#I fucked finn's eyes up. Sorry gang
orangeindivdual · 1 month
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Our lovely cast of characters. Rodger if he served cunt, a happily married couple and autism
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baileythebean · 4 months
*Bailey had an exact agenda in mind. Scam some lootbag into buying “modern art” at an insane price and then dash. He succeeded, obviously. He’s Bailey. What do you take him for?* *The problem came when he ran into a group of scraps in the alleys who he didn’t know. They were somehow aware of the formation of the sort of alliance that his friends had with Stone, Vinnie and Skipp. After further discussion, it became clear to Bailey that this was a threatening attempt.* “So, what’s it gonna be? You can give us that cash ya got there… or we can turn your little gang against you. How’s that sound?” *The G word alone was enough to make Bailey tense up, but he knew better than to give them a reaction.* ”and how exactly, are you going to accomplish that? You seem like the type of dumb fucks that like to get under people’s skin and never get anything done.” *The same one that had spoken up earlier went on:* “Oh we could uh… I don’t know… inform them of some… plotting you’ve been doing with them pretty weapons of yours. They’re not gon’ feel so safe ‘round you once you’ve been outed as an attempted murderer.” ”But I never-“ ”Oh, we know. That’ll be the fun part.” *He smirked as Bailey’s eyes widened. He was suppressing everything as best as he could, but everything kept coming back up. Like his brain was vomiting up something he was desperately trying to keep down.*
“…Leave me the hell alone.” *He shoved his way past, and hard. He needed to get out of here right now before everything came out.* ”Fine! You seem like the type that’d shoot all of ‘em up anyway if they got on your nerves enough!” (Dammit… I need to get away… fuck, fuck, fuck…) *His mind was clouded and his vision blurred as his eyes welled up with tears. He sprinted away from there as fast as he possibly could. He wouldn’t have been bothered by that petty comment but… he knew all too well what it was like to lose someone to your own two hands. He couldn’t help but imagine Sora, Finn, Jasper, Stone, Vinnie, Skipp - Hell, even Flynn as motionless bodies scattered on the floor. He needed to get it out of his brain. He finally found a quiet, empty ditch in an alley.* (fucking disgusting…) *he thought as he slumped against the wall and he finally let his tears spill down his face.* (I’d never- Yes you would.) *his own thoughts cut him off.* (You’ve done it before.) *the last thing he thought before everything came rushing back to him. The images were too vivid. Like he was seeing them in front of him right now. Brain vomit turned into physical vomit and after a few rounds of violent throwing up, he now had dry heaves. Drenching a tissue in water and wiping his face off, he started to forget how to breathe, how to neutralize his feelings. Why did it have to be like this today? He could normally get over this with a few minutes of mourning everyone… but this? He’d only felt this a few other times. He started to scratch at his shoulders as he hugged his knees to his chest and cried.* (What if I joined them…? Met the same fate myself by the same hands…???) (mod: WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT AM I ON TODAY?? I’M SORRY TO ANYONE WHO LOVES BAILEY AND DOESN’T LIKE SEEING HIM DEVASTATED.)
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Shelby Sister- Kimber
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I'm currently sat in the Garrison in our privet room with my brothers and Isaiah
"Come on let me play" I whine at my brothers
"Alright alright come her" I sit next to John who hands me a deck of cards "first shuffle these cards..."John says helping me but Arthur quickly interrupts
"Terms of play John boy terms of play. She should go play snap with Finn" I roll my eyes at my oldest brother who still sees me as this young girl
"Do you want whiskey as well?" Grace the barmaid walks in
"Yeah I'll have..." I start
"No. None for her. Just beer and orange juice for YN" Tommy responds
"Why no whiskey Tommy? are you expecting trouble?" Arthur asks
"For fuck sake Tommy" I groan grabbing a beer that's half drunk
"I'll ignore that language YN" he says picking up his playing card
"Jesus Christ Tommy what the hell made you let them sing?" John laughs referring to the awfully drunk men singing
"They sound like their strangling cats out there" I laugh along with John
"All right 20 to play. Come on"
"I don't get it" I say looking at my cards then throwing them down in a huff
"What did make you change your mind though Tommy? hmmm?" Arthur asks. I take the cigarette out of Isaiah's mouth and place it in mine before John takes it out of mine to put out
"Yeah I mean it's about time Tommy" the brothers watch Grace as she leaves the room
"Time for what?"
"Time you took yourself a woman. Even our YN is smitten these days" I roll my eyes at Arthur
"Still not happy about that especially knowing what we were up to at her age" John laughs
"What you were up to you mean" Tommy grunts
"Remember Isaiah she is only 15, not need to be married and a mother yet"
"Nope don't want to be part of this conversation. Isaiah let's go" I take his hand and we walk out of the room and over to the bar where Harry is.
Everyone continues to sing and dance when suddenly it goes quiet. I look at the door where some men have just walked in
"Holy shit. It's Billy Kimber" Isaiah pulls me behind him
"Is there any man here named Shelby?" It's quiet for a moment then he pulls out a gun and shoots it in the air making all of us jump "I said is there any man here named Shelby" thankfully my brothers walk out of the room, Tommy leading them
"Harry get these men a drink. Everyone else go home. Isaiah, take YN home and stay there with her" Isaiah nods his head but I refuse
"Grace go home" Tommy says as Grace walks over to the table Tommy and the others just sat at with drinks
"But Mr Fenton said..."
"I said go home"
"I've never approved of woman in pubs, but when they look like that..." Kimber watches Grace walk off
"Isaiah I thought I told you to take YN home"
"You did. YN let's go" I sigh giving in but Kimber stops us from going anywhere
"No. I want her to stay. She's a pretty little thing isn't she. I'm guessing this is the youngest Shelby sister"
"Ay, eyes away!" Tommy shouts "you said you wanted men called Shelby. You've got 3 of them and a girl, but don't underestimate her"
"Right, I'd never heard of ya then I did hear of ya, some little Didicoy razor gang" i scoff a little. Razor gang "I though to myself, so what? but then you fucked me over so now you have my undivided attention. By the way which one and I talking to, who's the boss?" 
"Well I'm the oldest" Arthur replies
"Ha clearly"
"Are you laughing at my brother?"
"Right he's the oldest, your the thickness, she's just nice to look at"
"I'm 15 you perv" I mutter
"I'm told the boss is called Tommy and I'm guessing that's you 'cause your looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart"
"Isaiah I'm not going to ask again take YN home"
"Sorry Tommy. Come on YN" Isaiah takes my hand and pulls me out of the pub. Isaiah takes me home where no one is, obviously. The only time Tommy is allowing Isaiah and I to be alone is because of Kimber. The peace didn't last long because Finn comes home which means time for me to watch him...
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 11 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 19b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Run Boy Run - Part 2
Everett orders an Uber and then sends a text to his group chat requesting Alissa and Michael to sneak out of their houses and away from their bodyguards, er, biker guards? to meet him at a motel just outside of town.
In his current state of mind, he'd rather chance it with his enemies than stay another minute at the clubhouse and risk running into Finn.
Acting on his emotions while ignoring the consequences of his actions is undoubtedly foolish but Everett really doesn't give a damn and neither do his friends because they agree to meet up with him.
The majority of the house is out doing God knows what with Gavin, so Everett successfully makes his way outside without getting caught, adrenaline thrumming loudly in his veins.
He's pushing the limit with every second that passes and he knows it.
Everett is just in time to see someone leaving on their motorcycle.
He looks around twice to make sure the coast is clear, then he books it toward freedom, running like his life depends on it.
He slips through the gates at the very last second, not looking back after hearing them slam shut behind him.
The Uber arrives at a gas station down the street about fifteen minutes later and not once during the long drive to the motel does Everett receive an angry text or phone call from Knox.
Has no one ratted him out yet?
Should he take this as a sign that maybe he isn't making a colossal mistake right now?
Or should he view Knox's silence as a red flag?
Everett can hardly think straight.
He doesn't even know where the hell Knox has been for the last two days let alone how the man might be feeling and why.
Then again, Finn had said more than enough on Knox's behalf.
"Are you on the run from the law or what?" Andrew, the driver, chuckles nervously when they pull into the parking lot of a rundown motel.
"You kept looking over your shoulder like you were expecting someone to be following us. If that's the case, then I really don't want any trouble..."
"There won't be any. Thanks for the ride."
Everett pays the man and exits the car in a hurry.
He books a room at the motel but keeps his bag on him.
A few minutes later, Michael's car pulls into the lot and parks.
Everett greets his friends with a massive hug, the three of them screaming for several minutes about how much they missed each other before finally getting in Michael's car and driving off again.
"Sorry to drag you guys all the way out here," Everett says.
"I didn't want to risk meeting up at one of our houses because I know Knox's men are out lurking."
"It's cool. We're just glad to have you back," Michael says.
"I'm surprised your dude hasn't already popped out to snatch you away. How long do you think it'll take for him to notice that you're gone?" Alissa asks from the front seat.
"Don't know, don't care."
Everett turns his phone off before shoving it to the bottom of his bag.
He tries to relax in the backseat but comfort never comes.
"Is there someplace we can go to chill for a couple of hours? I don't want to think about bikers or gang wars. I just want to hang out with my two best friends and pretend that our summer hasn't completely gone to shit."
"You sound exhausted, babe. Have those assholes been giving you a hard time?" Alissa spins around in her seat to make eye contact with Everett.
He glances at her briefly, then shrugs his shoulders.
"What is that supposed to mean? Do I need to come over there and shank a bitch? I might not know how to fight, but I do know how to stab."
Everett laughs.
"I almost fucked a guy's face up with a pan of hot grease because he pissed me off. So, no, you don't need to stab anyone. I can handle myself, for the most part."
"And what about the other parts?" Alissa asks softly.
"Like the ones hidden deep inside?"
"What do you want me to say?" Everett sighs.
"It's not like I can walk out and get some therapy to fix me overnight. If I tell anyone what I know, what I've seen, it will destroy so many lives."
"At this point, it's you or them," Michael mutters.
"I agree with that statement," Alissa says.
"I appreciate all their help but I'd never take it at the expense of me watching you sit back and deteriorate, Everett. It isn't worth it. We should go to the cops."
"I can't," Everett says. "I just... can't."
"Why not? What's stopping you?" Alissa asks.
"A lot of things but I also kind of bonded with someone from the club, the President's wife and she's been one of the few people that have helped to keep my head on straight. If I take this shit to the cops, then her baby will grow up without a father. I can't be the reason why that happens."
"You're literally too damn nice," Alissa mutters. "It's going to come back to bite you one day."
"Maybe so," Everett replies, staring out of the window.
"The Fallen Angels do bad shit but they aren't all bad people. Same thing applies to Knox..."
The words play over in his head, again and again, until he starts to believe them.
"I'm in too deep, anyway. After they get rid of The Jackals, only then will my life go back to normal. But enough about me. Where the hell are we going? I'm starving and didn't get to eat breakfast because I threw it in someone's face."
"We can go to the mall if you guys want? My girl's birthday is next weekend and she won't shut up about this perfume she saw trending on Tik Tok," Alissa says. "I have to find it for her, then we can stop to grab a bite to eat in the food court."
"Sounds like a plan," Michael says. "A little retail therapy could do me good."
Everett smiles but his credit card would beg to differ.
Exactly one hour into his impromptu shopping spree, reality smacks him in the form of a long receipt totaling $341.90.
He isn't sure whether to laugh or cry while waddling toward an empty table in the middle of the food court with several large bags, some of them designer, in each hand.
"My jobless ass has officially overdone it."
Everett takes a seat with a heavy sigh after organizing his bags on the floor.
"This is why I don't go shopping when I'm moody. Expensive things happen."
"I told you we shouldn't have gone into that damn store," Alissa laughs.
"And I told you to put half of this shit back because you didn't need it," Michael huffs, struggling to rid himself of the six bags he'd been forced to carry.
"But of course, you never listen to my great advice."
"Promise I'll start next year," Everett teases.
After ordering their food, the trio quickly gets wrapped up in a lighthearted conversation that makes Everett forget all his troubles.
It isn't until Alissa points out Everett's not-so-secret admirer that he slowly starts to come back down to earth and realize that the darkness he's been desperate to get away from will always catch up to him.
"Homeboy has been staring at you hella hard for like five minutes," Alissa announces with a cheeky grin.
"You should go talk to him. He might be a good distraction for you."
"Uh... Have you forgotten about the situation he's in? He definitely should not attempt to hook up with any randos right now," Michael says.
"You'd better take my advice this time," he tells Everett.
"I'm not going to do anything stupid. I've done enough of it today."
Everett follows Alissa's gaze and turns around in his seat to get a better look at the guy whose attention he's captured.
"Oh, no. Not my type at all."
He turns back around to finish his food, ignoring the chill that creeps up his spine.
"He looks exactly like the assholes that used to give me shit in high school for being gay. No fucking thanks."
"Shit... He's walking this way," Alissa whispers. "Everyone act natural."
"You're literally the only one not acting natural," Michael says.
Everett discreetly looks over his shoulder to see the man walking in his direction, almost as if he's making his way to the table.
The man is dressed in a black and white flannel shirt that's unbuttoned to show a crisp white t-shirt underneath.
His black jeans are tight and showcase his long, muscular legs.
As he comes even closer, Everett can see the little bit of scruff on his face and a cross tattoo on the side of his neck.
A pair of black sunglasses rest on top of his cherry red hair, completing the old-school look that he badly needs to give back to the past.
For a split second, Everett thinks the man is going to stop and ask for his number.
The nervous breath he didn't know he was holding gets released when the man raises his cell phone to his ear and talks into it, his dark eyes pulling away from Everett's table as he continues on his way toward the exit carrying a greasy Burger King bag in his free hand.
"Maybe he wasn't interested after all," Michael says.
"That was awkward," Everett chuckles. "I'm glad he didn't stop, though."
"I totally thought he was based on how hard he was looking over here," Alissa says, then changes the subject.
"Are we going back to the motel after this? I didn't bring anything with me but if you want us to stay the night with you, then we totally will."
"Ride or die," Michael adds, referring to their friendship.
"And I'm calling the right side of the bed. You two can fight over the middle and the left."
Everett smiles softly, tearing up a little.
"I'll take the left."
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𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿: ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴᴛ ʜᴜʀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ
disclaimer: in this universe the grabber doesn't exist and everyones still alive<3 also alot of cusing and bullying <3
Robin has been yours for a little over a month now he’s protected you from bullies mostly moose and his stinky goons. But today was a different story Robin called you at around 6:00 in the morning before school while you were brushing your hair and he looked awful his face was pale his eyes are baggy and red around his eyelids and his voice was raspy. “Robbin what happened to you you look like a sick ghost but bad” you almost yelled when you saw his face through your phone screen. “Im a little sick right now i think ill be at school tomorrow but not today im sorry my princesa“ he say making it through his sentence, his usually smooth lulling voice now sounding dry and like he might start coughing any minute now. After a little bit of conversation and alot of “i love you do much get better love” and “im fine im fine just a cold” you have your backpack on and your walking to school with your childhood best friend finney blake you have know each other for ever and he and gwen played matchmaker with you and robin, as gwen bring your only female friend and robin being finneys best friend they figured out your crushes for each other prettty quick. “Wheres robin i thought he naver missed a day?” Finney said his voice laced with concern for his friend. “Hes sick, he says he just has a cold but he looks awful he said he will be back tomorrow” you said looking at finn with disappointment in your eyes. “ while on the topic, wheres gwen i hope shes not sick too!” You said worried that your school had a mini cold epidemic. “Shes walking with her 6th grader friends again” finn said rolling his eyes wondering why she would hang out with a group of gossiping blabbering teenagers. You chuckled at his remark but that chuckle soon turned into a dead cold terrified stare. Seeing your expression he looked up and said “whats wrong you look funny” “ Moose” you said as the crusty looking kid approached “oh shit” finn said under his breath as moose shouted out with his goons behind him “ hey wimps is your dream boy not here to protect you today huh?” He mocked in a baby voice to finney and you “DONT FUCKING CALL ROBIN THAT YOU SHITHEAD HE COULD BEAT YOUR ASS AND BREAK A BONE” you yelled furiously they insulted your boyfriend and yours and finneys best friend that could beat them with a flick of his finger. “Oh and what are you gonna do about it cry?” Moose spat out “shut up moose no ine wants to hear you opinion, come on y/n lets go their not worth it” finney said about to turn around but before he could take a step you charged at moose and socked him in his jaw and kicked his stomach while yelling profanities. “Oh u little shit you gonna die!” He yelled at you as he got up and hit you over and over and over your blood streaming down your face you dont even know where it was comming from anymore. Then a distressed voice yelled “stop cant you see shes got the point just stop” Finney? He was on the verge of tears and moose and his gang backed up “fine but dont think your getting off so easy next time” he doat out as a threat. “Oh my god im so glad your okay….well i mean your not OK but i just glad you survived ima bring you to robins house and then head off to class you really cant go to school today so ill let robin patch you up” he finishes as he hugs your sore body happy your alright.
~~time skip to when you knock on robins door~~
You stumbled up to your boyfriends house your knuckles were too sore so you lightly kicked it with the last bit of strength you had. Luckily he heard the door and came downstairs and opened it “OH MY OH MY OH MY PRINCESA WHAT HAPPED ARE YOU OKAY ONG WAIT NO YOU ARENT COME INSIDE SIT ON THE COUCH” he said in a worried panic “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU” “moose and his dumb goons happened” you managed to speak out even though he had busted you lip. “Ill fuck him up so bad he wont ever stand again but for now let’s get you patched up i hate seeing my princesa hurt” he said as he wrapped you up kissing every non bleeding or burning bruise or cut on you. “I love you so much please dont ever let them hurt you like that again..” robin said almost as a question “i wont I promise i dont wanna make you sad” you said as you were laying your head onto robins chest both you you laying on the couch. You soon fall asleep and beofre robin falls asleep he kisses your forehead and whispers “goodnight princesa sweet dreams” he’s the most loving person you ever knew even though he looks tough but theres no one else you would rather have in the whole world.
okay thats the end sorry my grammar is crap and im not good at writing alot but thats the Robin fic no one asked for ik alot of things are probably mispelled but its midnight and i dont wanna read thru it
anyways pls suggest some things you want i have a list of what i post on my blog and if your not sure or cant find it just message me and if i can ill do it as soon as possible
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox
Okay so since nobody’s suggested a fic under these terms, I ended up expanding on this post on discord and things snowballed. We kept to the basics of the entire plot revolving around Rey really hating her grandad and leveraging her blood relation to not be unalived about it.
With contributions by @atagotiak​, @dracothulhu​, @thepallaspalace​, and several others. The title comes from @gelpenss​.
The basic thing I absolutely need is this: Rey gets thrown back to the middle of the clone wars, and the subsequent plot leans in really heavily on her being, genetically-via-clone-dad, the daughter of the guy running the entire galaxy.
Nobody knows what to do with her.
The timing is mid-TCW for the past (because I want Ahsoka there) and vaguely between Episodes 8 and 9 because I... never watched E9 and don’t want to worry about the timeline. The only things that matter is that Luke is dead (he can die as he did in canon) and that Rey knows she’s Palp’s granddaughter (not the way she does in canon).
We'll say Luke found out from Anakin's panicked force-ghost and just went "well, fuck, okay, I should tell her this before she ends up in a situation like mine and finds out mid-battle or something."
Luke, prior to time-travel: Okay, so, now that I'm dead I know some things I didn't before. Like who your parents were. In the interest of full disclosure because I was in a very similar situation and I don't want you learning the way I did, I'm just going to come right out and say that your father was a clone was Sheev Palpatine. Rey: ... Luke: Are you okay? Rey: I don't know who that is.
(She grew up on Jakku, the history education was a little subpar.)
Setting The Scene
Imagine Rey showing up during or immediately before the clone wars. There’s this phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater who tells you that if you ran a paternity test, it would probably pop up the Chancellor. She may or may not bring up cloning. She accuses said Chancellor of being a Sith Lord.
Your other phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater, who may not be a teenager anymore but only barely, is very offended by this because Palpatine’s a Very Nice Old Grandfather Figure, but also he’s a little full of side-eye because if the blood test comes back as proof, then Palpatine had a kid and didn’t even know about them, or lied to Anakin, and that’s! Bad! Family’s important!!!
Palpatine hears about this daughter he apparently? Has? And is very confused because the timing doesn’t match up with ANYTHING he was doing, so the kid isn’t natural, and he says as much. (There is an explanation! It’s not a correct explanation, but he does come up with one.)
Finn and Poe and BB-8 all get dragged along because why not have the gang there? Nobody that’s already born, because [handwave] conservation of souls or something, IDK, point is the only person dragged along that’s even remotely close to already existing is Luke’s Force Ghost, who mostly hangs around begging Rey to be less impulsive. Finn is good because he is a nice polite boy, but for actual useful information they need Poe. The unfortunate situation is that the three do not land together. They land at the same time, in completely different corners of the galaxy. This means that nobody is there to curb Rey being her most impulsive self.
Time travel Rey knows two things. Luke’s dad ends up evil. Palpatine has always been evil.
She can solve one of these problems by killing the other, yes?
Rey: Ready to Rumble
See, the initial idea was this: Rey tried to break into the senate to kill Palpatine, got arrested, and then used the "he's biologically my father" card to get out of jail free. (Force Ghost Luke follows her like “please take five seconds to think this through.”)
It would be very, very, very funny if The Force just dumps her in a flash of light in the senate building and she just attacks Gramps on sight. Just a shouted "YOU!" and no-hesitation attempted murder.
Palpatine has no idea what's going on.
Rey took maybe two seconds to get identity confirmation and then started swinging.
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[Image Description: An individual in a green metal helmet with an eye slit, holding a pistol. In the upper left, upper right, and lower middle are the phrases “I do not know who I am...” “I don’t know why I’m here” and “All I know is that I must kill.” End description.]
Of course, she gets arrested. There are Master Jedi in the Senate. There are Clone Troopers. Palpatine isn’t the weak old man he pretends to be. Of course she’s stopped.
But she isn’t executed in time for Palpatine to stop her from ruining his entire reputation.
Immediately after Rey fails to kill her Shitty Granddad, Luke's ghost shows up and begs her to not talk about the Sith thing because it will completely undermine everything she's trying to do. Pass off the attempted murder as something else!
Rey, panicking: "that fucker left me on a desert planet for 10 years!" "You owe me 19 years of child support you son of a Hutt!"
The Jedi have to do the investigation, because the girl showed up with a laser sword, and the conversation is, uh... interesting. (“Where did you get that lightsaber?” “I got it from a mysterious old pirate lady I never met before. I don't know, I was being shown around by a smuggler and a Wookie.”)
Interviewer: Why did you try to assassinate the Chancellor? Luke: Say it wasn't assassination. Rey: It wasn't assassination. Int: You weren't trying to kill him? Luke: Assassination has to be politically motivated. Rey: This was, um... not political. Assassination is political, right? Int: You mean this was personally motivated? Rey: Yes. Int: I see. What personal motivation? Luke: Jakku! Rey: He's my grandfather. Int: ... Rey: Possibly father. Nobody was very clear on that. Int: ... Luke: Tell them to run a paternity test. Rey: Oh hey, a blood test would tell us which, right? Int: ............ Rey: I spent ten years as an orphaned scrapdealer on Jakku. He's my father. I'm kind of a little angry. Int: ........... Luke: Good job, kid. You bought yourself some time. Int: I'm going to get a medic to see about that parternity test.
Obviously, it comes back positive. Congratulations, Sheev, you’re the father.
Rey comes with a ready-made built-in excuse for hating Palpatine that nobody can question or fault her for!
Rey, pouring Truth into the Force: I didn't even know I was related to the Chancellor until a few months ago, but it's his fault I grew up the way I did, and he should take some responsibility!
The entire thing is mostly kept hush hush but someone leaks it to the press and Palpatine's ratings tank.
"Chancellor, I think we'll need to waive family visitation until she wants you a little less dead." "I would like to find out why she wants me dead, and indeed, where she came from." "...sir, for your own safety--"
Who would win? A master plan years in the making spanning decades of manipulating and work? or One (1) paternity test
"Okay, so, Rey Palpat--" "Ew, no, I don't want his name." "You--okay. Sure, we can understand that. Is there a name you would prefer to put on the paperwork?" Rey, who would have gone by Skywalker in honor of Luke but can't do that when Anakin is right there and all: "Can I think about it?"
Rey: I don't know what I want my last name to be but I know I don't want his, and most of the people I’d want a name from have famous families like you... Luke's ghost, pointing out the Literal Nobody that she cares about a lot: How about Solo? Rey: ...Solo, then.
(A few months later she runs into Poe again and he offers for Finn and Rey to both take his name because honestly they need SOMETHING but at that point she’s already decided on Smuggler Dad.)
Backtrack a bit. We’ve got a bigger cast.
They all arrive separately. Poe, for one, does better than Rey, who is aiming for a murder, but not quite as well as Finn, who is currently being adopted and hidden like a secret cat by a bunch of Alpha Clones on Kamino. He vibes with the names-or-numbers thing. He doesn’t necessarily tell them where and when he’s from, but he’s very sweet and a great liar and they adopt him wholesale anyway.
The Finn situation is just... "Buir Ti, we need you to hide this man, we've decided he's our little brother but if Nala Se finds out she'll make him leave."
Of course, this leads into Shaak Ti teaching Finn how to Jedi.
Maybe consider Finn needing to almost be tricked into learning Jedi things because he willfully forgets it could apply to him. Finn does not like to think of himself as special, which is super valid, but frustrating for Shaak Ti when it comes to, you know, getting him to acquire knowledge. Finn's training at some point is "here, levitate objects with the Force to entertain the tubies." It’s a lot easier to convince him to practice when it involves the babies.
(Everyone on Kamino looked at Finn and went “oh I love him I’m keeping him and teaching him things.”)
(He’s just very lovable.)
Poe, meanwhile, buys the trust of Anakin Skywalker via R2D2 declaring BB-8 the absolute most baby of droids. R2D2 met BB-8 three hours ago but.
"Hey Obi-Wan this is Poe I met him like five days ago but R2D2 says he checks out because his droid is a baby." "That's nice, Anakin, did you know the Chancellor has a daughter who tried to assassinate him in broad daylight yesterday? Because guess who had to stop the Chancellor from getting assassinated by his daughter in broad daylight yesterday."
