#I got like 3 v-day comms to post that day so this one goes up early!
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 1 year ago
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Happy (early) Valentine's Day from Genesis!
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you’re someone i just want around fic announcement
a @sunflowervolvimp3​ and @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy​ collaboration
“She seems interesting.” Mitch’s soft voice draws him out of his hungry haze, snapping him back into the reality that is the black lighting of the club and the deep booming of the music’s bass. 
“I suppose so.” Harry answers passively, shrugging one shoulder in indifference while taking a leisurely sip from the straight tequila in his highball glass. 
Mitch gives him a deadpan look. “You’ve been gawking for five minutes. Put your pride back in your pants and go talk to her.” 
The curly-haired vampire flashes his friend a light smirk over the rim of his drink. “Ever so blunt, aren’t you?” 
Despite the dig, Harry loves the way Mitch is honest and straightforward with everything that crosses his path. It’s one of his favorite traits about him, and definitely one of the characteristics that had led Harry to deem him as his best friend. Mitch doesn’t seem like much, with his skinny, lanky frame, delicate features, shoulder-length hair, and somewhat scraggly stubble. But he’s probably the most fulfilling person Harry has ever met and their friendship brings him a type of comfort that he doesn’t receive from anyone else.
Vampires can be so detached and cold not only towards humans, but towards one another, and it gets old at times. It’s unsettling not having someone to truly confide in, and Harry is grateful that Mitch had been so willing to fill that spot.   
Mitch scuffs, taking a swig from his trusty beer bottle. Out of everything, that’s the one aspect Harry despises about his best mate— that he goes to a club and orders the same drink every time. Where was the fun in that? Where was the excitement of trying something new? When you have an eternity, the least you could do is utilize it to your advantage. Cycling through every cocktail in human history is a prime example of making the best out of immortality. 
But Mitch is a creature of habit— as are most of their kind— and Harry knows he won’t shake easily. Not when it comes to surrendering his preferred beverage, and especially not when it comes to sticking his nose in Harry’s intimate life. Meddling and being irritating are what best friends are for. 
“What can I say? Pep talks are my forte.” The older vampire remarks sarcastically, bumping his glass bottle against Harry’s crystalline cup in encouragement, using the stout of his container to point in the general direction of the mysterious girl. “Now go make dinner.”
or a story about opening up to new dynamics, an undealt past, a stolen ring, a psychotic ex, and an alluring young man with a peculiar taste in beverages.
part I: one in a million, my lucky strike
part II: she makes my heartbeat go faster, the thing is i trust her
part III: car nous nous en allons, comme s��en va cette onde (for our life slips by, as the river does)
part IV: let me inside, wish I could get to know you
part V: she’s got blood cold as ice, and a heart made of stone
part VI: when did this just become a mortal home?
part VII: lately my heart’s been so empty, but it feels different when you’re with me
posting schedule: TBD
A/N: so leyla and i have been plotting and planning this for a few days now. it started as just a random concept we were chatting about at 3 am, but then we both started putting more and more into the plot and characters and made the decision to make it our first collaboration ever!! we spent a whole day building an outline and adding details and we’re both super excited to share the au we created with everybody :D the posting schedule is going to remain pretty fluid because we both have a lot going on (school, work, etc.) but we just loved this idea so much that we had to jump on it right away cause we got attached OOP! so yeah, we can’t wait to show you what our brains came up with at the ass crack of dawn 😌 thank you in advance for any support and patience you guys are willing to put into this fic and we hope to do you justice! 💌
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anne-lister-adventures · 5 years ago
Monday, 10 March 1840
4 50/’’
11 1/2
All ready at 5 25/’’ then a little breakfast (our own little boiler no pother of Semovar) – Reaumur 7 1/2º on our table – The room coldish – 2 cups of tea and breakfast over in 10 minutes – And from the Kopanowskaia at 6 – A little village - Counted a group of 19 Calmuck tents (Kibitkas) – 
Descend upon the Volga – The wood (vide line 12 last p.[page]) was, as today, large old pollard willows on large sandbanks and islands of the Volga – Looking like a forest in the distance and in fact it is willow-forest the trees being often sufficiently thick on the ground to leave little room for anything else, tho’ we found cattle straying among them – 
At 7 25/’’ turned up from the river to the land-road – Very fine morning – At the Little gorod of J-[Jenotaiewsk] at 8 35/’’ – The servants Kibitka a few minutes en retard – We had arrived so much sooner than I expected thought going another stage before breakfast – But the next Station said to be such a poor little place where we could not breakfast that determined to breakfast here – The good-looking new (wood) house it seemed belonged to a seigneur – Nothing to be had there – 
Set off to another place in the Gorod – Having just walked round the white handsome church at some distance (opposite) our Station – This the Cathedral! Another neat church besides this – This a clocher with 4 style portico – Nave – And the church (all 3 adjoining) a large circle gathered up in 2 retiring steps to the size of the domes, with North and South entrance by 2 style porch and pediment – all the roof metal plates painted green – 
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The Jenotaiewsk cathedral c. 1910.
