#I go back and forth on if I headcanon Rock as Straight Aromantic or Bisexual Aromantic
dmc-questions-anon · 4 months
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Special shoutout to AroAllo king Rock Goldstein you'll get a picture next February buddy.
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
And the way I see it, we can’t do Pride month without having at least one (1) Pride themed fic. Which is why I stopped working on the previously scheduled content for this week and busted out a Pride themed fic instead!
Which is this fic here! In case... that wasn’t... clear...
Summary: You and Piotr take some of the teens at the X-Mansion to New York City’s Pride festival --and meet some interesting people while you’re there.
Rating: T for moderate language. If it wasn’t for that, this fic would be G.
Pairings: Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, and Ellie Phimister x Yukio.
(Author’s Note One: I know that Kitty is alluded to possibly being bisexual in some of the comics. Here, she’s queer in the sense that she doesn’t quite know where she lands yet, but she knows she’s not straight. Considering I have her around 17, I figured having her be a little more ambiguous --since she’s in the early stages of her journey in discovering herself--was fitting.
Author’s Note Two: I headcanon Illyana as asexual. Also, asexual/aromantic people belong in the queer community/at Pride. If you don’t like any of that, die mad about it.
Author’s Note Three: Lzzy Hale does identify as bisexual/pansexual, which is why I decided to write in Halestorm performing at Pride (aside from my obsession with them). Basically, I just want to be clear that I’m not writing in a straight person performing at a Pride festival, say, for instance, Ariana Grande. *side-eyes Manchester*
Author’s Note Four: Your sexuality, as the Reader, is kept entirely ambiguous. There are several sexuality and/or gender identities (and combinations therein) that “allow” for being attracted to and in a relationship with a cisgender, heterosexual man (which is how I write Piotr), so I didn’t want to stick a label on the Reader’s “character” and ruin the immersion for everyone who doesn’t identify with that label. If you do identify as queer, then feel free to imagine yourself in whatever Pride themed gear you have, and as attending Pride as a queer person in a relationship with a straight person! If not, your role in the story is strictly what it says in the fic: to help Piotr chaperone the teens and to support the students in embracing the most authentic versions of themselves, whatever that may be! Just so we’re all clear.)
Tag list: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie
“—and stay together… Kitty, are you listening?”
“What? Oh, yeah, totally!”
You can’t help but chuckle at your boyfriend’s exasperated expression as Kitty Pryde, one of the latest teen trainees to come to Xavier’s, continues bouncing back and forth to whatever song she was listening to on her phone.
Summer’s normally a low-key time for the Institute. Most of the students only stay for the traditional school year, which means that the summer season sees a mass exodus of most of the mansion’s temporary residents and trainees. Save for missions and training, summer’s usually an entirely dialed back, relaxed affair.
Except for June.
One thing you’ve learned since arriving at Xavier’s is that minority groups have a way of overlapping. Several of the mutants that attend Xavier’s identify as queer in some way, shape, or form –and most of the permanent residents were queer as well, having been kicked out of their homes for the identity and genetics.
Sad as the rejection rates are, you’ve witnessed firsthand just how hard the staff at Xavier’s worked to make sure that all their residents feel accepted, supported, and loved.
Including taking teenaged and adult residents to New York City’s annual Pride festival.
Illyana, already decked out in her usual muted colors and a shirt dyed with the asexual Pride flag colors, purses her lips as Kitty bobs her head back and forth. “Katya –Katya, sit still.”
“I am!” Kitty insists as she continues bouncing up and down and mouthing the lyrics to whatever she’s listening to. “I’m totally chill!”
You bite back a snort as Illyana narrows her eyes—
And then the blonde teen yanks none too gently on Kitty’s hair.
“Ow!” Kitty shrieks, dropping her phone as she claps her hands to her head. “What the heck!”
