#I genunuely loved seeing her
allastoredeer · 7 months
Musical Alastor is perhaps the only time Alastor doesn't feel the rest of the world watching him. (Ironic given it's probably the one time where he has ALL eyes on him)
Yeah, I love characters who let an ironclad mask drop from sheer overwhelming delight and unknowingly shock everyone in the vicinity.
And yes, of course, them having that one platonic bestie that knows them better than anyone else from years of trust.
In hindsight it explains why Mimzy couldn't see him as a threat no matter how demonic his form got. She's literally danced with the man.
GAH! Yes, exactly.
He's constantly controlling how people see him, putting on this mask and navigating situations where he gets the outcome he wants. And I'm sure there are plenty of truth to how he acts/the mask he puts up, but I also LOVE when that control slips and he lets some of his humanity bleed through.
I absolutely LOVED it when Mimzy showed up. Not only do I just love her character as a whole, but we also got more insight to Alastor and what he's like with someone he genuinely cares about. She wasn't scared of his demonic form, she was wholeheartedly cheering him on! She made remarks no one else would've gotten away with. Alastor is comfortable enough with her for physical contact.
Their friendship is strong enough that even though he knows Mimzy is using him to fix her own problems, he still does it without question. Which is why I think it's actually such an important character moment when he sends Mimzy away.
Mimzy was stunned by this. She wasn't expecting it. It's likely this is the first time Alastor has ever sent her away like this. Whether it's because he's protecting the hotel, because his contract, or whatever, he still DID it to someone he's, arguably, the closest with (considering they knew each other when they were alive).
Back to the main subject, though, yes I want Alastor getting more comfortable with the Hazbin crew (against his own will LMAO) and shower them his softer, friendlier, more human side. And I want them to be flabbergasted to see it, and then absolutely delighted (especially Charlie ^.^ I feel like she would LOVE to witness Alastor letting loose and have a genuine good time).
I want Alastor to form close bonds with the Hazbin crew so he feels inner turmoil as whatever it is his contract wants him to do looms over his head--because emotional, physical, and mental torment is how I show love to my favorite characters <3
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