#I had a different funnier idea for this prompt
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goddessofroyalty · 3 months ago
Hey! I binge read all of your Work/Life Balance fic last night and loved it. The way you kept them in character was amazing. For Viktor, I could hear his lines in my head in his voice.
I saw you were still low-key taking prompts for it. An idea came to mind about Viktor's own reaction to finding out he was pregnant? Especially to be about 3 months when he found out?(If I mathed correctly lol) I know you alluded to his whole "testing multiple pregnancy tests" but I think it would be interesting to see his full reaction, coming to terms with it, and potentially his failed attempts to tell Jayce because it wasn't the perfect time?
Prompt Idea: Viktor's reaction to actually finding out he is pregnant and the failed attempts to tell Jayce that you mentioned in Work/Life Balance? Idk, just kinda think it would be cute
Glad you enjoyed the fic! I think I got all the parts of these two prompts.
In the version of the final scene in my head before I wrote it Jayce actually kept going out and getting a new pregnancy test after the previous ones positive. I feel like what I’ve gone with is possibly funnier (and a lot less repetitive to write/read).
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg, thoughts/concerns about miscarriage
The nurse hands Viktor a pregnancy test with the same amount of enthusiasm as she had the paperwork.
It is the correct amount of enthusiasm given the circumstances.
Nobody actually thinks he is pregnant. The doctors having years ago had the conversation with him about how, with his health, he would very likely be unable to conceive. They had been so gentle with their words and moved the tissue box closer with them despite how little it had actually bothered him. Relationships and children barely worth a thought compared to his work.
Policy dictates that, as he is being sexually active, they must check to be sure before doing any scans that may harm a fetus if he was carrying one.
He’d just lie about it if it wasn’t for how Jayce’s habit of scenting him every opportunity he can means half the time the box is already ticked before he’s even handed the form.
So Viktor takes the cup and the paper-wrapped stick to the bathroom and waits the ten minutes it takes for the little negative sign to appear so the nurse can tick the box on the form that says, yes, they checked, and Viktor can return to his notepad while he waits his turn. His plans for what work he should be able to get done after his appointment is finished well-formed when the results finally show up.
Viktor grabs the piece of plastic and only pauses to look at the thing because it doesn’t seem to be the familiar negative he knows.
Probably just a different brand than they usually get.
He digs the instructions out of the bin just to be sure.
After unfolding and refolding the leaflet so just the bit with what the results mean is on the front he holds the instructions in one hand and test in the other. Comparing the results against which means what.
The two lines in that exact position apparently mean he’s pregnant.
When they had first started making him take them Viktor had looked up the reliability of them hoping for some argument that they were a waste of everyone’s time. It hadn’t succeeded at his goal at the time but had left him with the knowledge that false positives were basically impossible.
He is, apparently, pregnant.
He returns to the front desk in the reception on autopilot. Standing before the bored-looking receptionist who expects him to tell her that the test was negative as expected and that she can finish checking him in for the scan.
Because he shouldn’t be pregnant.
He can’t be pregnant.
Yes, perhaps, maybe he and Jayce were not as diligent with protection as they could be. Sometimes they got caught up in their excitement of their latest breakthrough and getting the condoms the last thing on their minds. But nothing should have come from it because Viktor’s body had never been healthy enough to even give him a consistent heat schedule.
“I will have to cancel my appointment today,” Viktor says. Only realizing he had brought the test with him when he clenches the hand not holding his cane and feels the plastic dig into his skin.
The receptionist opens her mouth to no doubt ask why he would need to cancel when he’s already there for it. A flash of surprise crosses her face as she no-doubt remembers what she had had him do and the obvious conclusion of the two pieces of information she has before returning to professional friendliness.
“Of course. Let us know if you need to rebook.”
She doesn’t say congratulations or any of the other things you are apparently meant to when somebody informs you they are pregnant, which is good, because Viktor doesn’t know how would respond.
“Yes, of course,” he says with a sharp nod. “Thank you.”
The smile she gives is devoid of any excitement or judgement. The smile of a professional who has been taught that something like this can mean something very different to different patients.
Viktor shuffles out of the clinic, ignoring the bored stares of the others in the waiting room until he is out on the street. The pregnancy test still in hand.
He tosses it into the first bin he finds of course. It is very unhygienic to carry around something that has had his urine on it. Keeping it with him won’t change the situation. If he needs evidence when he tells Jayce he can always take another one.
How is he ever going to tell Jayce?
No he needs to be realistic. False positives are impossible but it may be a case that an embryo was created and implanted before his body rejected it. A reminder that they should stop being lax about the condoms. There no point mentioning it to Jayce if that is the case.
No, first Viktor should book an appointment to test again under doctor’s supervision. By then if it was just a momentary thing the hormones will have cleared from his system and he can forget all about it.
There is no need to get Jayce involved yet.
“When was your last heat?” the doctor asks after Viktor returns from peeing on another stick that does not return the expected negative despite it having been long enough since the scan appointment that had it been an immediate miscarriage any residual hormones should have left his system.
“A year ago.” His heats had never been regular so skipping three was hardly a cause for suspicion or concern.
The doctor’s brow furrows because a lack of an obvious heat makes it harder to figure out any kind of timeline of conception.
“Have you experienced any bleeding?”
“No.” Not that it really proved anything from the reading Viktor had done after the initial positive result. If his body had rejected the pregnancy early enough it is easy for even omegas to miss the resulting passing.
“Has there been a single incident of your contraception methods failing?” the doctor asks. “For example, did the condom break during-“
“Eh-“ Viktor grimaces because there wasn’t really a single incident of a condom breaking but rather a common enough occurrence of them forgoing using one entirely.
“Right,” the doctor says, thankfully saving Viktor from having to say it. “In that case I think it is best to arrange an ultrasound to confirm if there is any evidence of pregnancy, and, if there is, how far along.”
Viktor nods as he tries to figure out where to fit another appointment in with the new project. It would be far easier if Jayce was around more instead of being dragged around by councilors and investors in wherever their whims take them.
“I also wouldn’t suggest informing anyone about this,” the doctor continues. “You may be very early into a pregnancy, and, with your other health concerns-“
There is a good chance he still may miscarry. No reason to bring it up with Jayce until they are more certain.
“Of course.”
“Have you told your alpha yet?” the ultrasound technician asks as she smears gel over Viktor’s exposed stomach.
“No.” there is no point considering it would likely end in miscarriage.
“Well that’s hardly fair to keep all the excitement to yourself,” the technician says as she reaches over for the ultrasound, moving it around his stomach clearly searching for his uterus.
“It is still early. I will tell him once it is far enough along to not be likely to miscarry.”
“You shouldn’t think like that!” the technician says, glancing at him quickly before returning her attention to the screen.
“I am just being realistic.” A pregnancy does not necessarily mean you will end up with a baby. Especially not if one’s health is like Viktor’s.
“So you are just going to keep it to yourself until you’re 3 months along?” the technician asks, her movements less broad. Likely trying to find any evidence of a very early pregnancy.
“Yes.” Things are easier that way.
“In that case you’re gonna’ want to figure out how to tell him,” she says before spinning around the screen so he can see his uterus and the baby-shaped blog within in. “Because three months is about where’d I put you. Congratulations.”
Viktor likely wouldn’t have believed her if he couldn’t see it with his own eyes. Which is probably why she showed him the screen. But, sure enough, there it was. Not a full baby but also not a bundle of cells of a new implantation.
“I haven’t had any symptoms.” Nothing that made him think anything had changed other than his sickness.
“Some people get lucky like that,” the technician says with a shrug. She presses a button on the screen that causes it to pause on the images while she removes the ultrasound from his stomach and offers him a tissue to wipe the gel off. Her hand suddenly resting on his knee. “I’ll arrange for a printout for you at the front desk. Maybe that’ll help you with telling your alpha yeah?”
“Thank you.” He doesn’t know if a print out of an ultrasound will actually help him tell Jayce but he supposes it is better to have it and not need it than not have it.
Viktor stands in front of the mirror in just his boxers staring at the reflection of his still completely flat stomach. His hands running along it feeling for any sign of a swell that could be the baby that was apparently in there and finding nothing.
It always takes longer for omega men to show, the ultrasound technician had said with a laugh like he was stupid for asking how he could possibly be 3 months along without a single outward sign. Your hips hold everything a bit further back. I wouldn’t worry through. Give it a couple weeks and you’ll have a bump for you and your alpha to fall in love with.
It still doesn’t feel real though. Not even with the print out of the scan that shows the very real fetus apparently resting in his uterus.
The door swings open but Jayce immediately turns around when he notices Viktor’s state of undress.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realis you were changing,” Jayce says despite the fact they have both seen each other completely naked. The fact that they had managed to make a baby together, even if Jayce doesn’t know that piece of information yet.
“It is fine,” Viktor says, grabbing his shirt and quickly buttoning it up on himself. It’s ridiculous, if Viktor can’t see any evidence of pregnancy there is no way Jayce will. But the idea of Jayce finding out before Viktor has the chance when it is clear Viktor should know is unpleasant.
Viktor grabs his cane from where he had hung it over the edge of the desk. Shoving the scan printout under some notes as he does.
“You can look now,” Viktor says because Jayce clearly isn’t going to unless he’s told he can.
Jayce turns around immediately. Beaming at Viktor in his fond way.
“Does this mean you’ll be joining the dinner tonight?”
“What? No! I was just-“ trying to see if he could see their baby. Which, if he were to tell Jayce now, would not see the alpha attending the dinner either. And while Viktor does not actually care about stealing Piltover’s Golden Boy from his adoring fans, Jayce’s growing social requirements are an necessary evil for their progress. ���It does not matter. I will not be attending.”
“Come on Vik, please, for me,” Jayce says, coming over to wrap his arms around Viktor. He easily slots his head onto Viktor’s shoulder, the pout on his face reflected back on them in the mirror. “You can’t force me to go to another one alone.”
“I think you will find I can,” Viktor says, but leans into the warmth of Jayce’s body. “Anyway, they do not want me there.”
“I want you there.” Jayce’s grip tightens as he nuzzles against Viktor’s neck more like a young pup than the proud alpha he is. “Please Viktor.”
“I-“ could cause a scandal if he really wanted to. Drop the news halfway through the party when the gaggle of over-interested omegas swarm Jayce in the hopes of winning his attention. Have all of Piltover talking by morning. “-have work to do.”
