#I dont know why but my head remembered the monkey as being named Ellie
sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
Louis and Eli the kid he met at FITFWT Berkeley, and Eli the monkey from the Steal my Girl MV
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 years
Tagged by: @jess-b-xo  and @kattykoshka (questions copied from them). Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. 1. Nicknames: Doodle, Nelly or Monkey (blame my dad for the last one.)
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Virgo
4. Height: 5′6 (or 5′7 I don’t know for sure)
5. Time: 9:04 p.m.
6. Birthday: August 26th
7. Favorite bands: Twenty One Pilots, Red, Linkin Park,
8. Favorite solo artists: Ellie Goulding, Skillet
9. Song stuck in my head: Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding
10. Last movie I watched: The Road Within 11. Last show I watched: Supernatural
12. When did I create my blog: I honestly don’t remember for sure but roughly a year or so ago.
13. What do I post/reblog: Right now its mostly Marvel. I also reblog Harry Potter but it’s mainly just  anything that catches my eye. (In the future it may be stuff to do with my writing too.)
14. Last thing I googled: “Best supernatural episodes”
15. Do I have any other blogs: No and no plans to make one anytime soon
16. Do I get asks: No not much
17. Why I chose my url: I had no clue what to call myself so I included in my name DOODLE because I draw everywhere. GIRL because I am one and 1998 because that was the year I was born. 18. Following: 225 19. Followers: 104 20. Average hours of sleep: 6
21. Lucky number: 26 22. Instruments: The only instrument I could play a little of was the guitar but I’m not musically gifted .
23. What am I wearing: A green jumper and PJ bottoms.
24. Dream job: Maybe a writer ... I don’t know what I want to do with my life.
25. Dream trip: A tour of Australia. 26. Favorite food: Chocolate
27. Nationality: White British
28. Favorite song right now: leave the lights on by Meiko ( Culture Code remix) 29. Last book read: The art of being normal by Lisa Williamson. 30. Fictional Universe You’d want to join (top three): Harry Potter, MCU and The Simpsons .
I challenge these blogs to do this next
@ambitiouswitch17 @koalablu @pinksaphira11 @nashilayladragneel @colorfulblades @jjeess00 @the-writer1988 @nyx-the-shadow-fox @nannna003 @bloomiii @bleedingedgearmor @dorian-the-grey @dont-hurt-tony-stark @skyel0ve @the--luckwearer
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shslbullrider-blog · 7 years
45 qs
oooh my god this is typical ellie “answered too long” there are no short responses but lots of ebull spoilers bc i dont care.
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
ebull has one big sister!  she and her are obnoxiously close, and have been known to game situations so that they’re both doing similar things at the same time -- just so they can spend as much time together as physically possible.  they’re physically separated most of the time, so they have to make any time they get for each other really count--!
ebull has always been achingly protective over her sis, who, in turn, is a bit more clever and wise than her.  they kind of have always lived in each other’s minds and they really balance each other out!  
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
loving, but distant.  ebull doesn’t see her mother that much -- mostly for vacations and for the odd week or two out of the year.  she talks to her on the phone often enough, but it’s not quite the same.
most of their face-to-face interaction is based in her mom making up for lost time -- which tends to lead to ebull’s fashion and life choices being prodded at.  lovingly!  but in that completely-serious-tongue-in-cheek way.  theyre a pretty dry but warm family over there in gen, but it does embarrass her a bit. 
 she’s a bit more secretive towards her mom than with her dad -- but doesn’t really find that to be a bad thing!  mostly bc her mom is a bit of a gossip though and it Strains Her Life.  she’s also got an issue with respecting ebull’s privacy and she really hates that.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
extremely close.  ebull is a bit of a daddy’s girl and it’s kind of obvious -- she spends a lot of time with him, tells him all of her issues, asks him for advice, rags on him -- and he dotes on her like no one’s business.  she could probably get away with murder and have her dad ask her where to hide the body -- he enables a lot of her behaviors in a way her mom refuses to.
he does have a few very hard limits, though.  and ... makes it painful when she crosses them, because he tends to feel rather personally slighted if ebull keeps things from him or goes against direct advice.  they live together most of the time when ebull isn’t at home, so she tries to avoid this whenever possible.
sometimes by drawing in!  oops.  privacy.
he’s a really dry but extremely warm guy in gen tho -- kind of a great person and ebull admires him a lot.
does not fucking get video games though.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
ummm not really, not counting murder game things.  
