#I got a new drawing tablet a few days ago and im like ??? how dis work
intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Hello!! I finally made a little doodle referring to this post!
٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ
-Boom Boom Bakudan Anon!!
OMG That's so cute!! Why are all the anons so talented?! :OO Creator and Klee are literally living their best lives while the hillicurls are dying XDD
The drawing Boom Boom Bakudan Anon made:
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Once upon a time
Title: Once upon a time
Prompt: Everything seems to be going perfecrly so why do you feel the need to self harm after being 'clean' for so long? A reader insert where the reader is struggling with self harm again and Morgan helps.
Author: remindmetohaveherdrugtested
Tags: #reader insert #Derek Morgan #Comfort
Trigger warnings: #self harm #blood mention #murder/kidnap #mild swearing
Sat in the back of the SUV, you rest your head against the cool glass of the window and stare into the small gap between Derek's headrest and the cars' frame. Your eyes focused on the steering wheel, held steadily in place by his hands, before flicking back to the oncoming traffic.
Your mind wasn't really there. It was flicking between a million and one thoughts that were barely forming before the next one took over. You should be happy. You had exactly what you wanted from life; a happy little family, a job that you loved, a beautiful house and friends that you could count on. So why were you feeling so numb? Once upon a time that was all you dreamed about.
"Are we almost there?" A sleepy voice from the front broke you from your thoughts and you moved your head.
"About 10 minutes" Dereks steady voice answered, not taking his eyes off the road. "I wouldn't go back to sleep if I were you".
You watched him glance quickly at Spence beside him who looked like he was about to fall back asleep at any moment. It was 2am and the case was quite urgent according to Hotch and Garcia. Derek had swung by to pick you and Reid up as neither of you drove and the rest of the team wouldnt be long.
It wasnt long until the SUV was pulled up beside the rest of the team who were just starting to grab their go bags from another SUV to board the jet. Quickly stretching, you hopped out of the car and went to the boot to pull out your black bag and sling it across your shoulders. "We good to go? I need to get some serious sleep before we land" You asked, forcing a tiny smile at the rest of them. You barely waited for Hotch to nod before you were walking up the steps to the door and entering the cabin.
Immediately you slung your bag into the overhead bin and then settled yourself onto the sofa out of the way, watching as the rest of the team joined you. Each member put their bags away before settling down in a chair. It wasnt long until the jet was airborne but you knew you wouldnt land for a couple of hours and it would be a half an hour drive to the hotel.
"I'll let you all get some sleep shortly. We're headed to Texas" You knew that already from the call that Garcia had made earlier. "We think we have a cold case re-emerging. 10 years ago 2 brown haired, blue eyed and low risk women went missing. 5 years later their bodies were found having only died recently. 5 days later 2 more victims went missing and their bodies have just shown up. If the unsub sticks to their schedule the next two victims will go missing in 5 days and we will loose the trail again. The victims both looked to be kept in relatively good condition, cause of death was a single stab wound through the heart. Crime scence photos are on your tablets to have a look at and then you should try to get some rest" Hotch finished.
It was 7pm and Hotch had sent everyone back to the hotel for the night. You stood in the onsuite bathroom and stripped quickly to shower. As you got out you caught a glimpse of your arms in the mirror. Thin silvery lines marred them and although the last time you had cut yourself deliberately was years ago the lines had not fully faded yet. Your fingers traced them slowly. You weren't proud of it and no one else on the team knew about that part of your life. The familiar urge took hold of your chest. It was a deep and sinking feeling. Like you couldnt breathe. You knew that harming yourself would get rid of the feeling. It would allow you to feel anything other than the numbness that had taken over recently. Usually you were able to push away the urges, breathe through them and distract yourself but today was just different. You were tired of pushing them away and you just wanted it to go away.
Almost in a trance your fingers had found a razor and was removing the blades from it. It was like you were watching someone else draw on your skin. Watching blood trickling down your arms, as if it were rain on the windows. The pain was fresh. It felt good to be able to feel anything other than that pressing feeling on your chest and numbness.
The second the razor touched the side new feelings rushed through you. Guilt. Panic. Anger. How could you give in after so many years of being clean? How would you hide this? Why did you even feel this way when every part of your life was, by definition, perfect.