It is hard for Jayce to argue with that. Their work as important to him as it is Viktor.
“It’s unfair you know,” Jayce says as he draws away, fixing his coast in the mirror. He looks every bit the charismatic leader Piltover imagines him to be. “That you get to stay in our lab working while I have to keep listening to the same conversation about the weather all night.”
“That is the price you pay for being the face of progress.”
“Not funny Vik,” Jayce says, but leans down for a quick kiss all the same. “I’ll try and sneak out and join you after the first round of being introduced to everyone.”
“Do not do anything that would have Councilor Kirramman unhappy with you.”
“Don’t worry – I’ll get Cait to cover for me,” Jayce promises before slipping out to head to the event.
Strong arms wrap around Viktor as he stands in front of the blackboard in their lab. Jayce’s head coming to rest against the top of his as the warmth of the alpha’s body seeps through the back of Viktor’s clothes.
“I missed you,” Jayce mumbles against Viktor’s hair. Nuzzling into it was if it is at all an effective way to pick up someone’s scent so far away from any of the actual scent-glands. “You smell good.”
Viktor tenses at that. Of course the pregnancy would be starting to affect his scent, making him even more appealing to his alpha in a biological attempt to keep their support there for the pregnancy and hopefully beyond. If he was as far along as he apparently was it’s surprising it hadn’t started to change already. And Jayce is not stupid. He will likely realize what could be causing it.
It might work in Viktor’s favor though. Let Jayce figure it out and claim ignorance.
All he has to do is act surprised. He can do that.
“Sorry,” Jayce says, drawing away. “I didn’t mean to break your focus.”
He didn’t think anything of the change in scent then.
“It is fine.” Nothing ground breaking had been happening. “Are you finished for the day?”
Viktor could just tell him about the pregnancy. It is not as if there is anything he cannot pause for the afternoon.
“I wish,” Jayce says with a whine. “I have another meeting in an hour. I just wanted to come check on- ah- our work!”
There will be no telling him today than.
“In that case there is something I wanted your opinion on,” Viktor says because he will take what he can get of Jayce’s mind before he has to hand him back to Piltover’s elites.
“Jayce do you have a minute?” Viktor asks on what is becoming a rare afternoon where Jayce can just stay in the lab without having to run off to some social engagement or investors meeting. Nothing that he need not be distracted for.
“Yeah, of course,” Jayce says, dropping what he is working on to come over. He leans over Viktor’s shoulders to examine what he is working on, expecting it to be about that. “What do you need?”
“What I need is to tell you something.” Viktor can feel how Jayce almost freezes at it. The alpha’s attention now fully on him.
Viktor wonders what Jayce thinks he’s going to tell him. Likely not that he is pregnant.
Before Viktor can find the words the door to the lab swings open and Mel hurries in with a hustle that is as close as Viktor thinks he’s ever seen her do to running.
“Oh good you’re here – I need you to talk to the new investor.”
“What? Why?” Jayce asks, craning his neck to look over to Mel but not moving from where he is leant over Viktor.
“He has concerns about the safety of the Hexgates and is threatening to pull funding as a result.”
“That is ridiculous. The Gates are perfectly safe!” Heimerdinger wouldn’t have let them go ahead if they weren’t.
“I know that! But he isn’t being convinced by me. I have him in a room and he’s agreed to discuss with you first, but, we do not have much time before he walks.”
“Go,” Viktor says before Jayce can think about refusing. “My news can wait.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” The pregnancy isn’t going anywhere but the investor apparently is.
“You deserve this more than I do,” Jayce says, holding out a drink to Viktor now they have both returned home from the investors meeting where they displayed their latest prototype. An identical glass in his other hand. “You did more of the work than I did.”
“You kept the investors happy.” Viktor would also rather Jayce in the lab with him but somebody has to be the face of their work and Jayce is far better suited for it than Viktor. “And, ah, none for me.”
Alcohol and pregnancy do not mix. Not that Jayce knows about that fact yet. The two barely getting to spend more than a moment together the last few weeks.
“You can take one night off to celebrate,” Jayce says still holding the glass out.
They do have the night off. The project finished and investors and council happy. Nothing that needs to be done that cannot wait until morning. Nothing he might be taking Jayce away from by telling him about the pregnancy.
“It is not that,” Viktor says, meeting Jayce’s eyes and the adorably puzzled expression. “I cannot drink at the moment on account of, eh, being pregnant.”
The surprise that overtakes Jayce’s face is exactly what Viktor expected all the times he thought about telling him.
“I am pregnant,” Viktor confirms.
“Really?” Jayce asks, glancing down at Viktor’s stomach which remains completely flat.
“Yes. The doctors are quite sure.” Viktor wouldn’t be telling Jayce if they weren’t.
“The doctors?” Jayce asks before realization crosses his face, because he does actually know of Viktor’s frequent medical appointments – partners and all. “Right. Of course just-“
Jayce puts the two glasses back on the counter and runs a hand through his hair and this is exactly why Viktor hadn’t told him right before he had another obligation. It would be cruel to send him into a council meeting in the level of shock he is in.
“I-“ Jayce starts, before swallowing and nodding, having made up his mind about something. “Wait here.”
“Wait- what?” Viktor asks as Jayce grabs his coat and heads to the door. “Jayce where are you going?”
“I just need to get something. Don’t go anyway!” Jayce says before racing out the door leaving Viktor alone in the apartment.
“Don’t go anyway. Why would I go anywhere?” Viktor asks to nobody but himself. Sighing before making his way over to the couch to sit and wait for Jayce to return. Setting his cane down beside him.
He is sure Jayce will return and not just because it is his apartment Viktor currently is in. Yes, he’s heard stories of Piltover alphas seeming head over heels for an omega in Zaun only to vanish as soon as a pregnancy is in the picture, but Jayce isn’t like that. Their work, at least, is far too important for him to abandon.
“Can you not inherit his recklessness?” Viktor asks his still flat stomach as he leans back on the cushions and waits.
The door swings open at Jayce’s hast when he returns. The alpha not wasting time taking his coat off, instead rushing to where Viktor is and all-but slamming a handful pregnancy tests on the coffee-table.
“I know you said the doctors are sure,” Jayce rambles before Viktor gets the chance to say anything. “But please, for me?”
It makes sense with Jayce being who he is that he would want tangible proof of his own. And, really, it is not that arduous for Viktor to indulge him this.
“Can I have some water first?” Five tests will require a rather high amount of urine from him after all.
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mxrmaid-poet · 6 months ago
bot drop: september 7, 2024
i did quite a few bots. also happy first month out of summer. it’s already starting to get cold! I had fun with everyone’s requests.
requests ~
nokto and rio
i rlly ate up this edited pic, yeah?
they r at the festival together in benitoite as a poly couple.
user (a part of my jude and assistant user chronicles) turns into a cat. this was such a funny prompt I started brainstorming early lmaooo and nothing is funnier than my example messages:
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thank you, for this
harr silver
he and user r talking abt their world differences. land of reason vs wonderland! it’s a cute established relationship. and harr gets to learn abt what a phone is
william shakey
user has a cold and will is helping them thru it. he actually speaks w old english so AHHHHH IM PROUD
vyn richter
he’s seeing his daughter off for her first day of kindergarten, and he’s more sad about it then she is lol.
jin grandet
modern AU! they r at an amusement park together and r exploring a haunted house attraction.
my first jin bot but not my last hehehe this was fun!
chevalier michel
SUCH A GREAT IDEA! chev ends up having to end things with Belle, now he’s together with user and he’s beginning to see so much of Belle in her; he’s starting to fall in love but feels guilty about it
my own ~
jude jazza - that’s right, more assistant user chronicles. now, user turned into a child.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 month ago
The soulmate mark prompt sounds so cute so could you do that for Bokuto?
Of course I can! I definitely agree that it’s a very cute prompt and an interesting one, so I was more than happy to write this request. Thanks for sending it in and I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve come up with!
If the character lived in a world where soulmates exist, describe what their marks would look like on their other half!
This was a fun one to think about but it was also a hard one for me to think about. Bokuto is wonderful, fun, and adorable and there’s just so very many different types of soulmate AU’s that I could see him working in. I couldn’t narrow it down to just one to focus on! So, while this will be shortish, have a bunch of different soulmate AU ideas for him 😊
Okay, but the first one I thought of was, of course, what the prompt specified, which is what kind of mark would symbolize Bokuto on his partner’s body. I feel like Bokuto’s marks on his partner are pretty sizeable. His soulmate might even feel a little embarrassed about them because they are large in comparison to a lot of other people’s or they’re a lot bolder.
In the case where Bokuto’s soulmate’s mark is something symbolizing him, the first idea in my mind was an owl. However, it’s not an obvious owl, rather just a part of one. I can see it looking something like the below. However, instead of the eyes being those colours, one of the owl’s eyes is the colour of Bokuto’s eyes and the other is the colour of his soulmate’s eyes. It’s large, covering either the length of his partner’s forearm and being pretty wide or it’s running lengthwise along the outside of their thigh, very clear and visible for all to see.
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Now, in the case where it’s something simpler, like each soulmate has their partner’s initials tattooed on them from birth, I still see Bokuto’s initials being big and bold. They’re on his partner’s wrist or located just below their collarbone and the writing style is big and bold, with obvious dark lines. I like to think it would look something like this, where it’s a very bold design but also something romantic, with the B resembling a heart, since I also see Bokuto as being a romantic in a sense.
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A really fun one for me to think about was what it would be like if Bokuto’s soulmate had the first thing he said to them tattooed on them. They’ve spent all their life wondering why, unlike others, their words were in all caps. They kind of fear what kind of person their soulmate must be for that to happen. It clicks in their head though, when they finally meet Bokuto, who can be very loud but is completely harmless.
I love the idea that the first words are something very conventional, like ‘WATCH OUT.’ It’s something his soulmate has heard a million times before but they’ve never felt that click that tells them the person saying it is their soulmate. That’s until they finally meet Bokuto, who yells the words at them as a stray volleyball heads their way. He’s quick, his reflexes amazing as he gets in front of the volleyball before it hits his soulmate. His soulmate is cringing, their arm raised, ready for the impact of the volleyball that never comes. They open their eyes, looking up at Bokuto who is loudly asking them if they’re alright, right up in their personal space, looking worried, apologizing and there it is, that click.
