#I genuinely paced around my room yelling I am fucking distraught
coffeesforcatchers · 1 year
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saltymongoose · 2 years
suddently theres multiple orders of ice cream buckets(is that how you call them?) and milk to his room and every one is super confused
And while he seems fine in public, maybe a lot harsher to Christoff but still fine mostly, then gets to his room and has a tantrum
"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME! HOW DARE THAT LOW LIFE, SCUMMY, CRUSTY ASS OLD MAN BE MY PLAYER'S NEW VESSEL!!" throwing shit around and eventually just, sitting down on his bed and fucking DOWNING a buckets and milk gallons a night and honestly crying from frustration and anger and a bit of sadness
Fucking- sad music blasting when he showers and just stays there all sad, leaning on the wall like
".... Am I not interesting enough to them?..."
And r e f u s e s to leave his room for hours after he's meant to already be in his office doing important stuff
-Plague Anon [|87
You are so right lmao. When Phobos was confronted with the fact that Christoff, the one grunt who was always staunchly in opposition to him and his ideas, was the one who'd been blessed by having his God's influence he was beyond distraught. The swirling mixture of anger, confusion, and hurt would form a pit in his stomach, causing him to lash out more than usual that day as he tried to process it. On the outside he just might seem more irritable than normal, but mentally, he's on the verge of completely falling apart. Phobos didn't believe that he had the ability to feel "self-doubt", but your indirect "rejection" of him would shake him to the core. It puts him in the position of questioning his own worth, which he's never done before. Seeing you with Christoff makes him feel sick in every sense of the word.
And this feeling only festers, dampening into genuine despair when he finally has to retire for the night, forced to do something other than ignoring most of his feelings through his work. This is where the tantrums come in, with all of his conflicting emotions boiling over into anguish over what'd happened. He'll pace around his suit and mutter incessantly to himself, sometimes breaking out in yells about how unfair it is that Jeb of all people would have your attention. I mean, Christoff couldn't even begin to understand you; he wasn't nearly as acquainted with the wants of Gods as Phobos was, nor did he put in the work to worship you at all times of the day.
Honestly it really is like one of those dramatic breakup scenes in a movie, with him gorging himself on sweets, ice cream and milk while sobbing, listening to (cliched) sad songs (i.e. "lucid dreams", "baby come back", anything that's even mildly depressing-it's that bad). Honestly, he probably ends up just laying in his shower with his clothes still on, not caring enough to do anything to fix himself up as he wallows in his own depression about what this means. That his efforts and the countless hours, days, and months spent all for you weren't enough. That his motivations weren't good enough. That he wasn't powerful enough. That you didn't find him as interesting as that low-life scientist. That maybe he hadn't presented himself as well as you would've liked, and that all of his worship and reverence towards you wasn't adequate.
He falls asleep on the floor that night right next to the shrine he's procured for you, the last real connection he knows he must have with his God. His last conscious thoughts and words are of desperate prayer, begging and pleading you to come back and choose him. He doesn't know what mistakes he's made, but he's willing to completely remake himself if it'd make you like him. He was the proud God Emperor of Nevada and the Director of the Nexus Core, but it meant nothing if he couldn't be yours too.
(Phobos decided to do all of his work from his room for the next few days after this. His men didn't need to see him disheveled over this, especially not Christoff. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how badly his act of stealing you had affected him. But even then, he did noticeably little, often just obsessively rereading his journals to find anything that could've been a clue as to why you decided to choose someone else.)
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saiyanwhore · 4 years
Arranged (Vegeta X Reader)
Chapter Three // Overprotective
Vegeta awaited you in the training room. You had been slightly later than usual and he was beginning to worry.
He began pacing back and forth, mind wondering where you could be.
Well, until he heard the door swish open.
His eyes went wide once he saw you in your attire.
You had on shorts and a sports bra, ready to sweat and begin your day of group training.
Vegeta ran over to you, arms flailing.
"For heaven's sake, woman! What the hell do you think you're wearing!?"
He grabbed your wrist.
"These men have no self control and they'll be trying to grab you and touch you!"
Vegeta pulled you away from everyone and began to take off his own gray shirt.
He threw it at you.
