#I got to see these stories evolve and have a little bit of imput for how they have
allisonreader · 4 months
Whenever I read Hard Enough Left, I am struck once again by how much I love this story. When that feeling strikes, it always takes me a little off guard by how strong it is. I always know that I love this story, but why it always strikes me hard that this is why I love this story.
I don't know that I can ever fully articulate how much I love Hard Enough Left (and all of the related stories, starting with Life's Highway which started it all) and how much they mean to me. Both of these stories are comfort stories. I read pretty much all of Life's Highway last week when it was such a hard and sorrowful week for me.
I admire the writing so much and honestly wish that my own writing could be half as inspiring as I find @nurfhurdur 's. (And it has done a lot of inspiring for me over the past few years.) The sound and flow and even the details are all something that I wish I could do. Though my particular voice and turn of phrase seems to be pretty set already as in comparing older and newer stuff.
I love Hard Enough Left enough that I want to share it and recommend it to everyone, even if they don't care one whit about Pixar's Cars or racing history. One day I want to get my parents to read this story. I want to share it with my boyfriend. I want to make or have an audio copy so that I can listen to it while driving up to the lake or when visiting my boyfriend.
I love these stories as much as the two movies that they are inspired from. (Which I also had just watched again and had that same feeling of "I love this so much, it feels like home.")
I'm also so grateful that I have been able to play with your OCs and get to share what I have done for playing with them, with anyone who will listen. I always hope that I do them the justice that they deserve, as I do my writing out of love.
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A slave to fate
(Yandere Bruno Bucciallati X Female Reader)
Warning this chapter will contain sensitive topics, implied rape and drugs
Life had never been on your side. Living in the gangster capital of Italy made it hard for people to live with the temptations of drugs and sex, and unfortunately your parents were two of the many that died due to the temptations of this sinful city, and you had to pay their price now. You were Gangster property now and you knew that you would never escape this brutal lifestyle alive.
You were currently in a public bathroom fixing up your make up.
"Just what I needed darling" you heard your satisfied customer slur as he left. A shiver in disgust went down your spine, you could still taste him.
"God, I need a fucking drink" you mumbled to yourself as you walked out and started counting you're newly earned and filthy money.
"€145, I could spare a bit for a cola" you said to yourself as you walked to a vending machine and put in the required money and the cold beverage rolled out. You picked it up and twisted the cap, which let out a satisfying crack. Without hesitation you started to quickly gulp it down, the sweet bubbly beverage was bliss to your taste buds and the horrible bittersweet taste disappeared from your mouth.
Your job was not even close to done for tonight as if you came back with that much, it was sure that you would pay the price. You walked across the city, looking for an area to post at but sadly all of the hotspots had been taken. So you were left to post at a park. You wondered around hoping to find a potential customer.
It wasn't to long before you spotted a man heading your way so you gathered all of the nonexistent courage you had and spoke in your sweetest voice.
"Hello, are you lost, do you need any help" you said to him. God you felt ashamed of yourself, you felt your fake smile twitching.
"Get fucked you whore, I don't need your sex work" he spat at you before walking off. You sighed, tonight wasn't your night. You continued to walk around until you found a beautiful rose bush, it looked just like the ones that grandma used to have. You lifted one of the roses to your nose before inhaling it's sweet aroma, it was just like your mother's perfume. The scent carried you on a journey of nostalgia, but a voice quickly tore you mind back into reality.
"Never thought I'd see a prostitute admiring the landscape" the male voice said. You turned your head to the side to see the man behind you. He was a young man, around his early 20s. He had blue eyes and short black hair that was styled in an elegant bob, clipped by two gold pins and a braid across his hairs parting. His he wore a white suit with black pin design on it. Along with the insane amount of zippers. It also showed a lot of his bare chest, which was covered in tattoos. If his clothes had told you anything it was that he was filthy rich.
"Well you know what they say, take time to smell the roses" you lightly giggled to ease yourself.
"Your definitely not like the other, there's something different with you compared to other prostitutes I've met" he said as he walked closer to you.
"How so?"
"I don't know, you don't really suit being a prostitute... You're just too honest, your face doesn't hide how you feel" he said.
"Well that's just been me, I've been a honest person my whole life" you replied.
"Can we take this chat to a café perhaps?" He asked you.
"Yes I don't mind" you said as you began to follow him.
After 15 minutes or so, you both had arrived at a small cafe. You both sat down at a table on the second story.
"I'm sorry that I didn't ask you earlier for your name" he apologized.
"It's alright. My name is (Y/N)" you said.
"Is that your work name?" He asked you.
"No it's my real name, I don't really have a work name, but a lot of the girls I work with call me Roxanne"
"Well it seem only appropriate then that I tell you my name, my name is Bruno"
"Well it's a pleasure meeting you Bruno" you said as you both shook hands.
"I've been trying to stop myself from asking you this but why are you working as a prostitute? It doesn't suit you at all, you deserve better then that" he asked you. You didn't reply to his question.
"OK, I understand if you don't want to talk about it"
You both continued chatting about normal thing for what seemed like forever a lady came to take drink orders.
