#I dont know how well he'd be as a fighting game character though-
golden-stag · 3 months
I need to draw my OCs more but i got Guilty Gear on the brain so what if I just.
Guilty Gear'd one of them?
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cider-est · 1 year
An Idea for a Talent Swap Au (Spoilers!!)
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Thinking about how similar Min and Xander both are + the paralels between the two, I realised that maybe, if they had different circumstances, they could've had each others talents.
And thus this AU was born!!!
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I'll just ramble about some of the ideas I had (feat. some doodles i made). Btw if you dont understand my handwriting, I put a description on each image for accessibility purposes :] (let me know if I fucked them up pls!!) (also Im not a native english speaker so if I fuck up the grammar let me know aswell!!!)
Backstory changes!
I was mainly focused on making this as close in character and canon as I could? Like imagine if they had made one different choice and their lives would have changed completely, butterfly effect and shit.
This means that I had to come up with how they even got the talents in the first place and who they were before the killing game. This is what I ended up with!
In this Au, the Chariton incident did not happen, so Xander's family is alive and well. This means he did not have his realisation that school sucks and that Gpa doesn't matter.
As for Min, for some reason or another, (I've been toying around with the idea that she got burnt out) was not able to achieve the Ultimate Student title. We've seen that she can get quite angry about the school system, so I'd imagine she could take her frustration out on similar unjust systems.
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Dynamic between both of them
I also think they'd have a very interesting dynamic! First impressions, probably not great! Min would definitely have a lot of pity and compassion for Xander, having been in his situation before. I don't think Xander would be a big fan of that though, after all, in his eyes, Hope's Peak is a great institution which has given him the opportunity to be an Ultimate. I think his position would take Min by surprise, but she could later on understand where he comes from.
Maybe it's just my "Ex Religious Vibes (tm)" but I like to imagine that Xander would eventually disilusion himself with Hope's Peak. Although since they are on a killing game, the odds are low as fuck. The only way for that to happen during the killing game would have to be for Min to talk about her backstory.
However for that he'd have to 1. be willing to listen 2. Min would have to be willing to share her past (which, she doesn't really seem like the type to ""trauma dump"") so yeah;; not gonna happen.
A shame because they'd have a really cute dynamic. Personally I think they would behave kind of like siblings, bickering and fighting, but still caring for each other quite a bit. Feel free to interpret them as you wish though :3c.
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Personality, Talent, and misc. changes
In this Au, I wanted them to mostly keep their personality but have them impact the way they tackle their new talents + have some changes due to their new backstory.
Min, since in this au she's very familiar with pushing yourself beyound your limits and its consequences, I'd like to think she would have a more gentle side to her, and remind her fellow students when to take a break (much to their surprise). She wouldn't want people to be as hard on themselves as she once was.
As for her talent, I think she'd definitely be more thorough with her research, and more careful as to who she'd expose and how she'd expose them. She'd read a lot of sociology, psychology and law books; essentially mastering the theory side of her talent. However, due to her intimidating and unrelatable personality, she'd have to work extra hard to rally people and have them join her side.
Because Xander having survivor's guilt is so essential to his character, I wanted to sort of pay homage to that. However, since his family is alive, I replaced it with other forms of guilt. Moreso with the guilt of not being constantly productive that comes from toxic work habits, plus the guilt and cognitive dissonance that comes with participating in Hope's peak's shady pratices and yet feeling like you should be grateful for their generosity.
He still has a very fiery and passionate personality, which he keeps under wraps to maintain his "Very Responsible Ultimate Student" persona. Being so determined, I figured he wouldn't have such a big problem with motivation and procastination like Min, although he, kind of like Eden, would have a problem knowing when to stop and take breaks.
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Story changes?
I've not yet given too much thought on how this would change the story and I'll need to do a little but of guessing work. So, if I were to guess, Min would have to be the one to recieve the "kill teruko tawaki" letter and attempt to murder her, while Xander would be the one to stop her.
Her murder plan would probably be much more elaborate than Xander's, but she'd be easily overpowered by an enraged Xander. I don't know what would happen after that? My ideal scenario would be Min giving up on murdering Teruko and they all stay alive but...yeah no. Someone's gotta die and narrative-wise it makes sense for these two to die.
I don't think Xander would try very hard to hide his crime. The solving would probably be mostly figuring out Min's murder plan. He wouldn't straight up admit it, but he wouldn't fight the accusations very much. I think David would be the one to defend him, he'd get really depressed, but hey! Atleast he gets closure in this au :').
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Dynamics with the others?
I've not yet thought about how their relantionship with the others would change aside from Xander would probs try not to get into fights (and fail) while Min could be more confrontational but still plenty antisocial. Anyway!!,here's an extra doodle on their thoughts on David.
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Anyways that's all I have for now!! If you liked this au, feel free to add on to it or borrow ideas, that'd be hella sick!!! Just give me some credit and it's fine.
Also as a reminder: [[Do not repost my art anywhere else]]
Thank you for reading!!
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
heyy, hope ur doing well <33
so i have a request for thomas tmr x glader fem!reader, where they both came up together in the box and like the entire time theyre in the glade theyre js inseparable. so when thomas goes into the maze to save minho n alby, reader gets rlly worried and as soon as minho and thomas come back reader feels so relieved and gets emotional and thomas says something like 'dont worry, im never leaving you'. and one of them confesses to the other at the end <333
Oooo finally! I get to write for Tommy boy- that man does not get enough recognition in his own series lmao. He's the main character for a reason.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, sappy stuff, that's really it.
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Thomas was the first person you ever met. Well, the first person you can remember meeting.
In the Box, screeching metal surrounding you with a (admittedly handsome) teenage boy freaking out, trying to wake you up. For some reason, you were a lot calmer than Thomas was. He was bouncing off of the walls and you were just sat on the floor trying to process what was going on.
Then the ceiling opened and Thomas became a human shield.
The Gladers that you would come to know, treated you like an object and a piece of meat, bar a few exceptions. They'd never seen a girl before, but Thomas was there to protect you and make sure they didn't dare lay a hand on you.
Not that it mattered because the second you were both out of the Box, the boy grabbed your wrist and made a sprint for it.
It had somehow silently been decided that you were going to stick with each other. Which included tripping over him when he fumbled over himself and face-planted, as Newt would say.
Though, after the initial shock, you both started to relax more. Joined at the hip, wherever one of you went, the other wouldn't be too far behind.
You learnt about each other at the same rate you learnt about yourselves.
Thomas is reckless- he acts before he thinks and isn't scared of getting in a fight. He also asks a lot of questions and is more than willing to tell everyone his opinion.
You, however, are calmer. You think things through and explore more options. You prefer to let Thomas do the talking and get himself in trouble whilst you're there to try and solve whatever problem he's caused.
And you learnt this is a very small space of time.
Apart from Thomas, you get along with Newt, probably because he is one of the most respectful, and Alby, because he's more than willing to kill anyone that hurts you. Oh, and Chuck- Thomas thinks he's kind of annoying, but you already adore the small boy.
So, when Thomas gets attacked by Ben and Alby and Minho have to go into the Maze after his Banishment, you have a bad feeling about it.
You join Thomas and Newt at the giant Glade Doors, staring down the incredibly long and daunting corridor that almost feels twisting and nauseating. How Minho spends every day out there is beyond you- not that you've ever actually spoken to the guy.
Chuck stands next to you, anxiously looking between Thomas and a very stoic looking Newt. You put your hand on his shoulder.
"They're gonna be fine, Chuck," you smile at him. "Promise."
Glancing at Thomas, you brush your hand against his, making him look at you before he accepts the gesture. Intertwining his fingers with yours, you attempt to playfully nudge him.
Thomas has already become very passionate and caring about everyone here. And with his determination to be a Runner, you can tell he holds Minho very highly despite neither of you having anything to do with him.
"Whatcha thinkin' about?" He scoffs, taking a second to let your reassuring presence calm him.
He hesitates. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't developed a crush on you. Well, a lot of people have developed a crush on you because you're the only girl, but you and Thomas have some kind of connection. It's obvious the creators see it too, since you came up with him.
And the feeling is mutual.
"If Minho and Alby don't come back, what are our chances of actually getting out of here?" Thomas says. You understand what he means. Minho knows the Maze better than anyone, and Alby has survived all this time.
