#I dont know if i’m going to like the show when sheldon loses his baby voice and cute cheeks
toohottohoot · 3 months
i just started watching Young Sheldon and?? all the Cooper siblings are so?? cute??
they’re all little demons but LOOK AT THOSE INNOCENT ADORABLE FACES
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xjoiexgabriel · 5 years
HIM || Beiste Boys
Who: Gabe Beiste & @jackbeiste Where: The mall When: 11/30 What: the boys go to grab gifts at the mall and run into someone they use to know (TW: Abuse mention, TW: Anxiety, TW: Mention of violence)
It was shopping day for the Beiste boys. Taking the day to spend it together, just the three of them, to get all the gifts they would need. Gabe pushed the stroller as they walked through the mall, smiling to his little brother. "So how are you and Sebastian doing?"
Jack liked this so much, just being with his brother again. In a way, he almost missed the first couple of months at Joie when he'd clung to his brother so much. They were still working out some nice inbetween, and if this was it... it was a good middle. "Hm?" he asked, having been lost in his own thoughts. "Good.. great, really," he said, unable to stop himself from grinning.
Gabe smiled to see his little brother so happy. It made him happy to see how happy Jack was. Sebastian had his quirks but as long as he was good to jack, they were good. "So you have any ideas what to get dad? "
"Hmm, no... I guess I'll give him a bou... book again," He said, shrugging. It was his go-to for Sheldon, and it was usually successful, or at least it always seemed to be successful. "Maybe a cardboard of us," he added, flashing his brother a playful grin. Sheldon tried, but it was obvious he missed them, especially now that they were both gone, and Myles was so far away from him too. Jack missed him a lot too, and the fact that he came to Joie for Thanksgiving had been such a relief.(edited
Gabe rolled his eyes some. "Come on Jack jack, you gotta put a little more effort in. Why don't we go in on something for him together? You know something that he'd enjoy a lot. I was thinking we get him a massage chair and possibly some winter hats and gloves. God knows he's going to freeze if we dont since he wont wear pants." Chuckling a bit, Myles even laughing as well.
Jack laughed softly too, nodding. "Sure, we'll get the chair together. I still wanna give him a book. You can give him the gloves... fits your dad role, huh?" He teased, flashing him a grin.
"Yeah, guess I'm turning into a dad. " Game chuckled. "Just come on, dad really needs to wear pants more" He joked. "What book would you want to get him this time? Also I'm. thinking we order the chair and have it delivered around Christmas. "
"It's wai... weird to think about," Jack admitted. It wasn't like Gabe hadn't been a very dedicated big brother, but a father... he had figured that would come much later. "Maybe you should get him pants... if you buy 'em, he'll wear 'em," he mused. At least when one of them was around. "Not too sure yet. Ordering it sounds good, though."
"Yeah, its kind of crazy to think I helped make this little one but I mean, now that he's here, I don't think I can see my life without him now." Gabe grinning as he looked down to see Myles had nodded off. "Alright, let go hit the furniture place to see if we can..." Gabe stopped dead in his tracks. His heart stopped as well, grabbing Jack's arm he didn't move. Cooter. Cooter was there.
"No, and I don't think I'd like to try to see it without him either," Jack said softly. "What's wrong?" He frowned as his brother suddenly stopped and held his arm in a tight grip. It took him several moments to recognise Cooter; the few memories he had of him were all over fifteen years old, but even as he had aged... it was still obvious who he was. "Oh,' was all he managed to say, barely more than a whisper.
Gabe nodded, taking Jack's hand and turning to walk in the other direction. His heart was racing. What the hell was he doing there. Why would he be in Ohio. Stopping a good distance away, Gabe looked around some. "You okay?" wanting to make sure the shock of seeing him wasn't too much on Jack.
"Wha-what's he... doing here?" Jack couldn't stop staring, glancing back even as his brother lead him in the opposite direction. He felt so small suddenly, like he was still a little kid. Gabriel had held his hand like that when they were younger. It'd been a while. It was comforting, but he could still feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He wanted to ask Gabe if he was okay too, but he couldn't get the words out. Not even thinking about it, his free hand reached up to touch the scar on the back of his head. It wasn't large, easily hidden, but it was there all right. Just one of the few gifts from their father.
