#I feel like a veteran coming back 🧍🏽‍♀️
lookismaddict · 10 months
Happy 1-Year Anniversary to Rendezvous 🎊
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Hey guys, it’s been a while. 😀 (I can now see the flaming torches and pitch forks heading my way… 🔥) I decided to come back because today marks the actual 1-year anniversary of when I joined the Lookism community and posted for the very first time on Tumblr, which is none other than Rendezvous’s Introduction. The story that started all of the chaos. 🖤 And yes, I posted it on Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! 🦃💨
I’m so sorry for leaving all of you for almost half a year, and I missed you all dearly. There has been many ups and downs in my life these past few months, and I could safely say that I’m okay, and that I have healed from the loss of that one person in my life. I’m also happy that I have grown as a person. Not just my age (I’m 21 now, and I’m officially an adult. Woo!) but also, this sense of maturity that I have acquired from opening myself to new surroundings. I got the opportunity to reconnect with many people in my life socially, while I have developed many new relationships with others over the span of four months.
To be frank, the reason why I had to take a huge break from Tumblr wasn’t just because of my mourning period of a past loved one. It was so that I can mend myself mentally, physically, and socially. Tumblr was my escapism, and it’ll always be there whenever I feel like coming back. But being away from Tumblr made me realize that I should cherish the people that I have in my life more, than just pushing them off to the side and remain anti-social for my own personal enjoyment. And it also gave me some time to think and heal. It refreshed my mind greatly, and I might be coming back more frequently (if school wasn’t being such a pain).
However, I will try and be active again. It’ll take time for me to get rid of this uncomfortable awkwardness from me, and I will eventually go back to my usual unhinged self. 👍🏽 (Plus, I have no idea what’s been going on in Lookism and I’m not updated, but I have seen some spoilers on other social media outlets.) So, I will dive back into the Lookism rabbit hole sometime soon.
As for my writing, I plan on continuing them again and I need to take care of those drafts. (Yes, I will be continuing Rendezvous and my other works. Don’t worry about it.) Again, happy anniversary to my baby, Rendezvous. I’m proud of myself for pressing that “Post” button a year ago, on this very day. (With my finger hovering shakily over the button and all. 😭) You will surely see more of Gun and (Y/N) sometime in the future, including other characters too. Until then, Cat is off and ascending to reply to everyone’s messages, comments, and asks! 😼👐🏽 (Descending. Most likely in he-)
Just beat me up already.
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