"They're gonna make it." Newt repeats himself for what must be the fifth time.
"Newt, they-"
"He's right," you cut Thomas off. "They're gonna make it."
Over time, a crowd begins to form, and Thomas is starting to squeeze your hand a lot harder, shifting on his feet and fiddling with anything he can find. The boy is stressed. At some point, Chuck decided to hold your other hand, so now your holding the hands of two very anxious teenage boys, acting like their mother.
The Doors closing time is drawing dangerous near, and you're starting to get stressed yourself. You stare at the ground, only for your breath to catch in your throat when you look back up.
"There!" You shout, a blur of motion catching your attention as Minho struggles to carry your unconscious leader.
Almost as soon as they emerge, the Doors start to move.
"They're not gonna make it," Newt mumbles. You and Chuck exchange glances, seemingly having the same idea. Letting go of both boys, you cup your hands around your mouth.
"Minho! Come on!" You shout. "You can do it!"
"Come on, Minho!" Chuck joins in, and soon the entire Glade is cheering on the Keeper to return. Some people even telling him to leave Alby, and it doesn't take a genius to tell that Minho isn't going to do that.
"I'm sorry," Thomas grabs your wrist, making you look at him.
Without warning, Thomas bolts forward into the Maze. Newt tries to grab him but misses as he squeezes through the Doors, which close with a thud as he just about makes it to the other side.
The crowd stands there in a stunned silence.
You, Newt and Chuck all remain where you stand, almost like if you move, what just happened will become real.
You look at Newt, who stands with his fists balled. Your hand comes to the Doors, your face crunshing as you touch the stone, almost like you're willing it to open.
Newt takes a deep breath. "Everyone bed, now." He commands.
"But, Newt-" Zart starts.
"Now." He sighs. "We can't do anything about this now- and Alby's left me in charge. Bed. Go!"
The crowd disperses, slowly, until it's just you and Chuck left, with Newt standing just behind you.
Your forehead bumps against the stone as a sob shakes your body. The situation has finally set in and you can't stop the tears.
"Hey," Newt puts his hand on your shoulder, "if anyone can survive out there; it's Minho." You raise your head, looking at him and pushing your lips into a thin line. "Get some rest." He gives you a friendly boyish tap and turns to leave.
You look at Chuck, who is sitting on the floor now.
Thomas was the first person you ever met and the only person here you actually trust, so the weird feeling of loneliness and presumptuous guilt hits more than you expected.
You also sit down, taking your place next to Chuck and ignoring Newt's orders.
"They might make it," Chuck says. "Minho knows the Maze more than anyone- if Thomas is with him, he might be okay."
You sit there for what feels like forever, but you have no intention of leaving. Neither does Chuck.
Newt comes over several times in an attempt to get either of you to move, which falls completely flat and he eventually gives up. Though, he does bring you both blankets.
Chuck falls asleep after a while, and you let him use your leg as a pillow. But you stay awake.
You've known Thomas for only a few days but it feels like your whole entire life. You, for some reason, even liked Thomas when he was just a random boy you were trapped in a box with that didn't even know his name.
And now he was gone.
You were drifting in and out of consciousness when Chuck jumps up. That and the loud sounds of the Doors opening startles you back to reality. Sitting in the same position all night definitely wasn't good for your back but you have different priorities.
Scrambling to your feet, Chuck gets the other Gladers' attention and a small crowd forms, Newt leading the group.
It's like your surroundings become static and nothing feels real as the corridor remains empty.
People start to move away, with Newt putting his hand on the small of your back in an attempt to comfort you, making you look at him.
"No way," Zart mumbles, making your attention snap back to the Maze. Rounding the corner is Thomas and Minho, both exhausted and struggling to drag Alby back to the Maze.
You freeze, relief and shock overwhelming you as you stare at them. Cheers break out as they reach the Glade, dropping to their knees and panting.
"Did you see a Griever?" Chuck asks- because of course he does.
"Yeah," Thomas pants, "I saw one."
"He didn't just see it; he killed it." Minho adds, causing a new air of unease to spread across the crowd.
"Alright," Newt clears his throat, "get to the Med hut- all of you. We gotta make sure you're not shuckin' dyin' or some klunk."
Clint and Jeff help grab Alby. Minho and Thomas pick themselves up.
Thomas pauses, looking at you.
"You're a fucking idiot," you say, watching as Thomas nervously swallows, opening his mouth but he doesn't get chance to speak.
"Oi, Greenie," Minho calls after him, "let's go!"
You jolt your head in the direction of the Keeper, silently telling Thomas to go.
"Are you happy to see him or do you wanna se him?" Chuck asks, clearly more chipper than you.
He laughs.
You leave them to it as Thomas and Minho get patched up. But it's a weird feeling. You replayed it in your head- you expected to dive into his arms, confess your feelings or some shit.
But you just stood there.
Unmoving. And unsure what to do.
You watch Thomas leave the hut, talking briefly to Newt before making a beline for you as you sit at the edge of the Deadheads.
You look up at him from your seat in front of an old tree, pushing your lips into a thin line.
"Hi." He says.
"Hey." You respond.
"Newt wants us to have some Gathering in Council Hall." He awkwardly rocks on his heels. "He wants us all there. The Glade' goin' crazy."
"Why would you do that?"
"Run into the Maze?"
"I had to help," he sighs, "I couldn't just leave them-"
"You could've died!" You snap, making Thomas jump. Your voice breaks slightly, the emotions of last night coming back up. "I would've lost you." The last part comes out as more of a whisper.
Thomas sighs, moving and crouching so he can sit next to you.
"Don't worry," he looks at you, slipping his fingers into yours as your arms fall falt at your sides. "I'm never leaving you."
You look at him out of the corner of your eye. Overwhelmed by feelings and unsure what else to do, you lean in.
Kissing him in the cheek, Thomas' body immediately tenses and his skin quickly becomes warm and red. You pull back, struggling to repress the smirk of your flustered friend.
"You know," he mumbles, facing you properly, "Minho ran off and left me, and all I could do was think about getting back to you. I was going to get back to you- whatever it took."
Your heart beat picks up as he glances at your lips for a second. "I like you, (Y/N). I feel... connected to you. I don't get it and I don't remember why, but you're all I think about even though I spend all my time with you. And I guess nearly dying has made me say it."
You smiles, and the images somehow makes him more flustered. "I- uh, I want- I mean-"
"Shut up, Thomas," you lean in, brushing you nose against his and giving him a hint, which he takes.
Your body feels on fire when he kisses you, and the relief that he's still here hits you all over again. He's safe here, and he's not going anywhere.
"Oi!" Newt's voice scares the shit out of you both. "I told you shanks we have a Gathering! Quit makin' out and get your sorry butts to Council Hall!"
You sit there, both of you blinking at Newt, who clearly isn't properly equipped to deal with this because he leaves pretty quick.
Thomas chuckles, standing up and offering you a hand. You smile, taking it and allowing him to help you up.
He isn't going anywhere, and he's yours.
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Woooooo Thomas request- Done! I absolutely adore Minho, but it is nice to write for other characters sometimes.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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mackmp3 · 7 days
🏚 🔮 🪚 ⚰️ 🩸 for the character ask game bc theyre all interesting asf & im curious :P
YAY THANK YOU im assuming you mean for my ocs? i had tagged that game as them & i dont think we have a lot of media in common hehe but YIPPEE i answered ⚰️ here already :)
🏚 - what would your character do if their house was haunted? are they haunting their house? does the house reflect their state of mind, or does the house love/hate them and vice versa?
ooh it kinda depends cos strangeways can talk to ghosts, if it was a standard Dead Person haunting she'd be able to just hang out with them. like she probably wouldnt mind so much. haunting as metaphor for hanging on to the past etc. but if i was something a lot more nebulous she would 100% go full horror protagonist by a) trying to research & document & figure out whats going on and b) therefore providing a complete record of her haunting :) (she works in an archive specialsing in supernatural & extraterrestrial events in folklore lol)
mihangel would be the one haunting the house. or the house is haunting him. the house is representative of his doubt and how she feels his identity could slip away from him any moment and he doesnt know how to stop life carrying on, pulling her along with it. she is still living in the house that she knows is haunting her because she has forgotten what it was like before
rest of qs under the cut its kinda long lol
🔮 - if your character had a dream they or a loved one was going to die a horrible death (that is probably inevitable), what would they do?