One of the nicest neatest little Gorod churches we have seen – 4 or 5 wind mills close to the town (right) on entering, and (left) on entering in a wide sort of 1/2 formed square the cathedral – And not far from this a neat good building for Town’s business, Court House – Nice little villagy town – 
We had 3 or 4 minutes walk to chez ‘le seigneiur’ the Maître de Poste a German Russian – Arrived 2 months ago – His wife and daughters at St. P-[Petersburg] the Postmaster at Astrakhan going to Kazan (as Postmaster) and our friend anxious to succeed him at A-[Astrakhan] would not stay here at any price – Nobody to speak to – No parti for his daughters – All Calmuck – The ladies could not read or write and on my mentioning the common waste of manure, he said here they did worse than pile it on the riverside to be washed away – They laid it in the Town – and the smell was offensive in summer – 
Emolument 500/- per annum – There might be other revenues but un homme comme il faut could not take them – Better appointments and a good house at Astrakhan for the Postmaster – Trade very bad there now – Nothing but the fishery – Nothing to be had but Moscow things – The Persian trade all goes to Tiflis now – They have a grant of it free of duty for 10 years – Several rich merchants there – And a large new hotel that cost 10000/- 5 storeys High – On the Koura – Kept by an Armenian, Chadinoff – Prince Volkonsky had spoken of it to our host – 
Could not tell what we should pay there – But had before recommended a house (no hotel where one can dine at Astrakhan) at A-[Astrakhan] kept by a French whose wife is a German where we should lodge and board (very good table) for a Silver Ruble a day! Nobody no company there (at the house) now – How will this turn out? This was told at 1st when he asked what affaires we had at A-[Astrakhan] and fancied it might be the wife of a Naval Officer (English) who had been 10 years there in the Russian Marine (ship building) and did not wish to engage for another 10, and was afraid of his wife passing him on the road, as she was to join him there – But he should wait for her at Moscow – 
Our host had been 6 years prisoner in England – Had surrendered to the English par préférance instead of to the French at Lisbon after the Russian Turkish War (in 1808?) – Prisoner at Portsmouth but had visited Chatham, London &c. &c. apparently on parole – Liked England very much – The Russian prisoners very well treated there – Had been at Tiflis – Lost a nephew 2 months in the Circassian War – Nothing but patience will do with these people – 
Must ask at A-[Astrakhan] to have an escort – Dangerous about Kisliar – The couriers never take money that way – Always by Tcherkask and Stavropol – No danger in passing the Kabardas – Always an escort – Recommended us to be there by moonlight – Very fine – As if one was in a hole so surrounded by mountains – The best time for passing is January – The sooner we get there the better or we may be inconvenienced I suppose by the melting the snows – I got no answer I think to my inquire if there were avalanches – 
He said we might be 16 or 18 hours on horseback in getting thro’ from one Station to another – Sure we never saw such a road – A Germany colony a few v.[versts] from Tiflis that we ought to see – We should find Germans French and English there and all sorts of Persian things &c. &c. to be got there – 
Gave the Courier the address of the people at A-[Astrakhan] and gave him an a letter for the Calmuck Prince and for horses to take there tomorrow – Our carriage Kibitka too heavy – Had best take a light Traineau de Poste but said we must have 3 horses and ourselves and the 2 Russians (Courier and George) could go – 
The Prince was in the campaign in France in 1814 – His sister (that Lord Royston saw) married unhappily – Married a Calmuck – The Prince very rich – Would half kill his servants if they took anything – I must not pay anything – He speaks French – Is très comme il faut – 
Cannot sleep at Zamianowskaya, so that if we cannot arrive in time at Libajouskaya had best return and sleep a 2d. night at Soroglazinskaya where we shall sleep tonight, the encampent being on 12 v.[versts] from there across the river – The Prince has a good house – Pity we did not arrive in time for the great religious fête 3 weeks ago when he had 80 people staying in his house – Begged I might give the servant of our host and left with himself a 30 Kopek Silver piece – Probably the master not the maid would take it – And I might have given more – Probably a 1/2 Silver Rouble would have been better – 