A summary so far:
Finn, on Kamino: Hey, um, I don't know where this is, but it's not where I was a few minutes ago. Do you think you could get me a comm? What's your name? Poe, on [dice roll] Denon: Oh, hey, you're General Skywalker? Nice to meet you, I'm so sorry about my droid, she's a little excitable and thought your R2 unit looked like a friend of hers-- Rey, on Coruscant: DIE, GRANDFATHER
Finn: [Peacefully vibing on Kamino, unaware of the chaos and bonding with the clones] Poe: [Trying to explain how he knows someone who tried to kill the chancellor and defend Rey] Rey: [Arrested for trying to kill the chancellor]
Just... just...
Anakin: Some guy ended up lost on base yesterday with his droid, how’s your day going? Obi-Wan: I had to stop someone who claims to be the chancellors daughter from murdering the chancellor after she seemingly blinked into existence in the Senate building. Poe: 😐
(Poe: Oh, so that's where Chaos^2 went.)
Poe: In her defense, she is his... well we don't know if she's his daughter or granddaughter, but she's definitely related to him, and she definitely grew up in a shitty situation that was his fault, so...
(Poe is trying very hard to explain this and not get arrested on the military base.)
As you’ve probably guessed, what's especially funny about all of this for me is the fact that Palpatine is fully aware that this girl shouldn't exist, but can't find a single piece of evidence about where she came from. He didn't start any experiments that could result in a female child, and he didn't have sex in that period of time, so where the hell--
Rey spends so much time in jail... BUT they do eventually assign her a Jedi Master. Possibly before she actually proves her evil grandfather is in fact evil. Most votes went to either Plo Koon or Obi-Wan. Plo, because he’s dad-shaped, and Obi...
"Obi-Wan, you already raised one feral desert child with implausible amounts of power, you handle this." Rey in return is very "Sweet, you vaguely remind me of Master Luke," and nobody knows who the hell she's talking about. Obi-Wan is NOT on board with this plan, she'd really be better off with Plo or like........ Mace.
Reunion Tour
What I need out of this is the eventual Finn and Rey reunion scene that is just excited screaming while someone in the background explains to Shaak Ti that yes this is apparently Palpatine's terrifyingly force-sensitive daughter who hates him.
(Finn senses Rey’s approach and just. Gathers the everyone to wait. He’s just :D REY MY FRIEND REY GUYS MY FRIEND REY IS COMING.)
Anakin shows up with Poe--just a guy who signed on to the military, no big deal--and then Poe and Rey are EXCITED and everyone's just like "Cool, how do you know this literal terrorist child?" And Poe has to scramble and "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh she saved my droid from a scrapheap once and BB-8 is basically my child so I owe her one."
Rey knows that Anakin ends up evil so she’s maybe not actively hostile but definitely very “I’m watching you.” That said, she vibes with him on a lot of things that he maybe doesn’t actively notice.
Rey picks up a snake, snaps off the head for venom avoidance, and starts biting off chunks. Obi-Wan's reaction: [undisguised horror] Anakin and Ahsoka: Ooh, where'd you find that? (Obi-Wan: And now I’m up to three feral children.)
What Does Palpatine Even Do?
OBVIOUSLY at a certain point, Palpatine is just phoning up every ally he has to figure out who broke protocol to synthesize a daughter for him.
So of course, Palpatine blame Plagueis.
She'd have been born five or so years before Naboo, just a few years younger than Anakin. It's such an EASY theory to build a conspiracy around. It is ENTIRELY WRONG, but it’s plausible! And anyone who might have been involved to say otherwise is probably dead!
A random bio-kid shows up you can’t possibly have contributed genes to? Maybe it’s the evil bio spark that did it.
Palpatine tries to placate her with the ‘my genes were stolen for an experiment and I didn’t know’ thing. It doesn’t work because her actual main complaint is he’s evil in her future but he tries.
It'd be a struggle to even get access to her, because of the aforementioned “maybe don’t try to talk to the daughter(?) that hates you” thing, but you know who Palpatine does have access to? The Chosen One.
Rey kind of decides on her favorites early on (she gravitates to Dad Energy and Sad Old Men so Plo and Obi-Wan are on her list, and that means decent time around Anakin and Ahsoka). It's really easy to talk Anakin into helping to some degree because "he'd like to connect to a daughter he never knew" and "a child of her power on a planet like that, you'd know her struggle, my dear boy" and so on. Anakin tries to connect! He tries to play up Sheev’s kind political work and how it can’t have really been his fault! It doesn’t work. Rey does not believe a word of it. Mostly she doesn’t even seem to hear him.
Rey's just like "...oh right, you're the melted mask that Kylo Ren was always ranting about," which means absolutely NOTHING to Anakin, but he mentions it to Palps, who loses his goddamn mind trying to figure out what she's talking about, because it also means absolutely nothing to him.
Here’s the thing: Rey’s already decided that Obi-Wan is cool, because Luke said so, and Plo Koon is dad-shaped, and she also gravitates towards earnest kindness in general, like she made friends with Finn real quick, so Ahsoka? Already getting along great.
She doesn’t dislike Anakin, really, he isn’t evil yet, he’s just... meh. She’s a little suspicious and she likes him less than the others but... Anakin.
Rey, to Anakin: You are my least favorite. Anakin, to Palpatine: YOUR DAUGHTER HATES ME???
And he goes from “she’s a lil standoffish” to “she doesn’t like me” to “she hates me” as is normal for Anakin.
It’s just an escalation of this one time Palpatine wants Anakin to not have rifts and trust issues with a person, at least not until later, because he needs information.
Meanwhile, that very moment, Rey is just like "huh, nobody here is listening to me about how make a sixth-hand carburetor work, where's Luke's dad?"
Anakin is venting to Palpatine about how hard it is to talk to Rey, and she's over in the Temple just like "Hey, that guy was useful last time, I should ask him," but also she only ever thinks of him as Luke's Dad.
(At one point, Obi-Wan is having a bit of a break down, and then Anakin starts having a breakdown about that, meanwhile the clones are (badly) trying to hide Finn behind their backs, Rey is watching Ahsoka practice and being like "I want two lightsabers," and Poe is trying to keep R2 from stealing BB-8 and Force Ghost Luke is just face palming in the background.)
(Rey deserved a saber staff, maybe one that can detach and turn into a jar’kai set. Possibly a pike. Mostly I just wish she got more chances to whack things with a big stick.)
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Reconnect-Finn Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @peakystitches​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello! May i request an either tommy or finn shelby x reader? (Whicheverr one u think suits best) for this prompt i found: character A and B have been in a longterm relationship and nothing can get in between, until one day something does and they drift away. But then they reconnect emotionally and everything feels like the first time again (first kiss, first meal together etc) 🙏🏼💜 i love ur writing thank u’
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, Polly Gray x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, finance issues, drinking, fluff
"Finn, is that you?" I called out from our bedroom as I heard the front door open. I tensed up when I didn't hear a reply, only to let out a sigh when I heard him giggling.
He was drunk again, it happened almost every week now. Tommy would have given him something important to do for the gang, and whether or not Finn succeeded with that task, he would go out and celebrate with his mates. I would sometimes tag along if I wasn't tired from the week of working, but after seeing our finances, I realised we needed to stop acting like teenagers and start saving wisely.
"Hello my gorgeous girl." he slurred out as he entered the room.
"Hello Finn." I replied as I received a sloppy kiss to my forehead.
He flopped down beside me in bed, taking the book out of my hands and throwing it to the floor. Finn wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into my lap. I took off his hat, stroking back his hair. He was cold from the brisk walk home, causing me to shiver.
“You should have come out tonight." he said.
"I got off work late."
"He kept you again?"
"No, I decided to stay."
"Why? You always say you're tired."
"I'm tired because I'm picking up extra shifts and hours so that we can start saving up for a house."
"I've told you, we don't need to worry about that. Business is good."
"Finn, we're not going to be given the money. We have to earn it."
"Tommy will help us."
"He might help but he won't give us a lot. And even if he did hand us a house, we've got to have enough money for the bills, furniture-"
"It will be fine."
"Finn, we've not even had our wedding yet!"
We had been engaged for half a year. We were wanting to be married sooner, but problems arose with the Peaky Blinders it distracted us both from it, especially since our lives were in danger. I desperately wanted to have enough money for the wedding and house, though it looked like it was going to be one or the other at this point.
"What's wrong with the flat?" Finn now sat up.
"Did you seriously ask me that question? There's only so much I can do to this dump to make it look somewhat liveable. It just doesn't feel like home."
"We'll get the money. Don't worry. Look, look," he took my hands in his,"we will get a house. I promise. And believe me, I want to marry you as soon as I can, there needs to be another ring on that finger. And I need to see my name at the end of yours."
I stupidly believed him. Those adoring eyes I once trusted had lied to me. Finn kept his promise for a week at max, soon breaking it. I didn't mind him going out with friends, we both needed to socialise, I just disagreed with the amount of times he was out and the amount of drinks he was buying each night. He would always offer to get the next round, and although he was a Shelby, the discounts didn't make much difference at the end of the night. I decided I had to go with him to ensure that our money wasn't being poured away, struggling to stay awake for those long nights, and making work even harder every day. It was impossible to keep an eye on him like that.
Usually Finn would tell me if he was going out that night so I wouldn't worry. That stopped too. My mind was never at ease. How did I know he wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere after a job gone wrong? Or what if he was trapped somewhere by a rival gang? I could only rest when he returned, which he always luckily did. I pretended to be asleep, trying to not push him away as he slipped his arms around me, cuddling me for the rest of the night. My patience began to grow thin. I was too scared to speak up about it, worried that we would just end up having an argument. However, I knew we would have to bring it up soon, because our money was only disappearing instead of increasing.
One morning when I was leaving for work, I noticed that the drawer we locked our savings away in was slightly ajar, meaning someone had unlocked it and stupidly left it open. Of course it had to be Finn, no one had broken in during the night. My eyes widened when I saw how much he had taken, enraged that he would think me so foolish. Why would he take the money without asking? What was he using it for?
As I stormed towards the shop, I heard whooping from men in a car further up the street. My face turned into a deep frown when I recognised the car, managing to catch a glimpse of the people in it. They hadn't seen me, and I had to make sure my eyes were deceiving me.
I didn't care about the looks on me as I burst through into the shop, making a beeline for Polly's office. I harshly knocked on the door, entering when she called me.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" she asked, a lit cigarette in hand.
"Where's Finn?"
"Off out with his brothers, why?"
"Where are they going?"
"To the races."
I scoffed, placing a hand on my head in defeat.
"Why? What's wrong with that?"
"He told me he would be in the office all day today."
"So? Things change."
"No, he specifically told me that. I never even asked about it. He made a point meaning he didn't want to risk me waltzing in. That means he's hiding something."
"(Y/N), they're only going to bet on horses today. They're mingling."
"They're betting today?!"
She stood, putting a hand on her hip."What am I missing here?"
"Pol, he's using money that we don't have! I need a car, I need to get to him."
"Look, even if my nephew is being the biggest idiot, it's a bad idea to go there."
Her eyes widened."Don't snap at me young lady."
"I'm sorry, I just, I just know he's going to be stupid with what little money we have at the minute."
Polly was silent for a few seconds, and I didn't know if she was just staring me out, trying to make me leave. Perhaps she didn't think it was anything to worry over. But it was to me. She surprised me when she went into one of her drawers, pulling out a set of keys.
"Come on. I'll get one of the girls to call your work, say you're sick."
I tightly clasped my hands together as Polly drove. I was furious, trying to think of what to say to Finn when I got there. He stole our money. He went behind my back, gambling away the money we worked hard to earn. I had never said it, but Finn had it much easier than I did. For one, he worked with family, and although I liked my job, the boss could sometimes be an arsehole; second, he earned a lot more than me, so he was the bigger breadwinner between us, but I worked longer hours. Yes, he was in a gang meaning he had more days where his life was under threat, but he seemed to be having a jolly good time anyway. Really, it wouldn't have mattered who worked longer or harder, or who earned more, it was still our money to spend on our house.
As soon as Polly parked up, I was straight out of the car. She quickly followed grabbing my arm and warning me to not get lost in the crowds. I couldn't make a scene, especially since there could be potential business partners or enemies about. I refrained from rolling my eyes, knowing she was right but also knowing that I would find it extremely hard to not scream at Finn.
Polly guided me to where the men would be, ignoring the shoving and shouting. I wished for her to walk quicker. We swiftly entered the posher boxes, almost stopped by a doorman until his accomplice shut him up. I even heard him whisper 'That's Polly Gray you idiot.', the one time I was glad we had a reputation. She only paused to scan the room for the boys but I spotted them first. Quickly moving past her, I couldn't stop my fists from clenching, seeing Finn joyfully drinking and laughing with his brothers only added fire to my fury.
"Finn!" I snapped, quickly catching his attention.
"(Y/N)?" he exclaimed, struggling to stand and clattering the plates and glasses on the table."W-what are you doing here?"
"Stopping you from spending our money like a fucking idiot! Where is it?"
"Oh, Finn boy is in the doghouse." John chuckled.
"Shut up!" I fiercely pointed at him.
"Where's what?" Finn brought me back.
"Our money!"
"I told you, you do this outside." Polly warned, shoving Finn in that direction, and I knew I had to follow him.
Luckily, we were left alone. Finn continued on, finding someplace we would be alone. Once we were in the clear, the distant roar of the crowds covering our conversation, I saw him sigh quietly, running a hand down his face when he realised what was coming.
"Where's the money Finn?" I asked, calmer but with a mean tone.
"Let me explain first.”
"Explain how you took our money without asking? How you just waltzed out this morning without consulting me?"
"Tommy said that there was a good chance, a very good chance that this horse would win, and I thought it would help us if we put our money on it. Imagine how much we'll have if it wins!"
"If it wins Finn, if! You're gambling our money, why would you do something like that?"
"Because you went on about not having enough money! And here I am trying to help!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."You really don’t see the problem here."
"No, actually, I don't." he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Finn, you stole money from the drawer! You then go behind my back and bet it away. Have you thought about what we'll do if that horse loses?"
"But it won't, Tommy said."
"And what if Tommy is wrong this time? Also, don't pin this on your brother, I know he hasn't even suggested this idea."
"I'm not-urgh!" Finn groaned."Why don't you trust me?"
"I can't trust a gamble Finn. I don't think you realise how many nights I've spent lying awake, worried that we'll never have enough for our own home, and thinking that you don't even care anymore."
"Of course I care. This is why I've bet the money."
"How is this not getting in your head?"
"(Y/N)," he took my hands in his, but I couldn't even look at him,"in a few minutes we will hear them announce the winner, and we will start jumping for joy when we realise how much money we're going to get back, and we're going to be so much closer to getting our home."
"Finn, I desperately want to believe that. But even if we do win, you're in deep trouble." I took my hands away from him, turning around. I couldn't even look at my own fiance.
On queue, we heard a man come over the intercom, it was muffled to me but I knew Finn was listening intensely. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched for his reaction, turning around fully when I saw his expression. We had lost. We lost all that money.
"How could you be so fucking stupid?!" I screamed at him, throwing slaps onto his chest."Why couldn't you just listen to me? I don't understand why you had to lie to me Finn!"
I broke down crying, shoving him away from me. My sobs were loud but I didn't care. Finn could watch, see how much he upset me. My heart sank at the thought of it all gone, Finn had left scarcely any money in the drawer back at the flat.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Finn pathetically said.
"You know how you always go on about your family never trusting you enough for the big jobs? That you never get to go out with them and help? This is why. Because you do things like this, you fuck everything up Finn. Fuck!" I wiped away my tears, even though more spilled out."You know I've always stuck beside you, but this is the last straw Finn. I can't be with someone who doesn't want to put effort into their future."
"What are you saying? (Y/N), I can fix this. I promise I'll get the money back, I'll-"
"How? That took us so long to build that up. And you were spending our money almost every night on useless drinking. I can't Finn, I can't live like that anymore."
He ducked his head, and I almost wanted him to say something. When he didn't, I knew what I had to do.
I took a deep breath before speaking."I'm going home. I suggest you stay at Polly's tonight."
"Let me take you home-"
"What's going on?" Tommy suddenly appeared, he, his brothers and Polly approaching.
"Your nephew, your brother, just gave away almost all of our money betting on a horse. Not only that, but he took the money without telling me. That was money for a house." I angrily explained.
"Is that true Finn?"
Finn shamefully nodded.
"We can get you your money back (Y/N)."
"It's not about that Tom. He's lied to me. He promised me he wouldn't spend our money every week, yet he did. And then he takes our money without asking me about it first."
"I'll fix it (Y/N), I promise I will." Finn was begging at this point.
"Another promise that you're bound to break. I've had enough today."
"Let's get you home love." Polly said, putting a stop to this argument as she stepped forward, taking me under her arm.
Finn didn't come home that night. I didn't sleep. I was sat at the tiny dining table, staring at the ring on my finger, wondering what to do. It broke my heart to think about leaving him, but it also broke my heart thinking about how reckless he had been. Did I really want to be marrying someone who acted like this? Would he mature? My heart wanted to believe he would, but my mind kept telling me that today confirmed he wouldn't. That was one of the worst nights of my life.
I couldn't stand this job any longer. But it was the only thing keeping me alive. It was crappy work, the pay was just above minimum, enough for me to buy food, pay my rent and have the tiniest amount left over. Saving up money was hard when it was just you. Even after two years, I didn't have enough to consider looking at places of my own, or with less roommates. It was exhausting keeping up with these girls I lived with, there were 6 of us altogether. It was a big change when I moved away from Small Heath.
"You ready (Y/N)?" one of my roommates called out to me as I finished applying my lipstick.
"Just a second!" I replied, checking myself in the mirror.
It was the rare occasion that I was going out with them, the one time we could all go out together at all. I was looking forward to a few drinks, and although that sounded hypocritical, I realised that I had to have a night or two in at least a month to relieve myself of the stress I put upon myself.
We arrived at the small club we always went to, it had the cheapest drinks this side of town. We all shivered in the cold weather, walking as fast as we could to make it to the club. The warmth was very welcome, as well as the loud music that drew us further in. It was the usual routine, a few of us grab a table, the others get the drinks in, then we would all make our way to the dance floor. Hours passed, and I had to get away from the heat coming from the dancing, stepping back towards our table to get a drink. I saw my roommate stumbling in the direction of the bar, rolling my eyes as I went to help her, perhaps getting a drink whilst I was there. However, once I got closer, I stared at the man she was starting to flirt with.
"Isaiah?" I said as I got closer.
"(Y/N)!" he smiled, bringing me in for a hug.
"You two know each other?" my roommate asked, looking disappointed.
"He's an old friend. Just that, nothing else."
Isaiah let me go."How long has it been? Two years?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, two years. What are you doing here?"
"Business. Nothing dangerous though, you girls are still in for a good night. Especially you if you're good." he winked to my roommate.
"Is he...is he here?" my voice suddenly went shaky, and I felt almost completely sober.
Isaiah's playful nature dropped."Uh, he is. He's really misses you (Y/N). Hasn't even looked at another girl since you left. He's just not been the same." I wasn't sure how to reply.
"I can't not tell him I saw you. Imagine if he found out, he would be so upset with me."
"I know. I wouldn't want to hurt your friendship."
"Maybe you should see him. It might do you both some good."
"Or the opposite."
"He still loves you. Even if you don't feel the same, it could bring closure. But I know you (Y/N), I can tell what you're thinking."
"You were always annoying like that."
"He's out front, in the corridor. That's all I'm going to say."
I looked at him for a few seconds, trying to make my mind up."Well, this one is a handful, just so you know."
"I think I can handle her." Isaiah smirked.
"I was warning her about you."
I giggled at his reaction, walking away and leaving him in his natural habitat of flirting. But as soon as I turned around, my stomach dropped, nerves filling up my entire body. He was here. I hadn't seen him for two years, though I thought about him everyday. Would he look different? Did I look different? What was he going to say? What was I going to say? My brain didn't want to think of any words, maybe I was about to babble absolute nonsense to him.
Upon seeing him, my throat tightened, the cool air slapping me in the face; oh, now I was sober. He hadn't noticed yet, leaning up against a wall, hands in his pockets. Wow, he had changed. His boyish charm was still there, yet he had matured into a handsome young man. It was like I was seeing him for the first time all over again. I was just happy that he would be seeing me in my finer clothes rather than catching me after work.
Urging my feet to move, I almost sighed at how small my steps were. I really was scared. Isaiah had said reassuring things, yet I couldn't even walk up to him. It was too late to back out now, especially when he finally looked up at me. I froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Finn seemed the same way.
"(Y/N)." he said, I only just heard it.
Hello? Really, that's all I could come up with?
He pushed himself off the wall, coming to stand in front of me, though not too close."I...I can't believe you're here."
"I could say the same about you."
"This is where you've been living then."
I nodded."It's not too bad. I mean, I'm on a night out."
"Who are you with?"
I knew he was wondering if I was with a man."My roommates, I live with five other girls."
"Oh, that's a lot."
"Yeah, it's the only place I could afford."
"I hope it's nice."
"I shouldn't complain. A lot better than other places."
We both knew we were making an awful attempt at small talk. I was sure he had so much to say like I did, we just didn't want to dump it on each other in case the other ran away. It was like we were teenagers again, awkwardly trying to think of something to fill the dreaded silence.
"I really want to talk about us (Y/N)." Finn said.
"You do?"
"I...I just have so much to say to you. I can't do it now, but what about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow, um, yes, yes tomorrow works for me. It's the weekend, so I'm not working."
He smiled slightly."OK, good. I'll come get you. Um, I need your address."
"Oh, here." I dug around in my purse, thankful there was a folded up tissue and a pen, it was good to be prepared. I wrote down my address, handing it to him.
"I'll pick you up at one. I would want it to be earlier, you just never know what time you'll be back with this sort of thing."
"I understand Finn, I did live this with you once."
I barely slept, even when we stumbled in at three in the morning. Luckily I hadn't seen Finn, Isaiah or any other Peaky Blinder that evening, no doubt settling business behind the scenes. Despite the lack of sleep, I was wide awake the next morning, up before everyone else who were nursing their hangovers, trying on multiple outfits in a desperate attempt to look nice, but not as if I put too much effort in. The clock was rolling onto one o'clock, and my heart was beating much faster than usual. I was about to make my way downstairs when something glistened on my small vanity. Should I take it? Yes, I would.
Finn knocked on the door, and I waited a few seconds before opening it. We smiled as we greeted each other, not going in for a hug or kiss on the cheek, something I was worried about. That was the first hurdle jumped over.
"How was your evening?" Finn struck up a conversation as we walked further into town.
"Much better than yours I presume?" I smirked. He chuckled."Yeah, didn't exactly get to enjoy the music. Small fight, nothing we couldn't handle."
It was strange hearing about Blinder business again."Well I'm glad you're all safe."
"I thought we could go out for lunch, saw a nice place round here."
"Oh, that would be lovely."
"We don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable."
"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just a lovely thing for you to do."
We both bashfully smiled, luckily the restaurant was just around the corner. I had expected nothing less when we walked into the fancy place, not because I thought I deserved it, but because Finn wouldn't be seen anywhere else. His clothes were even more tailored now than they had been the last I saw him, indicating that the gang had been doing well, more money was coming in. We both immediately picked up our menus as we sat, hoping someone would speak first. Our eyes glanced over the top of them, it was as if we were on our first date again, only this time in a better establishment.
"You look beautiful." he said, still hiding part of his face.
"Thank you." I blushed.
"I'll never forget what you wore when I picked you up for our first date. That blue dress you just bought, with a matching purse, and those heels that you hadn't practiced walking in. Well, you used that as an excuse to latch into my arm all night."
I smiled, placing down my menu."It was a good plan, wasn't it? And I did struggle in those heels, I just didn't want to embarrass myself."
He copied me."I liked holding your hand all night."
"What a sweet sentiment."
"I mean it. And I mean this date. That didn't sound right, but...what I'm trying to say is that I want to make it all up to you."
"You do?"
"Yes! I really didn't expect you to leave. I mean I did, but I didn't want to believe that. I didn't want to believe that I had been so selfish that I couldn't even see how much I had hurt you." 
“That was the hardest decision I ever made. Most days I battle with myself whether I made the right choice. All night I kept making deals with myself. If you came back, I would hear you out, and if it was good enough for me I would stay. But then you didn’t, so I said to myself ‘Give him another hour.’. An hour went by, and I said the same thing to myself. That went on for the whole evening until I found myself angrily packing my things. Even then, I sat by door on top of my suitcase for another hour or so.”
“I thought you just got up and left. I didn’t realise how long you waited for me.” he sighed into his hands.“I’m such a fucking idiot.”
I could tell he was full of regret. Although it sounded sadistic, I was glad that he was upset when reflecting on our past relationship, it meant he realised his mistake. On the other hand, I hated seeing him sad. I took his hands away from his face, hesitantly reaching into my handbag to pull out the engagement ring I kept.
His eyes widened.“You still have that? I looked everywhere for it when you left, guessed you took it to sell.”
“I won’t lie, that was my intention at first. But it meant too much to me. It was like selling a piece of my soul. I kept it hidden, I didn’t want to risk any of the girls seeing it, they would just ask too many questions.”
I kept my eye on the beautiful ring as I spoke, slowly twirling it around to catch it twinkling in the light.
"I had such a hard time picking that out. I knew what you wanted, but I had to get it right for you. I'm so glad you kept it."
"I did try to sell it. I was stood outside of a shop for ten minutes debating with myself. It would have helped a lot for the deposit on the room, but I couldn't do it."
We were silent, both staring at the ring. We used to do that a lot actually. Finn would take my hand and hold it up as we laid in bed together, both giggling as we watched it glisten like it was in present times, before squealing at the thought of us being married to each other. I constantly fiddled with it when he was off on business, a habit which never wore off, even now; whenever I was nervous or worried, I would automatically do the same action, just without the ring.
A waiter awkwardly interrupted us, and I hurriedly put the ring back in my bag, sharing an embarrassed smile with Finn as we ordered. Once he was gone, I quietly sighed, looking out of the window. We were in such a nice part of town, so many ladies in beautiful dresses and men in smart suits strolling around.
