#I fought tumblr tooth and nail to post this it kept throwing errors at me :skull:
moraypower · 1 year
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"I'm not SUPPOSED to be anything. But I'll tell you who I AM."
Species: Siren (vampire squid)
Affiliation: The Opalarian Empire... technically. In actuality, she's more so flying solo as a Robin Hood-esque bandit, stealing from the big families, wealthy marketplaces, and even members of the Thieves' Guild alike as she sees fit in order to help out those who have fallen between the cracks created by all of the political corruption.
Her level of loyalty to the Opalarian Empire is surprisingly low. She's here to get all eyes on her and help people out doing it, sure, but in her own way! And while she's admittedly having fun being paraded around as a champion, she's not particularly attached to the Opalarian Empire specifically. In fact, she's kind of put off by the glitz of it all, as it reminds her of Inkopolis. Just, you know, with less tech and flashy neon lights. And if she were to get her hands on the treasure herself, there's no way she'd be handing it over to the big families in charge here so easily...
She'll help out anyone from any kingdom who needs it, and is equally as likely to intimidate and steal from absolutely anyone regardless of affiliation as well, if she's decided that you'd make for a good target. Chances are that she'd be more likely to find true allegiance with the Kingdom of Yela Alora, specifically aligning herself as a protector of those of a lower social class there, but at least for the moment she's still with the Opalarian Empire. Of course, when she makes a point out of not disguising herself despite her species and is a little too happy to boldly face even the most powerful of forces in Opalaria without fear, how long she'll remain welcome for is... very, very questionable.
Appearance: On a first glance, Frye looks surprisingly normal in comparison to her usual self. She still has the same long ears, as well as what looks at first glance to be the same tentacles in place of hair. But it doesn't take long for the various differences to start making themselves apparent. First, she has more tentacles than usual atop her head, with her simply styling them to more closely resemble her usual appearance by tying them up tight together using the off-white cord that she normally wears anyways. But if this tie were to come undone, one would easily be able to see the thin webbing connecting each part of the once bundled mass, something that is definitely not normal for her. This same webbing can be found connecting her fingers and her toes, too.
Another immediately apparent difference can be found in her eyes. Usually golden, they now appear abnormally blue, a shade so bright that it looks almost eerie. They’ve also notably lost the usual star-like shape of her pupils. Her dark skin is covered almost entirely by bioluminescent freckling and spots, although not all of them are always lit up at the same time, and in the daylight the slightly muted dots they create across her skin are only barely visible if one squints at her. At night however, she glows practically from head to toe, and although the intensity of this glow varies, she’s unable to hide all of these illuminating freckles even if she wanted to.
Which, to be fair, she doesn’t. Although she can’t ever turn them off entirely, and her overall control is rather limited, she can somewhat influence which ones are actively lit up and at what intensity they are if she focuses on it, and often she has a little too much fun making a game out of trying to create various light patterns on herself.
Finally, although it’s usually hidden by the bagginess of her pants save for the three holes in the fabric on the left side, she now has another, larger set of tentacles stretching from the waist down. If one were to see her without her pants, they might even think that her legs have been replaced by this new set of tentacles entirely, as the webbing connecting them obscures her legs from view much like a dress would. But her legs are still there, and she can still use them, albeit awkwardly due to the new tentacles throwing off her body weight and balance.
Generally, she does not hide the fact that she's a siren, and in fact actively plays up the intimidation factor that her species gives her! She does this both in order to get what she wants, and to pick fights and show off her skills, just because she thinks it's fun to. She's more than okay with it if someone else tries to pick a fight with her first due to her simply walking around brazenly in the open the way she is, given how much she always enjoys a good challenge.
The only reason she might choose to disguise herself is simply for ease of mobility if the tentacles on her lower body keep getting in the way, and if asked, she will be loud and proud about her true nature. In fact, there's a good chance she'll tell you completely unprompted before you even can ask, especially if it means making a dramatic entrance or otherwise stealing the show!
Retained Canonical Abilities: She can still create her ink, and freely change what color this ink is, which in turn changes the color of the tentacles on her body. But unfortunately, that's about it. She's lost the ability to change into squid form, as that was inherent to her being an inkling, and as a result has also lost the ability to super jump along with it. She does have her Splatana Wiper to use her ink with though, and her two moray eels are still at her side, so that's a plus!
Species Unique Abilities: Technically, Frye can disguise herself as another race like any other siren can, but she almost never actually uses this. If she's going to be remembered, she wants to be remembered as herself! Otherwise, what's the point?
On the other hand though, her musical performances have just become a lot more hypnotic than they used to be, prone to drawing people towards her subconsciously if they aren't keeping their guard up. This is something that she will use to her advantage, likely most often as a distraction to get everybody's eyes on her while her eels then grab and run off with all the stuff she wants, or even to just genuinely put on a show with as much of an audience as possible. She's still a performer, after all!
Spell List: Fire, Blessing, Charm, and Lock/Open. She didn't have the patience to try to learn anything else.
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