#I guess? since I am very much stirring the pot I know
venusdebotticelli · 1 year
I don't currently have access to a computer to make it myself, but I am begging someone who does to please make an edit of Ed and Stede with the quote "We deserve a soft epilogue, my love" over it in an artsy font.
Obviously, because it would be extremely funny, given current fandom events.
But also, these two only met later in life, when they're both so done with the absolute shit sandwich life has served them up to that point, and they've both been told their whole lives that they can't be soft. The spirit of the quote just so happens to fit them so well too, they absolutely deserve to write their own soft epilogue with each other!
But also also, I cannot stress this enough, it would be extremely funny to me, personally, for petty reasons :p
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sallowsdiary · 1 month
Hello rival… don’t worry, I’m not here to stir the pot again like last time. Unless you want me to?
Consider it free anger management classes. (You need some) Since you really went for the kill with me last time… but didn’t it feel good, to let it out? You should thank me.
Oh wait, probably not since I stressed you quite badly, huh?
But… I was sort of testing you just a tiny bit.
To see if you were worthy of the new fifth year.
Because I think she deserves the best considering what I’ve heard about her.
(You… passed, ok?)
Don’t harbor too much hard feelings for me because of what I did.
And no. I’m not getting “soft” here. After all, this was supposed to be a very sarcastic AND very friendly rivalry— as you stated some while back. My flair for drama aside, I’m not trying to become your enemy.
But I am trying to spice up your life even more.
P.S. Nellie huh? Think I’m gonna need to befriend her in the near future. Certainly, she can tell me even more details since she clearly likes talking. Ah ha ha. :)
— D.
Back again, are you? And here I thought I’d finally gotten a break from your unique brand of chaos. But hey, if you’re offering free anger management classes, who am I to refuse? I mean, who wouldn’t want the opportunity to thank the person who stressed them out to the point of nearly hexing the nearest first year?
But testing me? Now that’s rich. I suppose I should be flattered that you decided I was worth the challenge. And, passing your little test? Well, I guess that’s something, even if the price was nearly losing my sanity. But, for the record, I’m only harboring mildly hard feelings. Nothing too severe—just enough to keep this rivalry interesting.
And don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to go soft on me. That wouldn’t be nearly as fun, now would it? So, by all means, continue spicing up my life. Just remember, I can dish it out just as well as I can take it.
As for Nellie… well, let’s just say she does have a way of finding herself in the middle of things. Befriend her if you want, but just know that she might end up spilling more than you bargained for. Consider that a friendly warning from your ever-sarcastic rival.
So, what’s next on the agenda? Another test, or are we moving on to the part where we both pretend this is all just for fun and not because we secretly enjoy driving each other mad?
—Sebastian (who still has his head very much in the game)
P.S. Good luck with Nellie—she’s a bit of a wild card. But then again, you seem to thrive on that, don’t you?
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 6 months
Nellie (OC) & Alastor - Breakfast Banter
Another commission finished ÙwÚ.
Thank you @hanaotaku95 for commissioning me! I really enjoyed writing this story and writing this interaction between the two, I would love to work again together if you are just as fine with the idea as I am.
Everyone enjoy but most importantly you!
Word Count: 2,587 words
Scenario - Alastor and Nellie get to talk and know each other a bit better over morning breakfast.
Rating - PG
Warnings - None
She perks, the sound of footsteps coming to the kitchen where she occupied already caught her attention just as she was turning on the stove.
There's a variety of people that it could be and considering she doesn't hear any loud happy yelling she knows whoever it is can't possibly be Charlie, her older sister who was far too happy to have her here.
She stays quiet and he speaks up first.
“Oh hello Nellie, swell morning we're having isn't it?” Alastor greets her and she takes notice of how he's not as loud as she wonders of he's being considerate considering how loud he usually is.
Nellie hums in acknowledgement as she continues to keep an eye on the pan a little longer. Alastor approaches before leaning his back against the counter next to her and he finds himself watching her in interest as she cooks.
“Very much so,” she agrees with ease and then she takes this moment to look over and up to him before continuing. “Would you… like to try some?” She asks and really she just wants to see what he'll say, curious of how he'll respond and then again… he's an honest guy right? Their parents raised them to be big girls, she could handle some criticism if he had some to give and knowing Alastor usually he did.
She smiles a little and Alastor perks, looking up and around when a ding suddenly rings through the air and it's a familiar noise. There's a coffee pot, and it's just finished its cycle and he can smell it even from here. He has to admit that it smells good in here even though he's not necessarily a fan of cooked meat, usually preferring his meals raw out of everything else, though he was… tempted to try it with her.
“Well…considering you asked I guess I wouldn't mind a little bite.” He hums as he crosses one ankle over the other while holding his mic in his hands.
“So sure, why not?” He agrees and gives her a grin and Nellie playfully rolls her eyes at his behavior. She could practically see through him, see through his little antics from time to time but she does have to admit that she does find a bit of humor in him.
She hums and takes a moment to stir up the food just a bit more before it is finished and then she turns off the stove and walks off to get them a couple of things from the cabinet. She finds a couple of plates and coffee mugs and takes her time pulling them out, careful to not drop anything because who the fuck felt like cleaning broke glass this early? Alastor seems to take an even closer look at the meal and even with his normal diet he does feel interested.
Did she cook often and if so what was her favorite meal? Does she cook for others often? What about does she actually look up meal plans just to practice? Alastor finds himself wondering those things even when he's never really bothered to do so before with anyone else and on the subject of cooking nonetheless…
Charlie was always so eager and always so bubbly outside of those moments where she was stressed and Alastor can't help but find himself curious about both her and Nellie. About who she, Nellie, is even though Alastor has his personal issues with their father Lucifer.
He scoffs lightly suddenly at even the thought of the other man coming to mind and takes a moment to shake it off like swatting at a fly.
Sometimes he wondered if he was going crazy when Alastor found himself almost entertained whilst living in this hotel. It's been so long since he's felt this… content? It's hard for even him to explain but in this moment Alastor lingers, keeping an eye on the stove as Nellie sets everything up. She sets the plates neatly and the cups with them and Alastor wonders if he's just imagining the little pep she seems to have in her step as she moves around. It was rather charming that she had gone out of her way to do this and one might have wondered if she had taken the time to come to the kitchen at the time that she did because she knew she'd run into someone.
Alastor chuckles as she moves to get the skillet off the stove with her spatula and she scoops out their proportions before setting the skillet back aside to take hold of the coffee pot next. She's careful with it but moves quick enough to not hurt herself on accident and as she laced her fingers around to grip the pot she moves to pour them some into their cups.
Alastor doesn't show his tail, refuses to do so but if it was out right there and then it was as possibly that it'd be wagging a bit right now.
“So… you enjoy cooking?” He says to make a bit of small talk while she sets up their plates and once done she swings her arms open as if showing a grand prize or something to him. She clears her throat a moment after before giving a little shrug and a nod.
“Yes, I'll admit it's one of my niches. Mom and Dad taught us a bit when Charlie and I were younger.” She explains before chuckling a little.
“Though I admit that my talents in the kitchen definitely turned out better than Charlie's. You… didn't hear that from me though.” She says and there's a bit of a lighter tone in her voice as she does so and Alastor hums and then chuckles at the information. He takes it in and though he could say many things about her father and her mother he manages to hold his tongue, approaching her as she seems to wait for him to get closer.
“You seem to be good at it. I can admit that it's nice to see it looks edible.” He teases and Nellie seems to lift a brow at that only managing to take a bit of offense.
He stands beside her and Nellie scoots over a bit as he does so, his presence being not as spooky with him just comfortably enjoying his time with her.
“You're one to talk about what seems to be edible and not..” she seems to shoot back and Alastor grins just a bit harder at such a response, finding it humorous to hear. The girls always seemed to have their moments but he could definitely see it more so in Nellie, how she seemed to carry her energy with pride with not a single fuck given for anyone else.
Alastor lifts his brow at her and Nellie playfully shrugs and then he looks at his plate. It's nice, set up beautifully and the longer he seems to look at it distantly, he finds himself reminded of something like this from long, long, ago.
It's like a flashback of some sort which he doesn't tend to get often.
With the history he has after his years of being in Hell for so long as the overlord he is, his human life… was far and distant. At times though, he's had a moment… he's felt shivers thanks to the inklings of deja vu and it always felt so…freeing in the best and worst of ways possible.
He doesn't like to think about it often, how not being able to remember certain things annoys him and being able to remember others makes him feel even worse. Even now, he has to close his eyes for a moment and as he does so his brows furrow a little while he gathers himself. He takes in a deep breath through his nose, inhaling the scents that's in the air before slowly breathing them back out.
He looks back at her after a moment and gives her a wide grin just like was usually expected of him.
“It smells more than lovely. I can tell that however you learned you did a good job retaining the information.” He says and Nellie seems to perk a little. Did he just praise her? And so easily too without her even having to do much for it?
Nellie breathes out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in the period of him growing quiet.
Usually Alastor seemed to be able to talk all day long if they allowed him but when he had grown quiet because of …breakfast?
Nellie had carefully snuck a glance at him and the softened look she seemed to catch on his face was enough to make her eyes widen a little and her gaze linger before he seemed to pull himself out of whatever thinking process he had momentarily entered. It's an interesting sight, one that makes her eyes sparkle a bit just from seeing it on him. She wondered what made him, the Great Radio Demon himself, make such a face?
What could he possibly be thinking about?
She's curious, maybe… fascinated even but it's still far too early to really say.
After all, she was just keeping an eye on him because of the damage and harm he could cause.
“That's… sweet.” He says softly before setting his mic aside and leaning over the counter to take his fork which she also set out for him in one way. His shadows move to bring them both a seat and Alastor places himself in his with no hesitation.
Nellie perks at the appearance but after a moment she doesn't wait either and sits down in her chair as well.
Alastor of course seems to go after the meat first, taking a nibble and then humming in what seemed to be appreciation. He takes a full bite now, savoring the tastes and flavors he's getting and he isn't sure what it is exactly but he can admit he hasn't had the pleasure of enjoying a meal like this with another present in a really long time. It said a lot that he was even choosing to sit with her, usually he wouldn't even bother with most sinners but there was the fact that he was curious because of who she was… her title… her family but as they interacted and spent some time with each other Alastor found himself curious about other things. Things like her hobbies, her cooking and whatever else like that that would allow him to… actually know things about her.
Who was Nellie?
It was starting to feel like the million dollar question, and not completely for the same reasons that made him wonder about Charlie from time to time which was also interesting.
He's intrigued.
And usually once something had Alastor's interest it was hard for it or them to lose it.
“Is it… to your liking?” Nellie asks now and her voice is soft, careful as she awaits his answer while picking up her own fork and beginning to eat with him. Alastor leaves her on her toes, choosing not to answer immediately as he continues with his plate and he actually eats everything going from his meat to the other things like the eggs and potatoes. It's only when he swipes her finger along his plate, gathering some leftover sauce onto a finger and licking it clean, that he finally answers though considering how his plate looked she could make a few assumptions already. She doesn't attempt to say anything though, not yet as she waits to hear what exactly he had to say.
“Very much so. I can admit that usually I don't even bother to eat with others…” he hums.
“Many couldn't make a meal if it was to save their lives,” he chuckles a bit at his own words before finally taking hold of his coffee and moving the mug towards her. A wide grin placed on his lips as he looked at her. “However I will say that if you were to make me a meal again I'd be happy to dine with you.” He finishes and Nellie perks up a little at the invitation and she likes hearing such praise especially because Charlie was usually the only one to give it to her. Her, Razzle and Dazzle. Mom and Dad had said things before as well but that was rather… long ago. Back when they were little and all together, happy…
She manages to sadden herself before she can bother to thank him again and Alastor seems to notice the mood shift.
He looks at her for a moment longer before humming and with his free hand he takes it and moves to give Nellie a head pat. His palm was big and warm as it lightly ruffles her hair which makes her perk and look up at him in surprise. It's a form of endearment but she… doesn't seem to… completely hate it which was a surprise all in itself.
“You did a fine job.” He confirms before pulling that hand away to offer to clink their mugs together and Nellie quickly looks at her own before taking it in her hand. It's in this moment where Alastor notices the twinkle in her eyes and he can find similarities between the two princesses of Hell but Nellie really was an interesting addition to the Hotel. It makes him smile and he watches as Nellie takes her mug and clinks it against his own and then they both pull the mugs back to drink.
They both take a handful of swallows before then putting their mugs down with sighs of contentedness. It's so quiet outside of their own little sounds and noises, as if currently nothing else could ruin their meal together.
And really that's all either of them could ask for.
“Thank you,” she finally says now as she gives him a little smile in return, and it's even a little shy like in nature but happy with the praise nonetheless.
They continue to enjoy the morning though Nellie manages to finish her plate a bit later than Alastor but once the dishes are empty and the mugs are practically locked clean Nellie gets up with a little hum and gathers the dishes while Alastor summons a handkerchief to wipe his mouth clean of anything that may reside. The energy is calm, it feels nice and as Nellie places their dishes in the sink to be washed later she turns and looks back at Alastor once more and his shadows that seem to move the chairs back to their original spots as Alastor stands.
“Thank me for what? I'm not the one who made the spectacular meal we just shared?” Alastor says with a chuckle as he looks at her and their eyes connect before Nellie gives a light hearted shrug.
“No but you did eat all of it while telling me how good it was so… I appreciate it.” She explains and Alastor hums before lightly bowing his head in a polite gesture.
“The pleasure was all mine. I do look forward to next time so for now, keep it up.” He grins before vanishing in a pool of shadows and just like that… he is gone and Nellie can't help the smile that colors her lips as she turns on the sink and starts to wash up behind them while humming softly to herself.
She's in a much better mood than she could have imagined now.
~ ✨
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My Little Hybrid Family_Part 2
A.N:  After a thousand years, this 20+ chapter is finally ready to start rolling out!! This is a hybrid AU that features all my husbandos, Leona, Malleus and Scarabia.
In fact, this started because I loved the Scarabian Halloween cards so much, I thought I’d make a hybrid story for it. Then Octavinelle slid into the story rather seamlessly being they are mermen. That’s just hanging out in the wind.
As for the rest of the characters, there are hints and cameos around.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
And so Kalim’s and Jamil’s new lives with you began. Kalim seemed to quickly latch onto you, smiling so widely he shamed the sun.  The first time he threw his arms around you, you had never seen Jamil so panicked as he tried to pull Kalim off you with a murmured apology. 
Realizing what he did, Kalim apologized, both of them bowing deeply. 
You waved them away, “Enough. It was a hug. No big deal!” 
Kalim gazed at you, “Really? You don’t mind?” 
Jamil hit Kalim on the arm to be quiet as he spoke to you, “Our old owner had very few rules, but one was to never touch him or his guest unless they requested it. I apologize for Kalim, he forgot his place.” 
With a hand to the back of Kalim’s head, he forced him to bow again, himself included. 
“I want you two to understand something....” 
Still bowing both tensed even Kalim hearing your serious voice, “I am not your old owner. And I’m not a human that gets jollies in tormenting hybrids, either mentally or physically. We are to live together it seems, and while you are here you will be afforded respect. I cannot attest to how it will be when my parents return, but since they are seldom here, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. I don’t want you to fear me. Now, please stop bowing. It’s uncomfortable.” 
Jamil allowed the two of them to straighten, looking at you. Kalim seemed to brush the tense moment off and smiled. 
And then you smiled back. 
It was different from that moment on, Jamil felt it. Kalim seemed to grow closer to you each day, sometimes giving you a hug. But after a week, Jamil still did not tell you his name. You both knew that you had heard it, but you still pretended not to know and never addressed him as such. 
“Yo, What are you cooking? Smells good.”, you asked as you entered the kitchen. 
Jamil tensed once. You had discovered that Jamil was very adapt to cooking. Even with their old owner, he left them to their own devices when it came to cooking. Since he didn’t want them to go outside, he provided the food, but never did he or have anyone cook for them. He didn’t want anyone to see them.
“I’m surprised that a human would allow a hybrid to cook for them.” Jamil spoke instead. 
“I’ve heard many have hybrids for domestic duties.” 
“Yes, and how do you know if said hybrid wouldn’t poison the owner?” Jamil stirred the pot, looking into it as he asked lightly. He didn’t want to seem as though he was challenging you. 
But wasn’t that exactly what he was doing? 
But why? 
He never tested their previous owner before. But with you, he had been testing boundaries all week, and each time you brushed it off or never responded as he expected you to. You let them have their space, not policing them. 
“Yeah, I often wondered myself, actually.” 
Jamil snapped his head up to look at you. You were serious, “I mean, if you are going to treat someone badly and then tell them to cook your meal, how can you reasonably expect them not to try to poison you? I would try, though I guess they are bound by fear, so there is that.” You shrugged. 
Jamil had stopped stirring to just stare at you. Then he caught himself and returned, “Dinner will be ready in an hour.” 
“Cool!” you responded, going to walk out the kitchen. 
You stopped and turned to him, “Excuse me?” 
“It’s my name. Jamil.” 
There was a beat of silence, but Jamil didn’t dare turn around. 
“Then, it’s nice to meet you, Jamil!” you said before walking out the kitchen. 
And so three months passed in this manner. Jamil slowly began to warm up to you, and you caught glimpses of a rare smile. You even discovered that he hated bugs. Thankfully there was Kalim because you hated bugs as well. Kalim only laughed and said the two of you bonded then. Both of you yelled at him to can it, but he only smiled and said, that you two were clinging to each other and didn’t even know it. That was the first time Jamil had touched you. 
But then, your peaceful world ended, and you found yourself lost. The private jet that your parents were on crashed. Although you didn’t see them much growing up, they were still your parents. But now they were gone. 
You shut down. 
You were barely aware of Kalim being at your side as much as he could. Even Jamil started worrying in his own way. You barely ate and seem to go through motions. 
As rich parents, their funeral was covered in the news. Jamil never seen Kalim so serious as he paced in front of the TV. As hybrids, they were not allowed to go with you, and Kalim wanted nothing more than to be by your side. Watching the TV, seeing you so distant, broke his heart. 
Yes, even Jamil. 
After your initial shock and break down, they hadn’t seen you cry since.  
Not even at the funeral. 
Part 3
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arrogantsoap · 1 year
back on tumblr to possibly stir the pot on tumblr queen fandom idk
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(these are for context)
I was talking about it on twitter as you can see on the images above and decided to move it here because.
this is a huge rant, it might piss people off.
Idk, this is conspiracy theory but whatever, it's not like my opinion has any relevance. I saw a few comments on the thread of op's post mentioning how fucked up it is of roger and brian to contribute to borhap being the way it is (villainizing freddie for being gay basically). and like. idk. I've checked out of this fandom quite a while ago, so I'm not exactly keeping up with anything. but like it would be interesting to analyze them as a "friend group" again. because behind the scenes there might've been some fucked up homophobia going on, or some shit like that. like it definitely seems like the image they're trying to paint of themselves is only that clean to hide something else.
and now im going off my own tweet, like i see no reason for them to be so quiet/private about certain aspects of their lives (? idk how to explain this). like, you could argue that because they're still alive they still have an image to maintain of sorts. but idk. look at the beatles. everybody knew they were fucked up and now the remaining living ones just say yeah actually we were fucking insane. now queen seems a lil weird. they're a seventies rock band, im guessing everyone who knows anything about seventies rock bands will assume they were all fucking insane, but instead of ever elaborating on it (from what I can recall from more recent interviews I remember seeing/reading) they just don't really mention it??? like it's always about freddie, and how freddie was a tormented genius who fucked up his own life because he was crAazy guys!! idk. they (brian and roger more directly) never really let the people in their lives and their actual thoughts on things. they make sure to always mention freddie (because how could you not, really) but always say exactly the same things, i haven't seen an actual thoughtful retrospective by them. and it just feels like they're hiding shit, y'know? they seem very pr friendly.
and yeah maybe you could argue it's for privacy reasons. but they like talking about their past. just not about themselves and how they played a part in their past. borhap is the proof. they do like using queens image and !!to me!! it seems that it is solely for profit.
one of the great things about biographies and biopics and all that is the reflection about past events, revisiting events with a clearer understanding of context, being able to see clearly the different sides of the same story and all. but the remaining of queen seems to suffer from a chronic lack of self awareness when it comes to their own lives. and again !!!!to me!!!! that might be a sign that they weren't friends (with freddie) perse after all. mccartney can shit on lennon all he wants but he never diminished his importance or paint him in a bad light after his death for the sake of his own image, and that's a telltale sign of love and respect between the two of them.
and back to the homophobia bit, i don't think i explained it all that well. it's interesting how freddie was one of the biggest queer icons and impacted so many lives, but since his legacy was in the hands of the straight people around him it got all warped as soon as they had the opportunity. I could understand a biopic like borhap being made about him by some random director with loads of money to spend and no interest in queen/freddie besides the money their image could bring (think the movie yesterday). but it's completely different that roger and brian wanted the story to be told like that. that just shows that no matter how much they say they loved freddie (and who am i to say they didn't) they didn't bother to respect him.
idk. idk idk idk. this is just a convoluted way to say: queen's version of the story we've got so far seems iffy. i don't really trust it. but maybe im just misinformed. in that case just ignore what i said.
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 7: SANSA Community and Residence Environment (and more Cape Town)
Hi everyone! This week was very brief at SANSA because I requested Friday off to meet my mom in Cape Town and spend the weekend with her. However, I briefly wanted to talk about the SANSA community and the environment at the residence where all the graduate students and several others live. 
Before I came to SANSA, I didn’t know what to expect of the people I would meet and live with for 8 weeks. After coming here, I realized that most people were very close with each other, cooking meals and watching football (soccer) together. While most people are graduate students, there are several interns and full time workers who also live in the SANSA residence. Although there is a huge range of ages, with people in their early 20s and others in their 30s, everyone lives together fairly comfortably. On weekdays almost everyone is busy working but as soon as Friday evening comes around you can expect to see people hanging out in the lounges and playing pool or board games together. The game everyone plays the most is definitely 30 Seconds. It’s a game where there is a card with 5 words and one person needs to describe each word for their team to guess. There is a time limit so it becomes very stressful and the game sometimes even sparks arguments (all in good fun). The game was a bit difficult for me to play since many of the words on the cards were related to South Africa and I just did not know what they were. For instance, one of the cards said “Mugg and Bean” and I had no idea what that was. I couldn’t describe it but then later found out that Mugg and Bean is a famous coffee shop chain in South Africa. Over the past couple of weeks, I have gotten better at the game since I know more about South Africa than I did when I first came to Hermanus. I also learned how to play a card game called Cassino. This is not a South African game but I think it is popular here considering how many people already knew how to play. In return, I taught the other students how to play Slap Jack and Spoons. I am so happy we got to play these games and hope to learn more card games before I leave. 
We also had a braai on Wednesday since someone was leaving SANSA. I did not know this person but everyone was still invited to the braai as long as they pitched in 120 rand for the food. Two of the graduate students worked on grilling the meat (chicken and beef) while others made pap and Chakalaka. That day, I learned how different pap can taste depending on how it is made. One student cooked the pap much slower and stirred the pot for much longer than other students and the pap turned out very different. One of them came out much smoother while the other was a lot harder and crumbly. As one student put it “making pap is not cooking - it is an art.” I think these words are extremely true as I tried stirring the pap and it was not easy since the pap was so thick. I was shocked that Murendeni, one of the grad students, was able to keep stirring the pap for over 20 minutes to get it to the right consistency. The braai was amazing and several people even gave heartfelt speeches talking about their colleague who was leaving. It was all very bittersweet since I was reminded that I would be leaving in 2 weeks as well. I will definitely miss all the friends I made at SANSA since I am not sure if we will ever get to meet again. Hopefully, I can at least stay in touch with some of them through social media/WhatsApp.
