#I feel like a lot of you have been hanging out for this one 🐱
skyfallscotland · 4 months
I remain stoic as he presses gentle kisses along my jawline. “I love you.” He rocks us from side to side. “More than chocolate cake.” My lips turn up a little, against my will.  “You promise?” I hate the way my voice cracks. He squeezes me tighter. “Endgame, remember?” 
Chapter Seventeen x
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✨ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The Haunting Heroes Discord But Didn’t Want To Ask ✨
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Are you looking to join this DPxDC server but don't know what it's about? Are you new to Discord and want to figure a few dynamics about it first? Then this is the post for you!
We're Super excited to share with you some of the features you can expect when you join the Haunting Heroes DPxDC Discord server.
🔷 I’m new to Discord. What is Discord?
A noble question. Discord is a messaging/private server application where you can join servers to chat, text, and video call people. Lots of fandoms have servers dedicated to their beloved show/book/comics/blorbos
It’s a popular platform because a) it’s free and b) it’s very easy to organize.
Haunting Heroes, as such, is essentially a private chat room where you can talk about DPxDC with other fans. There are other DPxDC servers, but you can never have too many!
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🔷 What do you do on Haunting Heroes?
We do a lot! If you’re here, you may have seen the results of the Writing Games we’ve played, like "Who Wrote That?" as well as "Guess That Fic" (a fun way to give fic recs AND test your DPxDC fic knowledge!).
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We also share updates of fanart, non fanart, and fan fics, as well as recommendations to stories we’ve read and enjoyed.
And we have plenty of ways to discuss ideas: from canon resources to headcanons that intrigue you; from prompts to workshopping your story ideas; from asking for a beta-reader to sharing your progress. Sometimes this even happens live while doing a sprint with others.
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🔷 What does ‘18+ SFW’ mean?
18+ is fairly straightforward: you have to be 18 years or older to join our server. So why SFW?
We decided to emphasize the Safe For Work aspect not because no NSFW content is allowed—we have a flourishing NSFW category as well as a Dark Category with channels for people to talk about it to your hearts’ content! We welcome more mature content, but not everyone wants to engage in it, or only want to engage on their own terms. Being able to curate what you do and don't see is important to us, hence the separate categories (and having to self-select a role to see the NSFW + Dark channels)
We add SFW when talking about HH because ‘18+’ on its own has certain connotations (just like ‘adult content’ or ‘adults only’).
Why, then, are we an 18+ server? We appreciate the under 18s in our fandom, and there are lots of fandom places that are open to all ages (for example, this blog!). But there are older fans who feel more comfortable in an adult oriented space. We noted that a place for adults only in the DPxDC fandom was missing, and wanted to fill that niche.
🔷 Why Should I Join?
✏️ If you’re a writer, you can find a beta reader or ping the Ideas Helper role if you want some help with your story. You can find and share resources for various things, such as writing, art, and how to use A03.
🐱 We also share lots of pictures of our pets!
💡 We have fun emojis and stickers unique to Haunting Heroes, many made by people who are part of the server.
⭐️ We have a starboard! If someone says something you find funny, react to their post with a star emoji; if a post gets 9 stars, it gets shared to the board! It’s like the highlights reel at the end of a Mario Kart Race, but user generated. It's a good way to quickly know what's been going on in the server.
🐰 Our Bunny Hutch (AKA prompts sharing category) is always hopping. Enter at your own risk! You may go there with the intention of dropping off one prompt for someone else to adopt, and leave having adopted 4 new WIPS of your own!
And most importantly, we are a fandom community looking to share with each other the things we love doing or seeing in the fandom. You are likely to find writers, artists, and commenters you know from AO3 or Tumblr, but you might also find new friends to hang out with or be inspired by new things while lurking.
🔷 What can I expect upon joining?
☑️ Once you join, you will have to read our guidelines to make sure you agree with them and know what you can expect in terms of how we handle the server.
☑️ There are also roles to be selected so you can customize your experience. Some roles will allow you to give information to other members (such as the pronouns you select), others will give you an aesthetic (such as color roles), others are pingable and alert you for specific activities (such as movie nights ,or a new writing game being set up, or when someone wants others to bounce ideas). Some will also grant you access to specific sections in our server, such as dark or nsfw channels, which won't be visible otherwise.
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☑️ Don't forget to also select the 18+ role which grants you acces to the whole server. This one is made specifically to confirm you agree with the guidelines and are 18 or older, since that's our sole requirement to join the server.
☑️ Once you define your roles, you can check our server roadmap to guide you through the many channels we have in the server with descriptions for each of them and the bots we have available to help through the experience.
☑️ Don't worry if you get a few pings upon entering: we have a welcome mat where others will greet you once you're in.
🔷 How can I join?
To join, send us an ask confirming you're 18+ and someone in our team will send you the link. You can find the ask box as "Ask us anything here" at the top of our blog or clicking here. Please make sure you check your inbox for our reply. If you sent us an ask and haven't gotten a reply in 48hrs, please let us know either replying in this post or contacting one of our mods.
