#I feel a bit awkward putting tumblr artists I like so I won't do that unless I get bullied enough
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kachikirby · 1 year ago
Hello! Hope you are having a fine day!
I have a question, who's your favorite artist? Sorry if it's kinda like a sudden question, is that i am genuinely curious about what artists inspire you, because your art is so lovely and awesome!
I've been having a great day, thanks! I'm glad that you think my art is lovely and awesome, even though I don't think it stands out too much compared to a lot of other lovely people on this site.
As for my favorite artist, that's a hard question. I have a lot of artists I like, even if we boil it down to just Tumblr or Twitter users, but I feel the most influential artists on my style that I can say are probably my favorite are two artists primarily known for SD Gundam works named Susumu Imaishi and Kouji Yokoi.
(More under the cut since this might be a bit long)
Susumu Imaishi does a lot of the little comics in SD Gundam and his Legend BB art was what primarily inspired me. Especially with his varied expressions in these comics.
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Another major artist is Kouji Yokoi, who does a lot of Gundam-related art. He's also one of the main people working on the SD Gundam franchise and is the original creator. He's also done stuff for other mecha series, Godzilla, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman, but I mostly associate him with SD Gundam.
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I'm not really going to post his other works, but I do want to mention that the mangaka Tamori Wataru's manga for the SD Gundam carddas booklets has also been an influence on me due to all the expressions he uses for the characters.
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Side note, I'd also like to shoutout Knight Gundam Story manga artist Hoshino Ryuichi since he has had a bit of influence on my art style.
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I'm also just gonna drop a few specific artists on Twitter I love who might have influenced me because of how much I like their work.
中西達郎 (Tatsuro Nakanishi) - Love a lot of their art. Also a published mangaka. Jumpscares me whenever they bookmark one of my pieces on Pixiv because they follow me there.
Crafty_121 - An absolute sweetheart, I love how soft her style is.
三輪士郎/Shirow Miwa - Does a lot of stuff for mobages and FGO, but you can tell they love it. They even did an SD Gundam piece that lives rent-free in my head.
八八二三 - I LIVE for their Gundam gijinkas they are SOOOO good.
氷水 (aka IceWater) - Partially biased since I was a contributor to two of their SD Gundam fanbooks, but I love their watercolor drawings a ton. Also, they once did a short animation TRADITIONALLY and I highly respect them for it.
あまきな (aka haguma_karasu)- Ok, so on my server, we have a sort of in-joke where someone yells "WAKE UP BABE NEW HAGUMA KARASU PIECE DROPPED!" whenever they post a new piece and it's like a massive event on the server. And that's for a good reason, their art goes H A R D.
麦茶 (aka yuuno0) - A sort of mini celebrity on my personal server due to being the first major SD Gundam artist to do FGO and SD Gundam crossover art. I've commed them before. :3
coconutsan1 - They don't post much anymore, but when they do, it's great. Also one of the few artists that does Saddrac Knight Saga fan art, which is like a rarity even in the JP SD Gundam fandom.
tabolow01 - There's something strangely wholesome to them, probably one of the most influential fan artists on my own style. I love their detailed SD Gundam guides and how they redraw memes taking them completely seriously.
Moyashi - I love their art because of how haunting it feels, even when it's a more optimistic piece.
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kharmii · 3 years ago
Um i understand if you're more into soft blankshipping buuut are there any muxh more explicit artist you recommend? Like in pixiv or Twitter? I already follow sone here but want to expand... Thanks for your time
Not really because I'm consuming content outside of Tumblr like fine wine....a little at a time. There is....just....so....much content. I don't have the time in the day to look at it all, so I just follow random artists on Twitter that the algorithm puts on my feed based on the last Subway Boss themed drawings I liked. The problem with Twitter is that 90% of content uploaded isn't being tagged. If you are looking for explicit, I'd recommend either buhitter or checking the profiles of people who do tag explicit, then hitting their 'like' section and seeing what they are liking. That's the most useful way to find new artists not on the tags.
Pixiv is easier to navigate, as one can filter explicit, and they have heavily used tags for every sort of ships involving the train twins. I prefer soft more than explicit because it's always pure, honest and without shame. The nsfw often has one (usually Ingo) feeling awkward about it. That doesn't mean I won't eventually look at every bit of twinpron that ever was and ever will be. There's a general submas yaoi tag, but they also tag kudanobo or nobokuda if one has a preference. One has to have an account to see the adult works.
Anyway, have some silly train twin action from 쿠페 @sbms0192 Twitter.
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From Pixiv: Why are you smiling, Ingo!?! WHY ARE YOU SMILING!?!!?