"Are you...are you OK for money?" Finn boldly asked.
I was a little shocked by that.
"I don't mean anything by it. I just want to make sure you're OK, I would hate for you to be struggling, if you were."
"Uh, no, no I'm fine actually. It's not as generous as my old wage but it keeps me alive, I can live with the bare necessities."
I could see him itching to say something else, to keep the conversation going. I wasn't sure if we could go back to the serious topic we had before. However, I also wanted to bring it back up, it felt like we needed to talk about us.
"How's the family?" That's all I could come up with.
"They're fine. Everyone is the same. Well, they're not, they're a bit more serious nowadays."
"They weren't in the first place?"
He smiled."I suppose they were. Tension is the right word, tensions have been rising. Tommy's taking on a lot more, Polly knows all these secrets that no one else does, Ada is rebelling against anything Tommy says, Linda is still annoying, Esme and John have been popping kids out left, right and centre. Arthur is still crazy."
"Sounds like business as usual to me."
"They miss you too."
"Do they?"
"Yeah. Almost as much as me."
I cast my eyes down as butterflies rose in my stomach.
"I heard nothing else for the next few weeks after you left. They all told me what an idiot I was, that I was an extremely reckless, stupid and immature boy, and that I had let the best thing in my life get away from me. And they were right. I knew all of that already."
"I...I don't really know what to say right now."
"You don't have to say anything, let's just enjoy this meal, no more of that talk."
The nerves making my stomach flip built at that. What if we had nothing else to talk about? What if it was too weird to dive into our separate lives? I didn't want to sit across my ex-fiance, painfully and politely smiling through forced conversation.
The spark was still there.
When the waiter had returned with our drinks, we were already deep in talk about what had been happening in our personal everyday life. We were non stop, even as we ate through dinner. The waiters had trouble catching our attention each time they checked on us. I was deep in those eyes again, the ones I always dreamed of seeing. We were laughing hysterically, not at all acting how we should have in that establishment (there were a few eye rolls from other patrons). As if time had gone by in a second, the bill was slipped towards Finn, though I still reached into my purse.
"Are you mad? No, put your money away, I'm not taking it." Finn stated as he carelessly threw down some notes, surprisingly taking my hand in his and guiding me out of the restaurant.
I was tense as we walked, and I saw a flash of realisation in Finn's eyes as we made it outside. Both looking down at our interlocked fingers, Finn broke away, clearing his throat.
"Sorry, force of habit."
Hesitating, I smiled up at him, lacing our hands together again."These are new heels I'm breaking in. Need help walking in them."
He chuckled, pulling me closer as we walked down the street. We were silent, feeling like kids in love again. I couldn't deny that my feelings were still strong for Finn, I missed him dearly. At first, part of me had been wary of all this, wondering if he really had good intentions, or just thought he could get a quick shag in from an ex before he left; but the effort he went through, the things we spoke about, trying to heal old wounds, Finn had matured and he was wanting to fix this. I wanted to fix this, my heart was aching for my old life with him. 
“We’re not done yet, are we?” I timidly asked.
“Not unless you want it to be.”
I instantly shook my head.“No, I’d like to stay out for longer.”
“Even though you’re struggling in your heels?”
I smirked.“I know a nice place we can sit down.”
I took him to the local park, it had a huge lake with benches dotted around, luckily it wasn’t busy, there was somehow a hint of privacy here. We sat down close to each other, hands still entwined. 
“You still hungry?” I asked.
I dug into my purse, producing a bag of sweets I had bought the previous day. I laughed as his eyes lit up, taking one without even asking. I took one too, reminiscing on how we used to do the same thing as kids. It seemed he was thinking about it too.
“Just like the old days.” Finn said.
“We spent way too much money on sweets back then. It’s a wonder we still have our teeth.”
 “Wish I got out of that spending habit. We could be married and in our new house by now.”
“So you never wanted to move on? You didn’t give in to those girls wanting to be with a Peaky Blinder?”
“Never. I couldn’t. I couldn’t even fathom being with anyone else, it was always you (Y/N). Did you date?”
“No, I felt exactly the same. Which is why I was angry at myself for a long time. I was supposed to be upset with you, not still in love.”
His head whipped round to face me.“You still love me?”
My mouth was still open, unsure how to answer. It seemed I didn’t have to as Finn leaned in, placing on hand on my cheek as we kissed. Instinctively I kissed back, placing my hands on him where I could, hearing the bag of sweets fall to the ground and spill its contents. This kiss was needy, the type of kiss you gave your partner when you had missed them, when they had been away for a long time; and although we had our hands on each other, our touch was still gentle.
“Get the ring.” Finn breathed out, our lips still almost touching.
I carelessly got it for him, heart beating extremely fast. He took it from me, pecking me on the lips one last time before standing up. He straightened out his suit, took a deep breath and got down on one knee. I was just as emotional the first time he did it.
“(Y/N), I know I messed up everything in the past, I was careless when I should have been supportive and helped to build our future. I learnt from those mistakes, and I really, really want to go back to how we were. I need you (Y/N), I love you so much. There aren’t enough words to express how much love I have for you. Will you marry me?”
I didn’t need to think about my answer. I blurted out a yes, waiting for him to slide the ring back on my finger before throwing myself onto him. We stumbled back onto the ground, our arms around each other as we laughed and cried. I believed him this time, I truly believed him. He put in the effort to show me his changes, he wanted to fix everything. I wanted things back to the way they were with my man, and we were back to building our future and living the rest of our lives together.
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queenshelby · 4 years
Foreigner – Peaky Blinder Fanfic
Featuring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning: SMUT
Words: 5093
Business Meeting
It was a long night for Tommy. But, as usual, he woke up early to attend business matters and liaise with Arthur and Polly about how to handle the recent interference by agent Cooper, an investigator of the Crown, with the latest shipment of heroin from the Chinese.
Abrahama Gold was arrested in the process and Tommy had to plan his next move. It was unclear to Tommy how agent Cooper got wind of the shipment. Someone must have informed him, but who? Police in Birmingham are on Tommy’s payroll and Tommy has recently taken out his competitor. There was no one Tommy could think of who had a vested interest in informing agent Cooper of the shipment.
Of course, shipments often got interfered with but generally the interferers were gangs or business men who wanted to take the profits from the sale of the products themselves. Being ratted out to the Crown as unusual.
As Tommy and Polly were arguing on how to deal with the situation, there was a knock on the door of Tommy’s office.
‘Finn, come in’ Tommy said as he saw Finn glancing through the small glass window beside his office door.
‘You wanted to see me Tommy’ Finn said.
‘Yes’ Tommy said as he lit himself a cigarette. ‘Sit down’ he added.
Finn sat down without speaking a word, waiting for Tommy to continue.
‘The woman you drove back to her residence last night…where was she staying?’ Tommy asked, following which Finn told him that you were staying at the Renaissance Hotel.
‘Tommy, I don’t think now is the right time to discuss your fancy for yet another woman who you will get bored off in a few weeks’ Polly said angrily as she already heard from the barmaid at the Garrison about the mysterious young woman who Tommy had bandaged up last night.
‘Are you talking about the girl you sat with last night?’ Arthur asked as a slight chuckle escaped him. ‘You don’t think she is a bit young for you brother? She is 25 at the most’ Arthur added with laughter.
‘Fuck off Arthur’ Tommy said firmly, before carrying on.
‘Something seemed off about her. I believe that she is looking for connections to export alcohol and drugs to America which, I think, is interesting considering that Esme Bortelli’s men are also staying at the Renaissance Hotel and are in town to discuss business of some sort. I did my research on Esme and it turns out that Esme’s affiliate is Manfred Conner, the father of Lucas Conner.’ Tommy added.
‘The 16-year-old boy who Arthur shot 8 years ago? Do you think that there is connection between that woman at the Garrison last night and the tip off?’ Polly asked.
‘I don’t think she made the tip off Polly. But, I also don’t think that our friend Manfred is here to advance Esme’s business interests. Something seems off.’ Tommy said.
‘Also, there were two men at the Garrison last night asking questions. I believe that they were after Arthur and I think that Manfred sent them’ Tommy added.
‘Where are the men now?’ Arthur asked
‘They are held by Abrahama’s men at the old steel factory. Go and make them talk and send them back to Conner with a message’ Tommy instructed.
‘Do you think we set up a meeting with Giovanni Sabini first? He might have some sort of connection’ Polly asked.
‘Not yet’ Tommy responded. ‘I will talk to the girl first. She must be an affiliate of Bortelli or Conner. I might be able to get to her and see what Conner’s plan is and whether he is looking after Esme’s business interests or not’ Tommy said, causing Polly to roll her eyes.
‘Of course…Thomas Shelby. You will talk to her…’ Polly said with laughter.
‘I am willing to go further than talking if it benefits our operations Polly’ Tommy said.
‘I see your tactics have not changed when it comes to dealing with women in this business’ Polly said. ‘So, your plan is to manipulate her into trusting you to get your way?’ Polly added.
‘I might try, depending on the circumstances’ Tommy responded.
‘That may have worked with Jesse Eden, but with this woman, it may be a much more dangerous game that you are playing Tommy. If she is related to Bortelli and you screw with her, you may find yourself at war with the West Coast Mafia’ Polly said concerned.
‘Not if we struck the right deal with Bortelli’ Tommy said before taking a pause. ‘Unfortunately, we will need her for this as I do not trust Manfred Conner and his men’ Tommy said.
‘Be careful Tommy’ Polly said.
‘Always’ Tommy grinned before ending the business meeting and engaging Lizzy to track you down in order to get more information about what he might be dealing with.
Meeting Again
Fortunately, it wasn’t difficult for Lizzy to find you as your father got the hotel staff to keep close tabs on you after last night’s adventure.
Thus, just after you sat down and ordered dinner at the hotel’s bar, you heard a familiar voice from behind you.
‘Good evening Y/N’ the voice said.
‘Good evening sir, what a pleasant surprise’ you responded as you turned around and noticed the same man you met last night standing behind you.
Without asking for your approval and with great confidence and a touch of arrogance, the man sat down across from you.
‘How is your knee?’ he asked as the waitress brought him a glass of whiskey.
‘It’s much better, thank you…Did you just order this?’ you asked surprised as you did not notice him speak with the waitress.
‘I don’t have to, I am regular’ the man responded.
‘Right’ you smiled. ‘So, you are here to have dinner, on your own?’ you asked.
‘No, I already ate. I am here to help you Y/N’ the man said as he lit himself a cigarette.
‘Help me? With what?’ you asked surprised.
‘Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, whatever you need. Of course, it comes at a price’ the man said calmly but yet determined.
You werent sure whether he was fishing for information after last night or whether he knew that you were here on behalf of your aunt to struck a deal with Thomas Shelby.
‘Listen, Mr…?’ you responded as you did not know his name and, before you could continue with your sentence, the man responded ‘Shelby’.
‘Shelby? As in Thomas Shelby?’ you asked surprised. You heard of Thomas Shelby on many occasions but never imagined him to be anything like the man sitting right in front of you. You had always imagined him to be an old man who smelled like cigar smoke and who looked somewhat scary, almost rough and aggressive.
‘Yes, Thomas Shelby’ Tommy said. ‘So, either you really didn’t know who I was or you have something to hide. Which one is it Y/N?’ Tommy added.
‘I really had no idea. I am so sorry’ you responded.
‘Alright, I believe you. You seem like a trustworthy young woman’ Tommy said.
‘Well thank you Mr Shelby, but I have to go’ you said with a haste as you grabbed your bag. You were intimidated by Tommy and worried that you might find yourself in trouble real soon if you continue talking to him without first speaking to your aunt.
‘Y/N’ Tommy said as he stood up from his chair just as you were about to leave the table.
‘Yes, Mr Shelby?’ you responded while turning around briefly.
‘Let me know when you are ready talk business and give my regards to Esme when you speak to her’ Tommy said as he gave you a card with his office address and telephone connection.
You knew exactly that he was playing you. It was obvious. But you didn’t know why and what his end game was. Your father and aunt Esme had warned you about him on numerous occasions. He was a gambling man and he was calculated and dangerous.
Important Call
As you returned to your hotel room, you were looking for your father to discuss what had just happened. But, he wasn’t there.
He left you a note saying that he had business to attend to. This was rather frustrating for you as he had not discussed any business matters with you since you had arrived in Birmingham. This was contrary to aunt Esme’s instructions. After all, you are the one looking after the finances and laundering of the profits.
Since your father was preoccupied with what appeared to be his own matters, you didn’t waste any time and called aunt Esme to tell her who you had met and to seek further instructions.
Her instructions were simple. She told you to see Thomas Shelby as he had suggested. She also became suspicious about your father’s behaviour after you explained the situation and told you not to get your father involved until the deal is done.
You didn’t like going behind your father’s back but yet you felt as though you had to protect him. He has been hot headed lately and not has not been smart when it came to business matters.
You, on the other hand, took after your mother. You were level headed. You despised violence and believed that all conflicts could be negotiated. Your aunt always used to tell you that you should become a politician as you had excellent negotiation skills. In the same vein, she believed that you can stand up against Thomas Shelby and negotiate the deal with him on her behalf. She trusted you and you respected her wishes.
Business Negotiations
Just as aunt Esme had instructed you, the following day, you attended Thomas Shelby’s office to discuss a deal between his family and yours.
‘Mr Shelby, there is a woman here for you. She said she wants to talk about a business opportunity with you’ Tommy’s receptionist said.
‘Send her in Amy, thank you’ Tommy said, knowing that it would be you.
‘I didn’t expect to see you so soon Y/N. Please sit’ Tommy said as he poured a glass of whisky and handed it to you.
You were nervous and intimidated. Your hands were shaking as you held onto the glass of whiskey. He was handsome and kind but yet you were afraid of him in a way.
‘Now what do you need Y/N?’ Tommy asked.
‘Distribution of alcohol, cocaine and heroin to Atlanta’ you said.
‘I already have a supply chain to Atlanta. But you already know this’ Tommy said. ‘So, what is in it for me other than trouble with my current supplier?’ he asked.
‘15% of the profits and we take the losses for any product ceased’ you said, causing Tommy to laugh.
‘No’ Tommy said firmly as he starred into your eyes. He was standing right in front of you. So close and so intimidating.
‘You are in the wrong business Love’ he added with a chuckle since you didn’t respond to his firm ‘no’. He clearly did not take you seriously.
You built up all of your courage and stood up, right in front of Tommy, and firmly put your glass onto his desk.
‘With all due respect Mr Shelby, I know for a fact that this is more than Sabini offers you’ you said as you looked into his hypnotising blue eyes.
A strange sensation overcame Tommy. Something he hadn’t felt before. It was a feeling of warmth and coldness at the same time as you stood in front of him with all that confidence you had inside of you. He certainly did not expect this.
‘You would know that Sabini is paying more than you just offered me. Unless, of course, you have been sloppy when doing research’ Tommy said as he gently moved some of your hair out of your face and behind your ear.
‘Yes, but how many shipments did you lose in Atlanta since taking over. I count two so far and the losses were excessive’ you said nervously as you could feel Tommy’s warm breath on your neck.
‘40%, you take the losses in Atlanta and I will deal with Sabini’ Tommy whispered into your ear while his hand was still running over your neck gently. His warm breath besides your ear sent shivers down your neck and you wanted nothing more than for him to kiss you.
But Tommy knew exactly what he was doing and it became clear to you that he wasn’t going to give you what you wanted. What you didn’t know was that he was still playing you and his strategy was working.
‘I cannot agree to this Mr Shelby’ you answered nervously as you moved your head, hoping to catch Tommy’s lips with yours.
‘Well, that is too bad’ Tommy said just before he pulled away from you. ‘You will need to come back with a better offer’ he said as he walked around the table and sat down on his chair.
‘Thank you for your time Mr Shelby’ you said nervously as you grabbed your bag from the desk. You bit your lip as your legs were still shaking nervously before walking towards the door.
‘I hope to see you soon Y/N’ Tommy said as you left his office.
It took you some time to collect your thoughts after the meeting. It was intense and your mind was racing with all sorts of things, not just business. ‘What was this man doing to you?’ you thought to yourself.
The Charity Gala
The following day, your father was invited by Thomas Shelby to attend a charity event. It was obvious that Thomas wanted to talk business and he wanted to do so in a public place.
The invitation was sent days ago, just as you arrived at the Renaissance Hotel. Tommy knew Esme’s men were in town and he had a good guess about what they wanted. But, Thomas Shelby doesn’t take any risks. Him and your father had history.
You were concerned that Tommy would speak with your father about having met you and the deal on the table. Therefore, you decided to attend the event as well, despite your father’s wishes against it.
As you walked down the stairs in the lobby, you saw Tommy greeting your father.
‘Mr Conner, it is a pleasure to meet you again’ Tommy said as he shook your father’s hand.
‘I can’t say that the pleasure is on my side’ your father responded without any attempt to introduce you to Tommy. It was rather awkward and you could not help yourself but stare at Tommy.
Fortunately for you, Tommy could sense the awkwardness and was determined to end it.
‘Is this your business partner?’ Tommy asked your father as he gazed over to you.
‘She is my daughter’ your father said, just as you interrupted.
‘I am representing my aunt Esme’s business interests. I am in charge of finances’ you explained as you shook Tommy’s hand, pretending that you haven’t met him before.
‘Pleasure to meet you Miss or Mrs…?’ Tommy played along.
‘Miss. Y/N Conner’ you responded before you went on to ask ‘Do you dance Mr Shelby?’
‘I do’ Tommy said as he offered you his hand and guided you towards the dancefloor, leaving your father speechless.
You imagined that your father would have been rather annoyed to see you walk off with Thomas Shelby, but you really needed to speak with Tommy, alone.
‘Thank you for playing along’ you whispered into Tommy’s ear as you began to dance.
‘Pleasure’ Tommy responded as he was leading the dance.
‘You did not mention that Manfred Connor is your father’ Tommy said as the dancefloor began to fill up.
‘I didn’t think that it was relevant. My aunt authorised me to negotiate with you. My father will only be involved when the deal is being put in action’ you responded, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘I think that your father has a mind of his own. You and your aunt should be careful’ Tommy said.
‘What do you mean?’ you asked concerned.
‘You do not need to concern yourself with this tonight Y/N’ Tommy said in response.
‘Well, I have spoken to my aunt, she is agreeable to 25%’ you said, causing Tommy to laugh.
‘You know I will not agree to 25%’ Tommy said.
‘I told her that but I have an offer you cannot refuse Mr Shelby’ you whispered back just as the music stopped.
‘Meet me at Room 1801 in 30 minutes and we can discuss’ Tommy said as he walked you back to your father.
‘Thank you for the dance, Miss Conner. Please excuse me’ Tommy said as your father requested a meeting with Tommy.
You were still unsure whether Tommy was still playing you or whether he was genuinely interested in making a deal. Or perhaps, was he interested in something else you wondered.  
A Business Meeting of a different kind
Half an hour later, just as agreed, you walked up to Room 1801.
The door to the room was open. You entered but Tommy was not there. ‘He must not be known to be punctual’ you thought.
It was rather awkward, discussing business matters on your own with a man like this.
The room you were in was quite obviously designated for meetings of this kind. Unlike other hotel rooms, this room had a large table and a drink cart with an assortment of top shelf whiskeys and snacks.
There were stacks of papers on one of the side boards and, most interestingly, there was no bed in this room.
You poured yourself a glass of whiskey and sat down at the table until, not long, Tommy entered the room.
‘My apologies Y/N, I was held up’ Tommy said.
‘With my father?’ you asked.
‘He desperately wanted to know where I am holding the men he sent after me a few days ago’ Tommy said.
‘Sent after you, why?’ you asked.
‘I am yet to figure this out’ Tommy said.
‘You aren’t going to take me hostage, are you?’ you chuckled.
‘You have nothing to worry about Y/N’ Tommy said with some laughter. ‘I am here to talk business. I respect you and your aunt but, unfortunately, I wasn’t left with much of a choice other than to deal with Sabini a few months ago’ Tommy said as he poured himself a drink.
When you looked at him sip on his whiskey, your lips tingled and your mind wandered to delicious places.
While you hardly knew him, you knew that kissing him would be like heaven and sin combined. You wanted to kiss those lips and feel his body pressed against yours, and the closer he got as you spoke, you thought it may happen.
‘So, what is this offer I cannot refuse?’ Tommy said as he stood right in front of you.
‘We can offer you exclusive distribution to the West Coast, not just Atlanta’ you said as you bit your lip.
‘At 40%?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head nervously.
‘That’s a shame. What else can you offer me?’ he asked.
‘Uhm’ you said quietly as you were lost for words.
Within moments, the space between you closed as Tommy leaned in and pressed his body against yours.
‘That is my offer Mr Shelby, exclusive distribution at 25%’ you said with a shaky voice.
‘I will think about it’ Tommy whispered into your ear just before he gently kissed your neck while sliding a hand between the buttons on your shirt. You loved the way he made you feel…sexy, powerful and desired.
As Tommy continued to kiss your neck, you gasped as his hand brushed your skin.
‘You have 24 hours to consider this offer Mrs Shelby’ you said with a gasp as you tilted your head back into him, reaching a hand up, grabbing the back of his neck to pull his mouth down onto your skin once more.
‘Call me Tommy’ he chuckled as he could feel how much you wanted him.
He unbuttoned your blouse skillfully, reaching under your bra to run his finger along the smooth skin of your breast, and gripping a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He rubbed it gently, stimulating your desire.
You haven’t been with any man like him before and moaned as he teased you.
Tommy’s mouth left a trail of fire as he brushed your hair aside, and moved his lips to your shoulder, while reaching down to the hem of your skirt.
After hiking the skirt up around your waist, Tommy slid his hand down your thigh. His touch sent your pulse into overdrive.
‘Tommy’ you said quietly as you were overpowered by his touch. You knew this was a terrible idea and Tommy could sense your concerns in the tone of your voice.
‘Do you want me to stop Y/N?’ Tommy asked as his hand paused, causing you to bite your lips and shake your head.
You have only been with one man before and Tommy was sensing your lack of experience and slowed down.
His lips slowly moved from your neck and shoulders to your mouth while his hand was still beneath your skirt on the outside of your thigh.
His lips tasted like sweet whiskey and his kisses were gentle and slow.
Your heart was pounding and Tommy could feel your sense of apprehension.
‘Are you sure you don’t want me to stop?’ he asked again quietly, causing you take shake your head again and respond with a quite ‘no’.
‘Alright’ he said gently as he slipped his hand to the inside of your thigh. With a gentle moan you arched your back as he slid a finger under your panty and into the soft folds of your skin.
‘Tommy’ you moaned as your spread your legs wider and grabbed his hand, pressing his finger deeper into you.
‘You are so wet’ Tommy whispered into your ear as his fingers went in and out of your entrance slowly.
‘God, I want you Tommy’ you whispered as his erection was pushing against you.
Tommy slid in another finger, opening you up. His rhythm was skilled and your legs were beginning to weaken in anticipation.
‘Don’t…not yet’ Tommy whispered as he could feel your walls tightening around his fingers. You were so close.
Tommy removed his fingers from your entrance and pushed down your panties until they dropped to the floor.
When Tommy looked at you the way he did in that moment, you felt wanted and confident.
You skillfully lifted the toe of your heel and kicked your panties aside, while unbuckling Tommy’s belt.
But in that moment, Tommy backed off. It was like he was in a trance and had changed his mind all of a sudden.
‘What’s wrong?’ you asked surprised.
‘Y/N, perhaps this is a bad idea’ Tommy said with guilt. He knew that what he was doing was calculated, but he felt an attraction towards you which made him uncomfortable. This attraction changed the entire dynamic of this game for him. He had an intense desire to be with you and this was something he didn’t expect. It was almost like he was losing control in the moment.
‘Are you not attracted to me?’ you asked as an uncomfortable hot flush rushed over your neck and spine.
‘I am, but it doesn’t make it right Y/N, you are like what, 23, 24 at the most, and we may soon be in business together’ Tommy said.
’22 actually and, so what? You have never slept with any of your female acquaintances before? I find this hard to believe’ you laughed.
‘Not with an acquaintance 15 years younger than me, no’ Tommy said.
‘It’s sex Tommy, not marriage…’ you laughed before pulling him closer towards you.
‘I want you, please, just this once’ you whispered into his ear while your hands returned to his belt and trousers. ‘Despite, this may relieve some of the tension between us, don’t you think?’ you continued.
‘Fuck’ Tommy said with a deep voice and, without any warning, Tommy lifted your leg around him and leaned in, pressing your back against the wall. After pulling your bra down, he leaned down and sucked the taut skin of your nipple, flicking it with his tongue, as you reached for his cock greedily, wrapping your hand around its shaft.
At the same time, Tommy returned his fingers to your inside, pumping them in and out gently.
‘Are you sure this is what you want Y/N?’ Tommy asked in between quiet moans.
‘I am sure’ you whispered as you were stroking his hard cock.
Tommy removed his fingers from inside you, brought them up to your mouth, and ran them along your lower lip, watching with lustful eyes as you licked his fingers, tasting yourself.
‘I need you inside of me’ you begged with your hand still around him, running the tip of his cock against the inside of your thigh.
Tommy’s eyes burned as your moist heat made him grow harder in your grasp, and you began to ache, waiting for the moment you dreamed about since the night you met him.
Finally, Tommy lined himself up with your entrance.
As he entered you, a bolt of electricity shot through your body which erased all rational thought, filling your head with visions of only of them.
Locking eyes, he guided himself into you, filling you completely with his first penetration. The desire you felt at that moment was overpowering, and you opened your legs as wide as they would go, taking him in hungrily.
‘How does that feel?’ Tommy asked with one hand on your hip and the other reaching for your hand, pinning it above your head.
But, you couldn’t speak and only responded with a nod. He took your breath away and you were too caught up in the exquisite pleasure of finally having him.
As he began to move, your bodies fell into sync. It felt insanely good.
His movements started of gently, giving you plenty of time to adjust. After all, he could tell that you hadn’t had much experience.
As he was thrusting into you, his lips wandered down your neck while quiet moans escaped him. You tried hard to stay quiet yourself but the sensations you were experiencing were way to intense.