On Thursday evening after work, I left for Cape Town. Unfortunately, Jabali, the driver I had previously used to get to Cape Town, was involved in a minor car accident and could not pick me up. He was fine but his car was in the shop so I instead used Tuk Taxi (taxi service in Hermanus) to get to Cape Town. It was much more expensive to use the taxi service as they charged me 1300 rand for the trip whereas Jabali would usually charge me 1000 rand for a ride from Hermanus to Cape Town and 800 rand for the other way. This time when I visited Cape Town, I got to do some things I previously missed.  
My mom and I went to hike to the top of Table Mountain on Friday morning. There are many routes to hike to the top but we decided to go on the Platteklip Gorge route since it is the most popular and is the least difficult. Even then, almost the entire hike was completely uphill. Although it wasn’t easy, the hike was totally worth it since the views at the top were so rewarding. I visited Cape Town a couple of weeks ago with my supervisor and we used the cable car to come to the top that time. Even though the views were the same both times, I felt so much better looking at everything down below after working hard to get to the top. I highly recommend this hike to anyone who likes outdoor activities. However, it is important to note that you should be wary of the weather. It can easily get very cloudy around Table Mountain and make it difficult to hike. My mom and I were very lucky since Friday was the hottest day of the week (generally it’s a lot colder since it’s winter) and there were barely any clouds in the sky. At the top, I could see both the suburbs of Cape Town on one side and the main city area/ocean on the other side. After appreciating the views and taking many pictures, my mom took the cable car down since we didn’t want to hike back down.
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That night, we went to Marco's African Place for dinner. We wanted to have authentic South African food and this was one of the top rated places and it definitely did not disappoint. There was live entertainment with a local band which made the experience even better. I think that this restaurant's pap was best pap I had so far.
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The next day, we headed to Aquila Game Reserve for a half-day safari! The Aquila Private Game Reserve is located about 2 hours outside of Cape Town. It is the closest safari to go near Cape Town and is pretty popular in the area. The tickets for half-day safari were still pretty expensive at 1690 rand. This included a lunch buffet, complimentary drinks, and a 2.5 hour safari. On top of that, we paid for transportation with Aquila to take us from Cape Town to the game reserve. This cost an extra 995 rand so the total trip was very expensive compared to other activities in South Africa. However, the safari was very much worth it. We got to see 4/5 of the Big 5. The Big 5 are buffalo, elephants, rhinos, lions and leopards. We got to see all of these except leopards. I have never been on a safari before so I was pleasantly surprised. I also saw zebras, ostriches, antelope, and giraffes. I think my favorite animal to see during the safari was the elephant. We saw 3 of them and they came very close to the open vehicle we were sitting in. At one point, I thought one of the elephants was going to run into the vehicle but it went around us at the last minute. I didn’t think I would go on a safari while in Cape Town since it isn’t really known for that but I was glad to have this opportunity and would recommend anyone visiting Cape Town to try to also visit Aquila.
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I had a great weekend with my mom and can’t wait to see what my last 1.5 weeks in South Africa will be like :) See you next week!  
Satwika Tattari
Space Sciences and Engineering
IPE: Undergraduate Research Program at the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) in Hermanus, South Africa
0 notes
themeatpit37 · 1 year
Hihi wait hello :ȷ!!
Genuine curiosity.. I am a curious cat...
Ah! Why hello! And thank you! So pleasant to see you!
(🥛) what's their reaction to drinking the iridium milk?
Gonna be honest, I have not gotten the iridium milk yet so I had to look this up. Guessing it’s Qi’s milk so Zander’s reaction at first was “Oh boy! I love milk!” Until he chugged it and. Froze up. He ended up on his knees holding onto the ground as he tried not to vomit (poor bby is very sensitive to textures and flavors) but he tried to act like he enjoyed it to be nice. He failed at this task.
(🍻) does your farmer hangout at the saloon? who do they usually go with?
Zander is a well known visitor, but only because he appears to buy recipes, check out daily specials, and talk to the other patrons. He isn’t much of a drinker either, but he does love to be in Shane’s company and will usually hang around him since Elliott stopped going for some reason… (In this, it’s because he doesn’t want to make a fool out of himself in front of his husband). He knows that Shane is a casual drinker now that he’s recovered but he just tries to be there just in case.
(🫂) is your farmer well liked in town?
I’d say so! He’s a very polite person and tends to not stir up the pot. Plus, everyone in town adores his baked goods and loves how passionate he is about the community.
(✨) what is their best skill?
His best skill? I’d say either foraging or farming! Probably farming though since he loves growing plants.
If you mean general skills and not the in game ones, then he is very creative and is very good when it comes to baking or cooking.
(🍂) do they have a favorite season? least favorite?
His favorite season would have to be fall and it’s not just because of Elliott, but rather that it’s chilly without being cold and he loves the vibe and energy that autumn brings. He’d love winter too if it wasn’t for his inability to grow crops. Both of these seasons give him an excuse to bake more and more food for him to eat. Plus he gets to snuggle up under blankets and warm up without dying unlike summer or spring.
1 note · View note
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amethyst you so much
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Summary: Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
Warnings: pure fluff, weed mention, hurt/comfort, grief and mourning
Word Count: 6.4K
Read on Ao3
Late nights at the office had become his thing since Gideon left.
He couldn’t bring himself to go home some nights without a game of chess, a cup of coffee, and the ambiance of the post case staff working. He would’ve had no idea about what goes on after they close a case if he didn’t stay behind most nights.
The phone rings almost every 10 minutes, and it’s always answered by the sweetest voice. The fax machine never turns off, and the most beautiful girl in the world is always running around placing papers in different places.
He’s been smitten with her since she started here, 2 years ago. Never seeing much of her since she was switched to the night shift, always wanting to just watch her from afar, never speaking to her unless he needed to.
“Yes, again we are so sorry for the door,” he can hear her voice from the back corner of the room. “Agent Morgan will be paying for that out of his paycheck, don’t worry, Mr. Kennings. We’ll be sure to remember your hotel when we’re in the area again. The FBI has a very generous budget for overnight cases. Of course, you have a good night too.”
She hung the phone up harshly and let out a deep sigh. He turned around to see her face in her arms, resting against the desk. She looked done, completely fed up. He would be too.
She looked up then, noticing that he was making eye contact with her. She awkwardly smiled and waved at him, “sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Spencer replied. “We asked for the key, I should have stopped him from kicking it in.”
She laughed then, walking over to his desk so she didn’t have to yell across the room. She sat on the corner of his desk lightly, “why do you stay every night?”
“Oh, um,” he wasn’t prepared for this. She had never talked to him before. She was barely able to even look at him when she used to place papers on his desk 2 years ago, now she was on his desk.
“I don’t like to bring the work home with me, it’s better to destress here before I go to my apartment,” he answered, half honestly.
She nodded slightly, “I get it. Luckily I go home in the mornings so the sun helps me feel better.”
“Going home in the dark isn’t fun,” she lightly smiled up at her.
“Do you want a coffee or anything?” She asked softly, “seeing as I am still your assistant as long as you’re here?”
He laughed lightly, “I would, but I’d like to join you in the staff room for it?”
“Okay,” she stood, straightening out her shirt as he stood as well.
He held the doors open for her, letting her walk out first, still smiling as she waited in the hall for him. Never being anything less than 1 foot from him for some reason, and he didn’t mind in the slightest.
“Do you like your job?” He asked lightly.
“Oh yeah,” she laughed. “It’s like customer service on crack. Have you ever had to explain to someone why you can’t pay for the cracked foundation after Agent Morgan’s ransacked a place?”
“I honestly never thought of who has to deal with the aftermath,” he awkwardly admitted to her. “I’m so sorry.”
She couldn’t stop laughing as they entered the kitchen, “it’s fine. I never have to apologize on your behalf, it’s everyone else who seems to be reckless. Sometimes I feel like it would be better if I came along to babysit.”
“That would be helpful,” he smiled softly as she entered the staff room.
He watched as she took a new coffee filter out of the cupboard. Emptying the coffee pot with ease, rinsing everything before adding the water and scooping in the grounds. He was mesmerized by how fast she was able to do it, then again it was sort of her job.
“What mug would you like?” She turned to him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat.
“Um, the purple one, if it’s there?”
“You really like purple, huh?” She teased him, standing on her tippy-toes to reach the mug for him.
She placed it on the counter before grabbing a white mug, it had a bumblebee on it, “bee happy” written along the top. It was perfect for her.
“Purple is a stress-reducing colour,” she explained. “When I was a kid my parents painted my room purple so that I’d sleep better.”
“I’ve always been drawn to it.”
She leaned against the counter while the coffee pot started to percolate, “Probably because of your anxiety, coffee doesn’t help that.”
“It’s in my DNA to be like this,” he tried to joke, knowing he succeeded when her smile crept back onto her face.
He was on a mission to keep seeing it.
“For someone who spends a lot of time with dead bodies, creepy places and bad people, you sure are a mousy little thing aren’t you?” She teased him.
“I also love Halloween, go figure.” He’s not sure where the confidence came from, being able to make light-hearted jokes like this was only easy with the team.
Which she technically was a part of. He’s seen her almost every single day for 3 years, slowly being able to get comfortable enough for this very moment.
“What else are you into, outside of here?” She asked honestly, making his heart swell as no one else had ever asked him before.
“Lots of things,” he sighed. “I love to read, I’ll read anything. But mostly I enjoy far-off worlds. Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Sherlock mostly.”
“No supernatural?” She gasped. “Sacrilege, honestly. What kind of nerd are you if you don't support supperwholock?”
“That's the show with the monster hunting brothers right?” He tried to recall it to his mind.
She nodded with a pressed-lipped smile, “it’s bad but in a way where I can’t stop watching every Thursday, they just introduced an angel who is pretty gay. Star Trek is cool too, I guess, I was raised by Trekkies.”
“My mom was into Doctor Who.”
“Mamma’s boy,” she teased him slightly, returning her focus to the coffee as she poured the now finished brew into their mugs. “She was nice when she came in that one time, I made her a very sweet coffee just like yours.”
He reached for the sugar then, poring a generous amount into his mug with a grin, “how much do you like?”
“the same amount,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate the taste of coffee, but it keeps me awake.”
He poured the sugar into her mug as she places a spoon in each. Allowing him to stir his own before picking it up finally. Holding the warm ceramic in his hands, it was almost as warm as the feeling in his chest when he looked at her.
He’s felt it for a long time. He’s been caught staring at her by Derek, JJ even tried to get him to give her his number. Which she already had for when she calls him into work in the middle of the night. They knew he had a crush, he did too. He just didn’t know what to do about it.
“Come to my desk, I want to show you something?” She asked softly, avoiding eye contact as she walked towards the door.
He followed, like a lost puppy, all the way back to her desk. It was always neat, he always looked at it when he made his way up the stairs to the briefing room. He could even see it from where he sat at the table sometimes. Always wanting to see her leave in the mornings.
She had a collection of rocks that always changed, he loved the blue one the most but it wasn’t there currently. She had all new ones since the last time he looked.
“Here,” she hands him one. It’s brown and gold, the colours moving and shifting as he turns it with his fingers. The gold running through it like a beautiful wave.
“what’s this for?”
“It’s a Tiger’s eye, for good luck and happiness,” she smiled. “Keep it at your desk and maybe it’ll be easier for you to relax when you come back?”
The butterflies in his chest were swirling then as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. Wanting him to take it, wanting him to feel better. Caring for him.
“Thank you,” he barely whispers, clearing his throat softly. “It’s very nice of you.”
“You’re always nice to me, so,” she shrugged.
They sat down then, he dragged his chair from his desk over to hers. Sitting in close as she explained all the meanings to her rocks. He listened carefully, getting to examine each one as she spoke.
“This one is Jade, it’s for balancing emotions and allowing compassion so I don’t scream at everyone on the phone,” she laughed as she placed one in his hands. Her fingers brushing his palm softly.
It was a beautiful green stone with a thin white line running through it, separating into 3 directions as he flipped it over, “it’s beautiful.”
“I know some people don’t believe in this stuff,” she started to get embarrassed as she placed them all back on the shelf. “But I’ve always thought; if the moon, which is just a rock, can control the water, and humans are 70% water, then who’s to tell me the moon cycles don’t control my emotions and these smaller rocks can’t help problem areas?”
“You’re not wrong,” he shook his head softly as he thought her words over. “People depended on the stars and planets for guidance originally, as well as rocks and herbs for healing, just because it’s outdated doesn’t mean it doesn’t work?”
“Thank you,” she smiled. “No one has ever agreed with me that easily.”
“Anytime you want to talk, I’ll just be over there,” he pointed at his desk. “And I’m a phone call away?” He swallowed sharply at his boldness, trying to stay calm as he awaited her answer.
“I do have your number,” she smiled, reaching out to place her hand on his. “But you should go home, I’m sure you’re chilled out now.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, staring at her hand as they touched. He lightly wrapped his hand around hers, holding it slightly, running his thumb over her knuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“And every day after,” she whispered, tilting her head as she smiled at him.
This was going to be interesting.
Penelope was always dragging him out. She would take him shopping, to dinner, to the movies. She was like his big sister, dedicated to making sure he wasn’t always cooped up or trying to retreat into a fantasy life.
She kept him busy.
She had 4 bags in her hands as they walked down the street, peering into the store windows to see what else she could possibly be interested in taking home for someone. That’s when they passed the natural health store.
He stopped in his tracks, seeing all the different rocks on the wall accompanies by little cards that described how they could help. He opened the door and rushed inside before Penelope even noticed he stopped following her.
“Good afternoon!” The shop owner called out to him. “How can I assist you today?”
“Um, the girl I like has a rock collection,” he says softly, knowing Penelope is behind him listening. “Crystals more specifically, I’d like to get her some?”
“Well, you came to the right place,” the man beams, escorting him to the wall of rocks. “What is she like?”
“Wonderful,” the words are carried out of his mouth on a sigh as he thinks about her. “She’s confident and nice, and caring. She’s always positive and just so lovely.”
“I’ve got you,” the man starts picking rocks off the wall and placing them in his hands.
Spencer follows him to the desk where he lays down a handful of rocks, Penelope is shockingly quiet as she stands beside him, staring at the collection. She’ll be full of questions later, all of which he is terrified of.
“This is a rose quartz, pretty basic love, beauty, anti-depression stone,” he pushes the pink and a green rock towards him. “Serpentine is for new adventures, observation and insight. I have a feeling you’re up for an adventure with her?”
Spencer nodded enthusiastically, “I like that one. It would be better to get her some rare ones, some that have to do with friendship, new beginnings, or opportunities?” He tried to explain his feelings as best as he could. Not knowing if he sounded dumb for a change.
The man smiled wide, “here,” he dipped below the counter and dug out a box. “Chrysocolla is literally for new beginnings, love and opportunity.”
He hands Spencer a vitreous, raw blue stone with small green marks running all through it, it’s beautiful like her. “This is perfect.”
“I’ll throw in a Kiwi Jasper as well, it’s for being by someone's side, support and trust. As well as a Ruby in Zoisite it symbolizes finding the joy in life with someone,” he hands Spencer two equally beautiful stones, prepping a bag and wrappings for all of them.
Spencer lays out the 5 stones he picked out, watching him wrap them with care before placing them in a bag. He rings everything up, Spencer pays and before he’s even out the door Penelope is pouncing on him for answers.
He can't help but blush and stutter, trying to brush past her and continue walking down the street. “You can’t hide forever Spencer, who is she?”
“How do you know it’s a she?”
“You literally said so?” She looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Come on? I won't tell anyone!”
The gears are turning in Penelope's head as she tries to place a face to the name, knowing she’s seen her somewhere, “From the office?”
He nods softly, “the one Derek bullies me for staring at?” He clues her in more as they walk.
“He also bullies her for staring at you,” she adds with a smile. “She’s going to love those, when are you going to give them to her?”
“I was thinking about just leaving one on her desk every day? Maybe with a note for why I picked it?” He really wants to woo her, she’s too special to just flirt with.
“She’s going to love that.”
Sure enough, he walked into work every day for the next week, placing a rock on a sticky note on her desk. He was never around when she was able to see it, only knowing she got it when he'd arrive at work the next morning with a note reading 'thank you ♥︎ ' on top of his files.
He thinks about her all weekend, planning how he'll give her the last rock as he takes the elevator up that morning. Only to see her sitting at her desk, phone pressed to her ear as she tried to talk someone out of suing the FBI, she looked absolutely miserable. Just a casual Monday morning for her, almost at the end of her shift.
He rushed over to his desk, putting all his stuff down to dig one of the rocks from his satchel. Picking the Kiwi Jasper for today, he grabbed a pen and a sticky note and wrote her a little note.
“Always here if you need to talk, -Spencer ♥︎”
He walked over to her desk, she was still talking so she didn’t notice him until he was right there, she looked up at him with a thankful smile.
“Yes sir,” she answered the person talking to her. “Can I call you back after I speak to the chief? thanks.” She hung up on him, turning all her attention to Spencer.
“I know you know it's been me leaving these, but I brought you in another one,” he says softly, placing the rock in her hand and sticking the note to the shelf where it would end up.
“oh my gosh, Spencer?” She placed her free hand on her heart as she looked at the rock.
“You looked upset?”
She stands and pulls him into a hug, he can feel all the eyes on him as he holds her back, letting his chin rest on her shoulder as she squeezes him.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled back, awkwardly smiling at him as she also noticed everyone staring.
“Always,” he smiled back, hand still resting on her arm. “Um, I have a case I need to get to.”
“Of course, good luck,” she smiled.
He pulls the tiger's eye out of his shirt pocket, showing her that he still had it, “kinda hard not to have good luck with this.”
She bit back a smile, her eyes gleaming as she took a deep breath through her nose. Releasing the same feelings he was keeping inside, allowing both their butterflies to swarm out together.
He loved when they had cases in Virginia. Being able to stay in the bullpen and work was relaxing, it was easier to think where he felt safe.
He was working on the geo profile all alone, a huge map stretched across a clear case board as he laid a yardstick across it. Drawing a thick red line with marker over it, in his own little world as he worked away.
He doesn’t realize she’s standing there too until she’s lightly pressing her hand on his back.
“Hey,” she whispers softly. “It’s 10 pm, thought you’d like a coffee?” She places the purple mug on his desk with her purse, turning her attention back to what he’s doing.
“Thank you, I’m almost done here,” he says softly, finishing the red triangle he was making on the map.
“I’ve always found it fascinating how you do this,” she complimented him. “You’re so careful.”
“Like baking, it’s an exact science,” he smiled softly.
It made her giggle slightly, placing her hand back on his back as she moved in closer to look. He wanted her to stay there forever, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus. He tried his best to steady his hand as he finished the line.
Putting the yardstick back down and turning to her, she doesn’t move her hand, instead, softly moving to rest on his arm as she stands close to him. “How are you?”
He feels nervous for some reason, it’s not like she hasn’t been this close to him before. It’s just that she’s close and she smells wonderful and he wonders if her lips would be a better wake-up call than the coffee she brought.
He realizes he’s staring at her lips when he licks his own, “I’m good,” he furrows his brow and clears his throat with a nod.
She smirks at him, “how come you’re the only one still here? Hotch said it could wait till tomorrow?”
“I was waiting for you,” he admits, “but I got carried away setting this up, I never heard you come in?”
“Cause I didn’t,” she scrunches her nose slightly as she straightens her stance. “I saw you working hard and went right to get you a coffee.”
“You’re wonderful,” he blushes as the words slip out, trying his best to keep eye contact when all he wants to do is kiss her.
She pats his arm slightly as she backs up a little, grabbing her bag from where she set it on his desk. “I’m going to set up for the night, come talk to me before you leave?”
“Of course,” he says as she walks away, letting out a small sigh as he realizes just how badly he wants her.
He never gets to talk to her before he leaves, she’s on the phone when hotch comes storming in. Saying something about another body and making Reid leave with him. He’s busy for 3 days straight, thinking about her with every free thought he’s able to squeeze in.
He carries the rock from her in his pocket everywhere he goes; in his pants beside his keys, in his bag with his books, in his breast pocket, over his heart, behind a bulletproof vest. Feeling it press against his chest, a part of her keeping him safe where ever he went.
They finish the case with minimal damage, Spencer specifically making sure that Derek leaves all the doors on the hinges for Y/N’s sake, cleaning up any messes they make so she won’t have to hear about it over the phone. They all notice that he’s doing it for her, quietly appreciating the fact that Spencer is happy for a change, that there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes again.
He arrives back at Quantico 30 minutes before her shift starts. Everyone else is packing up for the day while he sits at his desk, reading to occupy the time before she comes in.
Only she doesn’t.
30 minutes pass and she’s nowhere to be seen, it’s only 9:02 by the time he starts to panic. Wondering if she’s okay, hoping she’s just in the elevator or grabbing a coffee that’s actually good, somewhere outside of the office.
“Reid,” he hears Hotch calling him from his office door. “She just called in, her grandmother passed away last night so she won't be in.”
“Oh,” he furrows his brow, looking at him with confusion. “How did you know?”
“Penelope,” he smiles. “She’s still here too, and she knows where Y/N lives.”
“It wouldn’t be weird to go see if she’s okay?”
Hotch just smiles at him again, “go see her, Reid.”
Getting her address from Penelope felt a little weird, but she writes it on a sticky note for him and he’s out the door before she can even pry into what he’s going to say. Which is good, because he doesn’t know yet.
It’s late, but he stops by the little rock store on his way to her house. Seeing the lights still on and the same man from before behind the counter.
“Welcome back,” he’s overly cheerful for it being so late. “How did she like them?”
“She likes the ones I’ve given her so far,” he smiles, looking over the wall himself this time for the right one.
Scanning past every emotion and affirmation known to man as he looked around, picking out a beautiful pink Rhodonite for healing grief, supposedly acting as a hug from emotional troubles. And a Rainbow Moonstone for inner peace, harmony and strength.
“She’s lost someone recently?” He asks as Spencer places them on the counter.
“Her grandmother,” he says softly. “These are good, right?”
“They’ll be perfect, we also have amethyst bracelets, they’re good for healing and drawing in positive energy,” he points towards the small display of bracelets. Small purple stones separated with small gold beads.
He picks up 2 of them, placing them on the counter as well.
“Is she still just a crush?”
Spencer laughs lightly, “unfortunately.”
“She might be more after this,” he smirks, ringing him up. “I’ll give you a 2 for one deal on everything, I have a feeling you’ll be in a lot.”
Spencer thanks him as he pays, picking out a small purple bag for the rocks and bracelet. Placing one on his own wrist before leaving. Also picking up some cookie dough ice cream and a card at the corner store just beside her apartment. Remembering all the times Penelope, JJ or Emily has mentioned it being the best ice cream for crying.
He takes a very deep breath before knocking on her door, hoping to every god out there that she doesn’t find this incredibly inappropriate and weird.
“Spencer?” He hears her voice before she even opens the door, looking out the peephole at him.
She whips the door open, eyes puffy and swollen as she looks at him in shock. She’s in a big sweater and shorts, tears dripping down her cheeks as she shakes her head at him.
“I thought you could use some cheering up?” He awkwardly smiles, holding the ice cream up for her to see.
She wraps her arms around his middle, burying her face against his coat. Still crying as she holds him, he holds her with his free hand, shushing her as he presses his cheek to her head.
She pulls back with a sniffle, “come in,” she offers with an arm out, ushering him inside the small room as she closes the door.
He takes his shoes off, handing her the ice cream so he can take off his coat and satchel too. “This isn’t weird right?”
“Not at all,” she laughs slightly through the awkwardness. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you care this much.”
“I brought something for you,” he says as he struggles to dig everything out of his pocket.
He hands her the card and the little purple bag, seeing the overwhelming glance grow on her face. Her eyes grew wide as he mouth opened, speechless.
She opened the card first, reading the passage about grief that was already provided. Dealing with grief was something Spencer knew too well, adding something a little special to the bottom of the card.
