You must be too thick-skulled to not see it.” Lae’zel added, crossing her arms over her chest. “Chk. Seems you’ve taken so many blows to the head that common sense has been knocked out of you.”
“You really think he…?” Taversia couldn’t hide the flush creeping over her cheeks.
“Seems like his feelings towards you are mutual, then?” Shadowheart gave her a knowing grin.
“... is it that obvious?”
“Most definitely.”
“Oh, Nine Hells below…”
Taversia looked down to the ground, hoping it would help tame the fever that was ripping through her body. She definitely had feelings for him, but she thought she had done her best at keeping her infatuation discrete. As the tactician of the group, she felt it was inappropriate to have any amorous interactions with her party members. Their ultimate goal was to get rid of the tadpoles writing in their brains, and they should not be distracted by silly things such as romance.
She had the same mindset when it came to the other members of the Flaming Fists, when she had served for all those years. Many of her comrades had offered their hand to her, and she had always refused each time.
In fact, she has never had a romantic partner. She had just never found someone she thought she could get along with.
But then came Gale. He was so different from any other man she had met. Eloquent, educated, and effortlessly ebullient. He completely bewitched her the first day off the Nautiloid, after she had pulled him out of the portal. Not only was he good-looking, but he quickly proved to be a worthy ally in their party. At first, she was worried they would butt heads along their journey, for it was uncommon for a stone-cold fighter and a powerful wizard to be fighting side by side.
But as they say, opposites do attract.
“Maybe you can talk some sense into him to prevent him from killing himself for his Mystra’s sake.” The githyanki woman hissed, “Although considering the amount of sense left in your head, I don’t see you being very successful.”
“We’ll see about that.” Shadowheart chuckled. “Maybe their combined sense can make up for the tadpoles scrambling their brains.”
Taversia rolled her eyes as she silently walked away from her companions, her closest friends in the party. She was thankful for their camaraderie, but she was not used to their deliberate teasing.
As she approached Gale’s tent, she could see that despite Mystra’s charge, he seemed rather… normal. If he was feeling any sort of distress from her commands, he definitely didn’t want to show it. He was reading one of his many books, without a single care in the world.
But as she got closer to him, she met his gaze. She could see hints of darkness in his eyes. He wasn’t taking the news well.
“Ah, Taversia. Always a delight to speak to you. What can I do for you?” He smiled as he closed his book.
“Don’t worry about me, Gale, please.” She answered, holding a hand up to her chest, “How are you holding up?”
“Well, an audience with Elminster is never less than memorable.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders haphazardly. “I’d have hoped to introduce you to him in less dire circumstances, but those are hard to come by these days.”
“Very true. But I will say, I’d always imagined Elminster to be more… imposing.” 
“Ah, the doddering act is merely an illusion, one he’s most adept at maintaining.” Gale explained, “Elminster is the most formidable wizard in the realms, perhaps in all of existence. For Mystra to have sent him…”
He paused, his eyes trailing towards the cover of the book he was holding.
“The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me.”
Gale’s mask was quickly beginning to slip.
Taversia nodded towards the open flap behind him. “Would you like to speak inside your tent?” Taversia suggested, “Just for a bit more privacy?”
The wizard nodded, “Sounds like a fine idea to me.”
She followed close behind him, making sure to close the tent flap as she sat across from him. Gale settled in, leaning back on a few plush pillows stacked to the side. Taversia had to move a few tomes to give herself some space to sit, gently stacking them on top of each other by her side.
“You know, time seems so infinite when you are young…” He began, “a month is an age, a year is a lifetime… it is a strange feeling, to realize how little of it one might have left.”
Taversia cocked her head as she raised a single brow. “You’re seriously considering doing what Elminster said?”
“Of course – he offered the clearest solution to our problems.” Gale replied, “All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go…” 
He rested his hand over his orb as it radiated with Netherese energy. The purple glow traveled from his chest, up the side of his neck, ending under his left eye. It only shined for a moment before it disappeared once more.
Even now, Taversia couldn’t help but think how beautiful he was.
“Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone…”
He paused, the weight of his words hanging on the tip of his tongue.
“... and I along with it.”
She was silent. She didn’t know how to respond.
Although he was older than her, he had so much of his life left to live. So many worldly things for him to enjoy. So many more adventures that he could take part in. If she was in his boots, there would be no way she would have taken Mystra’s charge. There had always been another way to solve her problems before, so there surely was another solution now.
And selfishly, she wanted to share those experiences with him.
“No.” Taversia blurted, “There’s surely another way. There has to be.”
“If there was, I’m sure the goddess of magic and the greatest wizard who ever lived would have identified it, but alas… only one solution is offered.” Gale threw his hands up in the air, as if there was nothing he could do.
“You’re not fucking blowing yourself up, Gale.” She felt her voice getting louder at the wizard as her eyes began to wet themselves with tears, “I won’t let you.”
“Let’s save such certainty for the moment such a decis–”
She couldn’t bear to hear any more of it.
Before Gale could finish his thought, Taversia grabbed his arms and pulled him close, her arms wrapping themselves around his body. Her hold on him was tight as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. She caught a whiff that smelled of old books, like the ones that her guardians used to read to her when she was a young girl. It was a comforting feeling, feeling her skin on his own, as her tears finally spilled and trailed down the wizard’s collar.
“Please, Gale…” She whispers, “I want you to live.”
At first, he hesitated. His body felt stiff, as if he was in disbelief. As if he couldn’t trust her. As if the words she had just confessed to him were a lie. 
But then, she feels his body melt in her embrace. His body relaxed as she felt the sensation of his strong arms enveloping her, pulling her even closer to his chest. One of his hands rested at the nape of her neck, as his head leaned to rest against her own. He sighed deeply, a low hmmm rumbling through her body like a shiver on a cold winter’s night.
“And here I thought my feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated.” He whispered.
Taversia slowly pulled her face from his neck, realizing how close their lips were as they held each other. “You… really?”
“You mean to tell me you haven’t caught on yet?” He chuckled softly, his hand sliding to cradle her face. “You, my dear, are more naive than I thought.”
“Naive? No, I just… well…” She trailed off, looking away as she felt her cheeks turning red.
Gale’s grip on her jaw tightened, turning her head to face him directly. Their noses were nearly brushing.
“Let me show you.”
As he pressed his lips to hers for the first time, Taversia nearly felt as if he had struck her with a lightning bolt. Warm, electric, full of energy. It took her by surprise as his lips moved against hers, the passion causing his orb to glow feverently.
But he was also gentle, oh so gentle, as if she was a fragile ornament that would shatter if not handled carefully. When she kissed him back, it felt as if he was almost cradling her lips in his own. It made her feel cherished, reverent, even.
Gods above, no one has ever kissed her like this before. Every other person she had kissed was so rough, so hungry, hoping to get one thing out of whatever situation she had found herself in.
Gale’s kiss was sweet, tender, dare she thought, loving.
As he regrettably pulled away from their kiss, she could see that his eyes were no longer haunted with darkness. She could see a spark glimmering once more, as if she had brought him back to life once more.
“I hope you know how I feel for you, Taversia.” He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. “How you might just give me a reason to live.”
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morporkian-cryptid · 1 year
✨Lupin III Discworld AU✨
Miscellaneous headcanons
Aka stuff that didn't fit in the other posts
If you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes, please do reblog or send me an ask!
Rincewind is terrified of Zenigata. He once got arrested because he was startled by Zeni yelling LUPAAAAAAAAAN! and started running for the hills, making Zenigata believe he was Lupin in disguise.
Detective Yata befriended Head Secretary Drumknott after his and Zenigata's first visit to the Palace. They competitively compare their respective bosses, share filing tips, and commiserate about pencil theft (a quirk that Lupin has unfortunately copied from Lipwig). Drumknott accidentally called Vetinari "Sempai" once.
Zenigata tried to arrest the Luggage once, before the Watch explained to him why he shouldn't (apparently the Luggage eating his hat wasn't enough to deter him).