“You want hair braided, da?” Illyana plucks the earbuds out of her friend’s ears and tilts Kitty’s head back so the –barely—younger teen can see her displeased expression. “Sit. Still.”
“Gentle, snezhinka,” Piotr says to his baby sister, tone warning.
“Yeah,” Kitty agrees, smoothing her shirt with a rainbow patterned Star of David silk-screened on the front. “Chill out, ‘yana.”
“Are we almost ready?” Ellie asks as she bounds into the kitchen, Yukio hot on her heels. “We need to leave in ten minutes if we want to get a good spot to see Halestorm play.”
Piotr had volunteered –and you along with him—to chaperone the trip this year, which basically amounted to herding a bunch of particularly fickle cats all over the place.
“Chill, dude,” Kitty says as she tries to reach for her phone. “It’s just a rock band.”
“Just a rock band?” Ellie and Illyana say simultaneously, aghast.
“Are you sure we have this handled?” you whisper to your boyfriend as Ellie and Illyana both start in on separate rants about Lzzy Hale’s status as a queer woman and the classifications of rock versus metal music, respectively.
“I am having second thoughts,” Piotr admits, grimacing slightly. “But I think it will all be worth-while at conclusion.”
You smile and kiss his shoulder. “I think so, too.”
“Wait, are you still in your pajama pants?” Ellie props herself up on the counter –and, sure enough, Kitty’s only half-dressed. “Are you fucking serious, Pryde? Do you want us to end up at the fucking fringes?”
“Language, NTW,” Piotr interjects before things can get too out of hand. “Self-control, please. Kitty, why are you not dressed?”
“Well, ‘yana was going to braid my hair—”
“Which I cannot do—” Illyana yanks Kitty’s head up again, prompting another yelp from the brunette “—if you keep moving!”
Kitty glares at her impromptu stylist. “You’re a real sadist, you know.”
“Okay,” you say, picking up Kitty’s phone and earbuds and holding them out of reach. “How about you sit still and let Illyana do your hair, and then go get dressed. Ellie, why don’t you work with Piotr and get us packed up, if you’re so worried about being late.”
“Good idea, Y/N,” Piotr says, mouthing a quick “thank you” at you when Kitty finally sits still with a huff.
You wink and blow a kiss at him, then turn when the back door swings open.
Wade strolls in, wearing a black t-shirt that says “It’s time to pan-ic” with the text colored like the pansexual pride flag; Nathan follows, wearing a tank top that says “Bi until I die” with each row of text matching an individual stripe from the bisexual pride flag.
Kitty grins. “Damn. Looking cool, dudes.”
“Always do, Snickers.”
Illyana blinks. “What?”
“He started calling me ‘Kit-Kat,’” Kitty explains with a resigned sigh. “And then it just escalated into other candies.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, sour lemon drop.”
Your snort and shake your head before heading off to help Piotr and Ellie pack up the car.
Fortunately for Kitty’s existence and Ellie’s sanity, you arrive with plenty of time to get a good spot for the Pride concert.
“Sunscreen,” Piotr insists before Ellie can dart off to get the best possible spot remaining. He clasps her shoulder and holds a bottle of SPF 100 out to her. “Please and thank you.”
“No way!” Kitty gripes when Piotr holds a second bottle out to her. “I want to tan.”
“You’re ninety percent European Jew by ancestry,” Ellie fires off. “You’ll just burn.”
“Yeah, but it’ll turn into a tan. Duh.”
“Use the sunscreen,” Wade says with a cheery smile as he puts on a lightweight hoodie and a baseball cap. “If you don’t, you’ll wind up looking like me.”
Kitty grimaces and recoils. “Ew!”
“Be nice!” Illyana hisses, elbowing her friend in the side.
“It’s all good,” Wade says with a shrug as Kitty starts slathering herself in sunscreen. “I’m all for scaring people into making better life choices.”