“To live in hearts we left behind is not to die,” -Thomas Campbell. As long as you remember her, with a smile on your face and love in your heart, she will always be with you ♥︎ Spencer
She wipes her tears with her forearm, placing the card on the counter beside the ice cream before she opens the bag. She pulls out the bracelet first, absolute shock on her face.
“Spencer?” Is all she can say, in a high squeak as she shakes her head at him.
“I didn’t want you to be sad,” he says softly, stepping into her space and placing a hand on her arm. “I love seeing you smile, and I thought this could help.
He takes the bracelet from her grasp and places it over her hand. Resting it on her wrist softly, straightening it out against her sweater as she notices the matching on over his shirt sleeve.
“Oh this is so cute,” she swoons. “thank you, really Spencer.”
“And there are some rocks for grief healing in there too, one is supposedly like an emotional hug which should heal the grief and sorrow, and the other is more for inner peace and harmony,” he rambles away, not wanting her to miss anything.
She pours the rocks from the bag, into her hand, looking them over silently with a smile, “they’ll look great on my desk.”
“The purple looks nice on you too,” he compliments her, watching her eyes drift up to him.
She places the rocks on the counter before wrapping her arms around him once more. This time he’s able to actually hold her back, tight as possible as he rubs his hand over her back.
She smells like home, clean laundry and happiness. She’s soft and warm, he holds her perfectly against his chest, like she was a missing puzzle piece that someone finally found under the table, she fits into his life like she was supposed to be there.
She kisses his cheek softly before she pulls back, causing him to pull her into a real kiss on impulse. Connecting their lips as she sighs into the contact, melting into his grasp as she kisses him back.
Her lips are soft, fitting between his own gently as she breathes him in. Her hands reach up to grip his cheeks, kissing him again and again, placing pecks to his lips and cheeks with her eyes closed as he giggles.
“Thank you,” she whispers against his lips, “for everything.”
“I’d do anything for you,” he whispers back, kissing her one last time before she pulls away.
“I was actually about to smoke some weed on the fire escape and probably cry some more,” she laughs lightly. “would you like to join me?”
“I’ll stick with a bowl of ice cream,” he smiled awkwardly.
“Nice one,” she laughs as she opens the ice cream.
“Oh, you didn’t even get the reference you made,” she laughs lightly, “to get high you smoke a bowl, so…”
It makes him smile, “I'm a comedian part-time.”
He makes her laugh again, loving the sound of her giggle replacing the tears. “Why aren’t you this funny at work?”
He thinks about it for a little, watching her scoop the ice cream into two bowls, “it’s a little hard to make jokes when people's lives are on the line, I know everyone else does but I get too focused.”
“They probably wouldn’t appreciate your jokes even if you did make them,” she says as she handed him a bowl with a spoon. “They’re kind of mean to you, in a family way but it still sucks sometimes to overhear.”
She walks into the living area then, grabbing a few blankets and opening the window to the fire escape. Crawling out to sit on the ledge, waiting for him.
“I don’t mind it,” he says as he finally sits down beside her.
She places the blanket over their laps, both of them sitting criss-cross applesauce as they ate.
“Do you like your job?” She asks him, just like he once asked her.
“Most of the time,” he nodded as he got brain freeze. The cold air, the cold ice cream, everything that was catching up to him as he scrunched his face up at the feeling.
She laughs at him only a bit before she’s also attacked by the brain freeze, holding the vein in her neck as she chokes out another laugh, trying to warm up the blood going to her head so the pain would stop.
They’re both just a mess of giggles together, unable to say any words as they let it all out. She leans her head on his shoulder lightly as they calm down to just soft chuckles. He presses his cheek against her head.
“Thank you, Spencer,” it sounds like she’s crying a bit. “My grandma was a lovely woman, she’d be glad I’m laughing right now.”
He reached out a hand for her to hold over the blanket. She interlocked their fingers softly, both cold from holding their ice cream bowls.
“If she was anything like you, I’m sure she was the most wonderful woman,” he says softly, not intending to make her cry but having a feeling he might.
“Would you be interested in holding me on the couch while I cry?” She asked softly, tears in her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”
He’s late for work the next morning.
Waking up to the smell of coffee, opening his eyes to a strange view. He’s on a couch he doesn’t recognize in a room he doesn’t know too well.
Then he remembers, they ended up cuddled up on the couch. He wakes up to the memory of her on his chest, crying softly as they listened to some music, he ran his hand over her back while she went through it all, blessed to have his support.
He fell asleep under her at some point, waking up alone with a blanket laid over him. He sat up to see her in the kitchen, pouring coffee into a travel mug.
“Good, you’re awake,” she smiles at him. “Coffee is ready, I uh, I have this button-up shirt from a guy friend, if you wanted to wear that to work today? So they don’t think you stayed here?”
“That’s smart,” he replies as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
Getting up, he uses the bathroom, changes and takes that coffee from her. He’s not expecting her to kiss him on the lips at the door, but she sends him off to work like an old housewife.
He doesn’t want to pull away from her, keeping her pressed against him as he leans in for 4 more kisses before she finally pushes him out into the hallway with a laugh, “get to work!”
“Fine,” he sighs, “are you going to be in tonight?”
“Yeah,” she smiles, “funeral is in West Virginia next week, so I’ll be in until then.”
“I’ll see you later?”
She nods slightly with a soft smile, “you’ll be seeing a lot of me soon, Spencer.”
“Good,” he winks at her before heading down the hallway and towards the street entrance.
He sighs as he walks outside, resting his back against the apartment complex door, taking a moment to think about everything that just happened, the night of company and the wonderful send-off.
It was something he could get used to.
He rushes into the briefing room when he arrives at Quantico, sitting down with his coffee and pretending he wasn’t late. Listening carefully to JJ’s presentation of the case as he flips through everything he missed already.
“Wheels up in 30,” he heard Hotch say as he zoned back in. “Nice of you to join us, Reid.”
“I know that travel mug from somewhere,” Derek said as he stared at Spencer, who was taking a sip to avoid the awkwardness.
“Hmm?” He played dumb.
“That’s Y/N’s. She washes it every morning when she leaves to go home, I see her do it every morning,” his eyes open wide. “Holy shit.”
“Isn’t that the same tie and slacks from yesterday?” Emily teased him as well.
“Her grandma died, I brought her ice cream and slept on the couch okay?” He all but yelled, flailing his arms slightly so they’d all back off.
Derek reached his fist out for him to pound it, “good man.”
Then Penelope noticed the bracelet, “did she get you that?”
He sunk his hand into his pocket then, “no.”
“What?” Emily and JJ asked in unison, straining their necks to try and get a good look at what she was talking about.
He nervously held his arm out for them, showing them the purple bracelet resting over the sleeve of his shirt. “I got one for her too, it’s for healing and peace. It’s what she needs right now.”
“Oh, so you love her,” Derek smiles as he teases him. Making everyone else in the room swoon slightly.
“Okay and?”
“Oh my god!” Most of them shout at him, embarrassing him to no end. He was so glad she wasn’t at work this morning or else she would be able to hear this from her desk.
“Did you kiss her?” Rossi pries, asking what everyone else was thinking.
He scrunches his face, pushing his glasses up slightly as he clears his throat, “a few times.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” JJ kept the questions coming.
“Not yet,” he said softly. “Kinda weird to walk into her apartment while she cries to say ‘hey sorry about the death in your family, want to date me?’”
“Yeah,” Emily agrees, shrugging lightly. “At least she knows you like her now, it’s been what? 2 years?”
“2 years, 3 months, 17 days and 43 minutes,” he confirms with a small nod and pressed lips.
“Gross,” Derek teases him.
“The plane is leaving in 10 minutes,” Hotch cut into their fun.
Making them all gather their things and continue the interrogation in the elevator, and eventually on the plane, and in the police precinct. Even Penelope called him in the middle of everything to bug him about her.
The questions were never-ending, everyone wanted to know how they even started talking, who made the first move, how he plans to ask her out. They were relentless, he almost regretted admitting to anything.
They bug him all throughout the day, all the way until they’re arriving back at the BAU late that same night. He almost doesn’t want to go back to the bullpen and see her with all of them, knowing they were going to follow and say something.
She’s waiting in the hall when the elevator doors open, a pressed-lipped smile on her face, “bad news.”
“Another one?” Hotch sighs, “have Garcia send us the info. Be at the table in 10.” He pushes his way out of the elevator, passed them all as they stare at Y/N.
“Hi?” She awkwardly waves at them all, showing off the bracelet on her wrist.
“See ya, Spence,” JJ and Emily say as they matt his shoulder, dragging Derek and Rossi towards the bullpen doors.
“Sorry,” he apologizes for them softly, stepping into her space.
She wraps him up in a quick hug, keeping one arm around his waist as she guides him towards the bullpen, “it’s fine, they’re going to have to get used to us being together.”
“Together?” He repeats her words.
“I only cry on my boyfriend's shoulders, if you're up for the title?” She teases him softly, pinching his side as they walk towards the doors.
“Can I frame “Dr. Spencer Reid, Y/N’s boyfriend” beside my Ph.D.’s?” He keeps his hand on her shoulder, holding each other slightly as they walk towards her desk. He felt like one of those kids who wouldn’t let go of their girlfriend's hand in the school hallway, attached to her at the hip.
“I’ll make one for you while you’re gone,” she laughs lightly.
They stop at her desk where he sees all rocks he got her collecting on the shelf, as well as a cup of coffee and his favourite kind of donut.
“Thought you deserved something nice too,” she says as she nudges his side.
He kisses her on the cheek as a thank you, “you’re welcome,” she smiles to herself. A feeling of pride growing in both their chests.
“See you later?” He asks as he picks up the coffee and donut, walking away slowly as she smiles at him.
“Come home to me safely, Doctor Reid,” her voice is just loud enough for everyone in the briefing room, where everyone is waiting at the window, watching them, deciding to put on a show in return.
He stops on the steps to look at her softly, “I’d fight a thousand unsubs to come home to you.”
“I’ll leave the light on,” she blows a kiss at him, making him blush a deep red.
He waves, making his way up the steps and into the briefing room. A smile on his face, heart thumping in his chest, all the support in the world swarming around him as everyone patted him on the back.
That tiger’s eye really did bring him good luck and happiness, and her name was Y/N.
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Season 4, Episode 6: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
"Kicks Get Chicks" *is the gayest episode in the entire season* Kicks get DICKS more like
"Sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material" HA, love that this fucker is self aware
He knows he's the Comic Relief Guy and he embraces it fully
"He who shall not be named" absolutely LOVE how Demetri just fucking despises Robby now but is trying to be lowkey about it so as not to stir the pot
If he could I'm pretty sure Demetri would pummel this man six ways to Sunday
Once again reminding everyone that Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Demetri's best friend, betrayed his and Demetri's dojo, and then held down and forcefully shaved Demetri's other best friend
Yeah he wants to like...murder Robby at this point honestly
I can't blame him, either--if someone fucked over my bestie, my dojo, AND my crush??? I would indeed be out for blood, yes
The way Demetri looks CRUSHED when Daniel's like "I know you're missing your friends but we have to put the past behind us" :( :( :(
He just wants his boyfriend back god bless
Wow no wonder Tory's fucked up, with an aunt like THAT
This season is kinda making me love Tory, I'll admit
I never thought I'd see the day but here we are
Could this man BE any more delightfully unhinged
Johnny Lawrence's dojo marketing will never NOT be hysterical
"Smack-dab between the pipe supply and the burned-down Chuck E. Cheese" SIR
"I'm asexual" WELL at least we exist on television, right???
I guess this is the queer rep we get for Season 4, RIP
"I can't do the whole physical aggression thing" Remind me again why she and ELI FREAKING MOSKOWITZ are meant to be compatible at all??? Literally what even would they talk about??? Well REGARDLESS, can't help but admire her staunch determination to be a pacifist in a high school singlehandedly spearheading the local karate wars
"She's the best athlete in school and she's not afraid to get into a fight" Okay don't get me wrong, I'm still seething over Moon and Piper breaking up, BUT I do find it absolutely HYSTERICAL that Moon apparently has a type
Even funnier that Yasmine lowkey fits her type too, which is apparently mean, cocky bitches who don't take shit from anyone
Oh SHIT, Sam catching Amanda talking to Tory??? This boutta get JUICY
I've got a lot to say here but I'll try to organize my thoughts somewhat
FIRST OF ALL, I am absolutely delighted that my headcanon that these two have been friends since kindergarten and can easily let themselves into each other's houses is correct!!!
Also Demetri's gay ass is obsessed--I have a lot of long-time childhood friends, and I don't have the location of their spare house keys memorized XD
"You should really think about increasing your security given, you know, THE KARATE WAR???" Not Demetri still being the most overprotective goddamn boyfriend I've ever SEEN
He gets pissy at his friends whenever they do (or suggest) something dangerous that could get them hurt, and it's kind of hilarious but also adorable
He cares so much but has like 0 tact in showing it, bless his soul
The overprotective pissiness is turned up to eleven with Eli though, which is pretty gay
I knew so many dudes in high school who were obsessed with and idolized Batman to a weird extent so like
A very confident "YOU'RE BATMAN!!!" from a guy who seems to be one of those Batman-obsessed boys is uh
Basically a love confession
"Oh, I forget, you're not a DC guy" losing my MIND, I can't believe absolute edgelord Eli Moskowitz isn't into the kind of dark, gritty shit DC is constantly putting out XD
Plot twist of the century honestly
"Forget Batman, you're The Hawk!!!" Hey um check and fucking MATE, haters who threw shade at Demetri for being a bad friend because he never fully accepted the "Hawk" persona
He wouldn't use that as a means of trying to build back Eli's confidence if he hadn't learned to embrace "Hawk" at least somewhat????
And like even if he's still not the biggest fan of "Hawk," he thinks talking about that is what'll make Eli happy and help cheer him up and feel better about himself
He just wants Eli to be his best, happiest self ;__;
"I just proved I was an asshole. To Moon, to Miguel...especially you." Gonna point out that he listed what I think are the 3 most important people to him and he emphasized Demetri
And I could swear his voice cracks a little, like he's legit getting choked up just thinking about all the fuckery he subjected Dem to
This dude still has so much guilt festering in him about what he did to Demetri, fucker loves Demetri so much ;_;
"I forgave you, remember?" Dem of course we remember you giving in to Eli's puppy dog eyes in all of 2 seconds because you're deeply in love with him
OPE my homebody Demetri literally says he doesn't give a fuck how Eli does his hair, he still thinks he's the shit regardless
Sorry "Demetri only accepts Eli and not Hawk" truthers, y'all are wrong again
He loves all versions of Eli Moskowitz, he just doesn't want him to be an asshole actually
Which seems reasonable to me
Tfw when you say "Miyagi-Do needs you" but what you really mean is "I need you"
Gay gay homosexual gay
Okay I read some steaming hot takes about Demetri coming to emotionally blackmail Eli to join Miyagi Do or whatever, but...no??? The dude is clearly just panicking and venting and also has no filter at all when he's stressed
Like everything here just seems like panicked word vomit to me, he doesn't seem nearly controlled enough to come in with some devious plan to trick Eli into joining his dojo :/
The whole ramble when Demetri first comes down into the basement reads like he's having an anxiety attack tbh
Can't really blame him, since he's dealing with the stress of worrying Cobra Kai is gonna wipe the floor with him AND his recently-traumatized best friend going totally fucking AWOL
And Demetri seems like the type who snaps and lashes out when he's worried and/or stressed, and like I said, that could account for the absolute lack of any filter he has here
Hence "WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK??? IT'LL GROW BACK!" Certainly not the most tactful thing to say, but Demetri is way too anxious to think before he blabs, it seems
Ah, so it's the "That's just great, you're choosing Eagle Fang over your best friend" line that everyone's getting hot and bothered about
Honestly I chock this one up to anxiety-induced word vomit, too...like Demetri is kinda just rambling and speaking his mind and his panicky thoughts are going BRRRRRRR so fast that he's definitely not stopping to consider if he's coming across as an ass
And anyways, like...considering Johnny DID help mold Eli into a dude who fully embraced toxic masculinity and bullied the shit out of Demetri, I...don't think it's that unreasonable for him to have reservations about Eli going back to Eagle Fang :/ Like I don't blame him for not wanting Eli to go back to a situation that brought out some of the worst in him
And also like??? Eli fucken dragged Demetri through the ringer and Demetri only just got Eli back in his life a few months ago, of course he would panic if he thought Eli was gonna leave him behind again!
And maybe even lash out and be a bit of a dick, cuz ya know. Homeboy's not perfect
So Eli saying "I'm not going BACK to Miyagi-Do" instead of "I'm not JOINING Miyagi-Do" implies they've discussed Eli joining MD before. I do feel like this needs to be its own scene to clarify, but it's still important to note
So no, he's not tryna guilt trip Eli into joining MD out of nowhere, he's following up on something he and Eli seem to have previously talked about
The "OH SHIT" look on Demetri's face when Eli says he quits KILLS me. Like that's his wakeup call that oh fuck, this is THAT serious and he looks absolutely horrified that Eli has hit rock bottom so hard he's resorted to quitting that has essentially become his favorite thing in the world ;___;
"Yes I will be awake" "NO SENSEI BE WOKE" Johnny Lawrence you are literally always going to make me just lose it
"What about nonbinary and genderfluid?" "Yes fluids are CRUCIAL, if you don't hydrate, it affects performance" He a little confused, but he got the spirit!!!
Also headcanon that Moon is genderfluid but isn't publicly out yet--Piper was one of the only people Moon came out to
Hence why Piper is so quick to make sure Johnny is including genderfluid people! You dun best believe she’ll still defend her ex-girlfriend’s honor
My main reasoning here is that Moon is the most transgender name I have ever heard in my entire life
Highkey love seeing Miguel and Johnny's relationship at its best again. I missed them so much!!!
Honestly good on Sam for standing up for herself!!! She's highkey right that her parents haven't really been listening to her or trying to properly address her trauma
Like for FUCK'S sake, the girl has PTSD!!! Put her in therapy!!!
Oh HELL yes, Amanda backstory!!! Let's fuckin GOOOO!!!
Oh shit, she got arrested??? PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY
I mean given that she married someone as chaotic and hotheaded as Daniel this shouldn't actually come as a surprise but STILL
Oh damn, I was wrong!!! I thought Amanda took pity on Tory because she saw some of young Daniel in her, but she actually sees a lot of her younger self in her ;___; Okay okay okay okay I need a minute
Lowkey they're right that "bad kids" just get told the same thing over and over and it's never gonna help course-correct
"She's not the only one who needs a wake-up call" *cuts to Eli in a depressive funk fully believing he can never do karate again* CIMENA
"You put me in a situation where I had to join the dojo" this is probably the kindest possible way to put it, considering said "situation" was "threatening me and then attempting to beat me up over a Yelp review" XD
Ah, so I see Demetri has regained some semblance of tact! Guess the worst of the anxiety attack finally passed, now that he's had the chance to take in that Eli is in fact safe (if having quite the Sadboi Hours) and not kidnapped and beat up by Kyler and co.
Uhhhhh not Demetri telling Eli that him getting Dem into Eli's special interest was the best thing that ever happened to him
Like you telling anyone that them getting you into something they liked is the best thing that ever happened to you is just so Extra and over-the-top that it's extremely difficult not to read as romantic because like
I've had a lot of friends get me into stuff over the years, and I never looked them dead in the eye like "YOU INTRODUCING ME TO THIS THING WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME"
Anyways tl;dr Demetri is in love
ALSO Eli's wide-eyed, pleasantly surprised look when Dem says karate is the best thing that ever happened to him, MY HEART
Oh god oh why oh no Eli looks SO FUCKING SAD when Demetri starts talking about Yasmine
Thanks I hate it
I know that look, that's the EXACT expression I make when my crush starts talking about their crush
*Bart Simpson voice* "You can pinpoint the exact moment his heart rips in half!"
"It's not gonna be as exciting if you're not there" I stg this fucker Demetri just sees the world through this sad, destitute, mopey lens when Eli isn't around and then Eli shows up and suddenly everyone upped the color saturation by like 500% and everything is all vibrant and fantastic
Again, this dude is in love
Also the way he looks at Eli when he says it, MY GOD
"Scuse me" *Eli proceeds to have 0 issues with Demetri getting all up in his personal space and practically cuddling with him* Yeah, these dudes are GAY
Like Demetri is LEANING on this man like a giant cat and Eli is just like "I have no problem with this"
"I say a lot of things" God you sure do
I'm going feral actually
You tellin me this dumb video has 15k views??? I'm betting this is a viral meme in certain niche circles
And there's definitely some YouTube community who ships them
Also are you telling me Demetri made his codename "zer0" and Eli's codename "the 1" and he's NOT in love with Eli???? Uh HUH
Like it's the perfect manifestation of Demetri's cripplingly low self-esteem (wouldn't be surprised if the dude really did consider himself a "zero" of sorts) and him fully indeed believing Eli is in fact The One (romantic)
And he's right!
Also can we appreciate just how INTO IT Eli is getting in the video??? Like this dude has literally always had a hammy, overdramatic side, it's just that prior to them meeting Miguel, Demetri was the only person who could bring it out ;__;
Absolutely HYSTERICAL that Eli is still so deeply and personally offended at the mere idea of being a "loser" XD
The utter HORROR on his face when he says it, I can't with him
"Because this is who you are" "A loser?" "My BEST FRIEND" *sobs*
Also I'm very certain that Demetri could potentially have made other friends and wasn't actually "stuck" with Eli before Miguel showed up, but he just straight up never wanted anyone but Eli as his best friend
"I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me. Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care. None of that changes the fact that you're my Binary Brother." ONCE AGAIN CHECK-MATING YOU FUCKERS WHO THOUGHT DEMETRI NEVER ACCEPTED THE HAWK PERSONA AND ONLY WANTS TIMID SADBOI ELI
He LITERALLY just said "I don't give a shit what you go by or how you wear your hair, nothing can ever change what you mean to me"
ALSO "Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care." basically confirms that Demetri would be down to call Eli Hawk if that's what he really wanted!!! And the hopeful look Eli gives Dem when he says "Hawk"!!!! Like I think this is the first time Eli truly realizes that Demetri fully accepts him no matter what he goes by and how he chooses to present himself and he's so euphoric about it and I think that's beautiful
Also they deadass did the "I'll take care of you." "It's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." convo with Demetri and Eli I am SCREAMING
Also ALSO my headcanon is that Demetri actually started calling Eli Cornelius as a joke and then it turned into a legitimate pet name when they started dating
"Whether you're number one...or zero" My homeboy Demetri really just said "I will take you at your best AND your worst" in Nerd
The way he looks at Eli during this entire exchange kills me, this man is so in love I'm getting secondhand pining just from looking at his big sad eyes
Actually kind of loved the Daniel-Robby interaction here because like. Daniel isn't trying to make excuses for Robby here or be like "it's okay, I know you still have a good heart!!!" Like he's done trying to be a "savior" guy and he's basically saying "do what you want, it's your life" but at the same time, he still cares enough to give Robby a warning
"I heard what you did to Eli" (threatening)
Hell yeah, Scary Daniel has entered the chat! EXCEPT
"I'm not here to judge you." Okay, well I am. Get over here Robby, I'm going to beat your ass
I know she's only going to be here for like 2 minutes but her presence fills me with an overpowering calmness and serenity that somehow convinces me that everything will be all right
"I broke a kid's nose" Legit forgot what an incredibly badass queen this woman is. I stan
Okay I've seen some people complaining that the writers seemed to forget that Tory and Aisha were friends too BUT I raise you that after Tory tried to basically murder Sam in the school fight I feel like it's not that whack to think Aisha would side with Sam
Like Tory went after Aisha's childhood best friend with lethal-seeming intent TWICE, it's not all that unreasonable to assume Aisha would cut ties with Tory after that
"But Tory was a better friend to Aisha!!!" Okay but Aisha and Tory were friends for like...a couple months at most, and Sam and Aisha had been friends for years and just happened to be going through a rough patch when Cobra Kai came to town. I feel like a few months of on-and-off falling out aren't really enough to cancel out a lifelong friendship, or make you suddenly not be concerned about your estranged friend's actual safety. Or side with the girl relentlessly attacking said estranged friend.
