#I don't think I've ever drawn hiccup???
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 1 year ago
Realized it was Leap Day this week and wanted to do Something, so I drew two leap year birthday boys meeting:
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(I meant to color this but ran out of time rip)
Happy birthday to Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Takashi (Shiro) Shirogane. I realized while working on this that they actually have a lot in common: they both have insane adventures they just get thrown into, love flying, got marked with something that was meant to dehumanize them and ended up using it to help them start a rebellion (slavemark, Shiro's arm), they both end up LEADING rebellions, the creatures they fly with have been abused (Black Lion and the Windwalker), their enemies are a power-hungry evil dude and a WITCH (?!? like??? Haggar??? Alvin's mother??? just realized this one today and it's still blowing my mind a bit). They're extremely loyal, brave, kindhearted, love their friends and go up against impossible odds to save the world. Idk man, I think they'd be friends.
Bonus: Black Lion, Windwalker and Toothless hanging out in the background (Windwalker and Toothless not to scale because they'd barely be visible but Cressida often makes the dragons bigger so they're visible in the books so it's fine)
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I've never drawn any of them don't come for me
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h3lfaerie · 1 year ago
If you're seeing this, you may have come from AO3 in which case, thank you so SO MUCH for reading my fanfic Path of Alfheim (HTTYD: Hiccup/Reader).
I have put unbelievable amounts of time into the world-building of this fic and I'm really excited to be able to share it with you guys. I have never had a Tumblr page before, so navigating this seems a little scary but so far I've had some guidance and a bit of time to play around with it, so I think we'll be good!
I have gotten some truly heart-warming support on my writing and I've been dying to figure out some way I could interact with you guys more. So here we are!
Some of you may know from the comments under PoA that I am kind of treating this fanfic as a bit of a trial-run for writing and publishing a book. I am going down some very niche rabbit holes. There also may have been a good chunk of inspiration from the God of War games...
I have a TON of content I don't get to share on AO3 in a way that I'd like to. Concept Art, Prompts, Legends, World-building, MAPS (I may have drawn up an entire continent), and a whole ass spread-sheet for the murder mystery I've been devising for the story.
I am heavily inspired by Fantasy Novels. Authors such as Rachel Gillig, Sarah J. Maas, Brandon Sanderson, and Robin Hobb have been my literal life blood recently. And How to Train Your Dragon is a franchise that's been very close to my heart ever since I was a child. And while that love may have turned into some concerning amounts of simping for Hiccup Haddock (because let's be honest, DreamWorks made him unfairly attractive), the plot and the world-building I've devised are, I hope just as enticing as the romance ;)
Path of Alfheim is product of ambition, sheer spite, sleep deprivation and my neurotic brain that came up with the plotline at one random night at 2:22am.
In short, I'm really excited for this ride and I'm beyond grateful to have people joining in along with me. Thank you.
Now, let's all go be deadly assassins <3
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 months ago
"Hiccup, if it's a fever then it's not just sleep you'll need." Freya muttered, glancing at her sister who was looking through the basket she brought. Once Toothless brought her the broom, she couldn't help but smile at the Night Fury, holding back from behaving like a child because of how adorable that was to her. Gently scratching underneath his chin, she took the broom from him, "Thank you, Toothless."
She rubbed his head before examining the floor from where she stood. "I can't see a whole lot of dust.. but I can tell it still could use some work." As she swept, Ayla brought Hiccup the basket, pulling out the herbs for him to take. "I'll make some tea for you to drink it with! It really does help!"
Freya heard her younger sister gasp, as though she just discovered something, before she abruptly went to the door. "I forgot the honey! I'll be right back, I need to get it for Hiccup or else it'll taste nasty!" Without waiting for an answer, she watched as Ayla quickly ran out, slamming the door shut behind her. Freya remained still for a moment, startled at how fast she had left.
Suddenly feeling more nervous by herself, she resumed sweeping every corner she could find, trying to distract herself from what she was actually doing - in Hiccup's home. The events that happened for the last few days replayed in her mind, causing her movements to become more stiff. He probably, no, definitely, knew that she had drawn him with her sister, and it didn't help the embarrassment creeping upon her.
Snapping out of her daze, Freya hadn't realized she already finished the whole room they were in. "Uh, sorry, I was just.. thinking about.. something." Clearing her throat, she set the broom against a wall, brushing her hands off as she went to sit in a nearby chair. "It wasn't anything important."
She weakly shook her head, holding her hands together as she remembered the feeling of Hiccup's hand holding hers, "Let's not concern ourselves with what I'm thinking right now. You're the one sick, so you should be getting more.. attention, I guess." Wanting to distract herself some more, Freya hastily got up from the chair to prepare the tea Ayla mentioned.
"Y'know, it annoys me so much how you always say you're fine when you're really not." She made sure her back was towards him as she spoke, not wanting him to actually see her as she spoke, "You have a fever, and yet you probably still went to the forge or did something else that wasn't good for you, and you say 'Nope! I'm perfectly okay!'" Freya shrugged her shoulders in a way similar to how Hiccup usually would when he talked, " 'I could be hanging off the edge of a cliff but, nope, I'm still fine!'"
Freya, feeling more guilty than frustrated, mumbled, "Do you ever put yourself first?"
Giving a small smile, he said, "Thanks, Ayla. I appreciate it."
It was hard to not be cheered up by her happy, energetic self.
At Ayla's gasp, Hiccup straightened, looking to see what was wrong. He turned his head too quickly though, causing him to close his eyes, putting a hand to the side of his head as it throbbed. "Ugh..."
By the time he'd opened his eyes, Ayla had left. Leaning back, he closed his eyes again, trying to soak up the warmth of the fire, and the blankets.
Hearing her apology, he shrugged, waving a hand tiredly. "It's fine."
"Attention? No, I definitely don't need any more attention. I'm fine, really. I've dealt with worse." A bad cold was nothing compared to losing his leg.