Gabe saw him go to touch his head and pulled Jack into him. He kissed his hair, his heart still racing. All Gabe could think was the same thing that Jack asked and how he never wanted Cooter to meet or see Myles. "I don't know why he's here but maybe we should leave before he sees us."
He hugged him tightly, glancing over to where Cooter had been. The man wasn't there, and he searched frantically for him; his heart dropping when he did. "He saw us."
Gabe looked around as well. "Yeah, I think he might have so lets just get out of here." Holding Jack's hand, he turned to walk but it was too late. Cooter was standing 20 feet away, waving. Gabe glared at him. "Jack, get myles out of the stroller and hold him please."
Jack nodded quietly, quickly taking his nephew into his arms, taking a step back; holding him in a protective embrace.
Gabe stepped in front of his son and his brother as the man walked over. Gabe was bigger then him now, thats for sure. He didn't budge, his face not showing one bit of fear. When they were face to face, he just smiled to them.
 "Hey boys, long time." Cooter put his hand out to Gabe. Gabe just glared at him. 
"What do you want?" Gabe spat back at him.
His heart was beating so fast, and he knew it was making Myles nervous; he tried to calm himself, gently rocking his nephew, whispering sweet nothings into his cheek. It comforted them both, even as he could hear Cooter's voice, it felt distant. All he could hear was Myles and his baby talk.
Cooter peeked around Gabe to see Jack and the baby. 
"Who's kid?" He asked his oldest. Gabe stood tall and stood his ground. "
“Doesn't fucking matter. I asked you a question. What do you want? Why are you even here?" If Cooter got any closer, he was going to lose it though. He was trying to stay calm for now.
"Leave," Jack finally managed to spit out, glancing up to look at his father, though avoiding his gaze.
baeLast Thursday at 12:36 PM
Gabe smiled, squeezing Jack's hand. Cooter only laughed though. "Shut up." he called to Jack. That was it, Gabe turned to Jack. 
"Go to the car right now." Giving him the stroller. "Don't look back, just go. I'll be right there."  Once Jack was gone, Gabe was up in his face. "Listen you prick, i don't fucking care why you're here, I only care that you stay the fuck away from me and Jack. You hear me. I'm not a little kid anymore and I'll be damned if you think you can scare me. You don't scare me anymore, Cooter. I suggest you get the hell out of Ohio as fast as you fucking can." Gabe turned then and walked away, trying to catch up with Jack. He heard Cooter calling to him, but he didn't care to turn back. He just cared to make sure Jack and Myles were okay. Catching up to them at the car,  Gabe got Myles into his car seat and gave him a bottle then pulled jack into a hug. "I got you, Jack." he whispered.
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Cooter had always told him to shut up, usually not with a laugh and it usually came after Cooter made him try to talk in the first place. He almost wanted to say something, just to prove to his father that he could. But nothing wanted to come out. He shut his mouth, biting hard enough on his lower lip to taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. Yet somehow, he also felt a rush of disappointment that Cooter didn't even seem happy to see him. He did as Gabriel told him to, standing outside by the car, breathing heavily as he tried to calm himself down; at first hestitant to let go of his nephew. "I'm sorry," he whispered, hugging him back tightly.
"No no, youre okay. Let just, get in the car and we're going to go get some fast food and go back on campus." Gabe knowing they'd be safe there. He got into the driver's side and pulled out. Shopping would have to wait for another day.
He shook his head, but got into the car. "I shoo... shoulda backed you up," he said softly.
"You did. You did exactly what needed to be done. I don't want Myles to see him or know him. Trust me, you did so much in that moment, Jack." Gabe replied. "You protected Myles."
Jack nodded, wiping away some tears with the back of his hand. He took a deep breath before speaking again, making sure to speak really slow and clear as he didn't trust the words to come out right if he didn't. "He's your son, but he is my nephew.. so he is my kid too."
Gabe nodded. "Yes, he has me, you and Vince. He has people that love him and protect him. My only goal was to keep him from seeing Myles and to protect you as well. I did that so we did good. Now do we want burgers or tacos?"
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