#I got so many new tools to work with gah damn it's exciting but also overwhelming
Guess who's finally able to draw digitally.
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🎉 Correct, it's me! 🎉
Have these crude Commander Tartar doodles until I figure out how to use Krita properly.
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
this isn't off any prompt list but hero/villian indruck where they have a meetcute and both desperately try to keep the other from finding out their alter ego as their relationship gets more and more serious while simultaneously trying to keep their rival away from their seemingly innocent love interest for fear of endangering them
Here you go!
“You win this round, Knight,” The Moth hovers, mechanical wings flapping and smile spreading across his face. The blood trickling down his nose doesn’t faze him in the slightest, “But I’m sure we’ll see each other quite soon.”
He flies off before Duck can grab him, leaving the hero standing, arms crossed (and cross in general), his quiet evening at home ruined by The Moth’s need cause trouble at the Governors Ball.
He’d just gotten to a good part in his book too.
“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry!”
Duck looks up as he’s wiping coffee from his lap to find a tall, gangly, angular stranger hurriedly tossing down his bag  to help clean up the spill.
“I’m sorry, I get lost in my thoughts sometimes and oh, darn it all.” In his eagerness to help, the taller man splashes coffee onto this white tank top, giving him a belly splotch that matches the one on Ducks green t-shirt. 
“It’s uh, no big deal, ain’t like I was in my Sunday best and, uh, that ain’t a library book.”
“Oh no your book.” The other man lifts the stained paperback, looks at it sadly, “At least let me buy you a replacement.” He’s holding the book to his chest now, clearly hopeful that Duck will let him make amends.
Between the red-brown eyes, the tousled, silver-dyed hair, and the earnest, odd smile, he has an air of disheveled charm that, at his age, Duck ought to be past finding adorable. 
Instead, he smiles back, “Sure thing. Bookstore  two blocks down oughta have copies, and a little cafe to boot. You let me buy you a replacement drink, I’ll let you buy me a new book. Deal?”
The other man nods, hands flapping, “Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
Duck grins, suddenly excited, before noticing he’s a bit sticky.
“Meet me there in an hour so we can both change?”
“It’s a date.”
It’s a date? Agh, of all the ways he could have phrased it, why did his blasted, traitorous mouth choose that one?
He stands awkwardly in one corner of the cafe, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pink and yellow cardigan. Was this too flamboyant? He doesn’t even know if the other man is gay. He supposes he could look into the futures to determine the answer to that, but doing so feels rude. 
This is why he turned to supervillainy in the first place; he’s terrible with people. 
He wishes he’d worn his glasses. They’re technically a tool of his trade, but they make him feel safe. 
“Uh, howdy.” 
He glances up, finds the man from before looking at him. Now that he’s not racked with panic trying to clean up a spill, he has a chance to take in just how much his type the man is. Short, but bear like (”a teddy bear” his mind supplies, unhelpfully), with green eyes and charming, unhurried vibe to him. His drawl does remind him of a certain hero who’s always in his way, but he won’t hold that against him. 
“Buy you a coffee?”
“Yes, please. Ah, um, I guess I should introduce myself; I’m Indrid.”
“Duck” he holds out his hand and Indrid takes it, enjoys the warmth and strength in his grip, “Nice to meet you.”
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Duck tightens Beacon around The Moth, who tears at the blade with his retractable claws. Duck learned about those the hard way, when the villain extended them during one of their first meetings. The slash broke the skin, something rare for Duck on account of his durability. 
“And you have got to come up with some more creative lines, hero.” The Moth snarls, “you have used that one twice before now. Which is also how many times you have forgotten about this.”  The villain throws himself sideways and down with enough force to yank Duck to his knees and loosen his grip. As his sword clatters to the ground, red powder fills his eyes.
“Gah, jesus, not that shit again.” His eyes sting, and as he pats the ground for Beacon he hears the scrape of metal moving away from him. Beacons hilt disappears into the mist, dragged slowly back by The Moth’s foot. 