Lupin made Jigen one of those wristwatches that tell the phases of the moon (like the one Carrot made for Angua).
Lupin had a phase where he obsessively stole famous dwarf breads, prompting Carrot to ask to be assigned to the Lupin case with Zenigata.
The Gang adapting to the moon cycles and Jigen's transformations. Yeah. (I have a lot of feelings about werewolf!Jigen if you couldn't tell already)
The Thieves’ Guild and the Watch are competing to catch the Gang, but secretly Vimes is rooting for the Gang, because he dislikes Lupin only slightly less than he dislikes the Guild. Lupin knows at least a dozen different ways to escape from the Tanty (and has a hefty stock of Hope Spoons as a result). Vetinari probably planned to reassign him into public service, but has long since given up on the idea, and now only tolerates him as Enrichment for Lipwig.
For Jigen's birthday, every year Lupin steals a public figure's hat. Jigen returned Mustrum's hat (a custom wizard hat with drawers, a crossbow and an alcohol flask in it) the next day. The theft of Lipwig's golden winged postman cap lead to Adora-Belle claiming she didn't recognize him. Lupin's next target is Srgt. Detritus' ventilated helmet. (He hasn't tried to steal Vetinari's skullcap yet, probably because he retains a smidge of survival instinct.)
For Goemon's birthday Lupin raids the Assassin's Guild's museum of historical weapons, and pilfers anything that has a blade.
Jigen's greatest dream is to shoot Detritus' Piecemaker.
The Gang visits Lancre in an expedition to steal... I don't know what. There isn't much to steal in Lancre. They meet the local coven and Nanny Ogg starts hitting on Lupin. (I'm still unsure whether Lupin reciprocates, that would honestly be hilarious).
Zenigata regularly enlists Angua's help to track down the Gang. He's one of the rare outsiders to the Watch who's allowed to know that she's a werewolf. Angua has a personal rivalry with Jigen, who's constantly teasing her when they meet in human form.
Jigen and Bengo Macarona are exes. (Actually, would it be funnier is Bengo is Jigen's or Lupin's ex? He's Quirmian so it would make sense that he's met Lupin, but also he's a soccer player and he is JACKED.)
Goemon's Zantetsuken is a talking sword (like Kr!ng in The Color of Magic). Its personality is the living embodiment of Bushido, and it is extremely annoying. Fujiko stole it and ran from Agatea thinking she could make a fortune from it, but it kept insulting all her potential buyers. She was about to throw it in the Ankh when Goemon finally caught up with her. The Gang have threatened to throw it out the window countless times during long carriage rides. It's part of the reason why Goemon typically sits on the roof, and why Fujiko only rides on her horse golem and not in the carriage.
Again, if you have ideas, headcanons, or even just vague vibes for this AU, please do reblog or send me an ask!
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duskaris · 1 year
OC-tober 2023 Day 3: Ritual
More Jay-centric stuff but it just fits so well, especially as the daily-routine type ritual. A little bit shorter today, but I had tryouts so not as much time to write. (Still did this instead of homework tho)
Basically, Jay walks his sister to school. Note that this is not Jay's biological family, but he has basically been adopted by Wren and he and Ivy are very sibling. For this, Jay is around 15, making Ivy seven.
Prompts: @oc-tober2023
CW: Mentions of harassment/bullying
“Jay, come on! We’re gonna be late!” Ivy had grabbed onto his arm and was attempting to tug Jay towards the door. Not phased by her fruitless endeavour to make him budge, Jay glanced over at the clock. If they left now they’d be almost half an hour early.
“Do you even know how to read a clock?” he teased, ruffling the girl’s silver hair. She stopped pulling on Jay long enough to smooth her hair, pouting indignantly at the accusation.
“Of course I do, and it says that we’re going to be late,” she yelled, giggling at her own joke as she clapsed onto his arm and resumed pulling. Though he could easily play along, it was funnier and cuter to stay completely still and watch her face get red with effort. 
