#I googled it for a fic when I was trying to see what grades they'd be in in relation to each other
sundiced · 6 months
Quick question: does anyone know what the age differences are between the Bats? I've tried googling it but.
Fact 1: Bruce became batman at 25.
Fact 2: Dick became Robin in about Bruce's 3rd or 4th year of being Batman
Fact 3: Dick was either 9 or 12
So Bruce 28 and Dick 12 (or 9?). Apparently they met Barbara during the middle of Dick's time as Robin, and Barbara was 16 at the time. We know he leaves at 18ish so 18-9 is 9 and 18-12 is 6, so half that time is 3 to 4 years. I'll just say 4 for now. That leaves us with:
When Barbara Gordon became Batgirl: Bruce 32 Dick 12/15 Barbara 16
Dick leaving and Jason meeting Bruce is around the same time, I think, which is when Dick is 18. Or 19. whatever close enough. That's where this gets tricky because if we're basing the timeline's movement off of Dick's age then it's either been 6 or 3 years after the last point. I'm going to go with 3 because the comics are always trying to make their characters stay younger.
Fact: Dick was 18ish when he left.
Fact: Jason was 12 when he met Bruce. So:
When Dick became Nightwing and Jason met Bruce: Bruce 35 Dick 18 Barbara 19 Jason 12
This is now where it gets complicated, because Barbara Gordon was shot at the age of 19, AND Jason died at around the same point in time, at which point this would be less than a year after he met Bruce, so he'd be like 12 or 13. But on another note multiple sources said that Jason Todd died when he was 15. And on a third note multiple other sources said Jason trained to be Robin for six months and was only Robin for a year, which means by calculation that he should've been 13 and a half when he died. So there are three possibilities here.
Jason Todd dies, Barbara is shot and paralyzed by the Joker:
Bruce 36 (if following Barbara's age) or 39 (if following the fact that Jason going from 12 to 15 took 3 years)
Dick 19 or 21
Barbara 20 or 22 (But she's supposed to be 19 when shot)
Jason 13 (if following that he was Robin for a year) or 15 (since he's supposed to be 15 when he died)
Now. Fact 1: Bruce meets Tim about a year after Jason's death
Fact 2: Tim is 13 when he meets Bruce
So Bruce meets Tim:
Bruce 37 or 40 Dick 20 or 22 Barbara 21 or 23 Jason (if he'd lived) 14 or 16 Tim 13.
Then we have Jason's resurrection. This happened either 1 year or six months after he died. So he would be mentally 13 or 15--same as when he died. (And physically. Corpses don't age, presumably). That means I have no idea what the age differences are. Literally everyone in the fanbase seems to set him as like at least 3 years older than Tim, but by calculation they should be around the same age if he was Robin for only a year.
Some other people said that he was resurrected 5 years after he died (might've been in the movie?). But in that scenario, Jason's resurrection would bring him back at 13/15 when Tim has been Robin for 4 years, which means Tim would be older than Jason, which is just wildly incorrect, I've elected to ignore it.
I drew the world's ugliest timeline for reference:
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bookishjules · 19 days
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
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🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
hmm 🤴🏻🔃⛺🤫💕
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
lena @ann-perkins4 . does she count as a mutual? idk she'd definitely be the first and possibly only call. second .. might actually be nero @potato-jem bc ik they can keep a secret and keep a cool enough head in the situation. also idk.. i feel like they'd have some good instincts. also australia is very far from the us, which has benefits. okay actually i'm adding marissa @dontdoitfrancis bc she can get to me in an hour and also idk her favorite book literally starts with covering up a death so... i'm trusting my scorpio bestie here.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
have i talked before about the trauma nurse that came to our school in 6th grade (age 11) and the assembly we had where she showed us videos of what could happen if you don't wear your helmet, or if even one person is unbuckled in a car? yeah turns out everyone dies. needless to say the bus ride home was torture. i cried the whole time and then immediately put a helmet on when i got home and refused to take it off the rest of the night. and still to this day i refuse to put my car out of park unless everyone in it is firmly buckled in. and every time an uber driver tries to be efficient and starts driving away before i've even found the seatbelt, my anxiety starts spiking so high. forever thankful that my mom did not make me go to school when the same assembly came around the next year.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
i made a friend at my new job. i'm going to oregon and seeing my whole family next weekend. bc of my new job i have a free gym membership and i'm finally starting to try and get back in shape <3
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
genuinely i would not remember. i am constantly googling anyway, so nothing really feels weird to me to look up, and i kinda tend to avoid writing anything that would require heavy research tbh 🙈
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
just one? look at all those chickens!! (used to refer to literally anything)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
okay i could tag so many people but i really want to shout out @thephonyqueenofengland who i think has read and commented on more of my fics than probably anyone outside of my close mutuals. every time i see a notif from them i smile, and their sweet comments during my 12 days of christmas thing were so encouraging and really made the whole thing feel like it was worth it. <33 (i've been wanting to say something to you awhile. to thank you. but i didn't know how, so here is an official thank you for being you <3)
writing truth & dare ask game >:)
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Hi, is there any advice you could give to beginner writers? Your works really inspired me as a writer for whom English isn't a first language and i wanted to say thank you so much for that, even if it wasn't intentional. I wanted to try writing something a bit more serious than short fanfiction and i figured you'd be the best person to ask about that. Sorry if it's a bit too weird ^^"
Anon, I'm truly and deeply flattered, and thank you so, so much for letting me know this. This isn't weird at all, and don't apologize for asking!
