#I fucking hate the S*nic fandom
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there's genuinely something deeply fucking wrong with this anon who keeps blaming and complaining to me over and over for things they've seen in other people's posts before I've even seen them myself and now to the point of asking if I "know their address" because they "want to kill them" wtf is wrong with you genuinely please get help
you're no better than whatever the fuck it is you're angry about and I still don't even understand because I still haven't seen all of what they're talking about, I'm not even involved and I don't wish to be. get the fuck out of my inbox and stop block evading to say disgusting vile things every few hours and do something more worthwhile with your life
if you're raging and seething this hard at shit you read people saying online because you don't agree with their takes on fucking fictional characters then you seriously need help because this isn't how to deal with that. and trust me, I have anger issues and intrusive thoughts and feel angry at things I hate all the time but even I don't say fucked up shit and harass people on anon
#this has to be the same anon who said myself my brother and my parents should die#wtf is wrong with you go fuck yourself and keep this drama far away from me#I've dealt with your threats enough towards me#I don't want to deal with your bullshit of asking me what people's addresses are so you can kill them#I fucking hate the S*nic fandom
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6. vriska being obsessed with nic cage is the number one funniest thing that no one talks about
imagine if your world got destroyed by meteors and then you met The Firefox
8. feferi is SO ELDRITCH. she’s introduced as a cute and bubbly counterpoint to eridan, and then you hear a little bit about her relationship drama, but it’s a fairly minor node in a very large web of relationship drama. so that’s the expectation set up: sweet, bubbly, maybe a bit naive, and maybe a little bit tired of being nice all the time. AND THEN. SUDDENLY she appears in jade’s fucked up horrorterror dream to be EXTREMELY ELDRITCH and portend TERRIBLE YET BEAUTIFUL THINGS TO COME—
9. post-hivebent and pre-murderstuck, terezi is SUCH an asshole. it's amazing. i love her. she gets john killed, she gets various dave(s) killed, she feels bad about it but doesn't actually change her behavior meaningfully. she laughs at vriska for trying to conduct a rivalry by proxy via the beta kids, even though arguably it was *terezi* who actually turned it into a rivalry. to go back to an earlier point: you can see how the grumpy-uwu image of karkat developed, because when people start getting murdered on the meteor, his reaction is to go "OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD" and get emotional about how much he cared about all his now-dead friends... whereas terezi's reaction is this:
TOREADOORMAT? OUCH. it's not that she doesn't care, it's that she's a weird jerk about caring. she's simultaneously a good friend and absolutely terrible friend.
which gets me to my actual point: why have so few people in the fandom hated terezi? i mean, i love her, but i also love vriska and uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think there might be a few people who uhhhhhhhhhhh don't like vriska very much! but most readers either (1) don't care about terezi, or (2) think she's great, even though she's exactly the type of weird, complex female character that typically gets disproportionate amounts of fandom hate.
my working theory is that vriska is such a lightning rod for discourse that no one had energy left over.
so i’m re-reading homestuck. currently i’m near the beginning of act 5. assorted thoughts:
1. rose is so fucking funny. fanfic writers never remember this
2. speaking of rose — her classpect means that in fanart and fanfic, her mysterious seer-iness is highly emphasized. but in acts 1 through 4, the mysterious one is jade. DREAM VISIONS! ENIGMATIC HINTS AT PROPHECY! TIME LOOP BULLSHIT! jade is THE mysterious seer-adjacent character. meanwhile, rose acts like she knows what’s going on but she basically never does. as a result, fanfic especially gives the mysterious-seer attributes to rose and jade is just sort of… there. (i am kinda guilty of this myself.) my new 2024 slogan: let jade be enigmatic as fuck!
3. the first time vriska ever appears — unless you count her username appearing without being directly referenced, which happens pretty early — is at the very very edge of a panel, in which you can see one of her horns. that happens a few times pre-act-five, especially in panels that involve terezi. honestly most terezi conversations pre-act-five get funnier if you imagine vriska looking over her shoulder like ::::/ or like ::::D
4. the fandom image of karkat is highly positive. the idea of his character is kinda locked to karkat as he appears in act 6 (maybe late act 5?), and fan depictions of early karkat (pre-sgrub, or simply early act 5) seem to retrospectively plaster his later characterization onto his earlier self. his general assholery is interpreted as blunted grumpiness that no one really takes seriously. that interpretation more or less makes sense for later versions of his character, but it’s startling how genuinely mean he is in early act 5! he’s such a jerk that in a conversation with early act 5 vriska he comes off looking worse! that’s HARD. and a really interesting facet of his character!