“Any help here, Mum?” he asked Wren, who was lounging on the sofa, reading while enjoying her morning coffee. He gave her his best pleading eyes, but she only laughed and shrugged. No help for him there, obviously. Left with little choice, Jay let out an exaggerated sigh of defeat. “Okay, let’s go,” he relented, trying not to smile when his sister’s eyes lit up in delight. 
“Yay!” She clapped with glee. “Bye Mom,” Ivy said as she dragged Jay out the door. 
“Bye, sweetie. Have fun at class,” Wren called out after them.
Now, out in the public corridor, Ivy suddenly stopped; Jay almost walked into her. She paused for a moment, lost in thought, then plastered a devilish smile onto her face.
“You’re gonna carry me,” she announced as though it were the most obvious idea in the world. Jay raised an eyebrow at her.
“Am I now?” 
“You are,” she confirmed. Well, Jay couldn’t say no to that now, could he? He hoisted her onto his back. Thankfully with his added strength, he couldn’t even notice the extra weight. One of the only useful things about his powers, really. As they headed to the classroom wing, people often glared at them as they passed, but Jay knew it wasn’t because a teen was carrying his kid sister to class. Luckily with Ivy around they didn’t dare say anything, and if she noticed the looks, she ignored it as well as Jay did. Instead she rambled away to him about whatever they were learning in class and fiddled with his hair. He made a mental note to go a different route to Aeryn’s office; they wouldn’t hesitate to let him know what they thought if he were alone. Monster. Murderer. Worse insults that Ivy really didn’t need to hear.
But even despite all that, Jay was content. Happy, even. No matter what other people thought of it he cherished the couple minutes a day they spent like this. Most kids her age walked to class on their own, and it’s not as though Ivy was any different. She could, she just didn’t want to, it was their thing.
“Okay, we’re here. Time to walk again,” Jay said as he placed Ivy down onto the floor. He peered into the classroom. Unsurprisingly, Ivy was the first one there.
“You want me to wait with you until Mister Karl gets here?” he offered.
“No, I’m fine. Bye!” Ivy replied as she disappeared around the corner. Jay turned to leave but saw Ivy pop back into the doorframe from the corner of his eye. “Wait, will you come get me when class is done?” 
“Only if Aeryn lets me,” he teased and Ivy giggled. 
“So that’s a yes. Okay, bye!” She disappeared again and Jay laughed to himself. His sister wasn’t wrong. If Jay told Aeryn that Ivy wanted him to walk her home she’d let him go, no questions asked. She always did.
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
Alright day 1 of my ship prompt drabbles here and ready for you guys!
Prompt 16: Poetry.
I kinda had a few different ideas but ultimately came to this one for Trouvailleshipping! Hope you guys enjoy!
Car keys dropped into the bowl on the hallway console, boots toed kicked off haphazardly at the designated mat by the door and his bag fell to the floor with a thud. "I'm home." Was the exhausted call made, followed by the shuffling of sock covered feet and soon, Iris saw Alister shuffling in, dressed in a warm sweater and jeans, hair mussed from his helmet and a certain level of exhaustion in his eyes.
She opened her arms just in time as he practically flopped on top of her, head buried against her chest as his arms slowly wove around her.
"Rough day?" She guessed, setting the book she was reading aside. There was a muffled noise of confirmation and she brushed her fingers through his hair. He relaxed, practically melting into her touch. "Work stuff?"
"I wish," Alister scoffed. "My job's a lot less of a pain."
"Valon being a gremlin?"
"Your brother."
She didn't even need to ask which brother. She already knew damned well which one. "What did Seto did this time?"
He pushed himself up enough to look at her, caging his arms on either side of her. "I went to go drop off some things with your mom after work, because she asked if I wouldn't mind and, of course I don't, I love her dearly," he explained, brows furrowed in frustration. "I get there. Her writing club she started up is there, hence why she asked if I could drop off some food she ordered. And so is your brother, because he was watching your sister or something, and they want to stop and talk. Your mom told them about my Dad's journalism and his articles and they were praising his work and we got to talking about what their writing challenge was for this month, which was poetry, and they asked if I was interested in joining. I was trying to say no--"
"--And he trapped you into doing it by egging you on." She sighed.