As for your question, uh...
So, the thing is, I've never, ever taken any sort of formal training for writing or English. I did okay in school, but as far as writing goes, I'm entirely self-taught.
The most basic piece of advice I can give is: For the love of god, use your enter key to break up paragraphs and make sure everything is roughly grammatically correct. That's the single biggest thing to keep in mind.
Aside from that, here are the only real pieces of advice I have:
Write for yourself.
And write the specific content you want to read.
I know that's easy to say, but the thing is, it's incredibly easy for fic you think is killer to get ignored, and at the end of the day you need to be your own target audience. If you ONLY write for numbers or comments or reaction, you're going to go insane and want to quit. Now that's not saying that feedback isn't important- it's critical, and it's a huge help. But having a story you really, REALLY want to see to completion is such a powerful motivator, at least for me. It's the only way you'll have enough steam to keep going for longer works. So, when I walked into the Hermitcraft fandom, I looked around, saw that nobody else was giving Keralis the nightmare monster treatment he deserved, and dove in with both feet.
Another thing:
Full send. Every time. Write something and full send it, slap that shit on Ao3. Obviously edit and spellcheck, but don't get bogged down in "is this good enough". No, it's not perfect. Because nothing created by human hands is EVER perfect. If you agonize over every line you'll hate yourself. So when you have something roughed out, give it a day to rest, give it a polish, and then drop it like a lead potato. It's fanfiction. We're not getting paid. It's for fun!
So who cares if the fic is short? Who cares if the fic is weird? Who cares if it's something odd or strange or whatever? Don't give yourself minimums and requirements and regulations. Let the words do what they will.
Both of these things tie into my biggest single tip, which is:
The thing is, fanfic is a fantastic way to sharpen your skills. There's an old anecdote about two classes of university students in a pottery class, and how one class was graded on number of pots produced and one was graded on a single pot at the end of the semester. The class that cranked out pots like there was no tomorrow had better clay pots at the end of the day, because they'd put in the time to actually practice pottery instead of stressing over theory!
So just...start. Just open a word document (or a google doc if you're not a piratey pirate like me) and just put some words down. The more you write, the easier it gets.
If you don't have an idea for a story, look for some prompts- or just start asking questions. This is sort of how I come up with plots:
Grab a hermit. Grab your favourite hermit. Your protagonist doesn't have to be a nice person, or a good person, or even a hero at all, but if they're a blorbo it really helps.
Let's say it's Zedaph. Now let's put that fucker in a situation. Think of something you're interested in! For me, I have an extreme obsession with aircraft and aircraft disasters and the wilderness. So, okay, let's do a pilot AU. Now I get to dress Zed up in a pilot costume! (Keralis can be his co-pilot!) It's fanfic- you're allowed to spoil yourself! And then, from there, we make decisions about our story- does Zedaph crash his plane? How do they find rescue?
Plotting a story, at least to me, is about putting these bitches in a situation and then asking questions about how things will turn out based on how these characters act.
So, in general, just... go for it. Your first stories WILL suck. Christ knows mine did. You don't have to post them! But you can. And you might be surprised- because as you grow as a writer and a creator, people will look at everything you've made with very different eyes than you have. Even the old stuff you come to cringe at is often loved by someone, somewhere. (This is why you should orphan old works instead of deleting them, trust me!)
But when you go for it, there's another thing you should keep in mind:
Take breaks. Rest. Take time off. It's not a job and it shouldn't feel like it! Go for a walk. Take a month off. Look at the daisies. Spend time with your family. Real-world experience is valuable to a writer, helping you understand sensations and situations. Reading other people's works is invaluable too, helping you get to grips with stories and plots and all the machinery of narrative. So take time to exist, and take time to consume, and take time to rest.
