#I don't really care anymore but I did sigh out loud when i saw the dolphin dragons
chrissv4mp · 2 days
chap 1 , get that girl. — | — ...back — | — next...
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summary: the interaction at the diner hasn't left his thoughts, and chris just can't help himself when it comes to your beautiful presence, so he follows you home.
pairing: stalker!chris sturniolo × singer!reader
warnings + topics: cursing, stalking, murder, weapons, blood, obsessive behavior, suggestive moments, breaking & entering, crying, arguments, chris is crazy, choking, drowning, first person, second person, etc. more than half of these topics are mentioned in later chapters.
author's note: if the person reading this is sensitive to any of the topics listed above, please do not read this. i am not responsible for your own media consumption, and will not change any aspect of the story for your own pleasure. (this will be the last time i will state this, please scroll if you're not comfortable.)
author's note 2: he's giving joe goldberg!! this chapter is written mainly in 1st person, & the first half is chris' perspective! i'll clarify that throughout the story.
author's note 3: you guys are getting this a little earlier because i couldn't wait to post it🗣🗣
word count: 2.8k
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why are you walking home alone, y/n? it's not safe out here, especially late at night. what if some creep tries to attack you? i know you're smarter than that.
and you're on your phone, clearly unaware of what's going on around you. you're lucky i'm here to keep you safe. i'll always be.
i reach behind my back, grabbing my hood to throw it over my head. if she saw that i was the one following her, she probably wouldn't watch me anymore. she would think i'm a weirdo.
i hear her laugh, and god, i wish that sound could just repeat in my head for a lifetime. it's such a sweet, soft sound, just like her personality. sweet.
"jamie, don't be such a dick. you know the deadline is coming soon and we have to finish the album." i hear her say, and i can't help but flinch at the sudden noise.
who is she talking to? who is jamie, and why is he being a dick to her? nobody should ever even speak a filthy word to her let alone treat her badly, she's such an angel.
her head turns, and i finally get a glimpse of her earbuds. she can't hear me. no wonder why she hasn't turned back every time i step on the gravelly sidewalk. it's such an annoying sound, always calling me out.
y/n sighs, rubbing her temple with one hand as her free one holds the phone up to her ear, "it's like you don't even care if we descend the charts! maybe ask yourself why you're doing this before you go and screw everything up."
she's tense, i can tell from the way she groans under her breath. i can hear jamie's voice, it's quiet but i can make out what he's saying.
something about rerecording background vocals and going over lyrics again. then, he says something inaudible, and now y/n is on video call with him.
she taps a button, and now i can hear him loud and clear, "just listen to this, it really needs some touch-ups."
i can see his face from the way y/n is holding her phone, and suddenly his eyebrows furrow and he looks directly at me.
the music pauses, and y/n stops in her tracks. she's in the middle of the crosswalk, and i'm just a few feet behind her.
"y/n... who is that?" my eyes widen as i realize he's talking about me. she only laughs nervously, shrugging the uncomfortable feeling off.
don't look back, "stop fucking around and just show me the chorus." she huffs out, another laugh leaving her plump lips.
his eyes are still on me through that screen, and i just continue to walk, hoping that my cover won't be blown.
"no, y/n, look behind you. there's a man following you!" he finally yells, and i curse under my breath as i hear y/n's breathing pick up.
her head whips around, and that's when i panic. fuck, why did her house have to be so far away? damn you, jamie.
my first thought is to just rush her, tackle her to the floor and throw her phone on the ground, but i don't because that would result in hurting her. so, i take the second best option, running to my right and into some bushes.
i hear y/n scream from behind me, and then i hear her footsteps finally run off the crosswalk and across the street. my foot gets caught on a stick, and i fall face first into the dirt.
my knees hit the ground, and i groan at the sharp pain of rocks on my flesh. my hands sunk into the mud beneath me, getting the hem of my sweatshirt sleeves dirty, "dude, what the fuck?"
i stand up again, shaking my hands out in front of me in hopes of getting the mud off. some of it does, and a small amount of damage is repaired, but there's still cuts and bruises forming on my lower half.
my eyes wander, looking down at my bloodied knees. why did i even wear jorts today? it's boston, it's not supposed to be hot after 6 pm.
my hands clench into fists, and anger begins to boil under my skin. it feels like it's 90° now, snd i just want to punch something. why do my plans always fucking fail? no matter what i do, the outcome is horrible.
not this time. no, i'm not gonna let this silly little thing mess up my plan. this is just a setback, and there's always downs in life, don't let it get the best of you, chris.
"breathe." i mutter, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. i wish matt was here, he would know what to do. he would console me and tell me everything's gonna be alright.
he would tell me to keep going, get the girl. and that's exactly what i'm gonna do, whether jamie likes it or not. because this is just a minor setback, nothing will stop me from getting y/n. no one will stop me.
"you're starrin' in my dreams,
in magazines,"
it's the next day, and now matt is dabbing the large cut on me with a cotton ball. the hydrogen peroxide stings, and i flinch as he puts a bit more pressure.
"matt!" i groan, reaching for his hand. he swats mine away, looking up into my eyes with a stern expression.
i shut my mouth and just look away, trying not to focus on the pain too much as my brother pushes it against my knee. i hear him let out a long sigh, and then my attention is back on him.
he gives me a knowing look, and then he speaks, "what'd you do this time?" my eyebrows furrow in offense. i never do anything, it's not always my fault.
i scoff, looking around at anything but matt. how could i explain that i was following the love of my life, that doesn't know she's the love of my life yet, home, and then got caught and threw myself into some bushes? he would think i'm a maniac, and that's the last thing i want my older brother to think of me as.
"i tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. it was hugeee, matt, you really should've seen it." way to go, chris, that's so believable.
he shrugs, a smile coming to his face as he laughs, "i'm not even surprised." that was very believable, chris. way to go!
"not surprised is crazy." nick chimes in, and both mine and matt's heads whip up in the direction of his voice.
he's leaning against the door frame of my bedroom, a smug smirk on his face as he squints his eyes to see my knees better, "wow, chris, who pushed you off the slide?"
i just flip him off, they're treating me like a child. i'm smarter than that, i'm tougher than the both of them. well, maybe not nick, but i'm close!
"actually go choke." i groan, throwing myself back against the mattress as disappointment washes over me. if i had just thought before i followed y/n then maybe i would know where she lived, and whoever the fuck jamie is. such a snitch.
matt peels the plastic seal from the bandaid, and then he sticks it onto the cut on my knee. he inhales sharply before getting to his feet again, "alright, you're fine now. take the bandaid off when it stop bleeding, 'kay?"
i only hum in response, my emotions all over the place and getting the best of me. this entire situation is so idiotic and childish, i don't need a bandaid.
nick walks out after matt, making sure to shut the door. wow, he's finally learned after all the times i've scolded him about not closing it.
there's still mud in the crevices between my fingers and under my nails. it's uncomfortable in more than one way. i just want the memory of that night to be gone, erased from my memory for my entire life.
but i'm not ever gonna forget it, and it's gonna be hard to forget when the girl i want is a constant reminder of that incident. it's whatever, though. in the end it will pay off, all the things i'll do for her attention will pay off. i know it will.
my feet begin to swing as they dangle off the edge of my bed, and then they hit something. i finally sit up straight, looking down at where my feet are planted. the box, that box full of magazines and letters, prints and various drawings of y/n.
i look toward my door before grabbing the box and placing it on my bed softly. my fingers hook under the top, and it falls to the side, revealing your face on the covers of multiple magazines.
i never missed a day when rolling stone, variety, and even vogue came out with new magazines that featured y/n on the covers and in all of the pages inside. i even bought some that had her on only a single page, then i cut them out and threw it in here.
nobody could call themselves y/n's biggest fan with me still alive. they don't know her like i do, even if we just met for the first time on—no, even if we just reconnected for the first time in forever yesterday.
"pretty girl." i whisper. even if she can't hear, i know she knows that. she's the prettiest girl in the world, who wouldn't compliment her?
i grab the first magazine, my eyes darting all around her beautiful body and facial features before putting it to the side and admiring the next one. it should be a crime to be this gorgeous, she shouldn't even be allowed outside.
what if something happens to the girl? her security wouldn't care, but i would. the things i'd do for that girl i can't even explain. i don't need her love for that, though, because i can just protect her even when she's not watching. i need her love because that is the only thing that keeps me going.
her interviews where she says how much she loves and appreciates her fans, that keeps me going. that night at the diner when she said she watched my videos, oh, that's gonna keep me up for a long time.
who would've known that night would take a turn because i sure didn't. i thought it would go smoothly and that i would make it all the way to her home, surprise her. but no, it went horribly all because of that fucking dipshit jamie.
he's the one who ruined our romantic walk, he's the one who ruined my chances of getting her to fall for me. jamie ruined everything, and fuck, i just want to strangle him until his head pops. i just want to watch him as he gets ruined, as his life gets ruined in front of the entire world.
i don't even realize that i'm crushing a page of her magazine until i hear a crunch, and now suddenly, i'm back in my room as i stare at her beautiful, crushed face. panic spikes in my heart, and my free hand comes up in an effort to smoothen down the paper like it was before. no, this was a special magazine, it couldn't be ruined.
my breathing hitches, and i huff out as i just throw it back into the box. my hand reaches for the other one, and i place it gently atop of the crumpled paper before closing the box and setting it under my bed again.
i kick it further under the bed frame until i hear it hit the wall with a quiet thud, and then i let out a breath that i didn't know i'd been holding in. i'm letting my anger get a hold of me again, just like it almost did last night.
"deep breaths, chris. just breath." i tell myself, grabbing the sheets and running my thumbs along the fabric as i breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.
if i let anger get the best of me i'll ruin my plan for y/n, and then she'll never want to speak to me or even see me again.
"you're looking right at me."
pov = second person...
you smile at the boy across from you, giggling at the stupid knock knock joke he had just told you, "that wasn't even funny, it's just your laugh, jamie!"
he scoffs in faux offense, putting a hand to his chest as he takes a sip of his coffee. before speaking again, he swallows, "don't try to convince yourself that i'm not the funniest guy you've ever met."
you only roll your eyes at the blond, looking away from him to admire your surroundings. you and your producer came to this small coffee shop to talk about work and how you both needed to finish the last few songs on your upcoming album before the deadline, and now here you were, laughing at his jokes.
jamie felt like a brother to you, being there for all your highs and lows all throughout these past few years as you grew on the charts. he was always by your side, protecting you from crazy fans and even crazier haters. jamie also treated you like a member of his family, and he said that he'd protect you with his life.
the laughing dies down, and then you hear him sigh. your head turns to look at the boy again, and his eyes meet yours in an instant, "i hope you're being safe out there, y/n. seriously."
your face contorted into a look of happiness and maybe even guilt as you tilted your head, "i promise you i am."
"what about last night, then? you could've gotten kidnapped if it wasn't for me pointing out that creep. he was most definitely following you home, y/n!" he exclaimed, quiet enough that nobody else could hear but loud enough that only you could.
a look of worry was on his face, an expression that you hadn't seen that much of lately. he really was scared for you, especially in the last few months. you were growing in popularity fast, climbing up the charts every week or so.
at your silence, jamie exhaled, "sorry for snapping, you just... you keep me on my toes at all times, and sometimes i don't know what to say." he gives a smile full of sympathy before he takes another sip of his coffee.
you nod, eyes wandering again as you mutter, "it's okay." you knew all he wanted was the best for you, "i should've just gone to liv's apartment. the walk to my place was further than i thought."
your eyes darted all over the small plaza, looking around at all of the different people that walked by. one person in particular caught your eye, and you stared for just a little longer.
chris stared right back at you, hair covering his face along with his black fresh love hoodie. he found you again, and this time he wasn't gonna fuck up.
he saw the way your eyebrows furrowed even from the fountain across from the cafe, and he laughed at your concentrated look. you were trying to figure out who that was.
the brunette couldn't lie, he was a bit jealous of your producer. i mean, he was sitting right across from you and making you laugh. chris should be the guy who makes you laugh!
he'd been watching no less than 15 minutes as you both chatted, cheeks flushing at your perfect smile and beautiful, silky hair that fell over your shoulder just right.
maybe his obsession had grown after that night, but he wasn't some deranged stalker who tracked your every move. that would be insane, and chris would never put himself under that category. maybe.
chris cursed as jamie's head turned in the direction of chris, and the brunette just turned and quickly walked away. his brothers were probably wondering where he was, and the vlog would have to be scrapped if only 2 of them were in it.
jamie's eyebrows furrowed again, and he stood up and quickly grabbed your hand, "we're going, y/n. now."
as he dragged you out of the cafe, you couldn't help but think. who was that mystery guy? was he the guy from last night? why was he following you?
you had so many questions, and yet there were no answers to any of them. not quite yet, anyway. you were gonna have to wait for the right time, and chris had the whole thing planned out already. you'd just have to be patient.
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comment to be on the series taglist!
@livialifesblog @fratbrochrisgf @spideylovin @1800-love-me @ginswife
@strnlxlqve @joemamaaa42069 @mirioosos @ladyy-whistle-d0wn @snowysosturn
@dej4vhs @zayyluvz @slut4chriss @h3arts4harry @str4wberryk1ss3s
@riasturns @yurpppppy @nwlluvsturnsstars17 @asimp4chris @byneptunee
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sparrowlucero · 17 days
what's the flight rising art direction post?? I used to play that game
for everyone who doesn't know flight rising is a virtual pet site ala neopets, but with dragons. On its forums I made a thread pointing out that the dragon designs were becoming relatively more "same face" over time, with similar face shapes and often with a similar "noodly" anatomy my point being that they were both losing some of the charm of a lot of the animals they were based on (with bug, bird, and eel inspired dragons all looking somewhat similar and mammalian), and even more pertinently, not allowing for a wide variety of body types for user characters in the game - with most of the gameplay being a dressup/character creator, you see why having very few buff, chubby, stocky, etc character designs is a pretty big downside. These are the dragons released in the first half of the website's history, with the shapes outlined:
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(these pairs are the same species but have somewhat different body shapes, so they were both outlined) And these are the dragons released recently. The stockier guy on the bottom left is the very oldest of these:
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I also pointed out several of these designs have very similar faces, relative to the facial variety you could have with dragon designs (other two recent guys are outlined above):
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In comparison, here's some of the head shapes from earlier dragon designs:
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and yeah I think you can see what I mean about the shape language getting a bit more homogeneous. I expressed that I felt like the art team may have observed the popularity of the thinner, doglike dragons in comparison to the chubby reptilian ones and decided to err towards the former.