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We hope you have fun and fulfill your hero-haunting needs💚👻
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Messages from your pet/s 🐱🌜💖
Hi friends! A long time ago I said I would publish a PAC reading centered around messages from your pets 💗 here it is! Enjoy 🍵 feel free to like, comment and reblog! Pick a bouquet —>
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Pile 1: The Magician • 4 of wands
Hi pile 1’s! Welcome to your pile 💗🍵 I feel your per first of all, loves hanging around you. They could actually be your soulmate manifested in a different being this lifetime 🤍 they are your other half essentially. Some of you may own black cats! I feel right away your pet has an auspicious message about a new event, person or celebration coming up for you. This could be something you actually wanted and it’s coming your way 🤗 so definitely enjoy that! That sounds wonderful and I feel your pet is actually guiding your manifestations in a way. They are a guardian, and they also protect you from energies that don’t serve your highest good in this lifetime. Their existence deflects negativity! I heard a long time ago if cats purr they are taking away pain or something 🤔 I have no idea how true this is, but comment below and let me know! Because I am seeing a cat rubbing against you and purring a lot to get rid of evil eye 🧿🪬 so your animals are very protective, even the ones that aren’t a cat 🤣 they do watch over you, and love to spend time with you 🙌 I think if there is someone you don’t like, they will know right away and give that person a full on stare, or not interact with them. Thats your sign your animal supports you 💅🏻 and also is saying that person is negative (I heard full of shit but I resorted to respectful tactics 🤣) wow so your pet is definitely not one to mess with! I hope you are all well pile 1’s! Thank you for coming by and I appreciate any support to this blog 🤍
Pile 2: Seven of wands • Ace of cups
Hi pile 2’s! Welcome to your reading 🤗💘 excited to have you here! Lets see what messages your pet has for you. I see that they feel fulfilled, cared for and loved by you. They have a special spiritual bond with you, so maybe you see them in dreams, or they will have messages for you in your waking life when you spend time with them. Sometimes its almost like, “wait, why can I hear you talking? Im the human one” 🤣 now, unless you have schizophrenia, which please be careful and get that checked out! Your animal is trying to communicate with you via intuition, and loves to connect with you that way. You two share a special soul bond. A message they have is to persevere any issue you have right now, and they believe in you 🙌 they got your back, and they believe in your ability to move past an issue or situation! Or if times have been rough, they want to be there for you and spend time with you to make you feel better 🥹💘 honestly that is so sweet. But they definitely want to see you smile again. Im drawn to notice how the ace of cups in this deck has a bouquet too 🤣 just like our piles themes. So get some flowers if you’re not allergic. Put them in your space! Or garden, if it’s not winter in your hemisphere. Caring for plants is important now. Or being in nature will lift your energy 💘🤗 thank you pile 2’s! I appreciate you coming by, please support this blog in any way you can 🍵🙌
Pile 3: The lovers • 5 of swords
Hi pile 3’s! 💘🍵🤍 Welcome, please enjoy this message brought to you by your loving pet. So far I see if they have passed away, or had an injury they remember you 🥹💘 they did not forget you at all. They are watching over you. And somehow I feel they left something for you behind, there’s almost an energetic baggage of love and abundance at your doorstep. In a good way, they left behind something beautiful you can transform in this lifetime. Whether they are alive or not, your pet has brought in a different energy into your life and you probably noticed the shift right away. This could be an emotional support animal! This pet brought love and care into your life, and they are thankful for your presence 🤗💘 they miss you always, even if they are around you now. Some of you may have had a parakeet, or a bigger bird. They want you to remember the good times and smile because you had them 🤍 so whether your pet is alive or not, they want you to enjoy your moments with them, and everyone. There’s such an unconditional loving energy here, its beautiful 🥹💗 they want you to be accepting, and less harsh on yourself is what I heard. You did all you could is also something I heard. I forgive you. There are some intense energies here, please take care pile 3’s ❤️‍🩹 I am wishing you the best and all the love and peace!
Paid Readings 🍵💘
Distance Energy Healing Services💌🧘‍♀️
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 2 years
✨how stray kids would react to finding out about your regression✨
SFW interaction only please!!!
