#I got into the Fandom late but damijon still has my heart
g-on-ef · 7 years
Dusk till Dawn
Fandoms: Super Sons, Batman DC, Superman DC
Parings: Damijon, TimKon, JayRoy, BirdFlash,
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Connor Kent, Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Lois Lane
Summary: Genius playboy Damian Wayne has everything he could ever want and more yet people fail to see how broken this boy truly is. He meets Jon Kent a bright cheerful boy who’ll show Damian there’s more to life than fame and fortune
Link: Dusk till Dawn by GoNEF
Chapter 1: The end of an era
Chapter 1: End of an Era
“Damian Wayne has ended his engagement with Kitty Moth, the singer told G! News that he and model Kitty Moth wanted different things, sources indicated that Damian didn’t want to be tied down, he wanted to party and be wild while he still could while Kitty wanted to have a calm more private life, she says that she was ready to start a family and Damian wasn’t.
Our sources indicate that the main reason Damian [Wayne] kept putting off the wedding is due to the fact that he was afraid of being tied down to one woman and needed freedom after three years of cheating, heart breaks, Damian [Wayne] finally ended the engagement leaving Kitty [Moth] heartbroken and distraught, the model refuses to talk about it and wishes Damian the best,”
“And me being gay having to hide my sexuality as well as this whole mess being a pr stunt to further her career has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I called off that engagement,”
Dick let out a surprised squeak as he turned around to see Damian leaning against the door way, glaring at the TV, Dick looked at the TV before he looked at Damian, he was about to turn off the television so that Damian wouldn’t have to see the media trash talking him about his engagement with Kitty, Damian however, had other plans.
Taking the remote from Dick the younger Wayne turned the volume up as he continued to hear the reported paint him as some bad guy while making Kitty look like an angel.
“Add to the fact that Gotham Fashion Week starts tomorrow and she needs all eyes on her so that she’ll be the main focus also has nothing to do with our ‘break-up’” he continues ignoring whatever Dick was going to say as he watched Kitty do an interview about how heartbroken she felt and how she wanted to apologize to all her ‘friends’ for not listening to them when they warn her about him.
It annoyed him to no end, especially when Kitty kept going on and on about how Damian didn’t treat her right despite her always being faithful, attended to his needs, and was always his shoulder to cry on when it came to his anxiety, the reporter as well as her father called her a caring girlfriend who deserves better.
“More like a fool if you ask me, if she was willing to stay with a man who cheated on her than she is a fool and anyone who believes her or calls her brave is also a fool,”
He turned off the television when the reporter continued going on about how Damian was nothing like his brothers and he should learn from them.
“Damian, you know that your dad only brought the two of you together because-“
“Because she is an upcoming model that needed publicity and her father is a business man who’s company would be a great help to WE and now that both sides got what they wanted it over and done with,”
“Everyone got what they wanted, everyone but me,”
“Damian look, I know that right now things are a little hectic but all this will be over once Gotham Fashion Week is done, then everyone will forget about this break up and you’ll-“
“Have another bimbo waiting for me to entertain so that she can get a head start of her career without actually doing anything,”
Dick stared at Damian in shock.
“Father already has another woman waiting for me, says with the wedding coming up he needs me to be seen with another girl this time it’s another blond bimbo who is nice and sweet and will hopefully help tame ‘the beast’”
“Wait, you mean to tell me that you spending some time with Melissa wasn’t coincidental?”
“Dick looked shocked at the mention of Damian going with another girl, hell he and their dad talked about giving Damian a break so that he could spend some time alone and focusing on his music career, not to mention he really needed a break after the past year of having the media attacking him and Kitty’s fans calling him degrading names as well as enduring racial slurs from those Islamophobic assholes who wouldn’t leave him alone.
Tt, no, if anything Father and Selina want me to be seen with a ‘good girl’ who will hopefully stop me and all my playboy ways,”
“I don’t even know what to say to that,” he answered honestly.
“Yeah, I know, any way if you need me don’t call because I won’t be answering my phone at all,”
“Where are you going?”
“Out where?”
Damian glared at his brother before saying,
“Just out!” he slammed the door and headed to clear his mind and gather his thoughts.
Damian Wayne was the youngest son of billion-dollar business man Bruce Wayne and world-famous model Talia Al Ghul. His three-half brother were Richard, Jason, and Timothy.
Each boy had their own success in the industry. Dick was a famous model, every agency wanted him, every fashion designer wanted him to wear their clothing, all in all Dick ran the modeling world with an iron fist. Jason was a famous athlete; whether the sport was basketball, football, MMA fighting Jason was the best. He was currently focusing on MMA and so far he’s been doing a good job at it. Tim is another business man in the making so it’s no secret that he’s going to take over WE when Bruce retires.
All three of them were also famous actors and all of them were currently working on a film together that Damian was also a part of.
As for Damian, Damian has always had a love for singing but lately he’s been losing his inspiration to write music, well he would’ve lost it completely if it weren’t for.
“Oh hello Mr. Wayne, how are you today?”
Damian stopped dead in his tracks when he saw where he was, guess he was lost in thoughts longer then he thought.
“I’m fine Kara, how are you doing?” he asked with the famous (more like infamous) Wayne smile that can charm anyone.
“Doing great, actually better than great I am magnificent!”
“Why is that?” Damian asked as he was lead to his usual table.
“Well, because my two nephews are spending their summer vacation so I am excited to see them here,”
“Yep, in fact they are right over…there! Jon, Kon come over here and say hi to Damian,”
“We’re coming,” a young voice shouted from the kitchen.
Damian watched as two boys came out of the kitchen, one was a muscular man, he appeared to be the same age as Jason, a strong chiseled jaw line and bright blue eyes with black hair and a nice tan skin. The other one, the other one was the one that caught Damian’s attention.
He looked…he looked… words couldn’t described the angel’s appearances, his skin-Damian couldn’t help but wonder if it were as soft as it looked-was smoothed, unblemished from any markings, scars, or cracks that would destroy the image of perfection that many try to obtain. His eyes, his eyes were a heavenly deep blue, two sapphire gems that rival the clear sky as well as the deep sea, Damian could see that those beautiful eyes caught the beautiful image of deep oceans glittering in the light of the moon. His midnight locks shone like the sea at night, the black strands utterly white where the bright lights fell.
He was an angel, that was all Damian could say about him, he watched as the two boy came closer and closer to him and the only thing going in his head was for him to not say anything stupid.
The two stopped in front of him and the angel smiled at him, Damian felt his heart stopping for a second before a warm feeling began to spread from his heart across his chest while his face began to turn into a light crimson shade as his eyes became a brighter shade of green, the angel extended his hand and spoke in a rich velvet tone,
“Hi, I’m Jon, Jon Kent and you are?”
For the first time in a long while Damian smiled, not his usual Wayne smile or the fake one he uses when it comes to the paparazzi but an honest to God real smile.
He shook Jon’s hand-Jon, what a lovely name for a lovely angel-and spoke his own name,
“Hello Jon, I am Damian it’s a pleasure to meet you,”
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