"Please! Cover yourself!" He insisted, huddling over you to make sure no one saw you.
You put his shirt on and scowled at him.
"Vegeta, how am I ever supposed to settle down with anyone if you won't let me?" You spat at him.
His eyes went even wider and his eyebrows furrowed.
He crossed his arms and got in your face.
"None of these low level, pathetic pieces of trash deserve you. If they did, I would have allowed it by now."
"Who are you to say who I get to date Vegeta!? Please, enlighten me almighty Prince!" You screamed at him, now getting everyone else's attention.
"You don't own me, Vegeta! I'm not your fucking pet!"
You stormed out of the training room.
You hated him for doing this to you.
All your life you haven't even had a chance to get over him because of him being "protective". You could make your own decisions now. You weren't a child.
You went to your room where you laid on your bed and sobbed.
You were so tired of liking him. Sitting back and waiting for him to make a move, and it never happening.
Now, he will be in an arranged marriage, and he's still acting like he owns you and like he's your significant other.
Your attention was brought to reality when your door opened and in walked a shirtless Vegeta.
His head went down as soon as he saw you in the state you were in.
"Y/N..." He softly sighed your name.
His lips pressed together as he approached you, regret plastered on his face.
Everything he did always sent shivers down your spine.
"I am sorry." He placed his strong hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing as he continued to speak. "I have been so stressed as of late. I am..."
A chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded.
You knew him all too well.
Vegeta could only admit something like this to you. And he could barely do that. He had apologized twice in the past two days, something completely out of character for him.
You hummed before turning to see his face directly in front of yours.
His eyes searched yours for answers. Answers to his problems.
You couldn't help but feel a little flustered as he stared intensely into your eyes.
Your eyes explored every feature of his face, taking in how truly handsome he was. Then they traveled down to his beautiful bare chest. Any girl on planet Vegeta would be more than happy to be with the Prince.
You wished you could be with him.
You looked down at the floor, face as red as a tomato.
That was until you felt his hand touch your chin and lift it up to look at him.
"Why has your face gone red, woman?" His bottom lip found its way into his mouth. His eyes scanned your face.
"Well- I- I-" You stuttered and took a deep breath before speaking once again. "You just caught me at a bad time."
He frowned a little before letting go of your chin and crossing his arms.
"We have a fitting tonight. Be there at 4:45. We wouldn't want the maids waiting on you now, would we?"
And just like that the old Vegeta was back. He turned around and started to walk to the door.
You almost called for him to stay, but decided against it.
He left.
You buried your face into his shirt that still clung to your body, breathing in his scent. It made you feel safe.
You decided it probably would be best to take a nap, so that is exactly what you did.
When you woke up, you decided to head to Vegeta's room a little earlier than you were supposed to.
You knocked and entered to again, find Vegeta no where.
You checked the shower, no sign of him.
You sat on Vegeta's bed and waited patiently for the Prince to arrive.
You heard the door knob turn and in walked a very distraught looking Vegeta.
He looked so upset and exhausted, his face completely red and he was extremely flustered.
"Those pathetic bastards!" He screamed as he walked towards you.
He kicked his bedside table over as he threw himself on to the bed.
His hands covered his face as he mumbled. "They found her."
Your heart sank. You didn't want to ask about it. This was already way too touchy of a subject for him.
"Next week I meet my..." He shuttered as he spoke. "...soon to be wife!" He spat, obviously disgusted.
You could tell this just tore him apart. You didn't know what to say to comfort him.
You just fell next to him and grabbed his hands and pulled them from his face. You held them in your own as you looked into his sad and angry eyes.
"Vegeta, it will be okay."
His eyes searched your face and finally, they landed on your lips. He couldn't help but want to feel them on his own.
His cheeks reddened at the thought of gently kissing you, feeling you succumb under him as he held you.
He felt so dizzy and dazed.
The way you made him feel was so addictive and he always wanted more.
He freed one of his hands and rested it on your hip, a chill making its way through you. Head to toe.
His eyes focused now on your own. He lifted an eyebrow, almost in a suggestive way.
You bit your lip as you felt his hand gently run up and down your curves. You couldn't help but whisper out his name.
"Vegeta I..."