strangeways would probably, very very deep down, a bit relieved - because of her Time Thing she is aging slowly and isnt sure if she'll ever die, and really cant think of much worse than living Forever. but she'd still be afraid. being theoretically able to die and seeing your own death barelling towards you is quite different. if it was someone close to her? she would walk to their house in the middle of the night and make sure they were safe.
mihangel kinda canonically has this? like he has dreams about his time Being Dead and theyre very real because it. Was real. he would only start getting Worried if it wasnt the same dream yknow? but if it was about someone else he would probably tell strangeways about it and then they would panic together lol
🪚 - what would happen if you put two of your characters in a saw trap maze together?
panic & cry & bleed a lot probably idk much about saw traps but it sounds pretty bad theyd hate it needless to say
🩸 - if confronted with a monster, would they romance them, befriend them, fight them, run away, kill them? something else?
strangeways would be taking meticulous notes & even attempting a few sketches and getting out a tape recorder to ask them a few questions & respectfully sitting down to listen. mihangel would be trying to leave but if strangeways did end up actually interviewing/documenting/petting a monster she would probably chill out a bit but maybe not get toooooo close. he's been to space & met aliens but he was also killed by one so while he knows most of them are chill she's well aware a lot of them are Not lol. he is one of those people who as a kid fully believed in fae & convinced his friends at school the beasts of exmoor were real & he'd seen one too (not in exmoor but on his grandparents farm in wales so that was pretty close when youre eight) so yeah he would be immediatly Scared by a monster. though it does depend on how Big & Feral it is ig
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
Okay heres how id vibe with cod characters
First off i think my call sign would be 'mouse'
Bc im small i can scurry around places pretty quick and i can escape out of a situation fast as well that or cause i sneeze like a mouse
Id be a sniper and demolition expert ngl
Legit i would call him dad 24/7 not like in a daddy kind of way but like legit a father figure
he'd just roll his eyes and accept the fact that he has another kid he has to take care of
100% would smoke a cigar with him though id smoke those tiny cigarillos (my brother smokes cigars and ill smoke a little with him)
Gift giving is my love language so whenever id visit a new country id buy him a cigar from there
I have a hat like his and i WILL wear it around and mimick him
Id do the grunts and everything
I feel like id be on more missions with him than anyone else
Definitely would hang out in his office to keep him company and annoy the shit out if him
Dont let anyone near us
wed be doing diabolical shit especially since im an arsonist and free will plus military grade explosives plus mouse and soap. have the fire department on speed dial
We'd be the reason price is greying faster
100% stealing his shirts and hoodies they'd be so big on me
Im gonna be up front with this one
We'd be fucking. I'm down bad for this man
We'd annoy the absolute piss out of ghost. He can handle one soap but TWO hes gonna need the backpack leashes for us
Quoting vines and tiktoks ON THE DAILY
Jam seshes in the car would be 100% perfect
We'd have a snap streak and its only stupid photos we take
Im recording everything he does i know damn well hes always in a silly goofy mood
Definitely in the blunt rotation
He's definitely the type to find my snack rations and eat them in front of me
Lots of hugs and kisses for this man
Except when he eats my snacks
Wed play fight all the time. When i'm really close with someone ill start "beating them up" (just be faking to fight you)
Oh this poor poor man
Have sympathy on him because he's going to try to avoid every ounce of my being
And i wont stop that
Im giving him hugs left and right this man needs some love
I feel like once i start cracking dark humor jokes he'd open up to me
100% would be making the most absurd worst dad jokes and laughing about it
We'd text on the daily mostly just me sending him memes and him sending a 👍🏻or a 👎🏻
Im stealing his hoodies and his masks
Id probably piss him the fuck off to be honest
Id give him so many gifts to make him happy i know he crinkle's his eyes when he smiles
In the blunt rotation too but i think he'd just join for the company and not smoke that much
Id be over in his room if im overstimulated and i don't want to deal with people
Id have him proof read my fanfiction and he'd be my personal dictionary cause i cant spell for shit
Did i say big brother vibes cause HE WILL BE MY BIG BROTHER
Id steal his hat so many times but like not in the ride a cowboy kind of way
Id buy him the most ridiculous hats and he will 100% wear them
I feel like he was a spondgebob kid so i know damn well we'll be quoting some of the lines
Part of the blunt rotation as well
When I'm upset he's the one id rant to
Definitely would vibe in a room without talking to him in general
He's most definitely the one to keep me from being unhinged
Totally would listen to murder podcasts together
So at my previous job we had to wear full body harnesses and we played this game called the carabiniere game where you take a carabiniere and hook it on to someone without them knowing and you see who can put the most on them
Soap, gaz, and i would be playing it 100% all the time with each other.
Id also grab them by the harness and pull them around or clip myself to them
Let me get a video from my old job and just put em here and id just explain
Okay back to writing
Once again id call her mom and she's just gonna have to deal with it
Id definitely spend time with her outside of work (especially since she lives in maryland my family lives up there) which gives me more of a reason to visit her lol
Shopping sprees i feel like she's a frequent shopper at tj maxx and target
I also feel like she gives the best life advice so id come calling if im in a predicament
Okay so i am partially fluent in spanish, my god mother and best friend are Mexican so I've been around Mexican culture the majority of my life
definitely calls me niña or cariño
I feel like he'd roast my spanish and doesn't correct me if i say something wrong
100% my drinking buddy
I feel like he'd be very protective over me
Id be his date (platonically) and hed be mine to all the family gatherings
Fucking Mexican families are so much fun too. party my tia throws one and im there two shots of tequila in my hand listening and damcing to music
We'd text on the daily i feel like he'd frequently visit me and my family in the south as well he'd be the life of the party at my tia's parties
He's the one that corrects my spanish and WILL only speak spanish to me until I understand whst he's saying
Insert him pointing to a random object and says it in spanish
I feel like we wouldnt bond much but we would you know?
I also feel like he gives great life advice
Id kick him in the balls
He's the type of guy i avoid or ruin his reputation
Absolutely despise him
Completely roast that motherfucker
Drop kick him
He pisses me off so much
Gives off leo and cancer energy
Id 100% try to fight him even before Alejandro would
Tbh id probably get killed by one of his shadows bc of it
Sweet babe i would help him through an axiety attack
id hug him every-time i see him
Definitely would say uppies and have him put me on his shoulders
He definitely wont see me at all ( im 5'4) so he would definitely have to crouch down to see me
His nickname would be bear cause of how big he is
I feel like when he'’s comfortable around you he’s very out going
I have no clue how to speak german but i will act like i do
He's in the blunt rotation as well
Thats all i got for now 😊
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dwindlinghaze · 9 months
Hi, could i maybe ask for 🩰dancing princesses :)
Here's the description of me i hope its enough lol
I identity as agender, with he/they/she pronouns but i honestly dont really care about it that much and dont really correct people on anything
Im queer, mostly into men
Physical appearance:
5'6, bit chubby, short brown hair that i reaches just past my cheeks, grey eyes with glasses, black nosering in my left nostril, L and R tattooed on my wrist (yes for left and right lol). I mostly wear skater or cottagecore style clothes, usually dark and earthy colours with the occasional blue and red.
Gemini infp, 6w5. Im usually more shy and anxious when i first meet someone or am in a new environment, but get pretty enthusiastic and talkative once i get to know someone. Im autistic, so i can get sensory overload or just overwhelmed, and sometimes this can lead me to get panic attacks or become nonverbal. This also means that certain topics can lead me to talk for like hours, even with strangers. My love language is physical touch, i love hugs or linking arms with people, and i have a tendency to lay against someone when sitting or if im very close with someone sometimes biting them (softly i promise lol). I do struggle a lot with recognising my emotions and i dont really like fighting. I dont really talk about my feelings, mostly opinions. I am known to be very good at debates, and usually lead them at school, because i am known to be able to form logic based opinions easily. I am creative and good at analysing situation and calculating the best outcome in my head. Also im very much the oldest sibling.