Duck looks up at him through watering eyes, trying not to breath in the dust. 
“Well, you got me at your mercy. You gonna start gloatin about your evil plans or some shit?”
A light, sharp laugh, “Why would I waste my time in such a way? Oh no, I shall be making off with my prize. And making sure you don’t follow me.”
He raises his foot, and Ducks vision whites out on one side as he crumples. 
He should be more worried about the villain getting away with the schematics for the ApCorps latest government security features. 
Mostly, he’s worried he’ll have a black eye tomorrow. 
“Hel-oh goodness, Duck, your eye.” Indrid opens the door a half second before Duck knocks, then quickly cups his cheeks to take a closer look.
“Looks worse than it is, sugar, don’t worry. And, uh, surprise.” He produces a small bouquet of Irises from he behind his back. Indrid beams, taking them with squeak of delight. 
“They’re lovely, but what’s the occasion?” He’s smiling almost like he knows, almost like he just wants to hear him say it. 
“Know, uh, know I said I wanted to take things slow, but I realized we been datin a month I ain’t given you anythin.”
“You bought me coffee that first time. And we have each bought dinner for the other multiple times.” Indrid takes his hand, drawing him inside.  
“I know but, well, kinda wanted to do somethin a little more special.”
“Any time with you is special.” 
Duck snorts, “Cornball.”
Indrid kisses, “I learned from the best.”
“What can I say, I learned from the best.” Indrid grins at The Knight, who is currently hanging upside down in an elegantly simple snare. 
“I got the idea from that unpleasant sword of yours. Keep your enemy tied up nice and tight to keep them out of your OW, ow, alright I should have seen that coming.” His glasses are now cracked from the Knight headbutting him.
“I’m impressed you could manage that upside down.”
“Drop these fuckin chains off me and I’ll show you somethin real impressive.”
Indrid tilts his head, “Tempting, but I have a pressing engagement tomorrow morning. Not to mention I need to get this,” he pats the painting he just lifted from the house of a man with a gold toilet, “somewhere safe. Until we meet again.” He offers a mocking salute, and takes flight.
“Again?” Indrid offers, pressed against warm, sweat-tinged expanse of Duck’s chest, his heart beating in time with the rapid rise and fall of Ducks breathing.
“Nope. Not that the body and mind ain’t willin, but the mind and body also got work tomorrow. Damn that felt good.” He usually tops, but with Indrid he’s found it more variable; some nights, like tonight, the other man fucks him into the bed, or over the nearest table, or however far they get before Duck can’t stand waiting anymore. Other nights, Indrid gets on all fours so Duck can fuck him with the strap, drops to his knees before they make it past the entryway, tugging at Duck’s belt buckle with little whimpers. 
“Mmmm, it was magnificent my love.” Indrid goes stone still in his arms as that last syllable flutters in the air.
Duck brushes strands of pale hair from his forehead, “I love you too, ‘Drid.”
His boyfriend flops down in relief, “oh thank goodness that’s the way it went.”
“As if I could feel any other way about you.”
Indrid mutters something that might be “cornball” into his chest, yawns and nestles closer with whisper of “love my teddy bear.”
“Love you too, sugar.”
He’s in love with Indrid. 
Bad things happen to superhero love interests. Very bad things. He can’t bear losing him, but no one beside the other members of the Pine Gaurd know his secret identity. He’s not ready to tell him yet. Soon, but not yet. 
Indrid rolls sleepily onto his side and Duck goes with him, turning into the little spoon in his embrace. God, what if an enemy decides to kidnap him, hurt him, just to get to Duck?
Then again, no villain has singled him out, save for one. 
Which he’ll need to deal with that one as soon as he can. 
“Give up while you still can, Moth!” 
“Not a chance.” Indrid hisses back, clutching the gash on his arm from the sword. What has gotten into the Knight today? Usually he only fights Indrid the amount needed to stop whatever crime he’s busy committing. 