The door opened.
"Hello my Prince! Are you ready for your fitting!?"
The maid had interrupted the moment you and Vegeta were sharing.
Vegeta huffed loudly.
"I suppose so." He replied in a snark manner. "Do tell me...have you forgotten how to knock!?"
You chuckled at the Prince's saltiness before standing up and stretching.
"I'm ready!" You giggled.
"Oh! I'm sorry, dear. We only had the Prince on the schedule for a fitting today..." The maid told you.
"You will find room for her! Understood?" Vegeta yelled and the maid jumped at the sound of his loud, booming voice.
"Uh-uh- yes my Prince!" The maid scurried around the room in a tizzy and told you both to strip to your undergarments.
Whilst undressing, you noticed Vegeta's eyes on you.
His face turned quite red and his palms began to sweat at the sight of you in just panties and an undershirt.
The maid called down the hall for assistance and quickly the measuring commenced.
You both were fitted in no time, Vegeta insisting that the two of you have coordinating training gear.
You laughed at your Prince as the maids left.
"Vegeta, I hate to say it...but, don't you think your wife will be a little jealous when you go to train with your female friend who has matching gear??"
Vegeta scoffed. "I don't care what she thinks. You'll mean more to me anyway."
He immediately grabbed his mouth, knowing he didn't mean for that to slip out.
"What does that mean?" You teased, poking Vegeta in his side.
"Stop that!" He scurried over to his bed and sat with his arms crossed.
"Someone is a little grumpy!" You giggled as you plopped next to him, grabbing his hand in the process. "I'm just teasing Vegeta."
He grumbled loudly before turning himself away from you and pulling his hand back.
"Don't forget..." You smiled at him. "tomorrow is your 18th birthday, my Prince." You poked at his cheek, a soft smile appearing across his face.
You couldn't help but to feel completely overwhelmed by Vegeta smiling genuinely.
He was usually so emotionless. Or at least he liked to act as if he was.
Vegeta knew you would have something special planned for tomorrow. You always went all out for his birthday.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was actually very excited to see what you had in store. Your presents were always his favorite.
Vegeta glanced at the clock in the corner of the room, realizing it was nearly time for dinner.
"Well...it is almost time for dinner. You better go get dressed, as will I."
You nodded as you stood up and stretched.
"I'll be back in a minute and we'll walk to the dining hall together." You mumbled, making your way towards his door.
He nodded as you exited.
After dinner, you went to your room to go to sleep.
Tomorrow was going to take a lot of energy.
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
Not a request, bUT WHAT IF reader is shoto’s darling and bakugo is izuku’s. The two let their darlings hang out (good friends amirite) OBLIVIOUS that their darlings are discreetly sharing possible escape strategies. Now that I wrote this, I realize the scenario can work with any characters (as long as the two yanderes are friends), but eh this came to king first
I’ve waited so long to write this,,, it’s always been a concept I’m weak for, so now, it’s the request I’m going to open my ask-box on. We love Yandere buddies, here.
You still weren’t used to seeing Katsuki look so weak, if you were being honest with yourself. 
He wasn’t bruised, not scared or any less determined than he was the day Izuku dragged him home, kicking and screaming and fighting more bravely than you’d ever had the courage to, but truthfully, he was just as helpless as you, hands encased in heat-proof steel and the collar around his neck ready to ‘calm down’ its wearer at any given moment. His captor had been careful enough to tie him down, chaining Katsuki to a wooden chair, barely letting his soulmate move, despite the supposed trust between them. In comparison, Shoto had only felt it necessary handcuff you, just keeping your shaking form pinned to his chest while his companion paced across the small bedroom.
“It’s crazy, right?” He asked, the hero shaking his head as he walked. Izuku was the more distraught of the two, hastily switching from tugging at his sleeves to pulling at his hair, growing more and more paranoid as he continued. “I just feel like they’ve been up to something, ever since the security cameras broke. Kacchan’s been more frustrated than usual, lately, and he hardly talks about anything besides (Y/n), anymore.”
