#I don't think it's 100% guaranteed it'll be at this location but STILL...I wouldn't know about this place otherwise ;o;
dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Doki Doki☆Beast Camp - Foreign Affairs Faction
Part 1
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This event ran from August 29 - September 8, 2022
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
The day I visited Prince Silvio's private island at his invitation was the perfect day for going out. There was not a cloud in sight.
Emma: Wow! This island's so beautiful!
With the glittering sea, and the fragrant and lush forest, I break out into a smile at the breathtaking view. Nokto smiles in response.
Nokto: Yeah, beautiful.
Even Nokto's smile, which I had seen dozens of times already, somehow looked different and fresh before the blue sea.
(But even in a place like this, Nokto still has a hint of night...)
As I'm thinking that, alluring crimson eyes peer at me.
Nokto: Nice location to seduce you, isn't it?
Emma: N-Nokto, you're too close...!
I hurriedly turn away and am next greeted by a pair of alluring golden eyes.
Clavis: Haha. This island looks like it's worth setting traps on, doesn't it?
(It won't be any good to have Prince Silvio's island be full of traps...)
(But can I actually stop Clavis?)
While I secretly mull over this, Nokto sighs next to me.
Nokto: You'll only do this against King Highness, right? I'm going to have this girl fall for me after I seduce her in an unexpected way. Even if the mood's good, it'll be ruined by traps.
Clavis: Nope, things will be fine. After all, Emma will be traveling with me all around the island, pursuing every form of pleasure to the limit, right?
(Um...I didn't plan on either of those...)
Luke: You guys, that's enough. You're bothering Emma.
Emma: Luke!
I turn to look at Luke and he gives me a gentle smile.
Luke: Just leave those those two alone and we'll take it easy together.
(Spending time with just Luke does sound peaceful and fun, but...)
Emma: Since we all came together, why don't we-
I was going to say something like "have fun"...
Chevalier: ...
I see Prince Chevalier walking toward the villa ahead and I unconsciously shout.
Emma: Ah!
Will I be able to accomplish my original goal?
As I stare dumbfoundedly at his retreating back, I recall the day after Prince Silvio asked me to pick who to join me on the island.
After thinking over it for a night, I visited the foreign affairs faction office and told them what had happened as well as my desire to go to the island with them.
~~Flashback start~~
(It's not every day you get to spend time with the princes)
(I'd like to invite the foreign affairs faction because they're not around the castle as often)
(If we go together, I might be able to see the princes who usually work alone working together)
(It'd be a rare and valuable opportunity to get to know about the relationship between the princes, so I hope I can get them to accept my offer)
Emma: Please, will you go with me?
Clavis: Haha! I knew you'd ask me out.
Luke: A private island, huh.
Nokto: Wow, Silvio's pretty generous.
Chevalier: Ridiculous...
Emma: Um...so are you coming, Clavis?
(He was pretty enthusiastic that night when Prince Silvio invited me...)
Clavis: Of course. How could I not go to a place of supreme pleasure? Leave all the arrangements to me, okay?
Emma: Thank...you? How about you, Luke?
Luke: I'm down, but I don't think you should invite Nokto and Chevalier. I don't think they'd take you up on the invitation.
(That's true. I don't think I can simply invite them either)
(I got it!)
Nokto: Wha~t? You're looking at me all fired up. I don't care much about the island. But if you join me in bed...
(Maybe he's testing me...)
Emma: Staying at Prince Silvio's island has some merit for you Nokto, doesn't it? Since a lot of your business partners are from Benitoite, if they learned that you're close enough to Prince Silvio to be invited to his private beach, it'd surely make negotiations easier.
Nokto: Hmm, I'll give you credit for giving it some thought. It's true that strengthening relations with Silvio wouldn't be a bad thing. But I'm a prince so I've had a certain amount of trust since the beginning. I won't be at a disadvantage if I don't go.
Emma: Of course if you come, I'll do my best to serve you. Just not in bed.
Nokto: Ahahaha, I understand now. At first I didn't think you could convince me with just words alone. Are you trying to get me to lower my demands by suggesting benefits?
Emma: Yeah, I was wondering if you would be open to that kind of negotiation...
Nokto: Ok, sure. Yeah, that's it...let me seduce you on the island. I'll get some benefits from being able to seduce you at a different place. Sound good?
Emma: Yeah, sure.
(I'll have to be extremely vigilant...but I'm glad I was able to convince Nokto)
(Now for Prince Chevalier. I'm nervous, but it'll be fine)
(There's something "special" on the island that Prince Chevalier would be interested in!)
Emma: Prince Chevalier...
Chevalier: ...
Emma: I heard that the villa on Prince Silvio's island is well equipped to entertain guests. I'm told that there are plenty of well-known books and rare books written by Benitoite authors for book-loving guests.
Chevalier: ...