"(Y/N), you can order anything to drink, I'll pay" he offered you. You gave his a slightly sceptical look.
"How do I know your not trying to scam me?"
"Trust me, I'd never scam a woman. Only low lives do that"
"OK, I believe you" you said before ordering a drink. The conversion that you both had to lasted around 2 hour before you had to leave.
"Sorry Bruno, but I've got to head back or else my pimp is gonna have me working double shifts"
He grabbed out his wallet to pay the bill, he started mentally counting the money before placing some of it in bills envelope and handing the rest to you, you felt your blood go cold, was he just trying to be a 'nice guy' so he could get in your pants like the rest!
"Um, I'm sorry but my shifts over now..." You mumbled.
"No, you don't need to do anything. Take it as a mean of appreciation for talking to me, I know your pimp won't like seeing you coming back with little to no money" he explained.
"Thank you so much Bruno, really. No one has ever been so kind to me" you thanked him.
"Well I'm glad to have helped a person like you" he said as you both exit the cafe.
"Well I guess I'll tell you why I'm a prostitute, my parents were drug addicts... They were killed by the Giovanni gang... And now I'm paying their debt off by working as a prostitute" you explained before leaving.
As you ran off he couldn't help but stare. He felt a sudden cold chill across his body. Her parents had put their selfish wants before their child, they not only died for it but also left her behind to pay the debts. He had seen the sadness in her eyes but this was more then her eyes had let on.
Since then you had bumped into Bruno again. After that he revealed that he himself was a gangster, head of the buccirati gang, despite his newly revealed status you still treated him with the same respect you did before. You knew you would be killed if your boss found out about your interactions with him. So your contact with him was very secretive.
Unbeknownst of you, he had stared to fall for you, his empathy slowly evolved into an obsession. He knew that your work was going to kill you at some stage, so he started plotting away to get rid of the Giovanni gang for good and getting you into his arms.
You had finally gotten back from your long night of working, your perfume barely masking the putrid scent of sex.
“Rough night Roxanne?” One of your co workers said.
“Isn't every…” you mumbled trying not to cry. You had a terrible night. You had gotten into a deadly situation involving multiple armed men. You had bruises and you could barely walk, worst was you had to tell your boss.
After a quick shower you knocked on your bosses door.
“Come in” he said and you aided. He was sitting behind his desk smoking a cigar.
“So (Y/N) how was your night?” He said in a sly tone, he probably though your bruises were from some high paying sadist.
“Not so well… I got mugged” you mumbled.
“I can't hear you! Speak louder!” He yelled.
“I got mugged” you spoke a little louder. He gave you a glare and sighed, he was about to speak before a ear piercing scream was heard. You both rush out to find the source. You found everyone at the front door. A man lying on the floor with a bullet wound in his calf.
“Call the ambulance!” One of crowd shouted, another prostitute. Your pimp pushed past you and grabbed her by the hair before slamming her face down into the table.
“What are you, a fucking retard!” He yelled before slamming her face in again, blood started trickling down her face.
“If we do that they'll expose us!” He screamed as he continued to slam her face in. You couldn't take it anymore, you grabbed his arm, trying to prevent him from slamming her face again.
“Stop it, your going to kill her” you screamed as you tried to get his hands off of her, sure enough it did but it made you his new target. He grabbed you and threw you into a wall making you become disorientated. He then walked over and grabbed your shoulders.
“You think your a fucking hero! well your not! Your my bitch!” He screamed at you as he violently shook you.
“And you'll do what ever I fucking say” he continued as he began to drag you off.
You couldn't remember anything else that night. You were meant to be meeting up with Bruno today but you couldn't leave in this condition. So you stayed in helping out with whatever was needed.
After a few days the bruises faded and could now be hidden behind some foundation. You quickly imputed the number Bruno had given you into the payphone and it began to ring Once, twice and then he picked up.
“Yes hello?” he answered.
“Hello it's me (Y/N)” you responded.
“(Y/N) where have you been?” He said, hiding his concern.
“I was just busy with work that's all” you lied.
“Meet me at the where we arranged last time” he said before hanging up. You exited the booth and started to make your way to your meeting spot, completely unaware that you were being stalked.
You sat at the fountain until Bruno had arrived, then you both began to aimlessly walk around. Everything was normal until he said something out of the blue.
"I know you were lying. You weren't busy with work, if you were I would have seen you at some stage. Also I noticed that your wearing more conservative clothing then usual" he blatantly said. Which made your body twitch sightly.
"What was the real reason?" He asked as he stepped in front of you. You stayed silent.
"Please, I can't help you if you won't open up" he begged you. You sighed.
"I got mugged... And then when I came back a man had gotten shot. Someone wanted to call a ambulance... The boss didn't like that so he got aggressive, I tried to stop him but... It just turned his violence against me..." You began to sob. He put a hand on your shoulder.
"I promise you one day, that this will all be over..." He sighed as he pulled you into a hug.