“Because you lock me in a basement every day,” Katsuki growled, starting to struggle against his restraints. You cringed, closing your eyes as the harsh sounds of metal-on-metal on filled the room, Shoto rubbing your side reassuringly. Or, he was trying to be reassuring. Luckily, he seemed to ignore how you began to shake when he kissed your neck. “What am I supposed to talk about? How I stared at a wall for three fucking hours yesterday? Or all the shitty food you make me eat? What about your damn All Might kink?”
“Yes!” Izuku’s voice was exasperated, tired and frustrated and borderline cracking. He didn’t turn towards his partner, just balling his hands at his sides and going so stiff, you had to wonder if he was going to yell or start crying. “Talk about anything, complain about me! Just make it seem like you acknowledge everything I do for you!”
Again, Katsuki stammered, gritting his teeth. “You took away my life-”
“(Y/n) shouldn’t have to hear this,” Shoto cut in, not raising his voice but speaking over both hostile parties. His grip around your tightened, but Shoto didn’t move to take action, just leaning back against the bed’s headboard, passively surveying the argument unfolding in front of him. Izuku sent him a pleading look, but Shoto didn’t seem to give it a second thought. “We’re doing perfectly fine, it’s not our fault your mutt doesn’t know how to behave.” At this, you let yourself relax slightly, but regretted it the moment Shoto glanced down at you. “But, my angel has been awfully stressed, lately.”
“See! They’re being suspicious!” Shoto shifted to better face Izuku, letting you sit at his side, even if he kept an arm protectively wrapped around your waist, letting you have some space you were very thankful for. You’d never been one to let pressure get to you, but… hell, your back still hurt from the last punishment you’d gotten, and that’d just been for mentioning how nice Izuku was.
You shut your eyes when they turned towards you, cursing yourself for being such a coward. Here Katsuki was, still fierce after months of treatment you wouldn’t blame him for liking, and you could hardly stand the feeling of multiple people just looking at you. Shoto’s voice was soothing, when he addressed you, as calm and as measured as ever. He wasn’t angry, not yet.
But, he would be. He absolutely would be.
“Love, darling, you can admit whatever the two of you’ve been doing. I’m not going to get mad, not if you tell me.” His tone was genuine, heartfelt, like he thought he meant what he was saying. That was Shoto, always so forgiving, at least until he’d gotten a confession out of you. As soon as you were the one at fault, his oh-so constant pantience never lasted very long. “C’mon, beautiful, you don’t have to lie for him.”
You forced yourself to speak, if only to stutter out an excuse. “I… I don’t know what you want me to-”
“We’re fucking.”
You snapped towards Katsuki, heart skipping a beat and pulse suddenly pounding in your ears. He was looking at you, eyes narrowed, just screaming ‘go along with it’. You understood what he was trying to do, that ‘cheating’ would be a minor crime compared to what was really going on, but it was still so… blunt, you could hardly believe he had the nerve to spit it out. Eventually, Katsuki continued, his dead-pan expression remaining ever-constant. “Yes, we screw every time you leave us alone together, and no, we’re not in love or any of that shit. I needed to get off with someone that wasn’t a fucking psychopath.”
You suppressed a reaction, falling into the moment despite the anxiety eating away at you. This had always been one of the excuses you two had planned, but you really should’ve laid out what he would say. Shoto nudged your side, looking at you with a questioning glare, and you an apologetic sigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. He’s just… a lot better than you.”
Instantly, you were pinned down, face and chest pressed against the mattress while Shoto slotted himself against your back, nails tearing into your sides while sharp teeth dug into your neck, drawing blood while you swallowed down a whimper. He was muttering threats, promises, horrible, terrible things he would do the second you two got home, but just as quickly as he’d lunged, Izuku was prying Shoto off of you, holding his friend back while he blinked away his own betrayed tears. Unceremoniously, Shoto was thrown back onto the bed, Izuku only hissing to ‘fucking stop’ before crossing his arms, turning back to Katsuki.
A tense silence hung over the room, not a stunned loss for words or a comfortable quiet haze, just angry, broiling, burning silence. Both you and Katsuki met eyes, him repressing a shit-eating smirk while you pretend to fret over the blood now staining Izuku’s sheets, ignoring the two eyes carving into your back. For some insane, hysterical reason, all you could think of was laughing, breaking down and smiling until it was apparent that you were beyond reason. Out of relief or distress, you weren’t sure, but Katsuki seemed to feel the same way, biting his tongue when Izuku began to speak.