Like this coming from someone who does indeed enjoy Tory x Aisha, yes, but I do think it's important to keep things in perspective yn
"These are the same overprotective LaRussos who made me wear a helmet on your trampoline" OKAY THEY WOULD
"She's my bestie. My new school bestie, you'll always be the OG" SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING
We were ROBBED I tell you ;___;
Okay I fuckin love that Aisha went "I'm gonna take all this karate bullshit I learned and use it for the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP"
And she's right!
When will Aisha return from the war??? I need her
Pretty sure she has one of the only brain cells in the valley and they desperately need it right now
I want Sam and Aisha to keep in touch and bond over their appreciation for Johnny's chaotic yet proactive life advice
PLEASE I need it
Also this fucker Johnny Lawrence really wanted to crossdress Mitch and thought no one would be fooled
As of last scene I NEED to see Sam and Aisha's reaction to this
All of Miyagi-Do chanting "MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT" is so funny because we know damn well none of these guys are the ones who truly want Demetri's meat
If you catch my drift
"DAMN IT" I’ll bet Demetri's more anxious and high-strung than usual because he feels bad about having to leave Eli to wallow in his sorrows in his basement and go to karate practice ;__;
OH so Eli decides to join Miyagi-Do to be with Demetri, despite literally all his other close friends being in Eagle Fang??? Fellas, is it gay to join your Totally Platonic Bro's dojo full of people who are still kind of mad at you because you want to help your Totally Platonic Bro out in the AVT that bad????
Not Demetri looking at him with huge doe eyes in the background ;___;
"Is it Eli or Hawk?" "Doesn't matter, I'm just here to do what I can to help out the team" Nice to get an official confirmation that basically throughout S4 Eli has never fucking minded when Demetri called him Eli instead of Hawk
Legit have seen people upset he's cool with going by Eli again, and like??? I'm pretty sure him not feeling like he has to have a cool nickname to kick ass at karate is a good thing actually???
Like ffs let him embrace softboi Eli!!! Let him be gentle and vulnerable and true to himself, even the parts that aren't all hardcore and macho!!! He can cry at sad movies with his boyfriend Demetri and still pound your whiney toxic masculinity-obsessed ass into the ground, actually!
I SWEAR I heard Demetri's voice crack at "it's good to have you back, man"
Do I see tears in his eyes??? Is he HAPPY CRYING???
Demetri stop being so in love and so painfully unaware of it, it's making me embarrassed for you
But in the BEST possible way
Still feel bad for Tory, but like...SAM. QUEEN. Taking 0 shit from Tory and I am HERE FOR IT
"I'm coming for you, bitch" *evil smirk* YOU ABSOLUTE SAVAGE
Aisha was like "respond to your problems with love!" and Sam actively chose violence instead, kind of love that for her
The Bad:
Damn, these fuckers really dedicated 3 whole minutes of screentime to an AVT board meeting instead of. You know. Hawk's trauma. Or why the fuck Moon and Piper broke up. Or what Yasmine actually does with her time aside from being thirsty for Demetri. Or Daniel tryna deal with some recent manifestation of his Terry Silver trauma. Or Demetri hunting down and beating the shit out of/attempting to beat the shit out of Kyler and Gang. Or Carmen getting to do something independent of her son-and-boyfriend-related storylines. Or literally anything else
Can you tell I'm a little pressed
Also I stg they're just using the separate gender division thing as an excuse to milk even more drama out of the AVT
Like the stakes are already high enough, y'all don't need to kick them up even HIGHER and complicate the plot even more, like
We already have like 7 arcs going so let's introduce a new conflict/arc instead of working on resolving the ones we already have going
Also it's like
"What hamfisted excuse can we use to introduce more badass female characters for Woke Points so we don't have to give the ones we already have any depth whatsoever?" (Yes I'm talking about Moon and Yasmine)
Literally would not even be hard to flesh them out A TINY BIT but the show just said "no thank you, they don't properly exist as people outside of their relationship to these two gay nerd boys"
Also they’re depriving me of a Demetri-Tory fight and this is an unforgivable crime
Demetri was literally so ready to throw hands with her when she threatened Eli last season, and now we shall never perceive it
I just want overprotective boyfriend Demetri to fight everyone who threatens his mans
ALSO Sam deserves to beat the shit out of Kyler. As A Treat
Yeah I sure do remember that shit he pulled in S1
You try to feel up my girl and slut-shame her??? She deserves to beat yo ass like never before
And anyways we’ve seen multiple times that Sam and Tory can and do hold their own in fights against boys
So what gives, Cobra Kai???
I definitely feel Robby hatred emanating from Demetri but I would like to feel even more
This man has grievously wronged Demetri thrice now, as discussed above, and I think it would be fun if Demetri got on a warpath to absolutely destroying Robby Keene
Is it OOC, considering that Demetri is often rather violence-averse? Perhaps, but consider: I want him to find his inner darkness and become very scary
Speaking of which, why is Sam the only one who is super pissed and vindictive??? As if Demetri WOULDN'T be
Listen, being fight-averse doesn't extend to when your best friend who you're in love with gets pinned down and shaved
Ah, so the LGBT rep this season is acknowledging that asexuals, nonbinary people, and genderfluid people...exist???
Wow, such great rep, I'm shaking and clapping and cheering
Very convenient for the writers that their rep didn't include actually writing any LGBT characters
Also we still haven't gotten any fucking reason or explanation as to why Moon and Piper broke up
Like if they're gonna split up the only LGBT couple in the show, the very fucking LEAST they could do is tell us why :/
Was Piper becoming too much of a jerk for Moon to be okay with??? Did they clash because of Moon's staunch pacifism and refusal to get in a physical brawl ever??? Who the hell knows??? Definitely not us
Probably not the showrunners either
They just needed to set up the stupid Hawk x Moon plot that they're dragging out of the grave like a horrible gross heteronormative zombie
Okay as much as I love the basement scene I 1000% feel like there was a scene missing between the hair-shaving reveal and the basement scene
Like are you really telling me that Demetri didn't check in on Eli once until after he'd already been AWOL for a cool minute??? I simply do not buy it
And like it doesn't even have to be an Eli-Demetri scene, it could be something as simple as Demetri talking to Chris and being like "hey have you seen Eli? He hasn't been at school and he's not answering his phone. And he hasn't been to a single practice since...well, you know." And Chris is kinda confused like "No, I haven't see him at school, but wouldn't he be going to Eagle Fang practice???"
Cue Demetri explaining that he and Eli had previously discussed Eli potentially joining Miyagi-Do if the dojos split, so Demetri expecting Eli to join Miyagi-Do doesn't lowkey come out of nowhere
THEN Demetri asks Miguel if Eli's been at Eagle Fang practice, and Miguel is like "No, actually...I'm starting to get really worried tbh" and reveals Eli hasn't been answering Miguel's texts and calls either
And THEN Demetri busts into Eli's basement like "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN"
They seriously could have replaced that AVT board meeting scene with this bit and it would have made everything 4000x better
ALSO like. Why is Miguel not concerned at all about Eli regularly bailing on practice??? They're buddies--I'd expect ONE line of worried dialogue being like "Where's Hawk at?" at the very LEAST
Anyways like I mentioned before I feel like there needs to be some kind of explicit confirmation that Eli and Demetri previously talked about Eli joining Miyagi-Do if/when the dojos split, because otherwise Demetri being fully under the impression Eli's going to come back to MD instead of EF seems a little out of left field
Okay, wow. WOW. They seriously could not let Demetri and Eli have ONE scene
Without having Demetri bring up Yasmine to very insistently remind us that he's straight -___-
How even is Yasmine "the girl of your dreams" dude, her only personality traits are "hot" and "makes a sassy comment once every 7 years"
"None of that changes the fact that you're my binary brother" Damn they're seriously trying so damn hard to convince us these dudes have a "brotherly" relationship and simply will not accept it's never, ever going to work
Also did they seriously No Homo Demetri and Eli twice in one scene
Of course they fucking did
They know damn well there's gay tension but still deny it at every turn to appease the creepy homophobic conservative fanbase
For shame, homophobes! You've messed up a perfectly good queer-coded karate show is what you've done!
Look at it, it's got heteronormativity!!!
Regardless I can't help but get some amusement out of the fact that the writers are constantly trying so desperately hard to convince us Eli and Dem aren't gay because their interactions are just that inherently fruity
Y'all fighting a losing battle, we all know damn well they're gay
Hey Daniel I know Robby is your ex karate son but you absolutely should judge him for the shit he pulled with Hawk actually
Forceably shaving someone's head in an attempt to destroy their self-esteem is not very punk-rock at all
Also they really be treating Daniel's Terry Silver trauma like Trauma Lite
Like they're barely doing anything with it at all :/
If it's meant to be the reason he's being kind of a self-righteous jerk this season, then like??? They could talk about that??? They could explore it more and what the long-term effects Silver had were???
But nah, just one uncomfortable convenience store confrontation and that's all we need I guess
They GAVE me my Aisha Robinson??? Only to take her away again??? This is unspeakable cruelty and I am going to scream
Okay so like. Devon seems cool, don't get me wrong. But also can this show fucking CHILL with introducing new characters???
Like we are on SEASON FUCKING FOUR we have PLENTY of characters and arcs to work with already!!!
Also Cobra Kai Writers Stop Introducing New Female Characters Because You Don't Know How To Write Your Existing Ones Challenge
WHAT is this weak-ass bro-hug shit, I know my boy Demetri and he would absolutely CRUSH Eli in a hug, sorry
Maybe he doesn't wanna be TOO gay in front of all his MD friends but boy it is FAR too late for that
Damn the gayest episode is behind me now, idk what to do with myself :O
Guess I’ll have to create some Elimetri and YasMoon content
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including marking, lactation kink, pregnancy sex. Older Ateez but age differences is still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity (which I do not condone nor encourage)
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N. Come on. You gotta focus."
In a futile attempt to try to get his favorite student to get divert her attention back to the screen in front of her, instead he was met by her arms which suddenly wrapped around him.
"Baby, this assignment is due in two days and you haven't even gotten one paragraph down."
Frowning and in need of affection, Y/N didn't budge and instead attempted to pull Hongjoong on top of her.
"I want you to cuddle me!" She demanded.
Hongjoong quickly caught himself before he toppled over her and accidentally put all his weight on the bump that was growing in her.
"And I'll cuddle you all you want.... but can you at least finish part of this?"
Realizing she wasn't going to give up anytime soon, Hongjoong reluctantly gave in and finally settled her on his lap, one arm wrapped around her shoulders while the other caressed the top of her swollen belly.
Not thinking too much about the tiny kisses she was placing along the side of his neck, Hongjoong tilted his head back to rest on the couch and closed his eyes, his body succumbing to the exhaustion of having to teach back at the school in the morning and coming back to help out his pregnant girlfriend. Taking advantage of his unguarded state, Y/N smirked before she latched her mouth onto a certain spot on his neck, sinking her teeth down and sucking on it harshly. Once Hongjoong realized what was happening, his eyes shot up and he carefully tried to pry Y/N off him, proving it to be more difficult since he couldn't use force in fear of hurting her.
"What the fuck Y/N?!" Hongjoong exclaimed when he came back from the bathroom, hand touching the very obvious mark left on his neck.
"I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself." She feigned an innocent smile.
"How am I supposed to go back to the school tomorrow with this on display for everyone to see? How will I even explain it?" He could already imagine the other teachers and students staring at it, the first group no doubt would be nosey and ask about it.
With a cocky grin, Y/N opened her laptop up again.
"Maybe now some of those hags will back off after they realize you're taken."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Coming back after a long day at the courthouse dealing with all the divorce shit, Seonghwa felt like he needed to release some stress or he'd go insane. Coming into the kitchen, he found you quietly standing over the stove, no doubt making food for both of you to eat. You giggled when you felt his hands embrace your large belly, you weren't that far along, but holy hell, carrying twins was something else.
"Have I ever told you you're so beautiful?" He whispered in your ear, teeth grazing against the shell of it. Of course your body was more reactive and sensitive to any touch because your hormones were all over the place. Seonghwa knew that as well and he loved playing with that fact.
Pulling you away from the kitchen, he guided you over to the couch and sat you down. You didn't even question him as he pushed your dress up and slid your panties down, you knew what he was aiming for. You simply inhaled deeply when his mouth began kissing along your inner thighs.
"I hope you don't mind babygirl, but I just really wanted to eat you out."
You nodded at him, resting your elbows on top of some of the cushions so it'd be more comfortable for you. Prying your legs apart as much as they could, Seonghwa carefully placed his mouth on your clit. Starting off with gentle suckles, they soon progressed to more sloppy and intense tongue movements, his lewd slurping sounds mixed in with your soft panting and moaning, setting the mood across the room. Another thing you loved about Seonghwa, he was an expert at oral sex, none of your younger past lovers compared to him in the slightest bit.
Seonghwa let out an accomplished groan when your juices stained all over his face and chin. Pulling away, he himself was panting by how breathless he was left, and he felt proud to see you in an equally similar state as him. Chuckling, he came up and kissed you hungrily, wanting you to taste yourself on his lips. He only pulled away momentarily to tease you.
"I didn't mean to eat my dessert before the meal, but I'm not sorry in the slightest bit."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Yunho didn't even know how to react. Coming home and finding it quiet as usual, he guessed you probably took a nap as you normally did around this time, the pregnancy causing you to become more tired than usual. That's why when he came into the room he was shocked to see you moving underneath the blankets. Your frustrated moans give a big hint as to what was happening.
Your eyes shot wide open and your head peeped out from under the covers. You suddenly felt so embarrased, your face turning bright red. You tossed over to the other side, hiding your face away from Yunho. Being the sweetheart he was, he went over to your side and caressed your figure.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." He apologized although he wasn't in the wrong.
Whining loudly, you punched the mattress underneath you.
"Stupid hormones driving me crazy. And my stupid fingers can't get around this huge belly." You complained as you looked down at the mound that stuck out through the blanket.
Not able to keep himself from smiling, Yunho's hand rested itself on your covered belly.
"It's cute though." He assured you.
Looking up at him, you bit your lip before asking him.
"Yunho.....could you please just......you know..?" You don't know why but you felt shy asking him about it especially given that you were pregnant by him nonetheless.
Yunho looked hesitant. He had fears about being intimate with you in your state, but he also felt bad that you had to go through this. Sighing softly, he scratched the back of your head.
"On our next visit, let's ask the doctor about if it's safe or not? Ok?"
Expecting your pouty face, Yunho pulled the covers off you, swallowing hard when he saw your beautiful, round pregnant body on display for him.
"But for now, are you ok with me using my fingers?"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
Looking down at the pot filled with who knows what that Yeosang stirred which was bubbling rather oddly, your best bet was that he definitely didn't. The reddened cheeks that formed on his face was another telltale sign.
"Trust me honey. I got this."
Right as he said that, some of the contents spilled out, nearly burning the both of you. Luckily Yeosang draped an arm protectively around your barely noticeable bump and moved you back so neither of you were harmed. Instead, the floor became the victim. Having enough shenanigans from your caring lover, you reached over and quickly shut off the stove before anymore accidents happened.
"There goes my chances of wooing you over with my cooking skills." He snorted softly, but he felt bad that he couldn't even make a simple meal for you.
Wanting to cheer him up, you hugged his waist, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"You've already won my heart over Mr. Kang, there's nothing left for you to claim."
Although he felt comforted by your words, there was something else he needed to hear.
"You know how I feel. Now go on... say my name." He commanded you.
Pecking his lips, you gave in. "Yeosang."
You let out a squeak when he pressed you against the counter, pulling you into a deeper kiss that was getting more and more heated. Your moment was interrupted when someone suddenly came into the scene, startling you both.
"Oh God Damian! You scared me man." Yeosang let out a relieved sigh when he saw it was only his trusted butler.
"Rest assured sir, I saw nothing and heard nothing." He smirked at them.
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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You grunted as you stripped yourself out of your shirt, the material feeling too confining and making your breasts feel more sore than they already felt. Standing in front of the mirror, you noticed how your breasts were practically popping out of the top of your bra.
"Sannie! Could you come help me out?" You called out to him.
"Yes my lovely baby mama?" He poked his head into the room, always ready to help you out if you needed it.
"Could you please unhook my bra, I can't reach."
Happy to help you, he came up behind you, eyes focused as he began undoing all of the hooks.
"Are they hurting you baby?" Looking up at the mirror, he saw your pouty face nodding at him.
"Would you like me to massage them for you?" He offered.
"Please." You begged, loving how gentle his hands were whenever he touched them.
Releasing your breasts out of their tight confinement, both you and San were in shock when tiny droplets of liquid gushed out of your nipples.
"Holy shit Y/N, are you already lactating?"
San stared at your breasts in amazement. Keeping his eyes focused on the mirror in front of you guys, his hands came up to gently squeeze your breasts, that tiny action making more milky substance to come out of you. You saw how San licked his lips and it gave you an idea. Tilting your head, you gave him a kiss on his jaw before telling him:
"Wanna suck on them?"
San looked shocked at your suggestion, but then he returned you around and pressed his face against your chest.
"Fuck yeah."
Not even thinking twice, San took one of your tits into his mouth, humming in pleasure as he sucked some of your milk into his mouth.
"We should make this a regular occurrence."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi released soft and blissful sighs as he felt your body move on top of him. His hands held onto your hips, helping you set a slow and sensual pace as you grinded against his dick.
"You feeling good baby?" He asked, making sure you weren't uncomfortable or in pain.
Your only response was your head being thrown back as you spewed out moans from your throat. It seemed the pregnancy heightened your sensitivity, so every move against Mingi's pelvis felt absolutely amazing, especially when he reached a hand over to rub at your clit. He always made sure you felt as much pleasure as possible.
"That's it, there you go babygirl." Mingi himself was enjoying the change in your sex life. Ever since you both found out you were pregnant, you had to halt your rather kinky and intense fucking sessions and replaced them with more soft and romantic love making. Which neither of you minded, it felt much more intimate and helped you both bond even closer to each other.
"Are you close my little lady? I can feel you squeeze tighter around my cock."
Although you were indeed close, you didn't want to cum just yet, not without asking you something first.
"Mingi......please....spank my ass." You turned your head so you could partially see his face from behind you.
Mingi blinked slowly at your request, unsure of what to do. Wanting to please you, he took one hand off your hip and used it to lightly spank the top of your ass. Although it was a rather tame slap, it was enough for you to start cumming on top of him. Mingi of course held you up, continuing to bury his cock inside you, sliding in and out so he could help make your high last longer til eventually he himself was cumming up into you. Making sure both of you were satisfied, he pulled you off him so he could clean you up.
"So I see you still become a mess when someone spanks you." He teased you, moving some hair out of your face so he could properly kiss you.
"Hey, I'm still your little brat even if I'm carrying our soon to be brat."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung slid the tip of his cock against your folds. Although he was anxious to be inside you once again, he had to make sure you were all right and not uncomfortable in any shape or form.
"You sure about this baby? We could try something else if you'd like." He assured you, one hand coming down to gently press against your pregnant belly.
"I'm fine Wooyoung. I just wanna feel your cock inside me again. It's been too long and I need it." You whined out, desperate to get some sort of release through something that wasn't from Wooyoung's tongue or fingers, although they always left you satisfied.
Wooyoung was extremely careful and slow as he plunged himself into you from behind, both of you moaning out loud when were connected once again after a long time. Pulling out once more, Wooyoung made sure to go easy on you, his fingers kneading the soft flesh of your hips and ass as he moved to and fro with leisurely yet deep strokes into you.
"Fuck! You feel so good!" You couldn't help but exclaim as you felt every vein and ridge of his dick hitting deep inside your tight walls.
"You missed this didn't you babygirl? Missed being my little toy?" He couldn't hide the smirk on his face as he went slightly harder against her but not so much. Reaching one hand over, his fingers rubbed at her clit, knowing it would drive her crazy.
"Y-yes! I missed this." You gasped out, unable to think about anything except Wooyoung's dick inside you.
"You dirty girl, even after I get you all knocked up, you still want to get fucked by me."
Rubbing his fingers faster against your clit, his other hand held onto your hip so he could angle himself to hit against your g-spot, brushing his tip over and over again on it so he could send you cumming all over him.
"But that's ok, I'll make sure to fuck another baby into you if that's what you want."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Opening your eyes, you smiled shyly as you woke up to your husband's face sleeping soundly next to you, one of his buff and strong arms was thrown over your body, laying protectively on your bump. Gently prying his hand off you without disturbing him, you quietly got out of the bed and walked out into the balcony of your hotel room, not bothering to cover up your naked body with a robe or anything.
You felt free, truly free as you gazed out at the beautiful scenery of the beach in front of you, a quick getaway place you and Jongho chose as your honeymoon destination after you both literally eloped not even 2 days ago. You wondered what were your parents and former fiancee thinking now, no doubt they were probably looking all over for you or were barely finding out the secret you two had kept for so long.
But you couldn't bring yourself to care. You didn't regret anything, if anything you would have regretted everything if you hadn't escaped with Jongho, whom you hadn't noticed had woken up until you felt his hands on your hips.
"Look at you little vixen coming out here wearing absolutely nothing. What? Did you want anyone passing by to see you standing here all nude?" His tone let you know he wasn't mad, he was simply poking fun at you.
"Hmmm maybe? Would it make you jealous to know someone who isn't you saw me like this?" You joked back at him, pushing your ass back onto him, a grin on your face when you felt his dick poke at your hip, letting you know that he too came out with no clothes on.
"On the contrary my little vixen, you wanted to give them a show?" You bit your lip when he began kissing your shoulder and neck, aligning himself at your entrance.
"I'll make sure we both give them a show."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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lexsssu · 3 years
𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 (𝒁𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊) - 𝑺𝒉𝒊́
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Ao3 ver.
“You are capable of much more gentleness than you realize, Morax”
“What use do I have for gentleness? This world is harsh, Guizhong. Excessive gentleness will lead to our downfall and you have more than enough of that for the both of us”
The goddess of dust could only smile softly at her friend’s response, shaking her head before staring down at her reflection upon the surface of her tea. The porcelain cup felt warm in her hands, steam drifting upwards and warming her face while she watched Warrior God train from the corner of her eye, always honing his skills with barely a second of rest. His dedication and pragmatism was to be admired, especially his skill in the military arts, but the goddess knew that their world wouldn’t always be like this. 
She knew that there would be one day when the seemingly endless conflict would abate. When that time comes, no longer would he need to brandish his spear.
And gentleness would no longer need to hide behind crevices and cracks as the world begins to heal from the scars left behind by the warring deities.
“I believe otherwise, dear friend. I know deep within my heart that there will come such a time when that stone-cold heart of yours softens for a special maiden. Even the immovable Morax can fall prey to the charms of an especially gentle lady,” Guizhong giggles behind the fabric of her sleeve, amusement in her features as she imagined such a scenario.
Morax merely rolls his eyes and continues with his training, polearm thrusting into an imaginary enemy before backflipping away as if to avoid an attack.
“...Believe what you will.”
“I apologize for not being able to speak to you in a while. There has been much excitement for some time that I’d been unable to sit down with you again…
I’ve...taken a wife. She is quite a fetching young woman...with the fluffiest cheeks in all of Teyvat…
She’s not from Liyue, but she might as well be one with how easily she’s adapted and befriended everyone. Although a bit naive, her heart is in the right place…
She’s also the...softest creature I’ve come to know. So gentle and fragile...it feels like I’m an old cow eating young grass at times. Though I assume that you’d probably find that hilarious, won’t you? Regardless of how it may look, I’d sooner face Osial in his prime again than ever let her go…
You’re probably laughing right now, aren’t you? Though I guess that I do deserve it considering how I brushed you off whenever you talked about these things. Here I am now, as smitten as you said I’d be and my heart worn down and softened like mere putty in her hands…
I just wish you’d been able to meet her…
Thank you again for listening to me ramble on. It was nice to converse with you again, old friend. Perhaps next time I can bring her here to visit you. Now isn’t the best time considering her current condition, but I’m sure she’d be thrilled to visit.”