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Chan 🐺🎧
finds out by accident
he’s just checking in on everyone and when he knocks on your door he gets no response
he gets worried and decides to just peek his head in
you’re sleeping with your paci hanging loosely out of you mouth
he thinks it’s really cute and doesn’t really question it much
he asks about it later in private
he immediately does so much research
wants to be your cg right away
dad cg vibes
likes to carry you around
just everywhere
he just goes about his day with you on his hip
“big hugs? big hugs.”
calls you baby girl/boy or kiddo
does voices for your stuffies :)
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Lee Know  🐰🐱
finds out by walking in on you with a paci
just goes 😳, apologizes, and leaves
you explain later and he’s like “oh thank god I thought I walked in on something private”
he’s totally fine with it and even hangs out with you sometimes
its takes him and minute to get comfy actually taking care of you when regressed
makes you snacks
“eat up so you have lots of energy later!”
likes to have you in his lap so he can pet your head
picks the ugliest outfits for you he can bc he thinks its funny
plays pretend but he has to be the queen
or the bad guy
“oh noooo. i’ve been defeated.” *flop*
super protective???
if any of the other boys are playing too rough he’ll just scoop you up and threaten them with tissue mouth
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Changbin  🐷🐰
why do i feel like binnie would just sixth sense that you’re a regressor
like you tell him about and he’s like “oh, was i not supposed to know?”
supportive big bro/cool older cousin vibes
he loves to pick you up and just hold you
bench press the baby
does that airplane thing where they pick you up with their feet
does his cutesy voice when talking to you
“who’s binnie’s little angel?”
lets you do his hair and makeup
drags whoever he can to co-care
mostly so you can both annoy whoever’s closest
talent shows!!!
he WILL tickle you
no escape
lots of stimmy dances and noises back and forth
adventures to the park
he will underdog you on the swings he don’t care about the rules 😎
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Hyunjin  🦙🌲
finds out bc you come to cuddle him one night while regressed
you’re all babbly and squirmy and he’s like “well maybe they’re just sleepy???”
but you just smile up at him and go “hyunjinnie, I wuv you.”
and he just gives you a big hug and goes “I’m not sure what's goin’ on but love you too.”
in the morning you apologize and explain everything
he’s honestly a little confused but he’s trying his best
real awkward but he’s like that with actual kids so
he warms up quick tho
just says random noises
vocal stimmies back and forth
draws you little pictures to colour in
cuts up fruit for you :)
definitely a co-care kinda guy
usually with felix or changbin
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Han  🐹🍓
finds out bc chan convinced you he’d really love to help out
as expected he’s so excited
“so i can just baby you and carry you around and play pretend and it wont be weird?!”
big bro/babysitter cg
you will be watching animal documentaries sorry
he says its bc theyre educational
loves when you’re extra small so he can peekaboo with you
does silly voices when reading to you
lee know has to remind him to not get too into it or somebody will get hurt lol
really helpful with impure regression
breathing techniques
“wanna put on a silly cat video for a distraction, sweetheart?”
makes sure your toys get snacks too
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Felix  🐣☀️
finds out bc you confide in him early on
he’s the first person you actually tell about your regression
super duper supportive
for a while you sneak into his room whenever you feel yourself start to regress
you watch anime on his phone and cuddle
he keeps a paci in his bedside table and an extra stuffie on his bed for you
once you’ve told everyone else he’s so proud
bakes for you all the time
you get to measure the chocolate chips and lick the spoon >:)
bath time!
he lights candles and gives you lots of bubbles
comfy naps and snuggles
pillow forts!
no hyungs allowed!!!
ok i guess lee know can come in he has snacks
does his high pitched voice bc it makes you laugh :)
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Seungmin  🐶🐾
finds out bc you involuntarily regress in front of him and try very hard to explain while baby brained
very confused bc you’re mumbling a lot
he just gets ‘i’m a babey sometime an is ok because i copin’
good enough of a reason as any
so he just asks what you want him to do and follows along
he gets a better explanation later
still vibin
likes to chill best when you’re toddler-middle regressed
he doesn’t know what to do with nonverbal cues lol
thank god for AAC
would do pretty much anything for you
the others pick on him for being so nice to you when regressed when he’s usually such a brat
calls you the maknae
I.N. complains but he doesn’t mind when you’re little
he WILL just tackle you out of nowhere tho
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I.N. 🦊🌸
finds out by accident
finds a rattle and some other toys while tidying your room
brings your rattle out to you in the living room and is like “do you have a niece or nephew???”
you get flustered but decide to just tell him the truth
and he just goes “oh ok!” and goes back to cleaning
doesn’t help out much at first
helps with getting you snacks and blankets
sits next to you while doing his own thing
but one day he just pulls you into his lap and continues his game
once he warms up he loves to bug the other members with you
rascals, the lot of you
pretty much never uses his baby voice unless you do something REALLY cute
loves to brush you hair
forehead kisses like “mwah!”