“Get your slut out of my house, Todoroki,” Izuku mumbled, Shoto going stiff but nodding nonetheless, grabbing your collar and dragging you towards the door. Part of you was glad he was so torn-up, so infuriated, so distracted… he didn’t notice the smile you sent over Izuku’s shoulder, nor did he see the way Katsuki’s eyes shined in response. Hopefully, he never would, either.
God knows how frantic they would be if they discovered what the two of you had actually been doing, all the small weapons and scribbled down notes, if one of them had found the blueprints and cracked windows and lock picks.
You knew you would be punished for ‘cheating’, but that wouldn’t hurt nearly as much as whatever Shoto had planned for escape attempts. 
And if everything worked out, you never would, either.
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georgialouisea · 7 years
The Perfect Match - Part 8
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Pairing - Dean X Reader.
Characters - Dean, Sam, Mary, John, Benny, Theodore (Father/omc), Penelope (Mother/ofc), Mark (omc) Word Count - 2848 Warnings -  Angst, swearing, Summary - Now the secret is out Dean and Y/N can finally be happy. A/N -  Supernatural AU series. 
Part 7 -  Masterlist
Walking down the stairs Dean’s hand in yours, you look as many deep breaths as you could to calm yourself.
“Hey.” Dean squeezed your hand before stopping you both, his free hand ran up your arm. “We’re going to be okay, if it all goes to shit we can always run.” Dean’s smile was so soothing, he genuinely didn’t care if you were both kicked out of the house, he just wanted to make you happy and to be with you.
“Okay …” You paused as you rested your forehead against his. “I love you.” He pulled you close to his chest as his arms snaked around your waist, you could feel his heart hammering against your chest as you held onto him with all you had.
“You two down here now!” Your Father roared as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, his arms folded across his chest as he glared at you both.
“Come on.” You took Dean’s hand in yours once more as you walked down the remaining stairs and into your Father’s office.
As you and Dean rounded the corner you were faced with a real sight. Sam was sat on one sofa, he was relaxed and not at all phased by what was happening. John was pacing the length of the office with a glass of whiskey in hand, the sleeves of his plaid were rolled up and his hair ruffled. On the sofa opposite, Sam Mary was sat with your Mother, both of them looked distraught yet your Mother looked like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn’t seem to mind keeping you and Dean a secret, she wanted you to be with Dean if it made you happy. The fact your Mother knew about you and Dean must have been taking its toll on Penelope and Mary’s friendship. Your Father was furious, you could tell he’d been yelling as his face and neck were red and blotchy, like john his sleeves were rolled up and a bottle of whiskey was out on his desk.
“What the hell is going on?” Your Father screamed as he slammed the office doors shut, avoiding the prying ears of the staff and Smithers.
“Mother had it pretty spot on.” You shrugged as Dean squeezed your hand.
“We…” Dean started.
“No! Not you Winchester!” He shouted at Dean as he raised a finger to silence him.
“I’ve been with Dean for weeks, then you’re making me marry Sam and now we’re here.”
“I…” Dean tried again.
“No, you get out of this house now!“  He continued to shout at Dean as he threw his arms about.
“No, Father if we’re going to resolve this we all need to sit down, talk and be civil.”
“I will not allow you to marry Dean Winchester, or even date him, he’ll ruin everything.”
“Don’t you talk about my son like that.” Mary snapped as she flew to her feet, despite her size she was very intimidating.
“Mary,” John warned.
“No John, I’m not having Theodore talk about my child when he’s done nothing wrong.”
“Except he has! He’s destroyed Y/N and Sam’s relationship.” Your Father snapped back at Mary.
“There was a relationship with Dean before you even told me I was engaged to Sam.”
“No, I’m not finished I love Dean, I adore him, he’s the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
“I’ve heard enough of this.” Your Father growled. “I want to speak to John alone.”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes as you all left the room.
The 5 of you made your way across the house to the kitchen, your Mother and Mary were already grabbing themselves a drink as Sam sat on one of the seats at the island. Letting go of Dean’s hand you walked to Sam and gave him a hug.