"Shit. Shit. Shit"
You spun around and shoved your arm into the shower, wincing as the running water touched the fresh wounds and watching as it took away the blood.
Pulling the towel back around you quickly, you walked quickly back into the room and rumaged in your bag to pull out some bandages you kept in there for minor injuries in the field. As you pulled the bandages out there was a loud thud as your bag fell to the floor onto your foot and you swore loudly but didn't pick it up.
With experienced hands you started bandaging your arm up. You'd banaged injuries up all the time in the field but this being from yourself made you feel a wave of guilt again.
The silence in the room was broken by a few raps on the door.
"Uh yeah?" You called trying to quickly pin the bandage in place.
"You alright? I heard some thuds and swearing" Dereks deep voice came through the door.
"Oh, uh ,yeah. Just dropped my go bag on my foot" You tried to laugh it off but something in your voice must've given you away because a moment later the door cracked open.
"Are you sure Y/N?" Dereks voice was clearer with the door cracked.
"Yeah yeah, it'll just a little bruise" You said, rushing to pull the towel around yourself so that he didnt see everything. You closed your eyes and sighed as you realised you had answered too quickly and your voice had cracked.
The door opened slowly before softly shutting. "Whats wrong? You've seemed a bit off all day. Did something else happen?" He paused, his eyes glancing over you and resting on your bandaged arm which was trying to help keep your towel in place. "Y/N?" His voice trailed off and he walked quickly over to you "What happened?"
"I happened" You muttered, turning away and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"You happened? What did you do?" Derek half laughed, clearly expecting you to have fallen or walked into something. His eyes narrowed as you didn't reply. "Y/N?"
You felt the slow burning prickle behind your eyes and felt a tear roll down your cheek. "Nothing" You snapped and turned. "I-uh-Sorry, Im just tired and was a bit clumsy"
You felt a soft hand touch your shoulder. "Doesn't seem like nothing. Why don't you get dressed and we'll talk about it?"
Your hand clenched around the towel as you became painfully aware that you were still naked with nothing but a towel around you. You nodded but said nothing as you got up and grabbed the pyjamas that were at the foot of the bed and walked quickly into the bathroom. Your eyes caught site of the bloody blade lying in the sink and you fought a wave of sickness that arose from it. Quickly pulling on your pyjamas, you turned the tap on to wash the blood away and the dropped the blade out of sight. You didn't need more temptation.
Re-emerging from the bathroom you saw Derek had moved your bag onto the chair and had perched himself on the end of the bed. You walked around him and on the side of the bed.
"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Derek slowly turned around to look at you although you determinedly avoided his gaze.
"Lapse of judgement" You muttered. It wasnt a lie but it wasn't the most straightforward answer. It didn't deter Derek.
"You can talk to me you know. I won't tell anyone and I might be able to help."
You laughed. It was cold and seemed hollow even to you. "If I knew do you think Id be in this mess."
The bed moved and you looked up as Derek sat beside you and slowly wrapped his arms around you. It seemed to break some dam inside you that you had been holding back since he had knocked on your door and tears began to stream down your face.
"I didn't mean to" You whispered. "I haven't in so many years. I was doing well but I just lost my focus. It wont happen again. Please don't tell the others"
Derek pulled you in closer and you turned to press your face into his chest. His heartbeat was comforting. "If you don't want me to tell anyone then I won't" He said simply.
"Im just so numb and it just happened and I just wanted to feel something again. I don't know why because everything is perfect so I dont have a reason to feel like this and why should I have any reason to do that" You rambled coming to a halt with a look of disgust on your face.
"These things happen. It can happen to anyone" Derek soothed. "This line of work is tough, even on the strongest of us. And these feelings can hit anyone. Even those who think everything they have is perfect. Theyre normal"
More sobs racked you body, getting stronger and stronger. It was like you lost all control. "Please" you sobbed. "I just want to feel something. Help me feel something"
Derek pulled you up the bed and pulled you into his chest. "You had a slip. Everyone has relapses. It doesnt mean anything. You'll get through this. I'll be there for you. Always"
You had no more words to say, what else was there to say? Instead you buried your face in his chest and continued to sob until you felt tiredness overcome you and let it take you off into nothingness.
When you woke up, Derek was gone. At the bottom of the bed you saw a pile of fresh bandages, a small tube of antiseptic cream and a note. Picking up the note, you quickly read through it.