I also drew some dragons to better get across my point about shape language when people suggested I was failing to account for the fact that the "sameface" dragons weren't entirely identical:
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(obviously I'm exaggerating shapes for clarity of point; clarifying here as some people believed I was knocking the art style and wanted it to be more cartoonish...) I also pointed out that you could easily draw very identifiable fanart of two breeds which people were saying looked different:
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(someone told me these didn't read as fanart of either dragon. you be the judge, I guess) I did get a lot of very nice comments, both in agreement and disagreement, but also some comments that I was being disingenuous, arrogant, or (much more dishearteningly) suggesting that fat designs are simply too unappealing and that the artists can't waste their time on it because the website is a business.
yesterday they released a sneak peak at their newest dragons, which people believe are cetacean inspired. I tuned in as the initial preview (which only featured an arm) made it look pretty stocky:
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but, shocker:
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 1.1k
warnings: home break in (not really described though), drug dealer!rafe and reader, pregnant!reader, husband!rafe
“r-rafe.” your voice is timid and shaky, so unlike what rafe is normally used to hearing. he instantly knows something is off, wrong.
“baby, what is it?” rafe asks into the phone, wishing he could see your face right now, could read the emotion in your expression.
“something uh-something happened. the police are here.”
“shit, are you alright?” rafe is suddenly moving away from the party, needing the noise of music from the live band and people talking and laughing to stop drowning out your words. “is the baby alright? did barry get caught?”
“yeah, we are both fine.” you press your hand against your stomach, the spot your baby always kicks, glad when you feel her stomp against your skin, reminding you she's okay, even if you don't currently feel like you are. “its not the business. there were some um… robbers.”
“what?” rafe shouts, knowing he probably just made you jump over the phone, but he can't help the loud reaction, needing more information, and needing it now.
“yeah they came into the house. i hid in the closet, but they found me. they didn't do anything, just shoved me a bit. they did take a lot of the jewelry you got me, i don't know what else, you'll have to talk to the police and give them a full invento-”
“shit, y/n!” rafe interrupts you. “i don't care about our stuff! i only care about you and the baby. im coming home right now.”
“okay.” you whisper over the phone. “im sitting on the front porch.”
“and police are watching you?” rafe asks, hurrying to his car, not bothering to explain to anyone his sudden leaving as he tears out of the parking lot.
“yeah, they're here. don't worry, im safe. i don't think they even had weapons, at least none that i saw.” rafe can hear you take a shuddering breath, his heart breaking that he wasn't there with you, foot pressing down even harder on the pedal to get him there faster. “the police think they broke in and expected no one to be home because of midsummers.”
you look down, rubbing your hand over your belly. “guess they didn't expect me to be home because none of my heels fit anymore and even the maternity dresses make me look like a whale.” you mean it as a joke, but it has tears flowing down your eyes, wishing you would have just sucked up your insecurities and gone with rafe. you still would have got robbed, but without the trauma of being there during the break in.
“im two minutes, baby. two minutes and you'll be safe in my arms.” rafe tries to keep his voice calm for you, but it's a struggle.
“i… i just wanna be safe.” you mutter the last words of the call, voice breaking as you begin to sob. rafe hears an officer try to calm you, but he knows it won't work, knows the only thing you need is him.
he parks haphazardly behind the police cars, fully blocking the street without a care in the world, not even taking the car keys out as he runs across the yard, sprinting until he reaches you.
“im here.” his arms are finally around your shoulders. “im here.”
you continue to sob, only lessened by pressing your face into rafes chest as he cradles you, even managing to pull you onto his lap despite your protruding baby bump.
“ive got you, princess.” rafe kisses the top of your head, continuing his reassuring words, the police officers giving you some space, but not retreating any farther than the steps leading onto the porch.
“oh my god, i was so scared.” you whine out, managing to blink back your tears enough to look at rafe.
“im so sorry baby.” rafe sighs. “i should have been here.”
“no.” you shake your head. “you had to go to midsummers. it's okay.”
“as soon as you said you weren't coming, i should have canceled it. should have never left my pregnant wife at home alone. im the worst fucking husband.” rafe knows his words aren't comforting, but he needs to make sure you know that he is the one to blame for what happened.
“what?” you press your fingers against rafes cheeks. “you couldn't have known, baby.”
“i still should have been here.” rafe leans in, taking your mouth in a strong kiss. “i love you, baby.”
“oh my god, you're not gonna leave my side for the next year, are you?” you let out a tiny laugh, the noise relieving rafe, loosening some of the tension in his chest.
“definitely not, my love.” rafe pulls you closer.
“thank you for coming so quickly.” you whisper, letting your head rest against rafes chest. “i really am okay. just freaked out.”
“don't worry, baby.” rafes voice suddenly changes tone. “the second they try to sell any of your jewelry, ill find them. they won't make it far at all. ill make sure they can never hurt you or anyone else ever again.”
you know you should tell rafe to let the police handle it, to not get personally involved in clearly dangerous men, but any man who lays their hands on a pregnant woman doesn't deserve to breathe, let alone only be punished to a few months in jail like what would no doubtabley happen if you went the legal way.
“im surprised you haven't called barry already.” you laugh softly, knowing he will be just as pissed as rafe. you came into their life and helped expand the business, turning them from lowly dealers to something bigger, better. still dealing, of course, but offering protection and other services as well.
“figure id let the police leave first.” rafe rubs your back, glad that you're slowly getting back to your jokey and sharp witted self. “before he insisted on being your personal armed guard until those guys are put in the ground.”
“yeah, once baby girl pops, im going to have to ask him to teach me to shoot. just in case anything like this happens again.” you feel bad that you relied so heavily on rafes protection, that you let yourself slack to the point where an emergency arose and you hid in the closet instead of grabbing a glock.
“hey, what about me?” rafe whines, knowing he'd never let another man teach you how to shoot, not even your joint business partner barry.
“fine.” you joke, sighing and sliding off rafes lap. “you better go talk to the police about what else might be missing. i wouldn't let them snoop around.”
you don't keep anything illicit in your house, but just in case you weren't about to give the law open access to your home.
“in a minute.” rafe keeps his arms around you, not willing to let you move too far from his hold. “need to just keep my wife in my arms for a few minutes longer.”
you look out onto the sky, the stars glimmering in the darkness of light, allowing yourself to take a full, deep breath, at peace held in your husband's arms.
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid
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yelenasdiary · 2 months
WandaNat yelling at each other over their last mission and reader having a ptsd episode (sudden loud noises, combat or abusive ex?)? Maybe reader goes black out for a few hours and wakes up in the forest outside the compound and WandaNat are trying to find her? Super angst to fluff? If thats okay 🤧
Notice Me
Pairing: WandaNat x Fem! Reader
Summary: When your girlfriends get into a heated argument, it triggers an episode for you, leaving the women to find you alone in the woods by the compound. 
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of an Abusive Ex, Hints of Domestic Violence, | 1.3K
Translations: Detka (baby),
AC: Thank you for sending this, I hope I did okay! Please don’t read this if you’re uncomfortable with the mentioned topics. Enjoy! x
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The back-and-forth yelling coming from the hall only seemed to get louder as your girlfriends, Wanda, and Natasha, had just returned from a mission. You were reading a book, completely relaxed, and enjoying the quietness to read when you heard the familiar voices. Wanda opened the door to the shared bedroom, Natasha following close behind her. You looked up from your book and smiled softly at the women, but they didn't seem to have even noticed you laying on the bed in one of Nat's sweaters. 
"What should I have done huh?" Wanda snapped, throwing her coat over the office chair by the desk. 
"Oh, I don't know, maybe wait for your team?!" Natasha argued, "Wands, you have powers that others don't have but that doesn't mean you get to put yourself in a life-or-death situation!" The red head added. Wanda rolled her eyes, "do you really want to talk about life-or-death situations? Because you seem to throw yourself into the line of fire at the first chance you get!" Wanda rose her voice. 
"I'm trained to do so!" Natasha argued back, tossing her bag to the floor. The loud thud of her bag hitting the floor made you jump; she didn't care for her weapons that were inside. 
"Guys" you tried to interrupt before things escalated but it was too late. Wanda's eyes flashed with red chaos before she used her magic to slam the door closed, another loud thud that only drew you closer to an episode. "Guys, please!" You begged over their yelling voices but still, it was like you weren't even there.
The arguing continued until eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. Their tones got stronger, the slamming of things down got louder until everything went black as you left the room. 
"Wands, have you seen Y/n?" Nat asked when Wanda came out of the bathroom in her comfortable clothing and her hair wrapped in a towel. Wanda shook her head, "I haven't seen her, not even when we got back but then again th-"
"Please don't start now" Natasha sighed, "Nobody has seen Y/n since lunch when she said she was going to come here and wait for us" she added, her tone of voice full of worry. Wanda looked to the bed and saw your opened book on the bed and your empty plate from lunch on the bedside table. She used her magic to take her back to the argument she had hours before with Natasha, "oh god" she spoke under her breath. 
"What?" Natasha asked, "what is it?" 
"We're selfish idiots, that's what! Get your coat, we have to find her" she replied.
Natasha grabbed her coat and met Wanda downstairs. Wanda could see the amount of worry and concern on Natasha's face, she took a moment to give her partner some comfort. "Nat, we'll find her and it'll be okay" she assures the widow but all this is a little too close to home for Nat. 
"I can't lose her" Natasha broke.
"I know darling, we'll find her" Wanda wiped the rolling tear that Natasha had let go.
Wanda asked some of the others to join the search to find you, you didn't take your phone and Natasha noticed you left without your shoes on. Wanda tried her best to use her magic to find you, but something was blocking your mind from allowing her to do so. 
Everybody broke up into small groups of two. Tony and Bruce started by car, driving around the surrounding neighborhood and closest stores. Steve and Thor searched the compound and surrounding areas while Natasha and Wanda searched the woods close by. It was only getting darker by the minute; the cold air began to get cold which only made every bodies worry and concern for your well-being even stronger. 
"Wands! Over here" Natasha called out when she noticed footprints in the softened dirt. Wanda rushed to Nat's side, "this way, come on" Nat added. The two called out your name over and over as they walked deeper and deeper into the darkness of the woods. 
"Nat, maybe we call Steve and get him to fly the jet over" Wanda suggested but Natasha shook her head, "the loudness will only make things worse" she reminded Wanda. 
As the two tried their best to keep track of your footprints in the dirty, they heard the loud crunches of leaves up ahead. Natasha signaled to Wanda to pause their movements in-case it was a wild animal but instead, it was you. Stumbling out of the trees only for Natasha to catch you in her arms as you fell. 
"Y/n! are you okay?" Natasha asked, brushing your hair from your face. Wanda rushed quickly to your side as Nat handed you to her before taking off her coat and instantly covering you in it to warm you up. "E-everything….it….y-ou" you stuttered, "shh, it's okay darling. You're safe now" Wanda pulled you closer to her, placing a kiss on the top of your head as your sobs became clear. 
Wanda used her powers to levitate you back to the compound, not wanting to keep you out in the cold any longer. When Natasha got to your shared room, the two of them forgot about their argument and ran you a warm bath, they bathed you and helped you into your favorite pjs because making sure you were comfortable in bed. 
"Detka, what happened?" Natasha asked in a soft tone. You looked over at her, your eyes filled with tears and mind filled with worry that you might have angered your girlfriends. "It's okay love, you talk to us" Wanda chipped in. 
You took a moment to gather your feelings before you spoke, "You guys didn't even notice I was in here, you both came in yelling and slamming doors and when I tried to get between it, you both just didn't seem to notice me. I hid under the covers to try and drown out the yelling but some of the things you both said to one another just triggered me…" you explained with a pause, "everything just went back after Wanda said 'you know better' in that tone you had" you added, looking over at Wanda. 
Natasha took you into her arms, "I'm so sorry detka, we promise never to let this happen again" she spoke, her hand rubbing up and down on your back. Wanda couldn't shake the terror in your eyes when she held you in the woods, she was quickly reminded of the fear you once had with your ex whom the women saved you from, she never, ever wanted to make you feel like that again. 
"How about I fix us some hot coco and we watch whatever movie you like?" Wanda suggested, wanting to light the mood and help you forget about this afternoon. You looked up at Wanda and nodded, "can I please have double whipped cream?" You asked. Both of your girlfriends chuckled at your request, "is that even a question?" Wanda smiled before leaning over and pecking a soft kiss on your cheek, "anything you want darling" she whispered. 
When Wanda came back with the three mugs of hot coco, the three of you curled up in bed and watched your favorite movie of all time. You were in the middle, Natasha to your left and Wanda to your right, both of them resting their heads on your shoulder. It wasn't long until you started to feel okay once again and the fear from their argument faded away as you drifted off to sleep before the end credits rolled on the screen. Wanda tucked you in and placed a kiss on your forehead before Natasha did the same. 
"Date night tomorrow? I think we could with some time away from work" Wanda whispered, "I couldn't agree more!" Natasha smiled before the two shared a kiss.
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eunoiathewriter · 2 years
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Sypnosis: She smiled, and it became his favourite thing.
Word count: 5.3k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It was becoming harder and harder to actually focus on what he was saying. Every few seconds, he would have to run his hand through his hair to push it away from his face as it fell in his eyes. Did he not have a hair tie? He usually did, so why, of all days, did he not have one now when his hair seemed to be the biggest bother of them all? Not even the way he spoke of Tyler could make her think he was more of a bother than his own hair.
To anyone around, it would not seem as though she listened to what she was told, as she just focused on a spot in front of her and let him talk. But she was, truly. Listening was one of the things she was best at, and she really wanted to hear Xaviers' reasons for why he disliked Tyler so much. Seeing as she had yet to meet him, she wanted to understand why he found the guy annoying and often rolled his eyes whenever she mentioned her sister just saying something about him.
If y/n ever told Xavier that Wednesday had been to talk to Tyler, he would scoff, then just tell her he was an asshole, idiot, bitch—or just whatever bad word he could come up with to call him. She would never admit it out loud, but she had labeled Tyler as an asshole ever since Xavier called him one.
After spending so much time together, the two quickly became close. Xavier had been intrigued by her since she came to Nevermore with Wednesday. He was intrigued by the fact that she did not appear to show much emotion on the surface, but as he got to know her, he discovered that she cared for people more than most people realized.
On the other hand, y/n had been pretty reserved in the beginning. She always eyed the tall boy strangely whenever he talked to her, and there was a certain kind of caution in her about actually getting to know someone. He had yet to learn why she had been so wary at first.
Now, Xavier had not noticed how quiet she had been for the past few minutes. He was too busy shittalking Tyler to notice. The fact that y/n wanted to listen and had said, "Please enlighten me. I'm genuinely curious as to why." So seeing as she had finally asked him to tell why, he had started off just telling how Tyler and his friends had destroyed his mural and jumped him. That slowly turned into a rant about everything he found annoying with him that had now gone on for the past five minutes.