“Thank you.”
“It’s okay, I just hope this works out for the best and I haven’t ruined this for everyone.”
“Sam you won’t have, now everyone knows.”
“I suppose so, no more secrets.”
“No more secrets.” Sam echoed.
As you all sat and drank the whiskey your Mother had pulled from somewhere in the kitchen, your hand found Dean’s once again. He was quickly becoming your safety blanket, where you felt the most at home.
“Y/N, I hope you don’t mind me bringing this up again but you love Dean?” Mary asked as you looked at Dean a smile growing on your face.
“Yes, I do.”
“I love her too,” Dean added as he gave you a peck on the cheek. “For weeks I’ve been trying to get this all stopped.”
“You love each other,” Mary whispered in what appeared to be disbelief as she smiled. “Sammy are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, seeing these two happy makes me happy, Dean hasn’t been this happy since…” Sam stopped himself before he brought up Dean’s ex.
It was another 40 minutes before the office door opened, John’s face was emotionless as he avoided Mary’s gaze. Your Father had a slight smirk as he looked directly at you and Dean. You were fucked.
“John and I have talked,” Theodore announced. “Y/N and Sam will still be marrying and Dean is leaving immediately.” His voice changed as he said Dean’s name.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” You shouted, everyone now knew about you and Dean surely that would have stopped the wedding or at least given Dean and you a chance.
“John!” Mary gasped
“No, you cant do this to them, Theodore!” Your Mother begged as you turned to Dean.
His hands cupped your face as his lips kissed every inch of your face before they settled at your lips. “Y/N, it’s okay, I’ll go.” He assured your Father as he kissed you again.
“Dean don’t.” You felt the tears on your cheeks before you even realized you were crying.
“Hey, stop crying,” He hushed as he wiped away the tears and kissed your forehead before he leaned in until his lips were millimeters from your ear. “I’m avoiding all of this and I’m heading upstairs to pack, I love you.” He whispered before walking upstairs to his room. As you watched him leave you knew he was barely holding it together, his fists were balled by his sides, his head hung low as he took the stairs two at a time.
“Father please don’t do this.” You begged as you cried, no longer caring about how pathetic you looked.
“Y/N pull yourself together, get upstairs and sort yourself out.” He snarled as he glared at you. Listening to his instructions you dragged yourself upstairs walking past your room you knocked at Dean’s door.
“Dean?” You whispered as you knocked on his door which was wide open.
“Babe, please don’t make this harder than it already is.” He didn’t look at you, a suitcase was open on the floor with a few items haphazardly thrown in. “Y/N … I.” He stuttered as he sat on the bed his back still facing away from you. Walking into his room your heart sunk even more if that was possible, Dean couldn’t look at you, his eyes never left the floor. Sitting down on the bed you leaned against Dean, your arms slipping around him as your head rested on his shoulder, his arms slipped from your vice and curled around your waist. Dean pulled you back on the bed with him so you were resting on his chest.
“Let’s run.”
“Dean you suggested it 20 minutes ago.”
“I know I did but if we did you’d never see your Mother again.”
“Y/N I am not ruining your life just to be with me.”
“You’re not!” You pleaded as you curled into his chest further.
“Y/N, just go back downstairs, mend the relationship with your Father and forget me okay.”
“Dean I can’t go downstairs and leave you.”
“You can and you will,” He peeled your arms from him as he stood up and left you on the bed. “I’m packing and leaving.”
“Dean.” You begged as you sat up and jumped off the bed.
“Y/N, please.” He squeezed his eyes shut as he turned away from you, you watched hopelessly as he threw more of his clothes into the case.
“Okay, I’ll go but please don’t make me forget you, don’t leave me, we can still make this work, we can still be together and be happy.”
“We can’t, I thought we could when everyone found out this morning but we can’t, not now your Father is on his warpath of destruction, whatever he offered my Dad is more important than us being happy so I don’t really care anymore.”
“Y/N… Please just go downstairs and try to fix your relationship with your Father.”
“Dean.” You sobbed as you wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Please for me, do this.” He begged as he walked across the room to you, his hands cupping your face as he kissed your forehead. “Go fix it, be happy with Sammy.”