The lot of you manage to get a spot about thirty feet back from the stage where most of the artists are performing. With Wade in a hoodie and cap and Nathan in a jacket and sunglasses, no one even gives you a second glance.
And then Halestorm comes onstage, and the music kicks in, and then the amount of glances you get plunges into the negative numbers.
Not that you can blame anyone for it. The energy the band manages to kick up is astounding.
Ellie looks like she’s seeing the face of God for the first time. She’s more animated than you’ve ever seen her, singing along to the lyrics of every song with flawless accuracy.
You and Piotr share a smile behind her back. So precious.
Halfway through the set, Piotr kneels down and puts his trainee up on his shoulders so she has a better view of the stage.
You manage to snap a quick picture of Ellie’s grinning face. That’s one for the memory books.
Ellie practically dives off Piotr’s shoulders once Halestorm walks off the stage.
“Blyad!” Piotr yelps, startled –Illyana barks out a quick laugh—as he catches Ellie from face-planting into the pavement. “Slow down!”
“Okay, I get why you were so excited to see them live,” Kitty says, grinning. “Lzzy’s super hot.”
“Told you,” Illyana and Ellie say in unison.
Ellie starts rummaging through her bag. “My aunt got us VIP passes to go to the signing. If we leave now, we should get there when things kick off.”
“Yeah, right,” Kitty argues. “We’re basically at the front of the crowd. There’s no way we’ll get there ahead of everyone else.”
Illyana’s eyes light up. “Everyone, grab on to me.”
Piotr frowns. “Snezhinka, nyet—”
She smiles impishly at her older brother as Ellie, Yukio, Kitty, Wade, and Nate grab onto her arms. “Sozhaleyu, medvezhonok.”
And then she winks out of view, taking everyone with her.
You bite back a laugh as Piotr’s expression morphs into one of brotherly fury. “Come on. We can check out the vendor stalls while they get their autographs.”
“Except Kitty, Yukio, and Ellie are all minors, and I am responsible for them as chaperone.”
“Oh. Right.” You do laugh this time, then squeeze his hand when he gives you a consternated look. “Well, let’s go collect our kids, then.”
By the time the two of you reach the autograph area, Nathan and Wade already have the teens waiting outside the security checkpoint.
Ellie’s practically vibrating with excitement as she shoves a CD case with a silver signature inked on it in Piotr’s face. “Check it out!”
“Very nice,” Piotr says with a smile equal parts indulgent and fond.
“She signed my hand, too!”
“And now you’re never going to wash that hand again,” Wade jokes.
“No,” Ellie says with a frown. “That’s gross, even by your standards.”
“Not really, considering I never wash my hands to begin with.”
Kitty gags and claps a hand over her mouth. “I think I’m gonna puke.”
“Alright, everyone,” you say with an amused eye roll. “Let’s go find a place to sit for lunch.”
You wind up running into some of the college students and other fledgling adults that train with the X-Men and end up sitting with them.
“Yeah, my aunt brought me to the parade last year,” Ellie says, recounting her first experience with Pride. “After I came out.”
Wade nods, genuinely listening and conversing for once. “‘Ness and I went together each year after we got together.”
“I got arrested by a cop one year for streaking.”
“Not cool.”
“I went to Tokyo Pride with my older brothers last year,” Yukio chimes in, smiling happily as she munches away at a sandwich. “What about you, Illyana?”
“Ah, not so much for me,” Illyana says, looking somewhat uncomfortable. “Russia… does not have as much for us.”
“It’s a good thing you’ve got Colossus here,” Kitty pipes up around a mouthful of pizza. “You can celebrate with us.”
Illyana favors the brunette with a small smile. “Da.”
“What about you, Cable?” Yukio asks, smiling sweetly. “Are there Pride celebrations in the future?”
“Not really,” Nathan replies. “We’re too busy trying to survive and win the war against Apocalypse to have parades.”
Kitty pinches the bridge of her nose. “Jesus Christ, you’re so depressing.”