Xavier had not gotten any kind of implication that she listened anymore. The silence that had become all too noticeable from her, as well as the looks they had received from fellow students, were not unnoticed. Just to kind of get an idea if she seemed to listen, he leaned forward to see her face. She was indeed just staring into space.
He let out a sigh that made her blink, turning to see that he had stopped talking and running his hand through his hair for the hundredth time. "And you're not paying attention, are you?"
Turning, he saw that she was now looking at him, blinking, and in her eyes he could see the confusion that did not fall upon her face.
"Who said that I'm not? Because I most certainly have been paying attention." It wasn't that she hadn't listened; she just thought it better to stay quiet and let people talk without disturbing them.
"What have I even been talking about then?" His tone was challenging; he was leaning forward and maintaining eye contact with her the whole time, a smug smile on his face.
"You started by explaining why you dislike Tyler, but then you just started mentioning everything that irritates you about him, which was about twelve different things, and all while doing so, your hair has been bothering you."
"So you did listen," It was not actually a question to be answered, yet he got one either way.
"Yes, I did." She paused for just about a second. "I have to admit that you constantly having to fix your hair was quite irritating."
"I don't have a hair tie." Even if he knew he didn't have one, he looked down at both his wrists just to make sure and felt through his pockets, seeing if one had magically appeared (though that wouldn't be a surprise, this was Nevermore after all.)
"Here." Turning his head back at the sound of her voice, he was met by y/n holding up a black hair tie in front of him to take. This caused him to take a second look at her; she looked at the hair tie and then up at him, silently telling him to take it.
"Thanks," Was he feeling cocky about seeing just the slightest of hesitation in her eyes while she looked at him? Yes, he surely did.
Their fingers were brushing as he took the hair tie from her, but as soon as Xavier had a grip on the hair tie, she quickly retracted her hand. With a smirk, Xavier gathered up the top part of his hair into a half-up, half-down style just to get the most annoying part of his hair away from his face.
"If your hair is being such a bother, maybe you should consider cutting it." It came out so suddenly that his hands just dropped from tightening the hair tie, and he turned to her with a questioning look. He thought she liked his hair as it was; at least Ajax said that's what Enid had told him.
"I sure hope there's an and—or a but to that." Xavier was able to detect just the tiniest bit of hesitation in her, as she seemed to have an and or but to that suggestion.
Swallowing hard, she could feel herself struggling to come up with the words to say it. This was what Enid had said: compliments can be a good start, but y/n was not one who ever really gave compliments. Plus, if she had gotten to know one thing about Xavier, it was that anything that would, in his ears, be considered a compliment was going to boost his ego. as if he didn't already have a bit of an ego.
"But," Turning just slightly to face him, there was already an amused smirk growing on his face. Her cheeks were growing increasingly hotter. "I don't think you should, because I like it as is."
"What would you do if I did cut it, though?" Yes, this was feeding into his ego a bit more, but to be honest, his insides were feeling as if butterflies flapped their wings a bit harder than they usually did. y/n looked around at the people in the courtyard while thinking about the question, also looking for the three others that were to join them.
"You would be six feet under."
"Oh, that's how much you actually like my hair." It was really amusing for Xavier to torture her like this, as somehow he could make out that she was getting a bit flustered by all this. He stood at his full height and poked her sides, making her jump and squirm.
"Stop that," y/n told him while swatting at his hands and being able to smack them a few times when he went to poke her sides even more.
As she struggled to smack his hands away from poking her even more, there was something that made him stop. Her lips had unconsciously pulled into a small smile that made him stop completely. Xavier had actually never really seen her smile; most of the time if she felt a smile pull on her lips, she would cover it up in some way, but this smile was one she had not noticed herself.
Just as he was about to say something about it, she was pulled away from him. Enid had been quick when walking up to the two and hooked her arm with y/n's, pulling her away from standing so close to Xavier. Both of them were taken by surprise.
"y/n!" Enid cheered loudly while holding on to the girl's arm and hugging her, earning a side eye from y/n, who then glanced at Xavier.
"My friend." Enid said, just as Wednesday and Ajax had caught up to them, shooting a glare at Xavier, who simply raised his hands at the werewolf-girl.
"Rude." Before the other two reached them, Xavier just took a last glance at her, trying to see if her smile was still there, but it wasn't. He liked it; the way she smiled made his insides flutter even more.
He wanted—no, scratch that. He needed to see that smile again.
Spending time in Jericho was better than being at Nevermore and having classes. No long boring classes about plants, no math, no assignments to do—just a day where all students could take a break from school. And sure, some of the work they could do in Jericho was maybe not the most entertaining, but all of the students from Nevermore saw any work as better than just sitting in school. Most normal people would consider school at Nevermore to be fun and unique, but it was simply a school designed for odd people, such as the Nevermore students, to feel less odd.
It had been Enid, who did not want to stand y/n just sitting around as they worked, telling her she would stab her eyes out with fire irons while being bored, who had given her the idea. So Enid told the Addams girl about a certain tall, blonde-brunette boy who was probably bored out of his mind at the Weathervane Cafe (it was a desperate attempt to get them together); she knew he would be; Xavier told her that Tyler worked there, so it would not really be his favourite thing ever. So that was where she was heading.
It was slightly cold outside, being autumn and all. The winds that blew the leaves around made it colder as she walked down the pavement of Jericho, seeing the cafe sign only about a hundred feet in front of her. When she finally arrived at the door, she did not hesitate to push it open, allowing herself to be engulfed by the warmth from within.
It was calm; not too many people were there; only about ten other people were there. There were a few duos that conversed with one another while simultaneously sipping on their coffee, tea, or whatever they were drinking. Four of the other ten people sat alone, one of them an elderly man who sat in one of the corners with a cup of black coffee and a brownie while reading the newspaper.
She took off her jacket, as it was warm enough inside without it. The cafe was placed just perfectly in town, as one could look out the windows and see the town just outside. The smell of coffee was the most noticeable of all, something y/n did not care for because she found the bitterness unpleasant.
Walking around the counter so she could look at all the drinks and things they sold, she found that there was no one at all behind the counter.
The calm was soon broken, however, when someone working there walked in, though it was not Xavier but a boy with shorter, curly hair. Something to know about y/n was that when she was out and about, she would not have her eyes completely relaxed so as to not seem so closed off, even though her voice wouldn't be the most expressive one, just to make people not feel as though they passed her off.
"Hello, is there anything I could get you?" The boy behind the counter gave her a slight smile, prompting her to mentally repeat what Enid had suggested she try.
"Hot chocolate, with some whipped cream and marshmallows." The boy behind the counter nodded and took out a mug to start making her drink, but she just turned around with a question on her mind, and y/n noticed he wanted to ask something. "Yes?"
"It's just that you remind me of someone I know," Her eyes narrowed in response to his statement. "Ehm, what's your name?"
"y/n Addams." He had just gone back to start making her drink and once again turned back to where she stood on the other side of the counter.
"You're Wednesday's sister, she's told me about you." Not true; she hadn't told him about him, just mentioned her sister. She knew that much about her sister. But, even if she didn't seem to care all that much, family was the one thing she cared about and only ever seemed to care about her. But Wednesday would never tell anybody just all about y/n, she knew that.
y/n realised who she was speaking with. The boy with whom Wednesday only briefly conversed and interacted. But he was the one who jumped Xavier with his friends. Okay, so you know what I said earlier about y/n already labelling Tyler as an asshole because of Xavier? Yeah, that still remains. She let her eyes that she had keept a bit less relaxed, finally, relax which made her whole expression change. Only Tyler appeared to be unconcerned.
"That means you are Tyler." Her eyes flickered over to a figure coming into her view, someone that Tyler could not see.
As soon as y/n mentioned her name, the blond-brunette in the back perked up from his sulking over having to work with Tyler. With furrowed brows, he had walked in behind the counter and now stood about twelve feet behind Tyler, leaning against the wall. Xavier knew that she had seen him enter, and just for the heck of it, he crossed his arms and waited to see how long it would take for Tyler to notice he was there.
"Yeah, yeah. Your sister has mentioned me?" It was a miracle he didn't notice her averting her gaze to Xavier with a questioning look in her eyes before returning her gaze to Tyler.
"Yes, my sister..."
Just as he was about to say something more, Tyler finally caught on that y/n were looking at someone behind him. Turning around, he saw Xavier leaning against the wall, arms crossed, with an annoyed look on his face. He raised a brow at the curly haired boy before looking at y/n who was looking between the two boys.
"You two know each other?" Tyler finally spoke as he turned to y/n; the question was directed at her, but it seemed that Xavier was about to answer, though y/n did not let him even utter a word before answering.
"Yes, he is my friend," y/n said after a brief pause. "And told me all about you."
Right then and there, Tyler realised why she had gone from looking a little tired to having a completely annoyed face when looking at him. Her tone signalled to him that she was hinting at just what he thought it to be. For him, it was awkward.
Finally having enough, Xavier pushed off the wall and walked towards where Tyler was behind the counter, clearly using his height as intimidation. "I'll just take this."
"Oh yeah.." With a glance at each of them, Tyler swiftly walked to start cleaning up some tables from previous customers that had left.
"Well," Xavier said, leaning forward on the counter, which she stood on the other side of. "Have you made your own assessment of him?"
"Asshole." That was all y/n said, and it made the boy in front of her chuckle, which in turn had an effect on y/n as her lips tugged into a smile at the sound of his laughter.
"You are right about that." Looking back up at her with a smile, his eyes flickered to her lips at the sight of her smile once more.
It was as if, for the past week, he had been playing "find the smile" on her. Trying to catch every smile she'd ever give, he'd seen about eight so far, nine including this one. She was good at hiding most of them. It was something about the way he smiled that he couldn't quite put his finger on, but it felt important. The fact that y/n seemed not to know that she did smile and that every time she did, he got to enjoy it.
"What are you doing here, either way?" Shaking his head, he asked just to come back to reality.
"To cut a long story short, there was an issue with the number of volunteers, so I couldn't work with Enid and my sister at Pilgrim World. Enid said I should go and spend time with someone who I actually enjoy spending my time with, so here I am."
"Oh, so you do enjoy spending time with me. Good to know I wasn't imagining it then." Her smile was still present on her face, which made this the longest she had ever held a smile.
"If I didn't, then me and Wednesday would have spent our first night here enjoying gravedigging. Though that would be fun to do again." y/n trailed in thought as she remembered just how long it was since she and her sister had been gravedigging. They really needed to do that again.
"You know at this point that whenever you say something like that, it's just an empty threat," Xavier pointed out while standing up, pushing off the counter. "You like me too much to do something like that to me. Admit it."
"Will you just make me that hot chocolate of mine that I never got?" y/n sighed, trying to dodge what he had just said. But he would not let it go.
"Not unless you admit that you like me too much to ever carry out your threats against me."
Her jaw tightened in annoyance as she watched him stand back and cross his arms again, waiting for her to admit it.He was gloating at her frustration at having to say it just so she could get that drink. His gloating was also not he was god at hiding, clear as day showing he found satisfaction in making her admit to things she would never say out loud. He had gotten to know her too well.
"Fine.. I like you too much to ever carry out any of my threats. Now can please have my hot chocolate or I'll leave you here alone with Tyler for the rest of the day, Xavier." He did not care for the glare she was shooting him as he got what he wanted, letting out a chuckle once more.
"One hot chocolate is coming right up."
Music played softly in the background. y/n had just switched from one song on Xaviers' playlist to another as she felt the previous one was not one she could read to. Xavier didn't mind; he let her know the password to his phone for a reason—he wanted her to also enjoy the music being played and not just him. She just put his phone on the bench in his shed and turned back to her book.
This had all been Xaviers' idea. He had slowly wanted to spend more and more time with y/n, starting to steal her away from Enid and Wednesday, much to Enid's distaste. The werewolf girl had made it very clear to him that "I'm watching you, Thorpe." Not that he felt too threatened by the blond, as it was more Wednesday that he was a bit more worried about. Seeing as she was already keeping a close eye on them, she often narrowed her eyes at Xavier when he came and asked if y/n wanted to come with him.
Anyway, it had all been his idea. y/n knew about his shed, where he spent most nights painting, she had been there quite a few times with him, and he enjoyed the company. He would be painting, sketching, or just doing whatever as y/n would sit with a book in hand, engulfed in the story as they always had music on in the background too.
Today was like any other time when Xavier asked if she wanted to come to the shed with him. He had just simply asked after dinner if she wanted to, and as always, he got a yes. They had simply just done a turn for the girls' dorm, where y/n had gone inside her, Enid, and Wednesday's shared dorm and taken the book she had just started reading.
It was always amusing to Xavier because whenever they went to Y/N's dorm so she could get a book and he was waiting outside, he would hear Y/N threaten Enid. Then Enid would say something as y/n opened the door once more before being cut off again by the door closing. It was always amusing to him.
Today, though, Xavier did have a motive for bringing her out to his shed.
Again he turned his head just to get a glimpse at y/n as she read her book, then took a look back at his canvas, so far he had gotten the general shape. Inspiration had been low when they first got there about an hour earlier (they got there much later than they usually did as it was slowly pulling towards curfew), but her just sitting there, reading on, gave him something to paint. He would of course tell her when he had started to actually get to the details so as not to spook her, but first he just wanted to get in a rough sketch of her.
y/n had just gotten to page 393. Oliver and James, the characters in her book, were backstage between two acts. Oliver demanded knowing the truth, and it was keeping y/n on edge as James was quiet and did not answer. That confirmed it all; it was him, and it made y/n gasp, causing Xavier to turn his head.
He raised his brows at her, an affectionate smile on his lips as he watched her. "What?"
"James just confessed to Richard's murder, though Richard deserved it."
"Okay, I'm going to pretend I know what's going on in your book." He turned back to the canvas to do his own. But he still found the way she had gasped at the book cute.
"The character accidentally killed the asshole character, and the police have just found out and are there to arrest him." It was a simple explanation, but it gave him the least bit of understanding for what was happening in her book. She had only about thirty pages left, so I could not wait much longer until she was done.
"Interesting." Xavier nodded while just adding a bit of simple lining for the background of the painting. "Could you switch to that Russian song?"
"Which? I know more than one Russian song." She put down her book and took up his phone once more, tapping in the password.
"You know, that one you found when you and Ajax were looking for music."