“Dean I can’t … I can’t”
“You can,” He assured as he grabbed the last of his clothes and put them in his case before zipping it up and dragging it towards the door.
“I love you, Dean Winchester.”
“I love you Y/N Whittaker.” He kissed you one last time as he took his case and left you alone in the room. As the door closed your knees buckled and you hit the floor, allowing yourself no time to cry you pulled yourself up off the floor and ran downstairs, running down the stairs you watched as Benny escorted Dean out of the house, your Mother and Mary watched in shock as Dean was thrown out, your Father, however, was so thrilled with this. Sam stopped you before you could get any closer to Dean.
“Don’t, you’ll make it worse, I promise you I’ll get you to him just don’t,” Sam whispered as his arms locked around your waist and held your back to his chest.
You remained locked in Sam’s arms as you watched Dean get into the car with Benny. Watching the car pull off you turned in Sam’s arms and gripped his shirt in your hands. “Come on let’s get you upstairs.” Sam ushered as he helped you up the stairs and to your room.
“He’s ruining my life.” You sobbed as you lay back onto the cushions. “Sam I… I didn’t mean.” You sat up as you realized what you’d said.
“Y/N, It’s fine, you’ve been through a lot today.”
“I didn’t mean what I said it’s just now everyone knows about mine and Dean’s relationship I honestly thought it would all be okay.” You cried as you threw your elbow over your face to silence yourself.
“It’s fine, what can I do to help?” Sam questioned. His sweetness made you cry even harder, you were feeling too much right now. The man you loved had just been kicked out of your house, his brother/ your fiancé was now sitting on your bed with you, trying his best to comfort you over the situation you were all in.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep, the morning had taken its toll on you. When you sat up and looked around your room you remembered Dean wasn’t here, you were alone in your room. Rolling over you found your phone and looked at the screen
3 pm
74 emails
4 texts from Dean,
1 text from Millie,
2 missed calls from Dean.
You pressed dial on Dean’s number and pulled it to your ear. Listening as it rang, you begged Dean picked up. The seconds felt like hours as you listened to the ringing. When Dean didn’t answer you called Benny.
Benny was your Father’s most trusted security advisor yet what your Father didn’t know was that Benny was also one of your closest friends both inside and outside of the house. As you dialed Benny’s number you couldn’t help but pray he was with Dean.
“Miss Whittaker, how can I help you?”
“Hey, Benny? Are you with Dean?”
“Yes, I’m here with him, your Father has ordered me to watch him twenty-four seven, we’re currently in a bar but if your Father asks Dean’s in a hotel which is what my report states.” Benny’s candor made you feel safe with trusting him.
“Benny you know I won’t tell my Father if you’re lying to him.”
“I know you won’t Miss Whittaker.”
“So how’s Dean?”
“He’s … well, he’s drinking a lot.” Benny informed you as your head fell back into the pillows.
“Benny please stop him before he does anything stupid and please tell him I love him.”
“I will tell him as soon as I get a chance, Miss.”
“Can you also tell me who I can trust in this house?”
“Of course, Smithers is the most trustworthy which I already know you know, Mark is also a very discreet driver, myself of course, and a few other members of staff around the house keep their secrets.”
“Thank you, Benny, please keep Dean safe, are you on him at all times?”
“Myself and Mark have been assigned to watch Dean in 12-hour shifts.”
“If that’s all ma’am I’ll be leaving to check up on Dean.”
“Of course Benny, please just keep him safe.”
“Always will Miss,” Benny replied, you could tell even through the phone he was smiling. It took you a while to trust Benny yet when you did you could truly trust him, despite the fact he was your Father’s most trusted security advisor you could trust him with your life and your secrets.
“Thanks, Benny, let me know how he is tomorrow.” You added as you hung up before trying Dean’s number once again, to no surprise he didn’t pick up.
You spent weeks in this game of calling Dean and checking in with Benny as to how Dean is. Dean answered the phone once or twice a week, he was either drunk or hungover when he answered your call. You worried for him, yet the more you called both Dean and Benny the more it emerged they had become firm friends, not through a commitment but though a forced situation.
