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lagunaseca2013 · 10 hours ago
Ohhh ive been having some thoughts about teen pregnancy au pecco/luca that actually ends up as a pecco/bez coz im annoying like that lol
GOOD MORNING ANON!! u must tell me allll your thoughts about this. I am frothing at the mouth a little bit. there’s so many factors about pecco/luca that work in a teen pregnancy drama—when pecco lived in luca’s childhood home, moto2 teammates, general lovesick puppy eyes they’re giving each other in every video since they were teenagers. but really what happened when I posted that thing was that I saw those pics of pecco holding turbo like a baby in his lap and was hit by a vision of sad teen pecco in a hospital bed holding a little baby who also has sad pecco eyes. and they’re both staring up at luca pitifully and luca understands immediately what guys who say they would kill and die for their families mean.
it’s also about like. a drunken mistake that pecco inexplicably was not able to bring himself to abort. he and luca have fooled around before but that was the first time they had full on penetrative sex and it was as horrifying as it was incredible. before they fucked pecco had plausible deniability that he wasn’t 1) gay 2) desperately in love with luca. everyone knows that a couple handjobs and the most emotionally intense post race bj of all time between buds doesn’t count. getting fucked in the ass and possibly accidentally saying I love you is like. well. he and luca had been avoiding each other for weeks when he first starts noticing symptoms……..
he takes bez w him to the clinic but doesn’t let him go to the appointment with him (needs emotional support but can’t bare to have anyone see him vulnerable like that. girl……..) tells the doctor about his constant nausea, sore nipples, irritability, inability to stay awake. the doctor very gently asks him if he’s sexually active. he very badly lies about it. the doctor takes blood to run some (vague explanation) tests. pecco sits there for fifteen minutes wondering if he has an std and if that means that luca has fucked other people and was lying about also being a virgin and wanting to kill himself for it. then the doctor comes back and is like. we’re going to do a routine ultrasound to look at your. uhhhh organs. it says here you’re not a carrier? pecco confused staring at the tiny blob on the screen shaking his head. the nurse comes in with the test results and the doctor like looks down at them, back up to pecco who is starting to feel a terrible sense of impending doom, then back to the ultrasound of a fetus in utero like. mr. bagnaia, we have run some tests and……..
pecco stumbling out like an hour and a half later and bez is pacing around the waiting room convinced he’s dying. pecco completely numb bc he just found out he’s a carrier via GETTING KNOCKED UP. and refusing to say a word about it just curled up in the passenger seat silently sobbing. bez is beside himself worried but has no idea what’s going on. takes them through a drive thru and buys him a ginger ale bc he knows pecco’s been throwing up nonstop for days. they sit in the parking lot while pecco takes small sips and pretends that he’s not shaking. bez very gently asks him if he’s okay and makes sure he knows he can tell bez anything. Pecco shrugging and saying he has to talk to someone else about it first.
pecco hiding it from everyone for months and just looking increasingly sick and wearing insanely baggy clothes, and riding way past the first trimester. maybe everyone finds out bc he crashes during a training race at the ranch and panics and is like sobbing in the dirt and everyone is freaking out bc they think he’s injured and he drops the NO THE BABY bombshell. luca stumbling back from him shocked, horrified, face white as a sheet. vale kneeling next to pecco like pecchino tell me what’s wrong what’s this about a baby? bambino you have to breathe so you can tell us how to help you, whatever is wrong, if you are……..in trouble, it is probably not too late. pecco crying hysterically and shaking his head still unable to tell anyone anything.
I……..have not thought much about the rest of how they got to point a to point b lol. for the drama, I like to imagine this is around 2015, so pecco’s second-to-last season of moto3, luca’s first year of moto2 question mark (my understanding of luca’s career is shaky at best sorry). and also something else happened that year. can’t remember what.
basically the rest of this goes pecco has to drop moto3 that year because of (cough) injury from training accident, luca confronts him about it but not in the way where they talk about their feelings! that would be too easy! it’s more like, why didn’t you come to me, I feel responsible, I will take care of you, please let me take care of you. it lowkey makes pecco feel even worse bc he’s terrified that he’s just ruined luca’s life, up until that point he’d been trying to convince himself to have the baby old fashioned style in secret and then quietly put it up for adoption (that was absolutely never going to happen for the same reasons he couldn’t bring himself to get rid of it) but now everyone knows and he hasn’t even told his parents yet.
it’s kind of unclear to me if luca was actually racing moto2 in 2015 or just doing wildcard entries? but either way pecco does not let him drop whatever kind of season he’s having but being apart makes them both extremely miserable. pecco is like. living with them, terrified of stefania, too ashamed to face vale (dw girl he’s got bigger problems this year), clinging to luca but hating himself for it. they are somehow not in any kind of relationship just. living out of luca’s room together. sharing a small bed. going to sleep facing opposite sides and waking up spooning etc. when pecco hits the crazy horny stage they do end up starting to have sex again but they’re STILL not talking about it or being in a relationship about it. it’s a fucking mess.
for maximum pecco torture points luca is somewhere else in the world when he goes into labor, early of course, so his mom and carola also aren’t with him yet. luca pulls an ultimate nepo baby moment and takes vale’s private jet and best believe makes it to pecco’s bedside in time for the birth of their daughter. sad teen pecco crying in pain convinced he can’t do it, luca letting him squeeze the hell out of his hands brushing his curls back from his sweaty forehead kissing him, reassuring him that he’s the strongest bravest most beautiful person that luca knows.
so. who’s last name do we think she has?
okay sorry anon this was crazy long. yet another mpreg to add to my arsenal. if u see this pleaseeee dm me/send me another ask bc I’m desperate to know how bez gets the girl in yours!!!!
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