"Are you referring to Molchat Domas тоска?" Without even waiting for an answer, she put on the song and turned to see if it was the right one. He gave it a thumbs up to indicate that it was the correct song. But he didn't turn away from the canvas, staring at it intensely to see if everything was to his liking (which it was).
y/n leaned on the stool she had been sitting on while reading to see the canvas, seeing just an outline or idea for what he was going to paint. She was completely unaware that it was her. "Even now, I know it will look excellent once you're done."
She did not think much of it and picked up her book once more to read the last few pages of it and see what the outcome was. Would Oliver and James see one another again now that Oliver was set free after doing his time?
For Xavier, however, the comment was more than just a passing thought. Because he knew she didn't often compliment people, he was completely taken aback.Eyeing her.
"You think?" He only got a hum and a nod as an answer to his question, but it did not give him satisfaction.
He then came to realise one thing: he still had his brush in his hand, and it still had wet paint on it. Looking up from the brush in his hand to the girl, whose eyes were darting across the page, she was too preoccupied with what was going to happen next to notice the malicious grin on his face as he raised his hand with the brush in it. Quickly, he flicked his wrist in her direction, causing paint from his brush to splash at her.
She jumped at the sudden sensation of something wet splashing on her face. Blinking, she raised her hand and wiped her face, only to discover paint on her hand. Turning her gaze up to Xavier, she could see him trying to keep from laughing at her reaction.
"What?" y/n closed her book and stood up, her entire face now a question mark.
"You think it's going to look good when I'm done?" Unbelievable.
"Yes, I just told you that, Xavier." Sometimes she wondered if he was deaf, but deep down she knew that he made her repeat things because he found it amusing.
"Okay, just checking in."
Annoyed that he had gotten paint on the cover of her book, she grabbed the paintbrush from his grasp and did the same thing he had done to her, flicking the brush, making it splatter paint on his face. When he opened his eyes and looked down at her, he scoffed and quickly grabbed one of his other brushes, starting to repeatedly flick paint on y/n.
As a result, a paint splashing match ensued. Both of them were flicking paint at one another, and whoever got it on them jumped just slightly at the cold liquid. Then, when both of them stopped, neither of them flicking paint at each other, Xavier quickly looked y/n up and down before reaching out and painting a single stroke with the brush on her cheek.
And they were both on each other once more. They had paint strokes on their faces; Xavier had a few on his shirt; their arms; and they both had paint splatters in their hair. It was fun, with Xavier laughing as y/n was able to do one long stroke on his cheek just before he could smack her hand away. And she was smiling, a smile that was all too strong to be held back, and it did not go unnoticed by herself. She felt it, but smiling always felt good when it had something to do with Xavier.
Finally, Xavier had enough and dropped his brush on the floor, not really caring, and to stop y/n he grabbed a hold of her wrists, holding onto her and keeping her from getting more paint on him, but his hold on her wrists was gentle.
"Okay, that's enough." He could feel her struggle a little in his hold on her wrists, but his focus was on her smile. She did not directly look at him, but she smiled, and this time it was obvious that she was very aware of it.
Looking up at him, her arms relaxing in his grip, she was met by his green eyes, which were already watching her. Her eyes flickered between his, unsure of what to do. She panicked inside as this was new territory she was stepping onto. But then it hit her how short it was until curfew, and she turned her head, seeing that darkness had started taking over the outside world.
"I should go before curfew," y/n mumbled, but just as she went to pull away from him, Xavier pulled her directly back.
It surprised her when his hands went from holding her wrists to holding either side of her face. His hands had a few undried patches of paint that transferred over to her face. But she didn't care. The way she was holding her face made her look up at him; it was hard to look anywhere else. "You should smile more."
Xavier studied her face, which both had brushstrokes and paint splatters here and there, much like his also had, stroking his thumb against her cheekbone before leaning down a little just to place a kiss at the crown of her head. Not wanting to go all too fast.
y/n just stood there and let him, feeling a warmth inside her even when he pulled away and smiled a little. Seeing just the tiniest bit of shock in her eyes.
"I don't want to get you in trouble, so go." He noticed she only paused for a second before returning to reality, turning to the table, and taking her book. It was amusing yet adorable to watch the pure confusion on her face.
She turned and looked at him before walking out of his shed and back to her dorm. A genuine smile was on his face. "Goodnight, Xavier."
"Night, y/n." Something was waiting for her in her dorm, or it should have been. Otherwise, a certain hand was going to do some shit.
Reaching her dorm, confusion was still painted on her face, but as soon as she entered, y/n was met by a bouncing Enid who jumped up and down. Taking her out of the trance that Xavier had put her in, so many rushed words were coming out of Enid's mouth, and she was clearly excited about something. Spotting her sister standing off to the side, it took her just a moment to understand what was going on.
"Oh my god, y/n! Look at your bed! Look at your bed!" It was the first words Enid said to y/n taht she could detect as the blond hurriedly pushed her towards her bed.
"What is going on?" y/n asked her sister, mind still elsewhere.
"Just do as she says," Wednesday was clearly tired by the way she motioned for her to follow Enid over to her own bed.
So she did, and her bed was indeed so etching to look at—something she hadn't noticed before on her perfectly made bed. There laid a necklace, a silver one. Thing picked it up for her, holding it out for her to take, and he nodded at the hand that just stood on her bed. Behind her, Enid was looking over her shoulder at the necklace. It was silver with a peal in a little thing. There was only a single note that read: to y/n.
Enid squeaked beside her out of happiness as Wednesday took the necklace out of her hands to inspect it closer. "Oh my god, you have a secret admirer!"
"How did it get in here? It was not there before, correct?" Wednesday handed the necklace back to y/n.
"Correct," She wanted to say what she thought out loud but bit her own tongue just as Enid stopped spinning around and flopped down on her own bed. Babbling on and on about something that again just became distant words. All the while, Wednesday seemed to also have her own thoughts on it. y/n smiled at the necklace.
It was something Xavier had wanted to see, but this had been the easiest way to do it.
He got a bit more out of the night than just being able to get that necklace to her.
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midnightloversmusic · 2 months
"A Kiss?"
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Sirius Black x Reader
"It's not that you don't like Sirius, you do, that's the problem.
that's why being chest to chest with him in a cramped storage closet is not the most ideal situation for you right now"
It's not that you don't like Sirius, you do, that's the problem.
that's why being chest to chest with him in a cramped storage closet is not the most ideal situation for you right now. Especially when you can smell his woody cologne, the leather of his jacket, and the lingering scent of the cigarette he smoked earlier.
How I got in this situation? A Marauders prank gone wrong. You never really cared about the pranks they loved to pull because they never concerned you. This one went wrong, very wrong, Hence your current situation.
There were only supposed to be a few fireworks outside apparently, of course you didn't know that when loud popping noises disrupted you in the middle of your walk to charms. Professors all came running out of their classrooms, students were shrieking and ducking down, you were just plain confused because, what the fuck? No really, what the fuck?
You were even more confused when Sirius Black, of all people, came hurdling towards you and virtually flung himself onto of you hurdling you both towards the ground. Narrowly avoiding an off track flaming firework that went off into a dazzling explosion resulting in colorful sparks just mere feet away from you. Covering the hallway in a thick fog that made your eyes water.
The shock of it all made you not fight when two strong hands plucked you up off the floor and pushed you into the nearest storage closet.
When you finally come back to your senses and realize, really realize, that you're practically glued to a guilty looking Sirius's chest, lets Just say you flip out to put it lightly.
"What the fuck was that!"
"Those were fireworks."
"No fucking shit Black, why were they inside?"
You don't hear him sigh as much as you feel the breath softly brush against your neck
"Because Remus messed up the spell that he's been working on for months and gave James the wrong instructions causing the prank we have been planning for months to fall apart. I honestly can't believe them, I for one would have never-"
"Sirius! I Don't care about your stupid prank! I care about the fact that I just got tackled to the ground like I was in a quidditch match, burst both my eardrums from the noise, and went blind for at least 2 minutes out their, and you're complaining about how your prank didn't work? Are you serious right now?"
He smirks, and well you pretty much walked yourself right into the next thing he's going to say. It doesn't make it any less annoying.
"I'm always Sirius" he says with the goofiest, boyish grin on his face, and if it weren't for your situation right now, you probably would have smiled back considering Sirius Blacks smile is as close to a beam of sunlight as humanly possible.
you internally scream and give him a deadpan look. He goes back to looking sheepish.
Now that you are calming down, or at least not absolutely fuming anymore, you get a chance to really look at Sirius. You notice the freckle on his cheek, the slight crease in his eyebrow, the scar on his upper lip. He's very pretty, though you'd never say it to his face. Not willing to inflate is already massive ego.
You find yourself slowing your breathing slowing down to match the breaths you feel him taking against your chest. And god his chest, its firm against your body and now you are picturing all the times you saw him by the lake in the warmer months in nothing but his swim trunks and- god is it hot in here? when did it get so hot?
there really isn't much room in here.
Sirius must sense the sudden shift in the room because he opens his mouth to say something, then immediately shuts it.
"Have you seem Sirius, James, Remus, or Peter? I know they had something to do with this. Once I find them they are dead meat. All of them. Detentions, perhaps for the whole year. Find me immediately if you see them. That goes for all student, If you see something say something! I will get to the bottom of this!"
You feel siariuss chest start to shack against yours and muffled giggles Strat coming out of his mouth until he can't hold back anymore and starts cackling
What are you doing? its like you want to get caught! Sirius be quiet I'm not kidding they are going to hear you!" You quickly give up your antics when you realize they are no use to sirius's implacable case of the giggles
So you take your hand and promptly slap it over his mouth.
His eyes widen, but then go back to their normal devious state of unmistakable mischief and he licks your hand. He. Licks. Your. Hand.
"ugh" You snatch your hand away immediately and wipe it down on his shirt without thinking. The problem with not thinking? You're rubbing your hand that was over his mouth on his chest. You are rubbing Sirius Black's Chest.
When you look back up you expect to see his teasing gaze ready to poke fun at you for touching his "Magnificently toned pecs" but his face is, pun not intended, serious. His cheeks are even tinted a little pink, and that just can't be right because Sirius doesn't blush. He gets flirted with by the hottest girl and boys at school and doesn't even bat an eye. There is just no possible way you could have made Sirius black blush, but yet here you are.
Looking up into his eyes you find him staring right back at you.
"You know your eyes are really pretty up close, its kinda hard to see them from across the classroom in potions" Sirius says quietly, voice almost a whisper
and you practically melt on the spot because that was such a nice thing to say. And he said it to you. Perfectly average you.
"Thank you" you breathed out "your eyes are very beautiful too."
"Are they now?" he smiled and quirked his eyebrow
you roll your eyes, "In that case I take it back-"
"No! You can't just take it back, I'm sorry! How can I make it up to you?"
"Make up what?"
"My awful teasing, and me being part of the reason you had to miss charms class and be stuck in a closet with me for twenty minutes"
"being in a closet with you wasn't that bad but I can think of a way you can make it up to me"
"A kiss?" you whisper
He smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that" and he leans down to softly attach his lips to yours.
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al1fers-haven · 3 months
Adam x Innocent Sinner Reader?
Like, a reader who is a sinner but only because they went to hell on accident or the sin they did was so minor/they were forced into it?
Adam finds them during an extermination and they're just trying to calm down some kids and he's just like "aw, I can't hurt you 🥺"
They totally don't remind him of Eve, totally not
Sorry if that's a bit much >-<
AHH (as much as i hate Adam, they designed him way too good) ; 0 ;
I am so sorry about how long this took and how short it is, Adam is harder to write for since I don't see much of him in the show. but I hope this did well!
Adam x Sinner! reader You hadn't really done much in your life, let alone your death. You tried and tried to stay away from trouble when you were alive. And the only thing you could think of was stealing a couple things as a teenager. But everyone made those little mistakes, right?
The sound of the sinners running around in the streets and screaming was as evident as the smell of blood. The angels flew around the streets and killed many of the inhabitants in the area. You looked back at the group of children behind you, panic flowing through your body as you pushed them back towards the classroom corner, staying as far away from the windows and the door. "M-Ms.L/n. What's going on?" The little girl tugged on your jacket, letting out a sniffle as she hugged onto your leg. Your eyes widened a little as you sighed. Turning around and leaning down in front of her. "Sweetie....you remember how mommy said at the meeting that she was worried about that extermination thing? Yeah! Well- that's happening right now.." The little girl nodded, a couple of the children letting out yelps and screams as the door to the classroom slammed open. A couple of holy-looking beings wearing helmets and masks run into the room. "There! Look at those-" You stood up, shielding the students behind you with your body. The larger demon with a golden face looked towards you, laughing a bit. "You see this shit? Am I seeing this shit, Lute?" One of the exterminators shaking her head no. "You stay away from them! They have done nothing!" Adam looked towards you giggling, letting out a loud groan as he stared at you and the group for a bit. "Fuck! You're making it really hard to kill ya' hottie. Doing this selfless shit in front of me...." He looked you up and down, his heartbeat speeding up as he saw you now. Your bright blue glowing eyes and the more human-like features reminded him a lot of his second wife. Your black hair went down to your waist and you shielding the children reminded him a lot of how Eve had shielded their song, Cain. "Fuck!!" Lute blinked a couple times, looking over Adam's shoulder with a quirked brow. "You...you aren't going to hurt us...?" Your stance weakened a little bit, looking confused as you kept one of the children from looking out. Tears flowed from many of the students. "Awh! No, I could never babe! Damn, I have a soft spot huh? Gotta work on that shit. Hey! Lute! Danger tits, write that down in my log. 'Work on marital problems'." The woman nodded, walking over to the door with a notepad. "What are you doing here? Peter mess up?" Adam walked around you, huffing a little bit as he sent his little angels away. A couple of children walk out from behind you. "Im...I stole a bit. That's all. I'm glad to be here- so I could help these children--" Adam hummed, nodding. seeming not to care that much anymore as he sat in your desk chair. "Yeah- uh-huh. Sure. Okay miss virtue, You got boring. Tell anyone I spared you and I'll be back quicker than you want." He pointed at you, patting one of the children, and walked out of the door yelling for that woman.
"...what the fuck?" You quickly covered your mouth, looking down at the gawking 5-year-olds.
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lualuabestningdungie · 5 months
I miss you, I’m sorry… -lee heeseung
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Pairing exboyfriend!hee x gn!reader; genre second chance; warnings angst, mentions of injuries and blood, fluff ending; wc 913
A loud knock on your door interrupted your sleep. You looked around and checked the hour; 3 am. Why was someone knocking at this time?
You got up from bed and walked towards the door. Turning the doorknob, you peered through the side of the door. A heavy weight leaning on the door made it go open. You stepped back and you saw him.
Lee Heeseung, sitting on the entrance floor covered in blood.
“Heeseung- what the hell?” You kneeled beside him. “What happened to you?” Your hand cupped his face making him wince in pain shutting his eyes.