“Didn’t I tell you, Morax? Even the hardest stone can be worn down. All it takes is a very special person~”
“Beautiful jasmine flower
Beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down to give to someone
Jasmine flower, jasmine flower”
Alone within the confines of your own home, you absent-mindedly sang a traditional Liyue folk song you’d learned from the local children as you stirred the pot of Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup, your husband’s favorite.
The combined scents of the fresh bamboo shoots, meat, and ham were in harmony as they wafted up to your nose and filled the rest of your kitchen. You take care not to bump into anything as you bustled about, not when your belly was already bulging as you entered the middle stages of your pregnancy.
Dr. Baizhu had reassured you that the most dangerous period of your pregnancy had passed already, your fetus becoming stable and merely needing constant adequate nourishment until the birth. You’d taken his prescriptions to heart and made sure to take all the prenatal supplements with dedication, determined to give your child the smoothest start possible.
Although your husband had become more clingy and possessive ever since he’d learned of your pregnancy, you honestly didn’t mind his hovering and overprotective nature. Rather, it made you blush to the tips of your ears whenever you felt his looming presence behind you, his warm breath hitting the nape of your neck as delighted shivers raced down your spine.
He was off on an important errand right now, but he’d promised to be back within the day. A promise you were sure he’d keep, considering the man could barely stand an hour away from you unless whatever required his attention was absolutely necessary. 
Despite the distance, you were looking forward to his return like you always did. 
There was never a moment that you didn’t eagerly await for your next meeting even before he’d plucked up the courage to properly court you. Giggling as you recount how the normally composed man fumbled for once as he tried to express his romantic interest in you, you fail to hear the sound of footsteps within the humble abode.
“Now what has gotten my wife so amused?”
You squeak in surprise as a pair of muscled arms wrap around your waist from behind, trapping you against a firm body that you’ve gotten to know quite well these past few years.
Seeing that it was your husband, you pout at the taller man for startling you to which he merely steals a kiss from your puckered lips before chuckling as he pressed his forehead against yours. With barely any distance in between you, Zhongli could see every speck of color within your eyes, the plumpness of your moist lips, and the delicate blush upon the skin of your cheeks.
He could eat you right up.
And that is exactly what he planned on doing as he picked you up with one arm, dousing the fire and covering the soup with the other before hauling you off back into your bedroom as you clutch him with a red face.
Zhongli had many regrets in his long, long life.
He also had many things he wished could become reality.
However, there has only ever been one prayer he’d had in his life.
𝑀𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑦𝑜𝑢
𝑇𝘩𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
in the newest lesson we finally got the reveal about what happened to simeon!!
I saw, I saw!!! 😭😭😭
I had to spoil it for myself again because I literally could not take not knowing.
Spoilers for lesson 76 under the cut!
ALSKGJFJAKDJG I cannot BELIEVE HE'S HUMAN!? I 100% thought that he was going to fall or that he had already, but I guess when I was thinking more about it last night, it makes sense. Maybe this is kind of a sign that the Celestial Realm is easing up on punishments? Idk, they could have easily made him take the fall for that bc in theory he did the exact same thing Lilith did, right? But with a ring instead of the apple.
Also, I'm questioning who exactly turned him human. Did Michael do it? Did his Father? Or was it some higher up within the realm? My immediate guess is Michael, but Simeon doesn't really confirm or deny this so it's hard to tell. But personally, I think Michael is being set up as a villain. I'll bet you that's the next new character we'll get to see, and I'm also willing to bet he's gonna stir the pot and create a whole fiasco involving the Celestial Realm and Simeon himself. (This blog fully supports Michael Slander. F*ck you, Michael!)
I have SO many questions. Like, is he fully human, meaning he ages normally now in human years, or was he just turned mortal as in he could get injured or die just like MC? Who turned him human? What does this mean for the game and in what direction will things be going from here? Is Diavolo keeping him as a human exchange student now? Where is he living at now since he can't stay in the Celestial Realm anymore? Does he have some place to stay in the Human Realm or is he living full time in the Devildom?
There are so many unanswered questions! But I am both relieved to know what happened and so very sad at the same time. The Celestial Realm was his home. Can you imagine how hard that must have been for him and the personal struggle he might have went through? He knew he broke the rules. He knew what he was risking when he took the ring of light. But he loved and cared for MC so much that he did it anyways, and he ended up losing his home, probably most of his friends in the CR, and his powers. And he doesn't even hold any of it against MC- he sees them as his reason to keep going despite everything that's happened to him.
I don't know if Luke found out in this lesson or not, but I'm not ready for the angst and heartbreak that's going to create in him. I just know it's gonna be emotional. Poor baby...and poor Simeon! I can't wait to see how the rest of this plays out!
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Sorry x Rare
A/N: I got two lyric requests for Sorry by Beyonce and Rare by Selena Gomez. They were both sort of two sides of the same coin so I wrote them together it mostly goes from rare to sorry. Thanks for the requests, fingers crossed it lives up to what you wanted! <3
Synopsis: You and Harry have been together for a long time but he’s not the same man you fell in love with anymore.
I move my dinner around on my plate, my gaze on the man pacing outside the restaurant on his phone. My man. But it didn't really feel like that these days. These days, Harry was a stranger to me--late nights, phone calls interrupting dinner, waking up to find him gone and not even sure if he'd come home at all.
I watch him remove the phone from his ear in a rush, stare at it, and then shove it aggressively in his pocket. He walks back in, cheeks pink and huffing.
"Should we ask for the bill?" He sits down in a flurry. I stare at his barely-eaten meal and my own dinner mashed to bits.
"We've barely had dinner."
"Babe, we've been here for over an hour since..." he takes his phone back out to inform me of how much time exactly but something must catch his attention because his sentence dies on his lips. I stare, he was so distant lately. "I'll drop you off at home, I've got to meet the boys they decided to talk business-"
"It's 8pm on a Thursday," I state the obvious. "Can't you catch up with them la-"
"This isn't an argument Y/N," Harry finally looks at me. He was done discussing it. He lifts his hands to the waiter and a minute later dinner's been paid for. He wasn't my baby, I think as we stroll outside to his car. I don't know who this man was.
I wake up the next morning with the weight of Harry on the other side of the bed. I could smell him, the booze sitting in his pores.
“Ugh,” I groan, not wanting to smell that first thing in the morning. I get up and start my day before I head to work. Soon, Harry appears squinting as I stir sugar into my coffee.
“I need a coffee,” he says, his voice hoarse. It used to sound sexy but now it was just another reminder that things changed. We lived like roommates and it hurt that he never wanted to talk. Half the time, he acted like I wasn’t even there.
I watch him settle with his coffee, taking the first sip and letting out a deep breath. A memory comes to me suddenly, the first year we were dating,
“I think this is the best coffee I’ve ever had,” it was the first night Harry had stayed the whole night and I’d made him coffee in my outdated coffee maker. It came out burnt half the time but that morning’s cup was decent. We’re swaddled in my blankets--the room I rented back then had poor circulation in the winter.
“I think you’re still slightly drunk,” I lean my shoulder against his and cup the warm drink. “I’ve definitely had better coffees.”
“Maybe coffees are just better the morning after,” he says, glancing at me and I know he can see the flush on my cheeks. He knew I was shy talking about certain things in the light of day.
“We can say that,” I mumble into the cup. “It’s just nice to have a heat source.”
“Here,” he takes the cup from me and reaches over to put both on the nightstand.
“Hey I wasn’t done with that.”
“I know but if you’re cold, I know this other heat source--it even works for hypothermia.”
His statement causes a blood rush that warms me already but I don’t say no to what he has in mind. I could make us another cup later.
Harry catches me staring when he looks over and raises an eyebrow. I snap out of my thoughts and twist my lips into a smile, looking back at my own drink bitterly. Who was this man in front of me? Out loud, I ask: “How was your night? You came in late.”
“I was out with the boys.” he says in a tone that meant he didn’t want to talk about it. “It got late.”
“A text would’ve been nice,” I say, still looking at my cup.
“S’not like you were waiting up,” he turns to walk back towards the bedroom.
“Learned not to,” I mumble but I know he’s heard me with the way he pauses. But he didn’t care enough to argue, dispute it, nothing. He leaves.
"Guess who just made a commission that's more than I used to earn in a year?" April walks into the small office, an infectious grin on her face.
"You sold him on it?" I put away the file I'm working on and jump up to hug my friend.
"I had to flirt a little--give him a vivid picture of what he could have there, and he signed! I'm bloody brilliant."
April was my American ex-pat who I met when she was looking for a flat a few years ago. And now here she was, working for me at the small real estate office I managed with a few other people I considered friends.
"Do you know if he was single?" I tune back in to hear Janelle asking.
"No, don't give her bad advice!" I scold Janelle. “We don’t date clients.”
"I'm miserably single," April pouts. "I'll take advice even if it’s bad."
"Bad advice is to stay with your college sweetheart to the point where you're not sure he even cares about you." I say to no one in particular. It was just us in the office today, and they knew everything about my life so I didn't care much. But the pin-drop silence that follows is different. I look up to see my friends eyeing each other. "What?"
"Nothing." They stay tight lipped but I push and they crack. "Well, so...we know things are rocky between you and Harry..."
"Things aren't rocky," I clarify. "They're just...nonexistent."
"Right," April slides closer. "Soo, we saw him at the club yesterday."
I raise my eyebrow, "He told me he was meeting up with his boys."
"Oh!" They sound surprised I know, but they look at each other again so I push them. "He was...there was a girl? Sitting on his lap for most of the night? Like, nothing happened I don't think so?" She turns to look at April at the end of each sentence.
Personally, I feel gut-punched even though I suspected this. I knew he wasn't where he said he was going to be sometimes, or with who he said he was going to be with. But he cut our own dinner short last night to be with strangers yesterday? I grip the pen in my hand.
"Y/N honestly...you know we love you and support you. But, you're a special girl and you deserve better than that sod."
"Yeah," Janelle puts her hand on my shoulder. "You're a gem Y/N. There's someone else out there who's gonna see how rare you are."
"I know," I blow my cheeks out. We'd had different conversations like this before, although never this direct. I guess we'd never had direct proof of what my husband was doing until now though.
"He's an idiot not knowing you're so rare," my friends try to comfort me. I feel my eyes well up and I swipe at them. I wasn't going to cry at work but they must sense the tears because they excuse themselves, "We're going to get you a tea, and some pastries to celebrate April's sale. April?"
I keep my face buried in my hands as they leave, take a few deep breaths. "I am rare," I say to myself but even that makes me laugh bitterly. Harry and I had been together for 5 years and here I was trying to count up all the reasons we should stay together when he didn't even care. He was out with other women, and I was waiting around for him.
"I'm rare," I say again. "I'm special, I deserve better. I...deserve better."
When will u be home tonight? I text Harry before I lose my nerve.
Busy he says. That’s it. And then, Why?
What time? I ask again.
8 or so, he responds.
Okay, we need to talk then. I put my phone away, too scared what he might text back. A tear falls from my cheek onto my keyboard, landing on the letter H. It mocks me. I wipe it off, and before I can think about what I'm doing I smash the letter down with my fist. I stand up and walk to the back of the office, a window overlooks the busy street. I'd had enough, I decide. Fuck Harry.
I’m not sure how long I stand there stewing, but my friends walking in with pastries and tea ends the emotional boiling pot from overflowing.
"Thanks," I take the cup from them.
“So we were talking and...” April looks at Janelle and she nods. “You should come out with us some time. Like...tonight. Dance with us, with other people...”
“I...I’ve got something at 8,” I come up with an excuse. As angry as I was, I wanted to have this conversation. It was long overdue.
I check my time again, the last text Harry sent me Ok. But it was 8:25 and Harry still wasn’t home. I’d give him five more minutes, I decide. I’d already tried to ring him with no answer.
I stare at the ring on my finger, it was supposed to symbolize a promise he made to me. What a fucking joke. I should’ve never said I do in the first place.
Was it young love, I wonder. Did we do this too fast and we were just set up to fail? But I remember the good memories, the soft and sweet times between us.
“I-I’ve never done something like this before,” I tell Harry. “I hate heights.”
“Listen,” he crowds around me, blocking my view of his friends who are walking up the narrow trail like it was any old walkway. “You go in front of me, I’ll have my hand on your back the whole time. I won’t let you fall. I promise.”
I look up into those gentle eyes and swallow my fear. “Okay.”
“I promise it will be so worth it,” he gushes, his excitement uncaged now that I’d agreed. “There’s no lights there so the stars are so bloody bright--I know you’re going to love it!”
I can’t help it, my lips crack into a smile at his boyish excitement. He catches it and pauses, a breath in this whirlwind of a night. What started out as a house party turned into a walk to a local beach which turned into a hike into the woods and up a precarious--and very steep--ridge to get to an isolated lookout. Only with Harry did I find myself in these situations. And I loved it. I loved him, I realise then. My expression must change because he tugs on my hand, probably worried I’d change my answer.
“Walk ahead,” he instructs and I nearly tip toe on the ridge that’s at least 30 feet across. But his steady hand on my back pushes me gently and I walk across confidently until I look down 2/3 of the way. I freeze in place but Harry’s ready. “Y/N, you’re safe here. Look at me-look...”
I crane my neck and he grounds me, oh my god how did I just realise now how in love I was with him? He squeezes my hand, asks if I was okay. I had to be, I couldn’t stay stuck in the middle.
Inch by inch we finally make it to the other side and I jump off with a yelp which sets Harry off in a burst of laughter. Pretty soon he’s lifted me over his shoulder and carries me to the lookout on the edge. My feet had been through enough, he’d said.
And he was right--it was so worth it; the view with all the stars laid out. The buildings and their light pollution below were blocked out by the outcrops and it made the stars twinkle in all their glory. It made it the perfect place to be with the person I loved.
“Isn’t it the most incredible view?” Harry whispers in awe behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist.
“I.....I have no words apparently,” I laugh and turn in his arms. “Thanks for pushing me, this...it was worth it.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears and gazes at me in a way that makes me want to squirm. But I hold his gaze.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asks with a smile.
“Compared to the view,” I glance behind us. “I guess I’m alright.”
“No,” he guides my face back towards his. “This view over that one, any day. M’just that lucky.”
My words die on my lips as I’m overwhelmed by this feeling between us, the one I thought would keep us together like this forever.
He raises an eyebrow when I go silent and I shrug, “I’m all out of words today.”
I close my eyes as he kisses my temple. I turn back around and we spend the moment in silence, drinking in the view. His friends chatter around us but they’re background noise. My life felt like a movie right now.
Before we leave as a group, I tug Harry back. This was a good as place as any to tell him. I press my lips to his, and it takes him a second but he’s kissing me back. Before it can get carried away I push away and tell him what I’d been thinking all night, “I love you.”
He takes a step back, and then he’s grinning and pulling me back. “I love you! I love you listen, I’ve been wanting to say that for weeks!”
“Yeah weeks! My sister said it was too soon, I might scare you off!”
I think about a few weeks ago, I was intensely shy around him even then. Maybe she was right, but the idea that he talked about me to his sister makes me flush. I wrap my arms around his waist “I just...this moment is so perfect. I never want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.” he’d promised. “I’m yours forever Y/N.”
When 8:30 comes and goes I call April, she lets me know where they were. “We’re so happy you’re coming! Are you sure you don’t want us to meet you somewhere else?” she shouts into the phone. When I tell her I just wanted to be where they were she reminds me to text them when I was nearby.
I have to dig into the back of my closet, past the pantsuits I wore to work, the casual dresses and loungewear. I still had some of my old party clothes, just a bit tighter than they used to be. But for where I was going, it would fit in.
Before I leave, I take a pen and scrawl a note: “Great talk"
My friends spot me as I walk in. The music is instantly too loud, the lights too bright, and there are too many people. But one of my them shoves a drink in my hand and pretty soon it’s the best place on earth. It was exactly where I needed to be. I turn off my cellphone and enjoy myself.
After a certain point, I don’t even know who I’m talking to, but pressed up against a body, feeling wanted, it drives me to keep dancing all night. Eventually, I crash at April’s and don’t roll out of hers until 11 the next morning. Harry’s barely an afterthought until I’m tucked in the taxicab taking me home and turn on my phone. 8 missed calls, 2 voicemails and 13 texts.
I’m shocked at the volume, Harry hadn’t blown up my phone like this in over a year. I listen to one voicemail: “Where the hell are you? I come home an hour late and you’re bloody gone with this stupid note here. Pick up! I’ve called you a billion times.”
I stare at my phone, I hadn’t heard Harry this passionate since...well it was a long time. And all it took was going out late and not answering his calls, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It almost makes me angrier; I had to partake in this juvenile dance to get his attention, even though we’d been married nearly 2 years.
He’s on a call when I get home, talking numbers or something. I head directly to the shower, clean up, and take my sweet time. It must’ve driven him mad waiting for me because by the time I’m out he blows a gasket.
“What’s this stunt you pulled last night? Wanting to talk and leaving me a stupid sarcastic note just because I’m late? Where were you?”
“Out,” I shrug. “I didn’t know you were late. You didn’t text.”
“I didn’t tex--oh I see, now we’re being petty yeah?”
That irked me, “I’m not being petty. It’s not like I get the same courtesy when you’re out late!”
“I’m busy, I can’t always be texting you!”
Excuses, I laugh and he looks at me like I’m crazy. “Busy what? Screwing other women-”
“Don’t be making shit up-”
“I’ve had people tell me that they see you with other women Harry! S’not a far stretch!”
That quiets him. Finally, he comes forward to stand inches away. “Y/N, c’mon. You and me...this is stupid. Sure I go out to party but I’m not-”
“Stop.” he was actually trying to talk his way out of this. And because I’d rather step in front of an oncoming train than cry in front of him, I head to the front door and walk out. I’d find someplace to crash today, but I wasn’t doing this.
“How’re you doing?” Janelle asks. I’d shown up at her doorstep and she set up her guest bed. She had plans so I spent most of my time burying myself in work, trying to get rid of all that angry energy pent up in me. Janelle had just come home.
“I’m just trying to move on. I don’t want to talk about him, I just don’t care at this point--I’m fed up!”
“As you should be,” she agrees. “Listen, I know we had a crazy night yesterday but I’m going out with some friends today and...maybe it’ll help you?”
I think about the killer headache this morning, but I also remember how good it felt to forget for a bit. I agree. Before I know it, Janelle’s found something that fits me and we’re back at a different club than the night before. Her friends are familiar faces but after a few drinks we’re all best friends. It feels great. Until I spot Harry’s face.
“That’s enough,” his face looms over mine as he pushes away the man I’m up against.
“What the fuck Harry...” I trail off as he pulls me away from the middle of the crowd. I try to pry his hand off but there’s too many people and he’s moving too quickly...and I’ve had a lot of drinks. “Let me go!” I say when we finally step away. We’re in what must be a private room. He seemed familiar with it--of course.
“So just because you heard I’m out and about some nights, you decide to come here and fuck around with random men?”
“Excuse me?” I stare at him, he was out of his mind. “I’m out having fun with my friends! I’m not here because of you.”
“Really? You come to the same place I come to all the time and dance with these strangers? And you’re drunk as fuck!”
“Since when did you care?” I ask. “Just leave me alone. You’ve been doing that perfectly fine the last few months.”
“I’m your bloody husband Y/N, you can’t just-”
“Then act like one!” I shout, and in the muffled quiet of the room with the bass thumping through it rings out. “I don’t need you! And you made it clear you don’t need me. These rings are a fucking joke, here-” I take mine off and throw it at him.
“You don’t mean it-”
“I do.” I give him a level stare, suddenly clear-headed. Maybe I’d process it later, but right now I was finally seeing what he’d become. He deserved to feel how I felt, and quite frankly, I didn’t give a fuck. I flip him with both hands, “Quite frankly Harry, you can suck my d-”
“Harry!” A shrill voice rings out from the entrance that now carries the loud beats of the dance floor, swallowing my words. “Liam told me you were here!”
I glance at the brunette in the doorway and back at him. I couldn’t even muster an eye roll; I had enough.
“Y/N!” Harry calls my name as I walk out.
“No it’s me, Becky?!” she tries to correct him. I can’t help but laugh as I make my way back to my friends with a drink in my hand, feeling free.
“Y/N, it’s Harry. I don’t know how it got this shite just please call me back. Just give me five minutes that’s all I n--message deleted”
“He’s moved on to the office phone then?” Janelle asks, her desk was beside mine so she’d heard him as I checked my messages. It was two weeks since that glorious night when I’d dumped Harry’s ass. Although a lot of my things were still at our house, I was just staying in a hotel right now while I figured things out. One thing I knew for sure though, I didn’t want to see him again.
“It’s pretty pathetic,” I say. It was also pathetic how long I’d stayed waiting around for us to be magically fixed. But that was something I was working on getting past.
“You’re glowing without him,” April says from where she’s getting her files together. “Haven’t you got that showing out east?”
“Yeah, oh god is that the time?” I rush to get my files in order. “I’ll catch up with you later-”
“We’re still getting drinks after?”
“Yes, drinks!” I call out as I leave the office and head down to the lobby. I don’t expect Harry there, and I barely have time for him as he comes up to keep my pace.
“Harry, I’ve got somewhere to be please leave me alone.”
“Y/N, wait just please listen to me.”
“2 minutes!”
“Not even 1,” I spot my cab out front and head towards it. I’m about to get in but Harry holds the door. “Harry let go I’m going to be late.”
“Just let me talk to you, please!”
I finally look at him and he’s quite a sight. His hair is matted and without it’s usual bounce. He’s got a rough look and a 5 ‘o clock shadow.
“You had plenty of time to talk to me for months, you were too busy at the club. Sorry not sorry,” I tug at the door and he lets go, I don’t spare a backwards glance as we drive away.
One of the showings is successful, I manage to sell the family on the home and we set up a meeting to go over details at my office later in the week. I’ve got a bounce in my step as I return to the office. I tell the girls I’d meet them at the bar as I finalize my papers at the office. My bounce falters when I go head out after 5 to see Harry waiting outside the building.
“Y/N,” he calls out when he sees me. “I’m not going to leave until you talk to me.”
“That’s called stalking,” I say. A few people walking past us turn to glance at him and he notices. He moves to the inside lobby and asks me to follow. With a big sigh I do.
“I know what I did.” he begins.
“Congratulations,” I roll my eyes.
“No wait, I know what I did to you. And sorry can’t cover it. Just let me make it up to you, we have history and-”
“You don’t get it.” I stop his monologue from going any further. “I’m gonna be just fine. Without you. You didn’t care about our history until you couldn’t have me. I don’t know what happened to you Harry, but you’re not the man I fell in love with-”
“I know,” he says, tears of frustration coating his lashes. “I fucked up, I-I didn’t see what I had right in front of me and I just-”
“Let her slip away? Is that the best you can come up with?” I scoff. “You know what Harry? I’m done with this! Boy...bye.”
“Y/N just--” he grabs my arm before I can leave and pushes something cold into my palm. My wedding ring.
“I don’t want this,” I push it back in his hand.
“Please just take it--hold onto it,” he pushes it back into mine and closes my fingers over it. “I can’t...I can’t hold onto it just take it! You don’t even have to think about it-”
“Harry,” I soften my tone. He was desperate and even though some part of me thought it was about time he felt this type of way, my heart hurt a little. I didn’t want him to see that though so I just tuck the ring into the pocket of his button up and pat it. “Goodbye Harry.”