‘Tommy, fuck’ you moaned loudly, causing Tommy to grin. He didn’t seem to be bothered by the loudness of the sounds that you were making.
Removing his hand that had held yours firm above your head, Tommy reached for your other leg and pulled it around him, cupping your round buttocks in his hands, bringing you down onto him faster.
As he was thrusting into you harder, you closed your eyes, feeling him fill you and enjoying the warmth that was building as he hit your pleasure spot over and over.
‘God, you feel good’ Tommy huffed as his breath was growing labored and beads of sweat formed on his temples.
At this moment, you could tell that his desire for you was real. He enjoyed every moment of being inside of you.
It wasn’t long until you begged Tommy to go even harder before reaching for his lower lip with your mouth, pulling it between your teeth.
Tommy complied, bending his knees, slamming into you with more force.
‘Oh god Tommy’ you moaned loudly as your body was tensing up.
Tommy could tell that you were trying to hold back on your orgasm. The sensation was quite unfamiliar to you and you did not know what to expect. Your ex never got you to this point and you were completely overwhelmed by the pleasure running through your body.
‘Let go’ Tommy whispered into your ear while pushing into you as your sweat covered bodies stuck together.  
‘No’ you responded in between laboured breaths as you bit your lip.
‘Do it for me’ Tommy ordered, after which you leaned in for his mouth with your own, and kissed him deeply while you swiveled your hips in coordination with his while your tongues dancing with one another.
Once your mouths parted, Tommy looked deep into your eyes. His eyes were full of fire as he slid his finger between the slick slit between your legs, encouraging your building orgasm with his fingers.
His thrusts became harder and deeper while his fingers began to move faster.
You knew that the exquisite moment of your climax was seconds away and closed your eyes.
As you turned your head to the side, your lips parted and you cried out Tommy’s name louder than before while your body began to shake with each powerful release.
As your orgasm washed over you, Tommy was getting closer to his own release. Hearing the sounds you were making were sending him over the edge within seconds. With one loud moan, Tommy released and his body was shaking as he filled you with his warm cum.
Just as he came inside of you, you exchanged more passionate kisses before your lips slowly drifted apart.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked softly once his breathing slowed.
‘Never been better’ you responded as you leaned your forehead to his, breathing him in one last time, before sliding one leg down, placing a foot gingerly on the floor, and then the other.
’24 hours Tommy’ you said as grabbed your panties from the floor. You could feel his warm cum dripping out of you as you put them back on, but it didn’t bother you. To the contrary, you loved the feeling of it.
‘You better get back downstairs before someone really thinks that I kidnapped you’ Tommy said as he handed you your blouse.
‘Good idea’ you responded as you pressed your lips onto Tommy’s quickly one more time.
‘This was a once off Y/N’ Tommy said.
‘I know, that’s why I stole this last kiss’ you responded with a smile. ‘Give me five-minute head start, would you?’ you added as you pinned up your hair and walked towards the door.
Tommy nodded. He was left speechless, which wasn’t something that had happened often.
Was it him who had a hold of you, or was it you who had a hold of him?
To be continued….
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starlordamn · 4 years
‘Us’ - Michael Gray Oneshot
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Summary: you and michael shared a kiss a few weeks ago at the garrison - a sudden change from his usual behaviour of ignoring you. he no doubt ignores you again, making your lovesick self devastated but not surprised, until he shows up at your door at three in the morning.
Warning: angst technically, lil bit of fluff if you squint, that’s it really, i only read over it once so possible grammar mistakes sorry!
A/N: i enjoyed writing this, it took me a while for some reason as i wrote it over the period of two days, but nonetheless it was fun, in ya’ll can tell he is my favourite person to write for at the moment. enjoy!
taglist: @lemur46
It was just a kiss.
That is what you were trying to convince yourself that it was.
About two weeks ago you and Michael had been at the Garrison late at night, it was near closing time, some three in the morning. You both weren’t drunk, but tipsy enough to let things be said that usually wouldn’t be. Or in this case it was something done that wouldn’t normally be done.
You both shared a kiss. The type that was anticipated for what felt like hours. The longing stares at each other’s lips, the hesitance as you both leaned in as if you both knew it was wrong. Yet it still happened. His lips had crashed with yours before you even had chance to register it, and you kissed him back like your life depended on it. And it was only the morning after that you remembered. He remembered too and you secretly hoped he would say something but he would never.
See, you had always been close with the Shelby family, Polly was like a mum, sister and aunt all mixed into one for you. Tommy, Arthur, John and Finn were the mischievous and protective brothers you never had. You sat in on family meetings, you were as good as blood family to them. But with Michael it was different, from the outset he was cold to you. You don’t know what it was about him that made you fall for him, but you did and you fell hard. Head over heels hard. The type that keeps you up at night. The type that makes your heart soar when they’re in the room. And the type that makes you feel dizzy.
That’s what was making you so confused. Michael had shown no interest in you whatsoever, so that night in the Garrison – you had thought – was a dream. It took a good few hours of mental debate to finally conclude that it was real. Unbenknownst to you however, Michael had fallen for you the second he laid eyes on you. Everything about you just made him love you. The way you walked with Tommy’s paperwork, sometimes stumbling and then laughing at yourself flushing slightly with embarrassment. The way you would make jokes with the others and looked truly happy to be in everyone’s presence all time. And the way your kindness stretched to him even though he’d been nothing but cold to you.
He didn’t want to put you in danger. You worked for one of the biggest gangs in the country, hell it was a dangerous life not just a dangerous world. But with his line of work he could never guarantee things to you that he wish he could, what if one day he didn’t come home to you, next seeing him in a church in a coffin. He could not leave you like that nor ever put you through anything like that. So that is why he wanted to forget about you. Forget about, forget about the kiss.
But he couldn’t. He loved you. And you weren’t alone in thinking about the kiss. No matter how hard he tried to forget he couldn’t. So that’s why he ended up on your doorstep at three in the morning on a Sunday.
“Michael!?” You blinked a few times to make sure this wasn’t a cruel dream. You stood in only your nightdress, looking a mess from just being woken up by Michael knocking on your door.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You opened the door a bit wider revealing slightly more than just your head. Your heart was beating quickly at the topic that could possibly arise, why else would he be here at 3 in the morning on a Sunday of all days, because you were sure as hell it wasn’t because Tommy had more urgent paperwork for you,
“Can I come in?” He asked rather expressionlessly. His hands were in his pockets casually and he looked at you blankly waiting for you to say yes. You nodded and stepped aside so he could enter your house. He crossed the room and stood awkwardly in front of the fireplace that you had just started up again. You shut the door before making your way over to him and standing opposite him, but not too close.
“Michael why are you here?” You spat it out. You had to. You didn’t mean to be blunt, it was just that he was giving you nothing, not even his body language expressed anything to you. Michael opened his mouth to say something before shutting it again. You stood waiting for an answer. But you knew you weren’t going to get one. It was Michael. Before this he had only spoke a total of twenty words to you.
“Michael say something,” you pleaded now, he was beginning to make you nervous in a negative way.
“I don’t know what to say.” He finally spoke. His voice was quite wavered and he sounded frustrated. How dare he get annoyed with you when he was the one who had been stood on your doorstep.
Silence fell over the room, it wasn’t awkward but it was filled with tension, of what kind you couldn’t tell. You didn’t know whether you wanted him to go or stay.
“Are you high Michael?”
“What?” His eyes became fixated on you and he sounded slightly hurt.
“Are you drunk?”
“No I’m fucking not.”
“Why are you here?” Silence. “If it’s to mock fun of me, I get it. You were drunk and I was stupid. But I don’t need it rubbed in my face, I don’t need the whole ‘I didn’t mean it’ lecture so, you’ve made it very clear already that’s the case so, if that’s all then please me alone.”
Tears threatened to spill from the corners of your eyes. You really were stupid falling for someone you couldn’t have. Someone who didn’t want you. Turning around to walk upstairs, you expected him to show himself out but he didn’t.
“Y/N wait,” he grabbed your arms gently and pulled you back. You spum around to face him, he was much closer to you now but you shook your head.
“You. Kissed. Me.” Tears rolled down your face. You were so humiliated.
“And I’m not here to apologise for that.” His voice was sincere as he raised a hand to your face, brushing his fingers against your cheeks to wipe the tears away that he had created in the first place.
“Wait, what?” You stood in absolute confusion and astonishment waiting for him to expand on what he just said.
“I meant it Y/N, I wasn’t drunk at all, I knew what I was doing and I meant it.” Both of his hands cupped your cheeks now, his eyes looking into yours and he spoke truthfully.
“But,” you pulled his hands away from your face making him frown slightly, “why the cold exterior, ignoring me after, and before even, I just…” You trailed off, fidgeting with your fingers. You didn’t fully believe him.
“I just wanted to protect you.”
“From what?” You scoffed, folding your arms.
“I didn’t want to ever risk any harm to you, a-and what if I never came home to you one day, I would never want to put you through that.” His voice was raise slightly, pointing at things as he spoke. You had never seen Michael express this much emotion at once and you didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Michael, I was involved in this gang before you came back, you don’t think I know how dangerous this life is? I learned to use a gun at ten years old and used one at twelve, I don’t think I need protecting.”
He rolled his eyes, “if you want to be like that the—”
“No I’m sorry,” you interrupted him, “I didn’t mean it to come out like that, I know you were doing what you thought was best.”
He nodded before the room fell silent for a few second.
“Look if you don’t feel the same I can go.” He rambled, as if he had just snapped back into reality and realised what he’d just said.
“Michael, I love you, you idiot.” You searched his face for a response and you got one. He smiled. The first time you had ever seen him smile and it was beautiful, happy Michael was far better than sad Michael.
“I love you too, I always have.”
“You have a funny way of showing it you know,” you laughed and so did he, running a hand through his hair.
“Are you going to kiss me or what?” You raised your eyebrows at him.
He put his hand on your shoulder and gently steered you into the wall behind you until you were pressed up against it. His hands travelled across your neck and collar bone to move your hair out the way, while you blushed at the touch of his skin against yours. He placed his hands either side if you on the wall, trapping you against it and him, before he leaned in slowly, placing his lips on yours. Unlike he previous movements, his lips were not gentle, they were pressed against yours needily as if it would be your last. You kissed him back, snaking your arms around the back of his neck and looping them together to pull him closer to you. His chest pressed against yours as his hands slid down the wall to your rest on your shoulders. You felt so floaty with his lips on yours, he was better than any drug you had every tried and even more intoxicating. The way his lips moved against yours made your knees feel weak, you just couldn’t get enough.
Removing your lips sadly from his after what felt like hours, your breath was shaky and rushed, so was his. You pulled him close, going on your tiptoes to rest your head in the crook of his neck and you whispered quietly, “we’ll make ‘us’ work, Michael.” He kissed the top of your head lovingly before wrapping his arms around your waist. He was going to make you two work out, even if it was the last thing he did.
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My Two in a Million
Hold your horses, I finally finished writing something! I know it's probably not what you expected and it's definitely not one of my best works, but I feel that if I don't post it now, I will never get out of the slump.
So apologies in advance and I hope you enjoy it a bit anyway! <3
Thank you so much for being so patient with me :)))
Thanks to @knittingdreams @donttouchmycarrots @inloveoknutzy and @asunshinepuff for all your help, love you guys <3
Characters belong to @lumosinlove !
Chapter 1
“Lily, why the hell are we out here?” Logan asked, wrapping his arms around himself. He glanced around the hall at the other party guests that were milling about—all of whom had costumes more fitting for the cool weather—and grumbled as he leaned against the wall, a hiss escaping his lips when the cold material touched his bare back.
Lily glanced at him, amused. “It’s not my fault you chose to show off your body when it’s fucking freezing outside.”
“No, it’s Finn’s. He had it stuck in his head that we just had to wear sexy costumes,” Logan rolled his eyes; though he couldn’t deny that he’d been more than happy when he first saw Finn that night. His breath had completely left his lungs when the redhead had stepped out of the bathroom wearing a Spartan costume, smiling like a little kid at his fake sword, his firm abs on display, a familiar trail of red hair disappearing under the wide belt and—
Logan gulped and tried to remember that he was at a party full of people, willing his mind not to think about how he’d felt. Or about how much he was dying to get Finn out of that damn skirt.
“Still, that doesn’t explain why we’re out here instead of inside, where it’s warmer and I could be in my half-naked boyfriend’s arms.”
“Just bear with me, ok? It shouldn’t be long now.”
Logan sighed; he knew better than to try to argue with his friend. “So how’s your business going?” he asked instead.
“Oh, it’s great!” Lily replied, her face lighting up with a smile. “We received a shipment of rare books today, there’re a few that I’m sure Finn would love. I will separate a few—” she stopped in the middle of her excited explanation as she looked towards the elevators, her smile going wider. “Remus!” she yelled and, without another word, pushed against the wall to walk ahead.
Frowning, Logan grumbled and followed behind a moment later. Had she been waiting for someone? Perhaps this meant that he could go back inside and get out of the cold. Halfway there, he looked to see who Lily had called for, noticing two people waiting but focusing mainly on one of them as his eyes fell on a long set of legs. Damn, this guy is huge, he thought as his gaze wandered slowly up the dark ripped jeans and comfy looking jumper.
The guy jumped slightly and dropped some keys he was holding. Logan didn’t get to see the face under the mop of blond hair as he bent to pick them up, but noticed how red his neck was and chuckled softly.
Then the boy straightened up and Logan almost choked on his laugh as their gazes locked. His eyes were the bluest he’d ever seen, like staring at an open sky, contrasting with the blush on his cheeks—whether from the cold or from embarrassment, Logan wasn’t sure. He seemed slightly guarded, which made Logan cock his head wondering why. As a few more seconds passed and he didn’t break eye contact, some of the tension left the boy’s shoulders, the corner of his mouth lifting up in a shy smile as he ruffled his hair, the gesture going straight to Logan’s gut.
Shaking his head, he focused on the floor as he reached Lily’s side. The man standing next to the blond—Remus, most likely—was talking with Lily, but Logan could barely process what they were saying in the middle of the turmoil that was his head. With great effort, he tried to keep his eyes down, but his gaze kept wandering back to blue.
He was pulled out of his musings when Lily placed a hand on his shoulder and tilted her head towards the tall guy who, Logan noticed, had his eyes now trailing down Logan’s arms. “Hi, I’m Lily and this is Logan,” she said with a smile.
The blond —Logan cursed himself for not catching his name— gave him a sheepish wave and another small smile, and Logan found himself returning it as a tingling sensation spread through his body, starting from his mouth and going down to his toes.
“Salut! Are you guys joining the party?” he asked hopefully.
“Ah, sorry, but well… we don’t really have costumes,” Remus replied and the other guy turned to look at him with a scowl. It looked like he wanted to argue with his...friend? Logan had no idea what they were. Or who they were, for that matter.
But he kinda wanted to.
“Costumes are not mandatory. C’mon, I promise you’ll have fun,” Lily turned pleading eyes to Remus.
The newcomers glanced at each other, an unspoken conversation being held between them. Taking a sip from his drink, Logan stared at the floor again and, when he looked back up, the blond had his head tilted down, his bottom lip jutting out, eyes big and begging and blue, and it was so fucking adorable that Logan almost spat out his rum.
He turned to the side and coughed discreetly just as Remus gave in and Lily started happily guiding them into the apartment.
All the way there, Logan kept wanting to ask for the guy’s name as they stole glances at each other, but he didn’t want to show just how little attention he’d been paying. Or maybe where his attention had been. Once inside, they were welcomed by the much needed heat, low lights and a playlist that was without a doubt put together by Talker. Natalie, Marlene and a few other people were dancing to the beat, but Logan knew where he would find most of the gang: in the living room, exactly where they’d left them.
The thought of who would be waiting for him there felt like a bucket of cold water thrown in his face, making him falter in his step. What the fuck had he been thinking? Frowning, Logan hid his tightly closed fists inside his pockets, waiting a few steps back while Lily filled two cups with some orange beverage and handed them over to Remus and his companion.
As soon as they stepped into the living room, his sight landed on Finn playing against Thomas and Kasey, his wild auburn hair falling into his eyes, completely focused on the task at hand as he tapped buttons and whooped when he managed a combo.
Logan made a bee-line for him, desperate to feel his boyfriend’s warmth, have him close after the jarring emotions that had assaulted him just now. He also left his cup at the table for good measure—maybe he’d been drinking too much.
Burrowing into his boyfriend’s side, he tried to leave as little space between them as possible, which made Finn chuckle and shiver slightly.
“Honey, you’re freezing,” he said as he nudged him with his head.
“Blame Evans. She forced me to stay out so she could wait for her friend.” His thoughts went back to the other person that had come with them, but he avoided the urge to look for him.
“Friend? Who was it?” Finn asked, not taking his eyes away from the screen as suddenly James’ character stood still and they started losing. “Pots, focus!”
“Someone named Remus? I have no idea.”
“Wait, no no no!” Finn screamed and punched the buttons harder, but James was not helping at all and they were both knocked out. “Oh, come on!” Everyone laughed as Finn threw the controller on the table and turned to playfully glare at Lily, who was sitting on James’ lap. “Lily, what did I tell you? Don’t distract him when he plays on my team!”
“Stop crying and pay up, O’Hara!” Kasey grinned and high-fived Thomas.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just lucky Lily was on your team as well,” Finn mumbled but threw the twenty bucks in their direction before turning to Logan with a smile. “Hey baby.”
Next thing Logan knew, there were lips pressed against his. He smiled into it, bringing a hand up to brush Finn’s hair out of his face, letting the feel of his body ground him again.
As they pulled apart, he caught the blond guy staring, their eyes meeting only for a second before the boy looked away. His jaw was set in a hard line, so different from the expressions he’d shown Logan out there, and suddenly he was flooded with guilt at the pull that kept tugging in two different directions.
He felt completely thrown off. His feelings for Finn were as strong as ever, but he was still very intrigued by this other person. There was something that made him want to talk with him more, ask about his life, check if those long arms could envelop him whole as it seemed. To just go over there and introduce him to Finn.
What kind of shitty person was he?
“Everyone,” Lily said then, grabbing everyone’s attention, “these are Remus and Leo. Remus is Sirius’ new neighbour, so be nice to them!” She pierced them with her best and-if-you-don’t glare that all of them knew well, making some of the guys gulp.
Leo, Logan thought. It fit him, somehow.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Remus said.
“Hello,” Leo smiled brightly at whoever was sitting to their right and Logan felt Finn freeze for a second as the corner of his mouth lifted in a silly smile.
Well, at least he knew Finn found Leo attractive as well.
His boyfriend turned to him, tilting his head to the side. “I’ve run into that Remus guy in the hall before, but who is that?”
“His friend?” Logan said, trying not to sound too interested. “I don’t know, it doesn’t seem like they live together.”
“Yeah, no, I mean… I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere?”
Logan frowned. “I don’t think I saw him in the building before. I would remember someone that tall.”
“Oh baby, are you grumpy cause you hurt your neck when you looked at his face?” Finn teased as he petted Logan’s hair.
“Shut up, I’m not that much shorter than you.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest, turning his face away from Finn.
The stupid ass laughed and kissed his temple, which admittedly always managed to make Logan melt and lean into him, but he still made a ‘hmph’ sound, pulling another laugh out of Finn.
While both of them were distracted, the rest of the guys started setting everything up to play a new game which Remus seemed interested in. And then, out of nowhere, Sirius was asking Remus to play with him.
Finn and Logan looked at each other, wondering what the hell Sirius was up to. It was rare for him to want to play with some random guy, especially when most of the people in the room already had a hard time beating him. They even had a bet going about who would be the first to get five wins over Pads and so far, no one had managed it. Remus had absolutely no chance against someone that did this for a living.
But as it turned out, it was a very heated competition that had everyone watching closely. Logan wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen Sirius like that. He could tell he was focused, yes, but he was also excited, even if he was hiding it on the outside. In the end, Remus kicked Sirius’ ass.
“Yes!” both Remus and Leo yelled and then hugged, laughing. Leo put a hand on the back of Remus’ head and bumped their heads together. The gesture showed just how close they were, how comfortable they felt with each other, but what really had Logan’s attention was that wide, unbelievably happy smile that showed off his—
“Finn...dimples,” he whispered, though probably not as quietly as he should have, given the way Kasey snorted.
That in itself wasn’t a weird thing to say. Finn and Logan were open with each other. They talked about everything and had no secrets between them, because talking with Finn was as easy as breathing, and as vital too.
Logan trusted Finn. With his whole heart.
He knew he could talk to him about other guys that he found attractive and that Finn could do the same, ‘cause they weren’t possessive or so blinded by jealousy that they couldn’t separate things. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d had a talk like that either.
This was different though.
It’d been a very long while since Logan had been struck like this. Probably since the first time he’d laid eyes on Finn; he’d had no words to describe the feeling at that moment either. But there was something about those blue eyes and the way he’d held Logan’s gaze, about that shy but steady demeanour. And that smile.
Fuck, that smile.
Logan didn’t even know him, and he already knew that he’d love that grin here or in any other universe. And just how fucking weird was that?
Maybe he could ask Leo to play a game with him next, get to know him, make him feel comfortable. But he couldn’t get his attention, Leo’s gaze kept evading him, and Logan felt something like dread at the possibility that Leo might be doing it on purpose.
He didn’t get much of a chance anyway. After a bit of teasing about Padfoot, Remus stood up to defend him before trailing off in the middle of his speech, a faraway look on his face. Then he rushed out of the room, leaving a tense silence behind and Leo staring helplessly after him.
Lily was the first one to approach him, placing a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I… I will go check on him,” he smiled sadly and nodded to the room in general. “Thank you for inviting us.” And with that, he exited without a second glance back.
Logan wasn’t sure how he should feel about this kind of departure, or at the realisation that he might not see Leo again. Maybe it was a good thing; if his emotions could get stirred just by some glances, what would it be like if he actually got to know him?
Perhaps it was better to leave things as they were.
Shit shit shit shit.
It was late. Leo was so, so late.
He skidded around the corner and took the next hall at a light run, trying to avoid the other students, which luckily weren’t that many. Of course, he thought bitterly, that’s probably because other people manage to get to their own classes on time.
He still wasn’t sure what had happened, he was convinced he’d set his alarm for today, but clearly he hadn’t or he wouldn’t be running. His commute was quite long as it was, which meant that if he missed the train—like today—he was inevitably late unless a miracle happened.
Maybe he should really take Remus up on his offer to move in with him. It would also mean spending more time with his best friend, since between attending classes, doing homework and the time it took to get back home, he didn’t have many opportunities to see him lately. But there was no way Leo could afford that flat, and he didn’t want to take advantage of Remus.
Finally, he reached the door to his classroom and, after allowing a few seconds to let his breathing go back to normal, he went in as quietly as possible. The Professor had her back turned to him, so he quickly scanned the room and sat at the nearest empty seat, at the very back.
Sighing in relief that he didn’t seem to have missed too much, he opened his bag and took out his copy of Pride and Prejudice and the rest of his stuff. He was in such a hurry to catch up with the class that he knocked his pencil off the table, sending it rolling on the floor. Cringing at the sound it made, Leo bent to pick it up, only to find that another hand was already there.
He leaned back, blinking at the hand offering his pencil back, then followed the lines of the arm under the green, long-sleeved shirt, up to a familiar face and there Leo had to do a double-take.
Straightening up, he raised his eyebrows, making Finn laugh, his smile lifting to the side as he waved the pencil between them.
“Um, thanks,” Leo whispered, taking it and turning back to his notes with a frown.
Had he and Finn always shared a class together?
Since this was a course he was only taking for credits, Leo didn’t know many faces here and was usually so enthralled by the lecture that he didn’t pay much attention to his surroundings.
Finn hadn’t shown any signs that he’d recognised him at the Halloween party a week ago either. Though, if he was being honest, Leo had especially tried to avoid looking at them after he’d seen him hugging and kissing Logan.
Ugh, that memory… it’d been on his mind more than he cared to admit.
Leo didn’t want to think about how stupid he’d felt that night. He’d been shocked the first time he saw Logan, how his costume showed off his shoulders and thighs, the way he carried himself, the slight pout of his lips as he made his way towards them.
He didn’t want to think about how Logan’s eyes had started travelling up his body, making him panic and act like a fool. Or how despite that, Logan had also seemed a bit shy and fucking adorable and damn it, Leo had thought he was interested in him. But then they’d gone into the flat and Logan all but ran to Finn’s side, and Leo was left feeling like the biggest idiot in the whole damn world.
He hadn’t stayed for long after that. Worried as he was about Remus, he’d followed him shortly after he’d left and hadn’t talked with anyone else at the party. He’d thought that’d be the end of it. It was weird now to sit next to Finn when he’d been checking his boyfriend out just a few days ago.
The sound of a pencil tapping against wood brought Leo back from his musings. He peeked to the side and caught Finn with his chin perched in one hand, the other playing with the thin stick at a high speed. Leo followed the movement, back and forth, back and forth, and then up as Finn raised his hand and brought the pencil to his mouth, the bottom end tugging his pink lip down and then letting go.
The rest of the room quieted down as Leo stared. There was something about the way Finn held the pencil in his long fingers, how the sun coming in from the window seemed to hug him, the specs of dust dancing in the air by his head. How his eyes looked brighter and the strands in his hair lit up like fire.
Finn looked like warmth.
Something like a chill ran down Leo’s back and he quickly averted his eyes.
Though he couldn’t keep them away for long. Apparently, Finn was one of those people that couldn’t sit still and, now that Leo’d noticed, he couldn’t ignore every little movement coming from him, his bouncing leg, how he shifted in his seat and that damn tapping again.
He tried to pay attention to class, he really did, but he was so aware of the boy sitting just a few inches away, that his eyes kept going back to him and all those little movements.
Not able to take it any longer, Leo leaned in and placed a hand on top of Finn’s, feeling him going still under his touch. “Stop it,” he whispered, their eyes locked. The other boy didn’t say anything, just glanced between Leo’s eyes and their joined hands.
Blushing, Leo pulled away and tried to focus on the front of the room, the heat from Finn’s hand still tingling at the tip of his fingers.
Stop this right now, Leo scolded himself. He has a boyfriend.
A boyfriend that he’d also felt attracted to. What the hell was wrong with him?
