#I guess I'm just hoping that it's only their final chapter and not Yuuko's too
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completeoveranalysis · 7 months ago
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Gosh, was that their final goodbye?
That’s a much more grounded moment. Yuuko gives them the glimpse of the future that they need, and they give her a promise that they’ll take care of Watanuki while Yuuko is gone. 
And it means a great deal to Yuuko to hear that. Even as their voices drift away into silence and Yuuko is left alone.
I mean I could absolutely be wrong about Maru and Moro disappearing, but if this is their final "on screen" moment then it's at least a very sweet send off, and surprisingly with that final two panels.
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andromedastellarreviews · 2 months ago
Boys Abyss - How to create a sloppy masterpiece: Stellar Reviews #1
So, hey everyone that is reading this.
My name's Maria as you can guess by my bio but some kind of introduction is necessary. I'm a regular office worker that you can pass by on the streets with a normal name. But my sharp tongue is getting me often in trouble. And this series is about reviews but generally about everything that is connected to culture: books, music, manga or comic (even webtoon) or sometimes webnovels.
Without further delaying, let's get down to business.
Story premise:
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The story tells us about Reiji Kurose, a 17 y.o teenager that doesn't how much of a hobby (if reading manga or watching idol concerts counts) or friends. He doesn't have any grand goals or ambitions as he's convinced that he'll never escape the town he lives in.
With a complicated family situation and poverty, Rei (short for Reiji) works after school in a convienient store, where one day he meets his favorite idol from the Acrylic idol group - Nagi Aoe. After Gen bullies him in the first few chapters, the two make a pact - a double suicide.
The story premise sounds edgy, right? Well I'm not surprised by this reaction because I thought this way too when I read the very first chapters of this manga. It did end not so long ago but a week ago I finally finished reading this. The premise doesn't sound convincing but trust me - its a long ride, deep in the abyss. Yeah, this manga is really unhinged. But first things first - characters.
Reiji Kurose - The MC
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Reiji or Rei (sorry guys it's so hard for me to pronounce it, so I'm going with Rei instead) is a really frustrating character but I get why. His character had to be this way as he basically is hollow and staled. He is just so exhausted which goes along with his traumatic backstory.
His mother's manipulation is what created him the way he is which Gen rightfully points out - Rei mostly suffers because Yuuko (his mom) made him so nauseously depended on her. His personality doesn't progress much besides saying to Yuuko that he hates her - with the time skip, his isolation and exhaustion reached the top. He just wants to end it (my impressions).
However we don't if he's alive, however manga implies that he didn't jump with Nagi Aoe - and I'm content with that, as I hope that he did escape the abyss, the pithole of emptiness and constant exhaustion with life.
Nagi Aoe
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Nagi Aoe is an idol from the Acrylic group, Rei's favorite idol group. However one day, when he goes to work at the convienient store he finds out that Nagi is going to be his co - worker. And yes, with her Rei made this suicide pact thing.
Nagi for the most of the story is really hollow and apathetic - she doesn't really express emotions, except when she's locked up by Shiba. Nagi goes with the flow, without a goal in mind - sounds familiar, right? That's because Nagi instantly recongnizes Rei's abyss with ease. They are many similarities between her and Reiji and that's not all.
However I'm not a fan of her character - I know that she's a byproduct of her disturbing past but her apathy is what drives me away from her character - sadly the author didn't really adress well her nihilistic state of mind and the reason behind her intent to die with someone (that's her only goal).
However despite all those things, she and Reiji are made for each other - we can only suspect that Nagi ended up with Rei but there's no confirmation whatsoever (but there's a high posibility).
Gen Minegishi
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Gen is a character that made a quite a flip throughout story and rose to become my favorite character in this manga (Reiji was out of the question). He starts as a typical bully but his character development and revelation behind the murder made me feel for him.
His past is closely connected to Yuko, Reiji's mom - and what she did to him is really disturbing. I think what was really messed up is that Yuko forced him to kill Reiji's (technically) stepdad - Yuko and Reiji (partially) were responsible for his misery, which is no surprise that Gen turned out the way he did.
His arc has a good end and his last conversation with Rei was really well done and heartwarming despite the dark theme of this story. He participated unwilingly in this whole shitshow but in the last chapter Gen's story has a happy ending, mostly by having Chako by his side and distancing himself from Reiji who was partially responsible for his trauma.