In a funnier idea, the words are just something slightly obnoxious and braggy and his soulmate is just done with him before they even meet him. Why would they ever fall for someone like that, they think? Until they actually meet Bokuto. He’s bragging, yes. He’s loud, yes. But his laughter is infectious, his confidence and charisma magnetic, and oops, maybe they don’t hate that soulmate tattoo that much.
In an AU where a touch from your soulmate leaves an imprint there, I love the idea of, again, Bokuto kind of saving his soulmate as a first meeting. His soulmate is in a hurry and they’re running somewhere. They’ve just passed by Bokuto and they barely even notice him. Their attention is somewhere else, for one, and they really don’t have any reason to pay any more attention to him than they would any other random person. Why would they? But then his soulmate trips and they’re going to wipe out and wipe out bad. There’s no way around it. They can’t stop themselves in time, no matter how hard they’re trying to. Then, all of a sudden, they feel someone grab onto their wrist. The person’s right in front of them all of a sudden and instead of feeling the impact of them hitting the ground, they’re hitting a solid feeling chest. ‘Hey there! You okay? You gotta be careful – the sidewalk here is awfully cracked and can be dangerous.’ They’re looking at their wrist, where the person’s hand still is, and when the hand leaves their wrist, there’s a distinct splotch there, bright yellow in colour, leaving the imprint of a hand. Their eyes widen, before turning upwards to look at Bokuto’s face, but he’s too busy also staring at their wrist, his eyes wide and his mouth a little agape before he just breathes out ‘that’s so cool.’
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navnae · 2 years ago
(A little prompt idea and I got some help from @sarahmadisonxoxo ! Also I’ll write the other prompts when I have time!)
It was only a matter of time before the party decided that they were going to go on a Disneyland trip, it just made sense that eventually they’d do a huge group trip like this and it’s safe to say that they were all excited. The adults, the older teens, and the younger teens came together for this trip. Saving up everything they had to make it possible and a fun experience. All of them drove in separate cars to get everyone in one pace at the same time and once they did that’s when the shenanigans began. The adults parted ways and went ahead to get some drinks for themselves leaving majority of the kids together. Jonathan, Nancy and Argyle were walking around with Mike, Will, and Lucas exploring the different rides that seemed like the craziest ones. Robin and Vickie took Eleven and Max to the nearest store to do some shopping. They looked at all the cute Disney headbands and figurines that were just too adorable to not buy. Robin bought some Mickey ears for the girls, herself, and Vickie. She smirked to herself when she saw a pair of ears that had a rainbow on it and she thought they would fit Steve perfectly, she also thought it would be funnier to give them to him without telling him what they meant.
After their shopping trip they met up with group in passing. They bumped into Steve and Dustin who were jumping all over the place with excitement. So far they’ve been getting on several rides, eating loads of snacks, and running around like little kids. The girls laughed at how all over the place they were, their sugar rushes being more apparent as the day went on.
“You two look like idiots.” Max joked. The girls laughed at the goofy grins on their faces as they rolled their eyes.
“Sadly that’s not a new discovery.” Robin sighed as she put her hand in her hip. She figured since Steve was older he would at least consider acting like an adult once just for today.
“You’re just jealous because we finished ten churros in one sitting!” Dustin bragged he turned to Steve and gave him a high five. The girls weren’t impressed in the slightest but they couldn’t help but smile at the silliness in front of them.
“You really ate ten churros?” Eleven asked still skeptical of the amount that Dustin had told them. Both of them nodded their head.
“Ten.” Steve repeated with a wide smile feeling proud. All of them laughed in unison at the situation. As crazy as it sounded all of them knew that this wasn’t too far fetched for the crazy duo to do.
“I mean that sounds fun but don’t you think that’s a little pricey.” Vickie questioned while directing it mostly towards Steve. He only shrugged in response.
“Nothing is pricey when you’re having fun.” Steve said happily and patted Dustin’s shoulder. The girls smiled at the cute moment between them. It was truly amazing to see their friendship going strong after so many years. Robin took a quick look at her watch and it was getting close to the time that they all agreed on to meet back at the car.
“Alright, it’s getting close to the time that we promised Hopper to meet back up. We’re going to wander a little bit more before then, make sure to be back on time.” Robin warned Steve as she longed her finger at him.
“Sure thing.” Steve nodded his head and both parties parted ways. Before they could get far Robin grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. Steve looked at her with confusion.
“I almost forgot,” She took the Mickey ears she bought before and put them on Steve’s head. The rainbow bow sparkled in the sunlight because of the glitter, as silly as Steve looked with them on no one could deny how cute he looked in them especially with his confused expression. Robin laughed when she took a step back to look at Steve’s new look. “Sweet, they suit you.” She teased before walking away.
“That was weird.” Steve mumbled to himself, he never really understood anything Robin did but that worked because she could say the same for him. Despite being confused he kept the ears on, hey he might as well embrace them.
Him and Dustin continued to explore the park a little more before it was time for them to leave. After a few minutes of just walking around and nothing was really jumping out to them. Dustin’s eyes widen when he saw a short line for a roller coaster ride, with a wide grin he turned to Steve and pointed at the ride.
“Let’s get on that one!” Dustin yelled before he started running toward the ride. Steve didn’t expect to blink and see Dustin already ahead of him. He shook his head then took off running right after him.
Dustin was running so fast that he couldn’t even hear Steve calling out for him to slow down. In a flash Dustin was colliding with another person making both of them hit the ground hard. Steve witnessed the entire thing and his face started to heat up from embarrassment. Once he made it to both of them he took in the entire sight, laying beside Dustin was a guy in a Captain Hook costume and his curly hair was sprawled hot while he laid on the ground groaning. Steve felt obligated to reach his hand out and help him up since he already made the guy’s day a mess. As he reached his hand out Dustin reached for it at the same time, with a quick swat Steve moved his hand away.
“Not for you I told you to slow down. I’m so sorry about that.” Steve said when he turned his attention towards the man. He hesitated at first as he looked at Steve then his hand before taking it and lifting himself up. He stood up to dust his clothes off, the look of embarrassment and anger was in his as he looked around to see if anybody saw. Confirming that no one did he looked directly at Dustin and Steve with an intense gaze.
“There’s no running allowed around the park. Someone can get seriously hurt like that and I advise you to take note of that rule.” The man was direct and focused mostly on Steve when he said it.
“It won’t happen again I promise.” Steve said softly. He slapped Dustin’s shoulder hard earning an “ow” from him and that made the man laugh slightly. “Are you sure you’re ok? You don’t need to see anyone right?”
“Ah don’t worry about it man, I’ve had my fair share of bruises so that was nothing really.” He playfully dusted off his shoulder as if to say he was perfectly untouched. Both of them laughed at the joke while Dustin stood there awkwardly wanting this to end before the line started to get long.
“Still I’m genuinely sorry… Eddie?” Steve said unsure as he read Eddie’s name tag. Eddie chuckled then nodded his head.
“Like I said before I told you you’re good man stop stressing over it. It’s just another day on the job for me.” Eddie reassured Steve with a smile. Both of them blushed as they stood in silence looking at each other and trying to avoid eye contact. Eddie was the one to speak up again after a few seconds. “Nice ears.”
“Oh! Well thanks. My friend put these on me and I think I look kind of dumb with them.” Steve touched the Mickey ears on his head almost forgetting that they were there. Eddie immediately noticed the rainbow on them and felt a little bit bold, those were the pride ears that they were starting to sell. He genuinely liked them and so many people were able to express themselves at the park. Which lead Eddie to believe that Steve was doing the same thing, Eddie took a chance once he saw it presented to him.
“You don’t look dumb with them on in the slightest if anything they add to your cuteness in my opinion.” Eddie said casually. Steve’s face turned into a darker shade of red at the unexpected compliment from Eddie. Dustin rubbed his forehead as he listens to the entire thing.
“Think so? You don’t think they’ll scare anybody away.” Steve said jokingly. Eddie shook his head as he smiled.
“I’m still standing here aren’t I?” Eddie’s voice lowered a bit as he asked the question. Steve had to fight the urge to look away and blush like an idiot. The attention Eddie was giving was coming at him so fast that he didn’t know how to react.
“I’ve heard enough can we get on the ride now?” Dustin said annoyed with the both of them. That made Steve blush harder sone he realized Dustin heard everything. Eddie scratched the back of his neck feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Right. I should let you two be in your way, I’ll be right here all day if you guys need anything.” Eddie smiled at the both of them. He hated that he couldn’t give his phone number to Steve due to policy but he hoped Steve took the hint.
“Sure thing.” Steve smiled back before him and Dustin started to walk away. They got a few steps away from Eddie when the conversation about what just happened was brought up.
“God you two were gross back there.” Dustin fake gagged while holding his stomach. Steve raised a brow not understanding what he meant.
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked. He had no idea what Dustin was going on about.
“Come on Steve, it was obvious he was hitting on you.” Dustin explained. Steve blushed when he thought back on the previous conversation and it did seem like that was the case. He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts.
“I highly doubt that besides why would he?” Steve couldn’t grasp all of this at once because nothing was making sense. Dustin rolled his eye and eventually they were going to get stuck one day.
“You’re literally wearing the pride Mickey Mouse ears.” Dustin points at the ears on top of Steve’s head, the rainbow boy still sparkling from the sunlight shining on them. Steve’s fell open in shock.
“Robin!” Steve whisper yelled. Dustin started to laugh at Steve’s scrunched you face. They both made it to the ride and luckily the line wasn’t too long so they could easily slip onto the ride. Steve took a quick glance behind him and saw Eddie in the distance talking to a little boy and waving his plastic hook in the kids face making him laugh. The interaction made Steve smile immediately because it was the cutest thing. He got on the ride feeling giddy about talking to Eddie and he couldn’t deny that he was kind of interested even though he would yell at Robin later for it, he’d also thank her as well.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year ago
I had an idea that I think could be a cute fic! So basically the reader gets very nervous on airplanes but they randomly end up sitting next to Gunil and he distracts them by babbling about random things. Like a strangers to something vibe. PS: I absolutely adore your work and I always reread your fics when I have a bad day. I hope you have an absolutely amazing 2024❤️
This idea was cute! Thank you that means so much. I hope you don't have too many bad days 2024 💕
Goo Gunil
Summary: Flying always made you nervous, however the guy sitting next to you was pretty good at keeping you distracted. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Your nerves increased the closer it got to your flight time. You woke up anxious in the morning and it only got worse when you arrived at the airport. Leg bouncing up and down in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Your flight was called to board and heart rate picked up as you picked up your bags. Taking deep breaths as you walk. Reminding yourself that you’ve only been on safe flights in the past and this one wouldn’t be any different. 