"Your brother was so much more tolerable when I was actively planning his downfall."
Her hand moved to his cheek, shaking her head. There was always the route of them going to her mom and telling her; Meredith understood it better than anyone how her son was. Or, there was always the funnier route she liked to take of writing a prescription to her brother to eat a dick.
But Alister Gayle was one of the most stubborn men she knew.
"You want to prove him wrong, don't you?"
"Well, no shit," he scoffed, before sighing. "You know. I'm...trying to push past...everything involving Kaiba and focus on my new life. Our life. I swear to you, Iris, I am--"
"But he's Seto." He had yet to mellow out himself fully. Kat had been good for him in that sense; she was working on it with him. Frankly, she thought they'd do more good if they just confessed their feelings already, but life was still currently too complicated for that at the moment. "Trust me, you don't have to justify it to me. I grew up with him, remember?"
Alister fell quiet for a moment, leaning into her touch a bit more and pressing a kiss against her palm. "...The funny thing is, disregarding that...it might actually be fun."
"Have you ever written poetry before?" Iris asked, curiously.
"No. I came up with my own stories to pass the time with my friends, sure, but..." he said, and there's a flash in his eyes she's all too familiar with. "But. Most of it was fantasy stuff. And I haven't really done any of it since I was a kid."
She hummed in thought and her free arm stretched out towards the coffee table, hand fumbling for the remote. "Well. We're both off tomorrow and we can stay up," she mused, flicking back from the video she was on and going to the search bar on YouTube. "There's bound to be plenty of videos we can watch to get you some tips in."
He cocked a brow at her before he snorted in laughter. "We're gonna sneak in a cram session so I can write one little poem?"
"No, we're gonna cram it all night so you can write a poem that'd make Emily Dickinson eat her own paper and you can give my brother the proverbial middle finger and make moms friends sing your praises."
The competitive streak of hers used to be so much more subdued. It wasn't until after she woke up from her soul being snatched out of her body that it came out.
He gazed at and smirked after a moment, hand going to the back of her head as he gave her a kiss. "Have I mentioned I love you?"
"Mm, a few times today, but it's nice to hear," she quipped. She settled back against the couch, stretching her arms out. "For the record, I love you too. Now let's get started."
Around 1 in the morning, Alister was pretty sure he'd seen enough tips and beginners videos to give him a solid starting point.
Iris had passed out probably a half hour, 45 minutes top before he decided he'd had his fill. He shut off the television, rising to his feet as easily as he could without waking her, before he lifted her slumbering form into his arms. She let out a small grunt as she was shifted, but didn't seem to wake, instead burying her face into his chest.
He carried her up the stairs of their old house, silent as a mouse. He deposited her on her side of the bed, pulling the covers up over her and smoothed her hair out of her face. The thought to turn in and join her crossed his mind, but he was still far too awake to even try at the moment. He had held off with little sleep before, he could stay up a little later and it would be fine.
Ideas were swirling in his mind and, frankly, he didn't think there was much of an off switch.
Alister scooted the chair at the desk out, booting up the laptop and dimming the light down to keep from bothering the sleeping woman, but still light enough to not completely fuck up his eyes.
Fingers gently padded against the laptop as he sat back in thought. There was a thousand things he could write about. Nature, random objects, civilization. Most poetry seemed to come from a place of vulnerability, though, or at least some of the best ones did. That...made it a little trickier.
There were things he never could share. The horrors he went through were not something he could put to pen and paper and try to make something tragically beautiful out of it. Opening up old wounds, opening up the party of him that longed for better, was not something he could just unleash on the group that barely knew him, even if he wanted to. And his memories of happier times failed him; he barely remembered his father and what he remembered of his mother was plagued by war. He only knew of who they once were from stories from the family; it was all he had.
How could he write a poem about people he didn't truly know?
He could write about his chosen family. Raphaels strength, Masons fatherly instincts, Valons sheer determination and willpower. He could write about the joy they brought. But, then again, could he ever live it down that he wrote poetry about Valon? The humiliation would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Soft snoring filled the air and the shift of the mattress let him know she was tossing in her sleep.