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liberty-barnes · 4 years ago
Miah’s 1K Celebration
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welcome to the mess that is my 1k celebration cause i’m unable to make simple choices and can’t stand the thought of letting people down
as you can see, i’m perfectly normal
the literal 1005 people following me would disagree on that but heyyy details
so anyway
one thousand
one bloody thousand people following me
my inicial reaction is whyyyy??? i’m just a bisexual disaster who sometimes writes a half decent fanfic but you deemed me worthy of your follow?
then i started crying cause yk
but bottomline is, i love you all, you’re the bestest people in the whole entire world, so i’m gonna make both a sleepover and a writing challenge
sleepover cause i like answering questions
writing challenge cause it gives me a chance to show you all other artists and discover other artists myself cause we all need them and they deserve more recognition
special shoutout to my mutuals who i’ll tag at the end for always being there for me and supporting me through every high and every low, y’all are the real heroes here
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Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: December 20th 2020
Who can participate: everyone, anon or not! no need to be following me either
send me asks for:
✨ my opinion on...
🌻 cast my mutuals as...
🎵 i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you a song
🍉 random fact about me
🦔 what's my favorite...
🍀 i'll give you advice (or just listen to you rant, if you want)
💬 last text [insert person] sent me
💌 handwritten letter
🎬 movie rec
📖 fic or blog rec
📘 inspiration behind [insert fic name], how i came up with it or if you have questions about it
🖋 line from one of my WIPs (tell me if you want fluff or angst, i won't tell you the pairing or anything, that's no fun)
💋 kiss, date, marry [insert people]
🎤 give me a song an i'll do a mini cover of it (it will be 1min long tops cause that's all tumblr can take lmao)
📷 random picture from my camera roll (you can request a theme if you want, like pictures from my childhood or awkward pics or something)
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• Open to anyone (don't have to be following me)
• Send me a DM or ask with the prompt(s) you want (two people tops per work) and who you're writing about
• Smut is allowed but make sure to put it in the warnings
• I will accept works for any Marvel character or cast member, part of the Holland clan, 1D member or affiliated, Teen Wolf characters or cast member, Maze Runner character or cast member
• Can be reader inserts or not, but please specify it in your DM/ask too
• Tag me when you're done
• All works will be rebloged under #Miah's 1k writing challenge and put in a masterlist that will be specifically created for this writing challenge
Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: January 11th 2020
Prompt list:
1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
3. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
4. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
5. “Can you just please hold me?”
6. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
7. “Can I stay here tonight?”
8. “You’re really warm.”
9. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
10. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
11. “You are crushing me right now.”
12. “Darling I love you and all, but please get out of my kitchen.”
13. "I leave you alone for five minutes and this happens."
14. "I didn't fall. The floor looked lonely so I wanted to hug it." "Then why are you crying?" "It was an emotional reunion."
15. "There's no such thing as too many fairy lights."
16. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
17. “I love you.” “No you don’t”
18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
19. “I miss the old you.”
20. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
21. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
22. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
23. "It's okay. It's not your fault that I couldn't be enough."
24. "Please don't leave me."
25. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon."
26. "Will you shut up for once in your life?"
27. "This isn't about us."
28. "I will shove a christmas tree so far up your ass that when you open your mouth we'll see the fairy lights."
29. "I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating"
30. "Is that blood?" "Yes, but it's not mine." "Is that supposed to make it better?"
31. "I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
32. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
33. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?"
34. "I can explain!" "Then explain." "Okay, I can't explain."
35. "Get out of here with your facts. Just because you're accurate does not mean you're interesting."
36. "How many hearts did you break while trying to keep yours intact?"
37. "I know everything. It's in the job description."
38. "One more word out of you and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."
39. "Do you listen to girl in red?"
40. "Is that code for something or am I just paranoid?"
41. "With how things have been going, I might as well start working at a circus."
42. "I love (him/her/them)." "Then why did you give up?" "Cause (he/she/they) deserved better."
43. "I want to ask but something tells me the answer will be more disturbing than anything I can think of."
44. "Do you think he's... *flicks wrist*?"
45. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me to answer that honestly or politely?"
46. "Just how clumsy are you?"
47. "So... the weather?"
48. "Just leave."
49. "Don't you fucking dare!"