puts you in his big shoes
he takes so many pics
and shows every member
chill with you braggy with all the boys
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(requests are open! send me an ask https://at.tumblr.com/sweetlittlenamjoon/i-dont-know-if-you-guys-are-actually-aware-of-this/6t8739ocrw7r)
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sparklywatercolors · 8 months
alright, this might be a doozy so hear me out.So my partner is staying with my family and I until March.My friends know this and pretty much all of them are friends with him. They all get along pretty well. My best friend adores him. Like she gets excited when he asks her to hang out with us.Anyways.So usually I just hang out with my 3 girlies. All of them start of them with A so I can't use initials so I'll use emojis.🐯 Is my best friend (the one mentioned previously)🦔 Is our other friend she's really chill and basically just always busy cooking and dealing with her many chaotic students And finally there's 🐱 this one is very intense and the one I'm having a bit of an issue with.So the first time my partner and I had everyone together we were all getting ramen together. It was going well until 🐱 coerced 🐯 into trying a heavy edible at my house and it made 🐯 get sick and have a panic attack. 🦔 And my partner were comforting 🐯 in the living room while I was keeping 🐱 away from her cause she was stoned as fuck and was pissed that 🐯 wanted to watch some very chaotic dork she likes watching for her calm down. 🐯 Is okay by the way. She still feels guilty but we've been assuring her it's not her fault.And then the second time we all hang out 🐯 can't make it bc stuff but tells us to have a good time. It was going well until we were all hanging out in the food court, splitting a pretzel cup and then 🐱 basically tells us she was stealing while we were all together and 🦔 called her out on it. Look none of us don't give a shit abt it but don't drag us into that. And it got brushed aside because 🐱 had to rant about her 4-Chan friend group. Who she doesn't like but she cries when they hang out?? 😭 I accidentally butt dialed one of my friends during this and it ended up causing SO MUCH DRAMA 🗿. Because that's when 🐱 demanded we go home despite saying we can all go out to dinner after the 4 chan rant. And on the drive home, me and partner were scared to even speak to each other on the ride home with 🐱. And a few weeks later, 🐱 calls me up. Her family member had suddenly passed. Which is horrifying. I'm so sorry oh my god. And my partner overheard and he said his condolences. And 🐱 got mad and hung up and then didn't speak to me for a week. When she did, she told me that I should know no response is a response and that I was wrong for letting my partner offer condolences and that it was immature for him to butt in, and this is why she isn't friends with 21 year olds. (Note: she's 28, my partner is 22, 🐯 and I are 25 and 🦔 is 26). Which is hypocritical of her because she's friends with our mutual friend who is 21. Not the point. And then she takes my partner and I out to sushi. And she was ranting about her job. She works with disabled or mentally ill kids as a teacher's aid. And her one kid has a lot of issues. 🐱 Was venting about her and called her a c*nt because she was self harming and her schizophrenia was acting up. We were appalled. How can you call a 13 year old little girl that? Especially a little girl with issues like that. My partner was disgusted for the little girl and also the fact that his little sister is also 13. Luckily 🐱 got removed from working with that little girl but that's still horrible. :( Last weekend 🐱 called and we caught up and she told me she wishes she never ranted to my partner about her work cause he didn't seem like he was listening? He was listening he was just angry?? Which I was too. I was boiling internally. I work with middle schoolers when I tutor, those kids have enough on their plates how can you call them that wtf.
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l-art-stuff-l · 3 months
🏙️ What is the main setting of your au?
🧫 Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident?
🐱 Do any of your characters have pets?
🩹 Who is the Medic?
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Is April considered a sibling?
🗣️ Is your Leo the leader? Has he always been?
sorry if that's too many 😅 feel free to pick and choose if ya don't wanna answer all of them 😋
what is the main setting of your au?
i! am not entirely sure what this one means. it’s asking where it all takes place in think? i’m not entirely sure where tbh, i live on the west coast not the east. maybe somewhere just outside new york city?
edit: hi i just realized what this probably means 💀 it takes place modern day. if i ever made a comic, it would take place the same time i start the comic
were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident?
all on purpose baby >:) secret government testing facility and all that jazz. hamato yoshi worked there, and he’s the one who eventually broke the turtles and splinter out
do any of your characters have pets?
i think mikey + raph should get a cool mutated roach-cat. her name is icky :3 and april sometimes keeps bugs in jars
who is the medic?
mikey. donnie also knows a bunch of medical stuff but his family doesn’t trust him to not perform some sort of unethical experiment on them
is april considered a sibling?
she’s more like a cousin that hangs out with you a lot, but yes she is considered family. she met the turtles + splinter when she was like 11 and kind of just integrated herself through sheer willpower
is your leo the leader? has he always been?
there’s not really a “leader” of the group, but if there was he probably would be. he’s the plan guy. the tactician. he’s the younger twin (by like 7 minutes lol) so he shares the “leadership” spotlight. he’s always been pretty worried about his brothers’ safety, putting himself in charge to make sure they don’t do anything too risky or stupid (without him, at least)
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tellmegoodbye · 2 years
✨️ Tag Game Tuesday ✨️
Thank you @sleepyfacetoughguy and @sunoficarus for tagging me! I love doing these tags. ^_^
Tea, coffee or soda? I don't drink any of these on a regular basis, but soda is the only one I actually like so let's go with soda. As always, fuck coffee.