He smiled, silver eyes glancing back to where his fiance slept.
If there was anyone in this world he knew inside and out, even more than any other member of that family, it was her. She had truly become more than he ever would have prepared himself for. She had started as a target, a means to an end, a person to take out if he had to. Then she became his friend. His best friend. Then a girlfriend, and he argued it was for the mission, to get closer to his goal...and then they were nothing but heartbreak.
Yet she waited for him. Patient, understanding and resilient; when he came back, she stayed and promised to help him through it all, without expecting anything else in return other than getting questions answered. She gave him space, but, most importantly, she gave him a safe place. When things got bad, she was there, finding ways to help him where she could and tried her hardest to understand.
He loved her and she loved him, and finally, finally, he could let himself feel...well, feel anything other than just pain or numbness.
Turning back to the computer, his fingers stilled above the keys for a moment before his thoughts poured out onto the page.
"You didn't care that I was broken glass that could shred you open,
And you didn't curse my name when you had every right to.
Instead, you picked up the pieces and helped slowly put it back together.
I carried a life time of war,
And when you opened your arms for me,
I finally came home from a once neverending battlefield."
Maybe it was corny. No, okay, it was the sappiest thing he'd ever written and he wasn't sure how he even managed it. But, he read it, over and over again, mouthing it along before he sat back once more.
Maybe it should be corny.
He closed the laptop, giving a nod to himself. He could edit it later. But, for now, it would do.
The best poems came from the heart, after all.
And she was his.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Ok prompt idea (I know you don't write fics sorry but I had to put this out there and your ask box is comfort place)
It's from Lily's pov she's in heaven or wherever but her and James can look down at Harry and see his life, in 5th year Sirius joins them and then eventually Remus, they all ship Harry with someone different, only Lily ships him with Draco and the rest think she's crazy cause they've seen how bad Harry and draco get along, then when golden trio is at malfoy manor and Draco refuses to ID Harry she looks at them like "see what I've been saying?" When the war is over Drarry finally gets together and Lily gloats to the others for the rest of forever
It gets funnier when you think about the Jily/Drarry parallels and the fact that Lily did fall for her asshole after he got his shit together. James was the asshole himself, it’s less fun to be compared to a complete terror of a kid!
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What are some of your character's favorite genres of books/shows/movies? What's a trope they love? What's a trope they HATE?
This is such an inch resting prompt I had to give it a bit of thought lol
The very first thing that came to mind is that Ever would really love the kind of stories that are like, character studies of just the worst more irredeemable people you could imagine. He likes narratives where terrible people get away with terrible things and he knows usually they're meant to be some kind of Biting Social Commentary and you're not supposed to root for the protagonists, but, well, where's the fun in that? He prefers the fictional stories though, they tend to be a little more sensational and over-the-top, and sensationalized documentaries of actual terrible people just feel really tasteless.
Shiloh is basically the equivalent of a cybersecurity expert whose favorite movie is Hackers. In the PW universe there's a genre of entertainment that's just really hyped up and fantastical ideas about what it's actually like living in the underground, geared toward making normies think it seems exciting but also scary and dangerous. Shiloh loves that shit especially when it focuses on tech and hacking because it's extremely funny to see how much they get wrong, and sometimes even funnier when they manage to get something right entirely by accident. Biggest pet peeve for them is when everyone in the story is inexplicably white and straight, mainly because they're the token white friend in a group of queer poc.
Maksim isn't a big fan of fiction in general because he has a hard enough time forming attachments to real people, how is he supposed to find the energy to care about people who don't even exist? 🙄 He likes documentaries/biographies/etc., although I feel like in the same vein as Shiloh there's a weird sort of almost mean-spirited entertainment in watching/reading supposedly informational media that's just wildly wrong about things he's personally familiar with. He'd have a lot of fun watching a documentary and pausing it to explain every time they say something comically inaccurate or cover something in a really conspicuously biased way, even if the person watching it with him would not enjoy this.