Emma: Would you like to come along?
Chevalier: I don't mind...
Chevalier: Know that what you're expecting will never happen.
(Prince Chevalier saw right through me. But if I work hard...)
(If I do my best...)
Nokto: I'll live up to your expectations no matter what. It's a private island after all. If you have a situation in mind, let me know. I'll seduce you any way you want.
Clavis: I won't just "live up to" your expectations. I'll surpass them.
Luke: Emma, I'll protect you.
Chevalier: ...
(Everything will be fine...right...yeah, I'll do my best!)
~~Flashback end~~
(Back then I said I'd work hard and do my best...I can't be discouraged now)
(We've only just arrived on the island so there's plenty of time...)
As I psyche myself up, Nokto follows Prince Chevalier to the villa.
Nokto: Well, I think I'll go to the room and relax.
Luke: Hey, what about you?
Emma: I think I'll go to the room for a while.
(I need to figure out my next steps...)
Just as I thought about it, Clavis looks at my face and smirks
Clavis: Don't worry. I told you I'd take care of everything, didn't I? I have a present for you for being brave enough to choose us as your campmates.
After hinting at something, Clavis cheerily heads toward the villa.
Despite my doubts, Luke and I follow Prince Chevalier, Nokto, and Clavis to the villa.
Emma: Wow!
The large book case in the corner of the elegantly furnished room brings a smile to my face.
(There are so many books known for being interesting!)
(Prince Silvio's amazing. These are all hard to come across)
I spy Prince Chevalier sitting on the sofa by the window with a view of the sea, book in hand.
Emma: These books all look so interesting. It's amazing, Prince Chevalier!
Chevalier: It's not bad.
After the brief comment, Prince Chevalier turns the page and begins to silently read the book.
(If there are rare books, Prince Chevalier will no doubt be satisfied)
(And I'm excited to read all the books I've been wanting to read in such a lovely place!)
As I'm browsing the bookshelves while suppressing my excitement, I suddenly feel Clavis' gaze on me.
When I turn around, Clavis hands me a book.
Clavis: The first book you'll read here is this one. An exceptionally rare book that is a must-read to enjoy this island.
Emma: Exceptionally rare...book?
While I flipped through the pages, Clavis hands the same book to Nokto and Luke. He even places a copy on the table next to Prince Chevalier.
(It looks recently printed...)
(It's written in what looks like the most unintelligible characters I've ever seen)
(Is this book foreign?)
After checking the contents of the book, I look around and see that both Nokto and Luke have a look of annoyance despite not even opening the book.
Even Prince Chevalier, who's reading silently, doesn't even glance at the book that Clavis had placed on the table.
(Wait a sec...)
(Even though Clavis said it's a rare book, Prince Chevalier seem to be interested at all)
When I tilt my head in confusion, I hear Nokto let out a sigh.
Nokto: Listen, it's not a foreign language. It's Clavis' handwriting, okay? It's the characters we normally use.
Emma: HUH!?
Nokto: By the way, only King Highness can read it.
Nokto added as I stared at the book.
(Prince Chevalier's amazing...)
Luke: I'm sure whatever's written is garbage anyway so you don't have to read it.
Luke says while leisurely stretching. Clavis shakes his head.
Clavis: What's written is important information. It's a travel guide I made.
Emma: A guide?
Clavis: That's right. It's important to gather important information in advance to fully enjoy the camping experience. With this guide, you can see what kinds of fruit are around, what bugs are in the area, and even information about the heavy rain from a few days ago. And there's more...Look here.
Clavis opens to the page with a huge map of the forest.
(Compared to the writing, it's somewhat interpretable...)
(This forest is a lot bigger than I thought)
As I look in amazement, Clavis comes closer and whispers in my ear.
Clavis: You'll miss out if you don't enjoy this chance.
(It's true that I was so eager to learn more about the foreign affairs faction that I didn't prepare anything to enjoy camping)
Emma: Thank you, Clavis.
I smile and Clavis returns a meaninful smile.
Clavis: Let's start here then.
I look at where Clavis' pointing but...
(I can't read it...)
Clavis: It'll be noon soon. When camping, it's necessary to live off what's in the area. We can cook the fish we catch in the nearby river. One of us has to stay here in case something goes wrong. We'll prepare after-meal recreation at the same time.
Emma: Recreation?
Clavis: That's right. After filling our bellies, we must fill our hearts.
(Fill our hearts huh...)
(The idea's nice but why does it sound so disturbing when Clavis says it...)
Clavis: There won't be any issues. If you follow my wonderful plan, anyone will be in for the most pleasure time of their life. The most important thing is assigning roles. I'll-
Someone interrupts an enthusiastic Clavis...
Nokto: Clavis, I'll go look for food with Luke and the girl. Naturally, King Highness will stay here. You're in charge of recreation. We can't read this guide.