My hobbies:
I love art and am beginning my studies to become a visual artist in video game development. I love singing and music and never go anywhere without my headphones. Im good at writing and really enjoy writing essays and stories. Biology and nature are two of my biggest interests, specifically marine biology. Baking and cooking really helps calming me down. I also play guitar. I also love reading
My favourite artists are lovejoy, green day, metallica, deftones, the smiths, tears for fears, the oh hellos, liana flores, james marriott, hozier, nirvana and Lit
My favourite music genres are rock, metal, folk, indie, classical and 80's in general.
Extra info: i am a slytherin, im dutch and i speak 5 languages (dutch, english, french, german, irish), i have been following a special english course for 5 years and have a Cambridge C1 certificate. My patronus is a dun mare, and my wand is a beech wood, dragon core 12 1/2"
hello and tysm for participating in my 500 celebration
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
🩰 : i ship you with james potter
╰┈➤ geminis and aries get along very well. you both can share endless thoughts with a never ending excitement.
╰┈➤ james is the extroverted one so of course he'll make the first move. at first you were shy and timid when he approached but it quickly went away after getting to know him more. you knew his character because he literally is an open book but there's also a few pages that he doesn't show.
╰┈➤ when you're overwhelmed, james always knows the right thing to do. growing up surrounded by loving friends, he knew how to comfort someone !
╰┈➤james loves it when you talk about your interests. it doesn't necessarily have to be something entertaining, he just loves hearing you ramble even if he doesn't understand you.
╰┈➤ you mentioned that you love hugs and what is james if his personality is not giving good hugs? random hugs will he do. on the hallway after a class, while you both are sitting comfortably on the armchair. also he'd walk you to class (even if you both didn't share the same one) and would link your arms together on the way.
╰┈➤ he is definitely shocked when you bit him, frozen, eyes big with confusion. though he laughs after and questions you about it. after some times he will get used to your habit and come to expect little bites.
╰┈➤ fights are not something that occur regularly. it rarely did. he knew you struggle to interpret your emotions- contrast to how easy you were in analysing situations, so he'll just be there and rubbing your back while you think deeply inside your head.
╰┈➤ helping james in writing his essay. he puts minimal effort when it comes to essays so you offer to help him finish it in which he was so thankful for.
╰┈➤ baking him your own delicacies often. not only does the activity calms you down but james also enjoys your food !!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
hi. uh. i have recently heard that marx, in the original japanese translation, is implied to have just. always had his powers??????????? this is. so so strange to me. bc of. yknow. similarities to Things In RTDLDX. as well as void termina having similar wings ???????? like ????? it makes so much more sense that he wished to rule popstar so nova granted him the powers so he'd have the capabilities to overthrow anybody who stands in his way (except kirby of course) AND NOVA WAS MADE BY THE ANCIENTS !!! SO!! THE SIMILARITIES IN His POWERS MAKE SENSE!!
is this. unfortunately true? :') and.. if so.. where does it say this and how.. and.. why.. ough ough ough ouhg...
(sorry if you're busy, this is just on-par with Magolor's bombshell of "actually im not from halcandra lmfao" and COMPLETELY shattered everything i thought i knew and i dont know how to find anything about this that better explains it!!)
So, I'm probably the biggest "Marx got his powers from Nova" stan in the fandom (?) and I am more than happy to talk about this! (While noting that, even though I believe in it now, and have "evidence" for it, I accept that things change in Kirby. Until it does, ala "I'm not really from Halcandra," I remain staunchly Nova-Wings)
Anyway, since you said the original Japanese, I went ahead and compiled EVERY line of dialogue relating to Marx in Kirby Super Star / Super Star Ultra! All re-translated by yours truly!
Let's see what it says!
[Instruction Manual]
"The sun and the moon got in a big fight, and now night and day in Dream Land are all jumbled together. Marx the Magician has told Kirby this can be resolved by linking up the planets in the vicinity of Pop Star and summoning the giant comet. What will Kirby do?"
[Opening Cutscene]
"Hey, hey, hey!" / "You want the sun and moon to make up, right?" /"Then you ought to make a wish on the comet, Nova, located in the furthest reaches of the galaxy!" / "But don't go thinking it'll be as easy as all that!" /"To summon Nova, you need to link up all the nearby planets to gather enough energy!" /"It'll be a long journey, but hey, do your best!" /"After all, everyone's counting on you. Good luck!"
[Cutscene 2]
"Then... I want Pop Star to be all mine!"
"OK > 3 2 1 GO! >"
"I did it! Just like I hoped!" / "The sun and moon fighting? You going on a journey into space?" / "All of it was my part of my perfect little plan!" / "Anyway, Pop Star's mine now!" / "Now I can play all the tricks I want! Sorry not sorry!" (1) / "Ho ho ho ho ho! O ho ho ho ho ho!"
[Starship - Pause Screen]
"The Starship was created with the power of the stars!! Fly, toward Nova's core. Put a stop to Marx's ambitions (2) then have a good meal and a nice nap."
[Starship - Pause Screen - SDX version]
"The light of the Milky Way (3) has gathered and when it cleared, the Star Ship was there. Destroy Marx's ambitions with this!"
[Marx - Pause Screen - SDX version]
"Marx has revealed his true intentions. In order to protect Pop Star, it's time to Fly! Kirby of the Stars!"
I think the issue here is that last part:
"Marx has revealed his true intentions."
Because the bolded text can also interpreted as "true self" and that (plus its usage in other games) has led people to think it is explicitly referring to Marx's exterior. Now, the reason I translated it as "intentions" above is because 正体 can refer to character as well!
Just as an example, when Magolor grabs the Master Crown and reveals his ambitions, you (assuming you were Meta Knight, as he's the only character who would talk like this...) might say to him 「正体を表したな! 」 ("So, you reveal yourself!") even though we know that Magolor's boss form isn't his true form, it's just a transformation.
I'm not here to lecture everyone that this word HAS to specifically be referring to Marx's intentions. The point I want to make is that it is debatable. And it is probably going to remain debatable until Marx makes another appearance and HAL Labs has reason to clarify whether its one way or the other.
(For those who believe Marx's winged form to be his true form, I'd love some theories on why he resembles the Master Crown, Dark Nebula, Void Termina, and other Ancient Artifacts! I really hope we start getting more Marx + Ancients theorizing down the line... Even as a Nova-Wings stan, I'm very interested in this line of thought!)
But, speaking of, I'm such a sap for the Nova-Wings theory I'm going to end this with one more piece of evidence he wasn't born with them...
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When you "defeat" Marx, it is visibly only his wings that go haywire. This is another, not often discussed thing that Marx and Magolor have in common. Sure, the fight with Marx doesn't have the cinematic direction that RtDL does, where you can see when using the Ultra Sword that Kirby is striking at the Master Crown, not Magolor, but take that in mind and go backwards. You can assume it is the same with Marx as it was there, because Marx is not yet physically injured, from what we can see.
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Ignore the quality. You can watch a non-"upscaled" version for yourself on Youtube and see that his wings start flashing red while lightning arcs across them while he has an expression of shock, not hurt, on his face.
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Again, I beg you to remember how the non-cutscene part of the fight ends. Marx stops for just a second mid-air, looking like he's covered in electricity, before his wings cast off stars and start to malfunction, send him rocketing off the screen in the wrong direction. He leaves the surface of the moon (4) while his wings continue to carry him further and further away, out of control until he crashes into Nova.
You, Kirby, didn't technically "defeat" Marx. Like Magolor, who was modeled so closely on him, Marx was yet another victim of an Ancient Artifact going haywire.
And maybe more than we think?!
...But I'll talk about that in another essay I'm working on: "Theme Parks, Mischief, and Corrupted Wishes"
(1) Marx says "Please forgive me!" or maybe "Pweeeeaswe forgive me" if we're going by intent. Basically, he says he's sorry, but the tone he takes makes it particularly snide + cutesy.
I chose "tricks" not mischief because Marx is very particularly speaking about teasing pranks and jokes. I feel like mischief could be read to mean more and the fact that Marx has such simple ambitions leads into the topic of my follow-up essay.
(2) I mentioned this in another post, but the text uses さっさとhere which ostensibly means "quickly" but is used to diminish the task in question. Kirby is treating stopping Marx not as a thing that needs to be rushed  because everyone's in great danger but more like because its a nuisance and he needs to get his rest.