"That's nothing new. A lot of what I do annoys you," he grumbled, his eyes still closed as he pulled the blanket further up towards his neck.
That made him open his eyes, angling his face to look at her. "Hey! Things still have to get done. Besides, how do you know what happened in the forge? Gobber promised not to say anything."
Rolling his eyes, he turned away again, mumbling, "I don't sound like that. What even was that, that thing with the shoulders??"
Due to being congested, his ears were clogged, so he didn't hear what Freya said, he only knew she said something.
"Look, I appreciate you both coming here, I really do, but I'm pretty sure I've inconvenienced you far too many times in the short span of a month..."
He was so confused. She hated him, didn't she? You don't check on someone when they're sick if you hated them... You didn't help tidy up their hut or make them tea if you hated someone...
Turning to face Freya again, his voice was soft as he asked, "Why are you doing this?"
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liminalpebble · 2 years ago
Eddie's Education: Chapter 4
Masterlist link
Minors DNI
As Eddie's van trundled through the heavy curtains of rain, he'd run out of things to say, so he was fidgeting instead, heart ready to thump out of his chest.
He didn't like the dark, the rain, the thunder storms; not after the crimson lightening and deafening thunder claps of the upside down, not after trekking through the cold endless nights of terrain like sinewy tar pits as his wounds stung with every step, always running on adrenaline and fight or flight, desperately seeking an exit. It was still hard to believe that it was all real, but if he ever doubted it, he could see and feel the scars to remind himself. Actually, he used to enjoy the night time most of all, and watching thunderstorms under the awning with his Uncle Wayne, swigging coffee from one of their many collected mugs and shootin' the shit until well after sunset, but those were more innocent days. Now just the vermilion wash of a stoplight gave him shivers, reminding him of that red-flashing sky.
Of course, his heart was also thumping from nerves, worried about his tutor; someone he was hoping to consider his friend (though he wouldn't dare get his hopes up for more). She was so quiet sitting there beside him, an expression of defeat drawn over her dark almond-shaped eyes like a curtain. She seemed so soft and so small, balled up in the passenger seat with her head against the window. He was dying to hold her.
As he pulled up to the spot outside her building and cut the engine, he heard sniffing and hiccuping just barely beneath the slashing din of the storm, and turned to see her sobbing.
“Oh...hey hey hey!” he prattled, suddenly forgetting his fears. He twisted in his seat to face her and fished his bandanna from his pocket, handing it to her.
“Thank you. I'm so sorry, Eddie. I'm being a baby,” she gasped out, rubbing her eyes with the soft cotton. “Thanks for the lift. I'll see you Thursday.”
“Hey!” He said holding her arm gently. “I'm not gonna let you go off to cry your eyes out alone, sweetheart. You've listened to me enough. Talk to me.”
“I shouldn't. I'm already on thin ice.”
“Leia, look at me. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Get it off your chest.”
Looking into his guileless brown eyes, she knew he meant it to the core. “I just...I've worked so hard to get my Master's, to be a good teacher and...and be taken seriously and it's just never enough. I've jumped all the hurdles in record time...tried to live up an insane standard, even though all my life no one had much faith in me. I get talked down to like a child. I'm up to my eyeballs in student debt,” she looked around and shrugged “and I don't have anything or anyone here in the ass end of nowhere...no offense,” she quickly added, worried that Eddie might take her comment personally.
“Nah, don't be sorry. You're right. This place is a shithole.”
She let out a little bark of laughter at that, wet eyes meeting his.
“I just feel so alone. The way people look at me here, like I'm an alien...just because I don't have a last name they recognize, or because I don't give a fuck about the local teams making the play-offs...”
“Or because you'd rather sit home reading Tolkien than going to the games,” Eddie added.
She knit her dark brows together in confusion. “How did you know I like Tolkien?”
He turned beet red. “Oh...Uh...I saw The Silmarillion on Book Mountain the first day.”
She laughed again, and it dislodged a few more tears, about to drip from her chin, onto her clothes. Without thinking, Eddie reached over to catch them, stroking them off her chin as he cradled her cheek. His eyes went wide with panic as he thought, oh fuck...oh fuck...that was weird, Eddie. That was a weird thing to do. You shouldn't have done that. Even as he thought this, he realized, to his horror that his hand wasn't moving from her face. In fact, she had closed her eyes, relaxed, her thick black lashes glossed with tears, lips and cheeks rosy from sobbing. He felt a little guilty thinking that she looked so pretty when she cried, that her skin felt so soft, and her lips looked so delicious, like a ripe wet apple. Her shoulders slumped in relief, leaning into his touch.
This feels so good...so right, Leia thought; the way the callouses on his fingers grazed gently over her jaw in little soothing strokes, as if he was terrified to hurt her with his rough hand. The cool smooth metal of his rings calmed her flushed skin. Then her heart sank as she thought, but it isn't right. It isn't right to lean on him. I'm the teacher, he's the student. I would be abusing my power.
“Sorry!” they yelped to each other simultaneously after being lost in the moment, as if they both touched a hot stove.
“It's just there was a little...” Eddie stammered.
“It's okay, Eddie. Thank you,” she said, smiling as she reassuringly patted his forearm, which was now bare without his jacket. With a start, she remembered that she was still wearing it and said “Oh...here you go,” passing it back to him.
“You sure, sweetheart? It's still coming down out there.”
“It's fine...it's fine. I'm like two steps from the door. Thank you Eddie, for listening...for everything.”
“No problem...it's nothing,” he said with a little dismissive wave. “Anytime, seriously...oh here,” he said grabbing a scrap of receipt and a pen from the littered dashboard and scribbling his phone number”.
“Eddie...I can't...”
“Seriously, call me. You shouldn't be alone in this town. There are other weirdos like us if you know where to look. Hawkins is your home now. It should feel like one.”