Once you boarded the plane you made your way to your seat, wiping your palms on your knees as you sat down. You took a couple more deep breaths to help ground yourself. 
“Hi, excuse me. That’s my seat.” A somewhat buff looking guy giving you a kind smile pointed to the seat beside yours.
“Oh uh- you know what it’ll probably be easier if I just,” you murmured about standing up and stepping into the aisle. Then you gestured for him to walk to his seat without having to worry about awkwardly bumping legs. He gave you a small nod still wearing a smile and walked to his seat with you following right behind him. You took a glance over to the guy to find him already looking at you. 
“I’m Gunil,” he introduced himself. 
“I’m y/n,” you took your turn introducing yourself. 
“Nice to meet you,” he commented. 
“You too,” you returned. You leaned back in your seat, starting to feel your nerves setting in even more. 
Soon enough it was time for your plane to take off resulting in your nerves becoming the highest they have been all day. Hands shaking as you try to fasten your seat belt. Your shaking hands catch Gunil’s attention. 
“Are you ok?” he asked you. You look over at him, 
“Yeah, flying just makes me nervous.” you look back down at the buckle trying to click your seat belt together. 
“Here.” Gunil places his calm, warm hands over yours, taking the seat belt from your shaking hands and does it for you. 
“Thank you,” you tell him sheepishly trying to fight off the blush that’s creeping up your neck. 
“No problem. You know I used to attend Berklee,” Gunil shares. 
“Really? So you do music then?” you questioned. 
“I’m pretty good at playing the drums,” he pronounced and drummed his finger against the armrest of his seat. 
“That’s cool,” you said. 
“Do you have any musical talents?” he prompts. You shook your head. 
“I’m only good at listening to music,” you half laugh. 
“That’s still good. Musicians need people like you to support them,” he says. You hardly even noticed the plane beginning to lift off due to Gunil proving to be a solid distraction. “Do you have a favorite artist?” You told him your favorite artist and surprisingly Gunil was a fan of them too. Which leads to you two having an excited conversation about what songs are your favorite. The plane is now fully up in the air and the flight is going smoothly, yet Gunil keeps talking to you. He was definitely good at talking. Being able to seamlessly tell one story right after another and jump from topic to topic with ease. 
You couldn’t keep from laughing after Gunil told a joke, but the joke itself wasn’t really that funny. It was his laugh that made you laugh. You found out that Gunil is a person whose laugh is funnier than the joke. It worked to your benefit though since it kept your mind from being able to think about being miles high in the sky. That was until your plane hit a bit of turbulence causing your heart to drop and anxiety to fill your stomach. However Gunil’s hand easily slipped into your own. His thumb stroking the back of your hand soothingly. Your anxiety seemed to melt away with each stroke that you were focusing on more than whatever story he was telling you now. Even after you had calmed down Gunil’s hand stayed in yours and you were glad about it. Finding that you were quickly growing fond of the man you’ve known for about two hours now. Gunil seemed to be growing just as fond of you as he brushed some stray strands of hair from your face with his free hand. 
When your flight was landing Gunil squeezed your hand extra tight while telling you a funny story about his dog. The two of you exited the plane together and waited by the baggage claim.
“Thank you,” you thanked him. 
“It’s no problem. This was probably one of my favorite flights actually,” he states. 
“Mine too,” you smiled at him. You picked up your bag when you saw it come around. Gunil’s came around shortly after and he grabbed his too. “I guess this is it,” you voiced. 
“Could I get your number actually? I would like to get to know you more,” he asked. He sounds a bit awkward for the first time since he started talking to you. 
“Sure, I wanna get to know you more too,” you told him, taking out your phone. The two of you exchanged numbers. 
“Great, I’ll text you,��� he says. 
“I’ll be waiting,” you replied. With a wave goodbye the pair of you split. You had just settled your things into the car when your phone went off. 
“Didn’t want you to wait too long :)” it was a text from Gunil and it made your heart flutter.
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dndeceit · 2 months ago
Meta post for the fic Accidental Noodle Acquisition...
(and also some headcanons about the mindscape, but read that first or you might be confused)
This fic was originally based on a fic prompt from @monkeythefander, which I initially filled as a one-shot here.
While it was kind of a spur of the moment thing, it was actually pretty important. Because when I first saw the prompt, I'd been waffling about whether or not to join the Sleepy Bean Cafe event. The deadline for signup was coming up, and I was convinced with my usual pace of writing that it wouldn't be a good idea. I take a long time to write, usually, and I tend to wind up underestimating how much space the story in my head is going to take to get down. But I saw that prompt and I got an idea, and I wrote the one-shot very quickly and I kind of loved it. So it was basically the push I needed to decide to participate in the event, which was probably the best choice I made all year.
(And then all of my fills still wound up being way longer than I thought they'd be, and here I am, coming back to this idea with another 17k words months later, so...take that as you will. I don't regret it one bit, though.)
I worked on this fic alongside my fills for the event as warm-up writing, and it really helped me keep the momentum going.
I kind of ripped off the vampiric snake-baby from another fic I have notes for but haven't yet started writing. The idea of a non-mammalian species feeding their children on their blood was just interesting, and the idea of a baby snek with tiny blood-letting teefies was too cute an image not to use it here...
I also spent way too long trying to figure out how to put a diaper on a baby naga before deciding that not answering that question by instituting an in-universe hand-wave was infinitely funnier and more interesting in a setting where biology and physics are just a suggestion anyway.
I consider this fic to have a thematic link to two other fics of mine: The Wrong Office and Soft Little Lies. There's sort of a loose idea in my head of Janus being a keeper of sorts for misplaced or forgotten things within the mindscape, self-indulgently collecting stray thoughts and figments that bring him joy and hoarding them like dragon's gold. I've debated with myself whether they might even take place in the same universe. If I ever write a sequel to The Wrong Office or if some other idea strikes me, I may explore it further and make that connection final, but for now it's just a nebulous things.
I'm also revisiting The Wrong Office a bit with how the imagination works, and how figments work, and how they're different from sides. The ability that Roman and Remus have to conjure entities within the mindscape is really interesting to me.
I imagine Figment!Valerie is probably just a reflection of Thomas's concept of Real!Valerie, while Figment!Nico in WTIT was mostly spun out of Thomas's insecurities. The puppies Roman conjured for Patton were probably not based off of specific real world dogs or else they probably would have mentioned it (in-universe...in reality they obviously used someone's dogs), so...they're the idea of puppies. But they never got brought up again, so there's no reason to think they were any more persistent than f!Valerie. But the Slasher that Remus also conjures up in WTIT had a very specific appearance, and I imagine they're probably some vague boogeyman that Thomas has had manifest in his fears before. Maybe it was just Logan being unflappable, but his reaction to the Slasher made it seem like this wasn't anything he hadn't seen before.
The sides aren't real, but they aren't not real. Figments aren't as real as sides, but how real are they? Do they exist when they're not being thought of? Here, the answer is "unsually no".
But, like Emile in The Wrong Office, Jake now occupies a sort of middle ground due to the involvement of the sides (and specifically Janus's reign over suspension of disbelief) making them more real than they otherwise would have been.
And yes, I named them Jake after Janus's mini from the Among Us stream. What else was I going to call them? Jake the Snake was too funny.
Writing the phone call scene cracked me up enough to make this post while I was working on it. Because a. I wound up really overthinking it for a bit, b. I love Roman being harmlessly goofed on, and c. I just love Janus when he's being petty.
Do I have Janus forgive Remus too easily for his cock-up? Maybe. But it's my fic, and I hate it when those two don't get along. Janus is still Big Mad, but in the long run it's not going to ruin their friendship.
By the way, I did not imagine this fic was going to be as angsty as it wound up being when I continued writing it (though I'm not sure why, this is a common progression for me). And yet, at every turn, Virgil kept showing up to haunt the narrative surrounding Janus's desire to have something he could keep...
Clearly I have a lot of feelings about Janus, and about Virgil and Janus, and about having and hoarding and losing things.
(And I've had estrangements happen in my family that made me want to shake the people involved for their failure to talk to each other, so maybe there's a bit of that in there too...)
And, once again, my muse offered cookies in return for vague Moceit feels. They have their moment, but at least this time they settled down and stayed focused on the important stuff, because Baby Cute, and as much as I love their budding friendship as a concept, it's Not About Them.
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writingdevil · 5 months ago
Life [Hermittober24 Day Twenty Six]
(Prompt list created by @collierose1 )
"Grian!Up here!"
Grian followed the sound of his sister's voice, finding her perched on a tree,waving down at him.
He was next to her in a matter of seconds,flapping his wings playfully at her as he said,"Hey,Pearl. What'd you need me for?"
Pearl shrugged and looked ahead at the new season nine land."I didn't.I just wanted to chat."
Grian chuckled as he sat and said,"If you want to talk,then you don't need to send a message that makes it sound like you're dying."
"Yeah,but it's funnier that way."
Grian rolled his eyes and leaned back on his hands, gazing at the view in front of them.Even if the season had just started,there were already starter bases and farms popping up,the Hermits already settling down and working on their amazing ideas for the season.
"Are you excited for this season?"he asked his sister,and she hummed in response,then said, "Yeah,I have some cool ideas I want to try.What about you?Any plans for more giants holes to fall through?"Grian chuckled,shaking his head."No, besides,I think Scar has already had his fill of falling just from the first day here."
Pearl giggled at the memory of constant death messages on her communicator,and then the siblings fell into a comfortable silence.
Grian was enjoying the moment,but was wondering if this was all his sister wanted-a chance to catch up?Even though the season's only begun.
He turned to look at her,but froze at the bittersweet smile on her face."Are you okay,Pearl?"His sister sighed,then said,"Yeah,I am.I guess I'm just still in season eight mode.I woke up today thinking that we had a Boatem meeting,until I realised we weren't-Boatem anymore."
