#I feel like i would’ve related to mikey a TON if i had watched this show when i was younger
plum-pitt · 6 months
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did the silly ass kinnie bingo cards for Rise
definitely feel like i’m exposing myself with these but fuck it we ball💀
anyway blank versions under the cut if you wanna give baring your soul to the internet with silly cartoon characters a try.
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i’d give credit if i could but imma be fr i found these mfs on pinterest and i don’t think i gotta tell you how much of a bitch that would be. Just know they ain’t mine.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years
Apologize, idiot.
Part of my Voltron/TMNT AU, Leo has some apologies to make after his mistakes with Donnie.
Previous fic.
The moment Leo walked into the cafeteria, and saw that not only Donnie was there, but Raph too, was the moment he about-faced, and started marching the exact opposite direction.
He did not need this. He did not need this. The garrison was already watching him, and now he had two of his younger brothers to keep out of trouble too?
Donnie might’ve been helpful, even in his current undercover status, but Raph wouldn’t be. Raph’s talents lay with engineering and punching things- not with covert espionage.
Leo quietly despaired, and decided he’d be going hungry that evening.
If they all gathered together, the way his two brothers were, then someone would definitely notice. The garrison probably already knew that he and Raph were related, same last name and all that, but Donnie had still been anonymous! What was Raph doing, blowing Donnie’s cover?
This was all going to go down the toilet, and every bit of Leo’s careful observations would be worthless.
He saw Raph the next day, during the assigning for new recruits into the garrison. Leo, standing apart from the new cadets and with his own senior ones, met Raph’s eyes for a split second.
Raph gave him a furious glare, and mouthed, “I’m going to kill you.”
Well. It was lovely to see him too.
Leo ignored his brother, same as he’d been ignoring Donnie, and stared ahead. Pretending not to see Raph’s continued fury.
  He could only avoid Raph for so long though, since he knew his younger brother made up of at least 50% sheer determination.
A few days later, Raph cornered him as he was leaving his room, for a washroom break, in the dead of night no less, and got Leo’s collar before Leo could even react. Leo was yanked down to eye level with Raph, and met the full brunt of Raph’s glare.
“You have. so much. fucking apologizing. to do.” Raph ground out in a furious whisper.
“Nice to see you too,” Leo said, also in a whisper.
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up- I want to punch you in the nose so badly right now,” Raph hissed. Then he started tugging Leo along, ignoring Leo’s attempts to get away. “But Don says he doesn’t want me to, so you’re going to go apologize to him before I do.”
Leo gave up trying to get away, and let his brother bully him out of the garrison. It was a miracle they didn’t get caught, slinking through the dark halls like they were. Leo just wasn’t sure why he was supposed to apologize to Donnie. He couldn’t think of anything he’d done recently that warranted it.
Maybe this was about the fight they’d all had, sometime after dad and Karai had left? Probably.
Raph pushed Leo out onto the roof of the garrison, and Leo adjusted his light jacket with a huff. Raph was just lucky Leo had still been dressed when his brother kidnapped him; otherwise Leo might’ve been a bit angrier that this was happening.
Mostly, he was concerned they’d all get caught breaking curfew. He didn’t need extra eyes on him, not when he was still pushing to make the top ten cadets, and still struggling to get below the thirties.
Donnie was hunched over a collection of computer equipment, because of course he was. Even with the long hair and makeup and what was probably a set of their sister’s earrings, Donnie always had technology on his person. That’s just how he was.
Donnie’s typing didn’t pause as Leo and Raph approached. Instead it seemed to speed up.
“Uh, hey…” Leo glanced around for any sign of their superiors, and found none on the empty rooftop. “Donnie. Hi. You wanted to talk to me?”
Donnie’s fingers sped up again, green code flying across the screen. When he spoke, his voice wasn’t pitched up like it usually was lately. “So you did know I was here.”
Leo blinked. “Well, yeah. I knew you were since the first day you got here.”
Donnie’s fingers finally stilled, and he tugged his large headphones down onto his neck. He turned his head, looking at Leo through his glasses. He wasn’t giving away any emotion. “Funny. You didn’t give me any sign that you knew.”
