#I dunno what this is man I was in my head think thonkin and then Father's Day happened
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Royal Polycule Adventures in Parenting and some general Kid Doodles
#Emile's Arts#Royal Polycule#I dunno man I'm iffy bout these doodles some of them don't look right to me for some reason#to BE FAIR to ME#It's my first time drawing Sonic#I don't know WHEN in my brain Mario adopts Sonic and Tails but it Happens before Rosalina shows up#Mario and Bowser both share the bad habit of Collecting Children#It just happens to them#I dunno what this is man I was in my head think thonkin and then Father's Day happened#and I wanted to draw all the Koopalings and Bowser again for it and then I wanted to draw Mario and all his kids#And I was like 'Well I HAVE to include Peach sense SHE'S Rosalina's mom'#and then I wanted something with Luigi but Luigi doesn't actually HAVE kids with any of his partners#And then for NO reason at all I was like#'What if Luigi is the only one to have kids the Real World Way'#(in the 'Mario' World pregnancy isn't really a THING babies just like. Show up. Stork or otherwise. And someone CHOOSES to take them)#But I mean Daisy IS human and not from this world so TECHNICALLY she can get pregnant right?? right#That's. That's the brain flow I went on for no reason fkdgjkgj#And then I also don't have any kids of my own but I do uncle everyone else's kids mega hard#irl I'm good with kids so that works out for me#I dunno a big Polycule raising a buncha kids together is just very... Comforting to me??#Polycule anything is very comforting to me I love a polycule sooo much#The Bowser doodle btw is like. 7am he's gotta get the kids up and ready for school he#He' not just super tired from his several children it's just very early#Robot Mario my beloved I am STEALING them from E Gadd actively#I meant to draw the rest of the Gadd Family but eeeeeeh I'm also so eeeeeeeeeeeh about these sketches#I need to post them now or I never will fdkgjkfgj#Aight sorry for the probably kinda weird post??#It's my blog and I'll post what I want to and all that#Y'all should ask me my Mario World Functionality headcanons some time#I have more thoughts about the physics and science behind it all than you'd expect
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my-creative-hell · 5 years
Meeting (Child Grave au)
“That was so cool Grave! Congrats on the win!” Amelia smiles as she approaches Grave, the race over as they begin to wind down, taking time to tend to their cars and relax.
“Aw, thanks! I-I think you were cooler though, even tho you didn’t win.” Grave returns the compliment, smiling as she looks down at her feet.
“I mean, I did manage to get a cool spin off the track. Coulda done without the crashing part though.” Amelia laughs at her silly joke, her eyes crinkling.
“Are you okay? I mean… you did crash, and that’s not fun.” Grave reasons, tapping her feet against the floor as a small flash of concern passes through her.
“Oh I’m fine! Got a couple of small scratches, nothing more.” Amelia grins as Shaun makes his way over, joining them.
“Hi!” Grave waves happily as Shaun gets to them, smiling as her cheeks glow lightly as Shaun returns her smile.
“Hey Grave. That was some win.” He smiles as he thinks. “Rose was just sayin how cool it looked.” He continues, his smile knowing as he watches Grave’s reaction.
“S-She was?” Grave questions, blushing slightly as her feet tap happily against the floor below her.
“Oh yeah. She thought it was super cool.” Shaun nods, smiling as he watches Grave’s face light up.
“I-I’m glad she likes it…” Grave giggles quietly, making Shaun laugh with her reaction as Jerry and Rose join the group. Grave blushes as they approach, flashing them a smile as her feet tap against the floor more.
“Hey Grave! You did so awesome on the track today!” Rose smiles as they get to the group, her eyes bright and excited.
“Aw jeez, you’re too kind…” Grave looks down at her feet as her face flushes more, her voice hushed.
“No way, it was so awesome!” Rose giggles as she watches Grave, Jerry snorting quietly in amusement.
“Aaaa I’m glad you liked it so much!!!” Grave glows as she speaks, feeling happy as Rose smiles.
“We all liked it Grave.” Jerry laughs quietly, leaning forward to pat her softly on the head as he talks.
