#I feel odd about bringing up race because sometimes it feels overused in discussions or only applicable in the USA society
kjzx · 10 months
I went on a bit of a Tumblr Search Journey (as one does) after writing the intro and got reminded of just how many classical art blog owners are covert fascists/terfs. I think the former are more common on twitter but I've heard quite a bit about the latter on here. Which is funny when you come to think about it.
All artists are shaped by their era. The "softly realistic women varying in size depending on artist and era" have always fit very precisely curated white beauty standards.
You can think they're cute or hot (I sure do. That's why I reblog all these paintings, aside from the admiration of the artist's skills) but if you don't consciously acknowledge the biases these people dealt with and their own share of racism and sexism just because this woman has a fat fold you have no consideration for historical context. Which never ends well in political movements, which feminism obviously is.
The reason these people didn't draw thin hourglass/skinny thick/BBL/whatever bodyshapes that are "in" today is because these body trends didn't exist, many of the body shapes weren't even physically possible.
This probably doesn't mean anything, but I do not consider you feminist for praising the male painter's art for painting women he thinks are hot just because the trends have changed. Lowkey, the same goes for lesbian/bi women artists too, at least to a degree.
These are faces and bodies of one race, a few ethnicities from said race, and a very lucky set of genetic makeup. All of that shown through someone else's specific vision. Someone, who might or might not have even seen women as fully human. If you look at these portrayals as the True Female Form maybe stop for a second and do some soul searching.
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a-forgotten-spirit · 6 years
I Make Things - Lucien x Reader
This story was requested by @abbadbitch . Based on Lucien having the reader as a lover in the Day Court and finding out Helion is his father.
Lucien P.O.V
Smiling as I raced down the stairs of the House of Wind, it seemed nothing could ruin this day. I was all over the place with happiness a real smiles spread across my face as I grabbed things from around the house I had left placing them in a bag. Bringing extra for my Mate, my heart fluttered at just the word and a thought came to my head of her beautiful face. Cauldron I loved her. Thinking I have finished I pull up my sleeves and pushed my hair back from my eyes, she always loved to play with my hair.
“What’s got you so happy Lucien” I heard the voice of Feyre and turned the smile still firmly on my face, my cheeks began to hurt from the muscles being overused. I never smiled this much, I was over the moon to see her again, It had been three weeks since I last saw her. Sure I could her thoughts and we spoke as much as possible but it wasn’t the same.
“I am headed to the Day Court” Even my voice sounded happy it was an odd feeling if I was honest but I never wanted it to leave. The ‘gang’ knew of my Mate but they hadn’t met her, that I knew of. I loved her with all my heart.
“Why,” she asked and I watched as Rhysand and Cassian walked in talking lightly, I was sure Azriel was going to walk from a wall any second and make his appearance. Just as the thought went through my head he walked from the wall and stood next to them. Feyre looked interested at my answer the sparkle in her eyes showed.
“I am going to visit my mate for a few days,” I said and all went quiet. I was confused for a few seconds as I looked to the boys whose eyes seemed now interested in Feyre and I’s conversation.
“Mate” she questioned and then nodded her head in remembrance and smiled “When was the last time you saw her” she questioned with a light smile on her face.
“Three weeks” I sighed and really thought over the time period. It had been three weeks, twenty-one days. Almost a full month I went without my mate, her voice was the only thing that kept me going but around here I couldn’t keep my barrier down long and she could only stay for a few minutes at most. I missed her, I felt my chest clench at the thought but I smiled thinking I’d see her today. “I really should be going” I spoke and began to walk away.
“Well. We were just heading there to discuss tactics with Helion so we leave now to make it a little easier on the guards who will panic who is coming into the Court” she smiled and walked to Rhysand and smiled as she walked into his arms.
“You have a mate Lucien,” Azriel asked his voice sounding soft and planned. It always did it was like he had planned his words out hours before any conversation he indulged in, knowing exactly what to say and when to say it. His hazel eyes were half-lidded and seemed to be calculated as they always did.
Nodding my head as I looked out of the window and smiled thinking of the way her lips curved into a smile and the way when she talked her teeth showed sometimes, the way her hands moved as she spoke of something she was passionate about. “Yes,” I breathed out.
“Do you love her” he questioned and seemed to look through me, Cassian looked to Azriel in a way that was concerned and interested why he cared so much. I was too. Why did he care? I watched as his eyes stared at me with so much emotion the most I had seen ever.
“Yes. With all my heart” I whispered as I looked to the ceiling the memory of how I found out she was my mate. “The day I saw her jump in front of those children, the look of happiness in her face as the blade ran through her own flesh and not them. And then the look in her eye as she struck him and collapsed to the ground” I spoke lowly remembering that scene “The minute my world shook and my heart stopped. The day I ran her to Helion in his Court and watched as she opened her eyes after hours of low breathing. Yes, I love her with all my heart” I answered honestly, without a second thought or hesitation. Azriel nodded and smiled at me a genuine smile, which I returned. “I’ll see you there” I smiled and began winnowing.
