#I got your garofano thirst
sinful-lanterns · 25 days
Omg, Angey... I'm playing Cabernet's event for the first time, and I'm already losing my mind over her!! 😭 Like, I've barely gone pass the part where we fall into the pool because I keep getting distracted by how gorgeous she is! 😍 One of the guests remarked how we got her dress wet after she saved us, and all I could think of was how we'd definitely getting her dress more wet, and it would have nothing to do with the water... 😏 Like, can you imagine having sex with her in the pool in a private little afterparty of our own? 😌 God, she could bind your wrists behind your back with one of those glittery ribbons she has on and just bend you over the side while she absolutely rails you. 🥵 Ooo! Or how about something more sensual? You're in the hot tub and straddling her lap. She has her arms resting over the side of the tub, smirking and content to watch you ride her until you cum. Maybe you'd both squeeze in another quickie on one of the poolside lounge chairs afterwards before finally cooling down. After all that action, you probably don't have the energy for more just yet, and Cabernet absently calls one of the staff to get some food out for you. You're probably still out of it from the last orgasm, so you probably squeak a little in startlement when you hear footsteps approaching you both with the requested snacks. You try to shift off Cabernet's lap, but she holds you down firmly with amusement. "Easy, little one. We're hardly done yet..." But she is courteous to throw a towel over you to protect your modesty somewhat even as a strong arm grips your waist possessively while a maid approaches with a platter of food. Your cheeks are burning as you're still stuffed with Cabernet's fat cock, and you hide your face in her neck as the woman and the maid share a small conversation. Finally, the sound of footsteps move away, and Cabernet coaxes you away enough from her neck to press a piece of cool fruit against your lips. "Eat," she says. Her smile is ever present, but there's a note of command in her voice too. "Once you have your fill, we're doing this all over again..." she purrs, and you can't help but bite your lip as you feel Cabernet hardening inside you once more. (Y'know, I think I'll write about this scenario eventually once I get my side blog set up.) -- 🌙 anon
HNNNNNNGH I LOVE ALL YOUR THIRSTS 🌙 ANON. It’s why this ask took so long to be answered because I was hoarding it for myself.
POOL SEX WITH CABERNET RAAAAA. Oh how I want to sit on her lap and be stuffed full on that fat cock of hers. She’s so big and horny all the time, always wanting you attached to her in some way or another whether it’d be hand holding, cuddling, or cockwarming. Shes a bit of an exhibitionist too, to be honest. I can see her fucking you under nothing but a towel covering your waist, as she casually talks with fellow staff and guests all the while her cock is sheathed far inside of you. 💕
Sighhh. The image of Cabernet relaxing in a hot tub with her arms sprawled out on the sides is so sexy. She looks like your typical, cocky, rich snobby bastard who is spoiled in every way. I love it.
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shrimshrim4fun · 3 months
Garofano as a 鬼新娘 ( Gui Xin Niang ) is kind of like a ghost in Chinese that come back to haunt the person that they were forced to married to, sometimes more likely called: 冥婚 Which is they burry a girl to get married to with their decreased son. So there would be rumors of the now deceased woman now called a Gui Xin Niang haunting the people related to the deceased man. Garofano now residing in the homes on this deceased man’s.
When you first saw her, you were exploring an old mansion in the deep woods of your village. You enter the home carefully and explore the place until you stopped in front of a room with an eerie red emitting from the room. You open the door carefully to see what’s up. She sat there on the bed. A red Hong Gai Tou, a red veil that covers her face as she sits in a traditional red Chinese wedding outfit. Golden design embroidered the outfit as she sat with her hands on her lap. Though scared you approach her and take off the veil. Her face pale as she looks up at you. You yelp as you scrabble to the door, but it closed by a mysterious force. She got off the bed making a small creaking sound as she did made her way to you. The golden accessories in her hair jingled softly as she did.