She nodded, tucking the little slip in her backpack, then looking him in the eye. “Goodnight, Eddie.”
He let out a breath he didn't realized he'd been holding as he said, “Goodnight, Miss Vespero.”
She giggled at that, and in a flash she was out the door, and in the lobby of her building, waving to him. He waved back, giving her a big silly grin which would be plastered to his face the rest of the evening, and most of the next day.
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hangonimevolving · 2 months ago
The Horror Movie - Part 1
Here I am, per usual - suddenly here to synopsize several months of life. Guys... I know sometimes I come on here and I'm all serious and gloom and doom, and all "dang, life has been not so great lately." It's not my intention to be the Grim Reaper... but dude. I'm just saying. We had a weird fall.
Okay let me back up. Last time I wrote on here was like early-mid September maybe? I don't want to view our entire fall through the lens of some of the scarier, more upsetting and depressing moments. There were some moments of peace and ordinary life....
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Of particular note, I had the chance to fly to Denver for a short but restorative reunion with my college girlfriends, which was fun.
But the fall mainly felt like a giant whirlwind of frenetic activity, deadlines, and stress - entirely on account of my involvement in Dey's elementary school PTA, which I talked about in this post just some time back. I specifically said that I could sense that my involvement in this venture was going to invariably suck me into a vortex - - and sure enough, it certainly did. It's been a HUGE undertaking - definitely the hardest I've ever worked for zero money, and that's really saying something because as you know, I've been an adjunct professor for over 10 years, which is essentially free work too. So I consider myself an expert on working hard for little to no money.
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Fall season for the PTA is insane. Guys, it's INSANE. Like, what the hell. There's all the "welcome back to school!" events - for students, parents, teachers, staff, everyone. There are first meetings where you have a full complement of the PTA whose presence is mandatory to show other parents what all we do each year and how we would love their help. There's a fall book fair, the positions for which are entirely staffed by volunteer labor - cashier, floor assistants, baggers, restockers, etc. Sometimes we resort to child labor - just kidding. But if you have your kid with you after school while you're restocking, sometimes they end up getting commissioned into service helping you. Then egads, here comes Halloween, and a clusterf$%^ of events and planning for that. There's Trunk or Treat, which is a HUUUUGE outdoor fall festival event that attracts north of 1500 attendees each year, and it feels like the world's most giant undertaking ever. There's fall classroom parties. There's candy contests. There's sorting, weighing, bagging, and disseminating said candy. There's crafting till your eyes pop out and your fingers pop off. Just - can I lie down already? Sheesh.
Anyway. So all of this falls in the category of "normal life things." But alas, this fall was dominated by "NOT normal life things," and I am doing my best to try to move forward mentally from it all - but if I'm being honest, I'm having a hard time with that. I don't know what good comes from retelling hard stories - but I tend to be the type who feels drawn to recollect hard times and hard stories while I'm trying to move forward. Maybe that's why I'm here today.
Backing up a few weeks, from Halloween, back to like late September. There was a little blip, a hiccup - and in hindsight, I realize this might have been a signal flare going off that more worrisome things were to come.
The week started off normally, with me volunteering at my second book fair of the week, going out shopping for a school PTA breakfast event, etc. I was actually out at the time, grabbing a takeout lunch in between errands, when I suddenly got the call from my mom. "Where are you? Can you come over here right now, as fast as possible?! Don't speed, don't panic - but I think you need to come here now." I of course ask what's going on... and I get the background that my dad had gone for a 5 mile walk in his neighborhood, come home, and then fainted in the shower. He'd scraped his shoulder pretty badly on his way down, potentially hit his head, and then came to - got out of the shower, attempted to dry himself off, and then fainted again, before once again regaining consciousness and crawling to his bed, where he was now laying, feeling very lightheaded and ill.
Of course I hightail it to their house and discover him looking pale and weak in bed, and I am no medical professional - but gauging from the 90+ degree heat, humidity and sunshine outside, and his skin looking VERY wrinkly and "tenting" (I pinched the back of his hand and the skin stayed in a piked, tented position) - - I am like, I think you're dehydrated. Can you try to drink some fluids? He responds that he feels extremely nauseous and he doesn't think he can keep them down. My mom is somewhat reluctant to jump to the conclusion that he needs the hospital, as he's now lucid, making sense and all that..... I think its also relevant here in some ways that apparently, they'd had a disagreement about this dumb walk he went on, she had repeatedly told him that it was a very hot and humid day outside and to keep it short, but in his ornery, grumpy way, he'd brushed her off and said "I'll do whatever I want!" before stomping out the house... ugh. So she too was confident he really just needed to take in some fluids. But he was saying he couldn't, and also that he couldn't sit up, not even in my car for me to drive him to the hospital, because he'd faint again. So -I did the thing you do in this situation, I called 911, and soon enough the paramedics were at the house to help load him up and take him in.
Evidence of his fainting/falling - I arrived to find blood at the bottom of the shower stall from his scrape, and also the toilet seat lid knocked clean off....
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Of course, I'm always happy to help my parents. NO one wants these situations to happen, but when they do - that's what I'm here for. My mom and I followed the ambulance to the hospital, where my dad ended up in an ER bay for about 3-4 hours before being transferred to an general hospital ward overnight for IV fluids and monitoring.
Anyway. So this was the week of September 18th. Now, my mom and I tried to be mature and reasonable in our responses to this incident, but even without us saying anything, I confess there was a bit of a "told you so" air about us, because we frequently tell my dad (at this time, 79 years of age) that he shouldn't go for long walks after the sun is fully out, and the heat/humidity are so high - certainly not with his medical history of severe diabetes, heart disease, bypass surgery, a pacemaker..... but stubborn is as stubborn does. He grumblingly promised that he wouldn't do that anymore, and we believed him, assuming that this long walk had been an intentional act of defiance against us, and not a sign of anything more sinister or ominous in terms of his health.... well. We had no idea what was in the pipeline for our family.