Take time to be.
To sum up, writing is a game of mental leapfrog where you shuffle puzzle pieces around in your head until they click into some kind of shape. The perfect is the enemy of the good and secret rules will make you insane. The actual act of putting words down is something that absolutely gets better with practice. And you're not a machine, so don't treat yourself like one.
And anyone can write.
I'm not some authority on writing. To be frank, I'm kind of clueless. I don't know the technical terms for things, I'm not an English teacher, and I'm not a professional. This is just my general, overly long thoughts on the matter.
I hope this was even slightly helpful. Go for it, dude. I believe in you!
Oh, and one more thing...
Listen to some Pendulum while you write. <3
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chateautae · 3 years
I just finished reading the last chapter of MID. 🥺
IF sammy decides to answer/post this, IF FOUND ON DASH BOARD PLEASE SKIP. Unless you already read it too.
First of all, I want to thank your parents for giving you life. Second, the angels for blessing you with HIGH CLASS GRADE A+++ talent in writing and lastly (I think) thank you for sharing MID with us, Sammy. 🥺❤️
I'm a new (?) reader here on tumblr, I just started this year. Begining with twitter aus, Ao3s, wattpads, most of them were fics recommend by my sister. I seriously searched on google, what sites offer fan fics. HAHAHA luckly, tumblr was one of them.
Maybe I do, was the first thing that popped when I searched for a Kim Taehyung fan fic.
Reading the first chapters I was swoon away on how you were delivering the story, their story. The words you use are exquisite!! Like you can deliver it in a more simple way, but you put so much detail and effort on each sentence, and it makes all of your books not just MID, entertaining and fun to read. It really does make me feel I'm Y/N.
You created this world for us your readers. You relieve tour stress writing, meanwhile your writings are out stress relievers. 🥺❤️
Its bittersweet that MID ended. But I'm still genuinely happy that it did. It only means you'll be creating more and growing more as writer. I promise, I'll read anything you'll put out!! 😁✋
You made me actually believe Tae is this BDSM Dom who's a total softie towards his person. You made me believe that its okay to break the status quo like how Y/N did.
You made me believe that being in love really does change one person. That's what the Kim's did.
The finale was written beautifully. Made me kick my blanket with all the fluffiness 🥺❤️ How Taehyung stood up for Y/N, how he expressed his love for her, how he showed all of them that he chose Y/N over his family, cause she was his. 🥺
The angst you inserted, when Y/N had a false positive result. How she pushed Tae away. How she thought Tae would hate her and keeping it all to herself, cause she didn't want to add to Taehyung's stress and because they promised to travel the world before starting a family. How Taehyung took the news being pregnant when they were in New Zealand. I was like will my boyfriend be this soft if this ever happens to us?!?
I loved how you inserted the slice of life struggle on conceiving for couples. I mean, come on, these two are sex machines HAHAHA Seeing them get frustrated and sad everytime they got a negative. It was also funny when each month the impreg kink was getting harder and harder. Can't wait for drabbles you'll be writing jesus!!
When they finally had the answered prayer from the angels 🥲 I-I was screaming and happy crying for them (these two are just fictional characters but they do stuff to me okay!! That's how good of a writer you are!!!)
With the teaser you left from the previous chapter, I kinda got the clue Tae was going to re-prose. BUT I did not expect them to try for a baby!!
Plus, how you added glimpse for the up coming Jungkook and Jimin high-class fic, i see what you did there, Sammy. I seriously can't wait for them!!! How I'll be seeing the Kim's in their stories and how they'd impact the other characters too. Especially on Jungkook's marriage hahaha
The vows, god the vows. I cried girly! Wishing to find a love like theirs. 🥺❤️ I envisioned their wedding compared to their first and how you ended it with Y/N's favorite flowers. ❤️🥺
I still have to read the epilogue until I say see you again to Maybe I do.
You are amazing, Sammy!! Thank you for Maybe I do. Thank you in advance to your other works!!!
Awh loves this review is so so sweet and detailed, tysm for reading mid, joining me on this crazy journey and loving mid the way you do. It makes me so happy to hear your loved my approach towards this chapter and even more so how the story's impacted you, I swear it's such a dream to hear and warms my heart ❤ and yes for sure!! we still have the epilogue but in a way it makes me so so sad to even start it because the epilogue really means the end 😭
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