Off at 10 3/4 – Descend immediately upon the Volga till 11 50/’’ then seem to leave it and go along the land-road (the summer road) – Had my door open for some while – Drive over ice – And large sandbanks and islands covered with large old pollarded willows – A Deciatine, said our Maître de Poste (who 1st addressed us in English) = 80 x 30 fathoms of 2 English yards = 4800 yards something less than an acre = 4840 yards – A-[Ann] had slept and I had slept and read which beguiled the slowness of our progress – 
2 35/’’ when we reached Kosikinskaya – Little cottage-like log house Station House but we might have had a nice enough little room to ourselves and might have breakfasted as to room quite as comfortably as we did chez ‘le seigneur’ whose Semovar had lost its cheminée (long ∴[therefore] in boiling and we had to get our own cheminée) and there was nobody in the little Gorod to mend it – Our host gets all his provisions from Tamboff 700 v.[versts] off (I think he said 700 v.[versts]) – 
At K-[Kosikinskaya] neat little painted broad church – Needle-pointed clocher – Nave – And church part 8tagon[octagon] as well as the clocher – The village small and shabbyish – 2 or 3 Calmuck tents in the courtyard (farm yard) opposite our Station House – The Post stables merely of wattled (wicker) walls, flat roofed and hay piled stackwise on the top – Royston crows in abundance hopping about – Quite tame and with them several magpies – The guide post marks 115 v.[versts] to A-[Astrakhan] Read a great deal this morning – 
Schnitzler vol.[volume] 2 on the origin of the Calmucks and Tatars, and vol.[volume] 1 from p.[page] 169 to 217 chapter 6 and then on arriving at the Station at 4, Soroglazinskaya, finding the house full of people – Could not be taken in, drove off with one horse to our present quarters – And en route finished the remaining p.[page] or 2 of chapter 6 and alighted here at 4 20/’’ – One nice enough room – Soon made ourselves comfortable – And went out at 4 40/’’ for an hour to the neat church which A-[Ann] sketched – 
Sent off the Courier to the Calmuc Prince with A-‘s[Ann’s] card and mine and compliments and we would be chez lui about 10 tomorrow a.m. – They say here, he has 2 brothers at St. P-[Petersburg] one a Captain in the Grenadier Guard – Has a large village about him, and a school for his people – Some have cottages and some tents (Kibitkas of felt) – The river is close to the village here just below it – And all seems sandy desert around – Bare of snow here and there – But they say there is good pasture land at a little distance – Some Calmuck tents here, one in each of several farm yards – But they say, these people do not stay here, but live in the woods to the westward – Several good wood cottages and houses here – A good, picturesque village in long line above the Volga – All the people very civil in taking off the hats as we pass – Wrote all the above of today till tea at 8 in 1/2 hour – 
The village the property of the people – Cossacks – Free – The farm yard full of sheep a mixed breed between Calmuck and not ∴[therefore] some with the short fat tails and some not and some with the long small tail of English sheep – A good sheep will weigh fit for the butcher 2 poods (40 Russian lbs.[pounds] or 36 English lbs.[pounds]+ = 72 English lbs.[pounds]) and sell for 8/- horses from 40/- to 100/- and cows about 40/- - a fat cow = from 8 to 16 poods and the fat animal worth about 7/- or rather more per pood – 
Had just written so far at 8 40/’’ p.m. very fine day Reaumur -15º dehors at 6 a.m. and +7 1/2º in our room at 5 1/2 a.m. Had the Courier in – To be chez le Prince at 11 a.m. tomorrow – Had Domna – Undressed – A thorough wash –
 1st 1/2+ Volga   6 to 8 35/’’     Kopanowskaya to Jenotaiewsk (Gorod)      30
ditto ditto ditto    10 3/4 to 2 35/’’  J-[Jenotaiewsk] to Kosikinskaya       25 1/2
all on Volga   2 55/’’ to 4    K-[Kosikinskaya] to Soroglazinskaya           24 1/2
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Some of Anne’s and Ann’s stops in little towns along the Volga.