At home things had differed between you and Sam, your ‘commitment’ to date each other continued, 4 times a week you were both out in the public eye as you fawned over each other and gave each other loved-up eyes. Yet when you returned home you ran to your room, your friendship with Sam was suffering as you pushed him further away, he reminded you too much of Dean.
Mary and John had fought relentlessly the night Dean had been kicked out, from your room you could hear her screams and shouts in pure anger and outrage, she hated John for what he and Theodore had concocted. Your Mother hadn’t spoken to your Father since Dean had left, she’d taken one of the spare rooms as her own, many times during the day you’d visit her, apologizing for ruining her relationship with your Father. Every day she told you that you were not to blame for who you fell in love with, yet you felt responsible for the situation both the Whittaker and Winchester marriages were in.
Walking downstairs you grabbed a bottle of wine from the kitchen and walked back to Sam’s room bottle in hand. You by this point had given up with Dean returning to you, you prayed and tried daily for your Father to change his mind, all protests and offers were met with a sly comment about either you or Dean, proving how little he cared about you, you were just an asset to him. Your Mother remained in her own room as Mary moved into her own room away from John.
“Sammy, we’ve fucked it all up, we should have kept quiet if we had then our parents wouldn’t be sleeping in separate rooms and arguing daily over our future.” You announced as you flopped back into the pillows next to Sam.
“Y/N, the fact our own Fathers were willing to pretty much sell us was enough for me to know we’re fucked. I’m just worried about my Mom.”
“My Mother and Mary are dealing pretty well from what I hear, they’re in their own rooms and spending a lot of time together. Have you heard from Dean?”
“No, I haven’t, have you?”
“Nope, I just get updates from Benny and Mark.”
“Same,” Sam informed
"What do we do now?” You asked Sam.
“Well we carry on the way we have been and in November we get married.” Sam shrugged, no enthusiasm in his voice at all.
“November we get married.” You echoed as you handed Sam the bottle of wine.
“Yeah, at least then we can’t be controlled by our Fathers.” Sam offered.
“That or this is just the beginning of the worst of it.”
Part 9
Forever Taglist - @mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing
Dean Taglist - @akshi8278 @awesomestperson22 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester
The Perfect Match Taglist - @ericaprice2008 @human-and-angel-2 @soullessbabee @meghan-brannon @skymoonandstardust @keepcalmandbeajunkie @fandomsandyeah @sslater34 @wingedkidexpert @empowermentandmemes @sandlee44 @i-just-wanna-live-gc @the-greatest-temptation @mango-pancake @hellomynameisanxiousbaker @oneglassofvodka @lear1chmond 
Taglist from Spn pond -
@dr-dean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @impala-dreamer  @deathtonormalcy56  @samsgoddess  @spn-fan-girl-173 @deansleather  @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname  @waywardjoy  @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles  @wevegotworktodo  @jpadjackles  @quiddy-writes  @babypieandwhiskey  @deantbh  @deanwinchesterforpromqueen  @chaos-and-the-calm67  @memariana91  @plaidstiel-wormstache  @chelsea-winchester  @fandommaniacx  @revwinchester  @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed  @ruined-by-destiel  @winchester-writes  @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business  @4401lnc
@mrswhozeewhatsis Taglist -
@thinkwritexpress-official  @itsemmyb  @ezauraemmaline  @charliesbackbitches  @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @gryffindorable713 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien  @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @fangirling-instead-of-working @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @spnsimpleman  @mamaimpala  @winchesterfiesta  @zanthiasplace  @wildfirewinchester @sleep-silent-angel  @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @jencharlan  @skybinx-blog  @thebunkerismyhome  @feelmyroarrrr  @beachy2014  @fandom-book-nerd  @tia58  @sams-little-toy  @faegal04  @sunriserose1023  @saving-things-hunting-family  @winchesterswoonathon  @jotink78  @lucifer-in-leather  @i-dont-know-how-to-write  @everyday-supernatural-af  @notnaturalanahi  @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave  @babypieandwhiskey  @besslincoln-bruh  @shelovesallthethings  @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish  @hexparker  @atwistoffate  @evilskank-inthemegacoven  @there-must-be-a-lock
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