50. "You don't have to talk right now. But whenever you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'll be here to listen."
tagging and complimenting my amazing mutuals cause y’all deserve it
@parkersbliss​ thank you for marrying me, first of all, and for being the most amazing wife one could ask. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and i will never stop ebing thankful for your existence
@peterspideyy​ thank you for listening to my rants along with grace and supporting me during all my simping, you’re the sweetest thing existing since powdered sugar
@theamazingtomholland​ thank you for always putting a smile on my face, reminding me that i’m loved everyday and just being you, cause it’s the best thing you could be
@lozzypoz321​ thank you for listening to me rant abt my fics and how much i hate writing and then motivating me to write again or do basic things like get out of bed lmao (we still have the best taste in music)
@everything-is-alrightt​ kenzie lovely, thank you for being the pure little ball of unfiltered joy that you are cause even thinking about you and the jump shit your brothers get up to makes me smile like crazy, you’re amazing and don’t you dare forget it
@spider-trash​ thank you for being my brother, going alon with my ridiculous schemes for corrupting posie and making me laugh out loud every time you come up with something even worse, you’re the coolest bro i could ask for
and finally, thank you @fallinfortom​ for inspiring me to write in the first place, being an amazing mum to us, an actual good role model for me to have and for your random appearances in my dreams and the fun english teacher who makes us read tom holland fics instead of english literature. you’re amazing and i’m incredibly thankful to know you
love you all to the ends of the universe and back again, Miah
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randomstuffbyfox · 6 years ago
Burn The Stage: The Series - Review
Umm... Hello... Hi! How are you? Well that's awkward, haven't done this in months but yeah...
So, I had a review account on Instagram, but for some reason Instagram in general pissed me off, but i still want to share my thoughts somewhere so the only place left is tumblr. As you can see from the title, my victim of today is Burn The Stage: The Series. Even if I'm months late, because I will be seeing the movie, i had to finish series one day, and that day was today! So this is like my big comeback. Not really big, and not really a comeback. Just me maybe starting doing the thing I love again and maybe it will later become a review series on this blog, it's named random stuff for a reason. I'm rumbling to much, meh, let's just go.
I've started watching the series the time it was released, but stopped, because it was time consuming and the end of the last school year was a bit of a mess, to say the least. Have no idea why I haven't finished it in summer, maybe because I was scared, don't know. But now, I've forced myself to actually finish it. I had like 3 episodes left so it wasn't too much for a Sunday morning when i would not do anything either way.
In one sentence, this series was too much. We saw pain, tears and anger, stuff that BTS and others artists are keeping behind the curtains. There was a lot of food. I'm happy, because the guys do take care of themselves while being on tour, but at the same time, i haven't had neither breakfast or lunch, so those parts were a bit, you know xd
Obviously, I knew nothing about Bangtan. Yes, I'm an ARMY for nearly 2 years, yes, i do follow their every achievement, every post, yes, i know their faces, that guys put on while being in public, yes, i do know their songs and their meanings, but still, it's not like being a fan you know everything about your favourite artist or group. Although, after watching Burn The Stage: The Series (that's probably not official name, I should check, but I don't want to and it looks cool) I could say I'm a little step closer, a really really little step, and I can't be more happier.
While watching or reading something, I'm the type of person who likes to stop, take some quotes, absorb the information. And for that I really want to thank my teacher from grade 7 and 8, she was an angel. So, i gathered few of my favourite ones, i will just show them with little or no explanation, because at least for me, those quotes speak for themselves.
Looking for answers when there aren’t any, but we still learn. Isn’t that what life is about?
- RM
'If you don't get mad or sad, you won't feel happiness.'
- JUNGKOOK (as far as I remember, this one should be from Burn The Stage, at least i hope so. But even if it's not, still and amazing quote)
"It's normal thing to fight. It happens, but depending on how we deal with it as time goes by, it could effect our teamwork."
"We can't fix it for you, but we are here to give support"
- BTS (They said it to Taehyung, when he was having a harder time. I chose this one because everyone needs to have people like that in their life. Even if you don't have them now, I pray that you will have one day)
"That's when I realised this, unless you open up and share your feelings, no one can understand what you're going through."
- V
In conclusion, I really hate myself for not finishing it earlier, but hey, everything happens at the right time, now I'm more than ever ready for the movie. Series was really incredible, we got to see more then ARMYs would even deserve. It's just, I sometimes feel that Bangtan love us so much and we, as a fandom won't ever be able to give the same amount. They are seven guys and we are millions of people and still, you know what i mean? Because I don't know hoe to say that in words
See you in less than 3 weeks for sure, premiere is on 15th of November and i will be going to the first showing, I'm so fricking excited!
I don't know if Burn The Stage: The Movie will be the only review i will make in these 3 weeks, but that's the only one i can promise.
In the mean time, stay warm, drink enough water, get some good food and I love you
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