Determined to keep his mind out of troublesome boys, he managed to listen and take notes for about ten minutes. But then he felt eyes on him. He pretended not to notice as Finn kept stealing glances, no doubt trying to be inconspicuous about it, but, apparently, Finn was as subtle as a flying brick.
The thought tugged a smile out of Leo, who quickly schooled his expression back to one of polite interest. You just grabbed his hand out of nowhere, of course he’s staring, he sighed.
At the end of the class, the teacher wrote a list of things on the board and turned to face them. “This assignment will be the first big one you’ll have, and it will determine 10% of your score, so don’t slack off! Pair up before you go and remember, your deadline is in two weeks.”
There were a few groans at the prospect of having to do something in pairs, but everyone started gathering their things anyway and talking with each other, already forming their teams.
A nudge on his shoulder made Leo look to his left and then he had to fight the urge to jump back. Finn was leaning towards him, that crooked smile on his face again and, this close, Leo could see the freckles sprinkled over his nose and cheeks.
“I’m sorry, what?” he asked, a light blush colouring his face when he realised Finn had said something but he hadn’t listened.
Finn’s head tilted a bit to the side, the other corner of his mouth going up too. “I said, do you want to pair up with me?”
“Oh,” was all Leo could reply. He imagined working together for hours, maybe alone in a secluded part of the library… How would he ever concentrate on their work if he couldn’t even pay attention in class when they were sitting next to each other? On the other hand, Finn seemed like a nice guy and surely Leo had enough self control to keep a cool head. Just because he was slightly attracted to him it didn’t mean that things would escalate further, especially not when he knew nothing could ever happen.
“I mean, if you already have someone—” Finn started when Leo didn’t reply for a while.
“No, no, sorry. Yeah, that would be nice,” he smiled.
“Sweet. Are you free right now? My next class is in the afternoon, so we could go back to my place and get started, if you want.”
“That…” Leo hesitated, but then hardened his resolve. He could be friends with Finn, right? It would be nice to make new acquaintances at school and there was always the chance that he might see him and Logan again at Remus’ building. He could forget about one or two silly crushes, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d had to do it.
“That sounds good.”
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Would you stop bleeding on my couch? Sean Wallace imagine
A/N: I’m sorry, this took me forever to get to writing, mostly because I haven’t gotten around to watching Gangs of London to the end, and I just had exams and have been overwhelmed by life. But I am actually proud of this very finished imagine (Which is ironic for a blog called half-finished-fics, but what can I say? ALSO I kinda played fast and loose with the timeline/storyline. Please request different characters if you'd like, and thank you to @screechingdreamercollectorsblog​ for requesting, and to the anon who was pushing me to write it. I’m slow okay? But worth it? Hopefully? I hope you enjoy, do tell me if you do, or don’t. :) - Em
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Sean woke up uncomfortable feeling first the burning pain on his shoulder. Everything came back to him, the ambush, him getting dragged off to a random car. He remembered fading in and out of consciousness, drinking some whiskey to dull the pain. Getting sown together in a dingy bathroom. He opened his eyes and looked around, not remembering where he was, and how long he had been there. He knew his family was probably freaking out. He was a little freaked as well. He looked around the small apartment and did not recognise any of it which made him nervous. He made an attempt to sit up, but groaned in pain as he did so. He heard something from the other room and tried to fumble around for his gun but found nothing. He raised his fists as best he could as the other person walked to the living room. He furrowed his eyebrows when he found a woman standing there, she looked vaguely familiar but not really. She looked at him annoyed which made him keep his guard up.
“Would you relax, so you can stop bleeding on my couch. Which you are replacing by the way.” She said annoyed crossing her arms, he looked at her even more confused feeling weird about being scolded by this woman he did not know. She had saved his life but he knew that was not a guarantee that she was on his side. He was not sure anyone was anymore. 
“Who, the fuck are you?” He spat in his normal demanding voice, if she was going to be rude he could be too, and he needed to know who she was, and where she had put his phone so he could at least tell his family that he was okay. She rolled her eyes at him but walked closer to him, clearly inspecting his wounds while doing so.
“Relax. I worked for your dad, and you. Not usually a nurse, but strange times.” She said sarcastically, he was still unsure about her, but saw no reason for her to lie right away, at least if he could get home to his family soon, he would be sure to pay her off and that would be the end of it. As long as she did not torture him and he did not tell her too much he should be good. Well, more so when he found the motherfucker who had shot him. 
“You ripped your stitches, dickhead.” She said annoyed lifting up his bandage and he hissed a little in pain but looked at her annoyed.
“Well, sorry for sitting up and being defensive, seeing as I woke up somewhere I don’t know without my phone, with a stranger.” He said sarcastically and she scoffed at him which he took a little offence too, no one dared to speak and behave like this around him, yet if she worked for them, she must know who he was and what he was. Meaning she was either bold or just daft, he was betting the ladder. She sighed and got up, reaching her hand out to him.
“Come on. Let’s get you stitched up before you bleed out on my couch.” She said and he looked at her and before she nodded and got down so he could put his arm around her, and she help carry him to the bathroom. She stitched him up in silence after cleaning the wound once again. He recognised the bathroom from the haze and was fed some more whiskey. She started talking again when she was putting the wrapping on it.
“Your phone’s in the kitchen. Took us a little time to crack the code, but I got your mums number and called her, she knows you’re here and alive, for now, told your brother too.” She said calmly now, and he looked at her as she was gently putting the bandage on his wound, if it did not hurt so much he would have thought it would be nice to be treated like this.
“Come on, back on couch, and if you bleed on it one more time. I’m ripping your stitches. K?” She said annoyed he chuckled a little at how she was treating him. He was used to getting respect so it was almost amusing seeing her like that. He laid back down on the couch and groaned a little in pain but did quickly get comfortable. She went to the kitchen for a bit and brought them both back a sandwich which he gladly ate. 
“So, you’ve been out for two days. And yeah, your mother and brother knows you’re here. We’ll move you as soon as they know it’s safe and you can move without ripping up your shoulder.” She said and he nodded taking in the information.
“And then, you’re paying for my new couch.” She said with a confident smirk and he chuckled a little amused at her. She raised her eyebrows and looked him her judgingly.
“I’m sorry, am I amusing you. You’re paying for that couch. I liked that couch.” She said sarcastically maybe even defensively he still could not wipe the smirk off his face, it had been years since someone dared talk to him like that. 
“You are amusing. Because either you don’t know who I am and who you’re insulting. Or you do know, and you’re just daft.” He said and she huffed out a breath annoyed and crossed her arms.
“Oh, I know fully well who you are. Sean Wallace, son of Finn Wallace, ceo of the Wallace coperation, and the London underworld.” She said ending in a sarcastic smile. He raised an eyebrow interested in her response.
“Then you know the last person who disrespected me got beat into a pulp before getting a bullet in his brain.” He said ending with a smirk, she leaned closer to him from her seat across from him, like she was gonna tell him a secret, then she smirked.
“I know. But seeing as you ripped your stitches from sitting up a moment ago, I would love to see you try. Besides, it’s clearly been too long since someone verbally wooped your ass.” She said ending with a sarcastic smirk which was getting on his nerves already. He could not wait till he was well enough to get away from this annoying woman.
“Can you at least tell me who you are?” He asked it being clear now that she did know who he was she just did not care, which was not a good sign. If his own employees were disrespecting him like this, he imagined the other gang leaders were following suit. He wanted so badly to not screw up his fathers legacy, and he already felt like a screw up and then all of this added pressure, he did not need this girl he did not know being annoying with him right now. She just scoffed at him and leaned back.
“Yeah, right. So you can know my name and address? No thanks. You’re probably gonna get me murdered or something.” She said crossing her arms defensively saying it in a matter of factly tone. Sean sighed and decided to be a little open with her.
“Look, unless you try and torture me and infiltrate my life to get information, I can’t really justify using the kind of money it would cost to have someone kill you and clean up afterwards. Okay, luv?” He said earnestly, she looked like she was considering it, but she was still clearly on the defence. But she sighed and uncrossed her arms.
“Promise not to murder me?” She said a little defeated Sean almost chuckled a little at that. Contrary to popular belief and his recent interrogations about his fathers killer, he did not just go around killing people left and right.
“Don’t torture me or sell information about me to the police, and then I promise.” He said calmly and she chuckled a little at how absurd she realised this kind of conversation was. 
“Fine. My names Y/N.” She said sounding a little defeated in giving up this information. Sean smiled a little feeling like he had at least won a little bit of their conversation.
“Well, Y/N, could you get me my phone? I need to get some business in order.” He said and she sighed and nodded before getting up. She walked to the kitchen and back about to hand him the phone before she stopped and he looked at her annoyed both of them knowing fully well he could not just reach for it in his current position.
“For the record, I’m not your servant. So, it’s please, and thank you, got it?” She said annoyed and Sean chuckled a little, he kind of like her. She was definitely bold, and she did not give a shit about how she talked to him. She had spunk. It had been a while since he had met someone who had spunk like that. At least in front of him. He nodded and she gave in and handed him the phone.
“Thank you.” He said a little mockingly as she walked away she flipped him off before entering the kitchen not even turning around. He called his mother to asses the situation. Sadly he was told it would probably be a while since he could be moved to the safehouse and even then it would be risky to move him. No one knew about Y/N, she was after all just a nobody who worked for him who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was pretty safe for the time being. Not that he minded having to spend more time with the woman, she was definitely interesting, in a disrespectful kind of way.
“Would you quit your whining?” She said annoyed after Sean groaned for the tenth time that day from shifting from his lying position. She was sat at her desk clearly doing something else, but he could not help that he was in pain and her stupid couch was uncomfortable. So he found himself annoyed and glaring at her. 
“I’m sorry, is my pain from my bullet wound annoying you?” He hissed annoyed at her nagging. He sometimes found her sarcasm a little intriguing, but after three days cooped up in her tiny apartment, they were both getting on each other nerves. She smiled at him a little kindly and he sighed a little relieved hoping to finally get an ounce of sympathy from the woman. 
“Thank you, it is rather annoying.” She said sarcastically and he groaned in annoyance once again, she glared at him annoyed now. 
“You could be a bit more considerate since it was less than a week ago I had a bullet in my shoulder!” He said annoyed and she just sighed and looked at him annoyed.
“Well, you snore, a lot. So I guess we’re both making sacrifices here.” She said and he groaned once again in annoyance at her. There was no winning with her. He had been there for a few days and they had done nothing but bicker. It was seriously frustrating.
“Could you stop being a bitch for two seconds! I’m sorry I groan every now and then, but I have been on this couch for a few days and I am uncomfortable. It might have something to do, with the fact that I have home made stitches in my shoulder!” He yelled at her his anger reaching its peak. He knew it was wrong after he said it call her a bitch, but it was all too much right now.
“Fuck off. I’m doing you a massive favour hiding you here. If you could stop being a prick for two seconds and actually be a little grateful towards the woman who saved bloody life, and is currently regretting that decision!” She said back through her teeth clearly annoyed as well. He huffed in anger and tired to turn away from her she just groaned in anger and left the apartment to get some fresh air. 
Billy came by the apartment and smiled at Sean, bringing some clothes for him. He smiled at his brother and chatted with him for a bit. A little annoyed that he was risking his life to get him a clean pair on knickers. But glad to see him, really glad.
“By the way, Y/N, the girl you’re staying with love her. I was by one of the days you were out. She is the best.” He said and Sean looked at his brother confused, what woman had he met? And had she switched places with the one he was cooped up with.
“Who are you talking about? That girl, hates my guts, and does nothing but bitch about me existing in her space. She is getting on my nerves.” He said honestly and Billy just chuckled a little.
“You’ve just forgotten how real people behave around each other when they’re not scared of disrespecting each other and their territory.” He said and Sean rolled his eyes at him, but still smiled a little.
“You’ll get along. You’re probably gonna have to stay here for a good while anyway.” Billy said and Sean looked at him surprised. 
“What? Why?” He said a little worried and Billy was clearly a little taken back by this.
“Relax. I thought mum told you. She is just worried so says it’ll be a few weeks at least before she’s even thinking about moving you to our safehouse. Guess you’re gonna have to get used to Y/N.” He said with a small smile, and Sean sighed at him a little annoyed at this news. He barely wanted to spend another minute let alone weeks with this girl.
He got better within the week, and started getting up and walking around a little. He tried to be nicer to the girl since he was stuck with him for a while. He walked into the kitchen when she was cooking one day and smiled a little leaning against the counter.
“It’s good that you’re up and about.” She said casually, but clearly in a natural, which he found a bit frustrating.
“Look, I am trying to be nice here. I know this situation is not ideal, but could we please just try to get the best out of it?” He pleaded a little, he was at the end of his line with being nice and being met with sarcasm. She sighed still having her back turned away from him, but she took a moment before turning to look at him.
“Yeah. Sorry. I really don’t like people in my space, especially bleeding on my couch and bathroom. And even less in longer periods of time. I have lived alone for a long time, I like my space just so, and you’re kinda, disrupting that.” She said honestly not looking him in the eye. He smiled a little, that was perfectly reasonable. Maybe a little too reasonable, but she had so far given him no reason not to trust her. He even saw her get ready for work in the morning and saw the employee badge. It all seemed real. 
“That’s alright. I know I have a bit of a short fuse too, but you are stuck with me. So just tell me what to do. And maybe disrupting your rutine a bit won’t be too bad.” He said smirking a little and she rolled her eyes at him.
“Too far.” She said and he chuckled a little glad he could still push her buttons. She turned back to cooking their dinner.
“By the way, on top of the couch you are also either giving me a raise, or helping pay for food, you eat so much. And stop touching my maltesers!” She said with a small smirk but clearly meaning the last part. He chuckled a little amused and put up his good hand trying to convey innocence.
“Okay, a raise or reimbursement, got it. But I’m not the one who ate your maltesers.” He said trying to convince her. It was him, but he would not admit that. For some reason he found it a bit emasculating that he liked sweets. He was a big strong, badass, gangster and leader of the London underworld. Sweets did not exactly fit his image. He saw that he had clearly failed to convince her, when she snorted.
“Sure. I mean it’s not like there is only two people in this apartment! How are you a mafia boss? You’re a terrible liar.” She said looking at him almost a little baffled at the end. He looked at her a little amused but did take offence to her last comment.
“Shut up. I’m an excellent liar.” He said daring her to tell him otherwise. He knew fully well he could lie like it was nothing. She scoffed again and crossed her arms at him walking a bit closer.
“Riiiight. And what was I exactly supposed to believe right there? We are the only people in this apartment. I know I didn’t take them. Which leaves one other person. What was I supposed to think, that the tooth fairy took them?” She said sarcastically and he chuckled a little and shrugged.
“Well, maybe it’s because it isn’t about something important.” He said and she raised an eyebrow at him clearly getting an idea.
“Okay, try me then? Lie to me.” She said challenging him, he found it a bit intriguing and amusing but took the challenge and stepped a little closer to her.
“It gotta be a little personal, the best lies are. So for example. I would do this.” He said with a smirk, before using his good hand to trace down from her shoulder to her hand before gently grabbing it and lifting it just a bit. He then looked into her eyes at she looked at him a bit shocked but he just smirked, she had asked him to lie to her.
“I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And I really wanna kiss you.” He said slowly and not too high of a volume, but still above a whisper. She looked at him a little stunned but then he pulled back and smirked, a little too proud of himself.
“See? I’m an excellent liar.” He said and she just rolled her eyes at him finally being pulled from her little daze. It was a little intriguing to him that he could make her behave that way.
“Whatever. I could totally tell you were lying.” She said clearly just trying to cover up how weird that had made her feel, he chuckled a little.
“Right.” He said dragging the word out laughing a little at her as looked at him annoyed.
They did start getting along a lot more. He helped out around the house as best as he could with his shoulder. They seemed to naturally develop their own little rutine around each other. She was still sarcastic and annoying and not taking any of his shit. But it was growing on him a little. He found himself liking that he could annoy her so easily, and she could annoy him so easily. It was like she had direct access to his brains annoyance center. But he liked pushing her buttons, and it was becoming more and more in a joking manner. He was not exactly the type to have friends, but after a week and a half with her, he would not mind calling her that. She was funny and threw popcorn in his face if he disagreed with her or talked during a movie. They had also taken to pushing each other lightly when other was being annoying, of course both being conscious of his still healing shoulder. As time passed and they found themselves more and more at ease in each others company. He almost felt a little awkward having to sit shirtless in front her as she rinsed his wound and put a new bandage on it. It felt almost intimate, which they had not been anywhere near since he had lied to her. It was a lie, or at least back then it was. She was funny, annoying but still, and sweet, and playfull almost. He clearly liked her company, and he liked that she was not afraid of him at all. She was pretty too. He found himself more and more admiring her eyes and smile and the way her hair flowed and especially started noticing when she would walk around the apartment in those tight yogapants on the weekends. He tried to shake all of those thoughts from his head. She tried to stop herself from looking at his shirtless body, it was not like she did not notice, she had needs and she was not blind. But he was also annoying as hell, and a rich prick. But he was also annoyingly sweet sometimes, and funny and he was annoying but there was something weirdly and much to her dismay endearing about how he liked pushing her buttons. As they had spent a lot more time together and learned each others rutines and stuff it was obvious whenever he was annoying now that it was on purpose. And there was something a little thrilling about him, she did not know if it was just her old and she hoped dormant attraction to a little bad boys, or if there was just something about how easily it was for her to get under his skin. It was almost in a sadistic way fun for them to get under each others skin just a little. Besides he was great looking which was hard to avoid with a guy you lived with. His stubbles, his clear blue eyes, his dimples, she had seen him at the office and while there was something about seeing him in his tailored suits his much more casual clothes along with his gold watch was still something she found annoyingly attractive. But she tried to push that thought to the back of her head.
After a month living in her apartment, they were sitting on the couch watch telly when the door opened revealing Sean’s mother, she smiled at Y/N and then Sean. Y/N looked to Sean confused, but he just shrugged signally that he did not know his mother was coming by.
“We found out who tried to shoot you. They’re tied up right now. We can go home love.” Marian said relieved and glad to see her other son unharmed and safe. Sean nodded with a smile, a little excited to go home and sleep in his own bed. 
“That’s good mom. I’ll pack and we can go.” He said and she smiled as he got up to pack she turned towards Y/N who stood up feeling a little out of place now, but Marian just smiled at her kindly.
“I cannot thank you enough for keeping Sean safe. I hope he was not too much trouble. I don’t know how we can ever repay you. But know that you are always welcome in our home if you need anything.” She said taking her hands in hers and looking Y/N in the eyes clearly meaning every word. Marian would do anything to keep her sons safe, and this woman had helped with that. Y/N just smiled and nodded.
“Thank you. No worries. He was a little annoying in the beginning but he has grown on me. Besides, he knows what he owes me.” She said a little amused and the last part a little louder making sure Sean heard it. Sean chuckled as he shook his head at her. She had kept reminding him. He packed the last things before meeting his mother and Y/N in the hall.
“Yeah yeah, couch and a raise, I know.” He said feigning annoyance but smiled fondly at her, she just chuckled and Marian looked between then a little confused but said nothing. 
“Because I don’t want to forget it.” She said a little sarcastically, and he chuckled a little once again.
“Oh, I am not gonna miss that.” He said and she rolled her eyes a little but kept her smile on her face. He smiled at her earnestly now and looked her in the eyes.
“But seriously, thank you, for everything. However reluctantly you did safe my life. So thank you.” He said earnestly, she blushed a little not knowing how to handle him serious all of a sudden, she stood there for a moment clearly happy about how grateful they were not used to being thanked like this. She ended up shoving him lightly out of instinct and just not know how to handle this serious side of him.
“You’re welcome. At least now I can have my maltesers in peace.” She said trying to deflect how weird and awkward and like a school girl with a crush he had just made her feel. He chuckled a little and shook his head, before leaving with his mother.
They both got back to their normal lives. He started noticing her now that he could go back to the office and they would smile at each other if they did see each other but never talk. It was like an unspoken agreement, that he had his life and she had hers, even if they had both put it on pause for a little month. He somehow missed her couch a little, when he got back to his own bed, it was somehow too soft and he tossed and turned trying to get comfortable in it again. She in turn found herself thinking something sarcastic and turned to say it to him, but stopped herself when she realised it had been a reflex and he was not there anymore. She texted him a picture of her new couch which he had transferred money for. He sent her a smiley back, but they never took it further. He was back in his life. Trying to run a business and a gang while trying to figure out who killed his father. He had too much on his plate, and he definitely did not need anyone knowing there was any more people he cared the slightest about. She hated to admit it, but she was missing him, her small apartment somehow feeling empty without him there. So when she found his shirt with her laundry she first tossed it to a chair nearby thinking she could return it whenever. But that night when she could not fall asleep, missing even his stupid snores, she grabbed the shirt and found herself calmed a little by the familiar scent. He found a black t-shirt that was too small for him, so he figured it was hers he must have grabbed in his haste to pack. He first thought nothing of it but when he could not sleep at night, he found himself reaching for it, it was so familiar now, and somehow calming. He did miss her, and he knew it was stupid and irrational, but he found himself not being able to concentrate and one night he simply had enough. He did not care that it was the middle of the night he got in his car and drove to her apartment, knocking on her door. She opened it and looked at him confused.
“Sean?” She asked and he smiled a little.
“What are you doing here? It’s one in the morning. I have work tomorrow. For your company.” She said sarcastically and he could not help but smile a little more that. He had missed her voice, and her stupid sarcasm. 
“Honestly? I fucking missed you. I just, I have so much to do, between work for the company and the other side of it, on top of trying to find out who killed my dad. And yet, I missed you. So much.” He said earnestly but honestly just a little frustrated with himself. She smiled a little and leaned against her doorframe.
“And who says I missed your ass?” She said challenging him and he smirked a little at her for doing that right now. But he looked her over and grinned a little.
“Well for one, that looks like one of my shirts.” He said and she looked down having not realised that was the t-shirt she had grabbed to sleep in. She looked back at him embarrassed but he was looking at her so annoyingly proud. He did like that she had clearly missed him too, why else would she wear his shirt to bed. He liked it on her. 
“That proves nothing.” She said crossing her arms in protest refusing like always to let him just win. He stepped forward a little confident, so they stood pretty closely. 
“Right. Remember when you told me to lie to you?” He asked and she looked him in the eyes a little shocked. She had tried not to think about that day. She did, but she tried not to. 
“What about it?” She asked clearly some cracks in her sarcastic demeanour which he was proud of that he could do still.
“It’s not a lie anymore.” He said looking at her earnestly. He meant it and he wanted to see if she felt the slightest same way. Her eyes widened a little she was surprised by this but tried to gather herself again.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” She asked not really knowing how to respond and just said the first thing that came to mind. He smirked and got closer to her.
“Well, if you’ll let me. This.” He said before gently putting his hand on her cheek. They looked into each other eyes trying to read the other. Before he finally saw no objection and leaned down letting his lips meet hers. It was gentle at first but soon they both started pulling each other closer wanting more. She walked backwards slowly and he slammed the door behind her, not pulling away from her. He might have been disoriented when he first woke up on her couch, but that was nothing to how she was currently clouding all of his thoughts, but this time, he was not complaining. 
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deepdonutkid · 4 years
The forsaken road
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Requested: yes by anon
Summary: You have been gone for a year now, even though Finn and you have been friend since ever. Now he is trying to convince you to come back to Birmingham.
Author’s note:
Finn is a little sassy, but this is supposed to be a close friend and usually nobody is shy around close friends. Maybe he got the usual Shelby sass.
This was super funny to write and I hope I did the request right. This thing whole x reader thing is still new to me.
The reader is female, I couldn’t work around that. I’m sorry. There are only two times or so, when the reader is referred to as “she.”
Requests are still open~ If you want to request something or want to be added to my tag list, just write me!
John is dead in this one q.q
And the reader is stubborn as fuck
Word count: 4260
Warnings: major character death, swearing
It was the first time Finn was nervous behind the steering wheel. Even when he started driving, he felt completely comfortable with it. Cars just were his thing and he wasn’t the only one to notice. Tommy himself chose Finn to be his driver more than once and Finn was a good driver. He didn’t panic nor did he take unnecessary risks.
But this time it was different. He was alone in the car, nobody by his side and his destination was on the countryside. Far away from his usual ways. His hands clung around the leather wheel. The grip so tight, his knuckles shined white. Nevertheless, this was important and he had worries, if he would find the small cottage in the middle of nowhere. Polly drew the way on his map, so he wouldn’t get lost, but he still feared, what would happen, if it was getting dark and he was still driving.
With all his might he tried to push his insecurities away. These wouldn’t help him find his way through the unknown. And it was not like he had another choice. You didn’t seem to return to Birmingham by yourself, so he needed to get you back. Actually, he didn’t understand why you left in the first place. You had a job and friends, who cared about you and yet you left in the middle of the night, without even saying goodbye.  You should have come at least to him, your best friend.
When Isiah told him, he refused to believe it. Maybe it was just a bad joke. You wouldn’t run off without a word… and yet you did. The realization knocked him down. Finn couldn’t imagine his life without you and now he had to. Even worse, he didn’t know why. He thought, he meant as much to you as you did to him. Apparently this wasn’t the case. You left him heartbroken and he would never say that out loud, but he cried.
And yet, he wasn’t over you. Somehow he just couldn’t forget you. The way you smiled, when he cracked a joke or when a new pint of beer arrived at the table. He missed the smell of your hair, when you leaned against his shoulder late at night. Or that one time you held hands under the table at the Garrison. You swore Bonnie saw the innocent act, but Finn doubted it. You had some much fun together and now everything was gone with the wind.
That was the reason, why he took the forsaken road. If he couldn’t bring you back, he needed at least an explanation. Otherwise he would never have a peaceful sleep again. He had prepared everything he would say. There were a couple of things on his mind and he needed to say them. Hopefully you would listen. Finn thought about the whole scenario over and over again. And even when you would be as stubborn as ever, he had one last option.
His heart jumped, when he noticed the small cottage down the road. This had to be it. The house of your aunt and her husband. Now it was just a few meters ahead of him and he was getting even more nervous. The hands were all sweaty and his knees started to shake as he pulled into the driveway.