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iwaizumeanie · 4 years ago
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character: matsukawa issei
notes: brief mentions of sex, alcohol, drunk sappy issei tee hee, angel as a petname <3 idk i don't like this too too much, but i've been writing it since before i even decided to make this blog l o l. take it and go.
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You hated the feeling rising in your chest. It was like a balloon, swelling fast and filling your rib cage first, then traveling up your neck, leaving you with a disgusting lump in your throat.
You'd noticed him immediately when you entered the bar. His tousled black hair hadn't changed, his slate eyes were just as piercing as you remembered as they caught your own stare. He smirked at you briefly, immediately retracting as you rolled your eyes and made a beeline to a barstool as far away from Matsukawa as you could be. You scrolled on your phone mindlessly as you waited for the bartender to notice you tucked away in the corner.
"You're not going to say hi?" You groaned inwardly at the cool tone of his voice, finally mustering up the courage to meet his gaze.
"Hi, Issei. Good enough?"
He frowned at you, "You're still mad at me."
You couldn't stop the scoff from escaping you, planting your hands firmly on the bartop as you turned your torso toward him fully. "Mad at you? What would make you think that I'm mad at you?"
He let out a low laugh, leaning in closer to you. You weren't ignorant to notice his cologne still smelled the same, his sweater still fit tight around his chest, and his ego was large as ever.
"You're mad that I walked out on you."
You bit your lower lip, thinking of a retort before the bartender finally made his way to you, cutting off any opportunity to snap back at Matsukawa.
"She'll have a vodka soda, top shelf, extra lime. Put it on my tab." He grinned, looking at your annoyed expression from the corner of his eye.
He turned his attention back to you quickly, propping himself on his elbow against the bar. "So, am I right? You're mad I left?" His smug expression was enough to make you bubble with rage, his confidence was nothing short of sickening, and still you couldn't help but feel entranced by him as he stood in front of you.
"You can't leave somebody if you were never theirs in the first place, Issei." The moment your drink was set in front of you, you hopped off the barstool, turning away to find somewhere, anywhere else to sit in hopes that Matsukawa wouldn't follow. And he didn't, instead, he watched as you faded into the crowd of the packed bar. And he felt the strings of his heart tug just a little tighter.
The sound of a thumping against your front door stirred you awake, straining your eyes to check the clock. It read just a little past two, and your legs swung over the side of the bed to check what was happening in the hallway. Staring out of your peephole, you were met with the zoomed in sight of Matsukawa's forehead, pressed against your door, with his fist lightly pounding against it.
You groaned, internally battling whether you wanted to open the door or not. Surely he hadn't heard the sound of your footsteps over his own low sighs and groans as he fought to keep himself standing. Then, you heard it, your name slipping past his lips, drawn out in a drunken daze.
You sighed as you unlocked the door, opening it quickly, sending him toppling over into your entry way. He stared up at you with glazed over eyes, a dopey smile spreading wide across his face.
"Hi, angel."
"What are you doing here? It's late."
"Jus' wanted to see you," a hiccup broke apart his sentence. "Wanted to see you again."
He picked himself up clumsily, looming over you and swaying in place. He leaned down, hoping for a kiss, but as you turned your head he was met with your cheek instead. You made your way to the kitchen, pulling a cup down from a cabinet and fetching water for him.
"Sit," you gestured to the couch and he was quick to plop down, propping his legs up on your coffee table in the same way you'd always hated. He gulped the water down quickly, like it was the first thing he'd had to drink in weeks.
"I wanted to see you."
"You already said that, Issei. Why can't you leave me alone?" Your hands covered your face as you hunched over on yourself, burying away any trace of sadness from your features.
"I miss," he sighed, leaning his head against the back of the couch, closing his eyes tight. "I miss the way you feel."
"So you came here to try and fuck me?"
"No! Y'idiot, I miss waking up next to you, and the way you would jus' run your hands through my... My hair in the mornings." He was struggling through his sentence, gulping back the urge to vomit on the carpet. You stared at him in awe. "You always, you always made m' feel like you were listening to me when I talked. Y'know what I mean?"
"Why did you leave?" Your voice was barely a whisper, like you didn't actually intend for him to hear you. "I just woke up and you were gone. It was like you never even existed. No goodbye, nothing. If you were going to leave, then you should've just stayed out of my life."
He stared back at you now, a sharpness in his gaze that wasn't there before. "Got scared. You scare me, angel." He looked away from you again, squeezing his eyes shut tightly like the words coming from him hurt. "'m scared to love you. Y'r way too good for me." He laid across the couch, curling in on himself and tucking his fist below his chin. "I jus' wanted to come here," he yawned, cutting off his own sentence. "Wanted to wake up next to you again."
You sat in shock for a moment before you heard a soft snore escape him. You left the room quickly, fetching a blanket from your dresser and throwing it over top of him before making your way back to bed. You laid in the darkness, mind reeling at the words Matsukawa had said to you.
"He's drunk," you whispered wobbily through tears that you refused to let escape. Sleep seemed out of reach as you tossed and turned, thinking about the drunken idiot asleep on your couch, only one room over from you, and how much you wish you weren't in love with him.
You woke up in a daze, the morning sun creeping through your curtains as you fought off the urge to pull the blanket back over your head. It was only after a few minutes that he smell of coffee crept into your nose, stirring you out of bed. You padded your way into the kitchen, startled by a disheveled looking Matsukawa hunched over the sink, rubbing his temples.
"Oh, good morning. Do you have any pain killers? My head is pounding." He spoke to you in such a casual tone it almost made you want to scream at him, hit him, something.
Instead though, you pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen, handing him a few before pouring a cup of coffee and collecting your thoughts. "Why are you still here, Issei?"
"Ouch," he placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "A little hospitality wouldn't kill you."