I don't know what makes me think this but I feel like Gayanne would like musicals! Something about the combined arts of acting, musical performance, and choreography would be really intriguing to her, and I think she'd enjoy examining them through the lens of the familiar structures and patterns that make them feel like a cohesive genre even when the central themes and stories themselves can be so wildly different. She especially likes "odd couple" sorts of stories, obviously Wicked doesn't exist in the GW2 universe but if it did it would be her favorite. She can't stand stories that are predicated on a single misunderstanding that could easily be resolved with a single honest conversation :/
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starlostastronaut · 10 months
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PAIRING: seo changbin x reader
GENRE: fluff, crack
WC: 0.68k
CW: teri trying to be funny again
PROMPT: stealing his clothes
i think this is the shortest one yet, but i literally had zero ideas. also i wrote it with reader being the same as in the last oneshot, because it seemed funnier that way. like at some point they started dating and this is how it looks like lol. anyway i hope you enjoy <3
title from i ain't worried - one republic
general masterlist here
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"Yah, have you seen my gym hoodie?” Changbin's voice rang through the rooms as he shouted from your bedroom. You were all the way across the apartment in the kitchen, busy with making coffee. “No!” you yelled back and placed one of the cups you made on the counter. You knew Changbin would appreciate it when he came by the kitchen to get some kind of breakfast before going to the gym. 
You headed to the living room with the other cup in your hands, enjoying the warmth emanating from it. It was an early winter morning, which meant that the apartment was still a bit cold and it would take some time to heat up. But Changbin wanted to go to the gym early, and despite his best efforts, he still woke you up. Upon having decided it's not worth going to sleep for the extra hour before you have to get ready for work, you got up and began helping him get ready for the gym. That meant only making the coffee, because Changbin was a big boy who could get ready on his own.
Carefully, as to not spill even a drop of your precious coffee, you sat down on the couch and tucked your legs underneath you. While warming your hands on the cup of coffee and also waiting for it to be a drinkable temperature, you watched the chaos of Changbin getting ready with a smirk on your face.
There was an open bag on the floor with about half of his gym stuff in it, and the rest was scattered everywhere in the line of sight. Changbin suddenly emerged from the bathroom, dressed in matching black sweatpants and a tank top. As he walked past you, your eyes followed him. You were never one to pass up an opportunity to ogle at his arms, not feeling even a slight bit of shame. 
Just as he was about to disappear into another room, Changbin abruptly stopped, walked a few steps back, and looked at you. He raised his eyebrow, and his eyes went over your whole figure, which was drowning in a dark blue hoodie. You gave him your best innocent smile. “What? It's warm and comfortable,” you shrugged and took a sip of your coffee. 
Changbin sighed. “But I need it for the gym,” he said, standing in front of you with his hands crossed over his chest. He tried giving you the “I'm the boss here” look, but all it did was make you laugh so much that you almost spilled the coffee all over yourself.
“I'm sorry, Binnie, but I can't take you seriously when you look like that,” you said in between giggles. You saw the intention behind his attitude; nonetheless, he looked more like an angry Pomeranian puppy. Just so adorable. You laughing only made him angrier, but you could see he was fighting for his life to keep the facade up a little longer. He once told you that your laugh makes him laugh too. And you would never miss a chance to make him laugh. And if the bonus was also making fun of him... It was all out of love, of course. He teased you just as much.
“Seems like you'll need to take a different one.” You said it as if it were already decided.
“Or you could get up and wear something else,” Changbin countered. "Preferably from your own closet."
You winked at him. “Don't pretend you don't love seeing me in your clothes, Binnie.”
Knowing he had lost this argument, he went back to the bedroom. When he came back, he was holding another one of his hoodies, this one in a light shade of grey. Immediately realizing what his idea was, you put your coffee aside and raised both of your arms. Changbin sighed, but helped you take off his gym hoodie and replace it with the one he brought. You could swear you heard him mutter something along the lines of “Seriously? You big baby.” but you decided to let it slide this time.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings @darkypooo
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Tv Princess
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Gabriel x reader, Platonic Dean x reader, Platonic Sam x reader
Prompt- “Give me five minutes to get over myself.”