"Baby girl,
Once upon a time is the start of a story. You have to keep fighting to see the end."
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
8x22: Clip Show
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Cas almost gets hit on by Dean 
Lost Creek, Colorado
A couple are at a cabin in the woods, and the woman is so happy that her boyfriend finally joined her. He acts like it’s no big deal but we flash back to a memory —specifically of Supernatural season 1, episode 2: Wendigo. He’s Tommy and has some serious PTSD from the terror he experienced that night in the woods.
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He thinks he hears a growl and pulls his girlfriend away from the window. He knows that a Wendigo is outside and pulls out a flare to take the unseen monster out. He crumples to the floor and then just explodes right in front of his girlfriend. Eeerp.
At the bunker, the brothers continue to find records that the Men of Letters have kept over the years. Sam’s not doing so well due to all the Trials. He’ll feel better once they finish them.
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Cas shows up in the war room, and it appears that Dean and Cas didn’t follow the golden rule of not going to bed angry. Dean doesn’t even acknowledge the angel. Cas is still convalescing. He sits down to talk with Sam a bit about the trials. Dean comes back with food for Sam—well, jerky, beer, and peanut butter cups. 
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Cas offers to go with Dean for more food, but still gets the cold shoulder. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For everything.” Classic DeanCas, lol. (Brb, off to throw myself off a cliff.) Oh wait there’s more, Dean calls out Cas with the whole bolting with the angel tablet and adds, “You didn’t trust me?” 
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Cas is contrite but Dean is not accepting his apology. Sam stays out of it all for a bit but interrupts eventually to pull Dean aside to make it clear that Cas is one of the good guys. What’s that saying? Dean’s harder on Cas because he loves him the most? Well, meh, I do like their later seasons of grumpy banter more than the divisiveness of right now.
In any event, the brothers head to a storage room. 
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Sam wants to find a case that their records mentioned. He finds the box, and Dean finds a dungeon! Sam’s box contained a movie film.
They set up the movie (They even made popcorn, guys!)
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It’s an old black and white film of the Men of Letters. Josie, the woman that Abaddon possessed, is filming the experiment. They have a demon captured in the very dungeon the Winchesters just discovered. They throw holy water on the demon, recite an incantation at it, and then one priest cuts his hand and presses it on the demon. It flares out, apparently gone. The film stops. It was weird (!!!) One of the priests is still alive and Sam thinks it’s a good idea to get the lowdown on what they just watched on the film. Cas wants to go too but Dean won’t hear of it. (Brb, flinging myself off another cliff. DO NOT LIKE.)
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Cut to the brothers meeting with the priest. He tells them that the other priest believed that demons could be saved. He thought that they could cure the demon and they could be a normal human soul again. There were other experiments after that one attempt, and then the priest ended up dead a couple months later. Something had torn him apart. Sam tries asking about records but goes into a coughing fit, complete with blood. He heads to the bathroom while Dean continues to talk with the priest. The priest agrees to give them the other priest’s papers.
Meanwhile, Cas is on a mission to make up with Dean. He’s at a Gas ’n Sip and pulling all the essentials to make Dean like him again.
Ways to woo Dean Winchester:
Beef Jerky
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AND Smiting the sap who can’t provide the pie
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Cas almost smites the poor attendant. Metatron interrupts. They need to talk.
He wants to talk about Heaven. It’s apparently a mess up there without the archangels. Naomi isn’t in charge as much as she’s led Cas believe. Cas blames himself for everything that’s happened in heaven. (URGH, no! —I mean, yeah, but NO). Metatron thinks they can buddy up and save the day! They can sort everything out. First, they need to shut down Heaven. Then he mentioned crepes and flies away.
At the bunker, Sam can’t find Cas. Dean doesn’t care (URGH, no!) They decide to watch the last audio recording before the priest died.
Once again, there’s a demon in chains. This time, the priest injects the demon with purified blood. He continues to do this 8 times. And the demon seems to be cured. 
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They decide to try the experiment out on their own decapitated Abaddon.
Meanwhile, Cas flaps over to Metatron’s brunch location, a cute restaurant with an outdoor patio overlooking the water. It’s a perfect place to relax!
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Iconic dialogue alert: 
Waitress: Cool coat.
Cas: No, it's actually quite warm.