[symbols in the margin of the page:]         +          𐐥
[in the margin of the page:]             Reaumur -15º at 6 a.m. dehors
[in the margin of the page:]            Jenotaiewsk
Page References: SH:7/ML/E/24/0038 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0039 and SH:7/ML/E/0040
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flirting-with-psychology · 7 years ago
I am: [ ] male [x] female I am __ years old: [ ] Under 13 [ ] 13 [ ] 14 [ ] 15 [ ] 16 [ ] 17 [ ] 18 [ ] 19 [ ] 20 [ ] 21 [ ] 22 [x] 23 [ ] Over 23 I am __ tall: [ ] Under 4’7 [ ] 4’7-5’ [ ] 5’1-5’3 [x] 5’4-5’7 [ ] 5’8-6’ [ ] 6’1-6’4 [ ] Over 6’4
My BMI is: [x] No idea [ ] Under 13 [ ] 13-14 [ ] 15-16 [ ] 17-18 [ ] 19-20 [ ] 21-22 [ ] 23-24 [ ] 25-26 [ ] 27-28 [ ] 29-30 [ ] 31-32 [ ] Over 32 My body shape is:
[x] not sure   [ ] oval or apple [ ] pear or a-shaped [ ] strawberry or v-shaped [ ] ruler or rectangle [ ] square or H-shaped [ ] hourglass or 8-shaped
My hair color is currently: [ ] black [ ] platinum blond [ ] blond [ ] dirty blond to light brown [x] brunette [ ] auburn [ ] dark brown [ ] red [ ] ginger [ ] orange [ ] pink [ ] other My eye color is: [ ] grey [ ] light blue [ ] deep blue [ ] black [ ] dark brown [x] brown [ ] golden [ ] hazel [ ] light green [ ] deep green [ ] other I have been diagnosed with or i know i have/had: [ ] depression [ ] social anxiety [ ] general anxiety [ ] panic disorder [x] obsessive compulsive disorder [ ] bipolar disorder [ ] post traumatic stress disorder [ ] anorexia/bulimia [ ] body dysmorphia [ ] insomnia I would classify myself as or mostly as: [x] heterosexual [ ] bisexual [ ] homosexual I smoke: [ ] more than a pack a day [ ] less than a pack a day [ ] less than one cigarette a day [ ] socially [x] never I drink: [ ] enough to get wasted every day [ ] enough to get a buzz every day [ ] at parties to get wasted [x] at parties to get buzzed [ ] a beer or glass of wine with my dinner [ ] never I have committed the following: [ ] shoplifting [ ] stealing from a friend [ ] stealing from family [ ] stealing from a stranger [x] underage drinking [ ] underage smoking [ ] illegal drug use [ ] selling drugs I have stolen: [ ] make up [ ] underwear/lingerie [ ] clothing [ ] jewelery [ ] cds [ ] cigarettes [ ] alcohol [ ] drugs [ ] money [ ] an automobile [ ] a weapon I have been: [ ] suspended from high school [ ] expelled from high school [ ] arrested [ ] to juvenile court [ ] put on probation [ ] ordered to pay a fine [ ] ordered to serve community service [ ] to juvenile detention [ ] on house arrest with a tether [ ] to jail [ ] to prison The statement(s) that most applies to my family is: [ ] I live with my (adoptive or biological) mother and father who are married to each other. [ ] I live with my mother and father who are NOT married to each other. [ ] I live with my mother who is single [ ] I live with my mother and stepfather [ ] I live with my father who is single [ ] I live with my father and stepmother [ ] I live with a grandparent or grandparents [ ] I live with an older sibling [ ] I live with a younger sibling [ ] I live with my children [ ] I live with my husband or wife [ ] I live with my boyfriend or girlfriend [x] I live with a roommate or friend [ ] I live alone [ ] I have a different living situation I have __ sister/s: [x] 0 [ ] 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5 [ ] 6 [ ] Over 6 I have __ brother/s: [x] 0 [ ] 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5 [ ] 6 [ ] Over 6 The statements that most apply to my parents are: [ ] I hate my family [ ] my family hates me [ ] my parents do not treat me my age [ ] my parents do not trust me, and have no reason not to [ ] my parents do not trust me, with good reason [ ] I lie to my family often [ ] my parents do not deserve to be treated the way I treat them [x] I should probably show my parents that I appreciate them more [ ] my parents never show me that they appreciate me [ ] I never say “I love you” to my parents [ ] my