#I don't think it's fair to put Fourteen or Fifteen here since we haven't really met them yet
thirddoctor · 1 year
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Day 005: Rambunctious.
Featuring Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, El Hopper, and Max Mayfield.
Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley mentioned.
1,057 words and no canonical story attached. And yes, it does contain all six kids. Dustin speaks the most, I think though. But they all say something.
“Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no!” Steve says, as Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, El Hopper and Max Mayfield stand in front of him. “We haven't even asked yet!” Dustin protests, and Steve nods. “I've dealt with you kids long enough to know when you're about to ask me to do something I'm gonna regret.” They scoff, and turn to look at Dustin, as if they knew he had the most power over Steve. They probably do know that. He realizes, as the five of them back up to leave Dustin alone in front of him. “Can you at least let us ask first? Isn't that fair?” Dustin asks, and Steve pinches the brim of his nose. “Fine. What thing have all six of you agreed on and need me for?” Dustin grins, as Steve knew that because he gave him an inch, he was gonna ask for a mile. “So, we were wondering, since graduation season is on the rise—” He pauses, looking back at the other five. Max gestures for him to get on with it, and Steve couldn't help but agree with her. “We wanted to host a graduation party for Eddie, Nancy, and Robin, but none of our houses are big enough to hold one.” Ah. That's where I come in. “You want to use my house, here, as a party location?” He asks, and Dustin chews on his lip. He nods.
“Is that okay? I mean, Robin, Jonathan and Nancy are your friends—” Mike runs up, interrupting him.  “Eddie most of all deserves a graduation party! He's been held back twice, so—” Lucas with his arm wrapped around Max to help her balance, comes back over next. “And after everything we all need a break, and a party would be something that could help!” Steve watches each of the kids spill out what he could only assume is rehearsed lines, like a ball bouncing around a tennis court. “Are you really gonna deny us this after all the sh!t we've put up with in the last couple of years?” Max says, with a smirk that indicates to Steve that she's fully aware of what she was doing.  “Especially Max.” El, looking at Max, speaks up, which Steve was not anticipating. She usually stayed silent in favor of being non confrontational and respectful. “Steve. I just want to do something nice for Jonathan. Please?” Will asks. Steve sighs. Did they rehearse the order too? Because they left the ones with the best guilt tripping material for last...
Dustin gestures to the group as a whole. “Not to mention Eddie had the real sh!tty senior year. And he protected me in the Upside Down, so if anyone deserves a graduation party, it'd be him, right?" Dustin asks, and Steve runs a hand through his hair. “And you guys are planning this yourselves?” He asks, not believing that six fourteen/fifteen year olds were the ones convincing him to have a party at his house. They nod. “We’ll set up everything ourselves, and clean it up too!” Lucas says, and the others nod or otherwise confirm that this is true. “Your house is also the only option without alerting them of what we're planning.” Max adds, and Steve puts his hands on his hips. “Alright.” Steve says, and their faces sport the widest grins that Steve has ever seen. “But,” he says, holding his finger out, pointing at all of them with what they have affectionately dubbed “The Stern Mom Face”. “There are gonna be some ground rules.”
“Well, spit them out then!” Mike says, blunt and to the point as always. “No one goes upstairs unless they need to use the bathroom. I don't want to clean stuff off of/out of the carpet.” He says, and he can't help but shudder at the memory of his dumb high school “friends” and the stains they made in the carpet that he had to clean out before his dad found out. “Don’t go upstairs.” El repeats, as if committing that to memory. Steve clears his throat. “Keep the shenanigans to a minimum, my parents will kill me if the furniture and everything is destroyed.” They nod again. “We’ll be mindful, Steve. Don't worry!” Dustin says, and Lucas points at him. “Yeah! We will be careful!” Lucas agrees, as El lifts her pinkie towards Steve. “Pinky promise.” Steve scoffs, but he links one of his pinkies with hers. “Is that everything?” Mike asks, eyeing their hands as they release their pinkies. “I actually want to sleep tonight, so if you aren't out of my house by like twelve, I'll kick you out.” They laugh. “Sure you would.” Will says, and he shakes his head. “I'm being serious. I will drag you to the car, and drive you home myself!” Max nods. “Now there is a more accurate sentence!” Steve groans. These kids have taught me the meaning of patience.
“Thank you, Steve.” Dustin says, as if sensing his irritation, and wanting to smooth it out. Steve nods, as a chorus of “thank you’s” rings out. “You’re welcome, now go find someone else to bother, you kids are exhausting.” They laugh, and turn to leave. Lucas helps Max down the steps before she climbs behind him on his bike, and they ride off, Mike and El ride off with Will close behind them. He glances over at Dustin, who hasn't moved. “That means you too, kid.” Dustin walks up to Steve, and wraps his arms around him. Steve starts to say something, but Dustin speaks first; “Thank you, Steve, really. We all appreciate it, and you. And I just know that Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan will appreciate it too.” Steve pats his head, and a smile threatens to spread across his face. “Of course, buddy. It's the least I can do for you guys.” Dustin breaks his hug, with a frown. “You don't owe us anything, okay? Don't ever feel like you have to earn anything from us. We just like having you around, okay?” Steve smiles, and hugs Dustin again. “Thanks, kid. Now, shoo!” He waves Dustin off the porch towards his bike. Dustin waves, and rides off. They may be loud and rowdy, but if they aren't the only kids I could ever think of having.
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