I walk away with my head held high even though he calls out to me. I walk the few blocks to where my friends are waiting and their warm smiles are enough to help me push the memory of Harry’s teary eyes, and the real history we did have once upon a time away. I was done with him, no longer thinking about him.
I just kept telling myself, I was rare like a gem and I had to see that. And maybe one day, someone else will too.
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formeandmyfics · 3 years
Jugenea Fan fiction
Gene Kelly looks back on the specific moment when he and Judy Garland realized they’d be in each other’s life for the rest of their lives. 
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(photo cred: ohmygarlands)
Excerpts from the Gene Kelly Autobiography
“Dancing Over the Rainbow”
You know, after all the on-and-offs and up-and-downs between Judy and I for all those years, I must say there really was a defining moment when Judy and I realized we would spend the rest of our lives together. We didn't know what that would entail, because we were still married to other people, but we knew at that moment, we'd be together somehow, someway. We used to call it our 'ah-ha' moment.
We were about to start pre-production on our last film together, and Judy's last finished film for Metro, 'Summer Stock'. Leading up to starting work again, Judy was very nervous about working again since her return from Boston. She wanted to clear her head and stay stress free. Stress free was not an option at home.  
As much as Judy loved the house she shared with Vincente, little Liza was away at the time and by late 1949 she hated being alone with Minnelli. They were now just 'housemates that passed the kid back and forth' as she once put it. Though Vince didn't have a say either way, he willfully accepted her decision to have some space. It was only a few weeks. So, she stayed at a friend's vacant apartment in Beverly Hills, on North Beverly Drive.  
As you guessed it, I took every opportunity I could to be there with her and that's when it happened...
Benny Goodman's orchestra glided out of the radio of Gene's new car as he waited at a red light on the corner of Sunset and Beverly Drive, kiddy corner of the Beverly Hills Hotel. He loved this area during sunset. The orange and pink sun always set through the palms there, at the same spot, making everything seem like a dark silhouette. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the tune, he leaned his head back against the seat and smiled as he admired his new two-seater convertible; a 1940 Coach Craft Roadster.  He was driving his dream car on his way to be with his girl and it was a gorgeous evening. Life was good.  
Gene could hear the same Benny Goodman station playing as he approached the apartment door. He could also hear pots and pans from inside. He used the spare key and quickly went inside with curiosity, and a bouquet of yellow roses hidden behind his back.
The apartment had an open layout, so before he could even shut the door, he saw Judy scrambling around the open-air kitchen. She was completely oblivious to his presence as he stood there watching her cute, little, aproned-self walking from the stove to the cabinet to another.
Judy smiled, but didn't look his way, when she heard the apartment door swing shut. She knew he'd be surprised and she took joy in that as she stirred the spaghetti noodles in the boiling water.  
"Oh...my...God...you're cooking," he said walking into the kitchen, "Did Chasen's burn down?"
"Yes, it di-id," she said in a sing-song voice, "And your sex life went with it."
Chuckling, he walked up beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which then she turned her head to accept a peck on the lips, too.
"Next time, when you respond with a catty remark, use something that won't punish us both," he instructed and Judy giggled. He then tugged at the bow of her apron, "When did you turn into Betty Crocker?"
Judy turned away from the stove to pose, "What do you think? Do I look as homey now as the papers say I do since returning home?"  
"What the papers say is bullshit, but you do look cute. Here, sweetheart, these are for you," he smiled and revealed the bouquet of her favorite flowers.
Judy gasped and took them with awe, "Darling, they're beautiful."
“I wanted to do something nice for you."
"Thank you. That's so sweet," she said and leaned forward for another kiss.  
"Here, I'll put them in water so you can do whatever it is you're doing," he teased.
"Well," she said going back to the stove, "I think I'm cooking. Am I doing it wrong?"
"I don't know if you're doing it wrong, baby, I just didn't know you could cook."
"I've cooked plenty of times but I don't think I'm good at it and I usually have no time. I figured I'm here in my own place for a bit, not working yet, so I wanted to do something nice for you, too."  
Gene placed the flowers in water in vase on the island counter and came up behind her to look over her shoulder, "I'm flattered you wanted to cook for me, but you didn't have to do that."
"I know. But I wanted to."
"What are we making?"
"Pasta. I'm afraid it's the only thing I can cook decently without ruining. When I was with Dave, I burned our meals way too often. And with Liza, I've messed up way too many pancakes."
Gene chuckled and embraced his arms around her waist hugging her close as he leaned his chin on her shoulder, "I like pasta."
"Oo, good."
"How about dessert?"
Judy thought a moment and became disappointed, "Oh, I didn't even think about dessert. I don't think there's even ice cream in the ice box."
"I didn't mean food," he said his voice becoming low and seductive as he softly swayed them.
"Oh," she smiled sheepishly, "Then, yes, there will definitely be dessert."
"I know that dessert usually comes after the meal..." he started placing kisses on her neck distracting her, "...but I think I want dessert first."
Judy closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his chest as his seductive kisses now hit under jaw slightly sucking.
"Mmm," she let out when she felt his hand softly cup her breasts over her apron as his mouth slightly bit her jawline, breathing out against her he almost made a sound himself.
Judy jumped startled when the timer on the oven went off. She immediately pushed Gene back and grabbed her oven mitts.
"You're using the oven? I thought you said you usually burn things?"
"I took the chance. You can't have spaghetti without garlic bread," she said as if insulted.
"You're absolutely right," he said seriously and then giggled to himself.
"Ta da! Look, not one piece is charred."
Proudly, she stood with her hands on her hips and looked back at him for approval.
"Congratulations," he said amused.
"Don't poke fun," she pouted, "I want to make a nice dinner for us."
"I'm not. I'm surprised but I'm really happy you wanted to do this for me, thank you."
Gene went to embrace her again, but she quickly pushed against his chest, "Nuh uh. Stop distracting me."
"Fine," he said with his hands up in defense, "I won't touch. Do you want help?"
"I don't trust you."
"You're the one that burns things and you don't trust me to help?"
"I don't trust that you won't touch. You've been here two minutes and you've already gotten to second base."
Gene laughed loudly leaning his head back which made her giggle, "Shoo, get out of my kitchen."
"Well, damn," he said eyes wide but with a smile.
"Go and get relaxed and I'll finish up here."
"Yes ma'am."
After finishing cooking, Gene told her he'd set the table up for them as she got freshened up. When she returned not a few minutes later, the room was dimmed to just the lights in the kitchen as he had lit candles and poured some wine. The music had been lowered as well.  
"Oh, honey," she exclaimed, "This is so romantic."
"You cooked for me. I thought the best I could do was add some atmosphere."
"I love it."
As Gene pulled out the chair for her, Judy noticed a small bag next to his shoes.
"What's that?"
"My overnight bag."
"Why do you have that?"
"Because I plan to stay overnight."
"Are you serious?"
"If you'll let me."
"Well, of course," she said happily surprised as she took her seat, "You just usually don't stay the night. Are you telling Betsy you're doing an overnighter?"
An overnighter was what was referred to when an actor worked overtime into the night and had an early call the next morning so they would sleep in their trailers. Gene had used it as an excuse more times than he actually really needed to do it. He did that a lot when they were doing 'For Me and My Gal' early on in their affair. It was a way for them to be together. Betsy asked no questions back then. It was harder for him to do that now. Judy was so far up on Mr. Mayer's list, it would be unheard of for her to have to do that. It was so unheard of that it would have caused suspicion from Dave or Vince if she used it as an excuse so she always had to be more creative or simply just didn't say anything.  
"Nope. Her friend in San Diego had some trouble with her husband so Betsy took the train down. She'll be gone a few days."
"Did she bring Kerry?"
"No, but Kerry's at a sleepover tonight. You have me all to yourself the entire night and all morning. All we have is that pre-production meeting at 10."
"That's all you have to do at the studio tomorrow?"
"Golly. Seems a little surreal."
"I know it. But Kerry is being dropped off there at noon just to let you know."
"That's alright. I get you all to myself for the entire night without you having to slip away. I'll take it. Why don't you and Kerry have some bonding time together after you leave the studio? Take her out for ice cream or have a picnic."
"That sounds like a great idea, actually. She likes the beach. Maybe I'll take her out for a ride to Santa Monica and have a picnic there."
"There you go."
"After we eat here, would you like to go for a ride?"
"Well, that depends on what you mean by that. Because fifteen minutes ago, dessert meant something entirely different than a chocolate sundae."
Gene laughed again, "I actually mean go for a ride, but dessert still comes later."
"Sure, if you want to."
"It's a beautiful night for a drive...in a convertible."
"You don't have a convertible," she said taking a bite of garlic bread.
"I do now," he said trying not to smile as he took a sip of wine.  
"You bought a new car?"
"Why? You love your Cadillac," she practically shrieked, "I loved that car, Gene. It held a lot of memories for us."
"Calm down. I still have the Cadillac."
"What did you buy?"
"Go look. It's parked right out front."
Seeing the funny look on his face, she wiped her mouth with her napkin and got up heading for the large window in the open living room.
"It's the black convertible," he said getting up to meet her at the window.
"Gene. You bought yourself a roadster?"
"I've always wanted one. I went and got it today on a whim."
Judy raised her eyebrow, "While the wife was out of town no less. I bet she doesn't want you racing any more than I do."
"I'm not going to race it."
"Liar. I bet Lawford put you up to it."
"He didn't put me up to it. I make my own decisions," Gene said sternly, but when he saw the 'wife' expression on her face, Gene sulked just a little, "But he did kind of talk me into it."
"Mm hm. Well, you just be careful."
"I will. I would never do anything to jeopardize my safety, honey. But I have always wanted this car since I seen it at a 1939 car show in New York. I'm excited."
Judy smiled and peeked through the sheer drapes to look at it again and joked, "I don't think I'll be able to fit into that."
"Stop it. Come on, let's finish eating," he said grabbing her hand.
"Maybe I should have made chicken and vegetables instead."
Gene laughed and urged her to finish their dinner.
Judy tightened her head scarf around her head as they pulled up to a stoplight.
"See, you fit fine, don't ya," Gene teased.
"More leg room than I thought but it's still tiny."
"Sport cars are meant to be smaller."
"I still like the Cadillac better," Judy smiled and pointed her thumb to the back of them, "No back seat in this one."
Gene shifted gears as they rolled through the green light, "You're right about that. There isn't room for fooling around in this car."
He switched through some radio stations and immediately stopped when he heard Judy's Decca recording of 'If I had you'.  
"Oh, no, please Gene, no."  
"Turn it off."
"Will you sing it for me then?"
"Absolutely not."
Judy switched the channel and he just smiled letting her have her way. He slapped her thigh before holding onto it in comfort. As they pulled up to another red light, they didn't notice the notable couple next to them until they heard a shriek.
"Judy, doll, is that you?"
They looked next to them and noticed Lana Turner and her husband Bob in their Mercedes convertible. Gene slid his hand off of Judy's thigh before they noticed and smiled.
"Hi, honey," Judy gleefully stated back.
"Gene," Bob shouted happily, "When did you get that ride?"
"Today. Isn't it sweet?"
"Kick ass ride, my man."
Lana sat up on her knees, leaning her elbows against the door frame, "You giving Judy a ride in your new car?"
"You got it," Gene played along.
"Can I have a ride, too?"
"Anytime you'd like, darlin'."
"Then you got yourself a deal, buddy."
"Just hands off," Bob played along and leaned forward to look at Judy, "That goes for you, too, toots. Remember, he's a married man."
Gene looked at Judy chuckling knowing she would be annoyed and all she did was force a laugh.  
"She's married, too, ya know" Lana said to her hubby.
"Ha ha ha," Judy continued laughing then her smile disappeared as quick as it appeared and she poked Gene's leg when the light turned green, "Go."
"See you later guys," Gene waved and sped off.
"Hands off, my ass," she said and wrapped her arms around his right arm to cuddle.
"That a girl.
In a preppy voice she did her best impression of her friend, "Can I have a ride, too," Judy then lowered her voice to imitate a male, "Anytime you'd like sweetheart."
"That supposed to be me?" When she didn't respond, he continued sheepishly, "Well, if it is supposed to be me, I didn't say sweetheart. I said darlin'."
"Oh, excuse me."
Gene glanced at her as she picked off some invisible lint and looked irritated, "Don't be getting all jealous on me now. What did you expect me to say? I'm sorry I can't, I only let Judy handle my stick?"
Judy's eyes widened, "She asked for a ride, not to drive your car."
"Oh, excuse me," he mimicked her and she couldn't help but smile.  
"Can we drive somewhere out of all the traffic at least? There's absolutely no privacy. I'd like to at least hold your hand without someone spotting us."
"Let's go up Mulholland. It's darker there in the hills, no traffic."
"Oh, darling, let's go to our old spot and watch the lights like we used to."
"Just what I was thinking."
Driving around the winding roads on Mulholland, with only a passing headlight here and there, Judy slid over to cuddle Gene. He immediately swooped his arm around her shoulder and slowed down so he could enjoy their closeness with the warm evening air swooshing around them.  
When they reached a part of the mountain, they got no more radio service but static. Judy turned it off and started humming. Then...she started singing.
"I could show the world how to smile
I could be glad all of the while
I could change the grey skies to blues
If I had you."
Gene smiled and kissed her head as she continued.
"I could leave the old days behind
Leave all my pals, I'd never mind
I could start my life all a new
If I had you," Judy reached up and pinched his cheek, "That's all you get, buster."
"I'll take it. That was beautiful, baby."  
Only a few minutes later, they pulled into a scenic overlook which wasn't currently occupied which they were grateful for. It was nestled in the shadows, only lit up houses above and below them on the mountain and the shimmering lights of Burbank shone below. There was one large tree and a single bench there. The couple got out of the car and leaned back on the hood of his car side-by-side watching the lights.  
Judy crossed her arms and sighed, "Remember when we first found this spot?"
"Ah huh."
"The very first time? I don't believe you."
"I sure as hell do. It was the night after our first cast read-thru of the script. It was before we even got together. We went for dinner and..."
"I didn't want to go home," she said softly.
"You said 'just drive'," he added, "And we wound up here."
"The perfect little spot."
"We had long talks. I like to think it's where we became best friends," she was silent a moment, "Gosh, it seems so long ago, doesn't it?"
Gene pushed himself off of the car to stand in front of her and embraced her around the waist, her tush pushing back against the hood a little more.
"It does, but it really wasn't."
"Bittersweet memories," she smiled.
"That bench is where I first kissed you."
"I kissed you first," she said matter-of-factly.
"You were teaching me how to kiss on camera, that doesn't count."
"Oh, I don't know," she said with an innocent voice, but her eyes penetrated with seduction as she slowly slithered her hands up his chest and around his neck, "It kind of counted for me."
Gene smiled, licking the bottom of his lip feeling arousal start in the pit of his stomach, "Just 'kind-of', huh?"  
"Well, it made me interested enough to let you kiss me over there," she nodded her head behind them towards the bench.
Gene softly placed his palm on her jaw to gently hold her face steady as he stared into her eyes. They were met with such warmth.
"And look at us now, still kissing after all these years."
Judy traced her finger over the scar on his cheek and looked down at his lips, "You're such a good man, Gene Kelly."
He met her lips with a soft kiss.  
Once. Twice.  
Sliding his tongue against hers even softer than the slight tugs of his lips on her plush lower one. There was no need to hurry, no need to rush.  
Gene leaned his forehead against hers as her fingers played with his collar, looking down almost bashful.
"How about dessert?"
The fireplace crackled. The orange hue, from the fire, was the only light in the room as the two embraced on the couch. Gene was leaning back against the sofa, his hands were flat up against Judy's bare back as a kind-of-support, as her hips slowly glided back and forth on his lap.
She wove her arms around his neck pushing closer to him as she stared down at his handsome face. Like their kissing earlier, there was no rush in their love making. Even though the passion was there, it was always there, the two just seemed to enjoy the closeness of being together.  
Judy lifted her face from his, and rested her chin on top of his head as he kissed her neck lovingly. Her mind raced of their lovely evening together, the reminiscing they did, the memories that they had shared together after all those years. She had done a lot of thinking about the past between them since recovering in Boston. That summer away from him, though they spoke on the phone and through telegrams, she knew she was head-over-heels in-love with Mr. Gene Kelly and always would be no matter the circumstances.  
He must’ve sensed her distraction, because she felt him give her sides a squeeze which prompted her to look back down at him and gave him a reassuring smile. Gene continued to let her keep the pace, but her could tell her mind was going elsewhere, not in a bad way however. He gave her a curious expression but when she genuinely smiled at him, reassuring him that her thoughts were only of him, he relaxed again and leaned in kissing her.  
Rearranging herself a bit, to make her movements a bit steamier after feeling those tingle sensations between her legs and up to her nipples get stronger, Judy untangled her arms from his shoulders and held his hands in each of hers, their fingers intertwining as she sped up the pace.
When she did this, Gene didn’t respond in a heated way as usual. Instead, he brought one of those hands up to kiss the back of hers. Judy caught her breath as he did this, as it seemingly it looked like he did it for his own pleasure and her respect. Then, he scooped some hair behind her ear looking at her with such love and adoration. It was almost overwhelming what she suddenly felt.  
Gene felt her movements get slower and slower and her eyes become glossy with tears. Suddenly, she stopped all together and her bottom lip quivered. Gene immediately became worried and he sat up straight, with her still straddling him, and he cupped her face in his hands.
“Darling, what’s wrong?”
Judy couldn’t help but giggle as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “You know what an emotional wreck I've been lately.”
“But why now,” he said wiping a tear away with his thumb.
Judy’s smile faltered and she blinked a few times before answering, “I just love you, you know.”
“Well, that’s good,” he smiled, “cause I love you just the same,” Gene kissed her and they hugged tightly, “Probably even more than you.”
“Oh, I beg to differ,” she giggled.
Leaning back to look at her face again, he showed her some determination, “Wanna bet?”
Before she knew it, Judy shrieked amused as she was swiftly flipped over onto her back on the sofa.
Judy listened to the clock tick on the night stand of the master bedroom as she lay next to Gene. Laying side by side, on their sides, nothing but a sheet over their bottoms, Judy admired his sleeping face.  
Looking down at his hand resting beside her, she saw the reflection of the moon from the window hitting his silver wedding ring. Putting her left hand next to his, their rings side-by-side, she had a beautiful, but remorseful, thought. What if, one day, they would wear rings that was a symbol of their love not their current marriages.
“Darling,” she whispered.
“You’re awake,” he sleepily mumbled.
“You’re awake,” she said back amused and fully of smile. It widened when she saw him mirror her and then his eyes met hers.
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“You know my sleep patten is all over the place.”
“I’m surprised you’re not tired.”
“I am. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Does it have anything to do with what you were thinking about when we were making love? Which I hope to God was about me.”
She laughed and he chuckled pulling her to him. She got comfortable on his chest and playfully tickled his side to which he swatter her hand away, “Don’t worry. It was.”
Feeling his chest rise up and down, feeling his heartbeat against her ear, feelings his warmth, she never wanted to leave.
“Feels good to be with you like this, doesn’t it, honey?”
She didn’t respond but he could feel her nod. Again, she got quiet.
“What are you thinking?”
Again, she didn’t respond, but her hold on him got tighter.
“Talk to me,” he urged.  
“We’ve gone on getaways in the past.”
“And we’ve been alone before. We’ve slept in each other’s arms before.”
“Yeah,” he said getting more curious.
“But for some reason, lately, it’s felt different.”
“Different how?”
“It just all feels so right. I feel like I’m at home with you. And right now it almost feels like...we’re married,” she leaned up to look at him and her interest was peaked like a child’s, “Is that odd?”
Gene gently sat up so he wouldn’t startle her and turned on the bedside lamp. Judy lifted the covers around her chest and became a little uneasy when she saw him reach for the cigarettes next to him. He only reached for a cigarette in the middle of the night when he was stressed. She leaned over him and grabbed his arm to stop him. She didn’t want to believe he was stressed.
Gene sighed and cracked his neck before looking at her seriously, “I’ve felt it, too.”
“You have?”
“How does that make you feel?”
“Like you said, a bit odd, but a good odd.”
“A confusing one.”
“I’ve been in love with you, kiddo, for years, but you’re right. Lately our relationship and our time together has felt different.”
There was silence between them before she scooted closer, on her knees, and became like a playful child again, “You wanna know what I think?”
“What,” he chuckled never knowing what would come out of her mouth.
“I think we’re going to be in each other’s lives, for the rest of our lives.”
“I know we are. I’ve already concluded that. I just don’t know the ‘what were when why how’ part yet.”
“Even if we’re 80, somehow, someway, I know we’re going to end up together with the world knowing about us.”
What Judy and I didn’t know, at the time, was how much sooner the world would end up knowing about us. 32 hours from then, our worlds would change, and all because of one newspaper headline. We could have easily denied it, but we were tired...and were done hiding.  
Judy tossed her ‘Summer Stock’ script on top of Gene’s which lay on the small coffee table in his trailer.  
“The meeting went well, don’t you think,” he asked getting comfortable on the couch.
Judy nodded but looked a little apprehensive as she sat down next to him.
“I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or baby me, you know?”
Gene sat up concerned, “Why do you think that?”
“I’m just a little nervous.”
“Honey, everyone, and I do mean everyone, on this film, cast and crew, are all doing it for you, for us. Because, they all love you and want you to succeed. Of course they’re all going to know one thing or another about what you’ve been through, if they read the papers, but I don’t think there will be any patronizing going on.”
“You mean that?”
“You know I do.”
“I know this picture is way beneath you. Thank you again for doing it.”
“This picture is way beneath you, too, so that makes it perfect for us to do together. I told you, if I *really* didn’t want to do it, I wouldn’t have, even if that meant not working with you again. But I love you. You asked for my help and I’d do anything for you. Just like you’ve done for me.”
Judy giggled and leaned over to kiss him, “I love you.”
“Besides, I am looking forward to the dances. And that ‘Wonderful You’ sequence, I’m gonna sweep you off your feet.”
“Oh, darling,” she laughed and leaned on his chest, “You don’t have to dance with me to sweep me off my feet I can attest to that.”
The two embraced into a longer lip lock when there was a knock on the door. Startled, the two immediately sat up and separated, a dance their bodies did instinctively now after all those years.  
As Gene got up to answer the door, Judy opened her script to make it look like they were working.
“Hi, daddy!”
Gene was surprised to see Kerry there with one of the studio’s PA’s.
“Hi, honey. You’re early. Thank you, John.”
John nodded and walked off as Gene lead Kerry inside. She dropped her book bag on the floor and was surprised to see Judy.
“Auntie Judy!”
“Hi, darling.”
Kerry immediately embraced her.  
“Oo, you look so pretty,” Judy said tugging on the bottom of her dress.
“And I’ve got ‘Dorothy’ braids, see?”
Judy laughed and playfully tugged on them, “You sure do.”
“Whatchu doin’,” Kerry asked sitting down on the couch.
“We’re going over a script for a new movie your Daddy and I are going to be in.”
“Is it a fun movie?”
“Is sure is,” Gene said confidently, “Remember, I told you it takes place on a farm.”
“Will there be lots of animals?”
“Oh, I would think so if it’s a farm,” Judy stated.
“And Daddy, you’ll dance?”
“Your daddy better dance,” Judy teased.
“And Judy better sing,” Gene teased back, “Did you have fun at the sleepover, sweetheart?”
“Uh huh.”
The phone ringing tore Gene away from the conversation. As he took the phone call, Judy had Kerry tell her everything she did at the sleepover.  
“Alright, girls,” Gene said walking back over to them, “We’ve got a little bit of a pickle. That was Pasternak. He and Freed need to speak to me about some chorography stuff.”
“What’s choreography stuff,” Kerry asked curious.
“Dancing. Steps and how to create dances,” Gene said crossing his arms.
“How long do you think you’ll be gone,” Judy asked.
“Maybe 45 minutes, an hour at most.”