The motor stopped and everything was dead silent for a while. Finn was too scared to move and froze right on the driver’s seat. Inside of him there was a voice yelling at him to get out of the fucking car and ask you, why you had to break his heart. But he couldn’t, not until he heard steps on the gravel path that went around the house. Wary like a watch-dog he turned his head to see who was coming.
Until now he was worried, that he might have the wrong address… or you wouldn’t be there anymore… or something worse. Now he had his proof. You stood just not far away from him and yet it felt like you were miles away. Finn stumbled out of the car and ran to you, before you could hide in the house.
“Hey”, you managed to say, while you couldn’t believe your own eyes. After all this time you spend dreaming about him, he was here. Right in front of you. Suddenly you had a lump in your throat and your heart was racing. This reunion seemed so surreal and you doubted you would like how this would turn out. You knew that he wasn’t pleased with the way things ended. It was visible in his face. His cheeks were so red, his freckles weren’t even visible.
And even though he seemed so angry, all you wanted right now was to pull him in for a long hug. Of course, you missed him. He was your best friend and you had spent so many great nights together with the others at the Garrison. But still you couldn’t move and prepared for the worst.
“Hey!” he yelled: “Fucking finally.”
Nobody moved, but you felt the tension. You knew you should say something, anything, but there were no words to explain your inner tumult.
Finn signed and added: “You should have said this months ago.”
Slowly you nodded. Unable to speak, it was the least you could do. And he was right though. You should have had that conversation sooner, but you feared it so much, that you just packed your things and went.
Then you heard something, you certainly didn’t expect. “I missed you.”
You hadn’t comprehended this sentence and suddenly you felt his arms around you.
He whispered in your ear: “Every fucking day, Y/N.”
It was the long hug you needed and it gave you the idea, that maybe and just maybe things weren’t as bad as you thought. With croaked voice you mumbled: “I missed you too.”
But you were wrong. Things were bad and four soft spoken words couldn’t obliterate one year in misery. He pulled away and the look on his face was quite surprised as he asked: “Then why you left?”
Your mouth was dry as you tried to prepare some kind of an answer, certainly not a good one. It felt like your lips were glued together and even when you tried to open it, it wouldn’t work.
His hands caressed your cheeks. “What was the reason? Why did you leave me?”
“I was…”, you begun to say, but paused to take a deep breath: “I was scared.”
“Of me?” he asked with concern in his eyes.
You shook your head. “No… of course not.”
Right now you felt more feelings in the glimpse of this moment than ever in your life. It was like a rollercoaster. Everything went up and down. Yes, you were happy, he got all the way here, just to see you again, but you still feared this conversation. Running away was stupid, you knew, there was just no other option to get out of this mess.
Your body shivered as you felt his warm breath on your chest. “What were you scared of?”
How could you answer it? There was no easy way to say it.
“Of Tommy?” You shook your head, while tears filled your eyes. “Arthur?”
“No”, you whispered: “Don’t be silly. Nobody from your family was the problem.”
His frustration reached a peak. He got even louder as he shouted: “Then tell me who!”
You winced, because he frightened you. Even though he was the sweetest and most innocent of the four Shelby brothers, Finn still got the temper. And this time you really deserved it.
“Nobody”, you cried: “I was just scared.”
Finn took another step back. His hands left your cheeks gently, but were clenched into fists just seconds after. “Of what?” he repeated once again.
This time you tried to explain: “I don’t know. I thought something bad would happen. I could feel it coming.” There wasn’t a clear sign, when you knew you couldn’t be there anymore. This feeling grew inside of you for a long time. While being friends with the Shelbys you have witnessed violence, drug abuse, gang fights and other things, you weren’t ready for.
Things that changed you until you couldn’t sleep anymore and you couldn’t breathe anymore. That was the reason why you left. But of course, Finn didn’t seem to understand it. The tiny wheels in his head kept turning, but he still looked clueless.
“Why?” he whispered with a face like he seemed to choke on his own words.
You had to reach out for him, pulled him into a hug and patted his back. “I was scared of losing you”, you said. It didn’t even sound like your voice, not stubborn and strong as always but very weak and broken.  
He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you until you couldn’t breathe. “But why then… I had to lose you?”
Just when you were about to answer, he added: “I mean… this year without you was horrible. All the sudden you were gone and you took all the colors with you. Everything seemed so bleak. Nobody could cheer me up. I couldn’t… do anything without you. I was useless after you left… and you didn’t even tell me yourself. Isaiah noticed, you weren’t at home and then I asked Polly and she confirmed it. You know, I thought it was all my fault… because what happened the night before.”
That night. Yes, you did remember that. Actually you planned to tell him on that fateful night, that you were leaving, but after he kissed you and you kissed him, you couldn’t bring yourself to confess. You bit your lip.
“It wasn’t your fault”, you mumbled. Your fingers were running through his hair so careful, as if he would break, if the pressure was slightly higher. “It was mine. The night was great, but I couldn’t be in Birmingham at that time.”
He lifted his head to look you in the eyes. There were so many questions in his mind. You could see it.
“After John’s death I knew, I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you the same way. Shot multiple times. My feelings for you were to strong. I had loved you and your end would have been mine as well. Every time, we met at the Garrison, I feared some day you wouldn’t show up, because you were lying dead somewhere. I’m not the type of person who would seek revenge but more the type of person who would crumble to pieces”, you professed.
But this wasn’t even the end of the story. Finn was keen to say something. You shushed him. “I wasn’t done yet.”
“With the time I had realized this wasn’t the life I wanted. I wasn’t ready for all this violence and I still think it would ruin me. When I still did snow, it was okay. I could tolerate the fact that everything we had was bought by blood. But when I stopped doing drugs, I felt sick every time I saw what your brothers did to defend their power.”
Slowly you let him go. Not as sudden as the last time. He forced you to explain it and you did as he wished, but you knew, this wouldn’t make better.
You just weren’t the right person for him, even though you loved him. Others might have stayed, but it was too much for you.
Now the both of you were crying. When he realized, that things hadn’t changed, he felt worse than before. “You had loved me?” he asked like he couldn’t believe his own voice.
“Actually… I still do”, you confessed: “Not a single day has passed, I didn’t think about you.”
Finn stared at you. “Why didn’t say something sooner?” The red vanished from his face and it left him even paler than before.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
“But I do!” he protested: “I always have.”
It was what you wanted to hear, even though now it was too late. It didn’t matter anymore. You decided to stay here. Maybe the life in the small cottage was boring, but at least it was peaceful. From morning till dawn you spend your time in the garden or in the kitchen and nothing bad ever happened, unlike all that drama in Small Heath.
You glared at the cloudless sky. It was a warm, yet windy day, just like it was one year ago, when the husband of your aunt picked you up at a station nearby.  Back then you thought you would never see him again. Now he was standing here and declared his love for you. Should this feel like a happy end?
“Maybe… it’s too late”, you murmured. The time for sweeping love declarations was months ago. Finally you wiped the wetness from your cheeks.
At first Finn just gazed in abstraction, then he frowned. “What?”
“Maybe it’s time for you to leave. You don’t want to get lost in the dark.” Yes, you pushed him away, but it has been hard enough for you to forget him. His family still had shady business and they would always have enemies. Neither could Finn escape them nor you, if you were his girlfriend.
“Fuck no.”
Now you were baffled by his words. With an intense glare you stared at him. This was very unlikely for him, which made you think, he might have changed while you were gone.
“Stop making decision for me. Everybody else already does this. I won’t leave until we had a proper talk.”
Obviously, you were lost in translation. Didn’t you just have that talk, did you? “Tell me what you want to know”, you demanded, while you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
Finn took another step towards you. “Just tell me why we should not be together. I mean, I love you and you love me and yet you keep pushing me away.” He held out his hand for you to grab it. You didn’t.
“Love isn’t everything Finn”, you argued: “I want safety.”
Just when you were about to explain this further the front door opened behind Finn. Your aunt stepped out of the house. “Dinner is ready, Y/N.”
“I’m coming”, you said as you were on your way to the dinner table. The young Shelby followed you with his eyes. This talk had come to an end, at least in your opinion, but Finn didn’t seem to agree with you.
He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze, while he begged you silently to stay.
“I heard you two talking”, your aunt tossed in: “You were pretty loud, dear.”
Your cheeks were getting hot. This was embarrassing. Since you left Birmingham, you had found a new home here in the middle of nowhere. Your aunt was sweet and caring. She never had children and loved the idea of getting a little help around the house. Now she had heard why you had fled.
And again you had no good apology. But this time you didn’t even have to say something. Your aunt did. “Now come inside. It’s getting cold and your boyfriend probably wants to eat something after the long drive.”
You babbled some incoherent words, while Finn started smiling like an angel. “Thank you. I sure would love to have dinner with you, Mrs.” he nodded.
Since you were still completely overwhelmed with this whole situation, Finn guided you to the entrance. When you realized, he was about to enter the house, you started moving yourself and picked up the pace.
Inside you noticed the fourth plate on the dinner table. Your aunt had already planned to invite him in. What a back-stabbing bitch.
You glared at her with passionate hate. Yeah, okay, you loved Finn, but this still didn’t mean you could have a life with him, a known gangster. However your aunt disrupted your plans to forget about him. Now he thought he still could turn things around, which wasn’t possible.
“You can sit here, sweetie”, she said and pointed at a chair. Finn followed her order and took place.
This damn smile wouldn’t leave his darn beautiful face. With clenching fists you sat down right in front of him. “After this… you’re leaving”, you threatened him.
Pointless, but you tried. Of course, you didn’t know that Finn thought you were the cutest, when you tried to intimidate someone.
“We’ll see about that”, he grinned and then turned to your aunt: “This house is beautiful…. But it was very hard to find.”
Your aunt giggled and put a steaming pot in the middle of the table. Inside of it was a delicious stew and the smell filled the room. “Well, it’s very quiet here and the sea is nearby. Maybe Y/N can show you the beach. You probably know, how stubborn she can be.”
Finn burst out in laughter and agreed: “Yes, she can be quite a pain in the ass, but she is still my best friend. Everybody back home missed her so much. I had hoped to bring her back for a couple of days… She said no.”
“Wait…”, you interrupted him: “Who said that?”
“That they missed me?”
Finn was surprised for the glimpse of a second, and then he laughed. “Everybody! Isiah said it a couple of times. Bonnie too! Arthur said he missed hearing you singing drunk in the Garrison. And Esme said the fair isn’t half as funny without you.”
Your mouth formed a silent “Oh” like you just realized that you had left everybody behind and not just Finn.
He made a wiggly movement with his hands. “You probably won’t believe me but… even Michael said something is different since you left.”
You gave him a skeptic stare and just shook your head. “No fucking way.” Not even in a thousand years Michael would say something like that and not about you from all people. He was a jerk who would always make snarky side comments about you and you would do the same about him. It wasn’t friendship- not even close, even though you had the same group of friends.  
“Yes, of course he did. Everybody is sad that you left without saying goodbye”, he responded and hiked his shoulders.
Slowly, your head turned towards your empty plate. Maybe leaving like this was kinda selfish.
Your aunt was filling the bowls with stew, when her husband arrived though the backdoor. His face was stained with dirt, but his eyes widened as he noticed Finn. “Who is that?” he growled and sat down at the table.
“Y/N’s boyfriend. He came all the way from the city to see her again.” Apparently your aunt thought she was being funny.
Her husband didn’t seem to be happy with that answer either. He grunted and then began to eat his dinner in silence.
Finn’s cheeks were red once again, but this time it wasn’t anger. He was nervous. “Nice to meet you, Mr. I’m Finn Shelby.” You heard it in his voice.
Your uncle nodded and didn’t stop shoveling stew in his mouth for one second. He wasn’t a man of many words. More like the silent type of guy. You liked it. At least he wasn’t as noisy as your aunt.
The dinner was exhausting. Your aunt kept asking Finn all types of questions and he was hesitant to answer most of them. Once or twice you helped him out. He was still your friend and seeing him in discomfort made you feel the same.
And the discomfort didn’t end with the dinner. “Finn, dear, it’s already dark outside. Do you still want to go back today? We still have a guestroom. You can stay there, if you want to? You two still have so much to talk about.” The suggestion of your aunt may seem nice, but it was meant to torture you.
“Oh, that’s so nice”, he said: “Thank you. I just have to get some things of mine from the car.”
Finally he stood up. You followed him back to his car. Now you had at least the opportunity to talk him out of this stupid idea. He shouldn’t be here and both of you knew it. Tommy would be furious with him, if he left for so long.
“You can’t stay”, you decided.
With a wide grin on his face he replied: “Oh, sure I can. Your aunt said it… and since you’re not my girlfriend… you can’t make decision for me.” He poked your nose and smiled.
Then he turned around to his car and opened trunk. It was full of all kinds of stuff. Why did he need a dress? And it wasn’t even his color!
You took a deep breath before pointing out the obvious: “What the fuck is this?”
“Gifts”, Finn answered: “When I said, I would be visiting you everybody gave me something for you.”
Now you had to take a closer look of the ragbag of things inside of the trunk. The Shelby coughed slightly and explained: “The dress is from Ada and the jewelry box is from Isaiah… but don’t worry, his sister chose it. Tommy gave you a bottle of gin. He started making some, while you were gone. Actually… I took the bottle, but it doesn’t matter. Tommy bribes everybody to try his gin. It’s the family recipe. And Bonnie got you a scarf. Well… it’s all kind of stuff.”
“I can’t accept that.” It was too much and too expensive. You were never part of the family, just Finn’s little friend.
Finn clucked his tongue. “Yes, you can.” Then he started to put some gifts in your arms.
“Let’s get this stuff inside and then go to the beach your aunt mentioned.”
You were ready to argue and yet you had nothing left to say. “Why are you so stubborn all the sudden?” you asked.
He took the rest and closed the trunk again, before responding: “Because usually you’re the bone head of us, but this time I have something to say and I’m not leaving until you heard it”
“Trust me just once. This is important”, he added with stern eyes and stroked your cheek with his finger.
When he looked at you like that, something inside you melted and you got weak in your knees. There was something undeniably sexy about him. Your head felt so hot when you squeaked: “Fine.”
Then you walked together with him back to the house and put the things in your room. Finn was prying, but you didn’t stay long enough for him to snoop around.
After you were done, you pulled him out of your room again. “You were never interested in my stuff. Why now?”
“Well, I wanted to know which things you kept and which things you had thrown away”, he explained as the both of you walked out of the house.
You crossed your arms before your chest and argued: “My other stuff is in my old room in Birmingham… but it’s not like I had so much to take with me.”
Finn was just about to walk in the wrong direction, so you took his hand and pulled him back. “It’s this way to the beach.”
“Okay, take the lead, lady”, he laughed: “But you still wear the necklace I got you.”
Immediately, your hand searched the pendant. It was nothing expensive, however it was very important to you, because Finn gave it to you on your birthday. “Well, I said I would never take it off.”
“Good”, he nodded and glanced at the sky with all his stars. He was more than a head taller than you, so you couldn’t see how happy your words made him.
Then you walked in silence to the beach. It was even windier here and you forgot to take your jacket, because you just wanted to get over with this and then go back to your boring life.
Finn noticed your shivering and put his coat on your shoulders, which made you smile. It has been a while since you felt like that. Your tummy rumbled in excitement.
“I still have one last gift for you”, he whispered.
You looked up and down, but you didn’t find it. “Where?”
His handy were jittery, when he said: “Promise me you think about it at least for one second, before saying no.”
“Of course”, you answered and took his hand so he wouldn’t be distracted. Your fingers intertwined with his and you smiled again. “C’mon, Finny, what is it you want to talk about?”
Slowly he went down on one knee. By that time you knew what he was going to say, but you still couldn’t believe it. He pulled out a small box and presented you a very beautiful ring, before saying: “Marry me.”
Your head was empty. All you could do was staring at him.
“I’m serious, Y/N. If you agree to be my wife, you won’t have to worry about your safety anymore. Then you’re part of the family and everybody would protect you. And I need you in my life. This year- without you- was the worst in my life. After losing my brother and almost my cousin I lost you too. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep and I missed you more than you could imagine. Please come back with me… or at least think about it, before you’re being stubborn again.”
Tagging: @bonniesgoldengirl​
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multifandomwriter56 · 4 years
Getting Her Way
A/N: Don’t have much to say except I hope ya’ll enjoy this. Oh, and also I’ve decided I suck at titles. So there’s that. 
Summary: Y/n finds her own way to become a Peaky Blinder and Tommy believes it’s his duty to teach his sister right from wrong; even if he doesn’t learn himself.
Characters: Tommy Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Shelby!Reader (8 years old)
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1,562
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"By order of the Peaky fucking Blinders!" Y/n yells as she grabs a fistful of the back of her cap and swings it at the kid. She smacks him with it a few times, ignoring the person calling her name. 
“Y/n Shelby!” Tommy shouts as his hands grip around his sister’s waist and forces her to turn towards him. “What the fuck are you doing?”
The eight year old doesn’t even flinch at his stern tone. “We’re playing Peaky Blinders, Tommy.”
Tommy slowly looks behind his sister, afraid to find a bloody-faced boy who will now be blind for the rest of his life; but to his surprised, there’s not even a start of a bruise forming on the boy’s face. He looks back at the young girl. “Where did you the cap, eh?”
This time, the girl shuffles her feet and bites her lip at his stern tone. “I stole it.”
“From who?”
She looks at her shuffling feet before answering her brother. “Arthur.” She lifts her head, looking at her brother straight in the eye. “But he hasn’t worn it in weeks. I made sure it wasn’t one of his favorites.” 
Tommy suppresses a groan when she folds her arms over her chest; a clear sign she’s about to throw a tantrum. So with the hope to avoid that; he focuses his attention on the other eight year old. “You alright, son?”
“I’m fine, Mr Shelby.”
“You go on home, eh? Y/n will see you at school tomorrow.”
“But Tommy! We were playing!” Y/n whines; ignoring her brother’s warning look and stomps her foot. 
“Go on, son.” Tommy smiles at the young boy who’s glancing between the two siblings before running off towards his home. 
He focuses back on his sister, but before he can say anything, she beats him to it.
“Why can’t I have my own cap? Finn gets one.”
“You never asked me for one.” Tommy points out.
Y/n falters at her brother’s words. She didn’t think about that. “Why were you late picking me up from school?”
Tommy doesn’t even try to hold in his chuckle. “Nice try, my little devil; but we are not done discussing this.” He holds out a hand for her to take. “You’re going to apologize to Arthur for stealing his cap.”
“But he didn’t even noticed it was gone.” She whines, taking a hold of his hand. 
“No whining.” He chides softly. 
The two siblings walk; a comfortable silence settling over them as they make their way through the streets of Small Heath. 
Tommy stops at the entrance to the Garrison. “You’re going to tell Arthur what you did and then I’ll take you home, eh?”
“Yes, Tommy.” Y/n was not looking forward to telling her eldest brother what she did. Arthur believes the youngest Shelby can do no wrong and she would like to keep it that way. 
Tommy barely contains his amusement at his sister’s mood. He knows exactly what she’s thinking. He also knows Arthur’s going defend the little brat and make him be the bad guy. 
“Arthur, you have a visitor!” He calls as the two enter the pub. 
The eldest Shelby sticks his head outside the small office in the back and smiles at the sight before him. “Y/n!” He raises his arms in the air as he makes his over to them. “My favorite eight year old, what are you doing visiting your big brother?” 
Y/n giggles as Arthur pulls her into a bear hug and squeezes her tightly. “Arthur, you squeezing too hard.” She tells him in between giggles.
He lets her go. “My apologizes. Now-” He pulls out a chair and sits in it, patting his knee as an invitation. 
Y/n immediately crawls into his lap; shifting until she’s comfortable. She leans her head against his chest with a smile on her face. But when she looks at the brother that still standing; the smile falls. “I have something to tell you, Arthur.”
“Oi, and what would that be.”
She looks at Tommy with one last pleading look before looking back at Arthur. “I made a new game. It’s called Peaky Blinders. Me and Danny were playing it when someone wass late picking their sister up from-”
“Y/n.” Tommy growls in warning.
Arthur looks up at his brother and then back at his sister who exhales a huff of annoyance; wondering what’s going on between his two siblings. “That sounds like a fun game, Y/N/N. How do you play?”
“Bloody hell.” Tommy mutters as Y/n explains how the game works. 
“And I grab my cap and started smacking him like you, Tommy, and John do when someone doesn’t listen.”
“Like you are now.” The standing brother interrupts. He pulls the cap out of his coat pocket places it in her lap. “Tell Arthur where you-”
“Hey, that’s my cap.” Arthur announces as he picks up the mentioned item. 
“I took it from your stash. I never saw you wear it, so I didn’t think you liked it and I wanted one.”
“Just because you like something, doesn’t mean you can just take it.” Tommy chides. 
Y/n glares at Tommy before looking up at Arthur,hoping he will come to her defense. 
“Tommy’s right, you can’t just take other people’s belongings.” Arthur doesn’t really care that Y/n took his cap; but he understands where his brother is coming from. Y/n’s too young to understand the difference between stealing as a thief and stealing because of who they are as the Peaky Blinders. It’s best just to teach her stealing is bad until she is older and more involved in the business. 
But even though he’s siding with his brother; he’s not going to deny his baby sister’s wants. So he plops the cap on her head, smiling when she does. “It’s yours; looks better on you than me anyways.”
Y/n smiles smugly at Tommy who is glaring at Arthur.
When he notices the smug smile, he points a warning finger at her. “You’re still in trouble.” He nods his head in slight triumph when that wipes the smile right off her face.
“Aw, come on Tom. She didn’t do anything that bad. It’s just a cap; and besides, she took the one she knew I wouldn’t miss. I never even knew it was fucking missing until now.”
“And it’s mine now anyways, so technically I didn’t steal it.”
Oh, now the little devil’s pushing it. 
“Exactly. So no need for the glaring daggers.” Arthur says, gesturing towards Tommy’s narrowed eyes.
Tommy debated on whether or not to fight them over a stolen cap. He decides against it; turning on his heel and heading for the doors.
Y/n and Arthur share a triumphant smirk and high five.
“Y/n, let’s go.”
The eight year old hugs her brother and kisses his cheek; whispering a quick, “thank you” before following after Tommy. 
As the two begin their walk home, Y/n can feel the tension radiating off the gang leader. Biting her lip, she speeds up just enough so she can stop in front of Tommy, forcing him to stop.
“I’m sorry I stole, Tommy.”
The man scoffs. Now’s she rubbing it in his face. 
“Really, Tom. I am. i won’t do it again. I’ll try and ask you first when I want something.” 
Tommy’s head cocks to the side as his eyes scan his sister’s face. “You’re being sincere.” When Y/n nods her head, he bends forward, resting his hands on his knees. “How do you go from being the world’s biggest brat to being the sweetest angel in all of Small Heath, eh?”
Y/n clasps her hands behind her, swaying from side to side; a smile smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “It’s a gift.”
Tommy chuckles, pulling her into his arms as he straightens to his full height. He continues the walk towards home.
“Where did this Peaky Blinders game come from anyways?” He asks her after a few minutes of silence.
“Since I’m not allowed to be involved with the real thing; I decided to make my own game so I can be like you.”
“You want to be like me? What about Arthur?”
“Him too. That’s why I always yell ‘by order of the Peaky fucking Blinders’ when I’m about to beat someone up; just like Arthur.” She tells him proudly.
Tommy shakes his head fondly. “Polly’s going to kill us all if she ever hears about this game.”
Y/n giggles but sobers when she thinks about their aunt’s reaction. “We can’t tell her, Tommy.”
“That’s the plan, little sister.” Tommy agrees as he sets her on her feet and opens the door to number six Watery Lane. 
“Oi! Thomas, is that you? What’s this game Y/n’s been playing at school where she fucking pretends to cut people?”
The two siblings freeze at the doorway.
Y/n looks up at him. “It’s been a while since I’v visited Curly and Uncle Charlie.”
Tommy nods his head, trying his hardest to not actually show his fear from their aunt’s tone. “I need to check on my horse before the upcoming race.”
They quickly make their exit as the click of Polly’s heels become louder by the second.
Forevers: @beautycinders​ @desiredposion​ @ravenoussss​ @simonsbluee​
Peaky Blinders: @cai-neki​
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whump-tr0pes · 3 years
Honor Bound 5 - 33
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, and the prequel Vera.
Content warning: self-hatred, death threats, discussion of death, gun
“Isaac!” Sam cried hoarsely as he opened the front door.
They came barreling into his arms, burying their head against his chest and squeezing him tight. Isaac’s eyes pricked with tears as he wrapped his arms around them and pressed a kiss to the crown of their head. He released them a moment later. He could barely breathe. His blood pulsed beneath his skin, his heart pounding in his chest, every nerve throbbing.
I’m going to get him back tomorrow.
Isaac looked up at the others, all crowded into the kitchen. Finn and Ellis had their arms wrapped tightly around each other, huddled in the corner, their faces pale. Vera stood beside Tori. Her mouth was set, her gaze steady on Isaac as he walked in, tucking Sam beneath his arm. Edrissa shifted her eyes away, standing on the opposite end of the kitchen as Zachariah. Zachariah’s face was haggard. He looked like he’d aged ten years in the month and a half since he’d reached the family. Deep circles were carved under his eyes, and his hands shook at his sides. Gray stood in the middle of the others, eyes wide and focused on nothing. Isaac thought he saw the glimmer of tears as they blinked and looked up at him.
“Um… h-haven’t made the call yet?” Isaac croaked.
“No,” Gray said weakly. “Wanted to… w-wait on you.”
Isaac’s throat tightened as he glanced around at the others. Every second they waited, Gavin suffered. Every inch of Isaac’s body ached with terror, with the unending pulse of hatred that burned through him with each heartbeat: my fault. My fault. My fault.
“L-let’s get it done, then,” he rasped. He felt like he would jump out of his skin if he had to wait another moment. His hand twitched for the gun he had tucked in his waistband. Vera’s eyes caught the motion. Her mouth twisted.
Silently, Gray pulled the cell phone out of their pocket and flipped it open. They hit redial and put the phone on speaker. They held the phone out in the middle of the group. It trembled in their hand.
It rang once. Twice.
There was a muffled clatter on the other end, and a harried voice sounding slightly out of breath answered. “Hello?”