“Hey…” he half smiled.
You sighed. “Did you get into a fight?” He opened his eyes, but didn’t turn to look at yours.
“I did.” His head lowered. You could see bruises on his cheeks and a cut lip. The blood on his face was now smeared all over your hands.
“Why…?” You asked looking at him concerned. “What happened?”
“It’s not a big deal.” His voice came out in a raspy tone. “It’s nothing.” His lips trembled as he spoke.
You didn’t believe it by the concerned look on his face. He looked like he was holding back tears. You took his chin in your hand and made him look at you.
“Heeseung… tell me.” He sighed and looked away from your eyes.
“It was the only way you’d talk to me again.” He mumbled. Your hand fell from the grip on his chin. “I just wanted to see you again…”
“You’re crazy.” You were confused. Why would he do that? It's not really a surprise that he got into a fight. He used to get into fights all the time back when you two dated. Everyone told you he was dangerous and that he wasn't good for you.
"It's driving me crazy not to talk to you anymore..." He sighed, leaning his back against the doorframe. "You used to heal me wounds back then, after I got into fights." He chuckled bitterly.
Your heart ached at the memory of it. How he spend nights at your place for you to take care of him. How he asked you to sleep with you so he wouldn't feel alone, and how you started falling slowly for someone who everyone saw as dangerous.
"I can't be the one to heal your wounds anymore, Heeseung," you said, it hurt you as much as it hurt him. "You need to move on. You can't keep coming back."
"You don't mean that." He said, lifting his gaze and turning to face you.
You looked at him surprised by his words. "I do-"
He interrupted. "I know you don't, so stop pretending you don't love me anymore because i know it's a lie." He spoke firmly.
He was right. Love doesn't fade in just a few weeks. You missed him the way you thought you'd never miss anyone. He became a part of you, and when your parents forced you to leave him, you felt like the world was ending.
"Heeseung, it's not that simple," you tried to explain, your voice wavering. "Love doesn't erase the problems we had. We can't go back to the way things were."
"You don't sound like yourself." His words felt like daggers. "You sound like your parents." He sounded disappointed.
"I'm not my parents," you defended, sadness lacing your voice. "But we can't ignore the reality of our situation. Love alone isn't enough to fix everything. We need time and space to heal."
Heeseung's eyes bore into yours, searching for the person he once knew. "The yn I know wouldn't give up so easily. We fought for each other before. Why is it different now?"
"Heeseung, I'm not giving up. I'm trying to protect both of us. Our love doesn't have to be defined by pain and chaos. We deserve something healthier."
The cycle kept repeating itself. You felt like this conversation had already happened in the past. And the urge to ignore everything that happened and go back to him was killing you inside.
"You were the best thing in my life, yn. I don't want anything else because you were good to me. You made me better. Why didn't you see that? Why did your parents have so much power over your decisions?" He made a pause. "I'm going to ask you something, and I want the truth..."
You sighed and nodded.
"Do you still love me?" He asked, his voice was softer now. Before you could reply, he grabbed your chin delicately, making you look at him. And he spoke again. "Look at me, do you still love me?"
A tear roll down your cheek. "I do..."
Before you could react, he leaned forward closing the space between the both of you. His lips were soft on yours, the feeling you missed all this time was finally back. His lips moved slowly against yours, the taste of the blood on his lip made you pull away slowly.
"I love you, yn. I don't think I'll ever stop." He held your hand squeezing it slightly.
"I'm sorry, Hee..." Your eyes filled with tears as you leaned forward resting your head on the crook of his neck. His arms instantly wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him, just like he wanted. "I love you, I never stopped." You whispered against his skin.
"It's alright." He whispered soothingly.
That night, both of your hearts healed together the way they were supposed to.
Lua's note: Hello everyone :) I'm back from my small break. I just entered school again and I already feel so tired :/ i'll try my best to be active. Here's a small hee fic, bc i don't write enough enhypen. I love heeseung. anyway i hope you liked it. please reblog and interact with my posts, it helps a lot. <3
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hedwig221b · 8 days
Your fic recs got me singing 🎵 a whole new wooorld🎵
On that note, any recs for just pure filth?
You want me to expose myself, huh?
Knot Thinking With Your Head by KnottheWolf
The first time Sam met Stiles he had no idea who the Omega was, nor did he have any clue that the Omega was already in a series relationship. When he met Stiles, he was hungover and had a massive pounding headache that was killing him to have his eyes open. The Alpha instantly ran to the nearest bathroom to puke in the toilet, before splashing cold water in his face and sighing with relief when the pain was barely there anymore.
Flushing the toilet he left the bathroom so he could make himself a cup of coffee, and then start figuring out how to make the best first impression with the other Alpha’s in the fraternity.
Now all he wanted to do, when he spotted the Omega was get all up on that cute ass.
Stuck In A Rut by KnottheWolf
Derek just loves to show off at the gym, first with his muscles and then with his mate.
AU in which it's legal for werewolves to have sex in public.
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock
He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked.
He knows he's not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don't run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Plushwolf by the_ragnarok
So suppose Stiles slept every night with his plush wolf doll, to ward off bad dreams. Only that doll was Derek under a spell, and he came alive in Stiles’ dreams.
Specifically, in the type of dreams that involve coming.
In The Dead Of Night by SinQueen69
Stiles wakes up, dripping cum and loves the fact he had no idea who came into his room that night to fuck him.
The Kinky Adventures of a Wolf and His Boy by halcyon1993
A series of mostly unconnected PWPs in which Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale engage in all manner of depravity.
Love's Violent Delights by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat.
Anything, really by SinQueen69, I ain't gonna expose myself more than I already did, but that shit is so… 🥵 yeah
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | mafia
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chaostroberry1 · 14 days
Hear me out jealous yandere Beelzebub X reader smut
Also side note the reader is immune to his curse
And I don't really know what else to ask in this request so I guess the rest is up to you
Ok! 😊 But you didn't specify the gender of the reader, so I just put it as fem. You may request to change the gender if it isn't what you asked for.
Yandere Beelzebub × fem!reader!
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Beelzebub was described as many many things, like lonely, cold, and many more. But whenever it came to his significant other, only one word was best for describing him.
When he met you, there was always something in him that made him get rid of any lingering feelings towards you. Knowing that he did not want to risk hurting you or anyone in the process, which is why he's so distant.
Until you showed care for him, mothering him and taking care of all his needs, nagging about his lifestyle and how living in such a dark place and isolating himself was horrible. You knew about his curse, but not once have you ever given up on him like all the others have.
Due to that reason, he just couldn't help but like you. Which he tried to stop, knowing that it'll end with blood in his hands once again..but, when you kissed him, his love meter went higher than the heaven's could reach.
He stared at you in shock, mentally preparing himself for the bloodshed that was about to happen...but, it never did.
"what the.." he stared at you for answers, before you kissed him again, a sympathetic smile on your face. "Are you done now?" You mumbled quietly, as he started crying in your arms, demanding answers. But you simply told him, that you were immune to his curse. Since back then, you casted a spell on yourself to turn immune, due to your traditions as an immortal.
From that day on, Beelzebub was finally able to love freely. Something he had never felt for so long...
But because of his past with his loved ones, that ended in him killing all of them...he knew that he had to keep you safe. Not from him anymore, but from the dangers that could be lurking around the place.
He started growing paranoid...and later on, obssessed.
"(y/n)..." He called out from afar, before seeing you chatting with a person, laughing about random stuff until you saw him. Quickly hugging him tightly, introducing him to your 'friend'.
He gave the friend a cold glare, not fond over how you were talking to them so much, until he grabbed you by your arm. And dragged you back to his place.
There, you knew what was about to happen. He was never very good with keeping in his jealousy, he wanted you all to himself. Just to make up for all that he's missed out on
You had to understand.
"(y/n)...I need you." You gave a soft sigh, as he started getting unclothed. Oh boy....
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Sounds of flesh slapping together echoed through the room, your moans and whines accompanied by his growls of need. Things escalated quite quickly..all you did was take your bra off and that already sent his horny meter up the sky.
"you're so pretty today..." He mumbled, as he plunged his tip into your pretty little hole. Before taking it back out, and humping it on your sticky clit, his tip already leaking with precum. You moaned softly, feeling his tongue take your nipple in his mouth, sucking greedily. "Ngh..mnh..beel..gentle..."
The stimulation you felt on your clit made you whimper in pleasure, subconsciously forcing your legs to open wider. "It needs you...I need you..." He then enters his cock into your pussy, pounding it with hunger and intense speed. Your pretty cries like a melody in his ears, making him go faster.
Sweat dripped on both your bodies, before he let out an animalistic growl "m..gonna cum..(y/n)...I'm gonna cum.." he went faster, then slowing his pace to really stimulate himself in pleasure. Before you heard a loud spurt of his cum, Making sure it was real deep inside.
He switched your positions, this time laying you on your back, so he could see your face. Before sliding his cock up and down your clit once again, and then pounding it harshly. Your body was paradise, the only thing he wanted to eat and feel for the rest of eternity. You cried and moaned harder, practically drooling at this point from his endless assault on your pussy. "Faster...faster please-!mmnhnn...!" He listened to your pleas, going faster and then spurting harder.
This time he plunged his fingers in your pussy, putting his cock in your asshole instead. He had to be fair and show his love to both holes, right? That's what he's doing. Your hole milked his cock for all it's worth, greedily sucking up all his cum for itself. Only giving him a better reason to continue till you couldn't walk for a while.
"pretty...don't ever leave me for some deadbeat scum like that ...okay..? I'll kill him if he ever gets close to you without me knowing.."
You gave a whine, your thoughts clouded with nothing but pleasure, which was a good view to him. How he love you so much.. you are all his.. all his to keep, all his to take...only his.
With one last squirt of cum, he pulled out, leaving your leaking butthole and pussy throbbing. Giving you a kiss on the cheek, "so beautiful.. aren't you?"
When you fell asleep, he took one last glance at you before walking out. He would come back later, after taking care of that 'bug' you considered a friend. He's not in the wrong, in his eyes, it was your friend who tested his nerves to begin with. It's not his fault that he was only playing safe.
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believinghurts · 8 months
Their Daughter Part 6
Tenison was high in the dining room of Grimmuald Place as the Black brothers stared one another down. Regulus knew that part of Sirius's anger was because he thought he had lost his child to his brother, much like when they were young, and their parents favored Regulus over him. But this was Sirius's own fault; Ali had tried even after she had been hurt that Sirius went to Harry first. Sirius could not get over the fact that Ali was close with the Malfoys and had taken to projecting his anger to the only person who would love him more than anything if he tried.
Sirius wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was jealous of Regulus. He always had been, but coming back from the hell he had been trapped in to find that his own daughter had chosen his brother over him hurt more than any torture he had ever faced. Regulus had always been the perfect child who everyone adored. He had gotten fewer beatings as a child than Sirius, had gotten better grades in school, and now was considered a dad to Ali. It was only natural for Sirius to go back to what he did during his school years and focus his attention on the people who showed him attention. Harry was his godchild, but Harry also had no one else, meaning Sirius didn't have to worry about being replaced. Sirius also felt awful for the events that transpired the night of James and Lily's deaths and was trying to make up for it.
"If you just gave her a chance, you may find she is much more like you than you think." Regulus sat at the table again, watching his older brother run his hands through his hair. "She is so headstrong and stubborn that I know it revivals yours. And I cannot express enough how she just wants to be good enough for you to love, much like how you tried for years with Mother."
Sirius sighed in defeat, regrettting the painful things he had put his daughter through. "I do love her. I just…."
"Are shit at showing it. I saw the look in your eyes when Ali called me dad; I know that hurt you. But instead of talking about it, you just lash out at her or me or Remus, making it seem like you really don't care at all. I never tried to fill that role in her life. I was and will always be Uncle Reg, and that is fine. Do I see her as my child and love her like my own? Yes, absolutely. I will do anything for her, and if that fills that role as a father, I will. But I don't want to take that from you. You had so much stolen from you in your life, Sirius: your childhood, your parents, your best friend, 12 years of your life. The last thing I want to do is take more away, but I cannot and will not put you above her. She deserves so much in this world, and you should help her get it. We both should. But the question remains: will you put aside your 'every Slytherin is a Death Eater' mindset to do so? Because people have changed and we are close to the Malfoys, Notts, Parkinson's, and the Zabini's. They are not the same people anymore. Things have changed in the war; sides have changed. But you haven't. Ali is loyal to a fault and is a great judge of character; she won't betray the Order, nor will the others. Just give people a chance, Sirius."
"I did give people a chance, and it…..it got my best friend and his wife killed. We trusted Peter. I trusted Peter enough to have James make him the secret Keeper. It got them killed, and he was our friend. How am I supposed to trust that Lucius Malfoy has the Order's best interest at heart when my own friend of 9 years didn't?" Sirius started pacing before his brother. His head is cloudy in memories, tears blurring his eyes as his best friend's dead body flashed in front of him. "I know that I'm shit at showing Ali I love her, and part of it is because I'm scared to get close only to lose her again to someone like Lucius Malfoy. I owe it to James to look after Harry, but that doesn't mean I don't love him like my own because I do. But I love Ali just as much, and I know she has you, Remus, and even Snivillious to love her. And I want to try to improve things with her; I just don't know how. How do I fix what I've done, Regulus?"
Regulus caught the double meaning to his brother's question, "You can't. Sirius, you can't fix what happened to James and Lily. You can't fix how you've treated Ali so far."
Sirius felt his heart crack at his brother's words. He had hoped to get Ali back, but it seemed he had gone too far. He started for the stairs when Regulus continued.
"But that doesn't mean you can't fix it from now on. You can't change the past and bring James back, but you can make them proud by loving and protecting Ali and Harry. I mean, yeah, they don't get along now, but I think part of that is because he has seen and heard how you and James treated outsiders. I know they used to play together as babies, not that they would remember it, but Remus told me. Tell how close they were till everything happened, and bring them back together. Stop being afraid of losing Ali to someone when all everyone wants to do is love her and keep her safe. And maybe you don't trust Lucius or the others right now, but I trust them more than Dumbledore most of the time. And you should talk to Moody about the help Lucius has given the Order even if he refuses to say he has aligned himself with us." Regulus held his brother's shoulder, "Give them a chance. Don't let the other kids make remarks about Ali and her friends. Talk to her. I wouldn't start trying to act like her father, but maybe a friend? Or a really distant uncle. You'll figure it out, Sirius; you're smarter than you give yourself credit for."
Sirius followed his brother up the stairs, going to bed with hope, lighting a flame in his heart for the first time in years.