Dogs or cats? I love both but if I had to choose it would be cats! 🐱
Can you play an instrument? Yes I can! I've played drums for over a decade now and I also have dabbled in mallet instruments (I loved playing the marimba back in marching/concert band) and piano!
What's your sun sign? Picses. ♓️
First song lyric that pops into your head? This chorus has been stuck in my head for a bit!
"May all the beggars be blessed. Like angels with anhedonia. We're all just doing our best. Repeating, "There's nothing left." That's why we weed out the wonderers. Maybe there's virtue in emptiness. But I still drown in distress. When the leaves fall in the spring."
- Architects, Dying is Absolutely Safe
Do you have any tattoos? No I do not. I'm really on the fence about ever getting one because I have extremely low pain tolerance and I'm still not completely sold on the idea of something being on my body permanently, but we'll see! I have a few ideas if I ever do decide to get one.
Favorite place you've traveled? Prague for sure. It's such a beautiful city and I'd love to go back one day. 😊
What's the last movie you watched? I'm not quite sure. I don't watch movies that often so I can never remember.
What languages do you speak? Just English, although I'd love to be conversational in French one day. I'm sure I could aim to be fluent but I'm trying to set realistic goals here. 😂 Nevertheless I'll keep learning it because it would really suck if the language completely died in my family, which as of right now it sadly has.
Do you have any hobbies? Right now my two passions are music and sports. If I'm not at a concert or watching a game I'm probably wishing that I was.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? This isn't a long list, but it would either be Fiona from Shameless or Ziva from Ncis.
Compliment yourself. I think I have really put a lot of effort into maturing this past year. My goal for 2023 is to continue that trend and not regress back to old habits. A lot of shitty things have happened but I'm also a better person for it and I feel like I'm at a point where I have more confidence in myself than I've ever had before.
Tumblr has been on actual drugs lately and refuses to let me tag more than like five people so if you see this consider yourself tagged. ^_^
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1d1195 · 3 days
Here are some of my ideas for check-ins, I’ve actually been on a re-reading journey of your work.
Be My Mistake: I think it would be really awesome to see where they’re at. Maybe catching up with them at the end of the tour or a few months after the tour and how they get on.
Half & Half: I feel like it would very dialogue heavy but it would be about them learning about each other and talking about the time without one another. But it could be done in vignettes where you can give us insight on specific moments of their journey. (I hope that made sense)
My Friend’s Toyota: This is really for me and the one I’m jonesing for the most and I’ve def brought this up before, lol; having Harry x Reader hanging out with the reader’s parents. I think Harry would be in awe of the love the reader got to witness maybe it makes him scared that he can’t live up to it or maybe they’re both scared they can’t. Idk but I think it would an interesting dynamic.
Hopefully there are some useable ideas there. Have a good week! I’m literally sitting at my desk hoping I’m being let go soon. I just want the severance cuz I don’t get any if I quit. The office feels littered with anxious energy. 🙃🙃🙃 I just want the assurance that I never have to come back here again. Like what kind of absolutely bs is this? 😭😭😭
I don’t like that it’s bringing me to this point. But it is what it is. I know I’ll be okay but it’s so exhausting always being one of “God’s Strongest Soldiers”, which I actually wanna talk to him about cuz I don’t remember applying for the job. But life will life, can’t do anything about it.
What a depressing way for me to end this message with. -🐱
Oh god bless you. I've kind of been on my own re-reading journey.
I hadn't thought about Be My Mistake, I did LOVE that one at the time but without Harry on tour not sure I could recreate the magic and angst I felt. But I do like your idea and I will def think about it in the future!
Half & Half sounds VERY similar to how I just did Sunflower and I think you're right, very dialogue heavy more than likely. I like this. I LOVE a soulmate trope and this one I REALLY loved in comparison to all my other attempts if I had could humbly brag 🙈 I will consider this as well!
OOOH that's def the winner. When I do a MFT update it will def be about the parents. I like the angsty component. Def looking forward to it.
Thank you for the ideas you're so sweet and always such a help when I need it! 💕
I'm sorry you're struggling with your work. I can't imagine how frustrating it is to feel anxious like that all the time. I know how you feel about being God's Strongest Soldier. I feel that way a lot too and you're right, you didn't sign up for it. It takes a lot to be strong.
Don't worry about how you ended the message, you know I love to hear about life and you're right, life will life and it's not always good and sunny.
For your sake I hope you get let go soon 💕
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alyjojo · 9 months
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Love Reading 🌤️- December 2023 - Aries
Overall energy: 7 Cups
How you will meet: 10 Cups
How they will treat you: 4 Cups
Long-term Potential: King of Pentacles
You’ve either been on/off with this person, or this is someone that’s married, in a committed relationship, has a whole family on the side, this could even be your boss. Your messages are very Aries in nature, you’re telling this person exactly where they can shove it 😆 You don’t talk to this person, and they make no real effort towards you, they don’t even act like they care - 4 Cups. You’re like why tf…what would you do for them? This could’ve been a one night stand or something, met at a bar, had some drinks, wake up and they have a family, wait - what? Or you do, if it is they’re pissed off by the truth they’ve found out or realized about you. Someone was used here, and then discarded, and that’s a hard thing to accept. Long term, you know you deserve better. They’d love for you to stroke their ego (among other things) and you’re like “fk off”. It’s possible you meet someone better after this, could’ve been one of those from A to B connections, leading you in the right direction. If it’s work, you could literally leave your job to get away from them. Or switch departments, something like that.