(3) They use "Milky Road" in Japanese, which is interesting because the space through Another Dimension is often called "Another Dimension Road." Using Milky Way implies Pop Star is in our universe, but that's what its localized as, so!
(4) Probably it's because of the hearts on his wings, but I've always wondered if Marx's defeat wasn't a subtle reference to Cars' defeat from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. (Is that a MF Jojo's reference?! XD )
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Hello everyone welcome BACK to: I talk about Benrey for a minute here!
Today we will talk about everyone's favorite: Mischaracterization in Fanfiction!
[I want to preface this with a very important note. Anything I bring up here is NOT something I'm complaining about. I LOVE mischaracterizing my little guy sometimes, especially by making him more like me, heart emoji. I just also know what's wrong so I mischaracterize him in a better and more accurate way /ref]
Now, the most common little thing is him showing basically any emotion in a human/allistic way. Laughter is pretty much the only exception, followed only by whining. He would NOT apologize and he would NOT break down sobbing. In fact I don't believe he has tear ducts he forgor to make them.
[as user needsmoreexplosions has said in the replies, this is hyperbolic! he does show plenty of emotions, just more muted than you'd expect. The first act has more bursts of emotion than the later acts as well. They brought up the "dont FUCKING talk to me" and I mentioned him yelling to Tommy happily. However, there's still not MANY examples. I'm going to rb this with every example of strong emotion he conveys and itll probably be shorter than this post. again. i love people making him emotional anyways, even if its not quite in character]
If he were to learn that Regular People Can't Respawn, he wouldn't go crying and apologizing to Gordon. He would go "oops." He would complain that no one told him. He would make fun of Gordon for not being able to respawn.
"Benrey's not on this team anymore, apparently."
"Yo what- why would you say that, that's so mean."
[Whining, not crying. Always]
SPEAKING OF WHICH. The arm thing. A LOT of people tend to go with "he was trying to get the trackers out/hev suit off," when Dr. Coomer literally says, "I think they're just spiteful." He was getting back at Gordon for all the times he like. Shot him or somethin idk. People are right that he didn't expect the soldiers to cut off his arm, but he also DID expect them (and hype them up) to kill him. Not so he'd respawn without the hev suit or with his passport, just because "hey everyone else has died. And you are so mean to me. Your turn."
He doesn't act like a cat or crave attention, I'm so sorry fic writers [again, it's so fun and I love it tho, so keep doing it please] In fact, he loves to fuck off and leave the team, he does not need their attention. And, when given attention, he tends to just be mildly confused or antagonistic.
And he's not obsessed with the passports, guys! Let me get my fuckin 26-page document up rq... He says Passport/ID 26 times in Act 1 [yo what the fuck what a cool coincidence..... That's actually fucking awesome], then literally once in Act 2 and it wasn't even directed at Gordon. He doesn't say it at all in Act 3, though he does say One (1) time how much he loves his. He says it 6 times in Act 4, ALL of which are during his Boss Fight.
People make him a gamer. Yes, he is 100% but they make him the wrong KIND of gamer. He's not a Minecraft Animal Crossing Mario Kart gamer, he talks about Heavenly Sword, God of War, Halo, MAG, Grand Theft Auto and TF2. 2 First Person Shooters, 3 very violent action/adventure games, and TF2.
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[actually, speaking of this image, did anyone else catch Gordon referencing the stairs bit but with ropes? Gordon has canonically read Homestuck]
The only TV he references is All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 and Fighting Redemption which are WILDLY different. And also whatever Ms. Pebbles is.
Not necessarily a common mischaracterization, but an important tidbit is that Benrey tends to be pacifistic towards Xen creatures, and not towards scientists and later security guards. Lots of people headcanon Experimentation which, while there's not really any evidence for that, there's also no evidence against it and it's a good headcanon that I like a lot.
He likes taking pictures. (shakes fic writers) give him a photo album!!!! SCANS OF GORDON'S FEET WOULD NOT BE IN THE ALBUM HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE THOSE. IT WAS NOT A FOOTSCANNER HD HE LIED.
The things he does know vs doesn't know are. Difficult. He isn't clueless about "human Things" he understands that shaking = nervous and balled fists = angry. He doesn't know what pigeons are but he does know mayonnaise and Big Mac with Freesh Fries.
The final important bit of info. Canon is kinda... flimsy? Canonically, according to Gir, Bubby is a straight guy who FUCKS. Canonically, according to Holly, Bubby is agender and married to Dr. Coomer.
So like. Go fucking crazy! Go stupid! A a a a a!
Just be aware when you're wrong LOL
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semi-imaginary-place · 10 months
guess I'm on weekly release now. ep 40 that must have been the most confusing battle for megumi. getting his ass kicking planning to get hit just so he can get another hit in and then his opponent stabs himself through the head. i was not expecting this much characterization from jogo. like usually you can tell which characters are going to be important based on how "cool" the mangaka makes their visual design and jogo looks like a normal flunky but he has a fully fleshed out character. sukuna and jogo are having a naruto style heart to heart wtf.
ah i wanna watching gojo go feral again what ep was that... ep 33 huh was it that far back? guess this whole arc is more about the fallout of gojo being sealed. damn yeah who animated that cut with the arm. the animation for this series really is top notch all around but especially the fights, i think jjk has cemented it's place as best animated fights i in any anime i have ever seen. satoru-chan is so manically happy to be fighting. wow this episode feels so much longer than it actually is.
41: well at least sukuna is having fun. and he took an interest in megumi, this can't end well for megumi.
I wonder why the author made jujutsu high be 4 years. for even 1st years its essentially on job training with them already being put to work. I do wonder how much schooling they're actually getting. and then narratively at this point there aren't even 3rd years and when i checked the wiki 4th year characters dont exist. and then with nanami leaving, originally i thought he then went to college but he's a lot younger than i initially though and most office jobs want more than highschool. so does jjk give you a university degree at the end? i know japan has 4 year universities but do they do 2 year associate degrees? just an all round weird decision.
i started out curious why people were mad about the sukuna fight and now im reading the manga i guess
yuuji: I don't need purpose i'm going to be a cog in the machine
huh itadori is actually choso's brother. huh. but the whole thing with the cursed womb fetuses was that they were never born. i dont know what is going on here. and why didn't choso recognize the stitches earlier. if brain dude is swapping bodies then the genetic material like gametes should be changing or is the implication that yuuji is also made from cursed energy/weird human experimentation. ... panda's right yuji really is attracting older brothers.
*squints* is that kazakstan????? when did kazakstan become a world superpower???? idk if its the translation but im having trouble understanding. kenjaku changed people into being more suitable vessals and to give non sorcerers cursed techniques? because that's not what the text says. then was does the remote activation do? and why did he need mahito's technique? it wasn't garunteed he'd be able to absorb mahito. i cant make sense of this.
poor megumi just got dragged headfirst into clan politics.
does the culling game apply to all cursed technique users or just ones brain dude implanted?
145: instrumentality??????? instrumentality. -_-
maki's new design is goated, love the sleeves. i like her more i hope she pisses off more men. i also finally noticed that meimei isn't wearing a dress, it's a tricked out onsie. i love that design
152. suguru was too pure hearted. see you can totally get away with mass murder you just need to play the politics game.
alright my curiosity is sated. not like i was watching jjk for the plot anyways.
powered by children lol. madoka level harvest negative emotion energy as a renewable fuel source.
i think i get why people were saying the zenin clan is kinda incest-y
huh is gege trying to say gojo taught sukuna about love.
so sukuna just ate his own mumified corpse's head, im getting that right?
Saw someone compare gojo to achilles (so geto would be patroclus?) And im mad i didnt think of that first
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chaoticsaints · 1 year
I find it pretty funny that Keith David is a president/vice president in Rick and Morty and Saints Row 4. Do you think their universes could be connected?