"You already showed up in the middle of the night to claim my couch, and broke into my coffee, how much more do I have to do?" Your words bit at him.
"Look, I'm sorry I just showed up, I didn't know where to go."
"I don't know, your own house maybe?"
He leaned against the kitchen sink and stared at you, making you feel like you were only two feet tall. It wasn't scrutinizing, and he didn't have the same edge to his gaze as he usually did. He looked like he was sad almost, like he wanted to say a million things but didn't know just how to get the words out.
"It's not fair. You can't just come in here and take my life over again like you weren't the one who left."
"Listen," he took a step forward, retracting immediately, finding balance in leaning against the counter again. "I meant what I said last night, angel. I left because you scare the shit out of me."
Your eyes narrowed in his direction, staying quiet and waiting for him to continue.
"I can't give you what you deserve. And I know that for a fact, so I did what I had to do. That's it. But that doesn't mean I haven't thought of you every single day. I love you, angel, I'm sorry to say it."
You laughed bitterly at the impossibility of the situation. In came the storm that was Matsukawa Issei, reeling you right back into the eye of it without the chance to ground yourself. You pushed yourself off the counter, closing the space between the two of you, pointing a finger into his chest harshly.
"If you love me, Matsukawa, you do a real shitty job of showing it. I want you to leave."
He caught your wrist, pulling you flush against his chest. You didn't push back, didn't bring a hand up to slap him in the face, and he wasn't shy to notice that you definitely didn't seem to mind his other arm wrapping around your waist, his hand resting on the small of your back. He stared down at you with a confidence only he could pull off, smirking at your scowl.
"Don't go throwing around my family name like that. I don't think you actually want me to go, do you?"
You inhaled sharply, pressing your forehead against his shoulder to hide the tears you let fall past your cheeks. "No. I never wanted you to go in the first place."
He lifted your chin to meet his eyes, softening at your sad expression. "I'm not going anywhere this time. I'm gonna make sure I earn your trust, and I'm going to to everything I can to give you the things you deserve, angel. I don't wanna hurt you this way."
He pressed chaste kisses across your cheeks, landing the final one against your lips softly, sighing into you. Your arms snaked tightly around his neck, unwanting and unwilling to let go of him.
"You better not make me regret this, Issei."
"Wouldn't dream of it, angel."
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we-have-bangtan · 4 years ago
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Random One-shot.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Theme: Angst, fluff, pain.
Warning: mentions of alcohol and swear words.
A/n: pls imagine long hair Jungkook from winter package 2021.
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“I want an answer, goddammit!” Jungkook yelled in his drunk stupor. His eyes looking up to the sky from the large rock he was standing on, he wanted an answer, he was tired of this.
"WHY AM I NOT A PRINCESS???" He yelled again when someone yelled at him. "Jesus Christ, can you not shut up, dumbass' like you don't get to be princesses!" a female voice snapped
"GOD??" he asked, terrified, he wasn't sure if he was ready to meet God yet, he was still so young and dumb, a sinner who hadn't done a single act of redemption yet.
"No you idiot, look down here!" the voice said again, this time much closer, Jungkook looked down as instructed to see Yn looking up at him from the foot of the rock, "You!!!" he yelled, jumping off the rock in an attempt to look cool only to stumble and fall to the ground.
"Aish what a loser!" she playfully sneered as she reached out to help him up, "You didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked, taking his hand as pulling him along with her.
"Why did you come here?" he asked, stumbling after her to where ever she was taking him, he didn't care where she was taking him, he was just happy that she was with him. "Why? am I not supposed to be here?" she demanded watching in amusement as Jungkook tried to correct himself.
"Could you not be nicer to me? I'm going through a tough time here" he groaned, putting all his body weight on her as she dragged him to his car.
"You're facing the consequences of your actions Koo, you bought these tough times upon your self" she mumbles softly, resting him against the car door before patting his pants.
"Yah, Yn! you're hot and all but not my type, this is harassment!" he yelled, hiccuping between each word. "Shut up and stay still, I'm trying to find your keys" she huffed as she finally pulled his keys out of his back pocket.
She successfully shoved him into the passenger seat before heading to the other side, "Here have some water" she said, opening the bottle of water he always kept in his car. He obeyed quietly, his eyes growing wider as he put his lips to the mouth of the bottle, taking a few sips. Her cooing and praise motivating him to finish the whole bottle.
He rested his head on her shoulder as she rived up the engine, she didn't seem to mind the weight of his head, calmly changing gears as they went down Namsan mountain. "How did you get here?" he asked, already half asleep. "Yoongi gave me a ride" she answered as she pulled up on the main road which was quite crowded for 1:00 a.m.
"Why did you come to get me? I've been horrible to you" he asked feeling a pang in his chest remembering all that he had done to her, to sweet, sweet Ynnie who never saw wrong in anyone.
"You weren't horrible Gukkie, you were just hurt, you didn't hurt me or anything" she said, her eyes on the road, she refused to look at him as he spoke.
"Stop saying that, I put too much effort into hurting you for you to say that" he whined as un-shed tears pooled in his eyes, she laughed at his words, it was true.
He had gone out of his way to hurt her one too many times, and it had hurt like a gun shot right through her chest, but she was okay now, she was doing fine and had forgiven this brat a long time ago, but he didn't seem to be able to forgive himself for the pain he had caused her.
"Go to sleep Jungkook-ah, I'm here with you, just sleep, I'll wake you up once we get home." she mumbled softly, her words giving Jungkook the green light to fall asleep.
Jungkook felt like he was seeing God when he woke up, a blinding light in his eyes, but blinking a few times proved to him that that was not the case. It wasn't God, just his bedroom curtain being drawn away and the sun shining in.
He groaned as he realized where he was, 'was it all a dream?' he thought as he pulled himself off his bed, his head felt like it had been bombed with a M67 grenade, an unpleasant taste settling in his mouth from all the alcohol last night only to realize that he was in the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday.