Leo shrugged, because he guessed that his acting had just been that good. “I was pretending not to.”
Donnie’s eyes narrowed, and his lips formed a thin line.
“What?” Leo asked. “What’s with the look?”
“Was it because of my cosmetic changes?” Donnie asked, tone careful.
Now Leo was really confused. “No…? Why would I ignore you just because you got extensions?”
At that point, Raph grabbed the back of Leo’s jacket, and shoved him forwards. “Oh for- you two need to stop dancing around it and just say it already! Donnie, since you won’t, I’ll say it.”
“Say what?” Leo asked, trying to avoid getting caught again in Raph’s range.
His brother gave him a scowl, and growled out, “Donnie has been thinkin’ you didn’t recognize him because of all the feminine shit he’s got on. Further on that, he’s been feelings pretty lousy about the fact that his own fucking older brother couldn’t tell who he was, just because of said feminine shit.”
Leo opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again to hurriedly say, “I was just doing what I thought Donnie wanted me to! That’s the point of going undercover, right? I mean, the garrison threw him off base! Permanently! I just thought-”
“You still could have made an effort to acknowledge your own brother, undercover or not!” Raph shot back.
“I- I couldn’t risk it! The garrison has been watching me for months!” Leo defended himself. “I haven’t been able to figure out why, and they wouldn’t tell me anything about dad or Karai either-”
“That doesn’t. fucking. matter.” Raph growled. He reached out, and shoved Leo towards Donnie again. “Apologize! Now. For being such an incredible idiot.”
Raph crossed his arms, standing back to watch Leo and Donnie. He gave Leo a look that meant they weren’t going anywhere until this was over.
Leo sighed, and chanced a glance at Donnie. His younger brother was looking at him cautiously, and Leo noticed for the first time, there was an amount of hurt to his posture. Like he was curled onto himself, trying to protect his softer parts.
Oh. Shit.
“Donnie, I didn’t mean to,” Leo said honestly, kneeling down on the roof beside Donnie. “I really did think that’s what you wanted. I’m sorry I…”
“Ignored my very existence and feigned that you didn’t know me for close to two months now? Yeah. Thanks.”
Ouch. So Donnie was holding a bit of a grudge. Fair enough.
“Yeah,” Leo said lamely. “I’m sorry for all that.”
Donnie averted his eyes, looking back at his tech instead.
“Did you know me on sight?” Donnie asked, still staring only at his keyboard.
“From the second I saw you,” Leo said. He’d seen his brother walk in, hair long and glasses in place, and it’d only taken a second glance. “I was confused, but I knew it was you. Donnie, I wouldn’t ever not recognize you, I swear. Binder or no binder, I’ll be able to tell.”
Donnie blinked rapidly, and hastily raised a hand to scrub at his eyes. “Yeah. Well. You’re still a huge asshole.”
Leo reached out, and gave his brother a one armed hug. One he probably should have given a few weeks ago. Multiples times. “I know. I’m sorry I’m such an asshole. I’m trying to be less of one.”
“No you’re not,” Donnie mumbled, giving Leo’s side a light jab. Then his lanky arm wrapped around Leo’s waist, and held tight. “You’re a huge asshole and an idiot. Always have been.”
Leo winced. He guessed he deserved this right now, considering what he’d likely been putting Donnie through. “I have a lot of apologizing still, don’t I?”
“A shit ton,” Raph said, and Donnie hummed an agreement.
Leo sighed, and released Donnie from their hug. “That’s fair. I’ll try to keep that in mind.”
“Yeah you better,” Raph and Donnie muttered at the same time, both in low tones, only to crack up a split second later.
Leo rolled his eyes. “The twin thing got old when we were six, guys.”
“Shut up, you don’t get it because you’re an end child,” Donnie, and Raph, chorused. They shared grins, and Leo found himself feeling out numbered.
“I almost miss Mikey,” Leo said dryly. “At least he would’ve probably backed me up.”
   Nice of Mikey to make that statement incorrect a few minutes later, when a ship fell out of the sky and Leo’s youngest brother set a portion of the desert on fire.
At least they got their sister back, even if things went south right afterwards.
Next fic.
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