Today he’s trying to destroy him. 
He’s been training, that much is clear, he has new moves that Indrid finds difficult to anticipate in a fight, and a fire in his eyes that heightens Indrid’s guard. 
As he flits out of reach of yet another strike, his goal of thievery long forgotten in favor of not getting chopped in half, he tries to determine the source of the change. What would make him fight harder?
Duck. He’d burn this city to the ground, tear every hero in it to pieces, if Duck were in danger. 
He reaches the edge of the building, but before stepping off to safety he turns.
“You win tonight, Knight. But do give that new lover of yours my regards.”
“Hey, Indrid?”
“Yes?” His boyfriend looks up from his sketches. 
“I was wonderin if, uh, if you’d like to go to a  fancier place than normal? Barclay got me an in at La Lune, thought we could go on Friday. There’s, uh, there’s somethin I wanna talk about.”
“Is is a marriage proposal or breaking up with me?”
“What? No!”
Indrid chuckles, “I am teasing. Mostly.” He bounces his eyebrows and Duck rolls his eyes in response. 
“Thought afterwards, might be nice to go out to the park and stargaze, tell you what I need to in private.”
“That sounds lovely, my love.”
The stars are aligning in Indrid’s favor this week. 
Yesterday, when the Knight tried to corner him on his way out of his lair, he took the gamble of getting close, earning him the reward of landing a deep slash on The Knight’s cheek. One he won’t be able to heal by tonight. Whether he’s in his hero get-up or his civilian clothes, Indrid will be able to spot him. 
And tonight, he has it on good authority that the Knight will be appearing in this block of the city.  The same block on which sits La Lune. Indrid can go to dinner with his boyfriend right after removing the biggest threat to said boyfriend. 
He’s perched on the roof of the restaurant, steering clear of the large skylight. His glasses scan the streets, the windows all around him. 
But this is taking longer than anticipated. He hasn’t looked too far into the futures for the night, since his growing romantic side wants whatever Duck tells him to be a true surprise. 
He pulls out his phone, swipes to his conversation with Duck. Beneath the photo of a Scarlet Tanager Duck sent him from his work at the ranger station he types, running behind, will be there shortly after 7.
He receives back, NP, see you soon sugar with a kissy face. 
The minutes tick by, the spring sun setting inch by inch behind the downtown skyline. At 7:05, he peeks through the skylight, spots Duck. He can’t see his face all the way in the mood lighting of the restaurant, but he knows his gait, his profile. 
At 7:30 there is still no sign of his nemesis. He’s been scanning and staring and searching, looking at his phone only once after it buzzes many times. He has four missed calls and five texts
Duck: ETA? Damn, this place is even fancier than I thought. 
Duck: Everything okay? If you’re close, I can order us some appetizers so you don’t got to wait to eat. 
Duck: Can’t wait to see you.
Duck: Are you still coming? Are you okay? 
Duck: Sugar?
That last one comes as he’s reading the others. He peers down through the skylight, sees Duck stare at his phone for a ten count, gnawing his lip. Then he looks up at the sky, eyes shut, as if weighing a decision. 
Indrid’s heart plummets. 
There’s a gash on Duck’s cheek. 
A gash he put there. 
Every coincidence, every strange incident he’d pushed to side, lost in the happiness of their courtship, floods his mind. 
Suddenly, he knows what Duck was going to tell him. 
With shaking fingers, he types,
So sorry, my battery died at the worst of all times, I borrowed a charger from a good samaritan. I’m nearly there. 
It takes him two and a half minutes to descend the building and change into his evening wear that he stashed nearby. 
At three minutes, he’s walking through the doors, Duck jumping up and hugging him before he even makes the table.
“Sorry for, uh, textin so much, I guess I got a bit nervous. Y’know how shit can get here; can be walkin home and suddenly a supervillain is wreckin shit and you’re collateral.”
