#I fully believe that Scott and cleo sre in a qpr
moss8e · 2 months
Hiiii! Maybe platonic Scott × Cleo and 11 for the ask thing? :))
Give me a kiss number and a ship and I will write it
Ship: Platonic Scott/Cleo (Widows Alliance/Chosen Soulmates)
Words: 291
Notes: I've never written Cleo before so I really hope I did their character well!!
It was over.
The boogey apolace was done, which meant Scott could finally catch his breath, he's never been so tired before.
His limbs ached from sprinting everywhere, his clothes were uncomfortably heavy from hiding water.
But it didn't matter anymore because it was all over, all that was left was to meet up at the secret keeper and try to get some answers to all of his questions.
He could feel his pace pick up when he saw the ominous statue, and it didn't take him long to start to see everyone else.
They were all split in different groups, most of everyone was on one side, close to the fail button, shoulders slumped and patting each other's back, and then Cleo, Grian and Martyn where just sitting on a rock just idly chatting.
Scott could feel himself beam.
Cleo was alright.
He had been so worried that they had gotten hurt since they had parted.
"Cleo!" He shouted as he raced over to the trio.
Cleo perked up, standing up with a big smile, "Scott! there you are! we were starting to get worried you hadn't shown up for a bit"
"So tired" Scott chuckled out as he tackled Cleo into a tight hug, nearly knocking down the zombie right off of her feet.
"I can understand why" Cleo laughed, holding Scott tightly before kissing the top of his head, and in turn, he kissed their cheek.
Something they had been doing for ages now, it started lightly in 3rd life, but really took off in last life when they properly teamed up.
"Come on, lets go get our answers" Cleo said, moving to grab Scott's hand before patting Grian's shoulder to get him to stand up as well.
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