Days following the talk between Regulus and Sirius, Ali noticed that the golden trio had become slightly nicer to her. She does not make as many comments about her or her friends. She had no idea what was happening but wasn't going to complain. Regulus had come to her that morning telling her that he thought it a better idea if Blaise came to their house instead of her going over there. He believed it would show that the Slytherins were not as bad as all the others thought.
At first, Ali was hesitant about the idea. Still, after being reassured that Remus would be home as well as Regulus, Ali agreed. The thought of Blaise being at her house surrounded by her tormentors made her sick to her stomach. She wanted nothing more than to run away for a few days, but that ship had sailed, and it was only hours before Blaise arrived when Regulus called for 'those who live in this house meeting.' By the time Ali had gotten dressed and cleaned her room, everyone was already in the kitchen since it seemed to be the usual gathering place for the group. She straightened her sweater and did a quick glance down to make sure her outfit was still okay. It was slightly chilly in the house, so she had gone with a Bulgarian Quidditch sweater that was mainly red with black details and a pair of cropped black leggings with matching fuzzy socks. She and Blaise had already decided to stay for most of the day and then go and get dinner somewhere in Diagon Ally so she could change later. Remus and Regulus walked at the same time as Sirius and Harry.
"I'm assuming everyone is confused about why this meeting was called," Remus started. "There seems to be an assumption that Slyertians and those associated with them are all Death Eaters or traitors."
Scowls had overtaken most of the younger one's faces in the room, as well as Sirius's. Ali looked at her uncle, trying to figure out where this was going. She knew the reason was to inform everyone that Blaise would be here for a few days, but there was something else going on; she could feel it.
"After speaking with Dumbledore and getting his permission, not that I technically need the permission as it is my house, but nevertheless. A few individuals will be coming to stay here for the upcoming days, and there will be a couple of visitors as well." Regulus's eye caught Ali's, and gave her a wink just as the sound of footsteps entered the foyer. Ali was too short to see over everyone's heads to see who was there, but from the looks on a couple faces, including the elder Weasley, it was someone they were not fond of.
A flash of white hair caught Ali's eye as the group entered the kitchen. Her mouth dropped in shock as she took in her uncle Severus, leading the Malfoys, Blaise, and Theo towards Regulus and Remus. Cissa shot her a wink while Draco eyed Harry and Sirius up and down; Blaise kept his eyes locked on Ali, and Theo thoroughly enjoyed the shocked looks from the Weasleys.
"Sorry, we're late. Draco took too long in the mirror this morning," Severus said. Draco glared at his Godfather before continuing on with his glare at Potter.
"Well, allow me to introduce everyone. This is Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, which I'm sure almost all of you know. This is Blaise, Theodore, and Draco. Narcissa and Lucius will be in and out for the next bit trying to get caught up on Order business while the latter three will be staying here for a bit." Remus shook Lucius's hand before joining Dora beside Ali, who was bouncing on her toes, overly excited at the fact that it was going to be back to normal in the next couple of days.
"You can't be serious. They are staying here?" Sirius exclaimed, running his hand down his face before glaring at Lucius. "I still remember what you did, Malfoy."
"I don't often agree with Sirius, but Dumbledore said this was alright?" Arthur asked. Ali knew that the Malfoys hadn't been the kindest to the Weasleys in the past, and she felt sorry for them in that aspect, but Lucius was not the same man as he was during her first year. And Narcissa wouldn't hurt a flea.
Remus stepped forward again, "He did. Narcissa and Lucius will be helping with some scooting missions that are coming up since they know that area of town better and are considering joining the Order. The three brats are mainly for Ali, though."
"Did you miss us short stack?" Theo opened his arms for Ali, who jumped straight into them. Theo gave her a twirl before pulling on her braid. She barely had time to catch her breath before Draco had her spinning again and tickling her sides, making her squeal.
"Of course I missed you! What kind of question is that?!" Ali giggled before hugging Blaise despite her uncle Remus glaring at them. Blaise took her hand and gave it a squeeze when they parted before facing the other children in the room. Theo and Draco took the opposite sides of Ali, showing a united front against the ones who had been horrible towards her.
Ali was ecstatic that they were going to be in the house more. Maybe her summer wouldn't end so badly. Sirius was shocked that Dumbledore had cleared this and even more shocked that Lucius would help the Order. He did not trust him and would go on those missions even if he had to go as Padfoot. This was outrageous and downright stupid, allowing death eaters to snoop freely in the Order business. Looking at his daughter, he could see how happy she was to be surrounded by her friends, but he also knew that he would have to keep a closer eye on her than he already was. He had asked the trio to play nice so he had more people watching her. He did trust that she was a Death Eater, and now he was surrounded by them.
"Al, Kreatcher sat up extra beds in your room for the boys. Pansy should be joining later, but she had something come up with her grandfather. Her mother said she would owl when she was on her way." Regulus leveled each of the boys with a look. "You lot know the rules. I don't care if you have fun but clean up after yourselves, and don't be too loud when it gets late. Curfew is at 10pm and no later. If you are leaving the house, go in pairs at least and let one of the adults you know be aware of where you're going. You lot know the food is fair game, and Kretcher has already been instructed to grocery shop more often. The house is also fair game, but be respectful, please."
"Don't worry, Uncle Reg. I'll keep them in line," Draco smirked at the other three before Severus whacked him upside the head.
Ali turned and looked at the younger swarm of redheads and others in the room. She cleared her throat to get the attention on her, which made her take an unconscious step back toward Blaise and Draco. "Everyone, this is Theo, Blaise and Draco. I'm sure most of you know this, but just in case. You are welcome to join our fun, but we get if you don't want to." Ali pulled the boys out of the room after greeting her aunt and uncle. They sat on the living room floor with wizards, chess, and a few other games while a movie played in the background. Kreacher brought out snack trays for them, and the laughter was music to Regulus's ears after all the quiet he'd heard from Ali this summer.
Ali could feel the stares from those around them, most directed at Draco and her. She could see the disbelief every time Draco laughed or made a joke. This was the side of Draco that was rarely seen by others. An hour had passed before a chess match went on between Draco and Ali. Blaise sat to one side of Ali, and Theo was in the middle of her and Draco, watching the death match continue.
"What dare shall I have you do this time, Als" Draco taunted her while he moved his piece. It was an ongoing rule that when she and Draco played wizarding chess, the loser had to do a dare of the winner's choice. It was always a toss-up in who won, as both were incredibly good at the game.
"Don't think too hard; I wouldn't want to overwork that one brain cell of yours." Ali stuck her tongue out at Draco when she stole his knight.
Draco was about to reply when a shadow came over the top of the board. Looking up, there was the eldest two Weasley children and Fleur. Ali could see the hearts in Theo's eyes before she kicked him in the shin. "She's engaged, you idiot."
Bill and Charlie chuckled, "We saw you guys playing games and were curious if we could join you? I have my board and thought we could do a little tournament."
Charlie held up his chess board. The teens all nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, Charlie's board was all set up. Bill took one side of the board before looking at Theo. "You up for a challenge?"
Theo crawled to the opposite side of the small table. Bill made the first move, and the game commenced. Charlie and Fleur took seats around the rest of them and started trash-talking with them, too. Charlie was on Ali's side, whereas Fleur took Dracos. Regulus, Molly, and Narcissa looked around the corner and had smiles spread across their faces at the sight they saw. It wasn't the younger kids trying to get along with the others, but the eldest and Molly knew that her children all looked up to their brothers, so maybe there was hope in this crazy plan after all.
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pablitogavii · 11 months
Hey! Can I please request a gavi x fem! childhoodbestfriend!reader where she gets cheated on, and has locked herself in her bathroom, crying and broken as she thinks its all her fault. Her fem!bestfriend who was with her at the bar when she saw her bf cheat calls gavi because she knows she will listen to him? The girl bsf leaves them two, and its just cute door to door fluff of him trying to get her to open the door? She eventually comes out and he wipes her tears, compliments and reassures her it wasnt her fault, and helps her freshen up? He has loved her for a while but just hasnt done anything about it. He doesnt tell her that he loves her but his heart breaks for her. Thank you!
What you deserve
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"Hola? Who is this?" Pablo asked groggily haven been woken up by your friend who quickly introduced herself and told him about what happened.
"She locked herself in the bathroom and doesn't want to come put..I don't know what to do and I know you're her closest friend.." she explained not having to say anymore since Pablo was already on his feet getting ready.
When you saw the message and the picture of your boyfriend kissing some random blond at the bar, your whole world fell into pieces. Your friend was at the same place and took the picture as proof and saying that he said you were way "too innocent" and "boring" to that girl before taking her to the room above.
"HIjo de puta! How did I trust him!? " you talked to yourself while tears were flooding your face when suddenly loud knocks snapped you back into reality.
"Preciosa? It's Pablo..please, open the door for me?" his voice was quiet and gentle and suddenly you felt even worse knowing that you have loved him for so long and now he sees you like this. You never thoughts you had a chance with him, especially with the newly acquired fame, and that's why you settled for another man. What a mistake!
"No.." you whisper back really not wanting him to see you like this. You mascara was all over your face and your hair was splattered everywhere.
"Just open amiga!" her voice was heard and you got annoyed that she was even there. You didn't care if Pablo was here (you wanted him here) but you already told her to leave several times!
"Just leave me alone!" you yelled this time hearing Pablo asking her to leave calmly and then doors closed signaling that she was no longer there.
"She's gone preciosa..it's just us. Wanna tell me everything?" he said sitting against the door so that your backs were on either side.
"He cheated Pabs..he cheated on me" you finally say it feeling even worse when those words left your lips. Suddenly, it all became real.
"I know preciosa..but he is an idiot who lost something special..something someone else desires so badly and can't have it" Pablo spoke while you cried thinking all of this is your fault. Maybe you were too innocent, maybe you should have slept with him?
"It's my fault.." you say and that broke Pablo's heart to hear.
"No it's not! You are a perfect girlfriend..all every guy is looking for but not every guy deserves.." he spoke but none of those words were getting to you in that moment. You felt so betrayed and alone.
"I should have listened to you.." you add remembering the way Pablo reacted when you told him about your relationship. You two even had an argument because he wouldn't approve and always said that guy was a sleaze bag.
"Ah preciosa..I didn't say it because I knew..I said it because I was selfish" and those words made you think wondering what he meant.
"W..what?" you were sniffling hearing Pablo sigh
"I didn't want you with him because I was jealous..I didn't want to share you" he admitted and your cheeks blushed wondering if he meant it like he wanted you for himself as more than just a friend?
"Um..Pablo?" you say
"Yes, preciosa?" he answered
"Um..you can come in..if you want?" you say unlocking the door and moving a little and he quickly opened sitting besides you and immediately placing his arm behind your shoulder and pulling you closer.
"Oof you look a bit rough preciosa" he chuckled and you blushed nodding your head and looking down in embarrassment but he was quick to bring a wet towel and start cleaning mascara from your face.
"That's better! You were a real cute raccoon, you know?" he said smiling and that made me smile at least a little bit.
"How about we get off that cold floor and go to the couch instead huh? I can make that special coco you like so much??" he offers and you take his hand standing up and feeling a bit dizzy but he was right there to hold you and help you to the couch.
When he placed a blanket on top of you and got you the coco, you already felt ten times better. You were still wondering what he meant previously tho..you just had to ask him about it now!
"P..Pabs?" you say and he turns towards you taking the cup and putting it on the table.
"Yes, preciosa? You need something else?" he says and you give him a kind smile shaking your head.
"Um..what did you mean when you said you didn't want to share me?" you ask with red cheeks noticing that he took his time before answering.
"It's..not the night to talk about it" he says but seeing his eyes in that moment you knew you both felt the same..you felt excited now.
"Please! Tell me so I don't have to think about what happened tonight??? P..pleaseeee!" you gave him your best puppy look and he sighed about to talk when loud knocks on your front door interrupted you both. It was almost midnight..there was only one person who would come now. Shit!
"He's here.." you say flinching a little but Pablo was already on his feet ordering you to sit there and let him handle it.
"Amor please open up! She didn't mean anything to me! You're everything I want!" his pleas were echoing the hallway and you knew those were all empty words and lies.
Pablo opened the door clearly agitated the moment he got face to face with you now ex boyfriend.
"Get the fuck out of here ímbecil!" Pablo's words were sharp and that mixed with your ex being drunk led to punches being thrown and you begging them to stop.
Suddenly, you were holding onto Pablo's waist pulling him back and crying into his shirt.
"Please Pablo..please for me! I'm done with him!" you said and that made him finally calm down and throw you ex out before locking the door.
"Díos mio! You're bleeding! Your eye!" you quickly rushed him to sit down and grabbed the first aid kit while he caught his breath finally calming down completely.
"I'm fine preciosa..how are you?" he said while you tried cleaning his wound before it gets infected but he kept moving around wincing in pain.
"You're not fine! You're bleeding! Let me help you, damn it!" you were straddling his lap now without even realizing it and that made him freeze in place fighting an urge to groan.
"There, that's much better! We'll change the bandage later..." you say looking at his face wondering why was he quiet all of the sudden.
"Um..preciosa?" his voice sounded different too like it was suddenly lower and you wondered what was wrong. You waited for him to speak.
"Ugh..if you're done..could you..um..get off my lap?" he said and then you realized where you were your bum moving against him and quickly getting off with a completely red face.
"Fuck! I'm so sorry Pabs! Um..I was just trying to help and I didn't realize.." you were mumbling but he interrupted you quickly.
"It's alright preciosa. Thank you for helping me..I just didn't want to react inappropriately "he says looking down at his lap and you realized what he meant. You remembered now the conversation that was interrupted by your ex.
"You were jealous when I got a boyfriend..you don't want to share me..and you get turned on when I sit on your lap? Pabs..I want you to be honest with me now" you say moving closer and his jaw clenches while he looked into your eyes.
"Maybe tonight is the bad time.." he said but you were done waiting and constantly pondering with the same question in your head.
"Do you love me Pablo?" you say straight up feeling nervous but knowing that you deserved to know the answer.
"I love you mi amor! I loved you for so long..and I always knew that you were meant to be mine..I just never did anything" he said and you smiled feeling your heart exploding when you heard his say it finally.
"Why not?" you moved even closer desperately wanting to be near him again and he welcomed it.
"Because I didn't think that I deserved you...but now I know that I am the only man that deserves you..the only one capable of loving you right..and making you happy..you're mine preciosa" his hand held your face and suddenly your lips were touching exploding in passion and longing.
It never felt like this with your ex..or with anybody else..kissing Pablo felt like peace..like you finally found the right person. You were sitting there kissing for few minutes until an idea popped into your head and you pulled away.
"N..no..more besitos!" Pablo said and you chuckled nodding your head but still not giving in.