“I understand.” He takes his seat, Duck relaxing into the chair opposite him, “in fact, my love, I understand a great deal.”
Indrid reaches into his pocket, producing a pair of red glasses. He slips them on, knowing the other diners will think nothing of it. 
“I look familiar, don’t I?”
Duck stares so long, moving so little, that Indrid fears he sent him into some kind of shock. 
“Get out. Now.” Duck’s tone is level, his eyes glinting with threat. 
“Duck, please, I, I want to explain-”
“Out. I ain’t gonna tangle with you tonight, but I don’t wanna see you ever again.”
Wordlessly, Indrid removes the glasses, and walks into the night.
Indrid is out of ideas. 
For the first week after his confession, he searched the futures religiously for any sign that Duck would come after him, would reveal his apartment to the other heroes. 
It never came. 
He hasn’t stolen anything in two months. 
He sent a single apology letter to Duck, doing his best to explain the situation. Watched the futures narrow down to a single one; Duck reading it, then tearing it up. 
He even sent anonymous notes to the Pine Guard, altering them to several oncoming disasters or the kind of supervillainy that has a body count. 
Wounded pride, a loss of purpose, a wave of self-loathing, and a dozen other complexly unpleasant emotions could form the center of his world. 
But it all comes down to one simple feeling: he misses Duck. Misses his smile, his sense of humor, his strange laugh, the safety he felt by his side, and endless list of things stripped from his life by his own actions. 
Which is why it has come to this.
He sets up the camera, and starts recording.
“Hey, Duck, I think you should see this.”
Duck plods into the main control room, where Ned is fiddling with the video feed while Aubrey waves him to sit by her.
“I swear to fuck if it’s that police chief tryin to recruit us again-”
“Nah, Aubrey and I finally got through to him.” Mama tosses out from the corner where she’s busily whittling a wooden duck. 
The screen flickers blue, and then Duck feels the opposing pulls of revulsion and longing as Indrid’s face appears. His glasses are off, but he’s otherwise in his full villain get-up.
“Hello Duck, and, ah, I assume the rest of the Pine Guard. It is fine with me if you all listen in, but this message is ultimately for him.”
Barclay reaches over Ned to hit pause, “Duck?”
“Y’all can stay.”
The video resumes. 
“I have two messages. The first is an apology; not necessarily for the things I have stolen, but for any genuine harm I caused other people, yourselves included. And I apologize once again, and as many more times as you require, Duck, for not telling you the truth sooner. In my defense, there is no easy way to admit to the man you love that you are a supervillain. All the same, I ought to have been brave enough to try, for your sake.” 
Indrid sits up and Duck leans forward. 
“My second message is that I am retiring from supervillainy. I could say something about a change of view on the world in general, but the truth is that villainy is less interesting without an equal to rival and banter with me. And, well, I am sure I can find other ways to fill my days. Especially if the man I care for is by my side. I should be clear that my retirement is not contingent on you reaching out to me again, Duck. Merely that it is something you may wish to know. Ah, I suppose that is all. This is the Moth, signing off for the last time. I’m sorry again, Duck. I love you.”
“Think it’s a bluff?” Aubrey asks as the screen goes dark.
“No, as one who has mastered the art of insincerity, I do not believe so.” Ned responds, switching on the lights.
Duck, for his part, says nothing.
Indrid rolls off the bed at the knock, rubbing his eyes as he trudges to the door, too tired to look at the futures. 
“How can I…” 
The sight of Duck Newton on his doorstep elicits so many emotions that he short circuits. 
“So, retiring huh?”
“Yes.” He fights the urge to chew his nails. 
“Guess that means you’re free to talk right now?”
“Indeed.” He steps back, allowing Duck to step in and shut the door.
“Great, Because we got a lot to talk about. But, uh, first.”
He cups Indrids cheeks, kissing him so lovingly that the former villain melts against him, gripping the front of his ranger jacket the way a falling man grasps at a cliff. 