Pearl's face fell into a deep frown,and she lowered her head,her hair almost covering her face from Grian completely.He hated that.He hated seeing his sister upset.
He scooted closer to her,draping his wing over her shoulders as he softly said,"Hey,it's okay.Just because we're not in Boatem doesn't mean we can't all still have fun like we used to."
Pearl shrugged."It's just-weird,that we're all doing completely different stuff,when all I'm used to is being a part of Boatem."Because that was her first season,Grian realised.Pearl wasn't used to the change in seasons.
He tugged her closer with his wing."But that's the life of a Hermit,Pearl.We build.We create.We laugh. Then we do it all over again.Trust me,you'd get bored of us if you spent every single season just with us-I know I would."That got a chuckle out of Pearl,which made him smile.
"The whole point of Hermitcraft,is to be a part of a community of people that will support you and love you,and everything you create.Everyone wants to be a part of everyone's lives,and everyone has ideas for something fun and crazy,and that's what all the seasons up to now have been for.To keep giving people a chance to live the different ways that they want to,over and over again."
Pearl was staring at him now,and the air of melancholy had slowly left her.
"You'll still get to talk and mess around with the other Boatem boys,but you'll also get a chance to be something completely different,and isn't that exciting?"
"I guess it is,yeah."Pearl was smiling now,and it was growing brighter by the second.
"Yeah,and you know why?"
"Because you're a Hermit now,Pearl-and that's the life of a Hermit,to be as amazing and unpredictable as possible."Pearl chuckled at his speech and quickly brought him into a tight hug.
He leaned in closer so that he could whisper in her ear,"But if I'm being honest-Boatem was one of the special ones,and half because you were there."
He felt Pearl shove her face against his neck,and then he felt it become damp,and he hugged his sister tighter.
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thaliagrayce · 2 years ago
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thank you @tinybro for sending me a prompt!! hope it makes you smile :)
There’s another boy sitting on the bleachers today. He’s in the first row, heels balanced on the edge of the seat and arms wrapped around his knees, a little ball of black hair and brown jacket. He’s watching the girls on the team kind of sullenly, but he’s making no move to get up or leave.
Maybe he’s stuck here, too. It might be nice to have someone else his age at these things.
“Hey, Thalia!” One of the girls on the team waves them down as they get closer to the volleyball court. Jason doesn’t recognize her, which is kind of weird—he’s been sitting through every practice the Central High Hunters girl’s volleyball team has had for two years, since Thalia joined. He knows them all by now, and they joke around that he’s part of the team. His role switches from Manager to Mascot, whichever one the girls think is funnier in the moment. It’s a little embarrassing, yeah, but also kind of nice. He knows he isn’t really part of the team, but they make him feel included anyway.
This girl is new, though. She’s got long, dark hair braided down her back, and she smiles at them both as they approach.
“This must be Jason! That’s so great, I was worried Nico would get bored. Let me introduce you!”
She leads them to the boy on the bleachers, and he looks up as they approach. His eyes immediately zero in on Jason. They’re wide and really, really dark.
“Nico, this is Jason. He’s another Team Brother stuck with us girls. Jason, this is my brother Nico.”
Jason gives Nico a smile and waves at him, and Nico slowly uncurls from his position. He’s wearing some sort of anime t-shirt under his jacket, and Jason doesn’t recognize the character.
Coach Diana blows her whistle from the sidelines, and Thalia smacks him on the shoulder. “Be nice, Jaybird. Yell if you need anything.”
The girls run off to start practice and Nico and Jason are left staring at each other.
“Hi,” Jason says after an awkward minute. He debates with himself a little before sitting directly to Nico’s right.
“Hi.” Nico kicks his heels against the bleachers below them. They sit.
Jason glances at Nico out of the corner of his eye. He’s probably in Jason’s grade, or maybe the one below. Jason’s never seen him before, though, so he must go to a different school. His ears are pierced, and Jason has only met girls who have their ears pierced. He hadn’t known boys were allowed to do that. Little black studs glitter at him as Nico rocks with the swinging of his feet, and Jason wants to ask him how he got them done. He wants to ask how he thought of the idea, what he did to convince his parents to let him. He wants to ask if Nico thinks Jason could look that cool, too.
Instead, he starts with something a little less huge.
“Who’s that on your shirt?”
Nico turns his head to look at him, cocked to the side. Instead of answering right away, he shoves one of his hands into his jacket pocket.
“Do you play Mythomagic?” Nico brings his hand out wrapped around a couple loose trading cards. Jason can see a flash of bright color on the top one, something with electric blue lightning bolts on it.
“I’ve never heard of it,” he admits. “What is it?”
It’s the right question to ask, apparently. A huge grin splits Nico’s face, and he spends the rest of practice explaining how the game works, the lore behind the game, and the pilot episode of the anime based off of it. His shirt, apparently, is the main character’s rival.
Neither of them notice that practice is over until their sisters come back to the bleachers, sweaty and tired.
“Heya, nerds,” Thalia calls. “Time to head out.”
Jason blinks at her. “Already?” Last he checked, they were still warming up!
“Already. C’mon, kid, time for dinner.”
Jason turns back to Nico and tries not to look too disappointed. “Thanks for spending time with me, I had a lot of fun.”
“I— Yeah, me too.” Nico smiles at him, smaller, shier now that there are more people watching. “If you want, I can bring some of my decks next time? If you’ll be here.”
Jason smiles back at him. “Yeah, lets see if I can remember the rules!” Next time. He likes the sound of that.
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jellyfish-grave · 9 months ago
(screaming into a megaphone) I THINK THE FRENCH BAC IS BULLSHIT (huuuuge ramble under cut. Read at your own risk)
listen. I have arguments.
Finals are coming for me like. Right tomorrow, yeah? Yeah. The written trial consists of two options: You can either write a dissertation on a given subject (which you have studied through the year. There's only 4 parcours in the year) OR you can make a text commentary (but it's on a text you've never heard of before and it's not linked to any of the parcours you studied).
On paper it sounds okay (if not slightly unfair that both exercises are judged the same way, despite the fact that you have much more knowledge to back up your dissertation if you chose that). It tests the student's ability to think for themself, to use knowledge that was given through the year or to use personal culture in order to make an interesting reasoning!
The first time they tried this out they realised "hmmm wait everyone is failing, maybe that's cuz the expectations are too high" and yes! Exactly! That's cuz we're introduced to the exercise of dissertation the very same year that we're expected to make a full one. Before that? Barely mentioned. We make around 4 of them throughout the year, and we're never EVER given a full example. The only examples we get are detailed plans, but never a fully written out dissertation.
You'd think "oh, then the simple solution is to either lower the stakes, or introduce the exercise earlier in the education, right?" and yeah that does sound logic. But what change was made, you ask? Oh. Simply give all the answers through the year.
That's right. We get full on answers for the full dissertation during the year, and you could argue that the subject isn't the same during the year compared to the end of the year's prompt, however. All subjects basically boil down to the same core elements but written out differently. They decided that since students of our age aren't capable of making clear and complex reasoning/analyses of a given subject, they should just. Give us the answer.
This kills the entire purpose of the exercise. I don't think of myself as some literary genius or some shit, but i do think I'm capable of basic reasoning. But that's not what's being tested here.
Besides, if your dissertation plan doesn't fit their exact expectation, your entire work will be labelled as out of subject, completely killing the idea that multiple people can think of multiple reasonings. Which is. Yk. The entire point of a dissertation.
I know I'm being overly dramatic, but for people like me who have horrible memory problems, I just feel like this is entirely unfair. This isn't constructed at all because I didn't try to, my brain is turned off after 5 hours of memorizing the exact order stuff should be brought up in. We aren't allowed the fucking books the subject is about during the trial. What's the point in that?? At what point in life will you actually need the skill to be able to make a literary commentary without the actual support???
Even funnier! Yk how I mentioned you can also make a text commentary? Yeah! You don't get the answers for the text commentary during the year. And the expectations haven't gone down. It's basically a suicide to pick that unless you've got huge personal culture to enrich your arguments. It's highly unrecommended by all my teachers so far for a reason.
Should I even go on about the oral trial? You need to site by heart the exact explanation of the text (one out of 12 extracts your studied during the year) line by line out loud. It's bullshit. You get 30 minutes to prepare (which. Btw. Isn't enough.), then you have a grammar question (really the only fair thing about this whole thing.), and then you need to present one of the 4 (8 for some people) books you had to read during the year. You can thankfully choose the book, but this is STILL learning a lesson by heart.
It's not teaching you critical thinking. It's not valuing your opinion, it's not valuing a student taking risks and talking about a subject in an interesting way, because you're expected to do the exact thing the teachers want. A very specific plan. Even the main question your entire work is centered around is just a rewording of the subject.
What is the point? What. Is. The point.
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bizarrescribblez · 1 month ago
hii mia !!! ik we are newly moots but i just wanna sayy. tyy for the kind tags on the comm i got!!! yes it is lyrics from bizarre love triangle 🫶
anyways . just watched abigail for the first time and i actually ended up loving it!! it was way funnier than i anticipated too ? ("those are onions" made me lose it 😭)
BEING SAID. my musicalpilled brain immediately wanted to offer beauty and the beast au for u n frank?? idk if youve considered/talked abt this already and. maybe its not quite a direct translation but. hey. maybe after the events of the movie he goes into hiding (again). you find him, true love can break the curse (or not yk we ❤️ vampires), yadda yadda.. his name is even adam 👀
OMGOMG HI MISCHA HIIIIIII!!!!!! AND WHAT OFC!!!!!! Best of both worlds.. a super awesome slayful ship + my fav song + art from one of my besties.. ITS PERFECTION!!!!!!!!! 😌💖
ALSO OMGOMG YOU WATCHED IT!!!!!! IM SO HAPPYYOU LOVED IT!! Omg frank’s iconic dumb dumb onions line hehe SAY THE LINE FRANK!!!!