She told you not to fret and she won’t hurt you but you scooted yourself to a good distance as you guys talked. As you talked you slowly got more comfortable with her. It might be because of how soft her voice was when you talked to you or the warmth in her eyes as she looked at you. Though as you talked to her you jotted down the things in your brain.
Notes on Garofano:
-Sensitive about the topic of her death and when/how it happened
-Before she died she liked to make clothes and cared for her siblings due to her parents off to work most of the time.
-Very curious about you and states it very clearly she wants you to stay with her.
-Her hands are cold
-Her eyes are pretty but it seems like it had lost some type of light. Like a field of lavender or lilac with the amount of sunlight it needs but still survived.
-She used to be dating someone for some time until that person sold her out and got forced to get buried with his brother.
-Very hesitant about letting you go and kept on trying to persuade you. But you pinkie promised that you’ll come back for her tommorow.
I hope y’all enjoyed it 😞 requests are open and feel free to rant about thirsts, drabbles, or requests. My summers boring so please ><
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crguang · 1 month
Weeeeellll since you said it’s ok to continue sending in asks. Could you give us your thoughts on Hamel and Garofano? Ik you’ve made some post about her before but now I want an 12 page essay like you did the others lol. And also perhaps Shalom too? If you think you’re able to give thoughts about her if not maybe just some thirsts? And is there any characters that have caught your attention? Personally I thought Eleven would have been in your favorites but maybe she is just not top 5. I’d like to keep asking about the characters but i think I should ask about the ones you actually have an interest in before sending in my own 12 page essay on asking you questions about them lol
omg this hydrogen bomb… hamel and garo in the same ask… i got you. i havent met shalom or eleven yet! shalom is one of those characters that i already know i’ll love because people have said that she’s similar to kafka (hsr) in personality so im very very very excited for the 2nd anniversary so she can come home. ppl also gassed up flora unfurl a LOT so i have high expectations for that event but i know i’ll love it cause it’s yuriful. for eleven, i hvent played her event but her design definitely drew me in because she looks gorgeoussss. i love her battle kit as well but since i dont have her i have no idea what kind of character she is yet. i would say that the characters i like so far, off the top of my head, are: hamel, adela, zoya, nightingale, angell, garofano, shawn, oak casket, chelsea, sumire, uni, cabernet, bianca, chameleon, cassia, BAI YI!!! i know little about bai yi rn but she’s a menace so i already love her. im mad she isnt home yet ive wanted her since day one </3 interrogations/events play a big part in me getting attached to characters so if i dont have them it’s usually hard to tell if i like them or not but i like a lottt of them passively.
i’ll start with hamel, my angel… she makes my heart so full. i want to protect her from everything and let her dance to her heart’s content i would always be her most devoted audience :( her strength of mind is incredible. she’s such a pure soul who’s gone through unimaginable trauma and she still regards corruptors as beings deserving of peace instead of monsters like everyone else. she spent over 20 years dancing for an audience that was keeping her trapped in the darkness and instead of wishing for freedom, she wanted to stay and heal them at the expense of herself. her compassion is admirable despite what she’s been through, how her mother was using her and how the previous audiences she danced for never appreciated her as they should. at the end of the day, this is how she expresses herself and whether it’s for corruptors or selfish people, she has to dance. i love her dedication to her art and the beacon of hope she’s become. she means a lot to me because of her character arc. she was stuck at the bottom of a lake for decades, surrounded by darkness and contamination, and at the end of her interrogation she has a newfound purpose and people who appreciate her art for what it is instead of using her to console their souls. she’s able to dance for herself and her freedom being described as a spring day made me so emotional; i got a tattoo on my forearm that says “you are spring” on my darkest day to remind myself that the bad times eventually pass and rebirth is inevitable. it’s the same for hamel who’s now free of her past torments and who creates life where there was only despair. it’s really inspiring, she’ll always be my favorite character because she reminds me that a barren land can still grow beautiful things.