Nathan smirks. “There’s not as much fuss about sexuality, either. Or polyamory. Love is love, and considering the people that you love might be gone in a moment, you have to make every second count.”
“At least you got that right,” Ellie mutters.
Wade elbows his boyfriend in the side. “C’mon, Cabesy. You have to admit—” he waves a hand grandly at the bright, colorful celebration all around you “—that this isn’t half bad.”
Nate’s smirk grows into a smile, and he concedes with a nod. “Not half bad at all.”
The lot of you spend the rest of the afternoon checking out the various stalls and vendor stands.
A lot of them are being run by corporate representatives. An… alarming number, really.
Nathan scowls when you pass by a booth being run by Comcast, of all things. “I thought this was supposed to be a celebration for the queer community.”
“It is,” Wade says. “At its core, it is.”
“The capitalist death machine knows no boundaries or sense of appropriateness,” Ellie says flatly.
“This is part of the problem, you know,” Nate growls, jerking his thumb at the Comcast booth. “Corporations keep sinking their claws into everything they can and milk it for all it’s worth. When they finally collapse, there isn’t anything left for the rest of humanity.”
“Okay, maybe save the depressing stuff for later?” Kitty pipes up.
“It’s okay.” Wade squeezes Nathan’s hand. “We can maim the Comcast CEO later this week if you want.”
“Nyet,” Piotr interjects. “Absolutely not.”
Wade waves a dismissive hand at your boyfriend. “Relax, Chrome Dome. I didn’t say you had to come along.”
“How about we save all conversations relating to bodily harm of others until we’re not within earshot of minors and a thousand or so witnesses,” you hiss before an actual disagreement can break out. “Capiche?”
Towards the end of your time at the festival, you all wind up stumbling across a photography group run by queer individuals. The banner over the table reads “Snapshot Studios” in crisp, jet black letters, and countless shots of people, animals, and nature shots are on display for everyone to see.
“Wow,” Kitty says, admiring a picture of a sunset over a lake. “This is seriously cool.”
“Thank you,” a young man with curly hair that’s been dyed blue says. He extends his hand and introduces himself as Aiden, one of the principle photographers for the studio. “We’re in the middle of doing a Pride-themed series, for obvious reasons. You can check it out on our website.” He hands out business cards to each of you. “If any of you are interested in participating, you can contact us at the email address on the card. There’s no fee involved; we just take your picture and ask you questions about your experience as a queer person.” He glances off to the side, where Wade’s staring intently at one of the pictures. “Hey, buddy. You like the look of something?”
You crane your neck to see which picture Wade’s looking at, and –oh. That’s a familiar face.
Wade gazes longingly at a picture of Vanessa, dressed up in a strappy black dress and winking at the camera. He lifts his hand, almost as though he wants to reach out and touch her face, then clearly thinks better of it and jams it in his sweatshirt pocket.
“That’s from our sex worker positivity collection,” Aiden says, still studying Wade carefully.
“I know,” Wade says, somewhat sadly. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
Aiden’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. Uh… I take it things didn’t work out?”
Wade grimaces. “She died.”
“Shit. I’m sorry, man.” Aiden regards Wade thoughtfully for a moment, then reaches over and takes down Vanessa’s picture. “Here.” He holds the picture out to Wade. “Take it home with you. No charge.”
Wade blinks at him for a moment, shocked, then gently takes the photo out of Aiden’s hands. He gazes down at it for a moment, tracing Vanessa’s face lovingly, then reaches out for Nathan’s hand before looking back up at Aiden. “Thank you.”
Nate squeezes Wade’s hand gently, a soft smile on his face.
“No problem, man. Hey, if you don’t mind my asking, are you a burn victim?”
“Ah, no.” Wade shrugs one shoulder, looking somewhat uncomfortable. “Mutation side effect.”
“You’re a mutant?” Aiden’s eyebrows go up again.