“I missed you so much.” He whispers, and before he has time to hate the crack in his voice, Duck is kissing him again, guiding him slowly and surely to the couch, murmuring in between kisses.
“Missed you too, so much, goddamn, couldn’t stop thinkin about you, love you so much ‘Drid, wanna make things right, we’re gonna make ‘em right, I promise.”
Indrid glances at the futures, sees that in all of them they do, in fact, end up having a long, serious conversation, one that ends in even softer kisses and Duck curled around him in his bed. 
But there’s still a few more minutes for him to savor being here, safe and secure, in the arms of his hero. 
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mysticalmistake · 8 years
What about the RFA + Unknown seeing MC's big scar, and she got it because she protected them during a dangerous accident or something??
Oh goodness These are gonna be after everyone’s good/after endings so spoilers ^^Also this is going into how MC got the scars, and it’s in the second person POV, so I trigger warning for getting hurt I suppose? Not sure how to tag that. If there’s anything you want me to tag it as, let me know! OKAY so Seven isn’t in this because I’m having a major writers block on his. I intended to go back and add him, but everyone else is done and I hate this ask just sitting in the drafts, as I finished a while ago. So I’ll post this now, and when my brain works right again I’ll add him in. Quick thanks to the other monds for helping me with ideas~!~Mod L
Yoosung didn’t normally take house calls to see patients, the vet who normally was was on vacation so he decided to take one. You tagged along, and re-read to him the issues the owner told the receptionist on the phone.“Okayyy… it’s a dog. Oh! A rottweiler! Those are so cute!”“Honey…” “Sorry! Anyways, the owner said she’s been acting weird lately. She hasn’t been responding as much to anyone, and was a bit snippy when a guest came over. They’ve had her for three years and it’s unusual behavior for her”.“Hmmm… Are you sure you want to go with me? I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be around an unwell dog-”“It’s fine! I’m helping you today. I’ll let you have your own space, and I’ll do what you say”.He chuckled softly. “Okay dear. Well, we’re here”, he replied, pulling into a driveway. You both got out, and walked up to the door. The owner eagerly greeted you, saying their dog was in the back room. You both entered the house, and you grew nervous hearing the loud barks. The owner slowly opened the door, grabbing the dog’s collar as she lunged as you. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know why she’s like this”, the owner apologized, trying to calm her dog down. “Ah, it’s fine”, Yoosung reassured her, setting down his supplies. “So can you explain what else is going on?”“Oh, yeah. She just has been acting up lately”, she explain, and reached behind her to grab something. As she got distracted, the dog stared at the two of you. You felt yourself tense up, growing nervous. “Yoosung”, you said softly.“It’s fine honey”, he whispered back. “Just relax. If you stay tense, you’ll make her nervous. Can you hand me the otoscope?”You reached in the bag, keeping your eyes on the dog. You didn’t realize you pulled out the wrong tool, and Yoosung laughed as you went to hand it to him. “This isn’t it silly. Here,” he went to reach in the bag, but accidentally dropped the tool in his hand, and it rolled towards the dog. “Whoops”, he laughed, going to pick it up. The dog started baring her teeth. You jumped, pushing Yoosung arm out of the way. You jumping scared her, causing her to sink her teeth into your arm.“Oh my god!” The owner cried out as she grabbed her dog, pulling her away. Thankfully she let go easily, but her initial bite still broke your skin.“MC!” Yoosung quickly grabbed your arm, pulling bandage out of his bag. “Why’d you do that?” He winced as he wrapped the bandage around your arm. “Tell me if I’m hurting you..” he turned to the owner, who had quickly put her dog back in the other room, still apologizing. “It’s okay! I’m gonna take her to the clinic. Our other vet will be back in tomorrow, so I hope you can wait until then. Needless to say it’s a good idea to wait on any guests”.~“Sweetheart.. You shouldn’t have done that! Look at your arm…”“I know, I know,” you replied, turning your arm to look at the mark. “Now I have a cool little scar now!”He shook his head, kissing your forehead. “Sure honey”.