parents do not care what I do [ ] my parents give me and my friends alcohol [ ] my parents are very strict [ ] my parents have no idea what goes on in my life [x] my parents support my decisions [x] I am very close to my parents [x] my parents trust me and I honor that [ ] my parents trust me and I take that for granted [ ] I never see my parents The statements that most apply to my family are: [ ] I am the favorite child [ ] one of my siblings is clearly the favorite child [ ] one of my siblings is out of control [ ] I am the “smart” sibling [ ] I am the athletic sibling [ ] I am the artistic sibling [ ] I am a middle child [x] I am an only child [ ] I am very close to my siblings [ ] I am very close to one of my siblings [ ] I have a twin [ ] I do not get along with any of my siblings [ ] I am the least liked child [ ] my siblings rat me out [ ] my sibling is my best friend [ ] i am jealous of my sibling [ ] my sibling is jealous of me [ ] I never see my siblings I like to read: [ ] manga [ ] comic books [ ] magazines [ ] biographies [ ] memoirs [ ] classic literature [x] plays [ ] scripts [ ] romance novels [x] science fiction [x] fantasy novels [ ] self help books [ ] textbooks [ ] newspapers [ ] political books [x] general fiction [x] children’s books [ ] horror novels [ ] mystery novels [ ] poetry [x] young adult fiction [x] humor [ ] jokes [ ] nothing I like to watch __ movies: [x] romance [x] comedy [x] romantic comedy [x] drama [ ] historical [ ] western [ ] horror [x] science fiction [x] fantasy [x] adventure [ ] action [ ] war [ ] crime [ ] kung-fu [ ] thriller [ ] psychological [ ] zombie [x] mystery [ ] documentary [ ] mockumentary [x] spoof [x] musical [x] animated [ ] silent [ ] art film [ ] depressing [ ] pornographic [ ] educational [ ] no I like to play __ video games: [x] roleplaying [ ] driving [ ] hunting [ ] sports [ ] skateboarding [x] dancing (such as DDR) [x] instrument (such as Rock Band) [ ] fantasy [ ] shooter [ ] platform [ ] fighting [ ] strategy [ ] simulation [ ] action [ ] arcade [ ] tactical [ ] horror [x] party (such as Mario Party) [ ] no I like to study __ . [ ] English [ ] grammar [ ] writing [ ] human biology [ ] animal biology [x] earth science [x] chemistry [x] geology [x] astronomy [ ] archaeology [ ] anthropology [ ] algebra [x] geometry [ ] calculus [ ] trigonometry [ ] US history [ ] European history [ ] ancient history [ ] history [ ] economy [ ] government [ ] geography [x] psychology [ ] sociology [ ] nothing When I was in school I: [ ] was valedictorian [ ] was one of the top 5 students [ ] was in national honor society [x] got all As [ ] was an overachiever [x] was usually on the honor roll [x] slacked off a lot [ ] was on student council [ ] was student council president [ ] rarely did homework [x] did really well on tests [ ] always did homework [ ] did awful on tests [x] paid attention in class [ ] slept in class [ ] never paid attention [ ] dropped out The statement I most agree with is: [ ] religion is stupid and people who belong to one are stupid [x] religion is not something that I believe in [ ] I am open to religion but have not claimed a certain religion as my own [ ] I am religious [ ] my religion is one of the most important things in my life [ ] my religion is the most important thing in my life and people who do not believe are stupid The statement(s) I most agree with is: [ ] I hate politics and affiliate with them as least as I can [ ] I am somewhat interested in politics [ ] I am very interested in politics and have very strong views [ ] I like to debate about political issues [ ] I do not like to debate politics because it is useless and no one will change their views [ ] I am 100% democrat [ ] I am 100% republican [ ] I am independent, or prefer not to belong to a party [x] there are some things I agree with on both parties [ ] people who do not pay attention to politics are stupid and ignorant [ ] politicians are crooks and liars [ ] my vote does not matter, it