“We all are,” you clarify, gesturing at your little group.
“Really? That’s super cool. I had no idea.”
“It’s not exactly something we show off,” Ellie pipes up. “There aren’t many mutations that alter physical appearance, either.”
“Makes sense,” Aiden says, nodding. “So, did you guys just happen to meet up with each other, or…”
“We work with Xavier’s Institute for Gifted Youngsters,” Piotr says, handing Aiden a business card of his own as he steps into the conversation for the first time.
Aiden grins as he eyes the card. “So, you’re X-Men. I thought you guys were on full-time hero duty.”
“They have a rotating schedule,” Wade interjects.
“We also have to take care of students,” Piotr says, eyeing Wade sternly. “Part of that is ensuring they connect to necessary communities.”
“That’s super dope, man. I know a lot of parents who wouldn’t do that.”
You have to drift away at that point to keep an eye on Kitty and Illyana, who’ve wandered down a few booths. By the time you get them to circle back to Piotr and the rest of the group, Piotr and Aiden seem to be wrapping up what seems like an intense discussion.
You eye your boyfriend quizzically as you all head back to the car. “What was that all about?”
Piotr smiles as he tucks Aiden’s business card into his wallet. “Networking.”
It takes a couple weeks, but you eventually figure out what “networking” means.
As chance would have it, Aiden and his coworkers are extremely interested in including mutants in this year’s Pride-themed photography series. It takes a little finagling to get some of the waivers worked out for the underage students who want to participate, and then it takes even more finagling to get a date and mutant safe location worked out, but eventually everything smooths out.
They wind up setting up in one of the training rooms first –to get the shots that require powers like Ellie’s or Russell’s, which means that the training rooms are the safest place to set up—then move out to the grounds behind the manor for the rest of the shoot.
Ellie’s aunt, Brie Phimister –who’s a spitting image of Ellie, just with wavy hair and a slightly longer face—shows up for the second part of the shoot, decked out in her Pride gear.
“So, you’re a mutant, too?” one of Aiden’s coworkers –CJ, you think—asks while Aiden gets shots of Ellie, Brie, and Yukio together.
“Yup,” you confirm, popping the ‘p.’ “I can control air –which basically means I can fly plus some fun stuff.”
“That’s super rad,” probably CJ says with a lax grin. “Hey –Aiden! She can fly!”
“No way.” Aiden grins back at you once he finishes taking his latest set of shots. “Stick around until the end. I’d like to get some shots of that, if that’s cool with you.”
You grin back. “Sure thing.”
It’s late evening by the time everything wraps up.
Kitty mugs for the camera like she’s born for it, and almost seems a little put out by being told to head inside.
The highlight of the whole thing, though (in your opinion), are the shots CJ manages to get of Nathan and Wade.
Wade, unsurprisingly, seemed a bit nervous about having his picture taken. He’d been stiff, barely smiling or looking at the camera—
And then Nathan had looped an arm around his boyfriend’s neck and pressed a fat kiss against Wade’s cheek.
The smile that had broken out across Wade’s face was nothing short of wonderful.
The other highlight of the day is when Piotr comes out as things wrap up, armored up and in his X-Men uniform.
Aiden gawks, eyes wide and mouth hanging open as Piotr strolls towards everyone. “Holy fucking shit!”
“Language, please,” Piotr says with a polite gesture towards Ellie and Yukio. “Young ones are present.”
Aiden blinks, clearly thrown, but recovers quickly enough. “I’ve never seen anyone like you, dude. You look seriously cool.”
“That’s what I said when I first met him,” you comment, grinning widely at your boyfriend.
“Understandable.” Aiden looks over at you. “And you can fly?”
You summon an air current by way of answering and lift yourself a few feet off the ground, twirling and somersaulting slowly as you drift towards the sky.