"So..um..can I get back on your lap now cariño??" you smirk and he does as well grabbing your thighs and pulling them on top of him before your lips met again.
"I love you amorcito.." Pablo whispered into the kisses and your hands caressed his hair while you were kissing him back.
"I love you too Pabs..' you said realizing that for the new story to start the old one has to end <333
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tichiox1 · 1 year
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Summary: You are Tom's ex girlfriend , even if you tried to avoid him , you two always find a way meet everytime.
(slightly angst and very cringe idk what im doing ngl)
(listen to Everytime by Ariana grande while reading this please!!because this is inspired by that song , also in this fic , Tom is in his braids era not dreads anymore sorry)
Word count : 3k
'What the hell is he doing here?' You thought to yourself while you looked at the braided haired boy just a few seats infront of you.
You turned away your attention from him with frustration that you saw your ex again, an ex that brought you so much pain after you two broke up.
While the show is going , you felt a stare on you .
You tried to find the person staring at you , till you made eye contact with the braided haired boy .
The eye contact lasted a few seconds , you still feel a spark , a spark that was there when the two of you were still together , when the two of you were still inlove with each other .
The eye contact broke since he looked away , completely ignoring your presence as his eyebrows frowned at the sight of you.
'Asshole' you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes , trying to get the braided boys image out of your head.
While the show is going on , you couldn't help but daydream and dwell about the past .
- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
"How was the concert?" You asked , your voice hinting a worry tone.
"It was fine , but my hands are really sore it kind of hurts" Tom said with a small sigh , while holding his sore hand.
You looked at him with worry in your eyes , as you wrapped your arms around him, lovingly holding him .
"Just rest for me ok?" You whispered in his ear , while still holding him in your arms.
He only nodded in response , a smile on his face as he picked you up and carried you suddenly with a huge playful smile on his face.
You only squeaked in shock but held onto him to not fall on the ground.
"Tom what the hell!"You said in a raised voice , but you couldn't help but giggle at his childish behavior.
"Shit Paparazzi's are here shit" You mumbled under your breath as you looked outside the car window .
"Don't mind them"Tom said with a smirk , as he kissed your lips suddenly.
Your eyes widened in response but accepted it anyway .
The crowd of news hungry Paparazzi took pictures of the sight but Tom took a  piece of newspaper and covered your heads to make sure that the Paparazzi doesn't see you two exchange a kiss.
When you noticed what he did , you can't help but feel a smile creep up your lips , as you continued to kiss him passionately.
You snapped out of your daydreams and thoughts , as you suddenly heard a loud noise .
You looked at the direction of the noise , which was coming out of the stage .
"And the winner of this award is! Tokio Hotel" The announcer loudly yelled at the mic .
The crowd erupted with claps and yells ,  you could only clap your hands at the four boys .
The after party started the room was packed with celebreties left and right.
You could only laugh and drink with some of the people you know.
"Gosh can you believe the new scandal" Your friend said gossiping.
"I know right it's so serious right now , she's in some deep shit" Your other friend said in a hushed voice making sure that no one hears her gossiping .
You tried to join their conversation but they were to busy gossiping , so you excused yourself out and grabbed alcoholic drinks that was handed to you.
You walked away leaning against the wall till you see your friend walking up to you.
"Y/N you know Tom's here right?" Your friend teasingly said hoping to get a rise out of you.
"I don't care about him , i swear I'm over him like over over him"You said to your friend as you sipped your drink.
"Really ? Doesn't seem like it" Your friend teased again , with a small smirk on her face.
"I don't care about him anymore , i swear he's a stalker too , i see him everywhere i go" You said in frustration as you sipped your drink again.
You were out of breath since you ran , ran like your life depended on it .
The hoards of Paparazzi continued to chase you with cameras in hand.
Your feet started to hurt and become sore from running.
After running some more you saw a tall figure running towards you aswell , you could only look at the running figure with shock since the person isn't stopping or looking to where they were going.
You stopped running mid way but the tall running figure still isn't stopping .
The tall shadowy figure bumped onto you , you two fell on the ground .
You looked up at the figure till you recognized it.
It was Tom , he had his eyes closed while rubbing his aching head from bumping onto yours.
You could only look at Tom with shock which then turned into anger at the sight of him.
Tom then lifted his head and your eyes came in contact , his brown eyes looked at yours but then he looked away and scoffed .
He then stood up from the ground and looked at you again but looked behind you and behind him once again.
Once he realised the crowd , he ran to the opposite direction leaving you to deal with the crowds of people.
You could only look at his disappearing figure dumbfounded as the crowd took pictures of you and some went to chase the braided haired boy.
"If you don't want him I'll take him!" Your friend said jokingly teasing you more.
"Don't F/N , you'll just get your heart broken he doesn't care about what people feels" You said as you angrily sipped your drink at the thought of the braided haired boy again.
After a few minutes of talking to your friend she excused herself and went away.
You continued to drink till you were  feeling tipsy  , you wanted to rest at the seats but much to your surprise , Tom was there drinking his heart out .
You just stared at him , even after all those years you still haven't moved on from the braided haired boy.
You wanted to storm out of the room , but your head was absolutely killing you everytime you moved a muscle , and the sight of your ex isn't helping.
After a few moments of contemplating if you should sit at the benches where Tom is , he looked at you , his brows frowning at the sight of you being there.
"Hey Y/N!" Bill said running up to you with a huge smile on his face.
"H-hey Bill" You said , your words slurring .
"Shit Y/N are you drunk ?" Bill asked in concern .
"Is it that obvious" You said jokingly at the raven haired boy infront of you.
"Of course not" He said with a chuckle .
"But you should rest for a bit ,here" He said guiding you at the seats next to Tom .
Tom frowned even more at what Bill did , but was too drunk too care.
"No I'd rather-" You said in shock about what Bill did , as you tried to get up.
"No,you stay here, I'll get you and Tom something to drink other than fucking alcohol , how many did you drink anyway?" Bill said like an angry mother , as he crossed his arms.
"I don't know , i didn't count" You said looking down at the ground trying to recall what and how many did you drink.
Bill sighed and said" Just sit here, ok?" He said as he went away .
When Bill went away , everything was absolutely awkward with Tom ,  None of you said anything , you could only look at your lap and wait for Bill to get back and save you from this awkward timing.
"Hey miss would you like some more drinks?"The waiter asked , offering more alcoholic drinks.
You could only nod and take one from his tray , when you took one you heard Tom say.
"Here too" Tom said signalling the waiter to give him one aswell.
You looked at Tom and waiters interaction , your eyes never leaving Tom's face , but you quickly looked away and sipped your drink quietly.
The waiter excused himself when Tom took the drink from the tray.
Tom looked at you , you can tell he was completely out of it , he was drunk , even when you turned away you can still feel his stare on you till he said.
"Y/N, how've you been all these years?"He asked his words slurring as he grabbed the new cup of alcohol .
"Better ,without you" You didn't know why you said that ,but it just came out of your mouth , your eyebrows frowning .
He chuckled at your response , and then you asked "Well what about you ? How've you been all these years?" You asked as you sipped your drink , while looking infront of you refusing to make eye contact with the braided haired boy.
"Shit honestly , I missed you , you know that?" he said drunkenly while looking at you , you were shocked about what he said as you turned to him with wide eyes, but then contorted into anger.
"Oh fuck off Tom , i know you don't, shut it"You said venom lacing your tone , your eyes rolled at what he said.
"I really do Y/N , i love you"he said in hushed tone , as he tried to get a hold of your shoulder.
"Cut the bullshit Tom if you really love me you wouldn't have broken up with me" You said as you smacked his hand away ,while still looking at him with anger in your eyes.
"Look , i didn't mean too , i didn't know what came to me"He said , you almost feel like believing what he's saying but a part of you knows that he's not in his right mind.
"That's not what it seems like when you insisted on breaking up with me" You said in frustration as you sipped the alcoholic drink in your hands angrily .
"What are you saying Tom?" You asked him , your eyes lifted while your mouth  is slightly opened.
"Well , if you don't trust me with litteraly anyone , and if you keep fucking nagging me maybe we should just break up , this- this just isn't working out"He told you coldly , his eyes looking at yours , but not with the same loving , kind eyes he used to look at you with.
"What" You said trying to process what he said, you were lost for words at what you heard him say , you could only look at him with shock .
"Well I'm saying if you don't trust me at all we should just break up , i can't have you weighting me down while I'm already fucking stressed about everything"He told you again his voice slightly raised when he voiced his opinion , his eyes was cold .
"Tom what- , i - i-"You said stumbling in your words , not knowing what to say , what to do , you can only look at him with shock and sadness .
"Besides you seem to really like (M/C), don't you? "He said , his voice isn't even holding warmth , and so does his eyes , his eyes looked at you with nothing but coldness.
"Tom please , we can clear this misunderstanding , I'm not even close to him , please Tom , think this through"You pleaded , your voice cracking at every word that came out of your mouth, as you looked at him with tear stained eyes.
"No Y/N , We can't work this out , I've already made up my mind  " He said coldly towards you , his voice wasn't the same voice who was telling you sweet nothings , but now his voice was like a knife , piercing you at every word that came out of his mouth.
You didn't know what to say , what to do , the person you love with all your heart was telling you how much of a burden and distraction you are to his life , you can only stare at the distance , dumbfounded and heartbroken , your heart was cracking at every word he says.
"I'm sorry" Was the last thing he said , before he walked behind you , not even sparing a second to look at you , his shoulder coldly brushing on yours as he walked away.
Tears started to appear in your eyes while trying to process what happened just a moment ago.
You started to remember and recall what happened in the past which made you even more pissed off .
"Look i didn't mean to hurt you"He started rambling under his breath , apologizing about his past actions while looking at you with the same eyes , same eyes he used to look at you with.
"I-i just realized how much of an asshole i actually was to you , i- i didn't even give you time to explain"He said drunkenly , while looking at you.
Even though you know he was drunk out of his mind right now , and he wasn't thinking clearly , you just couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat at what he was telling you , your mind was telling you 'no' , but your stubborn heart was screaming 'yes' .
You turned your face at him , directly looking at his chestnut brown eyes , "You're not in your right mind right now Tom , so please just stop saying things you aren't going to remember" You told him , while directly looking deep in his eyes .
"Besides , I'm trying hard to move on from you , and don't think that i forgot what you said to m-" You tried to say , but before you could finish what you were saying , your lips was caught by Tom's .
Your eyes widened when you realised what he was doing , but you couldn't help but melt under his touch , you couldn't believe what was happening , and what he was doing right now .
You just sat there and with your eyes closed , the kiss was like it was before.
After a few moments Tom pulled away his lips from yours , his breathing was heavy from the kiss ,
When he pulled away , he looked at you with the same warm eyes like before .
Before he could place his lips on yours again , you heard a yell .
"Y/N! Tom!! I got your drinks , non alcoholic just like i said" Bill yelled in the distance while holding two drinks on his hands .
When Tom realised that Bill was there, he put distance between the two of you , and just stared at Bill.
You still couldn't believe what Tom did , while staring at nothing , you placed your fingers on your lips fiddling with it while trying to process the recent events.
"Y/N? , you alright? You looked like you've seen a ghost" Bill said while looking at you with concern in his eyes .
"It was nothing" You said , avoiding his questions , his concerned eyes quickly went away and was replaced with a happy look .
"Look what i got for you! Drink this so you can sober up"He said while handing a drink .
"What took you so long anyway?" You heard Tom ask .
"Oh , was i too long ? Well i was just talking with some friends" Bill sheepishly said with a slight chuckle .
Tom only nodded understanding what Bill said .
You can only sit there in silence and awkwardness eating you as time passes .
Once you finished your drink that Bill gave you , you stood up from your seat and said .
"I better go Bill " you said , excusing yourself early so you can get out of the awkward situation.
"So soon? But ok , see you soon!" Bill said , saying goodbye to you as he ran up to you giving a last quick hug .
You hugged Bill back as you said goodbye again , but then you turned to Tom's sitting figure slightly while still hugging Bill but you quickly turned away again.
You were about to leave the event but you felt a hand grasp your arm .
You turned at the person who was holding your arm but much to your surprise it was Tom .
"What is it Tom?" You asked him while trying to pull your hand back to yourself .
"What i said earlier was true, i really do regret letting you go" He said , almost a whisper came out of his mouth , you can only look at him with wide eyes .
"Tom just stop it" You said getting slightly annoyed at his bahavior .
"Just think this through , i want you back Y/N"He said , his voice was genuine , which made you confused on what to do .
You just stared at him for a few minutes , while he stared at your eyes back , waiting patiently for your answer.
You just gave a soft nod , and turned away from him and went in your vehicle .
The next day came , Tom's head was like a bullet shooting him at every move .
He opened his eyes , his head was pounding , but he just stood up from his bed , his shirt was messy , his stomach was slightly exposed .
He grunted softly while rubbing his aching head .
'What the hell happened" He thought to himself , while trying to recall the past events .
While thinking deeply , his eyes went wide when he realised what he did last night .
"Why did i do that?!" He thought loudly to himself, as he started to softly smack his head .
He was now fully awake , he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it because of what he did .
But he couldn't help but smile to himself  while touching his lips because , maybe he has a chance to win you over again.
Idk what im doing yall😍😍 , the smut fic of bill is 😱 idk of i should publish it but dont mind the typos please😭😭 i did this in school bc i was bored but hey like i said please excuse my typos and wrong grammar .
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hotchfiles · 6 months
hey, congrats on 100!! wanted to request seth cohen with the prompt “i would do anything not to give a shit, but i do” thanks so much!!
lari's 100th follower bash + send me a prompt and one of my boys for a blurb
seth + “i would do anything not to give a shit, but i do”
his eyes haven't left you from the moment he barged into your room, the close friendship you shared allowing him to be as impertinent as he wished. your own glanced him from time to time through your mirror as you worked on your makeup. you had a date. an actual date. cohen was not going to ruin that for you.
"so you're actually doing this, you're really going out with him." if you allowed yourself to delve more into the terrible heart wrenching crush you had on the curly boy laying your bed, you would tell yourself his voice sounded disappointed, sad even. but you promised yourself you wouldn't do that anymore. not holding your love life back because seth might look at you softly once in a while, or because he would sleep on your lap while showing you one of his underrated tv shows that would surely be canceled in two seasons max.