To be honest with you, I do. ive thought about this since i was like 16, but i also thought the idea was slightly cringe (at the time, now i let my cringe free). i could soo totally see boss and rick getting along so well, the fact theyre both reckless and flirty, the way they both act like "im tough, i dont care about anyone" but in reality they care so much that theyre willing to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. plus cmon, the fact they both can not only avoid authority so well, but the fact theyve both been able to get out of jail with little to no actual punishment for their crimes? oh thats best friends right there i think. plus we can imply that saints row has some sort of canon/lore connection to adult swim tv show lore anyways, since jimmy - the guy who makes Johnny tag in the clones dlc for saints row 3 - is clearly supposed to be the nerd from robot chicken (literally even featuring the same voice - which iirc is done by seth green)
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additionally with the fact that a song from the tim and eric show (the sports theme) as well as the aqua teen hunger force them and a MF doom song being included on the radio sound track? i mean i know adult swim did contribute to the game, but its not entirely clear in what way the adult swim universe is tied into saints row. especially cos they drop nearly all references to it outside of the fact im pretty sure you can have johnny tag and clone aisha as companions in sr4 (not entirely sure though since its been months since i played sr4 last and you do have to unlock them).
plus the line that the president has in the "get schwifty" episode' "...I'm the goddamn president of the united fucking states"... totally sounds like something he'd say when being confronted by boss for his backstabbing...
which honestly not to be tangential but i have to talk about that now bc im sooo realizing how genius it is to make keith backstab boss.... especially because he does it right before you get put into a simulation where you have to fight Julius little? i may hark on saints row 4's writing but goddd the fan service they give to us can be soo good. It almost makes me wonder if keith david is a clone or hologram that zinyak made specifically to betray/trick boss - especially since hes the only one (other than Benjamin king, but this you could argue Ben wasnt immune to it, since it was teased in the cutscene, plus you could make the point that boss doesnt see Ben the same way they see someone like johnny whos been a long time friend and companion and even someone like matt miller, who may be a genuine threat - posessing skills boss doesnt have/understands - but boss still sees him as "lesser" or equal to them bc of who matt is outside of his keyboard) who rejects boss' advances in the ship. especially because his bitterness not only towards boss, but zinyak. He makes a mention of originally campaigning to be the president before "zinyak kicked the stool out from under him", and since hes aware earth is gone... why would he care abt being president of holograms? some of the plot points they make in sr4 are a tad annoying for the reason that they love to set up stuff like this, and the audio log collectables tell us so much, yet, they wont do anything with it unless its inherently funny.
dont get me wrong, love saints row's humor but i just wish they wouldnt sacrifice interesting plots and characters for it. And i wish they would solidify canon more.
TLDR; i do think saints row and rick and morty are connected in some way yes. the way i think the saints row universe is indeed intertwined with other adult swims shows due to saints row 3 giving us plenty of hints that the universe are connected in some way.
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Top 5 Reasons I Like Saitama
This list isnt from a general fan view but as far as me having a crush on him (i guess???). It was hard to write out but here's a top 5 of reasons I like Saitama.
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1. Hes a pretty chill character. He gives off a friendly, almost carefree personality. He is pretty indifferent about life in canon, though he does have instances where hes genuinely nice. He does care about the other heros in the heroes association especially trying to give them credit when a heckler tried to discredit the other heroes who fought Deep Sea King. Pretty noble. I can vibe with him as a friend and he is pretty much that one guy you could be friends with and chill with.
2. Hes crazy strong. Almost god-like strength. The fact he is makes him aware and almost aware in a existential way. With great power does truly come w with great responsibility. And less formidable foes to fight on a daily basis. Well, if he was ever my f/o officially he could always carry me, at least. I'll never feel too heavy for him. Dude can benchpress buildings. He could definitely carry me if i was 212 lbs!
3. He can cook. While he was keeping up his training regimen, he learned how to cook. And good! He prefers mostly vegetable dishes. Though, I'm sure any veggie dish he makes is delicious! I'm genuinely surprised he doesnt eat alot of meat. You'd think he'd try to eat more protein to keep up his strength. Maybe he's taking the popeye route?
4. Ripped! Its not the best quality and i'm all for personality first. But the fact that he's ripped does make it a plus! Hard training similar to what he does does reap the rewards of a fit body. Some say its ideal. Some say his body is peak perfection. At least it compensates for the lack of hair. (And i mean this in the most respectful way possible.) I respect but at some point i gotta look away and remind myself im celibate for a reason.
5. He's a video gamer and is into reading manga. I, personally, am not a gamer (not by choice) but i have dated men in the past who were gamers. I dont know why this appeals to me, but its heart-warming to think that i could play games with him on his off days. Or just watch him play for hours on an interesting RPG with a good plot. Even as a friend i dont mind just sitting there watching him play for hours. I think its kinda cool. We might even like the same games.
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That's all i got. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. And drink water!✩
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Still in the middle of D3 so no spoilers please!
Edit: I've finished D3, spoilers okay now lol
I dont usually make up family headcanons with same-age characters (it leaves myself more room for shipping) but for some reason I came up with three of them here. Okay I just realized the first one theyre not same age but, uh, anyway!
Ryoma is Hiyoko's uncle. I dont have much of an explanation for this. At first I thought it would be a funny idea if Ryoma was Hiyoko's dad but then I realized that Hiyoko's dad goes to all her dance recitals while Ryoma's been in jail for a while, so that makes it kind of impossible. Just a silly idea.
Kazuichi is Kaito's younger cousin (idk what the timeline is for D3 compared to the other games yet, and I know often times this class is headcanoned as younger than the D2 class, but this is all in an au anyway). They're same-voice actor cousins. Kaito gave Kazuichi the idea to build a rocket engine, maybe they watched alien movies together when they were little. Kaito hasn't seen Kazuichi since she was still in her booknerd phase, so Kaito would laugh a lot if you told him that his nervous, fidgety cousin went through a "scary punk phase." Have an idea for a short fanfic where he calls and says he's coming to visit her again and she's mid-transition at this point and unsure about coming out to him - I think he'd be cool with it. He'd possibly confuse trans with drag at first but he would be supportive and say that he's glad to see Kazuichi gain some confidence and self-esteem "even if you're still a bit fidgety" (Kaito that's not from being afraid that's just the adhd). Also Kaito and Zoey get along alright.
Nagito is Kokichi's older brother. (potential ableism trigger warning, also a warning for that sibling dynamic where one kid is neglected for the sick/disabled kid). There's angst potential as well as funny potential. This is more subject to change since there's a lot I still dont know about Kokichi, but from what I can tell he's a manipulative liar always making scenes to get attention and even though some of the fandom says he is "a normal person faking mental illness," I dont buy it. Maybe he's faking something, but he definitely has something too. Not sure if this is a controversial opinion, but I believe that people who fake mental illnesses (to this degree at least) are not neurotypical, it's a cry for help and they do need something, so they shouldn't be brushed off as just "ableist assholes" because there is something going on, though on the flip side it is not the job of other mentally ill people to coddle their feelings when that person is being ableist.
I think Kokichi also went through some trauma, like something happened with his family that made him have to attend court sessions (he said in the first trial that he had to go to trials all the time a long time ago "for his crimes as an Ultimate Supreme Leader" but I think that's Kokichi-talk for "he was a little kid and had to sit in trials for some family drama and the adults constantly blamed him for problems that weren't his fault," which is why he plays up this sort of misbehaving bad kid role). Anyway, my ansty hcs is that Kokichi was neglected because his parents focused on Nagito's illnesses, and that's part of why he acts up to get attention. He has some resentment for that but blames his parents more than Nagito and he and Nagito have the type of sibling relationship where they're sometimes on good terms and sometimes can't stand each other. They've thrown some shade at each other but Kokichi really knows how to piss off Nagito and is not afraid to bring up "hope" to mess with his head (though if anyone else did this they would suffer Kokichi's wrath, as far as he's concerned he's the only one allowed to pick on Nagito). Nagito thinks he goes easy on Kokichi when they fight but he can be petty and sassy back and has a lot of embarrassing dirt on Kokichi. They're the kind of brothers that will pester and argue with each other but they'll bury the dead body for the other no questions asked. And Lord help you if they're in the same courtroom, they could find the dumbest little things to bicker with each other about and filibuster the case, but also Nagito will totally back up Kokichi's lies and vise-versa. Whatever creates bigger hell at the moment for the player. It was a mercy they weren't in the same game.
Anyway, since I haven't finished the game yet there's probably-definitely stuff I dont know about these characters but I got excited to share this with you.
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pankomako · 2 years
For the OC ask game:
2, 4, 5, 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 43, 49, 50
You can just answer some if all of them are too much.