Messages -
Their side:
- Too Little, Too Late
- You are everything to me!
Your side:
- Leave them on READ.
- Get Real 💯
Oracles -
Their side: SHIP 🛳️
- Cutting Ties
- Moving On
- Receive What You Need
- Progression & Arriving
Your side: HAMMER 🔨
- Sabotage & Rebuild
- Persistent
- Working On It
- Repairing
Signs you may be dealing with:
Pisces & earth 🌍
Overall energy: Knight of Cups
Current: Knight of Wands
Challenge: The Hanged Man
How they feel about you: 6 Pentacles
How you feel about them: The Lovers
Outcome: Judgement
I can’t tell how long you’ve been with this person, or even if you’re with them at all, you just see them as *your soulmate*. You’re willing to be friends, and you’re willing to give them time (though it’s killing you), because they’ve been through hell. Either a family situation, a relationship before this one, something was toxic as hell and they’ve been hurt - maybe literally, it’s a touchy situation. You could be waiting on a divorce, or you want to “save them” in some way, get them tf away from whatever or whoever has been hurting them. You want to shower them with love, take them out, spoil them, treat them like the king/queen you feel that they are, it’s a really sweet energy. You want to RUSH in (and are), all passionate, hot & heavy, ready to sweep them off their feet and show them “what a real man/woman” does 💜 They’re going to stop you in your tracks though, and that’s the challenge - Hanged Man. They can feel you’re not understanding their perspective, what they’ve gone through, you’re not being sensitive to them. They’re extremely guarded, with good reason and you’re needing to hold your horses. They could read your romantic advances as just wanting a night in the sack, they aren’t sure about your intentions.
Their feelings are 6 Pentacles, they do like you, they find you to be kind & generous, and try to reciprocate in the same way. They see you backing off and giving them space, specifically from intimacy, that may be the thing that bothers them. They want to know something is real, and won’t settle for anything other than that, Ace of Pentacles, 4 Cups at the bottom. They could also think you care a lot about money or gifts, and they don’t. Or they’re needing to focus on that more than love stuff. I see them being open to you as a whole, they just need time. Like a skittish kitten 🐱 You feel they’re your person, and they like you, you know that much. You want to make plans to move forward, you’re waiting on them for clarity or the “go ahead”. I don’t see it coming. Mid-Jan has more of the same, a final decision being made separately from you I feel - especially if a lawsuit or divorce is involved. They’re holding back from you and dealing with their own chaos, 10 Cups rev. Page of Swords at the bottom with your Oracle card…you’re talking, if nothing else, you’re hoping it becomes more, I don’t see that happening. Not for this time period anyway, maybe later on. Their messages show “you are my path”, so that’s encouraging.
Messages -
Their side:
- You are my path.
- Over It 💯
Your side:
- You assume the WORST of me!
- I am ENTRANCED by you 😵‍💫
Oracles -
Their side: HEALING HEART ❤️‍🩹
- Healing Heartbreak
- Toxicity or Addiction
- Abusive Relationship
Your side: COFFEE CUP ☕️
- Meeting & Talking
- Savoring the Moment
- Feeling Elevated
- Building Friendship
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo & Sagittarius 🔥
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catharrington · 3 years
How about some catboy hurt/comfort?
Maybe there's a stereotype/prejudice about catboys not being great in relationships. Too aloof and selfish and not capable of really loving anyone (y'know, like the dumb stereotype about actual kitties?) And Steve is exactly the opposite, he wants to be with someone and shower them with love and affection, but he's never been given the chance to show it (and the few times he did, he got rejected for being 'too cling')
Enter Billy who is absolutely touch starved and wants nothing more than a pretty kitty on his lap 24/7, but hmm maybe Steve's scared to be THAT affectionate now, so we get some misunderstanding and angst before they finally figure it all out??
Thank you @cherrydreamer for all the asks!!! Yes this is one of my fav tropes of cat boy stbee is how clingy he can be. Like a very loving very talkative cat who wants your attention right meow!! This is short but I hope you enjoy!!! Tw: blood play
Steve clings to Billy’s back while they make love like moss clinging to a river stone. His nails, his claws, leave long river beds of marks across tanned skin. He’s got to turn his head, close his eyes in a tight squint, to hold back all he wants to say.
