#I frickin love telling y’all bout my boys x3
laughterfixs · 1 year
Hello, dear! Forgot if this might have been you or another creator, but I’ll take my shot. Could the rays of Sun accidentally cut you if he spins them? Or is it like a toy fan that you can put your hand through and won’t hurt?
(You know, those toy fans that have candy in them and when you press the button, sometimes the spinner lights up. You know, those. :3 )
Mine don’t! My Sunny’s rays are also made of a bendy rubber (for the kids that like to pull on hair and such)
A lot of the parts on his body is closer to like…dolls. If you remember how like barbie doll legs or the bratz legs felt. His rays are soft and rubbery as is his nose but you can’t like pull or stretch them out or anything X3
Both he and moon are meant to be durable but soft and gentle for the kids rough play!
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