He really wished last night hadn't been a dream, that Yn had actually come to get him from Namsan mountain. It had been their spot before they had stopped going there due to the amount of drunkards who went there to drink and left beer bottles everywhere.
He never would have thought he'd join that category but his actions last night made him ashamed of himself.
A shower was up next, the scalding water hitting his skin made him hiss, but he refused to wait till the water cooled down, his mind stopped thinking for a while as he showered.
The thoughts flooding back once he got back, pulling on a t-shirt as he went into the living room.
"So you're awake!" Namjoon yelled when he saw Jungkook emerge from his room. "My head is killing me!" Jungkook groaned as he headed to the fridge, "Yn left a note and something else for you, it's on the kitchen counter" Jin yelled from his place on the couch.
Yn's sticky note stuck to a lunchbox which laid on the counter, he wiped his hair with a towel as he grabbed a bottle of cold water, going to read the note,
Please drink moderately from now on, being an alcoholic is so not cool and don't drink in public, you'll get arrested.
I know you're going through a tough time so I made kookies for you, enjoy them to the fullest and please try to get the closure that you deserve. Don't coop yourself up in your room, you're starting to get too pale.
Please be careful, tell the boys I love them <3.
'tell the boys I love them', Jungkook read the same line over and over again, did this mean she didn't love him anymore? was he no longer existent to her?
He didn't know what that line meant, but it made him sad, sad that he wasn't part of the 'boys' that she was referring to, nope, he was no long one of her 'boys', she was someone who he'd never be able to face again.
A pang went through his chest as reality settled in once again. He had no redemption from this, no one should forgive him for the things he had done to her, not even him.
"Did you see her when she left?" he asked as he picked up the lunchbox, seeing the perfectly made kookies inside, tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down at them, kookies were Yn's version of dasik, a traditional Korean cookie that she made often.
Nostalgia hit him like a truck as he picked up the fragile dessert, the smell of sesame seeds bringing back memories of the two of them in her parents' kitchen, him teasing her while she toiled away at the counter, grinding, kneading and pressing.
He didn't help because she always yelled at him for making a mess but oh, the things he'd do to get her to yell at him again, even if it was for just one more time.
"Yn made dasik????" Jimin said, peering at the delicacy, Jungkook quickly wiped away his tears, trying to seem strong, he didn't want his hyungs seeing him cry over sweets.
Jimin's words had caught the attention of everyone else, making them all whine, "How come he gets sweets and I get nothing!!" Jin huffed as he pulled his phone out to dial Yn's number, a number Jungkook didn't have anymore.
"Yah, Jungkookie, sharing is caring you know" Namjoon said as he got up from his place when Yoongi stopped him, he knew how much the cookies meant to Jungkook now that he and Yn were no longer the same that they used to be.
Jungkook quietly walked back to his room with the box and water bottle, plopping down on the floor so he could lean his back against the bed, he opened the box again.
He picked one delicate kookie up, she had named it after him when things had still been fine, no, not fine, when things had been wonderful. He never thought these cookies would mean so much to him.
The tears that he had controlled so carefully in the kitchen flowed free as the memories flooded his mind, every memory of Yn fitting like the beautiful stained glass windows of churches, he rushed to pull out his phone, scrolling through the bin in search of pictures of the two of them.
He didn't know why Yn's presence had affected him so much, but it had affected him in a way no break up could. It had been an year since he and Yn had gone off the deep end, cutting off contact with each other. Jungkook had gone the extra mile to delete all the pictures he had of Yn and to make her life as horrible as he could.
He couldn't blame it on his, now, ex-girlfriend Minjoon who had encouraged him to cut her out, all he could do was blame himself for it, he had no reason for being like that, no excuse to make himself feel better, he never thought Yn leaving his life would be more painful than Minjoon leaving.
Fuck, he had never though Yn would leave his life, if someone had told that to 19 year old Jungkook, he would have laughed in their face. But now, here he was, crying over Yn's kookies and her photos.
He had been a terrible friend and he'd never forgive himself for it, he had done unmentionable things that had ripped Yn from him despite her trying to hold on for so long.
His tears turned into sobs as he remembered all the times she had just taken his abuse without a word while the rest of the boys had yelled at him.
He was a fool for choosing Minjoon over her, when he had broken up with Minjoon the day before yesterday, he hadn't been sad that they had broken up, he was sad that he had let go of Yn, that he had lost hold of the one constant in his life.
Namjoon pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear something, anything, that would indicate Jungkook was still alive in there. It had been 3 days since he had locked himself in, only coming out at the dead of night to grab more booze before going back inside.
He felt Jungkook deserved ever inch of pain he was going through for everything he had done to Yn, Namjoon pitied him, the kid was still young, supposed to be carefree and making merry, but here he was, drinking his life away.
While Namjoon definitely wouldn't mind leave Jungkook alone to get over it himself, he couldn't let the kid just die in there.
Jungkook jerked awake when a bucket of water was splashed on his face, his head and neck aching at the sudden movement, "What??" he thought as he looked around, empty bottles of alcohol scattered around his room.
He didn't think as he laid back down in the puddle of water, ready to go back to sleep when a sharp pain shot through his body, starting from his leg, he immediately jerked up again, his gaze on the chunky pair of shoes that had just caused him pain.
"I TOLD YOU TO DRINK MODERATELY" a voice yelled as his eyes traveled above the shoes till his eyes met Yn's dark ones, he didn't know what to do or say now that he was face to face with him.
"You need to get over Minjoon, she was a hoe for breaking your heart, but that doesn't mean you become an alcoholic, now go take a shower, you smell of garbage" she said, pulling Jungkook onto his feet. He swayed a little letting the words sink in.
"You think I'm this upset because of Minjoon?" he asked when his brain finally started working again, "Ummm... are you not?" she asked, seeming surprised at the revelation.