Zen~So rather than make this after his after ending I’m making this during the main story when he has to run to the apartment. Mostly because it always kinda annoyed at how absolutely helpless the game paints you out to be. Hope no one minds! and no bomb button in this i’m sorry~
You swallowed hard, facing the strange man who brought you here. “Ah.. The RFA princess”. He reached his hand out to you. “You see how many lies hide in this place, and there’s even more. Come with me. I’ll take you to paradise. There will be no lies. Nothing that can hurt you. Just take my hand”.You shook your head, backing away until you bumped into a table. “I’ll never go anywhere with you,” you snapped, reaching behind you and picking up a book Rika had left behind. He sighed. “I didn’t want to have to hurt you… So make this easy on the both of us. Won’t you take my hand princess?”You bit your lip, pretending to be uncertain. As one hand laid on the hard cover book, you reached your other out.A smile spread across Unknown’s face, as he stepped closer to you. He went to take your hand, and you tightly gripped his wrist. His smiled turned into confused right before you swung your hand other hand around, slamming the book against the side of his head. He grabbed it in pain. “Gah, son of a-”You grabbed random items off the shelves, throwing them at him as you tried to get to the door. It wasn’t working very well as he continued moving foward, getting closer and closer as there was a sudden pounding at the door. You jumped, turning to face the door. As you were distracted Unknown grabbed your arm, trying to get his arms around you. You weren’t sure who was at the door, but regardless you cried out. “H-Help me!” You kicked around, trying to get out of his grip. The door swung opened, and Zen ran inside. He quickly ran to you prying Unknown off. “L-Let her go!”As you broke free from his, his eyes filled with anger as he looked at you two. “Y-You! You’re not suppose to be here…” He turned towards you, pulled a knife out of his pocket. “You’re getting.. in my way!” He growled as he lunged at Zen. “No!” You ran towards him, colliding into him before he could reach Zen. The knife sliced along your shoulder, cutting through your sweater. You pushed him off you, holding your shoulder as Zen punched Unknown, knocking him to the ground. He ran over to you, panicking at the sight of your shoulder bleeding. “Oh my god… Are you okay?”“Yes, I’m fine but-” You looked over his shoulder, just to see Unknown crawling back out through the window he broke to get in. “He’s gone! We have to go after him!” You went to get back up, but Zen gently pushed you back to sitting down.“He’s gone. We need to take care of your shoulder right now,” he said, pulling out his phone. “Put your hand over it, I’m calling Seven and I’m going to get something to put over it. Where’s the first aid kit?”~“Ahh”, Zen flinched as he pulled the band aid off your shoulder. “I mean, at least that’s a cool scar!” Seven exclaimed. Zen’s glare quickly quieted him. You giggled. “Thanks Seven”.He shook his head. “God, don’t thank me. I’m so sorry! That was so dumb of me to leave you there alone”.“Well, there’s something we can agree on”, Zen sighed. “You shouldn’t have jumped in the way. I could’ve handled him!”Seven shook his head. “I dunno man, it kind of looks like she saved your butt”.Zen rolled his eyes. “…. I know! But I don’t want to hear it from you”. He took your hand, kissing it. “It was a bad idea… but thank you”.