2: of my boardwalk ocs, parker for sure is my favorite. he's the one i project onto lol. i also really love vertigo, rowdy and cassidy, and i think of gang's bay, screwball, juicebox and hot-rod might be my favorites. i also really like scott but i dont do much w him as of now
4: a character i rarely talk about? well i sure havent talked about boardwalk as much recently, so like of those calla is a deep cut for sure. she's DJ's best friend and too nice for her own good. i also imagine her hanging out a lot with korva and nero who are two cat-devil monster siblings. i GOTTA talk more about boardwalk here jeez
5 i already answered so i'll just skip it lol
12: oh crap another person's oc? it's been like a million years since i've talked to my artist friends so like uhhhhhh not sure?? but i did really like caspi from campyvillain's Plainview. funny shark :)
16: best oc at bio? hmmm probably gemini from boardwalk bc he's like. smart guy. but of gang's bay... i actually wanna say screwball. i really had to think about that one but i see him as knowing a lot about local wildlife so he probably does know a thing or two about biology. obviously of ALL the gangs bay characters it'd be sharky but i dont consider him an oc bc he's just me.
20: oc that sings! well i do kinda want the boardwalk characters to form a band, and DJ would likely be the lead singer. her voice in general is pretty feminine sounding but with a tomboyish bite to match her appearance and personality, but idk what she'd sound like singing lol. as for favorite music, not sure of any specific songs but she definitely likes more rock/alternative and like a few old-ish pop songs. probably plenty of 80s/90s stuff too. she's also a literal DJ and her music taste is pretty prominent in the stuff she plays. she also for sure knows how to play electric guitar and gets crazy with it.
24: if i could meet one of my ocs? like of course i'd go with parker. i put a lot of me and a lot of the traits i enjoy in him. i'd talk to him about our struggles and then probably play video games with him. putting aside all the angst i think we'd be besties
25: oc that most closely resembles me? well vertigo is probably the closest because he also functions as one of my personas, so most of his appearance aside he's just me but perpetually tired and with cool powers. like i could say sharky too but again like. he is JUST me as an adult in an ideal world so i dont consider him an oc. although of my non-personas, i'd yet again have to say parker. brown hair, brown eyes, parents that suck, lover of sharks, ADHD energy, generally kinda weird, especially about guys. big difference though is that he's bi while i'm not. nor am i a 5'10" cis guy like him lol
28: most DANGEROUS? probably vertigo. i mean just look at all the scars rowdy has. his fault for picking a fight with vertigo though. like vertigo's generally pretty docile but he's very likely to win in a fight with the powers he has. other than him you don't wanna mess with hot-rod or ding. they both hit the gym and know how to fight. although you're FAR more likely to rile up hot-rod, but why would you even want to when he could probably crush your spine just by squeezing you too tightly. oh yeah also bubbles can kick ass
29: which of my ocs would investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone? probably DJ. maybe screwball too but idk how likely he'd be to just not tell anyone
30: secret plushie collection? parker. like cmon. bubbles too. maybe cassidy. amelia has a huge collection but she hasnt even considered hiding it (just like me lol)
32: ooooh horror game protag. ive never played a horror game so idk for sure. parker and cassidy would both be the type of guy to check every single little thing and also be terrified out of their minds (screwball and juicebox too (ok maybe juicebox wouldnt interact with *every*thing)). august and ding would both have a "no big deal lol" attitude and then proceed to be proven wrong. DJ, rowdy, hot-rod and bubbles would all try to keep composure but it's also pretty clear that they're scared. vertigo doesn't find it all that scary. so who's the most suitable? no idea like what should i even be looking for here
43: my type? loser men. aka like a large majority of my characters. also dudes with long hair. i've also been partial to chubby guys as of late. cassidy is all 3 of those
49: most likely to enjoy memes? each of my oc worlds takes place in the modern era so they all at least know OF memes. but the characters that probably get a kick out of them the most would be DJ and parker, juicebox and amelia, and probably cassidy. maybe fenton and charlotte idk
50: it's getting late at the time of writing this so i'll keep it to smth brief: boardwalk of beasts and vertigo's oc world both have canon ships, but gang's bay is pretty much free game for shipping. really the only rules are no problematic ships and to respect canon sexualities (sharky is mlm, bubbles is a lesbian, milkshake is aroace), and be extra careful if you wanted to ship shipwreck with anyone, for obvious reasons. but im down for pretty much anything. you have my full permission to ship sharky with any of the guys, bc frankly i'd be dtf with any of em. also i think ship names will be super fun with the gang nicknames. like screwbox for example. fun! also bubbles and hot-rod did date during college so im ok with depictions of that too but not like actively shipping gang-era them if that makes sense.
tysm for the ask!
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gwynbleiddyn · 2 years
4, 58 and 69 (nice) for Mio
4. if they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
this is an interesting one because the man is proficient in arcana and has extensively studied magic at some point in his life in order to obtain said proficiency, but he uses it purely based on Vibes and that's very sexy of him, and he doesn't really know spells as a result - not like people like Sav or Cai or Laz would.
the wording of this question is a little weird to me so i'm just going to name a spell that isnt at all accessible to mio based on class and the fact he won't ever get an 8th level spell: Sunburst... because that would fuck severely with the aesthetic and it targets what he hates most with what he adores most. poetic justice and so on and so forth
58. what do they think their role in the party is? what is their role in actuality?
i don't think he sees himself as a very integral part of the group at all. he's just kind of there. he has his connections to each of them and he does care in his own weird way about them, but he could leave and he wouldn't worry about them. it wouldn't feel great and he'd miss them, for sure, but he wouldn't be at all concerned that they wouldn't be able to cope with a fight or whatever comes next in his absence.
in terms of the reality... i'm unsure, honestly. utility wise, he can do a lot that we haven't really touched on in game. he has useful features for espionage and subterfuge, which isn't something we really run into or at least it's not a method Talisman like to use. he can deal damage, he can crowd control, he can tank well enough, and he buffs the party. he can do A Lot, but none of that is done in a way where he is the go-to for any of those things.
part of it stems from me not knowing what the fuck to do with a dnd character when i made him and gave him a ridiculously useless stat spread that we had to patch up with feats as he levelled up so he's not Optimised like some other PCs, and part of it kind of came along when i played him and developed him and kind of understood that the narrative reason that he's a jack of all trades is because that's how he has to be if he wants to be a halfway decent king.
69. how would they describe their party members?
this is asking for trouble but the point here is you ASKED. i won't do wordy descriptions bc i dont have the braincells for that right now but shortform summaries are king, focusing a lot on how mio perceives everyone rather than Descriptions alone. let's go a-z
Alar: genuine bestie, a confidant, the perseverant edge to his own temperamental spirit. meryset, beloved of setekh but also beloved of ra. someone who understands the demands of divinity, and doesn't dismiss them. one of few people who could ask to walk into the hells and mio would follow. there's nothing more i can add.
Cai: a troublesome magpie, but a genuine friend. he brings laughter when it feels lost. that's an ability that can't be overstated, even if mio sometimes feels like he's gained another younger sibling to meticulously dance around at times.
Diric: strong and steady is a good descriptor. even in his worst moments he seems to have his head above water. in the same vein i think mio would describe him as frustrating, because he doesn't just lose his shit and bite back and scream and shout and throw a tantrum, and mio kind of wants to see it, to feel better. otherwise, though not as much at the forefront of the party since his return, mio still sees him as something of a compass to the group. and having shared some brief part of his life with diric, mio knows that in his heart he will always have a fondness for him, though it will take many different shapes and forms in the potential millennia he will live.
Laszlo: it is a strange echo with laz, there is a familiarity there in their station and perhaps some of the early experiences they had growing up but knowing that laz chose his new family and mio still holds onto his old one is perhaps a very telling schism between the two. mio respects him deeply, in the way he respected his tutors from the many colleges of Akhenaton - they held power in what they knew, and that could be dangerous, unchecked.