The voice was unfamiliar, but it still sent a chill down Isaac’s spine. This was the firefighter that was going to walk into the town hall tomorrow and lead Isaac to Gavin. This person was going to help save Gavin tomorrow.
The possibility of failure didn’t even cross his mind. Gavin was at the town hall; Isaac knew it with every fiber of his being. He was going to save him. The only way he was not going to have Gavin in his arms tomorrow night was if he was no longer breathing.
“H-hello, Vanya,” Gray said with a shaking voice. “The whole gang is here. You’re on speaker.”
“Good, good,” Vanya said distractedly. A shuffling sound. “Sorry, I’m trying to get somewhere where I can talk.”
“Take your time,” Gray said breathlessly.
There was the whisper of movement, the distant sound of a door closing. Vanya’s voice seemed more muffled than before. “Alright, I can talk. Let’s, uh… let’s go over things.”
“What’s the plan?” Isaac said, unable to keep silent any longer. He bit his lip and clutched Sam tighter. They leaned against him and squeezed him back.
“Well first I… I’m, um, sorry for the short notice. This was the soonest I could schedule it and I felt like you’d want to—”
“Yes,” Isaac choked. “Y-yes.”
There was a deep breath over the line. “Okay. Okay. Good. So here’s my plan, the way I have it: I’m going to go to the town hall tomorrow to do a simple fire inspection. I’ve done half the town by now, and the town hall is right in line with the pattern I’ve been taking from east to west. There’s no reason for Schiester to suspect I’m doing anything out of the ordinary.”
Isaac nodded as Vanya spoke. His skin felt like it was buzzing.
Vanya continued. “I’m not going to do a complete fire inspection, because honestly, that would be a waste of time. That building is old enough that it might not even have a fire suppression system. But it’ll probably have an alarm system. There will be a room with an alarm panel that I can check. Sometimes there will even be a premise map that’ll give a detailed map of every floor… but I doubt it.”
“If DFS has been keeping captives in the basement, I doubt he’d leave a map up,” Vera said harshly.
Isaac huffed out a breath. Come on, come on…
“Yeah. Sorry. Anyway. There will be an alarm panel that will probably give me a good idea of how many floors there are. We have to consider the fact that there might be more than one underground floor.”
Isaac’s breath rushed out of him. He hadn’t considered—
“Isaac, this is where you come in,” Vanya said.
Isaac’s body went rigid. Ice crawled into his veins. “Y-yeah?”
“I’m assuming you’re going to be the one going in after him, based on what I talked about with Gr—”
“Yes,” Isaac snapped. His arm tightened around Sam. “I’m going in.”
“Good. Okay. Well, if there are any floors that show up on a premise map or on the alarm panel that the mayor won’t let me access, I figure there’s a pretty good chance that’s where to search. So… once I get a good idea of where Gavin is being kept—”
Isaac sucked in a breath. To hear someone else say Gavin’s name, someone Isaac didn’t know and couldn’t be sure he could trust, made his skin itch.
“—I’m going to get a message out to you. A call or text, probably, so I can send details. But I’ll figure it out. If there is a premise map, I can even give you turn by turn instructions.”
“I’ll find a way in,” Isaac said darkly. “I will.”
“Okay. Well… that’s where my part ends, I guess. I can really only get you the info on whether or not he’s there.”
“He’s there,” Isaac ground out through his teeth. “He has to be there.”
There was a long pause over the line. Then, “Yeah. It would make sense.”
Gray cleared their throat. “At that point, I’ll already be there with the car for my shift like normal. I’ll help Isaac and Gavin to the car.”
Isaac met Gray’s gaze and chewed his lip. Gray’s eyes shone with tears. Their face hardened into a look of agonized determination. Isaac blinked as he realized there were dried tear tracks on their cheeks. He swallowed hard and looked again at the phone in Gray’s hand.
“I’ll be waiting in the car,” Finn said. Their voice broke. “With my, um… med kit.”
Everyone was silent for a long moment. Then Vanya said, “I’m still working on gathering supplies for making a functioning fire department with… maybe a transporting ambulance soon. What are you planning on taking? I… You’re welcome to whatever I have.”
Finn’s throat bobbed as they swallowed. “Basic trauma stuff,” they said in a monotone. “Suture kits, tourniquets, trauma dressings, ten-gages, SAM splints, then…” They counted off on their fingers. “Fentanyl, ketamine, fluids, dextrose, epi, IV and IO kit, benzos, blankets and heat packs, vital signs stuff, my, um, airway kit w-with the surgical cric kit…” They shuddered, their face going paler by the second. “I’m thinking about packing some IV antibiotics just in case… Let me think, um…” They wet their lips. “Should I pack anything else?” they said in a quavering voice.
There was the uneasy sound of Vanya clearing their throat. “Um… not anything I can think of. That was, um… a lot more than I thought you’d be packing. I… if you need all that…” They fell silent. “Um… d-do you… have a hospital in mind if he, um… needs that?”
“No hospitals,” Finn said dully. “Whatever is wrong is something that… I n-need to fix.”
Isaac raised his head to look at them. His heart sank at the look of overwhelm overshadowed by flat determination on their face.
They feel as responsible for them as I do, just… different. He felt a swell of gratitude in his chest that threatened to choke him.
“Well… alright,” Vanya said softly. “If you need a restock before you head north again… just let me know. I’ll do my best to get supplies to you.”
“Thank you,” Finn said brokenly. Their eyes filled with tears. Ellis clutched their arm and they hugged Ellis tightly.
“We can’t bring too many people,” Vera said, her eyes unfocused. “Otherwise I would… I… would go.” She nodded slowly and looked up at Isaac. “You know I—”
“I know,” he said gruffly. He shivered like a chill had just gone through him. Sweat prickled under his shirt. “That means that… I… should probably be down there already when Gray arrives.” He rubbed his wrist against his hip, barely feeling the scrape of his belt against the scars that itched there. “I’ll head back into town after this, get a ride south. I’ll make sure no one sees or follows.”
“Where will you stay?” Vera said softly.
“In a fucking tent,” Isaac snapped. “On the sidewalk. In a dumpster. I don’t care. I’ll figure it out.” Before the words were fully out, Isaac ducked his head. He looked up at Vera beneath his lashes, already shrinking with shame.
A muscle ticked in Vera’s jaw. She stood perfectly still beside Tori, looking at Isaac evenly.
“I’m sorry,” Isaac whispered. “I… I’m…”
“It’s okay,” Vera said, and Isaac raised his head again. “I’m just… trying to work out the details.”
“I would offer my place, but… we really shouldn’t risk you being seen with me,” Vanya said, sounding apologetic.
“I could ask Mathias,” Isaac said. “He might say yes.”
“We’ll figure it out as soon as we hang up with you, Vanya,” Gray said. For the first time since Isaac had left to search the north, Gray sounded… not quite hopeful, but like there was a little bit of life in their voice again. Their fingers were white where they clutched the phone. “Thank you, Vanya. Truly. I… can’t express how grateful I am for your help. How grateful we all are.”
“Y-yeah,” Isaac croaked. “Thank you.”
The others all murmured their thank yous. Even Edrissa, speaking for the first time. She still leaned away from Isaac, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“Well… I’ll, um, get going. If you need anything, call me back on this number. Also, the inspection is scheduled for ten AM, so…”
“I’ll be there,” Isaac said with iron in his voice. His hand itched to hold his gun.
“Okay. Well… good, um, good luck, everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow. Or not, maybe. Either way…”
“Good luck,” Gray rasped.
“Yeah,” Vanya mumbled. “Alright… take care.”
The line went dead.
Isaac let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He rocked forward, his arm squeezing even tighter around Sam’s shoulders, his eyes burning with tears. His heart felt like it would leap from his chest.
Tomorrow. Ten AM. Tomorrow.
His hands felt numb. He swiped at the tears running down his cheeks and into his beard. He felt something shift inside him, like something was about to snap. Blood pounded in his ears.
“Something we have yet to discuss in detail,” Gray said softly, “Is that… once we… have Gavin, Schiester will most likely come after us.”
“Let him fucking come,” Isaac growled. “I’ll rip that motherfucker’s head from his fucking—”
“If we kill him,” Gray said gently, “We risk facing the anger of the entire north.”
“If we kill Schiester, then we tell the entire fucking north what he’s been doing to kids and innocent people with shit fucking luck when they come through Crayton,” Isaac spat back. Edrissa drew away from Isaac, closer to Tori’s side. Tori’s hand went to her shoulder and stroked back and forth, soothing.
Gray was silent for a moment. Then, they murmured, “We could do that anyway.”
Isaac froze mid-breath, rage crawling under his skin, solidifying into something like vicious hope. “Y-yeah?” he croaked.
Gray shrugged jerkily as they slid the phone back into their pocket. “Even if he took those pictures down, they’re probably still in his office. If I see an opportunity – Gavin is the priority, he’s the only priority, but if I get the chance – I’ll grab them. Find a way to disseminate them. Those…” Gray’s voice twisted. “Those people… Their families deserve to know what happened to them.”
“But Gavin first,” Isaac said brokenly. “I… I need to get Gavin out first.”
Ellis wet their lips and spoke. “Guys… Hate to be the guy to point this out, but he might not be—”
“He is!” Isaac cried, whirling on them. His arm loosened from around Sam’s shoulders. “He is! He… he has to be there. H-he has to be… alive.” His chest tightened with a sob. “He’s there,” he whispered through numb lips. “He has to be.”
Sam wound their arm around his waist again. Their hand brushed the gun tucked in Isaac’s waistband. They froze and looked up at him, their eyes wide. There was a hint of fear in their gaze. Isaac pushed down the feeling of guilt that rose in him and looked away.
“All the same,” Gray said, holding a placating hand out towards Isaac, “We should pack tonight, and be prepared to move. Regardless of how the plan goes.”
“It’ll work,” Isaac said fiercely.
Gray’s head fell forward. “Regardless,” they continued softly, “We should be ready to move. Finn, Ellis, if you’ll—”
“We’ve been ready to go for weeks,” Ellis said, and shifted their feet. “We never really unpacked. Let’s be honest… we knew this was going to get ugly. But once we have the idiot back…” They shrugged and stared at their shoes. “We can settle in then. Wherever it is we end up.”
Isaac’s throat was tight. “And I should get going,” he murmured. “I need to get back home, find a discreet ride south. I, um… I need to figure that out.”
Sam’s arm tightened around his waist again, and he looked down at them. They stared up at him, tears welling in their eyes. He pulled them close and crushed them to his chest.
“Isaac,” Sam whimpered against his shirt.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Isaac murmured against their hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow, with Gavin. I’ll have him tomorrow.”
Sam shuddered and clutched at him. “I… I know.”
Tears burned in his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut and kissed their forehead, trying to ignore the tears than ran into their hair. “Love you,” he whispered. Dread ached in his stomach at how much the words sounded like goodbye.
He swayed with them, realizing for the first time how much he’d missed this. He missed his little sibling in his arms, clutched tight. He’d barely seen them at all for the past…
The past thirty-five days.
They sniffled and pulled away. Vera was at his side, and she pulled him into a hug as well. He wound his arms around her waist and nearly lifted her off the floor with how hard he squeezed her.
“We’ll get our boy back,” Vera mumbled, her face pressed against his shoulder. “We’ll get him back.”
Isaac said nothing, only nodded. After a moment, he loosened his hold. She stepped back, and Tori took her place.
They all embraced him, one by one – Gray, Finn, Ellis, Zachariah. Even Edrissa walked up to him and stiffly stuck her hand out for him to shake. He could feel her fingers trembling. He kept his gaze down and bowed his head apologetically, only too aware of the rage that boiled inside him, just beneath the surface. When she drew back, she wiped her hand on her skirt.
When he turned to leave, Gray held out the phone. “Take this,” they said. “In case we need to contact you.”
Isaac tucked it into his pocket. “Sure thing.” His voice was hoarse. “I just need to grab some things.”
He turned and walked down the hall to the bedrooms. When he stopped in front of the room he’d shared with Gavin, his stomach dropped. He placed his hand on the doorknob. It was cool under his fingers. He drew in a deep breath and turned it, pushing the door open.
His breath caught in his chest. It was exactly the same as he’d left it, the morning he’d discovered Gavin had been taken while he slept. The bedspread was rumpled, the drawer of Gavin’s nightstand still slightly open. The curtain was drawn, but the last rays of the afternoon sun lit the purple fabric, casting the room in a strange, dim light. As he caught his breath again, he was nearly brought to his knees; he could just barely catch a hint of Gavin’s scent still in the room.
Isaac forced down his tears, forced down the way his hands shook, the way he wanted to collapse to the floor and sob his heart out. He went to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer. He took only the knife that lay tucked along the side, the handle sticking out from under a pair of pants. He strapped the sheath to his belt and turned to go to the bed.
He didn’t even have to look as he reached for the knife he had tucked between the mattress and the bedframe all those weeks ago, so that when the time came to protect Gavin from the threat he’d known, somehow, was coming – he could. His fingers wrapped around it and it felt dull in his hands. Heavy. Useless.
Useless. Useless. Useless.
He shoved the thought away and straightened up.
As he walked through to the front of the house again, he looked at his family, still all gathered in the kitchen, huddling together as if for warmth. Tears moved silently down Gray’s face, now. Isaac bit down on his tongue, holding back his own.
“I’ll see you all… tomorrow,” he said, feeling the weight of the gun against his lower back.
“See you,” Vera murmured.
“I’ll call you with any updates,” Gray said, wiping their face on their shirt.
“L-love you, Isaac,” Sam said softly.
“Love you, too,” Isaac croaked. He turned to go. His hand curled around his knife as he pushed open the door and walked out into the golden afternoon sun.
Continued here
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xmalereader · 4 years
Thomas Shelby X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Requested: Heya, can i request a thomas shelby one where the reader is new to the gang and Thomas starts getting feelings for him but tries to suppress it until they have to go on a dangerous mission and the reader gets hurt? Love your writings and hope you have a great day❤
Warnings: Language, blood, slight angst, some fluff, reader being sweet, Thomas being protective.
Tags: @ravnulfjohansen
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“Protection?! We don’t need any bloody protection!” Ada shouts at Thomas, slamming her hand on the table as she glared at her older brother.
The Shelby’s were having a family meeting, lately things have been getting dangerous. Thomas has been making deals with other gangs and he may or may not have betrayed a few, so now he needs to focus on his family’s safety.
“Ada this is for your safety,” he glanced at Polly and then back at ada. “Polly will also have protection.”
Polly chokes out a laugh. “I’m sorry? I can protect myself Thomas, I don’t need protection.” She clarified, taking Sip from her drink as she frowns deeply.
Thomas sighs deeply as he rubs his temples. “He’ll only be following you and keeping a close eye, I trust this man and I know that he’ll complete this job.”
“Who is this man?” Said Polly with a raised brow.
Thomas gives her a look before sitting back in his chair, he knows that he shouldn’t have said anything. Not only is he trying to protect Polly and Ada but he’s also putting someone that he cares deeply for in danger.
“An old friend.” He simply says as he stands up from his chair and collects his cigars. “Tomorrow morning you’ll be meeting him here, he’ll be around to guard you two and he’ll report to me in case anything is to happen.” He explains to his sister and aunt who only huff in annoyance.
“Until tomorrow.” He repeats hismelf and leaves the room. He adjusted his cap and steps outside where he takes in a large inhale of fresh air.
“I wouldn’t really breath in this disgusting air, it could kill you.”
Thomas turns his head to face the source of the new voice, his lips slowly twitch up into a smile. “Y/n.” He says in a soft voice.
“Thomas.” The other replies as he approaches him and stands close to his side. His eyebrows raise as he examines Tommy’s face and hums. “I take it that your sister and aunt didn’t like the idea of me being around, huh?”
Tommy’s smile fades away into a frown. “No.”
Y/n lets out a deep sigh and rubs his hands together. “Don’t worry, I know they hate this idea but maybe I can get on their good side? It’s my job to protect your family, I promised you that I would.” He gives Thomas shoulder a pat, smiling widely at him.
Thomas could only stare at the younger man. He knows that y/n can protect his family but he’s mostly worried about him. The two have been friends for years and no one in his family knows about it! He was afraid of getting him involved with his family problems.
But he can’t refuse y/n when he needs his help.
“Why are you packing?” Thomas suddenly asks as he enters y/n’s flat, taking notice of the packing as y/n bites his lip nervously and moves around his room, grabbing small stuff and putting them inside his suitcase.
“Do you remember my job back at the post office?” He asks as Thomas nods, tossing his coat on the bed and taking a seat.
“Well, turns out that they didn’t need me anymore so they decided to fire me.” He explains his situation to Thomas who sat quietly on the bed. “I still had some money left to pay off for my room but I slowly started to run out, I’ve been looking for a new place and a new job for awhile now but I’ve gotten nothing!” His voice starts to raise. “I don’t have a choice but to move to the country side...I called my brother and he said that he had an extra room for me, told me that I could stay their until I find a job.”
“So, you’re leaving?” Said Thomas as y/n stops mid pack, turning to look at Thomas. He notices the sad look in his eyes, causing him to give off a small sad smile. “Tommy...” he approaches him and places a hand over Thomas’s bigger ones. “I can’t stay here, I can barley afford this place.” He whispers out.
“Stay with me, I have enough room back at my place.” Thomas suddenly says as y/n shakes his head. He didn’t want to be a bother and he defiantly didn’t want to surprise Tommy’s family with him being around. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You won’t be.” Thomas pulls him close, wrapping an arm around his waist as he pulls him onto his lap, causing a dark blush to appear on y/n cheeks. “Thomas, even if I stay with you—id still need to find a job.”
“I’ll give you a job.”
“W—what?” Y/n eyes widen.
“You know what I do and I trust you, I trust your loyalty and I know you’ll be perfect for it.” Thomas lies his head against his chest as y/n ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to be honest, I’m not really good with money.” He chuckled out tiredly as Thomas smiles against his chest. “You won’t be doing that.” He muffled out as y/n rasies a brow. “Then what will I be doing?”
Thomas lifts his head up. “You Can become my sister and aunts guard, keep them safe while I’m gone doing business.”
“Oh, Tommy I don’t—“
“I’ve seen you fight, you’ve taken down people twice your size and you know how to handle a gun.”
Y/n blushes a little and sighs deeply. “Fine, but I make my own rules.”
This causes Thomas smile to widen a bit more. “Deal.”
He remembers that night clearly, the two planning out everything in case anything bad was to happen. All y/n was suppose to do was keep a close eye on his aunt and sister and not get in the way of any of their little ‘activities’.
“Promise me you’ll be safe.” Said Thomas while y/n chuckles. “I can handle myself and a pair of girls Thomas! No need to get worried.” He gives Thomas a smile. “Things will be okay, I promise.”
But things were not okay.
The day that y/n was meant to guard the girls was the same day that a few of Tommy’s own men decided to betray him and use the girls as bait, but of course the first thing they had to do was get rid of the guard, which was y/n.
On that same day he actually got to know Polly and Ada a bit more and the two actually liked him in return. He was a stunning man and a caring one, he spoke softly to the two and offered to carry their things when they bought new stuff. He was a gentleman and the two adored it, they thought he was special since most men weren’t like that anymore.
The girls decided on having some tea outside the shop where they can enjoy their day while y/n stood next to the small table, smiling at the girls as he listens to them gossip about their family. “Thomas is always making us stay in the shop, do you know how frustrating it is having to deal with cranky men?” Said Ada To her aunt as she rolls her eyes and lights a cigar. “Men are always rude when it comes to betting.” She says in return.
Y/n chuckles to himself which catches pollys attention. She looks up at him and smiles, “of course not you y/n, your different.” She points out as y/n shakes his head. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” He quickly apolgizes but Polly waves her hand. “Dont apologize!” She says. “To be honest, I wonder why tommy chose you as our personal guard? He said that he trusts you.” She sits up in her chair, leaning forward as she rests her elbows in the tables. “Theirs something about you that tommy likes.”
Y/n feels himself grow anxious, both him and Thomas have been friends for years and the way they first met was very weird and childish, you could say but through out the years he’s grown to love tommy. But of course he couldn’t tell him that, he didn’t want to lose the friendship they had.
“Tommy’s a good friend...he helped me when I needed it the most and I’m greatful for that.” He’s quick to tell Polly. Hoping that she doesn’t figure out about his unrequited love.
Polly can only stare, letting out a puff of smoke as she grins and slowly sits back. “Whatever you say, darling.”
Y/n rasies a brow and tilts his head. What was that suppose to mean?
He opens his mouth to ask something but is cut off by a car approaching. He looks up to see Thomas and his brothers exiting the vehicle, his eyes scan the brothers and notices the hint of blood smeared in their clothes. Once his gaze turns to Thomas the two make eye contact, causing y/n to smile a little at Thomas. Glad that he’s okay.
Smiling at Thomas, he notices a strange man approaching them from behind. It causes him to squint his eyes a little, noticing the gun the man was holding as realization hits him. His eyes widen in fear as he takes a step forward.
“Thomas.” He calls out softly as the man raised his gun up and aims at tommy from behind.
Y/n has no time to process things as he sprints towards Thomas, grabbing him by the arm and shoving him to the side. Causing the other to stumble back as a gunshot is heard.
It takes Thomas a few seconds to notice y/n’s limp body in the ground. His fears becoming a reality. “Y/n...y/n?!” He shouts out in worry as he crawls to his side and slowly turns him on his side to see a gun wound on his shoulder. “Fuck!” He curses out in anger as he looks around.
His brothers were dealing with the man that shot him while Polly and Ada rush to side. “Oh my god.” Polly tries to take y/n from Thomas but he wasn’t letting go, he couldn’t.
“Thomas we need to lie him down and stop the bleeding, you have to let him go.” Said Ada as she stares at her older brother, noticing the fear in his eyes as she slowly pried him off y/n. “Finn has already called for an ambulance, they’ll be on their way.” She explains, using a part of her dress to apply pressure onto the wound.
Thomas can only stare in horror, “is he—is he breathing?” He asks, his voice shaking in fear. Ada takes notice of that as well and makes a quick check, “he’s still alive...but he needs a hospital quick or else he won’t make it.” She turns to her aunt and brother.
Polly looks anxious as she turns to Thomas only to see him sitting back, he was growing dizzy and faint. His vision was slowly going dark as he hears his aunts cries, feeling her hands on his shoulders as she tries to keep him up but that didn’t seem to work. “Y/n.” He looks over at his friends limp body as Ada begins to scream his name, trying to bring him back to reality but it was alreayd too late. His vision suddenly goes dark as he falls back on the floor.
He can hear his name being called.
He’s quick to open his eyes, staring at his aunt who stood Over him. A drink in hand as she sighs in relief, “finally you’re awake.” She says as Thomas groans. He slowly sits up from the couch and asks. “Where’s y/n?” He remembers everything that happened today, all of the anxiety that he had suddenly comes rushing back.
Polly sits next to him and hands him the drink. “In the hospital, doctor said that he’ll be awake soon, Just needs time to rest and to heal.” She explains as tommy takes the drink from her and chugs the whole thing down.
Polly watches Thomas closely as she takes the empty glass from him and sets it down on the coffee table. “Y/n.” She suddenly says, catching Tommy’s attention. “That boy, he’s caring and loving.” She mumbles out. “He told me that you two were friends, but I know that’s a lie.” She slowly turns to give Thomas a look that he knew far too well.
“So tell me, what is y/n to you?”
Thomas can only look away, not wanting to answer his aunt but he knows that he’ll have to tell her how he really felt or else she’ll force it out of him. The two have been friends for as long as he can remember, the two helped each other out. Y/n taught him how to be free without having to fear, he taught him what love really was. He was their when Thomas needed someone and when he had breakdowns that no one else knew, He was special to him he’s—
“—my everything.” He randomly blurts out.
Pollys eyes soften as she stands up and collects her things. “Then you tell him that, he’s a sweet boy and I can tell that he means a lot to you, Thomas.” She approaches her nephews side and placed a hand in his cheek, stroking his cheek like a loving mother would. “When he wakes up, you tell him how you feel and be happy.” She whispers, placing a soft kiss on his head. “Now rest, will visit the hospital Tomorrow. I told John and Arthur to stand guard at the hospital in case anything were to happen.”
Tommy’s eyebrows knit together. “Do they know?” He asks Polly who shakes her head. “I doubt your brothers know a thing, hell they could barley figure out that Michael was their cousin when they first met him.” She says, a bit disappointed that her own nephews couldn’t recognizes their own cousin.
“Get some rest Tommy, I don’t want you out of this place until morning.” She warns with a pointer finger as tommy groans, leaning his head back, he was still worried for y/n and he wanted to see him and make sure that he was really okay.
He hears his aunts voice and looks up to see her with a soft look in her eyes. “He’ll be okay.” She says, Immediately knowing what he was thinking as she gives him one last smile and leaves the room.
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Father Knows Best-Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader
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(GIF credit to @devileyedbanana​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Can I request a Tommy x daughter angst one shot where she falls in love with a rival gangster and Tommy asks her to choose, and she chooses her love but then he turns out to be violent and Tommy comes and saves her.’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader, Finn Shelby x Shelby!Reader (Uncle)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Alcohol, being drunk, swearing, mentions of a sexual nature, family arguments, domestic abuse, weaponry, fluff
(A/N: Matthew is a made up character, AND THIS IS MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED)
I covered my mouth as I giggled uncontrollably, Matthew was shushing me despite chuckling himself. We held onto each other as we stumbled out of the club, our feet aching from all the dancing we had done, struggling to walk in a straight line due to the drinks. As we stood up straight, swaying slightly from the alcohol, Matthew took me in his arms, kissing me sloppily. Neither of us were anywhere near sober. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he breathed out, going in for another kiss.
I smiled into it, gripping onto his coat for support.“Tonight was amazing. I don’t want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.”
I groaned.“It does though. You know I’m already past my curfew.”
“Your dad should be happy that you’re out making friends.”
“You don’t know anything about my dad then.”
We hesitated to start the walk home, though both knew that Matthew wouldn’t receive the best welcome if he got me back any later. I was in trouble now anyway, but I didn’t care what any of my family thought. Time flew by too quickly when I was with Matthew, it was as if we never had enough of each other. And I wasn’t stupid, my father definitely knew about us. As leader of the Peaky Blinders, he had eyes everywhere, and if he wanted his men to follow me, they would. I had spotted several of them just tonight, but I didn’t care.
