#I got bored one fine weekend evening (i didnt want to study thermodynamics) so i just studied hypothesis testing from my stats book
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
I love the idea that Chrollo goes through a dram book you have and reads all your dreams- from good ones to weird to bad ones
Bc I had a dream: me and a group of friends was at a food court and they decided to make me order for them bc I’m “mom” and so I go up to this place and I try to order and the cashier-
Cashier: you like the hooba, doopa, bluba, boopa, soopa
Me: 👁️👄👁️ sure??
Cashier: ok the wooper, twoobter, hoober, snoober
Me:…the whooba cares??
Cashier: oh the special with the qoobrr bloop blooper
Me: uh hooba toopa coolpa
Casier: tooba wooba boob beep beep
At this point we were saying whatever this is and slowly we both spun around and some reason I spun so quick I ended up spinning to a different universe where everyone was a care bear character
And then watch Chrollo try to desepct and analyze these dreams
- moonie
Dreams are weird. Once I had a dream where I was being hunted by demidogs in my neighbourhood and when I was finally eaten alive, I raised my head up in class to my math teacher scolding me for already knowing a topic. It's safe to say I woke up in cold sweat
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