“I’ll stay with her.”
“You sure about that?”
“Of course. I don’t have any place to be.”
“Will you be ok with that, Kerry? Just for a little while?”
“Sure, daddy.”
“Ok. I won’t be long. I also thought once we leave here, we can go have a picnic on the beach. Would you like that?”
“Oh, yes, Daddy, please,” the little girl exclaimed excited.
Gene looked at Judy smiling as if thanking her for the idea.
“Alright. I’ll see you girls in a bit,” Gene gave a knowing wink to Judy before walking out.
The ‘Disney hour’ was playing over the radio as Judy and Kerry both drew together. Judy hadn’t even paid attention to the time until she heard footsteps up the ladder steps.
The door swung open and Judy was shocked to see it wasn’t Gene but Betsy. Betsy stopped in her tracks stunned to see Kerry sitting there with Judy, with no Gene in sight.
For a moment they were both silent.
“Hi, Mommy!”
Betsy’s shock wore off and, even though she tried to hide it, Judy could see the woman was angry. She walked in and looked around as if looking for her husband. When she didn’t see him, she started urging Kerry to grab her things.
“Come on, sweetheart. Grab your things.”
“Look, Auntie Judy and I were drawing pictures. I drew Daddy and I on the beach.”
“That’s swell. You can leave it here for him.”
“But I want to give it to him.”
Betsy picked up her bookbag, “You can give it to him at home. How was your sleepover?”
“Do you have everything?”
Without even acknowledging Judy, Betsy took the little girl's hand and walked her out of the trailer. Judy immediately followed them out.
Betsy stopped and turned around, clearly vexed.
“I was only staying with Kerry because Gene had a...”
“Ms. Garland...” Betsy cut her off, “You took my husband away from me, so stay the hell away from my daughter.”
Turning around, she started towards the car again. Kerry, looking confused and a little sad, looked over her shoulder at Judy. Judy immediately put on a reassuring smile and waved her fingers ‘goodbye’.  
With his leather-bound script tucked beneath his arm, Gene rolled up to his trailer in his studio golf cart when he noticed Judy down the street walking away. And, he didn’t see Kerry next to her.  
Confused, Gene turned the cart back and sped after Judy.  
Judy slowed her walk when Gene rolled up next to her.
“Hi,” she checked her watch as they both came to a stop, “You were taking longer than we thought. I thought I’d get going.”
“That’s fine, but where’s Kerry?”
“Oh, ah,” Judy remained as casual as possible, “Well, Betsy came and got her.”
“Betsy? She’s supposed to be out of town for a few more days.”
Nervously, Judy giggled, “It was a surprise to me, too, when she came walking into your trailer.”
“Oh, shit. Was everything ok? What did she say?”
“Oh, nothing. She was in a hurry.”
Gene gave Judy a funny look. Something felt off. Judy could tell he was going to pry so she spoke up, “You should probably head home, though. Yeah?”
Gene checked his watch, “Yeah, probably.”
“You call me, hm?”
Gene smiled flirtatiously, “What if I want to do more than call you?”
Judy smiled back, “You know where to find me.”
With a wink, she walked away.
*** When Gene rolled up into the driveway of his home, he noticed Kerry swinging on the tire in the backyard and decided to go in through the backyard gate.
“Hi, Daddy.”
“Hi, baby.”
“You have good meeting?”
“I did. I’m sorry it ran late. Did you have a good time with Judy until Mommy came and got you?”
“Yeah. We drew.”
Gene could tell his daughter not only looked a little curious, but melancholy.
“What are you thinking about, kiddo,” he asked spinning her gently.
“Just something Mommy said to Aunt Judy.”
Gene immediately froze and felt a bad feeling in his gut. Not only because Judy fibbed, but because whatever was said was enough to trouble his daughter.
“What did she say?”
“She told Auntie Judy to stay away from you.”
Gene closed his eyes and let out a deep exhale through his nose, “She, ah, she did?”
The little girl nodded and looked up at her father, “Mommy said to her that she took you away.”
Gene bit his bottom lip feeling blood boil.
“What did she mean?”
Gene squat down placing both his hands in hers on her lap, “Mommy was just upset. It’s grown-up things that you’ll understand when you’re older. I know that might not seem fair to you right now, because you’re confused, but just know that everything is ok and I’m right here.”
Kerry smiled when Gene placed a big kiss against her cheek.
“I drew something for you. It’s on the kitchen table.”
“Oh. I like drawings. I’ll go look right now.”
Gene walked through the patio kitchen door and immediately saw the drawing of stick people on the beach. In her sloppy handwriting, as best as she could do, she wrote Daddy and Kerry over the Dad and daughter. Gene smiled, but felt disappointed when he suddenly remembered he was going to take her on a picnic there. How excited she must have been to draw it.  
“Dammit,” he murmured as he put it up on the fridge.  
Gene poured himself a glass of water and watched Kerry out the window as she did twirls and entertained herself. Even though he was watching a joyful scene, he was very angry inside. Why did Judy lie? It must have really hurt her. Why the hell hadn’t she told him? I suppose to not make the situation worse. Maybe to not make him angry. Boy, he *was* angry. Angry at Betsy.  
“Don’t ever leave my daughter with your whore again.”
Gene hadn’t even heard his wife walk into the kitchen, but her heard her voice loud and clear. And that statement was like some kind of forbidden language that one just did not say. It felt like a red-hot knife enter him. Suddenly all his muscles became stiff, his biceps flexed, his heart started pumping faster. He knew what this kind of adrenaline was. It was rage. It was the kind of feelings he got before he was about to hit a guy for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But, he wasn’t in a bar or a nightclub with a drunkard. He was at home, in his kitchen, with his wife, a woman, and his little girl playing ten feet away.
Gene forced himself to relax, and his shoulders dropped back down, as he continued at the sink washing out his cup not saying a word.
“What,” Betsy asked leaning to the side to get a better look at his face, “I’m sorry dear...is that not accurate?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mumbled.
“I’m sorry. Opening her legs for a married man doesn’t constitute as a wh-”
Gene banged his fist against the counter rattling the silverware, “Shut your God damn mouth, Betsy, I mean it. I would never let anyone speak about you that way and I sure as hell am not going to let you speak about my best friend just the same.”
“Ooo, now he’s getting angry,” she said unphased as she crossed her arms.
“Yeah, I am angry,” Gene turned around, “I’m angry that you had to go and say that Judy took me away in front of *OUR* daughter. Kerry’s out there confused at why you said that as she knows I never left. She’s a little girl now asking questions. We promised no matter what happened, we would never fight or discuss anything like that in front of her! JESUS! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!”
“I WASN’T THINKING! I came into your trailer to find you and instead my daughter is all cozy on the couch with my husband’s girlfriend!”
Gene looked at her ridiculously, “She’s not my...”
Betsy held up her hand cutting him off, “She’s your girlfriend.”
The tears in her eyes made Gene feel immediate guilt, but the way she said it proved a point that he could not argue. Instead, he placed his hands on his hips and looked down for a moment before going on.
“The two of us just got done with a meeting for the new film when Kerry was dropped off early. Then I was called away to another meeting. Judy was gracious enough to stay with her. Kerry was fine with it. She sees Judy as friend, as Liza’s Mommy, there was no harm in that, Bets. She was doing me a favor.”
Betsy perched her lips together, thinking, and then pointed at him, “Unless the Minnelli kid is present, I don’t want Judy around my daughter. I mean it, Gene.”
“So, what? Now, Kerry can’t visit me when I’m working? This film is with Judy. She’s going to be around.”
“That’s not my problem. Get yourself a different movie.”
To her it seemed so simple, but there was a lot more at stake with this film than just switching actors. Something she had no idea about.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? You’ve done it before.”
“Because, I’m doing this film as a favor for Judy. She asked for my help.”
“Help? Yeah, I bet,” she said with a ridiculous giggle.
“You have no idea, so cut it out,” he hissed.
“Excuse me?”
“She . Needs . My . Help,” he emphasized.  
“Yeah, yeah, I read all about her little escapades. Can’t you just see she’s crying wolf? A lot of movie Princesses will find anything to get their names in the papers or snag the guy they want. They’ll fake a pregnancy, fake an illness or in Judy’s case, hurt myself a little, I’ll get the attention that I want.”
Betsy suddenly stepped back flinching when Gene spun around, muscles popping as well as veins. Growling, he grabbed the kitchen chair and flung it across the room, breaking against the wall.  
Betsy made a small sound as he walked up on her, her back against the wall. She wasn’t afraid, she knew he’d never physically hurt her, but she was very startled.
“She could have died! Forget what you think of her. She is my friend. She’s a mother, just like you, and she could have died. No one seems to FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT! It was a cry for help which she desperately needs.”
“Well, she got it didn’t she?! She went away to a hospital, didn’t she?! Where’s her husband in all this?! Let him help her.”
“If he could help her, she never would have gotten as bad as she got. He treats her like a god damn porcelain doll. He doesn’t know how to handle her, just like the studio doesn’t either. Vince is my friend, but he doesn’t know shit, Bets. But what he understands, and appreciates, is how *I* help her. For some reason, something I never even asked for, I’m the one that can keep her stable. I don’t know why, but I do. Did you know, he once thanked me?”
“For fucking his wife?”
Gene let that comment go and tried to make her understand, “He said he would have lost his wife a long time ago if I wasn’t around. Judy is back working again, with everyone scrutinizing her. Her mental health is far more important to me than what any asshole writes in the paper on what they *think* they know about Miss Judy Garland. I understand you feel betrayed, as you have every fucking right to be, I get that, but DON’T be one of those assholes. She asked for my help on this project and if you think for one second that I won’t let Kerry come on set, something that she loves doing, and be around us even without Liza there, then you are very mistaken.”
Betsy was silent a moment before she pushed against her husband’s chest, “And what about how I feel?”
“Before or after you opened *your* legs, dear?”  
Betsy stopped and brushed some hair away from her forehead a little taken breathless, “What?”
“Judy didn’t take me away, or steal me away. I’m still here aren’t I? After all these years, I’m still here. We agreed to work on it for Kerry growing up. If I wanted to leave, I would have left a long time ago. I also would have left when I found out you were out fucking other men.”
“You’re crazy,” she said and pushed past him.
He grabbed her elbow to spin her around, “You continue to make me feel guilty, because you feel guilty, too. Victor Rogan.”
Betsy sucked in a breath at the name of her lover, one that had been a friend of theirs since Gene had been in theater in New York, who now worked at Fox. That was an affair going on for over 6 months now.
“Yeah, you didn’t think I’d find out about that one, did ya?”
“Why didn’t you say anything,” Betsy spat out trying to turn the tables.
“Why would I after what I did first? I cheated first.”
“Well, at least you have the balls to admit it. Congratulations.”
“Don’t be too proud there, babe. You see, Judy and I didn’t look for this to happen. All those years ago, it was just something that did. We even tried to stop it. She was married, too. Still is. And I even pushed my friendship away with her for some time after to focus solely on you and our daughter. But, inevitably, we just kept...we couldn’t stay away. We have respect and honesty and protect each other. I never wanted this to happen with her. I don’t know why I couldn’t stay away. I don’t know what it is. But after all this time, I still haven’t left. That has to mean something, right? It means I still love you and our family.”
Betsy’s demeanor dropped a little, softening, hearing her husband more honest about what she already knew, than she had ever heard him before.
“But you...you didn’t end up fucking other men because you fell in love. You did it out of spite for me and, now with Victor, just a fun time in the sac. You can never compare what I have with Judy to what you did.”
“You’re right.”
Gene’s arms dropped not believing what he was hearing. Betsy never just gave up and said he was right...with anything.
“You’re right. And I want you to say what you just said about Judy.”
“That I didn’t fall in love with other men,” she looked him square in the eyes, “Have you fallen in-love with Garland?”
Gene knew the answer. Hell, he and Judy had already admitted it to one another, but now the sound of it made the color drain from his face. Emotions swelled up deep inside of him that even his eyes started to swell up with tears. Betsy could see the sincere shame written on his face, she could see him fighting his demons.
“I’m an honorable man,” he said choking up and he pointed at himself whispering, “I’m a good man.”
“Gene,” she sighed, “This isn’t a psychiatrist’s office. The sooner you admit it, maybe the sooner we can move on.”
When he still didn’t say anything, she got angry and impatient and raised her voice, “ADMIT IT!”  
“Yes,” he backed up leaning against the opposite counter and crossed his arms for his own comfort, “I love her.”  
Admitting to my wife that I was in-love with another woman was the hardest thing I ever did. At that point in time, it should have made me feel a little relieved, but it scared the shit out of me. I didn’t regret saying it, because it was true, but it didn’t taste good coming out of my mouth either. I left home shortly after our confrontation, to get my bearings. I chased my bearings all the way to a bar on Highland.
I drank so I could think and then I stopped thinking so I drank some more. I didn’t know how long time had passed as I drank my feelings. I still thought it was light out when a cop showed up inside the bar and ruffled my feathers. Next thing I knew I was in handcuffs. I didn’t know Judy was about to save my ass, and exploit her own.
Judy slammed on her breaks in the middle of Hollywood and Vine.  A car swerved around to avoid backending her. She didn’t even notice the driver lay on their horn as they sped past because her eyes were on Gene’s new car parked on the street just up above and a cop car behind it with the lights.  
Judy squinted in the bright nightlife of Highland to see where they were at. Of course, he was parked in front of a bar. What did he get himself into now, she thought. Through the lights of the cop car, Judy noticed Gene being moved towards the police car and he was handcuffed.
“Oh, no,” she cried and got out of her car.
Judy rushed up to them, startling the cop some. Gene looked worse for wear. His eyes were half shut, so he didn’t notice her yet. When she spoke, he did.
“Officer, what do you think you’re going?”
Gene’s eyes popped open and he immediately turned to look away from her more annoyed than embarrassed, “Christ.”
“Ma’am, do you mind. I’m doing my job,” the officer said and went to move Gene into the back of the squad car but Judy blocked them.
“I do mind. I mind a lot.”
“Miss, I’m going to have to ask you to move.”
“Not until you tell me why you’re arresting him.”
“Judy,” Gene warned her with a slur, clearly drunk.
“No,” she spat back at him.
“This man is being arrested for...”
“Do you know who this man is,” she interrupted.
“I am aware.”
Judy raised her eyebrow, “Mm. Do you know who *I* am?”
“I recognize ya, Miss Garland, and with all do respect, none of that is relevant right now. He is being charged with public intoxication and aggravation and resisting arrest.”
“Resisting arrest? He looks pretty calm to me.”
“He wasn’t in the bar. Now, if you’ll kindly move so I can...”
“Officer, please,” she said with her most put-on, sweetest voice she could muster up.
“Oh, here she goes,” Gene murmured all too familiar with her ‘Dorothy’ voice.
“I know this man very well. He’s never been arrested before. He’s a good, decent citizen. If he was aggravated, it’s because he’s been going through hell lately. Can you please just let him go with a warning? Please?”
Gene looked at the officer and saw the man was falling for her charms.
“It is a first offense...” the officer looked at Gene...”I suppose I can let you off with a warning but I can only release you to a spouse, next of kin or significant other.”
“Can you release him to me? I promise I won’t let him drive. I’ll take him straight home.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Garland. Policy stats only to spouse, next of kin or significant other. How about a wife, Mr. Kelly?”
“Might as well throw me behind bars,” Gene stated.
Judy licked her lips nervously and looked at them back and forth before she blurted out, “I’m his significant other.”
Gene looked over at Judy wide eyed.
“And I’ll sign whatever you need me to, to prove it.”
The sun was shining bright into the master bedroom of Judy’s apartment as Gene walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He smiled as Judy stirred and hopped onto the bed making her sleepily moan.
“Good morning,” he said cuddling her from behind.
“Don’t you have a hangover,” she mumbled sleepy.
“I did, but the shower washed it away. You should have joined me.”
When his lips landed upon her neck, Judy flinched and swatted him away.
“Nah, uh. You’re not getting off that easily.”
Gene chuckled, “No pun intended.”
Judy sat up looking quite serious, “I mean it.”
Gene sighed and laid on his back, his arm resting behind his head.
“I was stupid.”
“Yeah. You almost got arrested, buster.”
“Again, I was stupid.”
“You want to finally tell me what happened yesterday?”
Gene sighed and held his palm out for her to link her fingers with this which she did.
“I drank my feelings.”
“Your feelings?”
Gene nodded, “But first, would you like to tell me why you lied to me?”
“What on earth did I lie to you about?”
“That everything was fine when Betsy came and got Kerry.”
Judy lowered her eyes and her hand started to pull out of his but he grabbed onto it knowing she wanted to escape but if he had to explain, so did she.
“No. Tell me.”
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“What she said to you was a big deal. And I reprimanded her already for what she said in front of Kerry.”
“Gene, I let it go in one ear and out the other because I know I would feel the same if I were in her shoes.”
“But if it was Liza, would you have said that in front of her?”
“No, of course not.”
“Exactly. Don’t worry about it. Kerry will be visiting the set. You’ll get to see her.”
“Darling, that’s the least of my worries. I want to know what caused you to get angry enough to nearly be thrown in jail.”  
“Bets and I had a fight. She confronted me about you and I confronted her about her affairs. I laid out some things to her and it shook us both up.”
“Laid of what things?”
Gene sat up and bit on his knuckle, “How I feel about you.”
Judy caught her breath and this time she let her hand slither out of his as she stood up, “What did you tell her?”
“She asked if I fell in love with you,” Gene looked up at her, “I couldn’t deny it.”
“Oh, Gene. You said that...you actually told Betsy?”
“Yeah. Told her I love you.”
“And she kicked you out and you went to the bar?”
“No. Oddly enough she seemed impressed I actually had the guts to admit something like that. She said something about us being able to move on now.”
“What does that mean?”
“That’s why I got drunk, Judy. I don’t exactly know what it means. Does it mean we can move on together from the things we admitted to one another or do we move on from our marriage?”
Their eyes stared as the phone rang, loud and stinging to both their ears. Gene picked up the receiver, but handed it to her, the cords stretching over him.
“Hello? Oh, good morning, Kay. Hm? No, I haven’t. I just woke up. Why? What happened? Yes. Ok. Yeah, I will right now. Ok. Yes, I’ll call you. Bye.”
Judy reached across Gene to hang it up and immediately bounced out the room.
“What’s wrong,” he called out.
“I don’t know. That was Kay. She said I have to look at the morning newspaper right now in the entertainment section.”
Judy opened the front door and the newspaper, as usual, laid on the ground with fresh milk. Bringing both in, Judy didn’t see anything unusual on the front papers. Placing the milk on the counter, Judy opened the paper to the entertainment section. There, on the front page, top billing, is when she saw it.
Gene had put on his pajama bottoms when he heard Judy’s frightened shriek. Running out of the room, he met her in the kitchen looking at the paper in horror.
“What? Did my almost arrest make it to the papers?”
Looking up, Judy just nodded but didn’t say anything more. Confused, Gene took the paper to read himself.
Gene didn’t need to read the article. The headline said it all. Folding the paper up, Gene tossed it aside and looked at her. Her hands were locked in a prayer pose under her chin staring at him with big eyes as if waiting his decision. It wasn’t just his decision, however.
“What do you think,” he asked softly.
“We’ve dealt with slander and fake news before.”
“But this time, it’s true.”
“We can deny it.”
“Do you want to?”
“You sure about that?”
“I’m tired of hiding,” her eyes teared up.
Gene took a step to her and took her face in his hands, “You realize what that would mean?”
“Aren’t you tired of hiding?”
“I’m tired of hiding and running and lying.”
“Maybe this one, we just leave alone. And let everything else play out the way it’s supposed to.”
“You realize that means sooner or later, we will finally be able to be together...with others knowing about us. I want you to think about this.”
Judy giggled through her tears and reached up to run some damp hair behind his ear, “Darling, I’ve been thinking about this since 1942.”
Gene laughed and kissed her.
“Are you ready,” she asked asking just as softly as he had.
“I’ve been ready since 1942.”
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swaps55 · 3 years
This is an AU version of a standalone scene from Cantata that I rewrote with kissing. Because there was a lot of UST and I am weak. 
14 June 2180, Hades Gamma, Farinata System, SSV Myeongnyang
For a biotic, the armor never really comes off. What they carry under their skin is like a live wire, a current always in need of grounding.
Standing face-to-face with half a dozen L2 biotics holding the chairman of the Parliament Subcommittee for Transhuman Studies hostage on the MSV Ontario makes it a lot easier for Kaidan to see how much he takes for granted having a safe place to do it. And knowing how.
Reparations for the L2 side effects are a pipe dream. But a pipe dream Colin Daggett and his people needed to cling to, whatever the cost. And it had almost cost them everything.
Shepard doesn’t say much as they arrange for the survivors to be transferred to the Madrid’s brig and the engineering crew arrives to secure the Ontario for the trip to Arcturus. He says even less on the way through the airlock back to the ‘Yang, and the rest of the squad take their lead from him.
When they’re back on board the ship he disappears, sucking the air out of the room with him. They kit down without him.
“You’re an L2, aren’t you?” Pendergrass asks as she shoves her arms through the sleeves of her uniform, armor plating in a heap at her feet.  
Beaudoin jabs her with an elbow.
“Yeah,” Kaidan murmurs, fingers tracing the amp port on the back of his neck when he removes the protection plate. He flexes his fingers, gravity well jumping into his touch. As he reaches for his chest plate to store it in his gear locker, an electric shock passes through him.
When 23:00 rolls around, Kaidan shows up in the mess as usual, figuring he’ll keep it simple tonight and just make some pasta. Shepard is there waiting, as usual, picking at a spot on the table while Kaidan pulls out a pot and finds a container of pasta. The entire time the water boils Shepard doesn’t say a word, stubbornly lost in thought.
Kaidan tells himself he’s not going to do more than olive oil and garlic – it’s been too long of a day for effort – but by the time he gets it to the table there’s parmesan cheese, parsley, and even a little red pepper in the mix.
“You going to tell me what’s up, or do I get to guess?” Kaidan asks when he sits down across from him and hands off a fork. He spent too much energy on going above and beyond with the red pepper to bother with a second bowl. They’ll just have to share.
Shepard looks up, almost in surprise. “Just thinking.”
“You’ve been thinking ever since you got Chairman Burns through the airlock. Maybe you should think out loud.”
The gravity well churns as Shepard stirs eddies in it, in tune with the twirl of his fork in the pasta bowl. “Everything that happened on that ship hinged on what Daggett did with his pistol.”
His toying intensifies, until blue energy shimmers around his knuckles. This one’s been chewing at him. A snap of electricity skips between his finger and the fork, and he drops it with an annoyed mutter. He looks up.
“You pulled the gun out of his hands,” he says.
And Shepard had put a bullet between his eyes. The fight had gone out of the rest pretty quickly.
“He wasn’t going to put it down,” Kaidan says. “We all knew it.”
“No. He wasn’t. And if you hadn’t been there, that standoff turns into a clusterfuck where everyone dies.”
A soft smile tugs at Kaidan’s lips. “Guess it’s a good thing I was there.”
Shepard picks up the fork again, staring at it with an unfocused gaze before he stabs it back in the bowl and twirls more pasta.  
“I couldn’t have done what you did. I can’t refine a field like that. I was prepared to shoot everyone in that room. But you pulled the gun right out of his hands.”
Only because Shepard had given him the chance. Whether Shepard had done it with purpose or actually hesitated is a question he hasn’t been in a hurry to examine too closely.
“We work together, remember? In case you hadn’t noticed, we’ve gotten pretty good at it.”
Shepard huffs. “Yeah. We have.”
“But you’re just gonna get bent out of shape about not being able to do everything yourself, anyway.”
“Have you met me?” Shepard says with a helpless shrug.
“Yeah, I’ve had the pleasure,” Kaidan says with a chuckle. He pushes his chair back. “Come on, then.”
Shepard casts him a suspicious look. “Come where?”