The way the wind whipped through my hair and I clung to my bag as I winnowed, it always felt weird. I had learned it years ago but the feeling I never got used too, it was strange to feel the world slow to the bare minimum as I ran. After some time I came to be at the edge of the Day Court and walked in. I heard the flapping of wings and knew they had followed shortly after I had left.
I walked down the bond and gently ran my fingers over her barrier. It was like nothing I had ever seen it was a like a black hole, it was misty and seemed there was no way in and if you did make it in you wouldn’t get out. It was beautiful nonetheless. “Love” I questioned and felt her mind gently swam around my own. “I am here,” I said simply and saw the house of Helion as I smiled knowing she was only a few moments away.
“I am coming” she stated in that beautiful angelic voice of hers. I couldn’t get enough of it, every time she spoke I never wanted it to end. I almost begged her to continue talking. It’s like I was addicted to it.
Going back into my mind and leaving the misty beauty of her mind I sped up instinctively. I saw Feyre and the others land and walked over. I was looking around not knowing where she would come from. I could see they were looking at me as my eyes scanned the areas of the Day Court.
Then I saw her. My breath hitched and I dropped my bag, my eyes widened in advance and she walked down the steps of Helion’s home and looked around her eyes I could see from my spot they were too bright and I watched the smile curve its way to her face as she rushed down the stairs a little faster than before. She was in a white dress that flowed to the ground in long lace-like fabric, a gold belt adored her waist and hugged it tightly. I finally breathed as I watched her lightly run over the short distance and I did the same. She was ten meters away, then five, four, three, two and finally one. I felt her body collide into mine, her arms around my neck as mine went around her waist. Pulling her body as close to mine as I possibly could I smiled into her neck and breathed in her scent as much as I could. I had missed her so much and her skin against mine felt like nothing I had experienced.
“Lucien” she sighed and held me tighter her voice light and happy as I moved to look at her, she hadn’t changed the loved danced in her eyes and I'm sure my multicoloured eyes did the same. One may be metal and I hated the scars but she never seemed to mind. A smile took up her face as she pulled me forward into a kiss and I swear if anyone would interrupt they wouldn’t be alive for much longer. This is everything, her lips on my own felt like the world had meaning and it did now because of her.
“My love” I whispered and rested my forehead on hers, she was shorter then I and I wouldn’t have it any other way, Cauldron I loved her. “It has been so long” I whispered my hands laid against the small of her back as I pulled her lower self to mine. Standing up straight I looked down in love.
“How long are you here for,” she asked lightly and worried, she had anxiety that was obvious since I had met her, having to convince her I did want her as a mate and then convincing her my heart belonged to hers. She needed reassurance but I was more than happy to give it to her every second of the day if it meant she was mine.
“For as long as you wish. I have clothes to last about two weeks but if I wash them I can stay as long as you wish for me to stay” I couldn’t help the way happiness took up my face as she looked up in such bliss at my words. “I brought what you asked” after those words, her e/c eyes shone so brightly I swear they reflected the sun. “I dropped my bag come and then we shall go to your room and then you can show me your new inventions,” I asked.
“You want to see my inventions,” she asked as we walked to my dropped bag her voice showed the surprise and I got a little sad that no one seemed to look at the things she was passionate in and I promised myself I would always be interested in the things she loved. Nodding my answer her face lit up once more and she continued “I made weapons I need a big strong Fae to test them out” she looked to me in interested and I nodded once more.
Getting to my bag I lifted it from the ground as saw the ‘gang’ looking to me Cassian had a very surprised expression and then I heard my mate speak “Azriel” she whispered and then ran to his arms which were held out. I wasn’t jealous, I was interested.
“You know Azriel” I questioned as best I could and she turned leaving his arms which I was thankful for and he looked down to her as an older brother would and I understood the relationship quickly.
Nodding enthusiastically her voice came out smooth as though the words meant nothing “He helped me after my parents” I knew of her parents and to say the least and in its simplest form. I was glad they were dead. Nodding as I understood why they had that relationship, I knew Azriel’s past and I saw the similarities.
She moved back to me and I noticed Helion walking over his skin dark and white covered his body as well as gold. Nodding to him as I walked past with Y/N. He knew I was her mate and being his number one inventor he was pleased she had someone ‘Nice that would help her’ were the words he used. I was grateful he allowed me to stay in his land even if it was only for her. I walked down many halls and came to a door, she opened it and walked inside. It was neat and all pastel, light blues and purples her bed was large and sat against a wall as she said she was scared someone would come in. So she wanted to be able to watch the entire room.
I placed my bags down and noticed a new shelf decorated in books and little things she had made, a little boat being her favourite. She loved the ocean and made cute little things to remember it. I unzipped my bag picking up her gift. I turned around seeing her playing with something “My love” I asked and she looked to me placing it down.