sawako’s death fucked her up in a way that she doesn’t like to talk about -- even to people she’s close to -- but well!  that’s private--!
not even michiko knows the extent there and that’s saying something.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
advil, spare bandannas, potions, sawako’s love/friendship potion (it pokes at her back like constantly), tissues, pens, little scraps of paper, small vials of perfume, essential oils, hand cream, hershey kisses, needle + thread, mini toothpaste/toothbrush, a photo of her sister, gum, about four tubes of lipstick, mascara, her ID, like a single monocoin, sometimes you get a spare pair of clothing in there (plus calvins!), breath freshener, nail polish, nail cutters.
her jacket has more pockets than you’d ever fucking know.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
warmth.  being enveloped in warmth.  sunny days, laying in the grass, swinging a bat with her dad, driving over 100mph and feeling the warmth of the car through her hands.
sometimes she dreams of ow characters kissing her too but that’s a whoooole other kind of warmth she wouldn’t admit to.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
coldness.  dying slowly and alone.  calling out to people to receive no answer.  people she’s close to telling her she’ll be right back and not answering her call thirty minutes later.  various situations of seeing various corpses of cared-for people in increasingly horrifying death poses.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
nah! why use guns when she’s got THESE GUNS [pretend she flexed]
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
nah not really!  and if it did change, she didn’t really notice.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
being honest -- super honest?  more.  a lot more.  jackets and things to cover her neck -- she can’t wear dresses comfortably without pulling tights up or she feels uncomfortable.
but she’s willing to wear the hot ‘skimpy clothing’ to fit in better with her ‘fellow teens’ because that’s what’s attractive, right??  god shes sure this works??  janties are in season right she can bring them back??
stunningly if ebull is comfy w u she tends to wear more clothes in ur presence idk what that says about her.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
the first few months in the game, before merge.  it was a constant, waking fear back then.  wake up in cold sweats and close to puking.  character spoilers: she was always worried, anxious, and uncomfortable but u know she’s thriving.
(also, she’s ridiculously good at seeming calm).
there have been high points since merge -- including not getting texts back from tomoka, michiko calling her for help in ch5, and some assorted Other Business (lol) but yeah it’s eased off a little and hasn’t breached that level since.
outside of game i dont know if ebull knows what it’s like to know fear.  she DID have a frighten that she thought was rather substantial in telling her parents she got into hpa for being a gamer but honestly she lived and like most things in her life it went better than she  expected it to.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
well, she’s really good at SEEMING calm despite alarm bells in her head.  and she actually thrives during high stress situations!  she is deathly composed and very comfortable during raids, and actually has found that trials are kind of becoming comforting, in a sense -- and she feels calm in her accusations.
... thanks.
in general, she does better once she’s used to a rotation.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
nah not really!  she’s more squeamish than she seems at first glance, but it doesn’t obstruct her from what ‘has to be done,’ so to speak.  
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
names -- comes with the territory (given the fact that she deals primarily with online people).  but she’s super good at both, and very rarely gets a name unattached to a face -- or forgets either.  she finds it inspires bad blood.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
kiiiiind of ?  it’s a strange case.  ebull’s used to the finer things in life and has certain standards -- like, if she’s dating someone, she insists on both sentimental and expensive gifts (because the combination ensures that she covers her bases and that they “really” care about her -- it’s proper that way), and if she was denied anything from her current standard of life she... might go through a bit of a culture shock, really.  
money and status has been a huge theme of her life and upbringing -- with two working parents who sacrifice family time for their successes.  so she knows what it’s like to have a lot of it in a rather... passive way.  she has no interest in the excess that her family can get into, but she’s never ever ever had to even think about money in a lasting way -- she gets speeding tickets out the ass and the only concern she has is how her family might bully her, rather than the monetary cost associated with it.
she can afford to not be preoccupied with wealth, is probably the best way to put it.  she gets that this puts her in a pretty good position, and is empathetic to people who struggle, but really wouldn’t know what to do if she couldn’t just pay for shit she breaks without thinking about it.  so like, she’s not out there purposefully decorating her house with useless pieces of shitty expensive art or always after the highest brands, but wouldnt know what to do if the ability to do that was suddenly stripped away.