Waitress: Cute and funny. Okay…
Metatron: I should have picked a better looking vessel.
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You’re not here to accidentally flirt with the waitstaff, Castiel! Cas asks for clarification on Metatron’s quest to close the gates of Heaven. Metatron waves it away as just another godly safety switch - you’ve got one for leviathans, demons, and Heaven, of course. Metatron tells Cas that it’s time for a heavenly lock-in to work out all their feelings. And he needs Cas, the warrior, to do it. Cas owns to feeling responsibility for the current state of Heaven but recoils when he hears the first trial. He’ll need to cut out the heart of the cute waitress, the sole nephilim on earth. (Pronounced in this episode as neph-IL-im.) “What’s more important?” Metatron asks. “Her life? Or your family?”
With season 9 under my belt, I watch Dean and Sam sewing Abaddon’s head on with particular horror. Like, you took on the Mark of Cain to defeat her, Dean Bean. Which led to a whole bucket of depression and sad men. Nobody likes buckets of sad men. (JK obviously I love it or what am I even doing here?) What a spectacularly bad idea! Still, it wouldn’t be my beloved show if characters were making smart choices. Abaddon wakes up, cracks her stitched neck, and greets them with “Morning, sunshines.” 
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“I can’t wait to tear out those pretty green eyes,” she says, lovingly. The Winchesters smirk, drawing her attention to her handless state. (They chopped off her hands - or maybe just left them detached.)  “I’ll stump you to death,” she says and...that’s the spirit, Abaddon! She knows about the priest and his work curing demons. In fact, she was a special dispatch straight from Hell to make an example of him. The priest led her to Josie and possessing Josie helped her dismantle the entire Men of Letters network. Yeesh. 
The phone rings. It’s Crowley! Abaddon is appalled to learn that Crowley is the King of Hell. Dean and Sam leave the room to talk to Crowley and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BOYS they leave Abaddon alone. 
Outside, the Winchesters chat with Crowley. He directs them to some news stories, “sexts” them an address, and bids them farewell. They discover that Crowley’s been putting out hits on people the Winchesters have saved. 
While Crowley’s giving them the news, Abaddon makes like Thing from the Addams family and puppets her hands out of the loosely closed box on the table.
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Her hand crawls into her mouth and pries out the demon trap bullet. It’s freedom time, mofos. 
The Winchesters return to find Abaddon gone. You FOOLS! Sam keeps his eyes on the prize, though. Crowley’s latest address is from their “witches and baked goods” case and is clearly a trap. Time to make a play to catch themselves a different demon. 
Prosperity, Indiana
The power’s out in the target’s apartment (and so are the cupcakes! yum!) Unfortunately, Jennie’s body is also out - sticking out of the oven, that is. “You were a great gal, Jennie Klein,” Dean says and...okay? Great mourning, everyone. 
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Crowley calls them up again. He’s killing off everyone they’ve saved (and using the books as a reference guide) until they deliver the demon tablet to him. 
Metatron and Castiel stalk the waitress outside her place of work, Metatron goading Cas to make a choice. Urg. It’s just the bad decisions gang all around. She whirls around to confront them and saves them the trouble of introductions. “I could see your halos.” (I start to hum Beyoncé to avoid thinking about this next part.) Metatron calls her an abomination and she begs to be allowed to just live her life. (She apparently works twelve hours shifts as a waitress, for heaven’s sake. It’s not like she’s exploiting her power.) Cas looks disturbed, apologizing even as he advances on her. She throws him across the grounds like he’s nothing and then advances on Metatron. Castiel kills her from behind. Oof. 
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The Winchesters race to the next location, only to discover Sarah - the art dealer Sam flirted heavily with several seasons ago. She’s staying in a seriously adorable hotel room, with actual art on display. Dean greets her like he’s just dropped by for a casual visit. OMG Dean. Sam briefs her on the plan. Devil’s traps at all the exits, shotguns, and an exorcism ready to play on loop. We learn that Sarah’s married with a kid. (Sam gets a peek at what-could-have-been.) Sarah tells him that he’s changed - he’s more confident and grown up. She misses the old haircut. Awww… 
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Crowley calls and starts counting down and when he reaches zero, Sarah starts to choke. She collapses. “You son of a bitch!” Dean shouts. “Son of a witch,” Crowley clarifies - his mother taught him a few useful spells. The Winchesters start tearing apart the room to try and find a hex bag. Crowley continues his villain monologue: he’s keeping all things hell-related far away from the Winchesters - no more demons getting close enough for them to kill. 