is only up to the electoral college [x] my vote and your vote are very important The statement I most agree with is: [x] homosexuality is perfectly normal and should be celebrated and gay marriage should already be legal [ ] homosexuality is not something that I am comfortable with, but their marriage does not affect me so gay marriage should be allowed [ ] homosexuality is a sin in my religion, but in a country that represents equality I think that gay marriage should be legal [ ] homosexuality is completely immoral and should not be encouraged, gay marriage should be illegal [ ] homosexuality is disgusting and it is a disgrace that gay marriage is even an issue The statement that most represents my views is: [ ] abortion is murder and it should be illegal [ ] abortion should not be a method of birth control, but in cases of rape or incest, it should be legal [ ] I would never get an abortion, but I am in no place to choose what someone else should do with their body [x] a woman should have a right to choose and she should not have to have a child if she is not ready for one [x] abortion should be allowed in all cases no matter why the woman wants one The statements that most represent my friendships are: [ ] I have never had a lasting friendship [ ] I have never had a best friend [x] my best friend lives very far away from me [x] I have known my best friend my whole life [ ] I have known my best friend for most of my life [ ] I have known my best friend for a few years [ ] I have only known my best friend for a short time [x] I have more than one best friend [ ] I have lost many many friends [x] my friends seem to leave me out a lot [x] I think that my best friend and I will be friends forever [ ] I have hated someone then they became my friend [ ] I now hate someone that used to be a close friend [x] I like one of my friends more than they like me [x] sometimes my friends ditch me for someone better [x] sometimes I ditch my friends for someone better [ ] my friends fight a lot [ ] my friends are very supportive [x] I do not think I could survive without my friends [ ] I wish that I had different friends [ ] I barely have any friends [ ] my friends and I have nothing in common [ ] my friends and I are so much alike [ ] my friends come to me for advice [ ] i am the level headed one of my friends [ ] i am the spontaneous one of my friends [ ] my friends are dumbasses [ ] my friends have no common sense [ ] my friends are bad influences [ ] i am a bad influence on my friends The statements that most represent my relationship with my significant other are:
[x] I am single [ ] I am married [ ] I am engaged [ ] I am dating someone [ ] I have a different kind of relationship with someone special [ ] I put them first in my life [ ] they put me first [ ] we have a lot of things in common [ ] we are almost opposites [ ] i can talk to them about anything [ ] they get insecure [ ] they get jealous [x] i get insecure [x] i get jealous [ ] i hate their exes [ ] our families do not get along [ ] our families have never met [ ] our families get along [ ] we have had problems in the past but have overcome them [ ] we have some serious problems [ ] we have some little problems, but i am sure we will work them out [ ] we have a kid [ ] they have a kid from a previous relationship [ ] we have an open relationship [ ] we are really cute and loving [ ] we are not really into being cutesy [ ] they have cheated [ ] i have cheated [ ] it is hard for me to trust them [ ] we have a lot of little fights [ ] we have broken up [ ] we live together [ ] we do not have sex [ ] they have given me a promise ring [ ] we have not said “i love you” [ ] I do not think I could live without them [ ] I would survive if our relationship ended [ ] we are taking things slowly [ ] we are very sexual [ ] we have been together for over a year [ ] we have been together for over 5 years [ ] i think we are the perfect couple
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