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hamel is sooo beautiful. she was the first character that caught my attention, i got her like my second day playing the game and immediately made her my profile picture and put her on my home page for her pretty design. i love her hairr!! she looks like a mermaid, and the jellyfish she conjures up are just as cute as her. just like adela, she looks a little trapped in her clothes when they should allow her total freedom of movement so i love the contrast of the leather with the flowy dress, it’s a really nice touch. her outfit inside the black ring is different because this is how she appears to the corruptors, an angel in white. it’s so prettyyyy i love her so much.
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her voice is so soft and seeing her discover new things through supervision incidents is heartwarming, like that time she tried ice cream and her eyes lit up🥹 she’s my baby fr, she doesn’t like physical touch but that’s okay, i’d still spend all my time with her. she has such a comforting aura ughhh i love her the most.
for garo……… hehehehehehe it’s pretty straightforward honestly. i have a very specific type and she fits all the boxes. i did her interrogation because i was bored and saw on her profile that she killed her husband so i was intrigued, i love widows who killed their spouse it’s a trope that i’ll always like lol. i was very pleasantly surprised when she revealed herself to be a deceiving, manipulative, lying, possessive freak. she’s so meant for me. older woman with a controlling personality? i need her. i love characters who lie so much or embody other people so much that they lose a little of themselves in the disguises they wear. garo is never straightforward when asked anything; when Chief asks about the identities she portrays she says something vague about how she’s able to lie so well because there might be some truth in them. very curious about that but i guess that’s all she had to say… and i havent made it far enough to know about the purpose behind the garden yet, so there’s really a veil of mystery around garofano for me. and i love unraveling my characters, that’s why i gravitate towards people who are reserved/closed off/hide or lie a lot. i love garo’s mastery over her craft and i think about that MBCC lovepost every day of my life. a woman who could effortlessly kill me yet chooses to caress? *takes a deep breath*
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garofano’s ECB is my favorite. it’s her at her rawest, her most vulnerable, her fear and lack of control made obvious, and it’s such a different side of her. the art is fucking insane first of all, but my favorite part is the emotions on her face. the cracked picture frame, the bed of flowers as if laying in front of a blazing fire, the mannequins on the floor, the tears on her face— everything is so messy. a far cry from the control she now constantly has over herself. losing people has made her deeply afraid of it happening again, so much that she starts objectifying those she cares about. they’ve become possessions to be taken from her, and her desire to help others only stems from the need to not be abandoned again. she likes to be needed because it means that people won’t leave her, it’s so sad😭 i hope she can understand that she doesn’t have to be useful to be wanted. but she’s so gentle and i don’t think that’s a front, i love that about her. sinners come to her for help with their clothes and stuff it’s so cute i want her babies
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her design is very cherished by me but i need to see her naked. very grateful to aisno for giving her a different shirt in her P3/ECB art just so that they can show us that boob window because i would’ve never known about her mole and that’s unforgivable. shes so sexy man… the tape around her neck like a necklace is really clever and her apron is super cute, she dresses like a grandmother lowkey with that shawl around her shoulders hshshfnd i’d still hit. 10.99 billion times. her bangs weirded me out at first but i’ve come to love them, they’re original i suppose… she actually makes me crazy like i need that old woman so BAD. she brings out the wolf in me that’s screaming “BREED BREED BREED BREED” like you called me a lesbian in heat well that’s really me with garo. the things i would do to her would weird out sigmund freud. i can’t even say them all because i still have some shame but like that anon said, we’d go freak4freak. the things i would do to hear her call me a good girl in that deep ass voice of hers… oh my goodness. it scratches my brain every time i bought her fucking skin just to hear that playful, “careful!” every time i log into the game. got me cheesing every time fr
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my home screen is literally this picture of her birthday art and i almost made it my lock screen but my dignity stopped me… in short, she’s THE character for me attraction wise and if we get put in a room together i hope the building is empty because everyone will be hearing us.
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