I couldn't help but stare at Nokto as he spoke in a brisk manner.
Luke: You...
Luke also looked skeptical at first, but then he soon becomes convinced and gives a small nod.
Luke: Ah, I get it now.
Clavis: Interested, aren't you Nokto? Your big brother Clavis is pleased.
Nokto waves at Clavis as he pushes Luke and me out.
Nokto: Sure, whatever. Let's go.
After making a quick exit, we walk through the forest and Nokto sits down in the shade of a tree by the riverbank.
Nokto: *sigh* What a pain. Hey, can you fish?
Emma: I've never fished before but I've read books on how to... Don't you know how to fish, Nokto?
(Why'd he volunteer then?)
As if he read my mind, Nokto sighs in exasperation.
Nokto: Hey, you know I saved you, right?
Part 2
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inklingofadream · 1 year
Jonah ask anon again: thank you for your responses and for being so open to questions! Jonah is just such an uncomfortable vibe, I love your take on him. I assume Jon doesn't know about Jonah's working hypothesis yet; I imagine he'd be horrified. Last question: I assume all the other temple leaders have met Jon several times now considering Jonah's recent insensitive anniversary party. Has anyone tried to get Jonah to send Jon on tour?
Thanks, it's fun to have people engage! 💗Jon hardcore does not know what Jonah's thinking. Jon is thinking in terms of "this is the rest of my life" and that life will probably be long! Lotta resources to keep him alive and healthy-ish through any and all cancer/autoimmune disorder manifesting/dementia isn't actually on the list Beholding would Not allow it/horrible accident/Artefact Storage incident/etc! He's anticipating along the lines of 80, 90, maybe just past 100. A fair bit past the general UK life expectancy. If Jonah is right- the Eye is convinced that it's preferable to be proactive here lol- it's more along the lines of 500. Better hope that Extinction doesn't manifest catastrophically...
The Usher Foundation and Pu Songling Research Centre have both pitched this like. CONSTANTLY. To Jon, to Jonah, to Michael and Gerry, literally any point of contact they have is like 💗Jon can come visit us any time 😊he's always welcome 🥰wouldn't it be great if he came to broaden his horizons💗
It's mixed success, largely because Jon does have people there who he actually talks/writes to willingly, and he's a bit anxious about the idea. He lives here... when JONAH was in charge of where he ended up he got torn away from his home... what guarantee does he have that no one will try to keep him if he visits? Much as he'd love to see the Stokers, also, if he's out of Jonah's immediate supervision he (fairly accurately) suspects that Jonah would spend the Whole Time watching him, so would he even be able to hang with them? Unknown. But they have the best chance if Jon DOES ever feel like traveling given the relationships there.
Everyone else... The two immediately allied with the Institute are mostly fine, and the tone is "we'd love a visit!!1!!" But everyone else is Super passive aggressive about it. He's too skinny don't you feed him? That crown is not fancy enough what are you doing?! He'd benefit SO much from a bit of sunshine, he should come to our place it's sunny! etc etc
And Jonah is passive aggressive back. It's mentioned that some of the delegates are a bit handsy. Jonah does not care about this in the moment. He doesn't WANT Jon to like these people, so sexual harassment is like. whatever. Jonah cares IMMENSELY once everyone's gone home and the next time they say Jon should visit it's all about how they made Jon sooooooo uncomfortable, they don't understand what he Needs, don't they know he's DELICATE??? So while both avenues come up fairly frequently, for the moment nothing's likely to come of it
(also, for birdverse, Someday i will finish my Epic Honeymoon fic. bc they had their nice quiet honeymoon, but maybe they should visit other places! But if it's just Jon and Martin something could happen... final passenger list: Jon, Martin, Tim, Danny, Gerry, Michael, Sasha, Georgie, Melanie... possibly someone like Lesere to be the Emergency Adultier Adult, or Quincy and/or Xiaoling joining as they visit them, so there's extra Institute-aligned people to keep anyone from Keeping them. If I finish it it'll probably be little bitty snapshots of each location and STILL be mega long. Everywhere wants Jon to see both the Eye stuff and the general tourist stuff. There's definitely a point where they rent the biggest RV you've ever seen in your life and road trip to as many National Parks as possible bc 1) no fraught avatar interactions and 2) even in a verse where Tim and Danny aren't banished, those boys love them some outdoor recreation. Possibly Trevor and Julia show up to be weird for a bit, idk. I say honeymoon, but I more mean gap year. Possibly 2. Decent chance it takes place a While after the wedding, when those of them with Actual Jobs are kinda feeling like it's time to move on, so they can just resign bc it is just never going to be a thing they can take a bit of PTO and return after. Maybe What the Ghost? spends a bit as a feed highlighting smaller creators. Maybe they do a bunch of on the road episodes. Lotta haunted places you can see as a tourist)
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zephyr-together · 7 years
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