Billy’s head burrows into his. In the heated moments of two bodies, Billy’s nose finds the top of his messy cat ears. Steve almost purrs as he burrows his nose in his most sensitive place. In his most lonely places. He feels like he’s going to give it all way. So he bites down on his lips until he tastes blood. He digs just a little bit deeper into those river beds of love.
When Billy rolls off, he doesn’t even seem bothered by the scratchings. The markings. The blood running down his back.
Steve’s not bothered that it marks up his white bed sheets. Couldn’t care less how filthy they leave it. In his tiny, high school bed. They are so close when Billy pulls away his heat doesn’t go far. They are still shoulder to shoulder.
It’s too much, for him to watch upwards with tear stung eyes as Billy calmly rolls away. Reached down into his discarded jeans to pull a cigarette. His back is a cross hatching of Steve’s love. A constellation that marks him as a ruling lesser God over Billy’s night sky. It’s a lot, all at once. And it seems like it will never be something he can handle.
So Steve turns the other way. Clutching his sheets that have Billy’s blood up to the cuts on the inside of his lips. Like maybe they can be together in the most feral of way. The most viscerally of ways. It will somehow make up for how Billy’s rolled off his body. How Billy’s only smoking one for the road before he’s crawling out of Steve’s tiny, high school bed.
Steve’s got blood under his fingernails. He’s got the ghost of Billy’s lingering kiss to the fluff of his ear on his mind. He presses his fingertips covered in stained cotton sheet to his lips as if he’s kissing back.
Billy thanks him for the good time, and leaves two smoked down to the very bottom butts in Steve’s ashtray. It takes a long time for Steve to turn over and face that. But he’s gotten good at being lulled to sleep by the hitting of huge leather boots going down his staircase and away. The roar of an engine when Steve finally exhales. And breaths in the ruined sheets around him. And it smells like cologne that isn’t it. Steve doesn’t change them, not for anything.
And the next day at school it’s just another day. Steve loiters through the hallways. Distant and alone, the side eyes lingering on his cat ears and tail he’s used to. He tells himself. He is used to how they stare.
At gym class Steve has to cut a hole in the back of his shorts to let his tail hang free. His pocket knife feels heavy in his hands as the boys’ eyes glare him down. They try and touch it, they all do, in any excuse they can find. But if asked they would say it was weird. Who would want to settle for a hybrid?
But at gym class Billy’s got to take his matching grey Hawkins PE shirt off to play on the skins basketball team. He proudly strips it. Balling the cotton up and throwing it to the side. The class around him wolf whistles like a pack of starving beasts at his back. Like hounds circling around Billy’s ankles. Looking up at his golden hair and his tanned skin and his perfect predator smile.
Steve presses his fingers tips to his mouth as if returning that kiss. He doesn’t taste his bed sheets. But they still taste like Billy’s blood.
He sings to himself like an abandoned ally cats cries into the darkest night that it doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything
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cyberghost-scout · 4 years
🐱 “ Wow! I never seen a beastformer like you before! “ The cheetahbot was amazed at the femme’s long audio shells and small bun tail “ You remind me of my friend Honor, she had big aduios as well but hers hang down “ (W-Wolf-nanny)
Ghostwire blinked looking down at the cute little sparkling. B-beastformer--- oh no.! Her optics widen, how is she going explain this one that someone was being mean to her?
She took a vent in and out.
“Hello hun.” She said bending down to the young cheetahbot. “Hun, firstly. My name is Ghostwire. And I’m not exactly a beastformer.” She started, realizing not to dumb down her explanation... but make sound nicer. To not hurt the young one’s feelings.
“Some grey creatures have been playing some mean pranks on a lot of bots, recently. And I’m just a victim.” She said. 
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
I want it all the time, I gotta have you all the time 😍🤤🐱💦 I need it all baby 🐱😍🤤💦I love it 🐱😍🤤💦 I love you 😍🤤😘🐱💦damn I wish that the media limit wasn’t reached for today 😩I want your ass up in air , face down, cheeks spread 😍🐱🤤🐱💦back arched 😍🤤🐱💦, I love your lips, they’re so sexy, I can’t wait to come there 🐱😍🤤💦, and cum there 🐱💦, I can’t wait to take your virginity it’s gon be special baby 😭😍🤤🐱💦can I tell you the truth? I mean I always tell the truth but I’m saying yo..all I be caring about is feeling you, holding you, fucking you, taking care of you in every way..etc, I be thinking about that all time..
