#I get being Mungo and getting a piece of Rumple whenever you can
impeccablebackside · 9 months
i know that's a silly and nerdy little question, but somehow i'm still into it. how many times do you think the "average" jellicle couple fucks in a week?
It is not a silly or nerdy question to me anon, so keep them coming. As much as sex is pleasurable and fun (and it would be), I think it is a good way for two people to connect in a way that nothing else can quite match. Physical intimacy between a couple is extending a form of love and care into a relationship dynamic that essentially no one else outside of said couple can have. It is needless to explain how special that is.
Anyway, to answer your question I would say that it varies a fair bit between any given couple.
For Victoria and Plato, they have straight up all-they-can-muster passionate sex at least once or twice a week. They have a hard time keeping their paws to themselves, always waiting to hold the other or embrace in some way. Not only that, they are constantly kissing when they are together. Unsurprisingly, it oftentimes translates to them fucking out the feelings of immense love and lust that they will never grow tired of.
Rumple and Mungo fuck in some way or another basically every single day. Mutually operating out of pure hedonism, Rumple more than Mungo sexually, they are in a constant search for excitement and pleasure. The fucking does not even need to be something big or lengthy (that's what she said) either, as some fingering / jerking or oral love goes more than a long way to start off, elevate, or close out another day. Though, it all gets conflated enough that the smaller acts become them mounting the other before long. Who can blame them.
Cass and Alonzo fuck at least once a week, and they always ensure it is something for the ages. Nothing overly complicated by any means, but very little nothing is a special for the tom as Cass' perfect pussy. It is the stuff of legends and myths. They use up all available energy when they fuck, battling it out position and domination wise. Cass always wins those though, not the Alonzo minds.
Bomba and Tugger are a couple that varies. Sometimes it is three or four times a week when they are really hungry for the other, other times it is a more sustainable once a week or less. It depends on how great the sex ends up being. Short sessions are great, and lead to more short fucking times in the day(s) that follows. When the sex is a more involved affair, it keeps them satisfied for longer.
Deme and Munk try to set aside a weekly rendezvous, but it frequently gets hampered by other adult responsibilities. Their fucking comes in quick bursts to make up for lost time if a dry spell goes on longer than a week. Otherwise, if it ends up being a long time, they have a marathon fuck session that goes on for hours to ensure everything is (literally) out of their system.
Jelly and AGus still find time to fool around here and there, but more structured sex is not overly common. It happens more out of spontaneity than any planned interval.
For those without a definitive partner, sex is obviously not on any committed time-line. Tanto fucks infrequently based on when her partners are available, and those times are certainly capitalized on. Jenny fucks based on how often Busto (or Skimble) is around, so it ends up being less frequent.
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