“I um… I heard there’s a carnival like an hour away from here. You guys wanna go?” Grave’s voice is hushed as she offers.
“There’s a carnival?!” Amelia exclaims loudly, her face lighting up in excitement as she looks at Grave.
“Yeah, Ferris wheel and all that kinda shit.” Grave smiles, her face still flushed as Amelia bounces, too excited to speak.
“Well I for once think that sounds fun.” Rose laughs as she watches Amelia jump excitedly around Grave.
“Get in then!” Grave exclaims, opening the doors of her car using her abilities as she smiles. Amelia giggles happily, getting into the back of the car with Shaun and Jerry as Rose slips into the front passenger seat quietly, smiling.
“Buckle up please!” Grave gets in the drivers seat, buckling herself in as Rose giggles.
“There we go!” Rose smiles as the others follow Grave’s lead, bucking themselves in securely.
“Thank you!” Grave starts driving, though she keeps a mildly reasonable pace, only a few miles above the speed limit.
“What do you wanna do at the carnival?” Amelia bounces in her seat as she questions Grave, feeling excited.
“Snort cotton candy.” Grave giggles at her own joke as she drives, Rose snorting beside her.
“Is it even snortable?” Shaun questions, laughing in the back as he sits between Jerry and Amelia.
“I mean, maybe. Who knows?” Grave giggles as she drives, upping the speed slightly.
“If you get sick I am not taking responsibility.” Rose warns, laughing as she watches the world go by outside the windows.
“You have to! You love me too much.” Grave smiles happily as she drives, Rose sighing.
“That’s not fair…” She argues quietly, though she doesn’t dispute the fact as she looks at Grave.
“…Okay, I wont snort the cotton candy… but I will eat a slightly concerning amount of it.” Grave reasons, planting a soft kiss on Rose’s cheek as she stops at a red light, Shaun snickering as Rose blushes.
“What?” Grave sounds confused as she questions Shaun, making him laugh as he looks at her.
“You do realise you just kissed Rose in front of all of us, right?” Shaun questions, looking amused.
“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend! I can kiss her if I want.” Grave argues, her giggling interrupted with a gasp as she realises something. “O h, I forgot to tell you that…”
“Yeah, you kinda did.” Shaun agrees, laughing as he watches the situation in front of him.
“Well… you know now!” Grave smiles as she starts the car again, driving away from the traffic lights quickly.
“Only you would forget to mention that.” Jerry interjects, giggling from his seat in the back of the car.
“Oh, you shush yer face hole.” Grave laughs. “We h e r e, beech!” She smiles as Amelia practically jumps out of the car in excitement, Shaun following along as Rose unbuckles herself.
Grave leaves the car, waiting for Rose excitedly as she and Jerry get out as well. Rose moves to stand next to Grave, smiling as Jerry goes after Shaun and Amelia, making sure they don’t get into trouble.
“I feel like we should scream at the top of the Ferris wheel or something. Y’know, fun stuff.” Grave smiles as she holds Rose’s hand gently.
“Fun, and also science.” Rose laughs as she starts walking, following after the others as she holds Grave’s hand gently.
“I dunno if I wanna cause chaos or not… probably not, but I’m thonkin.” Grave ponders, her hand warm.
“Maybe small chaos.” Rose offers, smiling as Jerry picks up Amelia in front of them, preventing her from jumping on a man selling balloons at the carnival.
“A very tiny bit!” Grave smiles as she see’s the balloons. “Can I show you something?” She questions, looking at Rose.
“Sure!” Rose smiles as Jerry carries Amelia behind them to prevent her from jumping around, Shaun laughing at her.
Grave pays for a balloon, holding Rose’s hand as she receives it. Their feet cease to touch the ground as they float off of it slightly.
“Wow…” Rose looks happily surprised as she looks down, Grave watching her expression intently.
“I think I can see my house from here.” Grave jokes, giggling as they float higher, Rose laughing happily.
“That’s such a cool view.” Rose breathes out, watching the landscape in front of them with bright eyes.