And now that I mentioned Chaco, let's start with her character
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Chako's (or Sakuko's) story is really disturbing one, by being eaten from inside because of her controlling parents and onesided love for Reiji. Chako was a character that is introduced as Rei's best and only friend and they spent time reading manga's and watching Acrylic idol group. I'm not one of the fans that hate Chako because her story really spirales down.
Chako is eaten away by her one sided love for Reiji and her controlling family and ends up developing an eating disorder. She becomes slim and apathetic just like Nagi to please Reiji and made him fall for her - when that attempt fails, she spirales down even deeper into the abyss.
After arriving at Tokyo, which was her dream destination, Chako almost ends up dead by trying made Rei fall for her. Mostly thanks to Shinooka made her come to her senses - Chako's story does have a happy ending - living Tokyo without her eating disorder. Chako's story was written well because of how relatable her circumstances are - anyone who had controlling parents can to relate to her and I'm happy that she does have her happy ending. Now onto the next one - Esemori.
Kosaku Esemori
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If anything, I will spend the least time about Esemori - his past as many other characters is awful and it's no wonder that he turned out the way he did. Most of the tragedies that follow him are because of Yuko - his siren (just like Nagi for Rei). His past is also closely connected Shinooka (I don't how to write her name, sorry) but he's also a very flawed character, a morally gray one.
While I think that pairing together Nagi and Rei for his last story is messed up but he's a broken person. His upbringing didn't leave him well mentally and add to that mess Yuko and Uryu situation...well you get the point.
His ending was meh - As I said I'm not a fan of his character but I don't dislike him as for example Shiba and Yuko. He wasn't a plain character but the revelation that he is Rei's dad I think ruined his character a bit. And now, Kazumasa now that I want to cover Rei's family.
Kazumasa (sorry folks I couldn't get his full art)
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Kazu is also a character that made a quite a flip throughout story. He's introduced as a shut in Rei's older brother that constantly screams at his family but then everything fliped. He's one of very few character that doesn't have an ulterior motive - and yes, again the one at fault for his trauma is Yuko.
While I would love the brother bond, the revelation that he isn't a related to Yuko made me feel at ease. He won't pass on this cursed generational trauma by not being blood related to Kurose family which is fine. But the point is that Yuko made him the way he is.
He left the story earlier by moving out to his biological relatives leaving behind this shitshow which made me glad - I'm not a fan of his character but his arc ended pretty well, despite being dissappearing from the story quite early. Also I can't imagine how his mental state after living in constant fear due to Yuko's manipulation. Now, onto Yuko.
Yuko Kurose
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While I hate Yuko is a person, as a character she's actually well written. Her story is downspiral due to being a victim of generational trauma that she would pass onto Reiji, her son if he didn't break the cycle. Her parents are trash and her mother (yep the same one with dementia) is also a piece of shit. The parents were responsible for Yuko's downfall.
But it doesn't just erase her sins and the mess she did. The worst stuff? Well I think Reiji is the primarly example of her sins and what she did - Rei was so dependent on her that he couldn't let her go, thinking that he's selfish by leaving the town and his mom. What else? For example forcing Gen to kill Rei's dad (not a biological one) by playing a role of a weak mother. Another example - telling Reiji's (not a real one) dad that Rei isn't his, resulting in Reiji's physical abuse.
Yuko is psychopath but her story is a tragedy due to that theme of story repeating itself and generational trauma. Her ending is fine for me but it didn't leave me fully satisfied. I really need that kind of closure of her story. And now the last character - Shiba.
Yuri Shibasawa
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Shiba is a character that I hate the most - her downspiral is written sloppily which also made me disgusted of her - she's a sociopath that uses and ruins others to get what she wants. And what she wants is Reiji - and she's willing to ruin everyone's lives to get to that - an example? Chako. And yes, her character theme is grooming but taken to the extremes.
What is surprising about her is that we don't get any sad backstory from her childhood. Her parents aren't the best but they are not horrible like for example, Yuko's parents. She's just sociopathic teacher that got attracted to teenage boy. YES, 17 Y.O HIGH SCHOOLER.
I don't much to say about her besides that she's a groomer and a messed up sociopath, taking what she desires by any means necessary.
My review:
Boy's Abyss is a masterpiece but sadly sloppily written - I think the series ended the way it did because Minenami got tired of this story and I don't blame him. The dark themes of the plot are sometimes really exhausting so I can't imagine how tiring it was for the author. And yeah it was released weekly, so it speaks for itself.
My rating: 7,5/10
Thank for reading guys!
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