"No, I'm not" he said, stepping closer to her, quickly stopping when he saw her move away, "Go shower Jungkook, we'll talk once you've eaten something" she said softly, her concern for him evident in her tone.
He quietly left, heading to the bathroom, praying that she'd still be there by the time he came back. He washed his hair and body as quickly as possible, clumsily dropping the bottle of shampoo and bar of soap in the process.
He stepped out to a somewhat clean room, the puddle of water was gone, but the bottles remained the way they were before, he quickly gathered them up, using his foot to swing the door open as he head into the living room.
He saw Yn and Jimin chilling on the couch, giggling over something on Jimin's phone, oblivious to his presence. He loudly dropped the cans and bottles into the trash making the two of them turn towards him.
"All clean?" Yn asked, craning her neck so she could see him clearly. He nodded, he had freshened up although his hair was still wet. She beckoned him over to the couch, shoving Jimin out of his place next to her (it made him whine but he left eventually) .
A bowl of steaming hot ramyeon sat on the coffee table, the serving was enough for two people and Jungkook assumed it was both for him and Yn. She turned onto her side, facing him as he sat on the couch, he did the same, pulling his feet up and crossing them as she stared at him with a smile.
She picked up the bowl of ramyeon, handing it to him, "Eat." she demanded, giving him a pair of chopsticks as well. "Are you not eating?" he asked, digging his chopsticks in, "You haven't eaten in three days, Jungkook, you need to eat" she answered as he slurped the noodles, "this is good!!" he exclaimed.
Yn almost drooled at the noises he made while eating, her mouth watering at the thought of exactly how good that ramyeon was, "you want some?" Jungkook asked as he pulled up a piece of chicken from inside, hovering it within the reach of her mouth.
Yn gulped as she stared at the piece, no, no no, she should not, "go on, one bite" Jungkook tempted, his hand still infront of her mouth, "no? are you sure?" he teased, seeing right through her poker face.
Yn gave in when Jungkook made a huge show of pulling his chopsticks away, leaning forward and grabbing the piece of chicken with her mouth. "I'll go get you another pair of chopsticks" Jungkook aid as he got up, he felt better, maybe he and Yn would go back to how things were before.
He hopped back onto the couch, handing her the chopsticks. They passed the bowl back and forth, each of them taking a bite and passing it back. "Why did you come here anyway?" he asked as she slurped on the noodles.
"Why? should I not come?" she demanded as she passed the bowl back, he paused, looking up at her, "I just never thought you'd come back here after everything" he answered, taking a big bite before giving it back.
"want to order some jajangmeyoen? I don't think this ramen will be enough" he said, scrolling through his phone for the restaurant's phone number, Yn hummed in agreement as she passed the bowl back, "here order" he said, handing her his phone as he continued to eat.
"I came because Namjoon called me saying you drank yourself to death" she admitted as she dialed the number, ordering a variety of side dishes before hanging up.
"You were worried" he said, reframing the answer she gave, "I never stopped" she mumbled as she finished the last of the ramen in the bowl, the sauce getting on her upper lip as she drank the rest of the soup.
"Why did you care so much?" he mumbled as he pulled his long sleeve to wipe away the sauce o her face, like a parent tending to their messy child. "Because I love you" she huffed as she saw tears well up in Jungkook's eyes at her words.
She pulled him into her arms, holding him tight as he cried, 'poor Jungkook, he's been through so much' she thought as she hugged him tight, "I though you didn't love me anymore" he sobbed as he held on to her waist, refusing to let go.
"Aigoo, why did you think that, did I ever give you a reason to think that I don't love you anymore?" she coo'd, it was funny, how Jungkook was much bigger than she was in size, yet he tended to make himself as small as possible when she held him.
"But I hurt you so much, why would you still?" he sobbed, she held him tighter, letting him cry, "you were in love, I don't blame you, you didn't know any better" she assured, "That doesn't excuse everything I did" he mumbled.
It was true, it didn't excuse what he did but he was too precious for Yn to push away, he meant too much for her and she knew it wasn't totally Jungkook's fault that they had fallen apart in pieces.
She had put all her baggage on him, regardless of if he could carry it for her or not, it had been a key factor in driving him away. She had been too dependent on him, she basically revolved around him till they broke apart.
But Jungkook going away had made her better, more independent and more social. She stopped connecting comfort with Jungkook, he was not her comfort during those times, she had learnt to comfort herself, make herself happy.
During the time her and Jungkook had been fighting, her ego had flared up, she stopped trying with him, preferring to return the snarky attitude that he was giving her, his actions had hurt her pride but she was over it now, she had made peace with the past and with Jungkook's behavior.
She knew he was suffering and she hated seeing him like this, "don't cry, don't cry kook, it's okay, I'm fine, I'm over it" she mumbled as his sobs turned into silent tears.
She looked up to see Namjoon standing at the doorway, seeing awkward and uncomfortable. Yn gave him a small smile, he considered that as permission to sneak into his room quietly.
Jungkook's sobs turned into silent tears as he came to terms with reality, Yn was here with him again, she was the same, she didn't hate him, she still loved him the same. "Who the hell even told you that I don't love you anymore?" Yn demanded as she saw his tears subside, he just held on to her now, no more crying.
"You wrote 'tell the boys i love them' what else do you want me to think" he whined as buried his face in her neck, not wanting to see her eyes narrow at him, "yah, I didn’t write that note so you'd overthink and cry about it" she scolded as she squished his cheeks in her hand.
He pulled away, getting up to go drink some water, he just had the most satisfying cry of his life and he felt lighter, maybe it was the dehydration, he didn't know but he certainly felt lighter. His head was more clear than it had been in ages.