Savita: it's hard to know where to start. savita brings out the worst in mio, the pettiness, the self-importance, the indignance. but she also has good advice and is undeniably smart about the world, though maybe not wise. he struggles with her. he doesn't really know if they will reconcile that, ever, and while i don't think he's interested in bridging the gap, he's forced to accept the perspective she brings to the table. his feelings towards her are summed up by begrudging acceptance with a sprinkling of "you've shot me in the head and also saved my ass in equal measure and my gratitude and my pettiness cancel each other out into vague ambivalence"
Zinnan: like the feywild weaves and bends to whimsy and fleeting thought, mio's perception of zinnan traverses very unsteady ground. they're fascinating to talk to and they make appealing offers, but they're so untrustworthy. they're purposeful in action, but so aimless in themselves. you look at them one way and they appear in another. mio always enjoys his conversations with them, but he's always left feeling like he lost something in the process. he can't get a bead on them, but his one comfort is that you can always trust the untrustworthy to be just that.
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uh-e-rinnie · 2 years
drafting a tss rpg/fantasy au pt 1 (no actual plot yet, just for design purposes!), notes below
lowkey genshin inspired, even though i dont play the game cause i dont have time i watch a lot of vids
for context in my tiny tiny brain, i imagine that they aren't all born with magical powers (except actual magicians/descendants of magicians), i think its something that they are gifted with at some point in their lives by some all powerful being. or idk. im working on it. this is just a draft.
Roman would definitely be a sword user, was wondering if he'd have a greatsword but considering he has a katana in tss, a regular old sword should fit it. contemplating giving him a shield, probably would just cause of his emblem. Fit will be very princely, I want to say I'd give him fire-based powers but I'm also contemplating earth or light. Fighting style would be the usual close combat sword fighting, so a lot of upper body usage. A prince from a kingdom, rebelling against the "stay behind the walls and rule the kingdom from there" ways, seeking for the thrill of adventure. Probably our main damage guy
Logan would be a mage/magician for sure! His weapon would definitely be a spellbook that floats around him. Because of this I'd say he'd work well as a mid-position fighter, as his elemental powers might be able to go both long and short range. Thinking electric powers for the teach. I'd think he'd be one of the smartest magic users from his kingdom/nation/'s academy.
My friend suggested I make Patton a catboy lmao. But, Patton would be either a summoner or a beast tamer! Anything that has to do with animals, with the ability to call upon his fluffy and feathery friends into battle or stand by his side. Maybe a species of human-animal hybrid that has a hunt-to-survive background, but after developing a bond with one of the monsters his kind usually hunt, he learns to befriend them. Possibly a bow user with some really good healing skills?
Bless this concept that came to me late in the night; Virgil is a non-human but human appearing creature, born where "dark and light meet". I'm on the fence if I should make him another magic user with a catalyst like Logan, or a rouge-support with dual blades or a polearm. Either way, I think a special ability he'd have is to morph into two other forms (1) that of a monstrous beast with claws and fangs (2) that of a bird-like creature that can speed through with ease (fight or flight, am i right?). As a side-effect of these abilities, he has wings on his back in his normal form, and hands with sharper claws that match his monster form.
Janus is a magician as well, but use it more as a tool in his main gig which is alchemy. After all that's a lot of work and could needs some extra hands, which Janus just so happens to know how to make through his magic. Ofc his weapon is gonna be a cane, the magic and potion part is his main method of fighting. Human-Animal hybrid, snake. His backstory I'm still not too sure what to do with, other than he's a man that you look at and it just screams mystery.
Remus is Roman's twin brother, a prince who abandoned the royal lifestyle in exchange for a more adventurous and chaotic one. A thrill for adrenaline, charging into fights and getting into mischief. Maybe a bit too much mischief. Either way, he loves the energy of the fight. The team's tank that hits like also hits like a truck! Gotta give this man his morning star, and maybe a really big real heavy looking shield. His powers probably have a big hand in his ability to take so much damage so easily.
Some notes for if and when i actually draw it.
Each character gets a specialized emblem
Gonna make them all pose like they are characters from a gacha roll thing
Each character is drawn individually!!! this is not a group piece!!! but then all the individual drawings can be put together like they are one piece
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chibichibisha · 3 years
Introducing: Masayuki Jinja! (and me rambling about what I think he'd think about Yuusa after seeing previous posts and stuff you've made abdbajhdka)
Now this can go one of two ways depending on first impressions, so I'll see how much energy I got and write as much as my brain can come up with if that's cool with ya!
Quick summary - Masayuki has had his fair share of horrible experiences regarding cosmic horrors, cordyceps zombie mushrooms, mishmash tentacle demons of the undead etc. As a result of him being my version of Yuu if they were pulled from the 'World of Horror' game universe. How fun! :D
1 - Good first impressions!
Yuusa definitely has a far better first impression compared to most... Beings... That Masayuki has encountered (if you ignore the lack of lips, but I wouldn't be surprised if he shrugged it off)
And if Introductions go well without revelations of less shrug-off-able traits (cuthulu tentacles or what-have-you) then I can see Masayuki being fairly amicable and calm around Yuusa until he catches wind of what they can sorta do (like with the sandwich). He'll treat them like any of his friends - likely minus the bear hugs and hair ruffles if they're not fond of them the first time he does them.
And with the revelation of the ~wrigglers~, while Masayuki would be significantly more on edge around Yuusa, it would be far less likely that Masayuki will lash out with a swing of his crowbar (a fate bestowed upon those who tried to maim, murder, or possess my favourite man in the past) - although this would only be the case if he's befriended Yuusa since it's a habit born from self preservation at this point,,,
He'll be jumpy around Yuusa at times - but is able to coexist with them if this is the case. And hey, maybe being pals with them could help him with the hypervigilance. Or make it worse. I'm not too sure.
2 - Bad first impressions...
This can happen any number of ways. I doubt that their attitude would lead to them not getting along with Masayuki on meeting - especially given the fact that I get the impression that they could be anarchist buddies (correct me if I'm wrong) - But I'm not sure how they tend to really act when in a bad mood, so I could be wrong. The biggest way I can see this happening, though, is if he sees something like the sandwich incident before meeting Yuusa.
Masayuki's general disposition towards Yuusa would be extremely cautious, and I doubt that he'd be able to sleep, relax, or potentially eat in their presence given how he tends to react to similar presences. It's a 50/50 chance of him picking fight or flight, but if he sees that others get along with Yuusa then chances are hell opt for flight and just keep his distance while being on guard in case anything were to happen.
Given the fact that they're both in the MC/Yuu/Magicless squad (yell at me if I'm wrong my memory is terrible) if we're going off of the game then they'd probably get dumped at Ramshackle together. In this scenario, Masayuki will not sleep until he passes out (don't worry, he can sleep standing up)
Along with that, idk much about Yuusa's eating habits, but I am curious as to what they'd think if they witnessed Masayuki eating a mask made out of pumpkin rind imbued with protective magical energy because he was hungry (I was able to do it in the game he's based off of so, naturally, Masayuki can and will do it as well)
(sorry this is so long/if I made mistakes - I checked through any mentions of Yuusa to make sure I wasn't completely messing up on something that I should/would know, but chances are I may have messed up somewhere so feel free to delete this/correct me if this is too long/if I've made mistakes I hope you have a nice day sjavsisnsosi bye)
OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT SUCH A LONG ASK, HONESTLY DFHFHFG but it's okay, it's okay!! I always like more context than nothing at all!! So this is good, don't worry.
And I think you got it pretty well? As I said, I do not treat Yuusa as my other twst oc's, because Yuusa is not a serious character. The concept and idea in Yuusa is to have them doing weird things in the story, and making the characters uncomfortable about this, because they should treat as a normal magicless human that came from other world, but they are not notmal at all, and it's very hard to overlook or ignore this. They comment things breaking the 4th wall like mentioning why they are designed different than them, or how they are able to appear and reappear like nothing, and yet Yuusa seems to be unfit and without any magic skill at all, and not knowing anything at all. So I think it's very normal that Masayuki would find them unsettling, it's what Yuusa is meant to be.
They would think Masayuki is weird, and jufging him because of this, and be very ironic because Yuusa is the most weird person there after all, somehow this weirdo is not aware of his own aura.
So yeah, I think they wouldn't be enemies or something, they both lean to the more chaotic side so that would help, but I like to picture that they would be horror survivor/inhuman horror spawn dynamic in a not serious context (Because Yuusa is not serious, they do not have a backstory not a reason to be there, they just are there, they exist there even if sometimes they dont want to be aknowledged by the rest). So yeah, maybe not super friends, but they could live under the same roof!
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