ALSO MISCHA YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT BUT ME AND MY BESTIE KAT HAVE HAD A BATB AU LIKE FOR MONTHSSS i get so shy to vocalize a lot of ideas i have online but IM SO GLAD BATB IS UNIVERSALLY FRANKBUN TO PEOPLE 🥹💖 but also funny bcuz dan stevens was the live action beast heheh SMALL WORLD!! With me and kat’s ITS A LITTLE DIFFERENT where vamp hunter frank gets killed by lambert and abigail and pretty much left to die in the lodge but he wakes up as a BIG (sexy) VAMPIRE BEAST AAA AAAAA!! Yada yada yada vamp hunter joey arrives and gets joeynapped by him then i arrive and take her place THEN AWESOME VAMPIRE MONSTER ROMANCE BEGINS YAYY YAYYYY!! Not to go on a tangent ITS THE ONLY TIME IVE FELT PROMPTED TO RAMBLE HEHEHEHE 💖💖
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tafadhali · 1 month ago
Festivids Recs
What a bonanza of great vids! I received three wonderful vids this year:
So Wrong (Desert Hearts): A lovely, romantic vid to one of my favorite lesbian films, set to one of my favorite country songs! Perfect ending.
Movin' Right Along (Wizard of Oz): This vidder had the clever idea to make a road trip vid for WOZ! It's set to a Muppets song, so peak childhood nostalgia on two fronts.
Twistin' the night away (Wizard of Oz): Obsessed with this concept! Love all the topsy-turvy-twisty clips they found — so fun to watch. And, of course, Sam Cooke!!
Beyond my gifts, I enjoyed so many vids this year. Trying to narrow down my list a bit (and limiting myself to one vid per fandom for now), here are 22 of my faves:
If You Tolerate This (Casablanca): This vid is uncompromising. Really appreciate the focus on politics over romance.
What I Did for Love (Pushing Daisies): Did not know what to expect with this song choice, but wow! It works so well for the terrible trade-offs Ned's gift has, while the vidder also captures everything I love about him and Chuck.
Dollhouse (Mad Men): Killer Sally and Betty vid. Perfect clip selection and a POV I've been dying to see vidded.
f a b u l o u s (Derry Girls): Both Derry Girls vids were a blast but I was so chuffed to see a Sister Michael vid. More eye rolls than any other vid has ever contained!
Tightrope (Blazing Saddles): Captures Bart in all his Bugs Bunny-esque glory. Obsessed with featured artist Gene Wilder.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Some Like It Hot): Terrific cover for this! Just a blast from start to finish.
Hall of the Hot Ones (Hot Ones): Speaking of amazing song choices...this one just made me laugh like crazy. Vidder did an amazing job on the build up.
Things Are Gonna Get Easier (Abbott Elementary): I don't watch the show but I'm a sucker for sitcom vids and really loved both vids! This one hit me right where I live as a teacher.
Campaign Playlist (Dungeons & Dragons): Super clever concept, well-executed.
Plastic (Problemista): I was so hoping someone would make a vid about Julio Torres making weird little things, and they did! What a great song choice. The "Is there recycling?" sequence goes on so long and just gets funnier.
Unwritten (Stranger Than Fiction): I was surprised by how much I liked this movie, and this vid captures it so well! An oft-vidded song that I never get sick of but that also has rarely been deployed so literally and so well.
I'm a Man (Challengers): Loved all three Challengers vids and want 10000 more but I was especially thrilled that someone made a Tashi character study!
I Just Wanna... (Feel Good): Feels like it could be a (terrific!) promo for the show. Great, economical Mae Martin character study and I love the use of a song from a standup album.
Cross My Heart I Hope U Die (Severance): Again, I was really into all three Severance vids, but shouting this one out specifically for the very clever song editing. The whole vid keeps you off-kilter.
The Breaking Light (The Stand): A very moving vid all about a community coming together to face great hardship and evil. Everything I love about the source.
Don't Rain On My Parade (New Life Begins): I know nothing about this source, but all the food!! The energy!! The song clearly matches the chutzpah these women are displaying.
Body of Years (I Saw the TV Glow): Incredible editing. It's incredible to see someone do something so different with a source you've vidded before.
Pisonia Prologue (Invasion of the Body Snatchers umbrella): So cool that someone took Tessa up on this prompt! Love all the shots through windows and shadows. Such a creeping sense of paranoia throughout.
Remember I'm Alive (Wayne Family Adventures): Jason!! My boy! This is so emotional and does really great work with a static source.
The White Tent The Raft (Films from the National Board of Canada): Such a labor of love. It's 9 minutes long and worth it — reminds me how much I love the art form of animation.
Arnaq (Woman) (True Detective: North Country): The vidder's clip selection is so thoughtful as they find the moments of women in the background, women's hands at work, women coming together. Very cool.
Maps for the Getaway (Holiday): For some reason DW ate my first review of this which is fine because it was very tl;dr. The short version is I LOVE this, it feels like it was made for me, I cry every time, and "all we have is time" feels like the thesis of this movie.
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cruesuffix · 2 months ago
70's kitty Mick with his little mustache I can't AAUGGGHHHH!!!!
Give him all the scratches and pets!!!!
Wait what if they actually stayed together? What if she was there when he changed his look? Imagine him coming home and jumpscaring his wife because suddenly he doesn't have a mustache anymore and his hair/fur is black and he has bangs. Or maybe she just walks in on him cutting/dyeing his hair in the bathroom and she just stares in shock...
Anyways we love ginger kitty!!! He gets all the kisses!!
starting to grow very fond of little 70’s orange cat!mick because of you anon thank you so much for that!!!
(omg btw do you know how some cats have different colour fur on/near their lips sometimes?? that’s kinda like micks moustache during that time!!)
also awww i love the idea of them staying together tbh! maybe micks been away for a really long time, maybe he was on tour with one of his bands and had to be away for a while. so, sharons just patiently waiting for him to come back, missing her little orange kitty so bad. then, he finally comes back, and as soon as he opens the door she’s running to him. he’d walk in, leather jacket on, sunglasses still on and black hair/fur and ears + tail newly dyed blue-black. at first she doesn’t notice the change, cause she’s too busy hugging him and telling him how much she and the kids missed him. and then she looks up and gasps. she nearly pushes him away! that’s how much he accidentally scared her.
she’s automatically pouting and playfully scolding him about the new look. he tries to explain to her why exactly he changed it up, but all she can do is whine about no longer being able to feel his moustache tickle her lips when they kiss. all she can do is just stare at him cause… that’s not her husband!! it would take her quite a while to get used to it. like… he looks like a totally different person, and maybe she’d occasionally make jokes about her husband being replaced by a crazy rocker!
but it would be even funnier if he dyed his hair/fur at home. maybe he forgets to close the door while he’s doing it and sharon happens to walk by. as soon as she sees what he’s doing she freezes. she can’t help but walk in and immediately ask him what he’s doing. he stops and looks at her all sheepishly and goes, “i don’t know… i needed a change?” she tries not to show how sad she is cause… well, she liked her little orange kitty the way he was. still, she’d encourage him, maybe even help him cut his bangs. and then he shaves off his moustache and she’s trying not to laugh. ofc mick would notice and ask her what’s funny and she’s just smile.
“you just look like an entirely new person now.” She lightly chuckles and mick can’t help but grin too.
“yeah, get used to it! this is the face you have to look at for the rest of your life!”
ughhhh sooooo soooo cute!! love the fact that mick probably jumpscared everyone he’d known as a ginger when he debuted his new look. cat!mick would be even funnier cause I think everyone would joke about him being an entirely different cat pretending to be their little orange kitty!! oh, and he’d also end up changing his name so that’s even better!
we absolutely do love this ginger little kitty!!!<333 i especially love your prompts about the little ginger kitty anon!!<333
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normanjdroid · 3 months ago
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The eighth studio album by The Critters. Released on May 26th, 1997, Major Happy's is regarded by musicologists as an early concept album that advanced the roles of sound composition, extended form, psychedelic imagery, record sleeves, and the producer in popular music.
The album had an immediate cross-generational impact and was associated with numerous touchstones of the era's youth culture, such as fashion, drugs, mysticism, and a sense of optimism and empowerment.
Critics lauded the album for its innovations in songwriting, production and graphic design, for bridging a cultural divide between popular music and high art, and for reflecting the interests of contemporary youth and the counterculture.
While widely regarded as one of the greatest albums of all time, at the time it was quite controversial. It was released following the band's open endorsement of PUNCH, which caused a stir in the press and lead to several members of the band being arrested - before everyone realized how stupid the charges of "possession of punch" sounded, leading to their prompt release.
“We were fed up with being ' The Critters '. We really hated that fucking four little moppy-toppy approach. We were not children, we were musicians ... and thought of ourselves as artists rather than just performers.” - Bryan "Bubba" Bubbaphant
The origins of Major Happy's can be traced back to the "bigger than god" controversy, where Bryan Bubbaphant was incorrectly quoted as saying the band was bigger than God. Following this as well as other issues due to being the biggest band in the world, the group decided to stop touring, and took a few months off of music. During this time, the compilation album A Collection of Critters Oldies was released by N.J.D.
Original idea ; Songs From The Black Hole
The original album the band began working at this point was quite different. Titled Songs From The Black Hole, a name which came to Kickin McChicken in a dream, it was to be a science-fiction rock opera concept album with tracks that segued seamlessly, ending with a coda that revisited the major musical themes. The characters were to be voiced by McChicken, Bubbaphant, O'Corn and Starrkey, and the Critters collaborator Karl Koch, along with the guest vocalists. However, at the 2016 article The Critters: Turn Left At Greenland noted, the world was not ready for a Critters concept album.
But their interest in making a themed album did not end, and eventually culminated in Major Happy's, which disguised itself as a concert by Major Happy's Up and Coming Once Upon a Good Time Band, a fictional band played by the four Critters.
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The Critters in their Major Happy's outfits, holding cups of PUNCH.
The Cover Art
The cover art is widely recognized as one of the most famous album covers of all time. It features the four Critters in uniform. The original idea was to have them standing with celebrities and other figures near them. However this idea was abandoned in favor of "a funnier one"
One of the people who designed the cover, Doubles Daniels said that the idea they went with was wanting to show a band celebrating you getting kicked out of a town.
