#I gave them a disambiguating name because I thought my approach to drones was more niche but uh. Apparently maybe less niche?
softcuddledrone · 2 months
What is a cuddledrone? /genq
Saw your blog from a mutual, couldn't figure out what it is though
The short answer is they are a variation of archetypical dronekink drones more geared towards my own non/less-sexual intimate 'soft' kink interactions and rambling
The more in-depth explanation is--
Cuddledrones are human and human-adjacent beings heavily modified with a suite of cybernetic augmentations, but most importantly they all are regularly administered nanites made by their matron/employer/owner (Normally referred to as Manna, MM, Miss Manager, Mistress-Manager, or Mistress) which among other things pools all of their sensory data into a single network hosted by MM herself.
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