“A toast, to the new opportunity given to us today. May C&R see growth and prosperity through this”.“Cheers!”As glasses clinked and people cheered, you took a sip of champagne, feeling safe with Jumin’s arm wrapped around you. “You have quite a way with words, dear”.“I meant it all. This is the largest company we’ve purchased, and if it works out like how we plan it to it’ll be our most valuable asset”.“I’m excited to see you do well”, you kissed his cheek. Jumin couldn’t help but smile, but quickly recomposed himself as a guest walked up to him. You introduced yourself then toned out their idle chatter. Your mind wandered to how good it’ll feel taking your shoes off once you got home. Jumin always had everything specially made for you, heels are still heels. You came out of your daydream when you heard Jumin groan softly, and looked around. A man in a suit was stumbling around the room, but didn’t seem well. He had a bottle in his hand and his suit wasn’t properly on at all. “Jumin? Who’s that?”“He was in an… unofficial partnership with the owner of this company. They were good friends, and he helped influence many of the decisions the owner had made. That being said, he was never a legal partner, So when he opposed the company being sold to us, there was nothing he could do but argue with his friend. He was… a headache during the deal. He can still keep his manager position under us, but he’s very stubborn about all of this being a bad idea. It’s a shame he can’t see the opportunity in all this”.“Mr. Han, he’s coming this way. Should we show him out?”“No, not yet. I don’t wish to make the tension between us any worst, but stay near”.“Yes Mr. Han”.“Jumin!” The man managed to get to you two. “Hello. I hope you are here with good intentions”.“Of couuurse!” he slurred out. “I’m just here to congratulate you on the big deal! It’s a nice company you got here. I wonder what you’re gonna do with it?”“You still have a position as-” “Oh, don’t bother! I don’t want work under your corp,” he sneered. “As soon as that deal was finished I quit. We weren’t meant to be under you. We had a damn good business, and you’re gonna ruin it!”Jumin cleared his throat. “If these actions continue I hope you know we’ll have to show you out”.The man sighed, his grip on his bottle tightening. “You’re right. I’m just here to congratulate you. So  you can have this!” He snapped has he swung his bottle at Jumin.Both of you jumped back, and you raised your arm to stop the bottle from hitting Jumin. You let out a cry as the bottle broke against your skin as a guard tackled the man to the ground.“Oh my god,” Jumin took your arm, pulling out a hankerchief to wrap around the cut. “Get a doctor. Now!” He snapped at bodyguard. “Why did you do that? Oh, you’re bleeding a lot… Come on,” He lead you out of the room.~“Ooooh, look at this scar~!”Jumin shook his head. “Does it hurt?”“Not anymore! I’m fine sweetheart”.He rested his hand on your leg. “We have bodyguards for a reason dear. Please don’t ever do that again”.You shrugged, kissing his cheek. “Sure sweetheart. Now let’s go home. I miss Elizabeth~”
“Ahhh… I’m so excited!” Jaehee exclaimed. “We’re opening in a month.. I can’t wait to see all our hard work come together!”You laughed, wrapping an arm around her. “I can’t believe we did all this ourselves… And it looks so good! But how are we going to know if we’re doing well if we haven’t tested any products to sell?”“… Do you want to bake some cupcakes?”“Yes.”Jaehee laughed. “Okay, let’s take a short break”.~You pulled a pan out of your oven, setting it on the counter. “Jaeheeee~! They’re all done!”She walked in, carrying a small box. “Oh!” She beamed as she set down the box. “They already look so good! But here, I found these tools we forgot to put away. I think they’ll be okay in the pantry above you?”You looked up, reaching to open the small doors. “There’s nothing else in here, so that sounds good!”“Ah, we’re both to short to reach that… Don’t we still have that small ladder?” She asked. Before you could answer she was out the door looking for it. You chuckled to yourself, turning the oven off. You poked at the cupcakes, flinching at how hot they still were. Jaehee came back in with her little ladder, propping it up in front of the pantry. She climbed up the steps, turning towards you. “Mind handing me the box dear?” She asked, looking into the pantry with a hand extended to meet yours with the box.“Of course I wouldn’t~” You replied, going over to pick it up. As you brought it back, you paused before handing it to her, noticing a small scruff on the counter you hadn’t before. It was in the back room, so no customers would see it. But you were mildly annoyed, as you thought everything was perfect. You wondered if it could be washed off?As Jaehee was wondering if all the tools could even fit in that pantry, she didn’t realize she was still leaning her body towards you, waiting for the box. Before she knew it her weight had tilted the small ladder, and it started falling before she could regain her balance. “M-MC!”You jumped, immediately dropping the box to catch her. As she fell in your arms, one was near the pan of cupcakes and your arm pressed into it. You cried out as Jaehee regained her footing, and you could lift your arm off it. “Oh my god, MC! I’m so sorry!” “It’s fine!” You quickly replied, covering the spot with your hand. “Are you okay?”“Yes, I’m fine! I just got distracted,” she replied taking your arm and moving your hand.You laughed. “Good timing, because I was too,” you said before wincing as she turned your arm to look at your burn. “Oh no… Come on, let’s run this under water,” she said, pulling you to the sink. ~Jaehee gently rubbed burn cream into your arm. “This’ll leave a pretty bad mark.. I’m so sorry!” You laughed as you kissed her cheek. “It’s okay. I’d rather have this then have you fall”.Jaehee blushed, intertwining her other hand with yours. “God, where would I be without you?”