“To the gym.”
“Come on.” He nods towards the elevator and starts walking, smirking a little when Shepard’s chair scrapes against the floor and his feet hit the deckplates.
“You’re just dying to give me a taste of my own medicine, aren’t you,” Shepard grouches when they board the lift.
“Oh, definitely.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Apparently not when it comes to taking people’s pistols out of their hands.”
Shepard chuckles, though he tries to choke off a smile by looking down at his feet. When they get to the gym Kaidan digs a canteen out of his locker and sets it down on one of the sparring mats.
“I’m guessing that your training didn’t include a lot of control drills,” he says.
Shepard shakes his head. “Tulak wasn’t big on control. Overwhelming tidal force tends to be the krogan approach.”
“You don’t say.”
“Sarcasm does not become you, Alenko.”
Kaidan grins and points to the canteen. “Start simple. Just lift it off the ground.”  
Shepard rolls his eyes, but taps into the gravity well, corona enveloping him in a shroud of snapping blue tendrils. The hairs on Kaidan’s arms stand on end.
It’s so rare he gets to just watch Shepard work. All unrestrained power, from the loose, angry snarl of his corona to the sweeping mnemonics, make him seem larger than life. When he swipes the canteen off the floor he does it with his entire arm. The canteen leaps into the air, nearly hitting the ceiling before Shepard wrangles it. He only holds it still for half a second before sending it skidding to the other side of the gym.
“Hm,” Kaidan says.
Shepard gives him a withering look before marching off to fetch the wayward canteen. “It’s small. I don’t do well with small.”
“Not sure the size trips you up as much as you think it does,” Kaidan muses. “That mnemonic of yours applies some pretty impressive force automatically, so you’re already playing catch up if you’re trying to control the speed or direction.”
“See, I can’t tell if you’re complimenting me or giving me shit.”
Shepard resets the canteen and comes back to Kaidan to try it again, standing close but not so close their fields intersect. Kaidan watches through three variations that all end almost the same way, too much force being applied to the canteen, making it nearly impossible for Shepard to control where it goes, or where it doesn’t.
Doesn’t matter that he’s not accomplishing what it intends. The way the gravity well cants under his touch, the way his corona lights him ablaze like a flickering star, the way it caresses every nerve in Kaidan’s body like a swash of silk is mesmerizing. Kaidan swallows before trying to speak.  
“Good news is, if we ever need someone to punt a suspicious canteen into space, I know who to call.”
Shepard rolls his eyes. “And if you’re not around to yank pistols out of terrorist hands?”
“Well, first, I will be around. But second, as for the pistol, yanking it towards you isn’t so different from kicking it away from you.” He cracks a grin. “In your case you just need to be prepared to duck.”
“Have I mentioned that separating the pistol from the person holding it wouldn’t end well for anyone?” Shepard says. “If you were to go hold that canteen in your palm and ask me to do what I just did, you wouldn’t like me very much.”
I doubt that.
“One problem at a time,” Kaidan says. “Let’s work on controlling the canteen by itself, then we’ll add clutter.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
“You need a new mnemonic. You’re fighting yourself by adding force and trying to take it away at the same time.”
“I’m sensing a metaphor.”
Kaidan smirks. “Think that says more about you than it does me.” Before Shepard can protest he raises an arm. “Watch me. You don’t have to use my mnemonic, but I want you to see something different so you can visualize it.”
Shepard folds his arms across his chest, but does what Kaidan asks. A nervous thrill runs through him at the undivided attention.
Kaidan waves a wrist, a hard-learned, hard-fought mnemonic that now feels as natural as breathing. Dark energy rushes through him, responsive and willing, as his fingers flex and settle a field over the canteen. Very little mass-shifting needed to pick up a light-weight canteen, which makes it tricky to keep from doing exactly what Shepard did – send it spinning out of control. But Kaidan has spent years perfecting his ability to do exactly this, so the canteen rises off the floor until it reaches eye level. Kaidan closes his fist and holds it still, floating almost motionless in mid-air.
“That mnemonic is so damned subtle,” Shepard says with an appreciative shake of his head. A flush builds at the back of Kaidan’s neck.
“Easier for me that way.”
Shepard grunts and unfolds his arms. “I was never good at levitation.”
“Because your mnemonics always apply force.”
“Need force to yank that pistol.”
“Sure, but if you want to control it, you need to learn how to hold it still.”
“I’m not good at still.”
“I know,” Kaidan says, lips curving into a smile. “So come here and let me show you.”  
Shepard strays a step closer into Kaidan’s biotic field. The blend of auras creates a low keen through his nerves, familiar but always striking. The canteen wavers before falling to the ground.
“Sorry,” Shepard mumbles, but doesn’t back away.
“It’s fine,” Kaidan says, lifting the canteen again with another float of his palm.
Their eyes lock for a moment before Shepard clears his throat and looks down at Kaidan’s hand.
“You put everything in your wrist.”
“Yeah,” he manages. “You do it all with your arms.”
“So maybe, if you’re looking for finesse, try to create a mnemonic that’s a little, uh, smaller.”    
“With my wrist.”
“Right. Um, I’ll show you. Here.” He steps in front of Shepard, angling his body to align their right arms. He takes Shepard’s right hand guides it to his wrist, tingle running down his spine when his fingers close around it. Shepard glances at him with soft eyes that stop the breath in his throat, but doesn’t object.
“Hands-on teacher?”
“Best way to learn,” Kaidan replies, gaze flicking to Shepard’s mouth before going back to the canteen. “Just follow my lead. Don’t act on the canteen. Concentrate on what my arm does. Visualize it.”
“Sure,” Shepard murmurs.
Kaidan reaches into the gravity well, his own corona unfurling, a steady candle to Shepard’s flaring torch. Goosebumps rise on Shepard’s arm, a subtle reminder that he’s human after all, one Kaidan is almost never close enough to witness.
He takes a deep breath and flexes his wrist, Shepard’s fingers loose and feather-light against his skin. A crackle of dark energy passes between them before he snares the canteen and turns his wrist palm-up to lift it off the floor, Shepard close enough his breath washes over Kaidan’s cheek. The canteen wavers but Kaidan keeps it afloat for several seconds, the mingle of auras, ripple of kinetic energy and closeness of Shepard enough to make him dizzy.
He lets it go with a clatter and puts space between them.
“Does that help?” he asks, trying not to sound breathless.
“Yeah. It does.” Shepard’s gaze stays on him, still and steady. “Might take a while to hard-wire my brain for something in the wrist.”
“Doesn’t have to be that. It could be something else. But you associate those big movements with force. Take that away, you might have more luck with leaving velocity out of the initial execution, so you can add it how you need it. Have more control over it.”
Shepard’s mouth crooks in a half-smile. “Sure I’m not a lost cause when it comes to control?”
“I’m sure.”
Shepard breaks his gaze and focuses on the canteen, brow furrowed in concentration. Twice he catches himself using his arm, then nearly wrenches his wrist trying to restrict the movement.
“It’s so ingrained,” he says with a shake of his head.
“That’s why they work,” Kaidan says with a smile. “Here.” He steps close once again, positions reversed with his hand on Shepard’s wrist this time. “Let me help.”
“Fuck, your hands are cold,” Shepard says with a laugh.
Hastily, he loosens his grip. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Shepard says with a grin.  “Go on.”
Gently, Kaidan closes his fingers again. Shepard trains his eyes on the canteen, though they dart to Kaidan ever so briefly.
Shepard’s corona is so bright, so fierce, it’s a wonder he can wrangle it at all. Kaidan breathes in deep, letting his own kindle, the snick and crackle as they blend together forming a resonant hum that hovers just under his skin.
When Shepard’s arm moves, Kaidan tightens his grip, keeping the motion small. Instead of his usual languid, fluid posture, Shepard’s arm is stiff and resistant against him. The canteen spins in a circle but stays on the ground.  
“Breathe, Shepard,” Kaidan says softly. “Just let it happen.”
Shepard inhales deep, like someone trying to relearn how. This time they move together, Kaidan picking up the slack when Shepard falters, until the canteen hovers briefly in the air. It’s more under Kaidan’s control than Shepard’s, but it’s a start, and that’s what matters.
They gutter out and the canteen falls, but Kaidan doesn’t let go and doesn’t step away, not yet, not quite yet, not while the remnants of kinetic energy are still sharp in the air and he has to remind himself to breathe, too.
“How do you do that?” Shepard murmurs. “You worked around me, without…taking over. How do you do that?”
Their eyes lock for just a moment. God Kaidan could get lost there if he’s not careful. “Practice. Years of it.”
Let go.
He means to. He means to. In his head he loosens his hold on Shepard’s wrist, drops his hand away and puts space between them. That’s what he tells himself to do. That’s what he intends to do.
But while he does loosen his grip, instead of fall away, Kaidan’s fingertips brush Shepard’s knuckles, the pad of his thumb running along the round muscle of his palm.
It’s an accident. Just an accident. So many of their touches are, but rather than move or pull away, rather than let it be just another one of those excusable, explainable slips, Shepard exhales, the breath fluttering out of him, then splays his fingers wider, as if making room for Kaidan’s to slot between them.
Let go, let go.
But instead he explores the open space Shepard has left for him, fingertips light, hesitant, ghosting Shepard’s skin as he finds where they fit, hovering, hoping, but never daring to rest. Never giving up the ruse.
It’s an accident. It doesn’t mean anything.
Except it does.
Shepard stays still as a stone save for the rise and fall of his chest. They’re close enough now their cheeks almost touch, though whether Kaidan moves or Shepard does to close that gap he can’t say.
The next time Kaidan’s fingers trespass through that open space, Shepard closes his around them and traps them there.
Kaidan’s breath hitches.
The gravity well sighs as Shepard calls to it, glow of dark energy limming their hands, accompanied by a soundless hum that strums every nerve in Kaidan’s body before settling in his groin. Without thinking his other hand comes to rest on Shepard’s hip, needing something, anything, to hold onto.
A soft sound stirs in Shepard’s throat. Kaidan’s hand doesn’t stay on that hip for long, because Shepard seeks those fingers out, too, lacing them together. Kaidan folds both arms until Shepard is surrounded by them. There’s no imagining any space between them now – their cheeks rest against each other, Kaidan tightening his hold until Shepard is snug against his chest.
Shepard turns his head, but after briefly meeting each other’s gaze, his eyes drift down to Kaidan’s mouth.
Kaidan can still let go. There’s still a way out. Chalk it up to adrenaline, nerves leftover from the standoff on the Ontario. They can walk it off, laugh, pretend it never happened, continue on like they always have.
But he doesn’t let go, and then the millimeters between Shepard’s lips and Kaidan’s no longer exist and the window is gone.
Shepard’s mouth is warm, soft, lips tinged with the salt of his sweat. They start out slow, cautious, neither of them daring to think about it too hard, but that’s not a problem for long, because soon there’s no room to think about anything at all.
Nothing else matters but this.
Slow and cautious becomes deep and headlong, Kaidan pushing his tongue between Shepard’s teeth, Shepard sighing into his mouth and taking him in. His fingers tighten around Kaidan’s, the glow of dark energy rippling out from their joined hands until it swallows them whole. Kaidan gasps at the sensation.
Shepard kisses him harder.
Kaidan wants to spin him around, throw his arms around his neck and meet him head on, give in to everything, all of it, but he can’t bear the thought of turning loose of that hand.    
They part when they run out of air, both straining to catch their breath, fingers still entwined, Shepard still firmly ensconced in Kaidan’s arms as his corona fades.
Shepard rests his cheek against Kaidan’s, ensconcing himself a little further.
“Oh,” he says softly.
Shepard’s fingers flex within his, twining and retwining, never letting go.
“You…don’t seem surprised.”
Kaidan closes his eyes, breathing him in, a star he’s somehow pulled down out of the heavens and trapped right here in his arms.  “No. Felt it…for a long time now.”
Their coronas may have faded, but the mingle of their biotic fields is a constant, soothing whisper under Kaidan’s skin. A small, contented sound slips from Shepard’s throat.  
“Why didn’t I see it?”
Kaidan huffs. “To be fair, I don’t think either of us are very good at this kind of thing.”
Shepard tightens his grip on Kaidan’s fingers and pulls them to his chest. The race of Shepard’s heart thrums under their joined hands. If Kaidan had any illusions about letting him go, they’re gone now.    
“I think I’d like to learn,” Shepard says.
Kaidan’s stomach flips. “Me too.”
They stay still, Kaidan content to hold him, Shepard content to be held, until their lips find each other once more. Kissing Shepard is easy, effortless, like it’s something they were meant to do, a safe place for the live current running under their skin to go to ground.
Shepard, against all evidence to the contrary, is…safe.  
Shepard gazes at him when they part, and butterflies cut loose in Kaidan’s stomach.
“You’re very good at that,” Shepard murmurs.
“We’re very good at a lot of things.”
“Yeah. We are.” He draws Kaidan’s hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” Kaidan admits. “What do you want?”
A shiver runs down Kaidan’s spine, the euphoria of that one, single word enough to make him lightheaded. So simple. So complicated. They’ll have choices to make, all of them with compromises and consequences. But that’s something for tomorrow. Right now there is only the truth.  
“I want that, too.”
Shepard releases Kaidan’s hand to turn until they’re face to face, then runs his fingers through the hairs growing over Kaidan’s right temple. All the while those glittering eyes search Kaidan’s face, as though reconciling all the things he knows with the things he’s learning for the first time.
The corners of his eyes crinkle as a smile spreads across his face, pure, open, and full of possibility. “Taste of my own medicine, huh?”
“Well…” Kaidan shrugs helplessly, and Shepard’s grin only gets deeper.  
“Seems like I should have let you teach me a few things a long time ago.”
Kaidan flexes his fingers, a curl of dark energy igniting in his palm that draws out goosebumps along Shepard’s arm. “All in the wrist.”
Shepard laughs. It’s like music. “You and me.”
“I like that,” Kaidan murmurs, before kissing him again. “I like that a lot.”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 10
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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“Why the fuck am I so nervous?” Yoongi muttered as he paced back and forth near the stream. After spending a week making his vision come true, Yoongi had asked you to meet him at your favorite rock because he wanted to talk to you. 
Luckily enough, you didn’t really think anything of it and Yoongi was extremely grateful for it. He knew that you were super fucking smart and that if you really started to question why he wanted you to meet him at your favorite place, then Yoongi knew he wouldn’t have been able to hold in the fact that he was planning on giving you a gift; a gift to ask you to date him, to be precise.
He had poured all of his effort into making your gift, putting off the other work that he was supposed to be doing at the hardware shop and even getting yelled at by Kibum for it. Despite that, he still couldn’t help but to be nervous about how you might react. 
Logically, he knew that probably you liked him too based on your actions, the amount of time that the two of you had been spending together and the fact that you let him scent you multiple times. However, he couldn’t get the fact that you two didn’t get along that well when you first met out of his head and he couldn’t help but to think that you might turn him down. You had even said yourself that you rarely accepted gifts so Yoongi knew full well going into this that he was batting a thousand. 
“Yoongi!” He turned around, a small smile automatically coming onto his face when he saw you walking towards him.
“Get it the fuck together,” he whispered quickly to himself before looking back to you. “Hey, how was your day?”
“Good, busy though,” you huffed as you moved past Yoongi and stepped over to your rock, hopping up and taking a seat on top of it. “This is the first time I’ve been able to breathe all day. How about you, how was your day?”
“Good, actually,” he told you. “I can’t really complain.”
“That’s good. So, why did you ask me to meet you here?” You asked. “It sounded serious when you asked.”
“It is serious but not in a bad way,” he assured you. “I have something to show you.”
“Ok?” You chuckled and Yoongi took a deep breath before beginning to talk.
“So, I know the two of us really didn’t get along too well when I first got here and a part of that was because of me being a knothead but as I’ve settled into the pack and have gotten to know everyone here better, I feel like I don’t have to be the knothead that I was anymore,” he explained. “I’m so much happier here than I was in my old pack and as I thought about it, I’ve realized that a lot of that happiness has to do with you.”
“Me?” You echoed with a small smile and Yoongi nodded. 
“Before I got here, I never had anyone, let along an Omega, challenge me on anything but when you did, I couldn’t help but to respect you,” Yoongi said. “And as we’ve gotten to know each other better, I love how passionate you are. You don’t take shit from anyone, regardless of their subgender, but you’re still so fucking caring at the same time. The respect and loyalty that you have for the pack is enviable, and it truly makes me want to be better for the pack as well.”
“I appreciate it Yoongi, but what does this have to do with what you have to show me?” You wondered with a giggle.
“Well basically, I have a gift for you,” he said and your eyes widened a little bit. “You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to, but I wanted to offer it.”
“Can I see it?” You requested and Yoongi nodded, reaching down into his pocket and pulling it out. When he extended his hand towards you and uncurled his fingers, you couldn’t help but to gasp as you looked down. In Yoongi’s palm was a necklace with a wooden pendant in the middle of it. As you looked closer, you realized that the wooden pendant had the shape of your family crest carved into it.
“Yoongi,” you whispered as you looked up at him, tears springing up into your eyes without permission. 
“Taehyung explained the crest to me after I noticed that all three of you had a tattoo of it and I wanted to give you something that I knew would mean something to you so,” he trailed off sheepishly. “Will you accept it?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, making Yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise. “I will.”
“Great,” he chuckled in disbelief. Motioning for you to turn around and waiting until you did so, he unclasped the necklace and set it around your neck before clasping it closed. 
“I love it,” you smiled as you turned back to face him. “You made this yourself?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi confirmed. “I found the wood, carved it, and polished it. It took longer than I wanted because I had to inconspicuously draw Taehyung’s tattoo so that I could carve it right, but I did it.”
“It’s amazing,” you told him honestly. “Plus, it’s about time.”
“Oh is it?” He wondered with a laugh.
“I’ve only been sending you signals since the full moon party,” you admitted. 
“I know, I just wanted to make sure that I could be good for you,” he confessed. “And I think I can.”
“I think you can too,” you agreed, making Yoongi smile. 
“So, we’re dating now?” Yoongi asked for clarification purposes.
“Yeah, that’s what me accepting your gift means,” you laughed. “Unless you just wanted to hear me say it.”
“Kind of,” Yoongi smirked. Instead of replying right away, you stepped forward and pushed your way into his arms, wrapping your arms around his waist and pushing your nose into the juncture of his neck.
“Yes, we’re dating,” you whispered before rubbing your nose along his skin, scenting him. Yoongi smiled as he wrapped his arms around your back, letting your scent envelope him as you made sure to scent him thoroughly. 
“You know, I’m surprised that you said yes,” Yoongi murmured and you pulled away from his neck a little in order to look at him.
“Well, you said it yourself that you don’t really accept gifts and plus, you’re a very wanted Omega,” he chuckled.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” you smiled. “I never said yes to anyone else because they see how strong I am and think that they don’t have to work for me. Like, yeah I’m a pretty progressive Omega but I like to be wined and dined just like any other Omega too.”
“You know, I can do that,” Yoongi told you and you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“What do you mean?” You questioned and Yoongi just smirked conspiratorially. 
“Follow me back to my cabin and I’ll show you.”
“Ok, I have to admit, I’m extremely impressed,” you admitted from your place perched on top of the counter in Yoongi’s kitchen. You had followed him back to his cabin, where he had already prepared the makings of a beef stew that he was now standing in front of the stove of, cooking it in a large pot. 
“Didn’t think I’d know how to cook huh?” He guessed and you shook your head. 
“Nope,” you shrugged as you leaned over and looked down into the pot. “Well, at least not well.”
“Wanna taste?” He wondered and you nodded your head eagerly. Pulling open a drawer of the opposite side of him and picking a smaller spoon out, Yoongi dipped it into the pot and then held it up to your lips. After blowing on it gently, you opened your mouth, allowing him to feed the stew to you. 
“Wow, that’s really good,” you complimented, making him smile as he lowered the spoon away from your mouth. 
“You know, you accepted my gift and I haven’t even gotten a kiss yet,” he pointed out.
“You never asked for one,” you shot back.
“Oh, I can ask?” Yoongi joked as he moved closer to you.
“Now? Yes,” you nodded.
“Can I have a kiss?” Yoongi whispered and you nodded again, leaning forward a little bit and pressing your lips against his. You reached out and set your hands on his shoulders as he moved closer, while his hands came down to rest on top of your thighs. The kiss quickly became heated, the realization that you could technically kiss Yoongi whenever you wanted to now making your Omega preen like crazy. 
“God, you smell so good,” Yoongi muttered, pulling away from your mouth and trailing his lips downward as you tilted your head to give him better access to your neck.
“Yeah?” You hummed. 
“Mmhmm,” he murmured and you smiled when you felt him press a few gentle kisses right on top of your scent gland. 
“You’re gonna burn the stew,” you told him and his head popped up then, and you heard him curse under his breath as he moved back to stand in front of the stove. 
“You’re obviously too distracting,” he huffed with a smile.
“Well, do you mind if I go look around the cabin?” You wondered and Yoongi shook his head as he began to stir the stew.
“Go ahead.” After hopping down off of the counter, you stepped out of the kitchen and walked into the living room area. Yoongi had been slowly filling up his cabin with pieces of furniture that he designed over the past few weeks, and you could see small little pieces of him throughout the living room. 
There was a medium sized dark navy couch that almost looked to be black, two matching easy chairs, and a dark wood coffee table right in front of the couch. There was also a black fuzzy rug beneath your feet, and you couldn’t help but to enjoy how soft it felt against your bare feet as you walked on top of it. 
“You like it?” Yoongi asked and you turned your head, sending him a small smile as you shrugged.
“Could use more color,” you noted, making him sigh as he leaned against the archway that separated the kitchen from the living room.
“I’m an Alpha, pops of color aren’t my thing,” he told you. 
“It’s still nice though,” you continued on. “It’s cozy.”
“I’m glad you think so,” he smirked. “The stew is done. Did you wanna eat out here or in the kitchen?” 
“Uh, out here is fine,” you said as you moved to walk back into the kitchen but Yoongi held his hand up, stopping you.
“I’ll make you a bowl and bring it back out to you, ok?” He offered and you nodded thankfully.
“Ok,” you replied. He turned around and walked back into the kitchen then while you turned around and walked over to the couch, dropping your body down and taking a seat there. You could hear Yoongi clanking around in the kitchen and soon enough, he was walking back out to you with two bowls, one in each hand. 
“Here you go,” he murmured as he extended one bowl out to you and you took it silently, immediately grabbing the spoon that was already in the bowl and taking a big scoop of it into your mouth. Yoongi watched you closely, trying to decipher your reaction just from your facial expression alone. “So?”
“It’s really good Yoongi,” you complimented him once you had swallowed. “Like, seriously good.”
“Good,” he hummed contentedly as he began to eat from his bowl. The two of you stayed there together, eating your food with small bits of conversation exchanged back and forth in between bites. 
“So, do you consider yourself to be wined and dined?” Yoongi wondered as he gently took your empty bowl out of your hands once you were done, setting both yours and his on the coffee table in front of the couch. 
“Thoroughly wined and dined, literally,” you laughed, making Yoongi do the same. “Wanna know what would make it even better though?”
“What’s that?”
“Scent me?” You requested and Yoongi smiled, wordlessly opening his arms and chuckling when you didn’t hesitate to scoot closer to him and let him pull you against his chest. You rested your cheek on his upper chest as he brought one of his hands up to your neck, gently letting his fingertips ghost over your scent gland on your neck while letting his other hand rub circles onto your scent gland on your wrist. 
“Good?” He whispered and you nodded, snuggling closer to him as you closed your eyes. 
“Really good,” you muttered, and Yoongi couldn’t help but to smile at how relaxed you seemed to be just from his scent. As he sat there with you, covering you in his scent as you wore his gift around your neck, he couldn’t help but to think that maybe finally, finally, his life was going to turn out the way that he had wanted it to when he was a pup. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog
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