“Okay, can you do that again?” Aiden asks as he gets his camera ready. “Except over here –yeah, perfect. Okay, go! Alright, look at me and smile –eh, a little more teeth… perfect…”
You do as you’re told, grinning and twirling in the air while Aiden gets the shots he wants. “How do I look, babe?” you ask Piotr with a giggle.
He smiles fondly at you. “Very beautiful, myshka.”
“You two are together?” Aiden asks.
“Yup!” You smile brightly –and Aiden snaps another quick picture. “Have been for a while now.”
“We could get some really good pictures of them,” another coworker with bright purple hair –you think her name is Violet, which would make sense—points out. “The contrast of their mutations would make for great thematic storytelling, visually speaking.”
Aiden hums thoughtfully, finger tapping against his camera while he considers the idea. “It really would. Are you two okay with that?”
“I’m down.” You look to Piotr. “Is that okay with you?”
He shrugs and moves to stand next to you. “Konechno.”
You use your mutation to plop yourself down on his shoulders and brace yourself against his head. “How’s this?”
“Not bad,” Aiden says, getting his camera ready once more. “Lean to the side and forward a little more –yeah, keep your hair away from your face, good. Okay, now you put your hands on her legs or something, like you’re helping her balance… perfect. Okay, neither of you move for a minute.” He snaps a few pictures, then chuckles. “Dude, you are too tall for some of this. Is there a stool I can use?”
“I’ll get one,” Ellie says before trotting off to the house.
You spend the next hour posing with and without Piotr in various positions, from sitting on his shoulders, to him holding you in his arms, to you flying above him and him smiling up at you.
Aiden jumps on and off the stool Ellie fetched for him, lays down on the ground, and does just about every conceivable thing to get the shots he wants. When the light gets too dim, he and his coworkers break out their lighting rigs and keep going.
“Y’all are seriously dedicated to this,” you comment at one point, genuinely impressed.
“You can’t have a life’s passion without actually being passionate,” Violet says with a smile.
After a while, Aiden breaks out a tripod and a camera specifically designed for slow motion and has Piotr go in and out of defense mode a few times.
“Wow,” you breathe when Aiden shows you a shot where Piotr’s face is slowly morphing into his armor. “That’s amazing.”
“No kidding,” Aiden agrees. “I think this will go on the front of the mutant spread we talked about.”
You furrow your brow, confused. “Am I missing something?”
“Back at the vendor booth,” Aiden explains. “We talked about including mutants in our Pride themed collection, but we also discussed releasing a series that focused solely on mutants once Pride month was over.” He gestures to the screen, where Piotr’s face is still visible. “This is a gorgeous shot. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
Piotr checks the shot when Aiden holds the camera out for him to see, then shrugs somewhat sheepishly. “If you think it works.”
“I do. Okay, I’ve got one last concept I want to do, if you guys are willing.”
“What’re you thinking?” you ask.
“I was thinking we could have your man get into his armor, and then pick you up and give you a kiss, and then un-armor while he’s kissing you.” He looks between you and Piotr. “Does that sound like something you’d both be comfortable with?”
You nod before looking over at Piotr. “Babe?”
He shrugs again. “I have no problems.”
“Awesome.” Aiden has Piotr armor up and lift you into his arms, then tests a few spots before getting back on the stool. “Alright, kiss her in three, two, one…”
You close your eyes as Piotr’s lips press –gently—against yours and loop your arms around his neck.
It’s a little weird, holding the kiss while he transitions out of defense mode, but he holds you steady, adjusting his grip as he goes so you don’t so much as wobble. Once he’s fully de-armored, he sets you carefully on the ground and moves his hands from your back to your face, cupping your head in his hands.
Aiden snaps a few more pictures, then hops off the stool and claps his hands. “Perfect.”
You grin as he shows you the screen, cycling through the series of pictures. “Damn. We look good.”
Piotr points at the picture where he’s full armored down and cupping your face in his hands. “I like this one best.”
You lean against his side, grinning. “Me too.”
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