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my thoughts on the lorien legacies reborn series [spoilers]
i think it sucked
i loved most of the characters to bits and they all deserved better (in terms of characterisation, plot)
nigel. oh my god nigel i love him so much
ran takeda deserved SO MUCH BETTER im still mad
the way they hinted at a whole bunch of romances but only made the one i dont give a shit about canon
i really really hate white girl taylor cook
yes, having a white american girl as the main character IS diversity :))))))
isabela is cool as shit and i wish i was her
i love their fleshed out backstories but i wish i couldve heard more
THERE WAS LITERALLY NO DEVELOPMENT IN MOST OF THEM (personally i think the series was cut short bc they all had so much more room to grow)
(it gave off percy jackson movies energy)
it hurts me how the writing hinted that nigel would get his heroic moment but he literally never did
and then nigel was left with what? his only best friend dead, his parents corrupt assholes and him still not having healed from his trauma- still the underdog
ALSO: NIGEL WAS THE ONLY CANONICALLY GAY CHARACTER (except for maybe daunphen but still that doesnt really count bc its only implied) but they just like. didnt give him a love interest.
nic was literally right there- that homoerotic moment really hit me and i just read it over and over
ran’s death was really well done but also COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE
if isabela had just told einar to stfu and shoot lucas it wouldve all been over and ran and five would still be alive
speaking of which, ran and five were a super cute couple/friendship i cant tell but i like their dynamic a lot
five saying that he “actually likes” ran is essentially a confession of love in his terms
caleb. i liked him. but he was so boring and straight. i think his development wouldve been great if they just DID SOMETHING WITH HIM
also idk whether to ship isabela with caleb or daunphen but personally i like to think of daunphen as trixic which is unrelated
caleb literally. had potential. troubled home life. not as bad as the others but he never really stopped being an uptight little bitch
if he had, i think he wouldve been great
do they have a name? i feel like they do but i cant remember
like... what a mix of characters, i love how they work together
personally i think theyre just the gay friend group
on the topic of einar,
i KNOW i shouldnt love him the way i do but if you didnt want me to love him you SHOULDNT HAVE GIVEN HIM REDEEMING QUALITIES
(same with five)
literally einar’s final monologue hurt me so much even though he nearly did drown nigel in gen 1 but still
“will you- will you finally listen?” yea kill me now
i really hated how they brought the villain in in the final book. the fuck. who even gives a shit about lucas. no one remembers him
also it feels slightly political to make the main villain a radical christian who wants to convert the earth garde by killing them
listen i could talk about einar all day
i think he and isabela were a great friendship... of sorts
i mean did einar ever really let anyone close enough to him to make friends
but hes just so... S O F T
no hes not
but he is to me
kopano really deserved a better gf than taylor
also i wanted to see more of miki
again i will reiterate i think nic and nigel wouldve made a great couple
i keep forgetting theyre all just teenagers and thats kinda painful
einar was just a kid bro
so much potential
hmm am i forgetting anyone?
lets talk about john smith
that man has a hero complex and its really annoying and part of me is really glad he wasnt the one to save the day this time but also i didnt want ran to die so
i think it wouldve been fitting if einar just ended it all since he kinda started the whole fiasco
fuck bea barnaby and her homophobic (and also mass-murdering) ass
the john and marina thing shouldve been forgotten completely no one ships them pls
they had their one true loves just let them be without an s/o thanks
ella deserved to have more screen (? its a book) time bc she was my favourite character in the original series
hes the loml
also the part where lucas (in the body of john) rips off his cybernetic arm really hurt me
i kinda wish taylor died instead of ran
kill off the heroic white girl instead: the fifth wave style
john is such a stupid selfish bastard honestly but having a hero complex a valid flaw but still. i cannot deal with his bullshit all the time
writing one line on john and nine reuniting was cruel when you know most of the fandom ships them
also i like einar’s softening up near the end, and treating the group like they were his actual friends
i wish we couldve seen more of them
i love myself a found family ragtag group situation
even though 2 of them died
and the other has an inhibitor in his head, gets shocked every 3 minutes and took the fall for everyone
but hes just a kid
my thoughts are so scattered
omg stop i think i relate to einar... no..... not the literal mass murderer “terrorist” psychopath
he’s uptight and always needing to be in control
but he feels the pressure of having to be perfect to everyone else, and thus falls apart on the inside
gosh i wish i didnt love einar the way i do
final thoughts (but i’ll probably add even more): ran :’( nigel :( taylor >:( caleb :| einar :’( isabela >:) daunphen :D john :|
i hope no one reads this
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Ok, fam, a few things to get out of the way:
This spitful, attacking discourse has GOT to stop.
1) I am a Jon x Sansa shipper. Do I (my own personal opinion) think they will happen on the show? Probably not. Do I care? Not a whit.
2) Multishipping is a wonderful thing and people should be allowed to do so WITHOUT BEING ATTACKED FOR IT! GROW UP, CHILDREN.
3) I don’t particularly like Daenerys. Not in the books or on GoT. I don’t ship her with Jon. I don’t particularly like the dragons being a thing either. If they weren’t needed for the White Walkers, I think they should have stayed dead.
4) Personal opinion: D&D are shit and season 7′s writing is a humiliating mess.
5) Several other people on my dash have DIFFERENT OPINIONS! Imagine that! People on my dash have different opinions than me! What do I do when I see them? I might make a face if I especially disagree with someone else’s analysis or opinion. But that’s by myself, privately. I don’t say a word unless someone is specifically inviting counter-opinions.
They usually aren’t.
Instead, I move along. Because I respect and admire those people enough to have followed them in the first place. End of story.
Very occasionally, I will have a strong enough opinion that I will add (agreeing) commentary to another person’s meta.
Even rarer, if I see something just horrifically offensive, I WILL comment. But because I’ve been a pretty absent blogger, most of the OG ladies have usua;;y done it already.
Do you see the pattern of what I NEVER do? Go into a person’s inbox and attack them for their opinions, ships, or tastes. (Unless you’re a Nazi. Even though we’re not usually on each others’ radar, if you come into my house, I will obliterate you. I fucking hate Nazis.)
your fandom older sibling,
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