#I feel like we just need a line from Phoenix. some allusion to Turnabout Goodbyes and the fact that Phoenix has done this before!
divinish-comedy · 2 months
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maybe I'm reading too much into it but I do like how Aura's logic behind choosing Miles as prosecutor changes with the revelation that you're actually defending Athena, not Simon. when you think you're defending Simon, Aura deciding that Miles should be the prosecutor makes sense because she knows that he's on Simon's side and wants him to be innocent. when the twist that Athena is actually the one on trial happens, it becomes much more sinister. of course the justification of "she was just a little kid" means nothing to Edgeworth, and you should know why, Phoenix. Aura has to know this too. Edgeworth doesn't hesitate and he doesn't sugarcoat because it was hesitation- and a desire to hide from the truth- that messed him up so badly in the first place. He's probably genuinely trying to help Athena, in a messed up way, but he's failing to recognize how their circumstances are different. Aura chooses Miles because she knows he can empathize with Athena and she knows that, because of that empathy, he will show her no mercy.
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