Text me, interact with me, what’s on your mind? 💭🖤🐱💦 new moon today.. ritual? Lemme see your face, your lips, your thighs, your body , I haven’t seen you in days , technically for real for real since Wednesday, that’s not cool 😭that’s not cool to my heart, my mind, my soul, my pussy nothing 😭😭😭😭 the top part of Thursday was pretty great though but yeah...😭😭😭 I love what you were saying and doing time seems to go by so fast , I wish I could take the moment(s) and just extend them for eternity like.. idk like an a loop or something.. or stitch every moment together 😍🤤🐱💦diving deeper and deeper into each one 🐱🤤😍💦 and seeping into each other 😍🐱💦, I wanna see your pussy 😩🤤😍🐱💦 I wanna see your breasts 😍🤤🐱💦I love your breasts , lift your shirt up babyyyy , muah muah muah 😘💋😘💋, lemme see your face , strokes your hair, you are so perfect baby , stares into your eyes , you are so beautiful 😊😍🤤🐱💦, Love you 😘😍🖤so magickal ahhh 🖤, holding you , deep breathing in and out, keep it coming baby , I’m just laying down on my couch, lemme see your face baby , lemme see your lips , keep it coming baby,let’s see.. new moon.. idk what sign it’s in , holding you in my arms, deep breathing in and out? Visualize yourself as a white light with a hole in it, a black floor, text me baby , FaceTime me , our door with our symbol on it, yo we haven’t been spending that much time together , our time is the only time that matters and means so much more than anything else and unlike anything else it’s needed on every level , nothing else is 🤷🏾‍♀️things try to pull us in every direction (noise) , but we actually need each other and are connected to each other 😊 holding you downnnn, we need some vision stuff , you gotta stock up, ooooh, I love that I’m such a God, I stop the world like that bitch Beyoncé Lolita be having ppl shook , ppl just stop in their tracks to see what I’m saying and doing , I got that much pull , I’m that powerful, I don’t need to create scenes like other ppl have to do , I am the scene , I am attention, I am sex, I am what others want/try to be and I haven’t even reached my peak yet ,with anything and everything I was born with , other ppl try that GMO shit lol I got people’s full attention and I don’t even have to throw myself at no one , I don’t engage with ppl , I don’t hang with ppl nor do I need to , I don’t try to cover up my traumas, I don’t let the things I go through run my life like all these other ppl out here that needs to do things and chase happiness snd highs and stuff, a lot of nasty ppl out here , not trying to put ppl down it’s just facts , ppl have seleted “wanting to be better/do better” ...etc ppl only wanna hear what they wanna hear but when you go against the grain and tell ppl about stuff that most aren’t talking they get mad or offended, I could talk the hippity-do-dah crap that everyone else is talking but why? Everyone loves their comfort zones that’s why no one really really goes it they love to think that they are , why can “joe-smoe” and “Jane-doe “ preach about eating healthy or something simple like that (and it’s a billion ppl like them) but then when other ppl say things that can benefit them that they’re not used to hearing it’s “talking shit” or “that’s them” , I can say “yo stop eating processed foods it’s bad for you” that’s accepted by the masses , it’s “cool” to say that , a lot of ppl say that. But if I say “yo some of that music you listen to is bad for you too” or “yo partying all the time is only a cover up for real issues that’s going on” it’s the same difference but it’s not accepted by that masses because it makes ppl uncomfortable but yet it comes from the same place other stuff is said 🤷🏾‍♀️but nahhh revolutionary ppl, innovators, visionaries, geniuses..etc are called crazy and catch the most flack
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1d1195 · 6 months
You’re so sweet to me. Freaking love your spirit! 💖
Also I realized why I feel so weird messaging you all the time or a lot but I just remembered that you’re a teacher and when I was in school I was a very inquisitive girl and my teacher put me on a question limit. Like I was only allowed to ask 3-5 questions a class. So that really killed curiosity and began the endless cycle where after any hang out I ask my fiancé “was I talking too much?” So I think there was transference on my part to you cuz you’re a teacher but I hadn’t really realized until my edible just hit.
I always have loads of ideas running around in the old noggin’. I’m glad they’ve been successful thus far. S’a good partnership we got going on here. 😉
Just a clarification for my question probation I was put on by my teacher; it wasn’t in a disruptive manner. All my comments and questions were on the subject she was teaching. And I asked my classmates if my questions were annoying and they said no. Plus as the years went on my classmates loved when I asked questions in class cuz I had a knack for being able to start a dialogue that would take up class. Like one time we had a really great class debate about guys and girls and how dating goes all cuz my English teacher (different from the other one) heard me say “boys are so simple that its complicated” or something to that effect. And it was really fun.
But yeah, I really wish that teacher hadn’t done that to me. lol 😂 😂😂
This edible’s really got me. I’m gonna go watch the eras tour on Disney plus. ✌️Thanks for letting me trauma dump. 😂😂😂😂
I LOVE when you have edibles, you send me the most lovely things (everything you send is lovely, but hopefully you'll know what I mean!)
OMG that's a TERRIBLE teacher. I love when kids ask me inquisitive questions (there's not many because they're all 14/15 and too cool for school) but I had a student ask me why the Pythagorean Theorem was only a Theorem and I nearly passed out. I love when kids get me off task tbh. It's a time during class I actually feel like they like me 😭
Anyway! I always appreciate a good trauma dump 💕 I hope you never feel the way your teacher made you feel anymore. It's the exact reason students don't care about school anymore imo.
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