Warnings- Forced (Fake) Marriage, Forced Kiss(?), Reality Warping
Idk man if you find something for me to warn for let me know, I’m really bad at warnings.
TV show after TV show. Sam, Dean, and I “acted” out the scenes. It was Sam’s idea to play along but at this point I was getting tired.
Dean delivers another cheesy line, and the world shifts, or rather glitches, around us. This time it seemed a bit too different. Where is Sam and Dean?
I walked a bit through the room. I noticed my shirt and pants are now a dress. My outfit fits the room's aesthetic. Or perhaps, maybe it’s more of the era?
Red and gold accents around a room that’s lit only by the many windows. It looks like one of those crappy dramas based around old day royalty.
I see a mirror and decide that if I am going to be here alone I might as well make sure I still look good. Ribbons in now tangled hair and white fabric create a perfect dress. Though, I thought white wasn’t a common color. That is when it hit me.
I’m in a wedding dress.
A knock on the door pulls me from staring at myself. I look over to see a girl dressed a lot like a maid.
“Princess, it’s time.”
My heart stops for just a second. This lady really just called me princess. Dear God, help me…
“Yes. Yes, of course. Just give me five minutes to get over myself.”
The girl stepped into the room more. She looked terrified. I felt kinda bad for her. “Princess, I know it isn’t my place, but I know you are scared of your marriage, but we don’t have time... It’s a bad idea to keep the Prince waiting.” 
This is going to happen anyways right? If I play along and get it over with it’ll be over. “You know what, you are absolutely right... Let’s go.”
She nodded enthusiastically and we made our way out of the room. We were greeted in front of two large doors by a man in an old timely suit. He didn’t make eye contact or say anything, he just held out his arm for me.
After taking his arm the guards opened the doors. I heard music starting to play as I stared down the aisle. The man all the way at the end of the way was none other than the damned trickster who did this to us. I hid my anger with a deep breath. I observed the room and people in it as we made our way to him. 
When we finally made it to the end the man who greeted me gave the trickster my hand and we all moved to a more appropriate spot. The trickster sends a smile to me. I just glare back.
He leans towards me. His smile is now leaning towards a smirk.
“You know it really is best to play along.”
I really want to punch him in the nose at this point. This better end soon. It was funnier when Sam and Dean were being hit in the “family jewels”.
~~Time Skip~~
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Please don’t make me do this. Please don’t make me do this. Please don’t make me actually do this!
The trickster grabbed my hand and pulled me in. Our lips met and I wanted to die. It was different. I imagined it to feel gross or weird, but it was soft and sweet. I could feel him smile into the kiss. This is. This. It. made me feel sick. I liked it and hated it at the same time.
He finally pulled away. I had no idea what to do or say next.
“You alright, Princess? We gotta a whole ball to attend after this…” He trailed off, then wiggled his eyebrows like a weirdo. “I mean, unless you wanna go straight to the honeymoon?”
I gave a tight smile, biting my lip. “Sorry prince charming, but I don’t roll like that. Thanks for the disturbing offer.”
He laughed… Did he actually find that funny? The trickster took my hand and led me down the aisle and to a much bigger clearing.
“Then perhaps we should just dance.” It was hard to ignore the actual charm he had. I let out a small sigh as he pulled me into a waltz.
You know. Now that I think about it…“What’s your name?”
He stopped for a second. He seemed genuinely confused, before he covered it with a chuckle. 
“I’d rather not give information to someone who wants me dead.” He said smiling with a playful tone and stare.
I retorted quickly, “I’d love to say you telling me your name would help us knock you on your ass, but it won’t… Honestly, I’m just tired of calling you “he” and “the trickster” in my head.”
I looked up into his eyes for the first time since he pulled me in. His eyes showed adoration and enjoyment. Why does he look like that? I must look so stupid staring up all wide eyed. Among that he’s using us like a puppeteer, of course he’s entertained… But, why does he look so loving?
The trickster pulled me in a bit tighter. He looked a little concerned as he did, but he leaned into me like he was using me for comfort.
“Gabriel… You can call me Gabriel.”
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