“They suggested the idea that the band played a concert celebrating the listener being kicked out of a town. The photo then became one from the listener's perspective and the band being behind them was to show them happily kicking you out. At one time the multiple figures idea came back in the form of "townies" Since we decided this should be the idea, we started making cut-outs, the townies could be anyone, dead or alive, real or fictitious. If we wanted Romeo and Juliet, I could take a photo of the Critters kissing eachother without anything else in the photo. I asked the band if they had a list of people they wanted to be added, however they were too lazy to answser, so I stole their list and added some of my ideas to the mix. The local punch addict did one as well and I don't remember if Picktoria Pepstien had their own list. It was pretty stunning how it worked out in the end. I used Kickin's list as well as Bryan's list. Crafty's lists only featured poltergeist spirits, about fourteen of them, and Catnap said "Everyone to exist in this planet" and nothing else. A lot of people were suggested. JFK was in there; he was in the set-up, but he was thrown into the trash and burnt because of fears that people might've thought we were going to "get him again". Same applied to God. There were only two people alive we added who weren't going to sue our asses, Bob Dylan was suggested by McChicken and I added Bono because he is a great favourite of mine.―Doubles Daniel
In the end however, the day the band went for the final photoshoot everyone found that the PUNCH addict who was named "Tricky The Clown" had broken in and stolen all the cutouts, leaving a note stating "CLOWN WANTS THESE". So instead a bus was "borrowed legally" and crashed into the photo studio so that we could photograph the band infront of the bus. Sadly nobody realized the photo was of the band blocking the road into town and celebrating you being kicked out. For what reason the viewer was being kicked out for remains a mystery to this day.
Major Happy's led to the Summer of Lunch, an entire three months of people discussing peace, drinking PUNCH, and of course, passing around food. It was released following the band's open endorsement of PUNCH, which as stated earlier in this wall of text caused a stir in the press and lead to several members of the band being arrested. The BBC in Britain banned all of the even tracks on the album from being played on their stations, believing these were all in reference to PUNCH, as at the time the british were still cowardly about anything not relating to them.
Many Crafty is Dead conspirators believe that this album is sprinkled with clues. If you sing the title of "Major Happy's" backward, it is supposed to sound like "Crafty has been dead for ages, honestly." However, this has been proven false, and the person who started the rumor was Tricky The Clown.
Much later, a theory called Dark Side of the Once Upon A Good Time Band of Oz on LSD took hold. This claimed that if you played Major Happy's, Pinkerton, and the The Wizard of Oz at the same time (while also slightly high) they sync up perfectly and create an episode of Doctor Who, which at that time had been canceled since 1989. While not necessarily true, this shows just how excited fans became to experience the album in as many ways as possible.
There have also been multiple tribute albums and songs, including Major Nutter Butter in 1998 and I Saw Mommy Kissing Major Happy in 2001.
An infamously bad film entitled Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band was created in 2008. It starred The Free Gees as the Good Time Band - it was so bad the Critters themselves reunited for free to film a better version in 2009.
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In 2017, Major Happy's was remixed and reissued as a super deluxe box set,
- which contained remixed versions and outtakes of Critters tunes, along with many bonus inclusions, such as a hardcover book discussing the making of Major Happy's, all original inserts included in the original 90s release, and outtake covers.
In lead up to release, Picktoria Pepstien herself partnered with around hundreds shop owners to distribute limited edition Major Happy's printed napkins. The production of these napkins was supposedly meant to halt a few months after the release of the Major Happy's Super Deluxe, though it is suspected that Picktoria forgot to get back to them. As of 2024, the Major Happy's napkins are still in circulation.
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The Infamous "Major Happy's" Napkin
Track Listing
Side One
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
California Oranges
Steppin' Into The Sun
She's Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mister Kite!
Side Two
Within You, Without You
Back In 64'
Just A Man
Rockaliser Baby
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band (Reprise)
Cheese & Onions
Listen to the album here!
2017 Ultra Deluxe Version;
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Disc 1
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band (Remix)
Rendezvous (Remix)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Remix)
California Oranges (Remix)
Steppin' Into The Sun (Remix)
She's Leaving Home (Remix)
Being For The Benefit Of Mister Kite! (Remix)
Within You, Without You (Remix)
Back In 64' (Remix)
Just A Man (Remix)
Rockaliser Baby (Remix)
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band [Reprise] (Remix)
Cheese & Onions (Remix)
Disc 2 (Sessions)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 1)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 4)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 7)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Take 26)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Stereo Remix)
Holiday (Take 6 Instrumental)
Holiday (Vocal Overdubs and Speech)
Holiday (Stereo Remix)
Cheese and Onions (Take 1)
Cheese and Onions (Take 2)
Cheese and Onions (Piano Overdub)
Cheese and Onions (Hummed Last Note) (Takes 8-11)
Cheese and Onions (The Last Note)
Major Happy's Up and Coming Once Upon a Good Time Band (Take 1 Instrumental)
Major Happy's Up and Coming Once Upon a Good Time Band (Take 9)
Rockaliser Baby (Take 1 Instrumental)
Rockaliser Baby (Take 8)
Disc 3 (Sessions Continued)
Stepping Into The Sun (Take 1)
Stepping Into The Sun (Speech and Take 3)
For the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Speech from Take 1)
For the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Take 4 and Speech)
For the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Take 7)
Just A Man (Speech and Take 9)
Lucy In The Sky (Take 1 and Speech)
Lucy In The Sky (Speech, False Start and Take 5)
California Oranges (Take 1 Instrumental and Speech)
California Oranges (Take 12)
Within You, Without You (Take 1 Instrumental)
Within You, Without You (Crafty's Childhood P.E. Classes)
She's Leaving Home (Take 1 Instrumental)
She's Leaving Home (Take 6 Instrumental)
Rendezvous (Take 1-2 Instrumental)
Major Happy's Up and Coming Once Upon a Good Time Band (Reprise) (Speech and Take 8)
Disc 4 (1997 Mono Originals)
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band (Mono)
Rendezvous (Mono)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Mono)
California Oranges (Mono)
Steppin' Into The Sun (Mono)
She's Leaving Home (Mono)
Being For The Benefit Of Mister Kite! (Mono)
Within You, Without You (Mono)
Back In 64' (Mono)
Just A Man (Mono)
Rockaliser Baby (Mono)
Major Happy's Up And Coming Once Upon A Good Time Band [Reprise] (Mono)
Cheese & Onions (Mono)
Disc 5 (Bonus Tracks)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Mono)
Holiday (Mono)
Cheese and Onions (Unreleased Mono Mix)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Unreleased Mono Mix)
Just A Man (Unreleased Mono Mix)
Holiday (Promo Mono Mix)
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deedjre · 5 months ago
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oc-tober day 2: new character !! yippee. pretty ironic to be reusing art on this day specifically but i digress. this is my oc john. name picked specifically for how normal it is. his full name is john rider (no middle name but if he had one it'd be thomas bc that'd be really funny to his british friend). John's initial idea was conceived around may of 2023, i believe? as he originates as a non original character from an au. he, in this form, was actually created closer to december of 2023. oh shit he's almost a year old. anyway even funnier is that i have two versions of him pulled from two aus of the same thing. i could've made a different guy for the second one but he would've been a very similar guy. same goes for colin (his british friend/roommates/lover. his head is also in this ref) but i'd like to think colin's been around for longer. since he got his name first lmao
(prompt list) (more on john below. sensitive topics related to addiction prevail)
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this ref is the same continuity of john and very hard for me to look at due to the white bg. a bit on john is that he has been wearing the same navy colored hoodie (based on a hoodie that i have, actually, though the one i have has anime girl on the back) since highschool. this is because that's funny to me and also it's his comfort item and i personally have a hard time letting go of items i like. he also was given a scarf that i have. this is because i don't know how to design clothing. i'll get into like personality and other shit in a bit
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this is the other version of john (from the 60s rather than modern day btw) that focuses a LOT more on his personal struggles. as you can see here, he has a mullet /j that's not what's wrong with him. he smoked during highschool, got throat cancer, got a total laryngectomy (surgical removal of the larynx/voice box) and then got TEP surgery for one of three reasons. reason 1 (meta) i needed him to be able to talk over the phone and to people who don't know ASL. reason #2 he thought he needed to be able to do that. reason #3 parent executive decision. this goes for both timelines though in the modern one i retained it mostly for flavor. here, though, it's uhm yeah it's for the same reason but he's a lot more insecure about it. in both versions he is an anxious, depressed, autistic mess of a man with a stutter. basically the developmental stutter stuck and it was getting better but then he got throat cancer and the trauma at least made it 10x worse and he couldn't be bothered with speech therapy. his voice is also raspy because i can't think of a reason why it wouldn't be. i also like to discolor his fingernails bc of the smoking habits. in the 60s version he has gum with him that he chews on to try and like. satiated the urge to smoke. i don't think nicotine gm was invented YET so it's probably just like regular gum. might take lemon candies as well. i focus more on his alcoholism in the modern version bc in the modern version he basically just replaced one addiction with another.
oh and in the modern version the part of the timeline i'm focusing on is completely different and i didn't even get started on his full backstory. but in the modern version post apartment era (2011-2017) he moved to somewhere else and got a small home with his new beard (she's there to get his parents off his back and also bc she's his bestie from the 60s version and i like her). then he went bankrupt after some time and was homeless for a year or two before ringing up his old roomie colin. anyway that's why he's noted as being underweight in one of the refs. his clothes are very baggy on him and he wears a men's size small.
anyway i could go on nd on for WAY too long about him. i did a lot of research. his salary in the 60's is 5k as a data entry specialist, now data management (which is a new job for the time). and in modern day, he gets the same job bc all his college money was used on surgery. i didn't do the math on that one specifically but it felt about right. my therapist is like "wow you do a lot of research on your characters" and the answer is no not usually it's just these two (second guy being colin btw).
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iloveyou-writers · 1 year ago
the other day, i wrote down my prompt for my otp on my twitter and had thoughts of writing them down once i'm free. i was excited to see this prompt fleshed out into a real fanfic. my friend was excited too that she qrt-ed it and tagged my other friend and asked her to write it. so i started to think, "maybe, it would be a better fic in her hands. she's funnier, she wrote better than me, and she's definitely more creative than me." also, the story would be way more interesting with some spicy scenes and i'm not comfortable writing those kind of scene, while she's really good at it. it brought me down since i already think of this prompt like my kid and i don't want to hand it over to anyone. like i've thought of some scene i want to include in the story yada yada yada. i know i'm being selfish (since there's a possibility that it would be on my list of prompt that would never see the light anymore) and i probably painted my friend who tagged my other friend in a bad light through this but... idk. i feel sad to just imagine it.
hope you're okay with reading this long rant and if you need to knock some sense out of me, please do so. i also think i need to get myself together T_T
My dear, sweet anon friend. I feel your pain. It is so hard to have an idea that you're so on fire for and know that you sharing the idea with another that would create something from it could potentially do it better than you.