“We could probably stand on the clouds or something!” Grave exclaims, feeling happy.
“I don’t know if clouds are solid.” Rose reasons, giggling as she watches the world below them.
“Mmm I could make that happen, kinda!” Grave looks at Rose as she speaks. “I gotta let go of this soon cuz we gotta go back down to the b o i s. Okay?” Grave questions.
“Mhm, that’s fine.” Rose smiles as she looks at Grave. “I can only imagine what they’ve done in our absence.” She jokes light-heartedly.
“Maybe eaten a whole food stand.” Grave thinks as she lets go of the balloon, beginning to float down slowly.
“Or scared a whole bunch of bystanders.” Rose offers her idea, giggling as they descend.
“Lets find the chaos emeralds!” Grave laughs as she holds Rose, both of them landing safely.
“Think I found them.” Rose giggles, pointing to Amelia, who is being held by Jerry, preventing her from doing something.
“You did find them!” Grave bounces as they wander over to them. “Hi! Where be the twink?” Grave questions.
“Oh, Shaun went to go and get a drink.” Jerry explains, pointing to the stand as Shaun makes his way back over, though his hands hold nothing in them.
“Ah yes, the twink!” Grave smiles as he approaches them. “But where be dronk?” Grave looks confused as she questions Shaun.
“U-Uh, the line was too long so I decided I’d get one later.” Shaun explains, though he looks uncomfortable as he speaks.
“Ah, okay!” Grave decides not to call Shaun out on what she believes to be a lie, smiling warmly. Shaun returns the smile, holding his hand gently as Grave spots a head of red hair in the line at the drink stand.
“Is that him?” Grave questions rhetorically, looking confused as she hushes her voice, watching the red hair curiously.
“Who?” Jerry watches Grave in confusion, attempting to see what she is looking at as he speaks.
“My dad…” Grave explains, smiling as she confirms her suspicions. “It he!!!” She exclaims happily.
“W-Who’s your dad?” Shaun questions, looking nervous as he looks at Grave, eyes inquisitive.
“The guy with the red hair, he’s really cool.” Grave explains, smiling as she looks at Iden. But Shaun goes slightly pale, looking away, seeming faint.
“What’s wrong?” Grave feels concerned as she watches Shaun become more and more nervous.
“I-I…” Shaun looks down, looking pale and scared. “Your dads not gonna like me…” He explains.
“Of course he will, he’s really nice!” Grave reassures, grabbing hold of Shaun’s hands gently in an effort to calm him down.
“He won’t…” Shaun insists, looking down at the floor as he fidgets uncomfortably in Grave’s gentle grip.
“Why do you think that?” Grave questions, wanting Shaun to feel batter and less stressed.
“I may have…” Shaun trails off for a moment, biting his lip harshly. “Ran into him? Literally…” He explains, looking scared as Grave shrugs.
“He still wont hate you, Shaun… do you want me to prove it?” Grave’s voice is soft as she asks the question, pulling Shun in for a gentle hug.
“H-How are you gonna prove it?” Shaun’s voice is barely above a whisper as he questions Grave nervously, accepting the warm hug.
“I show… I will b r i n g dad.” Grave explains, squeezing Shaun gently in the hug.
“O-Okay…” Shaun debates with himself as he hugs Grave, feeling scared and nervous.
“I’ll be right back!” Grave smiles as she lets go of Shaun, walking over to Iden happily.
“Hey sweetie.” Iden smiles warmly as he see’s her walking towards him, seeming perfectly happy.
“Hello!” Grave smiles as she encases Iden in a soft and warm hug, feeling happy to see him.
“How you doin honey?” Iden returns the hug happily, enveloping Grave in a bear hug as he speaks.
“I’m good! What about you?” Grave pulls away from the hug as she asks the question, gently pressing her nose against Iden’s.
“I’m doing well.” Iden smiles as he returns the affectionate gesture as he lets Grave go.
“Oh!!! I have some b o i s I want you to meet!” Grave wiggles excitedly as she explains, Iden smiling.