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
ebull would claim a mix of both -- that competence and fulfillment in other areas help to ensure happiness, etc, but.
if you really put a gun to her head on this one, she’d have to admit to ‘happiness.’  she’s not very ambitious and not competitive in the slightest -- if she’s struggling emotionally and upset all the time, what point is there to her successes?  does success mean anything if it’s not attached to fulfilling work? 
she’d never claim that people have to be happy all the time, but don’t you have to lose to fully appreciate your wins?  it’s a conundrum.
she’s very go-with-the-flow in nature, and finds things escalate fast when people stress over finishing, being right, or attaining perfection.  it’s better to take a walk and let it sit for your health and happiness than push yourself further.
this is probably at least partially due to her overall ‘ahh’ feeling about how much her family works, but she absolutely doesn’t hold it against people who think differently.  kind of admires them, really!  she’s just not built for it.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
a stuffed monkey her dad got for her during one of his trips to america.  she keeps it somewhere in her room.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
ambition ambition ambition -- though admittedly, ebull has neither trait, in her view.  wisdom is fine and good, but it’s easy to sit and get complacent with it, she finds.  also people who think of themselves as ‘wise’ tend to give her headaches.
she admires cleverness above both but finds it’s not the same as either.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
jesus christ where do i even fucking start it’s kind of a cyclical mess.
her biggest is most likely how long it typically takes her to get comfortable with people.  ebull finds vulnerability, opening up, and the like... extremely difficult (but v attractive).  she’s extremely adept at turning conversations into what the other person is feeling, and avoids giving any insight about her life in most situations -- even with people she claims to be close to.  she keeps any cards she intends to keep close to her chest, even when it doesn’t make sense to.  she’s understanding to the point of becoming a doormat in some places, and is easy to take advantage of once she’s committed -- but fears getting to that level, and will naturally close off if someone doesn’t read her mind and figure that she’s uneasy.
then she’ll ghost that person for hurting her feelings or just using her.  which happens often, not because someone actually did, but because she thought they did.
she works primarily in the realm of assumed knowledge, and, as a naturally perceptive person, knows that it’s unfair of her to assume people will remember as much about her as she does to them -- but it hurts her feelings anyway if she’s close to (or is crushing on) someone who doesn’t seem to just ‘get her.’  you can’t rush things in too fast, but you also have to be the one to make the first move.  you have to get her but be okay that she will almost never tell you a direct answer.
she keeps her preferences and desires coy and mysterious until she’s comfy and ugh yeah.
like in general this is a self-feeding mess of an issue here and it’s of no surprise that before the game she’d never been in a relationship.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
usually it’s just to look for improvements to herself.  she very rarely uses other people as a basis as to what she should be doing in an excusatory way -- like ‘if theyre not working, i dont have to be.’  she hates that.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
she always -- and i mean always -- blames herself first.  this drives BYE(star)BYE up a wall when theyre playing games because yeah she does this incorrectly a lot.
she usually needs people to let her know when she’s being a bit too hard on herself or over-extending.  but even in these situations she... relies on someone else to take the blame off her directly, rather than believing it entirely herself.
22. What does your character like in other people?
cunning, warmth, a bit of a tongue-in-cheek attitude, bullying, ambition, COMPETENCE, a bit of daredevil attitude, ability to hold her leash, genuine care, passion, ability to admit fault, EMPATHY, work ethic, good-humoredness, effort, something that i can only describe as ‘has the vibe of a ‘’’bad boy’’’ but treats her right,’ the ability to balance her out in any way fucking possible, the ability to make decisions, teamwork, commitment, the ability to just ‘get her,’ caution.
no one person can have all these things which is so upsetting but she lives.  mostly if you balance her out and make her smile... she’s good.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
brattiness, hypocritical behaviors, blaming others needlessly, saccharine niceness, people who are weirdly friendly, touchiness too soon, obstructing team work, people who think theyre somehow above rules/norms, unwarranted self-importance, people who dont even pretend to try to understand where others are coming from, people who expect other people to do work for them, people who spread gossip too far, no boundaries, people who act as if theyre above bias/other human things/etc, ‘weak’ personalities, people who just escalate her rather than grounding her out a bit, people who take advantage of other people’s feelings, people who intentionally hurt others, sadistic qualities, overt self-flagellation, cattiness over men in women, men who are nasty towards women,  infidelity, lack of loyalty, promise breaking, people who claim to care past a polite level but don’t.
