#I guess all this predicates on my grandmother... not dying
cookinguptales · 11 months
so... my current plan for this year's holidays is to do them alone. I'm just too tired to do any more air travel for a few months, so I'm gonna make do with the Philly-NYC area until next spring at the earliest.
and I've done Thanksgiving alone before, but never Christmas and New Year's.
personally speaking, my feelings about all three of those holidays is like... I'm not particularly into the "meaning" behind those holidays, but I do like the excuse to eat good food with my family. (for nye, we have fondue every year.) so I'll be a little sad to be alone, but I can still just... eat. lmao. and that's 90% of the fun for me.
NYE is pretty easy to cover; fondue is easy and I might even go to SNM for NYE. it'll be a fucking nightmare to find a hotel room on NYE in NYC, but if it's the last party they ever do... idk, I guess we'll see.
for Thanksgiving and Christmas... I learned last year, my first Thanksgiving on my own, that expecting yourself to cook a big meal on a specific day when you have a handful of chronic illnesses is just setting yourself up for failure. so my current plan is to find some restaurant that will let me pick up meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then just... slowly cook the rest of the foods I associate with the holidays for the rest of the season. turkeys and stuff will be on sale for the whole season, and it's not like they'll taste any better if I make myself one on November 30th.
so... I'm making a list of foods to attempt to cook (not at the same time!) over the course of the season, and I have the ones that my family usually eats... but what does your family usually eat this time of year? I think it might be fun to start incorporating new traditions into my old ones, and picking up some recipes from my friends might be a good first step.
(any holiday or tradition is fine, lmao. I'm not loyal to my holidays, for the most part, I just like eating with people. lmao)
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