Seeing as these men would be reporting back to my dad as soon as the night was over, I didn’t want to wake up to a lecture from him. Instead, I decided to head to my uncle’s house. Finn had given me an extra key, just in case, and we were extremely close in age, he understood what I was going through; he also wasn’t allowed to do anything dangerous, let alone be involved in any plans, even tough he tried. 
“You sure your uncle won’t let me in? You can try to be quiet.” Matthew whispered as I stood outside of Finn’s house. 
I scoffed at him.“I can be quiet!”
“Well I have yet to experience that.”
“He won’t let you in. I’m sorry Matthew.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll see you in the next few days?”
“Of course you will.”
We slowly kissed, hands still wrapped around each other. It was always so difficult to let him go. This time, Matthew was the one to pull away, gently kissing me on the forehead before leaving. I watched him leave until I couldn’t see him before unlocking the door. Although I had been incredibly quiet, I heard a thud, someone (my uncle) was fumbling around, thinking an intruder was here. He had a gun in his hands as he whipped open his bedroom door. The panic in his face was replaced with annoyance.
“For fucks sake (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing?” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“Um, coming in from a great night out?” I said, chuckling to myself as I walked into a chair.
“Oh good, you’re drunk. Why didn’t you get the driver to take you back to your house?”
“Because I don’t want to deal with dad. You know he’s awake too, he would shout at me as soon as I stepped foot in the door.”
Finn rolled his eyes.“You were with that prick weren’t you?”
“His name is Matthew and he’s not a prick. He’s my boyfriend. And I know that dad knows about him.”
“You should really stay away from him. He doesn’t come from a good family. We’re in the same circles (Y/N), people tell me things.”
I groaned.“Urgh, I didn’t come here to get told off by someone who is literally two years older than me. I’m going to bed. Feel free to call my dad, tell him I’m fine and that I had a good time, cause I know he won’t ask that.”
“What do you mean?”
“As soon as you call, or he calls you, the first question will be, ‘who was she with?’. Yeah, my dad really cares for me.”
Even though I slept late into the afternoon, I still didn’t feel rested. My head was pounding, I felt as if I would be sick every time I moved, and my feet throbbed, so all in all, signs of a great night out. As I shuffled into the kitchen, Finn was sat at the table, arms crossed and staring at me. Oh no, he was not going to act like a saint right now.
“I’m not dealing with you right now Finn.” I said as I poured myself a cup of tea.
“Tommy’s coming to get you in an hour. Make sure you’re ready.”
I mockingly saluted him.“Yes sir!”
“Come off it (Y/N). I don’t get why you act like this. Sometimes you’re really sweet, other times you’re...”
“Go on, get it out of your system.”
“You can be a bitch.”
“Look, I understand what you’re saying.” I sat down across from him.“But dad really hasn’t paid much attention to me recently. He doesn’t even greet me when I come down for breakfast. I know he’s got a lot on his plate, and it’s a big plate, but lately he’s been really harsh on me.”
“It’s because of Matthew.”
“He’s going to have to drop that soon. I get that I’m his only daughter so he’s overprotective, and because I’m a Shelby, but he doesn’t have to worry.”
“That’s the thing (Y/N). This Matthew has made him worry even more.”
“Why? Because it’s my first serious boyfriend?”
“No because...look, what I tell you now, you can’t say a word of it to anyone else, do you understand?”
“Do you understand?”
I hesitated, but nodded, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Matthew is....he’s part of a rival gang.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.“I get you don’t want me to date him, but that’s ridiculous.”
“(Y/N), I’m being deadly serious.”
“No he’s not. I’ve met his family, they’re sweethearts.”
“Because they want you to trust them.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not trying to piss you off, or make up something so you break up with him. He’s dangerous (Y/N), it’s all one big trap. They get Thomas Shelby’s daughter and they can bargain for anything.”
“Wouldn’t it be less hassle to just kidnap me? What if I didn’t fall for Matthew, what would they do then?”
“That’s not the point-”
“No, there is no point to this, at all Finn.”
“(Y/N), please, I’m trying to look out for you.”
“I’m going to get ready. I need to look decent for dad.”
Part of a rival gang? Pathetic. It wasn't even an interesting story. Yes, Matthew was a little wild, he brought out the party girl in me, but I was having fun! As long as he wasn't harming me, nor were we harming anyone else in the process, I saw no flaws with our relationship. We also had our downtime moments, times where we could lie down in each others arms, hint at our futures. Apparently not everyone could see that.
There was a knock at the door, and I sighed to myself, knowing my time of hiding was over. Luckily dressed, looking pretty decent after the night before, I took time walking out of the spare room, hearing some mumbling before I even saw my dad. Although he never showed much emotion anyway, I could tell he wasn't happy, staring me down as I approached him in last night's clothes.
"Morning dad." I greeted him kindly, hoping we would have this conversation away from Finn.
Dad looked at Finn in disbelief, then back to me."Morning? Fucking good morning?"
"Get in the car."
I obeyed his order but not before saying goodbye to Finn."Thanks for letting me stay."
He just nodded to me, awkwardly waiting by the door as I followed dad outside. I kept up with his usual long strides, bracing myself for what could end up as a screaming match. Thinking about it, I never argued much with dad, but when we did, it was over serious topics, never anything petty. I loved him dearly, he always looked out for me, gave me anything I wanted, ensured that I had a good life he never had growing up. So the guilt growing inside of me was huge, but my stubbornness was strong. I was an adult now, I was allowed to make these decisions.
Surprisingly, there was no driver for us. I slipped into the passenger seat, both of us remaining silent as dad started the drive. I watched the streets of Small Heath pass by, the regulars of the city slowly making their way to work, dirty from the shift the day before, probably drunk to keep themselves warm. It was a sad, poor place sometimes.
"Are we going to talk?" I mumbled, putting my focus on him.
He sighed loudly through his nose."Are you going to listen?"
"Please can we not be malicious about this?"
"Why didn't you just come home last night? Any bar would have let you use a phone, they know who you are."
"Because I didn't want the hassle. And I stayed at Finn's, so I don't understand why you're so angry?"
"You were with that boy."
"Dad, when will you just accept that I'm twenty one and I'm allowed to see people?"
"It's not that. If you had found someone who wasn't trouble-"
"Matthew isn't trouble."
"You don't know everything (Y/N)."
"Oh, don't tell me, he's part of rival gang, right?"
Dad's eyes widened as his head snapped towards me, his gaze flickering between me and the road."You what?"
"Finn told me."
Dad groaned, putting all of his concentration back on the road."Told him to keep his mouth shut. Neither of you seem to be able to follow orders."
I rolled my eyes.
"I saw that."
"Look, I'm sorry for not at least calling last night, I know that was wrong." Dad was silent.
"But I really like Matthew. I don't want you to scare him away, or make up ridiculous stories about him."
"Stories eh? That's what you think they are?"
"I know they are."
Suddenly, dad put his foot down, making us go faster than I liked. He ignored my pleas for him to go slower, somehow not swerving off of the country roads that lead to our house. He was driving at this speed for far too long, skidding on the gravel as we braked in front of the house. Dad hastily got out of the car, whereas I needed a second to get my breath back. He was already walking through the front door by the time I was shakily getting out of the car, stumbling in my heels across the gravel.
I called after him but he wouldn't listen. Storming towards his office, he flung open the doors, not even flinching when they whacked into the walls. Quickly following, I watched his manic actions, shuffling through paper work and slapping down files onto the desk.
"There's your story." he said, pointing at them.
Hesitantly I walked towards him, scanning my eyes over his evidence. There were pictures, reports, files containing personal information. I focused more on the parts about Matthew, reading things such as where he was born, where he had lived, the schools he attended....and none of them matched with what he had told me. There was a portrait picture of him, I didn't know where dad got it from, and another photo slipped out from under it as I picked it up. Only this time, it was a mugshot.
"So, do you still think we're lying?" dad said.
"I...I..." I was speechless.
"You know that everything I do, I do for you. You're my daughter, it's my job to protect you. You need to stay away from that man."
"Why wouldn't he tell me?"
"Did you really just ask that?"
"We've talked about everything. He didn't even hint at it." I was talking to myself at this point."I met his family. Why would they go through all of that? Host that dinner, make me welcome, say such nice things?"
"I didn't take you to be stupid (Y/N)."
"I know what it sounds like. But dad, Matthew wouldn't lie to me-"
"HE'S USING YOU!" he screamed at me."You're a fucking Shelby, you're the daughter of Thomas Shelby, you have a huge target on your head! It's an easy way to get to me, and to find out secrets about us!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."I would never tell him anything they he wasn't supposed to know!"
"Wouldn't you? He seems to have a hold on you, and it's scaring me. I've never seen you like this."
"That 'hold' you're on about is called love! Not that you would know anything about that, seeing as my mother was a whore!"
"Don't you dare speak to me like that!"
"It wouldn't be a surprise would it, if I ended up with a fucked up relationship? Because I had oh such a great example from you. Fucks a random woman, she knows who he is, so she dumps the baby on him, hoping he won't give her away to an orphanage."
"Stop changing the conversation. We are talking about how we get you away Matthew."
“You’re not going to.”
“I’ve been with him for months, why is this now just coming out? How long have you known about this?”
He didn’t have to say anything but I still got my answer.
“Ah.” I scoffed a laugh.“You have known about this. And for some reason, you have’t decided to mention this.”
“It was for-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. Dad, I am going to speak to Matthew about this.”
“You will not go near him.”
“Yes I will. I’m going to get the truth, right now.”
My words escaped me before I could really think about them. I was already walking away from him, back out to the front door. Opening a cabinet, I searched through the keys for any car, any vehicle that would get me far away from here.
“I’m having someone follow you.” dad informed me.
“I know.”
“You’re stepping into enemy territory.”
“We’re not in the war anymore dad. And you’re not a soldier.”
I finally found the right key, heading towards the only car I had ever driven. Making my way to the garage, I ignored my dad, not even looking at him. I definitely felt guilty for what I had said, and what I was about to do. But I needed to do this myself, I needed to speak to Matthew without the pressure of anyone else.
I was not a good driver. Everyone was safe whilst I was driving, I just wasn’t very fast or great with spacial awareness. In my head, I had expected to be racing to Matthew’s, getting to his in record time. This had ruined my fantasy. Once I did reach his house, I slowly lined up the car with the path, wincing when I bumped into the curb; thank god no one was around to see that. 
“(Y/N)?” I heard Matthew call me as I got out of the car. He was approaching me down the pathway of his house.
“Matthew, I need to speak with you, urgently.” I rushed out, pushing him back towards his home.
“Woah, wait, wait. What’s happened? Why are you in last nights clothes?”
“Just get inside.”
By looking at his house, you could tell he was well off. It was in a nicer neighbourhood, it was separate from the other houses and had multiple rooms. I asked him if anyone else was home, and when he said no, I was relieved. We didn’t want them getting involved, and I felt like shouting if this went wrong. 
“You’re worrying me (Y/N).” Matthew said.
“Oh, are you worried about me?” I sarcastically said.
“(Y/N), can you just tell me what’s going on?!”
“Are you part of a rival gang against the Peaky Blinders?”
“You heard me.”
“What makes you say something like that?”
“My family told me.”
“What makes them think that?”
“Matthew, I’ve seen the evidence. I didn’t admit it to my dad, but I believed him. I’ve seen your real information. You’ve lied to me about a lot of things. And why do you have a fucking mugshot?”
He exhaled through his nose, looking away from me for a few seconds.“I can’t lie anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place!”
He held up his hands in defence.“Alright, alright, let’s just use our inside voices. I’ll explain everything to you.”
Matthew directed me to his front room, sitting beside me, and although I initially wanted to shuffle away from him, I couldn’t bring myself to do it; especially when he took my hands in his, resting them on his lap. He wasn’t afraid to look me in the eyes, perhaps a sign of him about to tell the truth.
“(Y/N), your family is right. I am part of a company that rivals yours-”
I tried pulling my hands away, but he gripped onto me tightly.
“-but we would never cause any harm. We are only rivals in business. There is no bloodshed, no injuries, no deaths. The only thing we fight over are numbers.”
“That still doesn’t explain everything.”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know if you already knew who I was. You know how it feels to have everyone already judge you based on a name.”
“Don’t use that against me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to connect with you on this. The mugshot is from a brawl we had with a couple of ex-employees, they wanted to expose us with lies. Unfortunately we were typical men, and apparently that was the only way we thought to solve it. The police were called and I spent a night in a cell, but I was released the next morning.”
“That’s it?”
He nodded.
“You promise?” 
“I promise. And my family have not been plotting anything like your father thinks they have. Of course, they had an idea when I told them about you, you know, to ‘unite’ our families to stop the feud. Obviously that was ridiculous because fights don’t just end like that. But when I brought you to them, it was because I was proud of you, I wanted to show them the amazing woman I had found and fell in love with.”
“Yes. I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you too Matthew. I’m sorry for attacking you with all these questions. But even if I tried to convince my dad that he was wrong, he wouldn’t believe me. I’m scared he’s going to try and separate us.”
“Then live with me!”
“What? No I couldn’t do that to you-”
“Of course you can! You’ve seen this house, there’s plenty of room, my family loves you, it would be perfect! And...” he leaned in closer to me, whispering in my ear,“they’re hardly here, so we would have a lot of alone time.”
Although my heart jumped at the thought of living with Matthew, being able to see him everyday, spending every moment with him, I also dreaded telling my dad. I was old enough to make my own decision though. I could move in with Matthew if I wanted, what was stopping me? I believed everything he said, he had an explanation for everything. If Matthew was in a rival gang, using me for their own purpose, wouldn’t he just threaten me or kidnap me when I confronted him? It all seemed like too much effort.
All of that information dad accumulated must have been biased, especially if our families were rival companies. Although I was leaning more towards staying with Matthew, I didn’t want to lose my dad. I would have to be an idiot to believe that he would let me leave home with a man he didn’t like, but on the other hand, I was at the age where I could do what I wanted. Just because I had the last name Shelby didn’t mean I was going to be trapped by it.
There had been a lot of back and forth that day, both emotionally and physically. But here I was once again arguing with my dad. Stupidly, I had let Matthew come along (he was very persuasive), though he stayed in the car. Set on convincing him to let me leave with Matthew, we shouted at each other, screaming our opinions. He didn’t believe a word I said. Tears streamed down my face as I grew more frustrated, pleading him to listen, to give Matthew another chance.  
“I don’t know why I’m bothering to ask! I could have left without asking, without even telling you. But I did it out of respect for you.” I suddenly exclaimed.
Dad stopped shouting for a moment, heavily breathing.“Fine. Go then. If you’re so grown up, pack your bags and move onto the next part of your life. I just hope for your sake that I’m wrong.”
I had never felt such conflict in my heart before. The first month of moving away was extremely hard, I cried most nights in Matthew’s arms. I had loathed every moment of collecting my belongings from dad’s house, saying goodbye to my family because I wouldn’t be seeing them as much as I was used to. They thought the same as dad, all had tried to convince me to stay. But Matthew was always by my side, reassuring me that we could start our own life now, not forgetting our old ones of course, but creating a new one. 
And oh, how quickly things changed.
Three months, three months of pure bliss. I was living with my boyfriend, having the joy of seeing him everyday when he came home from work, eating meals with him, sleeping beside him, not having to arrange weeks in advance when to next see each other. Matthew had even started talking more about our future, hinting at marriage, finding our own home to live in. It excited me. I was growing up, doing all the things a person should do. Perhaps this would show dad that I was happy, that he was wrong about those rumours, and I could finally see him again. I missed him so much.
It was like binding a contract with the devil. Once that engagement ring was slipped on my finger, my whole world was flipped. Matthew started staying out late. I knew he wasn’t going out drinking, he didn’t smell of alcohol when he returned, neither could he be cheating because I never caught a whiff of perfume, or found a hair on his jacket, or even see him come home disgruntled; he was just as immaculate as he had been leaving. Sometimes him, his father, his brother and uncle would come home, immediately gathering in the front room and slamming the door shut. They would be in there for hours, deep in conversation. And that scared me, because it reminded me of my family whenever they were scheming.  
“Matthew?” I had mumbled late one night, disturbed from my sleep when he opened the bedroom door.
“Go to sleep.” it was an order, no note of sympathy in his voice.
I watched him undress.“Are you alright? I heard you arguing downstairs.” 
“What did I just say?” I had never seen someones head snap around so quickly.
“I’m sorry,” I didn’t know why I was apologising,“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t upset.”
“I am now.”
“Because of you! Asking me all these questions! I thought you were smart.” he made a show of collapsing into a chair, starting to untie his shoelaces.
I sat up.“Matthew, there’s obviously something wrong. You know you can tell me-”
He suddenly threw his shoe against the floor, but for a split second I thought it was aimed at me.“Just go to sleep (Y/N)!”
I was scared to move, thinking I would somehow do something else wrong. But when he continued to stare at me, I slowly slipped back under the covers, clinging them close to me, trying to steady my breathing to hide how much I wanted to cry. I listened to Matthew get ready for bed, the silence making me more nervous. He climbed into bed, shuffling towards me. I flinched as he wrapped an arm around me, his body pressed up against the back of mine. Who was this person? What made him act like this?
“I’m sorry darling.” he whispered in my ear.
But I didn’t feel comforted by that, or feel like I should give him forgiveness. And I realised it wouldn’t have even mattered if I did, because it kept on happening.
Smaller things started to annoy him. I would simply ask him what he was doing with his day, and receive an eye roll. He would question why I was wearing a specific outfit, who was I wearing it for? His family would try to interrogate every detail about me, and it was suspicious from the beginning. I wasn’t receiving questions such as ‘How many siblings do you have?’, ‘Do your family get on well?’, ‘Where do they live?’; I wondered if it was because everyone knew about the Peaky Blinders, but it was getting too personal. I had been an idiot to become trapped by this man, however, I wasn’t going to let them use me against my family.
Some days I didn’t know how much I could take of Matthew. I was walking on egg shells around him. I quickly learnt what not to say or ask, how the tone of my voice should be, how I should look. It didn’t matter how many times he was sweet to me, apologised, bought me presents, I didn’t recognise the man I had wanted to marry. His hand held mine tighter, his grip on my waist hurt, and our intimate moments together...everything hurt me, and he didn’t care.
“Writing a letter to a friend?” Matthew startled me from the doorway of our room.
My head whipped around to see him standing there, casually leaning against the door frame.“Yes.” I quickly replied.“Well, it’s for my aunt, Ada.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m asking how Karl is. He’s growing up so fast.”
“Mention anything about me?” 
“Of course.”
“Can I read it?”
I handed him the letter, hiding my nerves. He read through it, no expression at first until he looked at me, smirking to himself. That wasn’t a good sign.
“(Y/N), my father was in the war. He’s told me about how they got secret messages out of the trenches.” he smugly said, walking towards a set of drawers and opening the top one. He pulled out a pile of letters, the envelopes opened, and the handwriting was mine.“Being Thomas Shelby’s daughter, I had expected more from you.”
“You’ve lied to me this whole time.” I shuddered at the thought of him reading my letters, begging for someone to help me escape.
“No, I haven’t.”
“You said you were only rivals in business!”I leapt up from my chair.“I fought my family to be with you! I am such a fucking idiot!”
“Isn’t that what we are? A business at the end of the day? Look, you’re here now. We’re happy. I can make us happier once we receive our upcoming bonus.”
“What bonus?”
“The bonus of having the Shelby Company all to ourselves.”
My eyes widened, screeching out as I lunged for him. I landed a good punch to his face, but due to his size and strength, he managed to grab my attacking arms. 
“Stop now (Y/N), before you get hurt.”
That was a threat from him, not a concern I may harm myself. But for once I didn’t care. They were going after my family, I would take all the beatings for them. 
“You’re a fucking liar! A cruel, terrible, waste of space!” I screamed, pulling myself away from him.“I vowed to never become one of those poor women who had to live this life. You were in my head, and I’ll admit it, you were convincing, but I know who you really are. You’re all a bunch of sad men who feel that they need to murder, threaten and mock anyone in order to make them feel better. You’ll never be as powerful as my dad, it  just won’t happen.”
“You’ve grown naive. I did like you (Y/N), once I got a good look at you, I wasn’t angry about the plan of marrying you anymore. And I’ll admit, you’re an interesting woman, easy on the eye which helps. And how loyal you were, standing beside me in everything. Don’t be upset (Y/N), we don’t want any blood on our hands, as long as your family are cooperative. And think, you will be in charge with me once they’re gone.”
“Gone? What do you think you’re going to do with my family?!”
“Nothing. We have a meeting tomorrow, you’ll be coming, and you will convince them to hand it all over to us.”
“I won’t.”
“That wasn’t a request.” he opened one side of his blazer jacket, revealing his gun.
“I would rather die than go against them.”
“You’ve done that already. And I would rather keep your brains inside your head.”
The next morning felt colder, more bitter than it usually did here; there was even a low fog creating a tense atmosphere. Although I didn’t want to comply with Matthew, I knew I had to go to this meeting if I wanted a chance of seeing my family and keeping them alive. Running on adrenaline and anxiety alone, I forced myself to get out of bed, having to get changed under the watch of the man I thought I knew. As I did my hair in the mirror, I had a sudden realisation that I wasn’t me anymore. I looked older, years older even, even though I had only been engaged to this monster for a few months. My skin felt...unusual, not right, it didn’t feel clean. The bags under my eyes seemed to droop more and more every day, as if they were dragging down my eyes with them, and my lips were missing the feeling of a genuine smile. 
Matthew kept a hand on my back as we walked downstairs, his family waiting for us. I wasn’t scared to glare at them. They weren’t going to kill me, not yet anyway. I still had some time to live, and I was going to despise them every second. They talked as if I wasn’t there, checking their weapons and the plan. Matthew had managed to confiscate my gun, I was left with my fists.
I was in the middle of the group as we made our way to the meeting point. I knew the area now, we were headed to the back of a factory. There was a lot of noise from the machines, no one would be walking around because they would be working, and Matthew’s family had a very good deal going on with the owner; they pay him large amounts of money to keep quiet, he takes that on top of his rich salary already and keeps quiet. 
As we rounded the corner, my heart dropped when I saw just my dad standing there. Out of instinct, I started to hastily move towards him until Matthew grabbed me, gripping onto my arms to keep me in place. I felt like a little girl again, scared and needing her dad to come save her. Although dad was expressionless most of the time, I was worried that he thought I was neglecting them all these months, when really, Matthew had stopped any contact between us.
“Mr Thomas Shelby, when I said about meeting, I didn’t think it would be just yourself.” Matthew’s dad started.“But that’s fine, you’re the only one we want to speak with anyway.”
“A business meeting outside, eh?” dad said.“Why do I think this is heading in another direction?”
“Let’s just get to the point, yes? You know what we want, we’re not going to stop till we get it.”
“Of course.” dad didn’t seem bothered.
“And we’re serious. But don’t worry, there will still be a Shelby within the business once you pass it over.”
Matthew urged me forward, staying very close behind.“Dad, I’ve been trying to contact you but they wouldn’t let me! I-”
“Shut up. That’s not important.” Matthew snapped at me. 
“Don’t talk to her that way.” dad lowly said, and I recognised the warning in his voice.
Matthew wasn’t bothered.“She does as she’s told.”
“I fucking don’t!” 
I stamped on his foot with my heel, quickly getting out of his grip and turning around, managing to knee him in the head as he doubled over. Another gang member pulled me away, and I didn’t know whether he was ordered to or not, but he held a gun to my temple, his arm in a choke hold around my neck. I had tried, but it was too risky to do anything when my dad and I were clearly outnumbered. 
Despite that, dad pulled out his own gun, aiming it at the man.“Let her go.”
Matthew’s dad laughed.“I know you’ll have some of your people hiding around here somewhere. But you’ve seen the weapons we carry today, and how many of us there are. You are under prepared.”
 Dad was still for a moment, suddenly whistling. I saw the men around me tense, wondering what my dad could be summoning. As expected, more men started to appear around my dad, a much larger group, some even rounding around the back so that we were surrounded. They all held weapons of some sort; guns, knives, knuckle dusters, anything of the sort. Matthew’s dad tried to not look effected, though you could tell he was shitting himself. 
“What were you saying about no bloodshed?" I smugly said to Matthew.
He frowned at me, taking me out of the man's arms and throwing me to the floor. He got out his own gun, once again placing it on my temple.
"I don't want to shoot her. But I will if you don't go through with our deal." he stated.
My hands were scraped, blood already trickling onto the ground. But I didn't moan, I didn't complain, worried that one slight move would set him off and he would shoot.
"You will put down your weapons, give me back my daughter, turn around, and walk away." dad said."We don't want to start a war between us. Look at my men, now look at yours. You will lose, and you will lose your lives along with it."
"How dare you threaten us-"
Matthew's dad interrupted."Shut up Matthew! This doesn’t mean you’ve won Shelby.”
Dad didn’t reply, lowering his gun but the others kept their weapons on display. Matthew’s dad was waiting for a reply, and when he didn’t get one, he sharply turned away. Matthew was shocked, glancing between me and him as he wondered what to do. Although I was desperate to run to dad, I slowly made a move to stand. Matthew kept his eyes glued on me. I slid off my beautiful engagement ring, now despising it, holding it up in front of his face, and letting it drop to the ground.
“In case you were wondering, the wedding is off.” I spat, instantly turning on my heel.
My body broke out into a sprint, throwing my arms around my dad’s neck as I burst into tears. My legs went weak as he clung onto me, reassuring me that I was safe now, I wouldn’t be hurt any longer. How could I have done such a thing? I turned my back on my family for a man I should have known more about. I had to face it, I was a Shelby, and it was going to be difficult to find someone who wanted me for me, not my name.
“I’m so sorry dad!” I sobbed.“Please forgive me! I don’t want to be hated by you forever. I need you. I love you!”
He calmly shushed me, as if I was a baby again.“It’s alright, it’s alright (Y/N). I’ve got you now. You’re my daughter, I would never hate you.”
“I’m sorry! I won’t ever leave you again.”
“Come on, let’s go home, eh?”
“You’re my family, you always will be. I’m always going to protect you (Y/N), always.”
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