"One day the cursed drug ring will collapse, then you'll be free..."  He said before he pulled you in for a unexpected kiss, the kiss only being for 3 seconds but the sweet taste of cherry balm still lingered on his. To him this was heavenly but you were horrified, the only guy that you thought you could have a neutral relationship with turned out to be wanting more. You became overwhelmed by emotions anger, fear, disgust yet you also felt something fuzzy inside you.
"If you just wanted sex from me you could have just said so from the beginning! But no! You had to play the nice guy and play with my heart!!!" You screamed Before you slapped him hard. He didn't flinch but the look he gave you was one you would never forget. It was a blank stare but the look in his blue eyes was one that could only be described as blood thirsty. Before he could say anything you ran off, leaving him alone again.
You had just arrived back to the dreaded house after your night of ‘work’, which you had spent most of it sulking to yourself. As you walked thought the door you could hear all off your co workers whispering. One of the girls noticed you.
“(Y/N)! The boss wants you, now!” She said demanding.
“Yes, OK” you responded as you walked the bosses room.
You got to his door and before you could even knock he opened it.
“(Y/N) I need to have a little chat with you” he hissed in voice dripping with venom before locking the door.
“A little birdie told me that one of my prostitutes was having a relationship with our rivals" he cooed as he pushed you into a chair.
“So I only found it suitable to get someone to investigate..." he continued as he gave you a ferocious look.
“And what do I find, that you were interacting with a member of Passioné!!” he Screamed as he wrapped his hands around your frail neck, he shook your body and bashed your head against the wooden frame. You saw the murderous expression in his eyes. You started splutter and gasp for air but it was no use, you were going to die. You started to slip in and out of continuous, you heard a phone ring and his hands let go. He picked up the phone, he silently listened and hung up.
“Your a fucking lucky bitch… Giovanni wants you so be fucking grateful that he's giving your sorry ass mercy"
"He want you to move to work for him directly" your boss stated. You could feel tears forming in your eyes and your mouth became dry. You were falling further into this dammed mafia lifestyle. Slowly you could see that light at the end of the tunnel that you kept running for dispersed into darkness.
For the last two days you had been locked inside one of the many bedrooms this building, only being let out for lunch. You were forbidden to leave the building until one of Giovanni's henchmen came to collect you. It felt so weird, but you missed the night lights, you missed the bustling city.
You looked out the window you looked down to see your former co workers disappearing into the night. You sighed as you grabbed the power cord of the alarm clock and sat on your bed. Your life had no meaning at this point, you were stuck in an endless cycle of depression. If you took your life now you could escape, you could finally be free. A knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"They're here" you heard the voice of your boss say as you heard the lock click. The door opened, and you saw the one person that you had wished never to see again. Your parent's murderer.
"It's been a long time..." He said monotonously almost like the voice of a robot. You refused to respond.
"You've grown up" he continued.
"I don't think your boss would be happy with you stalling" you spat.
"Well he said I could stay the night and he did ask me to test you out" he said while giving you a smug grin.
"If you think I'm going to have sex with the man who killed my parents, then your sadly mistaken!" you hissed at him. He gave you an irritated expression before pushing you to the ground and pinning you down.
"No, get off of me! I'd rather die!!" You screamed at him. He held both of your wrists in one hand as he used the other to grab out a syringe.
"I knew you weren't going to be easy" he said before violently stabbing the sharp syringe into your arm, you felt the foreign liquid being absorbed into your blood stream as you body started to numb and your vision contoured everything you saw into an abstract form and you started to fade in and out of reality, he had drugged you.
After some time later you finally got a grip on your mind again, it was still spinning but you we're sure majority of the high was over. You looked around, you were in bed naked, and that scumbag was lying down next to you. It had happened. You had sex with him, you weren't sure if you'd given him consent or not. You had a banging headache that felt like your skull was imploding on your brain. At this point you didn't care anymore you just wanted to go to sleep.
But to your dismay, the door had opened. At first you dismissed it but as the tapping sound of a person walking closer to the bed you started to grow anxious. You opened your eyes but everything was a distorted blur. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the door way.
Bruno was standing only a few steps away from the bed, his hatred filled eyes staring at something on your bedside table. The syringe. His eyes then shifted to you, his glance was enough to melt you. You wanted to speak but your throat was red raw and you had completely lost your voice. You wanted to move but even the slightest movement made you flinch.
Bruno walked to the other side of the bed. He stared down at the man who was sleeping beside you. They say that eyes were the windows to the soul. If this was correct, you were staring into the fiery inferno.
He then grabbed the man and slammed him into a wall and started beating him to a pulp. You sat up and his your naked body with the blankets.
"...Bruno..." Was all that your throat would allow you to say. He looked back at you for a split second before returning it to his victim, who was screaming in pure agony as to your horror, his body started to fall apart limb by limb. You didn't know how Bruno was doing this but is was horrific never the less.
A strange thought entered your mind. Maybe this was just a bad trip, maybe it's just a nightmare. You're probably just seeing him because of the fears that lied within your self-conscious. But what had just happened was confirmed real as he picked up your blanket covered form and walked out of the room.
"From now on I promise you that no one will hurt you ever again"
"And if anyone even so dares to touch you..."
"They will not take another breath"
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