“I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused – the ONE thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes!”
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I mean, when Crowley’s right, he’s right. 
Sarah dies. Ugh. UGH. Crowley gives an ultimatum: they stop their quest to close Hell or people keep dying. In rage, Dean hurls the phone across the room. When it breaks, they finally find the hex bag. (Me: But okay she only stopped breathing a minute ago? Start CCR and call 911!)
Back at the bunker, Sam is Not Okay™ and does not respond well to Dean’s attempts to cheer him up. Sam, who continues to look awful and exhausted, suggests giving in to Crowley. “We’ll kick it in the ass like we always do,” Dean insists. Rousing speech, babe. 
We fade to black, with everyone we love on dark paths of one kind or another.
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I NEED Quotes:
Well, that was weird with three exclamation points.
I NEED pie.
I can't wait to tear out those pretty green eyes.
First things first – what are you wearing?
You’d better find him toot-bloody-sweet. 
I know this is insane, but insane is kind of what we do.
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Eternal Purgatory: Chp 7 Mind, Body and Soul
 Eternal Purgatory: Chp 7 Mind, Body and Soul
Paul awakens around 4pm after stoning with reefer the entire night and notices chris looking at psychology books from the library in the living room.
“what are you doing?  you don’t take psych.”
“last night I went somewhere that I don’t understand in the slightest.” Paul raises his eyebrow asking Chris to explain what exactly happened to him. As chris explains paul just looks at him as if hes making it up and proclaims even he doesn’t know much of robbys mind, asking how he could enter his subconscious.
Chris looks at him confused and retorts that he thinks robby may of just done it on his own and might be expressing his power to them, as he as found in a emotional state. Paul strokes his chin wondering if he might be capable of helping out with it. As the two converse, robby wakes up and sees chris and effectively looks the other way.
“morning paul, morning chris, how’d you sleep?” Paul looks at robby confused.
“fine thanks” Chris begins getting a little worried.
“find anything in your dreams big guy?”
Robby shrugs and says he found nothing strange as he slept and goes to get coffee. Brendan walks in wearing a Pikachu onesie and looks at paul and chris. Paul chuckles at seeing a chubby man dressed as a pokemon while chris thinks he looks adorable. Reefer pops up telling chris that the dean needs to speak to him immediately.
“oh good, another meeting with the holy man of assholes.” Reefer laughs as he looks at the tablet
“it truly hurts my heart to have you go through so much shit.” Chris rolls his eyes and walks to campus to the office only to see Alicia sitting at the waiting area holding papers.
“oh hey weren’t you at the party a month ago.” Alicia shrugs and looks at him.
“why yes I was why do you ask?” Chris replies
“because you seemed familiar and were talking to Brendan the whole time.” Alicia looks at chris and sees the connection linked between the two of them.
“yes hes my brother, im transferring from another school, and need to get registered for the winter so better now than later.” Chris looks at her confused.
“he never mentioned a sister, or family for that matter, we’ve been together 2 months” Alicia puts her arm on chris’s shoulder and looks him dead in the eyes
“theres a lot you don’t know about him, but until that day the truth comes out, that line with continue to shrink.” Chris looks annoyed and confused and wonders what she meant until Arthur calls him in. as chris walks in he locks the door and asks chris what he saw in robbys head. Refusing to disclose any personal matters, Arthur pulls out robbys file and explains that he is a rare case, an egnigma to purgatory as files are compiled based on memory but robbys is almost blank, aside from age, location, date of birth and name. chris looks and notices no details of his death and realizes that robby is effectively being repressed, perhaps by his own death or his past. Arthur notes that there was a concern over chris as well pulling out a roster of students and his name being crossed out.
“something has happened to you not in this world but the former earth you came from, it appears your not dead, but very much alive. I know nothing of the notion and I recommend seeing what is going on by going to the human world.” Chris looks at Arthur and wonders what the hell he means by traveling to the human world as if it was possible to do so. Back at the house robby looks at a empty journal and brushes off the dust. Taking out a pen he draws two entries, one finding a rat, and the other of the dark void that almost enveloped Chris. As helen notices robby and their eyes meet, he slams the book shut and walks out telling her not to touch the journal.
