#I dont think like half of every gacha gane out there could ever get adapted into a single game like this
ce-heich-ce · 8 months
thinking about Megaman X Dive.
It was basically a Megaman X gacha game, the story being that the player is just playing the game one night but suddenly everything looks 3D and a robot girl starts talking to them because the games are corrupting or something.
Gameplay wise it was a megaman platforming game, jump and shot, the gacha aspect came in the form of characters (each with different skills), weapons (guns and melee weapons) and items for upgrading stuff.
Now, all of these was super standard for a gacha game, but the fact that it was a platforming game instead of something like a turn based rpg (or the closest thing to it) sort of helped it in the end, because the game got closed at some point, but they had the bright idea of releasing the game AGAIN as a single player game.
Every collectible aspect of the game was kept but gameplay was adapted, the single player stages were kept and the energy requirement to play was gone, but so were the multiplayer features. Instead of paying or doing chores for hours to get premium points for gacha rolling the game gives you items by completing stages, so need to roll is gone.
So in a way they made it into a single player and it worked because the gameplay was still rooted in classic megaman (even though stages were kind of short) and you could play as a lot of characters from the series, so there wasn't much lost from adapting a gacha game into a single player one, just new content added to it and some people really liked the game so its kind of cool that the game didn't got completely lost and people can still experience it.
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