I hate to admit how many times I have struggled with the envy of having an idea I was incredibly excited about and having someone else take the idea and turn it into something that took off.
I have had negative interactions with people that I have felt the envy of this happening with.
I will say it's perfectly natural for you to feel this way.
It could also be potentially damaging if you react in a negative way due to these feelings. Personal experience, don't act on these feelings.
That said, you could both create from this prompt idea. The fact that you already know they would take it in a different direction than you, that you recognize they have talents you don't... I guarantee there are things you'd do that they wouldn't too, that would make your writing stand out too. There is no reason you two couldn't share this prompt baby and create two amazing pieces of writing from it.
Sharing doesn't mean that you don't get to create. You could still make your ideas and still keep your baby, your fire, your passion... and your friend could have fun with it too. You two could chat about how you did it differently. This could be potential to bond with the friend that could possibly write from the prompt.
But there's also a possibility even if you did give them the prompt that they wouldn't want to write it, so this whole worry could be for naught. :)
Just consider it. In the end, it's your choice and you don't have to feel bad for not sharing the prompt. It's your prompt. Do with it what you wish to. But just remember... there is no shame in creating something similar to your friend. You two could bond closer as writer friends from writing something from the same prompt. There are endless possibilities. It all lies in your hands. <3
Take your time, don't rush into a choice.
I wish you well.
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mythrae · 1 year ago
You asked for some prompts or oneshot requests! Maybe one of the companions confessing their feelings for Tav/Durge/reader (whatever you want)? Or their reactions as they are too late to stop Kagha from sealing off the Grove?
hehehe I’m gonna do both but do the first one first because I have the perfect idea
this was originally going to be short but here I am nearly 2k words later (probably because I was listening to this a lot while writing)
written for my oc Taversia, set at the end of Act One
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“I can’t believe Mystra actually expects Gale to just sacrifice himself like that.” Shadowheart said, “Seems like a waste of a fine mind.”
“Agreed, he’s definitely smarter than all of us.” Taversia replied aloud, yet her mind continued to drone on and on.
And kinder, and funnier, and more handsome, and ever more so charming…
She could feel how heavy the air was around camp that evening. Elminster had just left after delivering his distressing message — if Taversia and her party are to defeat the Absolute, Gale must obey Mystra’s commands to use the orb she had placed in his chest. By doing so, he would be releasing a large amount of Netherese magic, in turn, leading to the wizard losing his life.
But, he would also be gaining the forgiveness of his goddess.
“Bah - perhaps he’d find forgiveness in a fiery death.” Lae’zel pondered, “But I can’t help but wonder why he’d want it at all.”
Taversia’s gaze lingered over his way as he stood stoically in front of his tent. “I’m not sure… I hope he’s all right, either way.” 
“You should go check on him, Tav.” Shadowheart said, playfulling elbowing her companion’s side, “You’re the closest to him out of everyone in camp, after all.”
The fighter let out a huff. “What do you mean by that?” She replied, raising an eyebrow at the cleric.
“Well,” she shared a glance at the githyanki woman with them, “we’ve all seen the way he looks at you. I’m surprised the wizard has yet to make his move.”
“You must be too thick-skulled to not see it.” Lae’zel added, crossing her arms over her chest. “Chk. Seems you’ve taken so many blows to the head that common sense has been knocked out of you.”
“You really think he…?” Taversia couldn’t hide the flush creeping over her cheeks.
“Seems like his feelings towards you are mutual, then?” Shadowheart gave her a knowing grin.
“... is it that obvious?”
“Most definitely.”
“Oh, Nine Hells below…”
Taversia looked down to the ground, hoping it would help tame the fever that was ripping through her body. She definitely had feelings for him, but she thought she had done her best at keeping her infatuation discrete. As the tactician of the group, she felt it was inappropriate to have any amorous interactions with her party members. Their ultimate goal was to get rid of the tadpoles writing in their brains, and they should not be distracted by silly things such as romance.
She had the same mindset when it came to the other members of the Flaming Fists, when she had served for all those years. Many of her comrades had offered their hand to her, and she had always refused each time.
In fact, she has never had a romantic partner. She had just never found someone she thought she could get along with.
But then came Gale. He was so different from any other man she had met. Eloquent, educated, and effortlessly ebullient. He completely bewitched her the first day off the Nautiloid, after she had pulled him out of the portal. Not only was he good-looking, but he quickly proved to be a worthy ally in their party. At first, she was worried they would butt heads along their journey, for it was uncommon for a stone-cold fighter and a powerful wizard to be fighting side by side.
But as they say, opposites do attract.
“Maybe you can talk some sense into him to prevent him from killing himself for his Mystra’s sake.” The githyanki woman hissed, “Although considering the amount of sense left in your head, I don’t see you being very successful.”
“We’ll see about that.” Shadowheart chuckled. “Maybe their combined sense can make up for the tadpoles scrambling their brains.”
Taversia rolled her eyes as she silently walked away from her companions, her closest friends in the party. She was thankful for their camaraderie, but she was not used to their deliberate teasing.
As she approached Gale’s tent, she could see that despite Mystra’s charge, he seemed rather… normal. If he was feeling any sort of distress from her commands, he definitely didn’t want to show it. He was reading one of his many books, without a single care in the world.
But as she got closer to him, she met his gaze. She could see hints of darkness in his eyes. He wasn’t taking the news well.
“Ah, Taversia. Always a delight to speak to you. What can I do for you?” He smiled as he closed his book.
“Don’t worry about me, Gale, please.” She answered, holding a hand up to her chest, “How are you holding up?”
“Well, an audience with Elminster is never less than memorable.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders haphazardly. “I’d have hoped to introduce you to him in less dire circumstances, but those are hard to come by these days.”
“Very true. But I will say, I’d always imagined Elminster to be more… imposing.” 
“Ah, the doddering act is merely an illusion, one he’s most adept at maintaining.” Gale explained, “Elminster is the most formidable wizard in the realms, perhaps in all of existence. For Mystra to have sent him…”
He paused, his eyes trailing towards the cover of the book he was holding.
“The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me.”
Gale’s mask was quickly beginning to slip.
Taversia nodded towards the open flap behind him. “Would you like to speak inside your tent?” Taversia suggested, “Just for a bit more privacy?”
The wizard nodded, “Sounds like a fine idea to me.”
She followed close behind him, making sure to close the tent flap as she sat across from him. Gale settled in, leaning back on a few plush pillows stacked to the side. Taversia had to move a few tomes to give herself some space to sit, gently stacking them on top of each other by her side.
“You know, time seems so infinite when you are young…” He began, “a month is an age, a year is a lifetime… it is a strange feeling, to realize how little of it one might have left.”
Taversia cocked her head as she raised a single brow. “You’re seriously considering doing what Elminster said?”
“Of course – he offered the clearest solution to our problems.” Gale replied, “All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go…” 
He rested his hand over his orb as it radiated with Netherese energy. The purple glow traveled from his chest, up the side of his neck, ending under his left eye. It only shined for a moment before it disappeared once more.
Even now, Taversia couldn’t help but think how beautiful he was.
“Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone…”
He paused, the weight of his words hanging on the tip of his tongue.
“... and I along with it.”
She was silent. She didn’t know how to respond.
Although he was older than her, he had so much of his life left to live. So many worldly things for him to enjoy. So many more adventures that he could take part in. If she was in his boots, there would be no way she would have taken Mystra’s charge. There had always been another way to solve her problems before, so there surely was another solution now.
And selfishly, she wanted to share those experiences with him.
“No.” Taversia blurted, “There’s surely another way. There has to be.”
“If there was, I’m sure the goddess of magic and the greatest wizard who ever lived would have identified it, but alas… only one solution is offered.” Gale threw his hands up in the air, as if there was nothing he could do.
“You’re not fucking blowing yourself up, Gale.” She felt her voice getting louder at the wizard as her eyes began to wet themselves with tears, “I won’t let you.”
“Let’s save such certainty for the moment such a decis–”
She couldn’t bear to hear any more of it.
Before Gale could finish his thought, Taversia grabbed his arms and pulled him close, her arms wrapping themselves around his body. Her hold on him was tight as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. She caught a whiff that smelled of old books, like the ones that her guardians used to read to her when she was a young girl. It was a comforting feeling, feeling her skin on his own, as her tears finally spilled and trailed down the wizard’s collar.
“Please, Gale…” She whispers, “I want you to live.”
At first, he hesitated. His body felt stiff, as if he was in disbelief. As if he couldn’t trust her. As if the words she had just confessed to him were a lie. 
But then, she feels his body melt in her embrace. His body relaxed as she felt the sensation of his strong arms enveloping her, pulling her even closer to his chest. One of his hands rested at the nape of her neck, as his head leaned to rest against her own. He sighed deeply, a low hmmm rumbling through her body like a shiver on a cold winter’s night.
“And here I thought my feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated.” He whispered.
Taversia slowly pulled her face from his neck, realizing how close their lips were as they held each other. “You… really?”
“You mean to tell me you haven’t caught on yet?” He chuckled softly, his hand sliding to cradle her face. “You, my dear, are more naive than I thought.”
“Naive? No, I just… well…” She trailed off, looking away as she felt her cheeks turning red.
Gale’s grip on her jaw tightened, turning her head to face him directly. Their noses were nearly brushing.
“Let me show you.”
As he pressed his lips to hers for the first time, Taversia nearly felt as if he had struck her with a lightning bolt. Warm, electric, full of energy. It took her by surprise as his lips moved against hers, the passion causing his orb to glow feverently.
But he was also gentle, oh so gentle, as if she was a fragile ornament that would shatter if not handled carefully. When she kissed him back, it felt as if he was almost cradling her lips in his own. It made her feel cherished, reverent, even.
Gods above, no one has ever kissed her like this before. Every other person she had kissed was so rough, so hungry, hoping to get one thing out of whatever situation she had found herself in.
Gale’s kiss was sweet, tender, dare she thought, loving.
As he regrettably pulled away from their kiss, she could see that his eyes were no longer haunted with darkness. She could see a spark glimmering once more, as if she had brought him back to life once more.
“I hope you know how I feel for you, Taversia.” He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. “How you might just give me a reason to live.”
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