...she can take any of those in doses, and she’s very willing to admit that no one is perfect -- and she’s sure she expresses some of those herself, sometimes.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
weird question for ebull.
trust is a strange thing for this gal.  when ebull uses the word ‘trust,’ she means she has an expectation.  for instance, she trusts someone named “bigdragonfucker42069″ to be kind of unbearable in the team’s groupchat.  she makes these kinds of judgments very quickly, and can be said to ‘trust’ every single member of her class -- such as, she trusts veronica to come into a trial logically and get exasperated by any court theatric, and she trusts masashi to say little in trial but to be marginally sensible when he gives ideas.
most of these expectations do include trust for being alone together with them, sometimes during motives, because she trusts people to not go after one of the clearly athletic people who could phone a friend and have backup in minutes.  shit like that.
this doesn’t mean, however, that she trusts people in a traditional sense -- and it goes in negative ways -- like she trusts that there are maybe two people that, even before the game was revealed as a vr, would give a shit if she died beyond ‘fuck now we lost someone who does shit.’  it doesnt always work to her self image’s favor!  
for a more traditional trust -- like trusting with emotional intimacy... um.
that takes.  a long time.
...a very long time.  and you have to pass shittests.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
quick to suspect, slow to solidify -- if that makes sense.  she doesn’t put much above just about anyone, but she’s willing to see reason or be proven wrong, and is pretty gracious when this is done.
doesn’t change a damn bit if she’s close to someone, but her um.  reaction.  might be a lil different.
26. How does your character behave around children?
she loves kids so much and is eager to teach them things, show them things, the whole bit.  god.  she loves kids.  easiest way to get her to genuinely smile is to bring a damn toddler around her.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
eagerly, but levelly.  she doesn’t shy away from much, but she’s more looking to compromise or do whatever suits the group best than whatever interests she might have.
she finds she does get a lil excited at ‘locking horns’ with people, though.  so to speak.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
depends entirely on the situation.  usually really slow -- she’s got about three locks on herself, calm down mechanisms, ability to tone down her impulses (and her impulses are RARELY ‘hurt someone’) -- but she does have.  big.  no-nos.
if any of those no-nos are touched she kind of goes blank white and will get violent without warning.  these things don’t really happen in real life though so she’s usually safe.
sucks 2 b in this game tho lol sorry jiji.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
she really wanted to be the first female mlb baseball star.  died when she was about nine because it felt really unattainable, and she’d rather... accept her lot in life than try hard for something and fail that badly (oops).  now it’s too late to do anything about it even if she wanted to so she considers this a success in some way.
she isn’t here to make waves or so she says.  she doesn’t talk about this much but she does still love The Sport.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
people who use other people’s feelings against them, or abuse the trust other people have in them for their own gain.  people who lie in relationships.  cheaters.  people who could give a shit if they hurt someone they claim to care about.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
sitting with her family in their country home for their week alone together.  having only a few homework assignments to do, about to go on a walk with her sister so her parents can have time alone.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
she’s accidentally hurt someone she cares about -- they’re trying to act ok, but she can tell that they’re upset and that their trust in her took a hit.  she has no way to really apologize -- no way to fix it quickly.  she’s alone in her room, trying not to dwell on it but finding it impossible.  it’s cold.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
always always always willing to improve.  she takes all crit pretty well and never takes things personally.  maybe to a fault.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
not only does she immediately move on to a different method, but she mapped that method out mentally around the middle-mark of her first attempt, making it easier to jump into.  ebull has never seen the point in trying things over and over again in desperation, and is always looking for new ways around something.  she’s adaptable in almost every sense, and doesn’t feel too bad about failure the first dozen of times as long as she eventually settles on an answer.
this sometimes leads to some rather unconventional solutions but you know.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
ummm this is really dependent on the person, her intentions with the person, and their overall ‘relationship chemistry.’
ebull is extremely adaptable and finds it easy to go along with what other people need or desire in a relationship -- and therefore most of the time, if she likes a person, she tends to turn into some kind of balancing act.  she’ll also seek their company in her own ways!
it diverges a little between her intending for a friendship and her intending for a lover, however.  if ebull wants to have someone as a friend, she tends to spoil them -- to get into their interests a bit and starts to joke around early.  friends also get clued into her feelings and her background almost readily, and she’s more willing to explain herself or get into the things she likes (or even reveal embarrassing tidbits about herself) with people she feels mostly platonic towards.
if ebull intends to try to date someone, she um.
does her best to act absolutely detached from them.  if at all possible.  she shields any information about herself behind seven proxies of coyness.  she tries to turn every conversation into something about what the other person wants or their feelings rather than her own.  she gives little, coy compliments -- winking nudges of her interest -- but absolutely doesn’t invite the chance to get closer.  above all else, she tries to remain mysterious.