"oh no, i just enjoy uncomfortable clothes and spending two hours on my makeup. the usual." seth's response to your sarcasm was to scoff annoyingly loud and roll on your bed to look up your ceiling, trying to think of anything he could say or do that could stop you.
he couldn't just lock the door and swallow the keys even though that was the first option to come to mind. a fake allergy attack wouldn't work, you knew of everything he was allergic to. he could just ask you not to—but then you'd ask why.
and he didn't know why. he just didn't want you to. it was unnerving to think of you having fun with another guy with your silly pretty dress and your red lipstick he never saw you wear before. and he couldn't even blame on your date. he was a cool normal guy, not some kind of awful jock.
"well, i mean, it's firefly night, you never miss firefly night. are you coming home before it airs or—" seth didn't finish his pleads, the way you looked at him was enough of an answer, you didn't even like firefly that much, your biggest enjoyment out of it was nathan fillion being a hottie and... cohen's company. you sigh deeply, avoiding his gaze as you went directly to your shoes, trying to find something remotely elegant for a dinner.
of course you would rather be laying on his couch, eating popcorn, cozy on his blanket that always smells like him, laughing at his jokes and pretending to be offended when he thought you didn't understand one of them. but the more you did that, the more you lost precious opportunities to find someone to actually be with you. love you.
"but like, you don't even know him." not true, he was older than you both, but he graduated from the same high school only months before. "and he's not even tall." he was taller than you though. "and he has a terrible taste in socks."
"socks, cohen? really?" you groan in frustration, at him and at the fact not one of your heels matched your dress. too high, too black, too thin, too tall. nothing matched. "why do you care?" you ask finally, your hands on your hips as you looked over at him, who, sensing you were getting madder by the second, decided to get up and just sit on your bed, looking into your eyes. "do i need your blessing? do i have to ask you before going out with someone? why, why do you care?"
"i don't know! okay. i don't know." his body jumps from your bed, pacing out through your room, avoiding your eyes at all costs. “i would do anything not to give a shit, but i do.” he stops on his tracks, his breathing is loud, was it ever that loud? or were you both just too quiet?
you think you're gonna regret this, but you step even closer to him, planning to possibly ruin your friendship but to at least get a single kiss before it happened. seth looks at your lips and like many times before he wonders how soft they are, if the lipstick you had on tastes like cherries like your balm you usually wear and forces on his lips with your fingers. would your thighs be warm around his waist? would his cold hands on your cheeks scare you away? just the usual stuff a good friend would think about his friend who is also a girl.
he acts on impulse as do you, both of you going for a kiss at the same time, laughing at how uncoordinated it felt because of it, noses hitting before your lips could touch. but they do eventually. and seth notices the lipstick does not taste like cherries on your soft lips, it actually tastes awful, but he doesn't care. your makeup is getting completely ruined, his fingers firm on your cheeks, but you're more than happy to let that happen.
the kiss doesn't linger, the need for air even stronger due to the surprise of it all, his forehead touches yours lightly, his hands never leave your face. "firefly night is just... very important to me." you nod at his joke, too stunned to even laugh.
"your house then." it's not a question, you let go of him and he groans missing how warm you felt. you put on the first pair of slippers you can find and pull his hand as you left your room. not a single plan to watch the stupid show in mind.
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angel-tries-to-write · 3 months
Bisexual disasters
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Rating: General Pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader (not quite, can be platonic) Word count: 1501 Genre: fluff
In Victorian England, people who love differently, aren't really welcomed. Thankfully, the Rooks have different opinions.
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Underground London would always follow its own rules. What was forbidden among the upper class, was common in places like this. It also meant it was fun, because nobles rarely knew how to have fun. The clock in this bar was showing almost eleven in the night, but you knew the real fun hadn't started yet. That night you wanted to take it slow, so you were sipping your ale when the others switched to something stronger already. You were fine with what you had, after all you wanted to get relaxed, not wrecked.
Apparently Jacob had similar plans, though he already had whisky, he was sipping it much slower than usual. But what didn't change was a bunch of omnipresent Rooks surrounding him, though the closest spots were taken by enamored young women who looked at the Assassin with adoration, they were drinking in his presence rather than drink alcohol like everyone else. You could also notice a group of men by the window, they were whispering and watching the scene with amusement. You assumed they were making fun of the girls and their loud gasps every time Jacob was flirting with one of them. And the more drunk he was getting, the more flirty he would become.
Suddenly one of the men from the distant group stood up, emptied his mug and approached Jacob. You could tell he was nervous.
“Boss, may I have a request?” he asked and Frye looked at him for a moment, then smirked.
“Ask whatever you want, lad” he answered and the poor guy got even more nervous. You observed it with curiosity.
“M-may I ask it privately? I mean, I...” he sighed. “I've lost a bet and I need to do something, but I don't want to lose my place among the Rooks” he explained with cheeks redder every moment. Jacob stood up and came close to the lad, then pulled him out of the prying ears. They talked for a brief moment, then Jacob approached the group by the window and he was rather upset. You had left your spot and moved closer to them, so you would be able to hear what they were talking about. The gang leader leaned on the table and looked at the young men.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, boss! We just wanted him to do something and confront his fears. We had no ill will, we swear, Rook's honor!” said one of them and the others nodded vigorously. Jacob looked at the lad, seeking for confirmation in his face. As soon as he had found it, the Assassin stepped back from the table, pulled the man close and kissed him shamelessly.
You couldn't believe your eyes. That huge flirt and womanizer was kissing a man. Unbelievable. But the more shocking was that no one around them actually cared. The guy's friends were shocked, but not offended, they were more surprised than disgusted. You couldn't take it anymore, you needed to leave, now. The sound of your chair moving rapidly drew more attention than Jacob's action, but you couldn't care less. You stormed outside, not bothering if someone saw you or not, you needed some air, you needed to calm down. Your head was spinning, your mind was a mess, and you didn't know what to think anymore.
Suddenly you heard footsteps behind your back, but you didn't turn around to see who it was. It's not like you had to, Jacob revealed himself pretty soon, when he called after you.
“(Y/n), what's wrong?” he asked. You didn't answer, only started to walk faster, then run. “(Y/n), wait!” he ran after you and soon he grabbed your hand, stopping you. “What happened? Why are you running away?” he asked, trying to understand what was going on.
“Why did you do that?” you asked instead.
“(Y/n), I...”
“Why would you do that? And so casually, like it was nothing, when we both know it's a big thing! You were not supposed to do that, then why did you do it?” you kept asking, not noticing the raise of your voice.
“What's gotten into you?”
“Just tell me. Please.” You looked at him with desperation in your eyes. You needed to know the answers.
“I just felt like it” he shrugged. “The boy is cute and he really should stop overthinking stuff.”
“Are you... do you... like... uh...” you tried to ask but the words kept stucking in your throat.
“Do I like men? Honestly, I don't know. It's all so wrong and messed up. But I think I do. And I like women too. It's confusing” he confessed. “But why did it upset you?”
“I'm sorry. It's not about you, it's about me” you admitted.
“What do you mean?”
“I... I understand this confusion. I've been feeling it my whole life. I like men, but there was always something drawing me to women either” you confessed and you could see Jacob's face changing from concern and confusion to understanding and relief. “When I saw you kissing that lad, I just couldn't take it anymore. All those feelings I've been trying to hide and get rid of through all my life just overwhelmed me.”
“Come here” Jacob opened his arms, offering you a hug. You hesitantly accepted his offer, but soon you had found peace in his embrace. “You have no idea how much it means to me. I have never met someone who would feel like I do.”
“Neither have I.”
“Can we go back to the pub?”
“Yes. I think I owe everyone an explanation.”
“Good point.”
You came back to the place you had left and the first thing you did was to find the lad Jacob had kissed. When you saw him miserably drinking his ale, you nearly ran there.
“Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for storming out like that. I can imagine you might have thought that it was your fault, but I swear it wasn't. You just helped me understand something about myself” you said smiling sheepishly and the guy smiled with relief.
“It's alright, miss (y/n). The Rooks have a lot of space for people who love differently and that's why I love this gang. So many people who don't judge and just let us be ourselves... It's nice”
“It is. But until tonight I was convinced I would always have to hide who I am”
“You have nothing to worry about” the lad's friend spoke. “In this gang either are the ones who love differently or we fully support those who do. Even the boss.”
“What do you mean?” you asked
“Jacob is not very discreet. It wasn't hard to figure out that he's into men as well as women. Of course, no one speaks loudly about it, but no one judges as well. You either accept it or leave the Rooks. That's a rule.”
“I'm surprised it's commonly known.”
“It is. Most of us are open about our preferences.”
“Well, I wish now I knew this earlier. I love like this either and I thought it's not something I should ever talk about.”
“We all did” some other guy spoke. “But once you're one of us, you can stop worrying about it.”
“Thanks.” You smiled with relief. After years of living in fear and shame, it felt nice to be in a supportive environment. You felt like you were freed from some shackles, and like you could finally be truly yourself.
A couple of days later, you were sitting in a pub with Jacob once again. But this time, both of you were having a great time, chatting about stuff. You were telling him a really funny story about one of your fights with Blighters, when suddenly you trailed off and forgot the rest of your words. Your attention was caught by a gorgeous woman, who's just entered the pub and you couldn't help but stare at her. Until you realized Jacob was laughing at you.
“I see your new identity suits you well” he joked.
“Oh, shut it. Did you forget how you almost fell off the roof last week, when you noticed a cute girl on the street?” you reminded him.
“And you were laughing so hard that you almost fell off the roof yourself.”
“She wasn't even that pretty.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Me? Jealous? I think you've had too much alcohol.” You shook your head.
“Oh my... wow...” he said and you thought he was teasing you further, but you noticed him looking above you. When you turned around, you saw a guy undressing, as if he was preparing to fight.
“Woah, he's hot” you commented and Jacob nodded.
“Not as hot as the girl you spotted, but indeed, he's quite attractive” he admitted.
“Is this how our relationship is going to look like? Drooling over attractive people and comparing our findings?” you half joked and Jacob shrugged.
“Are you complaining about that?”
“Not at all. Actually, I quite like that. Cheers.”
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Tylo oneshot - Tire Swing
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Everyone was walking around their camp, doing something.
Ashlyn was teaching Aiden how to throw a proper punch, Ben was restocking the first aid kit, Taylor putting in new light bulbs in their stage lights, and Tyler was kind of just sitting there, bored.
He had gotten an injury at his last baseball game, and everyone insisted that he sit down to avoid him overexerting himself. He just thought they were all overreacting. It wasn't an awful injury. He wasn't a baby. And besides, it was only his arm.
It really just frustrated him. He hated not being able to feel helpful. Helping and being productive is how he's managed to keep his family from crumbling for years.
Though, there was one thing he did notice, since he wasn't too busy working. Logan was missing. Everyone else was so busy with their own tasks that they just didn't seem to notice.
And, honestly, the more he thought about it, the more concerned he got. Logan hasn't been in a very good mood today. Sad and melancholic.
Out of instinct, Tyler checked Logan's tire spot, but was reminded that it wasn't there anymore.
Due to Logan getting overwhelmed easily, they decided to give him his own quiet spot a little farther from the rest of the camp. A tire swing, hanging from a sturdy tree.
Tyler got up and froze like a deer in headlights for a split second, hoping no one noticed him leaving. Namely Taylor, who's been keeping him under surveillance like a security guard.
Once he saw that everyone was distracted enough, he slinked away. The grass was getting really tall and itchy. He waded through it and spotted the swing, gently moving back and forth against the wind. And there, in the swing, was Logan, the evening sunlight reflecting off of his glasses, casting a faint shadow.
Tyler hesitated. Logan looked sad and rather serious. Lost in thought. Should he really interrupt him?
Tyler shifted a little bit and decided to try and take a step back, only to end up stepping on a branch.
Logan's head quickly turned to where the noise came from and froze, staring at Tyler.
"Um... sorry. I just came to check on you."
Logan stared at him for a bit longer before turning his head and blinking a bit. "It's ok."
Tyler stood there before taking slow and steady steps forward. "So, uh... what are you, uhm-"
Logan turned to him again, his brow furrowed and tears in the corners of his eyes.
They stared at each other, another staring contest before Tyler clenched his fists.
"You're crying," he said. Pointing out the obvious, thanks Tyler.
"Who made you cry?" Tyler asked, seething with rage.
"It's not something you need to worry about, Tyler."
"But you're crying. I can't not want to-"
"I said it's ok!"
Tyler's eyes widened, and Logan's did too. Neither of them expected the outburst.
Tyler almost felt helpless. And he hated feeling helpless. When Taylor was sad, he always managed to make her feel better. Who was he if not someone who could help the people he cared about?
Tyler turned his head, thinking, before stamping his foot into the dirt in frustration and climbing into the tire swing with him.
"H-Huh!? Tyler, what are you doing?"
Tyler uncomfortably got situated and grumbled a little. "How do you spend so much time in this thing?"
Logan pouted a little and repeated his question: "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna stay in here until you tell me what's wrong."
Logan's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Yep. You shouldn't bottle it in, or whatever."
"Tyler, you're too cramped. Your arm-"
"-will be fine," Tyler finished for him. "Don't worry."
Their legs awkwardly tangled together. Tyler's legs were definitely too long for this.
Logan sighed a little and looked out at the distance. "Why are you doing this?"
"I.. I don't like not being able to help," he said gruffly. He hated saying that stuff out loud, but if he was going to force Logan to open up, he should probably as well... just a little. He didn't like being too vulnerable.
Logan doesn't say anything for a good minute before rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothing specifically is wrong. I'm just.. sad."
"How can that be? You can't just be sad for no reason."
Logan shrugged. "Sometimes I am. I have a bad habit where I think about things, make up scenarios in my head, fake conversations in my head and I get sad about them before forgetting what it was that I thought to make me so sad in the first place."
Tyler doesn't know what to say to that before being Captain Obvious again: "That sounds awful."
Logan chuckles halfheartedly. "It is what it is. I've been like this ever since I started to live with my grandparents. I just get sad for no reason and I hide myself away."
Tyler pauses for a moment before gently tapping on Logan's knee. "What can I do to help?"
Logan shakes his head. "Nothing. I can't help that this happens. Most I can do is ride it out."
"But how am I supposed to make things better? I'm supposed to...-" I'm supposed to be the problem solver.
Logan sniffles a little. "Honestly... knowing that you care is almost enough."
Tyler pauses, sweat dripping down his nose from the heat of being in the tire, the Georgia sun, and Logan's body heat so close.
"It is?"
Logan nods and their hands almost touch before they both stop themselves.
"So should I stay?"
"I'd like that.. just no talking. I want your presence."
"Will that make you feel better?" Tyler asked. He didn't know why his voice was so quiet, it just was.
Logan thinks for a second before nodding again. "Ya. It really would."
The swing gently swayed in the wind, the almost setting sun in the distance, casting a shadow over the tree, giving them a cooling shade, as if the world itself was saying:
"Stay and rest."
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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