I watched her eyes dart over me and then noticed my hands were behind my back and her face morphed into curiousness, her nose scrunched up a little as she tried to peer around walking closer “What is it” she bit her lip seeming anxious.
Moving one of my hands forward “Its the jumper you asked for. I wore it to bed for a few days” I smiled and she immediately began to strip, letting the dress fall to the floor in a heap as she gently put the jumper over her head and moved the sleeves to her nose and inhaled deeply sighing happily. It was way too big but I didn't mind and neither did she from the look of it. I watched as she cuddled it to herself and sighed happily once more. “I also have something else for you” I whispered and felt the feeling of the other item behind my back. Tilting her head adorably I wanted to hug her instantly. “I know you have been looking for this for a while” pulling the book from behind me I showed her and the look on her face was worth everything I did to get it.
“How” her voice was low and soft as she looked it over, “I thought they had all been destroyed” she whispered and opened it seeing the pages and looked to me in amazement “Where did you find it,” she asked her eyes glowing, “I thought they were all destroyed” she repeated.
“Rhysand has a library in his Court but do not speak of it, very secret. I asked if you could come to see it and they said you were more than welcome” I rose an eyebrow in question as her head moved quickly indicated her nod for a yes. “I asked one of the women who took me to the spoke and as I talked about you she gently placed it in my hands and there is a note in there for you from her” I smiled lightly and as she was about to combust from happiness and go looking for the note. “Wait until late my love Helion wanted dinner. We talked before I came to warn the guards of my entrance” I explained as she placed the book down and brought me into her arms.
“Thank you” it was more than I wanted her soft voice was seeming to shake as those two words came out. Getting past everyone who lived in the Night Court and the Inner Circle. Than spending hours finding this book, it was all worth it for those two words and the smile that came to her lips.
We removed ourselves and she went to put on some plain pants but didn’t bother with shoes only the light pastel pink socks. Y/N looked adorable in my jumper the sleeves too long and down to the thighs. I loved it, she would now smell like me and I couldn’t get enough.
Leaving the room hand in hand we walked to the dining room and ate with Helion as well as Feyre, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel. The dinner was calm and we all had a light conversation. Feyre tried to get to know Y/N but she kept to herself, my hand never left her and if it did it was gently placed on her thigh.
It was a lovely dinner and as the plates were cleared and the small conversations continued Y/N looked to Helion and I then back and forth a few times “You guys look similar” she said and examined my face.
“Well yeah Helion is his father” Feyre’s voice broke out and I turned to her in shock and confusion as she covered her mouth and her eyes went wide. That wasn’t meant to come out. Helion looked to me and his eyes went wide in realization.
“Your mother and I” he whispered and I seemed to understand the gist of it. Y/N’s eyes were wide as she swallowed all the alcohol in her glass in one clean swing. This was new to everyone but Feyre.
It was silent for a while as Feyre apologized and I was so confused as I stayed silent. Y/N rose from her seat she looked panicked in this awkward environment “I make things, I am Helion’s inventor” she started and it brought a smile to my face as she tried to change the subject for me. “Lucien my mate please come look at the things I make” grabbing my hand she pulled me from the table and I smiled as I was pulled down the hall.
I smiled and jokingly stated “I make things” she smiled and shook her head as we walked into her working room.
“I make things” 
I am currently still taking requests send me a message if you have another you would like to request Thank you for reading. 
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10 Ways Making You Feel Happy.
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Maybe you locate your own self during that group-- unfinished but prosperous, certainly not satisfied but prosperous. So our team can boost our yearly profit through numerous lots of dollars and also still not be actually as delighted as if our company improved the stamina of our social relationships. Therefore, decide to become a pleased person and also follow the personal inspiration suggestions right here under. Breakup quotes are there to take and come to terms with your break up, help develop and take care of your feelings, support aim you in the right instructions on where to go from here and in order to help you start assuming as well as staying favorable. View, those may be funny but performing those factors make me pleased ... therefore select't lose time on unfavorable notions. An uplifting layout which is going to additionally specify the motif for the gathering would certainly be actually the backdrop. 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Nevertheless If we started from a setting from not enjoying and also not possessing any kind of peace of mind in ourselves or even our potentials after that this rise in money will certainly not turn points all around as well as make us delighted. Solitude sometimes does certainly not make a person any longer the unhappier, this in some cases provides you area to assume making tips out of ideals, getting to know onesself better, in several - ways! One of the most ideal places to get suggestions for an 80th birthday celebration gathering is off the important invitee, themselves. This's difficult to become really satisfied when you don't have also a small ounce of flexibility in your life. Enjoying dad throughout our youth our team know effective ways to create our method the furious race. Contentment resembles a muscular tissue - it acquires more powerful the much more you exercise it. Keeping your own self pleased feels like staying in shape. 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