...it’s a lot easier to be her friend.  or like.  go from friend=>lover because holy shit is her dating scheme a pain in the ass.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
depends on if this is a business/pleasure relationship.  in business, or for similar things (like a family her parents are trying to impress), ebull is remarkably good at acting at least interested in and polite towards other people.  she’s very willing to be or act compassionate even to people she detests, as she finds that there’s too much emotional energy used up by being mad or trying to behave anti-socially around someone she has to be around.  ebull values group cohesion and effort above most else, and finds that she starts causing issues by gaining attitudes.
if she has to be alone with someone she dislikes, she’ll smile politely, giggle at all their jokes, shrug her shoulders a lot, and move on quickly.  mostly you can tell if she dislikes you if she’s consistently trying to avoid speaking with you, and doesn’t coyly hint at things.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
she finds these two are almost irreparably related, and likely couldnt choose between the two.  mostly because she’s more interested in just letting her actions speak for her, rather than get into fights over if she’s a good leader or deserves her position or anything.  it’s counter-productive to focus on either of these.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
weirdly enough she will usually just remove herself and her healers, if at all possible.  that, or try to calm the problem/threat or work around it -- rather than remove it entirely.  she’s not afraid of confrontation, but finds being quick to jump doesnt tend to look good.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
nope!  ebull doesn’t tend to deal with animals often.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
politely, doesn’t tend to seem entirely bothered by slip ups or the like.  the type of person who notices that something is going wrong in the kitchen or her waiter seems frazzled and responds with “im in no rush, so take your time” or merely steers the dinner conversation away from how hungry people are into something more productive.  tips well.
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
earn it, fullstop.  and this includes things that people don’t traditionally associate with being earned -- like a good partner, for instance.  she detests when people demand or act deserving of things like other people’s respect, time, sympathy, or effort without giving a good reason.  this is partly why she’s not easy to phase even in the game when things go badly, because it’s easy for her to rationalize that she must have done something to disrupt other people’s trust in her -- and therefore lost her standing for their attention.  
she has never, ever assumed that she deserves something just for being there or showing up -- and finds that when things are just given freely, she gets a little anxious.  usually she assumes some ulterior motive.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
um unless you count 12 year olds on youtube who love her tanking videos, no.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
if it’s by text to a person she’s friendly with and has no intention of ever dating?  super easy.  “ilyyyyyy” and shit, sometimes cheeky.  she can also use the term ‘love’ very indiscriminately, as one of her more charming speaking tics.
any other circumstance? hoo boy.  she can think of no harder phrase to utter -- and this is coming from a gal who refuses to make first moves or say things in a non-delicate manner.
she finds phrases like ‘i love you’ way too fucking vulnerable to be said lightly -- and has to be absolutely sure before saying it.  because she fears not having her feelings reciprocated over most things, ebull will NEVER say it first, even if that means it takes years to exchange the phrase.  she’s also the type of person who could hear someone else say it in earnest and feel only uncomfortable -- if she doesn’t feel the same way.  rather than fake her feelings and return it, she’d find coy, cute ways to brush it off.  she doesn’t  take this shit lightly and has determined ‘i love you’ to be something said only with absolute certainty.
also if you say it too fast or in a position she thinks is kind of manipulative (such as saying it for the first time to her as you’re attempting to get next stage intimate), she’ll probably get disgusted at you for faking your feelings in an attempt to make her put her guard down and that’s a break up.
so yeah if she says it to you out loud, platonic or romantic?  she means the hell out of it.  also it probably embarrassed her to say and she might be close to crying.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
ebull is a buddhist and is therefore ‘covered’ when it comes to the afterlife -- so she doesnt really fear what will happen to her on paper.  off of paper she’s kind of still a bit weirdly superstitious and it’s a meld of traditional worries on top of bizarre concepts like american ghost hunting shows.  she’s kind of superstitious and willing to believe a lot of things -- especially things that can’t be especially disproven -- and can consolidate a world where most people reincarnate but maybe christians or something all turn into ghosts, and--
she also quietly believes in cute sounding myths, or old adages like “what will be will be” which she finds strangely comforting.  most things all point to her still being accounted for in the afterlife.
her big fear associated with death is leaving people she loves behind -- or how they’ll do without her there.  she doesnt want people she loves to dwell on her being gone.
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