“that is a private matter that only I will accompany to, please respect it.” Helen looks at the journal on the floor and notices that it’s a leather bound drawing book that has his named carved inside of it.
“what the fuck is going on with this place.” as chris walks back to campus he notices that he will need to get to the human world and check on his body. as he contemplates how to do so he calls paul. Paul tells him that there are two ways to enter the human world but one takes a adnormally long time the other is in and out. he mentions he can wait for the eclipse in May, or he could be taken there through a portal.
“itll cost ya 500 for a round trip, so will you ride express, or wait a month for a opportunity to appear for a few minutes.” Chris forks over the money and tells paul to bring him now. Paul takes chris to the house were they enter the tv and go through a strange dimension crossing over worlds. As they arrive they enter through a hospital monitor and looks around.
“good thing no one can see us, Paul go into that computer and find my room.”
Paul checks the computer and sees Chris is in ICU, room 23 and takes him over. As the two look in the room, chris sees his mother, father, and younger brother s sitting in chairs watching comedy central.
“well im pulling the cover down and seeing whats up.” As chris pulls down the covers, he sees that his body is covered in frostbite and hes missing his right leg. Appalled he looks at his charts saying that he was in the freezer overnight but barely alive. His father had requested he be kept on life support and taken to icu to be evaluated until he awakens. Chris takes a deep breath and merely wishes to see his father get beaten down.
“Of all the horrible and atrocious things this man did to me, he cant even let me die in peace without making me suffer. I cant go back to the world like this, itll be agony until I die for real.” Paul pats him on the back and says he has the solution.
“I can cause a malfunction in the machine that’ll take you out, no pain, no nothing, just your body dies and you come back.”
Chris looks at paul
“sure, but I want to do something real quick with my body.” Back at the house, robby is smoking with reefer and asking for advice on what occurred in his dream.
“chris was there, and he was opening doors in my head, what does that even mean.” Reefer looks at him as if he has two heads and just lets out a puff of smoke retorting.
“I don’t know man, it appears that maybe he seeped into your brain, unlocking lost memories of forgotten times and wishing to finally awaken what you lost when you got here, or your secretly gay for him.” Robby glares at him as helen wonders where chris and paul ran off too.
“oh right, I was supposed to let you know, chris and paul headed to the human world to kill chris’s mortal body on life support.” Helen with her jaw dropped
Reefer takes another hit plainly stating.
“You heard me.” robby and helen look at one another and wonder if chris will return to the human world or if paul really would kill chris. Brendan walks in wondering when chris will get back, considering they had dinner plans at  new Italian restaurant, with robby telling him the situation, Brendan walks out and punches a wall.
“what the fuck Arthur, you could of killed chris in the human world you all powerful holy shit!!!” helen grows curious if its romantic Brendan wants chris back in purgatory, or disturbed he wants him to die. Robby shrugs and says to let it run its course as its nothing more than simple solution to a complex situation.
Back in the human world, paul enters the life support machine and awaits for chris to tell him when hes ready. Chris then enters his body and slowly opens his eyes, looking at his family. He tells his mother, hes sorry he didn’t spend more time with her, telling his little brother to not end up the way their father did, and finally asking their father to come closer so he may talk to him. As his father approaches, chris grabs him by the collar and pulls him close screaming in his ear.
As chris finishes, paul turns off the machine, killing chris’s mortal body and the two looking as his family crys over him.
“a shame your leaving your family like this, but living would have been terrible.” Chris replies stating that hes happier where he is.
“it doesn’t matter to me, I feel remorse for my mother and brother, my fater however, deserves to hear those as my last words.” Paul looks at Chris thinking of how vindictive he is and looks on as his father slumps over shocked and appalled.
“im impressed, didn’t think youd do that but its hilarious to see that man in pieces.” Chris smiles saying hes happy its done as the two enter the monitor and return to the human world. Chris is welcomed by Brendan with a hug and a kiss with robby curious of what it was like to get a second chance. Chris tells him there isn’t anything hed give for a second chance at life as purgatory already gave that to him. Paul tosses chris a bass guitar and tells him now that the sentimental shits gone, its time to start playing.
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