You were out at lunch together, your arms linked together. Saeran was still nervous to go out casually, so you stuck close to his side. You were laughing at something you two were talking about, and managed to cause a him to have a small smile. You both had finished your lunch and were hand in hand as you left the restaurant. As you walked back to Saeyoung’s house together, you went down a small alleyway together. It wasn’t much faster, but it took you to his home, and he was still anxious around too many people. It was much quieter, and both of you enjoyed the silence as you walked. Saeran had become so used to the sounds of your feet walking along he immediately noticed the sound of another pair of feet walking. As you walked on, oblivious to the sound, he glanced behind his shoulder. There was a person walking a ways behind you, and although he couldn’t see them Saeran felt the mysterious figure’s eyes staring at the both of you. He looked forward again, quickening his pace. Before you could ask, he whispered “I think that person is following us. Just follow me”.You bit your lip, nervously doubting if they were or it was just his anxiety. Regardless you held onto him, keeping up with his pace. Before either of you realized it, the figure was right behind you two, and grabbed Saeran’s shoulder. You both spun around as they lowered their hood. “Saeran! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me~”The color drained from his face as he faced the mysterious man, pushing his hand of his shoulder. “What do you want?”“Don’t be rude, introduce me to your lady here!” His grin sent a chill down your spine. Saeran was at a lost for words, so the man continued talking. “Fine, I can do it myself. Nice to meet you, I was an old friend of your man here. Was. You see, we were in a paradise together. Not just us, there were more. We all had a life, and we were all happy,” he growled, his expression growing more sinister. “Then, your man had to get an itchy trigger finger. We know to defend ourselves and paradise, but he ruined our Savior’s life. He ruined all of our lives-”“Stop”, Saeran snapped, interrupting him. “That life wasn’t great. We weren’t happy. You’re delusional, and what’s done is done”.The man laughed, one hand reaching into his pocket. “You’re really funny, you know that? Now, what kind of follower would I be if I didn’t try to avenge my Savior?” He grinned again before pulling a knife out of his pocket. As he thrust the knife towards Saeran, you instinctively shot your arm arm to block him from hitting him. Doing so cause the knife to leave a gash on your arm, and as you pulled back Saeran grabbed the man by the collar, slamming him against the alley wall. He continued to hit him with his fists and against the wall until he was unconscious, and dropped him. He kneeled down to you, gently taking your arm. “What the hell was that?” “H-He was going to hurt you…”“Next time let him! Better me than you,” he sighed, helping you back to your feet. “Come on, we need to get this fixed up…”~“It’s still stupid you did that,” Saeran said, shaking his head. The scar left behind certainly wasn’t pretty, and caused him to wince every time he saw it. “I think I understood that the 200th time you said it,” you giggled.“Just… Promise not to do that again please?”“Nope~” You smiled, kissing his cheek. “I’m always gonna want to protect you”.He sighed.  “I don’t need you to protect me… but thanks” he mumbled.
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