“Oh, your friends? I think I may have ran into one already… Shaun, right?” He questions, thinking for a moment.
“Yeah! He’s cool. A cool rat boi.” Grave explains, smiling as she speaks to Iden about her friends.
“Yeah, he looked quite scared when he bumped into me. Ran off before I could help him up and apologise…” Iden explains, laughing quietly.
“Hm… you can apologise now if you’d like.” Grave reasons, wiggling excitedly as she thinks.
“You know who he is, right?” Iden questions, giggling as he begins to walk over to the group, taking his time as he speaks.
“Uh… yeah, Shaun.” Grave laughs at her own joke as she follows Iden, who rolls his eyes.
“He is Shaun. But you don’t think he looks like someone else? The curly black hair, the blue eyes…” Iden prompts, laughing quietly.
“H m m m…” Grave thinks for a moment before it dawns on her, making her gasp and smile, though she quickly frowns. “Oh n o.”
“Yup. You didn’t know he was Jake’s little brother?” Iden questions, laughing as he walks.
“He’s gonna be my u n c l e.” Grave sighs, putting her head in her hands as she walks with Iden.
“Is that the worst thing?” Iden smiles, looking down at Grave in amusement as he approaches the group.
“No, but he’s gonna become twice the rat boi he is and he’s got d a d j o k e s.” Grave explains, waving as Iden laughs. They approach the group, Shaun looking nervous as Iden gets closer.
“Hi! This is dad, I made him.” Grave wiggles happily as she jokes with them, Rose laughing while Amelia waves excitedly, Jerry watching Shaun as he looks more nervous and scared.
Grave gently encases Shaun in a hug, wanting to calm him down as he buries his face into the hug, Iden smiling warmly from behind Grave.
“You’re kind of like… my uncle now.” Grave explains, her voice barely a whisper as she speaks.
“What?!” Shaun pulls back from the hug, looking confused and surprised by Grave’s words.
“Yeah, my dad and your brother are t o g e t h e r.” Grave explains, smiling as Shaun starts to calm down.
“I… was not told of this.” Shaun’s voice is quiet as he looks at Iden for a moment, taking him in quietly.
“Well, the more you know.” Grave laughs, Shaun smiling slightly as he calms down.
“So… he’s not mad at me?” He questions, looking at Iden quietly as he speaks to Grave.
“Nah, quite the opposite… rat man.” Grave glows happily as she explains, Shaun watching her curiously.
“Exactly. I’m not mad at all. Actually felt bad that I knocked you over.” Iden explains, smiling gently.
“See?” Grave smiles, her feet tapping happily against the floor as she watches the interaction.
“O-Okay, thanks…” Shaun smiles happily, looking down at his feet slightly as he calms more.
“No problem, Rat.” Grave smiles as she grabs Shaun’s hand, holding it gently in her own.
“S-Sorry for freaking out…” Shaun apologises, gently squeezing Grave’s hand as he holds onto it.
“Its okay!” Grave smiles, pressing a soft kiss onto Shaun’s forehead as Jerry watches Iden in confusion.
“That’s you.” Grave jokes, trying not to smile as Jerry looks at Iden, who does indeed look a lot like him.
“I know, it’s really weird.” Jerry agrees, giggling as Iden smiles at him in a silly fashion.
“You are my dad now. Go clean your room.” Grave gets closer to smiling as she speaks, though she holds it together.
“My room is clean, what about yours?” Jerry questions, laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“Its clean too, just got a few ceiling lizards is all.” Grave insists, giggling now as she breaks.
“Why the fuck are there lizards on your ceiling?” Jerry laughs as he speaks, looking at Grave with an amused expression.
“Because they need a place to stay, dad!” Grave laughs as she argues with Jerry.
“You are so ridiculous!” Jerry continues to laugh loudly, Rose smiling as she watches the exchange.
“Its my specialty!” Grave giggles happily as Rose smiles, watching them. Amelia is running away from the group, dragging Shaun with her to ride on a roller coaster for fun as the rest of the group grows familiar with Iden, quickly growing attached and becoming friendly.
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