He was washing his face when the doorbell rang, "jajangmyeon!!" Yn exclaimed as she went to answer the door, taking the various boxes before grabbing his wallet, "where is your card?" She yelled as she dug through it. "Its on the desk in my room" he yelled back as he scrubbed the soap off.
He felt happy, hearing her shuffling around in the apartment after such a long time, it made him think that they could go back to how they were before. But for now, he was satisfied, happy, he'd take whatever she'd give him now. He had a lot of making up to do and he swore he'dtreat her better than he had. He'd make himself a better friend for her.
Even if they didn't become best friends right away, he swore he'd put in the effort and consideration to make himself deserving of her love again.
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those70scomics · 8 years ago
when did you start making that 70s show comics? how did the idea start? (sorry if you've been asked this before -- i don't think i've ever seen a "back story"! :))
I started drawing the comics February 2010 . I originally posted the first ones on the That ‘70s Show board at Fan Forum in March 2010.
I’d always drawn comic strips of one sort or another (original, not fandom, and not digital except for inking and coloring). But then I read iharthdarth, an hilarious comic strip about Star Wars, and I wanted to find a fandom I could be passionate enough about to do something similar for.
I fell back in love with That ‘70s Show in 2009. I joined the T7S message board early 2010, and I came up with the idea for this comic. It was silly enough, and I originally approached the comics a satire of the show, like iharthdarth is a loving satire of Star Wars.
But my writer brain took over, and the comics evolved into something more resembling a graphic novel that expands and deepens (and corrects) the show’s characterization and storylines as well as satirizing certain things (and adding in some surreal elements, like Hyde hiccuping rainbows whenever he’s Jackie-happy).
I wanted the process of drawing the comics to be as efficient as possible. Drawing them on paper with my usual cartoony style would take forever (including scanning, digital inking, etc.), so I decided to try my hand at pixel art. That way, the sets were, er, set. I could plunk the character down on them like Colorforms. 
In the seven years I’ve been drawing the comics, I’ve gotten better at it. I originally intended to make only 100 comics, so I didn’t bother to give most of the characters arms or profiles or to put them in the outfits they were in each episode. When the characters spoke to one another, they looked toward “the camera” instead at one another. The dialogue/text boxes were a total mess.
But now all the characters have arms and profiles (and some even have three-quarter views). I draw each outfit each character wears per ep (and that can be a lot). I continue to work on improving the art. The dialogue/text boxes are uniform. Some backgrounds take me two hours to draw.
And the writing … I originally drew one or two comics per episode. Some of the early eps didn’t get any comics. But now the upcoming episode “Who Are You” (6x15) has the most comics I’ve drawn for an episode: ninety-one.
Yeah, the show’s version of that ep needed a helluva lot of work and changes to make fit long-established characterization and to create satisfying character development.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 6 months ago
She shook her head. “Yeah, no. I don’t talk to the twins, they genuinely scare me. I’m afraid that if I make myself known to them, I’m gonna get pranked by them on Loki Day- I mean, I’ve heard horror stories of the stuff they’ve done, I don’t wanna subject myself to that.”
A lopsided grin appeared across her face. “I’m going to take that as a ‘yes.’”
“You and all your safety crap, I swear…” She watched as he pulled out the straw, an unamused frown on her face. “Well, where’s the fun in that? A decoy? You are so lame.”
She hummed at his answer before raising an eyebrow. “You just forget to eat? How? I mean, ever since I came here, I’ve been enjoying my three square meals a day- good meals at that, how does that just slip your mind? Doesn’t your stomach ever start to hurt?” She wasn’t trying to be offensive, she was honestly just confused.
Finally hopping off the edge of the table, she looked up at him. “Nah, that’s cool, at least it’s not yaknog, and besides, it’s your birthday, eat whatever you want,” she stated. She nodded. “I’ll stop by later.” She started making her way towards the door, turning around to face him once more. “Well, I hope you liked your gifts, and all the pain and suffering that went into making them. I’ll see you later! Happy birthday!” she exclaimed, waving goodbye before leaving his hut, closing the door behind her.
Later that evening, just before dusk, Danny once again made her way over to Hiccups hut, where he had been preparing dinner.
Honestly? She was extremely happy at the fact that she had been invited, even though she shouldn’t have been too surprised.
Making her way up the front stairs to his hut, she knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. She didn’t want to just barge in like earlier, just in case Astrid and Valka were already there.
"That's a great choice, actually, as I've been on the wrong end of those Loki Day pranks..." He shook his head. "Definitely keep your distance."
"Where's the fun? The fun is in not getting roasted alive again. I think you'll agree that burns are no joke, won't you? Besides, given my...past experiences, a lot of people think I'm drawn to danger. This is just me taking some precautions, that's all."
Laughing lightly, he just shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just don't feel hungry when I'm really focused on something. It doesn't really hit until later in the day, I guess." He didn't know how to explain it, but time just flew by when he was working.
He visibly paled at the mention of yaknog. It had been a couple months, but the taste of that still haunted him. "There's a good reason as to why I'm the one cooking today. I wouldn't subject you to more of that, it wouldn't be right." His mom wasn't known for her cooking, either, but he didn't mind having to cook.
Gesturing to the carving and drawing on his desk, he smiled. "yeah, thank you, I really do--wait, pain and suffering?? What? No, no--wait, that's a joke, isn't it? You didn't actually... have pain and suffering doing this, did you--?"
She had left too quickly, leaving him without an answer.
Going back to his desk, he picked up the carving and drawing, knowing just where to put them.
Hours later, the pot of stew was cooking over the fire, filling the hut with its savory scent.
Astrid and Valka were already there, playing Maces and Talons. Hiccup was watching as the two competed against each other, offering advice here and there to his mom. He knew Astrid was well versed in the game, and knew she needed no pointers. His mom, however, had only played a handful of times, still getting a handle on her strategies.
At the knock on the door, he made his way over to answer it, knowing it must be Danny.
"Hey! Come on in, you're right on time!"
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